THE AMERICAN. Saturday, April 17, 1847. 1. it. I'.tWnKlt. Eta., at kin Kent K late anil Coat OfKce, earner ofil'l swirl Chrtnut Street; fMlaitelthm, mt hit itftle .?. (Oil Street, ,X IVrrV, S. K. Cmriter Hal. tlmare and Culvert it., ttaltlmitrr, mml.Wt 111 State Street, Rim ft. In authitrlteH Im act n .IteiU, atul recetfit lor all mnnlt due tM$ ofltee, for tubmcrliition or ailrrrttntng, K. W. C.Mlli, rornrr of Third and Dock Street, Sun nnifJingl, nppnuile Mirchanls' Exchange, Vliiludt lphia, u also authorisvd In art a our Agent. Democratic Xominatious. FOR GOVERNOR, FRANCIS It. S II IT IV K, FOR CAKAL COMMISSIONER, MORRIS LONliSTRETH, Of Montgomery County. tT7" We are indebted to the Philadelphia Led ger for an early copy ol the newi. The enterpri sing proprietor! of that paper ran a horie ex pieci ISO miles, and brought in the newt 21 liouis in advance of the mail, and in advance of all competition. We are also indebted to the HarrUburg Union for an early flip of the tame newt. 07" The important nf'i from the army has excluded almost every thing else from our co lumns 1it week. A i toon as our armies cease whipking tie Mexicans, vre shall commence giv ing our re4!er a greater variety of political and other matter. Jj Another Wtaer. The city of Chihua hua hat lieeocaptacHlby the American forces. (jj'Pmriit AociKNr. On Wednesday morn ig,ce f the kauris a a rift that had passed the sedate f Tfce Sha;t asm, attempting to snub the raft, had his leg caught in tfceosil of the rope, with sach force s to take it (f between the knee and ankle. He it a poor man from the Che tnunir, having a mother and. tiro caiMren depend ing aa him for support. A collection of about $100 was take up for him on the spot. The shore between Northumberlant! and the Dam, for three miles, presented a continued line of rafts. Thr Northfrm LmnTS, which spanned t?w heaven with a beautiful arrhon the evening of the 7th inst., were most distinctly seen here. The arch was completed about half past nine and continued nearly an hour. It has been noticed ia Philadelphia, Cincinnati, and many other places. C7 Tor Rivkr ha been in fine navigable or der for the last four weeks past. Vast quantities of snow, much of which is still lying in 'he nor t hern part ol the State, hat kept up the river un uina'ly high. An immense amount of lumber has come down within a few days past. try The water is now in the North Branch Canal, and the Packets will commence running in a few days. C7" Thk Mail A letter mailed at Wil- liamspnrt on the filh, was recieved by us on the 12th distance 43 miles. There is something wrong soon where. Cry Ii.t.fMiNATiox The city councils of Phi ladelphia have ordered a grand illumination to take place on the 19tb, in honor of (he tecenl victories. D7'Tit Coi.i-aniA CorsTY DcmocraT has been purchased by Col. Tate, from the late pro prietor, Mr. Webb. The paper bat been greatly improved in appearance, and will, no doubt, be well conducted. C7" Ei-eMNa Bullxtir. -This is the title of new daily evening paper, published by oar old friend Alex. B Cummingt, who was recently connected with the North American. The Bui letin is beautifully printed on handsome paper, and is edited with spirit and ability. Mr. Cam ming promises to make it a useful and interest ing paper, which, judging from his energy and obility, he is well capable of doing. CT Moiixt Caruon Hoi sr. Mr. John Wea ver ol Pottsville, has pin chased this fine hotel, near Pottsville, which will be kept by Mr. John son, formerly of the Kxchaage hotel. K7 The late foreign news shows that grain slill continues fir n, and in demand at the last prices. The distress in Ireland still raget, and yet, notwithstanding, thousands of bushels of grain have been exported from Ireland to Enj land. C7 The wh'iKt of Philadelphia have hail a po lit teal meeting, in which 0u. Taylor was recom mended as a candidate for the Presidency. The meeting was addressed by John Sergeant, Jos. U Chandler, and others. The whigs are determi ned to appropriate old Rough and Ready to their own use. We doubt whether they hav any more claims to him than the democrats, and must not be surprised in experiencing another Jackson defeat, if we should adopt the old hero as our can didate. E7 Geh. Taylor, hat written a letter of eon dolence to Henry Clay, in which he speaks ia the highest terms of lis son, Lieut. Col. Henry Clay, who nobly fell at the Battle of Buena Vista. Saxta Anna, in letter to the Governor of Coahuila, says be whipped Gen. Taylor three times at Buena Vista, but the stubborn yankee did not know when he was whipped. Experience no doubt, bas taught Santa Anna to know better in regard to himself. K7 Pt rcT's Pownta MiLts, near Wilming ton, Pel., exploded on Wednesday morning last, killing sixteen persons. Baltimore Conference. The Baltimore Conference ofthe Methodist Episcopal Church, have made the following ap pointments in the Northumberland District for the ensuing year : Presiding Elder S Brison. Sunbury P McKnally, H Holfman. Psnville P B Rerse. Bloomsburg S L M Conser, James Turner. Berwick A Brittain, J S McMurray T Bow man, sup. Bloomingdate J W Tongue, William Gwyn Luzerne G II Day, J Floyd. Northumberland W R Mills, J W Elliot. Milton II G Dill, J J Pierce. Williamsport J Guyer, C. Alacklay. Lycoming J Ewin. Jersey Shore J A Roit, N S Buckingham. Lock Haven J W Hnughawmit. Bellefonte T Mitchell, I l Simpson. Clearfield John Stine. Penn's Valley Elius Welty. Sinnamahoning Mission James Gamble. Good Pricr for Oats Sixty cents a bushel, says the Phila. Ledger of the 10th inst.. was yes terday obtained for oats by the farmers who at tended market in their wagons. This is a higher price than has been obtained for many years past. A Sn'ufe of 100 guns was fired at Boston and Baltimore, on Tuesday, in honor of the victory at Buena Vista. Enoinkrr of tur Pennsylvania Railroad. The Philadelphia Ledger of the 10th inst., says : the following named genetlemen were yesterday elected Engineersof the Pennsylvania Railroad, at a meeting of the Directors. John Edgar Thompson, Chief Engineer ; Edward Mil ler and William B. Foster, associates. PifiKONs. The breaking of some of the tele grnph wires is attributed to millions of pigeons which the late snow and storm have driven back to the South. Food for Ireland. We learn from the Nor- folk Beacon that 13 ships, 11 barques, 14 brigs and C schooners cleared from that port from the fiistof January to the 5th of April, for Euro pean ports, with 680.204 btt-hels of Corn, 15 211 barrels of Flour, and 4,218 barrels of Meal. To as Fcli or Lira one must be full of he.ilih, and to he full of health he must have a fiee, unob structed circulation of ihe Mood. A disordered li ver will blunt the mental perceptions, ami a die r ilered stomach will sour the sweetest temper. To be gloriously 'blue and to be suit ring from s de rangement of the digestive function, are the aanv thing. P tsnnal quarrels and social unhappiiM s, originate in ihis cause to a greater extent than pe pie have any idea of. Reform the stomach and sou refm i it the world, fur this is the foundation of all reform. To this end lake a dose or two of Wiiel.t's Indian Vegetable Pi l. At this in an they would d.i much g'Vtd, and will lie iho mean-, if dlxcicelly use. I, 'f keeping the eyxtem in order during ihe tear. And while ihey drive pain of all kinds away, they will remove depression of spirits, sooruoss of tempt r, undue eicit ib lity, and ihe whole legion of oevils blue and substitute therefor comfort, cheer- fuloes, happin-'S. Uewtirt iif Counterfeit: The public are eu- tinned against the many spurious medicines which. in oilier to deceive, are called by names similar to Wright a linluii Vegetable rill. Iu osir orioinal ann orni'inr Iniuan Vi:- nr.TAML Pills have ihe sign tlure of Wm. Wright wsiTTKv with a raw on the top label of each Ihx. Nne oiber is genuine, and to counterfeit this is roue km t. Offices devoted etr'u'ively to the sale of W a in ht's Inihaw Vko kta blc l'rti.s. wholesnle ami IC9 Rare street, 1'hilndelphin ; S88 Greenwich stieet, New Yotk; and IVS Tremont sire, t, Boston. rrAgvtit for the sire of nisht Indian eg- U- die I'iIU in Sunbury, 11k at Masse. For other agencies see adverlieemi nt in anothet column. TkOtb AKlts in NsTrax. Have you painl He thankful II is a vigmous i ffort of Nature to th'ow off morbific matter. From what my the morliifir matter siiel From a luuise, or uowhnle. some air which has b.rome mixed with the Mo.hI, or mco-poiaUtl in it, but which is liable l Liul the whole mass if not -eem'y feinnveil, tlr ihe pam may srie l ain bile wlinh hs l-econe bail, amid, putrid, in coiisquenre f ihe want of io i r in the pr per organs to diM-liargii ii. '1 h a pain which so Ireightens people is oitlv the symptoms of the effoits of Nature, (for Ihe vit , prineiple of the Mood,) to rxpel Ihe p -cant or lin urr matter, which would other wii destroy ihe huniun ftlr'C- In older to iiescrimms'e Iwlw.en I mlh and ron- j' ltuic, we must Is? Ruidi-d by the light ol K ii- nee. lo h.t d'a rxptnerce dir,ctT lollie free use of Dr. Urai.dreth s Pills in all cases of bo dily suffering. In all acute diease, let Dian dreth's Pills and mild diet lie u-ed, and the palieiit will soon be restored to good hialth. rnicu cuuiiRXT. Ciirretted weekly by Hniri Mutter, Wheat, It'll Rye, 70 Corn, M Oat. ar Butter, 10 Enas, .8 Pore, ... ft Fitxsrrn, ... . MiJ IIkeswai, 25 Tallow, ... 10 Flax, ... .10 Hkcrlsr Flax, . 10 Dntm ArPLEs, . . . 7A Do. Psachk', . . I Ml UANUE'a KAHttAPAKII.I.A VEliETAllLE Oil III.OOD IMI.r.. FOR PUKIFYIN'd THE IILOOD! Haltimorr. Juy 89, IN4S. This is to certify, that I w atilicted w th a vi olent pain in the l-reast tnd right arm, which I suppose proceeded from the impure state of my blood. I was ire immended lo take unce's vr inparitlti nr flW ,, (d alter l iking one hot, ihe pain was entirely removed fiom my breast and arm. I found them eitrem'ly Rentle in their npe. rilion, and would ree.immeiid them lo every rr toil in want of a mild purgative, Patrice Roche, No. C2 Conway at., between Howard and Eutaw. Ia rvarHAsiari these FiiLa, Ih me add (Xj-fJ.VK WORD OF CAVTlOS.Tf) Alw.ys ask for HANCE'S VILLS, and purchase of nunc but those advertised aa agents, and if con venient, call anJ see the proprietor himself. C'TPRICE 'i5 Cts per Box, of FIFTY PIU.8 EACH, for llance's Genuine Pills, or S for f I. For sal by HUTU 8. 11 A SVC, 108 bltimore t , and corner nf Charles At Pratt U.. Baltimore, and by GEORGE BRIGHT. Moi bury, RBKAUnGA.M.Nouhumbetland. AprJ 17, I8i7, ANCE'S COMPOUND RVIMJPOF IIORE HOUND ( 77A' CVRK OF Cmeht, Cotih, Cimmnifili'iit, Spilling of I Hood, Vain in M Side and lireatt, Rrnnciifig, Croup, Atthma. and alt dineaum ari' ling from a ttirnrderrd enndilinn of the Itingt or neketed eidd. (Tj1 The following sonnet was addressed to the proprietor by a Young Lady who was cured of Coii-umplioii t Ho ! ye who pant with failing breath, And pine away and die ; Hancr shnll "put away" your death, And light, anew, your eve. How swe't it mdt upon the tongue, How K'S'cful lo the breast ! A uloriou theme fur poet's song. f iotlniiif bis cough to rest. Hocx! fnvored of iheGod. art thou! A lib ssimr to ihv, Let laurels flourish on ill v brow. And wealth, those Isu'els trace. When heroes are forgotten i kins Defu rtj or, cea.ed loreint Gl iry, fur thee, shall (l ip her wings ; Tin u coi queror nf pain. Piiea 50 Gents per butt'e or six Itotile. for f 2 Ml. Prepare,! and sold by METII S. II Wt'E, I0S Ualliinore st. and coiner of ('hsrles A Pmttsts. and by GEOItliE BRIOII I'.Hmil urv. I). BR At' I'lO M, Norihumhrrl uid. April 17. 147. '.Yature anal V:mi our C.ullr' rilllE extraordinnry and well authenticated cure JL wronuht by the celebrated Si'inri t'oirrn I'ii-ls, oi Dr. Smith's Improved Indian VeneluHIc Pills, hnve naturiilly dnwn piililie. attention lo ttiem. PcrliMps in the hintory of Medicine, from the time of Hippitern'cs lo the present day, there i. no evidence ol a medical compound obtaining equsl celebrity in so short a time. There was never it medeciiin recommended by such high authority as Dr. Smith' Pills. Hu-ide their cura'ive properties, (possessing as they do, such astonish, ing power to ojM-n all the n itii' d drains of the Im dy, vix: the luriRs, Kidney --, Skin and Uowil,) they are unlike all other pills, exlrem"ly pleasant, lieing coa'ed with siignr, and s they do not gripe, nor produce nauset, ol any ether unp'eaant con sequences, they have become verv popular for Dy pepsia, Hesdm he. (!ostiveueas. Bilious complaints, Foul Stomach, Feveis Worms. Want of Appetite, Impurities of the lllood, OlMtiuctions and Femile Colnpta n's generally, Colds, Ace. One of the most influeiiiiiil and benevolent la. lie in .New V ok. Mrs. 8. A Gould, M ilmn of Hie IJ. . Naval Hos pital, says, "There ia no medicine in her knowlcdiie so well ailspted to the numerous oilmen! of n an- kind, is Dr. Smith's 8ui:r dated Pills." Mir esjieci illy recommend them lu ladies QTT 'All I ION. As a miserable imitation tins been made, by the name ol Mugsr Coated Pills" it is necessury to be sure that Da. G Smith's sliinature is on every box. Price So rents. Principal Office. 179 (ireenwich L New ork. Sold by JOHN W. FKII.INO. Sunhury. WM. FORSYTHE, .VorAwmU April 17, 11547 testimony 18 sow iiixi:ivi:i Fhi ALL tjl-ARTEa or the Olohk. riHE following letters sre presented with a vi. w 1. nf more fully showing the opinion of pi vi cinns in lelntion to Ihe mislicul value nf Da. SwiTxi'iOuaniuss 8vRVtr Wil Cherri. Dr. 8watnr Desr Sir : Havint ued your Compound 8yrup of Wild Cherry, ettenrivelv in my practice, I was requested by your agent. Dr. Ciu cher, to rxpres my opinion in writing, of its pr. p. nies aa a remedi 4 agent. 1 most cheerfully romply. as I feel by so doing, 1 will ilisrharse a debt I owe the community at large, and physici-m in par icular. A much as I detest quack r me dics nd patent nostrums, I was Induced fr-'in a fni'ure of the most potent expectoran's, recommen ded in our materia mrdicaa in some ca-es of Dis eased lungs, to try youi preparation of Prunua Virginia or Wild Cherry. Ii is sufficient to sy that I was so much pleased with the result nf that and subsequent trials that I now prescribe it in preference to nil o her remedies isbere-on eipecto. rant is indicted. In the much d moled Pneumo nia or Disesse of the I.iintt, in the alaiming form in which it sppesia in Kentuckv, I reuard it as n iiivluuble remedy in the tieatment of that disea. To all who know me I have raid pnmiuh, but a this m y lie seen by is-rsons rut of the vieini'y of Frsi kfnit, I will briefly add, that I hsve Iwen en faced in n active practice nf my profession for 12 year. nd am a tegular graduate of Tiansylv mi , and this is t'-e fii-l paient mid rine I ever thought rnotigh ofloeipie.ii an opinion in wri'ine. J. H. ELI.ItSON. M. D. Jan 7, 1847. Franklin eo., Ky. FatsKioRT, Kv.. Jan 7, IH47. The above cer it'ic.ite i from one of our physi cian li vine a few miles fnm heie, he is doing a veiy good pr.iCice. and is con.i.lend a good physi cian, ai d a'andsfairt he is a he aiv, a regular graduate. Da W. I.. Car'TCMsa, D'UngiM and Apolhecaiy. (rj" Piece the intioducliou of my an hie u ihe public, thi te have a i.umliri of unprincipled iioli viduals got up nnslriitns. which they s.rri rontiin Wild I'biriy, some sre rslled lUl.anis,' 'Kilters,' anJ even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mine is the original and only genuine prep nation ever intr i to the public, which can I'C proved t.y the public Rtcorda of the Coinm-Miwealih ! Pennsl- vanli. Ihe only a it.'Ciisrd against imioaiiioii i t j rce that my sinsture is on each bottie. Dh. II. S WAYNE. Corner of Eighih and Usee st., Pliiladelphiv. On'y Agent in Munbury. is HENRY MAPPER. Dr. J. A. Moore, DnivtllHl T. S. M.iek y A' Po-i, MJion ; M. 1. tVJ Wei's. Munc; C. A. W yatt, l.ewisliurg; Dsvis vV ptchmire. S.-liusgiovi j John l". Renn, Line Mountain P. O. 1'lnUd tpl.ii, aid r' ly Tliomun llullllirii'N TfcJOUt'K ia hereby Riven, th-l let'ers of ad m ni trai on have K en grant d lo the aub m r-ln'r oil Ihe estate of Thomas Hulldieii, I oe ol Point t wnslnp. Noitliumlu-ilind roumy, ibc'd. All H-rsiNt inJi bled lo .aid -.ta rt, or having el no sg.iilist Iho s inie, re icqir s. d to cull Slid .lil IIE.SUY . I IIDMA:. NoithumlMrl ind. April 10. 117 (It Adm q: noxsraaS- IVIILLINERY GOODS. J()l! STOXK & SONS. Importers and Dealers in Silks, llibbons, and Millinery (loads, No. 4- Mii'Tii Skiuno Btbmt, PUILADELrUIA. RESPECTFULLY invite ll.e st ention nf Merchanla and Milliners visiting the e ty lo liioir new and tich assortment nf Spring Millineiy, to which, they tie dvily nuking addition; among whir will be ToUnd 1 ( J lace tVilks for rtkiug bonnets', at a variety of price..; a ar(a sssoitriitnt of new stylo Bonnet Ki'oltoiif, plain Mantua mid Satin Riblviins, of all widths; Chip Hits, Cr, Crspe Lisser, French and American Artificial Fl'wei. In greut variety; J'sncy Trimming Laces. Cap Ktufls. Buckrams, Wi lows. Crown-, Tips, Fses TriiiimiiiRs. tie. 6lc. As a laige portion of the above have been im ported by ourlea dircl from France, we are en abled to oiler them ai the lowest ma'kvl piicrs. i Mttch 1 Jib, IH47. I in. jL VOICE FP..01C PERSON8 aflllcted with Cancer. Seorfula, King's Evil, Tt er, Salt Bin urn, Ensipela, Old 8ores, Mercurial Di.e.isrs. and sll romplsints arising from impmitjc of the Blond, are ri quested to Rend the Followliiff !!! RnwisnA Walto. GfnM. Feeling grain, fill lor the extraordinary cum performed upon me by your Dr. CULI.EVH INDIAN VEGETA BLE PANACEA, I feel it my duty lo furnish you with a short hftry of my case. When about 12 year of se I wa attneked with King's Evil. I was under the cire of an eminent physicitn. and after a long cnnre of medical treat. ment, wis pronounced cured. At 14 year nf sue a dUeisc, pronouncd by some of the medical f icul ty as ! corfula. and bv other Cancerous.' msni-t'.-ied iisilf This d sea-e ineieased in its lavai'e-r, till my throat was filled with u'cers, and my fiee was covered with them; mv noso wa. ulcer ited and swollen to npnnrei.tlv four time it natural sire. nl-o bad tumours iu my breast, am! ulcers n d lleient paitsof toy ictson. I waepl iri'd un der the rare at various tones of the most eminent pby.icinn of Vew York, Pi i'a.lelpbi.i. Haltimore and Cim-itin li. who after having ucd iheir u'most eiHleavors to elf ct i ure, my csw by them pronounced incurable. I Inm traveled over 1 stiies of the I'nion am king relief; noexpen-e wa spared, arid a large amount of money wa expend ed, but all in vain. I ibrii Used lare,e quantities nr Swaim' P.nmcea. H ive al-o luken Cariteiiter' Sarsaparilla, Selienrk'a Pttlmonic eHrup, Town send's Saisnparill i, and numerous other prepara tion without rlToct ; mv throat, rmse and fuce werp ulill iilci rsieil, and at k-ucth I lo-t enlire'v the sense of Mtielling. I ronlintieil in this d plorable r lull lion for alxuil two years, having, given up alt btqies f ncoveiy, I re.ijned mynelf to l,e will of Provi dence, supposing that every means of rn ief btid f.i'ed. On the fi h day of August list I commen ced taking your I)'. Ci's hpim Vinktari e PaNArrt. having but litile Iiom-s nl'irs Ihmo fining me. Af'er baviug lo-ei! one bottle, I ili-coveinl lo my utter a'toni.litneiit and ur ii.fii aiion, that mv sense of -innHiug w .s entitely restored, and tbat the ulcers were rapidly diinini diing in :re. I have now tiken three I ol tes of the pmacea j my inontli. t roat and nose are enlire'y benbd I am now 40 ve.ira of age, ami after 2 hi years of imle-ci-bible stiff ring, my ffcin hea th i better, at d in f .ct, at no ieriod of my die ho I fill as well as I have since uning your invaliisMe JI LIA I1IMNCH. N. Y., Sept. 30, 1810. No. Ill toill st. We. the undersign d. being person illy rqtiaiu lid with Mrs. Julia llrul.cll. of No. II I CI IT at net, mid having a know'eilee of lit r si'ua'inn f-r ever at ye r pa-l. do hereby certify, 'hit the aliove is a true statement of her c i-e. so far a. our personal knowledee goes; and from her th'iracter and .tmi- din;, we have full confidence in I er statement, and in the rffiency of Dr. Culleu's Indian Vegela lile Panacea. Edwin A. Waie, 113 ClilT street, Maria Ware, d i. Ssmnel Baxter, fit Mulberry street, S. (Sluasoii, Rosevelt rtrei t, O O'Neal, III Clilf street. Emily Earle, Hudson stli-ct. Ve I- anted ones of the Ileling Art,' if ye ran sr. fir overcome professional piide, s to ue a ni -d cine which t know not how lo compound, ye may preset te many viilu il le l.vea which will olherwi-e le racrificed. Will ye not prescribe it 1 If it shall not ace impli-h all we rtim for it, afier a for tri d acronling to directiona, we shall publish an account of its failure in any three paM ra in the United Slates at our own exense. Dr. Culleu's ludi m Vi getalde Panneea ; do. do. Specific; do. d". Pile Remedy ; Dr. Appleton'a R. medy for Deifneas; Rowalid'a Magic Lotion. Warranted to cure. Certificates of rures, in pamphlet form, miy be had Oralis, at the ofln es nf ihe sgents. These medicine rie prepared and sold by ihe proprietor. Rowaml &. Walton, No. 378 Market slteel, Philtdelu' ia. - . fV W Danenhower. No 1 Murray st. N Y t c J J W D..ner.hower. No I O F II ill. Cin.O. i i 1ST Jenkins, No fir Cannl st, N Orlesns. (N N Robinson, c-n (!av V S .r itogasts. Bait. Agent : H. M ASSEIf, Sunbury. I II. R acr, Milton; J. 8-elsjl.l, New Her Im; Mr. MusHer, Millbem; Sh.ire D. Lewis, Wilkeatiarre. Sold also by Druggists throughout the United State. April 3d. 1S47. Im lliy ELECsTXCIT FC? " CO L5T J L5TJ i C2id vJO iUL 22J A N E'ecliou for officera of the Norllminlieilanil Bridje ("ompsny, il lie held l the Hou e ol James Lie, in ihe borough of Norihtnnticrl mil, on Monday the 3d day of May net. The elec tion will on'II at I o'c'lH'k. I' M. The bo-ka and accounts nf ih.- company Mill he exliil-iu d to the strnkll "lilma at the lime and plu'e ale vh iiienl nu ed. D. URAL'TIGAM. NorthM, April 10, IS17.-4t Pres't. Vahiablu I'ropcM ty TlllE SurMtilier t-llers fir sale, on Ittti'erito M. trim-, a valujble piece, of I ml, si'ua ul in Augus a lownsh p, rlliuioU'ilainl coun v, aliml fi nnlea from Sui-bury, on the Tulp hiM ken road, eoniaili'lig seven acre more or leas, lu an excellent .'a'e of cultivation, whereon are elected a l ire frame tlwediiiR h use S'i by 40, and a at ire houe 18 by 'fi, with excellent water at iliedo.-rs, a bank barn 'iH by 31, ami all ice house umh-i ground. It is one of Hie be I business I.m-xii ins in Hie county. Fnrfu th.r ititornuiion impure of the subscrilH r, on the premise. EMANUEL KAU FMAN. AngiiKta, Ma eb 6 1847 Vl F A IS M ?LtJ-LS2. i'. ir r .vrt-4 . 'I'll E uI'M-ribcr olb-ra for salo -i cheaii Faun, siiuata in Slisin- km township, Norihunil rr land county, about eight nii'os Itoiii Hunh.irv. ly inu U-iwicii i h,- Centre tuiiu-ike and Iri-h Va Icy, Ci'iraiuing at-irs ami alln.inces Said I im is ill a go. si state of cultivation, with reaS-niiil lv giNkl l,uililin and eicellent water near ihedooi ; and all kinds oi buit. Ac. JOHN FAKNs WOH I II. Sunbary. Feb. I K 17. GIjISIG &. SON, RSI ,'it- tr CoiiimisAioii .TlrrcliaiitMy For the sale of Flour, Grain, and all kinds of Coun try Pioduce, AV 4S Commeree ilrert Wfuirf, BALTIMOBO. Cah advances on Cuusigmnrnts. Feb. I3ih, 1817 3.11. 15 A It K. The hiuh-si market pi ice paid for U-iik, at the stoie ol Much 17. 18 IT. J.1IN ROOAR. k itozau Corn Hioorns for sale, by Ihe ilo P sen or s. title, at f I Ml pet ilorsn. b MKh i7, 117. JOHN UOGAR. SOMETHING NEW ! THE Suliscrilntr have Ih exclusive tight of vending J. M. THATCHER'S llotlaait Hot Air rooking in the counties of North uinborland, Columbia and Schuylkill and from the encouragement met with already, they expect lo ,bi a large business. This atove is constructed on an entiiely new principle, and on the only principle that cm mako both a good wood and coal stove. The inventor has ovor come all the dtllicult es that so frequently belong to other stoves. He ha by hi arrangement, con stiurte I a broiling (HT-OVCII In front, where in broibnc, roasting, frying or baking may he done, and all the smell that arises tlisrpfiom must pas into the eombustil-le eli.iinlii'r, and is not at all thrown out into the room .TD Resides this, Ihrro i. an oven only two inchc less than the whole six of Iho stove, wherein li.kinil or roasting maybe done a well a it can be in the Common brick oven. This veu is alv fit for tl e when the stove ia he ite. t, as ihe whole draught of hot air passe a roil ml It Constantly. I'ubl c. attention ia particularly railed In thia It can Is scn ai our Hioro and Tin Estab lishment in North D on ill-, at the sign of the Co. Iiiiul'i.i Tin shop, and at the, I ntiml y of Rohrbach A t'lenmnl in Sunhury, whera its particular quali ti, a will Is- fully shown ami rip aiucd lo any person wishing to i X inline it. The su'iseriliets continue to have on hand all kin Is of ptirloi slovea. -ueh as radiators, cylvnder. fancy ami plain, r-uit.iliU lor all who may favor us si h i call; also common sheet and Russii Iron, which cm he mole in any desirable ahape ; togi-. tiler with a generat sorlrnciit of tin and japinned waie, wbotes.ile and rot ail. t'ouutty inert hauls ure iim'eil to call and etaiiiine our avtork, aa our w.iik cannot W siiipased, and p. ices motloerale. IN . II. We can sitely recominend Ihe nbove men tioned stove to , e.rsoiis who wis'i to emhiitk in a iiaid bnsiiiess I'lio p.i'ell'ee will sell cither Colin ly or slate Hub's, to suit pitrc'insers, and on rea s. ii ihb- leiins. He or hi agirits ntav be found in Danville, Pa. J. & J. ARTER. The mi lerli;i c I. havum -ern in oprrslion the hot Ii n-t hot air conking slove, invented ond pa tented bv J. M. Thmclier, certify that we believe, from the manner of it con-titieti .n and opcra'inn, that it i- the be-t one ever olTeied to the public. The airani-ment isn c nipli In ami the construction so jud-cious, that there is a sating ot one half the fuel and lime, in doing- any givi u amount of service, oer othi r celebrated stove. In short we rt com ment it in pieferenre lo all others, fir the simple reason tbat it embracea evi rv branch of economy. Sauiii-'l Onrreit, John W (iariett. D.iviil Chat fieM, W F Kiti h n. John M fitay, E Thompson, Smith Thompson, J D llahn, John Oakea, lies ki ah Hear, Eli is F t'ixiier, Geo M Rithsrt, Daniel Hntf nan. Henry 11 Rtssol, F H t'atver, Daniel Dp i.bach, Jo-eph Vanknk, Itrooks Eplcy. Dsnville. March 6, 117. ly CHEAP BLINDS! 2. J. WILLIAMS, I'euclian til hid Manufacturer, No 12 N .r h fiih -t , (a f -w door, alsive Market st.) rHIiiADIILrHIAi nAS now on h-nid the laigestaud moat fashion hide ass -r im lit of N inow Mist and other Ve netian Ulimls of anv e-l.ih'islinieiil in the United Siiiics, which he will e, Wholesale and Retail, st the lowest pill es. The citizens of Sunhury and vicinity ant respect fully solicited to c ill on him 1 fore purchasing else. win re, a be is c-iiiU cut of giving entire satisfac lion to h II who may thus f vor him with a call. OLD UI.IND3 Repainted and Trimmed, so as to lo- k iqual to new. Older punctually attended to, and ihe Dlinds forwarded with despatch, D J. WILLIAMS. March 6. 1817. 3tn. Clot hing Establishment OPERATIONS in Clokiiinh seem to l the order nf the J iy, at Ihe Philadelphia Ward Rotte, I Oft t'losiiut street, where every article In the line i- kept, and sold at asimii hing low prices, emhr icing I'lonks ll.iltgops. Over Sack Coats, Short Sack ('.ni., Super Cloth Diess Frock Coals, PaiitubH'ii of iveiy giado and style, any of which will be Sold either by the gatmrut or prl res that will Jii-tify the must r itoniicat lu buying. We j.dvi.e alt who want good and cheap Clo lliitiC toe dl at No. I Do Chesnul s'icet, Ph.Ud. Iplna. Febnih, 1817. Cm ya-e rr- v:y v n n cry i jFivsJt JvrmCum Knit. No. til iNnrili Third Strccl, 1'lllI.ADtXrUlA. FllliE celehriiy of the Inks in inufaclured by the X sfb-cnlM-r, and the rt nive sa'e ennaequenl tiin the high reputation which they Lave attain ed, n t o ly il rougbout 'be L'uited Sutra, but in the We I ml i -a ami in duns, I as induced bim to m ike every necesasiy airargement to supply the M ilemainl upon his rsljbli-bmeut. Ha ia now prepai.d with every vari- ly of 11 lack, Illue and Red Inks, Copying Ink, Indelible Ink, slid Ink Powder, all prepared umler hi own personal superintend ence, o that purchasers may d. peiid Upon its su ,i in I i v . HOVERS ADAM M IE CEMENT.asu per or .inn lo lor Casa, China, Cabinet Waie. e , iiarful lo every Housekeriwr, Icing a wbi e Inpiid, eaiilv apt I ol, and mil alluded by or. I n ii V sWAnanti-d. V rrfinptileis. Coiitaiiiing iho numerous testis, innirlit. of me. i ,.f s li no,-, aud ulheis, will Ih3 fur laslie.l lo ptirih iscis. For ale ai ihe Ms. .rv, Wholestle slid Re. tail, Ni. M7 Nohtii Tu i an Strut, nppuaiie I'heny slieil, I'hllj le pin by JO.sCPll E. HOVER, .Im oilth. U ly Msnulaurer. i ire 1 UiO. JLTI llii.. MS 1 Xp,-3 Tl IOM IVO.N r:RAVFOUI, 1 Ii4ii:il llrncuiilK No. It) AlHrkel SlifOl, (Souili aide, be low Socohil.) IMllludvlpliUi Off. r ssle a laige ti k of Tiesli Drugs, Metbcinee and DyeStulTs, to Which they e.ll the anentl m of Coun try Merchanls and Desler visiting the ..; Black, and other Var- nishes of s superior quality. Also. hlle and Hed Lead, Wiudow Glass, Paints and Oils cheaper than eve'. , rr) T. & St slsj propiteiors of the Indtsn Vegttahle Balaam. Celebrated throughout their own aud neighboring flates, aa tha besl prepalaliou for the ctira of Coughs, Cold, Asthma, Ac. Money irfuudrd in every iustauve whi na brneflt is ie ' Villi Jtlt his, Jsu. 30, Ie47.-3ai IT 13 I1" THE HOOK OF NATLTPE AND OP LOMMON.eENSE, that the natural vegeta ble pioductions of every country are, if pra-perly applied, amply sufficient for the cor of every ma lady Incident loeaeh peculiar climate. wnicnrs mm tecetahle niu, or TUR Xortli Amcrlctiu Collcoorilcnlth. are composed of nil plant which grow spontane ously on our own ami, and ant therefore better a dapied lo our constitutions than Medicines concoct. ted from foreign drug, however well they may be compounded ; and a they em founded upon the principle th it the human body i in truth SLHJECP TO OUT ONE DISEASE, namely, corrupt humor, and th nt said MeJicinn cure this dieae on Natural Principles, by eiraiumg ami purifying Ihe boily, it will be loan-. ncsi in.,1, ii ma constitution be not entirely ex hausted, a ereveraiice in their use, according t. tli ections, is absolutely certain to diive disease of everv name from the body. w nen wo wish to re-loio a swamp or moras to fertility, we drain it of the superabundant water. In liko manner, if wo wish to restore the body lu health, we must cleinse it of impurity. wmuil I'S liDIAN V EG ETA RLE PILLrt ill be found one of the best, if not the verv best medicine in the world for carrying out this Grand PuntrtiRo I RiaciPLt, because ihry expel from the bixly sll morbid and corrupt humor, the cnuio of Ihe disease, in an easy and Katural Manner ; nd while they every day nivr. ease sn pleasure, di-e.ise ef every name is rapidly diiveu from tbo The foil wing hicbly respectable i-totekeepera have been duly aitnoirited agents for the sale of IVrijA's Indian Vegtluhle I'M; in Northumbera I .ml county : Henry Msser, Sunbury. E. (V J. Kaiillinnn, Augusta township. Samuel Herb, Little Mahonoy. W illiam Deppeo, Jackson. Henevtlls Hn'shne, l'pi" Miboim John f!. Renn, L'p.e. V o, .y . Samuel John, ShsmoUino." n Forsjthe, Wtl-on V Co., N i.l L'ri.tuil. E. L. Piper, Watsnnbiir. Irl-ind A Hays. McE vcnsvill ... Jamis Peed. Poitsgmve. Wm. G Sett. Rushville. Hartman Knueble, Elysburf P. 0. Am.. T. Keissel, Turhu'sville. tin), on Shadel, Upper Mahoroy, Rhode At Farrow, Snvdrstown. John King, Farmersville. Silns t?. Cook. Martin's Cicck. J. De Young. Hicksviile. Ahrahiim Sin n r. Richmond. Samuel Tsylor, Slatefor.l. John II. Vincent, Cbiliaquaque. Wm. Ileinen A. Uiolhcr, Milton. IIkWare ov Cot'XTKHrEiTs. The public ara cautioned against the many spurious medicines, which in order lo deceive, are cilied by mimes si milar to Wrishi'n Indian Vegetable Pills. The safest course is to purchase of the regular agents only, who are gentlemen that may be ro bed on. cry- Office dcvn'p.l exclusively to the sale of WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, of the North American College nf Health, No. 28 Greenwich Street, New York ; No. 108 Tremont Street. Iloston ; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No. 109 Rce Strkit, Philadelphia. Jan. 30th, 1817. sl9y. TO WATCH MAKERS AND J. L jL d"0 IA TT S, Imttorlcr of Watches, Watch-Makers' m m r I C 1 ToulK ana v aicn materials, WuoleNale & Retail. Su. 33, South Fourth t., VMLAHEL VI II A , HAS constantly on hand a large assortment of t.nnptt. Paient. and Plain Glasa; Main- spiings. Verges, Dial. Watch Hand, and a com plete assortment ol all 1 ool una Aiaienui im-i.hir-ing to the trade; with a large assortment of Gold snd Silver Lever, Lepine, snd Plain Watches; all of which he will guaranty to sell at the lowest New York price. All order from the country punctu ally executed. N. 11. Country merchants ond othera arc invited to ell and examine at the Old Stand, No. 33 South Fuuith street. Philadelphia, Jan. 23, 1817. Cm PHILADELPHIA NEW STYLE COMRS. TORTOISE Shell Tuck Combs, carved atnl finished In a superior style, Splendid Shell Dressing Combs, carved and plain. Shell Pocket Combs, with and without case. New Stile Long Combs, catved and plain for rhildten. With s beautiful assortment of th Real DuAdlv Combs, that is so much in general use. 8. WINNER. Comb Mjnufacturcr, No. V Souili Second below Msrket sl'eet. P. g. W. is the only Manufacturer of th Genuine Buffalo Comb in thu United Stales, Philadelphia, Jan. 23, lt47. 3m CirT A1TCJTIC1T STCPuS, No. 31 North Third street, (SX THE rlTT llOTEl.') PHItADELPniA. C. C. M A C K K Y, Ait riojtEEn. TO CtHJ.NTRY STORE KEEPERS. IVtJNINO SALES of Hardware. Culleiy, IA Saddlery, Whip. Root, Shoe, Hats, Csps, Ouns, Pistols. Clothing, Watches and Fancy Goods, At Mat-key 'a Auction Store, 31 North ThitJ street, near the City Hotel. The attetri ni t t'otintrv M. r bants is invite 1. Tksi I l.uut wib s t) I fi ! v Mill t v.'ci.i.-r- and 11 tJ nsl.l i v i.l t c e -lfi.i'.i1 v .-: - ! ,i'..i :t (.. .i .... : ii .i t. i: r.-;v., . Iv . It. ! "Oa;.- i:tlt- t l.t to i W'.il .1 I v.i !. I el.n n s.jn(.ij: v, ilf s.oio of the suti I ne purchs 11.4 sci.e'e. ,-l Ci'ttiitS gOo.i t'.iiajins. s. be icrtll lu d ni l ! b.. unsold by any tl..-;-)HN uoGAR. Sunbury, Jsu. lfi. I817.-il4y " IKESH :"GUlt.N" PEEDH, iro.nKialey F hU?Tr OHlVSiSlAR. tii-"""CEe5" '"in'iIogIil Jan. IB. IStT. -r--"- CKDTR" W A'KB" guern.ware, llaidwsM., J Groceries. Liquor, Ac, for sale very low, hy jn. "?"?. .?,.MiJ! rjtMloOL liooks. llii'les. I isiaiueiiu Dia. O in P. per, W.llitia Paper, Steel Pens, and Hsrrisoo's Columbi.n Kk, for sderh.ap si th) "ore of JOHN liUGAK. Jan. 16, IM.