Correapondeace of the Miners' Journal. VHBOAYAS0 BRtm RAILROAD. . Psm.o., March 83d, 184? B. Banna) Esq. Of or &r The Central Rail-road concern, notwithstanding the rcfuul of I ho Legislature to legal ite the City luoscription have determined to organize their Company, and have nominated Samuel V. Merrick, M their Pre sident. Thii nomination it probably the wisest not that haa yet been exhibited to the public, but when he looka at the riifficultiea to be encoun tered, the money to be raited and expended, and then at the opposition to be met at the terminut be will probably exhibit the wisdom for which he it credited, by declining the honor To an en lightened community who are actuated by a lib eral spirit of enterpriie, the tervice, although labor iout, would retult both profitably and hon orablybut when he become! the leader of a party ignorant of the facta, and inspired only by impulse and a spirit of rivalry, it will not be dif ficult to foretell the consequence that follow. It however, he haa become weary of the glory he has achieved by the hammer, he will rath at the darlieg object before bim, and like hia supporters depend upon some interposition of Heaven, to erown the success of the enterprise. So far, consequences and the natural tendency of human eventa have not been looked at, nor ia it necessa ry to enntemp'ate any contingency when an im pregnable force ia ready at the outtet. But people will reason, and people will look at the facts when the instalments are to be paid, and that too to be dragged from the pockets of the mechanics and laborer, will it not be ask ed from whence thall we derive the dividends upon our expenditure? At Pittsburg there is nothing to be had. The fact that the Baltimore and Ohio and the Richmond and Guyandotte roads will intercept and monopolise all the trade f tht river above Cincinnati, is so clear to the people of Pittsburg, tbat they propose to aban don every thing for a western direction. They aee that the Ohio Canal from Portsmouth to Cleveland the Cincinnati, Xenia, Columbus and Cleveland Rail-road the Cincinnati and Toledo Canal, with the Wabath and Erie Canal, have already drained the river of its commerce mid are carrying it to the cities on the Lakes, and lhat there it finds a better mart ; a cheaper, and a more direct route to the market, than can possibly be had at Pittsburg. They aee alto, that at Erie, Philadelphia can intercept the whole of this trade, and bring it to her floors for half the money that will be required to go to Pitta burg, and hence their disposition to connect with Baltimore, and leave Philadelphia, to go where lie likes. In the Pittsburg Gazette, of March 19th, in a long article on the subject of the Baltimore con nexion, the Editor says, and he reiterates the reneral opinion of the citizens, that 'we ought not to loose sight of the fact, lhat New York, di vided by Boston, will put forth every exertion to extend Rail road communications from Buffalo nd Dunkirk, arouad the ahore of lake Erie, to the interior of Ohio, a nd we shall find, if we de Iny western communication too long that all the improvements and trade of Ohio and tht great tout hate taken tltai direction instead of coming this way. This part being so plain tbat be who runs may read, and as the works through Ohio are already constructed, and the direction is giv en to the trade, will not Mr. Merrick and bis friends look into the matter, and save their sub scribers the trouble of directing them where the trade can be found. To go to Pittsburg, will therefore, end in dis grace, and the project of going through Ohio in search of the Trade would be worse than Japhet in search of hia father. The people of Ohio and on the lakes, having made their improvements, their Railroads and Canals, and like us, having them yet t6 be paid for, will they give them a way t or, will they give rights of way, to de stroy either the one or the other ? Before we rush heedlessly into the expendi ture would it not be well to place these facts be fore the people to enquire of Ohio, not of the people before whose door the work shall pass, but of the people of the State, whether, as Mr. Roebling says, "we shall intercept them at right angles and monopolise and appropriate the whole of their trade ?" To a prudent and cautious people, ever acting upon principles of wisdom and justice, the an awer would be clear, and the determination tbat would result from such an influence, would be to go where we can reach the trade where we could interfere with no private interests, no rights of way, no rivalry, but an honest and leg itimate enthusiasm, to do what would benefit our State, enrich oar city, and make us at nature intended we should beffthe great eentre of the Union. SUN BURY AND ERIE Pi.KAaa.NT Be Fellow a A peraon writing from Camp Watson, near Tatnpico, says: "I am collecting a number of scorpions, cen tipodee and tarantulas, (soma of the latter are nearly aa large aa young colls,) wbicb 1 intend awnum; to you as curaatiiea the first opportuni ty. How would you like to find, on going to bed, conpla of good sired arorpioni enugly olowed between your blankets 1 1 assura you it ia no unusual occurrence." A PATumc Arpgau They have a way ol doing up thinga in the'Parmetic order at the office of lha Now Orleans Picayune, altogether unique. Thia ia the way they dun there ; Meet oh ! meet me, I implore you, Meet, where most I may adore you. Neath the shadow of the bower, v Meet me there, at any hour; Meet rus there, or where you will, Meet, and pay tbat little bill! Says Jack to Tom, let's go and ship On beard, the Mexicans to whip. Ei Tom. but first I want to know, ia to Vera Crat we go ; y say the Castle's very strong, .'.Taw fight will he both bard and long. Say Jack, that is. for glory's sake, "Tfce vial causa I want to take. DANK MOTE LIST. Praift-XTAltlA. The following list shows the current value of all .VnoejIvr.'iU Bank Note. .Tbe moot implicit re l.erro mny he placed upon it, as it evey week jerrfully compared with ai d corrected from Bick hell's Reporter. Blanks la Philadelphia. Nat... LoCAT.O.. NOTES AT PAR. Bank of Nmih America Bank of the Northern Liberties Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . Farmers' and Mechanics' Rank Kensington Bank , Philadelphia Uank Schuylkill Rank Snuthwark Rank Western Rank par per par par par par par par par pat par par par par pit Mechanics' Rank Manufacturers' ft Merhanios' Bank flank of Penn Township . . Girard Rank Rank of Commerce, late Moyamrneing Dank of Pennsylvania Country Itanks. Benk of Theater County Westchester Bank of Delaware County Cheater Bank of Ocrmantown Oermanlown Bank of Montgomery Co. Nnrrismwn Doyleslown Bank - Dovhutowo Eatton Rank Eaaton Farmera Rank of Bucka co Bristol par par par par par par par Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par Columbia Bank ft ft ridge co.Columhia par rarmera' Bank or Lancaster Lancaster County Bank Lancaster Bank Farmera' Bank of Reading Office of Rank of Penn'a. Office do do Office do do Office do do I.anctstei Lancaster Lancaster Reading par pir fin par Harriaburg These Lancaster I offices Heading f do not East on J issue n. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. enk of the United States Philadelphia 21 Miners' Bank of Pottsville Potteville Bank of Lewistown I.ewistown 1 J Bank of Middlotown MidJIetown h1 Carlisle Bank Carliele 1 roliaviiie Iewistown MidJIetown Carliele Pittsburg Hollidavshurg Harrisburg Lebanon Pittsburg Exchange Dank Do do. branch of Harriaburg Bank lehanon Bank Merchant'. Manuf. Dank Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg Williamsporl Wilkebarre Allentnwn Reading Pittsburg West Branch Bank Wyoming Dank Northampton Bank Berks County Bank Office of Dank of U. 8. Do do do Do do do Bank of Chamtiershurg Bank of Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. failed do Erie New Rriehton (hamliersburg do 1 IJ.lJ U 11 ttt-tlyshurg Montrose Erie Wayneshurg Washington Honesdiile Brownsville York Erie Bank Farmers' ft Drovers' Bank Franklin Dank Honeadale Bsnk Monongahele Dank of B. York Bank N. D. The notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia broker, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANK8. Philadelphia 8av. Ins. Philadelphia failed failed fjiled Philadelphia Loan Uo. do Schuylkill Sav. Ina. do Kensington Sav. Ina. A do Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed Towanda Bank Towandii Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of 8watara Bank of .Washington Bedford Beaver Harrisburg Washington It.lUfonle Pittsburg Pittsburg Fayette co. Greencaetle Harmony no aale cloeed closed failed closed no sale failed failed failed uo sale Centre Bank City Bank Farmera' ft MerhVe' Bank Farmers' ft Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' A Mech'ce' Dank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Dank Huntingdon no sale l.ewilowii no aale Juniata Dank Lumbermen's Bsnk Warren Duildaff failed no aale closed no sals closed Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge t'o. Northumb'd Union Col. Dk. North Western Datik of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank New Hope Milton Meadville Port Carbon Carlisle Montr oee Uniontown Pa. Agr. ft Manuf. Bank failed closed failed closed Silver Lake Dank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Grecneburg Wilkeabarre Bridge Co. Wilkeebarre no aale rrr All notes purporting to be on any PeunsyU vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set iown as frauds. NEW JERSEY. Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick Belvideie Bank Belvidore failed I par Burlington Co. Bank Medford Commercial Bank Perth Amboy Cumberland Dank Dridgelon rarmera' Bank Mount Holly i par par i tailed Farmura' and Mechanic' Bk Rehway Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Brunswick Farmers' and Merchants' Dk Middle to n Pt. 1 Franklin Dank of N. J. Jersey City failed failed failed failed failed 4 failed i par Hobokeu Ukgft dialing to Huhoken Jersey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bsnk Patterson Manufacturer' Bank Belleville Morris County Bsnk Morristown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold Mechanics' Bsnk Newark Mechanics' and Msnuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City f oat Notes no ssle Newark Bkg ft Ina Co Newaik i i failed failed New Hoi Del Bridge Co l.amtorUill N. J. MsnuUc end Bkg Co Hohoken N J Proleelon ft Lombard 14 Jersey Cilv orange oana- Orange Peterson Bank People' Bank Princeton Bank Paiitrauo do failtsl i par par Princeton Salem Newark Elitabethtown t'amden Morristown Trentitn Salem Newton Trenton Dever Harkensack Salem Banking Co Slat Bank 8taie Bank' State Bank 8late Bank of Morria 4 i par J faile.1 faiUI 1 failed Slate Bank Balem and Pbilad Msnuf Co Sussex Bank Trenton Banking Co Union Bank Washington Banking Co. DELAWARE. Bk of Wila ft Draodywine Wilmington par P' par par P' par oaaa er Ueleware' W ibningtoa Bank of Smyrna Smvrna D branch Milford Farmers' Bk of State of Del Dover P branch Wilmington 'nco ueorgetown par Pr par ' orancn Uaioaj Bank fT Under 6s NewcaeUe WUaaingtoo 07 On all banks marked thus f ) there are es iBor coooterretl Of altars noaat of ths various ds- nomuieuMs, u cueuiauoa. riOUMT VDRtTON kiss IMS itif 95 North 2d it., bet. Arch At Race its., Philadelphia. BRADY ft PARKER respectfully inform their friends and the public that Ibey hive taken the above named house, recently kept by J. S, Adam, end are piepared to accommodate custo mer! In the moat satisfactory manner and at rca eonable price. Their table will be anpplied with the best viri ely '.he market affords their parlors and sleeping apirtmsnte will he in the best order. The house has been thoroughly repaired ami furnished with a view to ie Comtort ol travellers and alrangera. Having had seseisl years experience in ihe bnslnrs. ihev hope to give general satisfaction, iind respectfully invite travelers and strangers to give them a call. BRADY ft PARKER. Ph lid.-lphie. Janusrv 16, 1847. if Mill and Farm THE eulwe.rihor offers for stle filiy or eixty a ere of land with a mill erect, d thereon, for merly known as Jon a Mill, situated in Auius's township Northumherlind county, on the Little Shsmokin ere. k, near the Tulpchocken road, lead ing from Sunbury to Pottaville eight miles from Sunbury. Thirty or forty acre of ss'd land are cleared, and in a g'tod slate of cultintion. The improvement are a Crist Mill, a Log House and Slab'e. and an Orchard. There ia also a good Spring and several acres of Meadow on ihe premi ses. The I cntion of the mill ia an excellent one for custom. For further information inquire of the tub-oiber. DAVID MILLER. Shsmokin tr wnehtp, Jan. 9, 1847. 3m CHEAP WATCHES. The Cheapest Gold find Silver Watches IN PHILADELPHIA. GOLD Levers, full Jewelled, f 4ft 00 8. her do. do. 33 00 Oold Lepinet, Jewelled, 30 00 Silver do. do. 16 00 Silver Quartiera, fine qujli'y, 10 00 Oold Watchea. plain, 15 00 Silver Rpcctaclre, I ?5 Onld Pencils. 3 00 Oold Bracelets, 4 00 Alan, nq hand, a large assortment of (t -ld and Hsir Bragjjlet', finger ring, bresst pins, hoop ear ring", ta pens, silver spoons, sugar tongs, thim bles, gold IP rk. curb and f"b chains, guard k-y .in) j. we Ib'ry of every deiicripiion, at equally low pnris. All I want is a Csll to convince custo mer.. ,v All kind of Walchea and Clorka repaired and wrrsnted to keep good time for one year ; old gold or silver bought or liken in exchange. For aale, eight day and ihirtv hour brass clock', st LEWIS I. A DOM US" Watch, Clock and Jewellery 8 (or a. No. 413) Market street, above Eleventh, north aide, I'hilJ- phia. rry I have some Hold end Silvet Levers, at II much cheaper than the above; prices. Philadelphia. Dee. 36. 1846. Iv AUCTION STORE. No. C North 3d St., third door ab JOVC Market Street. PHILADELPHIA, 8' ALE EVEKY EVEM.NtS, of a general at sort merit of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Table and Poiket Cutlery, Trunks, Locks, Lalcheta, Holts, Sswt, Saddlery, Whips, Boots, Hhor. Ha'a, Capa, Gun, Pistols, Trimmint!, Clothing and Fancy GiM-d. The attention of city and country dealers is in vited. The Goods are fresh, snd will be wsrrsnted equal to the represent at inna that may be made of them. BAY LIS ft BROOKER, Attetionr.n, No. 6 North Third st N. B. Purcbasera can have their Goods packed. Several iuvoicce of Goods have bren received to be sold at private rale. Philadelphia. Dec. 19th, 1846. ly vrrij Itoussr ls rinftjrrsal SHAVING CREAM. Small quantities piven w ilhmit (Charge. .t 114 Chnnul St., F Ull.ADELVHIA. THIS new and splendid article, s Ha name de notes, ia professrd to he superior to any Mis ving Cream in ihe United Males or Europe. It is unau'pie d fr beauty, purity ai.d f aursnce, I ho' nmewhat analag,Hi to Gu rlsin's Ambrosial Cream and other similar compounda. It far sur passes them all by the em I lent pasty C insistency of ii Ijttirr, which so soften Ihe l-eard as lo render alnvitig pleasant and easy. It fuilUer poiM-sara Ihe advantage over the imp rle I erticb', In being freshly pn poe.l, no ak ill being wanting in it mao uficture. E. Rousael having had many )ejrs' ex- lienence in the celebrated Laboratory of Laugur, rr re e r , now Ken suit ft co., ol runs. Besides being the it is the cheapest article for shaving ; it is elegsntlv put up in boxes, with splendid steel engraved lahela. ru-e 3 ir dozen, or H7 cen is for a snglebox lo ahnve one year. It is also sold at f 1 60 per lb. or IS) cenla per ox., so tint gentleineri can have their hose filled at EUGENE IJOLKSEL 8, VVholesalo and Kutail Perfumeiy snd Mineral W ler Us allislimeul, 114 Cbe.nul Sired. Dee 19. 1846.-J. PHILADELPHIA. No. J1 North Fourih Street, PHILADELPHIA, Tf Invite Merchania and Millim r to ex-fTjC esaiiiine their stock f Bonneta, PalmH L'af and Leg born Hale. Fur and Cloth Cape, si.d India Itublter hoea. Ii will tie f,und In contain all of tbe most dcaitable kind, and will 1 -ld at the low! iiiarktt prices No. 31 North Fourth Street, lietwien Msikcl and Arch Streets. Philadelphia. Dee. I9ih. IR4A 6m ttlIIE3X.Xai WATCHES t JEV'ELP.T, AT IB "Philadelphia Wolch and JrwrUy Store," No. 00 North SECOND si reel, corner , f Quarry. GOLD Lever Wstcbes.full ji welled, 18 carat cases, (45 00 Silver Lever Watchea, full jewelled, S3 00 Silver lever Watchea, se ven jewels, 18 0Q Silver lupine Watchea, jewelled, finest quality, 14 00 Superior Qusrtier Welches, 10 00 Imitsiion Qusrtisr Watches, not wsrrsnted, 6 00 Gold Spectacle, 8 00 Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 76 Gold Braes lets with topat eonee, t 60 Ladiee' Gold Pencils, 18 carata, S 00 Gold Finger Kings 37 cU to 18 j Waich Glas sea, plain, It cta patent, I8J; Lunet, 26. O thar articlea in proportion. All gooda warranled lo be what they ere sold for, O. CONRAD. On hand, some Gold and 8ilver Lev re, Lepinee snd Qusrtier, lower than lha above pricea. FkilaJ.lj.hit, Dec. 6, 1846 1 To Tbe I. O. of O. I J. W. & E. D. STOK E S, Manufacturers of Premium Odd Fel lows' Regalia, Ito. 194 Market Strttt, PHILADELPHIA, Firet Clothing Store below 6lh Street. THE subscribers having taken the premium at Franklin Institute, at the last exhibition, for the best Regalia, they invite ihe attention of the order to their eatablishment, where they will find a splendid assortment of P. O. and Encampment Re galia. They also make Ij order for Lodges and Encampments, Regalia. Sashes, Costumes and Robes, snd furnish every thing requisite for the convenience of new Lodges or Em sinpmrnls. J. W. 8TOKE. E D. STOKES. i PhiIsdelphis,DeeLl9!l846. ly j New Firm. rilHE Undcrrgned hereby gives notice, that he jL has associated with hin.self, as a partner in the mercantile business, in hia atore adjoining Weaver's Tavern, in Sunbury, John Haas, arid thst Ihe ssid store will hereafier be conducted un der Ihe firm of Clement & Han. The atore at the South Wcat corner of Market Square will be conducted aa heretofore, by Ihe aubacriln r himself, to which he risjieclfully invites his customers and friends. He slso notifies sll those indebted to him, to csll between this snd the 1st of January next, and set tle their accounts. All kinds of produce will he taken on account, at csah price. Hereafter no longi-r Iban four month credit will be given. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury. Nov. 14. 1B46 tf. "cxTeEITT & HAAS, RESPECTFULLY inform the public, lhat on the 9th inst., they entered into partnership, in the mercantile business, at ihe store recen'ly occupied by Ira T. Clement, adjoining Weaver's Tsvern, in Sunbury. They hsve lately received s new stock of goods, which Ihry will disose of at Ihe lowest pricea. All kind of produce will be taken in eichange for gooda. No longer than four month credit will be given. IRA T. CLEMENT, JOHN HAAS. Sonlmrv. Nov. 14. l4fi. tf. ILcId Gootis, tita Go otis. C'lienper Than Ever I lOMN II. PURDY, hs just receiverl. at his 1 tfj New More, in Msrket Square, a frerh supply ol Seasonable Goods, such aa Clothe. Cisaimers, Hmtinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Cords, Drillinga, Alpsccss. Gingbums, Prints, Muslins, Hosiery. Glovie. Ac. Al-o: tjueenwre snd Groceries, which will le sold very low. Purchsarr are Invi ted to call and eiamine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. The highest price paid for Produce. Sunbury, Oclolier 17rh, 1816. tf. EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY! DZLATXTSSS OAZf SB CTjaXSM COOPER'S ETERIAL Oil A prompt and lading remeily for, also for pain and discharge of matter from the Ears. Hundreds of curea in ca-e deemed ut'erly hope lesahave firmly established its uriority over eve. y former Medical discovery. This valuable Acoustic Medicine is a compound of four different Oils, one of wh'u-h, the active and principal ingiedient, ia ot lined from the bark of a certain species of Wnst'T, new and effectual agenl in the cure of De.fne. Peraon who had been deaf for 10, 15 and even 20 years, have been permanently cured by using this oil. In fjcl, so numerous and an rmphstic have been the testimonials in it favor, the in ventor claims fur il Ihe distortion of an Infallible Remedy, in all cases, when the Ear is perfect in its formali n- For further particular, and evidence of its great value, aee printed shevla, in ihe hands of Agents. For sile in riiiohury, by J. W. FKILI.NG. September 1'Jih, 1840 ly UNRIVALLhl) AND UNEQUALLED In curing Colds Coughs, Asthma, Influent i, Whooping-tyiiugh, and all Disess.a of the and lungs, lesduig lo Consump tion; composed of Ihe concent r .ld vinui a of ihe berl llorehound, Bneactt, lllo.Hlr.Mit, end sevrral other vegeta ble aub-lanca. Warranted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. fPlllS inv.lualde Medicine i. ihe moM s-eedy -I end ceitsin remedy ever discovered f .r ihe a bove rompla nia, as thousands who bate used it will icalify. For a.ile, in Sunburv. by J. W. FRILING. and in Nori' un.brrlsnd. by D. BRAUTIGAM, and at wholesale, in Philsd, Iphia, bv Ft K LETT ft Co, j atK ... nag aro with j Corner of Seeon l and t'allowhill Mreels. Septetnlr 19th. 1846. I y D E N TIS T It Y. JACOB HELLER) rWH ANKPUL for the liberal eiieoursgemenl I which ha haa received, woul I respectfully inform hi friend and Ihe ritisena of Northumber land county in general, lhat he haa prepared bim elf with the beat Incorruptible Teeth. Gold Plate, Gold Foil, fte., lhat can be had in the cilv of Phi ladrlphia ; and that he will endeavor, to ihe utmost ol hia ability, to render full satisfaction to all who may think ptoper to engage hia services. He will he In Sunbury at lha August court, where be will he prepared, et hia residence, to insert Teeth on Gold Plate, or on Pivot, on the latest and moat ap proved plana, and attend In all the branches belong ing to DENTAL SURGERY. Lsdirs will be wailed on at their placea of re&i denca, if deaired. His chsrgea will be reasonable, and bia work warrsnted. Ha will visit different parts of the county, about one in three mon'h. SonburyJuly I8lh. 1846 6m fXGSGJi KSlTJttK. Blue and Black Congiee Ink. of a aoperioi qoslHV. f sale cheap, at the tore of IiCNRY MA96ER. July Ilk, 1641. rVrT.05a3tt CajCwtOES3 E. KIMBEU, JR., .Y. 34 Morlh Fourth Street, unJir the Mer chant' Itotil, Philadelphia, a L MODR Bt rsais KEEPS constantly on hand an extensive aa eortmrnt of all kinds of Silk, Fur and Ilea vi Hats, which ha offer for ssle on ibe most rea sonable term. Hi Hats are made up ot the beat mtieriala, and in the most approved style. Per sons visiting tbe cfy will find it to their interest to Call. July llth, 184G. ly COLTJMBIA SOTJSE. omumm stkebt, PHILADELPHIA. THIS larpe and commodious Hotel ha recently ben fitted up wtih rniire new furniture. The stibscrihera lher'fore solicit the patronage of the public, and Irual that their experience in the business will enable them lo give entire ealiefac tion. Term moderate. BAG LEY, MeKENZIE ft Co. July 4lh, 1 8 Ifi. ly FOUNTAIN HOTEL, IJarht falreet, THE House ha undergone a thorough repair. The proprietors solicit it former patronage. Terms $ 25 per dsy. WM. W. DIX. ARTHUR L. FOGG, Ju'y 4, 1846. ly Proprietor. Keller & ISreciioiisli, PATE1TT ATTOP.1TETS, AND MECHANICAL F.NGIXF.ERS, WASiimGTOir, z. o. D RA WINGS snd Papers for the Ps'ent Of. fice will be pr ens red by them, st their office, opposite Ihe Psient Office. Julv.Jth. I84. ly SILVElt MEDAL, AwaaiiEo by the raaaatia ustitvt, 1845. City Da;ncritolype Establishment. DP. rrrrtV.rp.-sTTsrarcaq. (LtTB tflMONa ft Collir,) Nil. 100 Chesnut it., uhire Third, South side, rmz.ASEX.rHZA. "MMI.MATURES tnkon equally as well in clou- 1 I dv as in cletr weitSer. A dnrk silk dies for a lady, and a black suit for a gentleman, sre i rcfursblc in sitting for a pictuie. No extra charge is msde for coloring, and per led likenesses sre gunrsntied. July 4th, 184fi. ly 1 1 V OlfTO" T TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU may be sure of obtaining, at alt titnea, pure and highly flavored By the single pound or larger quantity, at the Pckln Ten Company's Warehouse. 30 twuth Second street, Lttweti Market and Ches nut streets. rnzz.Azz.rHZA. Heretofore it has been very difficult, indeed, al most impossible, always to obtain good Gre n and Bl.ick Teaa. But now you have only to visit the Pekin Tea Company's Store, to obtain a delicioua and fragrant Tea aa you could wish for. All lastea can here tie suited, with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low price. June 27tn, 184B. C L O" THr iTG WHOLES ALE AM) II ETA 1 1 THE ruhecsihera are constantly manuf icturing from Ihe heat French, English and American manufactured Cloths and Caasimers, CLOTHING in a very tuperinr style, cut and workmanship. Persons buying to sell sgain will find one of the largest and most fashionable stock of goods to select from in the city, and st unprecedented lw prices. J. W. ft E. D. 8TOKKS, 194 Market at. Philsd. N. B. A large a-sortmert of Odd Fellows' Re galia constantly on h.nd, and all orders from lodges or individuate punctual'y attended to, on the moat literal term. J. W. ft E. D. 8. Philadelphia. June 27th. 1846 ly D A N L iT if WOOLEN FACTORY. DANVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Penn) I vanln. FllHE Danville Steam Woolen Factory, foimer- JL ly owned and occupied by Dr. Ptbibi. h .a rcrentlv len purchased by the subscribers, who respectfully announce lo their friends and the pub lic, general y, lhat they are now prepared lo do all kinds of w jrk in their line of business, at the hor leal notice, according U ordei, and in the best com parative manner. Having gone to considerable expense in r pairing theii aachiiiery and aparatus and Ixing very par.irolsi in securing the aerviceof eiperienced mecbamea, the) feel confident that lb y are capable of eveciting all kinds of work in a style superior to aiy other r'abiishment in the country, at the old euatomary p-icea. CLOTHS, SATIN ETTS, FLANNELS an BLANKETS cunstan ly on hand, and for aale at reduced pricea. for Caan or Barter. '4ltll.(; AM) 1TLI.1R will be done in tbe tet manner, at ihe uaual pri ce. All kind of country produce taken in pay mmt for work, at D mville market prices. For the accommodation of ihoce who live at distance, Woot and Cloth will lie taken in at, and, wheu finished, return, d to tbe following pla ces. Plain written direction must accompany each pare, I ; Columlna County. Roup ft Marr'a atore, Wa shtnglonville ; R. Fruit's store, Jrteytown ; Yes gei'a inn. Roaring Creek Sharpie ioie, ("alia wia.a; t. F. Mann's autre, Mitflinville t Miller's store, Berwick t J. Cline'i Mill; Rickel'a store, Oisngeville; Derr'a store. While Hall. Northumberland County Michael Reader's inn, Turbutville ; Ireland ft Hay' store, McEwens ville; E. L. Piper's store, Wtontowii j H. I. tJomly A Co' atore. Milton; Gibaon'a inn, Chil lisquaque ; Forsyth' atore, Northumberland Young's siore. Sunbury. Luzerne County. Reynold's store, Kingston ; Gildersleeve'ealure, Wilkeebarre Gaylord'a atore, Plymouth s Riyer'a store, Nsnilcoks Judge Mack's Mill, Huntington. Lycoming County, D. Clspp'a store, Muuey ; Shoemaker's store, Smith's Mill. GEARHART ft KOWNOVER. Danville. May 9, 1846. "EXTEH'S SPIRITS OF SOAP, for eg- IracUng Grease, Dry Paints, Varnish, Tar, , Ac. from clothing of any description, war ranted a4 lo injure Ihe cloth or ihe moat delicate colore. This liquid baa also been used with great success in eases ol Burns, Scalda, TelW, Pimples on tbe face, Chapped hands, Sore lipe, Rheuma tism, Hard or soft Corns, Ac. Price, S6 eta. per boiile. For sale at lha store of July 18, 1841. H. MAfKR. H.B.lvIASDER, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, ' SUIf BUAT, Pat. Business attended lo in the Counties of Nor thuutbcrland, Union. Lycoming and Coluuibia. Refer to I P. & A. Havoc dt, Lowia ft Banaoir, Soaitaa ft SstMiiH, y-Phihdr RsvaoLDS, McFamawf A Co. Sftaiao.Oooo ft Co PREMIUM SCALES. Dale's Celebrated Rail Road Scales, Co and Hay do Iron ManofscV do Portable Platform do 20 different sixes. Dor mut or Floor do 6 different sixes. Counter do 13 different slzes The above 8cslet ar msde either sifgle or I double beam, an J are decidedly Ihe moat durable, accurste and conveni ent scjlrs ever invented. We also have Platfornt and Count, r Scales, Patent Balances and every kind of Weighing Mschinesin use for sale, whole sale and retail, at low prices. All 8cales sold by oe to go out of the city, are boxed free of chsrge, and warranted to give satisfaction to tbe purchaser in every particular. GRAY ft BROTHER, Manufacturers snd Dealers, No. 34 Walnut street, June 27, 1840. ly Philadelphia. SALT. New York Salt in barrcla and bags, for sale st manufacturer' pricea. by GRAY ft BROTHER. June 27, 1846. ly 34 Walnut st. Philad. OHORSI Horae Shi prices, by HORSE SHOES. Burden's Pstent for ssle at manufacturers' GRAY ft BROTHER, 34 Walnut st. Philad. June 27. 1840. ly PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, r. . is: : BAZrVZZ.l.B VJLm THE itilxiciilier, late of the Union Hotel, Mun cy, Pa , respectfully informs ihe old snd nus merous customers of the l'enrtMy M ania IIounc, snd the public generally, lhat he haa leaaed the Tavern Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, where he is now prepared to entertain traveller, and per sons visiting the (own, in the vi ry best style. The accommodations will he surh as a well conducted public house should afford, and no effort will he spared to render aitUfaftion, in every respect, to all who may call. Tbe citiaens of Lycoming county are invited to put up with the undersigned when they visit Danville. HENRY WEAVER. Dantitle. May 2. 1846. "5E1TT1STE.T. PETKIt . MASSF.R. RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY informs the cirixens of 8unbury and vicinitv, that he haa opened an I'ltice at the residence of Henry Masser. in Market atreet, where be is prepared to execute all kind of Dksjtai. Suhoebt, Dale Work, &c , on the latest and most approved plans. Having had some experience and inatrurtion, under one of the mot eminent snd auccesaful Den tia'a in Philadelphia, he believes that he will l able to give satisfaction to those who msy wsni bis services. Ladies will he waited nn at their places of resi dence. His charges will lie moderate, and his woik warranled, Sunbury, March S8th, 1846. To Piircliaajem or DRY GOODS. .Vo. 131 Pearl st NEW YORK, HAVING establirhed a Branch at No. 144 Ches. nut st, Philadelphia, ia now opening, and will be constantly receiving from the New York Auc tion, an extensive assortment of rAMCT ft STAVZ.B DRY GOODS, which will be sold st the lowest New York pi ices, at wholesale end Retail. Among his stock will be found a good assortment of the following articles; Jacconets, Plaid. Hair Cord, Lace, Stripe, Book, Swisa and Tarlatan Musi ina, Biahop and Linen Lawns, Fancy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Llr esses, Thread Itacea, Application Do., rich Black Silk Trimming Lace, Iri.h Linen. Linen Cambrics, Linen Csrnhric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cashmere d'Ecosse, Mousebne da Laiae. Silk and Cotton Warp Alpacca. Qu.ien'a Cloth, Gala Plaids, French Merinos, Blsck Silka, Gloves, Hi k Hwe, Shswla, Crava's, Ribbons, Embroideries, Ac, Ac. Country Merchants and others visiting Philadel phia or New York to purchase, are reaptctfully in vited lo call and eiamine the stock. Nov. I, 1845. ly nE ; L i Y E V E AND LIVE, THOMSON'S Couipouud Sj rup of Tar It wood Naptlia. THE unprecedented success of this medicine, in Ihe reslorstion nf health, to those who, in des pair, had given up all hopes, hss given it nn rial led reputation above all other remedies, furnishing evidence of ita intrinsic value and power, as the on ly sgent which can be relied upon for the cure of Pulmonary Consumption. Broiirhlttis, Asthma, Pain in ihe side and Breast, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac Attention ia requested to lha following ASTON'. ISIII.NG CURE.hv Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tsr and Wood Naptha ! ! Philadelphia, May 3, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelings I inform you of the astonishing effects of your medicine, which haa literally rais. d me from s de.lh-bed ! My duea-e, Pulmonary Consump tion, bad reduced me so low lhat my physician pro pounced my case hopeless I A I thia junction I be gan 10 ueyour medicine, and miraculous aa it may seem, it has completely restored me to health, after everything else had failed. Respectfully your, WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte atreet, above George atreet. Tbe undersigned, being personally acquainted with Washington Mack and hia sufferings, bear witness to lha astonishing effect of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar, and lha treth of the a. bove statement. J08. WINNER, 318 North Third street, DAVID VICKERS, 43 Almond street, HU0H M'GINLEY, 8. E. corner Temany and Fourth atreets. Prepared only by 8. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of 5th and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. Agents. H. B. Maaaer, Bunbury I D. Gross, and Dr. Macphron, Harrisburg ; Jno. O. Brown, Pett.ville Geo. Earl, Reading Houston ft Ma on, Towsoda, Bradford county, Pe. Price 56 cents par bottle, or f 5 per down. rry Bfu tri f all imitatienj. Pfc.LeV'phia, Jur.a W8J), 1845.-1 do da do do da da do do do do