Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 10, 1847, Image 3

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    ever, old Bough and Rady gave the very pert!
tient reply, that "he wis waiting for General
Santa Anna to surrender." The Mexican return
ed hastily to bis lines. This message proved to
be a rureto ascertain where Gen. Taylor's posi
tion was, for after the return of the Mexican of
ficer to his own ranks the whole Mexican battery
seemed to open upon Gin. Taylor's position, and
the balls flew over and about him like hail. Ut
terly indifferent to the perils of his situation,
there sat the old rhief, on his conspicuous white
horse, peering through his spy glass at the long
lines of Mexican troops that he seen at a great
distance on the march. The persuasion of his
aids could not induce him to abandon his favora
ble point for observation, nor give up his old
white hors. To the suggestion of his staff that
old wbitey was rather too conspicuous a char
ger for the commander, he replied "that the old
fellow had missed the tun at Monterey, on ac
count of a sore foot, and he was determined he
should have his share this time."
Brilliant Victory Orcr Ihe Insurrectionists.
Another Buttle in AVio Mexico Drtat of
two thousand Mexican!.
Pittsburg, April 0, 1817
BV private letters from Crr & Pondate, Cin
cinnati arrived by picket, we have the accounts
of another Built! i:i New Mexco. Two thou
sand iitrtiirectionii-lR were routed by Captain
M or rib' command, with a heavy loss in killed
and wounded- the accounts are from St. Louie
of the 29th ult.
Litest news had just resetted by express
from Santa Ft. The date nf the battle i not
given, hut it occurred, it would seem, ou the
heel of the laet dates from Santa Fe.
A note to the Liuixville Courier fives the
following; Ano'hcr groat battle in New Mex
ico ; brilliant victory ; overwhelming defeat of
twothnusard Mexicans.
St. Louis, Monday evening, Mnrch 29, 1947.
Air. W. N. Haldentan- Dear Sir : We have
this day received an express from Santa Fe.
The Mexican insurrectionists, numbering two
thousand m"n, marched down on Santa Fe, as
was intimated by our last advices.
They were met by Capt. Morris' command
in the valley fifth Morn, sn! totally defeated
A pTeat nuihVr of the enemy were killed and
wounded, and Ihe rest flee! precipitately to the
mountains. The action was a most brilliant
one on the part of our men, and reflects great
credit on their coo In erg and courapo.
The news of the assassination of Gov. Bent is
fully confirmed ; twenty-five other Americans
fell at the same time. I Imvo no time for fur
ther particulars, as the steamboat Colorado, by
which I send this, is preparing to shove out
ntLTinuaE maiikkt.
Office of the Bai-timors Amiricas, April 3.
GRAIN. There is a good demand for Wheat
both for shipping and grinding, and prices have
improved a little. Sales to-day of Md. reds at
133al37 cts. and of Virginia white at 145 cts.
Sales also, on Sa'.uiday and to day, of Tenia, reds
at 138 cts.
Corn has also advanced. Sales of Md. yellow
to day st 88 cts and of white at 8082 cents re
ceipts light. Sales of Penna yellow at 69 cts.
for flat, and 00 cents for round.
We quote Md Rye at "Sa80 cts. A sale of
renna at 6 cents.
Oat! have declined. A sale was made this
morning at 43 cts. and others later in the day at
40 rts.
WHISKEY Is in good desruuid t 20 cts for
hhc!. and 27 cts. for bbls.
To as Frit, or Lira one moot be full of hearth,
nd t he full of bea th he must bava fee, unob
structed rireelatiein of the Mood A disordered li
ver will Muni the aiental erceptione, and a disw
rlered stomach wiH sour the sweetest tewier. To
be gloriously Wcse and lo he suffering from a tie
ynitemcnt of Ihe digestive fur etions re ibe same
Thing. PTonal -Cjtiarrehi and eoria! enbappince-',
wigmale m thre cause to a grea'er client than pc
have any idea of. Reform rhe stomach a"d vou
refoua lbs world, fin this ia ihe f aui!elinn of all
Tef .rms. Tsthis end take a dose or two of Wright's
Indian Vegetans Pi Is At this season they would
Jo much good, and will ho the means, if thacreelly
Uet, of keeping the ytmi in or.lei during the
year- And white ihey dime pain of all kinils away,
thry will remove deireeion if spirit', aooruesa of
temper, undue eieitab lily, and ihe whole I. gion ef
VieiJe bko' and substitute tairofjr comfort, cheer
fulness, happin'.
fiewr.rt if CrmiferVia. The public are cau
tioned against the many scurinus medicines which,
in order to deceive, are railed by name similar to
Wright's Vegetable Pills,
Tat asic oriimal abi ciarisi Isntax Vi
eiTisLt Puis have l ha aigtiaiure of Wat. Wright
whittbs with a fs on the top label of each
box. None oiher is genuine, and lo couo rtfcii
this is rousKRr,
Offices devoted eicta-ivety to the rale of
WaiBBv's lanttx Viftrim Pills, wholesale
nd retail. 169 Race street, Philadelphia ; 288
Greenwich aneet, New Yoik; and 198 Trcov.nt
street, lkwion.
(r3Agnt foi ihe ears of Wright's Indian Vegi la
ble Pills ir Hunhuiy, Hcaat Mtsasa. For other
geicie see dvrriiemut in anolhct columa.
Thvtr arir to NiTi-SB. Haeynu pain!
Be thankful. Il ia a vigorous rfTorl of Nature to
throw off morbific mailer. From what my tha
inorliific matter arise t From a biuise.or unwhole.
some air which has become mired with the blood,
or inco'poiated in it, but which is liable to tsint
Ihe whole mm if not speedily lemovrd. Or tha
pain may aris fiom bit which has Imcoms bad,
rancid, putrid, io conaequenca if the want of pow
er in lbs proper organs to disrharg iu This pain
which so fmighiens people is only tha symptoms
of the efforts of Nature, (for Ihe vital principle of
tha blood,) to expel tha pecaot or Impure matter,
which would otherwise destroy tha human fabric.
In order to descriminai between Truth and con
jectui. we must bs guided by lb light ot El peri
rnrs. To what does experience direct! To the
free use of Dr. Braudrath's Pills in all eases of bo
dily suffsriog. In all acute diseases, let Bran
dreih'a Pills and mild diet be used, and the patient
will soon be restored to good health.
On the 30th ult , by the Rev. Mr. Waller, Mr.
f-AMt'SL B Piixis, formerly ef this plsrc, to
Mm Many Jam Htcsuncs, all of Celuibia ro
Corrtcttd weekly by Henry Matter.
WrjtaT, .100
Rvt, 70
Cor, 4 . 6ft
Oats. . . . 37
Btttir, IB
Eons, 8
FIFTY PILLS IN A HOXthe Chtnpnt and
brat Mriiclnt in t.t'tlence. t
removing bile,
eorrectin disorders
Of ihe stoinnch and bowels,
roliveness, ily4tpsi.i, swimininB
in the head. Ace. Permns nf s full huhit,
who si sui'jrct to Headache. Giddinett. Drnw
lnrt$,axri tinging in the Earn, sii-imi from too
great a flow of blood to I lie head, should never
be witSnut them, a m nv danteroua
symp'nms will be entirely carried
elf h their immediaie use.
This is to certify ibal my wife was afflicted with
ihe Dyspasia for twelve year', si.d tried bnih ad-
I ver lined midirinea and Thom-onian, hut without
iflVct; and myself attarknl with blindn-e, and mv
head otherwive effected from drinking, rotbat
I was apprehensive nf fits; and teeing
adveitired, I went and at a tx f ihem, whieh,
to my ss'onihhnient t iTi rled a cure of me ami mv
wife both a yt, and I do think them without a
rival befure the puhl.r. S. II. Mit t.
Alheintrle vtreet. mar Wilk.
For sale by SETH 8. H ANCE. 108 Bnliimore
al und corner ("harles and Pisli streets, Baltimore,
and by GEORGE niJIGII l',8unl urv.
D. BRAUI1G VM, Nonhuml.erl md.
April 10. 1847.
ting of Blind Pam and Oppretninn nf the Rrtn1,
there it nothing tqnnl In NANCE'S COM
Thi- meilirine has now teen in uae forsii years,
during which time there has been a ronslsnt de
mand for il. and its pnpulariiy instead of declining,
has been always on I ho increase.
During th's lime many ne-.v medirin s hate
sprupg up for the cure of ihe above complaints,
some nf which lasted onlv a few months, ami oihers
not as lng; but IIANCE'S SYRUP his readily
gone on g iuina favor ni h all rlasof society,
until it bss now become identified by imny fami
lies a a
To those who hive never used ihe t'nmp 'Und
Syrup ot Hoiehound, ibis no'ire is particularly di
reeled to, a to those who have onea exueriencrd
its peculiarly happy eff cts, any praise of iia merila
would be superfluous.
PRICE 50 Cen's per tattle, or t hottVs for f 250.
For salo by SETH S. HANCE, 108 B Itimore
st , and corner of t'har'e cV Pratt rts.. Bait more,
i.d by GEORGE BRIGHT. Sui bury,
D. BRAUTIGAM, Noitl.umberUnd.
Adrl 10 1847.
riTHE following letters are presented with a view
L of more fully showing the opinions of pi vsi
eisns in relation to the medical value of Dm.
Swatsk's CiiMrorvn Starr or Wits ("merry.
Dr. Svihi-Dear Sir: Havini ued your
Compound Strup of Wild Cherry, exenivclv in
my practice, I was requested by your agent. Dr.
Ciu rher, to expresa my opinion in writing, of its
pn pi rtiea as a rrmedi ! acent. 1 most cheerfully
romp'y. as I feel by so doing, 1 will discharge a
debt I owe the community at la-ce. and physici
in par icular. As niueh aa I detest qur k r me
dies and patent nostrums, I was induced ft mi a
failure of the most patent rxpectorsn a. recommen
ded in our materia medieas in some ra-es rf Dis
eased lungs, to try your preparation of Piunua
Virginia or Wild Cherry. Il is sufficient to any
that I wa ao mueh pleased with the revolt of
lhal and subsequent Iri tis thai I now pre-rr be it in
preference to nil o her len eJies where an eipecio
rant is imlifswd. In the much dre.nted I'neomo
n a er Disease of ihe Lungs in the alarming form
in which il ippens in Ki luekv, I retard it as nn
inv.du .ble remedy in 'he treatment of that dises.
To all who know me I bnve r-aul enough, but a
lhl m y be seen by rwms out of lbs virini y of
Frai.kfort,! will briiflv add, that 1 have m in
gaged in an active practice ot niy piofessiio fir i
years, and am a regular graduate of Tiansylv.ini ,
and thia ia ps fir-t pa'ent nnl rine I ever thought
enough of luipiea an np nin in writing.
Jan 7, 1647. Frsnklin eo . Ky.
FaARsroRT. Kt.. Jan 7. 1847.
The above ter'ificte is frm one of our phvai
eisns living a fc w miles from here, he ia doing a
very good pmciire, am! is considered s good physi
cian, and stands fair; he is a he siys, a regular
graduate. Dm W. L. Car-res t,
Diujgi-t and Apothecary.
(j Since the intreduetion of my srihle u the
public, there have a numlxr of unprincipled ii di
vklusls got up m struma, which they assert ronl iin
Wild Chtrry, nms are railed Balsams,' Hitters,'
and even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mine ia the
or i g trial and lily genuine prepratim evir intro
duced io the public, which can le proved by the
public Reeorde of the Commonwealth rl Pennsyl-
vanli. I he only aatecuaril against imiioaiiion ia
to ree that my signature is on each bottle.
C-rner nf Eighth and Race sis., Philadelphia.
On'y Agent in Sunbury. is
Dr. J. A. Moore, Danville s T. 8. Maek y cV
Son, Mdton; M. D. & J. Wel'a, Muncv; (J. A.
Wystl, Iewtsl'W:; Dais iV Pchniire, Selinssrove:
John C. Renn, Line Mountain P. O.
1'bilsd. Ipliia, Aid c'im.fG ly
CO up ZIP 22 5Xi
AN E'ertion for officers f ihe NorlbambeiUnd
Bridge Companv, will be held at Ihe Hou-e
ol James Lee, in the borough of NonhumlierUrid,
on Monday the 3d day ef May neiU The elec
tion will open at I o clock, r M. I he to. ks and
accounts of ihe company will be rihiUited lo the
atockboldeia at the liino and plsre above mention
North'd. April 10, 1847. 4t Pres't.
Address f o the Public.
THE unprecedented aucceas atUnding lbs use
of Dr. U. Benj'n 8 raith's ( Su g ar Coaled ) I n
proveJ Vegetable PitU," and the stknowledged su
pcrioiily which they possess over the common An-li-Blious,
Cathartic, and various other Pills in ge
neral use, bave given Ihem decided preference
with all who have used them; and they are uni
versally esteemed the moat safe and pleasant pur
gatives sver offered to the public.
(XT' CAUTION. As miserable imitation has
been made, by the name of --Sugar Coaled Pills,"
it is neeesstry to be sure lhal Da. (J. Bss j. Smith 'a
aignatuie ia on every box. Price 83 cents.
Principal Office. 179 Greenwich st New York.
tMbv JOHN W, FKILINO, Sunbury.
W M. rOR&YTHE, NorfWtr'.
Thonia Hiillliien'a Catate.
NOTICE is hsreby given, Ihit tellers nf ad-mini-tration
have been grant d lo the sub
serihef nn the estate f Thomaa Hullihon, lite of
Point townahip, Norlhumberlmd county, dee'd.
All persona Indebted to ssid estate, or having
claims against the si me, are requcsl'd to call and
settle. HENRY 8. THOMAS,
Northumberland. April 10. 1847 fit Adm,
Supervisor' Account.
Jons Laodao and Wimtah 8iats, late Su
pcrv'tort nfthe Bornufrh nf Sunbury, in aeeimnt
vith taid bnroush for Ihe year enmmtneing in
Nay, 1843, und tndint in May, 1818.
To whole emnnnt of Duplicate, f.108 70j
To this amount paid VVm Senrlea, in
sundry borough orders, drawn in his
favor by the Chief tin i era, 2- M
To this amount paid J Lamlau, do. do., 3fi 48
$370 nr.j
By this amoont paid, consisting of sun
dry botouuh orders, amoun ing in ihe
Bttgregste to f 308 70
By this arnoiint pa:d Ehen-s-r Green-
ough nn arcount of hie demand vs.
said horouih,
By do. paid l.cwis D. wart en arc.'t of do.
By exooera ions of uncollectible lax,
Bv percentage on dnpl-ea'e.
By this sum paid to Wm. Hearlrs for per
sonal services rendered aa supervisor,
as per loll,
Py do. to John Landau for do. a- p t bill.
17 05
30 8.1
II 72
13 43
S3 50
S3 23
fSf.O I."1
Due from John Landau to sai J borough, I 1 1
f 370 Bfij
The o-id- rsigne l, appointed to audit, peille and
adjust the ore Hints of the supeivisora of ihe t o
rough of Sunbuiy, hn ing examined the receipts
and expenditures of lohn Lniiiltu and William
Searlea. a sot for'h in the preceed n statement, iln
find a hnlinie due from John Landau (one of ss d
sup rvisors) in said borough, of One dollar and
twenty o-ie renft.
In t, slim nv nf which, we have hereunto ret our
hands, ibis 13th March. A. D. one thousand
eight hundred and f "tv seven.
April 3d, 1817. MARTIN IRVIN.
SCa3 CO '.Zl.
PERSONS afllirted with Cancer. Scorfnla,
King's Evil, Tefer, Salt Rhiurn. En nip. las,
I ll.l Sores, Mercurial Di'eises. and all complaint
arising from impurities nf the Blood, are r-quesled
to Read the Following!!!
Row ir 6l W altos. Gentt. Feeling grate
ful for the extraordinary cure performed up .n me
BLE PAN ACS I feel it my duty to furnish you
wi'h a abort history of my case.
Wh n about 12 yrars of age I wa attarknl with
King's Evil. I was under the care of an eminent
physician, and after a long course of medical treat
ment, waa pronounced cured. Al 14 years of eg
a di-ease, pronounced by some of the medical f.icot
ly as Scorfula.' and by ethers 'Cancerous,' mani
fested ilsilf This d'sea-e inneased in its tavaee.
till my throat was filled with u'rera, and my fare
was covered with tbem ; my nose wa ulrer.ite.l
and swollen to apparentlv four limea ita natural
size. I al-o had tumours iu my breaat, and ulcers
on d flerrnt paitaof my peison. I was placed un
der Ihe care at various times of the moot cnineni
phyiriana of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore
and Cincinn ill. who after having u-d their u'moal
endeavors to etf et a rure, my ease by them wte
pronounced incurable. I have travelled over 21
at oes of the Union sciking retief; noexpema was
rpared, and a large amount nf money wa expend
eil, but all in vain. I then used large quantities of
Vwaim'e Panares. Hnve al-o taken Carpenter'
Ssrsspari'la, Scbenrk'a P'jlmnnir Sxrup, Town
semi's fa sparill i, and numerous other prepara
ions without effort ; mv throat, nose aed face were
Hill nlci ra'cd, ai:d al lencth I bvt entire y the sense
of ruelling. I continued in this d ploraMe r -ndi
lion fir about two years having cien up all hopes
f ncove y, I reiuned mystf to the wi'l of Provi
denee, supp"sinc thai every means of re irf had
f.ilej. On the 3 h 'ay if Auaust list I coniineu
red taking your D CrtlRas's Idiai V.aaTASLS
PAsarst. havina tut little h'pesofits hem Kiting
me. Af er having u-ed one boitle. I discovered lo
my ulter a.toi i-hment n.l cr-tlifn alion, that mv
ense of rme'ling waa entirely ristored, anj that the
ulrers were tapi.lly dimini -hing in s re. have
now t ken three l-o lea of ihe pana.Ta; my free,
mouth, I iroat and nose are entirely d I sin
now 40 years of age, and after 29 yeara of indeecii
hable suft ring, niy genital hea th i brtter, and in
f .el, at no period of my life ha-e I fit wall aa I
have since using your invaluable Pantrea.
N. Y., Sept. 30, 1846. No. Ill Ctiffal.
We, Ihe undersign d, hcioff personillv rqiisin
ti d with Mrs. Julia Brunch, of No. 1 1 1 CI 11 sir. ei,
mid having a know 'edge of her H'ua'ion f -r sever
al ye ra past, do hereby certify . 'hat Ihe above ia a
true statement of her rae, so far a-i our personal
knowledge goes; and from her thuAfter and
ding, we have full confidence in her tenement,
and in the efficacy of Dr. Cull.n's Indian Vrgeta
ble Panacea.
Edwin A. Ware, 113 Cliff .tre.t,
Maria Ware, di.
Samuel Baiter, fit Mulberry street,
8. (iUsn.n, 2.1 Roaevclt ,tre. t,
C. O'Neal, III Cliff street,
Emily Earle, Hu.hon stut-t.
Ye learned onea of tie He.liog All,' if ye can
sr. far ove'C .me piofesionat p'ide, as lo ue m. d
cine wh'ch je know n t bow to rompound. ye may
prrsette many vaiuatla I v.s whuh wi I ollierun e
b a. rifi . e.l. W ill ye not prescribe it ! If it ahall
not arc unpli-h alt we claim fr it, sf er a fiir a t I
a. cording to directions, we .hall pu'.li-h an erenm
of its failuie in any llnepgprs in the I'
Slates al our own eipenae.
Dr. Culleu's Iinli.n Vi gelaldii Panicea ; do d .
p!)ecific; do. d . Pie Remedy; Dr. Applrlou'a
Rroiedy for Deifnesa; Kowand'a Magic Lotion.
Warranted to cute.
Certificates .f cures, in pamphlet form, may le
had Gratia, al ihe ollire of the agents.
These meilieiuea tie prepared and sold by the
proprietors, liowaud A. V altou, No. 370 Maikel
slieel, Phil .delp' ia.
i, rmiiiitfip
fW W D
J J W Dai
ll!T Jenl
Ln n Koi
W W Uanennower. Xa 1 Murray at, N Y.
anenbower. lo I (If Hall, Cin.O.
Jenkins, No 38 Canal al, N Orleans.
t5 Gay 4 Saratoga sta. Ball,
Agenlsl H. MASSE R, Sunbury.
lin :
II. K.aer, Milton t J. HeeboU, New Ber.
Mr. Muaaer, Millbeim; Sharpe D. Lewis,
Hold alao by Druggists throughout the United
States. April 3d. 1847. 8m 16 v
1TARK. Tbs high'at market price paid fur
Um Bark, at the store of
TTaicht7, l47. JOHN DOGAR.
tFVdoAan Corn Erooma for aali, by the do
fj)"f sen or single, at f I -A i doien, bv
Volunteers Wanted.
The Latest Item from the South
ts trat
"W. S. TH0MF301T
WILL open, on the first of April, a new and
handsome assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardwaie, Queeneware,
Stationary, Palm Leaf and Leghorn Hals,
Psints, Oil, Window Glsss, Nails,
Fish, Salt, &c Ac, Vc ,
ell of which hs will sell on iho Pottaville plan, vii
cheap, f T ready pay only.
(IT? Tha u.tal k.nJa of produce taken, at mar
ket price.
Sunbury. March 27th, 1847. :it
JOHN stom: & SON'S,
Importers and Dealers in Silks, Ribbons,
and Millinery Goods,
No. 43 South Skco.nd SrntiT,
RESPECTFULLY invite ti e l emion of
Merchants and Milliners veiling the r ly
their ii pur and lich a-ivoit inetii of Mpring Millinery
Goods, to which they are d.ily making adJiti iiii
among which w-itl be found
Glace Silks for einiiig h mnet--, at a variety of
prices; a large as, rtnient of new s'ylo Uonnel
Rit.hon-: plain Vanlua nnd Satin Ribbons, of all
widths Chip II its, Cr ipe. Crape Li-ses; French
slid Am. ricnn Art firial Flowers, in great viiiery;
Fancy Tiinoniiig Laces, Cap Stuffi. Burkrama.
Wi lows, Cinwn-, Tips. Face Trimmings cVc. cVc
As a large p .riion of ihe nbove Imvc hern im
porhd by our elves direct from Prance, wears en
abl.'d in offer them at the lowrft market priiea.
Mnrch 13ih. 1817. Im.
Valuable Property
OPQDSXi 23 w. 53a LSJ,
FIHE Kul'ferilier rflers f.r sale, on nimlentle
X te'm, a piece of I nd, silua'rd in
Augua'a lowrsh p, rthnmbeiland roun'y, rImhii
6 mtlea from Sunbury, on Ihe TiiIh ho ken rnd,
comaiiiing seveti acres more or less, in an excellent
I'a'e of cultivation, wheieoti an- enciod a l.ii'je
frame ilne l ua h use 32 by 41, and a tore
hon-e IH b? 22, woh eircll, ill wat. r at ihe doors.
a bunk Iami 2M by :)4. and an ice house under
ground. It ia one of l lie be-t hnsincs locations in
Ihe c unity. For fu tin r information in.puireof the
sobsriibi r, on die prrmia. a.
Aobi sts, Ma cli 6 1847 Vl
. Venetian Blind Manufacturer,
No 12 Nonh 6ih hi., (a few door aove Ma'kt I st.)
nA8 now on baud Ihe large! ami irimt fashion
able aas r'm.-nt of Narrow Slat and oih'-r Vi-.
netian Illio.U of any etablishiiieiu in '- United
Hi-iies, which I e will eell. Wholesale an I Retail,
at ihe lowe.-l p ices.
The c.tiae.'B of Sunbury and vicinity are reecl.
fully slicoed to call nn him b.-f purchasing elw.
whi M, as he ia confi lent ..f giving i nure atifir to t-ll who may thua f vor h ni with a rail
OLD 11 I.I NltS Repainted and Tiiminrd, ao as
to lo. k equal to in w.
Ouleis punctually attended I ', and lbs Hlinds
forwaidoj with drpaich.
March 6. 1847. flm.
THE ISubscrihers have the ese'u-ive light of
vending J. M. THATCHER'S
Hut Illnst Hut Air Cookln;
in the c unties nf Nnhum!erlsn I, Cdumlni and
Schuylkill; and from the encouragement mei wuh
already, they eipect to do a largw liuines. This
tove is coiD-lructed on an entucty new priietple,
and nn the onlv principle thai C n make l'h a
givnl wood and coal stove. The inventor haa over,
come alt the dilttcttlt'es that so frequently belong Li
other stovei. He has by his arrangement, eon.
sltucte.l a broil ng QOTCII III frttllt, where
in broiling, roasting, trying or baking may be done,
and all the smell that artaea thaiefioin must pass
into the combustible chsmber, euj ia nut at all
thrown out into the room J Hes ib-s this, there
Han oven only two inches less than lite whole sicj
of the rtove, w herein biking or roasting maybe
done aa ve',1 aa il can le in the c.rtnmou brick oven.
This , ven is alwaya fit for u-e when the s'ovm is
healeil, aa the whole drau-ht of hot air pastes a
rouml it roostaiiily,
Publ atiention ia particularly called lo ihis
stove. It csn I s en at our Siore and Tin E-tab-ishmeol
io North Danville, al ihe igo of fhe Co
'umlia Tin shop, and al I be I onoilv of Rohrbsch
V Clement in Sunbury, where iu particular qtia'U
tit a will he fully shown an J rip amed lo any person
wishing to examine it.
The su'ofcriliers continue lo have on h in J a I
kiliJs of parl.u slnvi s, such as radiators, rylernlers,
fancy and plain, tor all who may favor us
w-jih a call; also common sheet and Russii Iron,
which can be mule in any d. s'rahlu shape ; ,,g .
ihei w iih a grncril asajrlrnenl ol tin an I j ipinued
wiir, whoti'sate and retail. Cuintry mer. hints
bie invbed lo call and etamine our stork, as our
work rannot be surpassed, a. d p.ira-a inn.lo. raie.
N . II. We can a:it. ly r. commend ihr ahovr nvn
tionetl Move lo ( er.ons who wiali lo rtnh .tk in a
good linsinet-s T' s patentee will srl. rbl er coun
ty or atste rights, t soil pure ins.-rs, and on rea
soluble lonr.a. He or his ag-ns inav Im iouml in
Danville, Pa. J.&J. AKI EK.
The un-'ersigred, seen io ep ration ihe
hot b a-t boi air rooking stove, inventnl ami pa
tented l y J. M. Tbairher, certify lhal we bell, ve,
from the in .one' of its rouMruc i n and -a ion,
thai il i-i ihe let one ever nlli re.l lo the pi.b ic. 1 he
atra.'g'ment is so r mplete and the construction so
jud.eious, that there ia a wg ol one half I he fuel
aiid time, iu d ong any giv.n aiuouul of ivici',
oer other celebrated stoves. 1 is thort we r.C 'Ol
merit it in pteference to all other-., for the aimple
reason that il embraces ev.-ry branch of economy.
Samuel Garrett, John W Gurrrtt. D.tid Cliat
fie'd, W F Ki cU.n. John M Giav, E Thompson,
Sinitli Thompson, J D Hshn. J.'hn I takes, II Wi
sh Hear, ttia F CiMiiwr, Geo M Kichit, Daniel
Hoffman, Henry II Riaael, F 11 Caiver, Daniel
Drriabach, Jo-ph Vankuk, ltrooks Epley.
Danville. March 6, 1847. ly
THE subscriber oilers for sale a cheap Farm,
situals in Shamokin township, Northumber
land county, about eight mi lea from Sunbury, ly
ing lt ween the Centre turnpike and Iri.h Valley,
containing 162 aerea anj allowances. Said farm
is in r good stats of cultivation, with reaaonablv
good buildingi and excellent water near the door ;
and all kinds vl fruit. Ace.
e' Jill erf, Feb. 20, U47,
OF Northumberland County, for April Term,
A. D. 1847. ,
Grand Jurors.
LeiiY t.aac Turner.
flrfaware John Dernier.
Mirton John Robins, Stephen WiW Thos.
Sunhw -1 Abraham Erwin, Pclor Hllemnn,
Ilenry C. Mirtln.
W-er Augutta Eli PrlffeT. Joel Wolf.
Shamokin. Site. Marts Jaenh E. Muench.
Ruth Joseph Reader, Wm. Depui, John Hoff
man, Abriham Moore.
Cnnl J.imes fJilger, tlenjimin Kalherman.
I e Mahnnntf. Peter Mnnlilioa, John Deis
si I. lie. rue fnvder.
, Mnh'itmy John Wrrti.
Jurttitm. (t.-oige Krebs.
Traverse Jurors.
Titrhttl. John Haag. sr.
ifiu-.t --John Wallis, Amos Gist.
Dr!tmwrr.3teh Sii, Wm. McWilliama,
Thorn is McKee Peter Kelehner, Jamea Kirk, Jo
seph Durham, Jumea Lowry, Jamea Carr, Abra
ham Strrrer.
,WA..u.-IVnniaC. Col. '
Ch'llinqiinHe.Tw is Fi-her. John Fiederlrk
Point A In Gibbons, Henry Watts, John
Ni'itliumhrrtati.l Daniel Haas, George Eckert,
Jacob I'elic'l.
Stinbnrtj Ka-nual f5uslrr, John Schmick.
t'pprr Augusta. John Ha gbawout, Mordecai
Lswr. nee,
f.ri'ier .4trr Henry H. Milieh, Reulien
Ga ii.g r Dani'l Kiuffinm.
Sltitnwkin. Con-ad Yg r, Allen Anrhmntv,
David Chirhester, Samuel Hoover, George Millet,
Jce Campbi II. Wm II. Miter.rh.
Ruth. Win, D (tei'hart, Wm. Mcttler, ar.
CimiI. A 1. 1 and ji t -aid a ell.
Upper Mnhnnny. George Paul.
Louve Muhonoy, Elia lloyer, Abraham Bin
ganii.n Philip B ibb, Itenjimtii Trego, Jacob Spatz.
Little Mnhnnny Jacob D. Hoffman.
J tch-Min. Win. Deppeti, John S. Haas, Jacob
l'ctif Jurors.
Turtiut David L. Llaml, George Good.
Lrtrh J-hn M Ilrv-on, Adam S. huler.
Ihlntrnre LaacM. I.ilby, Henry Reader. Phi
lip Mr., John Watson, Reuben E. Hiney-
M'lton. Bertram Gtlbreath, Jacob Whecland,
Amw W iter. HiibIi M. Div.ori, C. B irthulemcw,
f'hillirqitnrjur. Jacob RhoVe.
A '. irt A ti i it V rln n d. i ob n C u k e.
Sunbtirt John ft. Fry.
Ipp'r Augusta, Samuel OIrd..rf.
hnrer Augulu. John Foy, John Malich.
Shiiiiwkin. Samu. I Epler, Isaac Soter, Felix
H,h f!ilbert Deeta, Wm. Fihce.
Cnnl. Keul'eu Eiseuhati, Jeremiah Bacon, Pe
er W e.kel.
Vpprr Mihonny Aaion I fort a, John Schmick,
Pet. r Tre n
yidrr Mahuntiy. Dcpjien, Joseph
Frn-t.-iin icher,
Jmlisnn. Daniel 'vliwaili, Joseph Trego, Mar
till II uinlo Iter.
roiiinttioii .TlrrcliantM,
For the s.. of Flour, firain. and all kinds of Coun
try Produce,
No. 48 Commerce flreet Wharf,
(X Caih adv incea on Conaigntnenta.
Feb 1.1th, I H 17 3m.
OPER ATIONS in CLni itae seem to be Ihe
order nf tha dnv. at the Philadelphia Ward
llotv, W!t ClnsriHt street, where every Ailicle in
the Hue in kept, and uld al eatoni king low prices,
embr icing
t b.-k", H,inT"ps. Over Sack ('oats, 8bort Sack
Co-ita. Soiwr Freirh Cloth Dress Frock
C-ls, Panlaloona nf every grade and
M) le, any of w bit b will be sold either
by lite garment or d. sen,at pri
ce that will jj-tify the
most ee.inomical in
We rdvie nil who want good and ehssp Clo
thing, toe. II at No. lo5 Chesnul alt eel,
I'h.l olelphia. Feb fith, 1817. 6in
Drugs! Drugs!! Drugs!!!
Wholesale lriisg;ists
No. 10 Market Strtct, (Scuih side, be
lt tvv Sect uid,)
I h 1 1 a d I p b 1 a ,
Off r for sule ls'ge stock of Frci-h
I) un, M.dciot s sud Dye S affs, to
wt'irh they ell the attention of Coun
try .Me'chmt and Dealer visiting the
Coach. Catmiel, Japm, Black, and other Var
nishi s .f s superior quality. Also, While and Red
Lead, Wi.dovv Glass, Paints and Oil cheaper
than eve.
IXj" T. At C. ars alsi propiirtora of ihe Indian
Veuetat'lo U ds no. rrU-hr iird ihmughout their own
and neihbori'ig Slj'e-i, aa the best preparation for
the cure . f Coughs, Colds, Asthma, dec. Money
ii ftimlid iu evcty itisuiice where no benefit U ie
Philad Ipl.i i. J..n. 30, 1817. 3m
vty y til nr),
JFC rss t i)vrmfttm KuH.
No. K7 Nnrtli Third Street,
PltilF. celebrity of the Inks minutactured by Ihe
JL subxiibrr, and the ei tensive sale consequent
upon t! e hig'i reputation w hich they have attain-
d, n t ot'ly tl toughout 'lie I'ni ed Statea, hut in
the We t Iinli-s and in China, haa induced bitnto
in .ke 1 very neieaaaiy strai gemrnl to supply toe
vat demand upon bia et jbli-hmeul. He ia now
piepared with rvery vari. ly of Black, Blue and ReJ
Inks, Copying Ink, Indelible Ink, and Ink Powder,
all prepared under his own personal superintend
ence, so lhal purchasers may depend upon Its su
perior nnalov.
perior article for Mending Glass. China, Cabins!
Wars, &c . Oaeful to every Housekeeper, being a
wbiie liquid, easily appbsd, and uol affected by or.
dinarv heatwarranted.
Q- Pamphleta, containing ihe numeroos teati
tnonials of men of science, and Otbsis, will be fui
oished to purchasers.
For sate st lbs Manufactory, Wholesale snd Re
fill, No. 87 Nubtr Titi aa Stbsst, cppusits
Cheuy atrert, Philadelphia, by
JaD Tilth, 1847 ly VRufteturet.
COXtMON,SENSE, that Ihe natural vegeta
ble productions of every country ere, if properly
applied, amply sufficient for the rurs of every ma
lady incident to each peculiar climate.
Worth American College orilentUi,
Rre composed of all plants which grow spontane
ously on our own soil, and sre therefore better a
dapied to our constitutions than Medicines eonooc
ted from foreign drugs, however well they may l-n
compounded ( and ss they ars founded upon tha
principle th-at 'bs human body ia in truth
namely, corrupt humors, and that said Medicine
cures this diesse on NsTrRAt Pat, bif
eltanting and purifying the btxly, il will be man-,
ifest that, if the constitution be not entirely n
hsuated, a perseverance in their us, according In,
diiections, is sbaolutcly certain to drive disease of
everv name from the body.
When we wish lo retote a swamp or moraaa to
fertility, we drain it of the supeiabundant water. In
like mannsr, if ws wiah to restore the body to
health, we must cleanse il of impurity.
will be found one of the best, if not the verv best
medicine in the world for ear r ing out this Gsasn
PvRiftiss Prmciplb, because they eipel from
ihe body all morbid and corrupt hum ir, I lie causa
of the disease, in an ensy and Natural Manner j
nnd while they every day oivx tass asd SLSAseai,
tlt-eise ef every nurae la rupiJ'y driven from tha
I odv.
The foil wing hiifbly respectable elorekeepera
have f,n duly apooinied ag.nta for Ihe sale of
Wrishfi Indian Vegetable Pilli, iu Nortbumbei
l .n.l county :
Henry Masser, Sunbury,
E. Sl J. Knuffman, Augusta township.
Ssrnuel Herb, Liltle Mahonoy.
William Deppen, Jackson.
Beneville Holshue, Upper Mahonoy.
John G. Renn, Upper Mahonoy,
Samuel John, Shsmokintown.
For.xythe, Wilson & Co., Northumberland.
E. L. Piper, Watsonburg.
Irland cV Hays. MrEwensvillo.
Jamea Peed, Pottsgrove.
Wm. G Scott, Rushville.
Ifarlman Knreble, Elysburg P. O.
Am. is T. Beiasel, Turbuisville.
Gideon Shadel, Upper Mahonoy.
Rhodes ft Farrow, Snydatstowci.
John King, Farmcrsville.
Silaa C. Cook. Mailin'a Ciet k.
J. De Young, Hirksviile.
Abraham Sherrr, Richmond.
Samuel Taylor, SUeford.
John H. Vincent, Chilisquaque.
Wm. Heinen &. Diolher, Milton.
IUwarc or Com rsarsiTs. Tv public ate
cautioned against the many spurious medicines,
which m order to deceive, nre called by names si
mil ir lo W right's Indian Vegetable Pills.
The safest course is to puichese of the regular
agents only, who sre gentlemen that may be re.
lied on.
Offices devo'e I eirluively lo the sale of
of the Notth American College of Health. No. 28ts
Greenwich Street, New York; No. 198 Tretaoiik
Street. Boston; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No.
169 Race SrRsr-r, Philadelphia.
Jan. 30th, 1847. ely.
J L JL D0 IfL tT S,
Importer of Wntehes, Watch-Mnkers
Tools and Watch Materials,
VholeNHle H. Retail.
No. 33. South Fourth st . PHILADELPHIA,
HAS constantly on hand a Urgd .s-k r ment of
Lunette, Patent, and plain (Jlass ; M-in-springs.
Verges, Dits, Watch Ham', and a com
plete assortment of all Tools and Maie-ials l bo.v
ing to the trade; wkh a lurge sfeortntent of Go i
and Silver Lever, Lepine, an I Plain Watolie- ; ail
ef which be will guaranty lo sell at the lowest New
Yoik prices. All orders fium the country punctu.
ally eiecuted.
N. B. Country merchanta and others are invited
le e ll and examtr.e at the Old Stand, No. 33
Sou'h Ftunh street.
Ph.ladelphia. Jsn.gH, 1B47. Urn
T)RTOISE She l TueV Combs, carved and
finished In a superior style,
Splendid SheH Dreing Coinha, carved and plain.
Shell Pi cket Combs, with snd without eam.
New St)ls Long Combs, caived and 4am for
With a beautiful assortment of the Real Buffalo
Combs, that ia so much in general ue.
Comb Manufaciuier,
No. 8. uth Second Wlow Market st et.
P. S t. W. is the onlv Manufacturer of the
Genuine Buffalo Combs in the United States,
Philadelphia. Jan. 23, 1847. 3in
io. 31 Ivorth Ihtrtl street,
(m "rm eirr noTrt..
C. MACK K Y, AicTu.sEKR,
VANNING SALES of Hardware. l-Ulleiy,
SadJIrry, Whip. Boots, Mioes, Hats,
Caps, Guns, I'islols. cioining,
Wst.Ues and Fancy Goods,
At Markev'e Auction Store, 31 N'jrth ThirJ
street, near the City Hotel.
1 be atieotun of Country Ai.rtDanta la iiivuen.
The Gooda w.ll l a Id in lots lo suit purchasers,
snd all Goods effered will be wa'ran'ed rqual to the
represent nions lhal may be made of them.
N. B. A largo asjoriBietil of Gootla al Private
Sale. Jan. 10. 1847 ly
Hollar Saved
is (no
IJEHPON'S wishing lo purchase gooda in
Sunbury, will do well to call at the cheap
store of ihe subscriber, snd ei amine his slock be
fore purchasing eUewhere, You can depend on
gelling good bargaiua, as he ia Oelermiued not to
he undersold by any other store.
Sunbury, Jsn. 18, 1847. l4y
4 Gsrden. just received sod for sals by
eb. 13. 147. JOHN BOGAR.
UM OVERSHOES, new article, for aala
cheap, by JOHN BOGAR.
an. IB, IM7.
jfNEDTR WAK"ET Queensware, Hardware,
J Grorsries, Liquor, Ac, for sale very I .w.t,
n.j6,lB47 JOHN BOGAR
OCHtH)I71iOOre, btbwts. 'I isiameiiis. Dia.
ft log Paper, Wilting Paper, Steel Pens
Harriauu's CulumUsn Uk. for sale rbeas el iha
.tfiacf JOJiN yOGAK.
Jan. 10 1147.