Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 03, 1847, Image 3

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    To Fot t. of t.irt una must be full of health,
nJ to be full of health ho muni have free, unnb
etrouted circulation of iho blood. A dieordered li.
ver will blunt the menial perception!, and dien
dered stomach will aour the sweetest temper. To
be gloriously -blue' end to ho tuff, ring from t de
rangement of the digestive function, ere the tame
thing. Personal quarrele anj aocial unhappioess,
originate In ihie cause to a greater extent than pei
pie have any blea of. Reform the etomach and you
refoitn the world, far thia ta tha foundation of all
reform. To thia end take doie or two of Wright's
Indian Vegetable Pi I. At thia reason they would
da much good, and wiil be the mean. if discreetly
used, of keeping the system in order during the
year. And while they drive rain of all kinds away.
the will temore depression of spirit, sourness of
temper, undue excitability, and (he whole legion of
iieviia blue anil substitute therefor comfort, cheer
fulness, happiness.
Itewnre af Counttrfeiti.Tb Doblie are cau
tinned against the many spurious medicine which,
in oider tn deceive, are called by name aimilar to
Wright'a lodi tn Vegetable Pill.
Tn oatr ontntJAL avn axst'ina ft ma Vr
r. TAatt Pitta have the signature of Wm. Wright
wiTTt with a tin on the top label of each
box. Nn other i genuine, and lo counterfeit
lllill I rnHORRT.
Offices devoted exclu-nvetv to tha sate of
WaniH-i-'a Iinus Vtnartatt Prtt.s, wholesale
md retail. 169 Knee street, Philadelphia; 33
Greenwich a'tret, New York $ and 199 Tremont
itrei t, Boston.
dj.geiit for the a.le of Writ: lit' Indian Vegrta
)!e Pill, in Sunhury. Unsay Massis. For other
igi'Mciea aea advertisem- nt in another column.
Tuvth akm to 1N'itcr H7 yntt painl
Re thankful. Ii is a vigorous effort of Natuie to
hrow off morliific matter. From what mny the
viorhific ma'ter arise t From a hi u ire. or unwholr
tome air which hae become mixed with the blood,
r incorporated in it, but which ia liable tn taint
he whole mass if not speedi'y removed. Or the
iain may arise fiom bite wbirh haa Income bud,
anrid, putrid, in conacquenca f the want of pov.
r in the pr per organs to iliw harge it. Thia pain
hich ao fretghren. people ia only the symptoms
if the efforts of Nature, (for Iho vitnl principle of
he blond,) to expel the pi-cant or impure matter,
vhich would otherwise destroy the human fabric.
Tn order to dercrirainate between Truth and con
'Pture, we muat l-e gu:did by the light ol Kiperi-n.-fl.
To wbut die experience direct! To the
ree tiae of Dr. Brai.drclh's Pill in all cases of bo
lily suffering. In all acute diseases, let Bran
Ireth'a Pills and mild diet be used, and the patient
II soon be restored to good health.
On Wednesday last, by C. Bower,
Esq . Mr.
bis place.
Miss Sabau Faxkow, all of
In Chilisqiiaqu township, on the 20th ult. Mr.
SA VI UKL HIKLER, aged about 80 years.
In Chilisqiiaqe township on the 21st u It. Mrs.
1 ARRIS, wife of Mr. Rces Harris, aged about
7 years.
Corrected werkly by Henry Master.
Wmkat, .... 100
RtK, . . . . .70
Coaa, . .... 68
Oats. . . . 37
Pork, ... 5
Fttxsrtn, ... . 112
Bp-ma, ..... 16
Koos, .... .8
BltKaWAX, .... 2fi
Taiiow, ... 10
Flat, ... .10
- " i .
Good Intent Fire Company."
A STATED MEETING of the Company will
be held on Mond ly evening next, at 7 o'clock,
ii the Court House. Punctual attendance ia re
juired. HENRY DON NET..
April 3, 1847 Secretary.
"Washington Tire Company."
rHE members of the "Washington Fire Com
piny" are requested to meet at the State
loose, on Mt nday Evcninc, April A, at 7 J n'
:lork. precisely. Punctual attendance is required.
April 3 SAMUEL J. YOUNG. See.
'S VLA TEU. ' if the blood becomes im
,uie, a general drrai gemrnt ot the tybtcm muat
'naue and give ri-e to
'Tnugha, Cold, L fl.iensa. Dvspepeia Dropsy .Head
iche, Fu'lne a or Ul ood. Bill.. us. Scarlet, tvphod
md Typhus Fevers or all kinds, Indigestion, Vek-te-a
of Stomach, Rhnumatiam and Rheumatic Af
'ection, Nervous Aff.ctions, Liver Complaint, A-th-
us, Pleuri-y, Inflammation "f the Luna, Low i
iirit, Fits, Mea-te. Small Pox. Whplng i
''ough, Croup, Sore Eyes, Inward Weakneja, I
SVorms, Quiney, Bronchitis, Cbolic. Dvaentrrv, j
j'ravel, Slt Rheum, Deafness and other a fee l jr. ns I
if the Enr, St, Anthony' Fire, Seorfula ..r Kint;' j
:vil, LVa a, Wbiis dwelling, Tuinore, Biles, Sup
lrrasej Monthly Discliargea and Famsleeomphinta I
n geharal, Emptiona of the Hkin, Habitual Cos- j
ivenesa, and all di-eaaea depending on a disordered I
md diseased tate of tha blood, or a aurpension of '
.be healthy secretions.
Therefore, on the first appearance of any of iheaa I
ihould l pr.eured, and uaed according lo the di- j
eeiions. PRICE to CRN TS r Box or FIF.
For aale by SETIl S. HANCE. corner of
'Jliarlr and Pratl at, and 1 OS Baltimore street, '
ar.d by UEOKWR BRIOHT. Sunbnry,
D. BRAUTIUAM.Noithumberland.
Adril 3. 1P47.
Mr. Okoro T. W aaainsTO, residing in York,
'ret, Fedeial Hill, Baltimore, was attacked with a
dent cough and sore throat after trying many
nediea, waa induced by a friend to use Ha net's
ompound Syrup of Horband, and before Using
ne bottle, was entirely rued.
Maa. HaatTtA Msaatcg, residing in Monu.
jent street, between CBal and Eden streets, was
atucked with a very sever eoogh and pain In tha
breast, which waa so intense, that It extended to
tha shooldeia. She Waa afflicted llso with pain
in the aide.
After trying many remedies, she waa persuaded
by a fiiend to usa HANCE'8 COMPOUND SY
RUP OF HOREHOUND. end after using (brae
doses, aha experiaaeed great relief, and before) aha
bad finished tha bottle, waa entirely cured.
PRICE 60 Cairta par bottle, or battlee for f ISO.
For sala by 8ETH B. HANCE, 101 Baltimore
tnd corner Charles and Pratl streets, Baltimore,
and by GEORGE BRIOHT.Suolory.
D. BRALTIOAM, Northumberland.
ArrilS, M47;"
WILD CHERRY. Wa can eonaiaiently
etate that Dr. SwAtaa'a Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry haa bean axtenaively uaed in the United
States for mote than ten years that iia beneficial
effects have been leeted by thousand That it
tuvAaiAeiT Rttinyaa a Ricawr Cocoa, and
that hundreds of Individuals, graduM y ainking un
der tha inaidioue attack, of death'a fell emiassry,
PvtMOKART CoaaoMrrtov, have been reatored to
health, happineaa and friends, by ita use, and are
now living teeiimoniea of tha curative power of
thia aiMtnr. Aotaxr Ntaub rkstorrd to
xvr RxcoRban !
Dr. Swatrr Dear Sir t I feel Called by a'tenee
of duty Iowa to suffetina humanity, to acknowledge
my grateful thar.ka for the wonderful efforts of your
('ompound Syrup 'T Wild Chrrry on me, after
suffering month after month with tla most afflict,
ing of all diseases, Consumption. The first symp
toms were of a tery heavy cold which settled on
my lung", which gisdunlly grew worse, with pro
fuse night sweat, a hacking cnugh, spitting blood,
with great debility. My constitution ecm d bro
ken down, and nervous system very much impair
ed. I went to Philadelphia, waa treitcd there by
physicians of the highest standing, but received nn
henefi whatever fr m tben, but gradnillv grew
worse, until my physicians, as well as myself, gave
up all hopes of recovery, and I foil like one hn ia
anont to through the V!'rv of the Shadow
of Death. At this "awful juncture" I heard of your
Compound Syrup of Wild Ch- rry. of which I pur.
chnsd six bo'lles, which I am happy to say entire
ly cund me, and I am now et joung brllct hpallh
Hi an I oyer have tfore in my life. Physicians
who witnaased my ease are highly recommending
it in similar cases, and I wish you to make thia
pnhlir, so that all may know where to procure a
remedy at one which will roach their disease be
fore tampering with the many 'qnsrk nosiroms'
with which the country i flooded. My residence
is st 45 Ann street, where I should be hppy to
have the above eubatsnti ted by a personal inter
Wlio'esale and retail Dealer in cigars
45 Ann Mreet, N. Y.
Be not deceived by the many spurious and
worlhleaa preparations of Wild Cherry, ushered
into notice by ignoran' pr tenders, but aee that the
signature of Dr. Swsyne is on esch bottle, which
is the only guarantee against imonsitinn.
Prepared only by Dr. 8VVAYNE. N W. co'-
tier of Eighth and Rr street', Philadelphia, and
for sale bv respectable Drugg ite in nearly all the
principal towns in the United States,
On'y Agent in 8 anbury, i
Dr. J. A. Moore, Dsnvilln ; T. S. A
Son, M t.,n ; M. D. & J. Wei's, Muncv; C. A.
Wyatr, Lewislojrg; D.ii tt Schnute, Selinsgrovr;
John C. Renn, Line Mountain P. O.
Philadelphia, f6.c2nrhly
PF.RSON8 afflicted with Cancer. Scorfuta,
King'a Evil, Tet er, Salt Rhi um. Ervaipelas,
tlld Sores, Mercurial Diseases, end all complaint
arising from impurities of the B'ood, are requested
to Read the Following!!!
Row inn & Waito. GenrV Feeling grate
ful for the extraordinary cure performed up n me
BLE PANACEA, I feel it my duty to furnish you
wi h a short history of my case.
When about 13 years of age I was attacked with
King' Evil. I waa under the care of an eminent
physician, and afier a long course of medical treat
ment, waa pronounced cured. At 14 years of age
a diffuse, prononnred by some of the medical f icul
ty a 'Srorfula, and by others 'Cancerous,' mani
fested iisttf. Thia d'aea e incieaaed in it lavage',
till my throat was filled with o'cers, snd my fjee
wsa covered with them ; my nose was ulcersted
and swollen to apparently fonr limes ita natural
eiz. I alo bad tumour in my breaat, and ulcers
on diflrtient parts of my peison, I was placed un
der the care at virions times of the most eminent
physiriana of New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore
and Cinrinn iti, who after having used iheir uimost
endeavor to eff ct a cure, my case by ihem wis
pronounced incurable. I have travelled over 21
st ite of the I'nion set king relief; noexpen-e was
tpared, ard a large amount of money wa expends
ed, but all in vain. I 'hen uaed large quantities of
fwsim's Panacea. Hve also taken ('arpenter'ii
Sarsaparilla. Sd-enck'e Pulmonic 8yrup, Town
send'e fa saparitls, and numerous other prepara
tions without f fleet ; my throat, nose and face a ere
dill ulcera'ed, and at length I to-t entirely the sense
of m"lling. I continued in thia deplorable Condi
tion for about two year, having given tip all hopes
ef recovery, I resigned myself tn the will orProvi-
dence, supposing that every means of re ief had
f .iled. On the A h day of August Ust I commen
ced taking your Or. Ci'LtaVs I am ah Vkgeta a lx
PamaCca. having but little ho pea of ita benefiting
me. Af er having uaed one bottle, I discovered to
my ulter a-lonishment end gratification, that my
sense of smelling was entirely restored, and that the
Ulcer were rapidly diminishing in s:xe. I bve
now t-Uen three l otiles of the psna. ee ; my face,
mouth, t'iroat and nose era entire'y healed. I sin
nw 40 yesrs of age, and sfter 28 years of inde-e i
babla auffcring. my general hes'th I better, and in
fci, at no period of my life ha-e I f. It as well as t
have since using your invstuaM
N.Y., Sept. 30, 1848. No. Ill Cliff st.
We, the undersign' d, bring personally acquain
ted with Mrs. Julia Branch, of No. HI Cliff ai net,
and having a knowleulga of her situation for aever
al yera past, do hereby certify, that the above ia a
true statement of har case, so far as our personal
knowledge goee; and from her character and slan
ding, we have full confidence in her statements,
and in the efficacy of Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegcta
bla Panacea.
Edwin A. Ware, 113 Cliff street,
Mna Ware, do.
Samuel Baxter, 61 Mulberry street,
S. Gisssnn,33 Rosevell streit,
C. O'Neal, HI Cliff street,
Emily Eerie, Hudson stteet.
Va learned once of 'he 'Hauling Alt,' If ye can
so fsr overcome professions) pride, as to use a med
cine which js know not bow to compound, ye may
preset e many valuable lives which Will rtherwb-e
bn sacrificed. Will ye not prescriba it f If it shall
not accomplish all wa claim for it, after a trial
according to directions, wa shall publish an account
of it failure in any three papt ra in the United
States at our own expenae.
Dr. Cullen'a Indi .n Vegetable Panacea ( do. d i.
Speciflej do. do, pia Remedy; Dr. Appleton'a
Remedy for Dfafneeei Rowand's Magic Lotion.
Warranted to Cure.
Certificates af cores, in p.Riphlel form( may be
bad Gratia, at tha office of tba agents.
Thaaa medicines art prepared tnd sold by the
proprietors, Rowand A Walton, No. B76 Market
elieel, Philadelphia.
Aganlai H. MAS8ER, Sunbury.
I tt. Rsaay, MUton J. BeabolJ, New Bar.
bu Mr. Moaeer, Millhaimi Sbarpa D. tawta,
Bold glas) by Draggiata throughout tha United
te- April ad, 1147 am y
ARt-Tk highest market prica paid
ia, at iro store or
IT, Hit,
Address to the Pabllr. .
THE unmrredented auceee attending tha usa
of Dr. 0. Benfn Smith's (Sugar Coated) Im
proved Vegetable Pill," and the acknowledged au
periority which they possess over tha common An-ti-Blioas,
Cathartic, and various other Pills in general-
use, have given them a decided preference
with all who have used them ; snd they are uni
versally esteemed tha moat aafa and pleasant pur
gatives ever offered to tha public.
tjy CAUTION. As miserable imitation haa
bean made, by tha name ef "Sugar Coated Pills,"
it ia necessary to be aura that Da. O B. SatiTa'a
signatuia ia on every hot. Price U cent.
Principal Office. 170 Greenwich at. New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FRtl.tNO, Snnfniry.
WM. FORSYTHE, .VorrAwrn'ol
April 3. IM7
Supervisors' Account.
Job Lnv and Wiliia Snastaa, laic Su
perviior nf the Bimntgb nf Gtinbtiry, in acrnunt
tnilh Mid Woi?A fnr tht yhif in
May, 1845, onrf tiding in Mny. I84B.
To whole amount nf Duplicate, $308 70 J
To this amount paid Wm. 8.-arlea, In
sundry borough orders, drawn in bis
favor by the Chief Buges, 55 SO
To this amount paid J Landau, do, do., 36 46
1370 68
By thia amount paid, Consisting of sun
dry hoiough orders, amoun'ii.g in tha
aggregate to
303 70
uy inu amount paid EiMeneser lireen
oogh on account nf bis demand vs.
said borough,
By do. paid Lewis Dewart on ace't of do.
By rxnnera ions of uncnl ectible tax.
By percentage on dopt ra'e,
By this sum paid to Wm. Searles for per
sonal eerviees rendered aa supervisor,
a per bill,
By do. to John LsndsU for do. as p. i bill.
17 05J
II 72
15 43
S5 60
35 25
$369 45
Due from John LinJuu to said borough, I 21
f 370 6f.
The undersigned, appointed tn audit, settle and
adjust the arc. Hints nf the auperviaora nf the bo.
rough of ptuntiuiy, having examined the rereijits
and expenditure of lehn Landau and William
Seailes, as set forih In the precredmg aiatement.ilo
llnd a balince due from John Landau (one of said
supervisors o said bor. Uh. On ifntlnr ami '
licrnty 0'ie rtn't.
In t -atim ny oi which, we have hereunto set riir
hands, this 15th March. A. D. one thousand
eight hundred and forty seven.
April 3d, 1847. MARTIN IRVI.V
Volunteers Wanted.
The Latent XeWn from the South
WILL open, nn the first of Aprl, a new and
handsome assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries. Haidwaie, Qneenswsro,
Stationary, Palm Leaf md I.egho-N Hats,
Psint., Oil, Wind w Glass. Nails,
Fish, Salt, A'.., Ac, &c,
all of which he will sell on tha Poitsville pUn, vi:
cheap, fr ready pay only.
QO" The usual kinds of produce taken, at mir
ket price.
Sunbury, Much 27th. 1847. 3t
17 OR trial in the Court of Common Plea of Nor---
thuml-erlsnd County, at April Term. 1817,
commencing the first Monday, being the G.b.
Seitxinger, alienee of
Carver v John Oarver et a
William Farrow vs Abraham Klate
William Simenlnn et a! va Shipman ft (.reennueh
John Hend- rson's heiie vs Same
Wm 1. Helnemin vs Hsrtman H Ki teble
Peter Rich'er's exr' vs UodgeA Hsrret
John A Llovd va Wm E MrPonnM
John Kane A wife vs John Neidig A Wire
Mary Rex et al va Henry Anvderet al
Wm H Pomp a assignee va Wm Welch
Benjamin Robins
va Valentine Klate
Henry M asset
Harah Reed
Charles Craig, jr.
John Parker el n
William McCoy
Joseph Mil man
Daniel Wei.'ner
Wm Stark A Wire
Jaine Gr ihsni at al
Dsitlrl Ullman el al
James Merrill's eXvr
Casper St Clair
Philip Vickery et al
George Conrad
Vsh'on Hamirn rl al
Vs Win MeCarty et al
Huh Re.d et al
V Jam Covert
Va Dr Robert Philips
vs Levi H"bartetal
va Sham- Coal A Iron Co
vs Vicuael hhoomaker
Va John McOinnea
va Hugh Bellaa C q. et tl
ye Gi.leopj Lrlaenring
a F l.stirus, ad orO Wat's
vs (ieore Kun't's ex'is
vs Peter Brosius el al
Va Jacob Hiaa
va John Btdlcmen et 1
vs Henry Elfton
v William Fritk
Isiac Huff
Charles H Frick
Wood A Rhawn'sexr vs l)ii( Haupt
Aaher Morris vs Gideon Leisenting
George Tiogel A wife vs Jscob A Joseph Kline
Djniel H C' Vs Dinitl Writlner
George C Lilly Vs Jscob Merger, sd of J Lilly dee
William H-ber et al va Ebemter Greeniulh
John Htne
v Eliaareth Hina
va T A Billii'gton et al
va Jacoh Shi a
v Sarhuel Blair
Va Georae Oyster
John Jenkins et al
George Eckert
Francis Ball'e etlmie
Baltaer Garnhart
Burgess of Milton borough vs Samuel Blair
Jarob W Seitxinger vs Willi. m Carr
Henry Masscr vs Ii B Massar A Joseph fiiaely
Babxer Garnhart va George Oyster
James Appleton et al va William Donaldson
John Hasa, Erjr
vs Robert A Pariah
vs William 8antterson
vs D N Lake et al
Vs Peter HanghatVnnt
vs lohn B Boyd's etra
va Same
(ieddia A Marsh
Jacob Reed
William II dilbfft
Whitall A Brown
Wil i.m Napart
Yardlirg A Lower et al va
Molt A Schuher et al va
Daniel Whita va Benjamin R-dvns
Hulet 8mi.h vs Augustus A John Huey
Prothonotarv's office, "i Pr4h'y.
Sunhury. March 13. 1847. J
Valuable Property
THE BubacriUr effete tat aale, on moderate
tarcai valuable pieca of land, situated ia
Augusta township, Northumberland eoarrty, about
6 mile from Sonbury, oa tha Tulpebockan road,
containing seven acree more or lees, in an excellent
at of cultivation, whereon ara arreted a targe
free dwelling boose St by 46, and a etove
bousa It by tt, With atcallent Water at the doors,
'bank kin.n by 34. add an ioe house oo.Ur
ground. It ia one of itx bast buaiuasa locationa in
the eotraty. For further information iaquireof the
aureenrer, art trie preeaiaea.
vTANttri r'trrruiV
LIST or jtrnoits
OF NorthiimberlsBd County, for April Term,
A. D. 1647.
tittihd Jurors. -
Lewis. Iaae Turrer.
Pflawart iobn Deittfef.
.fifortJohh Robin, Stephen Wilson. Thoa.
CrtiTiVTMOftif. Joseph NashiL
Sunbni-v Abraham Erwtlt, Prtelr Itilerhtn,
Henry C. Msrtlrt.
Lowtr Aitgwta Peitfer. joe I Wolf.
Shamokin. Jacab Martx. Jacob E. Muenrh.
JfofA. Joseph Reader, Wm. Depui, John Hoff
man, Abraham Moore.
Cmtl Jame Gilger, Benjamin Katherman.
I'pptr Mahonny.-Peter Mnntiliua, John Boie
ael, George Snider?
Isiwrr Mahnnny John Werta.
Jaektnn. George Krebs.
. Traverse Jurors.
Titrbul. John Haag, r.
Leu'r't s.John Wallis, A moa Glaxe,
DrlatOare.i te.h Sie, Win. MeWiWams,
Thorn McKeC. Peter Kelchner, James Kirk. Jo-
seph Durham, Jamas Lnwry, James Csrr, Ahrs-
ham Slefner.
Millon. Dennis V.. Csnl.
ri7ir7urrjite. Tunis Fi'hi r. Jo'in FietlerirV
Pot'nl. Abel Gibbons, Henry Wstts, John
Sorthumber!anJVne Hans, George Eckert,
Jacob Eckert.
Sunbury. SaTiual Guaster, John Rchmirk.
Vpper Augueta.ion t!a- ghaWoUt, Mordtcai
tstwer Ailgilitn Henry 'II. Malicli, Reuben
Gs'ixg- r. I K iufTmm.
Shamnkin. Con'ad Y'g r, Al'en Auc.hmutv,
Divid Chichester, Samuel Hoover, Cl. orge Miller,
Jesse Campbell, Wm II. Muebrh.
Aim. Win. D. Uearhart, Wm. Mel ler, ir.
Coal. Alexander Calrjwel
Upper Ai'aAonoj. Georga Peril.
Lower Mafionoi. Elias Bover, Abraham Bin
gamsn. Philip Bobb, Benjimin Tego Jacob Sptta.
L'tlle Mnhnnny. Jacoh D. Hoffman.
Jidtmn. Wm. Deppcn, John 8. Haas, Jacob
rrfit Juforw.
Turori. David L. Lland, Georee Gnoil.
Iifwin. M. Cry-on, Adam S hu'er.
Delaware laac S. Lilhy. Il.-hry Reader. Phi
lip Mc William, John Wa'snn, Reuben F, limey.
M'llrni. llertrsm Gillreath, Jac b WbeeUhd,
Am os Witter. Hugh M. T)vison, '. U rth .hcrnew.
ChilUsqiuiq'H'. Jarob Rhnnts. '
Ftiirthumbrrland. John (Jske.
Sunbury John (J. Fry.
f pp'T Augnrta. Samuel Ol enl of.
Lower ,4jeto John Foy. John Milich.
Shamokin. Sumui I Epler, Isasc Sober, Felix
J,'r.A fiilbert Deets, Wm. Fi-her.
Coal. Reuben Eisenhsri, Jeremuh Becrtn, Pe
ter Wedtel.
Vpper Mahonoy - Asron Hoffa, John Scbmick,
Pelt r Treon.
Isnvetr Mahonoy. Abrsham Deppn, Joseph
Jaeksnn. Dsniel Sthwartt. Joseph Trego, Msr
tin Itiumheller.
Importers and Dealer til Siifcs, JttljiW.s,
and Milliner (roods.
No. 45 South Skoumo SrrttEt,
RE8PECTFULLY inVirr- the aVention of
Merchants and Milliner Visiting thw city to
their new and rich asortment of Spring Millinery
Good, to which they are d.ily making addition ;
among which Will be found
Glace Silks for easing bonnet, at a variety of
prices; a large assortment of nev style Botine'
Kitihnnst 1 1 in Mantua nnd Satin Ribbons, or all
wklths. t'htp Hits, Cripes, Crape l.i-see; French
and Ameficm ArtficMI Flowers, in gre, Variety;
Fancy Trimming Laces, Can RttifV-.. BncUtams,
Wi low. Crowns Tips, Face TH turning Ac. Ac
Aa a l.irge portion of the al'Cve have been im
ported by our elvea direct from Frnre, re en
abli d to offer them al th loweel muket prices,
March 1 3th. 1817. I m.
IHE Sul-sOlbar have the eve'ndve light of
. vending J. M. THATCHER'S
Hot Ilia! Hot Atr Cooking
in the C' Unt ra nf Northurrtherlan I, Coluin! la arid
Schuylkillt nd from the encntuagement met with
already, they expect lo do a I a re" luslnes This
stove is Con-mie'ed on sn eninely neW prlrcii le,
and on the Only pinC;ple that C It make both a
good Wood and coal stoVe. The inventor has over,
come all the dlfflrultiee that ao freq-trntly belong to
olher stove. He ha by hi arrangement, con.
etiuetej a broibng (C7Oveit III Front, where
in brollina, roSstinfi, frying nr baking may be done,
and all the smell that arlsea lbs ettooi must pas
into the eombustihle rhamler, art I is not at all
thrown out into the room .TJ Iterde this, there
is an oven only two Inches le than the whole sixe
or the stoVe. wherein h.-king oY masting may be
done aa well aa it Can be in the common hrick oven.
This even is always Rt for il e when the a'nve ,
heated, as the whole drsught uf hot air passes a
roUhd It Conatanlly.
Publ C attention ia particularly called tn this
slot. Ii can be eren al eUr Siorn and Tin E-tah
lisSment in North Dunville, at the sign of the Co
lumbia Tin shop, And at the f oundy or Rohrharh
A Clement in Sunhury, where its particular quali
ties will be fully shown 4:idrp ained to any person
wishing to rt tmine it.
The aubsrribets fontifl'ie to have nrl hsnd a'l
kin Is of parloi stoves, such sa radia'Ors. ryiemler.
fancy snd plain, suitable fot alt Who rhy TaVnr lis
wlihsrsll; also common aheet and Rui 1 Iron,
which can be matle in any d. s'rihle shape ; tog -;
iher with a genital as-ortmenl of tin srtd JapinrifJ
ware, who'esale end rMall. Country merbint
ara invited tn call and etsmine our stock, as rur
work cannot be surpassed, and prie mndoerite.
N.B. We can safely recommend the above men
tioned atove to persona who wiah to emhsrk in a
g.ind business. The pa'Cntee will sell elibkr Coun
ty nr stata righla, to t)il purtSaaera, and nn re
s nelle teime. He or hi agnt nav tie found in
Dstiville, P. J. A J. ARTLK.
The undersigned, bating earn lo operation the
hot btasl hot air rooking atova, invented end pa
tented by J. M. Thaichrr, certify (hat wa believe,
from the manner of Its construction and opera'lnn,
that It la the best one ever offered to the public. The
arrangement it 4 Cotnalete end tha Construction ao
judicious, that there ia a saving ol one half the fuel
ti lima, in doing any gives amount bf irvioe
over Other celebrated stoves. In short a reeonv
men! it in preference to all other. M tha simple
reaans) that it embrace every branch ef eeoejoeny.
Samuel Garrett, Jobs) W U arrest, David Chat
Held, W F Kilch.B.J jnn M Giay, E Thompson,
8rotlh Thompson, J D Hiba, John Oskes, Heeiki
ak Bear, Elli. F Cooper, Geo M Rkhrt, Daniel
Huttmaa.- Ileory H Rieael, T tt Carver, Daniel
UrfleWh. Joeeph V..,h,.. Brook. Eplev.
ptr)vlle, Mirth , Hi7. !y
TS hereby given to all legatees, frtdllor. inS o-
iher persona Interested In the estate of Thomas
Grant dee'd, eettled by hla idm'i de bonis rtoti cum
tastamento annrxo, Kendcrlon Smith) of Morris
Smith dee'd, settled by his adtti'fa Homy lanpt
nd David Marti; of Michael Neldlg dee'd, settled
by his tdrn'ra Samuel S. Wsgner and George Con
rad) of John Blstncf dee'd, settled by his adm'r
Jscob Herb; tha guardian seaount of George Con
rad, guardian or Sarah Malich, Hatlnah MaliCh,
Lydia Malich, Eather Malieh, Charlotte Malich,
Mary Malich and Jeremiah Malieh; of Rolrt
Frnswonh dee'd, eettled by his adm'r John Earn,
woilb; ..r (;atharine Kbne dee'd, eettled by her
adm'r Thomas Pard or; or William Pointer dee'd,
settled ly bia atlm'r Thomas Pard oe; of John
Fea-tef dee'd. settled by hi adm'r Martin Rindsll)
of John Liienring snr dee'd, settled by his ex'r
Henry Gnssler; of Dsn'Bl Levy dee'd, ect led by
hi ers Lewi Depart and Alexandor Jordan) of
Jr, .h Caas dec'.l. sett'ej by his exr Wm.'H.
Mucitthj nf Aaa Pancoasl dee'd, settled by his rx'r
W. H. Mtiench. Late nf Northumberland county,
dee'd; thst the ex.rutors, ailminiatrators and gnar
d ana of s ild decea-ed est .tes hsve filed their oe
counts with the R giater or 1'ii. eotlnty, snd that
ihev will Im pr-s. i,ted to tbo Orphana' Court of
a-d cunty nn Tulny the 6th d iy of April next,
for confirma'ion and allnwatice.
Punbury, March 8. 1846. Register
t5. at.
Venetian Blind Jlannfacturer,
No l Nonh 8'h st.,( few door above Market it.)
rtltL ADfit,ItA,
eAS now on hsnd the largest and moat fashion
able aa I of Narrow Slat and other Ve
netian B'inds nf any establishment in the United
States. Which he will aHI, Wholesale and Retail,
at the lowest pttrea.
The citite"a of Sunhory tnd vicinity era leaped
fully enlici'ed to cill on him before purchasing alee,
whet, ae he Is en ft 'ent of giving entire aatiafir
lion to all who mav thus r.vnr him with a rail.
OLD BLINDS Itepalntrd and Trimmed ao as
to lo k rqital to new.
Older punctually attended to, and the Blinds
for w a ills J With despatch.
B. J. WtLI.t.VMS.
March 6 I84t. 3m.
PA llM
rP liE subscriber OfTers fot sale a cheap Farm,
situate in Sham. Vin toWnship, NorthombeY
land county, about eight miles from Sunbnry, ly
ing between the Ontre iWrntdke and lrih Valey,
mn'aining Gt tits snd allowance!. Said firm
i in a Rood aiate Vif cultivation, with reasonably
good Hiilding and excellent water f.ear the door 5
and all kinds of fruit. Af.
8u nWrV. Feb. y), 1847.
bl2ZSl3 & SON,
aT.n isssat.sttB all 1
b:;tl;;:U:t, J
Commission IVkertlkittltS)
For Ilia aale of Flour, Grain, and all kinds of Coun
try Produce,
A 48 Cummerrr utreet VV'AarT,
fj Cash advancce on Consfgnmenla.
Feb. 13th, 1847 3m.
OPERATIONS in CLnmi'ivrj aeem lo U the
order of the. d.iv, at the 1'hil.idelphia Watd
Robe, tf.5 Cln snut sireet, where every article in
the line is kepi, and sold at akuinb-hiug low prices,
CloiVs Bingop Over Sack toal, Rhnrt Ssck.
Coet, Soer Fret ch Cloth Diets Fiock,
Coats, Pantaloon of eVery g ade and
s.)h. of width will be sold either
b Ihe garment or tloxen, t pii
te ihstwtll j.i-tify the
mok' economical in
Woadvisp all Who want gooJ anJ cheap Clo
thing, to bill at No. 105 Chesnut atieet,
Philadelphia. Feh 6th. 1B17- 6m
bt ugs! Drills!! Drugs !!!
tVlioicNulc lrtiinit
Nu. 40 Market Street, (South side, be
low Sei'imcl.)
iu 1 1 a t v 1 p 11 i a
Oil. r tor hIo a large Mock or Freeh
Diug. Med cine aiU Dye S'iifT, 10
l ich ihey c-ll the stienilon of Coun
try Merrhanta nnd Dealers viailing ihe
1 tlv.
Coarh. Cshittet, Japih, Plaek. enll Other Var
nishrs of a superior quality. Also. While and Ked
Lead. Window Class, Puliits and Oils cheaper
than eve'.
fXj- T. A C. afa al , proprietdrs if tha Indian
Vesetalde U il?iim. eelehr Jted throughout their own
and neighboring Slatbs, sa the best preparation for
the cure ,.f Coughs, ColJ, Aathrrta, Ae. Money
reminded in every ihltance where ho benefit is re
ceived. Philad. lphia. Jam &0, t847 $m
ia. 61 North Third Streel,
THE celebrity of the tnks mmufsctured by lha
sub-ci iher, and Ihe extensive sa'Vs ciinaequenl
upon the big reputation which they have attain
ed, n t ii- ly ttronghout 'he 1'ni ed St.ite. but in
the Ve-t Indi and in I'hirta.hti induced bim'.o
m ike every neeesa ny atrat'cetnent lo d'pplr the
vast demand upon h's e.l .bli-hmeut. lie is now
tuepared wilhetrrf vari. tv id, Vtloe and Rod
nks. Copying Ink, It. del, Me Ink, and Ink Powder,
all prepared under hia nwu j ersonil superinlend
rnee, ao thai purchaser ruay depend Upon its su
perior qunliiy,
perior sr.,cle for Mending M'e.s, Chins. Calnnel
Ware, Ac . useful to every HouekHu-r. b""
wtiita liquid, easily appLed, and not aoecuru vy or.
dinery best warranted.
(r Psmphlaia. containing the nurherooe tstN of man of eeianos, aad athaia, will ba fur
oisbed to purcbaeaea, . , ; - -
For sale at tba Mtaufsctory, Wkeleaala and Re
tail, No, 87 Nvai Taiaaj Stbbxt, opfosiu
Cheny street, Philadelphia, by ...
Jso. 88tb, H47 ly Manufacture.
doxea) Corn Br or ma for sale, by tba da
sen or eingle, at II 80 per doyen, by
h37, lt47. JOHN BOGAR.
I -f;Jl0,55 or WATUPB AND OF
tt COMMONEN3E, that lha natural vegeta
bto. ftrnductinnaV every country ara, if properly
applied, amply atifTicietit for the cure of every ma.
lady incident to each peculiar climate.
or Tea
IVorth Atuerlcnn College of Ileal tli,
ire composed of all planta which grow spanlane
oualy on our own soil, and ara therefore better a
dinted to our constitutions than Medicines concoc
ted from foreign drugs, however wall they may b)
Compounded and aa thtty are founded upon the
principle that the hutnen body ia in truth
namely, corrupt human, and that aaid Medicine)
cures this disease nn NAttrait Pmisftrt-X. fcy
tlextnting onH purifying the 6orft, it Wilt ha man
ifewt th.ii, if the constitution ba not entirely rx
hnnsted, a perseverance in their uae, according to
directions, is absolutely certain to drive diseaee of
every name from the body,
When we wish to reioie a swamp or morses it
fertility, we drain it of the superabundant water. I'l
like mnnner, if wo wish tn rea'ore the body to
health, we muat cleinse it of impurity
will be r nnd one t,f the beat, if not the verv beet
medicine in the world for rarrviofl Out tht On Attn
Pcairtlsa P.icil, beraum they erixd from
the body all i.tnrh d tmd Corrof t bum r. the cause)
of the discaae, 'n ft e.ty t.nJ S.tnrnl Manner (
and while ihey CVi-rv day oiVs xas a fn H'A-nsx,
di-vsate iT every name Is rapid y dtivya from thi
Ilka following highly raspeetahle atorekeepeia
have been duly annointed agenta fnr tha salo of
Weight' Indian Vegetable PiKt in Norlbttmbeva
loytil county 1
Henry Masser, Sunhury.
E. A J. Kaurfman, Augusta townsKip.
Samuel Herb, Little MaheYiny.
William Deppen, Jackson.
Beneville Holshue, Upper Mahonoy.
John O. Renn, Upper Mahonoy.
Samuel John, rSbamokintowa.
Forsythn Wilson A Co., NorthomavAlandt
. L. Piner. Wtaonbur.
trland A Hays. McEweruvilte.
James Peed.'PottsgroVe.
Wm. C Scott, Ruahville.
Hartmvn Kmxble, ElvsbUrg P. O.
Ami T. Beiasel. Turbutsville.
Oidi on ShaiM, t'ppcr Mahonoy.
Rhodes A Farrow, Snydmstown.
John King, Farmersvdle.
Wilss (5. (JnoV. Martin's Cre'k.
J. Ie Yottng. HicVsville.
Ahrnham tShereV. Ktehmnnd.
Samuel Taylor, SUtefotJ.
John H. Vincent, t'hilisquaqtte.
Wm. lleinen A lliolher, Milton.
Dkwarx oy Corj!Taeyv;Ys Th'e 'public kra
csrttinned againat the many spurious medicines,
which in order to ileceltfo, are called by tames si
milar to Wrigbl's Indian Vegetable Pills.
The ssfest course Is to putchase'oT the reguta'r
agents only, who are feerfilemen that tbay be re
lied on.
(J Offices deVo'ed excIuatVcTy lo the sale of
of tha North AmerteiA College of VTeslth. No. 289
Greenwich Street. New York', No. 198 Tremont
Street. Boston and PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No.
169 Rack SYaitrT, Philadelphia.
Jatl. 30th. t817. sl'3y.
t. L A D C K u s,
Importer of Watches, Watch-Makers'
Tools and Watch Materials)
ITltolennlt? & IHail
A'o. 3t, South Fourth t.. PHILADELPHIA,;
HAS constantly on hand a large dasortment of
Lunette, Patent, and Tlnm Glas; Main
springs, Verger, Dials, Watch Hands, and a com
plete assortment of all T00U and Materials belong
ing to Ihe trade; wiih a latgo a-Sort men t nf Go'd
and Silver Lever, Lepine, and Plain Watches; all
of Which Re will gnarsnty to sell at the lowest NeW
York price. All orders from the country punctu
ally executed.
N. B. Coiiitry merchant and others arelnvitcJ
tj c .11 and examine at lite Old Statid, No. 3$
80-ath Fourth street.
Philadelphia, Jan. 23. 1847. flm
FjnORTOISE Sbe l Tutk Combf, carved iij
M. finish'oil In a superior stIe,
Splendid Shell Dcitig l Vmle, carved and j l'tin.
Shell Pi cket Coinba, with rnd v ithou'
plaj.t f.
New K'ttle Lon,i Cm.' 1, emved and
With a luai:t.fol a-eorf e t nf 7r
Coml , that is o m'tc!i in
P. s .
. J. 'e.
sf . V-
No. lil inii :...:,
(tiH Tits ritr m 1". 1
C. 0. MACK. V. Y, AfCTio.-tEf.h-TO
IVclNING SALES nf Hardware, t n'!t y.
IA SaJdlery, Whips. Bouts, Shoes, Hail,
Cspr, tiuhs, rtstols. lullin g,
Watrbes and Fancy Goods.
Al Msckej,s Auction Store, 31 So'th Third)
sireet, near the City Hotel, .
The attention i f Country M rehsnis is invited
The Goods will be s Id in lot Id suit purchaser
(nd all Good elTered will be warranted equal lo tbo
represent jlijna that may be made of them.
N. B. A large as-t rtmei t of Goods at Private1
Sale. Jan- lfi,J84T--?
ER'ONS nmhing In pnreliae goods tr!
S'jnburj. win dj well to c!l-i!t the chcf(
one i.f ihe etib-riihcr. anJ examine bis atufH rt'
lore pureha-mg elsewhere. Vou ran depei.d en
geitinf gooJ barg iin. a be is determined not to
be undersold by uiiy other store.
Sunhury, Jan. 1 1, 847. nHy
irKEsIT"GKI)r:N"tsEEI)S, from Kiel.
Garilon.. iuat leceived and for aale by
. . ."1. riiiv yrr
reb. 13. 1117.
a Dew at line, lor saic
1-aT cheap. by JOHN BOGAR
Tea. 16.1847. .
EDaR WAKE, Queenswai. Haiaw. re(
Groceries, Liquor, etc., for ! k
aa. 16, H47. JUlim PiuiAit
SC'HoOlliDOKs. Biblea, Taarni.. D-a'
log Paper, Writing Paper, Steel Pro. sm
Harriaoo'a Columbiau Uk. for s.le cheap et 1 thrf
.i.raof JOH.N BOGAR
Jan. 1, 1047.