Prom tbe nil. Ledger of the 83 J lot. AtvVlVfri BteVeelatp aWtonmln. rtniitMttfat 0ttf lAtk. The Hibernit ynt telegraphed a mile W'ow ttoirtori, at S o'clock tat e veoing. ami at eooa aa ahe tntW that city, the following eoAmttil intellignew vet traTOmirtett earer ,the wtree, which we. hatftn to lay before fhe pnblle. - Lost Mount MARRkt i-XT nlv ned rfn n4 Trer1f market since onr 1et pobfiearleMl, bnf tending g enerallj toward g decline In tb rrfle of Cormole. It appeare to be generally eealeJ thtt the courts toe Government bee reold rp on, vix: TO take tfWf 9.06o;b(, lettet-e-ry hrirt thtt eoold hav'e ieVn iJripted. ' The bid. rlirig. for the loan fool place on tlii lit of March, at the Treasury, when at the Messrs. Rothtcblld tnt the.Atetart. Baring Brothera, were tht only bjdder. on termt that were eat iafactory to tbe excrement, the loan waa divided between them offered, viz : S3 lpa. for each hundred pWodt sterling, three per cent, conaolt. The corn trade ban been in vary fluctuating condition during the month of February. At the time of the jailing of the Cambria the price of Meal continued to give way occasionally rapidly until from the ccrmenmeement of the re action the reduction amounted altogether to bout ft to, 10a. per quarter, and 7 or 6. per btl. Variowa reaaoni and rjpiniocit are afloat at to b probable aupply of bread etutT, which we r?n procure during the preeent aeaaoo ef famine arnl diatreee. , The latt eight or ten daya the receipt of corn,1 fee., have been light, and thit added to the etm titotancenf considerable export to Ireland bat aiaed (be market to have a very firm expect, nd price have eince returned a regards wheat ami Hour. Indian corn etill conttnuea In great requisition, and commin.'t tba, high price of..C9 to T2 shillings per quarter, while other kindaof grain are cheaper. ' ' 6 anbury ih4 Brla Rati Road. Correspondence of the Miners' journal, PntLatu., March 15th. 1647. Mr DxAt Si a t The argument of Mr. tab ling, which are to widely circulated in the city, are beginning to open the eyes, and I ahould not b aurpriaed if another direction be given to tbe 'Great central road to St. Louia.' With tha op. potition of the Baltimore and Ohio,' he pro vt inrontettibly that Pitttburg ahould not bathe Wminut nor, according to the argaraenta, can it be taken to Cleveland r Cincinnati, without an expenditure that ia Tar beyond'tho meant of itt projectore. The fact alto, that the right of way principle, which ie to ably ditcunted by ourselves, it a aerioue contingency, and at we reason to doubt that Ohio will exact it, wi may at well, before we expend oar money, look into the position in which we stand. .The Baltimore and Chio, in consequence eftueh ne glect, it rather in a tight place, but having a tin tie ttring left to their bow, they may yet deprive it of the trade, and leave ut exactly in a similar fix.-' v. With thit position of affairs, we are rather in a quandary. The prudent are beginning to talk, nd the timid Lave lhjir eye upon the outlet: but the pride of opinion, and the dlipoaitren to tick to our errora, will carry the prejectora to the end of their tether. Nothing In the shape of argument will induce them to move. ' They have set their beartt open the route, they have been praised and flattered into tbe belief that there ia no other way, and nothing bat the eyee of their conttituente will relieve them from the ditat trnua prospects before tbrm; with no trade at Pittsburg with nothing bat rivalry at Cincinna. ti -with 'no retoorcee at Cleveland' and with the contingencies on the way to St. Louit, will the subset ibett, who have been forced into the measure, encourage thesn on to their mint or will they continue to subscribe where hope i to reward them for their enterprise? - - We think not it marked on the countenance of mary, and as the dupoMtion it bending in the iti'rct on of the facts. I shall not be ttrprised at the WVtt Ei a rich being selected aa the route moat favorable to the object. Tbe Grand Trunk Line tiia- being formed from Iowa to Erie, ia an evi (tenet in avor of butinett, and when we look at t'ie lateral branchrt now existing in Ohio, in In diana and in Illinois, costing to the owneraaome SO millions of dollars, will it be doubted that a connection with all these advantagaa, can be anything alaa than profitable T Then when we look at a branch from tbe mouth of tba Sinnema- boning to Beaver, and thence, if permitted, to Zaneaville, Colutcbua and Cincinnati, will there be any doubt of tbe propriety of making itt or will it be necessary to climb and bora the Alle glinirs, for the miserable prospect of a trade at Pittsburg? ' Eiicb, however, art tbo refluctiona that art be- pinning to teach tba minda of tbe people, and when the local advantageaef tbe Suabury and Erie, are taken into tbe estimate, I have bo doubt 'the people will dicide tbe question, SUNBCRT AND ERIE. CvRtova Lovs Btosv. A vary curioueeto ry ia told by several auaienl writers, respecting Kgirvard, a secretary to Charlemagne, and a laughter of that Etnurror. The eecretery fell in luvo with the pr.nceae, who at krngth allowed Kim to visit her. . Ona winter' niht he stayed with hf r very late, and to the aneautitno a deep now had fallen. It htv left; 'hia loot matka would be iibaerved, aod yet to ataj woo Id expos him tu danger. At length lb pt incest resolved to carry hun ou her back lo Bcigbboringbonee which h did. It happened,' however, that from the window of hie tedroom the emperor r-ew tbe whole affair. Ia go Maembly of hie Inrdr, n the tr.lloug day. when fgirverd aed bia daughter ware present, be etked what ought to o clone to the man who eompelJede og daughter to carry hiui on h-r fcliC4)Wefs. through fn.i audtruw, jiurmuidUota wMtNr'a, nijeiitf Thev aosaereo. that ha aa worthy tl Jrath. The Invert wei attuned ; but tit ei.prf ad drvieine F-eirrsrd, eaio. liadvt thou hived my daughter, itwwt ahouldt have come to me ; tta art worthy nf death, but I give tbe two Uveal Take thy fair prtr in marriage ; fear God and tore one another. D A B , bit -J y , , jpi&wtVTASt& Tbo fcllowlng lk shows fhacarrent value of ad tottfytvenhi Bant Ior, Tba most r kMtcw may t placed tpon H, aa It lsewrjr oe atretnny erparW with and corrected from Bkk arTf ffrjhwtar. ' Vkanki la tniUadipIaku jWtotr. . XOTEri AT PAIL Bank of oith Amfl . . , , Bank rf the Northern J.iSwtie . CqmmewieJ fath of Pcnn'a. . . tttmrtil' n! Mochanira' Bmh . Kenln jt'on Flank . , PhilaiWiihifl Brik . . Scbajlkill Btnk . . . , . sionthwnrk Bor.k . Western. pnk Wechsnlo' Dat.k, . Manufacrorere A XfechnnitV Bonk Bank of Pt nn Townahp , . Oirard Bank , . Bank of Commerce, Ute Moj araenaing Bank of Pannsvlvaiiia . . , , Country Dank. Bank of Chester Count J Wcetohoarer Bank of Delaware Coun'T Cheater pr par pr par pnr par psr par par pr pr par pf par pir par par pr par P.r par Bank of Oertnantnwn" Bank of Montomery Co. Doyleatnwrt Bank cTatton Bank Oermtntowa 1T orrietowfi IfMylevtown Prmira Bank of Bw.ka to Brftol Bank of Northumberland NorthomSerland psr ColumMa Bank BrKlt en. Columbia par Farmers Unnk or l.ancoeter Laneistet par Lenrater iourrty Uank Lancaster flfaak Farmers' Bank of Reailing Office of Bunk nf Pet.n'a. Offica d. do Office do ' 'do Oftlca; ' do ; ' do Ineater pur f.ancaater par Reading psr Harribmg" These Lnnenatet I offlcet ' Reading f do not Gaston J issue n. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Rank of the United Status PhiNtlrlphie S3 .-J Miners' If sua or J'ottTille Bank of I.ewlstown Bank of Muhlletown Carlisle Bank Exchange Gfank Do d( . branch of Harrifhufs Sank LehaouQ Bank Mercbants dt Manuf. Bank Pitavi1 Lewiktown Midillntown Carlisle PitUburf Hulliilsfsburg Harrisburg ' Ielianon Pittsburg Bank nf Pittsburg Tittabuig Williams port WilKe.berre AHentown Reading Pittsburg Weat Branch Bnk 1 Wyoming Bank Norhnmptoti Btnk Berks Cnuntv Bank Office of Batik of U. S. failed D. . do Do da do Erie New Brighton Cbamhersburg tlettysburg Montrose Erie 1 Weyneahurg Wsabington , Honewlale Brownsville do do Bank of Chamhershurg nek ot Ci ttysburg Bank of Kuquehanna Co. s Jail ';i u u Eric Bank. . . Farmer' 5t Drorert Bouk Franklin' Bnk Henesdale B.nk MoimngahrU Bank of B. York Bank , York N. B, The note of those hanka on which we omit quotntiona, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased !y the Philndclphia brokers, with the exception of ihe which have a letter of reference. .BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ina. Pbiladelrhia . Philadelphia Loan Co. do Schovlkill Sav. Ina. do failed failed failed Kensinfieii ttav.lna. A - do - ; Penn Township 3v. Ina. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott. prop.) fallaaf fpwanda Bank : Towanda Alleghany Bank of P. Bank of Beavar Dank of 8watara Bank of Washington Centre Bank Oily Bank.-' ' Farmers dt Mech'cs Bank Farmers' Mech'cs' Bank Farmer' & Mach'ca' Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Btnk Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northureli'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Ar. & Manuf. Bank 8ilvet Lke Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Bedford Reaver no sale . cloaed closed Harrisburg Washington Bellrfbnte failed cluard PiUsbojg : Pitlalatrg ' Fayette co. Greencaslla Harmon v . do sata failed failed failed no sale Huntingdon no sale Lewistown bo S4le Warren DuodarT New Hope Milton Mead . lie Port Carbon faded no sale closed no sslu cloned Carlisle failed Muntiose closed Uniontown failed liKenslmrg closed Witkeahtrru no aala fXj" All notea purporting to ha on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the alovt lut, may be eat Iowa aa fraud. IVC1Y JERSUY. Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick tailed 1 par 4 par r" (ailed Belvidere Bank Burlingloo Co. Bank Dommeecial Bank Cumberland Bank Farmers Bank Parmera and Mectianier' Bk Partners' and Mechanic' Bk Farmer and Mn-chenta' Bk Franklin Bank of N.J. Belvidere Mvdford Perth Amboy Bridgeton Mount Holly Rah way N. Pianswick Middletown Pt Jeroey CKy failad lloboken BfcgcV Gratmg Co Hobokea tailed railed failed fhiled 4 failed i par no aala Jersey City Bank Jersey City Mechanira' Bank Manufacturer' Bank Morri County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mrchanica' Bank Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk Morri Canal and Bkg Co PoMt'Notee ralleraon H-llvilie Mjmstown Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City Newark Newark Bkg rV Ina Co i i failed failed New Hope lit Undue Co Lainbaruville N. J. Manufac. end Bkg Co Hoboken N J Protecton A Lombard bk Jersey City Orange Bank. Orance faileJ i par PV Pateraon Bank ' Patwcon People' Bank do Princeton Bank Priact'ton Salem Banking Co 8alein 8tal Bank Newark ' t I Star Bank F.lizabMhtawn 8iate Bank Camden State Bank of Morna MorrMowa Stale Bank - Trenton Salem and Pbilad Manuf Co HWm Sussex Bank ' - Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Daver Washington' Banking Co. Uackanaeck DELAWARE. Bk of Wllm dt Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Dataware Wilnungloo Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Da ' ' twtneh ' Milford Pamtere' Bk of Stste of Del' Dover Do branch Wilmington '. Do branch ' ' Georgetown ' Do branch Newctatle ' Union Bank. Wilmington ' ffT Ceder S'a P' tsila.1 failed foiled far par ' P psr , P" 2 ; r5 On aif Wta marked thus () there ere , lhar counterfeit or, altered nta af ike vviooe V i DcifciDaticoe, in cireujtttnn. riouriT, vnnuou n 05 Ncrth td ir. 5et. Arch 6i t?Ac (-, Vfc P h 1 1 a rt e 1 p HI irmRADT ck PARKER respectfully Inform their lP friends and the public that they hive taker! thr tbora, named hooeV taWntly kept by J., &. Ailsrris, an J are prepared to accommodate cuslo mera lit the moat aatiefectoty manner and at ret eonahle price; : ' ' Their table will be aupplieJ with. th brt vsrf. ey bo rhrrk affottlatheir pnrloreaM alceplrg apirtrnenta will he in the het order. The house hsabeen thornoghly repaired ami furnltheJ with a Viaw to the comfort or travellers and strangers. Haing had several years experience In the boaineat, the? hop to give goneial satisfaction, und respectfully invite) traveller and atraheer to give them a call. BRADY ck PARKER. Philsdelphla. Janunry 16. H4T.--:f Mill and Farm THE suhaerirter otters for aala fitiy or aiaty a ere of land with a mill arreted thereon, for merly knows) M Jon a' Mill, situated In Augusta township Northumberlind county, on the Lilil Shamnkin crei k, near the Tulpehncken road. lemcV lm from Sanhairy to Potteville eiht milea from Sunlmry. Thirty or forty tjaraw of said land are elesrerL sad in a food atatt of cultivation. Tbe Improvement are a Oris. Mill, a I.og House sad Stable, and aa Orchard. There la also a good Spring and eevoral acre of Meadow on the preml sea. Tba I tion of the mill ia an estallenl one for custom. For further tnformttion inquire of the sulMcriher. DAVID MILLER. Sharaokin towosblp, Jan. 0, 1847. 3m : . cheaV watches. The Cheapest Gold and Silver Watches IN PmLADULl'liiA. 41 OLD 1 I OLD Lever, full Jewelled, 146 00 S3 00 80 00 16 00 IT 8ilver do. - do. Until lupines, Jewelled, Silver do. do. Silver Qoariiers, One qn.dliy, Oold Watcbea. plain, 8ilvev ttpectack-o, ' Onl.l psncila, Oold Braceleta. 10 00 IS 00 1 76 S 00 4 00 Also, on hand, a larae stanetment of 04d tnd Hair Brscelcts, fineer rint, breast pint, hoop ear rinca, cold pens, cilver epms, sufir lons. thim ble, gold n-ek. curb and fib chains, goard keys and jawell'ry of every drrcriptton, at equally low price. All I want ie a call to convince cuato- mT. ' ;.'... . All kinds of Walchea and Clock repair J and warranted to keep cood time for oar veer obi eolil or silver Vi'iahl or taken in eicbaase. , For sale, eight day and thirty hour braaa clock', at LEWIS LA DOM US' Wsich, Clock and leweltevy Me. 'Ne.4 13J Market street, abova Eleventh, north aide, Phils ohi. i (jy I have Gold anJ Silver Lever. atiU much cheaper than the above price. Philadelphia. Dee. 26. IS46. 1v AUCTION STORE. 6 North '3d st.,' third door above No, Market Street. rHILADlLFRIA. SALE EVERY EVEMNO. of a aenerel as aonmrnt of Foreign and DnmeMte Hardware, "Table- Pavbet Cwtlary Trunks. Lnrbe, UeW, TAte, Bsws, Ss.WUry, Whipa. . . , . ' Doota, "bora, Hs's, Cape, Guns, Pialols, Trimmings, Clothing and Fancy Good. The attention of city and country dealer la in vited. The Gooda are fresh, snd will be werrsnted equal to tbe representations that msy be msds of thm. BAY LIS & BKt.lUh.EK, uerionrrrr, No. 6 North Third st.' N. B. Purehsseis ean base their Goods parked. 8eeral invoices of Goods have bten received to be sold at private ssle. t Phtla.lelphia. Dec. 19lh, 1846-ly Trn Uoussfrs Ctnftjrrsal SHAVING CREAIVT. Smalt quantities given wiihnnt Charge. M 1 14 Chetnul , PHILADELPHIA. . THIS new and rticle, a' its n ro de lalea, it prdewed to be superior tu any Fhs ving Cream ia the United fta'ea or Eumpe. It is unurpie-d for beauty, purity and f'Sgrxnce, tho' omewbat analaattu td GU'-rlaiu'e Ambrosial Cream and other similar compounds. It . far sur paase them ell by the rm I lent peaty C-Tuittenry of il lather, which so aofu l lha beard a lo render shuvinR pkhsant end ea.y. It further povaeeaes tba advantage over the imperial article, in being frehly prep us J. no skill being wanting in its man ufacture. E. Roueeel bavioe. had many years' ex pennies in tbe celebrated Laboratory nf Laugur, Pare at Fil, now Renaud 6t to., of Tsria. Baile bring the l-el, it ia ika cheapeat article for ahavint; it ia elegantly put up io boxes, with splendid steel engraved labels. Price (3 per doaen.or JITJ cent for a single box, to shave one year, ft ia alae sold al H 60 per lb. or 12) cent t ex., so that gentlemen ran bar their bote Cited at EUGENE ROLBSEL'S, Wholel and Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wa ter Ea-sbiiahmenl, 114 Cbeanut Strert. Dee 18, 1848.-. PHILADELPHIA. j7fcrM. riATJlfDEB.3, ho. 21 North Fnurih Street, PHILADELPHIA, a Invite Merchant and Millinera to amine their stock of Bonnet, PalmVflS. Ief nd leghorn Hat. Fur and Cloth Tape, and India Rubber Shoe. Il wi' be f und lo contain all of tba moat dealrabl ktnJt and will be ld at tb lowt maikrt pxirea. No. SI North Fourth 8treet, between Matkei and A'ch 8tret. . Philadelphia. Dee. 10th. 1MW gm "TTATCEES-JZWELPaT. T vna . 'Philadelphia Wvlrh mni Jrtetlm Sinra." No. 86 North SECOND arret, corner ( Quarry. GOLD Lever WawbWull j. welled, 18 caialcaaes t4A 00 &lr Lever W. tehee, full jewelled. U 00 Sliver Lavet Watchae, a. sen iawela, , It 00 btrvei Leuine Watcbea, tetraUed. ins quality, - 14 00 Spprrior Quartirr Wttebea. 10 00 imita'teo Qosrtisr Watebea, not wananiee, 00 Oold SpenasW, M Fine8iler tSpeclacVts . ... m le Gold Beawleu with tenu atenee, fat Ladies' Gold Pencils. 10 carols, . i f QQ Hold rieier Uiuga U iUiMt WatrJt Glee- are, plain, 18s cttl, patent, 8 J Lunet. IS. O. ther articles in proportion. All goods warranted t. l iV... ... ...i l r . rt coMD.ri : On band, aorne Gold and Silver Lvr,Lfr4ne and Qaarfiers, lower than the abrrva'priean ' ' , r. rn'sawprjn, uc. a, rte - iy To The IV O. of Or P - J. tV. & K. D. STOKES, . MiiAuftctufer of Premium Odd Fel- low Regalia, A. IN MorhH Strut, PHILADELPHIA, Fiiet Cloiblhg Store below tlh Street. THE subscriber having taken the ptemlnm el .Franklin InetkuM, at tbe last xhibttirt fot the best .Regalia, they Invite the attention of the order le tbric eatablisbmani, where they Will ftjtd I aplendid arUTMnt of P. O. aod Encampment Re calia Tkey also make tt order for Lodge, add Encampments, Rega'la, Sashea, Coatdeaat end Robe, and femlsh every thine: reoulalte for the convenience of new Lodge or Entnmpanmt. - J. VV. HTOKBS, E- D.BTnKES. PhiU.lelphia, Dhc. 19.1810. Iv t New Firm. fTTHE t'nders'gned hereby gives notice, that he jL bat aatociaied with hiniself, e a partner in the mercantile bu'ne,' In his store adjoining Weaver's Tavern, In Sunbury, John Ueas, tod that tba aald store wilt hereafter be conducted on drr the firrrt of Clement & Hsas. The store at the South Wrst comsf of Marke1! Pqonre wilt be conducted aa heretofore, hv the subscriber himself, to which he rrepecifatty Invitee bit customers and friendt. ' , . He alt notifies all those indebted to htm. to call between thia and tbe 1st of January next, and art tie their account1. : ' All klhds of produce wifl be taken on account, at eaeft prices.' Hereafter no longer than four month credit wiltbeaiven. IRA T. CLEMENT. ftunbury, Nov. U, ll4g tf. , ' ' CLEXrlElTT & EAAS,;;' RESPECTFULLY infirm the public, lb it on tbe' 9th ' inai., I bey enUtrd into partnership, in tbe mercantile bosirte, at the atom 'recently erupted by Ira 'P. Clement, adjoinlnj Weavar'a Tavern, in Sunbury. They have lately received a now etnrk of good, which they wilt diepoee of at tbe loet price. All kind of prodece will be takeo In eaehange for gnorio, ' ' ' ' ,. No longer than four months credit will he fiverr. IRA T. CLEMENT. JtHN HAAS. Snnhorv. Nov. 14, 1B40. tf. - ; ' ilttai Coots, ieD Gooos. - Cheaper Than Ever I ' JOHN H. PURDY. h jut receive.1, at his New Klore, in Merkat Hquere, a fraab aepply ot Seasonable Goods, such st ,4 . . ' ' j . v Cloth. Caeimerat.Uartinetis, Kentucky Jnns, -Cords, Diillings, Alpcrs. Ginglunis, Print, Muslin. Hosiery. Cleviav ckd. 1 AIoi (joenwrmtOrorri,. which will he sold very low. , Purchaeer are invi ted to call and er .mine hit ttork before purchating alebere. Tbe higheai price pi id for Produce. Sunbury. Orrfoh; 17rh, U46. tf. KXTRAORDINAUY DISCOVERY! DBAnrui ojbjt sa coxed il COOPER'S ETERIAL OILA prompt and lasting remedy fir Daaraaa. Im fr pain and discharge of matter from tbe Ear. Hundred efcurra in caea deemed Utterly hope- levehava firmly O'lsblished it cuperiorily over eve ry ftarmer Medicf divevy.-- This vstutble ACoUttte'MeUtrine Is a compound of four different Oils, one of whirh, ihe active and principal ingredient, ie obtained from tbe bark of a certain specie of Wslvdt, a new end effectual agent in the cure of Death. Persons who hsd been deaf for 10, 15 and even 20 year, bava been permanently cured by ueing tin oil. In fact, so numerous end so emphatic have been the te-timonisls in it fsvor, iht the in ventor claims for it the tlieiinrtion of an Infallible Remedy, in all cases, when the Ear is perfect in its furmsti n. For further particulars, snd evidence of its great vslue, are printed she Is, in the hands nf Agent. For sale in Sunbury. by J. W. FIUL1NG. September 18ih,, 1840 ly UtlivKHiliV V ir)WIUl1lil UNRIVALLED AND UNEQUALLED In curing Cold, Coughs, Asthma, Influenaa, W hooping-Cn ugh, end all Disesse of the . kteaet and lung, leading to Consump tion s compared of the concentrated , virtuea of tbe herbe Horebonnd, Bxneavtt. Blood root, and aeveral other vegeta ble eubrtaneaa. Werranted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. THIS invaluable Medicine is the most speedy end certain remedy ever dieeovred f r the lov eompla'nta, aa thousand who bava used it mill testify. For aale, in 8unbory, bv J. W. FRILINO. and in Northumberland, by D. BRAUTiGAM, anJ at wholecala, in l'hllsd. Iphie, hv ? T. KLETT & Co, Corner of FeeonJ end Calloabill streets. September 18th. 1846. ly D E i TjfS T RY. : JACOB HELL2CP, PTpHANKrUL Hr the liberal enceragrmenl U which be bae received, wool I respectfully inform hie friend and the eitiaen of Nortuumlwi land county in general, that ho ha prepared him self with the beat Incorruptible Teeth. Gold Plata, Gold Fil, eke , that ean b btd in the eitv of Phi-Uib-Ihi t and lbt be will endeavor, to tb ntmuet o( bis ability, to render full salislactien to all who. my think ptoper to engage bia service. He will be In Soobiry t the Augot aogrt, where be will he prepared, at bia residence, to Jneert Teeth on Gold Plate, or on Pivot, an the lateel and naoat ap proved plana, id attend lo all rbe brtacbe belong-. ing M DENTAL SURGE RT- . Ladiee wil) be waited oo el tWir pUeraef rei cVneavifdaaiied. . , ... Hlacbarge will be raasoasbaa, and bU work warranted. , ' He win WIt dilfcrant parw of Ike teuty, nbeat enee n three month. S.eJmry. July 18th, )M4n ! rVKTcRStJlit- aaJ BIscL' btOiisa w ak, ef e saperier jMliry, for sale rhaaf. at Ike we of OCX HI MAOOCJL r. July 4th, 1841. b. mrjDEiiy jn- Ao. 34 iVorfA fourth Street, under lie Mer ebant: Hotel, Phllndelphla, ., fa t atnna a esaisJ KEEPS constantly on band an exleruiveae aortment of all kinds of Silk, Fur and Bea ver Mats, which ha effer for sale on tbe mnet rea sonable term. Hie Hat are made op ol the best an,teriala, end io the most approved etyla. Per eone viaiting tbe city will Cnd It lo their interest to call . July 11th. ..CSLTIlrlBIi. ECJSS,.. PHILADELPHIA. ' THIS large and commodious Hotel ha recently been fated up wlih en ire new furniture. Tbe sHbacribrra therefore solicit the patronage of tbe public, 'and treat that their experience in the buainne will enable them to give entire satisfac tion. Tsrmt moderate. , . BAGLEV, McKENZIE dc Co. Julv4ib. 184(-Iv FOUNTAIN HOTEL, Llfttat Street, THE House lte undergone a tboroogb repair. Tbe proprietors solicit Its former patronage. ' Terms $1 23 perday. ' W'M. W. DIX. ' ARTHUR L. FOOO. Joly 4, 1846 -ly Proprietora. Keller & Orccnousb, , . , PATE1TT ATTOE.HE7S, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, ' , WASHmOTOB.O. DRAWINGS and Peper. Tot the Patent Of Dee will be prepared Iry them, at their office, opposite the Pa'ent Office. Julv.4tb.l84rj.lyw SILVEU 3FEDAU iviivii bv TM rttiaita rna-rircia, 1645. f ' r t " ? City Digntmotype EstablUbmrRt. ' (Lara Siwoaa ft Cotiixa.) Ni.J00CAn.u( f ftAr.TAironfi fide, Ti Z Xrfvix.ABSX.PHZA. ' m-riNfAf If J. - for a lady, at INfATURES tnkrn equally a well in cW ni cie.r wetier. A urk silk dtrss and a black euit for a aenlleman, are refMriU? in eitling a picto e. - No extra charge ie made for coloring, and perfect likenesses sre guarantied. . July 4ih. I84B. Iv : 1 WOHTTirT " TO ALL COUNTRY ' ' HOUSEILEEFBRS. rESg. , YOU msy b sure of obt.inmp, at I THSFj time,;pore and highly flavored By the single pound or larger qnartity, at the PeklnTeaCJouipaiiy Ware-lion, 3U SotUa Second ttreet, between Market una Cfict ntii itreeie. rnTT.APTILTIlIA. . Hererefore it has been very difficult, irid't, si Mwl impossible, alwaye to obtain, good Grp. n mid Bl iek Teata. Bui now you have only to visit the Pekin Tea Cnmpany'a 8lore, to obtain aa deliriuue nd fragrant Tea aa yon could whth for. All tartea can here be suited, with tbe advautsge of getting a pure article at a low price, . June 37th, 1816. ITHOLnSALE AD RETAIL THE subacaihere are constantly manufarluring ftom the beat Frrnch, English and American manufactured Clothe and Caastmere, CLOTHING in e very superior style, cut end workmanship. Persons buying lo eell strain will find one of the largest and mrwt fwbionable stork of good 10 select from in the city, and at unp'eredented l"W price. J. W. & E. D.STOKES, . .184 M.rkel at. Pbilad. N. B. A large tTrmert of Odd Fellows' He gslis constantly on bnd, and all order from lodges or indt'bltisls punctusl'y stlendetl to, nn the moat lihe-nl terms. J. W. ft E. D. 8. Philadelphia. June 27th. 1B48 ly D A N V I L ! IT WOOLEN FACTORY. DANY7XLS, COLUmBXA COUNTY, - Pennsylvania. THE Danville Stemrn Woolen Faelory, foimer ly owned and occupied by Dr. Paraiai, ha recently been purrhed by the subscriber, who respectfully announce to their friends and the pub lie genersl y, that thay are now prepared to do all kinds of w-jrk In their line of business, st the ahor teal notice, according to order, and in tba beat core psrstive mannor. Having gone to considerable ei penes in r. pairing tbeii auachinery and aparatua, nd bring wry particular in securing tbe service of experienced mechanics, they feel confident that ibey era capable of excelling all kinda of work in a atyle superier to stiy ether 'blihmnt in the country, ai the old rastomary p-ires. CLOTHS, SATIN ETT8, FLANNELS BLANKETS constaniy on hand, and for aale at reduced price, for Case or Barter. CAUD1AG AKD Fl'LLISG ill be done in tbe beet manner, at lha usual pi ece. All kinds or eouninr produce tsaen in pay ment for taoik, at Danville tairket price. For the accommodation of these who live at distance, Wool and Clare will be taken in al. and, when finishtd, retnrnrd to the following p' ces, I'Uin whttrn diiaetions null sccooipsny each parael l Columbia County. Keup ft Mst' a store, v shmgu.nville; R. Fruit's store, J.rveytown; Yea ger'e inn, Roaring Creek J 6harplr' store, f'stta wiaat C. F. Mann's store, MiffJinvillet Millar's store, Berwick I J. C line's Mill ; Rickal'a store, Otsngevillet Derr'e store. White Had. Northumberland Counv Michael Readrr'e inn, Turbotvillst Ireland ft Hav'a more, McEwene ville; E. L. Ptper'a' store, Wstsonst-wn ; tf. I. Comly ft Co' store, Milton; Gibon' inn, Chil litquaqu t .. Fonytli'a slO'O, Nortbomberland Young's store. Sunbury. Lnxern CotiVy Reynold's store, Kingston! Gildersleeve'e etore. W ilkeabare Gey lord' store, Plymouth j Styer'e store, Nantlcoke j . Jndge Merk'e Mill, Huntington. lyeaming Ceany. D. CIspp'e atore, Money ; Sboemakar'a atore. Bmlth'e Mill. . , . dEARHART KOWNOYEt. Panama, May , 1848. , ' , , ... . IIP tractine; I WeXrsTetvlraaa Grease, Dry Fmnts,yeossvar, detainee! ew eachaHlo. wr. raeled n4 le injere Ikecloih or Ibe inoU eleiatatf eetore.: ThiB bqn-d baa alaa been sed elih aveat auceaaa ia caawe al Bema. So Ida, Teltar. Pmplea en the fana, Chapped kenia, 6ote kip), Rbaqeaa Issm. Hani o aeh Corne, eV. QCP Wtt. per bonkv r Fee aak at tb atore of . July 18, me. If. MACrSER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' 1 atVXffBITaVTr. TP A - ' Buain attended to in the Counties f New thuavUrland, Union, Lycoming astd Cobimbiau liefer ti . r. rx A. irovoooT, - Lowaa dr. Banaew, . Saaiaat cV faoneaaaa, VPaJeaf. . Karaotas, McFaauen & Co. Weaatwa.flooa & Co., Fn&IttXUEZ SCALES. Dale's Rsd Scakas, Coal and Hay do Iron MsnufscV do Portsble Platform do to different sitee, Dormet of Floor do 6 different sues. Counter do 12 difleieut sixes. Tbe above Scales are mads either single or double beam, and are decidedly tbe most datable, accurate end eonveni. ent Fcuti-a ever invented. We also have Platform and Count, r Scales, Patent Balancea and every kind of Weighing Machines in use for eale, whole sale and retail, at low prlcea. All Scales sold by ea lo go Out of the city, are boxed free of charge, and warranted to rve satisfaction to the purchaser in. every particular. GRAY At BROTHER. Manufacturers and Dealers, No. 34 Wslnut street, June 87. 1M6. ly Philadelphia. SALT.New York slt in barrels and bags, fur sale at manufacturers' prices, by GRAY Sc BROTHER. June 7, mi. ly 34 Walnut st, Pbilad. XX HORS if l Horse Sh II tt prices, by HORSE SHOES. Burden's Patent Shoes, for aale at manufacturer GRAY ft BROTHER. 34 Walnut -t Pbilad. June 27. 1846. ly lKXXSYLVAMA HOUSE, - it Is a OAxnrzZiX.a pa. flMlE surwriiber, Iste of the Union Hotel, Mun M. cy, Pe , respet'tfully inform the old and nu nierous cuvtotner of the Pennnylvanla House?, ' end the pnMir generally, thai be has leased the Tavern Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, where he i now prepared to entertain traveller, and per aone vifiting the town, in the vrry beat style. The accommodation will be urh a a well conducted public hnuee should afford, and no effort will ha spared to render s.ti.fsclion, in every respect, to all who may call. - Tba citizens of Lycoming county re invited to put up with the underiigned when they visit Danville. HENRY WEAVER. Dni:le. Mav S. tStfi. DEITTISTPaT. PUT Kit n. ma'sskr. RECENTLY PROM PHILADELPHIA, EI ECTI TLLY inform the ct'il.n of Sunbury lud vi.-initv, that he has 0)rned an cilice at the re.idei,ce of Heniy Mss e.r. in Market street, where he i prepared lo execute alt kinds nf Drrt Sunesav. Plate Work, Ac . on the latest nd moat approved plan. Hiving bad some experience enJ instruction, ender one of lb mo.t eminent and successful Den tins in Pbiladi'lphi. he believee that he will be able lo give aalisfdClion to tnore who may want bia eervicea. . Ladiee will be waited nn at their place of resi dence. Hie charges will ba moderate, and bia woik warranted. 8unbury, March S8lh, 1848. To Parctaaaers or DR7 GOODS. IS2e 2aCOCaDLUaB0 .Vo. HI Penrltt., NEW YORK. HAVING established e Branch al No. 144 Ch nut at., Philadelphia, ia now opening, and will be eonttantly receiving from the New York Auc tions, an extensive sssonment of - FANCY ft STAFX.E BUY GOODS, which will be aold st the lowest New York pi'e, at wholes I and Retail. Among h stock will be found a good anoortment of tbe following erticles: JaceaneU, Plsid, Hair Cord, Lace, Stripe, Book, Swiea and Tarlatan Mualina, Bishop and Linen Lawn. Fancy Cap Nells, Fancy and Ball Urease. Thread Lace. Application Do rich Black Silk Trimming Lace, Irish Linen. Linen Cambrics, Linen Camltfic Hdkf..Curtain Fringe. Cashmere d'Ecoe., Meuaehne de I.aiae. Silk end Cotton Warp Alpacca. Quen'e Cloth, Gala Plaid, French Merino. Black Silk. Gloves Pi k Hwe, Shswta, Cravtta, Ribbons, Embroiderie. ftcnfte. Coontry Merchant and other visiting Phildel pbia er New York to purchase, are reepectfully in vited to call and examine tbe atocka. Nov. 1. 1846. ly BELIEVE AND LIVE. THOMSON'S Compound Syrup off Tar A Wood - -Naptha. THE unprecedented occea nf this medicine, in the restart tion of bsahb, to iboae who, la de peir, had given op all hope, baa given il an rxat. tad reputation above all other reitMdiee, furnishing evidence of ita intrinsic vlo and power, a tbe on ly agent which can be roiied anon toe tbe cere ef Polmonsry Consumption, i Bmnchitti, Asihm. Pin in the tide and Brea.t, Spitting of Bloed, Whooping Cough, Croup, ftc. Attention is requested to the following ASTON. JXHING CUKEbv TbooMon't Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptha 1 ! Philadelphia, May 3d, 1141. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grtteful frvlrmr I inform yon of ie aetoouthing effacla of de d do do V do do do da do your medicine, which bae lilerany raja-ii me Irem a death-bed ! My disease. Pulmonary Consnmp. lion, bad reduced me ea low that my fbyaician pro. nojnrrd my eee hopeiee I At tbi junction be gan to eyeor medicine, and miraeulona aa il may seem, h baa eompletrly rwlor4 ma to betflh, after everything elee bad failed. Bespertfully yonre, WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte at reel, above Geerga atrt Tb endereigned, being peraonnlly scqutinted with Weakington Mack end hie aauSsnngs.. beer Wtlneae le the eetoniahiag effecU of Tbaeaaon'e Ceaapoon Sy rap ef Tar, and Ibe Velfe nf the e bove Ulaot. JOS. WINNER, lit North Third eVreeV . ; DAVID VICKERS. it AbWdetmc HUGH M'GINLEY, A B. coxnef TWy end Feavtb eitaeta. t Prepared eoly by 8. f Tnnafn. N. L eeenav ei tibenal faawae etreeat, f bilaeelpbia. Agenla H. B. Maaeer, Aeaberyi tnd Dr. Knaaeeaiainrata Jg,, Brewn, PotawUle fibaa. pari Rawehng Beoeto 4 M ee, Teweaain, .Bradrbsd eannty. Pa, PrioaeOeaaa per bottle eg 0 per 4aa. . ' rflp Jaajtawf of oil pmtqfipv. Pblltoalahit, .oe Mtb, lil.-r-:;