Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 27, 1847, Image 3

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    tended to thritr.-, Thf call, IT will be perceived,
is tor Msut months VoliiiiteerK''; M it will be
recollected that, -urtdcr an act ol Congress, no
volunteer! can be received for a less term than
12 months, V nntW the expiration of the war.
Tut .notwithstanding tail 'ligd fact," the Go
vernor egpresaes his readiness,, with hie aecus
tmed patriotic fervor;1 'to pull offhis coat and
go to work to raise 'volunteer! and be hopes all
good citigens will aid him.' This hope he will iealixe Cfor the .citi sens of Louisiana,
of all parties, will atand by their CMer Magis
trate In any responsibility he may assume iff this
emergency.," When our country is 'gaped is
war, Louiaianiaas will throw aside, party, and
Whig and Democrats will gallantly come to the
rescneV'The veteran, Gen. Brooke, In command
of the Western division of the army, ias signi
fied his willingness to muster the troops that may
offer into the aeyice of the United Stages; and if
Col. Hunt, the United States Quartermaster, will
furnish the means of transportation, as we can
not doubt under the circumstances he will, the
Governor, immediately on this fart being ascer
tained, will issue his proclamation for one regi
ment of votunteers at a time, and when that is
rail," Jhen for another ' by which time intelli
gence wilj probably be received from" Washing'
ton. '' V?! . . X
v. '.t; -k! BlliTIMURK MARKET, 1 ' ' '
Office of the Baitihobs Am catcAa, March 10.
GRAIN. Wmrat. The ; receipts . of Md.
wheats are small, and the sales of fair to prime
reds have ranged from 120 to 127 ct's. ; we quote
these rates to-day. There was a sale. of good
Penna. red yeeterday at 125 cts., and to-day. a
parcel of the same description, to arrive, Was
sold at theseme price. Large quantities of Penna
wheats are knowu to be on their way to this
market by canal and river part of which has
been already sold and will at once be shipped to
Europe. V -V '", .
Cons On Monday the market opened quite
sluggishly, with sales of Md. yellow at 73 cts.
and of white at 72a71cts. Since Tuesday the
market has been comparatively mora active, and
the sales, including transactions to-day, have
been at 73a75 cts. for Md. white, and at 70a78
cts. for Md yellow. There have been several
sales of Penna. yellow, including parcels for ear
ly delivery, at SO cents, and we quote that rate
to-day;'" .- .
Rye. We continue to quote Md at S3 cts.
Oats. The sales of Md. to yesterday, were
generally at 45a46 cts.; to day we quote at 4Ca
47 cents.
Cavtiow to 8to Kr.sntHS Whereas in.
formation has been received a follow :
- '. ! RkaMko. March 4 1847.
Dr W. Wrght Der Sir' There it a roan
going through the cnuntiy with conierfrit Wright's
Indian Vegetable Ptll he rs Ik himself vour agent
and says he had the pdle from your otrice. Mr.
Jons Shalter. of Schuylkill Bend, Pa, took enme
from him, hut after se'linr a few boxes, f mnd ihem
miserable counterfeits. He laid them aside till the
man came again, and then told him the pills were
counterfeit, and that he must take them hack. 'I 'he
man rot very angry and refused. Mr. Shatter told
him he would try the law. uKn which the man
took them bark, and confessed that he received
the ii from au rquivnc.d e-tabltahmenl in Philadel
phia. The msn'a nune is 8ith. HehsW,
P. Miller, of Adams Co," marked on his wagon.
Vuurs, Ac, S. H.
From the above statement, country storekeepers
will prrceive tbat,they c-nnt be too much on their
guard a ,'siio-V Usvell ng imp-slrs; and il is ear.
ncstly requested, that ahetr they, are vidicd in a
minner Mmilir to the ah ie, they eive the earlieai
inforoiatiusi to lha Philadelphia office to that, bv
me n of ur num-rous insiders, we may iniei.
vepl, snd so stop, tlteii ick-d rarewr.
, The travelling sgerits have a Ctrliji
cole vf Agency signed hy me, which ihev are ready
to produce when en iWsired. Waj, Wridmt,
10! ItacesUeet, Philadelphia.
Taom la Natcsb. Have yon pain!
Pe thankful. Il is a vigorous effort nf Nature to
throw off mnrhific matter. From v hat mv the
morbific matter arise! Prom a hiuiee, or U' whole
some air which ha become miied with the blood,
or meO'porated In it. but which is liable In taint
the whole mass if not eiedi'v temovrd. Or the
pain may arise f om bile whi h haa become bad,
rancid, putrid, in eons- quenee i f the wsnt of now
r in the proper organs to ilicharg it. TVs pa;n
which " freighirn people is only the symptoms
of the effotts of Nature, (for the vitd principle of
the blood.) to r( pel the prcant or tnij'Ure matter,
whirh would otherwise destroy the human fabric.
In ordi r to dcctiminae between Truth and con
jecture, we must l guided by the fight P.iperi
nre. To hut diie exntrierce dirtrl! To the
free use of Dr. Biaudrrlb Pill in all oases nf bo
lily suffering. all . scute, d.ecaaea, li t B'en
drcth'e Pill and mikl diet be au aaJ lha patient
will soon be restored lo good heahlu n,i r;,-, 1
juj a hi b it .. ..,,
- In Northamberland on the 4th iaat., by the
Rev. James Kay. Dr. Justin PaievTLV, to Miss
Hasnab fl. daughter of John Taggart, Kaj , all
of Northumberland.. w- , -
uii; u.
In Philadelphia, on the 13th" Inst , JOHN L.
l'INNLY. lormeily of this place, iu the 30th
year of his age.
In Bloomsburs, on the 4th Inst , Mrs. AGN'KS
FORSYTH SCtiTT, wifeeftr Tavid N. Scott
end eldest daughter of Dr. Devitt Pctriken, in the
3Tta year of her age.
Uoneht, CbroV, Vanaumptiim, Spitting nf Hfund,
Pain in lh SUk and Wetr Brvnthiti
- ' Croup, Attkm. md all rftaeoee art
1 ' 1 airisT 'frm a ditontcrrd ttmdititn '
"''' flhetngr nfrtnltdenld. v.-" if
I iir of ad ice which Is suitable to all srssora.
and applicable to alt purposes ; though there bt no
instance in whirls ibis piece of advice is mere valu
able, than to persons wha have a cough or cold, for rf
lix-v tientecf what isiay appear la tbem very iiMiag
it may" WaJ to Imflammatioo of Jiyuge, nd "
Consuqiprton 1 Tq H who svf a eoegh, wf woakl
say, prcui. a bona at'
The medicina la pleasant to lake, and h easy aav
" 60 Cent, par boll!. ffl"'
It) Bsltimor. at, and eorner of ChsrUe Fratlata.
and by GEORGE BRIGH r.-unlHiiy.
Msrcb S7, lT.
l-MJ ' . M
" ,1'RICli CUltURiVT. r
Cortrrferf wcery by Hcnrti Slather."
16 "
Rti, .
Coan, .-It" ;
Knaita ' N
Bsaswit, '
HacaLsa FaASr
. I
a. rt i ,e .
The Cheapest and best Medicine in eiistenre!
Every person who la subject to Bilious Fever,
should purify their bl.iod and system by -'
' using a bo of the
Persons afflicted wih Oostieness. shnuld try the
Young ladies and gentlemen troubled with Pim
ples on the Face. ebnuM try the '
Singing (n the Kara retievol by the- .
Headache and Gidilineaa cured bv usinx the ' - '
Drow.inesa aud General Debility, cured bv the r
Dyspepsia can be cured by rising, the !'!
(Person who hsve taken considerable portions
of mercury, and in consequence have paina in the
bones, should use freelv tbe . - -
3" Persona In want' of a Pill .taat ia" Puieti
VejveaMe, and is warranted nut to contiun a parti'
etc of Mercury, should uaa the .
8ETH H. HANCE. 108 Baltimore at, and corner
of Chrales and Pratt atreeta. Baltimore,
and by GEOROR BRIGHT. Sunbory,
D. BRAUTIGAM, Nottbumberland.
March 27. 1847. ,
Volunteers Wanted.
The Latent Ifcws from the' South
W. E. TEokpSOlT
WILL o)en, on the first of April, a new and
handsome assortment of '
Dry Goods, Groceries. Hatdwaie. Qoeertsvtare,'
Stationary, Palm 1eaf and Leghorn Hats,
Paints Oil, Window Glass. Nails,
Fuh, Salt, Ac, Ac, Ate , ' ' '
alt of which he will sell on the Poitsville plan, vs:
heap, fir ready pay anly. , !
The usual kinds of produce taken, at mar
ketprirv. .r - r : r e -j f '
Sunbory. M.rrh t7th, " C'
1'tautte Header!!!;
Thia good cornea from a friend, an edu
cated, physician, and one who he been cured of
protracted illness, bv -THE IMPROVED INDI
which ere kt this moment effecting some of the
moat remarkable cures on record, and they will con
tinue to heal the tick aa long aa fhey are reeoried
to by them. This is no nostrum, made merely to
aril iirespective fit qualities, but a valuable med
icine, made by a well informed Pbyaician. of Vege
table Ingredient, pure, effieaciiiut, and harmlcii
In a f w days, we -hall mke a public report of ae
vera! more ca-ea of orciern cure (or we note na
ofAers) and the public may know on what medi
cine to rtltf in time of need. .
fjj- CAUTION. As a miserable imitation has
been made, by the name of 'Sugir Coated Pills"
it is necessary to be sure that Pa. G Bbhj.8suth's
siigna'ute is on every hot. Price 29 cents.
Principal Office, 179 Greenwich aL New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury.
March tO, 1R47.
OF Northumberland County, for April Tmn,
A. D. 1847.
Crn nd Jurors.
Lewis. Laee Tun er.
PrLiwart- John Den'ler.
Miltnn John Robin, Sirphen Wilson, 1'bo.
Chilliiquaque. Joseph Nesbit.
Sunbury.- Abrahsm Erwiu, Peter Hilraian,
Henry ti. M atin
Uneer Auguta Ell PeifT. r. Joel Wnlf.
Shamolrin.SiCA'b Marts Jacob E. Muench. -'
' A'utA Joseph Iteider, Wm. D pui, John II i (f-
man, Abraham' Moore. - .-,
Ci James Gilger,' Deniamin Katbrrman.
" I'pper Mahmioy.VtWt Montdiua, Jolin Bcn
a I, George Hnvder.
Jomer Mahonoy John Wertz, ' ' ' '
Jacluon. George Kri-Is.
1 ..Traverse' Jurors. .
' Turbut. John Haa. r.
' Isw!$ --John Walli. Amos Glat.
' Delaware. Jacoh Siex-, Win. McWilliams,
Thomss MrKee.' Peter Kelchner. Jsmea Kirk, Jo
aepb Durham, James Lowry, Jamea Carr, Abra
ham Sterner.
Milton. Dennie C. Cant. ' '
Chillitquaque. Fiher. John Frederick'
Point Abel Gibbous, Hi nry Watts, John
Ntrthumberland Daniel Haas, George Eckert,
Jacob Ecke.rt, ; .;." ''.
Suntiury SeTiul Gnsaler, John Schmirk.
Vpper Augusta. John Haughawout, Mor.bcai
Lower Augusta' Henry II. Malicb, Reuben
Ga log't, Daniel K luffman.
MnmoAin. Conrad Ysg r, Allen Aurbmulv,
David Chichester, Samuel Hoover, George Millet,
Jesse Campbell, Wm H.
Rush. Win. D. Gesrbsrt, Win. Met ier, sr,
Coal. Ali-iamjei Caldwell. ,
l)iprr Makonty. George Psul.
Lottier Mahonoy. Elias BjveV, Abraham Bin
gim m. Philip Uobb, Benjamin Trego, Jacob Spitx.
Litllt Mahonoy. Jefoh D. Holl'inan. '
Jackson. Wm. Dvpprn, John S. Hass, Jacob
Creastnget, .
Pel If Juror.
! TurJu. David L. IiUnd, George Good.
Lcifia-Juhn M. Brymn, Adam ehuler.
Wdumre-lssac S. LilUy, Hewry Reader. Phi
lip McWiliams,Jkbn Waison, Rrutan ILoeyi
. .Uiffon. Uertrsm Gilhrsslh, Jacob W heeland,
Aiaoa Witter, Hugh M. Dviaon, C. UsiiUyltmew,
Chillisquaque. Jacob Rhosils, ,, ',.
,!.. L ' i i L . t! . . s A ' '
' Sunbury John O. ftf, '
Lpaer August- Haaaual OUitdmf.
Lower Augusta. John Fay, Jubn Malicb.
- gtaessJKri. Hsiuil Eplat, Isaac Sober. Fslii
Larch. 1 iJ 1 1 - " : ; j
' IusALilbert PeVt,(Viri.riarier;
' f oal Reuben Eiaaahart, Jeremiah Bacon,' Pa:
tar Wotket1' '; ' '
- fVper VolaweV, Amn Foffa, John Bcbmlrk.
, s ;
'lower JafaAflrwtf.-.Abrahsrii Pepren. Joseph
Fensrarrascher-T - ' ' " ' J - ..!
Jackson- PsnitI Schwsiti, Joseph Trego, Mir
t L M . . '
no tviumoviiw.
lOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor.
thumlrerlsnd County; tl April Tor m, J 817,
commencing the first Mouday, being the 6ili.
Seitxinger, alienee f 'V " , . .
'Garver ' 1 vs Johti Gsrver ct al" '
William FsrroW - ve Abraham Kleaa ;
William Simenton et at vs Shipman & Ureenough
John Henderson's heirs vs Same ' .
Wm I, Heinemsn s If art man H Khcebte
Peter Richter'e exi's vs Doilgedc Barret ' -- "
John A Lloyd - .va Wm K McDonald -John
Kane dr. wife v v John Neidht cV wife - '
Mary Reset al - Henry Hnvdor el al
Wm H Pomn's asaiirne vs Wm Welch '
Benjamin Robins
Valentine Klate
tliuiry Masaer '
Sarah Reed
'hnrlea Craig, jr.
John Parker ef nl
William McCoy
Joseph M it man
vs Wm McCstty el al
vs Hunh Red el al
vs James Covert
a Dr Holiert Philips j
- vs Levi Hobartetnl
i- va Sham. Coal dr. Iron Co
- vs Michael fhnemaker
Daniel Wetilner "
Wm Stark A. Wife
James tir.iham rl al .
D iniel Ullman rt al
Jamea Merrill'a ei'r
Csacr St Clair
Philip Vickery et al
George Conrad .
Mablon Ha mien rt al
Isaac Huff ..
vs John MiGmnes
va Hugh Bellas. E q et al
vs fi'ileoB Lcisenring '
va P of G Walls
vs George Kunlz's ei'ia
va Peter Brosius et al ,
va Jacob Haas , , 1. .
vs John Bidleman et al
vs Henry Elston ,
vs William Fick . , .
Charles II Frick
Wood & Rhawn'a eir s David Hsopt
Asber Morris ; ., vs Gideon Lemenring -George
Tioxel & wifa va Jacob di Joseph Kline .
Daniel II Conner vs Daniel Wridner
George C Lilly vs Jacob Bergvr, ad uf J Lilly dee
Willism r iher et al va Ehenexer Greenough ,
John Hine
va Elizabeth Hine
vs T A Dillingtoo rt al
vs Jacob 8hl m .
vs Samuel Blair ' - -v
George Oyster - "
John Jenkins et al
George. Eckert
Francis Ball's admrs
Ballaet Garnhart.
Burgess of Milton borough va Samuel Blair
Jacob W Seitsinger ve WiliLim Carr "
Henry Maaeer va II U Maaaer (V Joseph Eiaely
Baltser Gamhart vs George Oyster
James Appteton et al va William Donaldson
John Haas, Keqr
va Rob rt A Parish - ,
ve Willism Sanderson
vs D N Lske el al -ve
Peter Haughswout '
va John B Boyd's ears
va Same
Geiidi air. Marsh
Jacob Reed
William H Gilbert
Whitsll dc Brown
Willism Natatt
Yardlirg dt Lower et al vs
Moll A Schobel el al vs
S ime
Daniel 8 While ' Vs Bcnjimin Robins
Hiilel Smi'.h a Aitaustns A John Hitcy
ProthomHarv's offire. . ? i . ; Froth' y.
Sunbury. March 13. IS47. S
Importers and Dealers in Silks, Ribbons,
and Jlillinery Goods,
No. 45 South Sgco.ho Stbket,
Ta ESPECTFULLY Invite the st ention of
11, Merchants and Milliners VhHiing (he eily to
their new and rich assortment of Mpring Millinery
Gooila, to which they are daily making addition ;
amog which will be found V. ; f -
Glace Silka for casing bonnets, at variety of
pricea; a large eeaurlment of new eiyle Bonnet
Ribhotw; plain Mautos nnd 8stin Ribbons, of all
widths; Chi p Hats, Crap, Crape Li sees; French
and American Artiftetat Flowers bt great variety;
Faaey Trimming Laees, Cap Stuffs, Buckram.
Willows, Ciown, Tlpe, Face Trimmioga. die. Ac
A a large portion of the above have been im
ported by our 'elves direct from France, we are en
abled to offer ihem at tbe lowcat market prices.
March 13ih, 1847. 1m.
. Venetian Blind Manufacturer,
No IS North Cth t, (a few doors above Ma'krt at.)
HAS now ou h.mJ the largavt and most fashion
able aas rim. nl of N.trrw Slal and other Ve
netian Blinds of any establishment in ih United
Stalea. whirh he will sell, Wholesale anJ Retail,
al the lowel p. ires.
Tbe eilize a of Sunbury and vicinity are respect
fully aolicited to c ill on him before purchaaing else,
whi re, aa he is c.'iifi cut of giving entire satisfac
tion to sll who nmy thua f voi h.m with s call. '
OLD BLINDS Repainted and Tiimmrd, so as
lo lo k iqual to n W.
Drdera puuctuslly attended to, and the Blinds
forwarded with uVapa'xb,
(.-. j : v ' ! .v .-: f --' B. J. WILLIAMS.
March I. I817-3m. ,' '
. -r i . .- . . "i ii .
; :Valuublc "Irojjerty. ;
fllHE Subscriber filers for sale, on moderate
1 terms, a valuable piece of I 'nd, situa'cd in
Augua'a townsh'p, Norlhumlierland roun'y, ghoul
6 mill fioin Sunbury. on the To'p' hoiken road,
roniaining seven acre more or less, in an excellent
'a'e of cultivation, wheteoit am er cted a I irge
frame dwelling house 33 by 48, and a store
house 18 by SS, with excellent water at the doors,
a bank barn "H by 31, and an ice house under
ground.. It is one of Ihe be-t business locations in
the county. Fot further information inquire of the
subecilicr, on the premises.
Augusta, March 6, 184771
TS hereby given to all legstrea, cre.liliws, and o
L ihet persons iiilerested iu the estates of Thoiusa
Grant dee'd, aottled by bis adm'i de bonis non cum
iM.tumenio annexo, Kentlerton Sinilht ef Morris
Smith dee'd, aetUid by his aJoi'rs llsmy llsupi
and DaviJ Msrtsj of Mlrhel Aeidlg d' e'd, settled
by his adra'ra Samuel S, Wagner and George Con
rad; of John Btatnrr dee'd. se'tte.1 by hit. adm'r
Jacub Herb; the guardian account of George Von
rsd, guardian of Sarah Malicb, Haorgh Milch,
Lrdia Malich Esthi r M.lich, Charlotte Malich,
Mary Mabch and Jer.miah Malich; of Robert
Far ns worth dec'd.aellled by his a.lm'r John Fams
woith) ef Catharine Kline di-c'd, seul.U by ber
a.lni'r Thosias I'srd x-; of WU'lam Painter doc'J,
settled by bis adm'r Thomas PsrJ.ic; of J.Jiu
Fesster dee'd. settled by his adm'r M inin Rsndalli
of John Ltlenring sn't dee'd, settled by his rxV
lUnry Uuaalet: or Daniel Ly trc d, s. t led by
his eira Lcwla Devtart and Alexander Jjrdsritof
Jacob Osaa decM. settled by his rxr'Wm. IL'
Mueicb;bf Aa Pancoatl dee'd, aatlkd by bis 'r
W. IL Muencb. Lsia of Northumberland couiuy,
dee'd; that the executors, administratora end gnat,
dlans of g'id deceased estates bare AM ( (heir ac
eouuts who the Register or this county, and that
l bey will be preempted lo the Orphans' Court of
said county en Tuesday ine did a j p Aj'tti next,
lor connrusiion aqd allowance, .
r RltWARn nvsTER..
Sejnbury, Merch . I(4f. K ' 1 ItegUter
AKK.4-Tlhe hiaasi ' "warket "prae psd f"t thasloiS of
Msich 37, HIT. JOHN BOGAU.
riHE Subscriber have. lh exelusive right of
JL vending J. M. THATCHER'S
Hot lUaat llt .Air Cook Ins;
aWl'Jll'CTOaXlsHS -
in the counties af Nrerihumboilan.l, Colamhia and
Schuylkill; knd from the encouragement met with
already, lltcy expect lo do a large business. Thia
rtova is constructed on an entirely new principle,
and on the only principle that cm make bulb a
good wood and coal stove, Tbe inventor has over,
come all the difficulties that so frequently belong ti
other stoves. Ho has by his arrangement, con
structed a broiling ( In front, where,
in broiling, rossltng, frying or baking may be done,
and alt the smell that arises therefrom must paas
info the combustible chamber, and is not si all
throvru out into the room JJ) Besides this, there
is an oven only two inches lcs ihan ihe whole sizu
ff the stove, wherein bfcing or roasting mar be
done aa well as il can he in ihe common brick riven,
Thia oven ia alwaya fit lir use when the siove is
liealeal, aa the whole draught of but air passes V
round it constantly. ,
Publ e attention ia parliriilurty "raMed in this
stove, It can te won at our Klore and Tin Estab
lishment in North Dnnville, st the sign of the Co
lumbia Tin shop, und al the t'mtodry of Itohrbach
dt Clement in Sunbury, Where its particular quail,
lies will be fully shown and rxp'ained to any person
wishing to eximine H. .-:.
The subscribers continue lo he on hsnd all
kinda t partoi slovra.tch aa radiators, rylendera,
fanry and plain, auitald for all who may favor us
wiih a call ; also common sheet and Russia Iron,
which csn I mule in any desirable shape; tngr.
iher with a general assortment of tin and js pinned
ware, wholesale and retail. Country mrn hints
are invited to call and evamine our stork, as our
work cannot be surpssed, and prices modoerate.
. N. B. We ran safely recommend the shove men
tioned stove to f-ersnns who wish to rmhark in a
good business The patentee will sell either conn
ly or stale rights. t suit purchasers, and on ra-
'mlile terms, lis or his sgnts mat lie found in
Danville, P.. J. & J. ARTER.
The undersigned, having seen in operation ihe
hot ttiat hot air rooking stove, invented and pa
tented hy J. M. Thaichcr, certify that we Ivclicve,
from the in inner of its cnn-ttucii n and oera'ion.
that it is the best one ever olfere.l ! the public. Tbe
arrartg- ment is so Ciimplete and the construction so
judicious, that thrre is s saving of one half the fuel
and time.' in doing any given amount of s- rvice,
over other celebrated stoves. - In short we recom
inent it in preference lo all others, for the simple
reason thst it embraces every brsnch of economy.
Ssmnel Garrett, John W Garrett. Divid Chat
field, W F Kitch n. John M Gtav, E Thompson.
Smith Thompson, J D Hahn, J.ihn duke. Ilesiki
ah Bear, FII ia F Voer, (Jei M Rich-rt, Dsnirl
Huffman, Henry H Kissel, F H t'atver, Daniel
Dreisbach, Joeph' Vsnki'k, Brook Eptey.
Danville. March 6, 1817. ty J
TTilowefl od'rlrh,fl rotate.
NOTICE is hereby given thai letter of ad
minisiiation have been granted In ihe sub
scriber, on the estate of Howell (nsalrirh, late of
Khamokin tnwnhip, Northumberland couny, doc
All persona indeb'el to said estate r having Je
ni'iiiifs sffsin.l Ilia isms, mm rniiiste ! to rail on
Ihe subscriber for aMtlrment, wlih'Mit tlel iy, nt his
residence, in Franklin ton-h'p; Columbia coun
57, 1847. 6l , Adm'r.
nHE subscriber ofTera for aale a cheao Farm,
situate in Sbamokio township, Northumber
land county, about eight miles from Sunburv. ly
ing between the Centra turnuikc and Iri-h Valley,
cniilaiuing 163 seres and allowances. Said firm
ia in a good slate of cultivation, with reasonably
gooj buildings and rxcellenl water near ihe door ;
and all kinds of fiuit. Ac.
Sunbury. Feb. 20, 1847.
WILD CHERRY We em eniwiajentlv
sta'a that Dr.Swarna' Compound Syr tip of Wild
Cherry ha 1-een extensively used in the United
States for mote than ten years -hat i a bi nefieisl
effects hsve been tested by ihnussnds That it
NvABiaair a Kkcast 1-oi-ah, ami
thst buiulieds ufiudividudt. grsdud y sinking un
der the insidious sttsck of death's fell em erv,
PuiMOtHABT Cossl'mptiiiH, have been restored lo
health, hsppinese snd friends, by ils Use, snd are
now living leatiiiionie f the ruritive p-wer of
thia siviiit. Axutkeu Itlii aasTORcnro
HsttiH Hasn the xtr nvtsittii mil
xv a Mri-oaucn !
Da. Swaxsx De.ii Sir : I ferl c illed by a sense
ofilu'y I oa to sutTuring bttman itv, to acknowledge
my grateful thanks for ihe woniteiful etfecis of vnur
l'omKnio.l Syrup of Wild Cbirry mi me, after
sutTcring month after month with the ni"t sfflic'
ing (f al) disrates, Conmtnt'on. The fust symp
tom were of a ery heavy roM which aenlej on
my lung, which giadually grew worse, with pr.v
fue night sweats, a hacking eongh, spi;ting,
with great ilrhiliiy. My constitution seemid br.
ken downward nervous system' very much impair
d. ., I went to Philadelphia, wa.lreitrd there by
pbysiciatia of the highest standing, but received n t
benefit whatever (nm tbem. bill gradually grew
worse, until my phykijn, as well a myself, gan
un alttiODceof recoerv, and I felt like one hu is
al-nnl to pass through the V-l!ev i-f the Shadow
of Death. Al lhU"ful junrluts" t hrsrd of your
Compound Syrup of Wild Ch- rry. of wbtib I pur
rhastd six bo'llcs, which I am happy in say enliie
ly cur. d me, end I sin now enjoying h Iter health
than I evrr have Ixfore in my I f. ' Prtysu ii.
who witnessed my case are highlr n conun-nding
it in similar caa, and I Wi.h you to make this
public, so thst sll may know where' to .rltlre a
remedy t once which wilt teach their disease he.
f..ra tampering taith ,lhe many 'epi ck iitajuums
viil Wbicti the country i fluxleH. My residenve
is st 45 Ann street, whenx I ahoubj 1 hsppy to
have ihe alto eukaUtitl tcd by a feisonsl inter-
view." ' " ALBBKT A. Rl)S, 1
NYho oulo slid retail Dealer in cigars
'7 ' 4S Ann lteet, N. Y.
lie not deceived by thr- many spurious snd
woithless Mpraiion of'-Wild -Cherry, uher..l
into notice tw ignorant pr toodera, hut see thai the
signature csf Dr. Swayoe ta on each bottle, which
ia tha-only guatautee againat tm osition. "
Prepared wily bv Dr. aJWA YN E. N W, eO..
iter at Eighth aud ltra street, ruiladclpbla. and
lor ale hv rsvpacsabVs Drusraists hi ntaairy all lha
principal towns in lha United Htates, V1' ' I
l)nl A.ent in Suu'oOrV. ta' v v j.' i n
v, ,t :tia i c - HENRY MASSE R.
c D. J. A. Moore, Danville: 1 . Maik'y A
Son Mdion s M. D. A J- Wetle. Munevt C. A.
Wyatl. Leeiaburg; Davbr'A Schnure, Sehnsgrovet
John t;. Reno, Line Mountain P. O. - - -
' Ptitladelphj . Feb. 6th. IH47-m It '
tb'xen Curu Brooma f ! h; by ihe uo.
s or single, al fl At) pel iloxen. by .
.rcl.S7.la47. JOHN BOGAR.
IttESU GAROCN'sEEtlS. from ll-J.j'
' Garden,' iust receivanl fnd for sale by
ttb. 13, 1847. JOHN BOGAR.
PERSONS afflicted wilh Soorfula. Kincs' E
vil. Cancer, Erysipelas Old Souv,, Ulcers,
Tetter, Mercurial Diseases, or any .other oompl iinls
arising from impurities of the blood, aia requested
In read the f dluwing lestimoiiial, in proof of lha
wonderful properties of the sHova named medicine,
v READ! READt! READ!!! We lha under
signed, having viaited Mr Isaac. Brooks, jr , at the
oflice of Messrs. Rowsnd dt Walton, 376 Murkot
street, Philsdelphis, considar his care the most re
markable one we have ever witnessed or hoard of..
His d;aeae was Scoarri, arid terrible must
have I ten his twelve yeara' conflict wilh the de
stroyer! His Palate, the entire roof nf bis Month, Nose,
lfi;.ir Lip. snd lower lid of the RtnaT Era have
been destroyed, Ins Flic lie.irly eaten up, snd part
oflhr Jw Box a carried nnay. , And yrt we Can
give ii i ilrscripttoii of bis case.. , ,
Mr. II, inform ns that in January list, the
whole interior nf hi mouth, t well a moat of bis
face, was a mass of ileep and painful ulcers!
tin the ll'h of January last, he Commenced It
king Or.'s Ivnuv VraxTAsra Pawacxa,
which checked lh- diaesse in a fw dsya, aud fum
th t lime the cuie ha- progressed tsithual interniia
aiun. . ... . . ,
..New flesh has supplied the place of lha da-p
ulcers, and though ha. Ily disfigured, his face is
s.iuml, ami hia gen sr. 1 1 health isrfeslorrd.
We are assured that in the treatment uf Mr.
Brooks' case, no M sarvrai als, I ) nmienK or Caus
tic applications hsve been ud, in fsct, the Pa
strti AI.OBS, haa wrought thia wutiderful change.
H B. M issiv. Kuiilnirv, I'a. ...
J W Jones, M D. South Sd street, Philadelphia.
E W Carr, 4 10 N 4th, above l'oilar, N Liberties.
S MrCullough, Lani-a-ler, Paiiu'a.
O W Api'lelon. M D. 46 S uih at, Philad.
Win Sti-etliiig. M D, Camden, New Jersey.
Wra Hale, 378 High street. Philadelphia.
J II Potter, Man. Mineral teeth, 10 S 9th at, Phila.
I. A W'ntltmwelwr, Ed Phil Dnm 277 N 3d at, do.
A I) Gillette. Pastor of 1 tlh Baptist Church, do.
J bn Hell, Eiie at, Phil, (N American office.)
John W 60 S fuh street, Philadelphia.
T S Wagi er, Ltthograplii-r, 1 16 Chesnut st, do,
Peter Sken Smith, Editor Native Eagle, do,
Jo, I BiHline, Manuf, Williamstown, N J. .
L B Cole. M D, Btou, Masstchuaetts.
Russel Ciililiel.l, Phvsioloei', Philadulphis.
Thomas P S Roby, M D, ll-rrisburg, Pa.
Win I 'rie, ptor St Paul's ch ('aiharine at, Phila.
John t'hambera, pastor 1st Im'cp, ch. Broad t, do.
T I. fsn.lci Publisher of Pledge and Stand rd, do.
F P Seller, Ed Olive Branch, Doltown, Bucks c
PS White, do.
The al-ove n.Dted g- ntlflmen, (rnnstituting but a
small pition of ihia who have visited Mr. Brooks
at our office in Philadelphia, and would certify to
ihe aame facts if nrcis-arv,) are well known, and
their high standing In society petludes the idea of
their lending their names to carry on an imposition.
. .Certificates nf cures, in pamphlet form, may be
hail tintis, st the ofli es nf the agents.
These rncihrines ere prepared and sold by the
proprietors, Kowand dt Walton, No. 376 Market
street, PhiUdelp' ia.
- . fW W Dauerihower. No 1 Murray st. N Y.
t i J J W D menhower. No I O F Hall, Cin.O.
"S C T Jenkins, No 5 Canal at, N Orleana.
- N N Robinson, cor t Jay d Saratoga U. Ball.
Sold also by Diuggisi throughout the United
Klatea. Tib btU. 1817. Sin ly
t'oiiiiiiiMiou Merchants,
For the sj.' of Flour, trrain. and all kinds of Coun
try Produce,
An 48 Cmitnrrrr lrcet Wharf,
fj" Cash advancca on Constgninetita.
Feb. 1.1th,' 1847 3m.
Clothing Establishment
OPER ATIONS in Clash r seem to be the
order of th d.iv, at Ihe Philadelphia Waid
Robe, UrS Chi aunt aireel, whim every article in
the line i kept, and sold at asiotiLhing low prices,
emhnriiig ' . . .
t'losk-, ll.ingopa. Over Sirk Coats, Short 8ack
Cu.vts, euper Fiei'ch Cloth Diesa Frock
Cat', Pantaloon of every grade and
. tj le, any nUvt.i.:h will be sold ritlrer
by the gstruetil or dien, at pri
ce that will jdxlify the
most re innimcal m
W'e ml vise all who wsr.t g"i! snd cheap Clo
ibing, toe dl at Nn. US Cbesnul atieet,
Philad. Iplua. Feb 6lh, 147. 6m '
Drugs! Drugs!! Drugs!!!
VltoiMlc limirrfstHa
1(1 Market Si rod, (South side, be
lt iV St'conil.')
V h 1 1 a l e 1 1 li I a ,
Olt'iT for sale a Isrga stork of Fresh
Drugs, M.dxiiM and Dye-S'ufl's, lo
which they ell the atiention of Coun
try Meiibauu and Deder visiting ihe
Cosrh, Criiiinel, Jspm, Clack, and other Var
nikht's of a superior ejualitv. Also, White and Red
1, -s.l. Window Glass, I'siiiti snd Oils cheaper
than wee.
fXj" T. A tJ. ara also proprietor of lha Indian
Ve! Ul le II iIsjui velela-aird ihroUghouUheit oWn
aud iieihliHng Starn-i, aa the tost preparation for
ihe cure ilCoughs, I'oMs, A-lhma, Ac. Money
lafuliilid iu etcy instance whcie no bclieRt Isle
' I, .hia, Jan. 30k I84T. :l.n
filvtst vvtuxinm tutt.
No. S7 Nortli Third 8trect
, HllLADKLl'lllA.
f1HK relehiily of ihe Inks manufactured by Ihe
JL subscriber, and the eitensive sa'es cunaeqaeol
iimmi tne n:gt reputi n wnirn ttry nave attain-
rd, n l only Irroughnut 'he t lulled Sutra, but in
1 the We t ludi-aaud in t'hilia.h injured him to
intavrvcij uriTssiij ffrai.g.ll Id suqij w
gst demand upon his eslahii-hment. . He . is now
prepared v. itta every vatii ly of Black, Blue aad Red
laka. Copying luk, InJehble Ink, anil Ink Poet Jar,
.11 te. Iu. k I- ...m .MU...I a . i .1 MMl i.
jence, o that purcbaaets easy depend upon its su
perior qualiiv. .
, HlrVtKT5 AUAMANlirvU wr.M.iV j.asu
perlor article fur Mandmg Glssa, Chios, Cabioct
Wire, Ac . uacful to every Huusekrenar, (wing a
white liquid, easily appbadi and not aflecteJ, ly er .
dinary heal warranted.
, (J3 Parophbus, containing the numerous teste.
monisl of rneo af . science, and utbets, will be fui
nibed to purchasers. -
. For ale al ths Manufactory, Wholesale and Re
tail. No. H Noam Taiaa fcsr, oppesite
Cht'J WW PbiUJelphi. by ..,.-'
Jan. 3th, 147. ly Msnufacturer.
COMMON .SENSE,, that tha natural vsgeta.
ble fitoductiuna of every country are, if properly
applied, amply aufncietn for the cure of every ma
lady incident 10 each peculiar etlmate.
.wuenn mm tecetabie nus,
Xorth Ainerlcuu 4Uolcp;e of Health,
are romposed of all plants which grow spontane
ously nn our own soil, snd are therefore better a
dipted o onr constitutions than Medicinrs concoc
ted from faruigu drugs, however well they msy ho
compounded; end as thev ara founded upon tha
principle that the human body ia in truth
namely, corru4 humors, and that said Medicine
core this disease on Naidsal Pameiri.BS, by
chanting and purifying Ihe bmly, it will be man
ifest' Itini, if th constitution be not entirely er
hausted, a perseverance in their use, according to
diieovtiNis, is atwuluieiy certain to drive disuaoe ef
everv name from the Ixuly.
"When we wish lo reloie a awnmp or moraas lo
fertility, we drain it of the aopmahuadont water. In
like manner, if wa wish to restore tbe body to
braUh, wa must clemse it of impurity.
will be found one of ibe best, if not the verv boat
medicine in the world for carrying out this Graiid
Pcairtiae Paierp.c, because they einol from
the body sll morbid snd curupt hum ir, the cause
of the disease, in an easy nnd Nutund Manner-,
and while they every day oivg aasr isn rLSAscas,
diasct4 ery nsaae 4s rapid'y dtiven from thu
I adv.
The fall wtn highly respectable atorekeepers
have been duty appointed sc iM for the sals of
nrighrt Indian icgelalU I'M; tu Nartbumbers
find county I
Henry Mssser, Suabury.
E. A J. Kautfman, Augusta township.
Samuel Herb, Little Mahonoy.
William Deppen, J nek son.
Beaeville Holshoe, Upper MahoHoy.
John G. Renn, l'pir Mahonoy.
Samuel John, Shamokintovrn.
Forsythe, WiNnn A Co., Nottbumberland.
1 E. L. Piper, Watsonburg.
Irland A Hays. McEwonsviHe.
Jamea Peed, Pottsgrove.
Wm. G Scott, Rushville,
Hartmsn Kncrble, Ely4urg P. O.
Amoe T. Beisaot, Turlmtsville.
tiidenn Sha.lel, Upper Mahonoy.
Rhade A Farrow, SnyiUistowu.
John King, Fsrmersviilo.
Silas C. Cook. Mattin's Creek.
J. lie Young. Hirksville.
Alahavn Sherer. Richmond.
Samnrl Taylor, Stateford.
John H. Vincent, Cbitiaqnasjua,
Wm. Heinen A Biother, Milton.
BsrwABB or CaciiTaaritTs. Tlie pnhlic ara
captioned against tbe msny spurious medicines,
which set order to deceive, are c died bv names si
milar to Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. .
Tna ent-v omivihal aru aeavtaa Imiham Ve.
nsTABt-a Pili-s have the signature of Wm. Wright
wai-rrejv wit a rett on the top label of carh
hog. None other is genuine, snd lo counterfeit
this is vnrcsEBV.
frj- tlffVces devoted rsrlusively lo the sale of
of the North American College of Hesllh. No. 889
Greenwich Street, New York ; No. 1UB TremniU
Street. Boston; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Ru.
t60 Race Struct, Philadelphia.
Jan. 30th. 1R47. a!9y.
tilTwatch iyiakers
Ttnygn - "rf -ii vt-
J.";L 'JL D O 1 TJ S,
Importer of.Waichcs, Watch-Makers'
Tools and Watch Materials,
Wloloale A Retail.
.Vo. 33, WA FourfA st., PHILADELPHIA,
HAS constantly nn hand a large assortment of
Lunette, Patent, snd Plain Glass t Main
apiirtg. Verges, Dials, Watrb Hands, and a com
plule ftaKOrtiuenl of all Tool aud Mateiials hi long,
ing to the trade; wilh a large arsjrtmrnt of Go'd
snd Silver Lever, Leplne, sn J Plain Wstehes t sll
of which he will guaranty to sell at the lowest New
York prases. All orders from the couutry punctu
ally executed. .
N. B. Country merchants snd ythers are invited
to c .11 snd examine st the OIJ Stand, No. 33
South Fourth street.
Phrtedeh.rhia. Jaii.M. 1847. 6m
ppORTOlsE Sheil Tuck Combs, reived anJ
JL finished hi a superior style,
Sptend.d Shell D res ins Combs, carved and plain.
Shell P.Tket Comb, wiih and without rase.
New Style , Long C.tmbs, carved snd plaio for
With a beautiful aasortotei.t of the ButLil'i
Corahs, that is so much iu general ue.
dumb Manufacturer,
No. V S.'Ulli Second below Mstket afeet.
P. S . W. ia ihe only Manufacturer rf tha
Guiaine Buffalo tMmbs in the I'niled Slates,
llnladelpbia, Jan. 23, 1817. 3m "
ci-rr aitcticit stoPvE";
Ntt. 61 Worth Third strocl,.
, (luarai Ctrl avrrt.)
C. C. M A C K K Y. AicrtosEER.
EVENING SALES of Haidware, Cutlery,
8adiHery, Whiv. Boota, Shoes, Hats,
Cap, Gun, Pistol. Clothing,
. WaUUes sud Fancy Goods,
Al Macktj's Auction Store, 31 North ThiiJ.
street, near the City Holtl,
The stirntMii of Country Merchants is inviled.
The Goon's Will s dd in lots to suit parebastrs,
snd sll Goods uft.-red Will be warranted ejul to tbe
representations ibat may be made of sheai.
N. B. A large assortment of Csoeds at
Hale. Jaiultt. 1M7 ly
MOiieIlollar Sav-cl is two
PERSONS wishing to purchaee gooda in
Sunbury, will do well to call at the cheap
alore of tha eubeiher. and eiamine his stock be
fore purchasing elsewhere. You can depend on
getting good bargame. as be is determined not to
be undereoW by an, wtb-v e.or -
Bunbtrry, Jan. 16, H4T. at4y: '
AT LM OVERSHOES, a are aftirle. fur aaba
G ckaikf ' JOHN BOUAR.
Tsri. 16. 184T. - . 1
VTEXsT'WA RET tiueensware, Hardware;
Q J Groeeriaw, Liquor, Ac, for sate vary low, by
Tan. II. l47, JOHN MOOAK
SCTltWITOTM'j'KsTTaihW, Teaianienls; lrs.
og Psper, Wiiiiug Paper, Steel Pens, snd
Harrvaon's Columbian Irk, for ssle rhesp at this
atgr.r.f ' JOHN H'HIAR.
Jan. I, Ift;. ' '