Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 20, 1847, Image 4

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    t DCs7t? SI "MI
An ofloM af tMlL.8.kiUUlMrr waicb
icl ftnnef thbftkilit SnftSfon efl
willv he , foUgWjog oolet ia Wfereaet tft tint
The Cattle of Vert Crul It iro' oiore wnei ft
u ilea ftatWewrtrtdit, tlMtjo er"V
artni. Thnlt wore bo gu ts ebV?
libra of 24 peeede-arsj bat few e meet
nrf not bomb prwfi'ifc" powder WiispCeh:
an We'riof character that eet efcot avtalevt
the side wfe frciwb fculat the l6 of the
oflfftffrtMiit wtf Meek ahoat the aide af thw
ditto to h)VtbtCMtmindiaf r4terr.lMv(ni
h. a wtetreeted not to fife the frcet ran pcmft
td the Trfncfi ttyMrot lor eom andlak
it exniUna ttetsict! talheage tnoorttif to pa
the WMwr-PtMoev-t;-. o i. ,7i.m r
' Kow Mai acj wbtt a ehti tiara And pa
ere Jo nave effected U thie jtrntWoaeU.
There are at prevent oMented withWi iu eH
ptttrr nearly 800 eaenen, wad the all 33a, 42
and 8 and 10 Jnch Pilxhs,lhrt beiof fery
large natnber of the latter; end wherever U bee
been -peeriM train a fen eeotr the channel ef
abroach, they are planted ea earWta n J
that a fleet moving op to the attack (neat
rxwed te the concentrated Ire of 70 caaaoo, over '
m dieteree of two tnliee, ttefavej K get tato
poaitmn to return a tingle ohot. ,..a
The Castle of "Sao Juao" freoto the Cite at a
distance of a boat three-etghte of a milei'tadM
rapported by a water battery, at frerrortVweet
angle of the town of fifty 33 and 48 noun cm
41 or which, with theeeof the Ciat1e'6wre.
ding the chaAeet, wuM. eo&thide ajuadrew
eaieg up, oove ok, frotn ftpuwwu, Ban.,
veil wUhiaraageef the ebet tontil Ha aartMira
were down, with, tpringi upon the'eabWeiUh
in the reach of mtitketehot., 1-Jedge, tbea,oAat
a ((tree weald be verfrad for retry wtomieef
mtcceae and at what anlimneeae, eaetilee jt
would be aecwBpl'uhed, if at alt, ,' The , prrj
ann at thie momeat la compoeed of IWXX) mea.
la the eeeetef ea attaclt they WoaM nrtik he
mt perfect aafety retire within the caeeroVea
(which treat iroaerrioM toaaoteeiheeMleer
Motmt Hrisib') until 'the eiBftmnftiaw ef the
aasailing force Wat expended! whea the , 'ebl
return to their gunt and ewefp tte watere be
fare Uiwa with the aaott terrific, deatreetreel
feet. ; ' The officer comrnaadie the ;Caethj fate
j, tent ofictal word "that ft tiM fniapodore
would bring bia fleet op, lie oht ire -aatU
there wai art' a that left ih the loclef.and U
would proa We him et to retam a gua uatil ae
waeeone iriar.9 ."f rf?-v.
hie tery euy tebatter flown the CaaOe. of
Vera Croiby a few maeaaatioa) Ihwapoo, p
piece of whiU paper, anfj m rtietto ba.
rt rtgoe a eerioot gkfdy crowd at tat eorner bf e
etreet ; to each a luae old women way prattle
over their aufet flreeea about " tot gloriooa
fleeu ratrng Saa JottrdXTlo 1 to thf gnmnd
by a aiogle broadaide. and yoanf.baoka. aad hef
roe, preaaing through a fierce : ateuateclrf; and
tmneriai. mty neap ineawteaewpow.woai i car
led the "mtaterly inactiThy" of Corn. Conner
hut aetid tbeec reotry down here, and rf Uiey
hrttra nnt lew braine than beard, the will anon
ee the telly of etieh tenfaronade. end peraape
in'the ordintrr hard tervice etteadinr . the
blucktde cmty, be the iSrat to cry out, ."Give aie
aome drink, Titinitia, or Idiel" for. there ie-ttot
a tingle efficer on .thie atatioo who would not
eery much prefer eat rice with" the Arony wit a
aouie remote probability oft figut, to too annoy
tnce and privatrona of a rigurout blockede of
Vera Crux' during the Winter morrtbvn an
allpwance ef water, with aa't proehnane ineree-
ting the Ihtrat for it, e change of time ta lar be
Iween aa angel'e viaite,! with, gale after gale
aweepmg dark' o'er the tnarni There ta no en
terpriae, with a tolerable promiee octrryiog it.
tbtt would not be preferable to H. . H v.
The City of Vera Cms, ooatakMng earn T,
OOQ inhabitant, and walled in .with a rampart
cotvatreeted of coral aad mod, la eeatad directly
upon the) ttrand, a low eandy beach, a welling
t lowly into raegee of hillockt pf aaadV .wbieb
Sank the eity inland, end eeaaa to break ap the
eurface entirely between the wwontavna, wbieb
rear their lofty head heavenward, 1o the di
tanee of eoroe 30 ot 40 "mil,) ioUhm'be
intermediate tpaca it poiaoned with tweraia of
tttgnant pool and mtrahee, which engender
the fatal mtattna,' ea destructive to lite daring
the rainy teaeont, ' ' 1
i ' - i -' tit
r.ariaitnca Tbe late learned Dr. W.,: baa
ing married a lady by the nam of Expirimm.
w ho wa vary tail, on being naked, tome time
after the event, what be I bought the married
atate, replied ubat ha found by hm ZxjmUntt,
that it wa not good for a maa te be eleae.
RaTBM CoouThe editor of the Lyaa JTawt
woe taya tome or tae beet thioge that are eaid
ia Ttnceedam, telle the fotfewiog t
A countryman took bit teat at a hotel table.
appaaitato a gentleman who waa iadalgiag la a
oattie or wine. Buppaatag the wiae u he com-
men property, onr reeetry friend helped bii
etlle U with the ether leatleaoan'tglaaa. "
'2 i t f ooi r eieteuoed . tae . awaar ef the
wiae iadlgaantly' . f k.i.; ,.:
Tet,' replied ike ether, 'I ebaahj tkUk there
waa tat (a if.
"Bammy, Stmmv, my tea, don't tttad there
ecratching your' head ; tlir your ttampa, ' yea
will makt ae progrcH tn fe.f y bf, fathey.
I've aftei beard yeu my that the only way togtt
OA ia tae verier wee te Berwick a W." '
A ceaa who to ouaiou to tarva job gt fret
eight, toouil he rejirded with cautioa.
.uaennnn aa immi Tm ntm UtfZiSS i t
haaea May ha peW ipaKitr it at wtJk
oieteto anaapated wtah md autlatwd Oeaa, aV
eatt'a aeariet,iu.i-l ,:t t.i a '.njTt nt
Wnk of if entr Amlrtca
Bank f (V (VorthMrn TJhartwe
J '!:'
rrmNP and MMhifiM' Bank
t (
, PhitaiMnhia Bank
Mktrjrlki!) Rat ; '
PMOthwart Hank
Weetent llaht"
. ,
aTeehenKia Denh
Marmfartorrra ft MaeeanieV 6nk
San ef Penn Tewoahip
OiM ltaik " :
Ban! 1 1 Cofnmatrp, 1te Mey arnraatng,4 "
Bhttief rwtflaarwnlar ' ' V ' " , .-Ti
- ,
Benk c Cheater Oraatjrf n Weateheeter
Bank ef Delaware Conaty Cheater
Baatt ef OemMtewa h ' ; OeMnantewh
Bank of Menitoatery Co. 1 Wwtwmwn t
Ooyleatowa Baok i 1 DiwhMtewa
,.u par
Eeeiee Bene. ; i . Gaatna- par
rareWBeakeCBuekaro. BrMel . - J pat1
Baanor narviambetlaader: nrttmrabtnano par
CetaBiMa Bonfc aV Brklee eA.CoiaeiMa - i ear
Paraera Bank ef t.ancarer Lenetatee . V . f par
Lancwjtar Coonry Bank.' .ir lanaar L
Laaeaatar Banke '1 .i- I.aOeafr ' pr
Farnma' sank Of Reeding Jtradiag -i ' par
OmceeTBaakoCPeha'a. - . HarriaheiO 'Tbene
Office ... -4er .."do -.'J LaneaaMt I officea
Office ds r. ' .".'i- Reediag . fe"o nat
DBee!,a ,t- eo w l.Eaataa1'. ,J waaen
. "I. NOT B A T ''Dl BCO tTTf T-v '
tank ef the United Bute PhrWMpWe ' t
Mmrtr mtttarretawHie- " Powavnte
Baatae lwiatown " ':v Lewtatowv
Baakof MhMtetowa'' Kiddtetowa
Cerhale Bank " Carliele
HarrWWnt Beak Harriaharg
Uhanoa BaaKB" 'ii M Lmihib ' "",;r "
Merchant AMaaof. Bank Plnaharg -Baalrfftiejeaiau
1 "I ftttahoia
Weet Branch- Bnk rn WOliatnaport i
Wyeaatng Bank - ' WilkcUfte 1
INortnamptoe Bant AiKirtfnwn '
Bark CoOMt Bank"1 ' - " Beading - ' i
Orlfee ef Bank T U, ft Ptttatrf " raitrd
" 0''' ' to" g m Erie- " ae
uene or iMmriorHtover ' oaeranertourg
Baetft erejeKeMra " -tlWeaar-
BaakofeeaetMiaaaCo. -Wontroet -
Brie Banke ;' Brie1
PaMtrr 6t Dreeerir Bank: ' Wayeeabtfrg
tinl Bank' ,a r vi WbA1i'
Hooeedale Bnk Honeedale "- xTi
MMgtiata Bank of B. " BrwrnailSe ' 1 H
roA Bank 1 1 ' . ' -V Ym.xi .
i N.BV The netee of fhoaebantJ n which we
emhqoorattona, abtf aoWituto k oeah f)'ee al
pttMaeeed w 'the' PbllaiMpbia arera, wf ib the
axoeptioe ef Thoee i -which hate a letter of rt fereaea.
Btranreit tjjnritBv
I PIJIadelphBaarW PbiUJclJhU. feiied
BetoftuXtjBa,:vx2Vde; failed
KeairamMliie. A7,d- Mt
Peon Townthtp Bav, Ina. do
Mannar Labor Beak (T. W , Dyett. prep.S ' failed
rawanda Bank " Towanda ,
Uechany Bank' of Pa, .r Bedford no nh
Bank of Beaver PtMer ' chwad
Bank of 8waare'r r' ' Harrlaburg cluaed
Bank of Wuhingtoo " 'WaMnf too failed
Ceotre Baaa- j.y. ri BeBWoota ctoerd
Fveera4tJdeehWBaai ':: Plttatiarg ,' f failed
Farmere' dr. Meeh'ee' Bank
m a. u i. n.L
Feyctie ea.
Greeneaetle ;
Harmony .1
Werrea '
; failed
no eaje
Harmony Iaautate ,,, ,. ,f
Huntingdon Bank ' '.
Juniata Bank . . lt
Lumlwrmeri'e Bank
ae ale
BO sale
Northern Bank of Pa,
New Hone Del. Bridge Ce, ' New Hope
a .a WW n a a, a) . a
HortbamD a UDimt vol. n. . atinon ;
North Western Bank of Pa,
OflVe of Schuylkill Bank , t
Port ('arboa
fa. Aer. & Mtoul. Uank ,
Silver Lake Ber.k . .
Union Bank of Pean'a. . ,. ,
WaaiannralanJ Bank
, Giecneburg
Wilkeebarre Bridge Co.' V
Wilkeebarre no sale
I (Ti" All notee purportine: te be ea anv Penavt-
veaia Bank aot givea in the above k aiay be eet
.Iowa aafrsjueWi
.n-r ' Mt l t'f e
riaiy 1
NEW jntHEt:
Bank of ew. Btunswick Brunswick ,
. failed
Betve3rl)eak; A ii .
iBeividerei ii. Hi
,,Mlud fv par
Btwlington Co, Bank.f r
r..ri.r n.nks '
Commercial Bank . J . . Perth Amhoy '
Cumberland Bank ', ' BriJgeion " ' par
Tarmere' nk" Moot it rtollv par
rarmerr and aaecaamrsr oa. Kamvsy i : f
Parmera' end Mecbeiuce' Uk W. Biannwiek 4iled
FataWaad MercUai.' Bk MiddWtowa Ft
PraakaaBankofN.J. u '.. Jenev Unv
Heeekea Bkg d Giexmg Pa Hebokea ...
leraey City Bank ' Jereey City ,
Meebanica'lBebk . .i , Pattcseen
MaaofactarM' Bank lUdbmao .
Morrie County Bank. , Morrwtewa
Monmooth Bk of N. J. Kreek.dd
Mscbanice, Bank ,m . . Newark
Meehanioa' and Maoaf. 6k : Treatea '
Meeris Oeaal and Bkg Co Jereey City
'PeatHoiea- ...'.. i
Newerk Bkg dk Ina tV , . Nrwaik -
New Hope Dai Bndee Co lsjibertsviHe
' N. J. Manofao. and Bkg tfe Hobekea 1
N J Protectoa V Joaabwd bk Jereey Ciiy . faded
flranaa H rh ' OMna '
--a r- - . . -, . '"v j
Paiersoa Bankv ! i r; reicvauo I
Peoples' Bank-: . I , dd V
Prkaretoo Bank Priocetoa
Salem Banking Co Balcm
BtaU Benk , . . , . ... . , .Newark - .'
Stat Bank . Eliaabethtewi
BtaU Bank . . Ceeadea .
iate Bank ef Morrie , Morristawa
state Bank , ( Twuioa i ;
BalemaadPhiladMaBufCa Salem -....
Buasex Benk - Newten .
Treotea Bankiag Co , v t. ,. Traoloo .
IJnioa Baakfr . lesr !
WaaaiagUas Banking Co. ,n Heckaoaaek
1 , . . . i DEIaAWARB. - -r' '
Bk ef Wllaa A Braodywine Wilaaingtoa
aeaaeiiJsaaware u v. . i w emiagwa '
Beak egBmyaaa - : ;. Baaytaa i :
: agio. i v eceaaai - Miaeee
rarawea XJtef Bute of Dar' Davei r
i Da Wanek . ..Wlleaiogtea - ,
j Da .w eeaaa -. v.- tieexgetowa '
' Oa ! : rt ' ... , MaaiaaaatB . : ,
UaieaBaak ': Wamaattaa
iOUatdart'a 1 f
! ary OaeH baake masked thae them are ak
use eouoierleM or altesed aolea af the Jarua eV
r eV ha a am t.;,'v'o .)
eVfToHhxd Afoh w (Uc iM
tSi. ADT at PAJtKER waMtfelty lnewjiait
lili ftiende and the fniUietaat they hivetalen
theeket itaaiid .aaaeevlteeaily ktft by J. B.
Adaaea aad arftptepared ta eeeoaiavadata caJte
awraej lea atoet eawefcoibry .ateaner end etrW
eonahkprlcet.J:l,fjr fM s1" V "
Their labia will he euppliedwfth the beateerU
ety the market aflotVU tfaelr parlnraarid alteping
apwttnente wtU he 1ri the hr efrlen The heee
heaheen tboreaghly rep1red end fornleHed Wtth
e view te the aoinfort ef irir altera end etraiieeri
Htolng aed eeaeru reare wrarneade ta tae
bnalnreerothe hope to ghregeoeret ewlafaethM,
and repect(lly fnttta VevHIera end euanflwaltt
glaa taent e tan, 1,1 v' BnDT PARKER."
. i . W ill and Form
npHG ealaeribet oftera Jor. aale flf'y or: eixty a-
JL rrea of J.nii witlt a mill rrret6 tnereon, lfT
MrU known ae J..n a'a Mill, titwalrd in Aocnr.a
tewaahio NonhambeiUnd mtrntf .' on the Litile
Bharnokin creik', near the Tulpcbockoa road, Wd
ine f.wn ftenbery lo PotUvilleMtifthi atilee from
Sonboty. Thirte mt farty.aeraa or eaid land ere
cleared, and in a (tod etate'nT 'cultivation. Thr
naitreeentenia are e f)ri(t Millie iot U4 and
BraVe,aot an Orchard- Tar elan a good
Bptipg and evveral aeree ef Meadow on the preit
aa, 1a iaion of the tnin la arYvtcltent one
Ibr coaKna, " For farther mforaitUn inqairt of the
euWerlher. v . DaVID MILLER.' ;
hanwkln trwxaMp, Jan.' 1 a4T.-fc-3ra'' '
The Cheapest Gold nnd 6ilrer Watchw
dfTi OLD Leete,- full Jewelled, - 4$ 00
UjP Bdir Mdii f"dd.; iltnlX'JU Od
0M Lepinee, JeWnT,'-t'J Van SO 00
8Weert do.!-' do," .-. i'i Tloa
8ae qeerriere, flneeeniy ':" ' ' ' W 00J
Oold Wetdwa. plaia, l I'
Saner BpeeteeVe, ." " ' '
0M rWila, ' r--n v, . --- 00
Ootd Breeelrta; ' t ' " :t-sT40
r-Alen,Tn' hand, i lra aewaiaieat of 0.4J aad
Hair Breeelrta, 6ftter rr.av hreaat pine, heop eer
rin, eiM pane, ailaerepwei, eogartonea.thirn
him, aakt Dfk. curb enJ f b rhiinn, guard k.
and Jvwett ry ef every detrrip'inn, at equally low
pricee-tAB I went la a call to convince cuto-Mrrav-.xV
a M
AN kimla of Watchca and CVxka feiaireJ and
wareKnwd to keept gnod time for tone eari Old
fnU aUerhnrtit m lakeela eeehamte.-
! rer aaanttgotaay ana imny wane oreae rrnr,
... . . . . - . . . t x u. fa a a ruiui ta
' Weicb, Clork atd- Jewa4ta.f 8.-a.. N 4t$
Market atrrel, above JOtemlh, aotth aide, I'b-
4ia.'.f .i, , i : . ,tj V. -' - 4 '
(TM ave.eem G.U aad Bli Lever., at It
; (Pbitedrl-jble, Vrt.U. t4av--le .... ,
coTion. mono
10. 8 North 3d at., third doof kbove
MarkerStreiei. p;tT .
r i X. a i&n i a.
SALE EVERT EVEMNH, of a eetiefal ae
aeftmeut of Forrian and Doaaaatk Hardware,
' Tsht and Po. ks Cutlery, Tranka,. Wktj ' j
' ,.Leiehete, Bolia, Bew. Saddlery, Whpe,
. ,tl . fioota. haa,,Hee.Ci, Gut, ,nt )-,
, - Pavtola, .Trtmminte, Clalbrig w. -tf ...
.-. t.:,f .end Jraacy Gu4. - ( cwn,.., r.
The attention of citv sod centre ilealere ia in
vited, i The Qoeda are fresh, sad will be warranted
equal to the repreaentaitona that easy be made ef
thsm.. r BAYU9 BXOUfcKK, Audtontm,
x;Wo. a ffonn loud et
K. B. Purehaaeia ran have their Good packed.
Several Invokes of God We hrea received to be
eotd et piivaie asle. " , ,j ; . ..' ,
miicueipnia. uec. twin, leio. y
Crn nousscl's nnfbtrsar-
Small quit mil tea given without Charge.
.It 1 14 t'Aetrtav' PHILADELFHLU .
THUt new and splendid article, a i ite name da
, ootee, is pruftiMed to be auperior to any he
vine Cream in the Untied Flaws or Europe, It i
uaeurpue rt for beauty, pumy ai d f adraoce, lh.i
mewbat . aaaijgoue t Gu rlaiu s Anbrial
Cieani and other similar, compounds-. . It rat ear.
peeeee them all by the em I wnt pasty c -nswtenry
of its Uthrr, whirh so eefu-na the tvard a la rend- r
shaving, preaeaul end ry , It further posaasere
the advanuga over tba jmp-tfte-1 ruc, in bemg
frcably pn p .ioI. no skill being wan ing in it man.
ufactarc , E.Rouerl luting had maiy years'
IM-ririioe in the eelelwated Laltoreiory of Laugur,
Pete et r tls oow Jtensud cn af Pene, . ,
Best-tee beta: the 1L U ie the cheep-! .arttcle
for ehavingt tt is elegantly out up ui bote, with
splendid steel engraved labrla, . ,
! r-l'S f 3 per daaeo. or 7 ceote fora a ngle bog,
to ahava. oi year. It is sImi sold et II u per lb.
or t cat per og., an tbl grnilenvn ren hsve
iatf Uiirafiilrdat.,,. tUtiCAC KUtH9Ci.-s,
WholeaaW and Retail Perfumery pad .Mineral Wr
' ler Ea ablienateal, 114 V be sou I SirsrL
- Dee 19. II4... ., v .PHILADELPHIA
No. 21 North Pmirlh Htrpel.
i i. i - ' nmr , rr- nut a ' ' " - ' '
. niJunicjLirriiA, . -
.Invite Mrrrhante and Milliucreto CK.fQ
amine their ick of Bpnnsts, PatmKar
lsland Lrghum Hals, Pn and Cloth sps, ai
India Rubber tlhosa... i il be t'tnd to contain
all of the most drajrablc kind, and will be pdd al
the bteeal merkr-t orirca..
- No. tl North Fourth 8 treat, between Maiket
and krch Streeta. . . .. . . , i
. Philadelphia. Dec. lih. 1MB. m
"FkilaJelnkia Wmlck ens? jncrfVy Sor,'
No. 90 Noiih 8EC0N D 'r. et, curorr i f Quarry
GOLD Levst Wetehecfell
- j welled, Ueofat eases, 40 00
Stiver Lever .Waiebce, full -
,. veed, . ( j, .....fSB0
Bdvee laee WachegL ee ' i
. vea Jewels, ,. ni ... H 00
Silver Lotuae Waich, UwsUed, Mel ')
quality, t r vnv;j 14 00
BapeMoi Qaartirr Welch, iT . -r f 10 Of
Imueiian Quatvtier Walobeaea wanated, a 00
Gold cpeatacles, t .
Fine silver tipeetaclee, ... ' i " I Va
Gld Brae, lei with tetwa eeea, ' . : ... 0 00
Ladies' Gold Peneds, 10 cerate, . 00
, Gold Pinger U'l.g 971 eta te BP i Wakh G a
eta, plain. It ate t patent, lf Luaet, SO. 0
ther articlea ia ptopoiliea. .. AU geede wairaaied
to be waal tbey are aald fr; ' O. CONRAD.
I la head, aome OeM and Silver Levera, Leeiae
and Quartises, lower tbaa the above priota,
PUladelpkit, Dec0,1M.ry .
fT&B la Or f Or DV -"K. tL r n it if a. .
Mattufgcturerg of Pramluftt Odd Tel-
lb. IM rf re, PHJLABXLPRf A,
' Pint Clothing Btere bblow liK Street.'"';
PI1HB eakeeritieea bavUe ikea rh mMHiak hi
JL Frenklia tnethata. at thflatt ethlbhJon. for
the beet Vafaita, tatf iavWt roe krtttttlM re the
order te their tablihmeot, where Ihey will flftd i
tplendid eaeertntent ef Pi 0.Jnd tncempment He-
eatta,f xtiey arte enve ro oroer tw rLodgea trvt
Bnmprnentai Re1av eahe, ComeV end
Robe, and forniah -every thtng feqolafte .for the
e.nveeiKree of new ,odea of Bnrftrpnta. T
-'U . .u-t , . i.ui"if. ''-J.. W. BTOKEB,
' ; " & D.8TnKE,:
Philailelphl, Devl9, 14g..1 y " " '
New IFipm.
THE.t'ndera gned fcereSy glvea notice,' ihat' he
hee aicianJ with Mn.aetf. at a partner in
the aiereaatile buaiaeaal in hia .atara adtoininc
. Weaver Tavern, in' Buuliur. John Haaa, and
that the eeld More will heraficr he conducted en
det the Atm ef. Cleracn dr. Him. , The am re . at
the 8uatb vyret.coteet of Merket Square will he
condoctej aa heretofore, bt the aubecribrr blmaelf.
to wh' reepectfully. invitra hie cuatonera and
frbwde: ' , t
He ootifiee all ihoae indebted to him, to call
lWFen thie and the let of January celt, and art
tie their accoanta. '' '' . . r
All kinda of produce. wiU be taken on aecoonl.
aicaanpncea. ,...-,., .yti ,
Hereafter bo .longer than tour montne credit
WiU be given. lv ,; IRA T. CLEMBJST., H
ftuabnry, Nov. 14 JM8 r-tf. . . . .
RESPECTFCT.I.Y' inf m the public, that bn
ther9th, net : they entered into partnerahip,
irt the' mercantile buttinee, at the etnre tecen'lv
.rcopied by Jra'T Clemertl, adj.iinlng Weaver'a
Tavern,' 1n Bonbtiry.' They hae latrty received
a new etock uf e.nod, which thry,will dfaMaa of
at the loweat prteeeT-'i i. 1 1 i J ' A .
All kinda of. produce wUV. bej taken in axebaoge
for gooJe.,.., , tf i'.t . t
' No longer, thap foar month credit will e civen.
If 4T trv a a o
Suniiorv, Nov. 14. 1849. tf t
- ii rO a i i i. IP. we -i-laei.
Cheaper Tliaa Ever i .'
i flOHN H. PUKDY, h.e Juet received, el hi
aj New Store. In Market Aqua, a freak eupply
uf Seasonable Good, och at u.v - - '. -i
Clulba. Caaaimer, Saitirett, Kentucky Jeana, .
Cord, DiiUinte.-Alpeccae. -Giogruete,
' . . Print, Meoline, Hotiery, Glo.dtc
- Al-or tjaeuiwre end Groecrira, f . t -
which M ha e0d eery ros Parchaeer ae iovi
ted to cell end eiarnioe hia atork nefira purr baaing
elecwaere,,, The fcigheet price paid lor Produce..
Sot.biirv, October I7rh, H46. tf. . 1 .
amaVfWJSB OaVXf MM CUX9li .
COOPER 7 ETERIAL Oil, A proron and
.laatiag aaoiedy lof Daarata, aaM.gyf. pain
and discharge of matter from the Esrs, , , , ,
Hundred of eurea m oaa ileasned uttetla bope
leeebave Btmls a eaperiariiy over w
ry former Medical disrovsry, X ;,,,.iv (
This valuable Acoaeue MnUcine a compound
of (pur different Oils, one ef which, the active and
principal iagiedient, ia obtdned f eat the bark pf a
crriam epeciee of . Wlcy. 4 MM gid eOt'Ctual
agent in Ibe euro of Ue(oea. ,v.f
Persoaa wbe bd been dt for 10, .15 end e vea
10 years, have been petmaoeiitry cured by using
Hue oil.. In fact, so nuroerous and ae empbatie
have been Ibe tratimoniale in it favor, that lb in.
ventor claims for it the dis'inrttoo of aa Infallible
Remedy, in alt . caeca, wbvo the Ear ia perfect in
its formsli. a. .V . r
For further perticolera, and evidence ef ite great
viloe, ere printed ebevta, ia the hands of Agent., .
roresieioHiMitwry, by . . J. W. rttlUU. ,
Septchtber lO.b. 1848 ly r ..-:j , ,
In curing Colds, Cough,. Aatbma, luaosng.
: Wbooping-Caogh, and all Pitsawa of Ibe r
' ' biest and lungs, leading lo Couaump. ,r. r
; tioo caniosed af the eonceatrU'd ,
"''' 1 ' yinueq of the berba fforehoond, .' '.
; ' ' " B-etesett. Bloodroat, and . ,. ', , n
? "'Ir-r er'al ether vrgsia , ' ,'"
Ue substances.
Wsrrsiilrd . ,
THIS invaluable Medirioe 'is the moat seedy
and certain renvaJy rver discovered f -r be s
l-ov com pis me ea tliouaand who have used it
iU rectify. For Vile, in Sunbury. by
end in Noeil Un.brrtand. by P BRAUT1GAM, .
end at Wfaoleaale, iu Fhilad.lphia, by
I i irivrv i. f. "
, S. nL-i a ia t
" ' " Comer ef Seenn l and CallowhUt alsvu!
Septeinher lOih. 1848. ly '"
s AW V9 -4 AdaSaUd-ldsVAa . . . r
HANKPUL far the liberal ee.urgsmet
which he hea recaierd, woaU teapretfall
rm hia frieude aad th ciiisatts ef Nortbaottwr'
land coubra m general. lhs( ha be peepkwd bin.
self with" the beet' lacurropuble 1'eeth, Gold Piste,
Gold Foil. dt. tbsifsobs had to the eitef PoT
ladrtptire fand Ihsi hs Wtl endeavor, te the atmust
pf bra abUita, t reader full eetafaetraa to si who
easy think pteect te engage hia servieee..: Be will
be la Boabury al the Auauteoe,rt( f will
he prepared, tt' hi residence, to, iaeert Teeth oa
GoM Piste, or on Pivot eo the latest gad meet eg
Coved plan,' aad attend te all the branches beloog.
' Ldleo will he waited oa al their pleecggf raw
4are, if deaipai.: ..... v r
, Hia chargae wtlhe reeaeatMe, aad hia arotk
werraated. . : ' ' ,.. . , - , , 'r j
; He will vWt diftranl pefta a tba f eeaty, gboat
eneetn thres moo" he. ' ,
autaavrrJuly lath, 1848 Am ' ( - - -l '
0K9MKii XeBlae aaj U&C'
V Ink, of a teperior quality, fur aale eaaep. at the
evoreef . HENftY MA6ER-
' July 4tb, 1MB.
N U AartA IWl reefrad7tle Alkr.
caanf a' ffetel, .
Ptalladoiphia. ;
I A ti f Battel akea at a at.aa ) . t
Tr EEPB eoaatantty oa hand aa otteaetea be
JL, aonmetit of ell klnde of Bilk, Par and Bee.
vtf Hate, which ho oft re tor eat ea the awet rea.
ecMhto itraM. Kia Hate era wade aa of the beat
mateHala, and in the moat approved Brian. Per
aoae vieiuag the iy WU1 And It to their tatejeaf to
'- July i ith, mtwiy
Bk! L a DEL p h a. It
Tits large and commodiooe Hotel baa recently
been fitted op with entire near 'fartilt ore.
The awbaerihere tberrlhee eoiicir the pettonage of
the oblic and tract that their riperience in the
burin will aeMaiaeaa to give eadf aaikfao
tion. Tanarniot)erafe,.i 51-- -ri 1
July 4tb, JB4aly!
Mflat Btrcct, -i t a
.. '. " ' tiA';' w?5 ' '
THE Houee baa undergone a thorough erpnir.
Tba proprietora former patronage.
Tarme 1 jtS per day, ' . . . '
- - . wm. w:dix;7
, r: ARTHttt L. Foaa.
July 4, tgtd-lf , . Pr.yriet.ire.
Keller, dt Grecnouirli, ,
WASHzifaToxr, s. o. -
DRAWINGS end : Paper for the Pa'cnt Of
fice wilt be prepared by them, at their office,
opnoflM tbe Patent Otlca. .ri ...!
, Julr.dia. IS4.-ly ; . U aa T
a waaata. art a ia ii in "sasTtTCTa, iflt5.
-t . .-' - ' ' ' .-I i. :' ' ' ',1
' CUJ Binitmolypt Eslalllihrnrnt. ' '
(l.ara Smove ot t'eiua.)
Ao. tuO Chetnut it., above Third, South'tiJe, (,
. e-;? snAwifHu,;;; ;;: ,,
"raMTlXlATt'REa t-.ken eouall a'w'lJ In clou-
if 11. dy a in cter wet5er. . A dirk 'lk ! dies
(or a lady,' and a black suit for' a gentleman, are
preferable in sitting for a prrtn e. No ltr charge
ia made for. coloring, and perfect likenesses are
guarantied.- ' .'; , ' July 4ih. I84rt. ly
,1 M P O K TP A S t, :'Z
1 ' 11 yja. "YOU may be euro ef obtaining, at
I f fl all time, pur and highly savored '
1 i"""
' By the atngle pimnd or larger qaar tily, at the .
PeklnTeafJompaiiy'g fTarehonae,
8t) Smith Second ttrttt, Ltltoetl Mttrktt unj Chtt-
.'' ". ".'.'" auf ttreeu. ' ' ' ' ' "
; 'T ' nrf.ApBLPHiAJ ' ; .
. Heretofore it baa been very dilficuh, Indee-t, at
mot impossible.'always to obtain good Grs- ti and
Block Teas. ".Bat no yob have enly la the
Prkin Tee Company 'a Store, to obtain as delirious
and fragrant Tee aa yon eould wiah for. ' AU talea
eaa here be roiled, with the advantage of getting a
1 pure afticV at a low price. ' , r
f . June tw; 1848. , '-J.r Jv
THE subersibets ere constantly otanuficl tiring
from Ihd4ieet Frvnch, English end Ameriran
manufactoiad Cloths end Oaasimera, CLOTHING
iiv a vary shnerlor stjrlr, cut and workmanship.
Persons buying to cell again will find one of the
largest and most fashionable stock of gnoda to eelect
from in the city, and at onmece1erlod t w price.''
. - j, W.eV E. D.8TOKES,'
v 1 . lM Msrket st. Philed.
N. B. A large awortmert of Odd Fellows' Re.
galia constantly on hand, and ell order from lodges
or individuals putiCtuePy attended to. On the most
hlwral urma.' v ' J. W. ctE. D.8.
PMIadelpaia-. Jane tTlh. 1848 ly
v. i Pennaylvanla.
THE DanvilU Steam Wooien i'-wfery, futsner.
ly owned and occupied by Dr. Pstbiki. he
rersntiy.beea parchascd by thai aubeciibrre, who
raspt otfuUy nnaoesrle tharr f rwsMla aad .the pub
lic generel y that they are bow prepared to dn all
kii.ds of w-jik. In their line f huainrsa, et the shot,
rest notice, feecoediirg ta drdei, eiid mi lb best com
pafoMva Oidonoe. ilavmg" gono t-r considerable
eipenss in rt nafritwi then acUipery and aiartus.
nd bring vij py rdcqtaj Ml ae curing the service of
eipeilenead echoic4, they , feel euofident that
mey are capable t CieC-Jtini all kind of amrk-ia
a atyle superior, to sxy other , eeieblisbment iu Ibe
eouulry, at the old cuateinary p'iree. ' ' '
BLANKETS cunsUaly oa hand, end for aale at
a a "
reuuceo prtcee. lor t. asa or Barter. .. .
will be done ia the beet manner, .el the usual prv
era. All kind ef country produce lakea in pay
ment for aurk, at Dailte market prices. . . , ;,
For the aocommodsiiaa i of those who live gt
dilence, Wii and Ciota will he taken in at.
and, when Bniahtd,' retarnd la Ibe. following pie
ere. Plain writtra directions: must accompany
each'paroell-' ; . ,. '..'. ,
Columhu Ceurv. Roup ckMarr a atate,
ekingt-avillet B. Fruit's store. J-rviowa; Yee-
get'e ina. ttaarina Oeeek r Sbartdees' atoeo, "sna-
wisae; C. F. Menu's s'ere, Miffltnvitle ; Millet's
store. Berwick t J." Chne'e Mid Rtckct" aiore,
Oraagevillei Darr's store.' WhHe Halt. ''
iVeWWesrW Coaw-.Michael Reader Inn.
Terbutvillsr Ireland & Hev e etore.'McEwerur
vitle; B. 'U Pipera store, Wateonerewn ; S. I
Cosaty o Ca's slard. MilteM s'Gibsoa ma,'Chir
lisqusqae ti Foeay tb' sloie, ' Northambarlaad
Youog'a store, Boabery.. . . - .
Lusenu Ceany. Rrynotdeernre Kmgema;
Oildereleetre'e aiore, Wdheeherr Caylord'f tvpra,
Plymoarh Biyere 1 atate, : NatlookV- Jadge
jascs a eswta eswnuogyoa.' . a ? i
L3pmig CwD.Ckppg sie;ide3ej
Bheeasker etara. aiahh'a Mia. ; - . .
. ga. Bl 1 aa iaa
asavin, bsbj w, taae - -r
Dry FeinKjteavAdi.Tav,
. weaai
'- - '-j- -- gr n -MTnrg
. ) Tail Itaatd baa akti ktea aaad waa geeed
W Baeaa.aWde. T
SlMa(lfia t
tiam. Hard or aafl Caraa, aVi - (T Praia,
fwiaw r se ears at tae mte et
.Jury I8.I848. It HXBKtK
i.eTaV " "t
f BetnWM etieatM te la tUcoaatkl ef' Nor
ikamUtlaad, Uoaeft, LyoeaUng end
Uwia dl Bathe. 6
aeaaaadhBaaaaaAae, ( rnM,
Bttaotaa, McPeauaa dk Co. 1 1 u .
wwm,ijMi at i;e
i' Celeteaiad Rail Bead Beelte,
, Coal aad Hay do
Irea ManufacV do
90 diSsrvtrt eitee,
- Dormnto Floor do
ft diflerent abee,
Counter , do
' ' 19 diflerent she,.
The above Scale are
mde either eingte or
double beam, and ar
deeidadly the meet datable, accurate and convent
eat ecdee eer 1nvleL.'. We also have Platform
end Coutit-r Scatea, Patent Balances and. every
kind of Weighing" Machines in usefor sale, whole
rale end retail, at low prleee. ' Ail Scales sold by u
to go out of ibe dry,- are bored free of charge, and
warranted to give eeiiafaction to the purchaser in
every particular. GRAY dt BROTHER,
Manufacturers aud Dealera, No. 94 Walnut etreet,
Jone 17.1846. ly PKHadtlpkia.
SALT. New Yoik Salt in barrels sud baga.U
sale al maaufaciurcrs' prleee. by
. . . . GRAY dt BROTHER,
June 87. 1848. ly , 34 Walnut st. Philai
1 HOR8E SHOES. Burden's Patftit
Horse shoes, for eals at marjufectum'
f prices, by v. - r
June 17. 1846. ly 34 Walnut -4. Philtd.
THE aula:libe late ef the Union Hotrl, Mun
v sy, I'a , rrspr.-tfully. informs the old end no
meroua customer of (he .'j.,'.-'., , v
i' Pennsylvania Honae, 1
and.the public generally, that he hse leased the
Tavrrn Statid of John Rhodes, in Danville, where
he ia now prepared to entertain travellers, and per.
sane visiting the town, in the vrry hrst style. The
serommoil, lions wilt he sorb as a well conducted
public bouse should afford, and no effort wilt be
spared tn render sntiyfartinn, in every respect, to all
who may call. The ritiaena of Lyeoming county
ere invited to pot op with the undersigned when
they visit Dvnville.
. . , . . HENRY WEAVER.
Dinville; May 1. 18t8. ' ' '
V K T E ll II. M A 8 S E II,
JTB E8PECTFTLLY informs the ciiice of
Ira. Honl'Urv end vicinity, thai he haa opened an
t tfioa at the rceletrce of Henry Mesaer. in Meiket
street, whrre be t prepared to execute all kiatle ol
UeTi ovacitr. riate Work, die , on toe Istatt
end moid apieved plans, - .
Having hail om eipenenee and Hietruciton,
nndar one of the mod eniirieni and successful Den
tists in Philsd. h.bia, be belisvee that he will te
able to give eetiefactioa to tbose who mey want bk
aarvlcea.-.'. ' -.- .
Ladiae will be waited an et their tilece of rrai-
dene.' Hia charge will be moderate, and hi
work Warranted, .t rt s .
Bubbury, Match 18th, 1846. - i ' -
.To pnrchasera of ,
.. .Xo. Ill I'torltt; NEW. YORK,.
HAVING established a Branch at No. 144 Ch
nut st Philadelphia, ia now opening, and will
be constantly receiving from tba New York Auc
tions, an i tenure assortment of . , . -
whkh will bo enld al the loweat New York prices,
al whole aale and lb-tail. Among h etock will be
found a good assortment of the full wing articlea:
Jaeeanets, Plaid, Hair Cotd, Leee, Si ripe. Book,
Swieend Terletaa Maehna, Bishan and Linen
Lawns, Fancy CapNetts, Fancy aad Ball Dresses,
Thread Laces, Application Do rich Black Silk
Trimming Lace, Iriah Linens, Linen Cambric,
Iinen Cambric Hdr..luiUm ranges, iasbroeie
d'Ecusi. Mouscline d Lsiae, Silk and Cotton
Warp Alpaccas, Qu-is Cloth, Gala Plaida,
French Meiino. Bl ick Oitka, Gl vea. Si k H'-C,
Sbswle, Craveie, Ribbon, Embioiderieg, dte dec.
Country Merchant and others visiting Pbiudel.
phia or New York to purchase, are reapeotfully iu
viied lo call and et amine the stocks.
Nov. 1, 1943. ly . .
D'EtlEV E A N D Is I V E .
Cempoiuad Syrup of Tar dt vTaodj
v,,. Naptua.. -..f-.-
THE anpreeedented soeees of this medicine, ta
the resvoratiaa of health, ta those wfco, ta dew
peir, bad givon up all hopes, hee gtveo it eo eial
led tvpatstioa above aR other reniadiee, furniabing
evidence of it intrinsic verBc tad power, ae the en
ly agent which can be relied upon for the care ef
Pulmonary - Coawomptioa, ' Bronchitlie,' Asihais,
Psia lo ibe side and Breast, Spitting of Blood,
Wbcng Cough, Creep, 6W - -
Attentiea ie ref wasted to the fotlowitig A8TON
IKHING t' Taoaaana'at'ompooad Syrup
uf Taiaad WotMlNapthatt '' '
- ! : u ?j rkOatklpkia, Nay Bsf 1944.
r . MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With eratefol
feelings I infarva too ef the astonishiag effaeta sf
your Bwdieiwe, which hee literally taied me froa
death-bed I My disee-e, Pulrnonary Cociauwr-.
lion, had reduced ma aa low jhat my phyeicien !'
pojnted my. esse hopeless I At this junction I be
gan to ne year medicin, end mlraculoa aa h tnar
ren, it, ha oompvetrt raalorad me te heehh, alter
everything eia bad fstle.1. Respectfully your. ,
:o i. Charlotte atreet, above George street
Th Oiidetelgned, being pereooally acquainted
wish We-hmgtoa Meek ' and hia aufwriaga, best
witoeea la' the aatenhrhlag stfaci e Thomsool
Genaaoaiad tfvtaa af Tar. aad the truth of iht a
r .r . -
beva etatemeat. ' t ' ' . .
JO." WINNER. 919 NcWth Third atreet, . ,
' DA tIBYICXERS, 41 Akatoad street,
' HUOH HXIINLET, 8, B.' ottaaf Taf
' -aaaraJrVberee
i ISswased aale be B. P. Those sstt. If . YL traer
afWreada atrerte, PkNeMptda .
jJ. I Dale
n 1 I Oa da
eSaW do-' d. J
! u ic do '
t.. ..' n );!.. uv ; '
; M, -j( lo - . do ,
L":- : ,'devJ Jo
. Aral.WU.- yj;' Maeser. waaaery
vdL- KaeVa'. Carr-aegTJaC. Bwa,
P hOadslphia, June 9w, I -7 '