Ext touiati t -GaiTaia .-.Th - Butt i mow America Uy. Uu ilBty barrel, ofW were reeeofly aiBaa at the Graeanetd Milli, Frederick ennaty, Mary farad; with a vary auperiot pairiaf Is lilt hart, called lha "Eciif.n U ia twenty, four hoar. Tbe wheat officii thU flour was mad averaged only 08 pounds par Jnshel. If the wheat had been of the aatae quality 'at that of last year ona hundred barrels would bve been turned oat with great ease.' Z' l:-'.. ' tl -i f y 'v mm ii(ia.-Tp Mftit lit Woat A IrmrWift New York, a Tew days sine',; hating been caught i hogging, waa employed by a tot of idle'gentlemen to calf, ry a huga etooe acrota Broadway, backwards tad forward, at tbe rate of two shilling per hour. After laboring about three houre, bia employer attempted to get rid of him by paying im only two shilling for the three hotirt, whereupon he threatened to prosecute tbe gentlemen and obtain ki jattduee. . ...,..- SZ i.;"'"- ' - t :.t..-, !' v KwrrKM in MaticAR TaaajToma.Tbere are now eetabliehed Id Mexican Territory three ewepaper, printed in ' English one at Monte rey, m California ;' one at Matamoraa,' and one at Tampieo, and tha fourth i about to be estab lished at Monterey, in tha State of New Leon. ' BALT1MORR II1RKET: OJJiceof the Rat.TtweaB Astaatraa, March 15. V ' - , . ... .... . , ..... . , . GRAIN. Tbe demand i limited, and the malt Iota coming to market tell at 118125 ct. which i thade Tower than lt week. ' A small parcel of Penna, red, not prime, old at ISO eta. . Corn i very dull and pi iee are a cent or two lower. The nate of yellow to day were made at 79 ct. and of white at 7374 ct. principally at 73 ct. - - Salea'of Oat to..lyotU.'a4 ct." ' ' ' WHISKEY. Tbe demand i very light. We juotehhds. at 27 et. nd bbls. at28ct. with- sut transaction. - CiPTinw to 8tor Krtprn " Wberea in. f rmation bae beh rece-ved a f illnw : :....: - RttFfis. MrrS4 tnt7. Dr W. -Vrght-Dwr &ri There i mun loina tmo;H tle enuntiy with eonterfeit WriBht's Indian Vrets!l Pilln he ra'U himeelf roar (rnt ind sv be hsd the pls from y ur otTtc. Mr, ona ShKf. of trhuylki!l Bro.1, Pe, took some 'ram him. hot after re'line a few bote, f mud them miserable C.Mintrrf. itg. He laid them aside till the Tn came again, and 'hen loM bim ih pi!s were 'ounirrfi it. end lint he must tk ihrmhsrk. , The nsn cot verv angry and refun d. . Mr.8fill. r told i m he would tty the tar. uion which the mm o k them back and enreJ that he rrreivrd he fr-m an eqnivne.l o-tsMUhmenl in Philsdrl. M. The man's mm- is Hvith. IIhsMW. Miller, of Ada-ne Co,"m4rkd on hl s.in. V(wr, &r, ' ;A H. flincnT. From the sbuve slatemeM, e njntrv irinrekeepera percWe that they c n lietnomoeh on their ,o'l a!i"et trarell'ng iinpt'n; arid it i e isiiy rcqn-s ed, that h-n they sre MTied in a Manner mil it to the ah .Te, (hey five the earliest tiformat'on to the Phihd-lpbU office si that, be aa -cm of ar oamernua traveller, wo saay inlei er, and so slop, their wicked career, Tbe aalhorw-d travelling agent have a Ctrlijt tie of Aftney signed If me, whW-. the are randy produce when f desired. W. Wntenr, - 169 Race street, PhiUdelhi. iTavm aciaj to . JViTi', Have voo paint le thsnkful. Ii is a vigoroos eff.nl of Nature to row off anorbific matter. ; From bt may the aorliific matter srwet .,. From a htuise. or On whole, noie air which has b-come miied with the blood, r iro'porated in it,, but which is liable to taint he whole mas if not epeedi'y removed. Or the in may sri- f-om bile whirb bss become bad, srtcid, potrid. in eoneeroenee f the Want of po r in l he proper organs to diarhargn it. Tb s pa'n vhick en freighter! people te only tbe symptom if the r (Tarts of Nature, (Tor the vitl principle of heMmMl,) to exl ins p-rant or impure matter, eMc.h wmild otlierwiee dee'My tbe ho'Hao Art In ord r to deeerimtnve I elw. en Truth ami ron e tn e. we mu1 he gmdrd by tie light l Kiperi nre.' To h 'l d'ies expi rieice dirrct!" To the rce oe of Dr. Brandreth'e Pill in all cues of bo lily euffering. In all aruta dieeasee.' let Bran Irelh's Pills and mild diet he oJ. and the patient illeoo be restored In good bea'th. - f-- ' MJI ft H I B Dm On the llth inst..' by the"'-Rrv'L W. Chap' nan, Mr. Uano Ncwbrst to Mi Fuzibktu .tiTa. both of Point township By tb same, on Sunday mnraing ' last, Mr. iTLVsMlt ShIPNA " to Mi RSKCr HcNDC. sot, both of Lower Aagutt township. . ' tT XNCrtJ V PARIt.I.A VEGETABLE 11 ' OR BLOOD P1I.L8. " FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD! Biirtioa. July 29. 1813. . This I to certify, that I was affliiiej w ih a vi Isnt pain in the breaat and right erra. which ' I appose proceeded from tha impure stale of my lx'. waa reeommndd to take Hcmctt aparilla sr Bltmd Piltt, and ater txking on bnv, B pain was entirely rem wed from my hreaatand r. I 6m nd tha nettremlv gentle in their ope lion, and wtubl rec immesuJ be to every per ioa ha want of a mild purgative. -, i PaTBirg Roc as, : Va. 3) Conway a'., betwee n Howard snd KuU. Is evacHaaiea ratal etiia, let me add - i.., i (CJ-OA'K WORD OF CAUTION JT2 . lwaya ask fw HANCE'8 PILLS, and purchase none hot tboae dvoriieed a agents, and if boo auient, call and see the proprietor himee'f. - O-PRICE 35 Ci per Bo,f FIFTY PILIJI SAt'H, for HarwVe Gennlno PiUa, or tat $ I For rale hy BTH 8. HiSCBt 108 B liimors 4 ,and corner of Charlei A l'rU U., Bait mre V and by GEOKGR BRIGHT, Son buty, i D. BRAU ritiAM.Neahaaharlaad. Vlaech go. 1MT, . .. - . Paas tteatdcr 1 1 1 , Thi good sdice coma from a friend, an ado. alad physician, and one who baa been rum! of .rotraeied illrieess by THE IMPROVED INDL IN VEGETA8LE riLLa." (MVa Coaraa ) bkb are at ibi momeot afleclng eoma of the noal remark' corea on record, and tbry wilt aoa inaa to W ka dk a long a ibey are raaartad 0 by then. Tbio no noeirvm, made merely to ll biespectiva of it tjoalitioa, bt a aloabl aaecW cine, mad by well Informed Physician, of Vage hi Ingredient, pmrt. tJUmmw, and rWmaw,, n few day, wa sball aaaka t poWlk report of an eral mora raoa af aaeiaaa aviro (ft so itefa " thtrt) anJ the puhlio may fajw ov what. waJi in to rtly in time f noad. r . j . f . -i try CAimONAa a mierrabU imitatina bss mm made, by tha name of -Bmu Oeaami JPfctU," 1 ii noceoBiry io b anxa tbat Dsu O Baa a. Batyf ufaataia ia cm every bo, Price M eaota, : ... f linclpel OAce. 17t Greeowick at New York. ' Bold by JOHN W. F RILING, AWaArovj . WM. rOWYTUE, MWAs. arch 20, 1647, , - . ' '.i '1" -l1frf. ' rrrrrrsTnr ' rfvivu,vuniciiii, Cmrtd ajwcAJW Hewrw Masterl Bra, . ,..A Viy.n .6 ' Coaw, , I fj 1 b n I ?J 88 Oats. ' it i oitc i w OS - Pone, )! oe .i4 f.- '.uit frl 3 ' glT '.KaaS MrJi r'l 1T tr) Kf.Pt'Vl. -' BtW1, : "'.ret -.- ' t fcs ..'i SH i Tataowt s r; i -.cAri'', 10 10 10 RiettttrMtr" HANCE'rt COMPOlTVD AYRUPOF HOKE . .HOUND fdS TUB CURB OF Cough, CM; Cmiumpti -n, Spitting of Blood, - M Hurt anrf rwf, UrtmcMt t, Crmp, Aithma. mnd all ditttnti arU 'X v, r - ting from a dinordtred cmtdtt!H s ; of tkt hrt or ntelctted enld. ' C Tiia fullowing eonnet waa ad.lreeeed to tha rnprieor by a Yonng Lady who waa cared of - Ho I ye who pant with failing breath, , And ine away and dle.-,- ' ;" , Bane shall Mpnt awaynyar' death, -. And light, anas.'yoar avt . - How eweet it aarite upon the (oue, . How grateful to the hreat A glorion Ibemo for poet' ong, - y, ' ' Soothm his coUb t reel, ' . " .1 Hiscel favored of the Gods, tl Ihouf A bliasinc to thv rar. ' Let laurel fl urieh on thy brow, . .. , .', And wealth, those laurels grace. . . When heroes are forgotten t" king J Dafaoct f or, ceaeed to reign V V . ' Gbiry, & thee, shall flap her wings . ' Tb"j cet:quero,of pain. - .y PRICE 60 Cents per 1-entte. or 6 KMt'ea fir f 550. vFor sale hy 8ETH . II NCE. Ir8 lUtimore etM and corner Chsrlee ami Piatt streets, Baltimore, and by GEORGE BRIG1I r.8.tnl-ory.- ' -I. BRAUl'lOAM, NorthamtwrUml. March SO, 184?. ; - . 1 LIST OF C AUSES. " lttR trial in the Court of Cummon PleeK of Nor tliumlorland County, at April Te.ro, ,1817, commencing the flrvt Monday, being tbe 6 b. Seitalnger, alienee of '".' 1, ' " Garver .. vs John Gsrver et al - William Farrow f v Abraham K lace William 8imenton el al Bbipman &. Ureenoogh John Hend rsttn' bir vi - Kame Wm L Heiiieman s Hartman II Knaebl Peter Kiehter'a eir'e va Itorlgedt Barret J .bn A Llovd . Wm E McDonald : Jubn Kan dr, wife va John Neidlg dr. wife ' Miry Rei et al , ve Henry 8nvderel al Wm H Pomp'e eaaigne Wm Welch ' Benjmin Robioa ' . Valeniin Klate Henry Mssacr ;J ,. v. Wm McCarty etal ., . Sarah Reed r. , Hugh Re d et al tJhnrle lratg, jr. J imesCovrrt ;J ' . John Parker el al re Dr Robert Philip -'ii William M.-Coy vs Irsvi H lartetal "' . va Khain. Coal tt Iron Co . - Vf Kirhael h'emakrr ir, jv J oh t Mi Gnnee, ' t r vs Gideon Lelsenring F Lacaros. ad ofG Watt v Grge Kuma' rt't Joseph Mitmaa Daniel Wei.lner Wm Strtl & Wife D .r.i.4 Ullman et el Jamea MirriU's ei'ra Casper 8t Clair - . Philip Vickery el al v Peter Bmaius el al George Conrad ' Mabloo Ha mien et al Istae Huff Charles H Frick ' v Jaeh Haas ' v John Bidleman el al va Henry E 1st on ', v William Prick u ,uawH rar w s ar iviu riaup Jt ' Asher Morrie v Gideon Leteenring tx f ieorg- Tioxel dr. wife a Jacob da Joeepb Klin ' Daniel H Connor . vs Dsnb l Weidner -George C Lilly v Jacob Berg, r, ad of J Lilly dec r j . ti - Ti i I u . William FMier et al . Eheneaar Greamnugn Jhn Hina Elit-ibeth Hio .' ve T A Billingtoo H al i va Jacob Shi -, ,v 8amoel Blair r A . vs George Oytr ,, -. , John Jenkins et al . Ganrge Eckert Francis Ball' admr Baltaet G imhart . Burgee of Milton borough v Samuel Blair. . Jacob. W 8rtiinger . vs William Carr j Henry Maer vs H B Maaaer tt Joseph Eisely Bsltaer Garnhart ve George Ovsti-r Jamea Appleion et al va William Donaldson John llaaa, Eeqr va Rob tt A Paiiah ,,;, va WiHi.rn 8aoilerson D N Ltke el al ; . Geildis St Marsh , Jsenb He d William H Gillrt Whitall dfc Brown W.li.m Nepn ,i va Peter Haoghsw-nt ve L hn B Boyd e eire v Hame Yertllirg ck Lower et al ve. t. 8 tea , Molt dr. 8chober et al ; v ' - rtm Daniel rt Wbi , I j va Benjamin K h oo Hulet Smith ' .' va Au(iiatiia& John Ilury - ' JOHN FAUNMVORTH. rrothonoton ' offiro. ' prutk'u. Bunbary. March IS, IM7 J ' ' ' ! i riiLLinninr goods. JOnN STONE & SONS. Importers and Dealers in Silks, Ribbons, ; and Millinery Goods,' - -No. 45 8ovth Biao Sraarr, ' ranADBLPHl TfJ E8PECTFUI.LY invne ihe.atention of JXM Merchants and Milliners visiting tbe e.ty to Utrir new and licb aesortmeni of Spring Millinery Goods, to which tbey are dtily making addiii 1 among which wiH be found . Ulsce eilka for casing, bonnets at a variety of prices; a large assortment of new e-yle Bonnet RihhonM plain Manina nnd Satin Ribbons, of all widthst Chip Hals. Crapes Crape Lisses: French end Auwriesa Art Reial flowers, in great variuiy; Faney Trimming Lacee, Cap Stuffs, Buckrams. Willows, Crown', Tip. Fee Trimmings. oVc. eke A a large p-rion of the above have been im ported by oar elvee direct from France, we are an. abb d to offer them at tb lowest maiket price. Match 13th, 187. lm. Rnfate af Ge IIalleaibcli. decTdl flHE anderaigned. appuiaied auditor by the Ue 3. phane' curt of Norlbuml-erltnd county to nuke iliatribuitofi of tbe balance la tha band of the administrator ef said dc'J, I and among tha bvtrt and legal rrprreenUlive, hereby give notice lhat be will aiuad to aaid duty oq Tbardsy tba flret day ad Apa oral, at ki office ia Sonbary. where U ibM mtasaatad eaa atleiu), if they eee proper. . M W.J. MARTIN, abury, Marck 8. 1847. St . Valuable Property 7 OPCDCQ 5ia ,aTX rr,. rr .- FTUIE Suaacribar aflare fur aaleTTT raerat JL taveas, a valoabl piece of Und, ait oated ia Aogoata tawnabip, NoHbamberland eeonty aboat mile from Sanbury, on ba Talprhorkaa road renlaiaiog esvan acree more a lees, m aa axeellaat siata w WMUaattoa, wasrooa are erected a lereje frame- dwelling boaoa 8 by 41, and a euVe ' by tt, with ateattoat water a tkoeWe, kkarawgg by M. aod an ioa bouse oodar I-. It ia eave e ibe beat boainaae tocattone la the oaaty ret fmthrr iarsraatioa laqairaof lb awbacribar, aa tbe avernieea. r . . . ....':,. MANUEL KAUFFMAN.. s Augmt, March 1847 7 1 . - r OF thnmberlafjd County fc April Tr erm. v. ia.T. , OrandJTnrorg. ir-ta Turner. ;iv: ! rJotor. John Dmiiler. . .,..- .-."T Milton. John Robinav 8tepben Wileon, Thoa. Canreeoeeph Noabit.' :y.. i X . nn6vjrv Abraham Erwin, .ftler Hileman, . , slower AurvMa Eli f eirTer, Jeei Wolt V T., momr'Jer Mart, Jacob E. Moeneh. ? Jfu.A. Joseph Reader LWm. Drpui, John H.JT. man, Abraham Moore.-.-5 rl-, Coa. James Oilger, Benjamin Katbermao i tpptr Afoiierov 'reter Montilm, John Bets eel, George fnjder.; - Lower Maktnvy John Weft. i. Jaektrm. George Krebe.-- - .. .. ',.,'" , Traverse Jurors. TWrouf. John Ilaag, tr. w'--Jon Well A DcHwhwo. Jacob 8iee, Wm. Mc William. Thorn i MrKe Peter Kelchner, Jamee Kirk, Jor eeph Durham, Jamee Lvwry, James Cart,' A bra hard Sterner. Afiroit..Denni C Caul.' ' ! ' s ChiWtqvaaue.- Tunis Flher. Jobn Frederick 11 Point Abel Gittbon, Henry Watt, Join Hammer. ' - ' L NfirlhiHnbtrlantl Daniel Haas. Georce Eckert. Jarob Eckert. . , .' . Sunburtf. Satiaal Gomler, John Schmlck.' ' Vpptr Awrutlo. John Haughawoot. Mordrcai Lawrence. . . , ' Lotrer Annitta Henry II. Malicti, R uben Ga'ing' r. Danirl K,uffinn. Shamokin. Coo-ad Yarn Allen Aocbmiiiv. David Chicheater, 8amuel Hoover. George Millet. Jeae Campbell. Wm H. Mitct.ch. . M.-W111, U. OeirhBrt, Win. M I.T, ar. Coal. Al icandu Caldwet r ' .' f Upper Mahoniifs George Psnl.-r cj uower Maaorwu. rjiiea Dover, Atrranam Din gaman. Philip Boltb, Benjimin Trego. Jacob Spata. mile fllanonoy. J aeon u. I tollman.. : . , . Jackton.Ytux. D ppen, John 8. Haas, Jacob Creaaiagar. . . . ,;. , ,; , ; . refit alnrorsa . . - 7r(uf. David L. Ii land, George' Good. ' Letoi. John M Bry-on, Adam 81 huh-r." " Delaware. lesac 8. Lillry, Henry Read, r, Phi lip Mc Williams. John Waison, Reuben E. Hiney. Millon Bertram Oilhreatb, Jacob Wbnelsnd, Amne Witter. Hugh M. Dvieon, C. U .lUwIemew. ChiUirtjiMvptr.Jtrob Rhoada. Northumberland. Joba Cake. '"' ". Sunbury John O. Fry. ' ' ' Upper Augutta. Samuel OIardnif.' v Lower Augusta. John Foy. John Malieh'- Shanokin. SamoJ Epler,. Isaac Sober, Felil Larch.- - ' : " - '.''--.-'' Ruth Gilbert Deet. Wm. Fiaber. Con. Reuben Eiaenbart, Jeremiah Baoon. Pa er Wetket.-: - . Upper Mahonoy Aaron HofTa, John Schmick, PHreTraoa. ' '- ' ': -' A- " ljm.tr Mahoncy. Abraham Deppen,' Joaaph Fenletmber, ' i -' -'. ' -. J-cAae, Dnie r?cbwarts. Joeepb Trego, M tr im Domheller. ' ' " . " SOriBTHINO XJOTT I THE aheriber have the eiaHMvei. ibjaJ of vetuHng J. M. THATCHER'S y MH' Ctaat Cmt Mr &&teg in tha e- ootiee of Nortbumraarlaei 1, Colambia and Schuylkill t and from tae enfoswagasaeait anal wiifc already, hey eapeet to do a larga baainaea. -Tbia etove is cnrtatraeied ob an entirety aew priraiple, end on tba only principle tbat e m make' loin a good wood and coal stove, -1 The inventor bee over, come all ibo difficult !ee that so frerj-iently belong t ether stoves, ' He bae by his orrsngement, con. stiaetej a broiling QTOvCal In Trent, where in broiling, toasting, frying or baking may be done, and all the smell that arisee herefrom mnst paaa into the eombustiMe 'chamber, and Is not at all thrown out into the room JTJf Bee;dea thi, there i an oven only two iiicbee less than the whole siae of the stove, wherein hiking or roaating may be done aa well a it can he m the common brick oven. Tbie ven ia atwav fit far ne when the eove Is healed, a tb whole draught of bot ir pee a round h constantly. Publ'e attention ia particularly called to thia stoe. It can he een l our Store end Tin Eaten, lishment in North Danville, et the ign of tbe Co. 'um'-ia Tin hop. and at tt-a f onnd'y of Rohrbacb dr. Clement in funhury, where its particular o,neli. tiee will he fully shown and etp'ained to any person wiehing to rgimine it, ' The eahseriliei continue to hve on band all kinds of partial stave, soeh radiator a. ry lender. fancy end plain, suitable foe ell who my favor a wi'h a eellv, alao common sheet anJ Ruaair Iron, which can ba made in any d'eirabl abapr ; nai", ther with general asorimen of tin nIJpMind ware, wholesale and let si I, Country nierhanls era invited to call and et amine our stock." ss our wrk cannot be surpaa-ed, and prieee mtvlnerate, N . B. We ren safely recommend ibe above mm lioneil stove to rnne who wish to rmhark in a good business The pa'enleo wilt sell either coun ty or state rights. It suit pureSseera, and on re a a ilil- le'me. He or bia ag n's mar be fonnd in Danville, Ps. J, cW.ARTER. The unJersignad. I aving seen in operation (he hot b;st hot air cooking etove. invented and pa tented by J. M. Thaicher, cerify that we belit-ve, from the manner of Its conetrucii n and oporaion. lhat it U the lt one ever offered to the public. The eiraiigement ieo a mptele snd the construction en jodicions. that there is a sating nt one half ibe fuel and lime, in d -ing eny given amount of ivic, over other celebrated stoves. In ahnrt we reeom. mrnt It ia preference to all otbec, for Ibe simple reason that it emhracee every branch of economy. - Samuel Garrett, John W Garrett. D-ivid Chat Held, W F Kited a. John M Utav. E Tompoa. Smith Thompson, j D Hehn, J..hn Oakes Hea ki ab Beer. Esiae F Conner, Hen M Ricb.rt,, Daniel Huff nsn. Heavy H Riesel, F H Cetver. Daniel Dreisbecb, Jowpb Vankik, Brooke Eilay. ' Danville, March a, 1847. ly r - t onnAP purinn i B.j.iLLrAiais , Venetian Blind Manufacturer, . Na tt North ik si., (a few door ahev Market at.) piiiLAXaz.nzA, HAS now 00 bund the largest and moot fesAteev able artmeat of Narrow Slat and at her Ve netrea Blinds of any easlkbmaat Jo ike United Bute, which ba will sett, Wholesale gad Retail, at the loweet piica. . " Tb citiMna of Bunbory and vicinity am reepscU fairy aolietiad to call ua bia before parcbaaing la. where, aa be ia confident ef giving entire eatisfac Hoa to J who may tbaa f-vor him with a call.' 1 OLD BLINDS JUaaietatl and Ttlotmed. a aa U aaua, )1 am, . ... v . ... - Ordera punctually tlndd to, and tba Blind forwarded with despatch. ' - B.J.WILLIAMS.'. March 6, 1847. 3m. Notice T8 hereby given to tegaUee, creditors, and e- ,ber rran intareatetf in lb aetata of Thome Oraat dee'd, aouled by hi eWi de brmia non cam lo.'m lKt4Tim 8Ubj t MorrU Smith cWJ, settled by hi adrn'r Henry nopt and David Marl of Mletisat Neidls cVcM, ft lied by hie adm'ra Samaal M. Wagnar and George Oon radi of .John BUtaar dao'd, settUJ by ate' dmr Jaeob Herbt (ha guardian eeeontf OfOeorf Con-ted,-goerd,ennf Har.h Malieh,' Habnab Malhsh, Lydia Malieh, J3eihr M.lleb, trhsrlotw Malicb, Miry Mslirh and Jeremiah Malieh) "of Robert Fernewottbtlerj'd.eeuled hy bis a Wt John Psms. wetihtof Oatbarioe KlinVM, aettled 1v her a.lm r Thomas Pard nl of William Painter dee'd; jattle.1 by bU adm'r Thorn. p.rj of J .bn Fea-tordec'd. nettled by hie e.lro'r Mnln R imlatlr of J.thn Ltinrbtg rn.r dm',!, settled by hie e' Henry Gueeter; of Deniel Levy ib-cM,' set ted by his erra Lewis De-vert nd Aletmder Jtnlir; of Jar.' 0 ass tkM, eettW hv hi ear Wm.'H" Mnencht of Asa Paneoeat rf.Vd. settled by bis r'g'r VV. H. Maeneb-Lee of NoribnmhrrMid county, dec il; ibel the Cutora, a,lministratov and gna dietia of aid deceased routes have filed tberr ac coutira with the It gisier of thi rnnty. and that tbe will be presented to tbe Orphans' Court Of aid eoonty on Tuesday the 6th d.y of April nelf, for conflrmaiioo and tllowan -e. " '. ' ;V' ' EDWARD OYSTER. "I Punhury, March lBtg.'f Rrgi.ler : Notice rirv' MT OT1CE i hereby given, lhat al a eoart of J.1 rnmmon pleas held in Sunba v. for tha ounn ly of Nortbumlrarland. on the 14 h day of January A. D. 1847, on the petit ion of the members wm shipping in 8. Mathews Church in Snnbury, N--Ihumberlend county, for en act inenrp-eating I ho eid c-mgregatroa, and thoreforetUaiid Cmri gran- n-n a rn'e to aho r caue.hy the ft at (lay of a t term, why the prayer of tb p t tl m eh.tuld not he tranloil, of which all persona int-reeiid will take' n..iice. . . JOHN FAR S Worth. 8uiihury. Merch 8, 1847.-31 f , ;. Pw-thy To t arpen1err hricklayers -: nnd Planterra -r .!.- Sail an Paor mti will be rea-ved at the bmbV lei.ee if eitb r of tba suliecribers, until tbe 10 h of March neit, for the en-cti in nf e German Ra formed Church, in thie borough. Tba building ia to be I rick, and the diroen-ions 40 bv 80 feet with e I -Barmen 1 et -rv in two parts, one designed for a Lecture 100m Ac, and the other for a 8 thhetb school rem. The roar, rials wi I I e furnished ea the conuaciors msy direct, by . Qseaoa Yooaor " ' Dmii lltii, ' 4 Jacoa SaaaaoLTS. t -j r ' 1 m - Paittr IkKr ? D t) E. Mim,v Sunbary, Feb. 17. 1847.- - Bu Ming Uwn. ' F. K - Any parson or paraons wishing t bid. -anJ deeiriiig any infemation, can have each by 1 calling oa either anamber of tbe committee 1-: ' H well v3alrlcb'a Itate; NOTICE la hereby given that leit. rsof ed ministration have been granted to the nh- enter, on lbs estate of Howell Goodrich, letrt of Khsmoain town-hip, Northejmberlsi rJ emn'y , dec All persona ineVb ed to aid rfnlnt having- da mn, de against the samel era ren. etv-l to call on tbe 1 sulrrifr WwfrreoVwilhiiat delay, et hie reakiencCs. 10 rtsofc In ton-h p. I'.-lumlna cotm ty. X ROBES P. DAVISON. Feb, 17. 1847 t fi . ..; Adm: ( ,FA:Ii.M - , .lx&&ixi- raiiaQQo ' rPHE eabscriber offers for sale a cheer Farm, -a- ailaate ia 8bamokin township. Northumber land county, about eight miles from Sunborv. ly ing between the Centra tumi-ike and Iri-b Valley. containing 162 acre end allowances 8aid firm ie in a good state of rnltivation. with reasonably good building and eteellent water near the door ; and all kinds of fruit. Ae. t - 'JOHN FA RNS WORTH," ' Sunbary. Feb. SO. 1847. iroTif k" s iTiTA ifrrticT DR aWAYNE'8 COMfOUND SYKUPOF WILD CHERRY We cm consistently 4a' that Dr. Swat a aa Compound Syrup nf M'ild (herry bae tajau eilensivrly awd in t' a Untied Stale for mora than ten years 'hat 1 a beneficial effect bve been tested by ttvmaamla Tear it lvaiiatT Rrttrvra Rrcswt Coron, and that hurulret'a nf individuals. gradu-J y sinking un der the insidioir" attsck nf death's fell em e-rv, PvLMoaaat Cnasrnm .r, have been restored to health, happim-se and friends, by its Dae, and a now living tes'iinoniea of the rurative p wer nf tbie BrBT. Aanvnaa IvviLia atarnaan to Hi.nn Hitam aoir itatiitiu coak avaa ascoenae! ' ' ' Da. 8wta Dear 8i' : I feet rilled hy a sense nfrlu'y I 00 tonfferip humanrtv.ro rknowedge my grateful thanks for lb womteiful effects of your Compoarhl Svrup uf Wild tbirry i n me, sfier Buffering month after man h with fe m afflict, ing nf all diseases, Coosompt:on." . Th-- first avinp torn were of eory hrevv rold which seitWtl 00 my tonga, which gtsdtiitlv g-ew worse, with pr-fu-a night sweats, a backing enngb, spitting Mo.m with great debili y. My coiHtiioti.-n seemed br i ken d-wa, and nervous system very mu'h impair d. I went to Philadelphia,' waa Ire it id there ly pbyalriana of Ibe highest standing, but received n 'enefit whatever rr-m II em, but gradatlly grew w.iree. onttl my physician", ea well as myself, gave up all hop eof recovery, and I felt like on oho ie aoot to paaa through tbe V lley ' i f the Shadow nf Death- Al this "awful juncture" I heard of your Gomnonnd Syrup of WiH Cherry, nf which. 1 pur. cbaaed sii bo tU-s, which I em happy to aay enti e ly cund ms, end I in now enj.oing b tter health ttan I ert r have b. fi.re rn my life. Physician who witree&ed my case are bighlv ircomm-nding il In similar ree, and I wish vnu to make this puhl'e, so that all may know whera to procure remedy at one which will reach their draeaaa be f r limp. ring with ibe many 4quck nnetrame' withwhicli the C 'Untrv ia H'V-di-d. My residence ie al 4S Ann atirel, where. I should 14 happy to have the abov eubatsmi W personal inter view. . ALBERT A.' ROSS, - . Wbo'eeale and retarl Dealer in cigar, i .: L.,-. , 4 Ann atreei, N, Y. 0J" Be ant deceived by tbe meny spurious and w-othleee prepsratioa of Wild Cherry, wshrrrd lata notice by Ignorant pr tendrra, but sea tbat tbe rigualore of Dr. Swayue is on each bottle, which ie the only gasrsntea again ire nsit'on. Prepared only by Dr. 8WAYNE. N W.eor. ner ef Eighth and Rce street', Philadelphia, and for rale bv raaportsb1 D'ogr ists in uoatry all tba principal towna in the United Staiae, . " : Only Agent in Snnbury. is - ft HENRY MASSE R. i Dr.' J. A. Moore, Danv.llet Ti B. Mack.y Bon, Mdtoat M. D. ca J. Welia, Mancyf O. A. Wyatt, Lowieburg; Dsis dr. fchnnre, Beliaagroeer John 43. Rrnn, Line Mountain P. O. " '"' - 1 rnnaoiip TCfrfEaH IT Oar.1 eb. It, PhiladrlphU. Feb. 8lh. 1847. tm ly 1 BSH G A RD t! E CSTTrom Kiale' Garden, juat leoeived aod nr aae by - 1847. JOHN BOOAR: OCUOOlTTJOfritrJ. BiUea, Toeianvaoie, braw. a. J log raper, Wiiiiag Paper, Steel Pens, and Jlarrison's poluuibisa. Ink, for asie cheap ft tb store of ' w JOHN BOG A R. , Jsfl. 18, 1817. !. yg.yTir "T.'.rs,"3lS';JT? fi&jt&fjfi'X - XT nilVCri P-MLSIi! IX ccuKsi mn mmm tmm. rmERAONs afflicted rl:h- Scorfel. KineV E-JJ- - Oaneer, ErypaU. Old Soree, Uteara, 1 attgr, Meraattal Disaamo, ae any mharaomplalnm ariaing from Imparitiea of th blood, am requested l teed the fdlowing teetiamnUla, ia. woof of lb Tilt.''Errl,"t ol ih thn K'ned medicine, it Pant cr.init nainm ... . . 1 . . " anu isi vre tna anoer lrd, having viotted Mr lsee Brooke, Jr., at tha offic of Messrs. Rowand dr, Walton, 878 Market alraet, rhitdelphiaeonidr hit cava tba moat r msntahta one wa ne ever wiineseed nr beard ot v Jlia diaeaa m Krniinn stwt t.:vi. (tare lean bi tnalv years' ccnflicl with tha de- atrotai 1 :...: : .., '; II a Palate, the er tire roof of hie Month, No, t'pi-er Lip. end low.r lid nf tba Rimt Eta have be- n deatroyed, his Kara nearly eaten up, and part 01 tne jtv onaa carrieo away. . And yet we eaa give ni d.-scriptkon of bia case. . Mr. B. i- firms us that, in January last, the whole interior nf ha muth, s well as moat of bia lace, waa a mass nf deep end painful ulcers 1 , .' On tbe 14 h nf January bn-t. be commenoed ta king U'.f'ottKa'alBDIAv VroiTASLB Pawacia, which cheelted lb - trieeaae in a few days, and from rh t time the core ba prtgreseed witboat intormie- New flesh h supplied the plaea of tha oVp ulcer, end ihnunh badly difignred, bia faea ie aoand, and hie general health it restored. We ar eearjred tbst in the treatment of Mr. Bnsoke' esse, no Maacvai ate, Ointrsenta, or Catte tle epplksiirrna have been Uaed, in fact, tha Pa vareA a ioa a, baa wronsbt Ihie wonderful change. H. B. M ower, Suubury, Pa. Jv? v -- .v-'; . J W Jone, M D. Somh 21 street, PbiladelnhU. ' E W Carr, 440 N 4th, above Pnpler, N Liberties. 8 McCnlloaghLancester, Penn'a. - i O W Appleton. M D, 48 S.-nth el, Phild. " Wm 8tee!ling. M D, Camden,- New Jersey. Wm Hale. 978 High etreet. Philadelphia. .: J H Poner, Man. Mineral teeth, 108 8 9lh si, Pbils. I. A Wtdlrriwebef, Ed Phil Dam S77 N td st, do. A D G lleitev Pastor of I lib Biptiet Church, do, J.bn Bell, Erie et, Phil. (N Amerirea office.) -, John W Asbme -d 60 8 8th etreet, Philadelphia. -T 8 Wag ar. Lthngrapbrr. I IS Cbernut at, do. P ter 8ken Smith. Edtlnr Native Esgl. ;i do. Jo-1 B -dine, Glaaa Msnuf, Williametown, N J. I. B Coins, M D, Boron, Mass mtiuaetla. Raasal CanAeld, 'bviobieis,l Pbilsdslpliia. -,'' Thorn l S Roby, M D. Harrist-urg. Pa. (. Wm IJrie, ptot St Paafa eh Caiharine at, Phila. John thamhera pastor let Imlep. ch, Broad at, do, T I. (tandete. PuHiaher nf Pledge and SUnJard.do. F P SelU n, Ed Oliw Branch, Dovletowa, Back c PS While,,. ,-A ir. do. . ,', . JPbe alwve named g niWeo. (eoneti'ning hot a email pntingjof thnae who have visited Mr. Brooke at onr nffii e in Philadelphia, and woald certify to ih same fac's if necrs rv,) are well known, and their high atarding In mciety preclude tba idea of heir lending then- aamee 10 csrry on an impoeitMO. Certifirateeof crrree, in p mpblet form, may be. hd Gratia, at th offi e of the agents. t - . : sese metlrrioes ,ee prepared and sold by ih propriitora, Kowand & Walton, No, 7g Market slreat, Philadetp' ia. ; .f, ; ... . Douenhower. No t M array aU N Y. aenh wer. No I OF Hall, Cin.O. nkm. No 68 Canal st, N Orleana. tbinenn, .w Gay A Ssraloga sta, Balk . Sold also by Diuagiais ihrooabont tba United mates.. t ... , 9 r.b 6th. l847.-r3m ly GSZSB & SOXI, a asJasaaLssBBi Commission Merchants, For lb asle of Flour, Grain .-and all kinds of Conn .try Produce, ' A' 48 Ctimmfrr tret Wharf, ..' , , . BAX.TIMOBB. . j' . fcj ('ab advances oa Consignments.. -; ,f Feb. 1 ath, 1 847 3m. ,vjv . ; j- Clothing Establishment OPERATIONS in I'mitial Beam to be the order nf tb day. at ihe Philadelphia Ward Robe, Iflft Chi sum sir, wht-re Bvary article in the Kne U kept, and old at aatnniahing low prices, embracing ...", Cloak, Bsngupe. Over Sack Coals, Short 8ack Coata, Super Frai.cb Cloth Dres Frock C -ata, Pntlon of every g'sds and style, any of which will be eold either by tbe ferment or dozen, at pie ces tbat will jjatify the ' meet rctnomical in " " ' buying. " '. " ' We advise alt who want gioJ end cheap Clo tbing tor;. II at No. 105 Cbeanul atieet, Philadelphie. Feb th, 1847 8m Drugs! Drugs!! Drugs ! fi, THOMPSON k CRAOTORD, .! lVlioirsale Dnijglsls, No. 40 Market Street, (Souih side, be : . ,; low Second.) .,.-.. Philadelphia, ' Off. r foe sals a larga stork of Fresh Diets, Mideinee arid Dye-8'affs, to which Ibey ell the attention of Coun try Merchant and Dearer visiting tba rity. i ' ''' ' ' Coeb, Cabinet, Japm, Black, and other Var niakea of a superior qualit. Aleo. While and Rod Lead, Window Glasa, Paiola and Oils cheaps 1 ban eve'. t -. '. '.' T. & C. are also pmpriclora nf ibe Indian VeartaMe Babjtm celer-fjieJ throughout their owa and nelahboriug 8laaa. ss the beat preparation for the Curs i.f Cougbs, Colds, Asthma, eta. - Money tefundrd in every instance where a benefit la ra cciveil. . , : PMUd. liia, Jsn. 30, 1M7 3m j?(rot iJrctuttim ftutta , ISo. 87 North Third Street,' PHILADELPHIA. ' THE celebrity of tb Ink manufactured by th subscriber, and Ihe et tensive sa'es consequent upon the bigh reputation which they have attain, ed, nil 01 ly throughout the United State, bat ia tb We-t Indi'w tnd in China, r. induced him to m ik every nrceeeary errargement to oppty th vast demand upon hie establishment. He ie now ftepared iib every varnty of Black, Blue and Red oka. Copying Ink, Indelible Ink, and lok Powder, all prepared an.ler hie own oraonal auptiatnd eace, so lhat purchisaea may dpod apoB it aa perior Quality. - ..,.. .' - - : HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT, a aa perior nkl for Moadiag Glasa, China. Cabinet Were, dr. , asfl to every Hoaaskeeper, boiag 8 while liquid, easily appHad, aad not affaclad by a dinary bsaWwananled. -. . t OCT" Pampbleta, eoatsinlng the aamerooa (eetr monial of man f eioc, aod athara, will ba ftjro niahad lo purcbaaaa. w 1 ' for sale at the Manufactory, Whoraaele aad Ea tail. No. 87 Noava Tbib Btaarr, oppaMa) Cbsrry atreet, Pbiladalphis, by . i : JOSEPH K MOVER, -Jaa. 30ib, 1847. ly Manufaeiurat. l rw w v Si J W Di g tOTJe : t aTj'llJlaij:i.la H'Si5aJ!?K O'-WATDfl AND Or U COMMON SENSE, that th aatarat vegeia bto prodactfon of every ominrry era. If properly applied, amply aufficient for the cure of evary Aa' lady incident to each peculiar cUmste. . '3 ..-- WBiGirs mm fecktible pills. U . . at raa XaHh Amrlcan DoIIrre oflloaltb, are cOarpderd of all plant which grow nnlne oalywa ear awn anil, ami are therefor better ' dapted ta oar conetttnlinnetban Medicine eon coo ted from foreign drug, however well tbey may be compounded 1 and a they are founded upon tba principle tbat the hitmen hod Ie in trut& - v SUBJECT TO BUT ONE DISEASE. ' namely, corrupt humors, and that said Medicine enree Ibis di.eeee on Natobai, Paiactruia, by eleanting and purifying tht loJy, U will be ntn. Mest thai, if tbe ronrtttation be not entirely ef hsnsted, a permveranea in their use. aeoording in di.ectiooe. Is absolutely cattain to drive disease of everv nam from I bo liody. . . " When we wish to reaioi a swampor mors lo fertility, wa drain it of tbe roperabundant water. In lika manner, if we-wieb to restore tb body to health, we moat cleanse it of impurity. WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILt.S will be found oae of lha best, if hot tbe very beet medicine in the world for carrying out thie Gaaan Puatrrtae Painctrte, becauee tbey expel from tba body all morbid and corrupt humor, tha causa of the dwesee, ia an eeey end Natural Manner 1 end while Ibey every day atva t sea a an naAsrjaa, di-eea uf every nam la rspid'y driven from Ihe lody. ' ' ' The rbtl"Vring bigbly resprdsMe tmrkeeper bavo beeti duly ennointed agents for tbe aale of Wrigkf$ tndian Vegetable PilL, ia Narthumbera . Iind county: ( Henry Maaaer, Snnbtnyi ' ' ' ' ' " J ; t X.iL 1. KanrTman, Augusts township. - - " . ; Samuel Herb, Little Msbonoy. - William Deppen, Jackton. Beneville Holabue, Upper Msbonoy. ' . Jeha G. Reno, Upper Msbonoy. ' t Hsmoel John. Shamnkinwtww. ' Forsyihe, Wilson & Co Nortbutoberland. . . ; E. !. Piper, Wetsotiburg. , irioM naye. MCBtteasvuie. . 1 ' Jaenee Peed, Pnltsgrove., : "-- i ; ' Wm. 0 Scott, Ruahville. , ' . . . Hartman Enable, Elysbnrg P. O. 'Amna T. Betesel, Turlmtsvillo. 5i c-."-"--. Gidi-on 8harM, fpper Mahonoy. ' ? Kbodea 6c Farrow, Snydaratown. ; , 1 , John King, Farmrrsville. , ' 8ilO.Co..k.Mrtiri'eCreik. - 1 ' J. D Yonng Hicksvilte. , Abraham Sberer. Rii-bmeml. u 8muel Taylor, Sbttefor.!. . ' 1 ' John H." Vincent, Chilisqoaque. : Wn. Msiatsa A t,ahar. MiBon. ' BaWaag ov CooaTaariire. Tba public era caationed against tbe many spurious medicines, which in nrdor lo deceive, nre called by name al mitar to Writhi's Indian Vegetable Pill. - i Ta obit oaietaa a an aaapiea lams Vr- iTiiti Pif.La have lha signature of Wm. Wrleht wairrtja wtra a raa on the top label of each bot. Nona other ia genome, and to connirrfeit tlvl Am taAMaiamw. -. - r ... .wv. r w " w mm mm t-. ' (T Offtcos ilevo-e.l eirlueively lo ihe sale of , WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, of tba Noitb A College of Health. No. S8S t.. mm.-t nr. va, . v.. iqi T,.!. Street. Boetoaf and PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No. 189 Race 8TBBKT. PhilsJebhis. Jaa. 30ih. 184T. aHyf - ' ' - TO WATCH IVIAKERS .. AND Importer of Watches, Watch-Makers . - oa a 1 nr . l II . 100IS ana watcn mnienais, - h WholsMialo eV Ilelall. No. 33, South Fomik tt., PHILADELPHIA, flit A8 constantly on hand a large assortment of U II Lunette, Patent, and Plain Glass; Main- spiinga. Verges,' Dials, Walrh Hand, and a com plete assortment nf all Toole snd Matsrials brlong ing to lha trad with a Urge sr sort mrnt of Go:d nd Silver Lever, Lepi tie, and Plain Watches; sll of which ha Will guaranty 10 sell st th lowest New sr a. : a 11 t C . L. . . . s ore prxca. Ail orucra iium iuv anuj pisiu ally eiecutrd. ' N. B. Country merchants and others sre invited to call and eiamine at the Old Stand, No. 33 7 oouin ronrin stieei. Philairelpbia. Jan. 83. 1847-8m ' NEW STYLE COMBS. T)RTOI8E Shell Tuck Ounbe, carved and finished In s superior style, Splendid Shell Dreaing Comb, carved and ruin. Shell Pocket Combs, with and witboat caaee. . New Style Long Combe, carved, aod plain for , children. With be trt if o I iasortmsnt of th Ral Buffalo I IllWIiag WW . MM.. ... QW.,- w . . , .. ' . H. W IK. Mi II. . Comb Manufacturer, 1 8mh Sec.md below Market atreet. : P. L K W.- ie the only Manufacturer of tba an 1 m, at , , t . . 1 rt..i. urnaiao nuoaio a. omra ia ins liimni oiaiev, Philadelphia. Jan 23,. 1847. 3m . CITr ATICTI01T STORE, no. si ix or m J nirti street. - (...BTatciTraor.O . aPRtLafs.SBX.VHXi C. C. M ACRE Yi. AucnoiicERa i TO COUNTRY STORE KEEPERS. EVENING SALES of Hardware. Callery, Seddlery, Whips. Boots, Wioes, Hate, . j Cape, Guns, Pistole. ( -lothirig, . Watrbr and Fancy Goods, At Mackey's Auction r-tore, 81 North TbiiJ street, near the City Hotel. The alrention of Couolry Mifcbacta ie invited, Tba Gmda will be e-ild in lots lo suit purchssers, and ah Goods offered will ba warranted equal to tba repreaeulaliooe that may be made of them. - N. B. A Urge ascrimeut of Goode et Private Sale. Jan. 18. 1847 ly "One Dollar Saved Is . two . kV w BBBall 1 ..... ... PERbONS wiahuig.io purchase good n H S-jnbury, will do well to eali at the cheap etur of ib nbe br. and etamme b stock be lor parchaamg atMwbara. - Yow eaa depend ea getting good bargain, aa ba ia detormmad not ta -be uadwsalJ by muj atker etore. . - t . . . JOHN BOOAR. i Saabary, Jn. IB, I84T, a!4y -BS. Sal wmmmtr, "J " .- . (. rjaa. It. 184T. ' - - " ' ' . "TbTW auk CiiMeaswete, Hatawsre. AOrocerres Lrqr, ekc w eala aery bw by Jaa. IB. IBT- -r- -iwii'i .v . v fi 7MSKt.Llw8-a-Tba subearlber haa Jus te Ij eeived lot rf l'mb-ells, which be wil) se1 bsap, eoeaeea raw as tOcaota. - - Jen,l8,U47. JOHN B0GAR. t