Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 13, 1847, Image 3

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    ntne. Covan. a CoatveTiow. WnirA'
riffian Vegetable Pills nt I no delightful meJi
cina Tor carrying off cold bacaoae they etpel
from lheylm til morbid and corrupt bumora
(the ran of every kind or disease) in an easy ami
nalurnl a manner, thai the body m relieved of all
it suffering a if by magic, four or Are of aaid
Indian Vegetable illa taken every night on going to
bed will, in a few Jay, carry off the moet obstinate
cold; t the me time Ihe. digestive rg t will
b restored In a he ahhy tone, end the blood ao
eompli tcN purified, that inflammation of (be luuga,
consumption, or any other form of dirtaaa will be
absolutely impossible.
Beware f Counterfeit: The publie are rati
liiinad against the many amnion medicinee which,
in order to deceive, are ralleil by name similar to
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pilig.
The only original and genuine lndln Vegetable
Fill have the signature of Wm. Wright written
iih a pen on the top laM of each hot. To cnun.
rrfc.' this ia Forgery, and all other ahould be
ahunneo as Dot n.
Officer iterated ete!u.ily to the sale of
Waiom'a n't Viatraata Pitta, wholesale
and retail. 169 J'aca street, Philadelphia! 988
Greenwich atteet, N" York; and 198 Tier ml
afreet, Boston.
fTTAgent for the sale of Wright's Indian Veget
ale Pills in Sunhuiy. Hsaar it'-asaa. For other
agPHcieaaee advertiserm nt in another column
Tat Bribdretii Pitt are entire Vegetable
and made on those principles which loog expert,
nee has proted correct. It is now no speculation,
when they sre resoned to in sicknras, for they are
known to le the bent clemr of the stomach and
bowels, slid in all dyspeptic and bilious cafes they
are a great blessing. Let every'lv keep llicse
Tills in the house. If faithfully um-d when there
i recession f-r nvdeine, it will be very seldom thst
a Doctor will be required tn all cases of cold,
couch, or rheumatism, the a(H cted owe it to their
bodies to use these Pill.
(7 Purrhsse of H. fl Maser, Sunhury. or tf
the scent, published in another part of this paper.
d 1 1: d,
On Wednesday last, at Selinigrove,
JAMF.SK. DAVIS, aged about 70 years.
Corrected weekly by Henri Master.
Wasty, .' P0
Rtb, ... . 62
Conn, . . ... fin
Ost. . . 25
PoBK. ... 5
FttKSIB, ... . IS
Enes. .... .8
Bikswit, .... 35
Tallow, ... 10
Fig. ... .10
HacKisn Ft., 10
a a mmm wins . I
1?OK trial in the Court of Common Plea of Nor
thumtrland Count, at April Teim. 1817,
commencing the Grsl Monday, being the 6 h.
Sritainger, alienee of
Ctrver v John Grver et 1 1
William Farrow Abraham Klaze
William Siinentnn el a' s Shipman & liret nuugh
John Henrf rsoii's heir s 8am
Wm I. Heinemn Harlman H K-osbl
Peter Richier rir's Doi'gc Ac Barrel
J hn A Llovd a Wm E McDonald
John Kane St wife v J ihn NeUIg & wife
Mary Rei et al s Heny Snvderrt al
W m H Pomp a assignee va W m Welch
Bnj imin R.ihiiu
Vslentine Klht
Hrnry Mister
Pa ah Reed " '
Charles ('raij. jr.
lohn Parker et si
William McCoy
JrsepS M.tinan
Dmiel Weii'n''r
Win Starks & Wife
I) ii.iel llilman et al
Jimee Merrill's ei'rs St C'air
Thilip Vickery et al
fjeorge Conrad
Msh!on Himlen et st
Jaiar Hn IT
Chsr!ea H Fruk
Vln Mc(!nrty et al
llouh R d et al
J imri Covi rt
a I)r Rubert Philips
Levi II .ban rtal
va Shim. CoaI & Inn Co
a Viehael h'nnkef
s John M Oinnes
(iiiVoa Ltisfiirine
a F ofCi YVsti
Ce rr Kunir's . i'is
va Peter Tlroaius et al
a J ac 'h Hihs
a Bidirmsn et til
s Henr Elilnn
William Fruk
Wornl & Rhawn'sexr s D.vid II iupt
Aher Morris a Gideon Leisenrint;
(ien'g- Tioi I Si wif .Iscob fs J.Mih Kline
D.niel H as lini. Vei,lnr
ieorge C Lilly as Iscob B g T, d f i'y drc
Willi m Fi-her ft at s Eli. tf aer fSreen.ogh
J.ihn Hine
John Jenkins et al
fJe.irge Ekert
Fisuri Ball's sd me
Balll-l Gimhart
a Eliritwih Uioe
a T A Billii gton rt al
B Jsrnli 8hl a
vs Samuel BN;r
tieo'ge Oyster
Hurgea nf Milton borough as Samuel BUir
Jacob W Heitcinger a Willi mi ('arr
llonry Meer s H H Mnaser A J.)Peph Eisely
Ilaliter Garnhart a Rorge 'rl- r
James Apple'on et al s William Donaldson
John Haaa, R.qr
a R ,l rt A Pans't
Willirm Ssni'erson
ii PN I.ikr et al
a IVtar Hanghiwnt
as B iioyd'seira
a Kama
Ceddii. A Msrsk
Jscib Herd
W .Ilium II Gillrt
Whitsll & Brown
WI im Nibbj
Yartllirg ft I.neret al t
Moll dt 8rhiher at al e
Daniel ta Wbi'.e aa Benjamin It h ni
IIulet8mi'.h Aaensti srV John Hoey
Pcmhonntsrv's nffii i, a Froth'.
Bunnury. Marcn is, 147
importers and Dealers in Silks, Ribbons,
and Millinery Goods,
No. 43 South Second Stkklt,
RESPECTFULLY inane te at ent on of
Merchants and Milliners visiting the e ty in
titrir new and lich ast-orfnenl of 8iring Millinery
Goods, to which tbey are daily making addition j
among which will be found.
Glace 8i ks for casing bonnet, at variety of
prices; a large saaurtment nf new aiyla Bonnet
liil'bona; plsin Mantua nnd Satin Riblum. of all
widths; Cbip Hals, Crr, Crape Libera; French
and Arwriean Art Axial Flowers, in great variety;
Fancy Trimming I. sees. Cap Stuff. Buckrams,
Willow, Crowns Tips, rc Triinroinj;, dec die
A a laic) portion of the above base been ibb
ported by oar el direct from France, we are to.
hl'0 to or' iDm bi tne loweri runaei pricra,
March I3ih, I84T. lm.
Eaiaic or tjico iioticntmcn. aec'a.
rpHE underaigncd. appointed au.lilor by the Or
tuaka distribution of the balance in the handa of ibe
adminiatrstur of aaid di e'd. la and amona the heir
J inrMnlalivH katiihs vtwas noliM that
ha will attend to (aid doty r-n the first
0ay ol A pin next, ai CI onice in ouooury, wnete
ail ll in I reel ad can alterd, if Uty see proper.
unrere, Marcfc ,Ir t
FIFTY PILLS Iff A BOXth Chuput and
bet MeJiein in txhtentt t
removing bile,
correcting disorders
of the atomach and bowels, .
costiaeneaa, dyspepsia, swimming
in the head, tte. Person of a full habit,
rho aie tnl jeei t Headache, Giddinen, Draw
tines, on if ringing in the Etr$, atising from too
(rest a fl.iw of blood to the head, ahould neaer
be witKnut them, as many dangerous
ymptnm will be entirely carried
ofT ba their immediate nsa.
This ia to certify tl at my wife was afflicted with
the Dyspepsia for twelse year, snd tried both sd
senlaed midirlnes and Thoin-onlan. bt.t without
eflVctj and myself sttarkrd with blindness, and mr
head otherwise effected from hud drinking, ao that
I waa apprehensive of flis; and a. ing
adveitired, I went and got a hot of them, which,
to my saiotiiahrrent iflVrted core of m and my
wife bulb yrt, and I do think them without a
rival before the public. S. II. Man.
Albemarle st'eet. prar Wilk.
Forssle by SF.TH S. H ANCE. IflS Baltimore
at., and Charles and Piatt streets, Bsllimore,
and by GEORfiE BRIGIM'.Stini orr.
D. BRAUTIO M, Nor humlcrtand.
March 13. 1817.
ting nf Blood Pain and Opprrmion nf the Rrcnnt.
there if nnthing equal to HANCK8 COM
Thi medicine has now l een in use for six years
during which lime there has been a constnnt de
mand for it, and its popularity instead of declining,
ba been always on the increase.
During thi( time many ne-v medicin' hnve
prur.g up for the f Ute of the above romplaints,
some nf which lasted onlv a lew mnn'ha. anil oihera
not as !ng : but IIANCE'S SYRUP ha retdily
gone on g lining favor wi'h all rlaaaua of society,
until it hs now becoma identified by miny fami
lies in
To those who have never used the Comp und
Syrup of Hniehouud, this no ice ia particularly d'
reeled to, a lo Ihoee wh have once cKeri-icrd
it perulisrly happy rflcts, sny praise of i's muil
would he supe'lluue.
PRICE 60 Cen's per bo'tle. or 6 h.Mt'ea fir $250.
For sale l.y SETH S. HANCE, 108 B .Itirnore
st , and corner of Chir'e Ac I' .Is., Bait more,
ai d by GEORGE BRIGHT. Sm.hury,
D. BRAUI IGAM, Northumberland.
Msrch 13 184T.
THE Mea.lea apeared in Europe about the
same time with the small pu, and have a
great allinity o dia.aae. They both eatie
frmn the ame quart r f the world, are boih infec
tious, and a. Id.un anark the sme person but oure.
The Measles nre most common in the i prinp; a.-a.
on, and generally dieajpear in the summer. The
diaeana itst-lf, whin properly mnagrd, seldom; but :l C'lnaequcnres sre often veiv
rouldi some. Oi.r I uin ia to aaaisl nsturo to
lhr..w out the eruption. 1J1 d-lciting i almost
certain death.
Nothii'g ever diaoovered has the work so
cently and etn-ctinlly as Dr. SMITH'S (Sugir
Coated) -Indim Vegetable PilU" You nerd not
for.-e thi m d.iwn, ei her.
fXj t!AUTIO.N. Aa a miserable imitation haa
been made, by the name of "Hugar Coaled Pills"
it la nrci ssary In be sure that Da. G Baa. Smith's
signature ia on ev.ry hoi. Pi ice 2S cents.
Principal Office, 179 Greenwich at. New York.
Bold by JOHN W. FRII.ING. Sunbury.
March 6, IM7.
F Northumberland County. tr April Tnn,
A. U. 1817.
fnrniid Jurors.
Lrtr't. I-sar Turner.
Itrtaioare John Urn ler.,
Milton Jjhn Rubins, ificjihen Wi'son, Ths
Chillityuaque. Joaeph Nehit.
tiunbwi Al.rihun Eiwin, Pilar Hilemati.
Henry C, M irtin-
Ijtwer Augwta Eli Pi irT. r. J.wl Wf.
Shamokin.i h Marti Jacub E. Muench.
Ruth. J.weph Reader, Win. Dipui, John H fl
man. Alii-ihsin Moore.
Cnnl J im' tiilgi-r, Benjamin Knhernis.i.
t 'pper Matnnni. IMer, Jnliu Ueia-
sel, George fn' der.
Ijtwer Muhmiiy John Wei S.
Jackton, G.orge Krrb.
Traverse Jurors. '
Turbut. John
J.f w-i ' -Jnl n Wsllis, Ami" G!z.
Delaware. Jeob Siex-, Wm. McWdbama,
Thorn i McKee Peter Ki'lrhner. J imea Kirk. J-
fccoh Durham, Jutr.e Luwry, Cjir, Abru-
ham Ht'
Mi linn Dennis C. Cid.
ChllnqitaqrU. Toi ls Fl-her. Jot'n Frederick
Point Alwl Giliboiis, Henry Walls, Jil.n
"VfAnnitrri'finr Dan'el Hais, George Eckcrl,
Ja'nh Eckerl.
Sunburtf. Pamual Giifsler, Jubn Schmick.
Viiper Augusta. John Haoghewout, Mor.h cai
Lawn nre.
Lower A'trutt Henry If. Malich, R. uben
Ga'i"g- r. Daniel Kiiiffman.
Shanwkin. Cotv ail x -r r, Alien ..uc?miiiv,
David Chxheer. Samuel Hfwiv.'r, O ergo Mi!r, Campriell. Wn H.
Kitrh. Win. II lieutiart, Wm. Mitbr, er.
V,nl. A I- Hi di (ald'..
Upper Mahomiy. George Paul.
Jjitprr Mnhonaii. Eliaa B.iver, Abraham Bin-
gamn. PhibpBi'b, Henj'min Tri-co Jacoti Spitz.
Little Mahamiy Jaeoii U. tlolt.nan.
JjcJiton. Win. D rpen, Jjhu S. Ilais, Jicob
relit Jurors.
Turbut. 'David I.. Mand. GeO'ge Good.
ut. Jubn M. Ury-on, Adam Srhu'fr.
Z)tauwe I.aac S. Liltry. Hinrv Uead r. PI i-
lp McWiiims,Jotin Wa'aou, R.uben 11 Hrnry.
-tton. Uerlram Oilbreatb, Jac b W haeUnd,
Arooa Witter. Hugh M. Div.aon, C. U-ulhulemew.
ta7tnoa4..j,(.b Bun ,.
yurthumberlanJ.l 0bn Cak.
Sunbury John G. Fry.
Vpptrr Augtulm. Kamurl Ol'doif.
Lower Augutta. John f0v. John Mabch.
fiAamoAcia.- Ssmui I Eplar, I use Sober, Fbl
Ruth G illicit Derts, Wm. r.
Coal. Reuben Eisenbart, Jeremiah Bscon, Pe
:er Ws.keU
Vpper Maioney Aaron IfoJTa, John Pchmick,
Peter Treon.
Lever Makonoy. Ab'abam Deppen, Joseph
Jaekron Daniel r?cbwU, Jnej k Trego, Vfar.
tin uroaaMiier.
THE ftuheerihara have the etn'usW light of
widing J. M. THATCHER'S
not niMt not Air cookiuf
in the count ie of Northumberland, Columhia and
Schuylkill and from the encoursgomcnl met with
already, they cipect to do targe businesa. This
stove is constructed on an entiiety new principle,
and on the only principle that on maka both a
good wood and eoal stove. IV inventor ha over,
come all ihe difficulties that ao frequently belong t
other stove. He ha by hia arrangement, con.
tuicteJ a broiling fX7"0'eig lu Trout, where
In broiline, masting, fry ing or baking m iy ba done,
and all the amell that arises th efm n munt paa
Into the combutiM chsmher, an I I not at all
thrown out into Ih rnom J) Brrde this, ihere
is an oven only two inchr less than ihe whole isn
of the stove, wherein Inking or rotating maybe
done as well aa it can be in the Common brick oven.
This ven is always fit fur li e when the s ovu is
heated, as the whole draujhi of hot air passes a
round it constantly.
Publ c attention is partietilirly called in this
stove. It can be en at our Store and Tin Etab.
lishment in North Danville, al the ign of the Co
'uml'ia Tin hnr, and al the I-'unnd y of Rohrhach
ft (Mement In Sunbury, where its pellicular qua!i
ties will be fuUy shown andeip ained to any person
wiabing lo rnmine it.
The suWrilieis continue to have on hnd all
kini of pari. it Mnvre. auch ss rsdistnr. cy lender,
fancy and plain, suitable for all who may favor u
wi'h a rati; also common sheet and Russii Iron,
which can ba mute in any d' S;rM shape; tog .
iher with a general ss'ortmenl nftin n I jipinned
ware, whoteaa'e snd reiail. Country mrr hints
are iniied lo call and examine our aiork. ns our
work cannot be surpassed, aid p ires mndoeraie.
N. B. We can at'ely recommend the ebove mo
tioned stnvii to perfnna who wia'i to emhnrk in a
good business The patentee will sell eiher coun
ty or aisle righ's, t suit purc'iuscrs, and on rea
annaMe terma. He or hi sgrn's rnsv be fnniiil in
Danvill , Ps.
The undersigned, Ravine enn In opi ration the
hot h st hot air conking stove, invented nnd p .
tetited by J. M. Thaichcr, c-riify thit we heli. e,
fmm the mmncrof its contnini n and opera inn,
that it 4 ihe bit one ever offered lo the pnb'ic. The
sirangement ian C'mp1ete and the construction so
judicious, thst there is a easing ol one half the fuel
and lime in d.ung ar.y given amount of a rvic-,
over other celehrsted stoves. In short we recum
rnent it in pteference to sll other'', the simple
reason that it emhraree everv branch of eeonomv.
Samuel Garretl, John W Garrett. D'vid Chat
field, W F Kirch n. John M Giav, E Thomnon.
Smith Thompson, J D llshn, Juhn Oske. Hrski
sh Besr, Eliis F Cnon r, Geo M lti(hrt, Daniel
Huffnan. Hrnry II Risaet, F II Carver, Daniel
Drrlabach, Joaeph Vanknk, Brooks Epley.
Danville. Msrch 6, 1817. ly
IS hereby given to 1 11 legatree. creditors, and o
ther person inlereatrd in the eamte of Thomaa
Grnnl dee'd, settled bv bi a.lm'i de bonia non cum
te lainentn aunt to, Kendertnn Smith; of Mnr.i
Stniih di:'d, settl, (I hy his adin'r lleniy Ilanp'
aiid Dsvi.l Martr.; of Michael .Xcidig d-c'd, seiilo l
bv hia adm'ra Samuel S, Wag.ier snd Genree Con
rad; nf John Blstner dee'd, settled bv his mlin'r
Jacob Herb; the guardian account of George Con
rad, guardian uf Sarah Malich, Hanr-ah Mabel',
Lydia Malich. Esihir Malich, Charlotte Malich,
Mary Mibch and Jcnmiah Malich; of Rot-ert
Fjrnaworth d e d, settled l y hl B'lin r John rinn-
worlh; of Catharine Klinf ibc'd, antiled bv her
i 'm r Thomas Pard ie; of Wil'lam Pointer dec d,
ettted by bia adm'r Thomaa Pardoe; of J 'hn
Feat-ter dee'd. settled by his adm'r M iriiu H mdalt;
of J.ihn Li i-enrinf snr di-c'd, senbd ly hi es'r
Henry ti ussier; of Dsn el Levy ilrc tt, s. t'lid by
his eirs Lewis Depart and Alei imler Jordan; nf
Jacob Gisa dee'd. sell'ed bv bis eir Wm. II.
Muench; r.f Asa Pancosst ibc'd, settled b bi r t'r
W. H. Muench, La'e of Nnrthomhr-rliind cniiuiy.
de'd; 'hit the eicutors, admimstratO' and gia
d a' a of aiid dereard est .tea have filed their mc
count wnh the K Kisier of Ihl" county, and thai
hey will lie pri-si-ii'ed to the Ornhnna' O.iurt of
aid C 'lniij on Tiiedy the Cih d y of Aniil neit,
for roiiurma ton a id allowance.
Sunbury, March 0 1 S SS. It.e'.ter
VOTII'B I berehy g ven, lhr at a court .f
i a rnmimin plea, held in r-'unl u v, for tha coun
ty i f N irlliimtierlarid. n- ihe H h day nf lanuaiy
A. D. 1P17, on the pel:iin of the niemhera nor
shipping in eit. Mthcw Church in Sunbury, N -r-
IhumliciUiid county, fir sn set incorp rani g the
said congr gaii'in, and thrrefnre il e e oil c url gran
t.'d a ru'e lo sho v caote, by the fi st day of mil
term, why the pnyer of the p- tti n ahuuld not be
ranted, uf wh cb all wrona int. reaii d -ill t ike
Hunlmry, March S, IfltT. St I'Mli'v.
Vnhiablo Property
IHE rSu,'crilr i flera fr sa'e, en m aler.,le
terms, a valu.ilde piece of I lid, snua'id in
Augua'a lownsh p, iV.irthu.nlirilsiid conn y,alioul
6 niib' from Sunbury, on the Tu'p hm ken rnnil.
con'ain;rg seven acres more nr b ss, in sn evcrllrnt
'' of cultivati , whrretn sre errcied a l.irae
frame i'well ng h use HI by 4fi, mul sloir
houe 18 by w.lh etcell- nt tat' r at ibedo.r.
bank barn US bv 34. snd an ice hmia.- umb-r
ground. Il is one of ihe le-t Imsine.a locn'l na in
ihe c'lumy. Forfu'lh r in'ormstion tnouire of the
subscriber, on the pr mi-a.
Ancusta, March G. 1847 Vt
2. J. WILL A Irl S,
rciiffirtti llliiid Manufacturer,
No l N.T.h 6h 1.1., (a f.-w diviri a' ov Ma-kit at.)
HAS now on h uid the taigo.t and most faahrnn
uble aa r m nt of Nau.iw 8 st and oihr Ve
netian Blinds uf an e-tb ishmoni in ih. I lint-d
StaUs, which le will soil, Wholesale cnJ Retail,
ul the loweit pi lies.
Tha ctnei a of Honhury ami vicinity sre r.'spect.
fully sulici cti to oil i n him h. f. t.i purrhaaii.geise.
wbrre, aa he is confl eut i f giving rn'ir.i sitirf.r
lion n sll who muy ihus f.voi him with a call
OLD BLINDS Repainted and Tiliumrd, so
to lo k i quel la m w.
Oidere punetuilly attended to, anJ me onniia
f-jrwaided with dep'cd
M.rch 6. 1847. 3m.
Iloavell Caoodrlch Estate.
"WTOI'ICE i brreby given Ibat loin rs of d
miniatistion bavn ben grantrd lo tha sub.
tent er, en the estate of Howell Goodrich, Ute of
bhamokin town.hip, NortbutnlieiUiid coun'y, dec
All persona indtb ed Ut wid relate or having do
mstid sgaln.t the am, ara riqinste-l lo call on
Ihe aubscrilarr for ertiUment, without delay, al hi
evidence, in Frbkin lown.h p, ('nlumbiB eouo.
Fib. 17, M1-tt Ai'r.
To Carpenters ItrlcLlaycrs
Sand Plntterera
tittn Paoroata will be received at the real,
denes tf either of tha stlhroriber, until the 30:h
of March neit, for Ihe erection of a German Re.
formed Church, in thi borough. Tha building ia
to be l-rirk, and the dlmenai on 40 by 60 feet, with
basement t..r in two parts, nna deaigned for a
Lecture room, dec, and the orher for 8bbth
school room. The material wi'l le furnished a
the contractor may direct, by Osoaas Youno,
Ds'aiat Haas,
Psjiiir Rstrai.
V O E. Msiss.
Sunbury, Feb. t?, 1847. Bu l ling Com.
P. S. Any peron or percn wihinp to bid,
and during any inf im.itinn, can have such by
calling on either me.nher of ilu committee.
TH E suhsenber otTer for ale a rheap Farm,
r-i'uate in 8ham- kin township, Northumher
land county, abnut eight miles from Runhnrv. ly.
ing between ha Centre lurni ike and Iri-h Vn'ley.
coniaining 165 scrna snd sltowarcea Haid firm
ia in a g v-d s'ate nf cnltivstinn, with reasonably
giMkl l uildings and excellent water near the door ;
and all kinds of f uit. Are.
Sunbury. Feb. SO. 1847.
Coinmisftioii .Tie reliant),
Fr the a.; of Flour,Grain. at d all kinds of C. un
' try Prmlueo,
No. 48 Cnmmrrrt tlrert Wharf,
fjj Ca-h advances un Consignments.
Feb I3rh, 1847 3.n.
air xai: jyjxr
Clothing Establishment
OPERATIONS i t Ci.oaiiivo aem to be th
order of the d iy. st Ihe Phil dtd bia Waid
RiiIm, 10S Cliisnut sir. ct, whi n- cery anicle in
the tine i. kept, and sold at asluni hing low piici s
Clonk', Bangups. Over Sack Onala, Short Sick
Coats. Suptr Fic ch Cluth Dura Fiock
C.iats, Pantslmna of every g ade and
style, any ofwhi. h will he sold either
by ihe gsrment or dozen, t pri
ce that will j.i-iify tha
moi re momical in
We advise all who want gi'od and cheap Clo
thing, toe ill at No. 10ft Chi-anul siieel,
PhiUdilphia. Feh6th. IRI7- fim
Win. Lcinon'i i:Nlule.
NO TICE is lurel.y g. sen. that leiter leitamt n
t ty have lem crantcd io ibe ubciiber. on
Hie eata'e nf Wm. Lnrron. late nf Point township,
Norihumlie lmd county, dee'd. A'l persons in
ib bird to smd is'n e. fie requested to csli on the
an .ciiliem, nt the Isle r of the di crvwd. on
Wrdue.d-iy. Ihe I7lh d iy of March i.rgt.nnd m.ike
pavmenl, and thoai-hivtng clsima against the same
will prercni, well ault ei lica ed, for sutle
Ftfl. 6th. 1847. 6l Eierutor-
BJER.sOXi afllirted wi h Scvful i. Kin -.' E
ail. Cancr. Eryi'a, Old No'r. Ulceia,
Teller, Mercurial Dis aaes, or sny other compl inla
aris ng fr in impurims uf Ihe blood, si requested
lo read the f Honing lestimnniala. in pr nf of Ihe
wonderful ironenie ol ihe sl-ove nioied inrdtcine.
READ! R R D !! READ!!! We ihe umbr.
signed, having vik'oed Mr laae llnuk', jr . si ilie
ollice nf Mcrsra Kwaml Si Walton. :t6 M .rk.'l
.Heel, Phil idi-lphia. e i bi- c-e the m -sl re.
mn'kil 'e one we bsieeter win e-el or lie.rd of.
Hi il s-a-e waa Scimrt'l 1, snd t.-rribl- mnai
hav,. teen bia twelve yeses' ci nflic-l wi h lte de
troje' !
H a Palale, the ei t:re roof i f bis fmith. Nose,
I 'pi rr Lip aid lorn r II J nf tVe RioaT Era h ive
he-n dei-troyed. hi neirly n up. snd pin
d the Jaw Bosk carried nay. And yrt wr can
give n i dreciipli m of his esse.
Mr. B. iilirin us Ihat in January las', le
whole interior of h-a m uth, as well aa niol nf hia
lace, wit a mass of deep and puinful ulcer !
( In the 14 h nf Jaunty la I. tie C 'lnmrnC' d Ii
king I)'. Ciitia's Isaiaa Visiriatt Pavai as.
hich chec'-rd i.h dise ise in a few d it s. a' d fi lm
th I lime ihe cure ba- progreased itlioa' iuiermia
sion. XrW flesh has ru; p'ied ihe place of ihe de p
ulcers, and though bsdlv di-fiuured, bis fire ia
a urid. and hi general he .lt'i i. re-lmrd.
We are ss-u rd that in the lie ro. ent nf Mr
Brmde'caae, no 1 1.KC i:s I L, O n m nt-. o' Cau
'ic sppltcxtiors have been u-ed, in facr. ibe Pi
iirii atoar., has rou.hl this w.'i.deifnl change.
H H. M .SM-r. Sunbury, I'a.
J W Junes M I). K.iiilh 2 J Hirer, Phi ulelnhi I.
E W Cur, 440 N 4tr., above lodsr, N L bt-nies
SS McCullough, l.anra.le', Peon'.
O W Appli lon. M D. 40 S u h a', Pbitad.
Win Sii e. line. M 1, l!n den, New Jer.ey.
Wia Hle. 373 High Phil d-lphi.
J H Pot rr, Man. M mi rat t rh. 1 09 8 9ih si. Philj.
I. A Wnlli nwrher, Ed Phil Pern 577 N 3.1 t, do.
A D fi b'lle. P-tor nf 1 1 th B p'it Church, d .
.1 hn Pell, Fiiet, Plul. (N Ameri. an . ITu-e.)
John W Ail me .d (iU S 6th s're.t. P;,ila.l. l hia.
I" 8 Wag r. L lUngrapher, 1,16 Che. nut st, tin.
Titer Ski n Smith, l'door Naiive Eaele. d i.
Jo I 11 d nr, (ilaa Manuf, Williatnsiown, N J.
L B ('olca. M D, B a'on, Me chiia. lis
Ru'mI tNnriel l, nv.iol.ii, I'hil d Ip' il.
Thorn s P S Bohv. M D. Iljrril iirg. Pa.
Win I'rir, potoi St Puiii's rh taihar'ne st. Pliils
J. lm Chainlra pstor 1st Iin'ep. ch Br-iad l, d .
T I. eisndtl. Put lithe' of Ple'geai d Slsndii.i.d.i.
F P S. llrr EJOlivt Branch, Dovkvowu, Bu; k c,
P S While, ' d .
The above n med g n'lerren. (cnn-tiui ing but a
smull port. on of i hose who have iii I Mr Brook
tour offnein Philsdelpl ia, and wou'd eeriifv to
ihe same fnc's if iircia aiv,) art- well known, ami
their bigb .landing In to. idy p si lud. th idea nf
ihi ir lending their names iorany mi a i imp uln.n,
Ceriificsiea of run-s, in p mhlet foini, miy l
t sd Gratis, st the uflV e of the agents.
Tlirs medicine rie prepared and od by th
proprietors, llowand dr. Walton, No. 76 Market
ktrt'tfl, Phil ide'p' is.
- . f W W Danrnhowcr. No 1 Murrsy st. N Y.
t I J J W Danenhower, No I O F Hsll. Cin O.
C 1l!T Jenkins, No 6 Canal at. N Orleans.
u JRS H.ih nn.c.iGy Srucgaal. Halt.
Ho d also by Diugttios iliroughuut 1'ic Ignited
Stli-a. Fib 6th 1847. Sin I
H liEsil 0 inJcTSn B IE E'DS, tron Kisley's
a? Garden. jul teccived ai d fir aale .y
Feb. 13. IS47. JOHN BOO AR
S"T5liOOLUM)K. Bil lo. I rs snieois. "Disw
ing Paper, Wiiiipg Paper, Steel Pens, and
Harrisou'a Columbian luk, lor al cheap ai lb
tor. of JOHN BOUAK.
Jwra. It, 1847.
WILD CHERRY. We can eoniently
ataio that Dr. Satrn'i Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry ha been etteneively need in th United
State for moia than ten years that i a beneficial
effect have been tested by thousand That it
lavaauatr Rrtiavt a Rrcaat Cocnrt, and
thai hundred of individual., gradual y sinking un.
di-r thn inaidioo attack nf death's fell em aairv,
PcLajoVABT CovarjaifTi , have been restored to
health, haopin -s and friends, by its use, and are
now living tes'imotiira nf the curative pnwer of
thia RiMcnr. Aaurata lavatin Br.aToaan to
Hcttin b'fttn tb most Hr.MiHKABta crjai
r.vra nrroanan !
Da. Sir I feel called by a sen
of du'y I n e to Fuffuring humanity, to nrknow ledge
my crati iliark for the wondi iful effio! of your
Compound Strop if Will Chirr rn me, after
iiffeiiog mnnih afier mon h with the most nfflic.
ing of all d sri6. s. C.inaum; t on. Th- fiist svmp
loma nee of a arv Inavv co'd which aeitled on
my lung", w't ch giadudlv g'ew worsr. with pr.
fu e niaht sweats, a harking cnug1, spilth g hb d,
with sn-it d-l'ili y. My cnnli'utii n seemed br
ken d-iwn, and nervous sviem very mm h impair--il
I wenl l.t Phil.idi-lp'tia. vraa treitid there ly
phya'rians of ihe highest standing, but received no
teuetir vtbn'evir trim tl en. but gr.idu illy crew
wor. until my phyririin, aa writ aa myaelf. gave
up nil hop a of ta.-otery, and I fell like one who i
aimnl to pa- t'irough the V dVv nf Ihe
of Deaih A' thia "nw'nl jtineture" I heard nf your
Compound Syrup of Wi, Ch. which I pur.
ch'ird mi Ito'tlt. whiih I am happy la say enti e
ly ur d me, snd I sin now enjoying tv ltei health
than I evrr bsve In fore in my I fe. Physician
tvho win ea'H-d my c.iae sre bighlv recomm -nding
it in similar ra r. sod I wish you lo make this
puhlu-, so thit sll may know where In pioeure a
remedy at once which will reach their dieie be.
f'r Umpiring wnh the many 'quack nostrums'
iih wtdcli the country ia flooded. My residence
is al 45 Ann siieet. whrre I slioulJ le hippy to
hnve the above suhstuli'iat. d I v a ierannut inter.
vii w. ALBERT A. ROSS,
Who'esde nd n tsil Dealer in cieara.
45 Ann tieel, N. Y.
Be ni t deceived bv the many (puriou and
w itl.leaa prep'ratin of Wild Cherry, ushered
into notice by innoran' pr toudci, hut ee thai the
igo-iturf of Dr. Swayne ia on each bottle, which
is ihe only go trainee siine- imi osilion.
Preitared only bv Dr. SWAYNE. N W. cor.
tier nf Eiglilb and R ce nl-eit , Philadelphia, and
for ate hv in.peclah'e Dtugiiista in neaily all the
principal lowna in tho Cutteil Stales,
On'y Agent in Sunbury ia
Dr. J. A. Moon, Dtnv lle; T. S. Msrkry Sl
So, Mlo ti; M D Si J Wel'e, Moncv ; C. A.
salt, !.eie!iurg; Dai. Si t-'chnine. StlinsgruVi;
John C. Renn, Line Moonlnin P. O.
I'hilad.lp' i.. Fell. 6ih. 1I7. 2m ly
Drugs! Drugs!! Drugs!
IVIioicsule llriisists,
No. 40 Market St reel, (South side, be
low Second.)
Off r for sale a la'ge tock of Fresh
D uja, Mid ci'tp and Dye-S uffa, tn
which tbey ell the sitention of Coun
try Me'chanl snd Dealer viciting the
I'oxh, tiinet. Jipm, Black, snd olhrr Var
nishi s . f -nperior qun'flt . Mo W'l he and l?ed
Lead. Wivdo. G a-s IVirla ,i d O I - cheap, r
than ee'.
jj- T. Ac ara id i p'ppiiflora f ihe In I an
Veut-tsl le H laitn ri le'n'ed ihr.myhont thcr own
ami muhliori St-iie. lh be-i pmnaraiion
the cure i f Couuhs, Culda, A.thma. Ac. Money
i-fundi d in every instance whete no bctirfil is re
ccie.l. I'hil .d.l.hia. Jan. 30, H47 3-n
Q KjP T Til r", 9
iFCvsit il rem turn tutt.
No. 7 Nnrtli Tliird Street,
rilHE ce'ehrilv nf the lnk manotsclured by Ihe
l t,b cr'ht r, and the en nsive n t coiiscquent
i pon ibe hig ri pu'aiion which they have ailain
iil. n ! o- ly ir-tooc' nnl he 1'ni rd Sl ttta, but in
.he We t ludi" and in (.'Inns, l as induced him lo
ui.Letvi-iy necessity nrrsrgeinenl lo supply the
s,t di maud upon his est.dtli-hmei l. Hm is now
mepsr- d a nh evny ari Iv uf Black, Bine Bi d Red
Inks, Copying Il k, Indelible L k, nnd Ink Powder,
all pit pared un.U r hit. iwii -eron-il superintend
i nee, o iltai putcha.rra may d ieud upon r au
tierior qtrd'-y.
p rint ar u le (or Mending G'bb, China, Caiiinrl
Ware. die . uxful lo carry Houstrki-eimr, leing a
w! i e liq iid. esady appl ed, and not affected h or.
tfnary h-t wsrrsi.lid
(jj- .uitpt.eis c on lining the numrrouB tisti.
ni.mi .la uf ii e i t f .cience, snd other, will be fur
ni.hed to purth.iai'K.
For -a'e at ihe Mv ufiet .ry. Wholeaale and Re.
ail. Xo. 87 Noavn Tbibd StbT, oppoaile
Cliciry .licit, PbilaJe'phi i. by
Jan 30:h,n47 ty Manufacturer.
rilORIOISB PhelTuih Combs, carved and
I fiiin-beil In a superior sit If,
Splend d Khtll Dree inj Ciunl e, carved and plain.
Shell P cket Cnmlts, w ib and wiibonl raave.
.New f'ttlo Long U nix, rarved and .lain for
Willi a Itiaiit.r.l s.sorn sit of the Real Buffalo
Com''s, lhat ia o much in general ne.
(Tomb Manufacturer,
No. 7 S' Ulli Fecund l e'ow Msrkft strrrt.
P. S s. W. is ibe only Manufacturer of the
Gi nume Butfilo Cornl' in the United Slatra,
Philadelphia, Jn. S3, IS47. 3m
J. L A D"0 1 TT 3,
Importer of VVatc.heg, VVntch-Mkerg'
Tools snd .Watch Materiitts,
Wholesale Jl Retail.
M. 4-t Vnurhsi. PHILADELPHIA.
M AS conaian'ly on band a large aasorimeiit of
LiinelV-, Patent, ai d Plain Ulasai iai
sp.iiig.. Verges, Dials. Waich Hand, and com.
pin . rut of all Tooto snd MBerulktbos
ing loth trade i with B large aBortment of Go d
an.l Rdve Lever, Lepine, end riain waicoas, sn
nf wh rb liawi'l gusr.nlv in aril at tha lowest New
Ymk pr:ee. Ail orders from lb country puoclo.
.III. v..lll...l
N. B. Country merchant and others are invited
lo e. II and imin at the Old ttlaud, Ne. 3 J
Hooib Fuunb anatl.
P.UJrpbl. JafiatO, )!47.-afa
COMMON r?ENSB. Hut tha natural veteta-
ble tttoduelirm of every country are, If properly
appitei. empty eomeient lor Ihe rnrn of ryory rur.
Idy Incident to eseh peculiar ell mate.
VRicnrs mm vegetable ruts,
or tub
iorlb American College ornealtti,
are composed of all plant which grow pnntne.
nusly on our own soil, an I are therefore better a
d i pied to our constitution! than Medicine emcoc
I' d from foreign dmgs, however well they msy ha
compounded! and a the are founded upon thg
principle th 't the humsn I'm ia n truth
namely, corrupt humors, ami thnt snid Medicine
cures 'this dtvasse on NaTraat PBiartstH, by
cleansing and purifying the lo'ly, it will be mn.
if'.t th it, ir the ronttituii m be not entirely ri
hunted, e perseverance in their use, according to
di eclioris, i. n hsolu'ely certiin to drjve d.seaiio of
everv name from the Imdy.
Wt-en we wish to reme a swamp or moras to
fertility, we dra'n it of ihe tupcisbundant water Ii
like manner, if we wish to restore the body tn
hi sllh, we muat clemte il of impuri y.
will be found on of ih Itfst, if no' the v.rv liesl
mrdieine in Ihe world f ir igrrtiog out tht OHaiiit
Pcairruro Paiscrrtr,. birautr. they rtpei f. m
the body nil mmind snd c rru-1 hum r, ibs rta
f the disease, in an easy .nd Nnlurnl Manner ;
nnd wbi'e they every day civs ss tin etra'cni,
di e-ise i f every name I rapid y dtivau fr in th
I ody.
The foil 'wi"g highly resp-rtabl slorekct pe s
have hem duly ap:oiriiiil ag me for the sal" of
.VrieAf Indian Vegetable Pilh, in Noithumber,
I nd county t
Henry Master, Sunbury,
E. Si J. Kauffman, Augusta township.
Ksmuel Heib, Little Mahnnny,
William Depieo, Jackson.
Benevills Holshue, Upper Mahonoy.
John O. Renn, Upper Mahonoy.
ptamucl John, Shnmokiutnwn.
Foryihe, Wil'on 6t Co., Nonhumbeiland.
E. L. Piper, Wstsonhurg.
Irland & Hays. McEwenaville.
Jamee Peed. Pottsgrove.
Wm. U Sentt, Rushvilie.
Hartman Knreble, Elysburg P. O.
Amu T- Beisael, Turhutsville.
Old' on Shadel, Cpr Mahonoy.
Rhode di Farrow. SnyiLilown.
John King, Farmi r.v.lle.
fSiins C. Cork. Martin's Creek.
J. De Young.;lc
Ahrahnm Shert-r. Riehmond.
Samuel Taylor, SlaU for I.
John H. Vincent, Chilisquaque.
Wm. Hemen & Brother. Milton.
Bawsaa or CocHTKaraiTS. The puhlic. ar
cautioned against ihe many iorious m'tlicine,
which in order to drciive, are c tiled by name si
milar to Wright Indian Vegetable Pill.
Tn oniv obiiv4L aan oawriar. fwntttv Vr.
nr.TiBL Pitt. have the sign tture of Wm Wrijht
whittrv with a on the lop label nf each
hoi. N. ne oiher is genuine, anJ lo connterfcit
thia is
fl- Officea itevo'e l eirtnaively lo ih rale of
of the No'th Ameriesn Cllege of llc-dth. No.
Oreenwich Street. Ntw York; No. 10" Tr-mont
Street. Boston; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE No.
If9 Raca Stbst, Philalelphia.
Jan 30th, 1847. stfly. .
No. 31 Worth Third street,
C. M A C K K Y. ArcTi-sEKR.
TO COL'NTftY .SID.T. WtZil' i.
Vr.M.NG SM.LS i-
Saddlery. V) '
Cults.' lil.ti. V 0
( 'I
Whtcbra ami tVt
At Ma.kiv' A itf "ti f
treet, near the City Hon I.
Th attention ul Country M-rci.ant t n t'- .
The G.W will he Id in bv to suit pinch ra,
nd lltiood nffi red wi'l be wa ran e i npi 1 1 ' 'Ii
repremni . II. ma that may be made nf l'u in.
N. D. A large m orimei t nf (i- o 's i Pnv n.
8ale. Jo. I 1847 -Jy
Orphniis1 Court sate.
IN pursu nce of an order of he Oip miis' i' url
of Northom' edand tadl l.i s d.t a' pub
lie sale, on Thaffd iy the lMh d iy i f M m l; if xt.
at i lie late residence i f Jrremi h J. V.-fltue, t'ccM ,
in llnah iinanalip in ci.n'y. to wit: A ci r
lain tisct i f land situate in the l nvnsSip afitrfsai-',
ca'led the M-ll Kei. biii.c t'f one und vidtd t a f
nan thereoL coi.isitiing in t' e hole ten sciea, ad
joining land of Benjamin F. V i.l ne and oth.r-.
nn which areereccil a unat nun uwi mng n.tuw.
Barn and other improvements A'", a trscr of
land (nf hith Ihe widow of Peiei Ve-lir.e, de 'd ,
has the life e-lnte.) in ame township, coniairing
104 acres more or leas, stli doing Unit . f B.-r ismin
F. Vsitine, William Kase, Wil iam Scoll. Benja.
min 1 Yaalm and othr. on which are eifcu-d
a iwo story dwelling houae, bain, waggon hcd and
nlher tniprovemenl. Al o, anotner irac or i
in ma town hip, containing one hu-n're I
tweirtyiwo acres mora or leas, adjeinii t l.
si l
Vastin. Jame Eckmsn, v iinm e-ci l n t
. ..... ..r i...ui. I V..t; . .
lsia ui" ai "i """
Sola lo commence at 10 o clock.
i: . -t -. i
. M. I H
u i I I . to-i iti
lay, wnen tue ceooiui.i- m '
know by
By ardr of lb eurt, A ';n ..
Sunboiy.Jaa. K. 1847. ta
To Kent On Shares.
AFAnM AND8AW MILL. 4c . On Pinna
e,k. Weal Bufftlo town.hip, l"i:lou coun.
ly, si I mile wesi of New Berlin, now oi cw led I y
John DceUr shout 90 ci clered ; guod Or.
chaidj atona Barn, dec An ir.uusi.t. u tennnr,
able bi work b-'ih Farm and Saw mill, may bva
lb property en the hrvi, for era year..
lmraire ofib gent, Jacob Reich lev. Weirich.
.wn, near the premi-e, or of II. BELLAS.
Simbory. Jen. H, H47 bi
One Dollar Saved
19 tXVO
PERfGNS WMuSiug to purchase go.d m
Stmbury, will do well to call at th cheap,
ior of tha abechr. and atamme h Block be
I or ptirchasinc elaawbara. Yon can depend on
getting good bargaiua. aa ba ia dUim nd not to
b. .odwaUJ b, an, .thai ..or. .
Bunhory, Jn. 16. 1847 ally
HTJV'E IfsffO E8, a new anit U, U sslaj
Jsn. U. I84T. -
1TDaR W A KE, Queensarara, Haidtasre,
If 1 MdkKLt.AO I lie -ttnscririr, i b jusa i-
UJ ct-ived a Wt ul U i h ella, which ha will aei
.bap aauie a. low aa 60
Jan. l IM7. ORN 90OAM,