Battle rltfc k VMMiAat ' ' " ' - tart iiAiAtr?i. f I waa onoa calle4 vpoa ia my Malar year to ntoh with an insane etttdeat. r ' '0 It had mowed til da-jr, tut tbe aunT htd eat wi'ha ted rift in tb clouv ol Ka face ot the k wee rqt in an haul torfcctlr clear. ,j Tha tt'lgloriotit arch of heaven wee a rotst otepark line Mara. ' : fVt " OfcyKne; elept, and I, wearied of the crW philosophy of the Latin OoeU, took to tnf Bool of Marty re." ., ,,:,,, i, aoT. i, i It waa ft description in the rwr'wwinf felth. f-ilnfsi of tha liiDbWlaoVAJarft'ai, talntinej .'most, "the arlicuttia iroarf el aft impaled Christian.,,, ,,,, ..,s...,.,,; .The) weitwt faffgot had aatnt to bed of bright enal; and ! tat Rbtinjr itiib If, tott'ly an able to tniks) off thn fieatful Incobtit front roy Wast. The mtrtyr wat there -on the "very tr-artb -with the arakaa ecornfolly croated in is be,' and, at the Urge coelt cftcked tt stnder (tnd revealed tha brtgblneet within,' I ar-mrd t; follow th namretidlnf Inatrdmtent rorn bid to shoulder, and auffef with blrf pang tur pnT. if tbw burning redoes wera tlia rKda of hit fevered blood. Ahrf t; struck oh tha car like the cry of an erul- !mjr fi t)'!. 1 ,i'-unk into tte fihafr ae the awful cry wis rivaled, and looted e!owly and wiih difficult "i)rse over my sltottlder. A single fierce wiis fixed npon me frcn the muse of bed clothe, and, for a moment, the relief from the i.-nr ol tome supernatural preaence wat like wt w to a parched tongue, t tank back relieved i iio the chair. There wsa a rustling immediately in the bed, ntnl starting again, I found the wild eyeaof my piticot fixed ateadfaetly upon me. He waa creepm steadily out of bed: bia bare foot tou ched the floor, end hit toea worked upon it as if tp were feeling hit strength, and, in a moment, (in food upright on hit feet, and with hit head forward and his puis face livid wiih rage, step. !"1 towordt me. 1 looked to the door, he ob- rved tho glance, and in the het instance lie Si ting over the bed, turned the key, tnd dttiied u furiously through the window. Now,' said he. 'Qrcyling !' I Mid. btd heard that a calm and filed gtte would cutrul a madman, and with a moat difficult e .-riion 1 met hit lowering cya, and we stood cooking at each other for a full minute like men of marble. 'Why have you left your bedV 1 mildly t-ajd. To kill yon,' wat the appalling entwer ; and, rn another momeat the light ttand wai swept from between ot, and he struck ma down with a blow thtt would hive felled a giant. Naked n he waa, I had no told upon Dim, even if In muscular force I had been hit match, and with out a minute' etruggle I yielded; for rewitence tvHM vain. Hit knee waa upon my breast, and bis leit hand in my hair, and ha teemed by the tremuloutnesa of bit clutch to be Keaitatirg whether he ahould daeh out my braint on the hearth. I could scarce breathe with bia weight uon my cheat, but I triad with the broken word I could command, to move bia pity. He laughed sa only a maniac can, and placed bia hand on my throat. Oh, God ! aball f ever for get the fiendish deliberation with which ha clo ed those fevcrieh fingertl Qteyling, for God't take, Qreyling V Die, curat youV In the agony ol suffocation 1 struck out my aim tnd almost buried it in the fire on the hearth. With an expiring thought t graaptd a handful of red hot coalt, and with uiy remai oing strength pressed them tgaintt hit tide. Thank God!' 1 exclaimed with the firat breath, at my eyet recovered from their tick neaa, and 1 looked upon the familiar ohjectt of the chamber once more. The madam tat crouched like a whipped dog in the farthest corner of the room, gibbering and moaning with hit handa upon hit burnt aide, 1 felt that I had escaped by a miracle. The door waa locked, and in dread of another atttck, I threw up the window, and to my un ntterable jiy, the figure of a man waa viaible n pnn the arm w near the out-buildinga of the col loge.i It wa a rharily student who had riaen before dty to Ub r in tho wood yard. I thou tu j to iii.c, and G.eyiing leuped to hie feet. 'There h time yet!' said the madman; but o ?e i.:rt to with the tame paolker-Iike -thi n o-tt'rs, 1 seized a heavy atotitf pitcba aimuia ia tho witdow eeat, and hurled it at turn wim t forurara force and aim. Ha tell etunnrd on tha flour. The door wtt burst open at the next mojienl, tnd calling for aaiietaoce, we i ;d tha w.lj Mix,uritn in hia bad, bouad uo bit bend and aide and committed him (Kan watchero. to . We nave killed beara Walker at Miesouri alt lick larat but I sever see Waa Grayling with the Mile on bit fact without diapoeition to look araund for tha daw. A Ymmontkk. A shrewd farmer in the Vermont Legislature declined antwering tba apeecb of member who wae remarkable for nothiof but fr.Jih and paoaeiooe impudence tnd self-conceit, thus: "Mr. Speaker, I caul reply to thatareapocch. for it always w:eticbea tenriWy to kick it ootamg.1 - KJuUty or not guilty; 1" atked'tta' Dutch jua, tice. Not g ailty - -Hen ntda49yT',i0U ! hara! Go atcut you f uteta." - I . " HARK ltOTB UIT; ' ' The f'lkwin; liM ahewe Ifiaeorrmt value ef all Weylvanta Bank ffea, . Tba ml hnplktit re. lianee taay be plaoed apon it, m it ia rvtry antra jefefiillv compared with and eorrecteJ fivm Bkk ball't Repenar. ?J . , c, Banks la rhltAatolptito. . "f1- , t"4tl,, pitu. NOTEt AT PAR. Bank f ffntih Artterisa . t . r - ' , 0aatk of tha Noftbar Irttea . . , par par (Commercial Bank ot rann't. . ' , par runrera ahd Mechanics' Bank . fferwinfftofi Bank . 4-hiUdrthia Bank . " . -tVharikiH Bank . .. . dthwark Bank . Western Bank i , ' Meeliaaica' Unk ManufartareM & Meohanica' Bnk Bank of Ptnn Township" . Oiranl Bak . - . . Bank ef Commarre. lata MoyanM-naing Batik of PennAylvania Country Unka. J;, r" ! par T j j p I!.. ! pi: I it' ! Bank of rhraler Cnufitt WMtrhraier Bank of tWnwar Ciini Bank of Grmanfowii Bank of Montgomery Co. Doylettown Batik . Gallon Bank. ., Cheater Oarmantown Nori'own Dnyleatown JJ f ' Farmers' Bank of Bucks ro Bristol par Bank' of Nnrthumborlsiid NirthmnlrilariJ par Columbia Bank A BriJffe ro.'t'olua.bia r rarmera Bank or I.anrnatAr l.ancutPi par f.anraeter County Bank Lancaster tr Lmcnater Bank Lanrnaier pi Parmera Bank of RcnJing Ri-aiiine pi Utnce otBank ol Term a. Dffica do do Office do do Office do do Harriaburg" These Lanraater I offieea Reading jdo not Esaton J ixmn. NOTES AT DI8COUNT. Rank of the United 8ute Philadelphia Miners' Bank of Potlavilla Potiaville Bank of lwiatown Lewirtown Bank of Middlotown MiJdletown Carlisle Bank Carliate Exchange Bank Pittabtirg 83 Do do branch of . Hollidavabura Harriaburg Bank Harriaburg Lebanon Bank Lebanon Mercbanta'de Manuf. Bank Pittsburg Bank of Pittaburg Ptitabuig Weat Branch Bjnk Wtlliamaport Wyoming Bank Wilkeenarre Nnnbamplon Bank Allentown Berk a County bank ReaJinf It failed do Oif.ce of Bank of U. 8. Pittaburg Do do do Erie Dj do do New Brighton do i B jnk of Charebersburg Chamberaburg Bank of Gettyaburg Ortiyabarg Bank of SuequehanOa Co. Montroae Erie Bnnka Erie 4 lj.i Farmer' St Dtoif' Bank Wayncaburg Pranklin Bank .' Waehlnetoa HonesJale Bank Honeadaie MoKongahela Bank of B.a Brownsville York Bank York N. B. The notee of those Lanka on which we omit quotattona, and aubatitote a daeh ( ) are not purcneeed by the fnlladelpnla brokers, with tbe exception of tboee which have a letter of rrferenee. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Stv. Ira. PhUadila failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill JSev. loe. do tailed Keaainctea See. Ins. A do Penn Towaehlp 9av. Ina. do ManctI Labor Banc ( r. W; Dyot:, ' m;. ) fajtj rowandt Pank 'X'owanda Alleghany Bank cf Pa. Bedford Reaver Harrisbutg Waabingtoti Bellrfonte Pitlabuig Pittaburg Payette co. Ureencaatle Haroiouy ro ale closed cb)tad failed closed no tale failed failed failed tiO sale Bank of Bearer Bank of Swatara Bank of Waabingtoo Centre Dank City Bank rarmera' ot Mecb c Bank Parmera dt Mech'ca' Bank Farmer': Mecb'ce' Bank Harmony Inadtote Huntingdon Bank HunttngJon no sali La aviatovi n no aale Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. Warren DunJaJT New Hope faded no aale closed no aale New Hope Dak Bridge Co. Northumb'd Union CoL Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Behoylkill Bank Mdton Meadfiile Port Carbon CsrIUIe Mutttroae Union town closed failed closed failed Pa. Aev.ek Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Unkm Bank of Peno'a. WeeunoralaiMi Dank flreenaburg closed Wilkeeberre Bridge Co. Wilbealiarra no aale rrV All ttotea MtaorUng U be on any Penny. vania Bank not given in the above hat, may be eet Jowa at frattda. JfJSW JERRGT. Bank of New Branawick Brunewick failed I par Belvideie Bank Beividere Med lord Perth Amlioy BrtdgMon Mt Hotly Habaray N. Biuoewiek Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank Parmera' Bank par Parmera' end Meefcenice Bk far mere' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' end Merchants' Bk Franklin Bank of N. J. Wilsi Middletowa PL Jeraey City failed faded failed Hoboken Bkgdi dating Co Hohoken lereey CilJT Bank Meehanke' Bank Jiraey City ratieraon BelleviUe Morriatown Preehobi Newaik 1'reutoo Jeiaey City Maiiofaciurrre' Bank Morria County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. ' Mechanic' Baik . failed fil0 P Mechan'iea'and Manuf. Bk MorU Canal and Bltg Co Pt-tNolca Newark Bkf dt Ina Co New Houe IM Urklea Co no aale Newaik Lamharuville N. J. Maoufac and Ukg Co Hoboken failed N J Piotecton & Lumlwrd bk Jeraey City Orange Bank Orange Paterson Bank ' Pateteuu People' Baok do . Princeton Bank , Princeton Salem Banking Co Seleio Stele Bank Newark State Bank Ebubelhlowi Slate Bank Caiedeu State Bank of Morria Moniatowu Bute Bank . - Trenton Salem and Philad Msnuf Co HeUm 8usi Bank . , Newton , Tretuea Banking Co . Tranion Unioe) J)ak Dever Washington Bsnking Co, Hackeneack DEJLAaVAJIE. Bk af Wilis dt Brandy wine Wilmington Baok af Delswtre Wilmington Sen of Smyrna Smyrna : Do . branch Milfotd failed failed pf i pee I failed failed i failed I' par par P" par pa pai I'prmria' Bk of Ulale of Dei Dover : Do , . branch , Wilmington .Do , branch Georgetown , Do brtnea Neweastla Union Bank . Wilojmgtoa fCje Under 6't XTT On tU banks BnmikcJ tkna t than iMtL ther cotintsrect of , altered cotej af uSa varioot da ar4niasue, in cieulatioo. raouNT vnnrioN 95 Nonh 2d at., bet. Arch & Race tlj., . Philndelphia. , TThADY & PARKER respectfully inform ihrtr Ujp frienda and the public that thry have taken the above named heaae, recanily kept by Jr, Adama. and, are ptepansl to tepommodale caalo mrta in the most aatiafactory manner andatraa onahlr ptlrea. , 1'hait lahta will K ., ntu.t ik. Lt ...1 ety the market anodVtbeif Mrkireand aleeplot apirtrnenia will he in the bint order. The heuiw haaheen thffrtdhly renVirrd and furniahed with a iw to the Ciimfcrt of tiavelUra and stranger. Halng had aavtral yeatt experience In the bninp, thev hone to Kive trneial aa'iafaetion, and rf rctfnlly invite travrllra aftit atraneerati. eietbem aeall. BR TY dt PARKER, Phhd-lphiaJafiaary 10, 1947. 'f Mill and Form " ciPCDaa r4r folate. ' " w. .v.... niiii null nrvi'll iiri"ini j townablp Nnrihnmtwrland rrvonty, on the f.ilile j Sbttmokin crek, near the Ttitpehocken road, lead ' inif from Hu'iho'V to Pottavllle eight milea from s'unnnry, i niriy or mnv acre oi aaio lanu are rlearetl. and in a good atale nf cultivation. The mproteinente are Oriel Mill, a Log tiue and Stable, and an Orchard. There ia alao a good Sprng and eereral arre of Meadow on the pre mi e. The I fitlon nf the mill ia an eic-llent on for ruatnm. Por further Infn'matinn iialreof the tulKcriher. DAVID MILLER. 8hamokin trwnsbip, Jsn. 9, l847.-8,n CHEAP WATCHES. The Cheapest Gold and Silver Watches IN PHILADELPHIA. GOLD Levere, full Jewelled, (45 00 8,her do. do. . 3 00 Uiid Lepinea, Jewelled, 80 00 Silver do. do. 1 5 00 Silver Quariiere, fine quality, 10 00 Gold Watches, plain, 1ft 00 Silver Rectclrs, 1 75 Hold Pencil. 9 00 Onld Hracelrts, 4 00 Aln, on hand, a large e rtment of O. IJ and Hair Bracelet, fineer rinpja, hreat pin, hoop ear r'nX, ("Id pane, ailver ponn. augar tone, thiio I'lrn, gnlil n.rk. eurri and fh chain, guard keya and well ry of every deierip'ton, at equally low pr'ca. All I want i a call to convince awr'. All kinda of Watches snd Clocks repaired and WaiHii'ed to keep good tiini for one year; old gold or ailver Ihh ght M taken in exebene.n. For aie, eight day and thirty honr hraea clock', at LEWIS LA DOM US' Wa'ch, Clo.k and Jewetleiy Siore, No. 4ISJ Market atrrri, eliove Elovvnth. north aide, Phils phia. I bave aoine O..IJ and filx Invert, at II much rheaier thao the abe pricra. Philadelphia, Dec. 26. 1846. Iv AUCTION STORE. No. 6 North 3d St., third door above Market Street, rHlUAOIihJrBiAl ALE EVERY EVEMNti. of a general ae- aoriment uf Poreien and Domealle Hardware, Vhla end Povkrt Cutlery, Truok, Lock, La'eh'ta, Bnta. Svwa, Saddlery, Wh pa, Ooota, 8hora, Hi t, Cape, Ouna, Piato!, Trimminc. Clothing and Fancy Oonda. The attention of city and coontry dealer ia in iled. The Oooda are freeh, tnd will be warranted equal to tbe reprreentatlone that may be made of them. BAY LIS dt BROOKE K, Auttiontfr,, No: 6 North Third at N. B. Purchaeei can have their Oooda parked. evera invoice of Oooda Lava ben received to be aold at private aale. Philadelphia. Dec. Ith, 1848. ly SHAVING ORLAHI. Small quantitiet piven without Charge. Tf U4 CArtnwf PHILADELPHIA. THIS new and eptenJiJ article, a it iuma Je notea, la prnfevaed to be eoperior to any Sha ving Cream in tbe United ttatea or Europe. It unaorpaaad for beauty, purity and fagranre, Ih.i' omnhat analaeooa to Oo-rlain' Ambroaial Cream and other aiinitar eompounda. It far aur pateea them all hy the emMent pasty eonalstenry nf ita lather, which ao softens the leerd ss to render shaving pleasant and easy. It further possesses the advantage over the imported article, in being freahly pn pned. no ekill being wanting In ita man ufafture. E. Roustvl having had many yejra' ei penence in tbe celebrated Laboratory ef Laugur, Pete et FM, new Renaud dt ro of Parts. Bi,lee being the beet. It ia the cheapeat article fnrehavini! n ia elegantly nut op in botes, with stdendid steel engraved labels Price $3 per doaea. av ST cent a for a eingl boa. lo ahave one year. It Is also sold si fl bO per lb, er It) eente per ot., en that genilem n ran have their bote Gliedal EUUB.MJ HULMSCL. IS. Whoteacle and Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wa ler Eeab!iehment, 114 Cheanut Street. Dee 1ft, 1846. PHILADELPHIA. at. ferlrt. tlAttltMRS Nu. 21 North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, rjt Invite Merchants and Milliuera to si-fCj eWlamine their eiork ef Bcnnete. PalrnVK Leaf and Leghorn Hats. Pur snd C'oth Csps, r d Indte Rubber Shnee. It will he f und to contain sll of the most deeirable hi ode, end will be ed at tbe loweat maikrt pricra. ' ' . No, SI North Fourth Street, between Miket and Aieh Stiecte. Philadelphia, Dee. IBtb. lt4R. na i 'PkUnJel,,hiti Wflrk ana! Jrwtlru Slnre,' No. North 8BCON D sirvet, corner . f Quarry GOLD Uver Watches, full Jt-welled, IMeerslcaae, f 44 00 Silver Leter Watcbee. full jewelled, S3 00 Silver t.ever Watches, as veoleteele, IS 00 bilver Lepui Watches, jewelled, finest quality, 14 00 Superior Quartief Walchea, 10 00 Imitation Quartier Watches, pot warranlad, 6 00 Gold Spectacles, ' OO Pine 8ilvar SpectacJos, . I Va Gold Breceleta with tqpal stones, ' S &Q Lsdiea'Oold Penctlt. 16 Ctrttf, ....... 04) UoU Fmcer Kings W ctt la M Wtten CMes see, plawi, 11) out patent, 1t Lane. S. Ov tbr articles in propoitien. All gMda warranted I U. be what thee are aold for. t CON IAD. n hand, aaaaa (Sold and Silver Leeate, Lefiaag tad Quei tie , lower then aha above irtcee. . Pkiltdelphu, Pec. , IB4S. ly . To The I. O. of O. V. , J. W. &, K.; D. S T O K E S, , Manufaclurert of Prcminrrt Odd Fel - -- , ' . . k lovra' Renlia, : : ' A. 194 Marltt etrtO, PHILADELPHIA, . , Pint Glotbing Store below 6th direct. ' THE aiibaciibera having taken the premium el Franklin Inatitate, at the laet exhibition, for tha beat Jtegalia, thev invite the attention nf tha order la lhair establishment, where they wiH And a epleodid anaertraent of P.O. tnd Encampment Re ealia. They aleo make to order for Lmltwa and Encampment. Regalia, Saahet, Cortumea and Robes, anl furnhrt every thine requiaiie for ih c.Mnienca of new Lodges or Eniamment. J. W. STOKES. -.'. . E- D.8i'.KKd. Phila.Wlphla,J)ee. 1, 1646. ly New Fir in VHE lndera;gned here'y givee notice, that he ha aaanciatau with himself, a a partner in he mereantde buaine, in hi store adjoining Weaver's Tavern, in Hutibory, John If ae. and that the said More will hereafter be mmlocted un d. r tha firm of Clement dt Han. The store at the 8-iUth West coiner of Market Squire will be Cmdiicted a heretofore, hv the eohtcritwr himrelf, ; to which he rceiiectfully invit. a hia cuatomeia and j frienila. ! He a'o n tifiee all thoae indebted In him, in call 1 between thia and tlie l.t nf January nrlt, and ert- j tie their account. All kind of produce will be taken on account, 1 at eaah price. Hereafter no longer than four month credit will be given. IRA T. CLEMENT. Snnbury. Nov. 14. 148 tf j CLElalSITT &. HAAS, RESPECTFULLY inf. rm the public, thil on 1 the 9th inst , they entered into partnership, in tbe mercantile huainea, at the atore reeen'lv rcupied by Ira T. Clement, adjoining Weaver's ; Tsvero, in Sunbury. They have lately received ! s nsw stock of good, which Ibey will dioo of! st the loweal pricee. All kinds of produce will be taken in exchange for gnoile. Ko longer than four month credit will hefiven. IK A T. CLEMENT, JOHN HAAS. Bitnhurv. Nov. 14, N40. tf. Cheaper Than Evert JOHN H. Pl.'RDY, has just received, st h!s New ftnre. in Market Pqutre, a freih supply ul Ssssnnsble Goiida, such ae Cloths, Candmers, 8atinetta, Kentucky Jeana, Corda, Diillinr,e, Alpecras. Gingli-ms, Print", Muslins, Hnuery. Olovia, Ac. Al-ot (jdsen-were and Groceriea, which will be sold very low. Purchasers are invi ted to call and eiamioe hi stork before purchasing elaewhere. The highest price paid fr Produce. SuntiurT. Otlober I7rh, 1816. -If. KXTKAORDINARY DISCOVERY! SS ATOTXM OAS! BB CTUnlBO 1 1 COOPER'S ETERIAL OIL A prompt and la.ling remedy tir Dtavsaa, alae for pain and diacharge of matter from the Eare. Hundred of curre in ce deemed ut'eily hope less hsve firmly e-tablisbed its superiority over eve. ty former Medical disrovsry. This valuable Acoustic Medicine is s compound of four different Oils, one of which, the active and principal Ingiedieut. ie obtained fom the berk of a certain apeciee of Warner, a new and effectual agent in the cure of Deafneas. Person who had been deaf for 10, 15 and even SO yeere, have been permanently cured by uaing tide oil. In fael, eo numeroua and ao emphatic have been the tealimoniala in it- favor, thai the in ventor claima for it the distinction of an Infallible Remedy, in sll caeas. when I be Ear ia perfect in ita formation. Poi further particulara, and evidence of ita great value, eee printed ehevla, ia the hsnda of Agenla. For aale in riunbury, by J. W. FHILLNO. September 19th. 1848 ly UNRIVALLED AND UNEQUALLED In curing Colds, Cough, Aaihoia, Influents, , Wbonping.Coogh, and all Dleenaee of the bteoet and longs, trading lo Cooaump boa i composed of tbe concentrated vtrinee of lbs herbs Horebouud, Ouneertt, Dloodrwt, and several other vegeta ble eublancea. Wansnted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. THIS Invaluable Medicine W the mo4 eely tnd certain remeely ever discovered r the hove compls nts, as thnoaand who have vaed it vil testify. Tor aale, in 8unbury. hy J. W. FR1LING. and in Hand, by D. BRAUTIOAM, and at wholesale, in Philad. Iphia, by P.KLETTcV Co, Corner of SecenJ end Callowbill etretU. September I0ih, 1048. ly , "dntTstry7 JACOB ESLLER, yaj'VjllANKFUL for the liberal encouragement which he has received, wool I respectfully inform his friends end the citiirna 4 NHrthumtarr. land county in general, thsl he has prepared him self with tbe best Iiu iirropllble Teeth, Gold Plate, Gnhl Pnit, die., that can be had in Ibe city of Phi ladrlphla ; and that he will endesvor, to ihe otmoet of bis ability, to render full tati.faction to all who wy think ptoper to engage his service. He will be In 8 anbury at the Augu.t court, where he will It ptspsrsd, st his rsaidence, lo inaert Teeth on Gold Piste, er on Pivot, on the Istest and most ap proved plana, and elland to ell lbs branch belong lag to DENTAL SURGERY. , , , ,, Ladies will ha waited on at their plecee of resi deneif deirej. , , , - i His thtrgae will be reasonable, tad bis wart wart anted. ' . . . i . Ha will visit dlffersnl psrtt af ibe ceaaly, abowt oaos ia litres months. ' Saabnry. July 10th. 1S40 6as j Cai6aV9JtASS rifK- sad Black Cong.s leki of e Saparior aaatiay. fa aale cheap, at ttte etutee 1 HEIT MASSER. . Xuly s)tk. 194S. b. iiirjDEn, jhu A'o. 34 AV(A Fourth ret, unJerthe Wer . , . , ehnt' fetef, . . P h 1 1 m d I p H I a , , , (a at ateaa aa eaaia.) , KEEPS constantly on hand an etieruive m orlmenl of sll kind of Silk, Par eod Bea ver Mats, which he nflers for ssle on the moat rea sonable term. Hia Hata are made up of the Veil materials, and in tba moat approved etyle. Per eon v jailing the eiy will find U to tbelr inlereet lo Call. . ... July Uth, 184o. ly v COLUMBIA SOTJSEj-' . OBJISJN'UV STSLBSTa ; PHILADELPHIA. THIS large snd commodious Hotel hss recently j been fitted op with entire new furniture. ' ' The eabacribers therefore eolicit the patronage of j j the ublie, end trust ibst their eiperienee In the j bainci will enable them to give entire aslisfac. ' tion. Terms nwHlerste. , BACI.EY, McKENZIE dt Co. July 4th. l8"--:'jr ! i FOUNTAIN HOTEL, ' Llffht Street, ; rV,HE Hoixe ha undergone a thorough repair. M The proprietor eolicit ila former patronage. Term $1 33 per day. WM. W. UIX. AIM IR K L. FO(J(l. Ju'y 4, 1446. le Pr.priel..ra. Keller aV Orecnoujcii, PATE1TT ATT OPHITE TS. AND MECHANICAL ENOINF.F.RS, WAIUINOTON. D. O. D' R A WINGS and Paper for tbe Pa ent Of fice will be prepared by them, at tbeir office. oppoiie the Patent Office. Jii!v.4ih, 1848. ly SILVEU MEDAU AWABDkn BT TUt SBASttia IStTlTCTt, 1845. City DBgurrrfoljpe Eitabllshmcat. UP. C23CES2aLX3l2S2rS23, (1.4TB Hisioaa 6l CoLtin.) A'o. 100 Chtmut ., wAwre TAW, SoiifA t'tfe, INIATL'RES tnkrn equally a well in clou. in weither. A dark ei Ik dres for a lady, a ly, snd s black suit for a gentleman, are prefxrabte in aitting for a picture. No eitra charge j ia made for coloring, and perfect likenene are guarantied. July 4th, I94H. ly 1 i r O R T A ki T I a a . TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU mty be sure nf obtaining, at all liinee, pure and highly flavored Bv the single pound or Isrgcr qnat'tity, si the Pekln Tea Company's Warrliouae, 30 South Stcond ttrtet, bttwttn Market unJ Chet nut ttrttit. ranvABBLrHLA. Heretofore it has been very difficult, indeetl, si moat impoasibte, alwaya to obtain good Ore. n and Bl ick Teaa. Uut now ynu have only to the Pekln Tee Company' Store, to obtain aa delidooa and fragrant Tea aa yon could wiab for. A II taatee can here be suited, with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low price. June Z7in, 1810. CTiroTHI "IT" QT9 WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. THE eubacaibeia are conetantly manufacturing, from the beet French, Engliah end American manufactured Clotba and Caaaunera, CLOTHING in a very auperior etyle, cut and workmanahip. Peraona buying to aell again will find one of tbe largeet and moat faabionable atock of goode to select from in the city, and at unpieredented ler price. J. W. dt E. D.STOKES, !V4 Maikrt et. Philad. N. B. A large aaeortmspt of Odd Fellows' Re galia conalantly on hand, and all order from lodgea or individual punctually attended lo, on the moat liberal term. J. W. dt E. D. 8. Philadelphia. June 87th. 1840 ly DANVILLE WOOLEN FACTORY. DAimLLB, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Pennajrlvanla. THE DanvilU Stum fl'ooJtn J-'ucory, foimer ry owned and occupied by Dr. Pstriki. hat recently been purrbeeed by the subscribers, who respectfully ennounco lo their friends and ibe pub. lie general y, that they are now prepared to do all kinds of work in Iheir line of business, at the abor teat notice, according to order, and in tba heat com parative n.annor. Having gono to considerable eipcnee in r pairing ll-eli machinery snd spsratua, and bring very particular in secoring the service of eiperienced mechanic, they feel confident that Itiey are capable of oaecjting all ktnda or work In s style supsrior to aw-y olbsr rstsblishmsnt iu ths country, at tbe old customary pricee. CLOTHS. SATIN ETTS, FLANNELS .at BLANKETS conatan ly on hand, and lor aale at reduced pricee. for Caaa or Barter. CAllimc. A.U Fl'LLIXG will be done in the best manner, st the usual pri cra. All kinds ef country produce taken ia pay mint for wotk, at Danville market prices. For the sccommodaiioo of ibneo who live at distance, Wool and Clotb will be taken in at, and, whan finiahtd, return, d to the following pla ce. Plain written directions must accompany each parcel t CVii.mOfa County. Roup A. Marr a atore, a- Orangevilte : Derr'a aiore. W hite Hall. Northumberland County Michael Reader' inn, Torbutvillei Ireland dt Hav'a atote, McEwene ville ( E. L. Piper'e store, Walaor.etown ; H. I. Comly ek Co'a elore, Milton; Gibeon'a inn, Obil liquqa i ' Forsyth's (tore, Northumberland Yuong'a atore, Sunbury. Lustrnc County- Reynold store, Kingetoat GikJeralceve'a store, Wilkeabarre Gaytnrd'a store, Plymouth Sijer's stors, Nantlcoka Judge Mack's Mill, Huntington. Lycoming Couttty.-X). Clapp's store. Money Shoemsksr's store, rtmitha MiH. GEARHART At KOWNOVER. Dsnville, May , 1640. ' ' '- IfSkBTttElVS -sPTRrrs bp b'fUP, for U V Irseling Grease, Dry Paints, Varniah, Tar, Wps, die, from clothing ei aay deecription, star. ranted ni4 lo injurelhe cloth er tbe mot daneaie color Tbisjiqu'd baa alae beesi aeed.wjtn greet tuccase In cases of Bums; Beside, Tstur, Pimples en the face, CbPld bands. Sere )ijm, tbsoms tiam, Herd; or soft Coma. eVe. ' ftK 8 ttav isr pottle. Per stjs tt the aK,is of. ' uly If, IMS. ' ' H 'MACPHF. ahinl. ikBillA IT t..., .I.... I. ,F,,wn , Vjia. t - ... m..... .... , ......... . , mk. rnUMeuo-Urir oirwitn ger . inn Roaring Creek ; Sharpleaa atore. C.tta- M , if f ,h loli.hinB """ L T: M,.nn:f. '"I- "'"'"I'T 1 . your medicine, which baa liteeally raied aiore, oorwtt i i j. valine a jniu t iiicact e store, - ... . , , M. pi.. H. Be MA33EH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' UMituaT.rA. Business stlonded to in the Coantiea af Not thuml-erland. Union, Lycoming tnd Columbia. Refer tat P. 6l A. RavaoDT. t Lowta & Baaaoa. SoMtas dt Saooaaaaa, ' PMhJ. tttraotoa, McraaLAaa & vo. 8raatee,doo cV (., pnpnnriM SCALES. tale'. Celebrated Rail Road Scale, do do Coal end nay no Iron ManufecV do Portable Platform do do do do do tO different sites, do do Dormut or Floor da 6 different ie, de do Counter do 13 diflerent site. - Tba above Scsles are made either single or double beam, snd sre decidedly the must durable, accurate and conveni ent acaba ever invented. We also havs Platform and Coui.t.r Scale. Patent Belancre and every kind of Weighing Machines in ue for sale, whole wile and retail, at low prices. All Scste sold by us to go nut nf lbs city, srn hoied free of charge, snd wsrranted to give eatiafuclion to the pnrch iaer in every particular. OKAY fc BROTHER, Maiiulaclnreia and Dealers, No. 34 Walnut atreet, June 27, IM4C ly I'hUiulelfthia. SALT. New York Ball in barrel and bags, tor asls st manufacturer' pricea. hv OKAY dt BROTHER, Jons 27, I84C ly 34 Walnut at. Philad. OHORS Horae Hli pi ice, by HORSE KHOE. Burden'a Patent Hlioes, for sale st msnufncluret' GRAY dt BROTHER. 34 Wslnut at Philad. June 87, 1846. ly lENX SYLVAN I A HOUSE, SAxnrzz.ita pa. fllHE iihciiher, late of the Union Hotrl, Mun JL ey. Pa , rrNpectfully informa tbe old and nu merou cuatomer of the Pcnneylvanin Iloune, and the public eenerally, that he has leseed the Tavrrn Stand of John Rhode, in D.iiivillr, where he ia now prepared to entertain travellrra. and per ona vuiling the town, in the very beat etyle. The acrntninodatione will be auch aa a well conducted public houae ahould afford, and no effort will be apared to render ntifrtion, in every reepect, to all woo may call. J lie cmsenii or incoming couniv . . . ... .L .. , : i are inviieu to put up wiiu mt uiiueraigueu apin thev visit Danville. HENRY WEAVER. Djanville. Msy S, 184B. "ESlfTlSTB.T. PETER B. MA8 8KH, RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY informa the citixen of Sunbury and vicinitv, that he haa opened aa office at the residence of Henry Maeaer, in Market street, where he ia prepared to execute all kinda nf DanTit Htraeaav, Plate Work, die, on the latent and moat approved plana. Having bad some experience and instruction, under one nf the mot eminent snd sucresaful Den. lie's in Pbilsdrlphia, he believes that hs will be able to give eatiafuction lo those who msy wsnt his servkee Lad is will be waited on at their plsece of reei. dence. Hia charge will be modeiate, and hia wotk warranted. Sunbury, March 28th, 1S48. To PurcUaaersj of DRV GOODS. .Vo. 1SI Pearl tt., NEW YORK, HAVING rn.labli.hed t Branch tt No. 144 Che hut St., Philadelphia, ia now opening, and will be constantly receiving from the Nsw York Auc tions sn extensive saeortmenl of FANCY It STAPLE DBY GOODS, which will be sold st the lowest New York pi ices, at wholesale and Rutait. Among his atock will be found a good aortmeni of the following attii-lt Jarconrts, Plaid, Hsir Cold, Lace, Stripe, Book, Swiaa and Tarlatan Mualina, Biab..p and Linen Lawna, Fancy Cap Netta, Fancy and Ball Urease, Thread Iacee, Application Do., rich Black Silk Trimming I .ace, Irish l.inena. Linen Cambrics. Linen Cambric Hdkf., Curtain Fringes, Caahmei d'Ecoee, Mouseline de Lsiae, Silk and Cotton Warp Alpeccaa, (juoei.'e moth, Gala PUida. French Merinoa, Black Hilka, Glovea, 8i k Hoe, Sbawla, Cravata, RibtKMia, Embroider i a. dec, die. t'-oontry Merchante and others visiting Philstlel. hia or New York to purchase, are respectfully in vited lo call and examine the slock a. Novl. 1S45. ly B E LTk V E A X D LIVE. THOMSON'S Compound Syrnp of Tar Jb Woo4 Xaplha. riHE unprecedented auecees of thia enejirine. ia X ths reatorsiion tf health, to those who, iu des pair, had given up all hopee, haa given It tn eial ted reputation above all other remedieo, forninin evidence of it intrinsic vlo and power, ss lbs on ly sgent which ran be relied upon for the cure, ef Pulmonary Consumption, Brourbittie, Asthma. Psin n tbe side and Breast,' Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, &c Attention ia requested lo the following ASTON ISHING Thomson's Compound Svtus ! uf Tar and Wood Naptha! ! Philadrlphia, May tail. graterui effecla ef me froai Ceneump. tinn, bad retluced me so low that my pbyairutn pro nounced my caae hopeless I At thi jnnction I be gan to a.e your mrdicin. and miracolona as it anay aeom, i baa campb tely restored me to health, after everything else bad failed. Respectfully voure, WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte etreet, above Geotge atreet The anderaicnod, being peraooallv eeqaainled with Washington Mark and bia aulWitsga, bear witness lo lha astonishing effect of Thaeaaoe ' Compound by rup of Tar, and tba Path af bova ata lament. JOS. WINNER, 3IS North Third ttreei, vDAVID VHJKERS, 4S Almend strsei. . HUOH M GLNLEY. S. . corner TaaMoy and Fourth streets. . , - - Prepared only by S. P, Tbomeoo. Ji. E. corner of 6th and Stance etrett..Pbiiadalpbia. , AfalawJL. V Msaaer, Ouabjiry , D. Gross, end Dr. Mscpawreee, Harrieborg i Jno. fXBrowa, Pottevtlle Geo. Earl, Reading 4 Hjooaloa VM" tn, Toweade, Brad ford eoaaty.Pa. not 00 tana p botu m a lee doaea. . . . . fry 9rvwv JU i att'.'arVsj. rbiltdelcbis, June 3Sta, J a46.-ly