Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 06, 1847, Image 3

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    RctoinIno to tun Wa. Wo find in
Pittsburg paper lb) following paragraph in re.
forence to Cap!. HiH t ' t
Cn'rt Wl Captain it;jf trr(v4 i this
city, from tbe teat of (ntrrim-wt on Tuesday
ercoiojr, and left yecterdey on tho steamboat
New J2nf-land, on hit way to Mexico to resume
the commend of bie company. The captain in
forme ue titet be bet been fn rotted with full
power-to hove the mutineer in hie company,
who attempted hie life at New Orleana, court
Biartieled and properly pooiahsvJ. CapL. Hill
goneratee Celt. Wynkoop and B'ack from all
.blame attached to bis difficulty.
!( St. Dummoo.-The N. O. Timet atytt
'By the arrival here yesterday, of tht brig, Captain Blackman, from Part ail-Prince
which place tbe let on the let nit., we learn
from a pattvngar, that Preaideal Ritchie left
Port-au-Princvon the 13th January, with 13,000
troopa for HaytC It wat intended to rciae 6000
teen more, in ordar to inereaae the army to 3.1,.
COO. The remainder of the army were at Port
ex Prince. Errr thing remained quiet, and the
lawt were well adminun'ered. Market dull when
tht Seaman left.
Tac Nsw Plinrt The bureau of longitude,
of Pari, baa come to an agreement with the
prine pal astronomers of Europe, aGa.u2, Enclce
Strure, and Heracbel, te five the name fi( T?tp-
tune to the new planet discovered under the in
diratione of M. L Verrie , by the sign of a tri
dent. Exchange paper. ,
The pnblie has elieady given it a name, that
of ita diteeverer, Le Verrier, an honor which i
due thit great mathematician and aatronomer,
especially aince the attempt on the part of tome
of the English Astronomer to deprive him of the
merit of the discovery to which hit profound in
vestigation led him. It ie laughable to tee the
earneitneaa with which a rival claim to thit dis
covery baa been urged by tome oi the English
journal. One of them in ita teal criea out
-Don't let tht Fienckmmn have the nets planet
Don't kt kirn have 11 f
Peon an Caixem. Tbeio it nothing more try
Ir.g to the humane nrtitutien than cuilden changes
of atmosphere. He t rsrefies the Mood, quickens
the circulation, ami increases the perapir .lion ; but
when suddenly checked, thie humor which
hould pass off by ths skin are thrown off mwaid y,
-caueing coughs, oils, eonsumpti. n, difficulty of
breathing, watery and tyee, tore t! roat,
fevers, iht'umalic print rn varioua parts of (he body,
and many other complain-, the usual yinrtoui
-of catching c Id.
Wrighle Indian Vegetable Fi.t tret delightful
OieJicii.e for crrj ing off a cold becaue they
pel from the body those humor which are the cauae
ot only of (he above complaints, but of every ma
lady under leaven, four or of taiJ India o
Vegetable pills taken -evciy night on going to bed
will, in a 'few day, carry off the moat obstinate
cold; at the a .me time the digestive Organ will
be restored to a heabby totie, and the Hood to
ci.mpi. tely paiitod, that ue rife and vigor will be
given to the whole frame.
Dtwr.rt of Cauntcrfeite. The puMte are tats
tioned tgtiust the many apuriout medicine which,
in oidcr to deceive, tre ty name siirr.lir to
Wright' Indian Vegetable Pills.
The only original and genuine Indian Vegetable
rlhi have tba of Wrn. Wright written
v iih a pen on 'the loplubel of each hoi. To coun
terfeit this it Forgery, and all other ahoekl be
alio, lined aa p.iis.n.
' OiTire deTolrd etc'Cvety o tire tale of
"Wnoai's latum Vtairiaia PrtLt, wi.oteaale
end rrlsit. 169 Race sheet, Philadelphia; S88
Greenwich street, Now Vork; ami 198 Tiemonl
sire I, Boston.
(jAgent for the t.ileoT Wriph't'tthJian Vrget.
bit PilU hi Sunbury, Htaat Massib. For other
agencies tee advertisement in mother column.
Tea Baiatiatra Puts are entirety Vrgetabte
end made 00 ihots principles which long etperi
enee ha prosed correct It fa tmw rro speculation,
hen they tre retorted to in sickness, Tor they tre
known to I the beat deaneer of tbx ttoiasch and
bnweli, and in aH dyspepiic and bilions ttsst ihey
rs t greet t lessmg. trt every family keep these
Putt m 1 be hoete. If faithfi lly utrd when tfceie
is ncctsron Tr m-dichie, it will be very seldom that
a Doctor wiU be requiieJ, In all cue of cold,
tough, or thenmstism, the afllctej ewe it to ibeir
Iodic to ate these Pille. .
' fXj" Parch of H. B. Mttser, Sonbury, or of
the agent, published in another pan of tbi paper.
Near Hogheeburg, On the 36th ult., after a lin
gering illness, Mr. E. G. LYON, aged Uut 70
In Lock Haven, 00 the 10th ult., Mr. ROBERT
VOODIE, Jr., in the 28th year of bia are.
In Milton on the 30th nit., Dr. JAMES DOtt
GAL, aged S5 years, 11 months, and 23 days.
Correcrd wttkljf ftjr Henry MaUet.
W, .
ttra, : 4 . i,
Coafe, . . . . .
Oira, . . , .
Pobb, ...
riazaitn, ... .
brrrsa, . . . .
Keot, .
Tnow, .
Fiti, ...
Htcttte Tut, t t
tait Arrtaa, .
Do. PtAceas, .
Estate or Ceo. Ilollenbacli, dee'd.
PTHE onderwened. aroointed auditor br ike Or
X phans' ceejit of jk'ortbombeiland eoonty to
anske distribatlnn of the belanoa in the btnda of the
administrator of eaid die'd. to end among tba). heirs
end legal ttpreeentatieee, hereby give notice ibet
he will attend to eeid doty on Tbor.d.y the flret
dy of April neii, at hit offic in Bonbory, where
U tbooe iBlereeted can tUtod, if tbty am proper.
rtinbury, Mircb MKT.. 9t
wb call the blood ?
OVLATED. Therrf re if the Mood became im
pure, t general derangement of (he tyvtcm moat
ensue t and give rite to '
Cooghe, Colds, Ii'rTiienai,T)rpepe!. T)ropy.Hetd
acbe, Fulloet of Blood, Bilioua, Scarlei, Trvbnd
and Typho Fever of all kind, Indigestion, Weak
net of Stomach, Rhnumatitm and Kheomttie Af
feerioti.Nevvooa Affectrnna, Liver Complaint, Ath
mt, ' Ptaeri.y, Inflammation of the lan?, Low
Spirits Flt, Met-lea. BumII Pot, Wlioepiog
Cough, Cnop. Sore Cyea, Inward Weaknet,
Worms, Qumey, Bronchitis, ChoBe.- Dywentiry,
Gravel, Sell Rhom, Deafrcas and other alTerti. na
of the Eur, 0t. Aiitbony' Tire, Seorful or King
Evil, Ulcere, Whit Hv.el(ing,Tnmor, Bile. Hop
preaaeJ Monthly Dlacba-ge and female eMmpfoint
in general, Erupibm of the Main, Habitual Cot
tiveneee, end ell dieesct depending -on e hVrdereJ
and diaoaaed date of tba blood, or a eurpenaion of
the healthy eecreiione. .
Then fire, 011 the first ppetrince of any of tbeae
thould be procured, end used according to the di
rection. PRICE I5P.NT8 per Rot of PIP
LA It.
For sale by 8ETII S. HANCE, corner of
Charles anj Prstt si a., and 10. Uslliinnre street,
n.d by flEOWOB BRIOHT.Suhbury,
D. 8RAUTIG AM, NoitlmroUerlanJ.
March 0. 1847.
I?TrRTH"Eir P'KOiTPsT)?' TjfTrfETF7c.VCY
jKa. Oaonot T. W aanmaTO. residing In Y. rk,
tr.e', Federal Hill. Baltimore, whs art reked With a
violent COgti and tort thr.xl tntr trying mvnv
lemediec, vat induced by t friend to line Hinca
Compound S'rup of Hon bound, and before ortng
one bottle, mj .'nmeiv ro'ed.
Mat. HtHBieiT Mibbick, residing in Monu
ment ttreet, brtweei.' Cnl end Eden street, wis
attacked with a very e.V cough and pain in the
breast, which wa to (utente, that it ei tended t i
the thoBildeie. She wat aflicd alto with a pain
in the aidew
After trying mint remediee, ah wt periuaded
hvtfiiend tne HANCE'S (;OM rUlilv U ox
RUP OF HOREHOUND, end tfter thiee
dotes, the experienerd great relief, end before the
bad finished the bottle, wat entire'y cured.
PRICE SO Cen'a per bo'tle. or 6 bottle for $350
For atle by SETH S. HANCE. 108 Bltitnore
at., and Corner Charles and Pittt ttreet, ualUmjre,
tnd by GEORCiE BRICII I'.Sual ury.
D. BRAUT1G VM, Northumberland.
Marsh f3 m.
THE Met -lea appeared in Eernpe tbnnt the
tame lima with the tmtll pur, and have a
great affinity to tkat ditetse. lhey both came
from the me quarter of the world, are bath infec
tious, tnd 11-ldom attack the tame porton but once.
The Mesafet tre most common in tbe sprint: -a.
on, end generally disappear in tbe aummet. The
disease iiaetf, when properly managed, seldom
proves fatal; but ita conaequencee are often vary
tront V eoroe. Our business is to assist nature to
throw out tbe oinption. Bfood-lerting is almost
certain deatn.
Nothing ever ditenvered hat dofre the work so
gently and effectually Dr. SMITH'S (Sugu
Coated) -Indian Vegetable Pills.' You need not
forre them down, ei her. ,
fX7 CAUTtON."-A a miaetabre imrtttinn hsa
been made, by the name of .fc8ugr Coated PiHa,"
it i necessary In beturt that Da. G Ban. Shit
(iuna'ui ia on every bm. Prlue 35 cent,
Plincipal Otliee. 179 Greenwich tL New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FR1LING, Hunbury.
WM, FORSYTH E, Xurihum'd.
March 6. IS47;
OF Nortbumberhnd County, for April TiTtn,
A. D. 1847.
drnntl Jurors.
Lewis. I-aac Turner.
Delaware John Den ler.
Mtfton. Johu Rubiuk, Sivplien Wilson, Tboa
ChilHiqtuufue. Joseph ebit.
Sunburv Abraham Erwin. Peter Hltrman.
Henry C, Martin.
Lower Augusta Eh PeilT.-r. Jut Wolf.
Shamtfcm. J ie b Maris Jacob E. Muench.
Rath Joseph Reader, Wm. D.pui, John H. fr
oian. Abraham Moore.
fntil J a me. Gitger, Beniamm Kaiherman.
X pptr Mamtoy. Peter Montiliui, John Beie
el, George Cn dor.
fatner Mahnruiy John Wertx.
Judttnn. Georgt Krebe.
Traverse Jiirorsa
Turiuf. John Hsag, sr.
Lewi 1 .-John Wallis, AinoGlav.
Delaware. Jtcoti Siet-, Wn, McWillitma,
Thorn ia MeKre Fetet Kulchner, J mea Kirk, Jo.
teph Durham, Jams Loory, James Carr, Abra
ham SUrntr.
Milton. DennttC.ttai..
CMll'squaqae.Tui 'u Fi-h. r. John Frederick.
Fmnl-AM Oibbons, Henry Wutlt, John
fltTtfiumberiand Daniel Haas, George Eiitrt,
Jacob Eckert. .
Pntitlrf.--Sa-nosl Gosaler, John Schmick.
Vppcr Atigvtta. Johu Haughawoui, Mor.l. cat
Lower Augueta Henry H. Malicb, Reuben
Gfinger. Daniel KiUffiOan.
SAamoltiia. Conrad ITsgr, Allen Anehmutv,
David Cbwhevter, Samuel Hoover, Gcrg Miller,
Jeasa Campbell. Wm H. M uench.
Ruth, Wm. D. Gearhart, Wm. Met lei, r.
Coal. Al gandet Calda tll.
Carper JefaAonej. Oeorgs I'aot
Lhwct AfaAotoy. Elia Boyer, Abraham Bin
gtman. Phibo B .hb, Benjimin Tre to, Jacob 8pai,
Little MakoUy. rvh D. Hoffman.
Jatkton. Wm. D'ppen, John 8. Itta, Jacob
4 lcllt Jtarom.
TuJ-iid. David L. Iilarid, Gcoiga Good.
JetoiwJ,4ta M Brv-nn, Adam 8. hull r.
CiJauxire I.aac 8. Lilley, Henry Reader. Phi
lip McWilliama, John Walton, Reuban B. Hmev.
AiAovw Bertram Gtlbieatb. Jacc.b WheeUnJ,
Amos Wilier. Hugh M. D-ior, C. U.rlholemtw.
CkiUujuwpu: Jacob RhrWa.
JiuHkurnktrlaKd. John Cabs,
Sunhury John O. Fry.
Vpper August. bsmul Olordoif.
Lower AHgwta. John Foy, J.,bn Malicb.
BAaavcJnii. SamtnJ Fplar, Jaaao Sober, Febg
Larch. '
Rutk Gilbert Deei. Wm, Fieber,
CW Rao bao EUeohart, Jersmuh Bacon, pa
tor Weikeh
Vpp eaJUey Aaron Vote, John Bchmlck,
Feter Treoa,
Ler JLfeAomey.-.Abrabam De'ppea, Joseph
FtUmchsr, " r
ffW-lHnMBciiwirtB.Jetepk Trego, Mar.
Itrt IFi 11 en It al ' f
" W ' VtSarB
PllHE Bubecrirtar. Vtave the e.'uuv right of
JL vending i. M. THATCHER'S t-.n-.n . -Hot
Mlast Hot Air Cookln?
In the Counties of Noribumberlen.1, Cduml-is and
Schuylkill 1 and from Ike encouragement met wbli
already, Ihey espeet to do a largo lysines. Tbrt
ttove ie conatrosied on Bn entirely new prif cinte,
end on the 00 hr p.-lrteipre that cm make: both a
good wrstd and ooal atoee. The Inventor hat over,
eome ell the dirltcnltiet thai o freqiientfy belong t
other etovet. He ha by hi errangement, eon
trurtej a hrollint (TTOvon In front; where
in broiling, roaating, frying or bsking m.ty oe done,
and all the smelt that arise therefrom mu4 fa
into too combustible chamber, an I i no ai all
lhrw Out in.o the loom Bee de. this, ihere
it en oven only twoiiirhe less thin the whole site
or the stove, i herein b..khig or roasting maybe
done 11 well aa it can be in the common brick oven.
I bu oven it alnavt (It f.r n-c when tlm novo I
healed, a the whole draojhl of hot air patae a
round it conatanrry. .
I'eblie attention ia particularly caled to tbi
store. It can b aren at our Store and Tin E-tah.
liahment in North D nvilln, at the sign of the Ct
"omhia Tin ahop, und at the Foundry of Rohrbaeh
Clement in Sunbury, where it particular quali
ties will be fully shown andeip'eined lo tnv person
wishing to ci miine it.
The tubscriberi continue to have on hnj all
kinds of parlor atnvrs. such aa Tadia'ora. eylender.
fancy and plain, auitable f.ff afl who may favor us
with a call; alao common heel and Ruaai 1 Iron,
which can be mide in tny desirable ah ape j tog
ther wiih general a-ortreent r.rtin anJ jipinned
wt'e, wholras'e and letail. Country mer. hant
tit iniied to call and etamine our atnek. a our
work cannot be eurpaerd, ai d pice modorrale.
N. H. We can nVIv recommend the above me n
tions I stove to persona who wish to emhvrk In a
good business The patentee will tell either e.iun-
ly or ante right, to suit purchasers, and on rea
nnalde teimt. He or hit tgen'e mav be found in
Denvill , Po. J, St J. ARTER.
Tht tmdtrrtigned, having teen in operation tbe
hot b ail hot air eooking etove. invented and pa
tented by J. M. Thaiehet, cliffy (hat we believe,
from the manner of it crmnructl m and opera-Inn,
that it i the beat one ever offered lo (he pub'ie. The
arrangement i so complete and Ihecnnetruction to
judicious, thit fhere ie t saving of rme htlT thr fuel
and time, in doing any given amount of a rvice.
over other celebrated atrrvea. In short We Tcom
ment it in preference to aft otrier, for (he simple
reason that It emhraeet every branch of economy.
Samuel Garrett, John W Garrett. D.vid Cht
field, W F Kitch n. John M Giav, E Thompon.
Smith Tbompann, J D Hbn, John Oake. Heali
ah Bear, Ella F Cooiwr, Geo M Rithart, Daniel
Hoffnan, Henry H Kissel, F H ('aiver, Daniel
Dreiabach, Joaeph VanknV. Brook Epley.
Danville, March 6, 1817. Iv
TS hereby jiven to ell lejrateea, creditors, and o
A iher persona interested in rhe eafotee of Thomas
Grant dee'd, settled bv bia adm'r de bonis non cum
tetament annrio, Kenderton Smith; of Moriia
biniih dee'd, tettled by hi adm'r Heniv Haunt
and Daid Martz; of Michael Neidijr ib c'd, etied
by hia adm'r Samuel S. Wag ier and Gooree Con
rad; of John Blstner dee'd, seated by hi adm'r
Jacob Herb; the guardian account of George Con
rad, guardian or Harab Malieh. Hannah Malieh.
l-ydia Malieh. Either Malieh. Charloiio Malich.l
Mary Malieh and Jennnah Maltch; of Rolen
F4riiawnrih dee'd, tettled I v bU adm'r John Farn-
worthj of Catharine Kline dee'd, tetiled by her
a im r 1 noma rrd e; of William I'ainter dee'd,
enled ly hi adm'r T'nomaa Ptrdoe; of J .hn
Feaater dee'd. eettled by Ijie linr Martin R.indall;
of John L) ienring snr dee'd, eitl.l by hit eg'r
Henry Gustier; of Daniel Levy Jie'd, tet lid by
hi eara Lewi Dew art and Alexander Jordan; nf
Jacob Gaas dee'd. aeU'eJ b? hi eir Wm. If
M uench; of Aa Pancnast d c'd, sellled by hi ey.7
W. H. M uench. Late of Northumberland counts,
J.. L. .L. .. .1 .... .
ottu, ii.i ion ra.rui.ira, aomiiiiaifHini and gna
die. a of eiid ilerea-ed eat .tea have filed iheir ae
connl with the K giaier of lhi ountv. and thai
Ihey will be pvea tiled lo ihe Or,, liana' O .urt nf
said c unly 011 I ueaday the 6lh dy of neat,
for confirm! ion and allowance.
F0ntiry, Mereh 6. 1848. lie iter
jajJJtlTICt. i hereby g Ven, that at a court of
X 'i common pleaa held in Sunhu.y, for tha eoun
ty i f Northumberland, oil ihe 14 h day nf lanuaiy
A. D. 1847, on the petition of the members wor
shipping in St. Mathewa Church in Sunb ny, N .r
thorntrland county, for sn act incorporating ihs
aid congregation, and iheret'ore the eaid court gran
ted a mle to show cause, by the (1st day of neit
term, why the prayer of (ha p. t lion should not be
grimed, ,f which all -ron Int. reed will Uke
notieev -JOHM F A R MS WORTH,
Sunbury, March B, 1847. St . Plr.lhY
VahmClc Property
up od jfi LEa ua,
FIIHE Hobacnlr oflera f. kale, en m.w'erne
M. term, e valuable piece nf I nd, litiia td in
Augudt townsb p, iVorthuinberland coon v. a'xiut
6 miles from Bui.burV, on the Tun.'hnrken road.
corialning seven acres more or lea, in an eicellem
''a of cultill n, whereon are erected a lirse
fnme dwell ng btlse 8g by 41$, and tore
hnune 18 by 92. with excellent water at ihe don,
a bank barn SS by 34. and an ice hoBse under
ground. It ie one nf the be t bualnea location in
the county. For fu th r inToimation inquire of the
aubscrilx-r, on the premis- a.
Aoeuata, Ma'ch 6, 1847 7t
Venetian Blind Manufacturer,
No It Nordl Bih st., ( few door, above M4rkilt.)
HA8 now on hnd Ihs largest and moa4 fatbmn.
able iM Timrnt of Narrow 8!atnd other Ve
netian Blind of an elab!ihment in the Unifd
State, Which be Witt a- II, Wbulestle anJ Retail,
at lilt loWtat pilrea.
The ctitent of Sunhory anJ v'ciuily are resuect.
fully tolici ed tv Cill i.n him hif.-ru purchasing else.
wnri aa ne I e. nn ent I giving rntir tatiaf
lion to all who may thut f .vor him with a call.
OLD BLINDS Repalntidand TiiwroeJ, sia
lo lo. k iqoal to n w.
Order puncto illy slttnUed to, and the Blind
forwardaJ WiU) despatch,
Maich 6. I fUT 3m.
"llowell fCoodrlch's KUt.
NOTICB ie hereby given that letters or sd
ministiation bav been granted i the ub
orrbsr, on the estate of Ho Well Goodrich, die of
Shsmokin township, NorthumbsilmrJ eouhy, dee.
All person indsbed to eld eetete or having ds
Btande sgaiaa the ame, are rr q'Kttol le coll oo
toe eobscfttier for etUUmeot, without delay, tt hie
residence, it) Franklin Wnb.p, Columliia eoun
rcb. :r, jetT.-gt Adm'r.
t- .J 1 W M X L iUSJ.i
l.' i , - '. . . ,
To Carhter4 ' Bricklayers
Stand Plnjicrcrja
xattn Panrjeaa will be received at the reai.
dene of either Of the Mbtcribrrt, until the tOi h
of March nest, fbt the rtetft rfl rff a Oormnil Re.
formr J Church, la this Wroagk Vbe building it
to be 1-rlcTc. nd lb dfinen10n J'O'liy lb fee't, w'nh
hasi metlt t.v tn lw parte. One deaignej for a
Iectnre loom. &e.; end ihs other for e ' 8 ibbttli
trhoi.1 room. The maierlahi wll le Yurnfshed aa
the coolraotora may direct, by OtrtBe Ytoeo,
-,.e .-.v. ..: -. Diet at Hint, '
'"' - - ' 'Jacon ftaakftotTt.
Paitif Rriilf,
v ! ' ' D. O E. Miitt,
" Sonbury, Feb. 37, !817. ; Bu i ling Co n.
1. r. 1 Afty perton or persons wishing K bid.
mvl d.. siring any ir.f urn fion. can btve such by
catling' on either member of irfi committee.
rP HE subaenber offers for sste a cheap Farm,
A situate in brwiisMji, Novihemhcr
lend ennnty, about eight ini e from Runbarv. ly
ing between the Centre lurnuike end Iri-h Valley,
containing 163 aciee and allowjncea. Said firm
I in a go. d ctale of cultivation, with reasonably
good huilillnga and excellent water -near tbe door;
and all kinde of frail. rVc.
Snnbury. Ft-b. 80. 1847.
Coinmisiiioii .flrrclianlsty
FoT'lbeswIe of Flour, Grain, ai d all loud of Coun
try P reduce,
r A'o. 49 Cvmmtree ttreet Wkarf,
fC3 Covh advance on Consignment.
Feb. 13th, 1847 3m.
Clothing Establishment
OPERATIONS in ( ' Lo nurse seem to be th
order of the d ir. at Ihe Philadelphia Ward
Rone, 105 Chranut a'reet, where eery article in
the line ia kept, and aold at astonishing luv price,
Cloaks Barrg'ipa. Over S.iek Co .ts, Short S;ck
Coat, Super French Cloth Dien Fiock
data. Pantaloons of every g-ade and
t)le, any of which will be sold either
by the garment or d. ien,- I pu
ce Out will jj-tify ihu
. oiuti ec meoiical in
Ws advise all who w.inl g. oj and cheap Clo
ihmg. to call at No. IdS Cbeanut atiect,
Philadelphia. Feb tih. 1847. fi-n
Wnrcinon'M LatHtv.
TTOTIL'E is hereby given, that teirerstestanien
t,ry h"ve be. n granted 10 ihe subscribers, on
tha estate of Wm. Lemon, late of Point township,
Northumberland county, dec'.l. AH peraona in
dtbl. d to aaid esis'e, sre requested to call on the
subscribers, st ihe lata Tiaider'Ce of ths deceased, on
Wed nod IV. tlie Xiih dav of March neil.ancl inka
payment, and those having etaima against lbs same
win present them, well authentic nd, for sotile
ment. TH iMAS LEMON.
Feb. TJth, 1847. 6t ' Executors.
PERSONS efflirted wuh 8c.o.fuU, Kin-' E
ail. Cancer. Eryaipelga. Old Hores. Ulcers,
Tetter, Mercoriil Diaeaaes, ,.r any oilier cnmpl inia
aria ng from impuriius of tha bloo.t, requested
lo read Ihe f (lowing tealimnniala. in pr of of the
womlerfol ptooertio ol ihe above nnmed medicine.
HEAD! READ!! READ!!! We the under
aigned, having Vieited Mr Uaic ltr.xk.. jr. at ihe
office of Mcaars Rowuml ft, Walloh. a7ti M.,rlcel
street, I'liiUdeiphi. wilder hia ct-e the m.wl re.
nurkal 'e one we baoeer wihiesed or beard of.
Hie d .'- wa ricoart-l 4, ami terrible muat
have I ceil hi tnclve years' cenfl cl l h Ihe dc
atreye' ! '
II f'alaie. ihs ent-re roof , r bis Mnnrh. Noe,
L'pir Lip. end blwir lid iif the Riser Eta have
len destroyed, hi Fnce newly eaien np. nd pari
of the J iw Bosk carried aisy. And yet we ceo
give no d. aeripti n of hi cae
Mr. B. 1 .firm ua that in January last, the
whole, inteiior ol hi m uth, a well a mot of his
face, was a mat nf deep and painful ulcer !
Oil the tt h of Jnu4y l-i, he commenced It
king Dr. CriLKR Ixuum Vsatrattk Plvscts,
which checked the diseise in 4 feur il its, and fi.m
lb t lime tb cure ba- jog twej witboe; intermi.
New flesh his sgpp'ied the place tf the d p
ulcers, tnd thnuijh bsdly di-fuured, bit f.ito it
'Und. Bud bia gener) health U re.toird.
We art uied that in the lieilinenl of Mr.
Brook' ease, no Mtnccaiaia, O.n'im r.t-, or Cana
tic. spplicalion have bn n urd, in liic, the I't
ri aiouk, baa e roll. hi ihis Wor.ileiful change.
H U. M teaer, ul.hury, I'a, .
J W Juries M D. Month 2J st-ee'r, Pli.l .delohit.
E W Carr, 410 ,N 4th, above P.-pUr-, N L tlertioe.
8 McCullough, Lanes ler, PeiVa.
O W AppU ton. M D. lu S u'b i, PhiUd.
Win St. edinc. M D, Camiltii, New Jerwy.
Wra Hale, S78 H'gh 'ree'. Phil dlpbiv,
J II Poner, Man. Min.ral teeth. 106 8 0th st. Pud.
I. A Wollenwebtr, IU Phil Dem 877 S 3d al,,lo.
A D Oillelte. Pnator of I Iih B .plisi Cburhh, do.
J din Hell, tiie at, Phil, (S A mer ir an nffic..)
John W Aahme.d. 60 S 6ih iriU Plildel(,hi.
T 8 Wageer, L thoeraj brr. 1 16 t'henut i, do. .
Piter 6ken Smith, j'dilor Natitb Eagle, alt.
Jo-1 B- dibe, lilas Manuf, Wil;iamii wn, ti J,
L B Cole. M D, B.t'on, les.chiis. iis.
Russrl Csnlield, I'hvi-inlogisi, I'hili.d. Iphia.
Thomas P S Ruby, M D, Harris' urg. P..
Win I'rie, point fat Paul", ch t'a.riarine l, j'lul t'hiinber pastor Ir Im'ep. ch Broad si, d 1.
T I. Handera Publisher nf Pledge a d Stand ir.l, do.
F I Mrlh-te. Ed Olive Branch, DovUtown, Bueka c.
P 8 White, ; ' do.
Tbe ibove nameJ grhtlenten, (enn.ii'U Inc but a
small portion of ittiuw who hte vi.iie-l Mr. Br.hika
tt our office in Philadelphia, anil would rertify tn
llie same fuc't if nrret-arv,) are well known, and
tl.ejr high landing lu oi i-iy p tht idea, r.f
thrir Viuli, g their name to carry mi a-i imp uili. n.
Ceitificaie i f cures, in p-tnphlel fouo, tuy be
hart Grit., at the nili. e of ibe agents. .
Thus medicine eia prapaied ar.d iM by the
rriipriiiof, RiwsuJ ii Wa'.ion, No. 36 Mai km
aiicet, Phil uietp' is. "
Hold also b TJrneeiala ll ronah.oii. tha ITnii.!
Btatra. Fib fSth. 187. Sin It
fljlktoll Aa
ir Oarden. Jn
-Feb. Jg, 187.
trow liialey'a
ist Itceivad and f Bala .T
nmru uinrne, oinwa, i eaiamani. Uraw
leg Paper, WriiiBg Papst, eUe pMI, an,
Ilarriaott't Colombian Ink, for aU cheap at the
etor of JOHN BOGAR.
Jan. 16, 1817,
J-. r HTCri nT7i WiVS Viil I "in . .
S , f W W Datienhowri. N I Murrey t, N Y.
I J J W DalienbQwer. No I 0 F Hall, Cn (j.
I C T Jenkins. No t Cinsl at. N Oilttn.
J. V.N N Robinson, eoi Gay 4 Saratoga at. Bait.
..... ftrtA.ij
WILD CHERRY We Can consistent!.
Me:) that Dr.8wAta'aTJrirtip6und Byrbpof Wild
Cherry bfia bean eilenalvtly need (n tba United
8teTrr moreWiirn fen year that I a heneflcUl
J"" t'cen tealed by tbousar.di Tnit tt
NvarBit Ratirtt x Rlfcacf Corat, and
that hOadre.! of i.idividuU, gradual y sinking un.
4etha inaidifto Afack nf doaih'. fell em:tvirv,
PvLMosia; Cotaox rvt ..', have been restored to
health, haiMilnes and friend, bv It an., and ae.
now living teoilmnniet of ihe curative prrwer of
HtT Kato-raa host BiKtBKtttt etna
t Brtnenen! -
D.Mwt DearSIn t feel CiRed 1y k tenet
of duy I oe in eufferingtaimankv, to acknowledge
my grateful thar.ka ft ibe wonderTuI e'flfteia of ynur
f-nmpoonl Hvrnp if Wild Cherry ntt rrtt, after
aulloring month after fnon'h Willi tha mnrt afflict,
ma of all diaeiltit, ConsumptsSA. The first tymp
torfia e'e of a ery hry eoM whicli tallied on
my lunga, wli'di riadu-tlr ( te worse. With pro.
fuo iiiht kweatt, a harking 'cnvjgh, spHtlng blood,
with EY't del ili v. Mr cnnstilotion eemd br.v
ken J.iwn, and risrnn sf stem very mueh impair-
1 a I went to t'hiladelphia, Was trailed Ihrte by
physicians of the highlit aiaOuing, but reoefvej too
l-cmefit whatever fr m ll'om, but gradttally grew
wi.r. On'lil Yny physiei ina. aa well ta myself, gave
iJ all bop. a of recotery, and I felt like on who ie
attfinl tipas through the V..fley c-T the Bhdor
of Death- Al thi. "..vrfiil juncture" I besrdef your
Cninpouml 8yup nf Wild Ch.rry, of which t pur.
cliia. d six bu ilea, which ! am happy lo ay entire
ly cund me, and I am now enjoying Vttei health
'than I evrr have b. fort lu my life. . Physician
who w'itneaiM'd my case are highly recommending
it in similar rs-e, and I wiah you 10 malt thla
public, (O thit til me? know where to procure a
remedy at once which will reach their disease be.
f r tampering with the mnv 'quack nostrum'
with whicli the O 'untrv i Cnoded. My residence
ia at 45 Arm diret. where 1 thould be happy to
hv the abuse substantiated v a personal inter
Who'esale and retail Dealer in cigars.
40 Ann ttreet, N. T.
Beliot decMvrd bv the many aputiou tnd
woithlea prepraiinna uf WilJ Cherry, Oshered
Intu notice bv 1Yornt pr tocdeit, but tee ihkt'lbe
lignaliire of Dr. Sw.iyne is on rsch bottle, which
is ihe onlv gairanter sgiinat irn. osit'oo.
I'reptred only bv Dr. 8W AVNE. N
ner nf I' ahth and Rjce str'e.'t', Phi'adelphi. and
for te bv re ertable Drugi'at In tiearly all the
principal tnwn in th-t United Hta'.es,
Duly Agent in Sunbury. ia
Dr. i. A. Moore. Dmv llsj T. 8. Mack, y dt
Jo M i..nt M D i. J. WePt. Muncvj C. A.
Wvatt, I.ewVslurg; laij & rchnm'e, Stlinsgrosr;
John t'. lienri, Line Mnunlain P. O.
I'hitsd.lptda. Feh.rih. 1417. 2m ly
Drugs! Drns!! Drugs !!!
Wliofcsulc Ilrugists,
N. 40 Market Street, (South aide, fco
" ' low Sertind.)
? Ii 1 1 adelp h i ik,
Off. r for tule a lag lock of Freth
D'uua, VI. d cine and DeS uffa, to
which tbey c.T! the attention of Coun
try Me. chum and Denier visiting the
I'otcch. Cihfhet, Japan, Black, end other Vr
ntihra nf a superior quality. Also, White tnd Red
Lead, Window Glass, Paint tnd Oils cheaper
than ee'.
q3 T. dr. C. rt also proprietor of the Tndlin
Vegetable B.dsim celehrjted ihro'ughouther own
end neighboring Blfa, as the beat preparation for
the Cure ntCough, Colds, Asthma, dtc. Money
tef.indrdln every indance wb'er'e to benefit is re
ceive.!. rhflnVlpbia, Jan. ftt), 47 3m
i?(ret iJvrmf um Suit.
No. 87 North Third Streel,
PiliLADCLlMll A.
THE cetebriiy of ihe Ink. mnufaeiuVexl by the
uberiher, and the ei tensive ssa coneequent
upon the hig'i h which they have attain
ed, ni O' ly tt-rougbout '.he Cni tJ Sute. but in
the Wot todi n) in China, has induced bun lo
make 1 scry neceseiry arrr.pnent to htipply the
t liemantl upon hi eaiabli-hment. He ia now
P'epari d with every vari. ty of Black, Blue And Red
Inks, Copving Ink, Indehbie Ink, and Ink Puwder,
ail pieparrtl un.k-V his otvn ptrsonnl superintend-
nee, imi that purchasers may depend Upon I't u
ierior )iih i.
P'rior ar'iile fut Olafct, China, Cabinet
Waiv, See., useful lb eVery Housekeeper, being a
wl i e liquid, easily tppt rd, tnd not affected by or.
duiary beat wsrraiiled.
0,-y I'smphlul. Containing ihe numeroo teatis
niotii .la ,.f n e 1 uf ecieiico, and tothcia, wi.l be fur
niidied 10 puithasen.
For le ai the Mai ufactry, Wboleiile end Re
tail. No. 67 Nbstu Taias feTaksf, oppocite
Cbrny atreit, PbilaJc'phi 1. by
Jtn Sdth, 147 ly Manufacturer.
PpOIMOME ShelTuck Com'-, caived and
L finiehed In a superior tle,
Pplend d Shell Ore ini Com a, carved and plain,
hrl P cVrt CVmlis, w.ih d without rate.
New Long C. mb, caiveJ auJ pUln or
crui.iien. t
With a beautiful .-,nrtir.i.t of the Rel BoSalo
Combs, that i 0 tu'jch in general use. t
Comb Manufacture',
No. T S.-ulh Pecond t'low Maifttt ofl.
P. S t. W. ia ihu only Manufaciurer nf the
Gi buirie lluffito Curnti ip the United .fclalta,
Philadelphia. Jan. 23, 1847. 3m . '
Importer of Watches. VVatch.Makers
' - Tools and Watch Materia!, "
lVhoIcainle A. Iletull. . .
Tb. 33. South Fowth it . PHILADELPHIA,
A! conatantiy on hand a large auortment of
l.nneite. Patent, and Plain Glasa; Main-
pilngi. Verge, Uiala, Waicn nanoa, an 1 a com.
. k a at 1 a .
plele Bssoifoenl of aH Tool sod Material belong,
ing tn ihs trades with a large assortment of God
and Silver Lev, Lepine, tnJ Plain' Wttcbk all
(if which hswl'l gutrsiit 10 sell tt the lowest Nen
York pr fee. All oider from the country punctu
sllf e I ecu ted. ( .
' N. B. Oouuiry merebaiits arid o'bsrs ere Invited
la c-ll nJ ktamine st Ibe Old Stand, Ne. 83
Houih Fourth tlitel.
Pb UJclfht. Jaa.lil, IltT.-"m
U ii t
COMMON 8EN3E. thai the natural vegeta
bis production every eountny tre, if pruperly
applied, amply tuffrient for Ibe cure of every ma
lady Imddent lo eaeh prti1iar e'lmate.
wsrcftfs mm mts,
" ' o one
Xorlh Anier)u COk'lctjewf Ucolth,
Br (ompnee.1 of R plahre whih grow epnntane
notly on our own toil, tn I are therefor bettor a
dipled to onr ennetft'ueioht t'i an MeJicioeC toncoo
ted from foreign drugs, bowever wall they wity bo
compounded t end te they tee founded upA the
pThreipre that tbe human body bv ia truth
nkmtry, corrupt huranrt, and thtt ttid Medicine
enret this diet on Narcnat FarwrtrtBt, by
tkaneinf mifwifyinjr tht My, H will be man-.
Iftmt that, if the conatrtutloo be hot snliroly
hau.te 1, a pertevaraitb in their uae, k6c0rdil4T
directions, la ahaoiafeiy certain to drPe djtetsewf
everv name Trom the body.
When we wish to rewoiO a swamp or moras tO
fertility, We dram it of the supetabtindant water. Ia
like manner, if we wih to rMfoi't the body to
health. We tnuat cletnse il of InipnrVy .
will be found one of the beat, if not the verv best
medicine in tba World 'for carrying out tbi Gatan
PoariTiBe PBttcirts, becaue tbey eipsl from
the body sll morbid and corrupt honnr, the cause
of the disease, in tn easy and Natural Manner;
and whit they every day otvt taaa tan txtasvai,
dirOaea i f every nme I rapid'y diivsn from (he
Tbe fo(l wing highly rspeetoM atorekeepers
havs len duly epnomted ag-ni for tbe alu of
Wrisht'e Indian Vegetable PUlt, in Nortbomberv
1 .0.1 county :
Henry Manser, Sunbury,
E. tt J. Ksuffman, Augusta township.
Samuel Herb, Little M ihr.boy.
William Deppso. Jackson.
Benevill Horshoe, Upper Mahonoy.
John O. Renn, Upier Mahonoy.
rTbmoel John, Shamokiniown.
ForVythe, Wilson & Co., Nattbamberland.
E. L. Piper, Watonburg.
rlnd dr. Hay. McEwenvill.
Jnve Peeil.'potlaErn've.
Wm. G Scott, Rushvi'llc.
Hartman Knmble, Elvsburt P. O. r
Amoa T-Beittel. Tu'iiu'tville. 7
t'dion "Shadel, Uppe: M:h i oy.
Rhodes' tarfdw, Sny.lnatown.
John King, "Fbrmiirsvile.
Silas C. Cook. Martin's Cie. k.
J. De Young. Illcksr'
Abraham Sherrr. RichoionX
Samuel Taylor, Blatefor I.
John H. Vincent-, tHrthtquaqtie.
Wm. Ileinen Ac Brother, Milton.
Bewarc or CocBTEnmiT. The public ar
csutinned against the many spuriou medicinea,
which in order to deceive, are cilled bv name i
milar to Wriuhi' Indiau Vegetable Pill.
Tea ostt omoiMit i'n ecvuist lanrix Va
etTaBLi Frt't have lhe signature of Wfn Wright
WatTTlts wit a S 0T1 the fop label of each
lo I. None other ia genuine, and 10 connietfcit
ihi iaVoe.OKBt.
OTficea drVo'et ftrluaisety lo ihe of
oTtbe Noth American College nf Health. No. 289
Greenwich Street. New York ; No. 199 Tr-mont
8treel. Bo.ton ; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE, NoV
109 Ric BrktsT, Philadelphia.
Jan. 36ih, 1847. 19y.
No. 31 North Third street,
(KtiR rat citt Boxr.i,)
C. C. MACKEY, AucTiriftfecR.
EVENING SALES of Hardware. CutbrV,
Stddlery, Whips. Boott, l-.o,., halt,
Caps, Gun, Pistol, l.loihie",
Wslche and Fii'cy G oJ-.,
At Mckty't Auction St. re, 31 X r:l Th.tJ
treet, near the City Hot I.
The attention of Coui.iry M. Tibr.r.t is invited
The Goola Will lJ Id in loia tc tuit u churrj,
hd aU'O ioila (.ffered Aill be warrn'e.l 1 -quul tj llio
represent .lions ibit may be miie of them.
N. B. A largo aa.onaiei'f of GoolU ai P'isato
Sale. Jan. 10 1847 ty
Orphans' Court Sale.
TN pursu nee of an order of ihe Oiphnnt' Court
of Northumberland county, will be odd at pub
lic aale, on Thnrsd.iy the tUy rl V. irch n. xt;
at the lain icsioVnce of Jere.i h J. V..s.., dee'd.;
n Rush lownsiiip in s.'.d ouniy, to wn t A ce'r
tain li'ct of land situ.i'.e in the lownsbi.i tri sjil;
called the Mill trace, hr j..a t' e one und vidr'd half
patt ib'areof, ctoiiaioiiie i I r h.ite te-i a.-ie. ail-
joibipg fand of llar jainiii F. V.-t lie an 1 nib, r ;
on whieh iwe'e j ed a Gria't Mill T) l-.'u M-m-e,
uarn and ol'.,et irnprne iient. A a rSi n
laud (of lji. B ibe widow of P.ei Va-ttue, der'd ,
ha ihe Pfe, etl .te.) in soie tonsriip. coiaini. g
104 acreimore or lea, adloioiiig tin I f B 1 jiin'rt
F. V-a.,ne, William Ke, Wil iam Scoil. U. hj
'. It. Yaatin and nlh' rs, ou wl ich are eiecl. J
e 11) story dwelling In use, tain, w!g.n shed ana
e',her improvemeiiT. Al-o, anniher tract of land
tn same towHrbip, containing one hundred and
twenty-two anee more or leas, a 'joi. ing Iwi V.
Vastin'e, 1 lie's William fcoti and other;
Lsle 'the estate of Jen miah J. V a'.inp, dec'J.
, Sale to 'continence at 10 o'clock, A. M. i f so l
d .y. when the cunJitions of sale will he made
known by PE I'F.R E. VAStTIME,
By order of the curt, A.lm n
Sunhoiy. Jan. lft lt7 I
AFARM.AND.6AW MILL. dec.. On Penn
deck. West Buffalo townahip, Union coun
ty, ik miles west of New Berlin, now oecBjiied by
John Deetcr about 90 acies ch a'rd ; good Or:
rhaidt atone Barn. Ae. An ln'dustii-ua lensnt:
able bi work b ih Farm nnd Sg mill, may have!
ite pioperly on t! e a' trsa. for Several year (
Inquire of the a-e; t, Ja.- . Keehe Weiricrr
town, nesr ihe prefi.i -e.ct or ' II.PE.1!
Sunburv, Jan. 16, 181? .V
Oiie Dollar4 Savrd i t4
. . v . liarn;!.5'
PERSONS .wiping w.jurchaae iF
tiunbury. vvi.l d . well lu call it the eheapr
aioie of the auh-C l' r. and rlani f.e h'a .ck
fort else here You ran deperd yn
getting good I arg iina. tf bt It detenu. lied 1:0'. '.t
be undersold by uV slore.
Sunbury, Jsn. 16, J847e-nlly
iJMliTETtoHOLb, a nw .ik-le. fw I4
ireb..p.bT JOHN BOGAR,
Jn. 16. 1847.
aH U AnET TJiieen-'weie, HudWsre.
Uroceriea, L'Ouor, for sale eery loW, by
. - . T. v inuM briiiau
Jan. ie,isT - '
"If 1 JdUbtLl.AW TU" ubsciiber baa jual re
D J eld a Vol of UtihrelU, which bt wilf)
shaao. omsa lo
as 50 tenia.