Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 06, 1847, Image 2

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UlTtt ritpaTAMPiCO.,.... , i
3fe Arrival of d Louisiana Volunteer at
rkmpieo, til Inf eluded Oed. Cot General
Sftxt expected daily at Tepic Oalherlng
' f tins JRiOcko Defence tl Vera Cruc.
. WMRnwroft, Marcti 3- u'clejck.
Kw Orleans paper 6 the JW hat been re
reie tj ,lKe i?othrn snail, of fbi serving.
They cm tin ilrioetAiMiTtvifinotothelSth,
Oslvmton In the 19th, Brito tothe 18th, and
yen Crut pper of the 2 1 u!t .
Th luniena Volunteers wrecked mi board
Ihe Ondiaka are &J life, with the txception o'
whom Col. Do Russey wa cooet rawed 4o
leave behind. No action had occurred between
rba volunteer tod th Msxicsns, and tbry r--hed
Tsmpico ia safely i tbeOih, in general
jfoml health, but macti exhausted by the forced
march. peven were abandoned few miles
frmii thn (3 rut encampment, befog enable' to
inarch, and it wee found impossible to carry
tnem through the wind on litter. One subse
quently overtook tho main tody, and tln r
maindcr probacy fell Into the hands of the an-
The adventure of the Louisiana volunteer
re particularly deecrrbedui tho Picayune. The
day they look refuge on the beach opposite the
wuch to escape a watery grave, they received f rom aeveral Mexican in the character of
pre.ts and fishermen. Prom their conduct
bk.1 f romiaca the volunteers were Jed to expect
assistance, on thoir way hi transporting their
Mores, Three follow were subsequently dis
covered to be apie, and on the same afternoon
made their appearance with a flsp vi truce from
teo. Cos, ond demanded an immediate and un
conditional surrender. Alarming represent.
inua were made ofawarma of armed Meiicana
sufficient to cut off all retreat. Gen. Cos decla
rd his force to be eighteen hundred, when in
reality he bad but nine hundred and eighty, all
(Jul. De Ruaeey replied to thia demand, but
was not allowed admiaeion inside of On. tV
lines. He was giveo until nine o'clock the
oext morning, when the Americana were told
they niuet surrender or fight. That night the
esmp fires were lighted, but the American
marched away, leaving their knapeacke and
btirthcnaome materiel, which would impede
thtiir march.except euflieicnt prov sien to afford
litem sustenance.
la twenty four hourslhey bad marched thirty'
five miiee, and not an armed Mexican waaacen
all tho way to Tampico. " .
General Cos thought he had stationed a uS
eient force upon the road to cut off retreat, and
i'-prive the American of all hope of euecor, but
Yankee pereeveranco failed hwn.
Gen. Patterson waa making exlentive prepa
ration to rercuu the volunteera when they arri
ed. Ccneril Scott wa hourly expected tt Tam
pion. ' '
Th sieanete among the troop at Tampico
had been greatly exaggerated; the General
health waa excellent. There were about sevf n
thousand men there, eager for action, but kept
ignorant of their immediate destinttion. It waa
presumed that Vera Crux would be the next
point of atteck, and tho general opinion waa
thit they would kave Tampico before the eloae
of February.
ThoSt.Charlne waaattil efTTamMcn. wv.h
a portion cf the Xew York regiment on board.
AUny of the officers had gon a f here, but tha
men were not allowed to land.
Nothing had been hoard from the Minalaeippi
troop, which were atill on board the ahip
Statesman, but at the laet accounts they were
auffcring deplorably from aickneaa.
Gen. Scott probably left the Dratoa on the
lfiih, on board the Maaoacbuvctts, which waa
aaid to be waiting for him. Four companies of
artillery, under Captaina Smith and Swart wool,
mid Shackelford sad Viator, c
Uitjr a hia bot'y gturd.
The camp at Palo Alto had been discontinu
ed, and Gen. Worth and hieataff were at the
mouth of llui river waitiog to embark.
A I the troopa weie in motion, and the fourth
and eighth infantry were on board, a well a
the first regimnat of riflemen. The second dra
goon, Taylor' light artillery, Col. Ouncau's
battery, and some detachments of recruit were
till avhore.
The ranchero wore gathering Jn all quar
ter. At Matantorea they were expecting an
attack. The Plaza had been fortified, and the
city placed in a atate of defence.
Tha capture of Borland, Gaine and
Clay, wan confirmed.
Gen. Velencia had been relieved from the
command of Vera Crux, and hi place r upplied
by Gen. Vaysurt. The Mexican were con
vinced that Vara Cruz waa to be the next point
of attack, and Were buaily engaged In fortify
ing the pasaea of the road to the City of Mtxi.
co. ' 1 "
At Tula and Jalapa they were on the alert
in expectation of the advance of Geo. BcotL
Town or tok Pais. Give me but th li
berty of the Pre said Sbcridsn, tad J ti)J
give to the Minister a veual JIoun of Pterei
will give bim tfce full swing of the patrpoeg of
office i 1 vrill giv hiiu the who! boat pi Mini-
Ural influence ; 1 will, give bin U tb power
that place can confer upon bim to purohas op
subtniaaton and overawe resistance--nd yet,
aimed with aba liberij ol th Pre, I will go
torib to meet him undismayed- I will stuck
tha mighty fabric be has rssred witb that
mightier engine I will shake dowu from (t
height corruption, and bury it beotathth ruin
of the abuse it s it mrini to shelter'
v -... Maie tat ! If; aei " '
Tbe pel vat advices received (rem Met Wo by
the New York Son, furnish tome fact which hire
tot transpired through the paper. Tb church
authorities are paratfaed With horror at tb pre
ponitiofi te Wke the Church property for tha
parnnee of carrying on the war. Macy of the
prit hav publicly declared in favor of peace.
On arratteJ lo the Plata of the Capital for
barrangding tha people and enlightening tbem as
to (he condition of tbs Church In tb UnlttJ
States. It appe ars by th account in the papers
that he proiiounced the , Mexican government
worse than that cf the North American. Tbe
lettet, be .aid, protected tbe Church, while 'thtlW" Ti Tahai will b cpned on the ICih
former eoiirt seated ita property. He wa arres
ted and imprisoned, witb forty vf hi tollewer.
Thia intelligtnee eonlrm the views that tbe
Lnlftr exrretied tnraetime ago, that tbaCburck
would firctr f ro:etion ui.Jr our law than plun
der under military dpots. Tbe following is
tb diett iloiition for tha aoisure of ten millions of
dollar, lb remaining five Laving baeo, a
yet. apperiionrd.
Arthbitlopricof Atexic. On tha (bwrch pro
perty in tb federal ttat of Mexico, 1.750.0C0
Queretaro, 200,000; San Luis. $10,000; Vera
Crec, ft 0,000. Bitbopric ef Puebla Purbla
and Tiaxcala, tt, 930,000 ; Vera Cmt, $750,000
Bitbopric of Guadalajara Jaliteo, 9673.000 ;
San Luie, 1.100.000 ; Afnai Calientet, 133,000 ;
San Lnia, $i0 000. Bishopric ( Mieboaean
Miehnaran, 8100,000; Guanajaato, 1 100.00;
8an Luis, 1150,000. Dishofric of 0jaea, 100.
Pro. Biihepria of Durante. ttOO.000. Total.
Tha El Rcpuht'ienno mentiens the ft of a re
view, by Santa Anna, of a company of American
deterter, principally !r'b, reviewed by Ilia
Excellency the general In chief. They are per
fectly armed and equipped, and are on the paint
of departure for Tula. Tbi company hav made
a peculiar standard for themselves, on one aide
of whirh ia etn the national coat of aims, with
tbe motto, "Long live tbe Republic of Meitco."
Ontbeotber fide it afignreofSt Patrick, their
patron, w venture to predict that if any of
tha Son tf St. Patrick in the American Army
aver come scroti the renegade, they will give
tbem aurb a drubbing a they will be likely to
remember tb remainder of their Uvea.
The STxavaate Gacar Buitais. The la
test inrorrniition in relation to the Great Britain
is given in a letter from Mr. June Orrmmcr,
C vil Engineer, which is published in a Scotch
journal. The ill-fated veseel still seems to be
in no favorable peer ion in Dundrum Siy, snd
Mr. Bremmer write sa follow:
I left the Great Britain in the chsrge of Cpt.
Claxton, tho managing Director, who is stuffing
her larboerJ quarter with faggot, brushwood,
and bags, chain, bolts, &.c. It is Mr. Bru
nei' plan, and I am not aure nf its effects; but
I hope there will be no danger of her until A
pril, when f expect to commence operation lo
raise her. She has quarried down six feet ol
the solid rock, and turned up like a plow for
ward. There are four feet of ar:d above the
rock in all to ten and ten and a half teet. She
most be raised thirteen feet perpendicular bight,
and then her bottom patched, launched, and ta
ken probably to Liverpool ; but, if possible, to
Brietni, by two ateamcrr. 1 tie sand now in
er, which the water ia over, will make her
fully three hundred tone weight, ao that you
aoe the lilt will bo no Joke.
8mtors Aocidbwt ihthii Mrwra Explo-
tton end tVe of Jie. On Friday morning of
sat wrck, one of tbe must dread'ut accidents
that ever occurred in our vicinity, happened at
the Mineeof Geo. Spencer & Co., in Miners
le. It ia anppoecd to hsve occurred by i
spark nf fire falling from a lamp carried by Wil
iaa Breonan. into a caek ol powder, near
which he waa seen atandiug a ahort time pre
vioaa to the exploaion. Brennan waa instantly
killed hie bodv beinff horribly mantled. The
couplinge and prop in the gang way for a die-
tance of about M yard, wore thrown down,
cauainff the fall of dirt and coal which k I-
led Patrick Lawless, and covered Pal rick Dona
hoe, who lived for some lime ia thsl terrible
situation, coosciuua of the effort which were
being made to save him, and conversing with
those who wore endesvoring lo extrwutu him
al! their effort however, were in vain, ami the
rubbish settling down upon bim, ultimately cau
ted his death. La w lew waa a young nnn and
had only beeii married the precseding week
Donahue is spoken of by thnee whn knew hiui.
ss being an excellent man. Four other persona
were injured by the accident. Thomas McA
voy had bis leg broken and the iijnries ef the
ulhere were coiiiparitivcly tr.flaij. Miners
Fatal Aoodkvt at Tan aqua We regret
to learn that Mr. Henry Carter, of the firm of
Carter & lleatou, who had recrntly leated the
Little Schuylkill Company' Mine, waa eruth
ed to death by a fall of coal in th mines, on Fri
day of last wstk. Mr. Carter waa alone in
breaat w hen tho fall took plaee, and waa not di
scovsred ootil the evening of the sme dsy.
When found hi bead and shoulders were bsre
nd a few bioisee oa hie person, which lesds a
tha belief that he sou Id have been extricated
and hi Ufa saved il any person bad been pre
asnt. Ha hi loft a wife and two childrso to
mourn hi los-Afiasrs Journal
ExTsmioe or Man. Faciutix. TbsGevsrn
sosnt of Nw Grenada baa contributed $130,000
towards getting op a lino of steamship from
Ssnta Martha, Csrtbsgns snd Cuba, thence te
be continued by tWamsblpe to taks tbe mall te
the United Stat.. -
Snow baa been eeea i Florid poly twice ia
la tntj yti,' fajwya aa ncksog.
Ml."' H , WHaLXJ I. Jjg?3BBWrM
Saturday, fehrvary t7, IM17.
CJ The editor la abieot thit week, which
muit.acconat for lack of editorial. '
int mib-ss eomethlrg un looked for should ereur
The bridge at Clar.'- Fetry la ready for Insi
neit. Avast aewunt of ptodtire is remly, waiting
for the opening of tbe navigation.
Ojr We a it stated In tbe Police OatMte of
New Vojk.that the See. Mr. Earncs, formerly a
lecturer, and publisher vf a temperance paper at
Milton, has dteerttd hi post a chaplain in tha
army in Mexico. A reward of 840 is offVred.
Mr Ernrs ha figarrd in vsrious doubtful charac
ter of 1st y art, without much credit to him
self In either.
C7" Tbe Three Million Bill ha passed both
Heme of Congro In th Senate tbe bill wa
passed by a majority of five votea, the amendment
which propoitd to prohibit slavery in any terri
tory that might be acquired ender tha provisions
of the bill having been previously rejcted by a
majority of tea vote.
07 The accounts of tbe famine in Ireland are
of the most alarming character. There is a bill
be for Congies to appropriate $.100 000 for tbe
relief of the sufferers. The Pieaidenf, it i said,
ia not satisfied of th propriety of the donation
from thit government, and doubta if lbs British
government will be willing to accept it. Some
writer inquires what baa become of all tbe im
mense amount of ''Rent" which the repealers,
with O'Connell at their head, have collected, and
suggests the propriety of appropriating that mo
ney for bread for tb famishing poor.
trttrr fa the EJitor.
HARaisscao, March 3, 1847.
The Hotels in this place are crowded to their
tmoet extent with delcgttea to the Convention,
nd other wbo are interested in the nomination
for Governor. It i hard to say what th result
will be, although the impression ia that Guvrreer
Sbunk will be renominated if hia friends persist
n hia nominatiou. That there ia mucb excite
ment and feeling on tbe subject is every where
videot. There has been some talk of tbe two-
thirds ruls bring put into requisition, but its
policy is questioned by many of both wings of
the party, while there are other of both who are
de cidedly in ita favor. Thataurha state of things
should exist, is certainly to be regretted, and that
such hereafter al wsy will ba th rate, there can
be no doubt, unlet that wholesome provision,
th one term principle, is adopted The Con
vention will meet to-morrow. Its result will be
ooked for with more interest than any conven-
ion that has met for a number of yesia past. If
tbe mails and tbe elements permit, I will prubs
b'y be ensblcd to li.furm you of the nomination j
for Governor and Canal Commissioner. For tbe
officer of Cansl Commissioner, a number of gen
tleman bave been named, but it is impoteible to
say who will b3 th successful candidate, aa that
ill depend almost wholly upon the nomination
for Governor. The qi's'ion allowirg the people
to vote upon tbe aubject of granting licen to
cll liqnor, waa extended to Northumberland
county, in the House ol Representative, which
was, however, amended so a to extend only to
tb borough of Sanbnry, Milton, and Nortbum
be i land, and Cbilisqoaqne township.
The bill to sell the main line nf the public
works wss warml debated in the Senate this
morninp, by Mr. B'gler in oppoeiiion snd Mr.
Gibbons in fsveir o' tht measure. Il cannot and
never ahnuld become elaw. In twenty y-ar
the public works will be a emireent great re
venue, unless greatly injured by the contempla
ted Pennoylvania Railroad, which rune parrallel
with it. Tbe vote in th Senate confirming
Judge Foster' nomination, which stool 10 to
15, wss on Sjturdsv last reconsidered, and hi
nomination rejected by a vote of 17 to I, thnee
who voted in hi favor refiuint to ote egiin,
aa they deny tho right of the Senate toreenn
aider the vote w hich had confirmed him. The
qnestion will now have tn be decided by the
Supreme Court, or quo tcurrnntn, aa the
Judge will hold on to hia seat until the question
ie decided against him. The Canal Commis
sioners hsve not yet mede their appointments
at YVilliemeport. The Canal will be opened aa
early the -10th int if pnsvibie.
Marh 4. 6J oVoek P, M.
The Convention hsve j.wt nnminsted Shunk
by a vote of 106. to 14 for Judge Eldred.
AcoiDtfTs ix tus Coal Mist. The Minsrs'
Journal tsys tbat noleasthaa sight persons bave
ben kitted by accident in the Coal Region,
witbtn tbe last ten days. Tbs frequency of scci
dents ought to rsuts grestsr rsrs to be tsksn by
persona driving csrs, or working in ths Mint,
but socb easualti appear to have little effect.
Lot or roe Forty-one vessels, chiefly
fi sight sd with bread aloft for Greet Britain,
bave besa lost at sss since October. Tbs Com
BBcrcie! ascribee this t overleding aad bad sto
rage. - . .
CoLeeei, McCtene Recent accounts from
Monterey give rise to serious spprehsnsions for
ths safety of tkia gallant officer. He ia atill sul
fsring saversly, aad tbs attsnding physician was
of opinion that be could not survive.
A Msxican officer applied to tbe British Go-
vsrsor of Nsw Piovidenc for permissio t fit
eat privateer tber, to prey aa Aosericaa eee
msrrs,btt tbs Gevsroar rsry pjowplly refuesd
Correspondence of ths Suntury American.
' tm rMllJelphU. i&jy
Columbia flecta, Pbilad 't Fee) 9l!
a. rtnio I premised Ife my seat to give yonr
fair readera th early f pring fahiont A I hold
an word r4, 1 redeem it to far at in my
power who can do mots T Silki will rule, an J
1 have teen a great many neve ones witb three
flounce, tcelluped, or bound with broad velvet
to match, or trimmed with fringe. Ti e flounces
are very deep, the top on begioninx about fmr
incurs from tbe waist, - The styles sre uausuaily
gsy. Hate hav not yet ma.t their appearance
I may be able te atnts tbe stjlrs in my next
uiovesotin origtiresi colon are worn, green
and Mu preiloniinatiog. - Bag of corresponding
colors. Gaiters, with high heels, to mttch tbe
dress. Gsudy scarfs, tbat reach te the feet, take
tbe place Of tbe Loa on fine days. Toe wil) per
eclv from Ihia haaty sketch tbat we are becom
ing a very gay people. All tbe colore of the rain
bow are brought into requisition, and they effec
tually put to the blush tb modest attire which
whilom distinruished this sober mindid commu
nity. So much for fashion.
Political Activs preparations are bring
ansde for tbs spring election. All the small fry
of tbe three psrlira sre induttrioiialy at woik,
each trying his best to kick up ths biggest itX
to fill the eyes of tbe desr, but often sadly de
ceived ptorde. In some of the waiWs num nations i
hav already been made, Atsessoi, Inspector,
Constable, Ate., are to ba chosen.
TatM-roff. The packets bet ween thit city and
Trenton hsvs returned their triit, ai.d are get
ting on twimming'y.
Canal The Delawsre snd Rsritsn isnal will
ba opeo in about a week.
Sracoi.ATio!! Tbe eperolatnr are severely
down in lbs mouth in consequence of the decline
in Flour. A few of them bsv made immtnsv
fortune ever Ac rxtrtme Ufl f With quit a
number "shank's mare" has tsken the place of
elegant estabtiemests. They were disappointed
in the news by tbs tait tteamcr that's all and
who pities tbem.
Tea Wsathks I-ast week an three days of
this week, bave afTordrd, on the w hole, a bad spe
cimen of weather. We bave had considerably
more gloom than sunshine. Yerteritsy, (the birth
dsy of our mutual friend, Grorge Washington.)
s Abided seversl slsrming instances of tbe aud
den changes that tometimet come over our fic
kle climate. In th morning it rained, at noon
it bailed, and tnow fell, thick and fast during the
balance of tbe day. A doten or two of sorry look
ing soldier were out on paiadc, but they did not
look pretty nor sweet in tb snow and slush. 1
felt sorry for them; but perhaps they were pa
triotic, and patriotism, you know, ia proof a
gainst all aorta of weather. Tbia morning th
sky was clear, and ths thertmometer down to
twenty. five I Did you ever notice how much
tberemomtters taks after tha weather? Just
think of it, and while you are .in the train of
thought, compare tha weather with life, and aee
if you don't find tbem very much alike smiles
and aunshine, tears and rain, clouds and aorrow !
you may finish the picture, I have not time. ,.
HsaAi.oar. Every body wbo cau afford it, ia
having hia coat of arms engraved. Lovett's of
fice is crowded daily, with great and small who
areanx'eus to perpetuate th memory ol taeir
ancestors by a renewal of their beraldric designs
Lovett (Fifth near Walnut at.) i tbe only per
son in town who sugrsve on atone, in fart be is
tbe only on who thoroughly onderstsods tbe
subject of heraldry, and, ss a matter of course,
the whole business goes to bim. Well, he is
deserving of it, for he is a superior trtist. and an
accomplished gentleman. Oi.e of these dsyt
I will write you a little story under this head
It will amuse you, aa it ia quit funny.
Buaiwxta Wctern merchants arriv daily by
dozen, atill, owing mainly to tb unfavorable
ness of tb weather, trad ia not aa brisk aa w
eould wish. A clear sky for a week would give
us a headway tbat no kind of weather eould per
manently check The commission man tsll me
tbat there will be a ecsreity of domett ics. owing
to tbs fset tbat a largs number of domestic men
gave ap manufacturing, when tbe new Tariffb
cams a law. Tbey express a fesr that tbey will
not be able to get enough goods to supply ths
Our retailers era doing comparatively nothing
For want of employment the pretty stors girls
eiowd bt hind tha counters to ted eseh others
fortone. I have no doubt all the oinena are fa
vorable !
All the hotels art doing a prosperous business
An influx of strangers is capital for hotel-keepers.
I know you will be glad to learn that Bagley,
Mackenzie & Co. of the Columbia House, are
rasping ths just rsward of enterpiise and indue
try. Mr. Ferguson (tb gentlemanly Peter) ia
airk but not dangerously ao, I believe.
Cas. E. A. Pennimen, Fq. haa aold bia
Interest in tbs ''Spirit of tbs Times,' and tbat
eatablubment I now in the charge of Colonel
John Stephenson Da Soil, Co loo I Thomas B
Florence, late of the late Keystone," (which
pir baa be meiged into tbe Time,) and
Piofesaor Georg JC flasewell, late of tbe
"Ohio Statesman," an elevated and powerful
writer. Ctder tbe direction oftbis taleetad
trio tbe Time a most become a brilliant abest in
PmNa My friend Hoe. Andrew 8twart i
to t a dinner, at tbe expense of tbe yoeng
whig of tbi rlty, ia the early part of th en Br
ing month. When tbe affair corns off, 1 may go
late particular for the particular edificatioa of
the teasibls readers of tb well-conducted Sea
bury Amerlrea.
lairaovtMtHT. Roe! baa refitted hi )
gant ettsblitbmsnt ia magnificent atyl. It
the bandeomeat plaee f tbe kind ia tbs city,
perhaps ia tbe country. Good.
6r. ViLssTine'e Da It i estimated tbat
two AsutaVsef faeuseaa? Valentin passed through
tb diffsisst office of tbi city laat week, it'
wful, ia'nt It ' Two fcendrtd tbsussnd kssrt
breskert ! oh, dear oh, dear ! 8ava tbs pieces,
y If . (
I Tmsai aicAL we bave tbr thestres, a cir
ca, Montgerie, Museum, tad teversl other sf
fhlrs to maks paopls spend monsy In full blast.
This does not look like hsrJ tiffin ! Nut week
ws are to have the Opera.
laxr.Aiio -Our cititen tr generously sub
scribing in aid of th famishing paopl of Ir!at:d
It a a noblf rant for charity. . . , ,
Tut Cits Tb health of the town is Improv
ing. Last week tbe deatLi amounted to only 08
Adulti 35, childiea j r ?
PaoMitx I will write again next week.. -.
Very truly, t ELtcTtot vet
Correspondence of the SuuUiry Aoieritan )
! Frern Pbilndtlphlrt.
"' Columbia House, March 3.
' AccmcNT t vras witness to a sad accident
this forenoon A gentleman waa conveying Li
family into the country io Crete carriage, when,
as tbi-y wer potting along V. xh'h at, Tbe door
of the vehicle flew open, and a little girl of about
ten years, railed out, falling directly between
tbe wheels, the hind ones psasirg over and break
inc. the poor little thing's leg '. It castes me to
shudder at I think of it.
OLonr. The thirst for glory on the plain of
Mexico i subsiding. 1 hose ctptaint wbo hsve
bee etcepted by the Government find great dif
ficulty in nrocurinz men to fill thtir ranks. In-
ducrii.ents in ths shape of bounty money and
laud are posted up throughout the city, but the
brave volunteera don't bite at tb bait. All the
eager spirits bave gone to tbe wars, tbe remain
ing one would rather fizbt at home, snd who esn
' blam them ? I believe Cept. Culler is nearly
full, and his Troop i a very fine one. Biddle is
also nearly full. These two officer will prov
an honor to the aervie. A great number of fel
lows put down their namet.butafterwarda tneak
out of theboaineta. In tome caea tbey get their
advance, before tbey retire into private life, by
leaving the State.
Tea WATse Last week tbe weather wa
whst might be called decidedly variable. We
had a very liberal dash of snow a fair prink-
ling of rain considerable bail, with a good e
snrtmeiit of wind, clouds, fos, and drinle the
heeemometer ranging delightfully, eve.-y two or
bree houra, from sixty down to twenty, snd
then back again ! 1 ha perfectly natural conse
quence of all which ia, that w e (the majorty of
tha population of this handsome city) sre suffer-
ng from cold snd tor tbroata, and wheexe,
oogh and eneeze in unhappy concert. Tbe pic-
ure it tree don't lauph at its oddity.
Relikv Tbe Irish Relief Fund now amounts
to nearly t'iOO, 000, and all tbe subscriptions have
not been made I would gladly aee it reach one
million from this city sluns.
Jt'DctPHir. The term of service of hia Honor
Judge John R:ehter Jontt expired on Saturday,
and he retired from the Bench universally and
sincerely regretted. Aa a profound jurist, a clas
sical scholar, an honest man, thoroughly imbued
witb the principles of law, and an upright ex
pounder of the same, he challenge our admi
ration and respect. He returns to the practice
of hi srduous profession with that greatest of all
blessing, a clear conscience, retailing fmm the
faithful, impartial, and enlightened performance
of bis high trust.
It it thought that Wm D Kelly will succeed
him. Mr. K. is a very popular young man, a
good speaker, and straightforward in th per lor-
rrnnce of ilnty.
Fasbioh. All our Perfumer ate spending
small fortune in the fitting upof their establish
ments. Eugene Routiel, whose Perfumery it
known and used every where, hat lately made a
number of splendid improvement in hit hand-
din ttor which i now realty magnificent ; but
tha piettiett place in town i in Eighth street, op-
posit Warnock' Celebrated Dry Good estab
lishment. It it a little box, but a darling one-
just big enough for the purpose, and filled witb
the choicett perfumea and cotmetica, and every
thing may be bad temptingly cheap. Give tbem
a tall when you com to town. One of your food
frienda ia the proprietor.
BraiNsas Ths city is full of strangers, prin
cipally businsss men from the South and West.
All the hotels era crowded. W shall do a very
largs business this spring. Market atrsrt, and
Third and Second streets, present sn sttonithing
arrsy of boxes snd bales upon tbs side walk. All
roe nurry, bustle and confusion incident to a
prosperous teuton msy now be witnessed. Mer
chants bnrry to and fro, aa if the old Boy (I hope
his majesty will psrdon tr.y famitarity) were
after tbem. Activity, energy, enterprise, are
making a mighty town for us. As sn unmistaks-
able evidence that we sre increasing in aixe,
Miss Tourhit told me thia morning, that tome
family had n.oved next door tn hrr, and to save
ber life aha could not find out what their namea
were, although, aaid tbe, "I know well tbey bad
egga for breakfast, as high as they sre, for I saw
the tervant bring them in and throw th shells ont
afterward. I do wish they'd put tbeir nsms on
th door. If it is'nt don toon, I sbtll bertt with
curiosity '." Yon se ws are a growing people,
and, aa socb, not to be met ted at, on porpoie !
A Wish I with yea woald tend me the A
mericaa a toon aa it ia printed. It is provok
ing to be eomjielled to wait a whole week for it.
CoitaoiATOBv. We have prayer mting oa
Tuesday evenings. At onr last gstheriag aa
old and poor s'stsr, a dependent on tba Church,
atatsd tbat shs did 'not knotc trknt tt tkctM Jo
Ae oW, at tki Acefiti any rnswry to pay
hsrfutniuptnHiV .
"Do not lei tbe thought distrsss yoe, my dear
aiater" aaid tbe eminently ploea Mr a. B- '
to fory you teilh at grtei 4ml Jcauttee !
Political. Tb small fry are at work ia a
mall way, preparing tor the anting eoateet. . Ja
a fw dsy tb three parties will be squaring up
to each other quit aagly.
Vary troly, ELacraoTTra.
' Al the laal dalea tha sloop of war Albany bad
arrived el Vera Crag, aad waa aeeieling tba
Jobo AdiBf ia mitBtintng tba Met kid.
Congressional Prooeatlag,
. WAsmnoTon', March 1, 1847.
Sr.NAtx, Mr. Areber preseated tbeeredealials
of Mr. Hunter, elected to succeed him as Ssaator
from tbe State of Virginia.
It wat on motion agreed to take a receta from
4 o'clock until 6, for tbe reesaiader of tb is,
ion. ''-,
Th joint reoTution of thank to Oea. Taylor
and tba army wat amended and passed.
. The bill to regulate (he appointment ofOeaer.
al officer totb ten regiment wa reported ftn
tbe Military Committee The Rouse ameai
oiebt aa te the Lieut. Geoerat and others wi
ttricksn out. . . , ,
The L'ght House bill from tb House, was
passed without amendment.
The Army apprcpristion bill was tsksn ap
snd passed. '
. Tbe Post Rout bill waa alao amended and
paaaed. It includes lb mail to Oregon and . to
and from the army.
, Tbe joint resolution te refund tbe advances
made by tbe Statca for tbs subsidence and trans
portation of tbe volunteera waa passed. An a-
meiidinent to Include townships, counties sad cit-
ties wst rejected.
Tbe three million bill wat then tsken up. I.
M. Clsyton addressed the Senate and concluded
that tb appropriation of money without specify
ing the diiect object was not warranted by tha
constitution snd wss so retarded by Jefferson
and other distinguished Democra'a.
When Mr. Clayton had concluded Mr. Pearct
took tba floor, and at 4 o'clock tbe Senate ad
journed till 6 0'
Evening Stuion Mr. Pearce addressed tbs
Senate in opposition to the thtse million bill ia
any and every shape.
Mr. Dit followed, and said he should, ander
instructions, vote for the bill, with the proviso
prohibiting slavery in new territory, which he
intimated waa to be offered without the proviso.
Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, followed. Messrs.
Butler and Colquit epoke warmly against any
prohibition of slavery on territory to be acquired
Mr. Peyton defended the right of the General
Gtivernment to prohibit. Mr. Wetsrott ia speak
ing, (10 o'clock.) Tbe vote will probably be
j taken to-night, but not for an hour or two yet,
Horse. The smemtinents msd by the Sen
ate to the increasing the marine corns were
concurred io.
The bill from the Seoate for tba relief of Ira-
land and Scotland was read, and a motion to lay
it opon the table negatived, by a vote of 75 yeaa
to hi nays. Mr. Carroll moved to go into Com
mittee of the Whole for its consideration, which
waa also negatived 69 to 1 10. It wa then refer
red lo the Oomm ttee of Way and Meant.
The Pott-office Appropriation Bill, with the
Senate's amendments, and a further amendment
by the Post-office Committee of the House, wss
taken up, and the amendment of the Committee
conrurred in ; as thus amended the Senate'a a
mendments weresgreed to. On sgreeing to tbs
amendment made by tho Senate, in striking out
the section authorising the Pottmatter to select
the newspapers in which the lists of letter shall
be published, the vote stood ayes 81, nays 77.
The amendment of Senate to the House amend
ments to joint resolution of tbsnk to General
Taylor, Butler, Worth, &c, presenting twordt
inttetd of medals, w ss agreed to.
Th House, at half pat 1 o'clock, took a recess
until .
Evening S-esriun The message ot th Presi
dent, communicating the correspondence with
Gen Taylor end the Quarter Master Geneial, cal
led for by a resolution, wa read The measag
state There i no unpublished correspondence
with General Quitman and Harmer, and iio ie
port from those officers.
A resolution was passed, authorizing tha mem
bers to subscribe to th Congressional Globs.
Mr, McClelland presented a resolution of th Mi
chigan Legis'atur io lavor of the war. A num
ber of private and unimportant billa were patted.
The House then went inn Committee of the
Whole upon the State of th Union, Mr. Cobb in
tb Chair, and considered and agreed to certain
amendments nf tbe Senate to tbe army appropri
ation bill, and the pott ronte bill, with fuilber
amendments by tha Committee of Waya and
Meant. Tha Committee and Houte concurred,
snd at S o'clock the Houte adjourned.
BAxttatTT or rns Msxicass. Ths Utter of
tb New'Orletn Picayune peak of tha shock
ing barbarity of some of tbs Msxicsns t
Lieut. Miller, an officer of the Ohio volunteera
who wat kilted at Chirbironi, had bia heart rot
out and hong upon a both I Th body of tbe
brav but unfortunate Lieut. Ritchie waa horri
bly mutilated after bia death. Hia heart, too,
waa tora from bim, and after wsrds atuck opon a
pels by tbe road side I
Naval Commsnder Buchanan, who ha
been long in charge of the Naval School at An
n polio, haa received ordere from the Secretary
of tbe Navy to take commend of tbe eloop of
war Jamestown, now resdy for at Norfolk
and destined for the Golf of Mexico.
Tha Cincinnati Chroniele y that on tha
morning of th 21st, tb whole tfouthero horU
ton waa covered with pigeon, which coutinued
to move on over the lac of the akiee, In squad
ron of rarioua magnitude, forming an innumer
able army of tbi prolific bird. Tbey wer mo
ving northwardly, a the Spring approached .'
' It is stated thst Mr. B:cvenon, of London bit
invented a three cylinder locomotive angina, ol
which tba power ia aa great thai it atari off
Ilk ta arrow from bow.
The Dublin Cveaiag Tost aayi thit ft ia f
tainly within tba mark in stating that at least
thirty persons perish Caily from hoeger It) Ir
Aa Aoaericia avppr bis just beta Urt
ed it Timpie.