may be speedily brought to a ieni f juitice, and be compelled to conclude an honorable peace. Resolved, That we regard Francis R. Shunk, our present worthy Governor, as an able states man, and eminently honest man, whose sole ob ject in administering the affairs of our state is. the honor anJ welfare of the Commonwealth and the prosperity of his fellow citizens. As we highly approve of the policy he has pursued, we instruct our Senatorial as well as Representative Delegate to the 4th of March Convention, to vote for, and use every honorable means to obtain his nomination, as our candidate for Governor in said Convention. On motion, the proceedings be published in all the democratic papers in the.county. HaRRmuaa, Feb. 22, 6 o'clock. The Governor has nominated Wm D KeMey, of Philadelphia, aa an Associate Judge, in the room of J. Richter Jones, whose term is about expi ring. The Native American Convention nominated Manuel C. Reigert as the candidate for Governor and Robert II. Morton for Canal Commissioner, both on the lirst ballot. According to an official statement of Post mas ter General WicklirTe made to the Senate in 1811, upwards of four millisns of franked document, weighing many tonsilaily, were sent out from Washington in the course of three weeks ! And doubtless the average number has much increas ed since. BaitAosTiTprs.- The capacity of the United States for supplying the wants of Great Britain with breadstuff, is shown in an estimate contai ned in a statistical article published in the New York Express. It makes the surplus of wheat and Indian corn for export to be Wheat 3,000,. 000 bushels; Flour, 3 .'iOO.OOO batreU ; Indian corn and meal, 17,000,000 bushels. Self PaTiiosaoe. The Eoston Time says that each member of the Legislature is allowed fourteen newspapers per week, during the ses sion, and that Mr. Keyee, the whig member elect from Dedham, and editor and proprietor of tbe Norfolk County American, subscribes for thirteen copies per week of his own paper ! A b mt one hundred inetchent eh it ft are now in tbr employ of the General G iv riiinent, all chartered for two and three intiiiih. I.ivi: CoMPtiT i gene-a'ly accompanied with paiii in the right siile, ex ending up to the shoulder; variable appetite, oc. asioually a disor tlerrd atomach. yellow tinge of the -kin and eyea, at) often a aweltiug over iho region of the liver, !iciher with many other sj mptom of a loadid and corrupt stall' of the blood. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will be found one of ihe very best me.lhino in the world for the cure of nil dix-aoeo of the I. v. r ; hecau-e ihey 1 1 pel fnn (he body those moibid humors which, when deposited up in this important organ, are the cause of every variety of liver complaint. From three to ail of the aliove named Indian Vegetable- Pills, t.iken every slight on going to bed, vi I, in a ahorl lime, give such manifest relief, that r.o argu ment or persuasion will be nec asary to induce a perseverance in their use, until tbe (iver ia restored to a btalihy action, and piiit or dislrete of every kind i drivi n front the body. lint:re nf Counlcftih. The puUic are cau lioned against the man) spurious medicines which, in oidi-r in diciive. are rallrd by nauie similar to Wiighi Indian Vegetable Pills. 1'be only original and genuine luli n V-gdable Fill have the signature of Wm. Wright wiii'tin v. iih a pen on the top uf each hoi. To eotin trricii litis is Forgery, and all other should be shunned as p'ds-n. Offices devoted eic'u-ively to the set of W aiom's latins VtatTaats Puts, wl.wlesale and retaiL 169 Race atreet, Philadelphia 188 Greenwich stieet, New York and IBS Tremnt streit, Boston, Agent for the ere of Wright's Indian Vegria. tlv 1'ilU in Sunhury, Hiaev Masses;. For other agencies! see adveriuenn nt in enothct column. Tm BaaaeaaTU Pills are entirely Vegetable unl made on those ptiuvtplrs which long rtpcri ence La proved correct ll is now no speculation, when they are resored to in sickness, for ihey are known to I the best cleanser of the stomach and bowels, abd in all dysia-ptic and di'inU' Cases ihey ie a great bleaaing. I. ft every fimly keep these Puts In the house. If faithfully usid When there is occasion f.-r tn d cine, It Will be very seldom that a Doctor will be requited. In all cases of cold, cough, or iheumaiiaiu, tbe afU cieJ owe it to their ledie to ue these Fills. fjj" Purchase of H. B. Mseser, Sunhury, or of the agent, published in another part of this paiier. i ' - - - a 11 "-" M J 1 1 H I B U , !n Whitedeer township, Union county, on Thursday last, by Rev. James Williamson, Mr M llnsTOti Taggast, of F.ast Buffalo, to Miss Rsskcca M. daughter of Jacob McCurley, Esq. of the lormer place. I) 1 1 : d i tn Northumberland, on Sunday last, Mr. JOHN FRICK, aged about 73 years. In Evansville, Montgomery county, Rev. DAM FX TRITES, formerly pastor of the Bap tist Church of this place. " Good Intent fire Cotttpanj." A8PATED MEETING of the Company will be held on Tuesday evening r.esl, at T o'clock, at the Court HouaU. Punctual attendance is re quired, HENRY PONNEL. Feb. il. 1847. Secretary. """Washington Fire Company" THE memhere or the Washington Fire Com pany" are requested to meet at the Slat ouse, on Monday Evening, March I, at TJ ' k preenwly. FuncUsI attendant i required. Vu.S7. ' SAML'tti J. YOUNG, Set, PRICE CURRENT. Contend voeekty by Henry Matter. Wbiat, . . . IPO ' Rts, . . . . . 63 Coats, . . . . . 60 Oats, . . 85 Poan, . 6 FLttasaa, ... . 1 1 2 J BoTTin, 16 Knoa, . . . . 10 Rsitswtt, 30 Tallow, ... 10 Flax, ... .10 Hcin Ftt, . 10 l)iit A e plus, . . ' 75 Do. PaAcnsa, . . ISO Hance's 8AnsPAmt.t.. on ni.ono PIIJ.S. FIFTY PILLS I A BOX .' The (Jheieat and best Medicine in etislenee! Every person who ie subject to Bilious Fever, should purify their bl md and systom by nin a box of the SiRSAPARlLLA OR BLOOD PILLS! Pers ons afflicted wi'h Costiveii. . h'Mild iry the Hayes's SARSAI'ARII.LA.oi HI.OOD PlM.S! Young ladies and gentlemen troubled with Pim ples on the Face. a'muM trv tha SARS.iPAltlLLA, OR BLOOD PILLS.' Hinging in the Rar relieved hv lh lIxc'sSAR8APARII.LA,orBI.O01)PILI.S! Headache and Oi.ldioe.s enreil bv mini the SARSAPARILLA, OR BLOOD PILLS.' Druw-ineas and Debility, cured hv t'ie HAic;'aS.RSAPARn.L.o; 1ILOOI) PIM.8! Dvpepia can be cured liV iisi'i tbe USA PA RILL A OR BLOOD PILLS! fXj"Persons who hve taken cmidenible pit tions of mercury, and in consequence hsve pains in the bones, nhnuld oe f-eely the Hauck's 8R3APARILI..orTII.OOD PIM! (Cj Persona in want of s Pill that is Puitlij Vegetnble, ard is warranted not to euntain a parti cle nf Mercury, should u.e th" 8ARPARII.lA.or IHeOOD PILLS! ttf THE GESVISE FOR SALE BY J SETII K. II ANCE, 108 IJxItimore at. and corner of Chralea and Pr it! ttiee'a Raltimore, and by GEOROR ItRtdlT. Sm buty, D. BRAUTIGAM, Noithumlrland. Feb. 27. 1847. H ANOE'! COMINH'IS,"n!YRII'OF HORE HOUND FOR THF. CURE OF Cough, ColJx, Cowiumpli 'i, Spitlm of Wood, Pa:n in tht S'de and Breatt. Bronchitis, Croup, Athma. and all rf'aenet rrri tiraT from a disordered eonditin ofthelwigsorneglccedcnM. TAKE TIME BY THE FORELOCK, Is a piece of advice which ia t-uhalile to all masoPs and applicable to all pu-pnse ; though thrre is no iiiafsiice in which this pteee of advice ia more valu able, than to persons who have a cough or old, for if they neglect what may appear tn them very trilling .V THE BEG1XSISG. i miy b ad to tmflammat:on "f Lungs, and fina'ly (vniHumptinn ! To all who h ive a cough, we wou'd say. procure a h iitle of 1 HAKCE'S COMPOVSD SYRUP OF HOREHOUSD. The medicine is pleasant to take, and it my save yon years of suffering Price 50 Cents per hott'e or six bottles for 2 SO. Prepared and sold by E I'll S H ANCE, 109 Baltimore si. and coiner nf Charlea Sl Pratt sts and by GEOROE RRIOH r,8unl urv. I). BRAU I'IG AM, Northumberland. Feb 27. 147. To Carpenters Ilricklaycrs and PlaNtercrs. PaorostLs will be received at the reai denes f eiilp r of the uhcriher, until the 20h of March next, for the erection of a German Re formed Church, in this borough. The building is to be brick, and the dimensions 40 bv GO feet, with a basement atury in two parts, one deaigned for a Lecture room, Ac, and the other for a Sabbath sch'tnl r mm, The rratirisls wi'l Ie furnished ss tbe contractors may direct, by Gsoaa Yorao, Davikl Haas, Jaroa 8(AannLTX. PniLir Rkhh, D. O E. Maisi, Sunhury, Feb. 87, 1847. Building Com. P. P. Any person or ernns wishing to bid, and desiring any ii.fom.itinn, can have such by calling on either member of the committee. Howell GotsdrlrkVii Estate. NOTICE is hereby given , thai letters of ad iiinisuation have b. en granod to the sub scriler, on the estate nf Unwell (SmHlrich, late of Shamokin town-hip, Norihumteilni d funn y, dec. All persona indrb ed to said esta e or having de mands againat the ame. are rtqursted to call on the subscriiirr for arltlr merit, wiihuut delay, at bia residence, in Franklin tn n.h p. ('lumbia coun ty. ROBERT DAVISON, Feb. 27. 1847 61 Adm'r. Dpepwla of IO YeaiV Standing. THE wife of Captain Roberta, on Vine 8're. t, near Wati r, Cmcinna'ti, has been afflicted with DY8PEP8IA in its most sggravaWd form for the last ten years, was n c mou nded bv r lebia led physician'! of B.ton.Ni w Yok. Pbilaile'phia, llallimore, and Cincinnati, to travel, aa thi y e.i.uld di nothing ft her. She did so, but it did her no good. Hhe then cnmmenc d the nvi popu lar medicines of the day for her rompl dula, but de riv d no benefit. 8 -atfig an a Iveriiseinenl of DR. MITH'8 VEGETABLE SUGAR COATED I'l 1.1.8 in the paier. she concluded in give them a trial sent to G. F. Tliomia, Main si reel. be. twe ii Third and Fourth, Di. Smith's Agent for Cincinnati, and purchasid a bos, look ihem accor ding lo direction, and eao with heart felt joy state thai she derived more benefit from the u.e nf one box of Dr. Smith's Sugar Coiled Veg. tabid Fills, than from any other medicine ahe has made use of du'ing the ten years. Tbe shove was sent lo G. F.Thomw on the 3d Di-o.. 1814 1 Cin. Times. tgy CAU I'ION. As a miserable imitation ha lieeu mitde, by the name of ,'8ugr Coated Pill-, it is nect-asiry lobe sure that Da. G Btaj SaiTa's iiina'ure ia on every box. Price 29 cents. Principal Office. 179 Greenwich at. N -w York. Sold by JOHN W. FKILING, Sunbury. WM. FORSYTHE. Xurthum'd. Feb. 20, IS47. FARM HTHE subscriber offers for sale a cheap Farm, aituate in Shami.kin township, Northumber land county, about eight milea from Sunhjry, y. ing between the Centre tumidka and Iri-h Valley, containing 162 acres and allowances. Said farm is in a good state of cultivation, with reasonably good buildings and excellent wsisr near the door and all kinds of fruit, Ac. JOHN FARN8WORTH. Runbary, Feb. 20, 1847. Notice. THE partnership existing between John Dun bam and Wm. T. Byd, hva been d saolved. All persons having claims against the firm, will present them, and those indebted will make pay. mrol on or tkforo the 1st nf April next. DUNHAM & BOYD,. NoHuumberUad, Feb. JJ.b, IBi t. at IT HEVXftt PAILS!!! DR. CULLKV8 I1DIA!C VEGETABLE PAlfACBA. ITJER30NJ4 afflicted with Scmfuls, Kinca' E JUL yil. Caneer. Erysipelas, Old Sores, Ulcers, Tettet, Mercurial Disease, or any other eompMote arising from imparities or the blood, are requested lo read the f (lowing testimonies, in proof of the wonderful properties of the above named medicine. READ I READ I! READ I!! We the under signed, having visited Mr laaae Brook, jr , at the office of Meats Rowand A. Walton. 87fl Market street, Philadelphia, consider his case the most re markable one we have ever witnessed or heard of. Hi. disea was Kcoarrta, and terrible must have laen his tnelvo years' conflict wi h the dr. strove. ! H e Palate, the et.tire roof nf hie Month, Nose, Up:-er Lip. and lower lid nf the Rinnr Eia h-ive be- n dnitroyed, his Face nearly eaten up. and pari of the Jaw Bosk carried away. And yet we can give no description of bis ease. Mr. B. i f trma us that in January las', the whole interior of his mouth, ss well ss most of bis fsce, waa a mass of deep end painful ulcere I On the 14 h of Janua'y la-t, he cmmene d ti king Dr. CiiLLtv's IsntAi Vkq aya nlx Pawacka, which checked the disease in a few diya, and thit time the cure has progressed without intermis sion. New flesh has supplied the place of the de p ulcer., and though hadlv di fiaure.1, hie face is s oind, and hia general hedth is restored. ' We are assured that in the Ireilment of Mr. Brooke' case, nn Mr.ncoaiaLs, O n'mrptsor Caim tic applications have hern ued, in fac the Pa sirri a Los a, has wrought this wondeiful change. H. B. Mjsser, Simhury, Pa. J W Jones, M D. Smith 2 I street, Phil .delphia. E W Carr, 440 N 4lH, above Poplar, N Liberiies. S McCullougb, Lsnca.ler, Penn'a. O VV Applelon. M D. 46 S .n-h a), Philad. Wm Steelling, M D, Camden, New Jersey. Wia Hale, 37S Hgh atreet. Phildlphia. J H Pnfer, Man. Mm ril t. eth. 1 (If 8 9tb . Phili. I. A WidlenweUr, Ed Phil Dem 277 N 3d si, do. A D Gillette. Paator of I tth B iptisi Church, do. J. 'tin Bell, Erie at, Phil. (N American office.) John W Ashmeid f0 8 fith atreet. Puiladilphia. T S Wag er. L thngraptier, 1 16 Che-not at, do. Peter Sken Smith. Editor Native Eagle, do. Jo. I B ', Class Manuf, Williamatnwn, N J. L B f'oles, M D, Huston, Man chuwtls. Ruastd Csnlietd. I'llV.iobigis', Phibid- 'plda. Thorn a P 8 Roby, M D. Harrisl urg. Pa. Win Uric, po-tor St Paul's eh ('aiharine at, Fhila. John t!hamtr pastor lat InWeti. ch. Broad at, do. T I, Sanders. Publisher uf Plolge a d Stand ud, do. F P Seller a EdOlivr Branch, Do brown, Uuk-c. P 8 White. do. The above named g nilemen, (con-titu ing but a small p i-tinn of thie who have vi-iie I Mi Ur x.ks at our offire in Philadntpl.ia, and would certify lo ihe aame fae s if necee-arv,) are well kno vn. and their high standing in society piecludea the idea of !...; i. .u.... ,.. ..... ... ... ;... iciauKig turn u.iin. iv i.iij .! m '.....'i Certiffciirs of cures, in p mphlet form, m ty l had Oralis, at the of the agents. These medicioea ere prepared and sold by the proprietors, Rowand A. Walton, No. 376 Alaikol Htreel, Phil.idelp la. Sold also by Diuggis's thronghool Ihe United States. Fib 6th. 1847. 2m ly GEISE & SON, CommiMsion iflcrchants, For the aale of Floor, Grain, and all kinds of Coun try Produce, A'o. 48 Commerce street Wharf, BALTIMORB. fj Cash advances on Consignments. Feb. t.lih, 1847 3m. Wm. laenioa's Estate. TTOTICE ia hereby given, that letters testamrn tary have been granted to ibe ubcribris, nn ihe estate nf Wm. Lemon, late of Point township, Northumberland county, dee'd. All peiaona ni di bird to said eatale, re requested to call on Ihe euVcrihers, at Ihe late r. aidenoe of the deceased, nn Wednesd ay, the I7ihdy of March next, and make payment, and those having claims against the same will present them, well authenticated, lor settle ment. TH iMAS LEMON. HUGH McYWLLIAMS, Feb. Cth, 1847. 6l Executors. More Good IVews FOR THE PEOPLE OF SU. Dl'HY I JU8Towne.l a NEW TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER MANUFACTORY, whole and retail, in the building lately occupied by Gen. Weier. Esq., as a cooper shop, seond door est of Mrs. Boubon's Hotel, Msrket st.eet, where may be found, al all limes, a large Assortment of Tin-Ware, made up in tbe best manner, and nl Ihe het tin. Also, all kinds of Sheet-Iron work on hand, euch aa Stove Pipe, .Imerican and Russ'a Coal Buck' els, and Shovels, which w.ll be sold as cheap sa in any other town in Northe.n Pennsxlvan a. Also on hand Srovxa i f all kinds, such as COOKING STOVES aan PARLOR STOVES, whirh wdl lie sold cheap, for cash. The sub scriber asks ibe cintens of Sunbo'y snd ihe suriounding rounlry for their supinrt, f. eiion aiU ed that he ean give general satinfaeiion in any kind of work thtl they may want d me, in hia line id business. All kinds nf repa'nlng d ne, at the shoi et no tice and on the mn.-t reaa tnable terms. Old Cupper, Pewter and Lead taken in rx change f r work. BENJAMIN 8ETTLE.M0YER. Sunburv. Fib. 6th, 1847. St Clothing Establishnionl PERTIONH jii CLAXHiae a-em to be th order of the diV. al Ihe Pbdidil, hia Ward Robe, 105 Chrsnut sir-el, wliem ery ai'irle in Ihe line is kept, and s. ld al astoni-hlng tow prices, emlo .cing Cloak', Uangnis. Over Sack Coats, Short 8ick Cot, Super French Cloth Diesa Fmck Cats Paotal ions of every gade and tjle.anj of whic h will be sold either by the garment p?i ces thai will jiufy lb most economical in . buying. We adviae all who want good and cheap Clo thing, to call al No. 106 Cbeanul slieel, Philadelphia. Feb 6ih, 1847. Bra I THRESH GARDEN SEEDS, from Kialty'e 1 Garden, lust leceived Snd aaU by Feb. 13, 1847. JOHN UOGAR SCHOttl. bIMlKS, Bibles, Testaments, Draw ing Paper, Writing Paper, Steel Pens, and Ilarrison'a Columbian Ii.k, for sale cheap at tbe store of , JOHN BOG A It. Ju... 16. IC47. - . fW W Dauenhower. No I Murray st. N Y t 2 J J W Danenhower. No I O F Hall, Cin. O S C T Jenkins, No 5S Canal st, N (Iilrans. LN N Robinson, cr Oay Sraloga sts, II all TO THE SICK ARD AFFLICTED. DR. WA YNE'S COMPOUND 8YRUP OF WILD CHERRY We em consistently stare that Dr. Swat si's Compound 8yrupof Wild Cherry hss been extensively need in the United Steles for mote tban ten years that its beneficial effects have been tested by thousands That it lavaataatr Ratiayka a Rscsiit Cooen, and that hundreds of individuals, gradnal y sinking un der the inaidioua attack of death's fell emissary, PuLMOKAav Coivsrjtsrrtnjr, have been restored tn health, bappinese and friends, by ite nae, and are now living tes imoniea ot ihe curative power of Ibia nrMiriT. Akotrs Ivvalim arsmasn to Hsalth. KaanTex iot urntnicinLS ccas svita nrrnansn ? Vn. Swova Di'sr Sir : f..r citled by a.ense of duty I oe o uflcringhuinsnitv,tn acknowledge my grab ful thanks tor Ihe wondtiful nf ynur Compound 8rop of Wibl t'h r'v nn me. after suffering month sfter month willi Iho moi afflict ing of all diseases, Consumpl'on. Th first sjtnp toma were of a try heavy rold which settled on my lunga, which g-ew worse, with pro fuse nitiht sweats, a blckirrg coogh, spitting blood, with ereat di-biliiy. My comtiiution aeemed bro ken down, and nervous system very tnil. h impair- L I went to Philadelphia, waa ire, ltd there ly physieiana of the highest standing, but received n. benefit wha'ev.r trim lien, but gridiidlv grew wnran, until my physician., as well as myself, gave up all hop nf recovery, and I fell like one v ho ia at-oul lo pa-s through the V I'ey f Ihe Shadow i of Devh. At this "awful jnneture" I heard ..f vour ('ompnnnd Syrup nf Wild Cherry, of which I pur chased .it bo'tlia, which I am happy in say entire ly curul me, and I am nit enj iting b. iter health than I evi r have b fore in my I fe. Phys'ci uis who wilnesied my case are highly iccomm-ndipg il in similar ca-es, and I wish you to make II. ia public, so that all may know where lo procure a remedy al once which will ranch ihoir dise.e be f rn lampi ring with the many 'qu-ck nnstrnma' with wide' i the country is flooded. My reidcnce is at 45 Ann atreet, where I should be hippy tn have the above aubstaipivt. d bv a ters in d inter view. ALU BUT A. IMMS. Wli.i'es .Ie and retuil D. aler in ciar.. 45 Ami tieet, N. Y. fjj" Be nut deceived bv ihe many apuriotia and w.-ithless preisra i ii of Wild Cherry in-hend into notice bv iaiinruu pr tend, ia, bu see iha the signature of Dr. hw iyne is nn each bottle, which ia ihe only cunsntec against im nail n. Piepared only ' Dr. SWAVE N W. en--tier of Eighth and R cc strei't-. Plivadelidna. and for .a'e bv reiits'e Druggists in newly all the principal towna in ih. United States, s. On'y Agent in Sunhury is HENRY MASSER Dr. J. A. Moo-e, Dmv llflj T. K. Mack y & So .. M Pi n ; M. D J Wel s. Mune. ; C. A VV'yatt, Leuis'nirg; Davis A Pcbnnte. Selins;rov. ; John U. Renn, Lne Monnliin P. O. Phtlad.lp'.i.. Feb. 6th. 1X4 7. 2m ly t airrcM I lrMirrc?" I lrn nre I'M THOMPSON k CRAWFORD, Wholesale Druggists, No. 10 Market Slreet, (South side, be low Second.) Philadelphia, nV.fV. J. u,...i-.fcof P, .b Off. r for aale a la'ge stock of ! resh Drugs, Mid einea and Dye S tiff, to which they c ill the nuemi n of Coun try Metchanta und De iters visiting the eitv. ('o.ich. Cabinet, Jopin, Black, and olher Var nishra of a superior qualitv. Also. White and lied Lead, Window Glass, Points and Od cheaper than eve'. frj" T. At C. are als.i proprietors nf the Indian Vegetable Hilsirn. cclebrited ihrnughout their own and neighboring Stales, as the best pieparaiion for Ibe cure nf Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Ac. Money refunded in every instance wheie no benefit is re reived. Philadelphia. Jan. 30, IH47 Urn iFfrsft ilrcmfum ft it It. No. 7 North 'J'ltird Strecl, PHILADELPHIA. THE celebrity of the Inks manufactured by the subscriber, and iheextrnaiva sa'e. coiiacquent li(wn the high reputation which they have ailain rd, nM oi ly l! roue.hont 'he Uni.ed Sut.-s. but in the We t Indi-s and in China, baa induced Inmlo make every iieces o y ariargenieut lo supply the vast demand upon hia esl.ibli-hment. He is no prepared with every vari ly of Black, Bine ard lied Inks, Copy inn Ink, Indelible Ink, and Ink Powder, all prepared un.ler bis own eraon! superintend ence, so thai purchasers may d pend u,ii.n su perior qusliiv. HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT.aan. perior article for (S'aa, China, Cabinet Waie, &e , u-fnl lo every Housrkeeiwr, I eing a wbi'e liquid, easily appl ed, and not arfictod ly or. dinary heat warranted. Pamphlet, containing the numerous ti sti. mom. Is nf men nf science, and otbeis, wnl bo for Dished In purchasers. For ele al ihe Maeufwl iry. Whole de and Re tail. No. 87 Nohtsi Tuian cts sat, opposite Cherry street, Fbilade'phia. by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Jan. 30:h, 147 ty Manufacturer. PHILADELPHIA- NKW STYLE COMBS. rpORTOISE SbelTuik Cornks, ra.ved and JL finished tn superior ste. Splendid Shell Drrs-ing Coml s, carved snd liin. Shell P cket C. mbs, with at d without ases. New Sivle Ijong C -mbs, carved and plain for children With a beaut' a-er'n.ent of the Real Buffalo Combs, that is to much in general u-c. S WINNER. Comb Mannfaeiwe', Nn. 7 S. utli Second le'ow M irk I rl'- it P 9. H. VV. ia th-oi ly M mutactuier f Ihe G nuine Buffalo Combs in ihe United Statis, Philadelphia. Jan. 23, IH47. 3in TO WATCH 'MAKERS AND J. L i. D O K "J S, lmrter of Watchm, Watch-AIakeik' m . Ak- S J oi 'Is and Vt atcli, lYbolewale & Retail. So. 33. Sjtdh Fottrik it , PHILADELPHIA, HAS consisntly on band s larja assonment of Lunette, Patent, and plain Glass; M .in spiing.. Verge, Dials, Watch Hands, snd a com plete assort neiii of all Tools and Meteilale bi long, ing tn ihe trade l with a large aertmsnl of God snd Stiver Lever, Lepine, sn l Plain W'atcbei all nf which bewi'l guar.rtv loswllatlhe lowest New York pres. All orders botu ihe coUnliy puostu. ally ei ecu ted. N. B. Country merchants and chrr. are invited to c .11 and eiamir.e at the Old 'hJ, t j. ii Souih Fuunh stieei. !t 'r VVh'T, lfi-.-fnu IT 13 "WB.XTTE1T IN JHB BOOK OF NATUPE AND OF COMMON 8EN3C, that the natural vegata. ble productions of every country are. if properly applied, amply eufficient for Ihe core of every ma lady incident to each peculiar climate WRIGHT'S mm TK6ETABLB PILLS, o Tna iorth American College or Health, are composed of all plants which grow spontane ously n our own soil, and are therefore better a d ipied to our conatitutinns than Medicines concoc ted from foreign drugs, however well Ihey may tie com pounded; and aa Ihey are founded upon the principle tint the human body is in troth SUBJECT TO BUT ONE" DISEASE, namely, corinpt humors, and that said Medicine cures this disease nn Natckai Patacirtss, by eleanninif and purifying the boily, it will be man. ifest th it, if the be not entirely ex huuttej, a perseverance in their uae, according lo di ections, i ahanlutely certain to drive disease of evcrv nmne fiom the loily. Wl en we lo reto.e a swamp or moras lo fertility, we drain it of the sopei abundant water. Li like manner, if we wish In restore the body to health, we must elem.e it of impurity. VV BIG HT'S INDIXN VEGETABLE PILLS will be found one nf the bmt, if not the very beet medicine in the wo Id fir rarrung oul thi Gaawn Pmnumn PaiacieLr.. btcause ihey expel from tne nony mi inortim ami c ornpt ninn r, me cause nf Ihe diae? se, in an ensy xnd Natural Manner and while ihey every day oivk tan rLSacax, di etse f every name la rapid y diiven from Ihe body The toll wi"g highly respectable, atoiekeepera hsve he. n duly ap oimed sg nis for the aala of Wrifjhi's Indian I'egeluble 1'ilU, in Noithumbcr I .nd county i Henry Vlasser, SonS'iry. E. cV J. KnnlTin.n, Augusta township. Samuel llei'n, Little M dmnoy. Will am Depien, J ickson. Dcnevitlrt Holshne, Upper Mahonny. John O. Renn, Up. er Mahonoy. riamuel John, Shamnkimnivn. For-jihe, VVil-oniV. Co., Northumberland. E. L. Piper, Walsonbiirg. Irl'MidAr llsys McE.en.ville. Jamra Peed, I'ott.gruve. Wm. U Sc.-tt. Ruabvdle. Ilarinin Kiiffible, Elv.btirj P. O. Am a T Beisse', Turlioievillsi. tt.d on Shadel, Uiar Mali.vnoy. Khoiba Sl Farrow, Snvd-i.t.iwn. Jo'm Kmg, Farmer-v lie. Sj'na C. Cih k. M iitii.'a I'to. k. J. Ie Youpg Hieksvi Ie. Alirnh mi 8,ii r. r S.minel Tsvlo, SUlefor.l. John H. Vincenl, CbiliKquaqne. Wm. Heineu et Htuthei, Mnton. Brwaaaor Corn rrarriTS The public are cautioned aeaiiiat the many sinirinns metlicines which In order to d'-c ive. are c lied bv names si jnilar to Wriuhi'a Indian Vegetable Pills. Tn oui oBinivaL ami scaeina lamaa Vt nsTASLK Pills have the sign iture nf Wm. Wright wsittkv with A tr on the lop label of each box. other is genuine, and lo counterfeit this is rsssni. Qfj- OlTice. devo'el exclusively lo ihe sale of VVIillllirs INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, , . . ., , u ,. aa nf the No'ih American College of Health. No. 288 lireenwich Street. Niw Yorki No. IU8 Tremont Street, Boston; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No. 109 Rcr. Strkit, Pbila delphia. Jan. MO.h. 1817. slOy. err? ATjcjTioit stob.e, No. 31 North Third street, (aaaa thi rin hotel.) FHILADBLFHIA. C. C. 1 A C K 10 Y, Auctioneer. TO COUNTRY STORE-KEEPERS. EVENING SALES of Hardware, lutlery, Saddlery, Whips. Boots, Shoes, Hala, Csps,' tiuns, Pistols, Clothing, Watches and Fancy G.ioda, At Msekey's Auction Store, 31 Nrth Third street, near the City Hon I. The atieutl'in nf Cinintry Mi rehanls is invited. The Gianis will I s Id in lots lo suit purChssers, and nil Goods offered will be wa ran'ed equal to the repfcui nt ili ins that may be made of Ihem. N. B. A large asiorimci t uf Goods sl Private Sale. Jan. 10. 1847 ly Orphans' Court Sale. IN pursu nre of an order of the Orphane' Court of Northiimleiland county, will tie sold al pub lic sale, on Thursday the llli day of Match nut, at the late rea;d.'nee nf Jeterni ih J. Vastine, dee'd., in Kuah In nahip in sod eottn'y, to witt A cer lain t'act i.f hud itu ite in the townsldp alorraaid, called the Mill tract, hi log the one undivided half pait thereof, coiilainiin; in t' e whole ten acres, ad joining land of Benjamin F. Vaalino aud others, n which areereeied a (irUt Mill, Dwelling House, Bum and other improvement-. Also, a tract of land (of which ihe widow of Peter Va-tine, dee'd , haa the life e-l-te.) in a-ime townahip. Containing 104 acrea more or Ics. adj. lining Und i.f Benjamin F. Va line. William Kase, Wil.iam 8eolt, Benja min L. Valine and nth'rs, on ta hkh are erected a two story dwelling hnoae, barn, waggon shed and iher inipniveinents. Al-u, another Irael of land in same town-hip, cont lining one hundred and twenty-two acres mure or less, adjoining Lewie V. Vai-tme. J imea Ei kni.ti, William Scott and others. Late ihe et te of Jen miah J. Vaatine, dee'd. Sale to coinnieme at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said d.y, wlen the conditions nf aale will he made known by PETER E. VASTINE, LYDIA VASTINE, By ordir of the eurl. Adm's. EDWARD OYSTER, Cl'k. Sunt ii'V. Jan. 1(1. 147. ts To Ik cut On Shares. A FARM AND SAW MILL, Arc. Ou Penna c-rek, VVe IlmTi'o ii.wn.hip, UniiMi coun ty, m miles west of Nrw lb nin, now occupied by John been r aho itlHI actus clears) good Or- han!; slnne l!rn, Ac. An indu.trious lenaut, b!e bi wn'k U'ib Farm snd a mill, may have Ihe pn.pnty en the i' i e, lor a veral years. Inquire nf the agent, Jacob Itetchley. Weiricha lown, n-ar the premise, oi nf 11. BELLAS. Hu. limy, Jen. 10, 1841 ni "One Hollar Savfd is two l-arnrii." IEKi'ONS wishing to purchase good in S'jnbuiy. will dj well to cat! al the cheap uho nf the sub eilr. and etaiinn hia stock ! I. n purcha-mg elsewhere. You can depend on' gelling good bargains, as be is determined not 10 be undersold by any other store. JOHN BOOAR. Bonhory, Jsn. IB, 1847. n!4y G UM OVERSHOES, new enule., for aale heap, by JOHN BOO A R. Jan. 16, 1847. a'NKUAH W ARE. Oueeii.waie, HaidWre, "Ha.dv 1 J (iroerit, 5tc, for sale va.y I -w. by Jan. 16. 1847 JOHN BtlUAR JM "i M !tELLAS The mWcribel baa jus' ly raaved a h i of Uod.iellsa, wbli'b. b 'j , ebcap, anme aa low as SUteuts, . Jan( 16, 1847, "JOHN ftOH B- MOUNT VERNON atliiiJ 95 North ad St., bet. Arch &, IUce st., Philadelphia. BRADY & PARKER respectfully inform tla-st friend and Ihe public that tbey have taken tho above named house, recently kepi by J. B. Adanra, and are prepared lo accommodate eusaw merj in the meat satisfactory uieuuei sn.lairea aonehle pricer. Their tehfe will' he supplied with the best vari ety he market aflords their parlors and sleeping sptrtmenta will be in the beet order. The houso hss ben n thnronghlv rep.iirwl and furnished will. view lo I'oe C"nrort of travellers and slrsngers. Having had several experieiMe in the biisinea, thev hope to give general sa:iriction, und respectfully invite t'avi llera and strangers It give them a call. BRADY At PARKER. rhdadetphia.Jannsry 10, 1817. tf Mill und Farm 3"3DIX2 5rl3lJLaISl9 THE subscriber offers for salo fif'y or atily a. cres of land with a mill erected thereon, for merly known as Jones's Mill, situated in Angus' a township Northumherlmd county, on Ibe I.itiU Shsmokin creek, netr the Tulprhocken road, lead ing from Sunhury lo PottsviPe eight miles fro-n Sunhury, Thirty or forty seres of said land are cleared, and in a good slite of cu'tivatinu. The imi rovetnents are a (arist Mill, a Lcf House snd Stable, end an Orchard. There ii also a good Spr'.ng and several Bcres of Meadow on the premi se. The l.icstinn nf the mill is sn excellent nno for custom. For further infoimation inquire nf the-suh-criber. DAVID MILLER. Shsmokin tr wnahip, Jsn. 9, 1847. 3m CHEAP WATCHES. The Cheapest Gold Rnd Silver Watches IN PHILADELPHIA. GOLD levers, full Jewelled, f 15 " Silver do. do. S3 Gold Lepines, Jcwr.'tfJ. SO 0f Silver do. do. 13 00 Silver Qusrtiers, fine qui!i:v, 10 Olt Gold Wrstches, plain, 16 00 Silver Spectacles, I 7ft Gold Pencils, 2 00 Gold Bracelets, 4 00 Also, on hand, a large asaorlment of Gold snd Hair Bracelets, finger rings, breast pins, hoop esr ring", gnld pens, silver spoons, sugar longs, thim bles, gold neck, cuib and fob chains, guard keys and jewellery of every description, at equally low prices. All I want is a c ill to convince citato- iliera. All kind of Watches and Clocks repaired and warranted to keep good time for one year ; uld gnld or silver bought or taken in exchange. For sale, eight day and thirty hour brass clock, at LEWIS LADOMUS' Watch, Clock arid Jewelleiy Store, No. 413, Msrket street, above Eleventh, north side, Phila phi. 07 I have aome Gold and Silvei Levers, stilt much cheaper than the above price. Philadelphia. Dec. 36. 1846. ly MEW AUCTION STORE, No. 6 jN'ortli 3d st., lliird door above Market Street, FHILADELFUIA. 4 ALE EVERY EVENING, of a general aa. snrlment of Fort i-jn and Domestic Hardware, "Table mid l ket Cutlery, Trunks, Lik, Lalcheia, Bolts, Saws, Saddlery, Whips, Il'ioia, Shms, Ha's, Caps, Guns, Pistols, Trimmings, Clothing and Fancy Goods. Tho attention of city and country dealers is in. vitcd. Tbe Good are irr.h, and will be warranted equal to tbe representa'iona that may be made of them. BAY LIS &. BROOKE 11, Audione,-r,, No. 6 North Third st. N. B. Piirchssei can have their Good packed. Several invoices nf Goods have been received lo be sold sl piivate sale. Philadelphia. Dec. 19ih, IbIC ly Crif HousstTs nttft rrsal SHAVING CREAM. Small quantities piven without Charge, .11 114 Chenut PHILADELPHIA., flHIS new snd splendid article, a' its Vi&me 'Je 3. nnles, ia pmfeed to be supcv.or io any Sha. ving ('renni In the United SUtes or Europe. It i unaurpisa d for beauty, p-jri'.y ard f agrance, tho fomewhal anal.ia.ius j Guirlaiu'a Ambrosial Cieam and other similar compounds. It far sur passes them all '..y the enu l ient pasty e insistency of its lather, which so softens the lieard ss to rend, r shaving pleasant and eay. Il further posnessca tne advantage over the imported arncl , in being freshly pn pue I, no akill being wauling in ite man. ufacture. E.Roussel having had many year a' ex. pericne in the celebrated Laboratory of Laugur, Pere et Fils, now Keriaud it tn., of Paria. Besides being tbe he.t, it is the cheapest article for shavings it is elegantly put up in boxes, with splendid steel er graved labels. Pi. $3 per doten. or 37 J cent for single box, lo shave one year. It is also sold st $ 1 50 per lb. or 13 tents per ot., so that gentlemen rsn have their boxes Gtlcdat EUGENE ROLSSEL'S. Wholesale and Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wi ler Es'ablishment, 114 Cbesnut Street. DecJMSia.-- PHILADELPHIA. "jrivir-'jiTrEB.s, No. 5i l North Fourth Strecl, PHILADELPHIA, Invite Merchants and Milliners to ''-flijj aamine their stnek of Bonnets, PalnAj? Leaf and Leghorn Hat. Fur and Cloth Csps, ai d India Kuhher Shoes. Ii will be f und to contain sll of Ihe most desirable kinds, snd will be sold al tbe lowest market prices. No. 31 North Fouilh Street, between Matkel and Arch Streets. Philadelphia. Dec. 19ih. 1846. 6m ces jtrn: ira s-v.nn?-" WATCHES i JEWELPaT, ar mi "PhilaJtli'hia Wntck und JnrtVy Store," No. PG 'jrlb 3KCOND street, corner t l Quarry. GOLD Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18 carat cases, f IS 00 Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, S3 00 aaa a . j fv.VstfirV oiivcr l.ver wstcnes, sa CfssnysLrifa ven tewela. It 00 Stiver Lepine Watchta, jswtlled, flntst quality, 14 on Superior Quartbr Watches, 10 0(1 tmitadon Quarties WatchM,Rot svarrs.nted, fl fi ' Gold Spectacles. Fine Silver Speclscles, 1 7A G dd Brae, lets wilt) r.-,j tones, &n Ladiea Gold ':,t, cerate, tJ G dd r:,-,, Vdligs S7 eu te ; Wa"ch G!a. ' -.n. lit. cis patei't, tl Lunct. 8. ! ter article. -n ,rtmW'i 'Si'TsV''1 lo hewhalthrr aretvn y. i hand, aon.e Gold and SiKef levers, Lipme anJ O'rariiere, Wti r hn h above pricea, PlilUdvljihii, P, 6, e4 -1y