' aesls4a ml Dr. Nlt wf TJnUvt Csllege. Oej in evening preceding Thankagivinfr, not many jeare ago, two students led tlio college, with The most okI intent of procuring some of the Dolor's fine, fat chickens, that roueted in a free adjoining bia house. When they arrived at tbe spot, one ascended the tree, while the o thor stood with the bsg, ready to receive the plunder. It ao happened that the Doctor him fir had just left hia liouso, with the View of e curiof the eame chickens for hia thanksgiving dinner. The rogue undor the tree hearing mine one approaching, immediately creeped a way, without notifying hia companion among the branches. ,' The doctor came up silently, and waa immediately saluted from above aa fol Imve: 'Are yon ready' 'Yea,' responded the D.ictor, dissembling his voice aa much na possi bio. The other Immediately laying hands en the Id rooster exclaimed 'Here's old Prex, will vim have him.7' 'Pses him sloop,' waa the re. ply, and he waa aoon in the Doctor' bag. 'Here's inarm Prex,' aaid the all unconscious student, prabbinge fine old hen, 'will you have herf Yea, again responded the Doctor. 'Here's con John, will you have him V 'Here 'a daughter Sal, lake her?' and aoon until he had gone re trv'lsrly through with the Dr's family and chic kens. The old man walked ufl in one direc tion with the plunder, whilo the student, well tmttsficd with hia night's work, came down and ttreaked it for the college. Great waa hia a aioniehment to learn Iroin his companion that he had not got any chickena, and if he gave tlicm to any one, it muat have been to Dr. Nott. expulsion, fines, and disgrace, wero uppermost im their thoughts until the next forenoon, wheo both received a polite invitstion from their Pre eident, requesting the presence of their compa ny i a Thanksgiving dinner. To decline was j importable, so with hearts full of anxiety for the result, they wended their way to the house, where they were pleasantly received by the old i gentlemen, and with a large party were aoon scaled around the festive board. After asking a Slewing, the Doctor rose from bia seat, and Inking the carving knife, turned with a smile to the rogues and said. 'Young gentlemen, hi re's Old Prex, and Marin Prex, son John, j and daughter Sal,' at the aamt time touching successively the respective chickens; 'to which ! will yeu be helped !' The mortification of hia students may be imagined. Springfild Re publican. A Woman in an Intcrestino Situation. Catharine McKeon, a atout Irish girl, arrived iu this country a few weeks ago and took tudg inga at an emigrant boarding house, kept by Wm. McLaughlin at 04 Mulbery street. lat terly, it appears, she concocted a plae to rob her boat, and discovered after patient watching, that the bercau, in a room up stairs, was the deposi tory of hia money; ahe crept to it on Sunday night, when all the ininatea of the house were asleep, and succeeded in making herself the pos aeeaor of ita contents in the rum of $51 M), and fine clothes enough to make two good sized bundle. Fearing to go down stairs with her plunder past McLaughlin's bed-room door, she went into an attic room, and fastening a rope to her bedstead determined to let herself down in to the yard and then make her excit by the al ley way. She dropped the bundle out before she commenced her ariel descent, and then to guard against losing her hold fastened the lose end of the rope to her ankle. Thia wis alive ry well, but the rope was eight feet too short and though ahe alid dowa like a Jay bird for the first thirty feet, ahe waa suddenly brought up with a round turn and toaaed upside down in ompihir-g leu than the twinkling of a bedpost. What rendered the matter worae her clothea full about her ears and nearly smothered her, while the tart northern air touched her rather uucivily in a lesa protected quarter. There waa no remedy left for Misa McKeon, there, fore, but boiler watch ! and holler ahe did, with the lungs of a volunteer fireman. Owing to the noise being somewhat deadened by her skirls, however, relief did not come at once, but after the lapse of about three minutes two public a pirited pnliuoon rushed up the alley and confronted the atrange oliject. For a time neither of the wondering stars could bring their knowledge of natural history to bear upon the nature of an animal making audi a etrangn noise, and apparently without a head. But summoning courage and resolution, they at length advanced and laying hands upon the Wangling figure soon discovered ita genua, and with tha aid of a jack knie and a good lift tur ned it up on the other t-nd, a pretty good look, ing gal. By thia time the landlord waa aroa- aed when the whole affair came out, and Misa Catharine MrKcon was inarched of! to the ata tion house to bo locked up for larceny. It was rather fortunate for Mist McKeon that na ture had blessed her with a atout ankle. Motional Police Gexrtte. Tskino it C00L1.V. Those nervous clerical gentlemen who are loo sadly annoyed at a cry. ing rbild or a sleepy hearer it church, ought to have six months tuition at Niajjjo. China. One oflba Baptist Missionaries 'tare, describing his interesting congregation, My a .w'Ths) me bring their pipes, tobacco, and flint ; tbey sinks fire, rill the room with smoke, which thry blow through their usual orifices, aod make remarks about our words, ilrrssand appearance. The wo, 0ea bring their work and eometiniea their tea pots, thrusting tha nose into the friend's mouth, aa tha men do tueir pipes.' to vjavb iiasd Water Burr. Add leone fcwkal of warm water, one drachm of carbonate et aoaa, wnica will make it aoft at rain NOTE 1. 1ST. : Tha fallowing list shows tha current value of all oitnsylvsois flunk N.itra. Tha most Implicit re lance rosy In plnrot upon it, aa it is every week awfully eompsred with and cut reeled from Bilk nell's Reporter. Banks la Philadelphia. . t . . Disc. I , Nans. LocaTtns. Pmt. NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America , , pr Rank of the Northern Idlarrties , . par Commercial Bank of Peon's. . . par Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank . par Kensington Bank . par Philadelphia Bank ' . . par Schuylkill Bank . . P" Sonthwaik Bank - . par Western Bank . I'" Mechanics' Bank . I"" Manufacturers' A Mechanics' Bank par flank of Penn Township . par Oirard Bunk I"' Bunk of Commerce, lata Moyamcrwiiig par Bank of J'eunvUania . .. psr Country Dank. Bank of t'hester County Westehi-eter psr Bank of Delaware County Chaster par Bank of Germantown Germantown pir Bank of Montgomery Co. Norrismwn par Ooylcstown Bank Dnylestnwn pur Easton Bank Eastern pnr Farmers' Bank of Bucks co Bristol par Bankof Northumberland Northmntierlatid psr Columbia Bank Ar Bridge cn.'Cnlumhi j ar Farmera' Bunk of Lancaster Lanci'tei par Lancaster County Bink Lancaster par Lancaster Bank Laudator pr Farmers' Bank of Heading Reading par Office of Bank of Penn'a. Harrishutg These Office do do Lancaster I offices Oftko do do Reading f do not Office do do Easton J issue n. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Hank of the United States Philadelphia S3 Miners' Bank of Potlsvilit) Potlsvitle j Bank of l.ewietnwn LewiNtnwn 14, Hank of Midiltotown Mtddlctown isl Carlisle Bank Carlisle 2 Exchange Bank Pituhurg J Do tlit branch of llnllidnvsharg 1 ITarrishurg Bank Harrishurg l.ehafion Bank liehanon i Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Piltstiurg j Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg f West Branch B.nk Williamsporl Ij Wyoming Bank Wilkcaharra I i Nnrthmptrfti Bank Allentown Berks County Bank Reading Office of Bank of U. S. Pittal.ura failed Do do do Erin do Do do do New Uriithton do Bank of Chatnlierslmig t'hsnioershurg UaRk of Gettysburg fSettyshurg J Bank of Su-quehanna Co. Mnntioaa t Erie Bank Erie IJatj Farmers' V Drovera' Baok Wanesburg lj Fianklin Bank Washinstoo II iliineadala Bsnk lloneadalti I i Mouongahela Bank of B. Brnwnsvilla IJ York Bank York 11 N. B. 1 he notes of those banks on which we ornk quotariona, and substitute a daah ( ) are nol purchased hy the riulauVlphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANK 8. Philadelphia 8av. Ina. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia l.oan Co. do failed rtchuvlkill 8av. Ins. do failed Kennincten 8av. Ina. A do Pc4i Township Sav. las. do Manual Labor Bank (1. W; Dyotl, prop.) failed Towauda Bank Towands Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford no aale Bank of Beavar lleaser closed Bank of Swalara Harrisburf closed Bank of Washington Wabington failed Centra Bank Jtelufonte closed City Bank Pittshuig no sale Farmers' A Mech'ra' Bank Pittaburg failed Farmers' & Merh'eV Bank Fayetla co. failed Farmera' fc Mech'ca' Bank (ireencastle failed Harmony Institute Hsrmoiiy no sale Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon no sals Juniata Bsnk LewiKtowo no sale. Lumbermen's Bsuk Wanes failed Northern Bank of Pa. DundarT no sale New Hope Del. Bridge Co. New Hope closet Nortbomb'd Union Col. Bk. Milton no sale North Western Bank of Pa. Meadaille closed Office of Schuylkill Bank Port Carbon IV A sr. tV Manuf. Bank ..Carlisle failed Hilver Lake Bank Montiose closed L'ninu Bank of Penn'a. Unioniown failed Westmoreland Bank Creetishurg closed Wilkeabsrre Bridge Co. Wilkeshsrre no sale rXj All notes purjierting to lie oa any PennyU sania Bank not given in the above but, may be aet Jowo aa frauds. KJEW JERAl!Y. Bank of New Biunewick Brunswick failed Belvideie Bank Belvidere Burlington t'o. Bank Med ford par Commercial Bank Perth Amlmy DumbcrUnd Bnk Brid)eion par Farmera' Bsnk Mount Holly par Fenncis and Mechanics' Bk Railway Farmera' and Mechanics' bk N. Biunswick failed Farmers' and Men Hants' Bk Middletown Pu Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City failed Holiokeii Bkg A tJiaiing Co Hoboken failed lersey City Bank Jersry City fsiled Mechsuirs' B.mk Patterson fsiled Msnufnclurrrs' Bank Belleville failed Morris County Bsuk Morristown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold failed Mechanics' Bank Newark j Mechanics' and Msnuf. Bk Trenton par Morris Canal aod Bkg Co Jersey City Post Notes no aale Newark Bkg at Ina Co Newaik i New Hope Del Bridge Co LawfwrtasiUe N. J. Manubc and Bkg t'o Hoboken failed N J Prolecion V loailiaid bk Jersey City tailed ttrange Bank Orange I Paienon Bank Paleraon failed Peoples' Bank do j Pnncelon Bank Princeton par Sak-m Banking Co Salem par Stale Bank Newark State Bank Eliiahethtewu 8tata Bank Csmdeii par Mtite Bank of Morris Morristown State Bank I'renton failed Hslera end Philud Mnnuf Co Halem railed Sussri Bank Newlon ) Trenton Bunking Co Trenton par Union Bank Dever j Washington Banking Co. Hacksnaack failed VEL4WARE, Bk of Wllm cV Brandy wine Wilmington par Bank f Delaware Wilruirglon par Stauk of Smyrna Smyrna par Do Uaock Milford par Farmer. Bk of Suta of Del Doser par jo braiwb Wilmington par Do brarub Ueorgtitown par .. .. Uuk NsweasiU par llilor. Bank Wilmingtoa psr 8J- Under 5'a 'a 00" Dn all banks aaarksd tbua () there are sk tbsr rounierfeit or altered notes af the vaiiooa ds. 1 HOHUBsUoes, in ciculsuoo. II A If K To The I. O. ofO. T. . J. V. K. 1). STIJK K 8, Mnnufaclurers of Premium Odd Fel 1 lows' Rerrrtlia, No. 194 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, Firal Clothing 8tore below 6th Street. FIHE sulacrlbera having taken tha premium at JL Franklin Institute, at the last ethtbttion, for the best Regalis, tbey invito the attention of the order a their estaMihment, wheie they will find a ip'endid aaaortrnetit of P. U. and Encampment Re caba. They also make to order for Lodges ami Encampments. Rega'ia, Saahrs, Co.iomra and Robes, and furnish every thing requisite for the convenience of new Lodges or Em anipmrnts. f. W. HTOKK", E-D. STilKKS. Philadelphia, Dec. 19, IStfi. y 8i va 111 Umbrella MANUFACTORY. MOi 104 MASKET BTABET, PHILADELPHIA. WM. II. ItlCIIAUDSON, IN addition to ions other i uptnvementa, ha k ving nppl'iM stum rnwra to 'he mannfirtore of I .MIlKKLLA!t, iscnal'l n tJ sell thi in ut very low prica. (TT Mcrrl.anls are invited to call and aee his ..rk, unit nam lie the as irtment. Phdndelphis. No.2l, IS10. 3m New Firm. rjTIIE t'ndera'gned here' y pirea notice, that he 1 h aaaneiated w ith hi i self, a.a a partner ill the mercantile buVneia, in his lor adjoining Weaver's Tavern, in Sunlmry, John Haas, and that the said toie will brrra'ier be conduclej un it, r ihe fit in of t Menu nl iV Ifara. The stoie at the S.'Uth West comer of Maiki-I Pitme will be conducted as heretofore, bv Ihe suhscrihir bimvelf. to which be respectfully invites his customers aod friends. He a'ao n .t'.fira sll those indebted to him. to rail between thia and Ihe 1st of January neat, and set tle their accounts. All kinds of produce will bs taken on sccount, at cash prices. Hcresfter no longer than four months credit will he Rivm. 1 1 A T. CLEMENT. fcunl ury. Nov. 14. 1H4B If. CLEME1TT & HAAS, pESPECTFULLV inform the public, ih.t on the 9lh inst , they enlert d into psrtnerhip, in the mercantile buinea, st the store recrn'lv eeitpied hy Ira T. Cleni-iit, adjoining Weaver'a Tavifn, in ISunliiiry. They have ntly received s new stork of anode, which thry will dispose of si the lowest prires. All kinds of produce will be taken in eichsnge for g o.ls. No longer than four months credit will be riven. IK. T. CLEMENT, JHN HAAS. Snnbtirv. Nov. 14. 1 H4B. tf. ilctu (Soots, lrto Coots. Cheaper Than Ever! JOHN II. PURDV. has just received, at hia New Store, in Market trusts, a freb aupply nl Sessonalde Goods, such as Cloths. Cassimers, Sstlinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Cords, Diillinga. Alpaccaa. Uinghsma, PiiuU, Muslins, Hosiery, Gloves. Ac, Al.oi IJuesnware and Groceriea, which will be sold very low. Purchasers are invj. ted to call snd siamine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Tha highest price paid for Produce. Simbiirv, October I7rh, 1846. -tf. PETE? & AGTJE. TENS OF THOUSANDS of unhappy brings iu the "Ague SWtioos" of our country sre now tormeireil with that ' hsted complaint" FE VEIt A AGUE, oa BILIOUS INTERMIT TENT FEVER, or Chills aan Favaa. aa it i varioualy Cilled. The universal voice of this en tire com in unity "from Maine to Georgia" and from the Atlantic to the Rocky Mountains, declares UOWAND'S IMPROVED TON 10 MIXTUIli: to be Ihe reaf and onty safe, sure arid radical cure, wl.cn pioperly use.1. I his cannot lie con lioveited. It renlorm the natural fteling and e tastieiftf of the cenitiulion in a manner that no thing tle will, Eltrart of a letter, dated LawisTowa.Ps.Oct. 10, IMS. Every bottle of the Improved Tonic Miilure sent has been sold, snd I do nol know of one in stance that it did not affect a rure. Four bottles cured rive rases of ihe worst kind of Fever and A gue one case was myarlf. After trying Quinine and all other euiee thought of by my Pbysieisn. finding no relief, I finally sent for one bottle of your Tonic Mii'.ure, and waa relieved, in fact cured in 24 hours. Please send on a fn ah supply, aa thrre is none left." Vou'S. trulv, SAMUEL HOPPER. (fj" 80U on Afenry in Sunhury, by H. Manser and oiheia, and all the Storeki epers in the adjoin ing Counties. October 17, 1816 PsXTRAORDINAUY DISCOVERY! DEAFNESS OAXT BE CX7X.EH I ! COOPKR'R ETERIAL OIL A prompt and tailing remedy for Dctrie, alse for paina and divrharge of matter from the Ears. Iluudiid. ofcurca in cs-es deemed ut'eily hope Icrshsve firmly e taldished it superiority over eve ry former Medical discovery. Thia valuable Acoustic Medicine is a compound of four different Oils, one of whb'h, ihe active and principal inaj tedient, ia obtained fmrn Ihe bark of a e riain specif a of Wiivht, a new and effectual agent in the eue of Deafnes. Permna who had been d. sf fur 10, IS and even SO years, have lieen peimsnenily cured by using Ibis oil. In fuel, so numerous and so rmphulie have len the lelimonials in it. favor, that Ihe in. senior claims for il Ihe distinction of an Infallible Remedy, in all cases, wbeu tbe Ear ia perfect in its foimatin. For further psrticulsrs, and evidence of ita great value, aee printed aheets, in Ibe hands of Agents. F.-l s.le in Kunborv. by J. W. FRILINO. September 19ib, 1846 ly Keller fc Oreenoujjdi, P-TE1TT ATTOH1TE7S. AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, ' WABUUfOTOXV, IX. O. lfVRAWlNGS and Papers for tha Patent Of. JjV fiee will bs prepared by them, at Ibeir office, oppoeite the Patent Office. Jjly, th, 194.-Iv UNRIVALLED AND UNEQUALLED In curing Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influent 1, Whooping-Cnugh, and all Disesaca of lbs , biflnst and lufiga, lending to Cousnmp. tlon i composed of lbs concetiltHlid ,", , viriura of Ibe herba Horcbound, . B mesett, Bloodr.mt, and , r several other vrge'a. ble aub-lsnces. Warranted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. THIS invhloatde Medicine ia the morl seedy J and cerljin remedy ever discovered f r the a bove conipla ntf, s tbousiiiN who hive UacJ it si l testify. For Sale, In Uunhiiry. by J. W. FIIILINO. and in Nott' umherland. bv D. RRAU I'lGAM, and at wholesale, in I'hil.d Iphia. bv F. KLETT&Co, Corner nf Peronl and Calluwhill slreits. September I9lh, Irtlr,. 1 CHKAVKST IN Tli pf woiU,!) l 81 en 111 R lined Suiir CiandleH, IS) cists era roc Sll, Wll LII. T J. RltMIAHDSON, No. 41 M nket Street. Jr e PaiKtisLsaia, lakes p'cs-uH in nfminiug the public, that he ali I continues to sell his very Su ierior S e.un lb fined t'andy at the .,w price of t IS .')0 per 100 pounds, snd in qiicht) h rqti .1 to any inanufjctiired in the Uui ed Nlati-s. He al.o olf ra sll kinds of goodi in tlio Ccnfcf tionrrif snd t'ruil line ut corte-poiuloi low pikes, ss (pink sales and ainall ptofils are the order of the day. Cull or rend ynnr nrd''r, and yon r.nnn't fiil to be ssliafied. Don't fmget ihe number, 42 MAR KS I" STREET, PHILADELPHIA. J. J. blCHARDSON. August 29th. 1846. fini winri7KsA 1- ir BOOT be SHOE STO?,E. CHEP FOR CASH. Al. 35 South Tkinl Street, oAor-e Cltttnut, PniLADBL P II I A. EASTKBa ill tin MNL'ril'Tl'HKH BOOTS suots. Frill C Subtcriber has taken the liberty of addrea I sing the public, sati-fiid that tbey will find il to their interest lo call and eianrne hissirxk of BimVs and 8hors, snd scijuaiut themselves with his prices. Helling siclusivelv for ti e Ca-h, he ia enabled and determined lo sell lower than any other rcgu lar house in the city. Per-ons will plense eiamine the market tho roughly, and, bifoic purrhatinv, rail at the store of THOS. L. EVANM. No. 39 Honth Third, above Chesrut Sx. Philade'phia, Aoe. IS, 184G. DEN TI S T R Y. JCOB EELLEPs, THANKFUL for the lib-ral encouragement which he baa received, wouM respectfully inform bis friends and the citixena of Northumber. land county in general, that he has prepared him self with the best Incorruptible Teeth, Gold Piste, Gold Foil, Ac , that ran be had in the city of Phi ladelpbia ; and thai he will endeavor, to the utmost of hia ability, to render full satisfaction to all who may think pioper lo engage his services. He will be In Sunbury at the Augu.t court, where he will be prepared, at hia residence, to insert Teeth on Gold Piste, or on Pivot, on the latest and most ap proved plsns, snd attend lo all the branches belong ing to DENTAL SURGERY. Ladire will be wailed on at ibeir places of resi denre, if desired. His charges will bs reasonable, and bis work warranted. He will visit different parte of the county, about once in three months. Bunbury, July ISlh, 1 846. Cm E. XIMBER, JR., Ao. 34 A'orA Fovrtk Street, vnder the Met' chants'1 Hotel, Philadelphia, a Lt Nona oa rsais KEEPS constantly on hand an eitersive as sortment of all kinds of Bilk, Fur and Ilea vei Hats, which he offers for ssle on the most rea sonable terms. His Hats are mads up of the hett msterisls, and in the moel approved style. Pet sons visiting tbe city will find it lo their interest to call. July I Ith, 1840 ly SILVEU MEDAL, - iVIIDID BY TBS VBiaKLIB ISSTITUTS, 1845. City Digntritotypt DtablUbmrnt. (Lats Simoks dt Colli ss,) A'e. 100 Chetnut ., nhore Third, South tide,' riUXsADEXJPHXA. 1 WINIATURES taken equally as w. It in clou lw M dy ss in cleir weilher. A dark silk diesa for a lady, and a blark suit for a gentleman, are I refwrable in sitting for s pictU'e. No eilra charge ia made for coloring, and perfect likenesses are guarantied. July 4th, I84. ly 'fountain hotel," IJstlit Street, THE House baa undergone a thorough repair. The proprietors solicit its former patronage. Terraa 1 S3 per day. WM. W. DLT. ARTHUR I-FOGG, July 4,181 6. I y P roprietors. C OLITMBIA HOXTseT" CHESWTUT 8TB CUT, P II ILADKLP II I A. THIS large and commodious Hotel hss recently been Ailed up wiib emits new furnHuie. l bs subscribers therefore solicit lbs pslronage of ths public, snd liosl thst their elieiienee in Ihe business will ens his them lo give rotire satisfac tion. Terms moderate. BAGLEY, McKENZIE & Co. Ju'y th, 1848 I y CZi OTHI1TO, WHULrALC AXU II UT A 11m nME subaraiberB are constantly ananufacturing fiom the best French, English and American manufactured Cloths and Caasimers, CLOTHING in a very superior atyle, cul and werbmansbip. Persona buying lo aell again will find aoe of Ibe largest and most fashionable stock of goods lo select from In the city, and at unprersdentsd low prir. J. W.dt B. D. STOKES, 104 Msrkei st PbilaJ. N. B. A large sssortmeri of Odd Fellows' Re galia constantly on bund, and all order from lodges or individuals punctually attended to, on tbe most bbersl terms. J. W. A- E. V- B. Fhiladelfbia, Jems 27th, IM. ly PREIrllUIrl SCALES. Coal and Hay do Iron ManufacV do Portable PlatfnYmdo 20 different sixes, Dormut or Floor do fi different siiea. Counter do 12 diflerent sixes, The above S.-alsj are made either aing'e or Joubie team, and bio decidedly the must du'able, an urate and conveni ent -c.iha ever inve.iled. We sUo bae Phiifotm and Count r 8cules, Patent Blanrra and every kind of Weighing Machines in ue -for sale, whole vale and retail, at low prices. All Sciilra sold by us to go out of the city, are boinl fr. e of charge, and waiianiid lo give salii-fncliun li the purrher in every purticudr. GRAY At BR11THER, ManufsclureiS and Dslera, No, 34 Walnut street, Jj"2'AHtr'- 1 Vhittidttphii, OHORHE H ITor-e Khoes, fo Pitces. b, o SHOES. Burden's Patent for aale at manufacture! RAY & BROTHER, Jure 37. 1816. ly 34 Walnut -t. Pbil.nl. taJALT. New Yoik Salt in barrels a ud lugs, for sale at manufacturera' prices, by GRAY At BROTHER. June 27, IS 10. ly 34 Walnut at. Phil id. HI P O It T A IV T TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. MYOU may be sure of obtaining, at bll times, pure and highly fUvured By the aingle pound or larger ipiai tily, at the Peliln Tea Company's Warehouse, ao .Son A Stcvnd street, lefwetn Market and Chrt nut treei, fniXaAczxrxiiA. Heretofore it has been very difficult, indred, si mol impossible, alwaya lo obtain good (ire. n and III .ck Teas. Bui tint yon hsve only lo vi.it ihe Pekin Tes Cor.ipsny's Store, to obtain as delirious and fragrant Tea as you could wih for. A II ta'tes can here be suited, with tbe advantags of getting a pure article at a low price. June 27th. 1846. Have you lieniul the I NO! WHAT IS IT? Whv, msv'sv iuv naaan that MARTIN IRWIN, At hittmp, in Market ttrert, adjoining the three ttnry liriek limine, HAS jut received from Philadelphia tha largest, handsomest and btal assortment of HOOTS AND SHOES of evety description, that baa ever laren brought to thia pl.ice. At.d what ia stilt betier, they siy he sells so cheap, thai you can buy two rain the tame money that you turd to pay fur one pair. He Hers run Cassj snd Sblls roa Ctsn, snd thai is the lesson that be can afford lo ac II them ao much cheaer. If yon don't want to buy, just call and aee his stock. He is alwaya glaJ lo aee his customers; and it ia no trouble to bim lo show bis goods. Jufl to give you an idea how cheap he doea sell, the following is a list of prices of pait of his stock t Men's Thick Boof, worth f 4 00 at i 75 do f ine Grain do " 4 50 at 3 00 do Csir do " 6 00 at 3 00 Boya' Thick do " S 50 at I 75 Youths' do " 2 00 st I 25 Men's Thick Brngans, " 1 87 at 1 00 Women'a Morocco Wells and Ki I Springe, " 1 50 at 1 00 Women's lst City made Kid Slippers, " 1 62 at I 13 Lsdii-s J Gaiura and Gai ter Boots, " 2 00 at 1 37 A'so, every variety of Ladies', Boys' and rhil- diena' shoes, at pricra lower than ever before otTi-r- ed. Come and See. Sunhury , June 13th, 184(5. 6m A N V I L L B WOOLEN FACTORY. DANVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Pennsjyivnnla. THE Dawitte Steam IVnoen F.rctnry. foimer ly owned and occupd by Dr. Pitmiri v. b recently been purchssed by the subscribers, who respectfully announce to their friends snd the pub lic general y, thai they art now prepared In do sll kinds of work in their line of business, at the shor test notice, according to or Jet, and in the beat com parative manner. Having gone to considerable eipense m rr pairing their luachinery and aparatos, and being very particular in securing the service of cipeiienced mechanics, they feel confident thai thry are capable of ex.ee jt ing all kinds of work in a style superior to ai.y other ta'ablishinenl in lbs country, at Ihe old customxrj p-n-rs CLOTHS, SATIN ETTS, FLANNELS asn BLANKETS conatsn ly on hand, and for aale at reduced prices, for Cssu or Barter. CAUDIXG AM) 1 1 1.MG will be done in the best manner, at ihe usual pri. cea. All kinds of country produce taken in pay romt for woik, at Danville oiarkel prires. For the accommodation of those who live at dotance, W'aax. and Cloth will lie tsken in at, and, wben finished, reiurm d to the following pis res, riain written directions must accompany each parcel : Columbia County. Roup & Marr'a atore, Wa shingtnnvtllei R. Fruit's store, J-raeytown ; Yea ger'a inn. Roaring Creek; Sharpies' store, Celts wissat U. F. Msnn's store, Milflinvide ; Millet's store, Berwick J. Clinc's Mill Rickrl's atore, Orangevillei Derr'a store. While Hall. Northumberland Couny Michael Reader's Inn, Turbutvilb-i Ireland V Hav's store, MrEwens villei E. L. Piper's stme, Wstsonsl-wn J S. I. Comly At Co'a store, Milton ( Gibson's inn, Chil liMjusqus i Forsyth's sloie, NoilhumlM lUud ; Young's store, Sunbuiy. Lutemt County.- Ri j Hold's stote, Kingston t Glide rsleeve's store. Wtlkeisbarrc Gaylord'a store, Plymouth ( Htyer'e atore, Nantlctke Judge Mark's Mill, Huntington. I.yromii'c County. D. f 'Ispp's atoie, Muncy J Shosuuksr's store. Smith's Mill. GEARH ART A KOWNOVF.R. Dsnville, May 9, 1813. EXTrriPSsTlHifa"OF HIA!, lor ex. trading Grease, Dry Painte, Varnish, Tar, W as, Ac. from clothing of any description, war ranted not to injurs tba cloih or Ihe most delicate colors. This liquid hss also been used with great success in esses ot Burns, 8rslds, Tetter, Pimples on the fsre, Cbepped bsnds, Sore lips, Rheuma tism, Hard or aoft Corns, Ac. Price, 25 eta. per bottle. For sals st lbs atoie of Julv 1. 14. H. MASTER. C"bSGHi:sS AX Blue and BlaTk Congie-a J Ink, of a superior qualiiv. for sale cheap, at tbe store of 11 EN RY MASTER. July 4th, 1M4). do ' do da ' do do do do do da do jP"ae-...... ''"aaBssa H.B.lelAS3E?s, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ? 8UITBTJHT, r A. Busine.s attended to in the Counties of Nor thumberland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia, liefer to I P. St A. RovouiiT, Lowta St Biaaov. Koaiaas A. Baonaaasa, yJ'Mladr : itataoLas, Mcr'AL.ankCo. rr.aiaa,nnn cV Co., I'liXNS Y I jV AN I A 1IOUSK, SAITVXXjIiB j?a. rilllE stibsciilier. late of ibe Union ffoti l, f nn I ry, Pa , respectfully informs the olJ and no mifoui costomera of ths leunN)lt aula IIouvjCi and tbe public generally, that he hss (eased tiiS Tavi rnSisud of John Rhodes, in Dsns lib-, where he is now prepared to entertain travellers, and per. aona visiting the town, in ibe vi ry heat style. Tha accommodations will be sorb as a well cnndiirtnl public hnue should kflord, and no effort will he spared to render s itifjrlion, in every respect, to all who may call. The clt ai-n. of Lycoming county S'e invited to pot up with Ihe undersigned when they visit Dtnville. HENRY WEAVER. Danvi'le, May . 1846. PKTKIl n. M ASSET., RECENTLY FROM rillLADF.LPHIA, UESI'ECTFULLY informs the citizens of , Sunhury and virinitv, that he has opener an ullice at the re-idofire of Henry Masrer, iu Mmket stri ct, where he is prepaied to execute all kinde of Dksjtil uiiskbt, Tlate Work, Ac , on the Inle.t and mot approved plana. Having bad some eXierienre and instruction, under one of the mot eminent and successful Den lis a in Philad. Iphia, be hetirvee that he will be ab!e lo give satisf icion lo thore who may want bis services. Ladies will be w.iiled on at their pbirea of resi dence. His charges will bs moderate, and bia wo'k warranted, Sunhury, March 28th, 184t3. WHITE ' S WrAlfHO TE L 9 Kat H Smtkrr, PniLnci.riiia. IV J. PETER!. THIS location is convenient for Bus;nrsa men visiting the city. Every pains ia taken to e rure the comfort ol tisvelleta. March 7, IMG. ly MONTOUR HOUSE, IATK HltADY'S 1IOTKL, Opposie the Court lotic, DANVILLE, FBNN'A, THE Sulrihir, who assisted for se ven I yparsin the management of Ibe a hove Hotel, lately kept by Mr. 8. A. Bra dy, b. ga leave lo inform the travelling public, that bo has taken the eslahliahment on lib own account, on the first of January, !A4t. Thr Houe has, of late, undergone many impor tant alterations, and tbe present conductor pri.mi-si 10 leave nothing undone to mske it a comfortable and egreeaUe, as well aa a cheap and ercomnvala ting stopping place for strsngera who may iit out flourii-hiug village. No paina nor expense will h spared to fill the table and the bar with the be.t ihi raaikets afford, and with the determination to ile vn'e bis entire ersonal attention to the comfort o those who mav make hia houae their temporary a bode, and aided by active, careful and obliging ser van's, he hopes to give gem ral aatiefaclion, and re ceive a li'x ral share of custom. fXj Large and commodious STABLES are at larhcd lo the establishment, which are attended b careful and obliging ho-tiers. GIDEON M. SHOOP. Jinuary 24th, 1MB. tf To rureliHMcrii of DRV GOODS. .Vo. 121 I'riirt st., NEW YORK. 11 A VING ertahlirhed a Branch at No. 144 Che- nut St., Philadelphia, is now opening, and wi be cons' hnt ly receiving from the New York Au tiona. sn ettensive assortment of , FANCY A STAPLE DHT GOODS. which will tn sold at the lowest New York puce at wholesale and Retail. Among h.a stock will 1 found a good assortment of tbe followicg articlri Jacennets, Plaid, Hail Cold, Lace, Stripe, Bool Swi-a and Tsils'an Muslins, Bishop and Line Lawns, Fancy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball I'resse 't hread Lacce, Application Dv, rich B ark Sil Trimming Lace, Irish Li'iena, Linen Cambric Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cashme d'Ecos.e, Mouseline de I .sine. Silk snd Cottt Wsrp Alacrss, VJu -en's Cloth, Gala Plsitl French Merinos, Hl .ck Silks, Gloves. Si k Ho. Shawls, Crsvs's, Ribbons, Embr Older i. a. Ac, Ac ('ountry Merchants end othera visiiing 1'hil.nli phia or New York to purchase, are respectfully i vited to call and examine Ibe stocka. Nov. 1. 1845. I y II E la 1 KVE A N D LIVE THOMSON'S Coniiouiul Syrup or Tar &M ou Naptlitu TIHE unprecedented success of ibis medicine. JL the restoration of heal'b, to those who, in di pair, had given up all hoies, haa given it an ted reputation aliove all other remedira, furnlshl rvidencoof ila intrinsic va'ue and power, sa tha i ly agent which can be relied upon for the cure Pulmonary Consumption, Bmtichitlia, Asthn Pain in the side and Breat, Spitting of Bio. Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac. Attention ia lequeated lo the following ASTO ISIIINU CUKB.hv Thomson's Compound Syr of Tar snd Wood Naptha ! t rhiailelphia, May 3d1, l44. MR. THOMSON Bear Sir With grate fee'tnga t inform you of the astoniahing effects your medicine, which has literally iaia-d me fn a death'led I My ilineae, Pulmonary Consun; lion, hul reducrd nte n low that my physician p no. meed my esse boless ! At thia Junction 1 1 gan to u ryour im dicim, and miraculous aa it n srem, il has enmpb tely reMioee. ran in hesllh, st everything claa had failed. Respectfully Voura, WASHINGTON MACK Chailotle atreet, above Geoige strt The undersigned, being personalis acquain with Wanhingbin M ick and hia Bufleringa, b witness to Ihs at.toiii.hing eflccts of Tbomso Compound Syrup of Ti aoJ ths truth of ibi bove slalemenl. JOS. W INER. 318 North Third street, DAVID VICKERS, 43 Abaood street, HUGH M'GINLEY, 8. E. cornel Tstw and Fourth sinets. Prepared only by H. P. Thomaoo, N. E. cor of 6 lb and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. Agents. H. B. Masser, Bubbury j D. Gr snd Dr. Msepbersna, Hsuisburg ( Joo. G, Bro' Futuville Geo. Earl, Reading ; Houston A 1 on, Towanda, Bradford eounly,Pa. Price bO c per bottle, or $ 5 per doisn. QJ" Beware of all imHatttts Philadt.lfr.hu, June Sbth, 1845. ly