Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 20, 1847, Image 3

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    Correspondence of Phil. Ledger.
LeglaUilr Proeeeillstfje.
Harrkbukg, Feb. 13, 1817.
I ihi House, Mr. Haly (Judiciary) reported
a bill relating to deeds of partition and sheriff
Mr. Kline (Bank) reported a bill to annual
the charter of th Lehigh County Rank. (Thi
bill take effect immediately, and pasted the
Home this morning )
Mr. Knox (Judiciary) reported a bill relative
to action concerning real estate ; alto a bill con.
cerning tenants in common. (This bill provide
that in case where any mine, hill, or bank or
land containing coal or iron ore, mine or mine
rait, hare been or shall be held by two or mora
persons as tenants in common, and where any of
the above minerals have been or shall be taken
from the same by one or more of said tenants in
common, it shall be lawful for one of the said
tenants in common to apply to the Court of Com
mon Pleas of the proper county, praying for an
account of the said minerals so taken by said te
nants, and gives th Court of Common Pleas in
such csies power ofa court of chaneery, and au
thorizes them to ascertain the quantity of mine
ralsso taken, and the sum that maybe justly
and equitably due by and from and to them res
pectively, and provides lor appeals from the de
crees of the courts.) :
Mr. Trego (Internal Improvements and Inland
Navigation) reported a bill fur the improvement
of the Delaware division of the Pennsylvania
Canal. (This bill propose that the Canal Com
missioners make an estimate of the probable
cost of increasing the length of all the locks on
this division, so as to pass boats of double the
length of those now used on that division )
Mr. Blair read in place a bill in relation to
the collection of fees by Sheriffs and Pro'.honota-
A bill to annul and repeal the charter of the
Lehigh County Hank. Yea 75, nays none.
A bill concerning sentences of convicts, (provi
ding that hereafter no sentence to a term of im
prisonment shall expire between the 1st day of
November and the 15th day of March.;
A bill relating to abitrations, (the object of
which is, that as arbitrators have already the
power to send for books and papers, this is to
give them the authority to force the production
of books, papers. &e )
Bill ff-ga'ired The bill to exempt real estate
if married women from the debts of their hus
bands. a
The supplement to the act incoropnrating the
Vnntylvania Railroad Company again coming
p, the question pending being Mr. Kline's pro
Mao, limiting subscriptions to the city of Phila
lelphia and county of Allegheny exclusively.
Mr. Haly spoke against th amendment until
he hour of adjnrnment.
Sekat;. Itiltt Puxtd A bill to erect a new
munty out of parts of Lycoming and Bradford,
o be called "Sullivan."
A bill (or the mora effectual suppression of
otttrie. '
A bill to annual the marriage contract between
uliza Allen Whale of Harrisburg, and Charles
'. Whale of Albany, yeas 17, nays 14. This is
he first bill pasted which has pasted both Houses.
FitHRtART 16, 1617.
Floi'r and Meai. The market, in all kinds
f breadstuff's is d'lll, and prices are by no means
rm. Flour is offered Tor shipment at SG, with
ut finding buyer. Corn Mea $1 a ti 1, at
hkrh price we notice sales of about 2000 bbls.
ye Flour is held at Clj, which is a decline.
GbaIm. Wheat, red, is worth 140e ; do. white
50. Corn 09 a 9.1, with sales Oats 40 a -12c.
Whisskv 31e.
Bad Daism. A Dkiobhinik Tastr w tnr
tiil'Tit, and manv other unpleasant symptom,
re always the result of mil (rest ton. Whffl the
.), Ins'fS 1 of ling ptoierly d esolvcd. remain
i lha stomach until it become in a manner u
ifioJ, a del tiler ous II lid called 8epiic Acid, is go
ersted in the stomsch, whtcr , mixing with the
uid of the mouth, la certain not only I give a
id breath, but It sis i the true cause of wasting
' the gilms a deposit of Uttar, and decayed teeih.
WghCt hullan Vegetable rill not only rlennsn
le stomach sad bowels from all hilinu and pu
id humors, and pur fy the blood, I Kit Ihry also
store the d getie orgms to a healthy mnet
id at therefore certain to remove a bad breath,
id prevent prematura di cay of the teetb.
Beware of CounterfrUi.The public am can
ned against the many spurious medicine Which,
order to deceive, are called by name similar to
'right's Indian Vegeubh) Pill
The only original and genuine trtti m Vegetable
I la have the signature of Wm. Wright wiinen
th a pen on the lop label of each bus. To eun
ft it thia is Forgery, and all others ahould be
unned poison.
Office deVoted esc'o-ivsly Is the tale of
a mar Irdiar Vsstabls Pitts, Wholesale
d retail. 1C9 Race sireet, Philadelphia J8S
eenwith alt eel, Now Vuikt and 108 Tiemnnt
ei I, Bbetom
Agent for the sil of Wright's tndlan Vegi ta-
PilU in6unbury, Haunt Masskr, For other
iRsie see adwrtiuem.nt in snothet column.
Th Brardrktr Pill are entirely Vegelstds
d made oo those prinriple which long experi
zt bss proved corrert It Is now no speculation,
en tbey are lesontd to in sickness, f r they are
n tl le the best cleansers of lha stomach and
wets, snd in all dyspeptic sod bilious cases I hey
great Lteuing. Let every family keep these
lls in the house. If faithfully used wlieu tlisie
cession fur saed.elne. It Will be Very erldom that
Octor will be requited. In all casra of cold,
tgh, or ikenmalism, the afl clej owe it to tbrir
lies to e tbeae Pills.
ry Purchase of H. B. Master, Sunbury, or of
agent, published in another part of this paper.
. i m m i m d ,
i Lewisburg, on th 9th Inst., by th Rev.
3. Msrr, Mr. ). Gana Books, of Baltimore,
, to Mis Rosctta C. Gaua.m, of Lwisburg.
Corrected weekly by Henry Matter. '
WtAT. . . . '. . IcO t
Rta, . . . . , t . e
Cork, . . . Ml
Oats, . . . ; . 2S
Pom;, ' 5
FltXB, . : 1, 112)
Dottsb, . . . - .i IS
Kuan. . . i 10
BtttwAT, . . -' '20
Taiiow, . V . ' 10
Put, . . lo
llaotaa FtAt, . . 10
Bunions. July 29, 1843.
This Is to certify, that I was afflicted with a vi
otsnt pain in the breaat and right arm. which I
npinse proceeded fr.m the impure .late of my
blood, t w ice mminded lo tske Hanee't Snr
toparilfa or Blood Pith, and sfter Inking one box,
lb pain wa. entirely removed fim my breast and
arm. I found then ettrem-lr temle in their opr
Mtinn, and would recommend them to every per
on in want of a mild purg.aie.
Patick Rochr,
No. 22 Conwvr ., between Howird and Eutaw.
In rvacntaiisit Tttrsa eitta. let me ad.l
Always ask for HNCE'S PILLS, and purchase
nf none bat those advertised as agent, and if con
venient, call and see the proprirt t himself.
EAOrl, for Hane'a Oenume li!. or A for $1. '
For rale by SETH S. HANCE, 108 B Itimore
at , and corner of Chr'e Pntt .la., Ball more,
and bv OEOROE RRtOH f, Sun' nrv.
Fek 20. 1847.
HA N C E'-S CO M Pi I N DSYK WU 711 (iTlE"
Cimeha, CuU. ConHmplin, Spitting nf Hhm),
Pirn in th S tte unii Rreatf. Rrniiehit g,
Croup, Attkma. and ull ditaet an
ting from a ilimn-dered eimditi
of Iht la igt or nrglrcei old.
(Zy The following sonnet wa a.blrewd to the
proprietor by a Young Lady who was cured of
Con-umption t
Ho! ye who pent with f tiling breath,
And pinn awsv and di;
H!i r. ahall " ut away" our death.
Anil tight, anew, your eve,
Jlnw swe. t il mi lls upon Ihe tongue,
Hw grateful In tfw l,rrat I
A alorinu theme for oet'a song.
Soothing hi cough to reel. ..-
'Ha-sci! favoretl of ihe finds, srt thou I
A bb to thy r.ire.
Let Isttrrls fl 'urish on thv brow,
And wesllh, those laurels grace.
When heroes are for;otten kings
Ueru rt ; or, ceanetl lo reiin
Gl rv, f. r thee, rhall flap her wing ;
1 hi u conqueror of pstn.
Price 50 Cent per lmtt'e or nix hnie fur (12 ftO.
Prepared and sold by SB TH S. HANCE,
108 Baltimore at. and coiner of Charles & Pmtials.
and by GEOIiOR BRIGHT, Sui burv,
D. BRAUTIGAM, Noithumberland.
Feb. 20, 1847.
IyNIHplu or lO Yearn' Ktundliifr.
11HE wife of Captain Roberts, on Vine Street,
. near Watir, Cincinnati!, has leen afllic'.ed
with DYSPEPSIA in ita mn.t aggravated form
for the lanlteu years, wan nc mmended hv C' li-hra-te.l
physician of Boston, New Ymk, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, and Cincinnati, to travel, as they could
do nothinir, fur her. She did so, but it did her no
good. She then commend d the most popu
lar medicines of the day for her rompl ,ini, hut ile
riv. d mi benefit. Snaine; an advertisement of DR.
PILLS in the pater, she concluded to give them
a trial sent to G. F. Thomas, Mnin sireet, be
te, n Third snd Fourth, Dr. Smith's A enl for
Cincinnati, and pmchssid a box. look them accor
ding lo direction, and can with heart felt jy stale
that .he derived more benefit from the u-e of one
box nf Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Veg. table Pill.,
than from any other medicine she has made ue nf
du'ing the ten yests. The shove was sent lo (.
F.Tbomta on ihe 3d Dec, 1814 Cin. Times.
03" CAUTION. As a miserable imitation his
been msde, by the name of "Sugar Coaled Pill,"
it is necessary to be sure that Da. G Bkj. Smith's
riuna'ure Is on every box. . Price 25 cent. -Piincipsl
Office. 179 Greenwich st New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FKILING, Sunbury.
WM. FORSYTHE, Xrlhum'd.
Feb. 20, I M 7.
nPHE subacribsr offers for sale a cheap Farm,
situate in Shamokin township, Northumlier
land county, about eight mitea from Sunbury, y.
ing between ihe Centre turnnike and lri-h Valley,
enn'aining 162 acres snd allnwsncea. Said farm
is in a g.xKl slate of rultivalion, with ressonsbly
good I uiblingi and excellent water near the door ;
and all kinds of fruit. Ac.
Sunbarv. Feb. 20, 1847.
I. iMfiaons are cautioiifd .jinkt i.iitrK.dins .
nole for HiS. listed ihe heai nniiia nf Atiril
1846, given to me by Uennrville IioUhne. 8sid
ante having been stolen on the nighl of the 2d of
Fibiuary lost-, peynimt will i toiMnl.
t?p(ier Mahonoy. Feh. 13, 1847.-21
TlHE prtnrrhp nisting llren John Dun
X ham abd Wm. T, Uyd, his len d suiWed.
All p rona having rUiina agint Ilia firm, will
r-s nt them, and those iudt-.Med will mske pay.
menl on or b. fore the 1st of April nett,
Northumberland, Feb l4ih. 1847 - 'I
uiumisivjii .rarri iiiiiii!t)
Fur the a.le of Flour, Grain, and all kinds of Coun
try Produce,
A'. 48 Commrree tlrerl Wharf,
(J3 Cash adiaucra on Cuu.ignments.
Febl3tb, 1847.-.30U ..
tVni lL.cmoiivti Eatutcr
NOTICE ia hereby given, that loiters teatamsn
tary have hern granted lo ihe ubiribrit on
tbe aataia of Wm. Lemon, late of Point township,
Norihumbeiland ceuuiy, dec'.l. All persons in
di bud lo said estate, re requtstcl lo call on the
aulwc ribert, at the Isle r. sidenee of th drceaxd, ou
Wednead.y, the lth d.y of March neat, and intk
pay meul, end thoee having claims against the same
will prsjent Ihem, well authenlica'ed, for settle
Feb. 6ih, 1 847.-61
... t. I a .
PERSONS afilirted with Seorfula. Klnnr It.
vil. Cancer. Erysipelas, Old Sores, Ulcere,
Tetter, Mercurial Diseases, or any oilier eomidiint
arising from impuritii of the blood, are requested
to read lha f .Rowing testimonial, in proof of the
wonderful properties of the above nsnted medicine,
READ! READ!! RBAD!!!-We the under
tgned, having viaited Mr Isaac Brooks, Jr., at Ihe
office of Meoara Rowsnd A Walton. 376 Market
street, Philadelphia, Consider his Csi-e the most fa
msrkable one we bate ever witnessed or heard of.
His disease was Scoari'ta, and terrible must
have lean hi In else year' ccnflicl wi h the de
stroyer ! ,
H a Palate, ihe entire roof of hi Mouih, None,
Upper Lip. and lower lid of the Rioht Et hive
l. n, his Fsc neirly eaten up. and pari
of the Jaw Bor carried away. And yet we can
give no deacriptinn of his ease.
Mr. B. 1' fnms us ihnt in January last, Ihe
whole interior of his m iulh, aa well as most of his
face, waa a mes of deep snd painful ulcera I
On the I4'h of January lal. he Commenced li
king Dr. Cu iars's sia VrntTABLR Paiacka,
which checked ih disesse in a fw d , and ft tin
th .1 tim ihe care ha. progressed without intermis
sion. New flesh h snpplied the place of the de p
nlcers, and though liadly ili.fitiured, hi fice is
s nind, and hie general heilth is restorej.
We are assured that in the tre.lrnent of Mr.
Brook' case, no M krc p n t a ta, Oin'ment. or Caus
tic application have been tied, in fad, the Pa-
ssrA a lor r, ha wrought this wondeiful clunge.
H. B. M.isner, Munhury, Pa.
J W Joite. M D. South 21 street, Ph i "lelphii.
E W Cirr, 410 N 4lh, above Poplar, N Liberties.
S McCullough, Lanrs.ter, Perm's.
O W Applelon. M D. 46 ! uth si, PhilaJ.
Wm Steeding, M D, Camden, New J.'r.ey.
Wm 373 High str.-e. Phil -d Iphia.
J II Pot'er, Ms n. Mm. mI teeth. 1 lift 8 9th l. Phils.
I. A Wnllenwelr. Ed Phil Dem 277 N 3d si, d..
A D G llette. Pastor of I lib B .ptisl Church, ihi.
John Hell, Klie t, Phil, ( Amrrirsn otfiee.)
John W Ashmeid fio S 6th etreel. Philadelphia.
T 8 Wgi er. Lithographer, 1 16 Che-nut at, do.
Peler Sken Smith, F.ditor Native Ragle, do.
Jo. I 0 d ne, C.Un, Manuf, Willismsinwn, N J.
I. B Coles, M D, Boston, Massachusetts. OinfieU, Phvuintogia', Philnd- Ipbia.
Thomis I S Roby. M D. Harrisburg. Pa.
Win Uric, pvtor St Pail!' ch t'atharine at, Phila.
John Chrntcr pa.lnr 1st lu.'ep. ch. Broad st, do.
T I. Sanders. Puhluher of Pledge s-d Stand rd. do.
F P Hellers Ed Olive Branch, lo Ulown, Bueks c.
P 8 White, d .
The above nimed g ntlemcn, (con-tiiti inrj but a
smill p "lion nf those who have viite I Mr Brook
st our nlfiiein Philadelphia, and would certify lo
the same fac if nece ry,) are well kno vn, and
H eir high .Umling In am ieiy p'eilude the idea of
irteir leiuling Iheir names lo carry on an imp.isitton.
Certifics'e nf cures, in pamphlet form, nisy be
had Gr.tie, st ihe ofli es of the agents.
These medicines ere prepared and siM by the
proj rn lors, Rowand ti Walton, No. 376 Market
street, Phil idetp' ia.
- m. rV W Danrnhower. No 1 Murray st. N Y.
r J J W Daneidl iwer. No I O F Hall, Oin.O.
ESlOT Jeiikine. No fH Canal kI. N Oileana.
2 i V X Ilohinaon. G A Sar.lno. .1. It.ll
Sold alsj by Druggists throughout Ihe United
- - -'- I -1 n: . ..-
Feb. 6th, 1847. 2m ly
More Good News
and retail, in the building lately occupied by Geo. Eq., a a cooper shop, second door et
of Mrs. Boulton' Hotel, Msrket stieet, where may
he found, st all times, a
Large AHsortmrnt of Tin-Ware,
made up in the lest manner, and ol the best tin.
Also, all kinda nf Sheet-Iron work on hand, aut-h
as Store Pipe, .tmeriean and Huxsia Cool Rurk
eli, and Shovel, which w II be aold as cheap ua in
any other town in Northern Pennsylvania. Also
on hand Stotis nf all kind, srjrh
which will lie sold chesp, for rash.
The su' scriher asks the riliRens ol Sunbury snd
the su'ioundiug counlty for the r support, feeling
a-sa-ed lhal he can give general asti.faiiion in any
kind of work that they may want done, in hie line
nt business.
All kinds of rrpsiiing d ne, at the shone.l nv
lire and on the mo.t reasonable terms.
Old Copper, Pewier and Lead taken in ex
change work.
Sunbury, F.b. 6tb, 1847. 3t
Clothing Establishment
OPERATIONS in Cr.oktiias seem to he th
order of the day, st the Philadelphia Waid
Kulie, 105 Chrsnut street, where every uiiirle in
the line i kept, and sold at sstuni hing low pi ices,
Cloaks, Bangnps, Over Sack Coats, Short S ick
Coils, Super French Cloth Die.s Fiock
Coat, Pantaloons of every g ade and
style, any of wl.i. h wilt he sold either
by the garment or doreii, .! pii
Ces that will jjlify the
most rcmoiiiical in
We advise all who want good and chesp Clo.
thing, to call at No. 10ft Cbesnut stieet,
Philadelphia. Feb 6th, 1817e 6m
iFC va t v c m C u m u U.
No. 87 North Third Street,
flHE relrhrlty of the Inks mmufsctured by ihe
JL sob-crthcr, and the eitenaive sa'ra cons, qurnt
upon ihe high reputati on which t'ev have attain
ed, nil O' ly throughout he l.'niird Hi ites, but in
the We I Indies and in duns, ras inilurcil him to
make every nereaaiiy arrargement to supply the
st demand npon his establishment. Il ia now
p'epared with every of Black, Blue and Red
Inks, ('opying Ink, Indehhle Ink, and Ink Powder,
all prepared under hi nWo ersOiial superintend
ence, so that purchasers msy depend upon lie
quality. '
permr snide for Mending Glare, China, Cabinet
Ware, Ac. uacful lo evsry-Housekeeper, beitig a
while liquid, easily applied, and not atTscted by Or.
dinary heat warranted.
(Cj" Pamphleta, containing Ihe numsroua tesli of men of science and elhsis, will be for
oished to purchaser.
For rale at the Mtnufict iry, Wholeetle snd Re
I ail, No, 8T Nortsi TriRd Stbest, opwsite
Cherry sUsct, Philadelphi . by
Jan. SOth, 1947 ly Manufacturer.
" Garden, just receired and for sale by
Frb. J3, 1917. JOHN BoQAlt.
WILD CHERRY We tan ennaiatently
t'e that Dr. 8 witRR'a Cnmpound Syrup of Wild
Cherry ha been extensively used in the United
8lte for mora tn en yrtn,.tht l heneficiil
effeel have bwn tested by Ihousands Tnit It
In vari abit RiLiiva a Rrccht Coeosj, nd
that hundred ol individual, gradual y sinking urn
del Ihe insidious attack of death' foil emiasary,
Pvlnorart CoaOMTtiiR, bsvs been restored to
health, happiness and friends, by it Use, and re
now living tetiimonie nf the curative power of
tbi RRNsnr. Arotiirr LavALtn rrstorxii to
tvy.a nrroRntn 1
Dr. SwAtRR Dear Sir : I feel called by a sense
of duiy I o.e 'n sulfating humanilv, to acknowledge
my grateful thanks f ir the wondeiful efTncis nf your
Compound Sjrup i.f Wild Ch.rry on me. "after
sulTering miHtth after month with the m .vt nfflici
ing of all diseasrs, (omsUmpt:on. Th- fust symp
tom were ef a ery bey fold which eiiled on
my lungs. Which gtadu illv grew worse. Wilh pro
fue nipht sweats, a h .eking cough, spitting .o.hI,
with great dehili y. My cnnrliiution seemed br.i.
ken down, and nervous sv.tem ety mu' h Impatt
'd. I went to PhiUdelnhi,. i.-.i.d there t v
physicians of the highest standing, but received ne
licnefit whatever tr im ll e n. but gr idu dlv ciew
worse, until my physicians, a. well at my.eir. gave
up all hnp'-a nf rerntery, and I felt like one ho ia
almut to pa-s through the V. lley , r the Shadow
of Death. Al this "awful juncture" I heard . f your
i-ompoiiml Syrup of v il l i;, rry.of wh;rh I pur.
ch.iard six bu'tlifi. which I sm happy lo say enlbe
ly curd me, and I am n.iw enjoying h.-tter health
Itian 1 ev. r have b fore in my I. fe. Physicin
who witneased my case are highly lerotnm 'mling
il in similar, and I wiah you lo make thia
public, so that all may know where (. procure a
remedy at onee whieh will reach their disease be.
f. r tampering wilh the manv 'quick in stroma
with wl.icli ihe countrv is fl hided. My residenre
ia st 4ft Ann sireet. where I should I h ippy to
have the above suh.4tjn'il.d l y a iiersond inier
view. ALBF.IM A. ROSS,
Who' and retail 11 -nlcr in rii:r.
45 Ann .treet, N. Y.
Be not deceived bv Ihe many spurious snd
worthless piep.ira'ir ns nf Wild Cherry, u-hrr. d
into notice by inorHii' pr tenders, bu see lha' the
.igoature of Dr. Swyne is on each hotllo, which
is ihe only gunaiilee againsi iin iwil nn.
Piepared only hv Dr. SWAYNE N W. cor
ner of Eighth and l , I'hlladelphi i and
for -ate bv re.peelable Dnigeisla in neulv all the
prinrtpat towns in ihe Uniteil Ststes.
Only Agent in Sunbury. is
Dr. J. A. Moore, Dmvrlle; T. S. Mark y cV
So-i. M.ltnn; M. D. fc J. Wei's. Mnncv; C. A.
V ystt, Leisia'iurg-, Davi Ac Schnure. Selinsgrove.
I'htlsd. lp'il i. Foli. Glh, IH17. 2in Iv
Drugs! Drills!! Drugs!!!
Wholesale IIi'iiimIn,
No. 40 Market Slreel, (South biJe, be
low Second,)
1 li 1 1 I c 1 1 h I a ,
OflT. r for sale a large s'nek nf Fresh
Drugs, Midlines and Dye-S ulTs, to
which they CjII ihe attention of Coun
try Merchants and Deder viaittng the
Coach, Cahinrtt, Japan, Black, and other Var.
niahrs of a superior qualitv. Also. While snd Red
Lead, Wipdow Glass, Psints and Oila cheawr
than eve..
rjy T. & C. srs nisi proprietors of the In. I an
Vegetable Balsam. Celebrated throughout thrit own
and neighboring Stales, aa Ihe he.t preparation for
the cure of Coughs, Colds, A.lluua, dec. Money
refunded in every instance wheie no bctu ftl ia re
ceived. Philadelphia. Jan. 30, 1 847. :lm
TORTOISE Shell Tuek Combe, carved and
finished in a superior th.
Splendid Shell D'ee-fng Coin! s. rsrved and 1 1 tin.
Shell P ckel Combs, with and without raaes,
New Htvln Long Combs, raiVrd and plain fur
With a beautiful s-sorunont nf the Real Buflalo
Combs, lhal is so much in general ttvi
Comb M uiulaeiurer,
No. V S .Qth Second l'ow Market ft-..t
P. S- S. W. is Ihe only Manufacturer i f Ihe
Q. nuine Bolfalo Combs in the United States,
Philadelphia, Jan. 23, IH47. 3m
J. L A D0 1 "J S,
lmjvrtcr of Wntc.lies, rJlUhMakers,
Totils ftml Wntch Mntcri.ils,
liolewalc & Retail,
A'.i. M, South Pvurlk tl , PHILADELPHIA,
AS constancy on bar . I a tarn assiinmeiil of
Lunelf. Ptlent. and piain flla-s ; M -in
springs, Verges, Dials, Warch Hands, and a com
plete aasoit in nt nf all Tools and Material b long
ing to the trade with a large asorlment of God
ami Silver Lever, lupine, an I Plain Watches; all
of which be wid guannly to sell at the l.iweai NeM
York price. All orders Turn ihe country punctu.
ally eiecuted.
N. B. Country merchant and mhera are invited
to c II and examine at (lie Old Stand, N. 'M
Sou h FoUi'h .tied. v
Pb le lelphia. Jan.S:i. 1847 Am
OrpIiniiV Court alo.
IN pnreu me of an order of the Orphan.' I! nrt
of Nonhiunl county, will be a .Id at pub
lic sale, pii Thurd iy the iHlli il.y of M iteh il' it.
at the late residence of Jrremf .h J. Vastine, ilee'd.,
in Rush luwnahip in couu'y.M wit; A tir
lain tiact of I md .ttu .lo in the lowuship lon sai'l,
ca'l d the Mill tract, being tt e one uud.vnlrd hall
pail thereof, containing in the w hole ten acre, ad
joining land id Benjamin F- V i.t'Oe and olhil-,
on which are erected a Glial Mill, Dwelling House,
Barn and other improvement... A'a, liac' of
land (nf whieh the WidoW of Peer V, tine, dee'd ,
haa Ihe life e-l .le.) in same townahip, rontaiiiing
104 screa more or leas, adjoining Lml ..f Uei jamin
F. V a-line, Willigm Ksse, Wd'iam Scott, Beaja
min L, Vaatine snd oth"rs, on which are erected
a two story dwelling house, barn, wsggonsbed and
other iipproVemenU. Al-e, another tract of land
In same lown-bip, 10111 lining one humlred and
Iwenty-iwo acre ninfe or lea, adjoining Iwia V.
Vastine, J miea frktnan, William Cott and otter.
Lsi Ui e.Ule (( Jrruniah J. Vastine, ik'tl,
Sale 10 Cornnir Dee 1 10 n'rlnck, A. M. rf add
d iy, when Ihe rohJttinrs of ssle will be made
known ,y PR I KR E. VAST1.NB,
By 6idr til th conn, Adm .
Punloryjsa. 16, I817.-M
COMMON SENSE, that the natural veget.
m production of every country are. If properly
applied. mply euffieieni Ut Ihe cure of every oia
Udy incident 10 etch peculi.r elimsta.
.... o th
iorlto American Collnso orilealth,
ere composed or all plant which grow spnntsne
ouly on our own oil. and are therefore better a
dinted to our Constitution than Medicines eoncoo
lid from foreign drugs, however well ih. i
compounded J and as they are found! upon the
I'liuirpic ur 11 me numan nnuy Kit) truth
nTtely, corrupt humors, and that said Meiirine
cures this iliNPase on Nut tiu Paiactri ts, fty
WriTrtjin an.f purlfiiiif Iht fto.y, il wilt he man.
ifest th il, If the eorirtitnti oi be not cnlirely el
hsustcd, a licrseVemtrtV in llieir use. arenrdine In
di rdiotis, i. absolutely rertnin to drive disease of
everv nanrn from the body.
When we wish to re-on e swamp or moras to
fertility, we di;n it of ihn upeinbundant wter In
like manner, if wo wih to restore the Innly lo
in aim, wc must ciem.e il nf impurity.
wiionrsimN vntifii-ABLE pills
will he round one of ihe best, if not the very best
medrrine in the world for 1 arrt rB out thia Osasn
Puaime rsiacirvi., h.rause they expel from
the body sll morbid and c ntnpt hum , the cause
f the disease, in an ny r.nd AVrfaro .tfnnocri
and whiie ihcy every day etva rss ard rLsaaVR,
di e ae . f every name ts rapid y driven from the
The foil wing liiiiLl v rcan.-ctaUe storckeener
have hen duly api.otntrd sg ins for the sale of
yntjht i Indian legetohle t'iH; in Norihumbcr.
I n.l cnuirty 1
Henry Masser, SunSoiv.
E. &. J., Aocntta township.
Samuel Herb, Liltie M ihonoy.
Wilham Deppen, J ickson.
Benevill.i llolshue. Upper M.ihnnoy.
John fl. Rrtin, Up: er M ihonoy.
Saomel John. SliamoLiniown.
For.ythe, Wihotiot I'o., NoiihumbetUirJ.
E. I.. I'iper, Walsonhtlig.
Irl md A Hays Mt Krten.villo. Ptd,' ''
Wm. G "colt, Rushvil)i.
Hartman Knnfble, P. O.
Am T lleisset, Turhuisville.
G'd on Sha.lel, Uper Mah.n.oy.
Rhotles cc Farrow, Sn.vl.ii.toWn.
John King, Farmer.v lle.
Si as C. Co. k. Martin's Cte'k.
J. Ie Young Hieksvi le.
Abraham Snenr Rn hmo id.
Samuel Taylor, SI ill for I.
Jo'. 11 II. V intent, l'hiliq:iaqne.
Wm. Heinen Ac IJiulber, Milton,
BfWarr or CorRTr.Mrrtts. Thr puhHr. are
cautioned sgaiii't the many spurious medicines,
which in order lo d. c.ivf , .ire c llej by names si
milar to Wriah.'. tndiau Vrgelible Pills.
Tits ovt.r niimiii An litntiv Vr.
Snritii Pills have ihe signature of Wm. Wright
VVmittk"! with a rm 011 the lop label nf earh
box. N"he othi-r ia gi nuitic, and 10 conntrrfcit
this is Vor.nrs t.
(Tj" ()iriee devo el rxelusive'V 10 the sale of
of the North Anicrt'sn College nf Health, No. 283
Greenwich Street, Nr w York's No. UlS TYimont
Street. Boston; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No.
1(19 Race Strki.t, Phila.lelphta.
Jan. 30ih, 1847. slfly.
05 Nnrih 2d st., bet. Arr.h ifc Uace sts.,
T li i I a 4l c 1 1 It i a
BRADY & PAKKKR respecil'utly inform their
friends and li e public lhal ihey have taken
ihe above named house, retrently kept by J. S,
dams. an I are piepared lo rrommndte custo
mer, in lite most sitisfictnry intnner and al rea
sonable price.
Their labln will le supplied wilh the best vari
ety '.he nmiket siford their parlors and sleeping
sputmenls will i in Ihe heat order. The house
has been thoroughly repaired and furnished wilh
a view to the cm fori of travellers and ettangbrs.
Having had sev al year experience in the
biisinesai thev hope lo give general satiafaclion,
md repeelldlly inVite travellers and strsngeisto
give Ihem a call. II l DY At PARKER.
Ph ladelplna. Jsnu-rv Id, 1847. if
cf iYjlvTz Ticit stoSe,
No. 31 Worth Thinl si reel,
(SIR tit t ITT HIITSt.)
C. C MACK M Y, Auctioneer.
I'. VlVt! Hit PS ..f ll.r.ld.r. I?,
a t ),. U I It..i. Mi.u . tf il.
- - J, . " -t ., Guns, Pt.lola, Clothing,
atche and r ai-ey t.ouits.
At Mafkey's Auclmn More, 31 N.itlli Third
street, mar Ihe City Hoi. I.
The sttrutt i ol ('ounlry M. reliant, is invited.
The G. md will be Id in Ints to suit pu'chascrs,
and sll Ootids ottered wi'l be wt'ran'ed iqiial to ihe
represi nl ill. ma lhal may be made or them.
N. II. A lare as-onmei t i f Goods si Private
Sale. Jan. 1ft. 1317. Iy
To Kent On Shares.
c eeki West HufTi' ..Wn.hip, Union eoun
IV, six miles weal of .Ne ll. niti, now oecupieil by
John Peet. r nh.iul till ortea clesred good Or-
bsictt slone llairi, A.c' ' Ail Irnsnt,
hie ! n'k both Farm end Sew mill, msy have
Ihe property on ihe s' atea, for several years.
Impure nf the sgent, Jacob Kenhley. Wetrieha
lowu, 11. ar ihe premi-c, rl f II. BELLAS.
Su. hoiy, Ja 1. Ifi, I8IJ- ft
"One Hollar aVetl
is two
. Ilariirtl.''
IEHS'C.NS wishirg to purchase goods in
S'jubuiy. Will da well to rail al the cheap
Hue nf ihe sub ciber. and ettmtne bis stuck be.
lore putehs-ing elw here. ou Can depend ou
getting (! cod l.arg.iiia, as be ia determined uol tb
be undersold by any other store.
Sun' tuv, Jan. 19, IS IT. nl4y
GUM OVERSHOE, a new arilcWfor Vale
cheap, by . .. , c JOHN BOGAR.
Jan. 10. 184?. , ' ,
N'KTJArT vTAitL "liuvc'n'wate, "llndwa're,
I) Ororerier, Liquor, Ac, for sale Very low, by
Jan. 16, H4f. JOHN BOG A R.
SCHOOL UGORS. fiildes, P esiainenis, raw
ing Pafr, Wrinitg Taper, Hleel Pens-, and
Harrison's Cnlumbi in Ii.k, for Sale cheap al the
Store of JOHN BOGAR.
Jar . IB, IB47.
Jf'T M M K E Ll . A S "17Ucinn. aTj ost 1 e
J cei.rd a kit or Has. wlnh be will sell
rhrap, Inmi s ln.t aa 50 ca.ts.
J.n,l6,lMTt JOHN BDOAH. "
Mill and Farm
THE subscriber offnr for salo fifty or sixty a
ere of land with a mill erected thereon, for
merly known a Jones's Mill, situated in Aogua'a
township Northumhcrlsnd county, on Ih Little
shamokin creek, her the Tulpehockan road, lead
ing from Sunbury in Pottsville eight miles from
Sun'mry. Thirty or forty acres of ssld rand arj
cleared, and in a good stale of cultivation. The
improvements are Grist Mill, a Log House and
Stnbte, and an Orchard, There ia also a goid
Spring nd sereral acres of Meadow on the premi
se. The lecation of Ihn mill I an excellent one
for cutom. For further information inquire of the
uhrcritHir. DAVID MILLER.
Shamokin township, Jan. 9, I 47. 3m
N Wm McrtiT'i Ksilalc.
OlICE is hereby given lhal letter of dmtn
istralion have been csnted 10 the obictilier
on the cataie of Wm. Mct.'ay.lale of ih borough
Norihumltfirliind. All iersous indebted to said es
tate or having irvmamls egeinet the' same, are re
quested to call on the suhsc.rihcrs for snlllsmrBt.
without delay. DAVID TAOOA.RT,
.v'or,i,,,ri,,n: Jj17 -ftt Adm'r.
.lerrmlali J. Vnatlnc'sj iltitate.
NOTIt;E is hereby gtvvii, that letters of admin
istration on the estsie of Jeremiah J. Vastine,
late nf flush lown-htp, Northumberland emmy,
dee'd., have hTn granted lo the uh-riber. Per.
sons hsving claims against Ihe estste ate requeued
to present thr-m for rxsmiuation and snitlenunt,
and persons knowing themselves 1.) be indebted,
are requested lr make Immediate payment.
Rishjownrdiip, Jan. 2, 1P47. 6t Adm'te.
The Cheapest Oold nnd Silver Watches
IN rillLADELl'IllA.
"1 OLD Lever., full Jevwlled,
ff Silver do, do.
Gold Lepinea, Jewelled,
Silver do. do.
Silver Quaniere, fine qualify,
Gold Watchea, plain,
Silver SpectAcK,
Gold Pencils,
Gold Biacclets,
f45 OA
23 00
30 00
15 00
10 00
lft 00
1 75
2 00
4 00
Alao, on hand, a latge aaarlmcnt of Gold nnd
IInir Bracelets, fincrer rinps, breast pins, hoop ear
ring, gold pens, silver spoons, sugar tongs, thim
bles, gold neck, curb and fob chains, guard key
and jewellery of every description, at equally low
prices. All I want is a Call to convince custo
mers. All kinds of Watches RnJ Clock rcpaircj and
wiutanted to Keep good time for one year; old
gold ot silver boegiit or taken in exchange.
For sale, eight day and thirty hour brass clocks,
Welch, Cloek snd Jewellery Store, No. 413J
Maikel street, above Eleventh, notlh ilde, Tbila-.
(Jj I have some Gold and R'dvet Levers, still
much cheaper than the above prices.
-Philadelphia, Doc. 20. 1S1R. ly
No. 6 North 3d st., third "door above
Market Street.
4 ALE EVERY EVENING, of a gei era) as.
9 ortmerit of Foreign snd Domestic Hardware,
Table (.ml Poiket Cutlery, Trui.ks, Li'cks,
Lalcheia, Bolts, Saws, Saddlery, Whips,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Guiih,
Pistols, Trimmin ts. Clothing
and Fanry Goctl.
Thn Attention of city and Country dealera I in.
vilrd. The Good are fresh, and will be Warranted
equal to the representations tltHt may be made of
them. BAYLI A. BlHtOKfill, y4uc.toieer,
No C North Third at.
N. B. Pnrchaseia can have their Goods packed.
Several invoice of Uooda have bun received la la
old at piivnte ah.
Philadelphia. Dec. UHh, 1810. Iy
rt'D l&ousscl's
Small (juontities t'ivcmi wilhout Charge,
.7111 C(eni. .v., PHILADELPHIA.
rjnHIS new and splrndld article, its name do-
i. notes, is profe.i.ed to be tiierltMr to any shs.
vmg Cream in lha United Slstes or Euiope, It ia
unsurpiss. d fir beauty, purity and froirance, Iho'
somewhat analagotl lo Gutl.iin'a Ambrosial
Cream and other similar compounds. It far sur
passes them all by Ihe cru.. lent pasty C miatency
nf ila l-i tliL r, n bieb o softens the heard as lo rend, t
shaving pleasant and easy, ll further poesra
the advantsge over ihe imported article, in being
Irchly pr. )ive I, no skill being wanting in ila man.
bficture. E. Roussel having had many yejra' ex.
fierience in the celebrated Laboratory of Lsugur,
Per ei FiU, now Rrnaud A en., of Paris.
Besides being the l est, it is the cheapest artiela
for shaving 1 it is tleg mlly put up in bow, wilh
splendid steel engrsveil labels.
Tri e f 3 per iloretl. or 37 eenia for a single hot,
lo shave One vear. It is also aold al f I fiO per lb.
or 13) cents per it., ao thil gentlemen ran have
their botes filled at El'GENB ROLSSEL'8.
VVtiole.iiie and Relail PerfuTcry and Mineral Wa.
ter Es'shlishment, 1 11 Chesnnt S'rin t.
Dec 19. 1846.-- PHILADELPHIA.
J. &, It. n.TJlTDEPsSj
No. ai North Fourth Street,
Invite Menhsnts and Milliners to cx-nVj
sBsmine Iheit stik of Bonnets, PalmLJeG.
loaf 1. nd Leghorn Hals. Fur ard Cloth Caps, ai J
India Rubber Shoes. It wi'l be found lo contain
all of the moat desirable kinds, and will be aold at
the lowest maikel prices.
No. 21 Nojih Fouiih Street, between Maikel
and Arch Street.
Philadelphia, Per. lSth, Idlfi. dm
"Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Stare,"
No. 90 North SECOND eirect, corner of Quarry.
Utll.U I.ever Watrttes, rull
jawelled, 19 carat Cases. $ 46 00
Silver Lever Watches, full
34 uu
18 on
.ifver Lever Watche.
L.U..I ..I
' vn leWSla.
Silver l.epme. Watche, jewelled, finest
Superior (juartict Watches,
Imits'lon IjuaHier Wstches.not wHntrd,
Gold Spcrle,
Fine Silver Spectacle.
Gold Brae, leu with lopsi stores,
I. ...: .11 !... la III r.r.ll
U 0(1
10 00
! Oil
8 00
1 7-
t .to
Gold Fina-er IM'gs ST J CIS t ien luas
es, plain, IS tts; p'ei.t, I ei 1 Lunct. 86, O.
I her articles in pnpoilion. All goods warranted
la bewlatlhey aretold, O. CON HAD.
I hi band, soma Gold tnd Silver Levers, Lepiura
and Oueriirrs, lower Ihsli the above price,
Fh'laJvtphit, Dtt. 6, 1846.1y . -