I WW -THE VOLUNTEERS' RAELTJ- tenfold that banner of the stirf ! "" '" ! 1 TViJ let it float ami free ; I til motta for these Mexic wart, ' Ha "Right and Libert J V 1 ! Yes ! Right in (bat deep, unsought strife, . WImh freemen new cowered 'Right and Redress !" or while we've lift, ' NoVr shall' oiir hag be lowered! ' lTjHe f ye noble volonteers 1 : Stand to yonr purpose strong! No craven doubts, no .faltering feats, To your bolJ band belong. What f than we tamely ana1 et fjoni, VrotliRTl, fathers fall, ' ' Ar.fi -cry 'not Death or Victory I" Till we've avenged them all ?" From Butiker'a honored, blood stained brow, (A tall spire itandcth there) The voice conies' forth, no iuue now, ' I ' ' 5ave "Conqoett or Despair !" Detpair ! WbOte lip that word ahall tiara To whiaper to the brave T Th' inscription thai our flag mutt bear Is "Victory or a Grave"!" : steer Warlttam'a Horn Triilm "You know Bob Waddom, 1 reckon," atid I'nc.le Miko, ... Not . I hat I rocollert," replied. , - 'Well, Bob waa en amaein hand at tradin r rvtpe, and generally come out ahead too. I never knew him really girdled and kj Ibt nder tirtieh but once." 'How wee thtit.Uncle Mike!" "Why, you ee Bob, hed just been getting; a nay )tora m aoins of hit deala, that wis just a hmit aa nice a tress to look at as ever put his k I h rough the rack sticks, lie was a human Uiikin"' horse, and oothiu' shorter. He was al waya kxtkrr.j for stars, and tarried his tail like i Iih national flagon the 4th of July. But he wouldn't work h was above it. He'd almost fpp when he'd see hie shadow folio win' him, fur fear he m'jjht be drawing it. Now then, nys Bob, some individual ia bound to be picked up. Sa makin' an excuso that Gray's ehoea wanted fixin, Ite eent him te the blacksmith's, mid harnessed up hit other hossea, bitched on to a wagon load of stone, and drove down toSem 11- well's tavern. Here he stopped before the door, unharnessed him op in hie place. Bob went in arid took a drink, and waited around until some men should come along who wanted to tpcevtate. He hadn't bee waitin' long when he see some fcllef corn in' up the road I ko all possessed, his hossea under a full run, while he was caw in' the bit and holler in' wo ! o! with all his might and main. He mana ged to stop Vm after he got a little by Sam He wett'sand torniu' 'em round, he come up a slap pin his hands and cusnin 'that sorrel hoes.' 'lie's never ready to stop,' says he, rtrrt hott nin't; and tho he's the hesttioss 1 ever owned, yet, blast my eyes if I don't git shut ol him.' "Wei', joet then out comes Bob sml mounted ii warou jent as if he was goin' to drive ufl, when says lie " 'Hallo, stranger, perhaps yoe'd like to deal with mo fur a steady one P "'Why ; yea,' says the stranger, i would like Kiinclhing a little more quiet than that go-ahead snap-dragon raecal of miner. "So Bub he looked at the sorrel, and found him a fine square built animal, his eye full of fire, and every muscle in play. 'Well,' my Mod, 'a few words does (or inc. There' my gray here's your sorrel, What's your prohibition V' 'Now you are talking,' eays the stranger, exumiue the gray, as he stood hitched In the load of stoue. I'll give you torn, and the bent iorty dollar clock in my wagon for yaut gray." "'Done,' said Dob, 'just unhitch.' Neither of tbem had tuked 'totber any ques tions, causo neither one of them wanted to ans- u tr any. The boeiee were exchanged. Bob had got his clock, and the stranger got into his wa?nn, took up his lines, and bidding 'em good day, was about to start, when fray put a atop to it, and wouldn't budge a hair. In rain did the stTanper whip and coax not an inch could he get. There sat Bob, laughing in his sleeve, nlinu.l ready to burtt, to see how the stranger was trying to Mnrt and couldn't. Not a word lid the etrahger say, howeter ; but alter he had tot tired, and hud given op trying any mote, he came and cat down on tho horse block. 'Bob thought be might as well be going .' so picking up his ribbon 'go along,' says he. Tho sorrel turned his head and looked bark at him, as much as to My, 'don't you wish I would ." but didu't atir a hool. In vain Bob coaxed are" patted. Borre! was lhar, and be wasn't any where else? "Well, 1 reckon it's my turo to laugh now,' said the stranger; '1 'upoee you'll call again when you coin in town 1' '"Oh never mind,' cays R h. 'Sorrel sniff go, or else you couldn't got here with him.' 'Oh yesgaya 'he stranger,' 'yon can atait him it you'll only bring- some shavings, and kindle a fire undir him, as I did And then he laughed again, and whoa I came away, tln-y were playing a game ol Or-o Huedob, to see who should take them loii."-Cincinnati Sun day Newt. ' A cake wis made at Nashville, on Christmas which weighed half a ton. Notwithstanding it w so ftaty, it is U to iiive beta very Ugki. DAN K. MOTE LIST. The fi.llowine fitt shows the current value of sH Pennsylvania Bank Motes. The most implicit re liance may r ptscrd uptn h, at it is every week airefully rnmpared with aixl corrected from Ilick atll's Rtortar. ' v , ltanka In riilladclpliJa. nr... - s Disc. t . - l'rio. pMk1tt NOTES AT PAR. Rank of North America . . . par Dank of th Northern I.iltertk . . par Commercial bnk of Pnn'a. . , pr Fnimera' and Mechanics' Bank . . par rteninnton Bank , . . par Philadelphia Bank . . t par Schuylkill flank . . . par Smlthwark Bank par VVpntern Bank . . par McfhauuV Bank . par MantiOwttrrera' Mrrhanica' Bank, par Rank of Penn Township. . . par Oirflrd. Biink ... par rliink of t'ommrrrflj, Ih Moyamertnliig" par Bnnk of ."conn) IvmiM . . par C'MHiitry Iltiiiksj. Rank of CWstrr (Juunty WtrVier par Hank of Delawnre Coimiy Chester par Bnk of (termantown Uerinautown pr Rank ef Montgomery ('n. Norrinionrn par Doylonjawn Rank ' 1 Dnyh .town par Baston Bank ' nuatnn p.ir Farmers' Hank of Bnrk co. BriMol pir Bank of Nnrthunihcrland Nurthnmlierland par Columliia Batik & Riide -o. ('ulumliia . par rarmem' Bank of f.ancnKter Lunci.toi ' par l.nnrttAoT County B.uik l.ancaiitrr ptr f.ancastcr Bank I.ancister p.i Farmers Bank of Reading Reading pat Office of Buk of Pciin'a. Hrributg Thc-c Officti do do Lancaster I officrs Ofl'ioe do do Reading do not Oflks dit do Esston Jixsuen. NOTES AT DISCOUNT, tank of lb United 8taU-s PhiUMphia 23 Miners' Bunk of Pottsvilla Potisvi'U j Bank of Lewistonn l.ewirtnwn I Bank of Middlotown M iJJIctnwn i a I Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Bank Pittsburg- Do do branch of Hollidsvsburg Hsrrisbuig Bank Harrisl.urg j Lebanon Bank Lebanon - . j Merchants' tc Manuf. Bank Pituhurg j Bank of Pittsburg Tittsbaig Weat Branch Uank Williamsporl Ij Wyoming Bank Wilki-.Urra Northampton Baifc Allentown Berks Coenty Bank Rpading Offioa of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg failed Do - do do Erie do Do do do New Brighton do Bank of Chauiberaburg Chamberaburg J Bark of Gettysburg Gettysburg j Bank f Susquehanna Co. Montrose 1 Erie Bank Erie IJalj Farmer. & Drovers' Baok Wayneaharg ij Franklin Bank Washington H Honesdala Bank Honeadule I i Monongabela Bank of B. Brownsville tj forV Bank York a I N. B. The note of those hanks en which we omit quotationa, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which hae a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia 8a. Ina. Phitad. I,.hia fatttd Philadelphia Loan Co, do failed rtchuylkillSav.lns, do failed Kermingleti tiav. Ins. A do Penn Township 8av. Ina. do Masrasl Labor Baak (T. W; Dyett, prop.) failed I'owanda Batik Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford im sale Bank ef Beaver Beaver closed Bank of Swslara Ilariishurg closed Bank of Washington Washington failed Centre Bank Hcltrf rl.tat-d City Bank Pitinbuig no ale Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank Pittsburg failed Farmero' tt Mech'ca' Bank Fayette eo. failed Farmers' dr Mech'cs' Bank (treencaMtle failed Harmony Institute Harmony no sale HuHtingdoo Bank Huntingdon no sale Juniata Bank l.ewisiown, nosle Lumbcrmeo's Bank Warrrn failed Northern Bank of Pa. Uon.UIT no sale New Hope Del. Bridge t'o. New Hope cloved Northumb'd Union Cot. Bk. Milton no kale North Western Batik of Pa. Meadiille elided Office of Schuv'kill Bank Purl Carbon Pa. Agr. Si. Manuf. Bank Carlisle fsilrd Silver Lake Bank Mont ruse closed Union Bank of Penn'a. IJiiionte-wn fuited Westmoreland Bank Orrrnshurg cloited Wilkesbarre Biidgn Co. Wilkrabarre no sale (Jp All nols purposing to be ou any PenncyL vania Bank not given in the above li.t, may be set Jown as fraoda. ' - ikxw jcr.i:t. Bank of New Brunswick Brunswkk railed Belvidete Bank 1 ' IMsiilnre ( Burlington Co. Bank Mcdford par Commercial Hank Perth Amlioy j CumberUnd lUnk Bridgrimi pr Farmers' Bunk Mount Holly pr Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway Farmera' and Mr-chamrs' Bk N. Biunswirk (ailed Parmers' and Mm hauls' 13 k MiddUtown Pi. Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City failed Hoboken Bkgdr. (Jiuzing Co Hobnken fuiltd Jersey City Bank Jcrwy City failed Mechanira Bank PHtlrrson fml.d Manufacturers' Bank Brllrville failed Morris County Bank Morristown Monmouth Bk of N.J. Freehold failed Mechanica' Bank Newark Mecbanics and Manuf. Bk Trenton par Mollis Canal and. Ukg Co Jersey City Poet Nolea B0 ie Newark Bkg & Ins Co Newark J New Hope Del Bridge Co LaniheiUtille j N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Hoboken failed N J Proiecton A Lombard I k Jeraey City failed orange Diiut' Uranga l'aieron Bank" Paterson fail Peoplui Hank do Princeton Bank Princeton par Halern Banking Co Ssleoi pm State Bank Newark J Htaie Bank Elizahethtown i Atate'Baidl Camden ' par UtsU.Bsnk of Morris Morristown J ritste Bank Trenton failel tialem ad PbilaJ Manuf Co 8aUm failed Hussex Bank ' - N aw ion Trenton Banking Co Trenton par Union UsnL Deter j Washington Banking Co. Hackonaack failed . .. ItELAfTf ARE. Rk of Wilm eV Urandywine Wilmington par Bank of lMwsr. , Wilmuigfcm par Bauk of Smyrna Smyrna par Do ' branch Milford par Farmers Bk of Ktato of Del Dovel par lia hraitcr. Wilmington par va viaiu-at oaorgitiown Da UiumJx Newcasthj I'......, It LI ..... par par '" . vumiogU4 par fy I'ndre 5 i tlJ Ou all banks ansrked thus () there are ait tttsr rountarfeit tti altered : notes a 4a sr.oe ds ttfuilckUi-i., in cirrulstioo. TEI OF THOUSAND8; of-unhappy beingt in the "Ague Sectiohk" of our 'country are now tormented With vthsThsti1 oomptaitit' FE VER ea AGUE, oa BILIOUS INTERMIT. TENT FEVER, or Cams srrn FaVaa. ae it is variously eslled. The oniverasl voice ef this en tire community "from Maine to Georgia" and from the Atlsntio to the Rortf y Mountain, daclarst - ROWLAND'S" IMPROVED TONKJ '.: .-: , MIXTURB ' !: 1 to be lbs trrerrf ami only tafe. turt and radical enre, When ptperi used. This cannot be con troverted. . It restores the natural feeling and e UiKticity of the constitution in a manner that no thing else will. w. . Kxrract of a Utter, dated . l.awttTown.l'A.fM. I0.1B4S. Every botilo nf (lr. miroved Tonic Mixture writ ha Wen told, and I do not know of one in stiiine tint it did not affect a cure. Four hoi tie cured five ram t,r ibe worst kind of Fever and A gue nne Ciae waa mywlf. After trying Quinine and all other ruies thought of by my Physician. fUhna: no relief. htially arnl.for one b..llle ..f your Tonic Mix'ure. and waa rvlirsnd, iu fart cured in 24 hours. Please send on a fr.sh aupply, aa there is none k'fl." You-s. tru'v. SAMUEL HOPPER. fj-j' Sold on Aeenry in Nuubury, by it. M-srr snJ others, and all ih Slnrek. epers in the adjoiu '"U Cquolica. jr)rt ,,r )7 1846 KXTK AORD! N A R Y DlSajVERYl " .nnrVin ,-' DEAFNESS CAN BB OTJREJ ! I COOPER'8 ETEKIAI. OH A prompt and lasting remeily for Datrwr.ua, also for paint and dithsrgp of matter from the Ears. Iluridredt ofrurea in ca-es deemed utterly hope leahave firmlv e-lalilished its superiority over eve ry former Medics! disi-overy. Thii valuahle Aennstie Medicine is a Compound of four diflcrrnt Oils, one of which, the active and principal ingiedieiit, is ol'tiined fom the hsrk of a certain sH-ciea of Wiubt, a new and ett'ectud agent in the cure of Dejfnen. Per.oni who hn.l h-n deaf for 10, 15 and even 20 year, have hero ernisneiiily cured by using this oil. In fuel, mi numerous and so rrnphmic have been the trxtimonials in iu favor, thit the in ventor claims for it the distinction of an Iufallihle Remedy, in all cases, when the Ear ia perfect in ita formal! n. Fot further particulars, and evhlenca of its great value, aee printed she.lt, in the hands of Agents. For s-tle in Munl.u.y, by J. W. FitlLING. Septemtrer I9ih. 1846 ly UNRlVALLbiD AND UNEQUALLED In curing Colds, Coughs, Asthma, lofluenia, Whooping-Cough, and all Diseaaea of the breuat and lungs, lesding to Consump tion ; composed of the conrentrted virtues of the herba Horehouod, B inesett, Bloodrool, and several other vegeta ble subolaucca. Warranted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. rPHIS invsluatde Medicine is the most seMy -1 and certain remedy ever discovered for the a hove cornpls nts, as thousantle who have used it will Iratify. For aale, in Suubtiry, bv J. W. FKIL1NG. and in Norlhun.berlsnd. by D. BRAUTIUAM, and at wholesale, in Philsdi Iphia, hv F. KI.ETT A Co, Corner of Pecond arid Callowhill streets. Srptemlier 19th, IMf. ly CHEAPEST IN TIIK wiTHLlT! Nteani Kcflncd Siittar f 'uihIIvm, 14 cBHTe ran eon an, weotastaa. JJ. RICHARDSON. No. 42 Market Street. , PumiiBLrHia, lakes ptesior) in niloiming the public, thst he still continues to sell bis very $u icrior Sieam Refined Candy at the low price of $12 60 per 100 pounds, and ihe quality is equal to any manufactured in the United Kutea. He abn otf-'ra sll kinds of goods in ihe Ccnfc tiourru and Fruii line at rnrrnrpunding kw iniera. aa quirk aalea and small prolits are the order of the ty. t'all or send your orders, and you cannot fail to l satisfied. Don'l forget the number, 42 MAR KET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. J. J. RICHARDSON'. August 28ib. 1846. Am W. H. THOMPSON, Faftliioiiablc ROOT AND SHOE MAKE II, Miaaia Srar.tr, Siaaiai, TtHANKFI'L for pat tutors, liegs leave In in form b a friends and the public generally, that he has jo-t returned from, the city with new and fashionahle lasts, and a full assortment of Light colored, Brniiie, It 1st k Kid. and all other kiuds of Morocco for Gentlemen, Ladies and Children's wear; and he assurea all who may favor him with their custom, that tbry may rely upon having their work done in the most substantial and fashiouable manner, and at very low pi ices. He aluo has a full aaortmetit of low priced work, select, d ry bimse'f, which he will sell lower than ever oil- red tu this place, via : Men'a Shore. as low as Eitra Stout Boots, Good Lace Boots for Women, M VV omen's Slips, " Children's Shoes, Sole Leather, Morocco, &.C., fol sale low, Angus! 3il, IH4G. aplHlf 11.00 2.00 1,00 to W II O I. E SALE BOOT & SHOE STOPaE. CHEAP FOR CASH. No. 33 South Third .Street, alunt CLetnul, PIIILADEL FUU sastsbh aao cirv sutiicnstii moots aan taoia. THE Subscriber bit taken the liberty of addreao sing the public, siu-nd thai they will Cud it to their interest to call and csamine hia stork of Boots and Shoes, and acquaint themselves with bis prices. Selling exclusively lor the Cah, he ia enabled and determined to sell lower (hart any otber rrgw Isr bouse in lbs city. Persons will please examine the market tbo roughly, and, befoie purchasing, call at lbs alore of THOH. L. EVANS. No. 35 South Third, above Cbesnut Su Philadelphia, Aua- t5, 116. MOLXS'SES " tbTnVai 'quality ; SuaTllo'u'sf Molasses, only I2 cents per quart; also, a superfine article of yellow Molasses for baking, on ly eon Is par quart for sale at I ha store of . Jans l, IMS. HENRY MAbSCH. D E N.TJ.S T 11, Y. 'jAqoi.EELLEPaU nnilANKFUL for the liberal encoursgrrneat U which he has recaivodwoujd reantctlfUy Inform his friends and th citiieiif of Nortrmmber land county in general, that he has prepared him self with the belt IncuruptiMe Teeth, Gold Plate, Gold Foil, &.c.,'that can be had In the city of Phi ladtlphia t and that he will endeavor, to Ihe utipost Of hia ability, to rentier foil Mtsfsctfnrt to all who way think proper to engage hia services. He will be In Sunhury at the Agut Court, where he will he. prepared, at hia rcHidence, to inrwn Teeth on Gold Plate, or on Pivot, on the luteal and mot ap proved plans, and attend la all Ibe branches belong ing to DENTAL SURGERY. Ladire will he waited on at their places of resi de.nre, if desired. His charges will he reasonable, and his work warranted. He will visit different parts of the county, about once in three month. ' Hunhnry, July 18th. I8t6. m ' E. KI1YIBER, JR., A'o. 31 A'erfA Fourth Street, under the Met chant'. Hotel, I li 1 1 a .1 e I p li I n , 4 t mods in rims KEEPS coiiHlmitly on hind an etler.ive as sortment of all kinds of Silk, For and lies rt Hats, which he offers for nle on the tnont res souable terms. Hit Hats are nrde up of the best msteilsls, and in the most approved stile. Per sons visiting the city will find It to their interest to csll. July 1 1th, 1816. Iv SILVER MHDAIa, aWASDKD aV TBI rniNRU tXSTITCTS, 1845. City DagnrrrtotYpe Eslablixhmrnt. (Lstc Hiwoaa cV Collins.) No. 100 Chrinut it., ntwve Third, South ;de, rJIIItABEX.rKXA.. "flLfTI MATURES tHkrn equally as well In clou lxJl '.v ss in cle.r weilSer. A dirk silk drcs for a lady, ami a black suit for a ceutlemnn, are prefitrahle in aitting for a pictu e. No extra charge ia made for coloring, and peifrct likenesses are guarantied. July 4th, I84B. ly "rouiN kotelT Light SI reef, TH E House haa undergone a thorough repair. The proprietors solicit its former patronage. Terms $1 25 per day. WM W. DIX, ARTHUR 1. KlKiG. July 4, 1848. ly PropriMnre. " C OLlCBlirHCT SE, CHESNUT STBBBT, P 11 I L A 1) E Ll IMA. THIS large and commodious Hotel haa recently been fitted up with entire new furniture. The RNbacrihere therefore solicit the patronage of the public, and trosrthat their eiperience in the business will enable them to give entire aalisfsc tioa. Terms moderate. BAG LEY, McKBNZIE & Co. July 4lh, 1846. ly Keller & Grceuougli, PATE1TT ATTOH1TE7S, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, WASXIXXa-GTOXr, Z. O. DRAWINGS and Papers for the Patent Of. Gee will be prepared by them, at their office, opHisiie the Patent Office. Julv. 4th. 1840. ly 1 91 1 O R T A 11 T TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU msy be sure of obtaining, at all tiuuM, pure and highly flavored By the single pound or larger quantity, at the I'cklti Tra Company's Wa rehouse, 30 Suuth Second $treet, between Market and Chet nut ttreett, PniLADELfBIA, Heretofore it haa been very difficult, indeed, al most imHMible, alwaya to obtain good Green and Black Teaa. Bui no you have only to visit the Pekiq Tea Company's Store, to olrtain as delirious and fragrant Tea aa you could wish for. All lastes ran hero he euited. with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low price, JuneJ7th,JI846. FREMIUIVI SCALES? Dale's Cetet rated Rail Road Scales, Coal and Hay do Iron Manofac's' do Portable Platform do 30 different sixes, Dormut or Floor do & different sites, Counter do 13 different sizes. The above Hrstes are made either single or double beam, and are decidedly the most duable, accurate and conveni. enl sealee ever invented. We also bate Platform and Counter Scales, Patent Balances and every kind of Weighing Machines in use for sale, whole sale and retail, at low prices. All Scales sold by us to go out of the city, are boxed free of charge, and war i anted to give satisfaction to Ihe purchaser in every particular. GRAY Jt BROTHER, Manufacturera and Dealers, No. 34 Walnut atreet, June 27. 1846. ly yhiladelphia. 01IORS Hoise Kh price, by HORSE SHOES. Burden's Patent Shoes, for sals at manufacturers' GRAY Ac BROTHER, 34 Walnnt at. Philad. June 37. 1846. ly O ALT. New York Salt in barrels and bags, for sale at manufacturera' pricea. by GRAY At BROTHER. June 37, 1846. ly 34 Walnut st. Philsd, c"iTb T E 1 IT 6," WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. '"PJIE suhecsibers are constantly manufacturing from the beet French, English and American manufactured Clothe and Caaaisners, CLOTHING in a very superior style, cut snd workmanship, retsona buying to sell again will find one of the large! snd meet ftabionsble stock of goods to select from in the eily, and at unprecedented low pricea. J. W. At E. D. STOKES, IH4 Market at. J'hilad. N. B. A large aasorlmept of Odd Fellows' Re galia constantly on hand, and all orders from lodges or individuals punctually attended to, on la steal liberal lesoa. J . W. E. D. PfclUdslfhr. Juna 27th, 1816 ly i do do do do do do do do do do Have tou heard Ihe rvrs I NO! WflAT. IS IT ? W ar, tit t lot miTsT . MARTIN IRWIN, At fiitthop, in Market ttrert, adjoining the thrie tforu Bnck Umiar, . TT Ad just received from Philadelphia the largest, baiidtomest and beat assortment of i . IlOOl'S AND SHOES of every description, thai has ever1 been bronght lo Ibie place. And what is ttitl better, they tif he sells so cheap, that yeti can buy rw6 rain r the tnmt money that yiu ued to pay fur arte pair. He Ht'ts roa Casn and Srils roe Cash, and thnt is the reasnn that he Can afford In sell them ao much ehener. If you don't want to buy , just call and aee bis stock. He ia alwaya glJ lo aee his customers; and it is no trouble to him to show his goods, Jut to give you an idea how cheap he does sell, the following ia a Irst of prices of a part of his slock t Men's Thick Boots, - worth f 1 00 st fit 75 do F ine Grain do " 4 60 at 3 00 do C .lf do " 6 ( at ft 00 Boys' Thitk do " S 50 al I 7S Youths' do " - 3 00 at t 36 Men'a Thick Brngans, " . I 87 at t 00 Women's Morocco Welts end Ki. I Sprints. " 1 50 at t 00 Women's heat City made . . Kid .S!iot.er, "I 63 at 1 13 I. idi.'n' j Usila rt and trai ler Boot, " 3 00 at 1 37 A 'so, every variety of Ladies', Hoys' atd ehil drens' shorn, at t rices lower than ever before off-red. Come and Sre Ki.ni... . i..... i-, h loaa rt, t t DA N V ILL B DANVILLB, COLUMBIA COUNTY, cnnNylvanla. - riHE Danviilt Steam Woolen ttetnry. former JL ly owned and occupied by Dr. I'ETaiai. ht recently heen purchased by the subscribers, who lespectfully announce to their friends and the pul lit. general y, that they art. now prep, red lo do all kit.ds of work ii) theif liue of busines, at the shor test nolice, according t.i oniel, and In the best com parative niahnotj Having gone to conyiJornMe epeoH in rr pairilig tl.eit n.achincry and aparatus, and hring vtry particular in securing the service of rtperienced mechanics, they feel confident thst they are eupahle ol eaec-jting all kinda of work In a aiyle superior to stjy other reiablishment in the country, at the old customary prices. CLOTHS. SATIN ETTS, FLANNELS an BLANKETS cuntan ly on hand, and for sale at reduced prices, for Case, ot Barter. CAItmiVC AKD FI LL1XC1 will ! done in the treat manner, at ibe uxunl pri cea. All kinda of country produce taken iu pay rn nl for work, st D:inville market prices. For the accommodation of those who live at di-tance, Wool ami Cloth will lie taken in at, and, when finished, returner) to ibe following pla ces, 1'luin written direction must accompany each parcel : Culnmlna County, Roup A. Marr'a store, Wa shingtt nville ; R. Fruit's store, J reyto n ; Yea ger's inn, Roaring Creek ; Sharplest" alore, Catta wiasa ; C. F. Mann's stoie, Mifllinville ; Miller's store, Berwick s J. Cline's Mill; Rickei's atorc, Oranaeville; Derr's store. While Hall. Northumberland County Michael Reader's Inn, Turbutvitle; Ireland Si Hav's atore, McEwens ville; E. L. Piper's store, Wstsonatnwn ; H. I, Comly dr. Co's store, Milton; (iibson's inn, Chil lisqusque ; Forsyth's store, Northumberland ; Young'a atore, Banbury. ' Luzerne Cuunty. Reynold's ttore, Kingston ; fiildersleeve's store, Wilkesbarre; Gsy lord's atore, Plymouth ; Styer'a store, Nantlcoke ; Judge Mark's Mill, Huntington. Lycoming County. IJ. Clnpp's store, Muncy ; (Shoemaker's store, Mmilh'a M ill. OEARHART At KOWNOVER. Danville, May 9, 1846. iMiNNSYIaAiXiroUsET- BAzrvxz.La a. riHE suhecrilier, Iste of the Union Hotel, Mun A ey, Pa , respectfully informs the old snd nu merous customers of the Pennsylvania Iloune. and the public generally, that he haa leased ibe Tavern Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, where he is now prepsred to entertain travellera, and per sons visiting the town, in the very best style. 'l"he acremmodaliona will be such as a well conducted public house should afford, and no rlTort will be spared to render aatisfartion, in every respect, to all who may call. The citizens ef Lycoming county are invited lo put op with the undersigned when they visit Danville. HENRY WEAVER. Danville. May 3, 1 648. WHITE 3 WAIT HOTEL, rUcat Ntbbbt, i'miladblphia.. BY J. PETERS. rpiIIS location ia convenient for Business men visiting Ihe city. Every pains is taken to se cure the comfort of travellers. March 7, IS46. ly : MONTOUR HOUSE, LATE BRADY'S HOTEL, Opposite Ihe Court House, BAN VILLI, rSNN'A. 11 THE subscriber, who assisted liar ae fiTj veiel years in the management of the a JJJJI Vbove Hotel, lately kept by Mr. 8. A. Bra i I .L-ljy, begs leave to inform ibe travelling public, that, be haa taken the establishment on bis own account, on the first of January , 1846. The House haa, of late, undergone many impor tant alterations, and the present conductor promises to leave nothing undone to make it a comfottahle and agreeable, as well as a cheap aud accommoda ting stopping place for atanger who may visit our fluurifhing village. No pains nor ripenae will be spared to fill the labia and the bar with the best the ronksta afford, and with the determination to do. vote hia entire erennsl attention to tho comfort of those who may make bis house their temporary a bode, and aided by active, careful and obliging aer vanta, he hopes lo give gemral saluIocUon, and re ceive a liberal abate of custom. Cj" Large and commodious STABLES are at tached lo Ihe establishment which era attended by careful and obliging bo-tlers. GIDEON M. 5HOOP, January 34th, 1846, If BEXTttR'a sl'lRil S OF")AlrLt trading Grease, Dry Paints, Vamkb, Tar, Wa, eke, from rlulhing of aay cWsBriiaion, war. ranted not lo iujure lbs cloth oc the ao delicate colors. This liquid has also been used wih (rem success in cases ol Duma. ctds, Teiyr, Ptmirlei on the face, Cbapusd bands, fciore lips, .lihturoe tiam, Herd or sell Coins, oVe, dj' I'tice, a ct. per bottle. For sale at Ihe store of. JulyU. IS46V H. MASSES CiONOkKRS .VA. Uhie and Black Cdtigre Jok, of a UiHir rjuality. f'i ssls el.esp. at ike ateroof HENKV MArjT.R. July 4th, IM. He Be MsA.S3E.Re A T T Q KNBY AT LAW, ' . aunsuatv. TA. Business attended to, in ibe Countirf p Nor ihurob'etland, Cnion, Lycoming snd Columbia. ' He fee f - Vkfi A. RoveoiiTj ri I.owta Ar, TfVaaov, I Pdsjaari Sl Bnono'ai', PSitaJ. Rstnottis, McFaatanoaVCo. f ' " . Rekaraa,Oooo V Co., J '." 'DExmsf?v r PKTKIl n. M AR8F.H, RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, HKSI'BC ITULLY informs the citieena of Sunhury and vicinity, that ha has opened sn office at Ihe residence of Henry Master, in Market atreet, where be ia prepsred to execute all kinds of Dr.HTit. Suaotav. Date Work, Ate, on the latest and most approved plans. . - Having had tome experience and Instruction. under one of the most eminent and auccassful Den lis's in Philadelphia, he believes that he will be able to give satisfaction to those who may want his services. Ladies will be waited on at their places of resi dence. His chargea will be modeiate, and his woik warranted, Sunhury, March 38th, 1846. EVANS & WATSON, No. 711 South Third STar.rT, Oppoaile ihe PhUadtlphia Exchange, .Manufacture and kt' p con stimtly on hand. large as sortment nf their Patent Im proved fctidamnnder FIRE PROOF SAFES, which are so constructed as to set at ret sll mmner of dowbr as to their beine strictly fire proof, nnd that they will resist the hie of any building in the world. The outHide-cae of the Safes are made of boiler iron, the inutile c oe of aoap-tone, and be tween the outer esse and inner case ia a apace of some 3 indies thick, aud is filled in with indetrur tilde rn.iteri.il, so sa to make it an impossibility to ever burn any of the contents inside of this Chest. These Moapstone Sal . minders we are prepared and do challenge the wmld to produce any article in ihe shape of Book Safes that will stand as much beat, mid we bold ourselvi t ready at all timet to have llurn fairly tested by public bonfire, nhould a ny of our cometitors feel dispoaid to try them. We also continue to manufacture and keep con stantly on hand, a lame and general aa-ortment of our Premium Air-tight Fire Proof Safes, of which we hive a l-irge quantity in use, and in every in stance they have given entire astistaeiion to the puichasers of which we will refer the public toe few gentlemen who have them in use, N. & G. Taylor, 129 north 3d st.; A. WriBht & N-phew, Vine st. wharf; Alexander Caror, Con veyancer, corner of Fillerl aud Oth ate.; John M. Ford, 82 north 3d st.; Myers Uuxh, 20 north 3d st.; Bailey & Brother, 13 Muket flA, Jsmes M. Paul. Illl r-outh 4tb St.; Dr David Jnyne, rt snulh 3dt; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d St.; and we could name some thn e ur four hundred othera if it wrre necessury. Now we invite the attention of the public, and particularly those in want of Fire. Proof Safes, to call at our alore before purcha sing elsewhere, and we think we can satisfy them that Ibey will gel a heller and cheaper article at our store then any other estsblishment in the city. We also continue lo manufacture Seat and Co. pying Presses, made in sucb a manner as to sn. swer both puro-ea ; Hoisting Machines, Fire Proof Doors, with our own manufacture of lock t on them, witb D. Evans's Patent Keyhole cover attached to the same; plain and ornamental Iron Railing, die N. U. We keep constantly on hand a large as sortment ol our Patent Mate Lined Refriger ti. Water Filters and Coolers; and we have also on band aeveral second band Fire Proof Chests taken in exchange for ours, which we will dispose of at very low prices. Philadelphia, January 24th, 1846. ly To I'm r hitwrrri of DRV GOODS. o. 131 JVors., NEW VOKK. U A VINO established a Branch at No. 144 Che nut at., Philadelphia, ia now opening, and will be constantly receiving from the New York Auc tions, sn extensive assortment of FAZTCT it STAPLE DBT GOODS, which will be sold at the lowest New York pticea, at wholesale and Retail. Among his stock will tie found a good assortment of the following articles: Jacconcts, Plaid, Hair Cord, Lace, Stripe, Book, Swisa and Tarlatsn Muslins, Bishop and Linen Lawns, Fancy Cap Nrtts, Fancy and Ball Ureae4, Thread Laces, Application Do rich Black Silk Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics,' Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cashmere d'Ecotse, Mousehne de l.aiae, Silk and Cotton Warp Atpaccas, Quoeu's Cloth, Gala Plaids, French Merinos, Black Sitka, Gloves, Si k Hose, Shawls, Cravats, Ribbons, Embroideries, Ace., Are. Country Merchants snd others visiting Philadel phia or New York to purchase, are rcsjiectlully in vited to call and examine the stocks. Nov. 1. 1645. ly BELIEVE AND LIVE. THOMSON'S Comitound Syrup of Tar V Wood Naptba. rilHE unprecedented success of this medicine, ia JL the restoration of health, to those who, lo dee. : pair, had given up all hopes, has given it an exal- ted reputation above all other remedies, furnishing ' rvidauceof its intrinsic value and power, aa the ea. ly sgent which can bs relied upon for the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, ' Bronchiltie, Asthma, Pain ia the ride and Breast, Spitliag of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, dec. Attention ia requested lo the (allowing ASTON. ISHING CURE, by Thomson's Compound Syrap i of Tat and Wood Naptba! I rhita.klpkim, May 3d, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With fr.lefal feelings I inform you of the astonishing cflicU of. your medicine, which baa literally iait d ma front . adesth-hed! . My dia.-e, Pulmonary Coruump lion, had retluced me so low that my physician pro. nojnred my ease hopeless ! At this junction I be gan to ute your medirine, snd miraculous aa it may seem. It haa completely restored ma to health, aftf r' every thins else bad failrd. Respectful! vnura. Washington Mack. Charlotte atreet, above fieorge atreet. The undersigned, br ing nrraonaD.v acquainted. ' with Washington Maek and his atlTerings, bear witness to the aktoniahiog c fleets of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tsr, and the truth of Ihe a ' bove statement. ' ' ' ' " JtlN. WINNER. Slg North Third atreet, DA VID VICKERS. 42 Almond atreet. HUGH M'GIM.EY. S. E. corner Tamany and fourth suteu. Preptrrd only by.S. P?,TbnjJwan, N.E' gotnsr , of Sth aad Spruce strerts, Philadelphia.' Agents. H. B. Maaaer, Sunbury ; D. Gross, and Dr. Macpheraon, Harrishurg Jqo. GjBrpwQ, ' Pottsville Geo. Earl, Retdiag; Heuiton dr. Ml on, Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. ' Price ftO ceota per bottle, er f S tti dojsrt. XJ- Br efill iaii'ar.'svM. Phtladelphit.'Jdns k8ih, l4. ly tsT