"II I' WMPJJiUMjmH I - J I U fh Trial am it Trlhit UlltinS of Primer's . Urvll. At Mi; tat .Anniversary Celebration of the VaHhintfton Typographical Society, a number admirable speeches were nede, nnd atm.nj '..m the blowing, by G. IT Wallis, a Cmigrei- '.ml reporter ; Mr I'xcaioefrr GenlUmen : 1 have noihinr t i say. I suppose, though, '.he requisition to f.y eorneihtniHs imperative. Gentlemen, t am in of yon if (he trial of a printer'" devi! and he v'cissitudea of a journeyman printer's ad venturer, are the teat. Many of you are ae Minted wiib the outline of my career from 'he '"'me that I was an iipprentice to the lute Jona than Elliot, ot Ihia city, (peaee to hi mil,) who was familiarly known In hi office by the en fihoninus iijn ficution of "Old B.unb." I aep V'fore me a fellow-apprentice (Mr. Daniel ? nith) with "Old B.,inb." ( bad been the devil, r'ughtor, and Daniel euceeoded in the digni of thut office, tie knows, and 1 know, and ! cunnot furpet the peculiarities of a printer' MiinvMiicrn' life, if our own are to be taken at 'm standard. "Old rimib," of summer even travo uacur euppor under the arlmr of an ! nbella vine in hia parden, hut tl.P fruits of the v i.e wer" interdicted to u.a, nttd our evening in- 'i I uniformly rnnjistini of cerium broiled i i miens cntmi-ted of a dih of red hcrrtnca. Am) t nm hern reminded of n most aiiirular co ' i 'ii'iice. We all know, and Daniel, you i 'in, and t know, and Mr. President and Mr. !C 'chie, you know, that from time immemorial v i devil lio been associated with nr Craft. 1'iimt the tradition of the Devil and Dr. Faus i down, our ancient ally, the devil, has been ppend(re of a printing office, inpvitabty and i orab!. The justice of the as cintiou isa i t her question tho fact is so. And then, too, y ii all recollect, or ought to recollect, the in cident in Hcripture history where the devila, by n.p divine command of our Saviour, were ex lied from certain individuals and, taking re iiije it, a drove nfhogs, impelled them and pro p tied them down the mountain declivity and '..rough the chapparrale Intishter into the .-res nf the ea. Well, now, I know not why 'or good "Old Bomb" persisted in feeding hi iti-vila on herrings, unleee he boliered that the whole tribe were descended from those thus dri xvi into the sea, and concluded that they must h.,e acquired, as a matter of coarse, a taste for : nil fuh. General laughter. j But again, my brethern, when I contemplate t mi in the aggregate as journeymen, I cannot tint reflect with prida that I, too, am a printer ; that I have known something of a primer's che jiiered caroer, and have experienced something n the facility and the good grace with which a printer adepts himself to the exigences of hia oe ; laughter, and so it may not be amiss to detail a little circumstance of a tramp of mine liirough Pennsylvania a bona fide tramp a (uirney of 600 miles to Columbus, Ohio, under 'I ken on foot, with finances on hand amounting in lha extraordinary sum total of rSS,75, laugh ter. But" I got several futjoh$ on thu way, mid at the end of my journey had a surplus: in i'nd nf wen dollar and fifty cants. Iiugh ur Mr. President. It was an autumn day, and tin eveninsj eun was sliinii'! aslant the moun t ma; there was a cold graynesa in tho sky, and a melancholy ftillnras around, save the tin kling of the cow belli here and there along the hills. There was aomcthinp in the sailnea and loneliness of the eeenu its harmony wilh thede oldtinn of the lnunly traveller's thoughts. The eon was seitinp, when your narrator descried a home of entertainment on the way eide, prorni H'ng, frnro the proofs of comfort about it, good lure, and a pleasant rest (or the night. The inudlr.rd, a sturdy German, sat in his poreh.emo king hia mtertchaum, and wilh hia fret thruwo h.rward uixiii the railuiL', diepUyed the broad tnundalion of a pair of brngann, studded with i"i!n, and the heel'ap upun them shining like t ao new monna emerging over the horizon Mr. W. then went on to relate the suspicions of the landlord, and hia failure to guess the oc cupation of hia applicant fur "supper end lod iMnjrs." Said the worthy hot : "Von aint no ilxntitt, nor krenolojus, (phrenulogiHt,) nor pook echent, nor chenteel sh'temuker; well, then, vat in tur lifel are you!" "An humble dieciple )f Fauat, a professor of the art preservative of ail arts, the typographical art, that is, tho black art, sir." "Vol is tint : for crout's sake, vot ia datl" "A printer, 6ir, a man that prints books and newnpapera." "A brinter," echoed the German, reaching nut his hand, "a man vot brints pooka and noosrlmberc, hey! Chakop, tHko the genilPumn's pa- k ofT; Chon puild up a tool f.re. Vlk in, sir; valk in. 'Sally put tho kittle on, and v.o'11 all take tea." Great huehter "A brinter, hry I wirh I imiy be tan-, if I did'nt think y.m vos a tailor !" Thb DrLin Mark. We crpy the following frrm a Cfimmun'Rutiun in the Southern Stand ard, written by Beverly Tucker 'Now the most rational account I ever heard nf the mark $ is this: The Straits r.f Gibral tar, called of eld "the pillars of Hercules,' were also then called the ne j lus ultra of the world. Spain pushed her discoveries to this continent, and when she carried home the wealth thus re warded her enterprise, she coined it into dollars, and etamped Ihem wi'4i a triuniphunt alluauui to her great achievement. The pillars they bear are the pillars of Hercules, and across them is twined a fillet marked with the buaslrul words, "plus ultra." Farther yet, the two straight lines are supposed to represent these pillars, and the line that waives across them stands for the fillet, and thus the mark $ is but a rude prc Tui of thia (art ot the impr teaioa. HANK NOTE LIST, The fiillow1n liiH idiowa.the cuinmt value of all snnaylani Bonk Nutftr. Tbe titon implicit re liance may t pUneJ upon it. it i ewry tvttk carefully nnipnred With arid Cot foot oj frora iJick nell's Reperter. . ITniihl In PhlladelpliSn. , Disc. ti Ne. I.eciTiof. pM,tip. NOTEU AT TAK. I B-nk of Xnrih America . , !'"' P"r i oariR ot the Northern l,tvrtipa . Commercial Dank of Penn'a. . . Farmers' and Mechanics' Hniik . Koiniiiitton Sank . f'hiladrlphia Uank . Schuylkill Dank 8mithwark Hunk Weafern !Hnk . . Mechauica' Unnk Mnnufarturprd' cV MiKlmriiiia' tlniik llank of Penn Townnhip . . Oirard Bank B:mk nf Commerce, Into Muyuitliolno Bank of PennyfvainV Country naiiUn. flank of Chenter C!ritnlV Wcsfchi'ier f " pur f" ! I"" mr HIT pill par P'' ai pur f-nr ,nr ,:ir ,:,r par pnr )ir iar ptr 'i r p..f i.ji Hank of Delaware t'oiimy Bnk of fiermnnlown' Bank of Montgomery (i. Doylnitown Banli Canon Bank ('heUr (ii'imnnliiwu No'rii'iiwn niviittwri Farmer' Bank of Bin k co Bri't.d Bank of Nnrthnmbeflnnii rihiitn''.-ilnMd t'nlumhia Bntk k tlriil(ti r.i.( .rl-tntt: Farinpm' Bntik of I.anenatei f.nnc i 't-i I,nnrater Dounly Bunk L-uicM'er Bank Fiirinern' Bank of fica.linn OrTice of Bank of PciiiiV OlTice do do Office do du Office dii do NOTES AT I Rank of the United SHitM Minora' Bank of Potlsvillc Bank of IwiKtown Bank of Middlotown Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of Harremure Bank lanan Bank Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Bsnk of PitMhurg Wnt Branch B.iiik Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Bcrka County Bank Offire of Bank of U. . Do do do Do do do Bank of Chambcr!urg Bank of Cicltyrhurx Bank of Niiuehniia Co, Brie Bank Farmcra' & Drovern' Bank Franklin Bank Honeeilnlr ltuiik Munnngaheta Bank of B. Vork Bank l.fincDKtcr I.atu'der f mix, j, llntril'uiR I'l.P't- I,:mr;iHler otTicc Ite-ulintf f ilo n.it Hnton J iflnue n. I SCO IT NT. Philadelphia 2:? Potiaville j ; l.eivistnwn 1 j i Miilillfinwii jil : Curlinle j i Piltafmrg I HnliitlnVaburg i llirrtxliur(j j Lebanon j i Pitlahura; f j PiUsburg j Wiiliainapnrl lj Wilkeabarra li Allentnwn I Reading I Pittaburg failed I Frie do New Brighton do I'hamberabnrg Uettyaburg M mi trine I? Rria 11 Wwneliurg juj Waahington li Honemlula 1 1 Brownavills t ! Vo.k ial N. B. 'I he notea of thoae hatika on which we oruit quotaliona, and euhstitute a dnsh ( ) are out purchased by the Philadelphia tirkcr, Willi ihe eiceptiou of ttne Which hare a letter ol I. ferrnce. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. loa. Philadelphia Loan Co. tichuvikill Sav. Ins. KnMieltn Sav. In. A Penn 'I owimhip Hav. Ina. Manual I.ulmr lijnk ( I'. V t'nwsiiila Bank Allehsny Bunk of Pa. Bank of Braver llmik of Slara Bunk of Wfisliiiiuiiin IVutre 13 il k Philadelphia failed do (ailed do tailed la do Dyott, prop.) failed Tnwar.da Bfilfoid no sale Boiier cl.xed Hanishurg clnaed N a -hington l.nlril Ik-lh f-uitu eloai'd Pittibuig no aale PilUburg f.nleil Fay otto c. faileil (rcenraatio fulled Harmony no aalc Huntingdon no rale I.ee, lilomi iioaale Warieu failed DlllidulT no rale New Hope lisd Milton tin nlc Meudrilltf clowd Port Carbon Carliide faileil Montr. ow cloiied Uiiiontown faileil (rufiniburg cloaed Wilkcburre no rule City Bii"k Fanner' At MechV' Rank Farmers' 4 Mvh'e' Bank Furini r' V Mi-ch'ca' Unnk Harmony InHiiluto Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbcrmuu'a Iivnk Northern Bank of 'a. New Hope D. l. Bruise Co. Norlhumti'd Union I'ol. Bk. North Wct-rn Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Acr. Sl Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank nf Pcnu'a. VYeitmorelaml Bank Wilkesharre Bridj Co. (rjj All notra purpoitliif; to tie on any Ptoim-yl vania Bank not given in iho above lUl, may be am Jown aa frauds. ii:v' ji:iiki:y. BankoflVew Brunswick Belvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank Farmers' Bank Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmer' and Mechanics' Ilk Fanner' and Merchants' Bk Franklin Bank of N.J. Brunswick Belvidere Medfird Penh Amhoy llrldj')l.io Mount Holly Rahway N. Piunswick Middle! jwii Pt Jer.ev ("ity failed 1 par i p.r par i failed i failed fa ih d failed fulled tailed i failed 4 llohuken Bkg & Uiuztng Co Hob -lien lersey City Bank Jersey Ciiy Mechanic' B ink Munufuturcra' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk id N.J. Mii'hmmV B ink Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morria Canal and l!kg Co Pui-t Nolea Newaik Bkg & Ina Co New Hope lk I Bridge Co ratter.-i.iu Belleville Morriet.iwii Freehold Newaik Trenton Jersey City liar l Newaik Lailil.erUviiU llohoken cN. J. Manulac. anil Bkg t o fail.il N J Prolerton & Lombard bk Jereey Ci'.y Orange Bank Orange Paterson Bank Peterson failed fa I If M Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bunk Pnnceton Salem Banking Co Salem Slats Bank Newark Hiate Hank Eluiibetlilown Htato Bank Camden Slats Bank of Morris Morriaioaru sit ts Bank Trenton nleni snd Philad Manuf Co Salem Sussex flank New Ion Trenton Banking Co' Trenton jwr par failed fullej i par i faded par pal par par par par par par Cnion Bank Dover Wellington Banking Co. Hsckenaark IrT.LAlTARK. Bk of Wilm St Rraiuiywiue Wilmington Bank of U.i,wre Wilmington Bank of Bmyri,, Smvrna l Uanch MiMord r-srimr. Bk of Kt.ie ,J Dtl Dover no tiranch lo bran. h Do branch Union Biink C5" Under 6'a Wilmington GsoigetowQ Newcastle Wilmington (tj Ou all banks tnsrked thua () th.rs srs eu tber counter Ml or altered notra f ik r,uu ds tominsiioLs, in (irtuUtinn, MP!? DEjV TS. T 11 Y. TIIANKFI'L for tbe liberal encoumKcmcnt which he has rereid, woull reappctfultjr Iriturni bis friend snd the cititens of Northumt er land county in eansral, that he has prepared him aelf with the beat fncurruptible Teeth, Gold Plate, Gold Foil, &C. , that ran be bad in the city of Phi hditphin; anJ ilial he will endearor, tJ lheltniit ot hia ability, lo mider full eati-fction to a'l who iii it, ink iiioiwr in rnaice. hia -rice. Ho will h tu tfunl'ury at Ihe Auso-t cuurt, where he will It ptrpareil, at hia residence, to itinwrl Tcelh on tuiM Plate, ot im I'iv.'t, on the I ileal and nio-l a i nt'd pi in:, ' nil attend l.i a'l tbe liraiicher le!on , i,li a tvdl he nuiii'il mi at their (ducts of rc.'i ilcni i il dti'.ri d. Hi ilinl'.'H mil he leusmi.ilile, and hi" Wo:k warMiitrd. lie Wili viii;l dill'i rent p.iiU of the cnuuty, ab.iut nlice in three uiMli'ha. Hiintnirv, July Isih. tl(i fim ?n:.ri IC. KIMBER, JR., .'t. 'M .mtli i'lwrlh Sim I, vn tti ll.tr h r- , i hunts' tluli I, V li I I ;t 1 c H Ii I a , i li Mima nu etui KKt'S eontant'v on h:inil an exei.-ive aa- , s -niiiiieiii nt n I kimla 1-fN.ik, Fur ami Ben- v. i Mill, which tie i ii.-r tnr ne on t tie mn?l lea , ,m iblr te.m, Hia II -it nre made Up ot the beit , in iteiiat-i. and in ti e nvml nptunvi il mvte Pel i a. ii i visiting the ciiy ill fiiu) il to their inieieai to ; ,-jM. .Inly ttlh. IHtC-lv siiA icn Mi:i)AL, . ' AWAIIIlin II V TIM. HH1RI.1M IJSflTlTt, 19t.1. I City Dapnirreolype EsIaUislimrnt. ; i SEP. LS. daLLa'iXaLiifS, (LTK Smima iV Coi.i.lia.) ( An. 100 Chesnut nt., rilmrf Third, idf, rillliADEIiPHIA. I MATURES tuken eiua!ly n w.ll in clou dy aa in eleir weuSer. A d irk ailk diea for i lady, and a blaek suit lor a nenilemaii, are t refi-rablajin aitting f- r a piciu e. No extra charge is naile for coloring, and peifert likeneaae arc i?ii iraiuied. "July 4th. tKlfi. ly FOUNTAIN HOTEL, l.iuht Stitt, rBIIIK House has iinileignlie a thorough rcpni'. 1 'I'he proprietora folioit ita former patronage. I'rrma l 25 per day. VM VV. MIX. AIM III It I . FiKifi. Ju'y 4. IS-tfi. ly Pr-'i.T.eiora. "dCLTJlttBIA ' EOTJSE, OriESNUT STREET, V II I I, A U li L 1 II I A. T'i 11 IS Ttrpe ami cnmenoiliinia Hotel ban rrrently The ahliarrilH're then fore solicit the pntronaseof ttie public, and t'tiat that their cxpeiienre in ihe biuiuese will enable them lo give entire satisfac tion. Terms moderate. BAULKY. McKENZIE & Co. July 4.1., lSlri.-ty licllt T A I't rilOllll, ATTOPalTSTS, AND MECHANICAL KNU INTERS, VASIIINGTON, T. C. KA WINtiS md Papers for tho Pa'.m Ol fice will be i rci and by ihem, al their oilii-e, opposite tho Paienl OlHce. Julv. 4:h. IS-lli. ly I .11 I' (I H T t T TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. Villi may be sure nf nhtiiii'l.g, ai ft J all limes, pure and highly (lnoitd tin - By Ihe siiiglo pound or larger ipnu tity, al Ihe . lVJiiiiT-aC'oiii'ii N Vurrlioiiatr, . till South Scmi'l ttrrrt, letwrti Market und Chrt- ' nut ttrtetx, ! 7UXX.ArEX.rXHA. I Heretofore it ha hern vrrv diilieult, indi-ed, al- , in.i-t iinpo-sibln. always In ub'ain good (ire. ri and ULtk Teas. Uul na.v VnU have only lo vit.il the , Pi kin Tea Cor man's Sl, re. lo obtain as delii ioua J ,) fiajnini Tea a .. could wish for. All tastes can heic be suited, w ith the advuntugc of gelling a puie article al a ln-.v price. June 7ih. 1810. FREBIIUIVI SCALES. L'alt's Cele raled Kail Road Scales, j Co . I and 1 1 iv do ) lion VauutaeV do i lYrtuhlc Platforniiiii I "U di lli-rc in f.es, I DoiiMit or Fl ier do ft dub in.t siies, ('ou uter 18 ditirieut siea. The above Scales are nvidn either aingle or double brant, and are decidedly the nu-st tUnable, aecuia'e and roiiveui cut tel. a eer mve.it. d. We al-o has Pla f uin land Count r Scales, Patent Balaneis and every no aale i k'm' W'eighing Machines in use f.-t asle, whole i i i-ale and retail, at low prices. All Scales sold by ua lo go out nf thu citv, are boxed fr. e of charge, and waiianuil to eve ta!liaciion ri inn purcinser in i ""y Pnicul r RA Y A BROTHER, Manufaeliirers and Pealess, No. '.H W alnut street, June 37, lH4li. ly f'hiliidrlfihm. 1 S. HORSE SHOES. B " If l Horse Shnea, lor sale at l ' )r"cc. by I' CRAY ft 1 j Jur.s 27. 1R4G. lv 34 Wa s ' eVX HORSE SHOES. Burden' Paten! i If W Unite Shnea, lor sale at manufacture) BROTHER, alnut ft. Hhtla.l I ALT. New Yoik Salt iu baud, mid bags, for aids sl manufae'Uieia' pricea. bv GRAY A BROTHER. June 27. 1846. ly 3 Walnut sl. Phil.d. C LOTHin'G, Miioi,i:sikM: ami iii:taix. rP!IE fulsribrra are constantly manuftclurme from Ihe liest French. English and Ameiiian manufactured Cloths snd Cessimer. (.'LOTHIN'O in s very ua?rior style, cut and workmanship. Persons buying lo sell again will Cod one of ihe largest and most fashionable slock of gooda lo select from in lbs city, and el unp.ece.lenUtd f-w prices J. W. A E. D. S 1'OKF.ti, 194 Maikr! al. i'hllad. N. D, A large avonm-nt of Odd Frllowa' Rt gsha cnnstamly on hand, and atl order, from lodge or individuals pur.ciual y attended te, on lira wast htrl lenn. J. W. A E. D. S. Fhiladalikia, funs STth, lie.-)y a At-gJf--.'l!! -'. ".I I -.Lis. Ilnvc von licaril llic IVerV? NO! WHAT IS IT? WT, l!V T III altailTKaT 3IARTIIV Hi WIN, At hifhop, in Murhet Jrat, adjaining th three ' story flnck Me, HASjuat received from Philadelphia the largest, hanitaemcut and beat assortment of BOOTS -AMI SHOES of ereiy description, that baa eer been bdiught l ihia Macs. And what ia till helicr, they any he ; sella no rheap, that yml can buy two rinir Ihf. i (tm( motif i tfutt Imi unfit trt pay l' une pn!r. He 111 t a run CH nnd Skh. ioa CH, and i tint i tho re iunn that he can iilT.tril lo aell ihem an ' much cheni'cr. If yml don't waul to buy, jml call i and are hia "'nek He ia alwjva a;lJ to see hia i n-liiniem ; and il ia no Irnnl'le tr htm In sU.iw hi- , K'li-iU. Jnl In eive tow an hlea how ehea.i he tinea I ell, the liilluwiiiR ii a li-il of pri.-ea nf a pait of hia ' i U : ! Men's Thick B.-l-, l i I me Uriiiii il l d-i tiilf d.i worth ft 00 nt f2 7.'. " 4 Ml at a on , " ft nu nt a on Pni a' Tl.i.k ' " .Ml il I 75 j Voutha' ,1.1 " U 00 -ul I 2-" Men'a Thi.-k Hr -gnus " t M7 il I 00 Wiiiie-irn Mo.-orro e!ta and Ki t S,.ri. " 1 .J at t 00 Women'., t ot City made K-il Slime... " I 62 at I I'i l. uli. s' (i.iiti r.' and (Jai ler Boon. " ? 00 at 1 n A 'mi. i viry virie'v nt Lailii1-'. Il.iv-' and chil- iliena' ahiii-a. ai er cra l iveer than eer beture otl' r- i d. Cnmr ami .Ve Simbory. June lib, I 94 0 Oil D A N V I Ii I- B fSisSr'"a ET V. !BrH' WOOLKN KACTOPiY.: DANVILLE. COLUMEIA COUNT V, ' lriniij It suiUt. , fjllin Danville .Sfui Wi f.iet-rt. fo-nn-r-L ly owned and i-ccup ed by Dr. Pktmikix h e reiullv been pun hasi il by t!ie alibcrib. ra, who' leapi ctfidlv anri'-uui e to thrir frienda and the pub- s u. iieneral y, tbul lliev a-t nm prepsreil tu do all . kinda of w irk in Iheii line ni biiainma, at the ahor- f I teat notice, according ti oriel, and in lb heal com p.iralive n.ren.'r. llanni'i Rone ti eonideralile experiae in n pHir'nut ll.eir narbinery and a)-aratua, ' and being vi r par.irular iu arcuring th service nf ' enpeiience.l lorchaliic, the) feel confident that ! they are capable ol eMCilinu all kirula nf w- rk in , a style superior In a y (i.her "r abMahioeut in ihe cotiiitrv, ai the old ei rto.n irv p lets. CLOTHS. SATIN ETTS, FLANNELS m. BLANKETS rnli.t ui ly on band, and lor asle at ' reduced p'icer. for Cam or B.tner. rtitii; am) n i.i.ifj i nil) !e ,l,.ne in llie best in inner, at the usual pri ; cis. All kimU of country prmlui e liken in pay rn-nt for woik, nl Duiilli narket iricc. For the aecoiumuilaiHin ol thoae who lie at ililanee. Wool, ami C1.0TH will bn lakcn in at, ai.d, vkhen fiiiivtuit, re urnul to the following pla ces. I'Uin written directions mual uceoinpuny each parci I : CulumUm Cnuniy. Tvoup A: Man's store. Wa shingti nville ; K. Yt nil's an. re, J rveylown ; Vea- B-f inn, Ho iring I reek ; pha'ples s'oie. ana- :. F. Mann's aiote, Mirllinvi le; Miller's ' store, Itenvnk ; J. ('line's Mill; R rkf I store, i Omnueville ; Derr'a store. While Hall. I Kirthumbtrlntid County Mirhael Reader'a inn, ! Torbulville; Irelnnil & IHa's a'ore. McEwena- ille; E. L. Piper's ftme, Watsm stow ri ; S. I. j t.'omty & Cn's sliire, Milton; tiib-nn'a -nil, Chil ' lia.pmque : Forsvlh'a stoie, laorthuinberlaiid ; ' Young's store, Huntiury. ! I.uzrrne County. Reynold's store, Kingston; (Sildi rslecve's store. Wilkesharre ; (iavlnrd's store, j Plymouth ; S yei'a store, NsiHtccke i Judge i Mack'a M il, Hunlingtoii. I Ifuming Cottnti. 1). Cl.ipp'a store, Muncy ; Shneuiakcr'a store. Mmith'a Mill. I UE A I! HART A. KOWNOVER. j fl'inville, Mav V, ItOti. j " X X S Y L V A N I A l UlL'SK, DANVILLE PA. 1 VIE auU. nlier, Isle of the Union Hotel, Murv rv, I'a , respectfully iuloriua ihe nlJ and nu un (oua cu. turners of ihe iinKilianl-i llniive. ...l .1- ....i i.. ...,..t:. h h. Ieae.l ibe Tavern -Si.nd of John Rhixles, in Danville, where he is now tirrpared to entertain Iravi l ers. and per aoua visiting the town, in the vry best style. The accommodations will be such as a well conducted public bnui-e should afford, and no ctfort will be spared to render satii-fai lion, in rtery respect, to all who may call. The t il 'Ta na nf Lvconunit county are invited io put up wuh the undersigned when they visil Danville. HENRY WEAVER. DimiHe, May C, tt-lfi. ' "V 75THXT2H SVZ-IT HCTELjl Country MeichanU Slid others visiting Philadel Kaci: Stkkkt, l'liti.ain i.l'iiiA. ! phia or New Yoik to purchase, sre respectfully in- II J. I'lJTl'lt!. HIS location is conv. nient for Boa nes men visiting the city. Every p-iin is taken to ae cure the comf.rt nf liavclieia. MyehJ. JS46.-ly !ii w A'rPTTl- lirilT'vli do i liv.'i.i x . un ttvi'uu), l.A'I'l'a HHADY'S HOTlCIa, Opposite the Court lliie. DANVILLE, PHNN'A, THE Sub-rriber, who s-..is'ed for se- .... I 1 .h. .n.vem.nt nf Hie a. 'iJ4bove Hotel, lately k p by Mr. fs. A. Ura- illlWdv. bi ea leave to inf.rm the travelling mia - nubile, thai be baa liken the eaiabbhment on bis own account, on the first of January, IMA. - The House haa, of laie, undeigone many impir- ' lant elleiations, and the present conductor promises to leave nothing undine to mke it a comfortable ; and agreeable, aa well aa a cheap and a comm-ila- j ting stopping place lor stranuer whn may visil our j fl.urthing village. No paiua nor expetme will 1 spand to fill the labia and the bar with the lt Ihe ni.ikrt. affoid. and with the d. termma.ioi, to ,1. l in e hi- entire per. m il amotion to the comfort of I l ! 4 those whn mav make his house their lsiiiairarv a bode, and sided by atliv. ra efuK and obliging ser van's, he hopes lo givn gen. ral eatufaclkiu, and re ceive a liberal share of cuatoin. Q-jT Lai rs and commodious STABLES are at tached lo the establishment, which are attended by careful and obliging ho llers. (ilDEON M. SHOOP. Jsnusry J4lh, 1846. tf DE X TE RrS8 PfK TsTi) F i A P . for ex-' trading Greaae, Dry Paints, Varnish, Tar. VV ax, Ac, from clothing of any description, war ranted nol io injure the cloth er tbe rol delica'e color. This InjU'd has shsn been used with grrsl succe-s in Cases ol Burns. Scalds, Tilt' r. Pimple on tbe fars, Chaiad bands. Sots lipa, Rhenma lism, Haid or soft Cms. Ac (CT l1' 84 eU per t-oille. For sla at the store of Julv 18.184. H, MASSER.' C ( J AG k f:SS "AX Ulu and Blaek t'ong-s s ' Ink, of a aupenor aualnv. f r sa's cheap, ai ihe iMef 1IENKY MASSER. July 4tk, He B. lASSEPw. .ATTORNEY AT ' I, A V , fiOiTBtm-sr, pa. Bnaineea attended to in the Counties of Nor thuml erlsnd, Union. Lycoming and Columbia. tietVr tni P. fc A. Fhvoudt, l.owm tc BAaana; Hoiaaas Sl Sajnnoa taa, VpAiorf. RavaioLDa, McI'ianD & Co Ser.si, 'loon 3t Co., rziTTiarpr. 1 V, T V. It T. MASS V, Xt, BF.cr.NTLY FROM PI1ILADF.LPHIA, KWI'ECTFI'I.LY informs the citir.ena of i Miinbury and vicinity, that be haa opened an ririi- at ihe rc-ider,ce ef Henry Maser. in Market j nfier nf lbs blmal now known. The use of a few stieet, wheie bs is prepared to execute all kin. la ol ' bottles, especially in the spring months, will be t lKiTt fiiornv. Plain Work, Ac, on thelatci.1 j tendril wilh a most dec'ulnd improvement in the gira anil mo'l spprmed plana. : neral strenglh of the system, eradicating any aee.U Hiving li ail some experience and instruction, ; of ilisea-e that may have been generated, besides under i ne of tbe mo't eminent and snceeaaful Den- giving health and vig-.r to the body. For tbe cure 'is's in Philaiblphii, he believes that he will he j of Memfula or Kings Evil, Rheiimatimn. Tetter, ah'e lo give satisf icdon lo ttiote who may want his : Pimples or eiupti ma of the Skin, While Swi lling, service j Fihtnla, Chronic ('ouah Aathma, &c. The nu- l.ad.ea will be wailed on at their pbices nf real. ; morons cerntieaies in Ihe porseaaion of the aubserU ilrnce. Hia ebargea will li modeiate, and hia wo k warramed. Sunbury, March 2Slh, IS!6. EVANS & WATSON, No ?i Soi'tii Tinitw Strsft, Opjmnitv the I'hilndi tphiit F.xvhamte, ! Msnularture anu kui ji cor- ; atnntly on baud, a large on- ' aortment ef their Patent Im- ; proved K damindi r F I R E i PROOF HAFB", which a-e I il tfe'wSS' conatrncteil as lo ael at rest i tJmSf- .FLZJ-1 m-mner i f doub- as lo thi ir i??rSLA4C''l.in atrietlv fire tiroof. and i that they will reaiai the fire of any building in ibe ; i-orld. The O'ltslde-case of the Safes are m ule of ! boiler iron, the inside cose of sn.ipMone, and be- . Iwecn the eutu case and inner case ia a space of' s..nie 3 ini-hra thick, and is filled in with imle-tiur- ; lible nviteii .l, so as to make it an impossibility to i ver burn any of ihe contents inside of this Client. These W .npstorie Hul inlanders we are p-epared and do challrmte the wetld (o prmluee any article in Ibe shape of Bonk Safea that will stand aa nun h heal, and we hold ourselves ready al all linns to have them fa;rly testcJ by public bonfire, should a nv i.f our conietitors feel disposed to try Ihem. We also coiit nue tu manufacture and keep c-'ti-tanllv on hand, a larce and g.-neral ss-ortment nf our Piemiuin Air-tight Fue Proof fSafes. i f which we hae a large quantity in use, an I in even in-i-tancc they have ttiven entire ailiafaction lo the jiurchaacrs of which we will refer Ihe public to a few gent'emen w ho h.ive them in us'. N. & t!. Taylor, 12!) north 3 I St.; A. Wright fc N- phew, Vine si. wharf; Aletander Caror, Con-vi-yaecer, corner nf Filbert and 9lll sis.; John M Ford, a? north 3dht.; Mvrra Buhh, SO nonh 3d t.; Bailey Sc Broiber, Maktt st.; .lames M. Paul, I0I vomit 4ltl St.; Dr. David Jayne, soulh DJ at ; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d St.; ai d we rnuld naine amnr time i r four Inn drrd ntheis II li wi iv iircirnnarv, onw v c. iiorp uiu a x. inii'n . ... v .k.. A.t..il.... of tlie public, and particularly those in w ml Fire Proof S.,fcs, to call at nur store bi lore pure ha- i f "ing rlsewhe.e, and we think we can eitisfy them 1 that lory will gel a del i ci anl cheaper article at ; our ati-rethan any othrr esiablishnn-nt in the city. , We slsii continue lo manufactuie Seal and Ci- j pyiug l'rexns, made in such a manner aa to an swer both purpn-ea ; Hoisting Machines, Fiie Proof Doors, with our own manufacture of locks un them, wilb D. Evana'a Patent Keyhole cover ; attached lo the same ; plain and ornameiilal Lull I Railing, Ac. ! N. U We keep constantly on hand a lirge as- j sortmetit o( our Patent Slate Lined Refrigei t'i-. Water Filters and C. olera ; and we have also on ! hand several reciind hand Fire Proof tJhests talren in exchange for ours, which we will dii-pose of at j veiy low prices. Philadelphia, January 24ih. 18 Ifi. ly j TO I'lll C IlilhtTSt Ol" I DRY GOODS. I o. 121 I'rnrlti., MilV illllfi. IIA1 I a. ,,, A YIN(S established a Branch at No. 144 Che- ul at.. Philadelphia, ia now encninc. and will be constantly receiving from the Nw York Auc tions, an extensive assortment of FANCY & STAPLE DRV GOODS. ! which will be sold at the lowest New York auiccs j at wholesale and Retail. Among h e stock will he found a eood assortmrnt of the followieg articles; . Jaccunets, I'laid, Hair Cord, Lace, Siripe, Book, ( Swis and 1'ailaian Muslins, Dish p and Linen J Lawns, Fancy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Drrsse, . Thread Lsces, Appbcaiion Do., rich Back Silk ; Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambric. Linen Cambric II Jkfc.CuUain Fringes, Ciisbmeiv ' d'Ecos-e, Mousehne de I. sine, Mlk and Cotton : Warn A II ai'cas. Ou icn's t;ioth, tiula Plaids, Freni h Veiinoa, Black tiiks, (ilnvea, ii k Hose shawls. Crava'a. Rilihona. Einhroiderii a. Ac. At. ! vited to call and examine Ihe stotka. ; Nov. 1. lMfi. ly " ' " . "viy i"''111' ' -.' a - . THOMSON'S Coniiiouii! S nip olTur fcWood Nnptlia. fllHE unprecedented succers of ihia medicine, in j t the rrMorati.m . rhealih, lo those who, in de- r'r. had given up all hopes, has given it an exal- . " repiitsiion aoove an nuirr rrmeui,-., 1Ur.,.-.,...K evidence of Its intrinsic va'us snd power, as iho on- , , .i- l i.. ...I... i r. ,u M r.( " " r- - 1 Pulmonary Consumption. Bronchm., A.ihroa. ' " " ne.uie anu ureasi, cpiiuug oi uioo... Whomma Couch. Croun. Ac Atteuliou ia requested lo the following ASTON- ISHING CUHE.bv Thomson's Compound Syrup ; of Tar aud Wood Naptbs ! ! rhilaiielphia. May 3d, l44. ! MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With gratelul feehnsa I inform you of the astonishing ejects ol .-- L- tt. - l: II.. .1 ..... fro, , Jour niciie.ne. wniru na. mrra,., " ade.lh-latd ! My d.sc.-e, ln'ona7.(.."'u "J iroin lion, had reduced me so low that mj physician pro. no meed my case hopeles ! Al ihia junction I be gan iu u-eyour medicine, and mitaculou aa il may seem, il ha eompU lei restored me lo healih, alter every thing eUe bad failed. Reape. tfully yours, WASHINOTON MACK. Charlotte street, above Oeoige street, Tb underaigned. being personslly aaquaiuled wilh Washington Mack and his suffcringa. bear witness lo lha astonishing elTeds of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar, and the Hulh of ihe a bovs atatemenl. JOhl. WINNER, 3l Nmtb Third alreel, DAVID VICKERS. 42 Almond street, HUtill M 'GIN LEY', 8. E. corner Tsmany and Fourth atieeta. ' Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. earner f ftthsnd Sprues streets, PhitaileJphis. - Agent. IL B. Maaser, Sunbu.y ; D. C.ross, ond Dr. Maepbereon, H.-iiburg ; Jno. G. Brown, futrsvi Is ; Geo. Earl, Raiding ; Houston A Ma on, Tewsn.la, Biadord county, Pa. Price CO cents pi i battle, er f5 p. r doen. rr Brxiart tf til imitofi. Philadelphia, Juns SPth, 15.-Iy ji- i llilll Jjavafcifjaj-SB OAKLEY'S DEtanATiru syrlp. THE valuab!c propertiea of Oakley's Depura tlve Syrup nf Paraaparilla, ss s purifier of tho blood, ia so well known to ths public generally, that it ia unnecessary to occupy much apace in set ting forih the advantage tu be derived from ita use j wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, il taVea precedence oer all others : ecly one that baa taknit,hae derived so signs! bene. S.Cial results tram , thai it is recommended by Ihem with the utmost confidence. Physicians of the Inchest stand r''pnta under their fare ; containing nothing deleterious, but being composed ot Ihe most mrlil. Jet etticarimia urgelahle liialeriala.it ia ofTKreJ witi confidence, aa ihe cheapest and most efficient pu. ber and hia agenta, ft urn niiyaiciana anil oihers, are nitlii ieiit to convince Ihe in. st skeptical of its su pennritv over all preparation of Sara.iparilla. Sold whole-ale nn.l retail, by the proprietor, OEOIUJE W. OAKLEY, North 5th street, Rea ding, Beiks Coanty, and lo bn bad nflhe following peteiina : In Kitrlhuinhtrhnul County. H. 15. Mas-isr; Snnbiiry ; Iieland &. Mixel, MvEwenai ille ; I) Krauacr. Milton. In Union County. J. Oealbart, Selinagrove A (iutelius, MiHIlliI'll'H. In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Waah iiigton. Reading, March 14, 1PH. Mn. OAKt.rr: 1 believe it tbe uty of every one to du whuleverin their power I tea, for the iKne fit of their fellow man, and having had po-i ivg proof in mv own family, of Ihe wntiderful properties nf your Depuratite Syrup of Sarsaparilla, I ni"at conseientioui-ly recommend il to the afflicted. Wa had the misfortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking nut of ulcerous sores that covered the face, head and neck, although we had some of ths most scientific physicians to attend thi m and ba t tried all the knnwn remedies, including Kwatm'e Panacea, without aail. Another of my children was attacked in the same manner, her face and neck was comp'elely covered; the discharge was so olleiisive, and the disease at such a behl. that wo despaired other life. Seeing the wonderful ell'eeta of your Dcpurative Syrup ol S:irsapnriila, we were induced to make trial ol il, ail the Ixi-t rei irt ; it acted like a c.iiarm ; the u'cers commenced healing immediately, a fi w bottles entirely rei-tnreil her tn her health, which she hsei joyed uninterruptedly ever since. As a purifier of the blond, I verily l hwe il has not its ripial. JOHN MOVER. Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Rrodir.g. Douglisaville, April 19th, 1811. OiKt.rr: Mv son E.'mund Leaf, had the Mr f- ri'llll.M III III,' lll'P, ll,.IVl.lll miu UI-l'IB-lll( 1111,11' r - .1 , l-t- L i . . . , ,,- . I r. , ner for ll.r.e vears. diinne which time he w is de prived of the use of his limbs, bi he.d and neck were covered wilh ulcers. We tried all ihe difli-r-ent remedies, but lo no tT rt, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Xonistown, snd also Dr. Isa-cc Hiester, ol Rending., to use your Depurative Myrop of Sarsapnrilln, ul w hich I obtained several bottles, the use of w hich d'nve the disease enliri ly out of his system, Ihe sore healed up, snd tbe child wis restored to ierlect health, which he ha enjove.l uninteriupledly ever aince, to the astonishment of many persons who seen him during his alll'ction. I have thouuht it my dury, and send you this reiti ficate that other who have a like affliction in thu family may know where lo obtain so valuable a medicine. Your truly, AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. It!, M.llv MEDICAL APPROBATION or THB Itoe Oiiititu'iii, for Tetter. ALTHOUtill ihe superiority of the prepaiaii ui over all ethers is fully es'ablished, the proprie tors take pleasure in laying before the public ths following certificate from a respectable physician, a grnduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Baugh, having found in this lemedy that relief for a tedious and disagreeable afltvtion which the means within Ihe ranee of hi profession failed In afford, ha nol hesitated lo give it hia approbation, although the prejudices and interests of that profession ais opposed to aecret Remedies. rmi.Air.vrii!A, sept, ia, lmn. I was recently troubled with s tedious heriatie eruption, which cove.ed nearly one aide of my faee, and extended over the ear. Mr. Ysugh an, proprie tot of thv Rose Ointment, oluetving my faee, mal ted on my tying his preparation, of which he han ded ine a jar. Although in common with the me.ni I eia of my profession, 1 discountenance and din p. prove ol ihe numerous nostrums palmed upon Ihe public by ignorant pretenders, I feel in juaiice bound to except the Rose Ointment from that cia of me dicine, and to give it my approbation, aa it entire ly iurrd the eruption, although it hd resisted ths usual applications. DANE. BAUOH, M. D. A 1'RUOl' OF FFS EFFICACY. Piniani.trHia, May 87tb, 1833. 'THIS is to certify that I was severely afTTcted with Tetter in the handa and feet for upward of forty yetrs ; the disease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. 1 applied to a number of physicians, and used s grest many appli cations without eft'ecting s cure. About a yeai since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely slopped ihe itching, and a few application immedi ately cured the disease, which there has been no return of, although I had never Wen rid of it at any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAOE, Eleven lit, below Spruce Street. Qy The Rose Ointment ia prepared by E. B. Yauthaii. Sjuitl East comer of Third and Race Slreeta, Philadelphia, aud sold on agency in Sunhu ry. by H. B. MA3SEK, May Uih. 1S43. Agent. AI.KXANnivK I. 1I1CKKY. TRUNK IVIAKEIl, So. 1AO 1 liCMiint Mret't, rUILAUSLPHIA. VI rilERE sll kinds of lealer trunks, valise and rarM-t baga, of eveiy style and pal lain are manufactured, iu the best iirauner and fruo tb brat m.venals, and aold at the oweat rate, Philadelphia, July tilth. 1845. ly. A II II Y 11 OCJ A 1 WIIOLS9ALB & RETAIL HAT iV CAP MAINUFACTUUER, South Fust earner of Market and ith tti.. rhir.idrlplila, "11 niERE ihey alway ksep on hand an exien- V live ssaoitment of HA TS li CA PS ot every description, got up in the best and moat eptwovad st) le. Pel sons denr.'us ef purchasing superior siii rlis on lbs anost irasoraMe terms, will Dud ii to their advantage to tall before Making purchai elsawhere. Philadelphia, Oct. ft!., 1841. ly