From the Washington Fountain. TIIK WAR. Nbw r Or-castion KsTiAOioiKAtr Ravat.aTions. We reed in the La Patrimot the ilst nit., a Spanish paper pobliahed in New Or leant, bjr Aleman Si t?met , the following extra ordinary revelation nf the tew plan of operation in the war with Mexico : "The government appear to confide much in Gen. Scott, who hat just gone, to the field of ope rations, and from whoae diplomatic and military tactici, it hope to gain great advantage. The plan of operation, we learn, ti a follow : General Taylor, Instead of moving upon San I.ui Potosl, will repair to Skltillo, where he will remain lor a short period. 'Gen. Scott, af ter having made irtme nrrangemeTtts'bn the Rio Grande, will hasten toTampico, where he will assume the command of the 7,000 volunteers re cently called out and ordered to assemble kt that point. From Tampico, Gen. Scott will march toward Vera Crut, and Gen. Taylor will make a limultaneous movement toward Tampico with all the trpop he can mutter, alter leaving sulR rient force to garrison Sallillo, Monterey, Victo ria. Uc. and in union with Gen Worth's division will join Gen. Scott, who will have at hi com- ' mand the new military arm of rocketeer and howitzers. j At the proper moment, fifteen or sixteen vee- I lets of the American squadron, with a force of j from 'i'M to .TOO guns, of all sizes and calibre, will appear of San Juan de Ulloa, and begin the attack upon the castle. According to the new plan ofoperations the land forces will rendez vous at the mouth of the river Antigua, which empties into the Gulf a short distance to the North of Vera Cruz, and ascend the same to where the main road to Jalapa crosses it. It this plan be speedily put into execution, there can be no doubt but that Vera Cruz and the Castle will as speedily fall into the power of the American forces; but if any faith be put in Santa Anna's declaration, it is plain he will be able to cut off the advance of General Taylor from Saltillo " Mr. Gomez, the editor of the La Patria.aud the author of the above, is the same person, who was appointed by Gen. Scott, while tarrying in New Orleans, to be one of his staff, and whose com mission was afterwards revoked by the Genrral on the ground that he was not a friend to the American cause, fid Comez obtain the above information whr'e he was General Scott's aid ? A Washington letter in the New York'Cofn mercial Advertiser thus refers to the above pub lication : Col. Totten. chief of the engineer department, has gone to Mexico, secretly and with despatch. 'if you wish to know the whole plan of the new 'campaign bgalhst Mexico, you will fin. I it in the Spanish paper, published in New Orleans, by "Senor Gme'z, ea'I'eS La T atria. Senor Gomez obtained it probably from good authority, lie was, I believe, the aid de camp of Gen. Scott, for a short time. I repeat that the plan is correctly given, anil that through it you will know as much as the Secretary of War knows. Those w hose official relations entitle them to know, tell me that it is the plan. Thk DisoarzRs iw Illinois The Legislature of Illinois has at last been impressed with a sense of the evils which have been allowed to prevail in that State, in a few n the lower counties, uhere insubordination has for a long time exist ed and set at defiance the laws of the Stale. Poth Houses have been debating the necessity Of ta king some effectual measures for restoring and preserving law and order in those counties but what those measures should be, very few seemed j to have any thing like definite idea. Some were for special court other for martial law. The house finally referred the subject to the Judicia ry committee, and the Senate passed a bill au thorising a special term of the circuit court in Massac county, for the tiial of persons charged with crimes, and empowering the Governor to send an armed force for the protection of the court, for the expense of which measure, the sum of $10,000 was appropriated. The men who ask the protection of the laws, are those Who Wet the first to set the example of Lynch law. RaccN4Tl Gutrv. Wright' Indian Ve getable Pill r a moat eitraordinary medicine fir the cur of Rheumatism and Gou', because they not on'y cleanse the stomach and hovels of thoa mnibid humor, which if tsken into lh circulation nd thrown upon th membrane and nVi!le are the esus of the above painful mahdies ; but they tseite the absorbent vessels to take up that which is tlready deposited, and therefore are sTieotutrly crlain to mika a perfect cur of Rheume't'Sm and (loot A sin-le 35 cent h.X of Wright Indian Vegetable Pill wi: ofien give in most astonish ing relief i and perseverance according tt directions will I e certain to dri pain of every description from the body. Tha popularity of WtinT'a Unitw Visits It Pins bis proved strong halt to unprinci pled men, who, instigated by the hop of gain, el- teirtpt to palm off a spar too article on tha ensue peeling. To defeat ih'a wicked design of such man, ws hav procured new label, and lh Signa ture of Wra. Wright will be found weirrse WIT a rsa on tha lop label of each bog. Son tikcr il genuine Bntf eounJtrftit thi it forget jf. Remember, the only original and genuine IN PI AN VEGETABLE PILLS have tha wbittk lesuTeat of vs. waieaT on the lop of each bos. A gent for th Ie of Wright' Indian Vegeta ble Pills iii Bonbory, Hcar Missse. For other egeacieseee advertisement In another eoramn. Cobtaoiov a Enesaic Diisaiks. W lr asoat be adapted 16 the tutor of lh Ash, or there will ba mo propagation of tb pcki Thl oil ssoot b tdspud Id tb rJ, or there will be fto lacraaM. Th eJimete atui ba those matters in it which will Mil a) kap aliv epidemical at eantageoo soisens, or tin y will beenm earing jies -', a '.keny ttt is Cucjj'.rC .ts c'.l So !l k likewise with tha Hutmn Frame it cannot be msterUtly affected by epidemical or eontageou msUdies, unless ther l-e tnnee mittnrs floating in the elrclti.Mi which offer the appropriate soil. By purifying oar bodiee with In DaatenaiTa Pitu, which have affinity with those Impurities upon which contsgeon Teed, we may always feel rcure, whatever diseie may rage around iis. True, w may hive it, but It will soon I e overt our sick ness msy be the srfiir of a dsy or two, while those who hsv been too wire 16 use this kithple and ex cellent remedy, either die, or hsv week, ternp month of (ichness. dj Purchase of II. B. Matter, Sonhtiry, or if the scent, published in another pert of this paper. PRICK CURRENT. Corrected wetkty y Htitty ftasier. Wsut, ... '.00 f.l fttl 55 S 112) llS Vo 26 10 Vrt 75 150 Rt a. Joas, 0T. Pnna. Ftatsatn, ftVttia, Eaee, . llsaswaN, . . Tatiow, Fiat, HscKLsn Ftst, Dai an Aptlss, Do. Psacess, WK h.ive lieen permitted to copy the f.d'Aw. j ing I. Iter from a lady of the hiRhesl re- siiectaliility in Boston to h r s in, a young mer- ' chant, doing business in Ba'tirrore. The article she Bludest.., we is IUM'E'9 HOItE HOUND XYRUP and C.WDY. which is d.dng womler in the way of A.thmi nd Couglps. .V. T. Mirror. Dear Thnma, you know my n fTI'c'i n. The cold that I caught at a d o.ce, Ho I he sou will end m a hoiile Of HOREHOIJND. ei racted by IIANCE. Mr. Johnson, I dare ssy you know tier. And the story wdl sound like romance. Has In en cured of her cough of long tlanJing, By buying eome tyrup of Hance. There's the doctor, too. hires the old fellow. For bi health went l'ael ing to France, And cme home to )ecurJ of c.numpllon, And lays it to llorehonnd and Hance. Mrs. Martin, your f ither'n firt rouin, Ly two or three daya in a trance; And the first thing she ssid ir n wakinp, Was ' eeiul I r some Hon h ind to Hance." I yeetrtday sent for the doctor. Who said, "I ran see at a glanre. There's but one thine can rute vonr disorder. And that is some Horehoiind from Hance." So you tea, dearest Tom. my condition, lfyou would my enj ymeiits enhknee, Do hoi (kil to foraid lo-morrow, A bo; tie of Syrup frni Hmrn. Do not ttust il b'y William, nor Peter, For fear of eoirie ugly mi-chance, For what shall I d '.'Beaiest Thomas. Iff gt not the H rebound from Hance. ne bottle for me, and another Don't forget to direct to your aunts', They fell it at Sands', f nckon. But be sure 'tis the g nu'ine Hance. Mi Brown was bent t'oulde with coiighmg. But now she' a stta ght ss s Isrre ; And the rhsnce has l.een wr-ujh't, she assures me, By taking th'o Horchotiid from Hance. As went to the store tut IjsI Frid y. Mr. Bntterman eyed rne asksnce. And whispering said, "Mi. Davt', Von mu.t lend for some Hoiuhound lo Ilince Mrs. Pi t. vtho mhscrilie to the Mirror, In that .loom il encoutit red by chance. Very lucky, the first adtenisrim lit, Had l-een seen in our village from 1 lanes. I remain, my desrThoma, ss evi r, Your mother, in love's durance. And if you until keep me here, dsrlinf . Pray' send me the Hon hoend from Hance. HAXCE'i SYIU.'P and CANDY are for aate at 108 U.I imor stieet, BALTIMORE, and bv CEOIttiB BKIGH I'.Sunl ury. D. BRAL'TIGAM, Nor huml erland. Jan 23. 1947. DR. SMITH'S (Suosa Uiti:k) IMPROVED INDIAN V tliti I A llt.n PILL". A' knuwi RE d iily effecinn koine of the most sstoni-h lug Snd wonderful rurrs Hist ftave eer heen nuwn, tn consequence oi wntcn inev nsve now become a shining mark against which all the ar rows of ilisappoinlid hope, envy, and tincharita bleneis are levelled without distinction. The town and coun'ry are alike Ailed nith their praise. The pal acts and the poor house slike echo with their Vir tue., tn all climates, under sll temperatu , they Still retain their wonderful powers, and eieit them unaltered by age or situsiion. Thev are simple in their preparation, mild in their scions, thorough in all their operation', snd unrivalled in their re sults. They are an i-hiliuu', siitl-dysj rptic, snd snti-merruri di and ihey are pecnli irly beneficial in the following rnmplain's: fetcr and agile, yel low and bilious fevers, dyspep-i, croup-, liver com plaint, sick headuche, j .undu e, asthma, dropsy, spleen, piles, colic, obstructions, be irthurn, furred tongue aud foul slum ch, nausea, dianhhs, costive lids loss of s pet He, sallow complexions, c -Ids, and in all eases of t .rpnr of the buWrls whirs a cathartic oi an sieiient is needed. N. B. No Sugar Coiled Pills ean be genuine, unless eve hoi hss on it the eigriature of U. BENJ'N SMITH, M. D. ! ('AUTION. As a miserable imitation hjs been made, by the name of '-Sugar (boated Pil'V' it ianeereaary lo bssure that Da. 0 pssi. SiilTB fiiina'ui is on every hot. Piice 25 cents. Pi ineipal Office. lVd Greenwich st. New York. 8oldby JOHN W. PRILtU. Zunbury. WM. FORsYTHE, ,VMimV. Jsn. 13, I64. " philaSeLphia new styT.b COMBS. TORTOISE She I Tut Uonibe, carved and tnlshtd In a super '.or style, ft'?t 8MI D"v'niC Combe, esrved sn j tain. Pnell Pocket Comb, with and wilhont rase. Nw Style Lq,,8 (jumt,,, rivrd aud plain for child i to. With a beautiful assortment of lis Rssj Buffalo iOmhe, tnat i so triueb in general be. 8. WINNER, - Comb Manufetorer, Pio. T 8o0lh Second telow Msrktt att. P. 3S. W. is the oely. Manofaelurer of the Grnpine Buffalo Comhe in the Uuiied atiie. Philadelphia. Jan. 3, 1847. 8ns LAST NOTIOD. A LL paraan indebted ta the estate of Jacob Traer, ar having claima against the same, are raqueated Is call on the sobeeriher, on the 1 1th and I9IH ef Febreary, for aenk oiant. JACOB rERSI.VC. skiic kia, j.b. tei7 it TO X7ATGU BIAnmiS AND ijprcfl it v rtiaamsBw . J. L A b6 'iti TT 3, Importer of WatcHefe, WKtch-Makers' Tools anil Vttch Materials, IrVholesnito 't Retails .. , A'o. 33. South Fourth it., PHILADELPHIA, n AS constantly n hand a large ortmnt of Lunette, Patent,, and Plain Glass) Main opring. Vrrgr, Dials, Watch Hand, end a com plet aort'nent of all Tool and Mateifsls belong 'ing to the trade : with a large s sortment of Gold and Silvnr l.evrr. Leuine. an J Plan Watches t all jf Which hewi'l gnarmtv tosell at t,h lowest. Nets J Yiiik pre- . AMSri'ers frota the eunt'y'punctu any eiecnted. ... ... . , , , . N. It. Country merchants and others are invited to e ll and eisinine at the Old Stand, No. 33 , ftrtnh Founh sttee'. Philadelphia, Jan. 23. 1847. flm A'rkl SW MILL. Ac . On Penna e eek, West Duffalo township, Union poun tv, miles west of New Berlin, now ncrapied by John tet tir about 90 act es cleared g oil Or. ihan!t l. 'lie fisrn. Ac. An indu'.riu tenant, hle t i work boih Frm and 9a w mill may have the property tin 'the aj are, for aevernl year. Inquire of the agent, 'Jacob Reich let. Weirirhs town, nrhr the p'remiies, or of "ft. BE l.tAJj. Sont.iiiT. Jan. 10, IS 17 IS' "One Dolt.Vr. Kavcd is two Kni'iietl." JERStN! wishing to purchase gioiTs fn S'.iribury. will do well to call at the cheap store of the sub eiihet. and etamine his stork be fore piiYcha-ing elsewhere. Yoa Csn depend en ge'ting gnod bargains, as he ia detenu ned not !o be undereold by any otlier store. JOHN DlfflAto. Hnn' nrv. Jin. 16. V3I7. nl4y SOHUOL HOOKS, UiMes, Tes amems. Dr sw ing P.iper, Writing Psir, ftteej Pens, and Harrison's Columbian Ink, for aale chesr1 at the store of JOHN DOUAR. Jae. 16, 1847. G UM OVERsllOES, rheap, by a new aitirle, for ssle JOHN UOGAR. Jan. 16. IS4T. MMRKI.I.AS The eiib.criher has just re ceived a lot of Uinhiellas, which he will sell hesp. some a low ss b0 cents. Jm. 16. 1847. JOHN BOGAR. c F.DAR W AltE, (ineenwsre, H ai d wire, Gricerie', L o-jor, Ac, for sale vet ..w. by Jan. Ifi. 1847 JOHN KMGMt FEW Dri. d IVarhrs snd Oherrie. fir sile Bt rne S'nre oi juii- UUVj.ah. Jan. 16. 1847. Orphans' Court Male. IN r.nrsn nco of an order of the fTrphan' (Jnrl of Norihiimt'eilarid county, will be a dd at pub lic sale, on Thured.y the I Nth d.iy of March nxt, at the late residence of Jeremiah J. Vline, ilcc'J., in Itosh township 1n s.iil county, to wit : A err tnin tiaet of lend shu-fte in the townililp aforraaid, called the Mill tract, being ttie one undivided halt j pml thereof, containing in tlie whole ten acres, ad ! joining land of Benjamin F. Vastino and otlirr, f on which are erected a Grist Mif!, Dwelling House. jUirn and other improvement. A'so, a tiact of j land (uf which the widow of Pe'er Va-tinr, der'd , j has the hie et1r.) tn snme townstup, containing ; lfli acres more or less, adj lining, land of Benjamin I F. Va.line, William Kisn, Wil iam 8cott, U.nji. I min L. Vartin and oth-r, on which are erected ' a two stoiy dwelling h oue, barn, wsgqonshed and oiher iinprovemer.ts. Al-o, another Iract of land in same town-hip, containing one hundred and twenty-two acres more or les, adjoining l-wia V. Vastine, J imes Erkman, William fcotl and others. Ite tia estate of Jenmiah J. Vxstine, dee'd. Pt to eomnifiiee kt 10 o'clock. A - M, of s.dd 1 . v . wl.uii the conditions of sale will he made known by PETER E. VASTI.NB, LYDIA VASTINE. By order of the conn. Adm'a. EDWARD OYSTER, I Tk. Punhoiy. Jan. 16, 1H47. la SI SSI SISI yi N't.rth 2d St., bel. Arch & Karfi sts., 1 li i I a l e I f li i a . 15 RADY & PARKER respectfully inform their fr.end and the public that ihrv hive taken the shove named hue, recently kepi by J. S. Adams, snd are pieuared to accomritodate cusio rnrrs in the most s.isfactoVy manner and at rra-S(J- able price. Their tahle will be supplied with the he-t vsri ety 'he narket sffotds their parlors and sleeping spirtmenta will be in the brstordrr. The houe I as ticen thoroughly rrjuirej and furnirhed with a view to the coiitfott of travellers snd strsngers. Hsving had teeial yeara eiperience in the bus ness, thry hope to give ge neial satisfaction, ,md re.jiectfully invite tiat!lft and si sneer, to give them a call. BRADV A PARKER. Ph ladelphig.Janmry 16, 1847. f 5itpt AttSticxtstcSs, No. HI Worth Third su-jet, 7 (sBta THE CITT BOTSl.j PHILADELPHIA. C. MACK K Y. Auctioneer: c. TO t'OL'NTRY STORE KEEPERS., EVfoNING tiAl.ES of Hardware, Cutie.y, Haddlery, Whips. Boots, Shoes, Hals, Csps, Guns, Pistols, Clothing, WstcLes aud Fancy OouJs, At Mackey'e, Auction sure, 31 N. rih Third atrerl, near the City Hon I. , The attention of Country Mrchanta ia invited. The Oooiia will e e Id jn lot to suit purchasers, nd sll Goods offered wi I be wran'ed qul lo the representations that may be made of them. N. B. A large as-ertmei t tif Gocx'g st Privste Sale. jsn. IB. 1847 ly Mill and Farm rilUB aulaterlber oflkre for sale fifty or enly e X ere of land with a mill ereeUd thereon, for merly known t Jnt'e Mill, situated in Anguata Uwnliip Noribtimlariland county, on the Little chsrttokin cr.k, essr the Tblpcbmken rosd, lead ing from fconbilry to Pottsville eight milee from Sonhory, ' Th! fly or forty acres ef (aid land e cleared, end In e good ilate.of cultivation. The imroeinente ere a Grist Mill, e Log Hotiso snd Stable, and sn Orchard, There is 'so a gocd Spring end eeserel ecre nf Mesdow nn the prrwi aa. The . ctton of the mill i n eieMlenl one or eeebaxe. Tor further info.mMton inquire ef the ubseriaer. DAVID MILLER. tJ-tnrokiii tcwrih'f, 9, l8IT.-3a CHBAl? XaTATCIIES. Tho Chpiipest Gold nnri SUvtr-Wmchon , ,IN PurLADEM'HIA. , . ifS OLD Lever, fu I Jewelled, 45 00 HJI"8dver do. da. 13 00 Oold Lepine. Jewelled, 30 00 Silver do. do. IS On Silver Qusrtiers, fine quality, .10 tf) uoia watche. plain, 13 tin Silver Spectacles, 1 75 Gold Pencil. 1 00 Gold Bracelets,. , . 4 00 Aleo, on fiknd, a Urge assort men t of GolJ and Hair Bracelets, finger ring, breast pine, hoop ear rings, gold, pen, silver spmns, augtr long, thim bles, gold neck, curb and fib chain, guard keys and jewellery of every description, at equally low prices. All I want ia a call to convince custo mer. ,..; All kinda of Watche and Clock repaired and wai ranted to keep good lime fcr one y ear old gold or aitver bought or taken in exchange. For aale, eight day and, thirty hoor braae clock, at . , LEWIS LADOM US' v V.'stch, Clock end Jewellery 8tore, No. 4tS) Market street, above Eleventh, north aide, Phils phi i. SI have acts e Gold and Silvot Levers, st II cheaper than the above prices. Philadelphia. Dpc. 16. 1846. ly sT jTSLEOAPeOTa & co, Paper and Hajr. Warehouse, jVo S3 Commerce t'reel PljlLADELPHli. A GENERAL asurn -nt of Writing. Printing, Envelope, Hsrdwsre and .Wrapping Paper, Binders', B nnrt and U ix Board, constantly on hanJ ; also iaper mvle to order, Jliehesl pliee psid f.r Rags, . S. J. fttroiRKta. ' . i as. J. BaooKt. I'hitadel(,iis. Dec 26.84651 Wm BlrC'nl'jilKslate. NOTICE i herehy gifn thst letters of sdmin ielration have Seen gianted io the uheilera on the estate of Wm. McCay.lale of ih horouh Not M:rnlV.nid. All persons indeMi d to sa d es tate or li iving domsnus cesinsl the suns sre re tieied lo es'.l on tSe -.)'s'rihers for, setlttmi r.t, without deisy. D . VI I) TAO(5.RT. t DANIEL BRVr'fi.M. Nor'th'd, J.n. ?. IfltT flr A.lm'rs. jTeretnlafi J. Tatttlue'i Estate. IV OTIOB is hereby given, lhal leners of s,lm:n-'- i-t'StiO.i on the esla'e of J. remish J. Vssiioe, late of Rush towntlip, NoTthoinb. rlsnd e.iun'y. ilec'd., have b-en gr uiiaJ 16 'the suh-crihera. Per sons having claim against the csue ie reqorsted to ptei-ent ihtm f.r n-minlion and set'lem-nt, and persons knowing themselves to be indebted, ire leouestid to nuko I nni' ilial p.ivment. LYDIA VASI INE. PUT I'll E. V AS 1 1. NT. Rush township, Jn. S, 147. 6: Admrs CniilST! AN FHG IJ L SFs ESTA TE. VfATOTIf-'E is her-by gien. thm letters of ad minis ration on me e-ta e of ('hn.tian Tege Iv, la'e of Khsmnkin township, N rihumherland County, dee'd., have been fr f,tr 3 to the suhsenher. All prisons knowing thsdiM lve indeliled t.i sa d es'a'e are reqnes'ed 1 1 cad rm the B'itscri)ier and settle upwitliout delay, and all those having claims sgaint tlie -Snis. will pnsmt them, wall snttisnii cateJ, for settlement. solomon rcfrTJ.V. Shamekin, Dec. litb. 1816. fit Xdm'r AUCTION STORE. No. 6 Ntiitli 3d si., third duur above Market Slrrvt. . . iPBILADELFUlA. SALE EVERY EVENING, nf a iteneral as sortment of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, "Tahle and t'ockst Cutlery, Trunks, Locks, Laicheis, Bolts, Siws, SSadillery, Whiys, Boots, r-hMs. Hs s. Cans, Ouus, Pistols, Trnninim-, Clothing nd Fam y G.w d. The attention of citv snd e.mntrv dealer is in vited. The Goo Is are frreh. and will be warranted equal to the rejiri si'ii'aiiona tiai miy he mule of them. UAYl,l. & BROOKEK, Auctionr.-r,, No 6 North Thud at N. B. Purchaseia ean l.sve their lln'r puked. Several invoieee nf Gjods h&ve hi an received to he sold st pnvaie sle. Philadelphia. Dec. lilh, !SI?. ly To Thc lV O. of o7l J. W. Vs. I). S t () K V. H. Munufacturers rf lVemium Odd Frl- iowt. Rfrrillia. So. 194 M.irl;-t Street, MIM.APELPHIA, Fiist CioMiig Storo be'ow 6th i?ireel. TIHE subscribers havin( taken the premium st L Franklin Institute, st the last ethihition. fir tho best Reg.ilia. ll.ev invite the aitenilon of t' e order to their estab'iUhmeiii, whe e li.ey w II find t splendid aasOrtmenl of I. IJ. and EneBmpm',, (o. pahs. 1 hey aio make U order for Lo-'Kea tn, Eiirsmpments, Kegs ia,, luine end :bi Kobes, snd tutnish i very tuing ,er)uii'o for convenience oi new i.og oi Cni einpim-ni. 1. W. STOKES, E D. STAKES. Jhiladei' his, t)ec. 19, 1(5 IC.-ly tTi'8 Ittousstl's nnsbrrfcrt t SHAVING CREAIV1. Small (uarttititis rivcrt u Ithput CJiaryi. .11 114 Chrihu'l St., PHILADELPHIA. THIS new end sptendi-l sr ide, a its n itre de notes, ia nr fi'-sed t be suiwtior lo any Hi, ving Cream in the United Ma es or Eun pe. It i iinsu ps d f'r beauty, purity ai d t agn.nee, tho' -nmevkhat ansl icons to (iu rlaiu'a Amb'-sial Cieam and oil er similar e mp uiola. ,Ii far sur passes them sll I y the en lent pisty c nsifteney nf its lath, r, which o softer ih I eard as to irnd- r all. .ving plei-Mol and cay. It furl'.er po.seaa the advantage over the iuiji rial ariiel-, in Iwin freshly pi. pne.l no skill heme w .ri'ing in i's nia-i-ufaCture. .ltoilfsc hiving had many year.' et Iwrn'ijCe In the celehiated J.kIio amry nf Liugur, I'eie et Fil, now Heiinud Ai Co., nl I'-ris. Peaides Wing the l et, it is the rhrciwt article f.r (having; it laelipunlv put up n botes, with splendid steel engraved Ishote , , P"i-e $.9 per dozen, nr rt J e-nrs f r a s:ngle l x. lo shuve (ne year, li ia alo rd al f I iO .ei lb. ir It) e lila per i t, a. that c- ti'lein-n ean-bave their I-Jies filled at EUGENmiOl S-SEL'S. Wholeanleand Rrtsil ferfuoieiy and Mineiat Wa ter Es fcblishrpent, J 14 Cbesngl iireL Dee 19, I8t6.-. pHlLADKLPHIA. J. & 1. nATJlTDE?.3, No. fJorlh Fourth fslrcet, , . . PHILADELPHIA, It Invite Mrrrbsms knd Milliners la et-fl sBtCamwie their a.k f Uemsis, PaloivS Leaf an J leghorn Juts. Fur and C:th Caps, d India fiet.hei rb'es. Il wi'l be found te contain II of tb must dutiable kinds, and will be ald el the lowest meikrt prices. North Fourth Siuet, between Maikcl end Arch Streets. Ph.ladulibie, Dee. 15 b. l84.-9 ' Vhihtdtlfhia Walsh and Jrwttry Stnr," No. 86 North SECOND s'reet. Corner i f Quarry. tittl.lil.rver wat. tes.iu I j Welled, IH eaat C"e, iV77a H(ler Lover WaUlii. full (XT $1 . j-welled. . . . . imilliAl en jH.e's, Silver l.,. nj SVstclu s, jewet'ed, ilnest quality, Superior Quarlier Wirbi , . Imitation Qttsrtisr V'atohes,ti.l warranted, Gold Spectacl, . ,. 145 00 S3 00 18 00 M on 10 00 5 nn .8 eo 7 .A0 .Fine Silver Spectsc'es, , Uoltl Uraeelets wiUi topaa en, Ladles' GolJ Pencils. 16 csrats. 1 CO Uuld Finaer King 97 i ctg lu I t Watch Glas ses, plsln, !2'et patent, 19 1 Lunet, 25. O ther article in proportion. All -gooils warranted to be what they , are sold for. O. CONRAD. t) hartdeome Gold and Silver Levers, Lepines end Qusftiers, lower thin the above prices. Philsdelphii, Dec, 1846. ly , . Steam, Umbrella M A N U F A C TOR 7. HO. 104 XrXABKST STIVEIiT, PHILADELPHIA. , W. mcnAitiDsok, . TN addition to various other improvement, ha--.ving applied itrsm rowaa to the manufacture of UMBRELLAS, iaensblen losell them at very low prie -e. . . .... (X Merchanta ere invited lo call and see his Works, snd examine the essnrtmcnU Philadelphia. Nov.21. 1816. 3m New Firm. MtHE Unders'gned hereby give notice, thst he 1. hss (ssnciated with himself, es a partner in the metcsntilo husSn, in bis store sdjoiuing WeiTor'i Tavern, in Cunbury, John Hsse, and thst the said store will hereafter be conducted un d. r the firm r.f Cteir.ent 'A.T?aas. The store at the 3' uth Weat coiner of Market Square will be conducted as heretofore, by the subscriber himself, to which he rupcctfuMy Invite hi cuotomei and friends. , . v . . - . He i'ii Mifit ali-ti-.nse indebted to him, to call hetween thia and the 1st nf January next, and ket tle ihsir srcnunls. All kinds of produce wi fc taken on sccount, at e ish prices. - , . Hcresft'r no longer than four marvths credit wiil be eiven. Ill A T. CLEMENT. Snnt-ury. v. 11. 18-16 if CLE1E1TT & HAAS, RESPECTFULLY inf .rm the public, thst on th- 9ih inst , thev enterid into parti erhip, in the mereanti'o business, at the etore recently occupied by La T. t'lement. adjoining Weaver' Tavern, in Sunhury. They have lt-ly received a new sti-jk uf goolr, which they will dispoee of st th lowest prices. All kinds of produce w II lo tsgt n In eschsnge fit g o.!. !io longer than four tnonthi credit will be given. Irt T..qi.BMCNJ, JOHN HAAS. Runl.nrv, Nov. 14. 1848. If. &cto (Coons, iirAu csoojs. Cheaper Than Ever l JOHN II. PURDY. has just received, el bi Nw rjtime. in .Msrkct Squtie, fresh supply nl 8en. nshle Goods, such se - ' . Cloth. Caimers, Ssitinatts, Kentocky Jssns, Cords,. Diil'mg. Alpaeta. Ginghsme, Print. M calms. Hosiery, Glovis. dte, A! o: Que. n w ire snd Groceries, which "ill he soul very low. Purchaser are Invi ted to call uml examine his stork before purchasing elsewhere. The bighesi price psid for PlodiMe. Sunb iry, October I7rh, 19-16. tf. AlTATTJPeAL ESMBDY Suited to the Human Cnnl tubon, and eoual to the cure of tvrry eurnllr Dlseutt, icill be f nvd in VH1IT'S W.iS VEGETABLE PIU-!, or THK. ortli American C'ollegitf Ial!!!. rtlHF.SE exl'scrdiniiry 1. plan's which g'ow y l'-' r.r0 cOa'forft) of 'r r.tijly i rmtir o-n - I., anil lllt-n-j.a, ,J ..,ei ,., rur ccr,. stitutioiis iban Mtd'-.ine concoct, d from b riljiu ib Rs, houtv-( V(,t ,ipy m,y i, ei miN.nivo); and ss Wr..n jT' Isnia Vfoirsan Puts aia found-.1 f j-nn the r ncip'e tli .t tb( burnn l'i':lv h iru.n fcUHJEOT TO UUT O's'C DI.FASR, ., .... - . l. r i - rmely. coriupt humors, and that said Me3icme cures tills di. esse on N's irast. Put v:-tn s, by efrnnsintr and pnr'fiiiif tUe lo-'y, it will 5 nuio ifest th it, if the er.i)rtttiillort lea rot entiiely.ex bausted, a ieia. vi i.ince in ituir use, acctuding to ili'octiona, t sh.ol'trelv (eita:n lu drive d seae of everv nsme fiom the tidy, Vl sn. we with to re-'o e a swamp or mora "to fir'.il'.'y, ne d's r. it of the iip-isbunJnt water In lite manner, "ih to re'coe the budy to tl. alih, we niuat c!9ine il f impuiity.. ,wii;niiT's Indian vkgrpahle pills will he f omd ti' i f be l st, if not the ""s lust pi.d'.ine in Hi" wo Id f.r unvi j ml thl -s tJasM' PtJMirrtxo PaiscirLS. htcau.e ihey ejpel fr in the body "II mo-li I i.nd C irr.ipt hum r, il o ctuaa . f liie d sese, in ai e-'ay n.l Sniurat .tfuil'icr ; and vhi e t:ev every. day mvs (ss snii i iuhhi, eery nsii.c la r.ij'i.l y d.iven frvin tho IhuIv. The foil wi 'g htgt lv rrrp e'ahl" etorekeepets hsv ),e'n. dolv si. in"J s n's for tl e sale of Wright'i I'li.tai 'eg;tuL!s Ptlii, in Noiiljumbir. I n I count : Merwv Mae, SunSoiv, E. J. K f np, A.;n'a t ownrbip. hsu nel lle.'i', t.ilile M .lu liny. V.'iliiam D"ppen. Jackson.' , IJeneville ILds'ine, I'pper M .bono. John (i. Kit.n, L'- er MahoHoy, (Samuel John, Shasnokillio n. fr.rjth., Wilton di Go., J. E. L. I'ier, Wji.liuig. Irlai.d cV tlava McEeni!le. Jjn. a Peed, J', ve. Win. ti f-cott. r.usttv.lle. - lUr'maii K:iit;l'le, Etyburg P. O. An) e T. Ue.tai'l, Tutl u vjl. (aid on Shadel, I'prer Mabonoy. Khod.'s it Farrow, Cuydsislown. John King, FarniHrfV lie. hlUs C. Go. k. Martin's fie,k. J, De Young. Ilirksvi If. Ahrshsm S.ier r.-Jjichnwd. Samuel Tsy'or, Hist, for I. Jot n H. Viiieen. fhitsqna.joe. Wm. lle.neocV Iljotbsr. Milton. rr OrTice devo-e t riroiv:y to lb sale of WlilGlirs INDIAN VEUB I'Altl E PILLS, .f the Noitb Ainerxsn ('Urgenf Health. No. IbH Greene ich Street. Nw York ; Nn. Tnmont Btreei. Vos'eu ; and PR .NCIPAL OrrlC'P, , 369 Ssea Mtbbst. Pbiledelphia, S.pU 19lh, I8tC. -If. 7 V TENS OP THOUSANDS fcfontiappy bvimrri in the "Ague Sectiona" of our rieemry are now tormented widi 'that -tistel comteteiel FE VE rV AOTJE, on Ell.roUe INTJCrTMl'l' TKNT Chuls ax Frrn ,r n I variously cdied. . Tlie unive.l voii-e f tlii. vi 'ir community -'fiom N1li. v. tieoiU" a. .; f,..,. the Atlintie lo the R.xkv Mud'j'titis, 'jl-.' -rei ROVANDlS-'i MiROVniJ TON!': M'X'HJKK to ,b the frree;' ad nny fife. iw. end rr!--tit cure, when prvfwrjy u-h-i). . This eenrnt be, j io t'livertid.. It r.-toVes ill- natural feelittgt sn.,t Ai.tficfv t)f the toruttituiion in thst i y thing else Vrjll. Eatreel nf a retur, dated . .. I,awiToj,r.Ort 10,Ht.A Every.Jiatile iof lh" Improved, Tonie Mttlu sent ints len soJ, sijl t da not k.tow of one . Liiwe th it it did lt a fleet a rare. F'Ui bn'tte ciirtJ five rae. ofhe worst kind of Fever end A gne eone case wis ons-lf. . After tryir.s Wtiimnsx .and all other cuiea thought of by my Phyician, tintlmg no relief, I finally nt for one b Itle of.your Tonic Mixture, .and, ws relieved, in fet ctireiri 34 bouts. Plea end nn a fresh aup;.y. aa lb. re ia none led." Yours, truW, ... SAMUEL HOPPER. . Or Sold on Agency Sn 8mbury, by II. Ms.ser and other, and all the Storekeepers in the adjoin ing Coont;ea. October 17. 1846. EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY! DSATNESS CAN &E CURE!,. I COOPER'S ETEKIAU OIL A piouyl a;ul lei-ting remedy for Dr.arsKSa, iilse for ; sin and Ciecharge of matter from the Ears. ! .Uundceds of cureejn raea deemed utterly hepn. le-shave firmly e-lahliahed its superiority over eve ry former Medical discoverv. , ,. .. This valuahle Acoustie Metlicine is a en'mpound of four different Oils, one of whi:h, the active anJ principal ingiedieni, ia obtained. fiom the bark of a certain species tf V.'atSBT, a new snd effi-ctu ii agent la the cure of Denfness. Persons who hsd been d 'af for 10, 15 end even 30 years, have been permnfienl.'y cured bv oau this nil. Iu fact, so numerous aod so emph itic hsve.bero the tetimonials in il f.ivor, iSm the in ventor clsims for. it the distltirticn of an InfallitUs Remedv, in all esses, wLen the Ear is pcrlect ir it formati'in. . . ' For farther particulars, snd evidence of its g:et, value, ate printed slievts, io the band nf A sent.. For silu in Kunbury. by J. W. FU1LINO, September 13ih, 1846 ly . ii:i:zi:riii:iTr UNRIVALLED AND UNEQUALLED , In curing Colds, Coughs Asthma, Influent, WhoopingCough, end all Disease f ibs btesst.and luiga. leading to Couaurrip tion ; eornpned of the concentrned virtnee of the herbs Horebouod, Boncsr.U, DhKidroot, and K-eral oilier vegeta ble, sub-unccs. ; , 'ar:an'ed ,t Ptr'nC FROM ANY MINERAL W .TAT'iVER'. THIS invaluable Medicine is the .o;t seed and eertsin remedy ever dtscovo;e, f,,r the a lve eompls We, as thousands t, 0 bave usej ii will testify. For sale, in Swiln;eyi j,y w.'ritiLiNa. and in ,Noiwion.brrlarJ-. b D. DRAUTIOAM and st wbolesaW. in fi-.n'-iflnhii. by r. Ki.tT? i ru, . -Carne' f eeon.i and Vij-.-'ul: -tie. v."' b-'h. lMfi. ty Stun Etctinoil Sircar 4"j'nOr;e; I'-J criTS e:it rm'u, wit trs.ts TJ J. RICH AWIkON, N.-. 42 i.i .. :-...-ek II. e puMir, '.h"t V.h -v" . . ' " i ' r-' '.. .. .- T.: peru.r f).m Pe.'i.- -. C-n.U ; .-. ! ! .. 3 5 2 per l:j r..-..r..W. w. ; :e.;e..v ;(?:. i i. ev ii.iii'j'"ic?"'v'i '" .: .'.. -.: " t .. i.'i '.. .-.r.r, ? - : - " f.'.'n.'.'.- nn 1 ! i..-e .t i -rr-M i; '.k ;: ! i aj rj i. k s Bod :.-i. -il n'.if is r.i i'"!-- , ti.e i!..y. Ci.ll i.r set d your, and i -a :t..-t f .i' ' he sitified. D"n'i fo'ce' tiie no..' . r, 4? ' i KEI' STitEET, PHILAl'KI.fliK J. J. bii ilAilDf'ON. Aucnst 29 h. IP4fi 6m W. IT. T l'.'tliion.iPlr noc r an i) snoi; ii aKi;i. - MASKua Sratkr, 'Mtviit, i" at o in. X form h e rVieili and the ihiic irei erf l!y, iht he ias j'itt rc'ttrned from li e city w jii. neav e-..' fasliioostile a fu.t assort nn m of L:gh'. roloreil, urotjie, Ulick Ki! snd all-'the k nds of Morocco lor (i. nlleo.rit, ST.! Chit 'rtnN wesr; snd he ort.e sll who mcy f.vor li in their cuti in, thiy may rt-ly np 'n h'.ni! Itn-i. w :k d.'-t io t'.e niial eul s'iii l:al slid fast.t o, U:r li'.:iiii;i'i. diii a' v iv lotv j.i.ri i. I!e al-o hns s foil a-if ni?nt nf l.ov .i v1, or!;. aeiicti'd by hi.nae,! islrich he will sell I.' we' ih.ii. evei nil", rod in this tdace, vis ; . , Men's hneo, ' ss low a Kt tn ioc:' Root. H.oti S lol I Hit ' 23 ttiiod Lace il o:a lor Women, " Woinn.'a lipa, " tlrildren'a Sh e, Si l Leather. Morocco, iVc, fur sa!u !. August atj. lNO.-raplCtf , " IMVI. K S Al7K ECCT a st aaw a..M.wJ a as ve.i I'MEAP FUR CAH. So. 35 Snuth Tltira Strert. i.Uvt Cieviut, rUILADSLPIin. sasTtae sen tirt sMvatTiiaee ulots avu 1 . suoc. , , fllHR Bulei'.ber baa uken ti. liSeity nf aJ.irea,. L sing tlie pbhiic, aati-Gi d t. st ibey j" iiv 4 lo their interest lo rail and eiaurue ."( Coote and Hl.oie, and arrjuaipt theinselvcs his prices, Celling exctnaiveU oi ibe Ci.ah, te is ne'iie-. and determined ax II lower iliun any e'.bsr legs lar house in the cut. . Per.ons will ptepae examine )lie market Ib.v, roughly, and, bb.a purehaaw, call at ibeio of - THOS. 1.. EVAN" k. Nr. "i8 South Third, atiove Ctrvi ut i I h.iri... Aue l. IM6. Mnr.A5tt J t quslttj Suiiai Hon Muieeaes, only 1 cents per quart j sl.. v oe ard of ysl'o M. la.s s f ,. baking, v..-vjUleer-ls isNKjusnfcrsaleallbecteie ef Ja.ia,l4t. HE.NhY MAtiT