Applying tkaa PriWttpl. A bract) of lijfi, thrust, Conitl'bV to far through pair of mott'ed p t ami attached tot coupitof tht targeit atd fret, which were sncaed io twiji cowhide, brorranii, formed tht .ituVrpinnin, tu A Ion ?.!tbideil Uajy, of Other wine gentrou proportioi. tbt whol feeing urtnuunted by a head, which wet covered with ;rey fvt year old, (at leist) tonl skin cap. Piitt aum total -lea, pants, feot, tcvly, and .":.peau wa the property, bjr. psfjioii, of llr Ziina Humpuo. . . , Zenat hsd been on 'a bit' tlurirg the nijfht rrci.vw, and had aquandersj full half a dollar v n himselfj ia white eye and iweetenin. But hn returning aenaej made him feel phiT')ophi .', nod on the morning wo apeak of hint, he stood, at an early bniir, in street, trazin? ("chnnically at the Telegraph wire toloiiAjui 2:n; thus w ipe . . ,'ic ! Thai' tho tclergvf W -'ic Well, I oWi. poorccive nuthiu per 'ic cu her 'Lcut them atrinj-s on'y "oee bigger 'en t'tother 'ic' riiat'.e UghCnin line, ibo 'un' tsid oo urchin in the doorway cear by, 'Wen does the 'ic start !' Viui'd better ox in thar.' WhoarV. 'In the oiEce, up Anr.' The lost'er w8 shown to the dour of the build Vir, and by 'hrok cr crook' found hia way up tiree flvhfiof atair, into the Telegraphic of- p :q. Tut- attendants enquired 'what the gen- J t.vinan iiaii to lyrwara r 'For'ud ! hie ho'. . ?' What will ron rend!' Send Wha'rV Thia ia the Telegraphic office, air.' Well 'ic wbu'n thunder taid it wuso'tl' I en ;ipr-rif d you had busi;ic., air.' Kiit K m o' tiio aoit 'ic-k cuhe there 'ic teric ' tie conrnir j.' V, hut will yuii have V 'I want tn nialie acme 'ic 'quiriet.' The h.'iir bcim early, and liltie doing, the citrus voty charitably OrUrmined upon eorm- .i n with t'.ic f!!ow, with o view to sobering i iiim. Tin- opportunity 1'ir anything tratuttnun j escaped th. in, however, for as ihey commenced j u consultation upon the let ioeiina to benrjil j ri i? intruder, lie 'i-ppi'il to one of the brtttcri-f, j w:iit!i h j-pcin'it, tiir iu o'cly, to bo but lioblly j n rr? i;! find, i-o:ic I ud i nif tnattlm knobs were? I i.Tihbif. he pulli'd hi imp over hia forehead i ii MtenpN (1 io renmve one of the bill ; the I vl ncnicnt Z' liou Ibv kireti'hfd upon lh fluor ! tic nr .se, j beat hecutild.aud turnod to the ( !i rli VMlh: 'Look yere. Mister 'ic wot's yure n un 1 I kin lick aa many sich like eliinLa n ; 'ii, us nt.uid be druv into a forty afcer lot .' Wot "-did yer 'ic knock an iuni.riont man down in that way lor I' K obi ul v touch' d vou !' aaid the clerk. The: thpy'ic didn't I' Nn, air. Vou took the' -'Took xeol ? Yere'e yure contemptible cop tvr,' and, proceeding to danh a lo e pi nny to--ri!athe attendant, which lay upon tliw rna- Uine. his finera came in contact w ith the bat .iy, and away ho went again, heel over bond, rcncs tie fl(Hr .' 'Look yere !' continued tht atifT'rer. who by turn-, wnt, wr!l niji aohered ; 'od blast yure iiieiml piclnr, wot in thunder are you 'bout!' Vou intist'nt handle the toola,' oUerveJ the ri. rh, nearly imiftini; with laughter. 'I'-ok you .' Mr. Wot'a your name ; I ain't to e fooled thia yere way ter nuthinp' I arn't. Hy thunder.' I'm an indepenriunt individooal, I mnr.ii tin yere nock in' people down, with out noiire of no kind, arn't tht thinp, by ! ii' you'll open that yere door, I'J g0 yd o' thia ..iid :ioqneion axd 'Thni'g the iliMir, eir ' Tint hraa handled .' 'Yea.' I'm blo vfd of you do though ! Thia child .'on't meddle w ith no more hard tcore in Ui.a rt n how !' The door was opened by the clerk, and the ' How aiiiled out. A suppri'j'-.ed laojhid per i.Ued the munter.ancc of the attendant, aa Ze i Hsr!f (urif (I which, aa the door cloaed, verted it-Ifina broad haw-haw. 'VutVe a smart yi.un? gentleman ynu are!' l.awlnd the Inafrr, through Ike keyhole, aa be !iM the door fa;-t wi:h lolli hsmlt 'you're a if 11 mart yr-r,rij man ! Vcu"d like logitei-i I 'lhat nnd eo to yur breakfapt, liii-inby, may b ! An'et yurilo pit any grubaforc r.oon.jeU t a Ipller 'hoot my fize know it, will yer ! l'i! lonch yi;r ti, knrrk pfople down, aimultenc fii'''y for iniihik' 7 w iii ai.d, Irorn prrpara tirna inlipjr oil tl;o nuuide, iiie pror'prct waa, it'.nt th.; 'ina:dcrs' wrro to be u.adu prisoner. A iii).it.'1it struck the aitcr.ilnnt. lie discno ripf.lid ihu wire, and placing it in contact with ' '"- k'n'b of the i nor ope n ll;e inside, hia cotnpa i. mn Vt on the hktipry ! Tl.p ih.or (lew open ineUrtananualy, and our vihiiui alrange r, v, ith the aoul rkiu cap, waa i sci.viTcd in the ast ol an anti-annular descent (' n atuira, the aide of hia head ecrspinjj the o.iir.t fr in the rdjp of the etepa, and hia lepa inran time, pprfurniini; an involuntary pirouette '.hi. Mi wiiold lnv duno infinite credit to a Ir'rench liancinir miiftrr. I: fo chaMcd iht Z'Tna had purehaaod a Ivjiif h or InciVr ronicht s U.o rrpht before, which he hml tlcviiited in t'ij ci ui pocket. In hia pro- i tv.vii s!i!r.. ili nin!"!iea had lierame irj- .'ii. .T il hr fip tin.p he hnl reiiptipd the hot. i o,r (he lir-i fi.jht. in- ti k f i rtin lly recover- . ) (,, '," ?i?t t-fl". i n or 'i!n aliork" hut the '1 'ii i I H thr- io.!i t!i-- vein, In runt, tail ' ' .": . and in1 w:ia not eet forward,' in i i"...'.i.';'ioii i.ny l.y iI-.h lat-tefiorl of hi lor- i.". - I le iliiTiivorpil t!iH fire, and prprnm iu;r , ..ii i,'t nt, I o.'irri'l of tho 'euraed inveii. i i.i. ' 1 . t;,r.,f,,, to ; ;,-t l. snd with hoili hirnila ' iti:' '.l '! !-i f io. I l.irn, 'i r the pnrpnsi of - lo.ti., , i ... : -f (!,, , , f,ic, waa roaaiinj the Iim i!t xii-p-.- i'i!ea- r ', ' .ml -lie 'put for tht a'.reet 1 i ! tjtre! O'c ! t Murder ! '" Jihe victim, aa bt darted ,! fnw j-di Baltimore, at a ,,:' ' , it-if might f are . .1 fl Ol'f ( C . , r , . I ; , ; .,r . . ' f .-ikii,...i I i!i-.!n, i i .. v" it. Ii ' )iim', a In- ri un- '.ir . I 'il l- rnf ol r that Mreani' upon vii ?. if.'ni lornonof that i- ifi'Vii'a i r iienl I '1 hit flte Itm fX'lllJillihfJ wilh- : 'fi;.u.4 .'iii npr, ' aa the pvpera ay tht ' "r cMy aaiiirated and having : o,iei In 'heavy inside) wet' for akin ' rinr.p, ha rlepurtnl, parfrclly.aober, amidat i jftfiiiif ihtrrovtd who had witnraaed the i zalt mn-t vnruttnu'y enrainp all improve, inttnta iu oiaf ntim and cotobu.Ublaa V. Y. Writ. G.P.R UAltK ITOTE L'lfST. Tt t ; liuwini? (bit ahowa 1h enrrant aalua of fttl ,uo -... It ji'j Hunk Notfi. Tht moat implicit re ln.n tmj ha plaed tpon K, aa it ia every ivttk :ar fjlly conipjrej with and corrected from Bkk nail'a Reputfer. Ilankt la rtitlaitclplila. LociTioit. PaiiLaD. OTI58 AT PAR. i-oR of ISnr'h America , , flank of the Northern I.ibertiea , , Conimertvol Hank of Penn'a. . . Farmera' nml McchaukV Bar;k ffenuw;i nnk - , ; . i'hilnJplhla Bank . , . iVlniy Riill Hank . . . South ark tank Western Bunk . , Mi'chaniiV l:ifjk , Manufacturers A' Bank fionk of 1'pnn TowDihip . nirsnl Biihk ' Hnk of Commerce, Morametairn Bani of FtarHylrama . . Country ItanUs. Bank of Hietfef Cooniy We:chaicf bank of PclnWare C,ouuty Cbeiter Bank bf fJermanto'.vn Of imantowa Bui.U of Montgomery Co. Notristonn Doytotoo-n Bank D'v!toxn Caonar.k Eimn Farmer' Pank of Buck ro Bristol par per par par par 1 par par pur psr pir par tar par par .M fr pur pit ar par par per Biir.fc of Northumberland N'orthnntbeilanJ oar ColomMa Bank & Hridge co. Columbia .r Fanntra' Cnr.k of I.anraaler Lancifet par lanc8?ter County B.uik I.nneattir jar Ltinca'Pr Hank Lane.mter oat r nrir.ert iinon oi neaiiing- ra linj par I'i'ire oi u .init ol retin a OClce . !o da O.Tiro d, 1 do Oflica dii do HairUljurg" Thee Lnnewer ! otTicea Heading j do not Euiton J iii-ueo. NOTES AT tM 8 CO TNT. Hank of the United ite. Phibd.-lphia 51 Vinera' Bank of Pof.aTilic Puliavilte j Rank of I ctvi-town Lrvviton Hjnk of Middlntnwu A'iddle'ovon 1 4 1 Carlisle Bank Carlisle 1 LrwUtoMii A'iddle'ovon Carlisle PillflllUI? Ilnllidaviburg Ilarrirtburg Lehannn Pittabur? exchange Utnk" I)i df brattch of tlarrUburg Brtnlt Lebanon Bank er. hunt' St Manuf. Bank ILiril; of Pitiaburg Piitalmijl WilliMinapitrt Wilkosl.ane Allantown oea.lhi? i'ltlblmrg Wist Riam-h B .ok Wymuiiig I'niik ' i.rihiiiipt'iii 11 ir.k Bcrka Coimtv Bur.k Olfke of Bank of L". 3. Do do lo Do do dj Bank of Chambrrshurg Bask 01 Gettysburg Bank of Wir (juehanna Co. Erie Unr.k Farmrr Sc Prove!' Bui.k Krankliii Bank llolifvdrtli; Bitik Monnneahela 13 11 k of B. Votk Bonk 1 fui'cil do New ilriijl.lim Chsmberburg (!i ttybun; Mr.mroe do i II Ijalj Kria Waynrsliurg Wmhington Honodnlc Bronnaville York N. B. 1 he notca of thona banks on which we ortiil quotnliona, and anbititutn a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philndrlphia brnkeM, wiih the exception of those whirli have a letter of rifwenee. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ia. Philadelphia failed Philuilelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill Sav. lna. Jo f.iiled Kcnsincion Sav. Ina. A Pcnn Township Sav. Ina. do Manual Labor Ban's (T. V Dyott, prop.) fiiled I nwanda L'ana Alleghany Bunk of Pa. lihhV of Beawr Bank of Stvattra Park of WasLir.gton Centre Bank Citv Bank Far'merfi' tc MechVa' B.nk Farmers' & Mech'c' Baok Farmers' tt Mech'ca' Book Harmony Iiiiuituta tluritingdor. Baok Juniata Bunk I.umticrmaii's Bir.k Nurihern Bank of Pa, Ntw Hope 1). I. Cri Jpo Co. Norlhumti'J Uuion Col. Ilk. North Western Bank of Pa. OtTue of Schoyihill Bunk Pa. Aqr. Si Msnuf. Hank Silver Luke Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmorland Bank Towanda L'p.lfo.d Bcnvrr If sr.iiburg Wa.-!ii)if (on IN I!, f.nita Pit'sbuig Tiilbtiurj Fayrtte co. Giier.raiil'e I'ai iiiony ria m." rlosril th'iifil fu.l.l churd no a1e foiled fnlr.l fut.J 1:0 a!r llunlin j !on 110 ralo ixtort a no sale VVarren lunJalT New Hofa Millun M eadtillo Port Carbon Carlule Moriio-se Unioiitown fii!ed no tyn elided no rale d.JM-d faded C bleed r.tilej tlied (rrenelur! Wilkeaharrt Biidye Co. Willies' irrr nossle fXj All note pur jtoi tir gf to be on any Penn.yl vauia Bank not given in the above li,t, iny be ti Jown aa frauds. sew .h:usi:y. Bank of Net Bruntw it k Belvideir Bank liurliocli i) Co. Bnnk "ninriiercial Baok 'Juml eiUnd Bitik r"BrmerB' Farmrrs' hikI Mecbanit Bk Fsrm r' and .'iJcl.uni ' Hk Farniera' ar.d Mi n hjr.ts' Bk Franklin Bmk of N.J. BrunsAhk Belvideia MedforJ Pi rib Amhny BriJeetnn M.uiiit Holly h'sbwav fsileJ 1 par 4 psr par N. Utonswitk f-iled Jrrf y t-'ity failed f.tlltd f.iilr.l fin led fiii led i failed i ar l0 sale Huboken VAt Sc Giuiilif Co llntx.ken lersey City llstik Jn wy City I'llt't frlOII Brllevillt Murristonn Freehold NtWalll 'I'reulon Jit.y City Nc va:k Mictiunira' Bunk Miinuf.irlurira' Bank Morris (.'nuniy Bank Mnlillinuth Lk of N. J. Michm.u V Bank Mrrt.anip and Msrinf. Bk Mor'is Cnrial and Bkg Co Pi'klNotea Newark Jtkg Si Ina Co iVrw Jlope Del Biiilje Co N. J. .Miiiul.c. ai d I ('. i i holi-,1 4 f.nle.1 i l.a.Tiheits tills n N J J'liitn ton A. J)ioiid I k Jer-ey Ci'y Orange Bank Oraiija t'atrrson Bank Pateison Peoj.lfa' Bank do l'liiueti n Bunk Pnmvton Kalcul Ciinkiu; Co IS i!m htote Bink Nowark fctaie Bank Ltisahi ibtowa State Bank CBl7ide:i Siuto Dirik of Moria Voriisiosn iti.te Bark Tieritnu Mmh snd Fhilad Mj.nof Co fiahm Sjmi iJank" Ne.cinn ! icii'ou V.hi king Co 'I'reoton I 'nl. 11 Bank Dver V.'uNhimton Banking Co. Hackeneack ULLlVrAnU, ISk of Wilta 6l Brsmly wuia Warning ton Bank of iltl.wari Wilmingioa Bank of ijioyrn Su.yum Lo hrsncb Milloid Farmers' Bk of ila of Del lKti Do branih Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do Usctb NeovcaeUt Fsion Bank Wtlmiogton rcj- Under 6'a par par i I P" 1 fi.ilol failed i 1 failed par par par par r' P' psr par par QJ' On all bank maikrd thua () there tie i. Ibar counttrfeil o altered attaw of lot varsottf lt tMcaiof Uesja, it) eirfaU'4'''0. EXTRAOUDINAUY DISCOTERYl DBATMESS CAff BB CTTllirU II C ROOFER'S ETERIAL Oil A prompt and J lasting remedy for Datraiss, alas for paint and Jbeharge of matter from the Ears. ' Hundreds of eUrra in eaei deemed ut'etly hope leva ha Brtnly e tsblishcd Ha auperiorlty over eve ty f.-rmer Medical disiivery. - Thl vsIwj'iIo Acoufctic Medicine Is a compound if four different Oils, ona of which, the active and priiiriral intf'tdient, ia oltnir,aJ f-oro the bark of a crriain sptciia cf Wuct, t new ad efToctdil ageot in tba cute of Deiftie. Persons who had be-.n d.-af f..r JO. 1& nd even 20 ypirj, l.i,ve been (eima.ienily cured by tsii.R j this oil. In fict, ao c i;nrous and eo vmphtic ' hava been tht tciumorinis irt h favor, tb.-.t the in- j vr n'or claims for 11 the dia iiution of an Infallible i Reniady. in ail cat, when tba L'ar ia perfect in J 1:1 1 Kill II n. F:i fuither p'tieuUtj, and evidence of i'a great value, st a printed ahe!, in the bands of A Rents. F. r s -lo in Sunbuiy, by J. W. FK1L1NU. Repteinher ladi, 1S16 -ly UNKIVALLKD AND UXKQUALLED la eLrinj Colds Cougln, Athn.a, Influrnxi, Who. piug-('ough, and all Diicnsr of li.a Lie al and lui g, leading to Cousump ton; composed of the coneeritrsled vir uea of ihe herht 1 ton hound, B.r.esrlt. 11 1 of. d root, and at veial other vige'a hl si.b.-taixis. Watrantfil PURE FROM ANY MINf.RAL WHATEVER. rPHlS invtluable Medicine (4 the moft speedy and c-itiiii cvor discuvered f.r the s f ove cnmpla n:p, an wlu have ueJ it vi 1 lesiify. F01 e-le, in Sunhoiv, hv J. W. FBI LINO, and in N..rt! rlm.l. by U. BRAUJ IGAM, ultJ at wi.xleaule, in FhiUd l bin. by F. Kl.ETT 4 C... Corner of Sarond ai d Caiiawhih atretic. Srp'.ertiler 19lh, 1S-1C ly c 11 1: a st 1 x 'in kvo iiLiTj Steam Rcfiius! Sugar Caudlet, 1 rrJiTs rm poo sn, vvio lvsa a. "ff J. lilCHAUlON. No. 43 Mi.kel Strret, a PnninaLPiiis, takes p'r-ure in ill uming tlis public, that he Hil l conlinura tn cell his very Su perior Ri fined Candy at the low price of $ 1 2 50 per 1 00 pounds, and the quvhly is cquki to any manufactured in the United States. He sl-o (.IT. rs all kinds of koihU in the Ccnfct tlontry and I'ruit line ut corresponding low piitc. ca quick aalca and email piofita aia tha ordur of the liny. ( or sei d your ord -rs, arid you csmo t fil to be eatikfn-d. Don't fncet the number, 42 .MAR KEF STREET, PIIILADELI'HIA. J. J. RICHARDSON. Aucitat 29'h. 1 9 1 fi. Cm W. H. THOMPSON, Fa tiioiialilc BOOT AND SIIOK 3IAKKII, MtRKiu tSruitr, e'cunvBV, rilH A N KFI'L for pi-t favors, begs have to in &. firm h fiier.ils anil the publie geiera'ly, ihil he tias ju-t returned troin tbe city vi h new and fathii iKibl list-, ari l a hi I sss itrot nl of Liuhi colored, Droiize, Lbnk Kid, sod all other km.N of Moroero tor (Sentleno 11, Ladies and Children's uear; and he assures all uhr. mav f.tvor him with tht ir rustom, that Ihey noty rely i p ui!! their w.'ik doi e in the m mt liul and fikhion.tble mnnnei, aid at veiv low frier. He aho has a foil a-e. r'mei.t of I iw piii p.l wnrk, select'.-d hy liimeif which he will sell lower than ever t if red in thia place, vix : Men's thcea, as low as $1.00 I'xira Siout B lots, 2. HO G .od Lace B 10 a lor Women, 1,0ft Women's Slipa, ' fiO Chihlrt n'a i"hoe, " 5 8nle Leather, Moroeco Ae., fjr ta't low. Au&uil C2 I. IStH apltuf r as s bb m SB 1 ll law i u, tjam a. 1 in skii m', aa rM 1 Hoot & Shoe JQSTABIiISHI:E3NT. damel nnucKKMiM.En. At hit Old LstaUhhmmt. in Market Strtet, Sunbury, foppoMTE Titr. vru i.ion noTrr.,) f'Jj E TURNS hia thanks for ptsl favor, and re l. spectfully informs his ftieiels end the public eei eriiilv, that he continues to mil ufac ore to ol der, in the 1 ea'eft and latent stv'.e. C SIL'Al ROOTS AM) SHOES, wmr mte.l . f thelesi ar.-l inadu hy the !"' t-lu. m ed noikn-en. He :in keep in hum! a i.ri ia aivoiln ei.l of f nhiooable li .ota for g'll'h men, tcgelbi r iih a Isrce ft t k of f..hinn h'e Rtnil men's, boy ', It jea an j i'hi'J en's Shoes, alt of which h.'.ve Un in u'e uoder h a own irnme itia'e ins relion, ard are of ihe best material and wn knvu-h p, ul ieii h.- will aed I m for caah. In hliijnn m 1 be above, he hes just rtceived frtiin l'hilsd' liihi a lara and rxteustve supply of lioo e, slives, Ac. 1 f ! d-srrip.tinus, which he l o 1 tfcia fir ca-h. rhrapcr ihan ever l-efort (tfll-red in 1! is place. He leejierlfuMy invi'ia hia old custo mers, and (.thus, lu call and txaoina for thcni si v. a. Repairii g with neatness and despatch. ISunburv, I.Vh, IRtfi. " v 11 o ia e sa"i7e ( HEaP FOR CA-fl. No. 1V014A Third Utretl. abort Chttnut, PIULAOSI.PUU, rasTis i citt MiwcraCTcato toort ip D9ta. 'P1HE Buhrcriher ha taken the hher'y of address .1 ins the pobiie, ssti-fiJ that ihey will find it I their interest to call and eiamine hia slot It of Boots and Shoes, and acquaint thaoiaalvaa with bi prices, Celling exeluaivelv for tl.a Cah, he ia enabled and determined to tell lower than toy otbar regu lar house in tba city. Perona will please examint ibt market tho roughly, and, btfoit purchasinc, rail al 1 ha aiort of TIIt)W. L. EVANS. No. 85 Bomb Third, above Coesr.ot Si. Philadelphia. Aug. 16. IM6 , I 'LAWtfi J be fiiat qunlny Sugar liuuat if J Mnlaes, only 12 eeets per quart also, a superfine ariiclt of yellow Mulana- a (or l akmf , on ly 12 eenu par ausrtfof at lb store of jet ia, IMS X2SY DEiVTISTIlY. JAC03 HSLLEP., rrIIANKFUL (or the liberal tnconrsgement B I which ht baa received, would respectfully loform bis frisndt and tht citiienaof Ndrthuth tier land county in general, that he has prepared hlin aelX with the beat Incorruptible Tectb, Onld Plate, Oold Foil, ice, that can be had ia ths city of Phi ladelphia t and thai he will endeavor, to lbs utmost I Lis ability, to render full satisfaction to a'l who umy think ptoper loengsga hiaaorvicea.' H will be in Sunbury at the Augun court, where ha will l a prepared, at his residence. Id instrt Teeth on toU Pl.ite, or on Pivot, on the latent and not aj, proved t,l in, -.(.) hIIpixI to a'l Ilia brunches Le'umr. Ull lll lOIVl I 111 II Ml Ml Ml log to IiKN P.L JSURGERY, will he waited on al their place of resi ucore, if JesirrJ. His chorees wiil t laasonable, and his woik warmn'ed. H will visit different parts uf tba cuun'y, a'jwUl once In three months. Sunbury, lulv ISth. HIS. 6m IT. saZIMBUn. Jilt, A.o. i4 AoriA Fourth Xirett, under the Wtr chant ' Until, P h 1 1 a ! c 1 1 Ii 1 11 , a Li wooa nl riais "VST CF.PSJ coiistaiitty on hnnd an as. JUm. sortment of a'l khida of Silk, Fur and Bea ei rlata, which he rli'-t for sale on the mirl rea sonable terms. Hi Hat are inde up of the I" it miteiials, and in the most approved style. Per a -ni vi.iting the ciy will find it to their interest to Call. July 1 1 til. 1S16. IV SILVEK MEDAL, swauoiu an tu rutWKtia lyaTtTCTt, 1S45. nty Pfijiirrrtoljiie Extnbiislnirr.t. t j srj f eVi .yt - vr-ci.C' -3i-JLawl.i.rju, I.ITt OIJISVI 1 OLIItas.; No 100 Chenut nJore Third, Xvuih t-Cr, fUII.AaOEI.rillA. MATURES t ,ki n eqnnlly n wi ll in clou dy as in f!o..r vveitScr. A dark i'k dtevs ladv, and a black suit for a e.eni'eman, 'C for ) ri f.iru! h in sitting; for a it.tu v. No extrs charge ia made for (oloni.g, and infect l.kenesaea si guarantied. July 4ih, IftlR. ly EJarfit Street, Ii3 LLa '-Ci? U. 'ii yj sJLi rjHE House has un 'ei.jone a thorough lepstr. jl The pr" rie'or n',n.ii iu Li.ncr patrunae. Terms f 1 SS per dv. W.f. W. TilX. aim 11 1 u i'. rot :c. July 4, 18-iC. Iv I'r.iprietors. CIIESNTJT STIIKUT, P II I L A 1) 15 L 1' II A. rfHIS larpa and cmmodintis Hotel has rrrent'y JL been fitted up wi'h entiie new furniture. 'I he shfif-ci ibera thercf .re o!icit the patronage of tht ptblir, and tiusl that their 1 jiperier.e in the tnuine-s will enil !e ihrm to give entire'efio tioti. Teimi nm h rn'e. B OLEY, McKENZIE Sc Co. Ja'r 4th, 1310. ly Keller & (reeuouEi, AND MECHANICAL F.NCINEERS, WASinirGTon, r. o. RAWINOS and Papers f. r the Pt'enl Of. tice will t.e prepared by tiitoi, st their olio e, npporite the I'a cut I flue. July. 4;h. IMfi. ly " 1 31 1 O It T A X T TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. L-ja) YOU may bp sure of nhtvinuig, tl .V I H limes, pure and hithly flsvored By the ling!.' pound cr largi r quai tity, at ihe Fell 1 11 Tea Company ' aVarelioiiate, 30 South Steond ifreet, Irtwtn Market andChei nut j.'ue'j, rnitAiEi.rniA. Here', fore it has been verv dniicu't, indeed, al ino-t linpOFk alwsya li ob-aiu good (ire- n and .. . . 1 ...... :. .t - 111 ck 'Pea a. But n ,u have onlv to v-sil the Pi kin Tea Company's Store, to obtain as delicious nnd fragrant Tea s you could ivi.h for. All la-'es em hete be suited, witii the advanlsge cf gelling a pure article at a low price. June 27ih, lSlfi. PREiyilULl SCALES. I'ah ' Tele: rated Road Scale. (Vi.l i.nd Hav do Iron MsnufacV a 1 di ,h, I do do tlo do A do do i 1 P, ,1.11- Platform till SO difivrrn' nt. Dormulor I loi r do ft dilT. ICl.t liiee, Connier do 12 i fle-ttit sizei. Tht above Scale are mule enl er sirg's nr JouWe beam, and ars I'ende.lly the nmst dioable, accurate and ennveiib s eer irne dd. We sln hvs Plsif nm and Cnin.t r Seles, P.tent Bnlanre n.l every kind of Weighinif Machines m U"-e f. r siV, whole sale and retail, at low prirrt. All Scales sold hy u to go out of ii ci'y, are boxed fr. e of charge, and wauauird to e ve i-a nh.clion ti the purrh'ser in every parlieul.r. (JRAY & BROTHER, Manulset'iicrs and Dealer, No. 34 Walnut street, Jure 27. 1 t fi. I y fh ilndrlphia. O HORSE Horse Shoe p-ica. by SHOES.Buiden' Patent iocs, lor sain at manutactureis CRAY & BROTHER. 34 Walnut t. Philad. Jura 37. 1846. ly CAL'J'. New Yoik Sell in bt'relaand bag, fur aala el oaaoufscluieia' prices, by GRAY Av BROTHER, Junt 87. 34 Walnut al. PhilaJ. CLOTSI1T G, WHOLESALE AM HCTAIL. rPHE rulacaiber art constantly manuf icturing fiora tht beat French. English and American manufacluied Cloth and Casimer, CLO I HINO in t aery auperior aiyle, cut and warkmanahlp. Person buying to sell again will finJ ant of tht largest and mMt fashionable atock of good to aeltcl from in tht city, and al unprecedented low price. J. W. 4c E. D. STOKES, ' 194 Market at. Philad. N. B, A large aworlmepl of Odd Fellows' Re galia ennatantly on band, tod all order from lodgaa tr irtttividaaU poetically titendtd to, on tht moat liberal term. J. W. a E. p. g. rkllacMpbit, tint irtb. 1'41-ly Have vom lirnnl Hie IVrwat N9v;W(fAT IS 5 IT ? MARTIN IRWIN; At hUhoptin Mark Urtei, tjotnig the thru - ttcrv Brirk Huutt. HAS just receivitd from Philadelphia the largest, hemleomeel and best assortmanl of HOOTS A1I) SHOES of every desciipijon( that has ever been brought to thia place. And what ia still better, they aiy be sells so chenp, that you can buy two pub fur the ihme mprtty that, you uted to juiy fur trie pair. 11a nuts roa um ami oiuls ton Uash, and 1 ,fl it i tht testiin that be can atTord to sill ihern so ; " " " - . " - I much cheaper. If you don't want to buy, just coll j ' nJ ,,M ,'ocS- " ' alw"y K1 1 ' '" customers; and it is no trouble tu hini to allow Lis's. Ja,t to aiv yo'J an idea how cheap he dues t mil. lbs following is a liit of price of a part of his! etrk I Men's Thiek Bo. t, do I nit Grain do vtnMh f t 00 st f 3 75 ! " 4 60 at 3 00 i 1 do Calf do J Boys' Thiik do I Youths do 6 PO at 1 50--t i Od at 1 87 at 3 00 I 75 I 55 Men's Thick Brogans, Women' Morocco Well nd Ki 1 Sprint:, Women' City mad K d Sli;ii er, 1 00 1 AO ut 1 6J-at 1 00 I 12 L iilit'' I Gaiters and Gai ter Booh, " 2 Oil at 1 S7 A'so. every variety ol Ladies', Boys' iri.l ihil- dren' shoes, a r'cra l iwcr than ever before ofl'er- cd. Come and See Sunhnry. Jonn 13 h, 1 1 R. 6.11 I DANVILLE I I wor )1 ,e n K A ( rroi V. danvillh, columdia county, i IV'iMins It aula. I r,HK i,auvii!t i7tuM i,W(. r.ut,ry. former. ; g ly ownevl anJ occuu cd bv I'r. I .thiris. Ii a rcitnt'v l et 11 purchased hy the t-ob-i nl). rs, w!i i iciprctfutlv sun 'Uncc 10 tlo ir lmi,'i and ttie pub lic f.eoeral y, that lvj a t lioiv tj do al! , kn.iU of w tik in lln ii line jf busint-s!", .it ttie alien- , teat iiodce, according li or let. anJ in the best com parative manner. Hating gone 1 1 rnnaidi Table expi ti.e in r. pairirn; th ii machinery acd a; ar itus. Bil l being vi rr par-icol'ir in Torii,ii the service of : rxpeiiei'C.'J n ei hiiiiri, tiiey feel coutijeiit th it Ihey are cpn' le. vt ctcc itin till kinds i f work in a a'yle tuperiur to a:,y other -a'abliatinit'iil in ihe : L'.ninirv, ai the uld ci. atom rv pMces. M.MTHS, .SATINET I S, I I.ANNF.I.S am. BLANKETS cone! in Iv on hand, and for sale ! inlcccd prices. f..r Cih i'r Bar'er. ai:i(; i.M) ri i.MVfi j will lie d.iiit; in the best n. ..i. air. tt the usual pri- ! ; c s. All kind of country pr aho e taken iu pay j j mini for wink, st IV.nville nivki t prices. ' j For the ion of those who live at i distance, Wuut and CcaTii will be tikn in el. ' I ....1 tf.:.u. j ..........1 , ,i. r..n ! aim, t. un, 11 limn, u, r Ulll'il to loe 101 hi v- ii i 'tn- ; cis, Fluin written diircliniis nmsl becompany j eurh psreel ; I Columbia Cimnry. Roup A Msrr's store. Wa shtngtonviPe ; If. Fruit's et ire, Jirevtovvn ; Yea- j ger's Inn, Rn.ring (Jre.k; Sharplens s'o-e, t'atta wissa; (. F. Mann's stole, MiiTiiovi le ; Miii. i'. j store, Berwi, k ; J. Ciini's J.!ill ; Rii kr.l', Oisnijeviile ; ili-rr' store. Wl i'e Hall. I Sirthumberland County Michael Reader's inn, Turhutville ; Ireland &. Ilav'a store, McEnei.e- j villi ; E. L. Piper's et. ite, Wstsonstnwn ; . I.I Cmniy .i Co's flnre, Milion ; (iibon'. inn, Chil j lif.jusijue ; Forsvth's ato-e, Norlhumbi rl ind ; Ymiiic's s'oie. Solibmy. 1 l.uzrrne County. Ki t m l. I'a t-t.oe, Kingstnn ; 1 f ! 1! h rsleevcV stole, WilkesbBrre ; (Say lord's htore, 1 Plymouth ; H'yei-'s a'.nre, Nnnttcke ; Ju;!ge ! .fa.;'s Mill, Hiui!ii!.ton. t.yetming Couutx;. 1. Clfpp's tere. Money ; ; ci'iociimkcr'a ttoie. f-ntit ! ;' Mi l. i EAR HART KOWNOVER. Danville, Mav 9, 1 H 10. Pennsylvania si:, DANVILliTl PA. flHE siibsciiber, late of the Union Hotel, Mun M cy, Pa , reapectfuhy 11. forma the old and nil meroua cusinmers of ths I'ruiiMjlvwiila lloustr, and the public generally, that he has leased the Tavern Stand of John Rhode, in Danville, tvhere he is now prepared to entertain travellers, and per. sooe visilina the town, in the viry beat style. The accommodation will be such as a we l conducted ! public hou-e should aiTord, and m fir.rt will he '. ... .i. f........ : . o pared to ri nih r itisfrtlon, in every respect, 1,1 ail I who n ay rail. The rtPzena nf Lycoming county are invited to put up with the undesigned when ihey visit Dauville. HENRY WEAVER. Danvjlle, May 2, 1646. WHITE SVA1T HCTSL, j Hack Street, l'Hir snti.PiiiA j V J. PETF.IIS t rillTTu l . c . l .. ' I fi 10 lurmmn is vVonTt niri'i inr iju nrt-s nirn i I ' J p.. ' " .: . .t ty . . i . . . rur ihr cnmfnrt of l'Teilf rt. Mtrch 7, y Air.A7TnTTl? Uf WNl" mvit iwutt; LATE BRADY'S HOTKL, Oppnuite. the Court onse, DANVILLE, PENN'A. THE Suhi-cribrr, who assia ed for sr. ,H viit years in the management of ire a- tv? ii,.i 1. ..1.. 0- i. s: a It... llll 't I a twio. ttt ijr at y i.jr in i. w, . . ... -- . 1 1 itaJdy. btga leave In inform the ravelling a I a public, that he ha taken the t.iahtibmeiit oU hit own act ourt, en ihe first of January, IM6. The House has, nf late, undeigone many impor tant alterations, and the present conductor promisee to leave nothing undone tn make it a comfortable and agreeable, as well as a rhiap snd accommoda ting stripping plart for strancer whn may visit our fl luri-hiog village. No ain nor etfirnse wilt he spared to fill the table and the bar w ith the be-t the miikets afford, and with the determina'inn to de- vn e his entire personal attention tn tht comfort of tno-e aim mav teak hia boose their temporary a I ode, and eided by active, careful and obliging ser van 'a, be bnpe to givt gentral aatisfaclion, and re ceive a liberal abara ef cuvtnro. Cj I-6 anil commodioua STABLES art at tached to tht establishment, which art attended by etieful and obliging b-tler. GIDEON M. 6HOOP. Jsnory 4lh, 1848. if -JbtaaA rcas TTEXtriR'ra SPIRITS OP BoAP," t"o, ,. JLf Iraeting Orsase, Dry Paints, Varnish, Tar, Wax, Ac. from clothing of any description, war ranted not to injurt tbt cloth or tht most dalicatt color. This liquid bat also bean osed with great success In eaaes ot Burn, Scalds, Tatter. Pimples on tht fact, Chapped band, 6prt lip, Rheuma tism, Hard or toft Cnrntf, Ac. (7 Prict, 6 -ptr boiile. ff aJt tt tbt atait of JoJv l. 1M. . . H. MABBEW. . Ci BWyt&fX tnll BlacVCoDgtan V- Ink, of t aopavitr quality, for Jt efsata ai ibt store of HENRY MA68ER. Jtyu,ms. Hs 3. iACs S3 .ATTORNEY" AT LAW, ' SUITS PA. Buslnesa attended to ia ibt Countiet of Nor ,httwl,iBd' Xt,' P. & A. FtTOUDT, Lowan St BsaaoH, Rottaaa A. Sftotiuasas, Rt nokiia, McFantann e Ot. Mrsaisa, 'loon & Co., DS1TTISTE.7. P Y. T K K B. MASSE W, RECENTLY FROM PHILAbKI.PlHA. ESPECTFL'LLY iiiforms the ciiizens oi Hunburv and vicinitv, that he has onened en "mre ai tne rei.lenre or Henry Msser. 111 Market It where lie is prcpucd to execute all kinJa oC IHs rst. WumiuRf . I'lale Work, A.C , on the latent i utid moi-l aiiirmed olans. Having had some rtperienre and instruction, under on of ihe nuwl einiuviit and successful Den- Ui t'liiiaiMphli, he betievea that he will be 1 ah'e to give satisf-ctiou tn tliose who may want bi service). Ladies will be waited on at their placra of resi dence. Ilia charRea will be uioJeiate, and hia wo'k warranted. Sunbury, March 28th, 194 8. EVANS & WATSON, No. Ifi Soi tn Third Street, fw ly-j'.ii.'i.'it Opposite the Phihidtlihia l'xchange, Mai:iifartute and ki p con jointly on band, a large as sortment of their Patent Im proved Salamander FIRE PROOF SAFES, which art ft 1 UF. -v. an coiiMlucted aa to aet at real Km?l I 111 nil. er of douh to their being striitlv fire proof, and that th.y will resist the lire of unv building in tht orld. The outenle c-e of Ihe Safes are made of boiler iron, the ior'de c me of so ipstone, and be tween tbe 1 tiler case and inner esae is n space of s- uie .1 iiicht s liiick, tnid i filled in with inde-tiuc-lihh" m iteii .l, o sa to uihke it an impossibility to 1 ver b -rn any of the con'eii'a iiifi lc of this t;tiest. These Si apalone Sul -niai'di is we are prepared and do cbaTenire the naild tn produee any article iu tbe ihajie of Book S.f i tlinl will staiid aa much hc', uii.l v e hold niMM'lvis all limea to have do in fa ilv teve I bv public bonfire, -houlj a i.v . f our competitor-, ft el ili; oid to try them. We hI-o cotiiinuc t a iniiiolifiiiie and keep con vUii.tiy oti h .od, a larce ami general assortment of out I'li'iiium Air liht Fire Proof Safes, i f which we h'i'e a ipiaoti y iu ue, un I in every in -iae li.ey i,v.' j tfn i ni re .tUfsc'ion to the I urcha-er ol vvl.ich we will refer the public to a It w Rent eiiu'ii vliohdvr them in i e. V & O. Taylor, li'.l no.t'i a! '.; A. Wright A N p'ow. Vine e. wharf; Alivuiider (srnr, Con veyancer, corner of Filbert and 9th ts.; John M. Fiir.l, liorih 3dl.; Mveri Buh, U0 n.r;h 3,1 t.; Bniley A IWother, 1J8 M..kel t.; James M. Pniil, lot t-ou'h 4'h si.; Dr. DaviJ Jvne, 8 jut!l 3Jat.; r.ratthe.v T. Miller. 20 south "S.l st.; and we could name some three cr f .ur hut dred nheia if it were rin'cenkiv. Now we invite '.he alt. utioii of tne public, end psr icularly llio.e in want of Fire Proof S ife, to r ill nt our store bi fore pmchs sinjj I'liewhe'e, an. I we think we cho iliefy tbem that they will got a t e"cr an I cheaper article at our st: re iinr. any ot'in r f-taM.-hmi nt in the ciiy. e ijo 10. iu ue to iTiaiiufaetuie -"eal and t'o pyin Pre.-. , ma.'e in such a minner as t an swer t'oih purree : H.iinling Machin s, Firt Proof Door-, with our own munif. lure of locks 011 them, with D. Evans's J'sltiil Keyhole rover illaciieil to 'heaauie; plain and ornamental I. on Railine, Ac. N. B We k'tyi enn-tsntly nn hand a lirtje aa aortment ef for Pda'e Limd Iftfiiei tus, N jt" 1 Fiiiei and t' .oh r-; and we have also on I'.ar.d .everal -eior. l ham1 Fir.- Proof Chests taker) in eichemte for o ir-, which ws v.i'1 (li.pna of at ve'ir Is ) i v. Pl.iladv'.'phia, January 2 U, 1S1G. !y To tiu li;iv 1 s f D K IT GOODS. 2 a .. I.I I'fnrht, NEW YORK, I J AVIN'ti estshli-hed a Brunch si No. M i Che- nut t Philsile:phis, is now peninc. anJ wi'l be coua'aiitly n criviiig fmrn the Ntw Vork Auc tions an extensive assortment of FANCY & STAPLE SHY GOCD3. which will be sold nt the l.vwest New York piiece, at wholesale and Retail. Amoog Ii a stock will be found a gotxl a-ntinent of the followieg articles: Jacciinets, Plaid. Hair CoiJ, Lace, Stripe, Book, and Tatlaian Mn.lir s. Bish p and Linen 1 Lswi s. Fancy Cap Nettf, Fancy and Ball ttrees, ! 'I'hrentl I. aces. A in, lies: inn Do., rich lVaek i!k I'hresd Laces, Applies: inn Do,, rich B'ack Silk Trimming Lace, in-li Linens, Linen Cambrics, Linen Canibr c IldklV.,('uitain Fringes, Carhmeit il'I'coa-e, Mnusrline de I, aire. Silk and Cotton Warp A l acrae-, Qa-'en'a t'loth, tial Plsids, French Merinos, IJI-ck '-ilka. i k Host, Shawls, ('rava's, R.liboni, Lmhroiderit. ArvVc. Country Mcichsut and other visiting Philatlel 1 hia or New Ynik to purchase, re respectfully io vited to call and rtsmine the lb cks. Nu. I. Ih15. ly n k IiIk v j aYiiTTve. THOMSON'S I Compound L-yrup of Tur&lVood .apllia. flIIC unprecedented auccest nf this medicine, in .1 the restoration of heabh, 'o those who, in dee pair, had given up all hopes, has given it nn exal ted reputation a'ive all other remediea, furnishing evidence of its intrinsic value and power, aa the on ly spent which can be rel ed upon fur the curt of Pulmonary Ccnsumpiinn, Brniirhiiti, Asihma, Pain in the side and Breast, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Couch, Croup, Ac. Attention is tequested to the following ASTON LSHINO CL' Thomson'. Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Nsptha ! ! I'hilailetphia, Af.rv 3d. 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With rratefo! fee'inu I inform yon of the astonishing eject of your medicine, which ha literally raif d ma from adeath-heJ! My dire, Pulmonary Conaump lior, had reduced mt so low that my phydeian pro r oanred my rase hopeless ! At this juuetion Ibt gn it u-eyour methcine, and miraculooa aa it may term, it ba completely restored me to health, after everything else bad failed. Respectfully vours, WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte atreet, above Gaoiga street, Th Diidersigned, being personally acquainted with Washington Mark and hia Bufferings, br witnet to the ' astonishing effects of Tbomaon't Compound Syrop of Tar, and tht troth of tht a. bov stalsmenl. JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third street, DAVID VICRERS, 41 Almond treel. HUGH M G1NLEY, 8. E. corner Temtny and Foajrth tireet. PrepseeeJ ervty by B. P. Tbemaon, N. E. eorbtr ef flth and Sprue atresia, Philadelphia. ' AgsnU H. B. Matatr, Bonboryt D. Gret and Dr. Mtesahtrttn. Htvrisbarg Jnt. G. Brtnrn, Pue valla 1 Ota. Earl, Btwdirag a HoaMta A Ma oo, Tewamlt, Bradford ooanty, Pa, Prit W per bottle, ear 9 ptr 4oxm. (gytmpmttfmUimUmlimu. PhlltdaJirhjt, JuM TrStb. 1MI. Iv