Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 19, 1846, Image 3

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    The oteamdr T1raph, from ; Brant 50th
U. and Port Lavas ml tha ltt inat, arrived at
New Orteana Ait the 6th with her fltf at half
anaat, having on board - tha remalne of tha la
mented Major Ringgold, and Lieut Cochran,
in charjra of tha Baltimore 3ommittee. -
Tha ateamer Monmouth arrived tha day pre
ione tha newi from Monterey and tha poete
lone; the RioGranoYtVno later than before
received. H -'S ' " ""' '""'
Mr.' A-.' L. Datinoy,' who had been employed
ky itw tJ. Btatc Cpmmieury In taking: mt a
turn ot money to Gen, Woo!, came pa teen gef In
ihe Monmonirt.Vnd furnished the following c
count -I!e arrived at ' Monelova Nov. 6th,
where th arm? encamped, and in fine con
flit ion. He remained there until the 14th when
theatarted Tor Monterey, eecumpenied by an
racort, with detpatche for Gen. Taylor. '
Gen. Butler ia Military commander of Mort
lerey Gen. Taylor had been to Saltillo, returned
leaving General Worth in potteaaion of that
1ace. It waa the impre"eioo that the whole of
he American foreea, except a .number neceesa
y to garrison the eevret forte, in f.onte, would
oneentrate at Tampico, and that Gen. Taylor
n jfninjv there will take a line of march, Irfav.
n;r Sun Louia Po'nji to the right ; when arriv
d at Tampicrj and having the neeeaiary forcea
o carry on the future operation, an attack will
e made on Vera Crux, eiin'iltanemialy by aea
ndland. . ,
The Picayune continue a letter from Pnea
ola, announcing the arrival of the Porpoite from
'ampico, which yu '
The two regiment which evacuated Tempi
o revolted when they pot to St. Lui Potoei,
nd were disbanded. They were opposed to
Santa Anna. Great dietcntione . prevailed at
It. Lota Potoai army about 16,009, and in a
tate ofttarvation ; four different faction among
lem, aa followa: SauU Anna, ArUu.Herrera
nd Pared ea, .
,.Tnoofe for Mexico The following troop
ailed on Saturday last from New York for
'oint Isabel, on board the barka Ranger and
lot. Liput. J. II. Gore, 4'h Infantry, com-Sliding-
; Dr. J. Simmons, U. S A aetittant
rgeon ; lit Lieut. J. G. Burbank, Bh tafan
rVCumtnending 103 reeeiuite, 4th infantry;
t L'eut C. D. Jordan, 8th infantry, command-
ft re.hrn'tt filh infsnlrv 9.1 f.
aye, Sd artillery, commanding 63 recruit,
Ji infantry ; 2d Lieut T. B. Cantor, 2d dra
ona, commanding 60 recruit, "2J tfrtgoone ;
; Lieut J. N. G. Whistler, 7rh infantry, com
adinjr 100 recrtsita, 7th infantry.
Their destination ia Tampico tha new bare
operation egainet Mexico.
EdBiaauTin or tub VoixitrsteM. The
xandria Voluutcert for the Mexican War,
ne'er the command of Capt. M. D. Corec, em
ark rd on Sittnrday loet, on board the atramboat
hoeniJr, on their way to Richmond, where they
re 1o reni zvuiia until the Virginia regiment
i formed. The Volunteer were escorted by
e Mount Vernon Guard, and the Ringgold
avalry tliK whole battalion under the corn
end of Capt. Snyder. Alexandria Vat.
Writixo oh NawepAPtna A circular ha
en itaued by the I'ott-ofBce department, di
eting deputy pottmaatera to remove tha wrap
ra from all tranaient newtpapera,' printed Cir
Fare, price Currenta, pamphleta and oiaga
lea received at their rrapective office, and it
ind to contain any manotcript or memoran
m Ar any kind, either written or atamped, or
f m irka or eigne, except the name and ad
eai f the norton to whom it it directed, ahall
chi rged with letter poatage, by weighty and
he peraon to whom it ia directed thill refuaa
pay each pottage, the poatmaatnr ia to aend
the office from whence it eame and have the
nd fp?r proaeculed for the penalty of The
ifnm of the tender written or f tamped on the
papr auhjecta him to the aame penalty.
w the pnatmattee w ilt prove that ruih prr
i really wrote the tame,or how bo will iden
r the individual, it ia difficult to imagine,
ere ia no doobt, however, that if he doea dit
' or it, hia duty wilt oblige him rigidly to eu
:e the fine, lndividuala aending newtpa
a will be governed accordingly. '
(tClt'aio raou tbc Catbolio Coxae.
; aent of tome interettto the religioua world
urred at New York on Sunday, at the Ta
nacl. A body of aome two hundred Gar
n Caiholice met and made a poblie and for.
laecraaion from the Church. The move
nt appear lobe anmething aintilar to that ol
ti tu inge and hia adherenla in Germanyv
I Germana Catkolica one of whom waa
iet, have been io the habit of meeting regu
y oo the Sabbath day, and at ttthor time
aeveral monlha patt, for the purpoet of eto
jgthe Bible.,. Aatatement of Uiata viewa
i received at the meeting on Sunday, from
eh it appeara that they art convinced that
atholi CJiorcb waa ettablitheU by Chriat
r hia AfoaUee, aad that Rome baa eopered
' to that Church aom thinga not originally
wiaod, and tome even which are ao( only
otboeisod, bat fbrbkldea by tht . primitive
litutioo. ' Their plan la reformation, nor anW
with any Proteataat aact, for all that Uey
!scrhMi---Wt raarq '0y puaengara on
flaw Sra.aaya I'm LooiavilW JoorMl. that
ra war aoaaa 800 aaeo oader arena at Port
aakb, Illirioi,inatla'f etfrteitarai
rk!rab!aeiitBiBtaaemad toprata'.L
wtoaoot i
5 ? Te OeeUe atTiii Orwf i - t
An Ettra from the Norfolk Herald eeye that
"the ordnance department at Port Monroe,o-
der that accomplished ofBcerv, Capt, Benjamin
Hutfr, are buaily engaged in preparing ho
itxerbattetiet, bombe, rocket, &e.r to be eent
In Mexico upon a- reeuiaition of Major Gen,
Scott, and that a company of one hundred met)
specially qualified' for that eerviee'ire'to go
with them In charge of Capt. Huger, with Lieut
Cbarfee P. Stone, Ueut Hagner from Weening
ton, and another officer whoa name we have
not learned. They art eitpectwf to beinteadl
new to leave Port Monroe about the ltt of
January, direct for Tampico. .The Inferenqo
(for we know nothing certain aa to their tilt i
mate dcatination) ia, that they will j iin thear
my under Gen. Scott at Tampico, and proceed
With it to Vfra Crua, to bombard the cattle of
8u Juan dTJultoa." - !- .'
DarAKTDRi op OrrtcKaa.--Miijir Turnbull
Capt. J. E Johnaton, Lit. . Scammon, Derby
and Hardcaalle, all officer of the eorpa of topo
graphical engineer, left Waahlngton on Sun
day, for the army of the Weal, and expect to
join Gen. Scott, at Braroa Santiago, '
OJictflhtBkt.Ttot AaaicA,Dec. 11
GRAIN. The aupply of Wheat ia very
light We quote good to prima Md. red at
80 a 00 eta. and ordinary to good 70 a BO cia.
Sale of Corn at 43 a 43 ct. for both while
and yellow. ' - '
Oata are worth 81 a 32 cte. -
WHISKEY Thie article la dull at 21
aenta for hhd. and 22 cente for bbla.
Wtat' lot VaitTaaie Pitta, In adJi
tion to being on of th beat ant't bilioua mtdiclnea
in the world, poaaea a power in removing pain
wbxhi truly aatoniahinc. Fourorflwef Wright'
Iiul a-i Vege'able Pilla, taken eiry night on g iing
to bd, will in a ahoit time completely rid the loJy
of thoae tnorliid humor which, if lodgrd in the li
ver, are the caoa of pain in tba aide, aomeihing I x
tending tnrough to th ahouMer bUde, difficulty of
biaathing, naaaea anJ icknra, loaof appetite,
ctativeoeaa, indigealion, flatulancy, twarthy or yd-
Ijw comptevion, and other ayonptomt of au infla-
mad or torpid ttata of the liver.
Wrighi'i Indian Vegetable Pill alau thorongh-
ly clean lh tomacb and bowel of all biiioua ha-
mora, and other impurity, and therefore are a cer
tain cur for cbolic. dyntery, chelera morbut. and
eery other disorder of the inieatinra. . They alo
aid and improve digeation, and consequently give
heal-.h and vigir to the wbol frame, well a
driv dineai of every name fiom th lody.
Th popularity of Wbisht Iaata VtatTA
at Pitta lia proved a ttrong bait to unprinci
pled men, who, inatigateJ by tha hnp of gain, at
tempt to palm off a apuriou articl on the nnn
perting. To defeat th wicked design of auch
man, w liav procured new land, and th Signa
ture of Wm.Wiight wilt be f.mnd WBITTt WITH
a, Pa on the top label of rarh txx. Aone other
it genuine, and counterfeit thie it forgery.
Remember, the only original and grnuiri IN
ttATca or va. wateav en tn top or racu
fjAgent fir the a.t ef Wrlght'a InJim Vegrta
ble Pdl in Sunbury, Htaai Miiica. For Oiher
ageneir tee aJveriiemint in another column.
BaixoaiTiT Pitta. Acrimont'out Hunort
the cause and only Court of all Pain and Ditlrttt
in the fltrfy.--Pain !a the warning gien by the
nerve llitt ibere i arrimoninu liumnta in the
body. No man aver had an affection cf the lung
hut it arnte from Acrimnniou Humort having aet-
t'd ther. No man ever bad pain in the head
or an af5 ctior. of th heart, but it waa pro.luc d
by the preaenre upon tboce pari of Acrimoninua
Kurtioi. f)o With Rheumaliem the ArrimoniU4
llumorvbaveaetiled upon the mucu membrane of
th bowel, aggravated in most exea by the reten
tion of Hard Feral matter In tboaa ioipit!aht or
an. There never wa pain or diarrere in any
part of the body (unlvaa It waa proJaeeJ y an
areidani) that wa ticH occaioeed by th preenCe
Of Acrid Homota It it three humor which have
to be rxpeitrd, and by to dofog the Pain or dla Veta
ia tur to I removed. To do ihU with leruinty
the Brcndrelb Pill mot he ad. They are ae
innocent a bread, yet all poworful the remover
of the taut of ticknreti may I lken at. any
time of day or night without atteie'Ion in diet or
fear of cold, ' ' " ' " ' "
(CT" purchaa cf If. B, Maeeer, toobury, er if
the tgeot, pubKheJ in another part ef thie paper.
IkPanora Tairnc! Fkvaa Aca Pa
Tiaar. I it not an ihfamout traffic for boleh
nd retail dtdggltta, and ether marchante, to buy
ep tpuriiut, adulterated, repudiated and counter,
terfeil ttotoanti Tonfc iVxturt at taction, and
from irreeponaible and awioilllng medicine vender,
for two or tbrv dollar per down, end than to aell it
to tbe Ignorant and Unwary aa tba ganain Row
aud'a (Improved) Tonic Mixture for eh dollar th
belli I end bn tbey wl kaew betidt that tb'.
(Ounteifeit trash ha been enivar.ily pronounced
woithlea and inert, and will not cure th ague t I
know of no mote inhuman ordaitardly oonducS in
men laving ny claim I reapeclabllity ar boneety,
Look carefully for tha written signature o(
"John R. Rowand," on a paper !abi acruoa th
aaonth of every bottle, wit hoot which 'icaid. ;t
never can ba gmuloe, however kfiaviah Vitera may
fclaify and deceive. i.- . , v j
Tar la in tta ,uhrM of ,h, e!lt b, ,h, ort.
?Wa I'Seielly. AUoet N. North d at.,
aad the Freprwior'a office, Ne, U Callowbill
etreet, pbUarfetpbi. And alio, by atorekatv
pete generally in ibie and the adjoining eounil. '
thl4el. Ui. We Soou, of Eattel, Pa.;io
M-et9erau fc, of thiaboreiih -
Corrected titehty by Henry Matter.'
Ooaar, ...
Oata, .,. k .
Poaa., . . ,.
Fttvaaa, , ,
BOTTBei , t,
Beet, ..; .
i.v j t't
' C9
'.', '
a III)
ia .
The Che. pert and beat Mwlkiri in eaietenee!
Erery peraon who I enljeet to Biiioua Fever,
ehoulj purify their blod and aycam by
! - . upIo a box of the '
stnsAPAkrr.LA or blood pills)
Porenne afflicted with Cnativenpaa. hnuld ttv ih
tnung ladie end gentlemen tioublrd with Pim
plea on the Face. ehnuM trv the
Singin In the Etra relieved bv thn
Heatarhe and (Ji.Mioene cored hv u4if the
urow-lncaa and Oenrral Drbililr. Cured hv the
Uyapeptia ran be rnred bv neln. the . -&1RSAPARILLA
KjT Peion who hv taken eonnlder ihle p ttion
or mercury, and In eonvequenre have paina io the
rnne. mould u r-eely ihe
fTj" Peraone in want of a Pill that ia Pwetu
rrge'noie, i u i wnrrantnl nor fo contain a parti'
clt of Mercurjf. houlJ o-e the
8ETII H. HANCE, 108 B.iHiYnor at. and coma'
of Chralea and Prill at'eet. BatiimM,
and by OEOROB BRIOHT. Sm.burv,
D. BRAUTIGAM, Noithumt-erland.
Dc. 19.1848
Coufhs, ColJt, Consumption, Spitting of Blood,
Pain in the Side and Breatt, Rronchitrt
Croup, Atlhma. and uU diteitet art'
v ting from a disordered Ciindtian . ;
I piecs of ail vie which i rui'ah'e in all feasor
nd applicable to all purpoe) though there in no
inatance in which ihi piere of advice ia more valu
able, than to prrrona who have a cnugh or cdd, Tor if
they neglect what may appear tn them very trilling
it msyUal ta Imflammat on f Luuue. and finely
Conmrnption ! To alt who have a cough, we woo d
aay, procure a bottle of
The medicine I pleasant to lake, and it may aave
you yenra of tuHering
J'nce 60 Uenle per bort'e or ix bottle Tur 2 0.
Prepared and old bv BETH 8. HANCE,
108 Baltimore , and Cm net nfChnrlea & Pratt alt.
and by GEORGE BRtnH T.Snnl tiry
D. BRAUJ1G KM, NonbumberUnd.
Der. 19. IB40.
ROPOSAI.S w ill be received by the nhcrL
ber, living in Nonhomberhnd, until the 16th
of January licit, fvr rcbtiiMing tbe Bridge over the
North Emt Branch nf th Suqtiehanna, fmm
Shemokin IUnd to the eaatern ahore of eitd liver.
on the acite of the old Bridge, earr.ed away try the
Person m .king pinpoaala will rpecify the ptice
per perch for atone work, including the atone Irft
f the !! briilge, nd the price fot Hie enprrairuc
ore by the lenial f.i .t.
Th plan adopted by the managere la the ram
a the one IniK over tbe Wes' Branch st North.
umbi-r'amt, ei lr nr foot walks: ihe length
of the Uri.lue about 976 fert.
Any furtbar uifuiina ion will be given on appli
cation to the suWcriler. By orb r of the H .ar.l of
Mncrt. D BR A U TIG AM. Pre7. Nonh'd H Co.
SUpcfTisors Account .
Wjr. fi'utic and Jtcn Yuo, late Suprrvinfrj
J the Donnish af Snnoury, tn acCnunt wttn
laid Borough fir the Vcar commencing in May
1844, and ending in May 1845.
To whole amoont id Duplicate. . I64 14
f r. . , ,.
By ibi amount paid, rOnatMing 6f vundry
lorougt order, amounting lit the g
Kiegato to
S 39 C7
By aundry ei pen' in repair
ing ro.d and tiighwaya within bl
borough, including compenotion for
personal attendant, aa per ree'p'e. Sit.
82 f)9
It iB7
II y nf uncollect. bio tax. In
cluding Auditore fea.
By percn tj O.i f 153 48, V t
9141 53
Batanc du fiom rttid 8uperviArt to the
, iei is
The Undrr1hd Auditer. tppnintcd to ailitit.
ett' anil .tnat ihe aneoMta nf ihe Huperira nf
Ih B. 'rough of Sunbuiy. having examined the re
ceip'e end eipenditure of Willi im GuU k and J.
cob Young, late 0erior of said borough, aa et
forth in the preceding etileaaen', do HrtJ a
due firm raid Gubck and Vnun lo Mid UorouEfc.
of Tuxnty-lu)- ilullurt nnd erx'y unit. . . . .
In teetimony or whicb, we have lietedntocet our
band,thi29ibdy ofNoeemtvr. A D 1H45.
Lewis dewart,
. . ec m arklkv, ,
Dee. 19. 1846 3t MARTIN IRWtN.
VTOTIUE i len, lht letter of d
il miniairation on the Bita'e cf ChrUtiaa Fcge
iy, late cf fhamc.kin t.nhin, Northumberland
county, de'dn have been gmn ed to the aubcrilcr.
All peraone knowing lhemelvea tndiibted t ra d
eiaie ere teqoeated to eaU on th eul.tcriber and
erltle op without delay, and t'l iho Laving cJaiin
againrt ihe ame, w.ll preeeot lb a in, wU eiabeuti.
eated, for aattfement. ' f ; - ..;
Shumokln. Dt. tSth, 1646 6i AdmV
A&dreos to Ibe fuLllr.
f v J jj aiipiecedfDted turce ettrnding the oae
a j h. i u :.i - i- 5 . t
jled Yeg'table Pilla,4 end tha acknowledged an
odlo'ity which they poaeete over the common An-ti-Blioua,
Cathartic, end virion ether Pill in ge
ueial dm, have gtvcti tbem a decided prsference
with ell who have need themj end they eie uo(k
vereally esteemed the moot oaf and pleaeant pur
gative ever onVred to the public.
Ef OAUTION-A a misersbls imitstina hae
beau gttade, by the name of 'Sugar Coaled PilU,"
it ia oeeeeeary lo b r that Da. O Baa j. Smitb's
ignatet I on every bel. Price 16 cent.
Fiineipal Offles. 179 Greenwich t New York.
,. told by JOHN VV. FHILINO, Sunbury.
- - WM. T0R8YTHE, ttaHhMm
Pee. t,H4t, ; - - - t -
fagt rjs rnn f ,i i j.
i Auction ctctj,
No.6orth 3d aL, thir3;dibovo
. tX 1 1, A A II Zt J? tt I A
tmn Poreino and Doeaeetle Hardware,
Tehl and Pocket Cutlery; Trunk, Locke,
j Lateheta, Bolto. Saw, saddlery. Whip, -,
Beote, 8hoea, Ht'e, Car. Oana, - '
i 1 CPittoIa, Trimmlnta. Clothing . a
; ' end Fancy Oeoda. v " iT-
The attention of oily nd cotmtrv dealer i im.
Itcd. The Good are freeti. end will be warranted
equal tt the lepreaentetlnna mo b md f
J tUem. BAYLI3 Jl DROOKK H. Aur.nnrr..
K, H . No 6 North 'I'hird t
D.-Piirebaera Can have their Ooml packed.
Pevetal Invnice ofOood btv bn received to b
told at piiata le. ,.
PhilaJelphi. Dec l9thv ISIR- '
To The I. o. of O, r
J. AV. &, K. D. S T O K E 8,
Martufaciurers of 'Premium Odd Fel:
' . i Iowa Uecaliaj, ,
No. I9t ihrket Strrtt, PHILADELPHIA,
Firat Clothing 8lore baloiv 6th Street.
1 t I . '
THE fuhectiber having ukert the premium at
'F ranklin Littituie, at the last exhjhilion, far
the bem Regalia, thev invite th attanllnn of the
order to their eaiablinhniont, whe e H er w ft find a
aplendid eortment of P. O. end Eneampmont R.
aalie. They al.n make t j oMer Tor Lodges and
Enrmntiiiia. Rega ia, 8h-a. Ci-Iuidm a id
Itobi-s, and furniah evely thine requielte for ih
C'nvenreiice ofoew Lodge or Eoteinpmen'e.
- 'E' D. STOKES.
rhiladHnhia, Dr-e, t. tS16. ly"
No. 21 North Fourth Street,
fit Invite Merrhanta and Miilinm to ei
snfflamine their e'-ck rf Uinnrta. Palm
Laf nnd Lrghorn IKtu. Fur end Cloth Cap, aid
India Rubber Shoe. Ii will he f ond to eontim
all of the moat d irblc kind, and will be a .Id at
the lowet maikrt pnera
No. 91 No'lh Foutth Street, between MiVel
and Arch Street
Philadelphia, Dee. I9ih, 1R4. 6m
Cv Jioussri's einiorrsal
Small quantities given wilhottt Charge.
.11 It CAeiniiT St., PHILADELPHIA.
rpniS new and aplendi I article, a it nun de-
1 note. i prnTned t be eimeno? lo any tha-
virtg Cream in ihe "United b'ta'ea rr Eur..p. f 1 1
imlu pm d T'r Vatliy. purity ai d f tarance, th '
omewhat tYiaUgoOa to du rlain'a Ambrnia
Cream and nil er tim'ilar enmpiunda. It Tat (Ur-
paises them all by IK m 1 lent pnaty c nltenry
of it lulhi r, which en aoftrr.a ihe beard a to rend t
ah .ving p'e aiaht end ey. It fofthrr pnte a
Ihe advantage over the imprfal erticle, in being
freshly prrpil. to akill being wanting In ita mi'i
uCicture. u. Routael having had many year' ei
prrirnce in the Celebrated Laboratory of Laugur,
rere et ril , HOW Renaud 3c cn of Punt.
Beai.le bring tha I et, it ia the cheapnt article
forshavingt it i elegintty put up in bore, with
aplendid aleel engraved label. "
Pri.-e f 3 per dnten. Cr S7 cent for a :ng!ebx.
to ahaVe one year. Ilia to rol.l al fl 6()prf!i.
or 12) cnt r r., ao thit fcenileov n can hae
their boiea filled at EL tJENE ROlSSEL'S.
WhoteHeaml Retail I'erfOmery and Mineral Wa
ter Ea'aMishnrrent, 114 Chetnot S tr.1.
Dee t9. 1846.-. ' PHIL A UKLPUIA.
IOK trial in ibe l.'ourl ef (?unimoii Ple of .Nor-
thum'rand County, at January Teim. 1 8 17,
comniencing the firl, lieu g the 4ili.
fvnurl J.din v Riibird WimlvertonCt al
Beitsinger, aliene of '
(Hrver v John Oarver et al
William Farrow V Abraham Klate
Wiibam Simeftton et al a Sbipman & (irernnugh
Ji.hj'aheiie Sati
Wm I. em -n v HVtmn H "ICirtble
Peter Hichter'a ear's V Do 'ge & Bxrrei '
Pranc' Bali' i.lia'r
J 'hn A Llovil
Jibn Kane &, w:fe
Win E McDonald ,.
Wm Ce4i ;
Frederick Birkenbme
va !n'e! M. te liter
vt Win E MrDomitd
V N'eidljr It wtfe '
v J hn A Lloyd v
v John A Llod ;
v John llanman
John Fnmn et al
' va AugOMu dc John Ifuey
Mry Rrl cl al B Hemy Hnvderel al
Wm H Ponip' ahe v. Wm Wi tch
Iteiij .mm Robin
vt V alentine Klaz
V Win MrCaity Hal
v H u lib Red et nt
v Benjamth CuUy
Jnie Covert '
vt WibUm Siktlt
vt Dr Robert I'hllip
va Levi H. .hart tal.
v (Jen. C McKce ' J
vt tShain. Cdal &i Co
Va Michael ehuemakrr
t Hugh B llart at
v Joh'i MiG nnei
Henry MjiaeT
Harah Reed
Charle Criig, jf
Charlea ('ri. Jr.
John McOdme
J. tin Parker et at
William McCoy .
Jaroh Keibr'rt nt at '
Joar-p'a Mitman .
U.miel Wei.'her
J ime Qraham el tl
Wm Wta'k & Wife
FmlriKk Md cr
v Hen-y Maacf Ac. S K Si-Hit
U.lmtn ft co
v (tiilroH I.rl.ri ting
J ph Folk Ac other va K.- J P ShinJH el hi
Jamra M.rr.ll'. (t'ra i F I. t irus, .d ..fG Waft
Cer St C air
vt Ge .rk-e Kuuti's ik'it
V Henry M aer
v Prtrr B'oaiue H al
a Carper Adamt
vt Grorge 8it'ey '
va Birne
ve John Bul!emit) et al
a Henry EltJi
va Will am Frirk
ve IjiJ H'opv
V- Char e W tlei-ina . -
vt GlJenn Leitenrina;
va Jacob Si Joaeoh Kline
Mitin UaJ
Philip Wickery et 41
(tlicn Leiby . .
Geurg' L'Uig
tiff a
Mablon tlantlen tt 1
Uiac Huff
Ch.rle. H Fiiek
Wo d & Rhwo
Morgan Hugh
Aiher Mdrr I
George Tiot..- h vilf-
Georg- C Lilly v Jac. b Be'g V, d .f J Lilly dc
Wd'i im Fi hr el al Elvmirr tl.Cen.tJg
John II me ' - ' a El jU ii lluia i . ,
C. mmoneUh tt al T A U.lli..gtou it a)
George Bckitt ' ' a Jaeiih8hia '
PrtneU Ball'aedmi Vt 8morl itlatr . - , I
Baltier Garnbait ' Va George Oysier .
JembKabf ' Vk Daniel DruckemilWr i
Burgeaa nf Milton Itorough va Samuel Btakr -i
Jacob W Peinioger ve Wi.ll.m Cerr
Henry Meaer va II B Maaaer da Joseph Biealy
Baltaef Garnharl v Goorge OyMrr - 1
Jacob Weiear el at v Banelle Siamm e ol
Prothonntery'e Office, Prvtky.
Sanbury, Dec 19.18415 ;
Eotaie or Jtimca Lemoii, Jr., iecrL
WJO I ICE i hereby gio that leiiera of adroia
11 la'taiion have bero granted to the oakoerilvr,
on the estate of Jaa.r Ireon, JrM i ef P. mt
lownahip, Nortbumbetlaad eoan'y , deo'd. AH per
eon Ihdtblad to aaid estate, will pleae ooaao for
ward end eettle op tmeaedietely, ana) these leaving
claim gmt th eame, eie requested lo preteol
their aoeowole to tonleeaent wiihitut delay.
PemtewBdilp.Te.,164g.--ft ... Adaa'r.
QF Nmtt,t,mtsjT).Coiiiit, for Janatry Term,
, A. tat 184X, i t JM fka.i' . ..
d ,rftndJnror., , -
. Letr-u J D Barr. . .n , t. .
Milton. George Baker, Paul Bennett, Samuel
T Brown.
CAZrurjuo-Edward namm.f, aoal Hib
. oi'nJoaph Vfelleee. - ; : ;
1 NorfAumotriinrfc-Abraham Dieff.Bbaehar.
5un6urj(.--John Young. . v .
Aueorfrt Willi.m Conrad, "Mieha-IBrert, Jo
seph FsolJ, DatiM Kieffer, Hemy Oulick.
Sann,ltin.- Willim II Petsing, ieeeph Honut.
Chrle E Aleiondor. . , ,
Ruth. Do i) urn K ate. ' V 7
Cot Richvd Woolrerton,
hirer Mnhtrmw Reul-en Lower, Oecrge Her
rt, joni'lran tijrdntr, ., ,,: , ,-.
Traverse Jurors. ' .
Tnrbut. George OveVpeek.
PrfaUiafe- Williim Alliann, GeoYgt fcCoy.
Matint T S Ma'key, Jamea Buoy. Oejrge Ec
ken. LeoTiaril St.tugh'nn. John M Hoft
Ch'lhijuaqur. Wm Nehit. Benj Foreman.
Point. George Wait,Taic IIoT, Henry Rock
afelbr. . . .
(Wi!micrfinaf.8emtiel Elliot. Henry Mor
gan. Wil hm to'au'i, Daniel Vort, Benjimin
Malhiaa, Heniy O.valer.
: Augv&a. James Forretier, ' Peter Dunkelher
gcr. Ma'irk Mite, Jneph Arnold, Henry Burn,
t'avid Bl.nm, D'tnteBaat'an,
X'iimofci'. Samuel K Gi'gef, Jcob Noerker,
Cleb. Ch mherlain. iL-nry Serank, er Robert
Cimpbetl Sarnunl Grout, Solomon Fegely, Caaper
Adam. El da John, Michaid JL Sober. , . ,
1 Ruth. Cbarleateller. Philip Oberdorf.
Upper Xahony. -Ilr'nry Fettrr, DaviJ Trout-
man. - ' ' ' '
Lnvsrt Mahonoy -"-Michael Dockey, Jtcob All-
htm. ' ; ' 1 - "
Jiekton. Peter Schwart. Taafe Reift, Henry
Bogera, D.ivid Ktrawor, John Deppen, Meika Lee-
tier. '
l(Clil Juror.
Turhnt. Edward Kntaner.
' Delutcare Jtmr Itryeon, Thomae iearmoond.
' LeM a Andrew K'T-hrfer, Peter Manga.
N'lton. J eph E Lih, John Miller, Fredeiick
Striekrr. 8h I Tharp.
Chillitquntjur. John Painter,- Abraham Troi
el, Reuben Trniel, John B McGee.
Ornr-lPBard Milbf, Wm H Lehvrj.
Nirthumbe'land J -srph Hine.
Sunbury. 8..bmon Br fioua, Benjimli Krohn,
Willi-m Miller.Gdwarda .bin.
Angaria. John El right, Jonaa Fiy, Puter O
bi rdorl. J ibn K offer.
Shamnk'n Jtcob Haas, William Forman. Va
leniine Ilomm-l . .. ......
Ruih. Pl.ilp HotT, Williim Kipp.
Upper Mnhontiy -David Mill b, Jacob Mark
ley. Daniel Duiikelberger.
' Little Mahonoy. Philip Keretclter, Ltac Ra
Jackson. Daniel Rei George T Trontman.
IX pursnanra nf an order of sa'Te ta.tfed o6( of
the Court nf Common Ple nf Northnmhrr.
land coknty, to me inrr'cfed, will bee I pored to pub
lic ale, nn the premise, at II o'clock A. M., on
ThuraJay in 3lt day of December. A. t). 184C,
Ih fol'owing derritea tract nr piece of Ian J, nilu
ate io tritwer Mifionny tnwn.htp, Nnhd'nlorland
conn'y. bounded by l"d uX John Tchi'ipp. y Mi
chael Witmerv John Shreyer and ihe Mahmtingo
cee, conu ning one hundred and fixty two sere
mrtre nr lose, about f)0 ne'e nf which are eleared;
whereon eie e-eo ed a log d .'Hng house and a log
barn- Lfethe ea'a'te of John Tcb'opp. decl.
. SharifTa OiHre. Sheriff
TS he-tby fiiVen to : legkteea, creditor, and a
iher peranna inlrtelrd n ibe estate of John
Sample Hee'd, evtibi! by hia egra Wm M trample,
John f ud.trn attd Robert GifT- n; or Henry Mr-Gee
di-c'd. rfetihd by b rxr Denni C Caul; of E ili
l4iti Kineh.trt dec'J, ai ttl. d by her ear Cbale.
Kinehart; nf John Jonea.ibc'd, entiled by hi a!mra
Wrn 11 M unich end Eiiaba Klmr; of John B Price by hia admr Landit N Price; of Ma
ry Mjead c'J, e-ttle.l by l.'er eir Duiiel Brauti-
eaoi; ol Wm i ton le.-U 'l'el py nil admr
F le mug Wi'soii and DivrJ Wilon; of John B
Klaik iti c d, wtt'eJ by h-e idmre John K HI ok and
Daniel B tech of George Hollenharh deo'd, aet'fej
I v hi dmr J.ieob ri'rr and Georee llollen-
bai h r nf Jicob l.nae l'cc'J. Milled by hi addtr
G,-irie l.illry OecM, late of Northumberland coun
ty, drc',1 ; that the cicciit na and edminietrators nf
he tdd deceaaed ri-tatea have fifed ihelr account
with the Item-jer of tin ounlv, and that they will
ta pre ente I Vi the Orphans Court of aaid county
on Tucadoy ihe bih day of January next, for con
firmation and alio ance.
Punbory, Drc. 6 h. 1810. Regitter.
wkit 4i r pAuriTio
Aud Ytilttatloo. . "'
Tj Charlr Hbint-bait, Tbo naa Croeby, cnardian
nf I hnma Lrliy, Henry Stell and EliubeiU
hia wife. J:imr Its- tl and Louisa hia wife. Goo,
B. Mc Mlia'er and 9 .rh his wife, Martin liubn
nd Ms'v bit wife, and John Rhinahert. , .
NO I ICE is hereby g. van, that rrlunof a
ci ruin w it t paiiiiic-n and vabjatioa issued
i.ut f the Con t of Common I'loa at Noilhumher
linj e .uiiiy, dirrcled lo thn aher.fJof eaid county,
ronimandi-ig him, that of tbe ianda end tenemen'e
in raid County ly yru b'bl in common, he make
partition ami valuaUoo. i, the tail) aheriff, will, al
10 o'clock. A. M , o-i Monday the 8 9th day of De
comb r, A,D. la, be end appear upon the pre
miree t ei-eua -ji aforesaid writ in tbe manner
ami f.-rm apeed.d s at which time and plce yon
a e w.rnoi) lale and appear, if yoo think proper.
SUcrifT'e Office,- - - - Sheriff.
Banbury, Dee. 6, lS4. S 4
' -- ' - ITTII
-,.iJria,LAie Walek and Jaioahy Stora,"
Ne. 98 North 8ECOND etreet, earner of Quarry.
Hiiser L.
)LD Lever Watrne; full jeweired,
8 rara( etaee,
ISCrV Wtchee. full Uwelled,
Silver lver Watrbes, sn Jewsls, ' '
Silver lnina Watehee. taWaUed. fiaeel
quality. . . . - '
Superior Quartier Walcbaa, . 10 00
lmiiaiioaariier Wetchee,U)t waravted, . A.M
Ootd Spietaclae, ' - 00
FioeBi vsrHpseuelea, TO
Gold Braeefate with tooea aavaa, ' - 1 o0
Udiea' Ooid Peneila, 10 evrate, . 9 00
Gold Fine Itmga i cte to til Watch O loo
ses, phio, 111 cte vtent, 18 t Lunet, 95. 0
the erticle to prupoition, Alt good warranted
to be what Cey ere eolJ for, - a CONRAD.
Ih tend, eome Gold end Silver Lever, L plate
r,i Qiiefliera, lowev them the abwe pri.
FbTltdelphU, Dec, 9, to.-ty - ; i
r;" s mm .... ... .... , ...
Tttli 8ahseriher nffr to rl at private le, l.t
valuable AffLL JJtOPftTl', 4fc, eltoated
In Shamnkln townahin, Northumberliod county,
about S milet from the town of Shamokin, en the
public road leading from tbe latter towo to 8. line
grove, eonaieting of a trnct ef land, being 19 eeree
more or lee. hounded by lande of Emanuel Zim
merman, Michael Sheib, end ether. .Th land i
01 good led gravel Sjaalitv, in a high atata of cul
tivation, and under good fence. A boot e:g screa
thereof i eicellent Meadow Nad, and fnnr ac-ea
recovered with'tlmber. The improvement ibcre-
oo erecti-d are an Mcellent r , - . r .. j
Frame Grist
Two and t hlf etorle high, with two' pair t.f
Bt.mee, one pir being French Burr. e 'Sittut M'
chine, Elevators, Corn Sheflere, end othet nece.
eary Machinery. The Mill ta io eveellent ordeV to
mtke FldUr end for roHom work.' it having r.eceWf
ly undergone a thorough reparation.
Alto, a good SAW MII, Utety rvpnlred-k
new two atory alone STILL HOUSE, 40 or 60
feel, tbe Water of Valley 8pring bring conducted
by mean of woodan pip into the firat etory of
tbe lima. - . , . - .
mm Aho, k Urge two-etdry FRAME
fiii7 DWELLING HOUSE, wi h a new
!l$l K',cnn theieto attached, wl:h good eel.
I I fciilltr end an eteeltent spiing of Water nr
the door new BANK BARN, SO by 40, and a
good one atory TENANT HOtT3fc, 90 by Kb-,
(intended fur a Miller.)
The ebnv properly it well worthy the atten
tion of those wiahing to porch-se. It ia offered at
a low rate, and tbe terma of payn ent will be made
caey. . . .
POaeetaion and an 1ndipit ib'e title will be given
on the firat day of April next.
Thote wiah"g lo view the property, will plearo
call on Mr. Gottlieb Brclmycr, reiding nn the
tame. For further particular apply to the under
signed proprietor, reaidirrg at Port Carbon, Schuyl
kill county. JACOB WtRTELE.
N. B. fehoulJ the above property not be sold
kt private eale on the fiM day of January, 1847,
it will then, at 12 o'clock, M., on raid day, on the
Dtlmiae. be rented for Ihe term Of one sear.
IMrt Carbon, INOV. SI, IB46. 3t, J4.
List of re-tailep.s .
OF Forrign nnd Dorifslic Merchandise, of th
Cm ty nf Noittiurnterind, who have, and
"hi have not pnVl iheir I,icPai-e.
XV'mt ftavo. iit!d.
H'(n H F.i m. i
Genre iii'jht
.1 jhn V. .ung
r,irK! I' Bi:v8!
Emaiiuo! KaulTmna
fm i:-'ti
VUl G K.f
Rhoad & Co
John G Rrnn
Peter Beiasel
Beneville I?oV.e
Gidion Shaifel
Pamnel Herb
Itcnry Weaat
tieorge B rot in
Vm G Herold
"Wm Drppen
John Karl
Dnniel Srhwatt
Wm K l,ri
I- T Cli m'nt
Hcnty Mjster
Mt ll r .tt Sirenk
Wm F Naglu
John Satiency & Son
Hciner Si Urotiitie
Iec Brown
Ireland & Have
Foray the. Wilson & Co
wm M Wapplet
John W Friling
George Correy
THMackey dr. Son
John Morrsy
Perer McDowell
Kth Cadwalladrr
J B Read ,
E L Piper
Kelchner & Hittle .
Dentler Sc Monia'ae
A f B iss. I A, Co
J P Hscheobt rg
Jam. a R el
J D Noinunday
fTbo liuve not Paldt
Seth I Comly - J.ilm l).i;ir ,
Thomaa tSloinoen John H I urdf
F Matbewe lio1 in dc KioaV or
John II Raster Dengler &. VOJvw,ort
John 11 Vincent Kimurl J.',n
Samuel R Vood ; Wm At P F .ge'ly
Djniol Brautigtm ' . SpU &r, Ditiy
' Notice hereby given, that fne Treiaurer ia
rompelled, by law, a commence (uit( against all
those who do not eome forward ,! p.T thtlr lic'eii
aea on or before the Sth day of Derember nut
Sunbury. Nov 91. I94rj. TVeoAiiren
Steam Umbrella
TN addition to vnioua other in.proVenieVl, ha--
ving applied klr'aAM roevi to h- martJfcture
of UMBRELLA, ia eti'j. n to aefl htn at very
low price.
d7" Merchente era invited to ca'tl knd e hie
Work, and eiamice the aaortment.
Philadelphia, oe.31, 1648. 3m
r Kcw Firm.
T'.VE UnderVgned horeby gi.e police lliat bo
hae aaanciaied wUk bimielf, a a pa'tner in
tha mercantile- bnemete. iu hia .tore .adioininr'
Weaver's Tavern. In Sunbury,- John Ha. and
that the etid store will hereafter be ronducied on
d r the firm f Clement & Hae. . The stme ar'
the South Weal coiner of Market Square wiH be
CopdueteJ at heretofore, by Ihe tubacribrr biaielf.'
to which be rcapccliuly iuiitet hia cuatomeie au.
. He a!ei ntifio all thoa uiuebted to him, le calf
between thie end tbe lt of January neat, and tet
tie their eccouut.
All kinda of produce v. ill b Uken on account
at eaeh pricea. .
Hereafter no longer thr.n four month credit
will be given. . IH T. CLEMENT.
Sunbury, Nov. 14. IP 10 tf. .
RESPECTFULLY inform the public, that on
the Olh lri4 they entered into pertnknhipr
to the mereaoti' buaine, et the afore rscrMlv
ecu pie J by Tr T. Clesu nt, edj ining Weaver'
Tevero, io fonbury. They have Utfly receivot
a new t'"i of good, wliicji they wiU diapon if
at the Jo est prlee. -
AH aiode of produce will be taken in exchange
frrvoe.1 , . ...
-' Ne longer thai fbar months credit will be given
1 , . JOHN HAAS.
Bunborv. N. U. I46. tf. . - .
. Uhepr Tban Ever I
Tl6HN at. PUEDT. ha lo loeoiveef. f oi
t'J New Btoeo. io Market Squere, a fcoU aupply
ofBeeweWeajiiaa, eoen ae
CIoUmb, Ceeettaera, 8irinotu, Keorocky Jreeoa,.
i O orate, VrUltote, Atpaeca. Ceiaghsm,
Priok. MoalOM. Hoaleiy. Glow, she.
A bo l 4ioevmware and Grooaiteav
iVS dll ha aaid vert low. Porch mmm am ioviv
ted to eel! eod eiamioe hi eterk befon Mla.
ektewheto. The highest ee paid fo riedoe.
Soobary, Octeber 17 to, 1HI 4f. , . t .c