Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 12, 1846, Image 3

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    Arrival ef the Sieaaasbtar Caledonia,
. ,-,"t':.WnfAW Utt.--.., 4
Tbsiteimship Csledo'nls, Capf ' Lott arrived
., at Boston on Saturday morning at 7 o'clock, in
fifteen days and sixteen baura from , Liverpool,
whence ah tailed n Iht 14th, November,
The train markets both In England and on
.' the Continent, are down. , -.
According lo thaicconnts cotton hed declined;
. but cotton dealer On tfaie) aide will think the
newe favorable"' -'.A ''
The money market remained about the aame
ai at latt advicee. . -i - l '
The Bank of England raleuf intereat Ie!3 per
cent. Bullion ia being exported from the king
dom. .. . '
Free trade waa progressing throughout Eu
' tope. ' ' .
The Hon. Geo. Bancroft hat taken tip hi resl
. 'lence in Eaton Square, Belgrave Place, London.
''On the 18th nit. he dined with the Qneen, at
"WlnrteOT Cattle : and, on the following Saturday
wae, with hit lady, at a eelect party at Lord
-. Palmerston's, the Minister for Foreign afTaira.
The misunderatanding between England and
France, relative to the ' Montpeniier marriage,
continued to afford a vent for ' angry patriotism
on both aidea the atraifa of Dover.
Mr. Brellner.Tof Wick, civil .engineer, at the
rnonster ateamihip Great Britain, has visited and
reported jointly with Mr. Alexander. Brellner,
f Liverpool, upon the preaent atate and poiition
' 'of the vessel. The report of these gentlemen is
I' to the eflVct that the Great Britain has as yet
, received comparatively little injury ; that means
' may be used for beaching her by keeping the
' stern to the tea until the next season, and it will
then bo perfectly practicable to take "her off the
- Mi.tiiTEKi4L Arrorts Rumors of ministerial
Atsseftstons prevail, but they originate in the co
, litmns Of papers avowedly hostile to the whig
government. The Morning News hsa been gi
ving currency to acandal arising out of the pre
sumed enmities of Lofds Grey and Palmerston ;
enmities, if our contemporary is to be believed,
which set the different sections of the Cabinet by
the ears. Such statements find their way into
print relative to every government, and will be
regarded as true, or snuffed aside with contempt,
according to the petit ict a those to whom they
are addressed. .
In the presnf instance, the probability is. that
1h.y are not correct, for the position which the
Britisb governmeni has assumed towerds France
, has been the art of a united Cabinet, for we
' ahotild have lizard long ere this of the immediate
resignation of Eatl Grey and those who think
ttilh. him. , . ' ,
, Inici.ND. The fdilnre f the potato crop will
prevent, in a great measure, the payment of tents
during the ensuing summer, and as the bulk of
the Irish landlords live from band to mouth, it
requires little sagacity to see that many estates
.if the Irish gentry will have to be knocked down
by the auctioneer to the highest bbldeY. When
the desolating effects of the present temporary 1
affliction have passed away, tha atate of society
-cannot fail to be improved by the visitation.
;' Franck Subscriptions have been opened in
!Pans and throughout the kingdom in behalf of
the thousands ef wretched beings utterly or par
tially ruined by the late disastrous floods in the
departments of the Loire. .The king and royal
family have contributed 120,000 franca.
Vast importations of all descriptions of grain
have been made and are still being made into
France. Very little, indeed, of what has been
received thus fur has come from the - United
The Pi-eus states that the price of bread in
Pari is less than the market price of the flour of
which It is composed, and that consequently tbe
jakers are selling at a loss. The Fresse adds
:hat the flour is extremely scarce in the Paris
rtarkets. inconsequence of the flour markers on
.he Seine, the Maine, and tha Eure, not being
bit to grind dnring more than three days in tbe
veek, their supply of wheat being short
M. de la Rosiere bssbeen appointed rniniater
f France in Mexico,
, - From the N. 6. Picayune.l
tteii. WsitH'i Aitrnnee on ttllltt.
Gel.. Worth left Monterey for Saltillo on the
3th ult. He took with him about 1000 troops
f the 5th and 8th U. S. Infantry and Col Childs
rtillery Battalion. The objects of this expe
tfoa are explained in the anbjoined letter.'
MosTtair, Nov. 14, '46. .
Friend Pic Gen. Worth left her yesterday
ith about 1000 regular troops tbe 5th and 8lh
. S. Infantry and Col. Childs' Artillery Batta
on. Gen. Taylor went with him, and took
tptain May'a dragoons, to tha number of some
0, aa an escort. I suppose that one object of
e commander-in-chief is to ascertain, positive
, the thances of obtaining water on the road
San Luis, In case it may be deemed expedient
march direct to that city. The report in camp
that Gen. Taytoi 'a force haa been ordered to
impico ; bnt I beteive he ran do is he pleases,
, d if he finds that he ran get to San Luis easily
. thia direction he will, go there. I give tbia
mere speculation of course we know nothing
rtain here, tf Gen. T. bad Ben McCollocVa
I company of Ranges be could sOon rind oul ill
ut the root to San Luis ; aa it ia, Col. May
ly be sent oat in that direetion. He is an ex
Kent and meat excellent officer, i go-head one,
; bat tha Texans are "Tighter draught" than
slragoona, If I can use aa aquatic comparison
thia caaax can get about and play hid and go
'k ia tha chaparral batter than any troops ia
i world, and ar now trluch ased4. tf Any.
' ng tarns ap you shall hear from mo again,
r ? .-.. Yevrsi' i Caatravaaat.
i . .in. . . .i .i . ...i.. ' ! i!-4 V.
Tin Van Naaa Taut, it ia Mid, will aot and
ia the Dreseat rear. Mro than thittt wft
; sea havs Veen examined and B fty documents
I n preaeoted, bat a fornia.bla Ua t atill remains
; ichwill probaWy tak aevcaal ssaakl Weger
? retlrairt.:.
r, OjittoftU BatTtaoae Aaaarcaa, Dec. 9.
GRAlN WnaAT-The eupplie f all aorta
have fallen off in quantity, the season being near
iti close, The Bates of fair good to prime Md.
reds have been pretty oniformly made at 00a 98
eta., and we quote those rates to day, , We quota
white wheats for family flour, at 10S a 118 tta.
From 15,000 to 90,000 bushels Pennsylvania
wheata have been received and told thia week at
100 eta. for reda and 103 eta. for whites, and we
quote accordingly. 1 ' ' ' , '
Coats The market opened on Monday at 50
cents for Md. new, both white and yellow. On
Wednesday aalea of both sorts were made at 49a
SO cents. To day the sales of both sorts are at
48a50 cents. A sale of old Pen tie. was made at
58 cents, and one of new at SO cents. .
Rra Sales of Md. are making at S0a53 Ms.
Oats Sales of Md. to Wednesday inclusive,
at 30 cents;' and aince then at 32a33 cents, and
we now quote these last rates.
' CtOTtasssn Sales of fair ta prime new seed
continue to be made at 84 25a$( 50 pvr bushel.
, WHISKEY. During the first part of the week
the sates of hhds. were at 23a22j cent, and ef
bbla at 23a23j cents; but since then there is a
shade of decline, with sales of hhds. at 22 cts. and
of bbts. at 23 cts., and we quote accordingly.
Bilious Fsrstt generally brgina withyewninj,
stretching, pain in the bjtiea, languor, giddiness,
a swelling aliont the region of the stomach, bilious
tomiting. and othrr unplrsssut symptoms
., Wright't Indian Vegetable Pilt ire one of the
best medicines in the world fur the cms of Fevers,
because they purge fiom the Inly Iho-e. morbid
humors which are the cause of every malady inci
dent to men.
In all ca es of fer, f,o n four t.i eight of eaiJ
tmlian Vegetable Pills should be token every n'gVt.
or, if the ymptoms are violent, night and mo'ning.
Thia p'an, if properly carried out, will, in a sh rt
time, subdue ibe n.ot inlrnt a'tack of f. vcr; at
the asm time the d gestive organs will be reatoreJ
lo a healtby lone, ind the blood so completely pu
rified, that feVers, ss Well sa every o'hsr disease,
will be driven fiom the body, and heal.h and vigor
will be given to the whole frsme.
The popularity of Wbibht's lanun Vro kta
a lb Pills has provrd a strong hsit to unprinci
pled men, who, instigated by the hope nrgs'n, at
tempt to palm off a spurinua article on the untns
pertiog. To defeat the wicked designs nf such
men, we have procured new labels, and the Signa
ture of Wm. Wiight will be found wbittbh with
a sir oh tbe lop label 6f rarh box. Kone olTitY
it gtnititte, and fe counterfeit thi$ it forgery, .
Remember,' the only original and genuine IN
DIAN VEGEtABF.E PILLS have tl.e waiVra
sioxatcbs or vs. wain a On the I6p or carh
box. '. J . ' .'
(X A gent for the ssleof Wrtfht's Iftdisn Vegeta
hie PitU in 8unhury, Hsirat MaSSKK. For Other
sgenciee see adveriicmnt in anotbrr column.
BaASpniTn'a Pills. Aerimdniou Jtamnrt
the eaune and only Cause rf all rain and Dittrlst '
in the Dtdy Pain is the warning gien by the
nerves that there ate acrimonious humors in tbe
bixly. No man ever had an afTrcti in nf the lur'g
but it arose from Acrimonious Humors having sef
t'ed there. Ko men ever had pain in ihe bead
or an (T. rtion of tbe heart, but it was pro,1ucrl
by the presence upon those parts of Acrimonious
Humoip. So withftheurnsthim tile Xcrimnnioti
Humors have settled Opon tbe mucus rnenM'tane of
the bowel, aggravated in most cases by the Veten
lion of Hard Feral maVter Tfl thoae important or
gans. There never waa a pain or diairea in any
part of the hotly (unless It Sras proilucej by an
accident) ihst was not occasioned by the presence
of Acrid Humor. It is thfe humors which have
to be expelled, and by so t'oing the Pain or dis'ree
ia rare to ls removeJ. , To do tli with certainty
the Brsndrrtb 11 Us mut be used. They are as
innocent as bread, yet all-p.iworfnl as the remover
of the cause of sickness msy I tkrn at any
lime of day or night without alteration In rii-l or
rear of cold. :
qj Purchase Of H. B. Maer, Sunbury. arif
the agent, publtkhed in another pert of this paper.
lartMora Tasrrtcl Fxvaa Anea Fa.
TtrTS. Is It not an infamous traffic Tor wholesale
and retail drnggiats, and ether merchants, to buy
up tpurUut, adutar&ttd, repudiated and counter,
ttrfcit RowancTt Tunic M xturg at suction, and
from irresponsible end swindling medicine venders,
for two or three dollars pet doken, and l an to sell it
to tha ignorant and unwary as the genuine Row
fci;d'e (Improved) Tonic Mixture for one d dhr the
! tottlei and taken they well knew beslJra that this
counterfeit trash has been universally pronounced
I wmthltws and inert, and will not Cute the ague t T I
know of no mwa inhuman or dtatardly c-mJuc. in
men laying any C'i'ms to lespeclability or honesty.
Look svcfoliy fal the ioritUn tignerturtt of
John It. Rowsnd, on a paper label acr es the
mouth of eVery fcotile, without wbtch "guard" it
never can be genuine, bowiVer knavish Sellers may
falsify and urcilve.
Far ssle in the suburbs of the city by the store
keepers genially. Also at No. 28 North SJ st,
avd t tha Profrietor'e offlce, No. 138 Callowhill
street, Fbilatlelphtr. And also, by the stores,
pare generally m Ibii tod tha adjoining cottntiee.
AddreM lo itae tubllt?i
THE unprecedented auccese attending the oas
of Dr. U. Bent'it Smith' (ttgar Coated) -Im-
inou vegeuDie riue," emit tha acknowledged so
oidiority which they poaeeea aver the common An-li-BUooa,
Cathartic, and variama ather Pills in ge
oaral aaa, bays given them a deoidad pntereoce
with all wka have aed them ; and they are at
vereally astoemad tha moat asfe aM ptaeaam pur
gatreea avaw effsreai ta tha Dtibtia. - - , - rr
, fCT CATjnoN-Aa a saieerable imrUtUo has
baen saade, by tha assae ot -8agar Coated Piru."
atiaataia let eaa avw k. t.i.. aa
T SrL0-; 2? 055!? Yark.
wM wj junn w. mi LINO, Bunburu.
-jaULU'LJiLJ l""V
t 'V- D I M Da ' ' , i
In Angnsta township, oh tha 2d iast", Mr. JA
COB GRINER, aged about, 63 yeara. . i
In Augusta township, oh the 4th Inst i Mr.
CHRISTIAN HAAS, aged about 4 ljeara , u- ,
' ' Corrected teeekly by' Henry Natter.
HVatBV, ,',.-' .
Rta, ....... , t .,", ;
Cobs,'. . .'.:. 'J ,, .', .
Oats, 4. . , ,.' (j .r
,Pon, ' '. .
Flaxsssd, 1 ," ,,!. ,
BeTTSa,' ' -, i ' ! ' 1
Keea, . . '''.'...
Titow, . . '.'
Plax. - ' . .
HacKLait Fiat, .
DaiauArrLBs, . ... ,
Do. Paacaas, .- .
N - BAtttMOBB July J9. 1843.
Thia is to certify, that I wae afflit tej w.ih a v.
olent pain in the breast and right ann. which I
suppose proceeded from the impure state of my
blood.- I wsa reexnmended 10 take Hance't Sat-,
tnparilla or Blood PitU, and after taking one boti
the pain was entirely rem ved fiom my breast and
arm. I found the n eilreni'lf gentle in their ope.
rstion, and would rec.immend them to every per
eon in want of a mild purgji'e,
; " - Patbick Rocntt,
No. 22 Conway el., beiwe' n Howard and Eutaw.
Is pvantisiso Tnrs rttts. let me al,l
Always esk for HANCE'S PILL, and purchase
nf none but those advertised na agent. and if con
venient, call and see the p'oprit tor bitr-ae f.
tPRICE a5 Ots per Box. of FIFTY PILLS
EACH, for HanrVs Genuine Pills, or C for $1.
For rale by SETH S. HANCE, 108 B Himore
st, and corner nf Ohar'e tt Pratt Ms., Hat more,
and bv GEOIIGR BRIGHT. Simbnty,
1). BRAUriGAM, Northumberland.
D.c, 18. 1846
Caught, ColJt, Coutumptiim, Spitting of filood,
Fain in tht S'de end Breatt, Bronchitit,
Croup, Atthma. and all diteant art.
ai'if from a difttrderrd condition
of the lavgs or neglected cold.
Tbe following aonnet waa adilreaaeJ to the
proprietor by a Young Lady who was cured of
Con-umption t
Ho! re who pant with failing breath,
And ine away and die J
Hawcb ahall "put away" 3 our death.
And light, anew, your eve..
How awet t it mi Its upon the tongue,
How giateful to the hreat !
A slorioua theme for pool's aong,
Soothing his cough to real.'
IIabcbI favored of the Gods, art thou!
A blessing to thy race. - . i
!tl laurels n luriah on thy brow,
And wealth, tboso laurels grace.
When heroes ere forgotten ; kings
Defunctt or, cra-rd 10 rr ijn ;
Glory, for thee, shall flap her wings !
ThoU conqueror of pain.
Piirt 50 Cents per bottle or six bottles fir 2 60.
PreiareJ and sold by BETH 8. HANCE,
108 Dattlmore st, ami coiner of Chrtea & Pratt ate.
.. . and by GEORGE BRIOH r.Sunbury, ,
D. BRAUTIU AM, Norihumberl.nd.
Dec. I t. 1846. -
1Olt trial in the tJourt ef Common Pleas of Nnf.
- thumlerlnnd Courrty, at J.mury Term, 1817,
com'nencing tlm first Mondsy, being the 4th.
Samuel John Vi Richard W,oletton et al
Seitzinger.arience ef
Garyer . va John (larver et al
William Farrow . . Va Abrah am Klnie
William fiiirientontot it va Shipnian 3c Greenough
John If 6odcrsoni heirs vs - Sim
Win I, HeireniMi. va Harlmnn H Ki cable
Peter Itichtet'.eit'a V Doilraot Barrel
Francis Ball's ai'm'r
J dm A Uoyd
John Kane & wife
Win B McDonald
Wm foil
Frederick Birkenbine
va Daniel M. Sec bier
va Wm E McDomild r
ve John Nebllg fi Srlfe - '
va A Lloyd
va J.'hn A Lloyd
va John HsTtmsn
John Fuinun at al a Aaguatu Alohn ITtley
Mary Rex rt al . . va Heniy Snv.ler el al
Wm H Pomp's assignee a Wm Welch
Benjtmin Robins
Vilenline ,
va Wm McCaily el al
a Hugh Rrt'd et al
ve Benjamin t'auley
v J imea Covert
vi William Siaike
va Dr ItofteVt Philips
vs I-evj Hobertelal '
Vs Oeo, 13 McKro
va Hhsm. Coil dr. Ir in iio
vs Vichael . hemaVi-r '
s Hugh B lias et al
va Joho McGinnes
Henry MasseT .
Sarah Reod
Charlea Craig, r
Charlea Craig, jr.
John McOmnea
John Packer et al ?
j William M.-Coy .
jacot eeinen ut al
Josep'a MiWsn .
Daniel Weiiiner
James Graham ti el
Wm Ktarks A; Wife
Frederick Mil er
vs lien' V Maeer dc J K Peiter
pllman dt Co
va GiJr.on l.'lei ring
Joseph Folk & others va Rev j P Khin.lel et !
James Merrill's ei'rs vs F I. lrua.d ofO Wat a
Casper 81 Ciair
vs Go irge Kunit's ix'is
Martin tuts
Philip Wickery et si
tlillcn Leiby
George Long "
vs Henry Maeser
Vs Peter Groaius et a!
Vs Cs'per Ada mi ,
S George Sarcy '
vs ' Sime
v John Dd'emah el al
va Henry Ewdn ",''.
Va William F'i k
s Hivld Hmp't
Chsr es W Helns ,
is Giileon Leiscnrinx ,
. Sana
Mabton Hamle'n et al
taaae Huff
Charlea II Frick
Wood & Rhawn V.
MnVgan Hughs
Asber Mdrna
George Tiokrl dr. wife Va Jacob & Joah itliae
George C Lilly va Jacob llorger, ad f J Lilly d,e
William Pi.hrr ft kl va KlM-nt-vr M,n..i,tfH
Jacob Hine
Commonwealth at al
Geoige Eck'rt -Frencie
Bali's admie
Pallter Gamhart .
Va ElitaWlh Hiria ;
ve T A Billlogtou it al
ve Jarob Shi a - -
ve .8athul LUar "
Ve Oiorge Oyster
va Daniel DruckemilUr '
Jacob Katde
Burgese nf Milton borough ve Samuel Blair
Jacob W SeitBinger- ve WiHitrrt Carr - '
Henry Maaer vs II U Maaser A Joseph Uteely
Bsliaer Qarnhari , va Georgi Oyalit
Jacob Wehw rt al va Beneill et al
PrwhonoWf flW.,. l,i Jr, , irPrtfh'y.
najbiiry, j)ee. 1. tMl-S ,
Eitatsj mt JTamea moaf Jr., toc'd.
NOT1CB ia barely given that lei tare of admln
lattatioai baVa baen granted Id the Subicritr,
00 tbe ostete of Jemea Leraon,' ) lata of Point
fownahip, Noftnsabarland eount y , dee'd. All per
sons mdebtad to said aetata, will pleasa coma for.
ward and aeula itf hneaadiataly. and iboea having
cVaisae sgainvt tha name, ata requested to present
their accounts lot tsttlement wttsumt delay. ' ;
' - - JOHN KIXO!f.:
Point township, Dec. , lilt. it Ada'r.
-liiiL '-Li BULiiU!-'!g sa 1 1 nna Jjao j.j
list or jimoidtl I
ArNonhumberlsnd County, for' January Term,
V-A.D..1M7. ' "j.Al'.)
: VXrndaIiiiMrB3.Ci
XfcaWoWf-John Vineanl, Jacob Dcsbler.
Leurte. I D Bsrr.
. '""'Owis Bsker, Psul Bsnnett, Samuel
T BmWn. . ; o; '.
CMUitavaque.EJmtrA Hummel, Samuel Hib
ler.-" . ,
i JWrtf Joseph Wellaee. ' U L '1
Northumberland A hrabam Dieffenbacher."
ftury. John Young. . - c 5
i1iuit Willi ,m Onrad. Mich a-1 Evert. Jo',
eeph Fawld, Daniel Kieffer, Henry Oubrk.
SAamffVi. Wlllism H Persing, Joseph Houptl
Ch.rle. E Alnander. - . - 1 '
-?tA. Bnnnm Ka.
Con Tv Wooheflnn. ' V;
lswrr Mahonoy Reuben Lower, Qjofe Har.
rie, Jonathan ilordtier. " . .
Traverse Jurors.
- Tiirbut, George Gverpeek.
Wowai-e. William Allison. George McCoy,
MtttanT S Mnkey, James Buoy. Ge rga Ee
ken. Leonard St iuhion. John M HofT.
t Ch'lisqitaqtu. Wm Neabit. Ben) Foresmsn.
Point. George Wstts, Lane ILff. Henry Rock
efcll.r. j ... .
fcorlhumbertond. Samuel F.lbot. Henry Mor
gan. Willi-m Fo'svtb, Dani.l Voris, Benjintln
Mathiaa, Ileniy Gorr,
. August a. James Forreeter, Peler Dunkelbei
ger. Ma'ick Maize, Jnih Arnold, Henry Burns,
Oevid Bloom, Diniel )ia't.
Shamokin. Samuel K Gitger, Jacob Noerker,
Caleb Chmberlaio. ILnry ct wank.. sr., Robert
Campbell. Samuel fjroul. Hulomon Fegely, Casper
Adama, El ila John. Michael M. foh r.
Burh. Cbarloa Metier, Philip Ober.loiT
Upper Nahonty.'-lhnxy Fetter, Djvid Trout,
man. . '
Lowrr Mahonoy Michael tiockeji Jacob All
man. , .
Jicksnn. re'er echw.r x. Iajnc RVils, Henry
Rogers, Dsvid Mrwcr, Jehu Deppeit, Ma ke !es
iler. ; Pelit Jurors.
Turbul. Edward Kcttner
Delaware Jams Bryson. Thomis fie.irmAuriJ
Itw't Andrrw K'r-hner, Ptter Msnjaa
M-ltnn. J wepli E Liih, John M.-r. Fredeiick
Strieker. Sth t 1'harp.
CMllisqunijur. John Primer, Abraham Tre
el, Reulivn 'l rox-1, John It MrGee.
'oinf Leonard Wilt. r, Wm H Leh u.
- JiirthuHibe-lnndi 'a'p't Hine.
flunbury. Solomon Br i.i.ins, Benjamin Krohn,
Willim Miller, EJward Oobin.
Augusta. John Et right, Jonaa Fry, Peter O
berdorf, John K etler
Shamokin Jacob Haas, William Furmsn, Vs
len'ine Hummel.
A'imA. Phi'ip HufT, Willi im Kinp.
Upper Mahonoy. Oavid M li h, Jscob Mark
ley, Daniel Dunkelrwrger. '
Littk Mahonoy. Philip Kerrtetter, I-aac Ra
ker. ,
Jadtson Panirl Reitx, fS'orga T Trou'man.
1 pursuance nf an order nf sale iaotri! not of
the Court of Common Pleee of Noithnmber
land County, to me directed, will ho eXKtied to pub
lie tale, on the premise, al 11 u'clock A. M.. on
Thursday the 3l.t day of D.cem'er. A. D. 1846,
the fol'owing desrrilied tract or piece of land, rflu
ate In Lower Mahonoy lownhip, N'-irthum'rlenil
coun'.y, bounded by la- d ef John Tchuijp. Jr.. Mi.
chad Wiimrr, John Shreyer end lite Mahantanao
creek, containing one hundred and ixiy iwnartee
more or lees, about 90 ae of which ere elcared;
whereon are erected a big dwelling hoCse ami a tng
barn- Lale the ra'ate of John Tdmim. nrilfc'd.
. SherifTe Oflice, Sheriff
Simburv, Der. llth. MX
18 heieby piven lo nil lesatres. Creditors, snd o
iher persons interested til the estates of John
Sample dec'J, rcttbd by his exis Wm M Sample,
John Stadilcn and Robert OifT.'n; of Ilenry McOee
tlec'd elll i by h a exr Dennis C Caul; of ft'iiw
Ulh Riurhirt dee'd, aciilrd t.y her eir lhiife
ltinebart; nf John Jones d, c'd, stilted bv hi ailmrs
Wm H Munich and Elisha Klin nf John B Price
duc'd. settbd by his admr I.anjia N Price; of Ms.
ry My s d. c'd, s.-tlled by t er rxr DanM Brfrtlti
gams jifWm .Wilson 'legdl re'lledby bla ailiura
Flemng Witkon anil Divid Wi'son; of John B
Klark ilcod, stt'otlby his ailmrs John K Klok ai d
Daniel Be'rarltof Gs.irge Holtenbaeh decV', aet'fed
ty hie admra Jcoh Wei-er and Ga rge Hollen
bach Jr.; of Jacob Loae ifec d. settled by his admr
Qcitr Litley tlecl, lata of Nor'thbnibrrlanJ coun
ty, dec'd.t that th executors and admin atratnra of
the s iid deceased ratates hse filed their acc unt
wiih Ihe Kec'tNtar of Ibin c u,olv, and that they will
be pre-enl'ol to the Orphans' Court ol said county
on Turad.iy the fith day of January next, for con
firmation and allowance.
Punhury, Dir. 5ih. 184I. Regi.ter.
And Vulikatioiv.
T.t t'harles Khinehart, Thomai Croiby. guirdian
or ThonAaa Croe'iy, Heory Stell and Eliaibeib
. his wife, Jimee lt. il and I.duiaa hit wife, Oeo,
P. Mc Allis'er and Sarah hia wife, Martin Huhn
and Maty hi wife, and John Rhlnehtrt.
NO I ICE is hereby given, that by virtue of a
c rlitn wilt 1 r partilioh and vAloaiinn lasocd
nut of ibe Uou t of Corriiid'i I'leasof Niitbumler
land county, directed lo the sheriff ol an d counly,
commanding hint; that oT tbb Unds and teneinau s
in said county ly yri) held in common, he make
pailition and valuation. I, the said alonff will, al
10 it'rlnck. A. M . on Monday tha 34ih day oi !)-
tenibi r, A. D. 184. be and appear Upon the pre.
mi-iea In circuta Ibe ar assail "ril in the manner
and sprfcifi'd : st Which tube Snd ,11-ce y u
11 wriicd lobe and sptear, if no think prop.
ShcrilT'a Offies. ? . Sherift.
Sunbury, Dec 6. th40. 4t
If' ;. .- I, . , AT TUB ...
'Phiiadelphim lVafc and Jewelry Store,"
No. 80 North 8ECON D e'rrct. corner of ifjgafr.
Pi OLD User , WeUbee, Tull Jewelled,
18 earnl ejres,, $500
KiUer Lever VV.tchrs, full jewelled, .. . S3 00
Silver Lever Watcltes, seven lewate4 , , 18 08
Silver Lapina Watches, jewelled, flnral
quality, ' , ;
Superior QuailUf Watchea, . e ; -Imitation
Qusrliel Watchee,nol wartantsd,
10 00
GM Speclacieer rt-f
1 7
Gold Braeelku with tonal stones. ' ' 1 0O
Ladies' Gold T'ciIb, i carats, J S 00
' Gold Finie Itiiis 87 eu (o f 8 i ' Watch Qlaa
ses, pl.ln. 111 etlt pstknt, 18 t Ldnat, Si' ; t
ther arliclea In pmpoitlon." Alt gooda wsrranted
tube what lhcf are said for ; O. CtiNHAD.
list hand, bonee Gold and Silver Lere, Leplnes
and Quartiora, luwer than the above aricea. . 1
PMIsdslphis, D. I, M8.- ly Uk
Mill Property
THE Stlhscrlber nffers to sell at private Bale, hie
valuable MILL PROPERTY, 4c eitoated
In Shamokin townehip, Northnmberlind county,
about 3 milee from the town of Shamokin. on the
public road reeding from tbe latter town to 8rlins
grove, coneieting of a tract of land, being SS acres
more or lese, hounded by lends of Emanuel Zim
merman, Michael Sheib, and othere. -The land ia
of a good ird gravel quality, in a high atata of col
tivation, and uuder good fences. About ait acres
thereof li excellent Meadow land, and four acraa
are coverod with timber. Tha iroprovsmsnts there,
on erecli d are en excellent
Frame ftrist,
Ttv 1 and a half stories high, with two pair nf
St .nc, one pair being French Burrs, a 8mut Ma
chine, Eletatota, Corn isbelleia, and other neces
ary Machinery, The Mill ie in excellent order lo
make Flnnr end for custom work, it having recent
ly undergone a thorough repetition. -
.470. a good SAW Ml 1,1,. lately repaired a
new to story Stone STILL HOU8E, 40 or 10
feet, the w ili ra of Vnlley Spriog being conducted
by means of wooden pipes into tha first story of
the nme,
MA'so, a lirge two etory PRAME
Ri'chen therein attai ned, with good eel
lar and an excellent spring of Water near
ibe lo, r a new BANK BARN, 80 by 40, and a
good tm story TENANT HOUSE, SO by S3,
(inlemliMl fora Miller.) .
The ahoVe property ia well worthy the atten.
tiort Of iliris wn-hing to purchase. It ia offered et
e Iritv itte, and the terms of psyu.enl will be made
I'dsSeailon and an im1ispit ib'B title will ha given
on the fi st day of April next.
Those wishing to View the property, will pleirs
call on Mr. Ootilieh ' Brrimyer, residing on the
same. For further particulars apply to tha under,
aiane.l proprietor, residing at Port Caihon, Scbuyl
kill coHnty. , JACOB WIRTELE.
N. 11. Should the above property hot be aold
at private ail on the flr-t day of Jahoary, 1847,
it then, at 12 o'clock, M., on said day, oh tha
pierniaea. l a rented for ihe term of One year.
Port Cirh m, Nov 21. 1P46. Si, $4.
OP Foreign and Doni. atie Merchandise, of tha
.Cou ty of Northumberland, who have, and
who have not paid their Licenses.
Who havs) Paid.
Wm H F-tmire
Oeorje Bright
John Young
George P Buyeri
Emanuel Ksuffmsa
Writ Reili
Wm G Kasa
Rhoada St Co
John O
Pe'er Beissel
Beiieville Holshoo
tl'.itlon Qhaitel
Samuel Herb
Ilenry Wasat
tteoTg'e Brositis
Wm G Herold
Wm Dt'ppen
John Karl
Daniel Sch warts
Wm Kchtia
lease Urowb
l a T Clement
Maat Iler fc Swei.k
Wm F NagU
J'hn Sweeney & Son
Heiner ft. Drutlirls
Is ae Urowi,
lielhnd A. Hays
Foisythe, Wilwn & Co
Wm H Wapplet
John W Frtling
Oenrtte t!orrev
T H Mackey 4. Son
John Murray
Peter McDowell 1
Beth CidwuMadct
J B Ke.d
B L Pir :
Keichner it Ilillle
DentlenV Monlague
A P B. iss.1 Si tJo
J P Hachfenlx-rg
Jam's K.ed
J D Normamlay
Henry Ma
. Who Have not laldv
Seih I Comly
John Boear
'i'homaa tSbannoVt
F Mathewt
John H ltr.ier
J.ibn M Vincent
8rntlit R W.mhI
Daniel Braotigtin
John H Ptirdy -1
Roldns irk Simpson
Dangler ft Wool'verton
S miurl John '
Wm ft R Fagely
palx ft Ditty
Notice I-hereby given, that the Treasurer is
roui-lled. by law, to crtinitie'nce sails s'gainat sll
lho who do not coma forward and pay their licen
ses oh cr 1 ifoie the C'th dv of Deremlr next.
William dtn.tcE,
cTunhuVy, NoV .21. 184T5. Tturcr'.
Steam Undbrella
no. 104 xaARxCzrt1 s&xrirr,
Vm; tL-RicHAnbsbx. ?'
TN addition to vsiions other improve mente, ha
a yjng ed stsam rowsa to the manufacture
of t'MURELLAc. iseuabLntosall them at vary
low price.
frj" Merc.srits are invited b call and ace hia
Works, and examine the assortment
Philadelphia., 1846 3m .
KcV Firiri
'j"tlf L'ndere gnerJ Rere'ry glvee notice, that ha
1 bus eaiciaieil with himeelf, ia 8 partner in
the Mercantile bdeln'es", in hia atore adjoining
Weiver's Ti'ern, to Sunbury, John Haas, and
hat the said slor'e will hereefter be conducted un
it r ihe firm nf Clement ft Haae. : Tha store at
ihoS uth Weet comer of Market Square will be
eohdm ie.l t heretofore, by ihe eubecribrr himself,
to which be r.sctfu'ly inviu-s hie eustorhers arid
friends. i I . ' . '
He a's n -titles ell those indented lo him. to call
between thie end the 1st uf January next, and set
tle their srcouhM. .
: All kind of produce will be tsktn on sreount,
at cash pneei. ,..
. Hereafter da lotig. t than four rhontbs credit
will tie given, , I It A T. CLEMENT.
fcunl ury. Nov. I4.i848 tf. :
-. CLElrClSITT & .
RtsPEC'ITllLLY inform the public, that on
iK Bth inat , they entered into partnership,
in ibe iitptcanU'e buaines; at the store recently
reup!cd by Irs T Clement, adjoining Wesver'e
Tavrtn. in Sunbuiy. They have lati-if recved
a haw slock uf gooJe; which they will depose af
at ina pricee, ,
All kinds uf produce will be t jtsn ia eiehsnge
for .n Is; . .
' No longer than four mown credit will be give.
' . v JOHN HAAS.
Sunbury. Nov. 14, 1846. tf. ;
k Ctacaoer Ttiaa Erer I ;
TIOHN it. PUBDV. bee Juat rabaive, at his
t New Store, in Market Hquaia, a frash aupyt
ot Seasonable Ooude, aUcb as , t .
Clothe, Caaaimerei SsilineUs KsDtueky7eeas,
uCorde( Drillings. Alpaecee.. Ginghsssa,
UaJ Piinis, Miieliha, HotU'ry, Gtoara, ska, , . j
A l-o t Queenswsra aud Qracaiiea, . .
which will ha sold very law., Parchaeere aralavi
ted o call and examine hia stock before gu lebaesaj
aleewhera. Tha highest arista paid Car Prodaoa, ,
Sunbury, October 17rh, 1811 If.
? Wtjw and Cheat . ,
FAXili AtlO WlDtVOIl
THE" MunseiiUhss Just openaj, at hia ol.F
alind, Irt . Market alreet, SunliUry, g nSW n
splefldid a'aSttrtment of . , .
fall And Winter goods,
which he will S ll 18 per ceJnt. cheaper than cari
ha had at any ether store In the place. Amoii(j
part of his stock may be found 1 -'; ' -
Cloth from f 3 00 to 7, Overcoat Clolh st ft 37
to It 87,. Saiinett from 44 cents to l 56,
Superior Plifd Clniking from 87J cents
to It 87 t slso, superior Cslicos, I
, --. v Muslins, Checks, Tickings, ami
.. .. ShswIs.Gr.iceries, Qosens
', ware, Hsrdware, Co. . ,
. v l'"- darware, dfcc'.,' '
for which all hiHda nf country produce will be is i
ken in exchange; such ae Butter, Egg. I.t.d;
Dried Fruit, Grain, Potatoes, Chitksns, IlarJ
Soap, Fsathirs, Lumber, ftc.
Purchseri will do well to give him a catl. It
is no trouble' for htm to show hi goods, if they do"
not buy. . 1 JOHN BOGAR.
Sunbury, N(3v. 14ih, 1846.
TENS OF THfffjSANDS of unhappy hningO
irt the "Ague Scfjtlo'hs" of our country ar'
now tormented with thai Vhste3 eomplsinl" FE
VER ft AGUE, on BfLftinS INTHin!!!'.
TENT FEVErt,or Cuius ain Vn.n. us ,1 i-
Variously called. 1 hi pntve sI v..i .K of tbis en
tire community from Maine tti('letv$W' roo! f.on.
the Atlantic to the Rocky Mcmniain-i, Jic'Srvi
to be the great snd enty safe, sure and radical
Cure, when properly used. Thia cannot be con.
troveited. t' restores the natural feelings snd c
lasticih) of the comrfitsf.'di in a manner t'-at n '
thing else will. , ...
En tract of a letter, dated .
, Lawistoww.Pa.Oct. 10, 1849.
' ''Every bottle of the Improved Tonic Mixture
sent has been aold, and I do not know of one I;'
stsnca thst it did not affect a cure. Four bottles
cured five cises of the woret kind of Fever and A
gue one caSe Waa myself. After trying Quinine
arid all other rurea thought Of by my Physician,
finding rln relief, I finally aent for one bottle of your
Tonic Mixture, and waa relieved, in fact cured in
24 houre. Pleasa send on a frrsh supply, as tht re
ia none left."' Yours, truly,
fljT SolJ on Agency in Sunbury, by H. Manser
and othera, and all the Storekeepers in the adjoin
ing Counties. October IT, 1846.
Sailed to tht Human Constitution, and equal td
Iht curt of every curable Diteate, will
'be found in
Of THB '
Xortta American College onicaltlr.
THE3E extraordinary Pills are composed of
plsnls which grow spontaneounly on onr own
soil, and are, therefore, better sdipted to our Con
stitutions than Medicines concocti d from foreign
drugs, however well they msy be compounded ;
and es WbiOht's Inn'rair Vaottlati Pitts ire
founded upon the principle that the human hndv ia
nameJy, corrupt humors, and that aaid Medicine
cores thia diteese On NaTvaat PaiftctPLB, by
cleansing and purifying the boily, it Will be man.
if cut thar, if the constitution be hot entirely ex
beusfed, a perseversnce in their use, according tit
dWctione, is sbsolutely cettaih to drlvo disease of
every name from the body.
When we wth to reaiota a swamp or morass to
fertility, we drain it or tbe superabundant water. Ia
like manner, if wo wish to restore the body Id
health, we ftttst cleinte it of impurity. ' -
will be found ohs of the best, if not the, vV best
medicine in the world for carrying out th' Gaaan
PcBirttke PaiacirLB, beciuse they ekpel ,from
tha body all rhorbid and eor'iapt humor; the cause)
of the disease, id an easy nd Natural Manner j
and while they every isy aiva xasa and rLsasvaxi
dik'eaea of 'every name is rapidly diivert from tbe
Tha following highly . respectable etoiekeepere
have been duly appointed agents for tha aale of
Wright't Indian Vegetable JHUt, in NorthUmber4
land county :
Henry MssSer, 8nnbuty. ..
E. ft J. Kauffnian, Augusta township.
Samuel Herb, Little Mahonoy,
William Deppeo, Jackson:
Ecneville Holshue, Upper Mehonoy.
John G. Rrnn, Uprfcr Mahonoy.
Samuel John, Shamokintown.
Forsythr-, Wilonft Co., NoithuruUtlsndi
E. L. Piper, Wetsonhurg.
trlstid cV Haya. McEwensviUa.
James Peed, Pottagrove.
Wm. G Soott, Ruahvilla. , .
Hartman Knceble, Elyabu'rg P. 6.
Am e T. Baiasel, Turb'titsville.
Gidon Shadel, Upper Mahonoy.
f:hodea ft Farrow, 8nydsistown
ohn King, Farmersvdle. -Sitae
C. Cook. Martin'e Cieik.
J, De Youn(j. Hicksville.
Ab'raharn Srterer. Richmond.
Samuel Taylor, SlaU ford.
Jdb'n H. Vincent; Chilisuaqoe.
Wm. Heirien ft Hi other, Milton.
C3 Offices 1evoe.l exelnaiv6" , )pe (
pf tbe North American CoK.r;e 0f Health. No. S35
Gieenalch Strtei. New ".,rk; No. 198 Tmoni
Street. Boatbn , and. rR:NCIHAL OFFICE, Not
269 Race Stasir, Puiladelpbia.
8pt. 19ih, !8 d. ly, .
la curing Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Iuflutni'.f
Whooping-Cough, sod ,a!J Dlaeaera of the
bieet end lunga, leading to Couaump
tkn t eompoeed of Ihe concentrated
' vitiues of tha herbs Hosebound,
ljoDeeett. Oloodroot, and
aevrral other vegat.
bla aubttaaees,
Watranv '- ' ' "
rTBla3 iirrsJ-iaajia Medicine is the anoVt Slv
A end. eertVui reanady ever draco veted for the 1
bova eea'Vainiey ew theoeawd who hata head it
wW tesaiy. Tea seta, 1st anbury. M :- i -.
r; .-r- . , . A W, FRILtNO,
anil ia Ncbse.Werl.riJ, kv 0. EsUUTlGAM,
aj at aHieWsaiS W Philadelphia, hy
P.KLBTT& tfo;
Comet at aWoad and Callowhill eweafA
Baatambar 1?, 1848. I y