Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 05, 1846, Image 4

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    atve art lb
A young female; swicWienlan .Was sent to
Massachusetts a few weeke ago by her parents
to be due. ted at a boarding school etar Boston.
Awkward, perverse, illiterate, ahd itrfgretn;
the wit at once the aversion and butt of the
irif li." It happened that frequenter of the boar
din; achool wat a good looking Boston dentist,
of some pretentions, who wished to get him
t If a rich wife from among the pupil. Aware
of hie mercenary motives, and determined to
pimiah blm, the young ladies led him to believe
that their new classmate from Michigan waa an
hoiree. ThU' wa enough for the dentist,
lie Immediately laid siege to the heart of the
Wolverine,'' nd confiding in her ignorance
f etiquette made her a preaent, among other
things, of tome money to buy ber a bag with,
meaning something of tbe reticule order.
H.ghly delighted with the literally of the "how
with atore clothes on," (at she firit called bim,)
(he girl confided the fact to three or four of her
r ew companions. ( Coffee bags had already be
tome quite fashionable for skirts, her com pan
urn requested ber to procure one "'0 make her
Orecs to stick out," as he was pretty smart him
"If, and doubtless desired "his girl" to appear
ro A few evenings afterwards tho dentist es
v. it ted tlie Wolverine to sn evening party, which
wis a fair representation form the boarding
thool. Every thing went on smooth with him,
until his partner threw off her cloak sod boo
opt, and entered the room where the company
wore assembled. Iters bis attention was at
tracted by" the half suppressed tittering of the
chojl girls, and the wonder of the others.
Glancing inquisitively at his companion, who
toll aa grand as Lucifer, ho wss mortified and
enraged to see her ague marked complexion set
ff in horrible contrast with a profusion of green
nbbon bob knots on her bead, while her dress
luck out like the famous Spouting Horn at
Nahant- Mad as a March hare, he soon left
hi r with an expression of disgust, and passed
the remainder of the evoning at a whiat table
in another suit of rooms.
The Michigan girl was true grit, was msd
enough to tesr the eyes out of her "true hear
ted false lover," but she was by her confidents
persuaded not to do any thing violent. Their
advice was that she should return his presents,
.nd 'give him the sack,' or dismissal. "Return
Sim the presents, and give him the sack too 1"
raid one. "Dod-rot him, Til do it, 'fore the bull
i-rowd." She went out, and in a few moments
went into the room, where her companions
vrre gathered around the card table expecting
it scene. A wonderful change had taken place
.11 her dress snd she was straight up and down
s a looti's leg. Advancing to the astonished
('enlist with a queer looking bundle under her
rm, she threw down a pencil, chaip and locket
n the table, exclaiming contemptuously,
Theru's your presents, Mr.," continued
;!in indignant Wolverine, unfolding the myste
rious bundle, before the astonished company,
md throwing it over the head of the petrified
.'ntietr"bere'e your old cofleo bag I won't
ear it another minute!"
Every body was convulsed with laughter at
thia new method of "giving the sack," except
!.o unfortunate dentist. lie sloped immediate
ly and has not been seen in the village since.
Botton Btt.
Platho the Aovastages. A late number
.it' the Louisville Morning Courier cttitafos ac
amusing account of the way a backwoodsman
played a strong game of the. 'advantagea over
a professed thimble-ringer. The former hap
pened to be at a place where the knight of the
thimbles was looking out for prey, and, aa he
was dressed in homespun wss et once put 'down
as a 'soft snap.' Linsey, as the supposed 'green
'un' is termed in the story, bad just tossed off a
(lass of whiskey, when Tbimblerif commen
ced hit operations with
Well, stranger, it's cold and dark out ; sup
nose we play some small game to pass awsy the
time,' all the time fingering csrelessly a dirty
pick or cards that lay on the table at which be
wis sitting. Linsey replied
'I can't aay, stranger, I'm all the way from
Rullit, and I've hearntell you folks in town are
as keen at briars, and I'm only a 'cider nag ;'
howsomever, I don't keer if I do play, purvi
ded 1 understsnds all about it beforehand.'
Thal'e right,' says Thimblerig ; 'wo play
'sir, with all the 'advantages' in; and if you
beat me, why, well and good there's no more
of it.'
'Well, them terms is fair enuff.and Iaint the
fellow to eanvort or make a foaa when I egress
to a thing from the start,' says Linsey ; what'll
yoo play V
What do you say to 'seven up' at a dollar a
garnet replied Thimblerig, hia ryea glistering
with the eerteinly of making hit expenses.
A word of the tori'a enuff old boss 1 Put up
your money,' says Linsey, at the same time
logging at a long leather purse which he had
in hie pocket. Thimblerig laid down a dollar,
which he had no sooner done than Linsey cooly
tttt it in hipock(t, saying
'.Veil, that jsmVe dene ! What'll yoo play
i.ext V .......
But,' aaya Thimblerig, 'we've not played for
the dollsr yet !
Yea we have ; I placed in tbe advantagea tbe
tut lead nealios wss m you koow V
Tbe gsmbler wss best at his owe game, and
rot liking the lecks cf tho 'bitter water chap,
quie'.ly submitted to his lose. ....
'Odd FxixowsHir.' Ob' desr I' exclaimed
ari urchin who waa chewing a green apple, 4l've
dlluwd an idJ-feltuw !'
Aa odd-felluwl' ,
'Yes; hV giving me the grip f -
Tti following list shows tbe curreeii value of all
Pennsylvania Uank Notes. The moet implicit re
liance m-y be placed vpoa it,, as it Is every week
refully compared with ati4 eorrsctsd from Bun
nell's Reporter. .
Banks' Xa Philadelphia.
Nisi. Location. fall.
Sank of North America , par
Oank of the Northern Liberties ! . . ' par
Commercial Oank of Penn'a. . , Pr
Farmers' aod Mechanics' Bank . . . par
Kensington Bank , . . par
Philadelihis Bank . . t par
Schuylkill Bank . - . par
Soutbwark Bank ' Par
Western Bank . . par
Mscbanica' Bank . P
Manufax-turors'o'c Mechanics' Bunk psr
Bank of Pcnn Township . . par
Oirard Bank ' ' . par
Bank of Commerce, late Moyamtiwlng par
Bank of Pennsylvania" . . par
Country Banks.
Bank of C beater County Weatcheeter par
Dank of Delaware County Cheater par
Dank of Cermantown Germautown par
Bank of Montgomery Co. Nurrietown par
Doyleatown Bank Doylestewn par
Gaston Bank Gr.tion par
Farmer Bank of Uucka co. . par
Batik of Northumberland Northumberland par
Columbia Bank dc Bridge co.' Columbia . par
Farmers' Bank of Lancaetet" Lancistei par
Lancaster County Bank
Lancaster Bank?
Farmer a Bank of Reading
Office of Bank of Penn'a.
Office do do
Office do do
OfGce de do
- Lancaster - par
I.ane-ater - par
' Reading - par
Ilarrisburg"! These
Lancaster I offices
Reading J do not
Easton J issue n.
Rank of the United Statea
Minera' Bank or Pottaville
Bank of I-ewistown
Bank of Middlotown
Carlials Bank
Exchange Bank
Ilo do branch of
Hairiaburg Bank
Letienon Bank
Mercbanta'dc Manuf. Bank
Bank of Pittsburg
Weat Branch Bank
Wyoming Bank
Pottaville '
Allentown '
New Briehton
Northampton Bank
berks Uounly Uank
Office of Bank of U. 8.
Do do do
Do do do
Bank of Chambereburg
Bank of Gettysburg
Bank of 8usq,uehanna Co.
Erie Bank
Farmers' it Drovera' Bank
Franklin Bank
Honeadale Bank
Monongaliele Bank of B.
Chamberaburg i
Gettysburg j
Erie IjalJ
Washington l
Honeadale I
fork Bank
York lal
N. B. Tho notea of those banks on which we
omit quotationa, and aubatitote a daah ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokera, with the
exception of those which have a letter rf reference.
Philadelphia 8av. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schuylkill Sav. Ins.
' do
Kenaineton 8av. Ins. A
Penn Township Sav. Ina.
fowanda Bank
Bedford no aale
Beaver closed
Hartisburg cluaed
Washington failed
Bellrfonte clused
Pittabuig no ale
Pittsburg failed
Fayette o. failed
Crcencastle failed
Harmony no sale
Huntingdon no sale
l.ewisiown no aalo
VVarien failed
DunJaff no aale
New Hope closed
Millon no aale
Meadsille closed
Port Carbon
Carlisle failed
Montrose closed
Uniontnwn failed
(treenaburg closed
Wilkesbarro no sals
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of 8vatara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bank
Farmers' Mecli ca Uank
Farmers' dc Mech'cs' Bank
Farmera' it Mech'ca' Bank
Harmony Insiituto
Huntingdon Uank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen'a Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. BriJge Co.
NorthumbM Union Col. Uk.
North Western Bauk of Pa.
Office of 8cbuylkill Bank
Pa. Art. & ManuL Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
Wilkssbsrre Bridge Co.
nT All notea puriiorting to he on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the above list, may be et
lown aa Irauua.
Bank of New Biunswick Brunswick failed
Belvideie Bank Belvidrre
Burlington Co. Bank Medfurd par
Commercial Bank Perth Ambuy
Cumberland Bank BriJgeton par
Farmera' Bnk Mount Holly rar
Farmera' and Mechanic-' Bk Itahway
Farmers' and Mechanirs' Itk N. Biunswirk failej
Farmers' and Merchants' Bk MulJIetowq Pt. J
Franklin Bank of N. J. ii-try City
Hoboken Ukg et uiaiing l o HulKikcn
fail, d
no aalu
leraev OVy Uank Jrrsev Cilv
Mechanica' Bank ' I'slieiS'iii
Manufaclurrra' Bank 1'i ilevillo
Morria County Bank Moinatuun
Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freohold
Mechanica' Bank Newark
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal and 15kg Co Jersey City
foat Notes
Newark Bkg & Ina Co Ncwaik
New Hope Del Uiidpe Co LainbeUvilU
N. i. Manufuc. and Bkg Co Hoboken
N J Proleelon it Lombard bk Jaraey City
(.range Dana
Paterson Bank
Peoples' Bank
Princeton Batik
Pater son
Newion -
8alem Banking Co
Slate Bank
8tate Bank
Stale Bank
State Bank of Morris
Slate Bank
Salem and Pbilad Manuf Co
Susasi Bank
Trenton Banking Co .
Union Bank
Washington Banking Ce. .
Bk of Wllm de Brandy wine Wilmington
Bankef Daiawars Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do bianch ' 1 Miltord
Faraoera' Bk of Uiaia of Del Dover
Do , braocb .. Wilmington
; . Do . braack. . Oaorfetown
' Do Uanck Newcastle
Vaio " Wilmington
ILX uuuer o a
OJ Do all banks marked the ( there are si.
iner eouoieriMt er a 1 Ureal noaae el ibe various ds
nominauoaa, ia dtculetion. , ,
Hare you heard the JVewsf
At kiitfop, in MattsttMrtet, adjoining (As thru
ttory Brick UoHHt
TT AS just reerivod from Philadelphia the largaat,
JLi- btmlsomest and brat aasortrnsnt of
of eveiy description, that baa ever been brought lo
this place. And whst is atill belter, they asy he
sells so ehsap. ihat you can buy two eat if Me
same tnoney that you uted lo pay for ant pair,
Hs Bets ran Case snJ Satis roe Caaii, and
that 1 the reason that be can uflbrd lo sell them so
much cheiir. If yon don't want to buy, j:jt call
and see his a'ocb. He is always glai to see his
cui-tomer; and it ia nn trouble lo him to show his
goods. Ju-t to give you an Idea how rhea,i he doea
sell, the following Is a lUt of prices of a part of hia
rtrck l
Men's Thick Bot', . '
worth $1 00 at (3 75
" 4 BO at 8 00
da Pino tirsin do '
i do Calf ' 'do
Boya' Itiick do
Youths' ; ' do
Men'a Thick Brngans,
Women'a Morocco Welts
snd Kid Springs,
Women' best City made
Kid Sliiira,
LsdhV Qaitira and Gai
ter Boo!, '
" 6 00 at
" S60 at
" S 00 al
"1 87 at
3 00
I 75
I 25
1 00
I 50 at
1 63 at
S 00 at
I 00
I li
1 n7
A'so.- rvrry variety of Ladiea', B.iys' snd rhil
drens' shoes, at pricra l.iwcr than ecr before oflVf
ed. ' Come and See
Sunhory, June ISih, 1846. 6m
D A N V X Xi Xa XJ
Pcnnnylvnnlii. '
THE Danville Steam Woolen Factory, former
ly owned and occupied by Dr. PiTniKi. h. a
rertntly been purcbaard by the subcrib rs, who
respectfully annnunte to their friends and the pub
lic general y, that lluy art. now prepared to do all
kinds of wjrk in ihcit line it business, at the shor
test notice, according 1 1 rdei, aud in the beat com
piiratlse niannor. f laving gone t conidrrab!e
expenae in rf pairitij Iheii nachinery and aparatus,
and being vrry pariir-atni in rruriog the service of
eiieiiencej nxebemos, they K-el confident
they are capaMe ul exrcjting all kin. Is of work in
a atyle superior to s:,v other ea'abtisbinent in the
country, at the old custmnxry p irrs.
BLANKETS cunntm ly on band, and for aale at
reduced prices, for Case or Barter.
CAItUIXO AM) rr 1.1.1x0
will be done in the beat manner, at the usual pri
ces," All kind of country prodUi e' taken in pay
inrnt foi work, al l .nvilo rinkct prices.
For ihe accommodation of thoie mho live at
di-tance, Wont and Cloth will lie taken in at,
and, when fini.hnl, reiurnnl to the following pla
ces. . Plain written directions must accompany
each pared t
Columbia County, Roup cV Marr'a atore, Wa
shingtonville ; R. Fruit's store, Jrrsevtown ;' Tea
ger'a inn, Roaring Creik; Sharplraa atore, Calla
wiasa; C. F. Mann's store, MifHini'.le; Miller's
store, Berwick t J. Cline's Mill ; Ricket's store,
Oisngeville; Derr's store, While Hsll.
Northumberland County Michael Reader's inn,
Turbutville; Ireland cV Ifay'a store, McEwena
villej E. L. Piper's store, Wstsonstown s f. I.
Comly it Co's store, Milton; Gibson's inn, Chil
lisquaque ; Forayth'a stoie, Northumberland ;
Young's store, Sunbuiy.
Luzerne County. Reynold's store, Kingaton ;
Gildersleeve's store, Wilkesbarra ; Gay lord's store,
Plymouth ; Siyer's store, Nantlcobe ; , Judge
Mack's M.ll, Huntington.
Lycoming County. 1). Clrpp'a store, Muney ;
Shoemaker's store, hmith's Mill.
Dsnville. May 9. I84ti.
THE subscriber, lata of the Union Hotel, Mun
ey, Pa , respectfully informs the old and nu
merous customers of the
Pennsylvania House.
and the public generally, that he haa leased the
Tavern Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, where
he is now prepared to entertain Irsvel'ers, and per
soi. a viniting tbe town, in the v ry heat atyle. The
eceommodationa will be auch aa a well conducted
public house should affird, snd no effort still be
spsred to render satiafartinn, in every respect, lo all
who n ay call. The citizens of Lycoming county
are intiled 10 put up with Ihe nnderaigned sthen
Ihey viaii Dmville.
Danille. May 9, 1816.
Kace Sthect, PiiiEiDrtruiA.
THIS location ia convenient for l)ua;nesa men
visiting Ihe city. Every piina ia taken to re
cure the cm. furl of travcllera.
March 7. 1848. ly
Opposite tl.r Court llmise,
THE Subscriber, bo satiated for ae.
veil I yeara in the nianegeitient of the s
bove Hotel, lately kepi by Mr. 8. A. Bra
dy, brgt lesva to Infirm lbs travelling
public, that he has laden ihe oaialili.hrnent on his
own account, on the first of January, 1846.
The House haa, ol l'e, undergone many impnr.
Isnt alterationa, and the present conductor
to leavo nothing undone to make it a eomfoitaMe
and agreeable, aa well aa a rheap and accommoda
ting stopping place foe a tr anger a who may viail ear
flmrirhiug village. No paine nor espenae will be
spared to fill tbe table and Ihe bar with the bet Ihe
msikota afford, aud with lbs Jtlatuttneiion to de.
vn-e his entire personal a'tention to the comfort of
those who may make his housi) tberr Uoiporary a
bode, and aided by active, careful and obliging ssr
van's, be hopes lo give gemral satisfaction, and re
eervs a li!ral share of cuti-m. ,
i Large and eommodioua STABLES are al
lacbed to the establishment, which are eltendod by
Careful aud obliging bo.llera.
J,nufT lh. 1Mb. tf i
COSGHHSS JJVX Blue end Black Congre.-.
W Ink, of a au lie i tor quality, for sale cheap, at the
atore of HENRY MA88ER,
i July 4tb. IK46. j
oLASSKS, l bs fiist quality Sugar Jlouae
Molasse, onlv III tenia per quart also, e
aupaiQee article of yellow Molaaaea for baking, on
fy 14 cents per quart for sale at I he store af
June 11, U4. ; HENRY MAWflEB.
F11HB CsiaaaaTse.Maeaaaaa Ham Oil., baa
X Jsje been reoaiveslaad iefav oak el tbe atore ef
May 80, 1846. . HENRY MA881B,
;! j v SUKftTjaY, I A. 4 - ;
Business attended to in ,Ute Counties of Nor
thurol erland, Union. Lycomlrte) and Columbia, j
Reftsr to 1
P. da A. RevoieT, ' ' "t 4 'f "
Ldwin k Biaaoir,' '
SostsSs it SarODenaSS,"' ' '' ' PAiUiA
Rstarotas, MoFABMsndtCo. j
Sesame, Ots A Co., J ' ' ' ;
n E4PECTFUI.LY informs the cititens of
WLmj unbury snd vicinity, that he his opened an
nfftce at the residence of Henry Maaer. (n Mstket
street, where he ia prepared lo execute ell kinds of
Distil 8unuast. Plate Work, &.e , on the latest
and most approved plans.
Hiving had some experience and Instruction,
under one of ihe mot eminent and successful Den-
Is's in Phila.b li.hii. he believea thst hs will be
'able to give aatistactlon lo those who may want bia
' Ladiea will be waited on at their pi acre of resi
dence. " His charges will ha modoiate, and hia
work warranted.
Sunbury, March 28th. 1816.
No. 70 Roctii Tiitrtt) Strevt,
- Opposite the Philadelphia Exchange, .
Manufacture and Kai p or.
stnutly on band, a large as
sortment of tbcir I'stenl Im
proved 8 ilsmandrr FIRE
PROOF SAFE. tsUchaie
i constructed as to set at re I
nil rnnnrtcr of doub' slo thi tr
beine strutly fire proof, and
thai lhiy will wiai ti e B:e of any building in tl e
world. Tbe outside case of the Safes arc rrn.le of
boiler iron, the inside oe of aoiptone, and be
tween the i utrr case and inner case ia a space of
some 9 Inches thick, and is filled in with indestruc
tible m itcii t, si sa to make it an impnihility to
ever burn any of the contents inside of this
These Mortpatone KaLuiianders we are prepared
and do challenge the waild to produce any ariirle
In the shape of Doi k Safes thst will stand aa mm b
beat, and we hold ourselves res.ty at all timre to
have tbi m fairly teste ! by public bonfire, r-houl.l a
ny cf our compclitor fi-el dirposid to try them.
We also continue' t manutattuie and keep e n
sUutly on band, a large and general as-ortment of
eur Premium Airtight Fire Proof tfofre. of which
we have s l.rge qnsntiiy In use, an I tit every in
slanco iliey have given ent re a.ilisfartion to the
puichaM'rs of which we will refer the public to a
fi w gentlemen who have ihera in Os-.
N. dc U. Taylor, I2 noith 31 eu A. Wright
il N-plittw, Vine at. wharf; Alexander Csror, Con
veyancer, of Filbert and Blh ate.; John M
Ford, 31 nonh 3d .t.; Mrrr. Ltu'h, SO north 3d
al.t Uailey it llmiher, 13ft Maket si.; Jamea M.
Paul, III! Miutb 4tb sl.t Dr. David Jayne, 8 sou lb
3d st ; Matthew T. Miljer, 20 south 3d St.; ai d
we could nsme some tlir. e or four hui drrd nihers
if it were neceaary. Now jve invite the attention
of tbe public, and particularly those in 'want of
Fire Proof Safes, lo Call at our atore before purcha
sing nine where, and we think we can satiafy them
that Ihey will get a battel and cheaper article at
our store than any other establishment in the city.
We also continue to msnufsctuie Seal and Co
pying Presses, msje in such a manner aa lo an
swer both purpo-ce ; Hoisting .Machines, Fire
Proof Doors, with our own manufacture of locka
on them, witb D. Evane'e Patent Keybole cover
attached lo theeame; plain and ornamental Iron
Railing, Ae.
N. 11. We keep ronatantly on band a large aa
aortrnent of our Patent Slate Lined Refiigei .tus,
Water Filters and Conlars; snd we have also on
hsnd several r-ccond hand Fire Proof ('heats taken
in exchange for ours, which we wilt dispose of al
veiy low price.
Philadelphia, January Slth, 1816. ly
To I'urrliaitern Or
(23- 133, 2COCX11020
.o. Ml I'earltt., NEW VOKK,
HA VINO etthlihed a Branch al No. 144 Ch
nut at., Philadelphia, ia now opening, end will
be cons'antly receiving from the New York Auc
lions, an extensive assortment of . ' y
which will be sold at the lowcat New York pricra
al wholesale and Retail. Among b;s slock will be
found a good s-sortmeiit of the following articlea:
Jacconcts, Plahl. Hair Cord, Lace, 8iri-e, Book,
Swisa and Tarlatan Mualina, Uiahrp and Linen
Lawns, Fancy Cap Natts, Fancy and Ball Urease,
Thread Laeea, Application Do., rich Black Si!k
Trimming Lace, In.h Linriia, Linen Cambrics.
Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cashmere
d'Ecusee, Mouaehne , do Lame, tilk and ('olton
Warp Alpaccaa, Quoen'a Cloth, Gala Plaids,
Frt ot'h Merinoa, BUck Silka, Gloves, Si k Hose.
Shawls, Crava's, Rilhona, Embroiderira, dec, Ac.
Country Merchanta and others vuitiog Philadel
phia er New York to purchase, era respectfully in
vited to Ciill and examine Ihe stocks.
Nov. 1. 1815. ly
II E 1. 1 E V E AND LI VE.
T H O IY1 S O N ' S
Compound Syrup of Tur & lVood
Ib'apllia. '
riHE unpieeedc-nled uceea of thi medicine, in
1 the renioration of heabh, io ihoae who, in do
pair, bad given up all hopes, baa given il nn exal
ted reputation atve all niher remmlies, furninbing
evidence of Ita intrinsic vauand power, ss the on
ly agent which can be rel.ed upon for the euro of
Pulmonary Consumption, Urourbittie, Asthma,
Pain in tbe ide and Breat, Spitting of Blood,
Whooping Cough, Croup, Sce.
Attention is rrnestetl lo tbe following ASTON.
ISIIIMG CL'KE, bv Tlinmaon'a Compound Syrup
of Tar and Wood Naptha ! I
FhiaMpMa, May 2d, IS44.
MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With eruleful
fo elings I inform yoo of the astonishing effecta of
your medicine, which has literatlv raia. d me from
a deslb-bed ! Mr disease, Pulmonary Consump.
Iinp,had reduced me to low ihat my physician pro.
pojnred my caae bojlea ! At this iunctinn I be
gan lo ueynur medicine, and miraeulnua aa it may
seem, it haa completely retrorej ma to health, after
everything else bad failed. Ilepetfnll vours,
Chailolte atreet, above George street.
The undersigned, being peraonatlv acquainted
with Waabington Mark end hia sutTeringe, bear
wilneaa lo the aatoniahing effects of Tborosoo'a
Compound Sy rap of Tar, and the truth of tbss
hove atalemeat. .
I JOW. WINNER, BIS North Tblrd street,
! DAVID VICKER8. 4 Aliwowd etreet.
! HUGH M GIN LEY, S. E. cornet Ta'many
. end Foejrth aiieeta. - -
! Prepared only by 8. P. Tboraaon, N. E. sense r
f Mb end Sproee elreeU, PblladeJph-e. ' .'
j Agswts.-H. B. Maeset. Sunbaxy ; D. Grese,
and Dr. Maophereon, Haerasburg ; Joo, G. Brown,
pottaville ( Geo. Earl, Reading Heuetoa it Ma
so, TewaaaW, Bradford eeanty, Pa. Piioa Of sents
far baa tie, ax pet doeae.
cry- Jeajiees aeuV imUtimt. .
Pkiladelrbie.JaiwSStb, l4.-ly . . i
1 aavusHatr
iYo. 304, Market Street, oboes Qth, South tide,
fjt THE subscribers respectfully call (he atten
Rs4 lion of their friends aud de.Urs to their large
and well assorted stock of lists snd Csi s of sveay
desciiptlon, well adapted f r Ihe spring trade. Be
Ing made of tbe best mster'ml snd by the most ax
pcrienced workmen, they feel confident to give uni
versal satisfaction to all who may favor lham with
a trial, as they offer to sell aa low as sny house in
the city. BARTALOTT it BLYNN.
. Philadelphia. January 3, 1940 t , , ,
THE SUBSCRIBER has bren appointed event,
for tt e aale of CONRAD MEYER'S CEL
ANOS, at this place. These Pianoa have a plain,
massive and beautiful exterior ftnih, and, for depth
and sweetness of tone, and elegance of workman
ship, are not eurpassed by any in the United States.
The following ia a recommendation from Carl
Diets, a celebrated perfoimer, snd himself a man
uftcluiert A CARD.
Haviae bad the pleasure of trying tbe excel
lent Pistio Forles manfaetured by Mr. Meyer, and
exhibited al lha hat exhibition of the Franklin In
stitute, I feel it due to the true merit of the makor
to declare that theae instruments Bra quite equal'
and in some respcele even superior, to all the Pi
ano Fortes, 1 asw at the capitals of Euiope, and
during e sojourn of two yeara at Paris.
These Pianoa will be ao'd at the manufacturer's
lowest Philadelphia pricee, if not aomeitiintf lower.
Persons are requested to call and examii.e for
ihemaetve., st the resilience of the sohtcribrr.
Sunburv. May 17. 184.ri. If. U. MASSCR.
HE valuable properlice of OaLlry'a Di'imra-
live Syrup of Marsaparills, aa a purifier of the
bl.Kxl, ia so well known to the public generally,
that it is unnecessary to occupy much spare in set
ting forth the advantages lo be derived from ita
uae; wherever the medicine haa once been intro
duced, it lilies precedence over all othera: eveiy
one Ihat haa taken it, have derived so signal bene
ficial resulta from it, that it is recommended by
them wiih tbe utmost confidence. Physicians of
the highest standing hi the profession, prescribe it
lo patients under their care ; containing nothing
deleterious, but being composed ot the moat mild,
yel rfliracious vegetable is offered with
Confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu
rifier of the blood now known. The nae of a few
bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at
tended wiih a most decided improvement in the ce
neral strength orthe system, eradicating any seeds
of disease Ibat may have been generated, heaides
giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure
of Scrofula or Kinga Eil, Rheumatism, Tetter,
Pimples or eiuplions of tho Skin, White Nwellinp,
fVtule, Chronic Coatrh Asthjji, &.C. Tbe nu
merous ceriificatea in the possession of tho subscri
ber and his agents, from physicians and othera, are
aufficient to convince the moat skeptical of ita su
periority over all preparalii-ns of Sarsaparilla.
Sold whole-ale and retail, by ihe proprietor,
GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 6th street. Rea
ding, Beika County, and to be bed of the following
per aorta
In Northumberland County. If. B. Masssr,
Sunbury ; Ireland ft Mixel, McEwensville ; D
Krauser, Milton.
In Union, County. J. Gearhart, Seliusgrove!
A. Gutrlius, Mifflinburg.
In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Wash
ington. -
Reading, March 14, 184-1.
Ma. OiKiir: I believe it the uty of every
one lo do whatever in their power I ies, for the bene
fit of their fellow man, and having had positive
proof in my own family, of the wouderful prnpertiee
of your Depurslive 8yrup of Sarsaparilli, I m ft
conscientinualy recommend il to the afflicted. We
bad the mii-fortune to .tse two of our children, by
the breaking out of ulceroua sores that covered the
face, bead and neck, although we had some of Ihe
most scientific phyr-icians to attend Ihrm and had
tried all the known lemedies, including rtwsim's
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
waa attacked in the same manner, her face and
nerk was completely covered; the discharge waa so
offensive, and the disease at auch a height, that we
despaired of ber life. Seeing the wonderful effects
of your Depurslive Syrup of Snrsaparilbi, we were
induced to make trial of it, aa the last resort ; it
acted Kke e charm ; the ulcers commenced healing
Immediately, a few bottles entirely restored her to
ber hen It h, which ahe has enjoyed uninterruptedly
ever since. Aa a purifier of tbe blood, I verily be
lieve it bee not ita equal,
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
Douglsssville, April 19th, 1843.
Ma. Oi klit: My aon Edmund Leaf, had Ihe
scrofula in tbe most dreadful and man
ner for three yeara, during which time he w.ia de
prived of Ihe use of hia limbs, bis and neck
were covered wiih ulcere. We tried all the differ
ent remedira, but to no effect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown, and sl-o Dr. Isaac
Hieater, of Reading, to uae your Depurslive Syiop
of 8arsapsrilta, of which I obtained several bottles,
tbe use of which drove the disease entire I v out of
i hia syaleni, Ihe aore healed up, and the child waa
. reatored to perfect be.lih, which he baa enjoyed
j uninterruptedly ever since, to the a-4mishmenl of
iii-nj riauii. woo seen uirn uunng nia amicuon.
I have thought il my duty, aodseo.l you Ihis certi
ficate thai olheis who haves like affliction in the
family may know where to obtain so valuable a
medicine. Yours truly,
Sept. IB, 1843. ly
South Eatl corner f Market and 4th ttt
, Philadelphia, ,
TirilERE they alwaya keep on hand an eslan-
aive assortment of HATS U CA rs of every
description, got up in tbe beat and moat approved
sty le. Peiaona deriroua cf purcbaaing superior aril
elee on Ibe most reasoeabla term a, will Aud it to
iheir advantags to sail before making purchases
site bare,
Philadelphia, Oct. 6th. 1841. ly . , ,
Nog. 39 and 81 North Third Street,
N ear t b e C Hy . II o l, ., . ,
CC. MACKEY, Aaetionear, respectfully in
a viiee tbe altootion es pereana dee-row of pur
rhaaine Femitere, to hie eaMneive Sale ltoasae.
(both pebha sad Private.) for every deaerlprtea of
piovMekoM raraitare, wbere eae v-a aouined at mi
limee, a asr-re eaaartaasnt of kuliieneMe and wail
manufaoturad Oaesnel Pornftare, Bssls,' MeUraeaai,
Aa et wavy redaoasl peiees, for easm.
0b- Salw by Auction, twkfl a weak.
May Tth, 1843. ly '.
, . i ....... FOIl TETTflR.
aiNowoaats, rmrLn on tus tick, and stuu
' ' (TT the foUnunngetrtica't detcribet bne otht
mott extraordinary turn tver effected by any
application- . -i ''
Pnttiextritu, February 10. 1838.
FOR twenty yeara I waa aoverely afflicted with
Tittew on the Face end Head: the disease
commenced when I waa seventeen years old, and
continued until the fall of 1836, varying in vio
lence, but without ever d iaappearing. During most
of ibe time, great part of my free waa eovered with
the etuption, frequently attended with violent itch,
ing ; my bead awelled al timea until it felt as fcf it
would buret Ihe swelling waa so great, that I could
scarcely get my hal on. During the long period
Ihat I was afflicted with the disease, I used a great
many a plications, (among them several celebrated
preparation-) aa well aa takinc inward remedies,
including a number of bottles of Swaim'i Panacea,
Extract of Sttrtaparilla, etc. In fact, it would be
imposaible to enumerate all the medicines I used.
I wss also nnder the Cars of two of the most dis
tinguished physieiane of this city, but without re
ceiving moch benefit, and I deapaired of ever being
cured. In the fall of 1836, the disease st the time
being very violent, I commenced using the Rote
Ointment, (prepsred by Vanghan it Davis.) In
a few applicaliona the violent itching ceased. Ibe
swelling abated, tbe rruption began to diaappear,
and before I hd uced ajar the di-ease was entirely
cured, ft has now been nearly a year and a half
since, and there ia not a vestige of Ihe diaeaie re
maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed
by the dieae. Il ia impossible for me to describe
in a certificate the eovrrity of the disea-e and my
suffering, but I will bo ple.ised to give a fuller ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will call on me. At the time I commenced
tiring the Rjse Ointment I would have given hun
dreds of do'.lais to be riJ of the disease. Since n
sing it, 1 have recommended it to several persons,
(nrnong them my mother, who bad the disease bad
ly on her arm.) who were all cured by it.
JAMES DURNELL, No. 156, R.ceSt.
ty Tbe Rose Ointment Is prepared by E. B.
Veutfhan, South Eaal comer of Third and Raee
streets, Philadelphia, and aoldon aeency in Sunbu
ry, by - H. B.MA33ER,
May 14th. 1843. Agent.
Roc Ointment, Tor Tetter.
a rnoor of its efficacy.
PniLSDtLrait, May 27th, 1839.
'PHIS ii to certify thai I waa severely afil.cled
k with Tetter in the hands and feet for upwards
of torty years ; the disease waa attended generally
with violent itching and swelling. I applied lo a
number of phyKicinns, and used a great many appli
cations without effecting a cure. About a year
since, I applied the lloe Ointment, which entirely
4opied ihe itching, and a few applications immedi
ately cured the disease, which there has been no
return of, although I bad never been rid of il at
any time for f.-ny years. Rlt'HAKD SAVAt.K,
Eleventh, below Hpruce Street.
The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vsutthan, South Eaat corner of Third and Kace
Slreela. I'biladehihia. and aold on aiMnrv in Sunbii-
rv. by 11. U. MASSE It,
JWay 14th, 1843. A'-nf.
OJlhe ROSE OlMTMEAT, for Tettrr.
A LTHOUGH the superiority of the preparation
over all othera ia fully ea'ablished. the proprie
tors tuke pleasure in laying before the public the
following certificate from a respectable physician,
a graduate of ihe University of Pennaylvania. Dr.
Ususb, having found in Ihis remedy that reliefer
a tedious and disagreeable affection which the means
witbin Ihe range of his profession failej to alfjril,
has not hesitated to give it bia approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of that professiou aie
opposed to secret Remedies.
rmianiaruiA, Sept.' 19, IS.ttj.
I waa recently. troubled with a tedioua herpetic
eruption, which coveied pearly one s't'e of my f ice,
and extended over the ear. Mr. Yauithan, projirk
toi of the Rose Ointment, obseiving my face, inn
ted on my tiying bis preparation, of which he han
ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem
bers of my profeAsion, 1 discountenance nJ dicaji.
prove of tbe numeroua nostrum, palmed upon the
public by iguoiaut pretenders, I fuel iu justice bound
to except tbe Roue Ointment from that clae of me
dicines, and lo Rive it my approbation, as it entire
ly cured ihe eruption, although it h id restated the
usual applications. DAM.. UATGH, M. 1).
ffj The Roso Ointmer.t ia prepared by U. B.
Vautjhnn. Mouth Eaat corner of Third and Kace
Streets, Philadelphia, and aold on agency in Sun
bury, by H. 11. MASSER,
May 14th. 1843 Aqtnt.
nPha public will please obeerve ihat no Urandreih
A Pilla are genuine, unleaa ihe boi baa three la
beta upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom)
each containing a fac-aimilt signature of my hand
writing, thus B. Bs an oasTH, M. D Theae la.
hel- aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done al sn eipense of over $3,000. Therefore
it will be seen that ibe only thing nerexeery to pro
cure the medicine iu ita purity, ia to observe theee
Remember the lop, the side, and the bottom.
The following respective persona are duly author i
led, and hold
For the sale of Urandreih' t Vegetable
Northumberland county I Milton Mackey Jc
Chambeilin. Huubury H. B. Masser. M'Ewena
ville Ireland A Meiit ll. Norlhumteilaiid Wm.
Forayth. Georgetown J. it J. Walla.
Union County t New Berlin Bogar it Win
ter. Selinsgrove George Gundrum. Middle,
burg lease Smith. Beavertown David Hubler.
Adum.burg Wm. J.May. Mifflinsborg Mensch
A Ray. Hartlelon Daniel Long. Freehurg
G. A F. O. Moyer. Lewisburg Walla it Green.
Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolda
& Co. Berwick Shuman A Rittenhouse. Cat
tawisea C. C. Urol its. Bloomaburg John. R.
Moyer. Jeieey Town Levi Biael. Washington
Robt. McCay. Limeetone Ballot & MsMncb.
Observe that each Agent haa sn Engraved Car.
tificats of Agency, containing a repree-wlaiien ef
Or BRANDRETH'S Manufactory et Sing 8ing,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of
the new label ntw uted upon tht Brandrtth Pill
Philadelphia, office No. 8. North Sib street.
Jane ttlh 1843. ' - '
Cseorge J, Weaver,
Ao.lSA'oWA Water Street, Philadelphia.
PAS constantly on hand, a general assort,
msnt of Cordsge, Seine Twines, Ac., vit i
Ropes, Fishing Ropea, White Ropae, ManiL,
la Ropea, Tow Jdnea for Canal Boats. , Also, a
complete assortoierit of Seine Twinee, Ac. aocb aa
Hemp rJhad and Herrlna; Twine, Beet Patent Gill
Net Twine, Cottoei Bheaf and HerHne Twine, Shoe
Torsade, iu. aU. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Linos.
i, Trees, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains,'
eke, aft wf whieh be vvfil tismaa ef est raaeojubie i
PbUadelybJt, November IS, 1 MWI " ' f