V lion of Hard Feeel matter in those Important or. gans. - There mft u pain or distress In eoy part of the body ' (ttnless It Ws produced by ecerdeht) that m not occasioned by tht pwiiw - of Acrid If amors, ft U these human which bars It ht expelled, ami by m doing lb Pain or diatraaa la aura to bo removed. To do thU with eorttlnty Iho Brandreth Pill tautt bo used. They are aa innocent at bread, yet all-powerful aa the remover i of the cauaa of sickness t may bo Uken at any time of day or night without alteration in diet or fear of cold. . XT Purchase of H. D. Maeier, Sunbury, or of Um agent, published in another part of Ihla paper, It4M0ira Tawt:J Fsvta aso Aoc Pa TtTi. 1 it not an infante. traffic for wholesale and retail druggists, and ether merchsnts, to boy op ipuriw, adulterated, repudiated and counter terftit Rowanct Tonic Mixture at auction, and from irreaponaibte and awindling medicine venders, for two or three dollars per doxen, and then to eell K to the Ignorant and unwary aa the genuine Row end's (Improved) Tonic Mixture for one dollar the Lottie! and when they well know besides that thia counterfeit trath haa been universally pronounced worthless and inert, and will not cure the ague X I know of no mora inhuman or dastardly cunduci in xnen laying any claim lo respectability or honesty. Look cirefully for the written tignatvret of John K. Rnwend," on a paper label across the mouth of every bottle, without which "guard" it never can be g nuine, however knaviah sellers may falsify and drci ive. For ale w tl) uburb of the city by the atore leepem generally. Alio at No. S3 North 2d at.. Had at the Proprietor' office, No. 135 Callowhill atreet, Philadelphia. And elan, by the etorekee per generally m thia and the adjoining coenliee. di 1: d. At Northnmberlaiid, on Monday lat, Mr. WILLIAM McCAY, ajjed abeMt 73 year. ' In thi borough, on Tneaday lT, Mr. MAO DALENA MARTZ, relict of Mr. David Mart, tat of Augusta, aged about 63 y r. "Washington Fire Com iany. THE memhere of the "Washington Pire Com piny" are requested lo meet at the State lfouae, on Mindiv Evenine, Dec. 7, at 7 J o' clock, precisely. Punrlunl atti-ndam-e in required. pec. 6. 8AM IT. I. J. YOUNU. Sec. HANCE'S SARAPARILI.A VEUEFABLE OK ULUOD PILLS. fIFTY PILLS iNA BOX the Cheapctt and tx.il Medicine in ex'ttenee ! FOR FUUIFYING THE bl.OOD, removing b.le, correcting disorders Afitte atomch and bowvK vo.livenesa, dyspepsia, swimming in the head. See. i'er-ons f a full hubit, who aie sul j ci to Headache, Ciddineti, Draw tinrst, and rnging in the Ear, eii.ing from too gn at a II iw of blood to the head, ahoulJ never be without them, aa many dangeroua symptoms will be entirely carried off by their immediate uaa. READ THE EOLLOWING XYGNDERFUL CURE OF DYSPEPSIA ! Thi i to i ertify list my wifo we afflicted with the Dyspepsia for twelve years nd trieJ buth ad vertised inidiciuea and Tbouionian, but without effect; and myself attacked with blindneai, and my head otherwise effected from bard drinking, no that I waa aiprehenive of B ; and eing HANCE'S SAhSAPARILL. PILLS dveitired. I went and got a box uf them, wliii-h, to my eeionithii.enl i fli rted a cure of me anJ my wfe buth it j't, ai d I do think them without a rival bf. re the pullic 8. II. Hall Albenmr'e atreet, near Wilk. For tale by SETH S. H ANCE. 103 B .liimore Ok, md em-ncr Chsrlee and Piatt etrceu, Baltimore, endbj GEORGE 8RIGHT,8unlurv. D. BRXLTIG M, Norihurabc.t.nd. Dec. 5. 181X. SIX YEARS EXPERIENCE HAS PROVED THAI' FOR THE CURE OF COUGHS, COLDS. CONSUMPTIONS, A ST A MA, Spit ting of Blood Pain and Oppression of the Breath there it nothing equal to HA S'CE'S COM POUND SYRUP OF HOREIIOUND. Thi- medicine he. now If en in uae fotaix yeara, during which time (here haa been cunatant de mind for it, and it popularity instead of declining, baa been alway on the increaee. During ttv time many new mrdicinr have eprung tip for the euro of the above complaints, some of whic h la-ted onlv a few monihe. anil eibera not aa I ng : but HANCETJ SYRUP haa readily gone on g-dning for with all rlaMea of aoeieiy, onlil it baa now become identirlrd by many fami lire a REGULAR FAMILY MEDICINE. To Thnee who have never need the Compound Syrup of Hoiehoond, thia no tee ia partirularly di f.cted n, aa lo thone who bave oned eierienced ita peculiarly happy rffrcta, any praise of ita meriia would be eoprtflunue. PRICE 60 Cenia per bottle, or A bottles for $250. For eat by SETH 8. HANCE, 108 Bliimore It , and corner nf Cbar'e A Pratt t-, Bart more, and by GEO HOE BRIGHT, Sunhury, D. BRAU TIOAM, Noithnmberland. Dee. 6, IStfJ Estate of James Lemon, jr., decvd. TfO TICE ia berely given that leiters of admin ll ia'tatmn haVe len t ranted to the aubacrilwe, on the estate of Jamee Lemon, jr Un of Puiut townahip, Northumberland coun'y , ibx'd. All pr one iudebted to aaid estate, will please crnin foi. ward and aettte up immediately, and thoee haviog claima sgsin.t the aame, aie requested to pnaenl their etcounle for eiitlemeiit without dolay. JOHN NIXON. Point township. Dee. 6, lM6. -flt Adm'r. WATCHES JEWELS.?, arraa " Philadelphia Wutch and Jewelry Store, N. 06 North SECOND atreet, corner of Quarry. GOLD Uver WalcbeA fuU jewelled, 18 earal ease, $46 00 Silver Lever Wstrhea. full jewelled, S3 DO Silver lever Watehee, aeven jewele, 10 00 Silver Lepine Watehee, yawelltd, flaeel ouality, 14 00 Soperior Qnartier Watchaa, 10 00 Imitaiioej Quartter Welch, not wanaatad, 0 00 Gold Spectacle, 8 00 Pino Silver Speetselae, 176 Gold Bra or lets with topa e'en, (60 tadiea Gold Pencil, 16 earaU, ' 0 00 . Gold Pinter King 174 et to 8 1 Watch Gla ' eaa, plain, 1S cut pataot, 18 ; Lonet, 16. O. ther articlee ia propoilien. All goods warranted , la ha watt tbav are awld for. O. CON RAD. , llai head, torn Gold and Silver La vara, Lopioav ' ana ioaruora, towor maa im aewvo price, j, Phildphif Dcil46.7 PRICK CURRENT. Cametti weekly by Henry Mtu$er. 1 ' WaaaT, 1P0 Rta, .... . Oea, . . . . M Oats, . . 15 Posk, . . 6 Ptaxatan, ' ' . BtJTTaa, 18 Geo. . 10 Be aaw AX, .... 36 Tattew, ... 10 Ftax, . I0 Hacctan Ftax, . 10 Dana ArrLia, . ... 75 Do. Paicnaa, . . 160 Notice IS hereby given to all legatees, creditor, and ei ther persona interested in the eatatee of John 8ampla dee'd, settled by hia exra Wm M Sample, John 8tadden and Robert Giffen; of Henry McGee dee'd, eettled by hia exr Dennia C Caul; of Eliif lth Rinehart dee'd, aettled by her exr Cbarle Kinehart; of John J one di-e'd, settled by bis adrar Wm H Muench and Elish Kline; of John B Price dee'd, eettled by bis edmr Landie N Price; of Ma ry Myere dee'd. eettled by her exr Daniel Drauti em: of Wm Wilaon dee'd ee'tled by hia admra Fleming Wilaon end David Wilaon; of John B Klark dee'd, aettled by hie edmre John K Klvk and Daniel Jeiael; of George Hollenhech dee'd, eettled by hia adn'r Jacob Weier and George Hollen barh jr.; of Jaiob Loae dee'd. eettled by bia admr George Lilley dec'-', late or Northumberland coun ty, dee'd.; that the Vtttnre and adminiatratora of the osid deceased estaU have filed their account with the Reenter of thi eourfty. and that they will be presented to the Orphan' CtfOrt ol aatd county on Tured.y the 6th day of January next, for con firmation end allowance. EDWARD OYSTER. Sunbury, D.c 6ih. 1840. Jlegister. lVlTlT OF PARTITION And Valuation. Tj Charlee Rhinehart, Thomae Croaby, cnardian of Thomas Cruelty, Henry Slell and Elisabeth hie wife, Jamea Ra-d and Iittiaa hie wife, Geo. D. McAlliaier and 8irah hia wife, Martin Hubn and Mary hia wife, and John Rhinehart. NO PICE ia hereby given, hat by virtue of a certain Wiit of paililion and valuation iaaued out of tbe Couit of Common Pleaa of Northumber land county, directed lo the sheriff ol aaid county, commanding him, that of the landa and te .amena in aaid county tgr yoti held in common, he make partition and valuation. I, the aaid aherilT. will, at 10 o'clock, A. M . on Monday the SSth day of Dr. rembt-r, A. D. 1846, bo and appear apon the pre niii-e lo execute the af.ireaaiJ writ in the manner and form epeeifkd ; at which time and plica you aie warned to be and appear, if von think proper. THOMAS A. DtLLING TON Sheriff's Oflice, Bherifl. Sunbury, Dec 6. 1846. J 4t LIST OF JURORS OP Northumberland County, for January Trtm, A. D. 1847. Grand Jurors. Delaware. John Vincent, Jacob Doebler. Lewi. 4 D Bare. Milton. George Baker, Paul Bennett, Samuel T Brown. Chillisquajue. Edward Hummel, Samuel Hib ler. Point. Joaaph WalUce. Northumberland Abraham Diefleiibachrr. Sunbury. John Young. Auzvtta At'ilH im Conrad. Michael Evert, Jo seph Fasnld, Daniel KierTer, Heniy Gulick. SAamoilri'n. William H Parsing, Joseph Houpt, Chsrlea E Alexander. Ruth. Bonutn Kae, Coal. Rirhtid WmiUerton. Lower Mahonoy Reultn Liwer, George Har ris, Jonathan Bordner. Traverse Jurors. Turlut. -George Ovrrpeck. Delaware. Willium Allison, George McCoy. Milton T S Mai key, Jamea Buoy, George Ec kert, Leonard St.iughton, John M Hoff. Chilitquaque.W m Nesbit, Henj Foresmsn. Point. George Wall, Isaac HofT, Henry Rork afcll.r. Northumberland. Samuel Elliot, Henry Mor gan. Willi tm Fore) th, Dsr.i.l Voria, Benjimin Matbia. Henry Gosaler. A ugutla, Jamea Forrester, Peter Dunkelher ger, Malick Maite, Joseph Arnold, Henry Durus, David Bloom, Daniel BastiaiK Shamokin. Samuel K Gilger, Jacob Noerker, Caleb Chimberlain, Henry Swank. r Robert Campbell. Samuel Grout, Salomon Pegely, Ceaper Adama, Elida John, Micha I M. Sohr. Ruth. Cbarlea Metier, Philip Oberdorf. Upper AfaAony.--Hrnry fetter, D.ivid Troun. man. Lower JJahonoy. 'Michael Dockey, Jacob All man. JacAjon. Peier Schwsnx. lease Rrits, Henry Roger, David Strawser, John Deppen, Maika Lea der. Petit Jurors. Turbut. Edward Kutfener. Delaware Jamea Bryaon. Thomae Deatmound. Lewie Andrew Ker.hner, Peter Mangaa. Mi Hon. Joeeph E Uib, John MilWt.Fredaiick Strieker, Seih I Tharp. Chiltittptnqur John Painter, Abraham Tror el, Reuben Troxel, John B McGee. Point Iionard Miller, Wm H Leh fr. Nrthumbeiand J.wph Hinew Jytinoflrt;. -Stdnmon Br.wioUa, Benjamin Krohn, Willism Milb r, Edward Qobin. Aurvtla.lon Etright Jonaa Fry, Peter O brrdorf, John KietTer. Shamokin-Jacob Ilsast WHHaM Fuiman, Va leniiua HuinmeL Ruth. Pbl'ip Hult William Kipp. Vpptr Mnhonity David M.li h, Jacob Mark U. n.Hi.l Dunbulhdreer-. "'irr; . ... -.. -. LUtle Mahonotf.rni"P rverswuer, i.aac tm- ker. Jackmn. Daniel Reha, flrorga T Troutman. Pause Header! 1 1 Thia mod dviea eome from a friend, an edu cited phyeician, end one who ha been cored of protracted Hlneas, py l tlb mrnuvcu I.Ul AN V BO ETA 0 LB PILLS," (Sceaa CoatsB.) which are at this moment efTeciing soma of the most remaik.i'le eorea on record, and they will con tinue to JjeoJ the tfc aa long as they ate leaoricd to by them. Tbi ia no noetrnm, made merely to aell inwpectiv of its auatitiee, but a valuable load- tcine, mad by a well Informed Pbyaician. of Vege. lebl Ingredient, pure, tfUacieut, and harmlttt. In a fw day, wo shall nuke a publie report of ao. oral mora eao of ! euro for toe nttc no oihtrt) and lb publie may fciew on what fteJi- cina to nht is) lime of aeod. OO" CAUTION-A miserable Imitation baa beat) made, by Iho name of Sugar Coated Pill," ft lo DMesosrv lo be sore that Da. O. Ba. SaiTi'i signataia la ea every box, Price 86 earn. Piiaeipel OAea. 170 Greenwich et New Tart. Sold by JOHN W. FRILING. AssssWy. Wit, FOMTTHE, Ntrtkftm'i Nv.86, IM8, " rp,.TT TTtr-fUrm Mill Property TOIL OAZjO. THE Suboeriber offer to aetl at private aalo, hi valuable MtLL PROPERTY, 4e, eituated in Shamokin townahip, Northumberlind county, about 8 mi lea from the town of Shamokin, on the publie road leading from the Utter town to Seline grove, eonsieting of a tract of land, being 33 aerea mora or las, hounded by land of Emanuel Zim merman, Michael Sheih, end othera. The land ia of a good ted gravel quality, in a high aiate of cul tivation, and uuder good fences. About aig aerea thereof ia excellent McadU land, and four aerea are covered with timber. The Improvements i here on erected era an excellent Frame Grist Mill, Two and a half etorie high, with two pair of Siunea, one pair being French Burrs, a Smut Ma chine, Elevatore, Corn Shelter, and other neces sary Machinery. The Mill ie in excellent order to make Flour and for custom work, it having recent ly undergone a thorough reparation. tlo. a good 8AW MILL, lately repaired a new two etory atone STILL HOUSE, 40 or 60 feet, iho water of Valley Spring being conducted by mean of wooden pipe into the first story of the same. f ,i . y AhM, a large two atnry FRAME iii DWELLING HOUSE, wl h a new le'Ssi K'lch'n thereto attached, i h good ce I I h liar and an excellent spring of water near the door a new BANK BARN. SO by 40, and a good one atory TENANT HOUSE; SO by S6, (intended for a Miller.) The above properly ia well worthy the atten tion of thoae wishing to purchase. It la offered at a low rate, and the terma of payn.ent will be made eaey. I'oaeeaeion and an indieput ib'a title will lie given on the first day of April next. Those wiahlng to view the properly, will please call on Mr. Gottlieb Urcimjer, residing on the aame. For further particular apply to the under sinned proprietor, residing at Port Calnn. Schuyl kill county. JACOB WtRTELK. N. B. 8houlJ the above proprrty not be sold at private aile on the fir.t day of January, 1847, it will then, at IS o'clock, M., on said day, on the piemise. be renlrd for the term of ono year. Port Carbon, Nov. SI. 1840 3i, $4. Steam Umbrella MANUFACTORY. M O. 104. MABKBT STRUCT, PHILADELPHIA. WM. II. HICIIARDSOX, TN addition to various other improvements, ha - vine applied anAX rowan to the manufacture of UMBRELLAS, isenabl n losell them at very low prices, (7 Merchant are invited to call and eee bfa Wnrkak and examine the assortment Philadelphia, Nov. 21, 1846. 3m LIST OF RETAILERS OP Foreign and Domestic Merchandise, of the County of Northumberland, who have, and who have not paid their Licensee. TVhirj hare Paid. Wm II Prymtre George Blight Maateller dt 8wenk John Young Wm P Nagla George P Buyers John 8weeney de Son Emanuel KaulTman Heiner & Brother Wm Reitt Wm G Kastt Rhtiada dt Co Jobn O Renn Peier Beissiel Benevitte Holshoe Gidion 8bailel Samuel Herb Henry Weast George Broaiua Wm G Herold Wm Deppen John Karl Dsniel Hchwartt Wm Kehria lasac Drown l a T Clement Henry Masser laiae Brown Ireland dc Have Porsythe. Wilson St Co Wm H Wapplea John W Friling George Cnrrey TM Mackey dtSon John Murray Peter McDuwall Seth Cadwallader J B Kesd E L Piper Kelchner dt Hitile Dent ler St Montague A P Beiaeel dc Co J P Hachenberg Jamra R ed J D Normanday Who hare not Pnld. Seih I Oomly Thomaa Shannon F Mathews John H Raaser John H Vincent Stmutl R Wood Daniel Brautigam John Bogar John II I'urdy ItoSins St Simpson Dengler St Woulvriton tSimuel J -lm Wm A. R F. gely Spstx St Ditty Notice i hereby given, that the Tnnserer la rompelled, t'j law, t commence Mil against all those who do nol dim forward and pav their licen ses on or before the ftth day of December next. WILLIAM UUl.ICK. 8unbury, NoV. tl. 1848. TVeaSirree. New Firm riIHE Undersigned here'-y gives not ire, lhat be A. haa associated wuh luineeir, aa partner in the mercantile bttainese, in hia store otljoining Weaver a Tavern, In Sundury-, John Haa. and lhat the said store will liereafier be conducted un der the Arm of Clement St Han a. The store at the South Weal coiner of Market Square vrill be conducted aa heretofore, by the sebeerlltet IdmsV'If. to which he rrtpectfully in t tie hi cuatomeia and friend. He iten hnlifiee all ihoae indebted lo him, to rail between thia and the 1st of January next, and set tle their account. All kinda of ptndure wilt be lakth on atcouht, at Caen prirva. Ifereatter no longer than tour month rredil ill be given. tKA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Nov. 14. 1840 tf. CLEltElTT & EA.G, T3BSpECTPULl.V iiif .rmlhe public, that on A- the Oth inai , ihey entered into partner.hii, in the mercantile bukinsss, aa lha store rrrenily occupied by trt Ti Clement, adjoining Weaver' Tavern, In ttiinbury. They bave lately received e new Mock of good', which ihey will Illapoa of t Ihe lowest pricea. All kinda of produce will he taken In exchange for good. No longar than four mdnth credit will be given. ir t. clement, John Haas. Sonhory, No. 14, 1846-tt Htm Goons, Sltm Cootrs. Cbeaper Tnan Ever! 1OHN H. PURDY. haa juat received, at bl fjl New Store, in Market Square, a fresh aupply of Saaaonabb Good, each a Clothe. Gaaaimare, 8itinelU, Kentucky Jeans, Cords Drillmge, Alpecca. Utagttsme, Printa, Mealina, Hoesary. Glove, eke. Also i Qeeenawere end Groeoriee, which will bo sold eer low. ' Porchaaere are invi. Ud lo cell end eismioe hie stork before awKhaamg elsawhero. Tbe high aeiae paid lot Ptodooe. ua7, Oeiobei 17rb, I646 It, . IVetr and Cheat fall AVnviumn THE Buheetiher haa 401 opened, t hi nld etand, in Market alftet, Sunbttry, 6 new end plendid aaeortment nf PALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he will sell 4 per cent, cheaper than can he had at any other alore in the place. Among part of hia stock may he found ; Cloth from tl 60 to $7, Overcoat Cloth at ft 87 to tl 67J. Satinelt from 44 tenia to $ I S5, Superior PUid Cloaking from 874 cents to $1 87; also, superior Calicos, Mueline, Cheeks, Tickings, an J Shawl, Grnceriea, Quaen ware, Hardware, Ce darware, dec, for which all finds of country produce will he la ken in exchange, aoch aa Butler, Etga, Lard, Dried Fruit, (.rain. Poiatoea, Chickena, Hard Soap, Peaihere, Lumber, dte. Puicharer will do well to give him a call. It ia no trouble for him to eliow hi onda, if they do nothdy. JOHN BOGAR. Sunbury, Nov. 14ih, 1846. PETER & AG-TIE. TENS OF THOUS ANDS of unhappy beings in Ihe "Ague 8ectiona" of our country are now tormen ed with thxt ' hated complaint" FE VER St AGUE, oa BILIOUS INTERMIT TENT FEVER, or Came asb Ftvsa. ae it U variously called. The nniveiBLl voice of thia en tire community 'from Maine to Georgia" and from the Atlantic to tbe Rocky Mountain, dee I area ROVANDS IMPROVED TONIC MIXTURE to be the great and ontif eafe. twe and radiral eurr, when properly used. Thia cannot lie con troverted. It restores the natural ftelingt and c laititity of Ihe tonttilulion in a manner that no thing else wi'.l. Eliraet of a letter, dated I.awisTowit.Pi.Oct. 10, 1843. Every bottle of the Improved Tonic Mixture sent ha been aoJ, and I do not know of one in stance lhat it did nol effect a cure. Pour bottles cured five case nf ihe worst kind of Fever and A gue ne ciae wae myself. After trying (juinine and all other cures thought of by my Physician, finding no re'ief, I finally sent for one bottle nf your Tome Mixture, and waa relieved, in fact cured in 34 houts. Please aend on a frveh aupply, aa there ia none left." You a, truly, , 8AMUEL HOPPER. Sold on Agency in Sunbury, by H. Masaer and others, snd all the Storekeeper in the adjoin ing Counties, October 17, 1816. A 1TATTOAL P.E1CE-07 Suited to the Human Conttitution, and equal to the cure of every curable Diteate, will be found in WRIGDT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, or THK Xorth American College of II calth. THESE extraordinary Pilla are composed of plant which grow spontaneously on our own aoil, and a rev therefoie, better adapted to our con stitutions than Mediclnea toncocird from foreign diuga, however Well ihey mey he compounded; and aa Wbioht'b tanti VtaxTsaLe PiLLs ere founded uon the principle thi the human body ie in truth SUBJECT TO BUT ONE DISEASE, namely, corrupt humors, and that aaid Medicine enree ihie duesse on NavraaL PaiacirLXs, hy tleanting and purifying the boily, ii will be man ifest th.i, if Ihe conrtimtioii to not entirely ex hausted, a perseverance in iheir uae, according to ilitortion, i absolutely certain to drive dieease of everv name from the hoily. When we wish to reio e a swamp or moraaa in fertiliiy, we drain it of the .upeiabundant water Li like mariner, ir we wish to restore the body lo health, we must cleanse il of impuri'y. WRIGHT S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILI.S will be found one rf the best, if not the vet hest mrdieine in the world for rarrjlng out thi. Oiiaxo Pfatrruru Pmsrtrix, because ihey ei.ul from the hotly all morbid and c irrapt hum'T, il'.e euuse f the d.sf jse, in an essy i.nd Natural Manner 5 nnd while they every day oivs xssa 1111 ritAri. di esse i f every name ia ropid y diivvn from ih Lody. The fort wing highly retpiclalde storekeepera hsv hern duly ai OUiied affenia for the aale of tti'sf firrfnui Vtgetulle PHI; in Noiihumtxr. I nd county : Henry Maaser, Sunbuit, E. St J. KaulTman, Augusta lownsldpt Samuel Herb, Little Mihi ttny. William Drpo, Jickaon. Brnevilla Holsbue, l'pier MshonOy. John U. Renn. Upi er MaliOnoy. Samuel Jobn, Shamoktniowh. Porsythe, Wil-oncV t'o., Noithnmberland. E. Im Piper. Waisohlmrg. Irhnd St Hay a. McEwen.ville. J.mes Peed, PoltxgroVe. Wm. G Scott, Rushvillo. Ilarlman Kn&lde, ElysbUrg P. tl. Am 1 T. BeisMil, Turliuikvilhs. tiid. on Shadel, t'pper Mahonoy. Rhodes St Farrow, Snvd.istoftn. John King, Farmerv.llei Silaa C. Cook. Mutiu'a Cie. k. J. De Young ItirksViilr. Atuham Sin nr. etihrnond. Samuel Taylor, SUtefor.l. Jolm H. Vincent, Chilieo,uar)ue. Wm. Heineu St Biother, Milton. rr OfTir. deVo'e.l rxcluaivetv lo ihe safe of WRIGHT'S INDIAN VBQE I'AULE PILLS, of the North Amaricao College nf Hejlth. No. 289 Greenwich Street, New York 5 No. 198 Tr- mont Street. Uo.ton ; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE No. 309 Race 8tt, Philadelphia; S.pt. 19th, 1846. ly. UNRIVALLED AND UNEQUALLED In ruling Cold, Coughs, A.ihme, Influenti, Whooping-Coogh, and all DiaesSe of the bie.at snd lungs, leading lo Consump tion t composed of Ihe concentrated viriUet of lb herbs Horebuund, Uoneaett, Bloodroot, and several other vrgeie- ( hie eubstanece, Warranted PUR6 PROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER4. THIS invaluable Medicine ia ihe most speedy and eeitaia remedy ever discovered fur the a bote eornplaime, as thousand who bave ttsed it will lestify. For eel, in Sunbury, by J. W. FRILING. end in Norihan.herind. by U. BRAUTIGAM, , nd at wbeWaale, fo Philadelphia, by 1 . P. KLETT Co, 1 Comer of Soeowd end CeilowbiH Streets. . BeobBBber 19th, 1644v ly EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY! j Q(V . SBATXTBSt OA3X Bfl OTJRBSIi COOPER'S ETERIAL OIL-A prompt and larting remeily for Datraasa, aleo for paina tad discharge of metier from the Kara. Hundred of cure in case deemed utterly hope less have firmly etabliahed iu superiority over eve ry former Medical discovery. This valuable Aeouetfe Medicine h Compound of four different Oile, one of which, the active end prinripal Inciedient, is obtained from tbe berk of a ceriain speciee of Watwtot, a new end effectual agent in the cure of Deafness. Persons who had been deaf for 10, 16 end even SO yeara, have been permanently cured by being this nil. In fact, so nnmeroue and ao emphatic have been the teatimoniala in il. favor, lhat the in ventor claima for il the iliaiinetion of an Infallihle Remedy, in ell cases, when the Bar is perfect in ita formsti n. For further particular, and evidence of its great value, eee printed ahel, in tbe hand of Agent. For .le in Sunbury, by J. W. FKILINO. September 19ih, 1846 ly fall millinehit JOHW ST01TE & S01T3, Dealers in Silks, Ribbons and Milli nery Goods, No. 45 South Second ttreet, PHILADELPHIA, HAVE now in Store a latge assortment of Rich Millinery Goods, Adapted to Fall 3i'es, euch Bonnet 8ilk snd rutins figund and plain. Fancy Ribbons, of entirely new etylee. Plain Mantua and Salin Ribbons, of all widths. Blck sn.l Colored Silk Velvet. French Fancy Feathers and Flowers. Fancy Cap Net and Lace. Burkiame, Willow, Crown Lining, Ste. dec Many of lha above srticlee being of their own imp. nation, they aro enabled to offer them et the lowest price. Philadelphia, Sept 6ih. 1846. Im CHEAPEST IN THE WORLt) ! Steuni Iteflned Sugar Candles, ISJcaara ran roc an, WHontaixt. J J. RICHARDSON, No. 43 Maiket Street, i PaiLantiraiA, takes pleasute In informing Hie public, that he still continues to sell his verv Su penor Siesm Refined Candy at Ihe loW price of gig 60 er 100 pounda, and ihe quality la equ.l to any manufactured in ihe Uniied Slate. He also offere all kinda of goods in the Ccnfee tionery and Frist line at Corresponding low prices. aa qinck sale and email ptofits are the order of the day. Call or send your ordera, and you cannot fail to be ealisfiad. Unn't fo'eet the number. 4t MAR KET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. J. J. RICHARDSON. Auguat 29. h. I8l6.6m W. H. THOMPSON, PashfonaMe ROOT AND SHOE MAKER, Maaaxa Sraxsl Svaatrar, THANKFUL for pat favors, begs leave to in lorm ho frrendi and the public generally, lhat he haa jut reinmed from the city wih new and fashioriald Itata, an I a fu'l aatnrtmi nt rf L'pbt- colored, Bronx, Blsrk Knl. and alt n.rr V. n' i of Mor.icco for Genl Voo n. L lies snd 'h:!i'rfi' 1 , .... r . .1 wesr sno no awsnrea ait on.. rov uw- r- m wt'i Iheir cMtom. tht ihey nnv re'v up n h't nj tl-.f w.iilt d.iio- iti t'm rtVMit ,utt.ir rial i.,d 1 ibl on h'e maimer, rind at Veiy low prices. He al-o has a full -s .r nienl of 1 ,v price I n-ork. select' by himself which he wrll aell lower than e.er off red in this place, vix : Men'a fetioes, ax low as $ 1 .00 Ex ra S.ou! Boom, S 00 O.Hid Luce B.'o a for Women, 1,00 Women's Slips, fiO Children's Shoe, w Side Lvatl.tr, Mrtrocco. cVc., fot aale low. Aupust 2X.I. 184. aplStf "Boot iSTShoc ESTABLISHMENT. DANIEL DRUCKEMlLLER, At hit Old bttubiishnfent, in Market Street, Sunbury, (nrpoOiT THfc RtV LlON ttOTEl,) RETURNS hi lhahke for piat f.ior, and re, . peclTuTly TnTornta hia Mends ana the 'public senetally, that he coniinuea to mantifjcture to ol der, in lite neatest and late-t ftvle. CHEAP BOOTS AXD iSITOES, wairanled i f the heat msii rUI, and made by the most eiie'il. need woiktnen. He abd Lee'pa on hand a general aasoitment of fashionable Boots for g'-nil men, together wilh a targe aWk of fashion ibte (ehtb mrn'a, bo) laillea' and children'a 8boea, all of sVhich haVe heett math) under hie own imme diate insiteciion, and ire of the beat material and woikrttiihipi which he will aell lottr for caah. tu tldilirtn 16 ihe alove, he ha just received from Philadelphia a laVge and extenaive aupply of Uoo', Shore, &c. of all descriptiona, which he also ffcra for re.h, cheaper than ever before offered in thia place, lie lesrectfully invite's bi old custo mers, and othcrr, lo call and examine for them- Ive. . . . Repaying done wiih heatneaa and despatch. Sunbury, August I5ih, 1846. Y l O L E SALE SCOT & SHOE STORED l.'HEAP FOR CASH. No. 36 South Third Street, abox thetnut, PHll ADSL PUl A. ATxea a0 tlrr atiaurscTbaxi aeova isn aitota. HB Suhsbriber baa taken the liberty ol addres sing ihe public, asti.fied that ihey will find it to iheir interest to Call and ekemine hie atork of Bool and Shoe, aod acquaint ibemeelvoe with bi price. Selling etclueivel for the Cah, he i enabled and determined to eell lower than any ether regu lar house in tbe city. Person will plea examine the market tho roughly, end. btfoie purchasing call at lha atore f ' THOS. L. EVANS. No. 85 8outh. Third, above Chetnut Su Philadelphia, Aue. 16, 1846. TfTKEXiliR'H SPiKlTS Of OAP. t.r ei II if trading Grease. Dry Paints, Varnish, Tar, Wax, die. from clothing of tny description, war. ranisd not 10 injure the cloin or the most delicti, color. This liqu'd has alao been Wj w;.'o greet success in ease ol Biimt, Scald, Tr;.,, Pimples en the face. Chapped bend, So-. li(-, Rhaoma lUaa, Hard or soft 4vorn, Vc. try Phee, b eta, per battle. Pot H at the sioieef July 18, 1146. J H. MAMIR- DENTJSTllY JACOB HELLER, - " finHANKFUL for the liberal encouragement JU. "h'cb be haa received, wool I respectfully Inf.irm hia Trienda and Ihe citiaen or Northuml-er. land county In general, lhat ha haa prepsred him. self with the beet Incurtuptihle Teeth, Oold Plate, Oold Poil, etc, lhat can he had in the city of Phi ladelpbi ; end that ha will endetvor, to the utmost of hi ability, to render full satisfaction to all who may tbink proper to engage bia services. He will he In Sunbury at Ihe August court, where be will be prepared, st his residence, to insert Teeth on Hold Plato, or on Pivot, on the Istesl end most apt proved plans, snd attend to all Ihe branches belongs ing to DENTAL SURGERY. . Ldie will he waited on et their place of reai dence, if desired. Hia charges wilt be reaonhlo, and his Work warrantee. He will visit different part of the eoanty, about otrce in three montha. Banbury, July 8th. 1816. 6ra 22. Kinmsxi, jr., No. 84 North Fourth Street, under the Ner chant' Hotel, Philadelphia, (a la modx Da riaie. 117EEP8 constantly on band an extvt.ive st JlvL aortment of alt kinda of Silk, Pur end Item ver Hats, which he offers for ssle on ihe most rea eoneble terma. Hie Hata ere mad up ot the beit materials, end in the teoat approved atyte. Pet om visiting the city will find it lo their interest 10 eel). July llth, 1846. 1 SILVEll MEDAL, awaisid at Ma tbavklis IsstJtutx, 1846, City Dagocrrrotype EsUbltshmfBt. tCP. CP. caciDOat2aIlS2rt23, (Lata 81M0R 5t ColLtna.) No. 100 Chunul tt., nboMe Third, South tide, FBTXt ADE LPHtA. LfTINlATURES taken equally a well in clou IT U dy n in cre-r weitber. A dark silk dress tor a lady, snd a black suit for a gentleman, are preferable in Billing for a picture. No extra charge is made for coloring, and perfect likeneases are guarantied. July 4th, 1846. ly FOUNTAIN HOTEL, Light Street, THE Home ha undergone thorough tepairt The proprietors solicit ita former patronage. Terms $1 S3 pet day. WM. W. DIX. ARTHUR L. FOOO, July 4, 1846. ly Proprietor. COLtrltBlA ZOTTSEj CHSSJCT7T ST&BB, t H I L A D E L P II I A . ' THIS Urge and comraodiou Hotel ha tfecenlly been fitted up With entire new furniture The lubscribere theYeroVe solicit the patronage of the public, and trtist lhat their expedience in the business wilt enable them to give entire eatiafac tion. letma moderate. BAG LEY, McKENZIE St Co. Jarytth, 1816. ly kellei Sc CiPeriiotisli, PATE3TT ATTOSlTEr and "'Ti'AMr AL rrixrrp3, TO AL! YOU nisy lieeiifo i f .1 u;.!., n till time, pure and hgh!y llior.a rJ30 V 9 By the single pound or larger quartily, at the Pchln Tea Company's Warehouse, 30 South Second ttr'eet, beftveen Market and Chef nut street, raixVASELFniA. Heretofore it ba been very dirTicult, indeed, al most Impossible), alwaya in obtain good Ore. n and Ulick Teak. But now you have only to viit lha FVkin Tea Company's Store, to obtaih as deliciout and fragrant Tea aa ynu could wish for. All taste Can hete be suited, with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low price. June 27th, 1846. PREMIUM SCALES. Lalt'a Cele: rated K-il Road Scale; CokI and Hay d Iron ManulacV dd Purlalde Platform do SO different sixes; Dorm nt or Floor dd 6 different sixes. Counter dd 1? different sir -s: The above Scales are mule either sing's or I double Usui, and aro decidedly the inosl duiable, accurate and conveni ent scjlee ever inented. We alo bve Platfitrd and Counter Scales, Patent Balances and every kind of Weighine Machinea in use for aale, whole sale and retail, at low pricea. At' Scalea aold by uJ to go out of lha city, are bated free of charge, aii.i wauantrd to give aatUraction t- the purchaser Itf every particular. UKAY St BRtJTHEP, Mauufactuiora and Dealer, No. 34 Walnut e!eel, June 87. 1846. ly Philadelphia. O HORSE S Horse Shoea, p.ices, by SHOES. Burden' Pslci t -.1- ... ror sale m uianur jciuii-i. GRAY St BROTHER. , 84 Wslnht t. ehila.i,. June it, ibo. ty CJALT. N i Yoik ball in la-rei sua vaga,i.ir J sale at tnanufacturera' prices, by GRAY & UKOTHCK. June 27, 1846. ly i4VY1'!' Pb ' "c"l6"t E I IT G, WIIOI.I-StI.E AXD nCTAIbU THE tubneihero are lonalantly manufactuflurf fiom the bert Fteneh, Bbglish and America . manufacture.. Clcnaand Ceastmer. CLOTHIt. in a v, superior style, eol end workman!,.. Pteon. buying to oeil .gain, will find on of Ih r !ar(,, snd moat fashionable atock of good (o sale I 1- lh, 1Da , onpiscetleoieo mw price., from In lbs etty, .00 y eP D 8T0KES, 14 Msrkef at. Phila-f- W B A Isrte ess'orlmenl of Odd Fellows' K.-- ,.U ...n.lyTn band, and all order, from lodge 5, indisidoaU pooetually attended l. on the mot4 liberal term. PbiUdlrbrl, Jo8 ITbs I644W1 J ' do do do do do do do do do do 1