Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 28, 1846, Image 4

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    Death f Cept. RatwUlph flMg-tlr,
W have received copy of th Picayune
-xVa, dated FrlJay, Nn. 18ih, issued irnmodi
etely qh tbs irrival of the steamship Virginia,
torn firatoa Santiago.
yiArt. R!ootfB RumfcLY Terrible ecci
''$f MeJ. JJeshieldi, U. aJ, Psymeeter, who
,bVt Monterey two da ja after u, and overtook
n at Cersarjro, brought intelligence that haa
mat a pWm over every heart, He ststea that
n the 23th ult. the dsy after wele!t,.ts Capt.
Ridg-ely waa riding into town to dine with
Lieut. Mackall.his horse, alipped on he amooth
lavement, and he waa thrown with such vio
lences against a rock aa to cauee a severe frac
ture of the skull. He lay senseless when Ma
j ir De-shields left, on the following day, and no
hope of hia recovery waa entertained by the sur
treons. In parting with thia aptrndid young
officer, I little thought that before I reached
home, it would become my duty to chronicle
i painful an event concerning him. The world
never produced a braver man or better eoldier
tlmn Randolph Ridgely. A nobler apirit waa
never encased in the human form a kinder
hait never beat. I cannot bring my self to feci
that the gallant Ridgely haa died thus; the
thought la too cruel to bo entertained. I can
wdl imagine the heart-rending emotions of the
rntiiradee who aurround him. They have seen
inn emerge unscathed from several battles,
where he behaved with, almost unparalleled
heroism. They all loved him, for he waa kind,
frank anJ generous to every one.
"Hold on, Charley, and let ma draw their fire !"
Poor Ridgely ! how many a brave comrade
would have drawn upon himsf tr the abaft ot
tea tli to have averted it from thee.
The editors of the Picayune make extracts
i mm a lo'.tcr dated Monterey, Oct. '26, which
iys: Poor Ridgely ia dead. lie waa buried
yiwterdoy and is mourned by the entire Army.
Mj. Lear will not live twenty four hmirs Ion-tM-r.
We have late news from Sun Luia de
I'utoal to the effect that Santa Anna waa there
with 12,000 men and no less than thirly-teten
Generals! He waa recruiting daily, but hia
intentions were not known. It ia rumored that
H is'amente has gone north, in the direction of
Chihuahua, to meet Gen. Wool, and farther, it
positively asserted that the Indiana are kil.
I n-r and laying waate all before them in the lot
t.r State.
From ajanfa Fa,
Dates from Santa Fe to tho 14th October
i.svo been received at St. Louis.
General Kearney, when about teventy-five
milt's from Santa Fe, met an express from Col.
Fremont, giving him the information that the
whole of Upper California was iu possession of
tiie Amerioans, snd that he was acting for the
(.resent as provisional Governor of the Territo
ry. The whole country was - quiet, and the
Mexicans had been driven oft Gen. Kearney
r.ecordingly, on receiving this information, sent
i ick all hie troops, but a picked escort of one
nundrcd men, and continued on to hia destine
'ion. The express had been but thirty-one
ilnyson the route. Major Fi'tpa trick had ar
rived at St. Louis, on hia way to Washington,
vith despatches from Col. Stockton, brought by
i''t eemont's express.
Camp Equpaoc A letter in the Journal of
'ommerea describes a present contrived for
tinners! Taylor.
"I had tbe pleasure to see to-dey the very
hps', compact and acrvicable camp equipage
made for Gen. Taylor, under the direction ot
Oaptaiu Thistle. It is contained in two leather
rases, and can easily be carried by two men.
The cooking, and complete dinner, breakfast
Hud aupper utensils for one hundred ieraoca arc
contained in thia nairow compass. The cooking
apparatus is of tinned copper; the other arti
cles sre plated ware. The General's set of ess
tors are a curiosity ; they might be rolled about
in any direction with perfect safety, and appear
to be bomb prool. Every article is made with
a view to bard, 'rough and ready service.
The camp equipage for the soldier is alt a
vry great improvement upon sny thing of tbe
Mil t ever before known. In a small leather
case, which man bucklea like a havrraack on
hia back, is contained the complete cooking and
eating apparatus fur twenty men, all made with
a view to endure hard service."
Ibish Mode or Roilino Potatoes. Wash
the potatoes clean without breaking or cutting
the skins. Drop them into a pot of boiling wa
ter, adding a little salt, snd ict them remain un
til sufficiently soft for a folk to be easily thrust
through them. Pour of the liquid in which tbsy
have been boiled, and dash iu cold water in ita
sled. Let the potatoes remain two minutes;
pour off the cold water ; put them over a alow
fire, the pot-lid partially removed, snd let them
Meant until nearly dry. Then peel, and place
tl.ent on the table in an open diah,'
Buckwheat Cams are improved by adding
one fifth part oat-incal. One bushel ot oate
should be mixed with four of buckwheat when
ground by the miller. Tbe advantages are
2 renter lightness, certainty of browning, and
more easy d gctlion.
, A Wan err Ed'tob, wihet to know whether
the laws recently emcUd sga:nt the carrying
ot sWsdiy weapons, apply to doctors who carry
pilt$ in their pockets'
Tmi I.ATrtT Cabs of absence of mind ia re
i:o , '. A of h..iy, nbnut to whip up' some eggs
for sponge cake, who whipped the baby sod
lung Walts' cradle hymn to the egg.
The f dlowlng list ehowa the warrant talus of all
fennyrvanla D.nk Noma. The meat Implicit re
liance may be placed upon it, as It U every wee
ssrefully oomparsd wttb and corrected from Blck
nail's Reporter. . .
tlanki In Philadelphia.
Na... Locat.o..
Sink of North America . , par
Bank of tha Northern Litatiee . . - par
Commercial Dank of Penn'e. . par
Farmers and Mechanics' Dank , par
Kensington Bsnk par
Philsdelphia Hank . . t par
Schnylkill Hank . . . pnr
Snuthwark bank . . par
Western Hank . par
Mechanics' Bonk . pr
Manufacturers' A Mechanics'" par
flank of Ponn Township . . par
(Irani Bank . . pir
Bank nf Commerce, tats Moy ami tiding par
Dank of Pennsylvania . . par
Country flank.
Bank of Theater County Westchester pr
Bank of Delaware County Chester par
Bank nf Oermentown Ocrmsutown pr
Bsnk of Montgomery Co. Nnrristowti par
Doylcsinwn Bsnk Doylestown par
Gaston Bank Easton par
Farmers' Dank nf Rucks po Brhtol par
Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par
Columbia Brink A It ridge ro. Columbia par
Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Laneistei par
Lancaster County Bank
Lancaster Bank
Farmers' Bank of Resiling
Office of Bank of Perm's.
Lancaster par
I.anciiier pit
' Reading par
Harriahurg These
Lancaster I offices
Reading ( do nut
Esaton J issue n.
Office do
Office do
Office di
tank of the United State
Miners' Bank of Pottsville
Bsnk nf Lawistown
Rank of Middfotown
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
Do do " branch of
Harrishurg Bank
Lebanon Bank
Merchants' Sc Manuf. Dank
Bank of Pittsburg
West Branch Bank
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bink
Berks County Hank
Office of Bank of U. S.
Do do do
Do do do
Bank of Chaniberfhurg
Bank of Gettysburg .
Bank of Susquehanna Co.
Erie Bunk
Farmer,' A. Drovers' Bank
Franklin Bank
Honcsd.Je Bnk
Pittsburg failed
Erie do
Near Brighton do
Charobcmbuig 1
Morntigalii-lt Bank of B.
York Bank
N. B. 1 be notes of those lnks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a daab ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception of those which have a letter of riference.
Philadelphia 8av. Ins. ,
Philadelphia failed
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schuylkill Sav. Ins.
Kensington 8sv. ins. A
Penn Township Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor Bank (T. W
Towanda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of 8stars
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bsnk
Farmers' A Merh'cs' Bank
Farmers' At Mech'cs' Bank
Farmers' A Mech'cs' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank of I'a.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Northumb'd Union Col. Bk.
North Weatern Bauk of Pa.
Office of 8chulkill Bank
Pa. Agr. A Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Pcnn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
do railed
do failed
Dyotl, prop.) failed
Bedford no ssle
Beaver closed
Hsrrisburg c luted
Washington failed
Ilelb font" closed
Pitutuig no ale
Pittkhurg failed
Fayvtto co. failed
firaencastle failed
Harmony no sale
Hunting. Ion no ssle
I.ea intovvn no sale
Warren failed
Dumlaff no ssle
New Hope closed
Milton no sale
Meadvilla closed
Port Carbon
Carlisle failed
Mmitrose closed
Unioniowu failed
tireeusburg closed
Wilkvshsrre no ssle
Wilkeshsrre Bridge Co.
fXj All notes puiporting to be on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the abov li.t, may be t
lown aa frauds.
iv'Eiy jcrsi:y.
Bank of New Biunswick Brunswick
Belvideie Bank Belvidore
Burlington Co. Bank Medford
Commercial Bank Perth Am'.Miy
Cumberland Bank Bridgetnn
farmers' Bank Mount Holly
Farmera' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway
Farmers' and Mechanics' bk N. Biunswick
Farmers' and Merchant' Bk Middlciown Pt,
Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City
no sale
llouoken Okg 6c Uisting l o ilouofcen
Jersey City Bsnk
Jersey City
Mechanics' Bank
Manufacturers' Bank
Morris County Bsnk
Monmouth Bk of N.J.
Mechanics' Bank
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk
Morria Canal and likg Co
Po.1 Notes
Newark Uk A Ins Co
New Hope Del Uridga Co
Jersey City
N. J. Manufuc. and Bkg t'o
N J Proleclon A Lombard bk Jersey City
OrsngeUunk Orange
Palerkon Bank - Putorson
Peoples' Bauk do
Princeton Bank Princeton
ctaUoi Banking Co fcali ru
State Bank Newark
State Bank Eliaabeihtown
State Bank t.'sindeu
State Bank of Moiris Morristown
Slats Bank Trrniou
Balem and Pbilad Manuf Co Sslrw
8usaei Bank Newton
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Bank ' Dover
Washington Banking Co, Harkenaack
Bk of Wlloa A Brandy wine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware i Wilmington
Bauk of Smyrna 8uiyrna
Po braocb Millord
Farmers' Bk of State of Dl Dover
Do branch Wilmington ,
Do branch Georgetown
Do branch Newcastle
Union Bank Wilmington
try Under 8's
rjr Cn all bsr.ks marked thus ( there are eU
Iber counts fail or altered notes of the various da
nomisauoos, in circulation.
Dare you heard the News f
At hiith$p, in Market Urttl, adjoining the thru
. ttorv Brick Ifoute,
HAS joat rc ivco from Philadalpbia the largest,
handsomest and beat assortment of
of every description, that baa ever bean brought to
ihia place. And what ia still better, tbry say he
sella so cheap, that you can buy two rain " the
tarn money that you utfd to pay far sn pair.
He Uuts ron Cask snd Salt to a Cash, and
that la the reason that he csn ufford to sell them so
much chenper. If yon itob't want to buy, just rail
snJ see hi s'ock. H is nlwiiys glaJ to see his
customers; snd it i no trouble to him to show hi
go.vU. Ju-t in give yon an iilea how rhea,) ho does
fell, lbs following is a lint of prices nf a put of his
t ck i
Men's Thick Un"t, worth $1 00 at (3 75
d i I ins Grain !. " 4 60 si a 00
,U C .If A t " 5 00 nt 3 00
Bojs' Tl.i.k il't " 2 .10 at I 76
Youths' il.t : " 2 00 st I 23
Men's Thick Uf.ogam. " 1 87 at 1 00
Women's M.irocco Wslis I
anil Ki I Sprints. " 1 50 st 1 00 ;
Women' City msile i
K d Sltprt4, " 1 C3-t I 12 i
I.r.iliiY J Coitus and Gai
ter Boota, " 2 00 at t 37
Also, rvery variety nf I.ai1i', Hoys' and rhil
drena' shoes, at (iriors lnwrr than eer before offer
ed. Come and See
Sunhury, June , 1846. Cm
THE Danville Steam IVuolen lietory. former
ly owned and occupied by Dr. Pstrikiis, h s
reetntly ten pun hand by the subscribers, who
respectfully annnunre to their friends and the pub
lic general y, that they aa now prepared to do all
kiials of wjrk in tbrii line ,"f business, at the shor
test notice, according l i or.iei, aud in the beat com
parative n.annor. ftaemg gone t rnnsidrrable
expenne in r pairing tl.eii n,achinery snd aparatus,
and bfing viry psr.ii'iilai in securing the service of
eipriieneed meehini', the) feel confident that
they are capable ol eve iting all kinds of wirk in
s style superior l.i aj y other s'ablishinent in the
country, at the olJ rt,toin-rj p-irea. i
BLANKETS connUn ly nn band, and for sale at
reduced prices, for Cakh or Bnr'er.
rAitii; au fl'i.i.i.
will be done in the beat manner, at the usual pri
ces. All kinds of country prmlui-e taken in psy
mini for woik, ( Dmvitle market prices.
For the accoiumodaiion of ihime who live at
distance, Wos,- and Ciotb will betaken in at,
and, when finished, re'arrxd tu the following pla
ces. Plain written directions must accompany
each parcel :
Columbta County f Roup A Marr's store, Wa
ahingt nille ; R. Ftuil'e alure, Jrrscytown ; Yea
ger'a inn, Roaring (Tretk; Sharpless' store, ('alta
ffiss; i' T. Mann's store, Miffiinviile j Miller's
store, Berwick ; J. Clinr's Mill i Ricke.l's store,
Orangeville; Derr'a store. While Hall.
Northumberland County Michael Reader's inn,
Turbutville ; Ireland A ilav's store, McEwena
ille; E. 1. Piper's stoie, Wstaonstnwn; 8. I,
Comly A Co's store, Milton; Gibaoo's inn,
listjoaqiie t Forslli'a ato.e, NorthumbcrUnd ;
Young's store, Sunbury.
Luzerne County. Reynold's store, Kingston;
(ilderaleeve'a store, Wilkesbarre ; Gaylnrd'a store,
Plymouth ; Siyer's store, Nsnitcuke ; Judge
Mark's M H, Huntington.
Lycoming County. 'V. Hnpp's store, Muuey ;
Shoemaker's stnrs. Hmith'a Mill.
Danville, May . 1840.
- I
flHE euhKiihvr, lute of the Union Hotel, Mun
A cy, Pa , respe. Ifully informs (he old and nu
merous customers of lha
Pennsylvania House,
and tbe public generally, that he has leased lha
Tavern Stand of John Khode, in Danville, where
be is now prepared to entertain travellers, and per.
sous vieiliun the town, in the vi ry lust style. The
accommodations will he such as a well conducted
public hnue should afford, and no elfoil will be
spareJ to render satisfaction, in every reirct, lo all
who may call. The cit'tens of L coming county
are invited to put up with tha undersigned when
they visit Danville.
DanM'le, Msy 2. 1846.
Hack Srartr, Piiikapflphia.
iivj. pinxits
T'HIS location is convenient for Business men
- visiting the city. Every paina ia luken to se
cure the c.Miifurt nf travelirra.
March 7. 1816. ly
Oppotile the Court Ifoute,
THE Subscriber, who aanis'od for se.
veil I years in the manaaamenl nf the a
boa ll.nel, lately kept by Mr. S. A. Bra
dy, bi ft leave lo inf'im the travelling
public, that he has Uken the eatabl.slnnant on hi
own seeoni.t, on the first nf Januaiy, 1846.
The House h.u, of la'e, unJergnne many impor
tant alterations, and the present Conductor promises
to leave nothing undmie to make it a comfortable
and agreeable, a well as a cheap aud accommoda
ting stopping place for strangt rt who msy visit our
Aouriihuig village. No puina nor expenae will he
spared to All lha labia and lbs bar with the hel the
m-iikat afford, and with the d' termination to de
vo e bis entire personal aitentiort lo the comfort of
ihose wha may niake his hou their temporary s
bode, and sided by active, caieful aud obliging aer
vanta, be bopea lo give general eatiafactiou, and re
ceive a lil-eial share of custom.
Large and eainmodioua STABLES are at
tached to the eatabbahment, which are attended by
careful snd obliging ho.thtrs.
Jsnuary 14th, 184.-tf
CONGKKSS JAX -Blue and Black Congie-e
Ink, of s superior quality, for sals the
store of HENRY MA88ER.
' Jul IB4 '
MOLA88E8 Tba Bial quality Sugar House
Molasaes, only 11 J cents per quart also, a
ne ankle of yellow Molaaaea fur baking, on
ly 13 cents per quart for aale at tha store of
June II, 184. HF.NHY MAH8ER.
rilbTE CLaBATa Mscassab Uais Oil,' baa
X lust been received snd ia for aale at tba store of
May 30, 1646. HENRY MA86ER,
suzmmiT. pa.
BuatneaS attended to in tha Counties of Nor
thumberland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia.
nfr te i
P. & A. ReTocriT, 1
Lowan A Da a bow, I
8onaa & SrtonoaASt, VP.'iiVai.
RaVftoLns, McFARLsnn A Co. I
Seaniwo, loon A t'o.. J
tTOESPECTFULLY informs tho citizens of
0 f unl'Ury and vicinilv, thst he has opened an
olfiee at the re,., arire ,.f Henty Vsa-cr. in Market - r-,HE SUBS(;RIBER has bran arpoinleil aaent,
street, where be is prepared to execute alt kin ls ( J for &t of coNR AD MEYER'S CEL
DrtnTAt St;ua:sT, Pliie Work, Ac, on the latent j EURATE1) PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI-
nun mu n'rl'rl piann,
H iving hod ntmt iipericnce snd Inatntctinn,
under one nf the moM eminent and aurrrarul Den
i is' s in rhiladi Iphii, he I'elieves that he will be
ab'e to give satiafjrtion to thoro who may waul his
Ladies will he waited on si ttn ir t iers of resi
dence. Hia charges will be nioJeate, and his
wo k warranted,
Sunbury, Mnrrh Sflth, I81fl. 1
No. 70 Soitii Third SritrrT,
Opposite the PhihuUlphia Exchange,
Manufacture and ktrpcir- '
tunlly on hand a large as
sortment of their Patent 1m-
proved Salamnndir FIRE!
PROOF SAFES, which are
c constructed ss to set at real
all m .nr.cri.f doub as to their
being strittlv fire proof, and
ihat they will rexisl the fire of nny building in the j
world. The oulaide cue of the Safes are made of j
boiler iron, the inside of sop'tone, ami be
Iween tho uttr rase and inner rase is a space nf
sima 3 inches thick, and i fillid in with inde-tiur- ;
tilde m iteri d, so ss to make it sn impossibility to j
ever burn any nf the contents inside of this CI cut. j
Theae Hnapstoue Snlnmsndera we sre p-epsred ;
and do rhallenge the weild to proiluee any ariicle
in the shspo nf Book Hafes thai will stand as muth ,
heat, and we hold ourselves ready at all times to
hsve thrm fairly tested by public bonfire, should s- ;
ny c.f our rornpeliiurs feel disposed to try them, i
We also continue to manufacture and keep on- ;
aliintty nn hand, a large and general as-ortment nf j
our Piemium Air t'plu Fire Proof Safes, i f which ,
we have a l irge qusnti'y in use, and in eveij in-
stance they have given ent re ailiafanion to the ,
purehaiere of wbiih we will refer the public to a
few sentlemen wholuve idem in Dae. 1
K A. ll t.i... iu ...ik it . A v,i.,l.i
A N- phew, Vine si. wharf; Alexhn.ler Camr, Von ,em,,l ", decided improvement in the ge
veyancer. corner of Filbert and 9th s-s.S John M. ', n lr-"Bl orthe sysiem. eradicaung sny seeds
F..rd. 32 north 3d st.; Mvrra Bu-h. 20 nonh 3d j of disease thst msy have Ueu generaud. besi.lis
.t.; Uailey & Itroiher, 138 Make! st.j James M. 'v'n .al,h "'' '?' 'he body For the cure
PauL Kit 4ih at - l)r Ilavid Jne. S soulh
3d st.; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d St.; and I
we could name some three or four hui drrd otheia
if it were necesaarv. Now we inv'ne tha attention i
of the public, aud particularly those in want of I
I ire Proof nle, in call at our store before purcha
sing elaewhn'e, and we think wo ean auisfy tliem
thai they will get s tettei end cheaper article al
our slorr than any other estabbshmrnt in the city.
We also continue lo msnufuctme h'esl and Co
pying Preaaes, made in each a manner as to an
swer both purposes ; Hoisting Mschims, Fiio
Proof Doors, with our own msnurVtura of locks
on them, with D. Evsns's Patent Kevhole cover
attached lo the same; plain and ornamental Iron !
Railing, &e. j
N. li. We keep constantly on hand a lirge aa- ;
snrtment nf our Patent Mate Lined Kcfiigei 'ton1.
Water Filters and Coolers; snd we hsve also on
hand several second hand Firo Proof Oheet taken
in exchange for ours, which we will dispose of at
veiy low price.
Philadelphia, January 24th. 1846. ly
To PiirrUaMTri of
s js A r.r----vfTV-x. 9 V
. ii ZrZiZrT.Tr
iu. uuniriii.,nu una,
I I AVING established a Branch at No. 144 Che
J--- nut St., Philadelphia, is now opening, aud will .
be constantly receiving from the New Yntk Auc- :
lions, sn extensive assortment of ',
which will be sold al the loweat New York ptxes
at wholesale and Rilsil. Among h a slock will he
found a good assortment nf the following aiticles: :
Jaccnnets, Plaid. Hair Cotd, Lace, Siripe, Book. ;
Swiia and Turln'an Muslins, Bih'p and Linen
Lawns, Fonry Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Dresses, J
Thread Lsces, Applicsiion Do., rich Black Silk j
Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics.
Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cashmeie '
d'Eeosse, Mousehne da I. sine. Mik snd Cotton
Warp Alieccas, QuWa Cloth, Gals Plaids,
Preach Meiinns, tMlka, Glove', Ki k Hose, j
fluwls, Crava'a, Ribbon, Embroideries, Ac, Ac. 1
Country Merchants and oihera visiting Philadel
phia sr New York to purchase, are respectfully in
vited 10 c sit and examine the stocks.
Nov. I, 1815. Is
BE L I E V E A lTTTTv Ji".
Compound Syrup of Tur & Wood
rilME unprecedented suree.s of this medicine, in
X the restoration ( heabb, 10 ihnae who, in des.
pair, had given up all hopes, haa given it an 1 xal
ted reputation above all other remedies, furnishing
evidence of Its Intrinsic va'uxand power, ss the on
feelings 1 inform you of Ihe astonishing effccis of
your medicine, which has literally taia d me from
a death-bed ! My disease, Pulmonary Consump
tion, had redured me so low lhat my physician pro.
no. nu rd my ease hopeless ! At this junction I be
gan to u-e your medicine, and miraculous aa il may
seem, il haa completely restniad ma to health, slier
everything else bad failed. Kespetlfully vours. .
Charlotte street, above Geoige street.
The underaigned, being personally acquainted
with Washington Mack and hia sufferings, bear
witness lo the astonishing effects of Thomson's
Compound Syrop of Tar, and tbe Puth of the a
bove ststement.
JOS. WINNER, JI8 North Third street,
DAVID VICKERS, Almond at reel.
HUGH M G1NLEY, 8. E. comer Tamany
and Fourth atieeta.
Prepared only by 8. P. Thomson. N. E, corner
of 6th and Spruce atreets, Pbiladelpkia.
Agsnts. H. B. Mssssr, 8unbury D. Gross,
snd Dr. Macpbsison, Hsrrisburg ; Joo. G. Brown,
Pottsvilla 1 Geo. Earl, Reading ; Houston A Mo
on, Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. Price 00 cents
per bottle, or f 6 per doxen.
HBenmrt of all imitafimu.
hiladslphis, Joos I9lb, !846..1y
ly sgent whxh ran be rehed upon for the cure or , ;, " . . ' " '" , I . , "
Pulmonary Consumption. Bron, hi.tis, Asthma. . knnw t.m so a Lnion County : New Berl.n-Boga, & .n-
Pain in lb. side and Bret. Spitting of Blood, mr,,U'"e' ' uu" .UPf l n I rtP !" U'-C' Gund.u.n. MU le
Whooping Cough, Coup. Ae. Sen, tfi tail 1 AMELIA D. LEAF. burg- Smith. Beavertown-Da.ld luhler.
Attention i. reque.te.1 to the following ASTON. TilIMl4ikrl.. . Adam.burg-Wm. J. May. M.lH.l..bu.g-Menh
I8IIINO Thi.m.o.t'.l'omund Sy.up j A S II It Y & It O C) A l I ft ... Ha.Uelon-D.n.el Long ibl
of Tar a,ul WniJ Nirih I ) G. St t . L. Mover. I.swi.burg Walls A Oieen.
of Tar aud W00J I Ngh, , , WnOLESAtB A CZ3TAIZ CJolumbi. count, : D.nville-E. B. Kevnolda
.it! ......1..1 i HAT & CAP MANUFACTUHERS . A Co. Berwick Shuman A R.ttenhouse. Cat.
Ao. 304,JWflrJrr reef, oooBeBn, South $ide,
JJ THE subacril ers respectfully n ie
aa(4 Hon of their friend ami dealers to their large
and well assorted stock of Hats and Caps of every
desriliitlon. Well sdapted f-r the spring trsJe. Ba
ing made of the best material and by the most ex.
perienced workmen, they feel confident to give uni
versal satisfaction to all who may favor them With
a tiial, as they offer to sell a I .w as any hnuss in
Fhilaih tphis. January 3, 1840 ?
J AN03, at this place. 'These Pianos hse a plain.
massive sml brsuuful exterior fiid-h, and, depth
atd sweetness of tone, and tlrg ince of workman
ship, are not surpassed by sny in the United Slates.
The following is a recommendation from Cai
Di sts, s celrbialcil performer, and binisilf a uisn
ufuciuicr t
a (Mini,
HiVtxo had the pleasure of Irving the fTcrl
lent Pi-tno Fortes maiifsictured by Mr. Meyer, snd
exhibited at the l ot exhibition of the Fr oiklin In
stitute, I feel it due to the true meiit of thn maker
lo iVclnic thnt tLcsu instruments are quite equal'
and in some rrsprcia even mpirioi, o a'l the Pi
ano Fortep, I saw nt the capiul nf Eu.oje, and
during s sojourn of two years at Pari.
The1 Pianos will be fo'd at the manufacturer'
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not aorne:hing lower.
Persons are rerme.ted to enll and examine fn
themselves, nt Ilia eminence oT ine sun.cril.rr.
Sunhurv. May 17,1846. II. B. MASSEK.
DrpiiiATirr syri p.
riHE valnab'e properiiea of Oakley's Depti'a
I live Syrup of 8araparilla, as a purifier of the
l.l.iod, is so well known to the puMie generally,
that it is ontecerary to occupy much space in ret
ting forth the advantages to be derived from its
use; wherever the medicine has once lieen intro
duced, it takea precedence oer all others : eveiy
one thai hss taken it, hse d rived so ianal bene
ficial resnlia from it, that it is reeommeiitlej by
them wilh the u'moat eonCdenee. Physicians of
the highest Manding in the profession, prescribe it
to paiients tinder their care ; containing nothing
debteriiHia. but biing ewnjwrd of the most mild,
yel i H'lCacious vegetable mt'eriaN, it i offi-rcd with
confidence, aa the cheapest snd ninjt efficient pu
rifier nf the lilood now known. The use of a few
t'oti les. especially in ine spring nionilis, will ne at-
! M OIUI or Kings .,!, Kheumalism. I etter,
Pimples or eiuptiona of the Skin, White Swelling,
Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, &c. The nu
merous restificaica In tlie possession of the subscri
ber aud his ageuls, from physicians and others, are
sufficient to convince the most skepticnl of its su
periority ovei all preparations of 8 irsaparilla.
Sold wholesale and retnil, by the proprietor,
GEORGE W. OAKLRY, North 6th street, Rea
ding, Berks County, and lo ho bad nf the following
petsona :
In Northumberland County.- li. B. Mas?,
Sunbury; Ireland A Mixel, - McEwenaville ; D
Krsuaer, Milton.
In Union County. I. Gcarhart, Seliurgrove:
A. Gutelius, Mifflinburg.
Columbia County. XI. W. McCsy, Wssh
Reading, March 14, 1843. believe it the uty of every
one lo do whatever in their power I ie, for the bene
fit of their fellow man, and having had po-iiive
proof in my nwn fsmily.of the wonderful properties
nf your Depurative Syrup of Sarxapnrilla, 1 ni
conscientiously recommend it to the alrlicted. We
hid the niirfortune to lose two nf our children, by j ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem
the breaking nut nf ulcerous sores that covered the bers of my profession, I discountenance anJ disap
Hie tl
i face, head and neck, although we had aome of the
rnn.1 srient fin nhasieiaiw I., tlenil th. m si., I h
tried all the known temadies, including tSwnim's
Panocea, without avail. Another of niy children
was attacked in the same manner, her lace snd
neck was completely covered; the discharge wss so
offensive, snd the disease at such a height, thai we
despaired of her life. .Seeing the wonderful effects
of your Depuniive Syrup of S ima ari lj, we were
induct d to make trial of il, as the last resort; il
ac'.cd like a charm; the u'cerscommenctd healing
Immediately, a fiw bottles entirely restored hi r to
ber he.ilih, which she hs enjoyed uninteriuptedly
ever since. As a purifier of tbe blood, I verily be
lieve it has not its equal,
JOHN MOYER, T.iilor,
... Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
; Douglusaville, April 19th, 1843.
Ma. Oakiit: My son Edmund Leaf, had Ihe
scrofala in the moat dreadful and distressing man
tier for lhre years, during which lime he w is de-
prived of the use of his linilm, hii bed and neck
were covered with ulcers. We tried all the differ,
ent remedtir, but to no tffect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson nf Nonislown, and also Dr. Isaac
HieMer, nf Reading, lo use your Depurative Hyrop
of Ssrsaparilla, of which I obtained several bottles,
the use of which drove the diseate entinlv out of
hia system, the sore healed up, and the child was ;
restored 10 perrcct ne.iltn, which he baa enjoyed
uninterruptedly ever einee, to the astonishment of
many eisons who seen him during his sffliction.
Have tnougbl it my duty, and send y. u this certi
South East eorwr of Market and ith
T17HERE they slways keep on hand an exten-
siva asaortment if HATS U CA PS ofevery
description, got up in the beat and moat approved
J le. Pel sons dt-rirm,s ef porch Jing superior arti
eh a on the most reasorsble terms, will find it to
their advantage to call bt fure making purchases
Philadelphia, Oct. 6th, 1944. ly
Nus. 20 and 31 North Third Street.
Near the City Hotel,
CC, MACKEY, AocUonser, respselfully in-
vitas lbs attention of peraons dasirooa of pur
cbasing Puraitais. to hie exuosive 8ales Rooaas,
(both pobha snd Prrvsta.) tor svery desuipuon of
Hoasekold Funitere, where csn bs obuinsd at all
tiowa, s large sseortment of faahionabfe sod well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, MslUaaaes,
Ac., st vary reduced prices, for sash. ,
0r Cales by Auction, twic a vest.
May tTtb. 1843. ly
. neala thai nthma sh.i l,.v I.L. .n;..iin in ik i VK,k 11 . I a. I U'.n
sU U A XM A AfA X v4 A
fXj1 77i folhuinn eertijiea'e deteribet one nflht
mot extraordinary cures ever effected by smjf
application. ,
PrmtntirRiA, February 10, 1839.
170R twenty years I waa severely afflicted with
Terras nn the Face and Head the disease
commenced when I waa seventeen yesrs old, snd
continued until tha Fsll of 1836, vsrying in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During most
of the time, great psrt of my face waa Covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch
ing ; my head swelled al times until it felt as if it
would burst the swelling was so great, that I coul J
scarcely get my bat on. During the long period
that I was afflicted wih the disease, I used a great
many a plications, (among them several celebrated
j reparation.-) ss w. II aa taking inward remedies,
including a nntnhcr of bottles of Swaim'i Panacea,
Extract of Sartapnrilla, Ac, In fact, it would be
imporsible to enumerate all the medicines I used.
1 was also nnder the csre of two of the most die
lingu'iidied physicians of this city, but without re
ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fill of 1336, the disease at the time
being Very violent, I commenced using the Rote
Ointment, (prepared by Vsnghan Sc Dsvis.) In
s f. v anldicationa the violent itehinv rl ih
' swelling alied, the rruptinn began to disappear,
aiiii in lore 1 nmi tiseo a j:ir the tin-ease wa entirely
cured. It ha now Veen nearly a year and a half
since, and there is not a vestige of thn disease re
maining, except the seirs from the deep pits formed
by tbe disease. It is iinpntsihle for me to descrile
in a certificate the severity of the disease and my
suffering, bill I will be plensrd to give a fuller ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will rail on me. At the lime I commenced
using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun
dreds of do'dais to be rid of the disease. Since u-r-ing
it, I have recommended it to several persons,
(among them my mother, who had the diseatie bad
ly on hrr orm,) who were all cured bv it.
JAM US DITRNELI., No. 156, Race St.
IXj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Ysughsn, Sou'h East corner nf Third and Race
streits, Philadelphia, and sold nn seency in Sunbu
ry. bv H. B. MASSER,
May 14th, 1813. Agent.
St owe Ointment, for Tetter.
PHiitnupHiA, May 27th, 1839.
'PHIS is to certify thai I waa severely afflicted
with Teller in the hands snd feet for upwarde
of forty years ; the disease was attended generally
wilh violent itching and swelling. I applied to a
number of physicians, and used a great many appli
cations without effecting a cure. About a year
since, I appbed the Rose Ointment, which entirely
stopped the itching, and a few applications immedi
ately cured the disease, which there has been no
return of, although I had never been rid of it at
any time for folly years. RICHARD SAVAt.E,
Eleventh, lielcw Spruce Street.
The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vauuhan, South East corner of Third and Rare
Stieets, Philadelphia, and add on sizency in Sunbu
ry. by H. U. MASSER,
May 14th, IS13. .!.
Of the ROSE OLXT.)IET,for Teller.
A LTHOUGH the superiority of the prepstation
over all others is fully ea'abli-died, the proprie
tors take pleasure in laying before 'he public the
fulluwiiig certificate from a rewpactahla physician,
a graduate of tbe University of Peniis Ivanii. Dr.
Btugb, haviog found in Ihia remedy that relief fir
a tedious and disagreeable effevtion which thetnaans
within the range of bis prnfeaion failed to afford,
has not hesitated In give it his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of that profession aie
ppoFed to secret Remedies.
Phi lao t Lea 1 a, Sept. 19, 1838.
I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic
eruption, which covered nearly ons si 's ofiny face,
and extended over the esr. Mr. Vauxhun, nrorie-
Im of the Roso Ointment, ohseiviug my face, inu-
led on my trying his preparation, of which he un
prove 01 the numerous nostrums palmed upon the
public by iunoialit pretenders, I feel in jusiice hound
to except the Rose Ointment fr om that class of me
dicines, and lo give it my approbation, rs it entire-
ly mred the e.uplion, although it h id resisted lbs
usual applications. DAN L. BAl'GH, M. D.
(J" '' he Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B,
Vauyhsn, South East corner of Third and Race
Streets, Philade'phia, and sold on sgency in Sun
bury. by II. B. MASSER,
May 14th, 1R13. Aent.
nPba public will please observe that no Brandreth
Pilis are genuine, unless the box bss three la
bels opon it, (the top, ihe sii'e and the bottom)
eirh containing a fic-aimili signature of my hand
writing, thus B. Ba asonbtn, M. D. These la.
hel-aie engraved ou steel, beautifully designed.
and done at an expense of over f 2,000. Therefore
! it will be seen that ihe only thing necessary to pro-
cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these
Remember the top, the side, and the bottom.
The following respective persons are duly authori
zed, and hold
Fur the sale of Brandreth't Vegetable Universal
Northumbeiland countv i Milton Markey A
Ch.iinbeilin. Hunhury H. B. Masser. M'Eaens-
ville Ireland A Meixell. .orihuinleilsud Wm.
tawissa C.
Bloomsburg John R.
Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington
Itobl. McCay. Limestone Ball' h Mci"ch.
Observe ihat each Agent baa an Engravtd Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation of
Oi BRAMDKETH'S Manufactory al Sing (Sing,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of
the new labci now uted upon the Brandreth Pitt
Philadelphia, office No. 8. North 81b etreet.
June Xlth 184.1.
fa'eorffe al. Wraver,
No. 13 North Water Street, Philadelphia.
IT f AS constantly on hand, a general easort
II ll men! of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac, vin
Tarl Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil
la Ropes, Tow Lioea for Canal Boats. Auto, a
complete sseortment of Sains Twines, Ae, such ss
Hamo Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent GUI
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe
Threads, Ac. Ac Also, Bed Cords. Plough Lines,
Halters, Traces, Cotton and linen Carpet Chains.
Ac.; all of which he will dispose of 00 inasorubls
Philadalpbia, November 13,1143. ly. .
tawtssa I". G.