Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 07, 1846, Image 3

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    jCorresrandenceof the fn. Louis Union
Sam p Rwi. .
Santa Fa. Septra, 1848. ,
XttaM Emtom : On Ihe Oil inst., Gen. Rear
tt,. ''h about eight hundred men, left this
town on " excursion south. We went to vil
lags c Had Tonic, about one hundred miles dis
tant. We struck the Rio Grande twenty. seven
miles frov this place, at a village called San Do
mingo, inhabited by the Pnebla Indians. Our re
ception at this village was quite a grand affair,
'the print i pa' men and braves of the tribe met us
t:.x miles fk-orn the town, and escorted us in; the
braves were counted on their best horses, and
ireisd in the n" '"'J' "N""'" " ""ed
and equipped in the r ln!""", " when nr.
go out for the purpose of' Bblin.- When the
General passed the head of 1 h-.,:'' ln""' 'T
fired ofTtheir guns, and thrMt one fit Pfl e'eh side
of our companies proceeded to tbe rear,"'' l,Fn
wheeled and came down close to our line at V ,
top of the speed of their horses, 'yelling and go
ing through all the mnnojvres of a regular charge ;
they met ajain at the head of our columns, fired
at each other with their pistols, made passes with
their lancet, and then filed cfT and returned to
the head of our companies. This was repented
eevera! times, to the great admiration and aston
ishment of all who witnessed it. I have never
aeen better horsemen any where, and from what
1 could discover, I should take them to be formi
dable in VaMle, if properly armed. They are
fine looking men, and mnrh superior in every re
spect to the Mexican population. They have a
very fine village, most splendid vinya'd. and
appear to be intuh more comfortable in every
fspect than the Mexicans. When we got info
the village, we were invited into the Priest's
house, whre a most sumptuous repast was set
out, consisting of the bt eraps T ever w. me
lons, applet, rakes, and with liquor sti fT:cient to
Wath them down
Thre is a this town rp't an extensive ehnreb
"to which is attached the pri'st's honse, where he
keps his wVi or concubines. The priest at
this place has four two of them are qn'te good
look'ng. After our repast the General made a
speech to the citizens, who appeared quite well
pleased; they then escorted 1:s C.nt of town, and
we went on cur way rejoicing, with, full sto
machy, and every man with just liquor enough in
liim to tnake'him "feel patriotic. This wfcs the
only Indian village we visited.
After we left SSn 'Pofningn. we passed through
villages every eight fcr ten miles, until we ra;h
ed the village of Touts. Most fifthm, however
were qnite small, and fhe inhabitants, with the
exception of two er three men in each, are a poor
miserable set.
The only villages on the Rio Grande that we
visited worthy of note, are Sain Domingo, San
Philipppi?, Albaquerqne and Tonic. A'baqnerque
was the residence of Armijo. We baited a short
time at this place going and returning. Gener
al Kearney called on the late Governor's wife
and passed an hour or two, as he told me, Very
pleasantry. Sf.e is said to be an intelligent wo
man, and deported herself with much propriety.
Her husband, (Armijo.) it is said, has gone to the
Passo, and it is supposed, will continue o i to tbe
tit y of Mexico.
One or the 'Pi.tJi: IIkn'6 Ckickek." We
extract the following Iran a lotter written from
Mnotorey, by Scriu-I V. Chamber, ta his mo
ther, at Wilmington, Del.
I wai with Oil. J.cfc Hay-' and Walker's
Texts nuninted Rurig-fTH w ilicmnunti:d, and
vent in on the other id?Tif the town we occu
pied ll.p firrt ly. fire.f tuo'ere and entire id
hand, and toik a ttiery. We suffered very
much in entering thrmh a heavy fire -our
borers were nearly all'k'ilij. We scattered,
ttveiy man fur hiinif, (that w&s left of o.)
into house, and fifed out. I wait one id the
fortunate ones. I hoi riot mi liviik thit 1 waa
Vol born to He killed. Since lb war with Mexi
co, I hsvo had nix hnres killed under me,. In
Aunst I hi 10!) men in my charge, reconnni-ti-Tinj,
and wb surrounded by General Cunaleg'
cavalry, just above Wrnljio, and I lot fi) of my
men, and killed COOnl Hie Mexicans. Monterey
is surrounded by mountains. The Mexiema twenty piece uf artillery mounted around
the town. 'I liry bad them to rake the street?,
which they did
Trts TnoiftA.NO Dollar Shawl. See 1"
raid a sweet-faced l.idy to a ymmy gentlemen
Willi whom she was walk in? p iM ni nf our
fashionable churches. "Per!" said she, point-
Sng to a lady who wns entering the cnn.ecrat.'d
buildiiin, "i hut has un a thousand dollar
He looked at the lady, who for mere onia
merit, (for it had not the qualities) ol warmth,)
foulu make ko prodigious an outlay fir sin.'li
piece of garment., say her poorer neigh
bors she is very charitable; she ta secretary t.
an aswiciation fur relieving the Thia
made me think better of her. Mcciin a friend,
ha told him nf what hn had seen, giving him
also a description i the lady, and uf his plot'
pure in knowing that o wealthy a lady bad a
Charitable heart.
Wealthy! wealthy! Chariiabte h?att1 , My
itit iirlsde carries all ovns on her hack,
ixeept her tap tloj;, tier liui-band, poor devil,
bankrupt and no wonder, dharitabiet Yea!
A p-ior child tam aluverine, and aljed alms;
the maid stated thacss to the mistress. "Well,
Dri.ljrel, it ia hard, but I cannot help her. Tell
h t a havsjlothirtir In c'ivs her bow." Ortdei
waa goinjr down ataira ta send the little gr
way as hungry at aha came $ but ah waa wan
ted. 'Brideet, poor Toby'a tick ha hit no a.
petite. I 'feat I shall lose the litila brute.
Hera ia halt dollar take it and buy him
chicken. 1. think if it U nicely cocked, be may
Tart Cetutak a laosj Masrsaf ar Viaetaia
bar bald masting, propose ta ask for a modiff
tktlen ef the newtarif
I'll prove the wor4 that I've made my theme,
Is that that may be doubled without olame ;
And that that tu, hus trebled, I may use,
And that that tsut that critics may abuse
May be correct. Farther ihe dons to bother
Five Vrats may closely follow one anothet !
For be it known, that we may safely write
Or say that that tHat that that man writ was
right - " . - . .
Nay, e'en, that that that that Mil that follow'd
Tbro aix repeata the grammar'a rule has Lai-
; : low'd - -
And that that Ihni (that that thai that began ,
Repeated seven times is right. Deny'l who can.
NovaMBaa 3, 1810.
. FLOUR AND MEAL There is a little
more animation in the Flour market within a few
days, and prices have somewhat stiffened. We
,Var "f sales of '.500 bbls or fresh ground Flour
at ' 1)0 0,(1 'oek selling. Rift FL,ur is held
atfl. " of sales of 4t00 bbls of Com
iVeast $3 i.6 3J.
GRAIN. Wh .,' white Is worth 113 a 116e ;
do red 105 a lOOtf. VV is held at 70e. Cnrn
C8e for Penna. roun.d. for flat, and 63c for
white. Outs are worth 3 a 3lc.
WHISKEY 2t a 25e pe - gallon.
A DuTr.RftiiATion or Bron to rn Hasp, as
it ia callej, can he account. J fur norf n otht r
prin ip o than from Vnirtipl and Magna,. hum irs
in the venous ciicul.iil 'h, whxli prevent ti. P,,w
De.r reiorn of ihe vit .1 flunVto the heart. The hi'. "'
cm have no more predilection for the head than
for any other part; indeed its nwn brrific gravity
would give it a tendi ncy to the rkt Wiiiies ; bu'
when the pas-sgrs are choked u,i, and U It comes,
.s it were, ptisotier in Ihe heed no wonder thrtre is
a divti'nslon or swelling nf the tilood vessels, a pre
sure up'in the t ra n, nnd heudache. giddiness, psl
pitatinn of ihe beait, insanity, spoplsxy, and other
ilieidful euts. .
. 'Wrigkl'M Judian Vegrtalk Pills are always cer
tain lo prevent the almve unplessmt ronipl.ii its. j
because they cpl from circulation th"e very bu
n i or s which are the cante not only of H disordered 1
motions of the M.iod, hut bf every milady incident J
to man. Thf'y a'so aid and tm roe iliie-tinn, and
iherrfnti' svill molt asaured'y give hef.Mi kn vigiir
lo ihe body, as well ss p'eve'nt ny evil ronsrquen
ce fioin what i termed a ruah of blood to thehead
Caul an. It should bs remembered that Mr.
F.dard Cole, of Philadelphia , Mr. John Dijion,
of Enaton, Ta.,and Metsra. Biowning & Brothers,
of Philadelphia, are not atr,enta of ours, and as
they purcbaSe'nc. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
at our office, fc tannat guaranty at griiuine
any medicine they may halt fnr la.'c.
QAgent for the axle of Wrigbt's fn.fian Vrge'ta
Ide Pill in Sunhury, Haaar Msssta. For oiber
agencies see adverlisemi nt in another column.
('aval of Woaxs A Ocas roa Weasts,
Worms are formed from the foul humors which
settle in thastom ich and in 'he interlines, because
these r.iaticrs hsve acquired, ry h ir ifc'ncrjli n.
a strong slimy natora proper to lha eonrentrkiinn
f thoce inserts. They are variously nam A the
ruiid worm, generally in pT-ons uf irndr jSirs ;
he miw worm, a n o.l inmldi softie inkrt ; and
ilso the long Ihrrad worm, the trues r tape worm,
ttr Sic. They rai t under d iTrir'nt forms, soine-Min-
s tlry knit together and go out into bsVs ; often-r
they div;de snd go nut one afer snoiiiir
When tV.ey a, nd through the intestinal esual,
ihey may l eee.-(ed by the tnuth, and rVni by the
nose When this happen ilm patient is in muc'i
danger, such sm, t out lie nig stiong evidence ihnt
his system is dsncerously encumhi red w th the
Corruption, und its re-union Sod thesa two alfcc
lions whin unilrj, miy cause instant dej h, or a
hoit illnen. ending in ioevii.ilile death.
Brand elli's Pills remote not ealy the warms of
whatever kind, lmi al-a the hum. rs which form
them, and upon which they f. e.l. l!eiJes, Ihry
have the prope-ty of evaensting every auhtUnce
which might favor a riew furmnion of Worms, ly
Trgenerating the ma.s nf humor,
$y Purchase of H. U. M-er, BunMity, or i.f
the agrtnl, put'llshed in another psit of ibis a-er.
. jn A K H I K it
On the 1st ifist., by the Rev. J. W ITtogha
wout, Mr. CiiARi.ks Giatci to Mitt .
Smith, both of Augusta township.
On the 3d inst.. by David Marti, Esq., Mr.
Hkksy Hill to Miis Bahsk PakkYL, alt of
Sbamokin townthip.
lj ttpcpsla of 10 Years Standing.
ritHB W'fe of liiaiu Rohetts. on Vine S'rert.
JL near 'Wat' t. CmrinnS'li, ha been fcfllti 'ed
with DYSPEPSIA In its mot sgstsVHVd form
fir the I wi leu ear, was r-e. inoi'-nded bv f letwa
te i phyncuo- if IJ einn. New V. k. Phil tde'p'ii.
D'lltim os, and Uincini ati. to irivel, as liny r..uM
do nothing f t her. Khe ill I o, hut It did her no
good. Hhe iti'i c 'mmenc d u-iog the m i h.ii u-
titr medltunes of ihe day f t her cond i is, I ut il.
rtv it no ln-nefit. fS -sint n a Iveriiveiix-nt o Dlt.
I'll.f.H In the lt, she ennclllilej to g'.Ve them
4 trial sent in 11, V. 'Prom, Main alrett, he-
t n Th-rJ at d roonh, J)i. Cmlih's Acent for
Ci.'c'tnmll. and piucha & a Imix, look them arenr.
ding in direction, mid ra i wiih heait f-il joy .lute
ttwt she-nerive.i mora iienem from the n- or one
lul of Dr. timnh's Sugr Coiled Vrg ttlli FlIU.
than from toy other inrjicn.e sho has ma le ue of
ilu log the ten years. Tt e slfiwe it a nl lo fi
F. Thorn on ihe 34 D.-C.. IS 14 t Ciit Times.
err OAL'IION. Asa miMiaMa iroilstion h is
baeii nrnle. i the name of Puaar CuaieJ Pill.
il is nrrvtsary lo be lore that Da.G Bi. eii r'
sianatuia ia on every bos. Price 35 rents."
PnncpaJ Offioe. 170 Greenwich si New Vork.
Butd by JOHN W. riliUNG. Anbury.
WAH Uk,n dr'r' on tD Husquebanns, or the
I5lb inst-by lha wr.rejiJi,,,
sen township, fforihombeilaod eoonty.a 4SKIFF,
with a lock and chains sl, a canoe, pinteJ red,
with lock and chain. Both emfia were fastened in
a hewed white plus log. Tbe kifl or fetry boat as
naaily woo eot Tbe eanos is nearly haw. The
owner caa have the property by calling on the sub
scriber, pay tog charges, Ac.
iovmsbin, Oet.'ai, IM6.-H
Corrected weekly by Henry Manet, '
waT, 'i . : . . " go
Rta, ;, 64 ,
Coas;, , ' , . , ," j An
Oats, v - . . . r k ' 25
Poaa, ,". ' i : '. . i.-: ". i.;. ' 5
FtSTSSSB, ;k ,,' - ' IUJ
IloTTta, " V " . .., . 14 -
Knas, ... . s m'- B ;
ftssswlk, .' ' , , ts
Tstiow, . ., . . - .. . . fl -
Ftaa, .; . . 10 ,
Harms Flax, , - - . in
Dsian Arn.tsr ,..- . .
Do, Paarnan, . . tso
Valuable Property
In the Borough of Nnrlhumtieflnnci,
2 S3 Cw Lfca UB
'VjnAl b stild, on 8 itnrday the ISth ilny of
. Novemlx.r et, by puMic sale, on the pre
mi, the following i'ecHrid propr'y, liil oigiog
to the esla'e of i; he-lne De Gnirhv. dee'd t .
l-t. Tea L ! of Groun I on Nonhwav. ntioi
lrd in f'sn ofsiiiil town 64 and fit, e th lot 80
feet ly'lBO ftet. upon which is a cnnt-nodinua
de li g house, part brick and part fmne.
2d. I. 'I No M adjoins ihe shove. fiO fe I by 180
feet, ii on which ia a atone dwelling h. uie.
31. l,ot No Rd stljoins the almve. 611 f. et by inn
f. et, up in W.dcli ia a double two etory ftsme house
and sinh'e. -
4h, T I. t, extending from N trthway in "he
river, esih CO feet flo.v, being Nosil anJ 22 in
town plan.
S h. TwoT.nts, a 'Joining the above and Oranae
street, upon which ia a hi irk bui'ding fntineilv U
as a disiil'ety, slid a ntver failing well of wa-
le, -
Ti.e P,rinsylvBul-. f's'ial tuns ihrnuch the two
Is'sl describe. pieces of pmpeity, which renders
them an eXcflltn' lora i m for any bus.ness ton
n. cted wnh Ihe rsi:a'-
8 h. Two Los of ground. eeh 60 f. et by ISO
Wt. fromina on NoMhwav nJ U'tier aire, t, anin-
here I in id an of said town, 67 nd 69.
T h, An OuMot, containing upw'arosoi nve acres.
The above Vroiierlv will be a dd on eaV term.
ConJi ion of i!e made known nn dsy of ele, by
J. it pRiEn.y.
Attorney f .r the Ex."Utorn.
Nor'homhei land, Oct. 31st, 1815. St
A N Election will be held at the Hanking House,
et Monday the 16th day nf November K'XI.
between ihe hours nf 10 nVI irk. A. M. Snd 3 o'
cl rk, P. M. for the parpo-e of eb ciing thiiteen di-
lectors t serve for the eio-uing vear.
A oencVal meetina of the at- ekhtddcrs will l-e
held at the CinViiig house, on Tuetlay the 3d
ilsy nf November, at f0 o'clock, A. M , in pursu
ance wnh lha act i f lncorpora ion,
J. K. I RIE8TI.EV, .
October 24 ih. 1816 3i Canhier.
cnenprr i'liftA EcVr1
JOHN IT. I'VT.DY. has juat received, at ha
New Htore. in Market S'quve, a fra-h sopi'y
ol 8ess. nahle Go.hIS, such sa . .
Cloths. Cissimers, S,nifelt, Kintorky Jeatts,
Cords, Diil'ings A'pacrss. Ging'i ms,
Piinta, Muslins, Honery. YSIovia Ac.
Al o t Oueen-waie and (Jroeerirs.
which will be so d very Iner. Purchaser are (nvi
ltd to call Slid ekaniine hia sloiV belnre mr hasinx
rlsewdiere. The hiiihrtr nr ee lit id for I'rodtice.
Suiibury, (irtobr t7rh, lSfo. if.
River Far m
FOIl SAlala.
riMR subSCMlnir efT-rs, at privatp a, a lrCt "of
X land situate in A'OuXlata oiVihip. Norihum
IriUnd rounrv, 8 mill S I el w Suiibu' y, on tlie
road hk ling from Sunl u'ry to Usui burp;. The
irncl Contains 150 acres, tbout 100 Sens if which
re cleared. Fmiy rrea nf the cleared Imd ate
llivrr Uotlom, and in a high Mate of i id ivati n.
wi h a lea on i'i e pnrlhin i f Mead w and Meadow
trmind, Thero is nl-o a numlxr nf fi lilt lie-sot
difl'ernl kind's cn the premise. The bui dinga
are a large two story .tone h.'U-e. with rVi'ai and
cellar silrhuu ui iter ihe whole; aUo a lank barn
!) I by 61) eel; hIo a shed nnd corn crths, Ar.
There is also le ry SMBChed to said fttm. ti own
I y the name ol fisher's Kerry i ihe weal side of
the river 3uq ehanna ; a'so a bme kiln nn said
tariu, within two onles uf time s'l'dic, cn lLa bank
of Ihe riVi'l.
If ihe i. bine Farm is not a dd by Ihe first day of
J innary next. It will I irnkd f r s trim of )iis.
Pes eaion given on the first day uf Apr. I U. It, i t
ps h ips Sooner, il' rri)ul'i il.
Anv perk m wishing lo view the farm, rkn do ko
by csllmg un the, iv na on the a 'mo. '
Mil: I.I AM R. J0.NE3.
AogUti. October ,7th, H4fl fit
rpENS Or TH il.'SA M)t 4.f py M ings
Jl" in Ihe -Ague 6. ciions" i f eCr coiiuny nre
n w lerrhen e l with lhal 1 hatrd romplaiot" FE
TKNT FEVtUt. or CiiiIls iaii Pitkh. ss H ia
varmualy e.dled. Tbe unise-S I V .ice ef this en-
ire ccmniuniiy 'f cin Maine t.t Ueoigia end from
the Allmlio 10 the It.xky MounUina, declares
to lie the great and onty l ife, swe and raji'al
Curt, wheii pioMily used, i'hia ci'uunt ! e.,,.
t oveilrd. Il mature the ncttirat falti' and I-
lastitity vf the toiiiHltiticn in a martlet that no
thing tUe wi I .
Et'rsct of a h-tlct, dated
Liwiarown.Fi.O.t. Id. 1M3.
Every hot la cf I'n Improved Tonic Mixture
sent baa been u-ll, kud I dj not know nf nno in.
alance that ii did hot affect a cure. Fotir ho'tles
cured live eet i f ike worst kind of F, v, r and A
gue one eiso ws niytelt Alter tryii t nine
and all nlher curee tb'inght of by my Physician,
finding no relief. I finally senl for une bottle of your
1'oni'e Mixture, srd waa relieved, in fact cured in
St bouts. I'lesis send on a (V. sh sapply, as there
is none kft." . You a, truly,
tXj- Soil on Agency in Kunbnry, by H. Mssaer
anJ others, ana all tue Dioreaee(.era in tne adjoin'
ing Counties. October IT, I8i8
rTtllC iiubbe are hereby notified, thai lha t)
X f'oa the Noithumberlsnd ehoie to the Ulsud
is now a far e.-mpleted, ihat il can be travelled
with safely by all tauUgrs of burihen, aa well aa
II oiaeia, sVc. D. UHAU riOAM,
Pres'L North'd Bridge C,
rveruiambcikand, t ci. to, ino.-ii
BB1! "HI tan i ll i aij,sj,. jsj (lii ,ff Yii j" il I I'dlLiiiiq.
ttttT OF JUZldUd
OF Norihurnberlshil County, fur NavstnUet
tertwy A. D.
. Miiiit1 JTiirom.
ThrM.-r&ari.i UMt Nathaniel MiCraV.
Lati J.Shy Idnebseh. ' .
aVifton, Soldmob Ditfferderfet, Jtseph Hogerf
dobbr. , . ..
'. Chii'firqHaqu. J,bft Jf. Vincent
".- roiof J.cob TJirnhart ' " '
; AVr(Auw6er.Vrnr-kJnme Diefjrtnbachet.
Augusta Ephraim Lytle, George Fetlrtsakn,
Samuel K ee-r. . .
&harnokin..nrtn Medlor, '
Cnnl David Billmaru
, ler Nahonoy. fjeotge Shartel, Daniel ftaia
set. tMU'er Mahrmny Solomon Ressler, Samuel
Drosi us, Jonathan lenker,
icA-.trw, (l, orf O rmsn. Mirhsel Cower, Ja
cob llilbish. Jacob II .ffman. D nirl Hi biah. jr.
' 'Tr.nverwc .1 iirom,
TrAu. t'hnmaa Pollnek. Wm. IV Hull.
Li(r. Wm. I.eweis. H epHen Glstt.
Pe,iwnrt. M. J B. Kelehner, John Dechiel
Mi't'tll K R.rder, ttamu. I Rhoade, Robert
M FrirV. . -V ' . .
Ch'liKiiatjme. Srmnel McMahon, John Beck.
ley. Oarl s tVng Henry O.hmn. .
rn-n. I'ha-ies I'a'ks. Jona'hnn PuMel.
Korlh'imfcrhnif.J m-s Cook. Wm. T, Boyd
S-inhury. Oonra I Ketshner, Henry Tbonip-
nn. Honrs Simps 'O. Geo pe I'lsrk.
AugitUi icob Griner, J icoh Wsmpole, Wm.
R.. Walter Speece, Wm. S.lvetwoed, Ckteh
U nyet.. . - - -
. Stamnkin. George Arnn'd. Genree FoX. Ber-
1 mi'i Ad'ins. petei Mshs Jonas Mittehler.
ifiiJi Joseph Campb. It, Jamea EcfcinaYt, Ja.
eoh Ian1, ell. C: a-lra T. Geathart.
' Crvr. John fiver i. r
Vpptr .ViifrMa.. .. hr Mover. Henrv ttais.
Liiwrr Mnhnnry MarMi (iarnian, DsiidSeilcr,
Johnr'pii John Dorkey.
tJitk iUhwttiif. onrd rre:ik r.
Jiehon. Wm D II .frmao, John Danb I, Fe
ler Rubentli il Genrse lU'iier.
"Petit Jurors.
. Turlut. D intel Fidlin.T, ' .' '
John Ksr-hncr. George tahl, Adam
Klspu. SsiiUel McNinc.b.
Delaware Win B. Brynn, F. ( Vincent,
Georce l.ille. Joseph lli'y iid, David Siahlnrclter, .
David GM Wm. Fu'krsor,.
M llnn. 3 hu W Kaiiffinn. .
Chill'tqHtiq'tr. John Flicker, Tunis Gearhatt-
y'oi'n Jacob ll.'ii b'r. Hinry Ainmcrmin
A'igtistci. If chry Hnas, Hrnrv Goihall, Tjeo
Zio-inerm ,n,'Ch rl OiiVm, H .rman Kline, jr.
Slmnwkih Mavis ol V) niut.ner.
7iimi. r Bair, Rohert Scoit.N'stban Pegg.
Vpper Mafionoy Wm. Ke-ger, J.'lin Sherry,
Petr fi . ,
Lower Muhoooy. Gi-O'ge Bros'imia. Bettjanitn
B 'Ver, Ad.m B'tigman. Ssmuel Witmer.
Jack ton. 8 1 Dion Ka' e, Martin Zartinarr, Jacob
Suited to the Human Connt'tut'hn, nnd equal to
the curt of every curable Diteate, W ll ..
he fnnnd in
Xorifk AmcrlCfin College ofltrtkltb.
TIIKSB ext'aordinary Pills era composed of
plants which grow sp uilanenttafy nn our 6n
M. and are, theretue, ltter adipted to our con-
stnutions than Medicines concoct, d from foreign
dines, however, well they may l compounded i
and as Wa
founded upon lie princiiile lh ,'t the bumsn loeiy.i
nsmrlr. eoriniit humors, and that said Mei!ititie
cures this di. esse nn Nstrait, by
thawing anil purifying thtvoily, it vVdllia man'.
it'-at th.i, It the eoiisl.tuli ! ce not entneiy ex
baiHted, a er'eeVe'rsii in iheir iish, according to
ili'iid'one. i- atiolmelv ceiisinto diTve d ica-e'of
eVerv nsni from tf.e tnidy.
When we wult to ro fo.a a swamp or mnrasa lo
f ttiliiy. c.-e dra'n il ol tTie 'u'peialninduhl water In
ilia manner, if vt wish to res'ore the body lo
heatii. w-mrtai ctnns'o It of lnpuri'y. j
will .e found i-tlf iT the Unl, if 101 he very best
mull, inr ih lue wo. Id tor lirrttna out this Gaap
PuaifVtjift PnistiKt'K. brCauFa ihey exiel Troin
ihe h xly all morbid and t'rtoi.l hum r, the cause
of the il'se'ae, ih in sj Mid S'uturhl lHanrirr
"lid hi e ibev every day oi'v xtss kU ytai-cax.
di every nsmo Is rajid y diiv'en from ihu
The foil Vf hijlily resprclalda al.iteeepk'S
have le,n duly an oinnd sign's for the sjlo of
W'ritltl't Indian Vegdallt IHf.t, in Noilb'UrhVr-
I n I rouiilv :
H. nrs ,aser, SunboiV.
E. St J. Ktoir.n .i, Aoiib'S ownslilt.
Hnn-uel Heib, l.inle M iho'noy,
W",l am lepn. J icfcson.
Drnrvitln llolsi.oe, t'pier Mahdnoy.
. John U. Ienn. Up-er Mahouoy.
- Hainurl John, Shuniokinion h.
For-jib-, Wil-on ft Co.. Rotihtiaibciland.
E. ! I 'per. Watanidiurs;.' -
- Irbrnd Jr. Have. McEaeu.viUs.
Jam. a Ptrd. P.iilroVe.
Wm. (3 Sc II, Rushvdle.
HarMnin Knable, Eiyhurg P. tt.
Am a T Beisret, Turb'uisVilie,
U d on Sha. lei, I 'pper M shortly,
. lit. odes Farrov, f nyd.if town.
" John K'ng. Farm -r.v jte.
Hi ss ('. ton k . Miitin's Cia k.
J. I le Young le.
At Sin r. r Iti hrhdud,
Samuel Taylor, S?it furl,
Jo'. n H. Vincent, Cbihsitaqne.' -
Wm. its n.n il liitbe. Mi. ton. ,
Cj OiUce ilev.i e I et. luaiie'y la iSa rate of
r-f ne North Amir can College nf Ite .llh. No 28S
Greenwich k';, N. wYoik; N.i. lO.-t Tr mnt
Ktreei. Bos on and I'll NOU'AL OFt'lCE Ko.
?CJ nCaWrai.T. Phil lelphia.
8 pt. id h. 1846. Iy- '
il II
Ia lining 'Colds, Coughs, Ailm.e, luQuengj,
AVhoopinx-Ciiugh, and all Disesaej uf
biejst and lungs, lcsJin la Cousamp.
lion composed of the concentrated
vinu. s of the herbs II art bound,
Uoiieeett, Cloodr.Mit, and
several other veget.
tie subatances.
v Warranted . ,
THIS Invaluable Medicine is the mo.l Saedy
tnd certain remedy ever discovsred for the a
bovs eompla'it,is, as thousands who bae itsad it
wi l icsufy, Fur aale, in Bunbury. by
J. VV. rRtl.INO.
and in Nortban,bsrlund. by 1. DKAU ViGAM,
seal at wiicWsaW, iu Philsblibi, by
. . . . Y. KLE1T a Co,
C(Br ef 8aoaal and CallotabUI eUaeUi.
etleeaer )ih, f
IsHmg remedy Fx DatVaass, also lor paina
and discharge or matter front the tsars.
HuiHircda or curia in caaee deemed Warty hope.
Ia have flmtly tabliahed its eCperioriiy over eve
iv former Medfeal discovery.
This valuable Acouatie Medlclnalfe a compound
of four different Ode, oae of Which, the active and
principal Inete.lient, is obtained from the bark of a
certain Speeira of WaVnttT, a new and effectual
agent in the cure nf De.fifeaa,
Persona who had lieam d-ef for I ft, IS eho even
SO years, hsVe bnen lasrmanentry cured by eaing
ibis oil. In faot, n numerous and so emphatic
have rrn tbe tcstisn miala in it favnn, lhat the in
ventor claims for it the distinction of en Infallible
Remedy, in all cases, whn tbe Ear is perfect in
iff formsti -n.
Fot further particulars, and evidenoe of ite greet
value, are printed she. Is, in the. hands of AgVnts.
F..railetnonbt' J. VV. FtdLlNO.
8eptemler 19.h. 18,8 ly
Ovolrrx in Silks. HtUbotts find MillU
' hfry (iflixh,
aVo. 45 Situik Smnit afreet,
AVE now in Pi nr iC assortment of "
Illch Mllltnrrr Ooodt.
miapien to r an hi e;, euen a
Bonnet Silks and Matiha figari 3 and plain. '
Farfcy Rtbhnne, nf enfirely new s'yles.
Hain Mantua snd Malin RihbonS, of all widths.
Illicit and t'olo.ed Stfk Veel.
French Fancy Feathers and Flowers.
Fancy Can Net and l.accs.
Buckisms, Yillowa, Crown Linings, ice. ic
Many of the above ar'lcloe being of ibrir own
imp ration, fhey are enabled to offer t&cfn kt the
lowt-st prices
Phdadelphlk, 8ept o.h, 8t0 Ira
Clt E A i'i rST I N Til EW(iKLl) !
Mfiiiii Itafined 8 tiff or Candles,
1'.' csvts ra ror-sn, WH iLrsasi.
JJ. RICHAKDt.ON, No. Ma.het Street,
Pfitknairitta, takes pleasure tn mloitning
ihe public, thai he still coiilinue tn Sell h!a Verv So
lienor S eatti Refined Cindy at tha lovV price of
1 12 50 per iOO pounds, and fhe (JUsTity is eUal to
any manufnrtnred in the tJni ed Hutee.
He td-o off rs aV, kinds 6f oods in tin XZcnfet
tionery and fruit line at eone-pondifig low p iers,
aa qoick kales and real! pioftts are lha order of
the tUy.
Call or send yrWir nrji-rs. shl yon cshPn't fail to
lie aslitfied. Don't forget the number it MAR
Augnat iftih. Ifcirt. firft
. FAktiiritiall3 .
rMasaaa 8tk'i.t, Kuk'avat,
H ANlCFIita fo ps4 laVors, beg a leave lb in.
loVm h a frfen'Ja and the public aren'erslly, thsi
he baa ju-t retl'trned t(tm the city with HeW and
fashionttMe lists, an I a fu'l aasortmrht nf t.ltbt
colored, Brorite, tilaA Kid, end all other k nds
of Morocco for Gentlemen, Ladies arid Children's
weaj and he assurrs al who may taV6r him with
their rOalOm. Ihat th. may rely lip in having their
w ,ik donV fn the m.ail silataiitial snd fsshtonnlle
manner, and Si Very nw pi ices.
Ko sl-o hss s full s-sorimenl of low ptlcej work,
aebct d by himsa f which he Will Sell lower than
ever nTF red in this place, v it :
Mi n 'a fehoes,, as low ss $110
Ex ra Hiout B.l, g .00
G.Hid i.ace 0"O a for tVomrh, - I.T10
Women's c'lips, - . .60
Children's Sh., .
Sole Leather, Morocco, etc., toe sale low.
August ai l. 8sC aplBtf
Boot & Shoe
l)AEta l.HtJCKEVinalaER.
At hit 'Ad bttallithment, in Market Street,
(nrP'tTB Tilil It SO tlOH tlOTBL,) .
UK l'UR'8 hia tlutnks for piel fayors, and re.
, tpce;fiiily informs his fiiends snd the public
eenerelly, that hu Coniinura lo manufaciuie to or
der, in tlie neaust.snd Ulest aula. . , . , ,
cluut noors Ahd snoEs,
warranted i f the larat material,, and made by the
most rxpeil.'ncej wotkmen. He also kec-s cn
hand a cene'ra, assortment of fashionable Boots for
sviiil. men, tugVthe'r with a large atrk of faahiun
ible genlb mcn'e. Ixiya, ladiea' and childien'e Shoes,
all of which been m ule urider hia own Imme
diate inflection, and are nf the beat material ami
wo'km maipp, which ha will seit low for cash. .
l!i,l.lnion lo ihe a'ajve, he. has just received
from Vhilad lohii a lsree nd extensive supply of
Uoos. hh.M), &e. of e'l descriptions, which be slo
ffei's fir cs.h. cheap r tha.i ever be'ore offered in
il.ia pi a re. Ha leejtecifutly invitee his old custo
meis, and others, to call and ci amine for thum
si Ivea. ,
Repiirlii' i3..ns with nratnraa and despatch.
HuuMi:y, a,tiust IS.h, IHS.-
W II O Ia.E, S A tE
Ho. 35 f.turJs 'third Street, above Cktmut,
SASTkak aao ttrs f xuracTfcaxa anors aan
PllllE Subscriber has taken the liberty of addres-
II, ring hs pvblic, aali Bed that ihty will find it
lo their inie. -si to c all and eiarijlna bis stock rf
Boo' a bd Shot s, and scus!nt themsalvss wilb
his prices, .
e-rlling exeloaivel f the, Ce-h, he U enabtaJ
snd iteieimiitej tj sell lower than any otbgr regu
lar house in the city. , , .- (
Fsr'Cns wilt please examine tbe taarset tho
roughly, and, btfo.e puichasine, tsll at the atoia
f . TlV.iS. I.. EV.I8.
No. SS South TVud, above Cbcsrul it
- Philadelphia, Aug. IV g48. -
FXtER's rJflKirs i3Y bliAp; Li ek-
iracting Qreaae, Dry Paints, Varnish, Tar,
Wax, i
Vc f,cm clothing of any description,' wsi.
lanlad r ,,t lo injure tbe cloth or the mo-t deliesie
rgior-;. This bqo d haa else bean ttsl,wnh greet
sutceas in eases oi Burns, pcslda, Tctt r. Pimples
on the face, Chapped hamla, Sore lipa. Rheums
tiaia, Hard or sell Crua, cVc. CCT F'ice, 15 eta.
par beitle. For sale at tbe steie f
Jaly li, lMf. H. M AMI It
TPlwP'L' f"T ,he r,b"" -eoursgnant
M. h has received, woul I reapcctfully
Inform bis friends sod the citizens of Northomlajr
land county in general, (hat he has prepared Lima
eelf ihe Inciirrupiible Teeth, tlold Piste,
nold r"il. e , that can be had in the city of Phi
ladelphia ; and that he will endeavor, to ihe utmost
of hia ability, to render full aatisfaction lo a'l whrt
rn.iy think proper lo engage his services. He will
be In ennbory at the August court, where he will
be prepared, at his residence, to insert Teeth on
Gold Plate, or on Pivot, on the latest and most Sp
provrjj Yilans, and attend In all the branches bclonr.
Ladi'S will he waited on at their places of rest
aene'a, if desired. .'
His charges will be reasonable, and his wotk
He wdi viait diff. rent psrU of the eocnty, abnnt
enee in three rhoD'ha. . .
Bunbnty, July tfiih. !Rt6 m
Ao. 34 sVorA Fmtrik Street, vndtr the Mer
chant' ) Inlet,
I HI In db I lib a,
E i rtoiis nr. rsMts.
EEPS cnnsteritly on hsnd u exnnte as
sortrtlent nf a'l Vinda, Fur Ind Rus
sia, tvhtch be 1'ff. rs for sle nn ihe mnn tm.
eanahle term. His Hats are msde tip of the best
materials, and in the Tnosi approved sule Per
a as Visiting Ihe cfy will find it Li their interest 10
eali. Julv ll'th. 18IR t
. . - - J
SlLVEIk M Eli A la,
awaaDiii av ths rusauS tasTiTtiTS, 1845.
'City Dngnrtrrolypc EslnWishracnt.
(t.ATK RmnVs &, Cotuiis.)
Kb. 100 Chennut '.'., nhhve Thi'd, 'South tide,
raw. abc tr Jax a.
TJ'IMATURE3 takryn etjusily as w.: in c'-n
IT H dy us in cleir wetiher. A dark s ik dr. hS
for a ladv. and a bla k suit for e eVnt'e-n -n. are
pref.iralile In hitting for a pirlu e. ' Nuri'ti ei srgo
a made for 'colurinar. and neiffrl liketeSKea ..ra
guarantied. July 4tli, tSlfi. ly
lalght Slrrct, '
riHE House has undergone a thorough repair.
X The proprietors solicit its former putiunae.
Terras 1 S3 per dHy.
... Arthur l. rooa,
'July 4, 1646 ly Woi rotors.
1 H I L A E L V II I A .
THIS large and commodious Hotel has recf htly
bCen filled up wiib entiro new furniture.
The subscribers therefore solicit the patronage of
the public, and trust that their experience in the
business will enable them to give entire satisfac
tion. Terms moderate. .
July 4th, 1848. 1 y
Keller & Oreciiotili,
tRAVI.03 snd apera for tl riicp Of-
W Hce will be prepared by Ilium. it ir mn-.
opoosiie lha Patent Office
Julf.iih, 1848. ly
i si v o h taTIs t
TO ALT. I'nitNfrsv
. v.,f . ...
i may i:e sure or olrf.iifl.rig, at
all tiroes, pur 3 snd highly flavored
By the aingle found or Is.rger quat lily, at lbs
VeklnTert iVmtrtrjTi vTarrjliousia;
30 South Second ttrect, hrtwein Market and Cket-
iw ttrtttt,
.... . . Tn7.fjAEEI.TniA.
Heretofore it h .a been very diilicult, indeed, al
most imposaiKlc, alwaya hi obtain good (jre.n and
Blick 1 ear. ipui nnJV ,PQ ltVe only to visit ibb
Pekin Te. Oonipany'a Store, lo vbtain aa delicious
and fragrant Tea ss yno could wish for. All tastes
can heie l suited, wilh the advaulags of getting a
PV'e article at a low price.
Juno S7ib. 181(1.
PRBifiitriyi scaiiEsT
I'ale'a Cele1 rated H .il Road Scales.
Co.d and Hay dj
Iuri VrtntilacV da
Putt able Platform do
. 20 diBerent sixes,
Dormul or Floor do
, ft il iff. rent eiz,
Countor di
13 d ITerent aii.r
The abovd ii.-alea aro
mule eitbor single or
Jouble lsm. and aro
decidedly Ihe most tlu aMe, accurate and ctinyenu
ant scales ever in e..ld. We ilai have Pla foinf
and Ceuntr f2cates, PaU nt Ualaria a and ei'ery
kind of Weighing Machines in u- f r sale', v. h, .'
sale end retail, at low prices. All Scales sold by us
to go out of ths rity, sre boxed fr. e of chre, and
wauanicd to give saiiafariiuo 1 1 the purchaser in-'
eveiy particular. OKA Y &, II RO I "HE,
Mauufuctureia snd Dealers, INo. 94 'A'nliin'l street;
June C7. 1846. ly J'ntWr jtl o.
Iinnar kitirtriiit....ia. it..n
Hoise Shoes, far satj at msnul tcluifis'
piices, by ,
cry & Br.tvrnER.
June S7. IMS.- ly 34 Wa'nu. i. Phil id-
ai4L T. Nijw Totk bait in I ands sod I'Ji'a, tor
Sale st manufac'urera' prices by ...
Jons tT. 1648. ly a Waintatst. PhiliJ.'
miOM-SAUi: A.U nETAlt:,
THE rubs.aibera are constarnly manuftcir'ns;
fioro the Ust FrTch, English and .ni'iean'
manufactured Clotlis snd Caesimers, Cm J THI NO
iq a seiy auperpir eijle, eol and workma.ihtp.
Persons buying to sell again will find one of the'
largest end most fssblopsble slock of goods to select
from tn ibe tity, and at unprecedented ,.w prices.
lf4 Maikel et. Phllad
N. t, A larje assortmrpt ol Odd Fi'llows' Ro-'
gahacousiamly on hand, and all orders from lodgse'
or indtvidaals pauciually atisnded to, on the most
libsrsl terms. j. VV. & E. D.
Philadelphia, June 87th, ly
(hi di
dd ' dj
da do
do do
da da