99JL JLI .'.'Jli 1 J l-J TIIK OLD MAID. BT MRS. AMKLlA WgLST. Why sittthe Ihui in solitude T her hetrt i Seems melting in her eye't delicious blue, And t it heavet, her ripe lift tic apart At if to tet its heavy throbbing through ; Iri her dark ejre a depth of softness swells,' Deeper than e'er Ler careless girlhood wore; . And her cheek crimsons with the hue that tellt . Tie rich, fair fruit ii ripened to the core. it it her thirtieth birth-day! with a nigh (bowers, Htr tout hath turned from Youth'i luxuriant Ami her heart taken up the last tweet tit . That measured out itt linkt of golden hourt! She feels her innocent toul within her atir - With thought! too wild and passionate to tpeak; Yet her full heart 'itt own interpreter Translate! itielf in tilence on her cheek. .'"v'i opening hud, Affection's glowing flowert, One tprang within upon her beaming track; ('ft, life was beautiful in thoie lost hourt Y And yet the doet not with to wander back ! N'o' the but lovet in lonelineit to think On pleasure! patt, though never more to be : i It.p linkt her to tho Future but the link That bindt her to the past it Memory!., , Tiom htr lone path the never turnt stide, Though pattionate worshippert before her fall; t.:ke tome pure planet in her lonely pride, She teemi to toar and beam above them all ! Vat that her heart it cold ! emotion new knit, And fiexh at flowert, are with her hearts-striag And tweetly mornful pleatnret wander through Her virgin tout, and toftly rottle it. For the hath lived with heart and toul alive To all that makes life beautiful and fair ; hive weet thought!, like honey-bees, have made thtir Of her soft bosom-cell, and cluster there ; l life it not to her what it hath been Uer toul hat learned to look upon its gloss And now she hovers like a star between Her deedt of love her Saviour on the Cross IViieath the cares of earth she doet not bow, Though the hath oft timet drained its bitter cup Hut ever wanders on with heavenward brow, And eyes whose lovely lids are lifted up ! Mie feels that in that lovelier, happier sphere, Her bloom yet will, bird-like, rind its male, And all the joyt it found so blissful here, Within that spirited-real perpetuate. Vet, tometimet o'er her trembling heart -strings thrill, Soft sighs, for raptures it hat ne'er enjoyed, And then the dreamt of Love, and strive to fill With wild and pattionate thoughtt the craving void. Andthut the wanders on half tad, half blest Without a mate for her pure, lonely heart, That, yearning, throbs within her virgin breast, Never to find itt lovely counterpart I United Stale Army. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Chronicle, who waa with Gen. Taylor at Camargo, pivte 1 11 ite at interesting account of the state of the army of the United States in Mexico. He etti male- the invading army immediately under (ten. Taylor, or tho army at Monterey, to a ;inunt to 6,610 men, half lcgulars and hall vol unteer!, thus: bcti.kr's PIVIMON. Itt. Reg. O. Vol.. Col Mitchell, j Harmert I 340 Kentucky do. Urmsby, Brigade. J 340 Tenn. troops, Campbell 540 COO Mississippi Volunteers, Davis, ( Quitman's I COO Baltimore Bat , Watton 27 10 Brigade. poo WORTH 1 MVISIO!. Col. P. Smith's regiment, regular troops, Parts of 6th and other infantry regiments, dragoons, 300 1080 100 I wo companies, MrCullocb't and Gilles pie's Texas Rangers, Whole number of Worth's in advance, 1700 Twicc's DIVISION. Texst mounted men, Col. Hayt, Mny'i dragoone. 3 enmpanie!, Ridgcly and Duncan's flying artillery, Webster's artillery, (18 and 10 inch mortart,) 800 250 100 60 Tarts of aeveral infantry regiment!, and of aitillery armed and infantry 3230. 1350 6644 There are at Camarpn, he says, 2100 men ; at Matamoras 1000 : between Matamortt and the month of the Bravo, 4550; at Point Isabel 120: at Camargo 700 trk and inefficient; at Matamoras iu hospital 700 ; troopa of all sorts from Camtrgo to Brateoe, under Major General I'jtterson, and Brigadier Marshall, Pillow, LsnJ and Shields, 9170 tnakinp, with the army of Monterey, 15,610. Gen. Wool lias under Lis command, to ad ance on Chihuahua, 4,000 men. Gen. Kearney baa at Santa Fe 2700. The whole of the United Statea armiea a gainst Mexico 22,5 10. The writer adds .- Derides thene there w the California regiment and the new regiment of mounted riflemen, in tended for the war in the west. There are now in the U. 8. army, 20 regi ments ol volunteere, 8 of infantry, 4 of artillery and one of mounted rcflemen, bosidee the two regiments of disgoons making in all 41 rei menU of arms. If to this be added the mm employed in the 1'iartcr matter's, corrmitsionary's and engi neer's departments, there will be shown a force of 30.000 men, now in and attached to the army of the United State. The above account is np to the 6th of Sept. GaarTiNo thf Tomto rpoNTnt roTATa At a meeting nfthe New York Farmer's Club, Mr. Meigs read from the "Annals of the Royal ilorticultural Society ol Par in," an account of a ircerf1l experiment of grafting a stem of the una to upon i1' ol a potato, ty which a i of tomatoes was raised in the air, and one iatoea in the earth. The tomato aod U --- ' i pot. gi of the tame gtnut ef plant, II. I UMiaiL-RW. DAtK SOTG LIST, , .. . ... . . , . , ,- ( ' rl:.SYLTAILt. The fllnwiig 1it dhows the ctfreol value of all rVnnsybarda Hunk Note. The most implicit r liunc may I placed opon it, it is trtry tvrtk eri fiilly eoiuraveJ with add corrected from Dick nell't Reporter. , . ' ,- r 1 I Banks la Philadelphia. NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America , , per Bank of the Northern Liberties ' . '. per Commercial Bank of Penn'a. , par Farmers and Mechanics Dank . . par Kensington flank . par Philadelphia Bank , ' . . I fit Schuylkill Bank . . . par Snnthwarh Bank . par Western Hank ' , . par Mechanics' Bank . rmr Manufacturers' cV Mechanic' n.ink par Hank of I'enn Township . . par Oirard Bank. . . pv Bank of t'ommerre, lute Moyarni naing par Bank of Pennsylvania . par Country flanks. Bank of Cheater County Westchester Bank of Delaware County Cbestur par par par par par par Bank of ftermantown Bank of Montgomery Co. Dny leal own Bank Esston Bank Gcrmantown Notrietown Doyleslown East on Farmers' Bank of Burks co. Bristol par Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par t'olunjlda Bank eV Bridge co. Columbia par par FsrmcrV Bank of Lencaatei Lanciatet Lancaster t'oUnty Bank Lancna'er Dank Farmeta' Batik of Reading Office of Bank of Penn'a. Odice do do Office , do do Office do do Lancaster par Lancaster pr Reading pai Harrlsh'urg These Lancnater I offices Beading ( do not Easirm J laauen. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Rank of the United States" Philadelphia 23 12 Miners' Hank or 1'otlaville' Bank of Lewistown Bank of Middlotown Carlialo Bank Exchange Bank Do li branch of Harritiburg Bunk Lebanon Bank Merrhar.ts' & Maiiuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg Writ Branch B ulk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank lit rkt County Bank Otfice of Bank of U. W. Do do do Do do do Potuville I.ewistnwn Middlotown Carlisle Pittahurp Hnllidavaburg Ilarrinhurg Lebanon Piltaburg Piltabuig Wi!liamptrl Wilkrabane Allentown iicailing J Pittsburg faiii-d do Erin New Brichton Chamlieraburg tti'tlyaburg Mnntroae J.. Bank of Chamberaburg Back of Getty aburg Lank of Suquebauua Co. Erie Dank Parmera cV Drovera' Dank FrankKn Bank Houeedale Bink Monnngahela Bank of D. Vork Bank i i w li.li ii H U H 21 Erie Wayncsburg Wauhington Ifont'kdulo Brownsville York N. II. 1 he notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokera, wiih the exception of ihnae which have a letter of rtference. BROKEN DANK 8. Philadelphia Sav. lira, Philadelphia Loau Co. Schuylkill Sav. Int. Kensington Sav. Lib, A PhiUJrlhia do do da do failed fuiled failed Peon Townaliip Sav. Ir.a. Manual Labor Bank ('!'. W llyott. prop.) failed I'pwauda Bank Towanda Alleghany Dank of Pa. Bank of Beater Bank of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Dank Farmers' &. Mech'ce' Bjuk Farmers' 5c Merh'ca' Bank Faraicrs' &. Verh'cs' Bank Hsrmony Inatitute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Dank Lumbermen' Bank Northern Bank of i'a. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Noithunih'd Union Col. Ilk. North Western Bank of Pa. . OlhVe of Schuylkill Bank Pa. A (ir. Jt Mar.uf. Bank 8ilver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Bedford Beaver Hariisburg V.'athinclon He!!. Imite Pitul Ul( Pittslitirg Payette co. (ireencattle Hsrmony no sale closed cloteil failed closed no .ale failed failed failed no fcal HuntingJon no salv l.mistoMa no Sdle Warren failed DuiiilatT no aale New Hope closed Milton M.a.Willa Port Carbon ( 'urliale Moniiose I'nionmwn no sale cloaed failed closed f.iiUJ firefnaburg clone J Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Wilkrtharre no sale All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl vania Dank not giten in the above lit, may he set Jowo as frauds. xeiv jeiisi:y. Bank of New Biunawick Belvideie Bank Burlington Co. Dank Oummercial Bank' "umlierland Dank Farmers' Bank Tarmera' and Mechanics' Bk Farmer' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Merchants' Dk Franklin Dank of N.J. Brunswick HeWidtra Mcdford Perth Amboy I'ridRelon Mount Holly liahway N. Biuiiawitk Midillutowii Pi, Jer.ey City failed par i par par i failed 1 failed failed failed failed failed 4 failed i par no tale Hoboken Bkgdi Uiaxing Co Hoboken lersey City Bank Jerary Citv Meehanice' Dank Manufacturers' Bank Moriis County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mrchaiiics' Dauk Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morria Canal and Dkg Co Post Notes Newark Bkg & Ins Co New Hope Del Bridpe Co I'atieiaoii Belleville Morriatown FietbolJ Newark Trenlon Jeiscy City Newaik 1 j failed failed i failed i Lamhertavilla N. J. Mtnufae. and Dkg Co Hoboken N J Proleclon ek Lomtaid bk Jersey City Oiange Dank Orange PalerMMi Dank Psieraon People Dank do Princeton Bank Princotun 8alein Banking Co Salem Stale Dank Newark Hiate Bank Lliialieihtown Hi ate Dank t:ni.len State Dank of Morris Moniatown dtute Dank Trrmon Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem Hueset Dank New ion Tienton Banking Co TrenUio Union Dank Dver Waahingtoo Banking Co. liackenaack DELAWARE, . Bk of Wllm A Brandy wiiM Wilmington Dank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do ' branch ' Milloid Farmers' Bk ef Mate of Del Dover -De braiutt Wilmington ' Do branch Geoigetowa Do branch Neweaatle Union Bank Wilmington " utT Undei A's par par failetl railed 1 par failed par par par par per par , P' par rXJ On all banks marked thos () there are si. taar eoonlarfsrt of arteitaj mom of tke varioos ds saaisatks , to circulation. ttnre jr hear! the lYewt t 1WO! WHAT It3 IT? Wiit, ?' to ntaaa teat 'I I MARTIiV IRWIiV, At kiiittop, in Marhtt afrref, mfjotning Me thine tnry Brttk tfnute, HAS Just ree.ived from Philadelphia the largest, haiulaomrst and best assortment of ' - BOOT9 AND SHOES ' of every descrlpilon, that bas ever been brought to this place. And bat is Mill betier, thpy ey he tells so cheap, that you can boy two taw for the same moury that yuu uW to pay fur ens pair. He Bert roe Cn and 8bils roe Case, and that U the teaeon that he can iiflbrd lo tell ihrm an much cheaner. If you doit want to buy, just call and see his s'ock. He is always glad to tee his cUftomrr-j and il is no Iroulde to him to allow bis go,l. Jn-t to give you an Met how rhea,) he doe sell, the following is a list of prices of a pait of his stckt Men's Thirk Bo .1 . t .... II. .in worth $t 00 at U 1r- lit, ll. a .im... .... do Calf dl " Itova Thh-k do Voiiths' do " Men's Thi. V Brogsn. " Women's Mo."icco Wolta and Kid Sprinta. ' " Women's U'tt City made KM Slippers, H Lailii-a' (l.iitiri and Oai- ' ' ler Boots, - ' " A'ao, rvfry variety of Lsdi 4 50 at 3 on 6 0(1 -at 2 SO at 2 00 at I 87 at 3 00 I 76 I 25 1 00 1 50 at 1 00 ! 62 at" 1 12 2 00 at 1 7 ellil- Hots' and drena' shoes, at frees lower than eer before offer. ed. Come and Ste Sunbury, Jane I1'h, 1846. Cm DANVILLE fBrJr n I3l2y5VGrCC WOOLEN FACTORY. DANVILLE, COZ.TJMDIA COUNTY, I'eniiHjIvaiila. THF. DarniUe Steam ti'uolrn t'actnry. foimer ly owned and occuped by Dr. Pbtkiki. hi! recently been pun based by the subscribers, wh. rrarM'ctfullv announce lo their friends and I lie pub lic general y, that they aft now prepared to do all kinds of wjrk io ihrit line at business, at the shor test notice, according I i or,lei. and in the best com p'ir.itWe mann.'r. ilasinif gone to considerable expense in npairirig ll.tit n..ichinery a"d aparatus, and being viry par.irutur in srcur'n.g the service of fitienced mechanics, they feel confident tht they are capable of eeciting all kinds of work in a a'yle siin-rior lo a: y other t'ablishme.nt in the couniry, a! the old cumoin .iy p irn. CLOTHS. SATIN ETTH. FLANNELS ikd Bt.A.NKETH conalnn ly on 1 and, and Tor sale at reduced prices, for Case or Birier. C AItIIG AD I I I.I.I will lie done in the best in inner, at the usual pri ce. All kinds of country produce taken in pay ment foi wuik, at D ilivillo Pinket prices. For the accommodation of those who live at di-lance, Wool slid ('loth will lie taken in at. and, vthen finished, re urn.,1 lo the following pla ces, Plxin written directions must accompany esch psreel : Columbia Corinry. Roup & Marr's store, Wa shingti nville; H. Fruit's sti.re, J rseytown ; Yea ger'a inn, lloaring Cre, k ; Sba'pleaa' store, Calta. isa; (. F. Mann's atoie, Mifllinviile ; Millet's store, Berwick ! J. Cline's Mill; RickrVs stoie, Oiansevillc; Deir'a store, V bile Hall. Northumberland County Michael Header's inn, Turbutille; Ireland Ac Hsv'a store, McEwena ville; E. L. Pier's stoie, Watsonalown ; r. I. Coinly cV Co's lore. Millon; Gibson's inn, Cliil lisiuaque : Foraytb'a stoie, Northumberland ; Young's sioie. 8unbuy. ' ' Lusrrnt County. Reynold's time, Kingston; Gilderslerve'a store. Wilkeabarre ( Gavlord'e store, Plymouth ; Styev'a store, Nantlci.ke ; Judge Mack's Mll, Huntington. l.ytoming County. D. Clnpp's store. Money; Shoeinskci'a store, ismilh'a Mill. GEARHART KOWNDVER. Danville. May 9. I84S. IM5NN SYLVAN I A 11 0 U SIC, DANVILLE, r A. THE subsciiber, late of the Union Ifoirl, Mun cy, Ps , rrspeitfuMy informs the olJ and nu merous customers i f l!ia I'riinKylvaulu Ilounr. and the public gem-ril'v, that he haa leased the Tavern tfiand of John jtlimles, in ll.mville, where he is now prepared to enterluiii travel ers, and per sons visiting the town, in il,r v ry hi st yle. The accoiiunoiljlions will be such as a well conducted public house should all'iril, and no elf"! will be spared lo render sil'i-Cn lion, in every resjiect, to s'l who n ay call. The rit'triis of Lvcoining county a'e invited to put up with the undeiaigi.ed hen they visit Dnnville. HENRY WEAVER. , Dsnvi'le. May 5, lSlfi. VSITE SV.IT HOTEL, Rac e Stuf.kt, PiuiAniLriii. iiy j. ii; ri:us. THIS localmn is convenient for Bus'nrn men visiting the city. Every paini ii liken 1 1 s cure Ike comfort uf travellers. March 7. 1S4 6. I y MONTOU11 HOUSE, laA'l'K RItADY'S HOTEL, Opposite the Court Ane, DANVILLE, FZJXrXr'A. ts THE Bub ciilHr, ho assisted fr se. tJTff vei. I veara in Ihe nnnegen.enl of tbe a- tfibove lloiel. lately kept by Mi. 8. A. Bra 1 sua j dy, b g leave In infirm the travelling public, that he bas uken the eta!lihrnert on his own account, on the first of January, 1846. The House has, of laie, unrlogone many impor tant alterations, and the present conductor promises lo leave nothing undone to mike it a comfortable and agreeable, as well at a cheap and accommoda ting stopping place for strangers who may visit our flourishing village. No paina nor eipenae will be spared to fill the table and tha bar with ihe Ke-t tbe rn nkela afford, and wiih lb determination to de. vn'e his entire personal attention to tbe comfort of those who may irate hia house their temporary a. bode, and aided by active, careful and obliging ser vants, be hnpes lo give general satisfaction, and re criva a literal absia of ciutom. fxj" Large and commoo'ioiie STABLES era at t ached to the eeiabbahnient, which ais sttended by csreful and obliging ho -tiers. ; GIDEON M. SHOOP. ) January talk. I . if COSGKESS INK. Blue and Black Cougie-s Ink, of a supeiior quality. f.r aale ebeap.si the sUeof HENRY MA88ER. July 4th. IXtl. ' ' ' MULAStS Tli fnal quality Sugar House Molaseea, only 12 cents per quail; also, a ewpeifine article of yellow Molass- a for baking, on ly 12 cents per qusrt for sale at the store of -Ju" 8' l4 . HEMiY MAK8ER. ninB Ctitsatrsa Macassaa Haia 6u, kss J X j heea recsisea) aod ie for sals st tbe store ef Mt? 90, 1MB. HCNKT NACVSJI. r H. B. 1A33E?.,. 'ATTORNEY AT I. A V, i 1 tvnBuar, pa - :; Business attended to lit the Counties of Nor- thumlerland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia. iterer let P. Be A. RororriT, ' Lowtn it Baano.v, i ; ' J Sojh A Sitoneaate, yPAilad. ' Rttirot.ni, McfaattJiD it Co. Seratao, Goon & (,n.t . DElTTIST?s7' ; ; j PET E h II. MASSE XI," t RFCENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, "mESI'ECTFIJI.LY informs the rilitens of IE tunburv and virinilv, that he haa 0ened an oiuce si me rc-i ierire oi iienry flu-rr, in niaraei atreet, where l,e is prep ued to egrrute all kin.ls ol DsitTAt Sctinrnt. Plate Woik cVc , on the latent and mont approve,! plans. Having had some eiperirnce and in''nction, Under one nfthe mnl eminent and siiccessl'nl Urn lis sin Philad. Inbl i, he believes tint he v. ill be nb'e to give sstiaf ic'inn lo tho-e who msy want his service! " Ladiet will be waited nn at their placet of rexi. dence. His charges will be modeiate, arid his woik warranleil. Sunbury, March 28th, 1S46. No 70 South Tmnn SrRKirr, . Opposite the Phihxhtphia Exchange, Manufacture and ki p cor atiilitly on band, fl large as sortnienl of their Patent lin nrntcd S.dammdi r FIRE PROOF SAFE, I.ii:h s.e so constructed as to set nt ret all re inner of doub' as lo their bring ttriitW fire proof, and ihat they will resist the fite of unv building in tl e world. The niiianle case of Ihe Safes are m nle oi boiler iron, the insnle c ise of so .p-tone, and be Iwern ibv i uti r ease and inner rase ia a apace of s..me 3 inches thick, and ia Ailed in with imWrurs: tible m iteri.d, so as to make it sn impossibility t l ever born any or the contents inside of this Cbe.it. These Hoapstone SaLmandeis we aie piepared and do challeng ihe weild In produce any sriicln in Ihe shape of Book Safes that will stand as mm h heal, and we hold ourselves ready at all times t have them fa rly teale.l by public boi.fi re, boul.l a ny c.f out competitors feel disposed to try their. We also com nue to manufacture and keep c m- ttmitly on hand, a larpe and general as-ortment f i our Pieinlum Air tight Fire Proof Hnf.-s, .f which we have a Urge quanti'y in me, an I in every in stance ibey have given enlTf s-.luraciion to the puichascra of which we will-n fer tbe public to a few gentlemen vthoh.ive them in ua . N. cV G. Talor, 129 ninth 31 a'.; A. Wright & N-phrw, Vine si. wharf; Alexander Curnr. t'rn veysticrr, corner of Tilbeil and Ulll a's.; John M Ford, 82 north 3d st.; Myers Bush, 20 north 3d r.t.t Bailey ck Biother, 138 Makrl !.; Jamea' M. Paul, 111 I south 4 tit st.; l)r Davhl Jnyne, 8 south 3d st 5 Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d St.; ai d we could nsme some three or foul hurdrt-d ntheis if it were tncessjrv. Now we invi'e the sttention of the public, and particularly those in want of Fire Proof Safes, In call at our store hefoe puicha sing elsewhere, and we think we can satisfy them that Ibey will get a letter and rheaer article at out store than any other esiabl.shment in Ihe city. We also continue In msnufactuie fesl and Co pying Presses, nitde in such a manner at to an swer both puritiMt Hoisting Machine, Fiie Proof Doors, with our own manufacture of locks on Ihem, with D. Evsns's Patent Keyhole Cover attached lo the same; plain and ornamental Iron Railing, &c. N. B We keep constantly nn hand a hrge as. aoilment ol our Patent Mate l.iind Ucftigei tus. Water Filters and Coolers; and we have also on hand several second band Kire Proof Chests taken in exchange fur ours, which we will dispose of tl ve.y l,,w piiees. Philadelphia, January 24'h. 1846. ly To liirrliurrs) of '" DR3T GOODS. An. 121 J'earUt, NKW YORK, HAVING estahli-hed a Branch at No. 144 Chss nut at., Philadelphia, is now opening, snd will be cona'antty receiving from tbe N.w York Auc tions, an extensive assortment of JTANCr It STAPLE DRY GOODS. . which will be aold at the lowest New York pi'eca at wholesale and Rilail. Among b s al.x-k will I found a good assortment of the f .llowieg articles; Ja.eoi.els, PUid. Mail Cold, Lace, 2iri4, Book. Swi-ssnd Taila-sn Muslins, Bishp and Linen Lawn, Fancy Cap Nells, Fancy and Ball Ureases, Thread Laces, Application 1) . rich B ack Si.k Tnmiuing Lace, Iriah I.iuena, Liurn Cambrics, I. oien Cambrie ildkfe..Cuitaiu Fr.ngea, Cashmeie d'Ei-os-e, Mousebne do ldte, bilk and Colloii Warp Alpaccas, Quet.'a t'lolh, Gala Plaids, French Meitiios. UUrk i ks, (i..ves, bi k (lose, Shwla, I 'tava's, Rilihons Embiniileriia. tVcHfcc. Country Merchants snd otheis visiting I'hiUdel phia or New Ymk to purchase, are rrapectlully in vited to call and examine Ihe stocks. Nov. 1. 1M5. ly iTl-: l i e Vjv xTTT i v iT. THOMSON'S Compouud ) nip or Tar & Vood Nitptlia. rilHE unprecedented sucre.s of this medicine, in i Ihe restoration of heabh, n those who, in des pair, had given up all hopes, haa given il an rai led reputation ' ovri all other reni'dirs, fornUhing evidence of its intrinsic va'us and power, sa the on ly si-cut which can be rel ed iim n for the cure of Pulmonary Consumption. Brombiilis, Asihma, Pain in the side and Brea-t, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac. Attention ia i.quested lo ihe following A8TON. ISHING CUKE.hv Thomson'. Compound 8yrup of Tar and Wood Nsptha ! ! rhila,lrlphia. Mnif 3d, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Hr With gruteful feelings I inform yu if the astonishing rdec's of your meilllne. which haa litera'ly lata d me from a deth-bed ! My dirs-e. Pulmonary Cnnsump lion, had reduced me so low that my physician pro. nojnred my case hopeless ! At this junction I be gan to u-eyour m. .l:cin, and nuraculous ss it may seem, il has completely restored me to health, aftei eveiy thing else bad tailed. Respectfully yours, WASHINGTON MACK. Cbailolle street, above Geoige street. 1 The undersigned, being personally acquainted with Washington Mack and his sufferings, bear wiinrsa lo Ihe astonishing effects of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar, snd ths truth of lbs e bpve statement. JOS. WINNER, 18 North Third street, -DAVID VICKERS, 42 Almond street, HUGH M'GINLEY, 8. E. corner Tsmany snd Fourth etieela. , : . , , Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of 6th and Spruce streele, Philads'pbis. - Agents. 11. B. Mssser, Sunbury; D. Grots, snd Df. Marpheiaoo, llarrishurg Jno, G. Brown, Potuville Geo. Earl, Reading Houston it Mas oa, Tewanda, Brad or d eoenly, Pa. Pries 50 eecls per bolUe. or 5 ar dosen. . Q Betoort of alt imitalimt. .5 fbntdelrhJs.Juae.tStlj, IMI ly S0f23AL2 RETAIL :"Ai;ACAP WARFaUOUSE, i If ,TH? ",!,c;'1,f" "P-'Tull, call the tttcn '' f'lds and de dert to their Urge and well essorted stock of lists and Cape of every description, wrll adapted f r lbs spring trade, , Be log made of the beat mater!,.! and by the mot et. perieneed workmen, they feel confident to give nni ersal tstiafaction to all who may favor them with a trial, as they offer to tell sa low as snv house in the city. , BAR l'ALO IT dt BLYNN. Philadilphia. January 3. 1 840 PIANOS. rpHE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed aeni, I for the side i f CO.R.D MEYER'S CEL. EBRATED PREMIUM ltltj WOOD PI AN OS, at this place. These Pi un.s lfl ptnin. massive and Uau'ilul exterior fu i h. and, f.r depth eiiu .weelnrss nt lone; unit rlrij .nee nf woik man-j ship, arc nut n j.pasaed bv any in iheUnbtd Stales. , .- i-..i,wi,ll , m irriMiMiii-riiixiidi, Iiom t.Anl I'lara, a celiluatcd perfo ntor, utnl himself s man uLciuier t . . A V A K II. Hvisjr had the pleauie of trying the eieel lent Piano Fortes malifacturvd by Mr. Meyer, and ethiblted at the ttst exhibition of the Fr .iiklin In. stitute, I feel it duo to the true merit of the maker to i'i clare that these instruments are ipiite equal' and in some r. sprcia even superior, to all ihe Pi. ario Frt-s, I saw at the capit.ils of Eu.ope, and during a sojourn of two years at Paris. Thea- Pianos will be so'd at Ihn manufacturer's lowest Philadelphia pricea, if tint aomething tower. ' Persona are requested to rail and examine fur i ihemselve, nt the residence of 'he suhsrribsr. - j Bunhurv, May 17. 1846. 'i H. B. M ASST't!. OAKLEY'S iir.i'i itATiv i; svni'i. flHE valunb'e properties of Oakley's Depura I live Syrup of Hnrsapa'illa. as a purifier of the blood, it sn well known to the public generally, that it is unnrceraary to occupy much spa.-e in set ting forth the advantages to be derived from its use; wherever the medicine bas once been intro duced, it takes precedenco Over all others: eveiy one (bat has taken it, have derived so s'mnul bene ficial results from il, that il is ; recommended by them with the it-most confidence. Physicians of Ihe highest atanding in the profession, prescrilf it to patients under their care ; containing tnthing deb terious. but being composed of tbe mr at mild, yet elTtcieious vegetable ma'enaN, it is o(T. red wiih confidence, as the chiMieat anil most ellicient pu rifier of the blood now known. .The use of a few botilea, esrcially in the spring months, will be at tended with a most derided impiovemcnt in the re. neral strength of the system, ern.bca'ing any seeds of disease that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor to the bo.lv. For the cure of Scrofula or , Kings Evil, Rheum ilism. Ti tter, I Pimples or emptiona of the Skin, White Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac. The nu merous certificates in the possession of the subscri ber ami his agents, from physicians and others, are sufficient to convince the m.st skeptical nfi'ssu crinrity over all preparations of Sarasparilla. Sold whole. ale and retail, by the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 5th street. Ree ding, Beiks County, and to m bad of the following pel sons : In Northumberland County. II. B. Mas, Sunbury ; Ireland A Mixel, McEwensville ; D Krauscr, Milton. In Union County. S. Gesrhart, Seliusgrove; A Gutelius, Mifflinburg. In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Wash inglon. ' Reeding, March 14,' 1 4:1. Ma. Oakikv: I lielicve it the uty of every one to do whtcver in their power 1 ies, for the bne. fit of their fellow man, and having had po-iiive proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties of your Depurativ Syiup of Saraaparilla, I m al conscienliou-ly recommend il lo the aiflicleil. We had the misfortune to .ae two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcer jus sores thai cove., I the face, head anifreck, although we had some ol tbt moal scientific physicians to attend lb m and had tried all the known len.e.liea, including Swaim'a Panacea, without avail.. Another of niy chilJren was aitacke.l in ihe same manner, her face and neck was completely covered; the diacharge was so offensive, and the disease at aueh a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Deptirative Syiop ol S rtsaeri 1 1, we weie induced to make trial of il. aa the last res .rt ; il acted like a charm ; the u'cers commenced healing immediately, a few bottles entirely restored her to her health, which ahe hss enjoyed uninteriU tedly ever since As a purifier of the blood, I verily be lieve it has not ita equal. JOHN MOYER.Ts.i!or, Walnut street, near Fourth, Rradi g. Douglassville, April 10th, 1843. Me. Oawtatt My son E.lmuiid Leaf, had the scrofula in the most dreadful and ditrea-.ing m..n per for three years, dining which time he w.ia de. privsd of Ihe use of hia Itmha. his hed snd neck were covered with ulcera. We tried all the dilTrr ent remedies, but to no effect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of NonUtown, and also Dr. Isaac H tester, of Reading, to use your Depuialive Sy.np of Sarsaparilla. of whirh I obtained sevetul bottles, Ihe use of which d'ove tbe disease entirely nut of; hia system, the aoie healed up, and the child was 1 restored to perfect health, which he has eejoved uriintcnupledly ever since, to tha astonishment ef ! many person who seen him during hit stfliction. ! I havelhouuhl it iny duty, tnd send you tuitceni- f.cate that irtbers who hsvea like affliction in the f.imily may know where to obtain ao valualile a medicine. ' Yours truly. k AMELIA D. LEAF. Kepi. It. IM3 ly A ? n ifY'afc ' ii 6 cXv9' WHOLSSALB A B ST Alls HAT & CAP MANUPACTUKERS, : South Fast eorn't of Market mnJ 4th sts., ' . 1'lilladclphla, . WHERE they always keep on hand en eilen aive assortment of HATS U CA PS of every description, got up in Ihe best end most sproved 1 al) le. I etsona dertrnus rf purchasing superior ant el' on ihe most reasor aide terms, will And il to their advantage le csll before making purchases elsewhere. - .. t , Pl iladelihia, Oct. 5th, 1 944. ly ' - CITY FURMTURK 'AUCTION, i AWD niVATB 8AX.ES BOOMS. . Nov 29. and 31 North -Third Street, N ft City Hote-I,'- i PHILADELPHIA." 11 t C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respeetftilly ia y viles l be attentien of persons desirous of pur chasing Furniture, to his extensive Sales Rooms, (both pub lie end Piivate,) tor every description of Household Furniture, where can be oMained at all limes, a large easortsnenl of fashionable anil well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattresses, da., si awry rre'esed prices, for cash. I OCT Bale by Aawfeci, twira a wtak. ' n' 1 t. ,,'': i!v v'.! .i nosn oi ttTtt n tr r for TETTrn. j ' hinowohim, ri!M-v on rnn race, Xno OTdcax , . CUTANEOUS) BRCPTIOrVS. ' (Tj The following tertijica'e deteribt one of the extraordinary cures ever effected Ly any application. - - , Piutaiist rut a, February 10, 1838. T7 OR twenty years f waa severely afflicted with. TtTTia nn the Face and Head the discs sa commenced when f waa seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 1838, varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. ' During most of lbs time, prest pan of my f .re was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch, ing; my head awcl'cd at times until it felt ss if it Would burst the swelling Was so g'e.it, lhat I could scarcely pet iny hat on. During the long prrloj lh.it I wis afWc-led wbh the disease, I Used a grent many a pliraiioti., (am.nv them several relfhr.ite.l prep.-itatiotir.) as will as taking inwatd reinitbta, including a Lumber of bottles of Swaim's I'anaera, t.xtrvcl of Sitrtnnitriha, etc. In fact, it wouid be impossible to enumciate all tbe medicines I need I waa aU, under Ihe c,r of lw. of tbe mi.t di lingui-dicd phvsidiins of ibis city, but without n- l reiving rrv rh benefit, and I despaired of ever being j cured. In tbe fill of lSllf!, llie disease at the time j being very violent, I commenced using the .ore j Ointment, ( prepared by Vauahin Sc Divis.) It a f.-w ai plications Ihe violent itching ceased, tbe swelling abaied, Ihe irui.tioit bi-san to disappear, and before I h id used a jur the disease was en'.irelv cuicd. It hss now been neatly a year and a half since, and there ia not a vcti;e of Ihe disease ro mining, except tbe arars from the deep pits formed by the disease. It is impossible for me to dcarri'-e in a .certificate the svrrity of tbe disease and my sulfering, but I will be plcacd to give a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will csll on inc. At tbe litnc I co.nmanced using tbe R-.se Ointnv nt I would have ghen hun Irtds of ilo bus to be rid of the disease. Since U sing it. I hnve recommended it lo .evertl rsnna, (among them my mother, who bad tbedisosM bad ly on hei arm.) who were a'l cured bv it. JAMES DURNELL. No. 1 R0. R,ce St. rj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vauhan, SoM-h East corner of .Third and Rare streets, Philadelphia, and sold on auenev in Sunbu ry. bv II. B. MASSE R, May 14th. 1843. i4?enf. llohc Oiiifniciit, for Tetter. A I'liOOF OF ITS EFFICACY, Phi LansLFm a. May ?7lh, t8:i). rPHIS is to certify that I was severely ailbcted with Tetter in the bands and f et for upwarda of forly Jeais ; Ihe disease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I applied to a number of physicinna, and used a great many appli cations witlwut effecting a cure. About a year since, I applied ll.e Rose Ointment, w hich entirely slopped the itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured the disease, which there has been no return of, although I had never Isren rid of it at any time fur fotty years. RICH . Mil) SAVAI.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. fXj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vauchan, S iuth East corner of Third and R ice Streets, Philadelphia, and s ld on agency in Sunbu ry Ly II. B. MASSER, May Mlh 18.13. Aret. MEDXCAZ. APPROBATION OJthe ROSE OIATMET,for Tttier. LTHOUtiH the aupcrinritv of the prepaiai.d over ull olio is is fully cs ablished, the pr .pr.e tors lake pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a rexpctahle physician, a graduate of the UnWeraity of Penns ivanis. Dr. Bai.gb, having found in this .eine.lt that relief f.r a tedious and disagreeable atfoction which the mesne wiihiu Ihe range of bis profea-i.in failed to slford, bus not hesitated to give it his aprul.ati .it, although the prejudices and interests of that profession ate ppoae.l to aecrel Remedies. - PnititiKLruii, Kept. 19, 1836. I waa recently troul.'.id with a ledioua herpetic eruption, which coe.ed nearly one si 'e of tnv fie, and extended over the e ir. Mr. Vauulim. projirii lol of liie Ros.' Otnirnei.t, obseiving my fai-e, lusts led on my Irvine his preparation, of whiclt he hari del me a jo r. Although in coinmon with the mem bets of my profession, I dmcouti'i nance and illsBjs. pioveofthe numerous noatiuiiis pjlirli'J upon the public by i jnoi anl pr. tenders, I feel in jus'ice hout.d toeic.pt the Rose: Ointment fiom that c:as of n.e .l.cinrs, and to give it my approbation, as it inti.s ly Hired the eruption, although It h d resisted ll.e u.u-.l application.. DANE BAI'GH, M. D. The Rose Ointment is preoared by E. U, Vauchan, South East corner of Third a- d Rare Strreta, Poiladriphia, and sold on sc.-ncv in Sun bury, 'by it. B. M ASfER. May 1 tth, I4:l. At;mt. Counter 'oIioim' DEATH BXaOW. rPhe put-lie will plaae observe lhat no Bran.beth A Pills ar gen. ine, unless llsa box haa three la bels upon ii. (tbe top, the ao'e and the bottom) each containing a f.caimih signature of mv hand writing, thus B. BttnnMBTH, M. D. These la. bel- aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at aneipense of over 12.000. Therefore it will be seen that the only thing necessary to pros cure ihe medicine in its punly, is to observe these labels. - Remember tha ton, the side, and the bottom. The following tespective persons arc duly sulln.ri- j eil, and ftol.l CERTXFICATES OF AGENCY For the sale of lirandreih's Vegetable t'nieersal I'il.'s. Northemberland coaiitv I Milton Mji key St Chambeilin. Sunbury H. B. Manser. M'Ewm.e vilir; Ireland & Meii. lt. Northuin'eiland Win. Forayth. Georgetown J. At J. Walls, i Union County : New Berlin Bogar & Win ter. - Selinsgrme (imrge Oundrum. Mi.blles burg Issac Smith. Beaveri;wn David Hublet, A'tamsburg W'm. J. May. Millliiishuig Mel.srh & Ray. Hattteton Daniel Long. Freeburg (J. A F, C. Moyer. Iwisburg Walla & Green, Columbia county i Danville E. B, Keynokle ! ft Co. Berwick-Shuman Jk R.ttcnhoese, Ca-s lawiasa C. G. Brobts. Bloolnsburg John R. Moyer. Jeiscy Town Levi Bieel. Wsahinclon Roht. McCay. Limestone Belli" McNineh, ' Ohaetve lhat each Agent has an Engravrd Cr tificste of Agency, containing a repreaentalion nl , lr BRANDRE'i'H'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, tnd opon which will also be seen exact copies of Ihe new lubeis novo used upon the Drnndretk fill Poxes. I i Philadelphia, office No. 8. Noith Alh street . . I ' B. BHANDRETH, M.D. ' Jone4th 14.1. ar.eorRc J. Weaver, . BOPS MAKSB V SUn CUANDXJBB. I iVi R No. 13 North WaJerStreu.rhiladeljjhta. A a ronsisnliy on hsml, a general assort ment of Uordsre. Seine Twines, e., vlx : Kopee, Fishing Ropee, White Ropee, Msnil la Ro)a, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a , Somplete sasorttnei.t of Seine Twines, &e. such es Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beet Patent Hill Net Twine, Ot ton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe Threads, etc Ac, .AuuvJied .Cptds. PaasigbJasae, H alters. Trscxs, Cotton anil Linen Csrpst Chaius, sfee, all of whka he will dispose ef on reasonable. IglQig, - i -. i ;1 Mi . tl ;t rlfj . i '.i I PUUsXtJiis, Keveeaber , IMI;: '.iV