A Towelling (on. A French paper tys, Lucille. Romro, a prct v litttr pirl. with bluo eyes and fair hair, poor 'v. but nearly clothed, was brought before, the 'th Court of Correction, tinder a charge of v ifjraney. 'Does any one claim ymi,' Mid the mnga trite. Ah ! my pond air,' she replied, 'I have no I.Mijtrr any friends: my father and mother are ifftiil. I have only my brother Jimest, bit he ia ii ynnnir I am. Oh, dear ! what could lie do lur nie .' 'The Court must vend you to the House of Correction.' Here l am, sister, Here I in : do not (ear, ' fieri a childish voice, from the other end of the Court. And at theMme instan-, a little boy, with a sprightly countenance, started forth from he midst of the crowd, and etuod before the oi.iirjfttrate. Who are you !' said he. Jimc.i Romeo, the brother of ll.ia poor little L'irl.' Vour e ?' Thirteen.' 'And what do you want.' I come to clnim Lucille.' 'Dot have you, then, the mean of providing 'i.rher!' 'Yesterday I had not, but now I have. Don't p afraid, Lucille.' Lucille: 'Oh! how very good you are, James !' Magistrate, to James : 'But lot us see, my : oy, the Court ia disposed to do all it can for .our sister. However, you must pive uac-jtne explanation." James: 'About a fortniirht ago my poor mother died of a bad cough, tor it waa very cold it home. Wo were in great trouble. Then I said to myself, I will Income an artizan, when I know a good trade I will support my sitter. I went apprentice to a brush maker. Every lay I used to carry her half my dinner, and at t' tjlit I took lipreecrcily to my room, and she -!'ptin my bed while I slept on the floor, wrap- 0 d up in my blouse. But it appeared the little 'hing had not enough to eat for nr.e dy rhe un fortunately begged on the boulevard. When I lieard she waa taken up, I said to myeelf, come, ny boy, things cannot last ro, you must find implhing better. I very much wished to be orne an artisan, but at last 1 decided to look r a placo ; and I found a very good one, where ! rim lodged, and clothed, and have twenty franc 1 month. 1 have also found a good woman, who 't these twenty francs, w ill take care of Lucille ind toach her needle work. I claim my sister.' Lucille, clasping her hands : 'Oh, how good you are, James' Magistrate, to Jnmes: 'My boy, your con duct is very honorable. The Court encourage you to persevere in this course and you wil! prop per.' ' The Court decided to render up Lucille to James, and she was going from the bar to join her brother, when the mapis'rate, fmilin?, enid: You cannot be set at liberty till to-morrow.' Jnmes: 'Nevr mind, Lucille, I will come Tnd fetch you early to mm row.' To the magis trate: 'I may kiss her rosy cheek, may I net, -ir V He then threw himself into the arms of his little sister, and both wept warm tears of affec tion. Advice to CiRi.e. Do you want a good bus Kind ! Who that possesses common sense will be seen with a female who takes pride in say ing that she never does bouse work, and can not bear the sight of mechanics! So long as you turn up your nose at the honest industrious it ud take particular pains to tell your friends that you aro not obliged to work and know nothing about the kitchen, you v. ill beahunned by the best portion of young men who will e rtt'cni it a privilege to have you pass by them without uttering a word. Ycttr company may bo courted by whom I The well fed and dres sed pauper and feathered fop and by them a lone. Cease then girls to make fools of your s Ives. Work more, gab less. Read and unity during your leisure hours, and labor to improve your nature. Truths, too fine spun, tie eubstle fooleries. tTn kindness has no remedy at law. The loquacity ol fools is itcture to the wise Tbe ( xample of good men ie visible philoso phy. The greatest learning is to be seen io the greatest plsinissi. To reed nut to understand, is to pursue end not to Uke. Scandttl will rub out like dirt when it is dry. Small fault indulged, are little thieves that let in greater. That which was bitter to endure may be sweet to remember. '.earning is a sceptre to some, t bauble to others. Life is half spent before we know w hat it is. Mortul man mutt not keep up immortal an tr. Nature teaches us to love cur friends, religion our enemies. Iruiikrines is notbii g tlie but voluntary liuiriiio. Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes htm. Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will leant in no other. Fame is a magnifying glssa. Forget others' faults by remembering your own. Friend's help is not to bv bought at fair. HANK MOTE LIST. lE!VSYIVAlJIA. The following; list shows the current value of all mtisvlvsnia Bank Notes. Tb most implicit re liance may le placed upon it, at it I tvery wrtk n fully compared with and corrected from Bick nelPa Itrporter. tank In Philadelphia. m t Drsc. in Nr- Locatio. pHltAB. NOTES AT PAR, flank of North America . , par Bank of the Northern I. P.iertie , , par Commercial Hunk of Pcnn'a. . . pir Farmer' ami Mechanics' Bank . par Kensington Bank , . par Philadelphia Hank . . .par Schuylkill Bank . . . " Sonthwaik Dank . . ar Western Hunk . , (ar Mechanic' Hank . put Manufacturers' Jtc Mechanic Bank par Hank nf Pcnn Township . . far (lirard Bank . . pi" Bank nf Commerce, late Moyami nsitig par Dank of Pennsylvania . Count ry-IInuLs. Rank nf Chester County Westchester Hank of Delaware County Chester Hank of Gcrmantown Germautowii Bank of Montgomery Co. Norrismwn Dny lest own Bank D tyleatown Ramon Hank Eastun par par par par i par j par j par j Farmer' Hunk of Pucks co. Rri-tol Pr ( B.mk of Northnmherlnnd Northumhetland par ,(lumliia par , 1 I.nnciKtcl par j Lancaster pir Lancaster pit K-ailing par Harriiiliurg Tliee Lancaster office Ife tiling f Jo not C:isti J iiiien. ISt'OKNT. l'hilnl.lphia S3 Pot'SVlllir i I,evviv(,,wn 1 MiililliMnwn l Carlisle i HolliJnvil'urg J ! Hirrixluug I ' Leliamm j ; I'iilsliurg j ! Piitk'.iuig i I Wiiliamsporl lj I Viikclaii I i Allentonn Heading Pittsburg failed Criu do New Brighton do I'harntieraliurg j (i'i Itysl'ii'g i Moulroxe IJ Lrio ljuli Wayrieatiurg J.iJ Washington li llonrJul lj Brownsville ti York i Lancaster County Bunk Lnncas'er Rank Farmers Bank of Reading Office of Bank of Pcnn'a. Office do Office do Office do NOTES do do do AT "auk of the United M iles Minera Bank of Pottvi!le Bank of I.ewiflown flank nf MiiMhtown Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of llarrisburg Bank Lelianon Bank Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Bunk of Piltvliurg West Branch Bulk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bunk Herka County Bank Office of Bank of V. S. Do do do Do do do Bank of Chambenthurg Bank of Gettysburg Rank of Hu-quelianiu t'o. Erie Bunk Farmer.' V Drovers' D ink Franklin Bank Hniiesdule lljnk Moiiongalirla Bank of B. York Bank N. B, '1 he notea of lhio tanks on which we omit quotationa, and aulititute a dah ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia hrokcra, wiih i tie exception of those which have a letter of r fereiice. BROKEN BANK S Philadelphia 8v. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. eichuvlkill Hv. Ina. Kensington Sav. Ina. A Penn Township Sav. In. Manual Lalnir Bank (I'. W I'nwanda Bank Alleghany Bank of P. II unk of Beaver liauk of 8watara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' & Meih'cs' Bank Farmer' fc Mech'cV Bank Farmers' it Mech'es' Bank Harmony Insiitute Huntingdon Bank Juniuta Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of i'a. New Uoe DrL Briilge Ci. Northumti'd Union Col. Ilk. North Western Bank of i'a. Office of Kchuvlkill Bunk Pa. Ar. & Manuf. Dank Silver Lika Bank Union Bank of I'enn'a. WesimmelauJ Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Philadelphia do do do failed f.iilcd Lilc.l Dyotl, pr".) failed Towanda Bedford 110 sale Beaver closed lianisburg closed Wu-hington failed Belli funic i hated Pittsbutg no sale. Pittsburg failed Fay cite co, faded Grecucaslie filled llairnony no rale Huntingdon no sale l.eiviMonn no sale Warteu laded Dund.ilT no sale New Hope cl.a-ed M tlton nn sale Mead ilia closed Port t 'srbon Carlisle failed MouIiihm) closed I'uiontown failed tireeiisburg closed Wilkeaharrtt nnsale (TT All notea iiurporting to le on any IViin-yl vania Bank not given in the aliove list, may be aet ! Jown as frauils. m:w ji:iiii:y. Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick Oelvideie Bank Ilelvider Burlington Co. Bsnk Medford Commercial Bank Perth Am'my Cumberland Bank Brideton Farmers' Bank Mount Holly failed i par i par par i failed Farmers snd Mechanic Ilk liahway Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk N. Piunsiik Farmers' snd Men hauls' Bk Middletown Pt. i Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City iioboken Bkg & ('razing Co Hohken failed failed failed laded faded A failed 4 lersey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bank Patterson Manufacturers' Bank Belleville Morria Courtly Bank Mornstown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold Mechanics' Bank Newark Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morria Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City Post Note lio aalu Newstk Bkg A Ins Co Newaik New Hope Del llndpe Co" Lanifieili.vilt N. J. Manuf ir. and Bkg Co Hohoken i i failed failed i failed I par par i i par J fniltxl tailed i "; failed par par par par par par pr par par N J Proleclon 6i LoinUrJ bk Jersey Ciy lirange Uauk lirange Paterson Bank Peoples' Bank Princeton Bank Kale m Banking Co State Bank Slate Bank Stats Bank State Bank of Morria 4Slate Bank Kalem ami Philad Manuf Co Sussex Bank Trenton Banking Co Union Bank Washington Banking Co. Paicison do Princeton Salem Newark Llir.ahcihlown 'amdeii Momtown Trenton Salem Newiori Trenton Dover Hackeuaack Bk of Wilm tc Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Uaiik of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Millord Fs inters Dk of State of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do blanch Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Union Bank Wilmington ffj Under B's dj Ou all hanks matked thus Ihsrs are ei. Insr counterfoil or sllered notes ol o the various J- ooainatiens, in cirtulatiuu. flare yon heard the NetTt? NO! WHAT IS IT? Wnt, nur'nt o ntian tb.t MARTIN IRWIN, At hit t hop, in Market street, adjoining the thrtt tlory Brick owe, TT AS Jut received from Philadelphia the largest, J--- handsome! and best assortment nf HOOTS AND SHOES . of cvsiy description, that ba ever been brought to this pl ica. Ai.d what is tldl better, they any ha sells so chsip, th.il you can buy two fair for the tame money liut ymt used to pay far one pair. He lil t ron Cssn and San run Cn, and that U the lesson that he can iiHord to sell them so much cheaper. If ynn iloi.'i want to buy, just call and tee hi s'nek. Ha ia alwuv gltl to see hi cu toiner-; nnd it i no In uhle t;J him to show hi go lit. Jii-t to give ynn nn blea hot ches,) ho doe ell, the following ia a Hat of prices of a part of his t ck t Men's Thirk Bo t, do fine O'.iin do do Clf di wotth 1 00-it 75 " 4 SO at " 6 00 nt " 3 50 l 2 00 at I 87 at H 00 3 00 J Boys' Ti.ii k do i Vonlh' il I 7ft I 35 ' Men's Thick Brogan, 1 00 Wom"n's Morocco We'ts sod Ki I Sprints. " I SO at Wninrn'i list City made K'd Slinper, " 1 62 at L ull. ' i Cuitira and Gai ter Boot. " S 00 at A'o. rvi-rv variety of Ladie-', Bov' and 1 00 I IS I 37 hil- dicn shoe, at prices lower than ever before otter ed. Come anil See Punhtiry, June 13 b, ISffi. 6m D A N vTl"lB WOOLEN FACTORY. DANVILLC, COLtJMEXA COUNTY, IViinxj Ivania. rjVIK Dunville Kteum Woolen t'.ietnry. former L ly owned and i.rcupej by Dr. I'KrHiRijr. h a reeenl'y been pun b.asi d by t'le subscribers, who if ;n ctfnllv sno lin e to their friend and ti e pub lir geiierul y, ibui tliev i t now rep-ireil to do nil ku.d of w iik io ll.i i; line .if biiniui , nt the shor test notice, sccordiu j 1 1 or.lei. and in the beat com p.irative n.non.'r. II iv.ni; gone l i eoniilernb'e expense in rrpairiw tl.f it n.nchiiii ry and a arlu. niul ' i ing n pai ii it in icuii- g the r. ivice of ri;ieiiei:ce.l niechf.uic. they feel comlilent ihut lin y lire cp1 le ot ec itiinr, all kui.U nf w. rk in a si) !e superior to a. y other s atlisliriienl in ihe country, nt tlie ohl cutoin .rv p-iei CLOTHS. SATINET TS. FL ANNELS nn BLANKETS con-t in ly on hauil, and lor a.ile at reduced p'iee. fir CM tt llirier. ARI3(; AM) I l l.M.Vti will be d 'lie. in iIih besl in inner, at the unnl pri ces. All kinds of eoui.try prodme t'ikeii in jmy Ulrnt for woik, ut D'U'ille market piires. For ihe aeeommoihiiiiin ol tho wlni live at tli-tiinee, iiol anil (.un il will be tnkeu in at, and, when fun.li.il, rciirn.il to l tin fullowiug pla ce. I'l.iii written direction nusi accompany , ench parcel : ('alumina County. Roup A Marr store, V. th'iipt. nville ; R. K oil's aiore, J.reytowu ; Yea- I ger's inn, It'iaring f'rcik; Sha'plr' a'ore. t'.-uta- j is-s; C. F. Mann's aiore, Mitllioviile ; Miller' tnre, Beiwick ; J. Cline's Mid; Rickrt's stoic,' Oianneville ; llerr's "lore. W bi!e llal. j iirthumlierlatid County Michael Iiemlrr s inn, Turhuuillc; Ireland et llav's aioie, McEwens ville; E. L. Piper's st.ue, Watsoi stewn ; S. I. Coinly V Co's flore. Milton; Gibson's inn, Chil lisouuonn ; Kioss t'.'s sto e, Norlhumhi rlmd ; r. ...... rl ....i.. ii . ,i ! , !.-;.,... (itlib rslceve's st.oe. Wiikesbarre ; (I'uvlurd s store Plymouth ; S'vri's s'ore, Nantlceke Mack's M.l, Huntington. Lycoming County. 1. Cl 'pp's sto-e. Ju.ltf'' Money ; SbiSiii .ker's store, (smitb s Mill. GEAIMI ART c. KOWNOVER Danville. May 0, II1. i i; vxsvl v a NiTr TlOL'S K , DAN VIIilVaB, FA. T HE utciilier, late of Ihe Uni n Hotel, Mun- ry, Ps , respectfully ii forin the uld snd nu merous cusi, oners i f ilia I'l'iuisjlianla Ilouc, and the public cen. r.il v. lhat he has leased the TavernSiaud of J.ihn Rhodes, in Danville, where be is now prepared to enter! no Iravel'er. and per. sons vi-Hiim the litwo, in the Vi ry lust siyle. 'I he ceoininod.ilions will be such s a well con lorlrd public bouse should htfird, snd no elTot will be spared to render s iti.f.n Imn, in ivery respect, to a'l j who n ay call. Tbe tit tens nf Lveomlug county ate invited lo put up with the undersigi.ed when they visit Danville. HENRY WEAVER. Dni'le. Mav 2. lMfi. VHITE ZVri.lT HOTEL, Rack Sihkm-, I'uiiniin.rHiA. in j. rivn:iis. THIS Inratiou i convenient for Bus'ness men visiting the city. Every piius is taken li e cure the comf rt of travellers. March 7. 1816. ly MONTOUR HOIJSKJ LA'I'i: HWADY'S IIOTKI. ( tpposiir tl.r f'ovrt llmite, , DANVILLE, rHNN'Ai , THE Sii!i-nilr. who assised f .r sc. j ei. I years in Ihe m inacernent of tbe a- i IS: ::l I i( liWLlHVve Hotel, lately ki nt bv Mr. S. A. lira- ?,W. h b leave lo Infoni ihe travelling , pub'ie, that he lias I iken the elabhmeot on his j own account, on ihe fiist of January, 1846. j The House h., nf la'e, umleigono many inrpnr , tanl altaiion, and tbe pres. nt c inductor pr..inies , to leive iioihiiiu und. ne to in ike it a e onfortaMe sn I atiTeeable, ai well a a rh ap and acc'inm'rii- ; ling i-l.ippiiig p'nee for straiiBcr hi may vUil our ; tl 'Uti-hmg villaee. No paina nor expeiiae wi'l be spar, d to fill the table and Ihe bar w nh ihe lie-t tlie rnitkets atTord, and with the deteimina'ion tot 'e. v.i e hi entire erson il ail-lit on to the comfort of lio-c wba mav make hia house their temporary a bode, and aided by arlive, caieful ai d obliging ser vania, he hop.' to (ive gcn ral s uirfaction, and re ceive a li'ieril sbsre of rutom. rXj" LarRe and cunmodiona STABLES are at I ached to the eaiabl sliment. which ate attended by careful and obliging ho ller. GIDEON M. SHOOP. January S4lh. l4fi. tf fUiSGHKSS ;Af. Blue and Black Coug'e-e Ink, of a aupeiior i qualoy. f.ir sale cheap, at the store of Julv 4th. 1S4K IlC.MlV MAblf. UT oLASM's I lie tii l quality Sugar House Mnlases, only 121 cent per quart; slso, a Is t J ( bfU superuns sriicle of yellow Molasaslor lsking, on ly 12J cents per quart for sate at theatore of Juns 13. 1846. HENRY MASSER. ririE CuissiTSD MsrsssA Hats Oit, ha X joat been received and is for sa'sst the store of Miy 5?, I5 HENRV MASSER. ATTOHNEY AT LAW, SUITBUIUr, FA. Buslnesa attended to in the Counties of Nor thuint erlanJ, Union. Lycoming and Columbia, liefer to I P. L A. PoTOODT, l.OWKM A. RaBBOM, Homsii &. SsonnaAsa, RsToLns, Mcl'AntAin Ac Co. f piniao, 'Jooii V t'o., yr.hilail. 2DS1TTIGTP.T. V V. T 15 R H. INI A S S K 11, RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, Esi'ECTFUI.LY informs the ciiizeus of Huoburv and vicinilv, that he hia opened an r.ffiev at the re-i leme ef lleniy Mas-er. m Mmkel street, wb' ir I e i prep ued to exceuie all kin Is of Dr ri So ortiT. PliteWoik Ac , on the lute.t and niot approve. I pi m. Hiving liiil fomo xprricnie and in'rnc'ion, uniler I ne of the nvnt en inenl and ncce-ariil Den- lias in Phi'ad. I, hii, he leli. ves thit he will bet ' sb'e to give talisf .c lou to tliovc who may want hi i i services j Lade will be waited on at t'.eir phes of rer. denee, His charges will la niodciste, snd hi o k warranted. ' fSiiiibury, Manh S9ih. 1816. ' EVANS & WATSON, No. 7i Sonii Thikii Stri-:kt, Opposite the I'hilndilpliia Exchange, Manufacture anil ksi p cor itantly on b;nd a large a. i lortment nf their Patent Im- j - v'VJ,ri proved S-ilamiinli r f!Cf5PK(F A FEs. jjj' il)?i i constructed a to YTmsw i " nl iii' er .f ilouh' iroved S.ilanilidt r F I R E j w inch are j to t at rest i SLM 'S-1' nTu m ""''"r "r oouti- ai to ttii'ir -'?L,S--5-'lH;in stri.tlv fire proof, , ! ! hnl ih.'v wall rei.' the lic of miv building in the ! I woi Id. The oui ile cue i f the S ife aie m ule o' i ! iMiiler iron, the inside Ci-cnf so-p-toiie. Slid be- , tween lb i uter case snd inner case i ri spice of ( s.'ine 3 inches tli'uk, and l tilbd in with imle-t'iir-; lil le ni.te.i.l, si n i i unike it an iinpoxibihiy to ; ever b;irn any of the con'eiii inside of IhU ('be.t. ; Thesu S ii.plone SnI in imlcis we are p'epsred ' and do challenge the wwld hi produce any article ' in the shape of Book Sif, that will stand as ninth . I heut, mid ne hold ourselves rfany ut all lirn to have iht in fanly teste I bv public bonfire, should a iiv i f our competitors b el di-posid to try llicm. ' We also cont i.ue to miiolurlil e and keep c u st u tlv oil build, a larje and g'licr.il os-oriineiit of our I'lerniuui Air t'shl Fue Proof S'if.-s. of which we h ive n ! irne ijUHolr y in u-e, an I in t" " in ftanre they b ivi'e'vt o nil re tisrac'ion to llie purchasers of which we wili refer ihe publ.c t.i u , few gent'enien who have ibeio in u1-. J N. it ii. Tavlor, WJ noilli 31 a.; A. Wright ' & N' p'o w. Vine at. whurl ; A lex under Cari-r, tJon- , 1 veyancer. comer of Filbert and Otll s's.; John M Ford, 32 north 3d st.; Mvcr- Ilu-h, 20 nor b 3d 1 si.; Bailey & Uroilier, I3S M ikit t.; Jaoies M. I'hiiI, llll south 4 ill St.; Dr David Jsvne, 8 soulh , 3Jst; Matthew T. Miller. 20 south 3d St.; r d I I we could name some three or four tun rind oibeis 1 il it were nererv. Now we invre ;he s'tenri ui I of the public, sod particularly those in want nf J Fire Pr.'of S .fc. to call :tt our store In fo.e puichs sing eUewhce, and we think we can anisl'y them thai tt.ey will get a l ellri and cheaper article at f j our st'-re than soy oilier ealabl .slum lit in the eitv. We also com ii'i.e to niBnuf.ictuie Sf l and i j pying IVism s, n.ade in such a manner as t.i an- ; j swer both por, oi; II. listing Machin.s, Fiie Proof Doors, with our own ni inula' tore of lock ' I on tluni, with D. Evans' I'ati nt Keiho'e cover i j aiticbid io ihe same; plain uiid om jir.ental Iron : I'ailu p, e I N. U We keep rmnlsiil'v on baud a Ivrpe s- a irttiiert ol our fnienl l,i e I. no it itifiljei to-, Water Fillers and C nb r-; snd we have slso on band i vcial eciind ba"il Fire i'r of Cheat taken i in culture l.ir our... wh.ch no wid dnposu of ni ; lif t b w pii. e. i Pi iiadelphia, J inuary 21 h. lr?i. ly 1 " To Iur li;iirra) nf Bar goods. An. 121 l'c,irl,t, NEW OUK. JA) AVI.NG estnbti-hed s Branch si No. 144 Ches. ut St., Philadelphia, is now opening, snd wi'l be con, i.ntly nceivinn I'mni the .Niw York Auc tions, sn extensive assortment of FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, which will be aolri at the lowest New York prcca at wholesale and R' tail. Among h a stock will be found a oisl assortment of ihe t..iltiii-R articles: Jaivouets, Plaid, Hail Cord, I. are, Sirtpe, B.-ok. Swis and Taihran Muslin. Un-h p and Linen Lawns, Fancy ('apNetts, Fancy and II1! Drcsse. I bread Lace, Application Do., l ch li'ai k ei K j "I'juumj, e ace, Irish l.iions. Linen Catuhrie. Lmen Caml r c Hdkfs.,Cuttain Fr.HRea, ('ushmeie d'Ecoa-e, Mousehnn de Lame. Silk and Colnm Wnrp A l areas, Q ti a-n's Cloth, Gala Pl.d, ' French Veiinos, Black Si'ks, Gbve, Si k Hose, Shaw!, t 'rasa's, RiMinn. Embroiilerii s Ac, iVc. , Country Meichaut snd others vii-i'iug Phil xlel- phis or New Yotk to purchase, aie nactlutiy in j vited io cill and ex uniue the st.uk. Nov. 1. 1H15. ly I iTk 1 7 i: v ii a "x" ij Y v k. THOMSON'S i Compound Syrup of Tnr & W ootl apt Int. r!IE ui'piecedenleil siicee-a of Ibis medicine, in . L the restoration i f heal h, 'o those who, In de ( pair, bad cien up all hopes, has civen il an i tai led reputi'on a'oVe all nihet remedies, furni-hing MfMi mm evidence of Its intrinsic va u" and power, i a ihe on ly agent wh ch can I relied up. n for ll.e cure of Pulmonary Consumption. Bronchittia, Athma, Piiiu in the nde and Brrs-t, Spilling of Blood, W lumping dupli, Croup, Ae. Attention i nipuested In the foil nii g ASTtlN IsillNG CUHE.bv Tlmmsifi's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wm d Napiba! ! I'hiftt.lrlphin, May 3r, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir-Hnli Cr..teful fi e'tiiKs I inform yu i f the atonishiiig elfecu of y. in medicine, w hich ha literally tail ri me from adelh-bed! My dt-ea-e, Pulmonary Cnnump lion, h id reduced me so ,iw that my ttysTian pro. to.iured my case hopeless! At this junction I be gan IO u ey. ur medic. n-, and niiracul ots aa II may eem, it has conipl.telv restored me to health, alter ivrrjihing else had faded. Respectfullv vour. WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte aireet, etmve Grntge street. The underaigned, heii g personally acquainted with Washington Mck and hi auflerinita, bear wilnes lo the astimishing effects of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tsr, and the truth of the s bovc statement. JOS. WINNER. Silt North Tbird street, DAVID VICKERS, it Almond street. HUGH M'GiNLEY, 8. E. corner Tsmany and Fourth siieels. Prepsred only by ri. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of 6th and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. Agents. II. B. Masaer, Kunbory D. Groas, snd Dr. Msephersnn, llarrisburg t Jm. O. Brown, Putlavilla Geo. Erl, Reading Houston 5t M en, Towanda, Bradord county, Pa. Price 60 cents per bottle, or f 6 per doxan. (Xj" Pew or of all imitation. ' Phdadalfbia. June :9th, l4.-ly WE0L23ALE RETAIL HAT & CAl WAUKHOUSE, An. 301. Market Street, above Qth Noulh ,ije PHILADBLPIUA, a THE suhicril crs rcspecifully tall the atten tion of their friends ami de.dera to their large and wrll assorted slock of lists and Cnt a nf every deseiiption, well adapted f r Ihe spring mile. Bn It g made of the best material and by the moat ex perienced workmen, they feel confident to give uni vcrsil satiafuction to nil who may favnr them wiih a tri.il, a they oflVr Io aell s 1 . as snv house in the city. BAR I'ALO I'T V BLYNN. Philuhlpbia. January 3, 18461 PIANOS. rpHE SUBSCRIBER bus been appointed scent, 1 for tfe side tf CO.NIt M) MEYER'S t El.. EUR V'I'ED PREMIUM R'lE WOOD i l ANU3, at this place. These Piano he a plain, ntnssive and brau iful etteiioi fi-.i h and, (..rdepih at ri sWeetm of lone, and Ii g Hue of worku an- hip, are nut aurpa-si d bv anv in tlie l.iii id Slate. I'l.e bdlow ng ia a reconinieinNiimi lumiCaat Disra, a cclibiutej pcilouni-f, and hiiusi If a man uf.c'uier : A V A IC I. I Htriso bad the plea-uie id trying tbe excel ; lent Piano Fortea manfactured by Mr. Mey r, and exhibited at the last exhibition of the Fr.nklin fit i stitute, I feel it dun to the true merit of the maker to I'eciHie that these instruments arc quite equal' i snd in some respieis even superior, to a I the Pi ano rorles, I saw at tlie capitals ol hu ope, and during a sojourn nf two year at Pari. Thc- piano will ba to'ri at the manufacture's . lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something l.iwer. , Person are requested to call and examine fit ; themselves, ul the resilience nf the subscriber. Sunbury. Mav 17, I84S. II. B. M ASSKI. OAKIKY'S nr.pnt atitk svm i. ri'HE valuah'c properties of Oakley' Depu.a I live Syrup o( rarsaparilla, aa a purifier of ihe bt aid, if to well known t ihe ulilic generally, that it is unpcceF irv to ncciiiy mui'h space in sel ling forth the advantage to he derived fnm its use; wherever the medicine ha mice been intro duced, il takes precedence over all others: i veiy olietbut bn taken il, have rirrivnl so signal bene ficial re-nits from it, lhat it is rccomn 'e.l by ihem w uh ihe trmost cuCdi'iiCf. rhyiciar s of the highest stan-luis; in the pr.ifesi-ion, p'escri -e il to f a'ienls under their rare ; tvnlnining riotl.ing deli teri.uis. but bcinff comjinsed of the mest mild, yet tVicaciou veitetal-le matertals.it is nifered with Coiifidence. a ihe cheapest and most elficient pit rtfier of the blood now known. The use of a few buttle especially in the spring inoiilh. will he at' ti'lidi d with a moat decided improvcm -nl in the ge neral atrength of ttie sytem, eradicating anv feeds nf ilisea-e that may have been generated, besides givine health snd vigor to the laidy. For the cure nf Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tiller, Pimples or ciuption of the Skin, White Swelling, Fistula, Chronic CouEh Asthma, &e. The nu merous certificate in the possession of the subscri ber and Ins agenls, from physician and nihers, are sutiick-ut to convince the m.'St skeptical nfiia su periority over all preparations of S iraaparilla. S..d whole-ale and retail, bv the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North fitli street. Res diiiL', lleiks County, snd lo be bd ol the. following petsi.iis : In Xorlhumlerlamt County. H. B. Maser, S'unbury ; Ireland eV M xel, MiEwcnsville ; D Krauser. Milton. In Union Cnntity. J. Giarhait, Slingrove: A tiuti lins, Mifflinburg. In t 'niinWtt Cimiity. R. V. McCay, Vah intllon. Reading, Mar. h I I, Mtt. Oiitir.r: I believe it the uty of every or.e to do whateverin liieir power I ie, for the h ne. fit of tlirir lellnw man, and havine had po-i ive pmof in my own family, of the w. n.lcrfol propi rtie nf your Depurative Syrup of Sarsapanlla, I m st conscientiously recoinuiend it lo the stP.icte I. We had the mi-fortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking nut of ulcerous sores lhat covered the face, head arid neik, although we had some of tlie most scienlilie physicians to at'end th' m snd ha. I tried all the know n lemedies, including Swaim's Panacea, without avail. Another of my children was attacked in the same manner, her face and neck wa completely covered; the discharge was so offensive, and ll.e disease at such a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful ellect nf vour Depuraiive Syrup ot S trsnpariit i, we wete induced lo make trial of il, as the last res -l ; it acted like a chaimt the uVer commenced healing immediately, a few bottle entirely retoreri her In her heabh, which ahe In. ei joyed iin ioeiiui lediy ever since. As a puiifier ol ihe blood, I verily be In ve it lias not it equal. JOHN MOYER.T.ilor. Walnut streit, near Fotiilh, Reading. Douglass ille, April 10th, 1841. Ma. Omni: My son Edmund Leaf, bad the scrofula in the most dreadful and distressing man i rer for three yeara, dining which lime he w t de- piivrd of tbe use of hi limh, hi be d and neck were covered with ulcer. We tried all the iIiII't. ent renudti. but to nn effect, until rerominenderi by 1H-. Johnson of N'onistown. and also Dr. Isaac Hiestei, ot Reading, In use vour Depuraiive Syrup of Saraapsrilla, of which I obtained several bottles, the use of which ibove the ritsea-e entirilv eul of his system, the sore healed up, sod the child wa restored lo iicct heabh, which he hs enjoted . iiuinteriupledly ever since, tn the al iiishuienl of t many persons who seen him riu'ing his aHlictiou. i I have thought it my duty, snd send you tin rvrli- ficte that ollcs who haves like atlliciion in the i family may know where to obtain ao valuable a medicine. Yours luily. I AMELIA D LEAF. Sept. tfi, IS41 Is ; sYi it 7 v iVo i: A i, WIIOLESALE 4V RETAIX : HAT A: CA1 MAM IWCTUUKUS, J South Em I rnrnr of Market and 4th Mtt.. i riilladi'lplilii, I AT THERE they alwava keep nn hand an cxlen i ' sive asaortment i f L4 TS CA I'S of everv I di script ion. fcit up in the lrt snd most approved ; si) le. Prison derir.'Us el pun basing v.iierior arii , cbs on the miavt rrssopslde lerm, will find ii In iheir advantage to rail hi fore making purchase 1 elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. Ml, 1941. I CITY rUHMTUHK AUCTION, AND PBIVATD SALES ROOMS, Not. 29 and 31 North Thi id Streel, Netr the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. O C. MACKEV, Auctioneer, respectfully in vitea the attention of persons desirous of pur chasing Furniture, to his extensive Hales Room, (both public and Private.) fur every description of Household Furniture, where can he obtained at all times, a large assortment of fsshionsble and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mstuasacs, &.C, at very reduced prices, for easb. (ry Bale by Auction, twice a week. May ITth, IM9 ly ROSE OINTMENT POll TETTKK. RINOWORMSl, rtMPf.M Ot THB FACC, AND OTHUt Ct'TAHrofSJ RRtPTIOS). (Ty The following eertifiea't describe one ofth'1 mnrt extraordinary curei ever effected by anif application. Pmi.ititt.MUA. Februsry D. 1819. TOR twenty yesrs I ws severely sfHicti d with -- T.TTv.n on the Fbc and Hesd: the disesto' enmmenerd when 1 was seventeen years old, and1 continued until the Fall of 1836, varving in vio!' lence, but without eer disappearing. During mo' of the time, great part of my f.en was covered with the eruption, frequently mended with vio'ent itch, ing;. my bead swel'ed at lime until it tell ss if it wnultl burst the rwellin I was so g en, that I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long perio.l that I was tiffiictc! wiih the disease, I used s great many at plications, (amno them several celebrated I rep.nntionv) u Will a Inking iuw.nd remetlie, inctui'inir a number oflsittle of Su-nim'i Vitnarrn, I'liiact of SaraprilU, Aic, In fact, it would be iinpo-Rihlc to enumerate all the medicines I uej. I wa also under the cire of two of the most thy i tinpuihed physician of this city, but with. ut rc- reiving much liercfit, and I despaired of ever beins: cured. In the fall of 19:1(1, the diseae t the tinsi , being very violent, I cotnrneneed mine the Hunt ' Ointment, (prepared bv VaUihn it Divis.) In s few ai plication the violent itching ceased, the . swelling abated, the irunlion began tu disippe.ir, j and before I hud used ajar the rii-enso wa entirely ' cured. It has now la-en m&r'v s vear and half since, and there is not a vestige of ilu- divca-e r j mairtiiig, except Ihe ac irs from the deep pit formed I by the dieae. It i iinp.ible for me to describe : in a certificate the aeverity of ihe riisca-e and m 1 sulTcring, but I will be pie ued to give a fuller ac count t.i any person wanting further satisfaction, who will call on me. At the time I co unvoiced using the R. se Ointment I would have given hun dreds of dollars to be rid of the disease. Since u sing il, I have recommended it to several per.-ons, (among them my mother, w ho had tbe disease bad ly on her ann,) who were a I curej bv it. J MES DURNELL, No. lftG, R ice St. Ijj The Roe Ointment is prepared by E. I). Vaurfhan, S,,i h East corner of Third and Hire slretU, Philudt Iphia, and sold on anencv in Suuhu ry. bv H. B. MASSER, May 14th. IS 1.1. A rcnt. EScvc "intinctit, for Teller. : A I'HOUl' OF IT.S EFFICACY. Piin tiiiLPHii. May 27llt, ld!. rPIII i to cerlify that I wa severely aHl.cted , with Trlier in Ihe hands and f-et for upwards , of torty jesr ; the disense was attended generally with vio i-nt itching and swelling. I tpplted to a itiirnbirnf physio on, and used s great many appli es ion without eirecting a cure. About a year .inc. I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped ihe itch nn. and a few application i mined i ! alely cured the disease, which there ha been no ! return of, although I bad never been rid of it at 1 any time for forty years. RICH ARD SAVAGE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. ry The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. U. YuuJihii, S niih East corner of Third and Race . Streets, Philadelphia, and a dd on ajeriry in Suuhu ! ry bv IL B. M ASSER, May Hih, 1811. Aeet. MEDICAL, APPHOBATION ( the IMtS E OI.TME.T, for Tetter. ; A I'THOUG'H the superiority of ihe preparation -1 over all olhers ia fully es'ablished, the priptie i tors take pi, asure in laying before the pu'ulic the i following certificate from a respectable physician, I a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. liaugh, having found in thi temedy that relief f r I a tedious and di-agree iMc aftivtioii which the means , within the range ol bia profession f tiled to all'ord, ba not hesilatcd to give il his approbaii n, although the prejudice and interests of that profession are pposed to secret Remedtes. Putt.aiir.LPUi i, Sept. 19, H1, I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic : ertij ii. n. w hich cove'ed nearly one si e of otv f .c", audeiteuili d over t!.e ear. Mr. ';tu jh.tn, prn,iri' ! of the Rose Ointtuei.t, ubseivuig my lace, insi-, ted nn my trying his preparation, i l which he han ded me a jar. Although in common with th mem bers of my prof vsion, diseiiuinenanre oi l riiai prove ol Ihe numerous nostrums palmed upon the put lie 1y i-noi nil pn tenders, I fed in jusdee hound loexcept the Rose Oiutimnl ftom that c' of me 1 dtcines. and lo give it inv ppr hation, :t it entire ! ly (Ured ihe eruption, although It h ri resisted tlie j uu.d applications. DAM. BAl'GH, M. D. fXj The Rose Ointinei.t is prepared by E. I!. Vaiighsn, South East comer cf Third a d Rare Stieeia, Philadelphia, and sold on sgi ncv in Sun j bury, by II. B. MASSER. i May Uth, 1941. -4''eri. Collator I'citrrai j DEATH BLOW. j "The pu1 lie w ill p!.ie observe that no Rranriteth I - Pills are gerniiiie, unless tbe box has three h ; bels upon it. (the top, the st e ami the Initl m) each coniainina a fic-imilt sijjnatnre of mv hand writing, thus B. Ba itatTii, M. I. These la. bet aie engraved on steel, beaut fldlv designed, and done st sn eipense nf .iver U.0il0. Therefore it will lie seen that ihe oiilv thing n'ceanry lo pri rure the medicine in its puniv, to observe tliess labels, I Remcmher the top, ihe side, and Ihe bottom. ' The following respective prison are duly auih. r( te.l, and hold CERTIFICATES OP AGEXTCT? For the aale of liramlrrth't Ycnetatilt I'nivrridt I'il.'t. Northumheilnnd county : Milton Msekey A. . Ch.i'nbeilin. Suntiurv II. B. Masser. M'EwenS ville Ireland A Menill. Notibuin'a-ilaud Win. ' Forsyth. Georeelown J. & J. Walla, i Union C.unty: New Berlin Hogar A Win ter, feliiisnrnve Ueorgd Guuriium. Mid.'de ' burg Isasc Smith, neavenown David Htihler, Adatnsburg Wm. J. May. Mifflinshurij Menst ri A Ray. Harlleton Daniel Long. Frreburg . G. V F. C Mover. I rwinbiire Walls & (iieen, ' t'uluinbia coumy : Danville E, B. Key nobis ' A t'n. Berwick Shuman & Rottenhouse, Ca' I lawisr.a (". G. Brobta. Bloomsburg John R, j Mover, Jeisey Town Levi Bisrl. Wssliinetort Kobl. McCay. Limestone llslli-' f: Metneh. Observe lhat each Aeeul has sn Engrav.d lVr tificaie of Agenev. containiiiR a representation of ; Ur BRAN DKETH'S Manufactory at tsing Sir,F, and upon which will a 'so be seen eiact copies of j Ihe were kibelt now ti.W upon the firandrtth I'itt Hole. Philadelphia, cilice No. 8. Noith Hth street, j II. BRANDRETH.M. D. , Jonel'.th 1 43. Cieoi-Rc J. Weaver, nors maker v sun chandleil aVo. 1 3 Kvrth W'uier Oirtel, l'hdadetkm. TWA 3 constantly on band, a general assort HB ment of Cordsge, Keine Twines, &c, vit l Tsr (1 Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Msnil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Csnal Boats. Also, complete assortment of Heine Twines, Ae. such as Hemp 8had and Herring Twine, Besl Patent Uaii Net Twine, Cotton fSliad and Herring Twine, Nhos) Thresds, Ac Alc. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halur,Traeee, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac, ail of watch ba will dispoas of a reasonable IMIDS. Philaislrbis, Kovsmbsr IS, 'li?. !.