Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 24, 1846, Image 3

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    From th New Orleans Times.
Laleat Isitelllffone from Vara Ccwe.
Santa Ann of the Hnidof Iht Army, Marching
tttint Taylor Ortnl Preparations fnr Iht
War -Santa Anna' Opinion of Ike Itttettity
of Carrying it on.
OtneraJ Santa Anna, Commander-in-Chief of Iht
Liberating Army, to General Almonte, Minis
ter of War of the Republic of Mexico :
A toil, I o'clock, A M, Sept 14, 1846.
f eomr, then, to carry my views into opera
tion, and in compliance with the mandate of my
country. She calls me as Commander-ia-ehief
f the Army, ami in that capacity I stand redv
to serve. The enemy occupies our harbors he
is despoiling us of the richer of our territories,
and threatens us with his domination ! I go,
then, to the head of the Mexican Army an army
the offspring (e ')',) of a frte people and joined
with it, I will (ulfil my utmost duty in opposing
the enemies of my country. I will die fighting
or lead the valiant Mexicans to the enjoyment of
triumph to which they are alike entitled by
justice, by their warlike character, and by the
dignity an I enthusiasm which they have preser
ved nf a free ntitinn.
The war is a necessity of immediate impor
tance ; every clay's d -lay is ai sge of infamy; I
cannot recede, from the position which the na
tion has assigned me ; I mut go forward, unless
I would draw upon mys-df the censure due to in
gratitude for the favors with which I have been
rrhlml by my f.-llow citizens; or. unless
I would behold her humbled and suffering under
a p-rp-tustion of hr misfortunes.
Your excellency w ill at once perceive how
great an error I should commit in assuming the
enprem Magistracy, when my duty tails me to
the field, to fight egainat the enemies of the Re
public. I should disgrace mvself. if when called
to the point nfdan'r, t aWiM spring to that of
power! Neither my loyalty nor my honor re
quires the abandonment of interests so dear to
ine. tingle mo!iv nf my heart is to offer
my compatriots the sacrifice of that blood which
yet runs in my veins I wis1 them to know
that I consecrate myself entirely to their service
as a soldier otiehf to do nrl am Only desirous
further, to be pi mitteel n point out 'the CVuiTte
by which Mexico may attain the rank to which
luT destinies call her.
In marching against the enmv, and d 'dining
to accept of power, I give a proof of the sinceri
ty ol my snt:metits ; l.-aving the nation her own
mistress, at liberty to dispose of herself as he
sees fit The elections for members of a Con
gress to form the constitution which the people
wish to adopt, are proceeding. That Congress
will now soon convene, and while I shall be en
;sged in the conflict in armed defence of her in-I'-pendenre.
the nation will place such safeguards
i round her liberties as may bst suit herself.
If I should permit myself fur a single moment
to take the reins of Government, the sincerity
of my promises would be rendered questionable, i
and no confidence could he plaeed ia them.
I am resolved that th-y shall not b falsified,
for in their redemption I behold the general good '
as well as my honor as a Mexican and a snidier
I cannot abandon this position. Ti.e existing
Government has pursued a course with which
tke nation has shown itself content, and I have
ro desire to subvert it by taking its p'ace. I
fee! abundant pleasure in remaining, where I am
and flatter myself that the rattm will applaud
my choice. I shall joyfully accept sot b tasks
as she shall continue to impose upon me; and
hile she is ergaged in piomoting the objects of
vivilination, will brave every danger in sup
porting its benrfi's, even at the red ef my exis
tence. Will your Excellency hsve the goodness to
tenjt-r to the Supreme Government my sincere
thanks lor thir kindness ? I will personally re-p'-at
them to morrraw for which purpose I pro
poie to call at the Palate. I shall there embrace
my friends, and hastily pressing them to heart,
bid them a fender farewell, and set 0'it for the
Irene of war, to lend mr aid loservemy country
r to perish amongst its ruins
I beg to repeat to your Excellency assurance
f fny eontii:u-d and special esteem.
Akti.:o Lop. rt SaiTa An.
On ti5 :."'h uit . then, Santa Anna arrived at
l,e capital, amid r'j.aic in; more enthusiastic
'hen had ever been witpessed before. The peo
ple teem to b-hn!e! inh rn thii saviour, and were
ilrr.ost frantir with joy. The testimonies of at
achment to 1 is prsnn Were urboun.led. The
,cxt day the most vigorstia measures, so far as
eetarations go. were 'eken by the Provisional
Ifcvernment. A levy of 30,000 men to recruit
ie army was ord-red. Requisitions Wert forth
it h transmitter! to aU the principal places in
ie Republic, for an immediate furnishing of
leir respective qnotas of men. puebla. arid the
hole of the towns Within a circuit of filly lea
ies of the metropolis, are stated to have com-
icd with the requisition for men, with the J
eatest alacrity. A regiment was immediately
isedin Puehla on the arrival there of the newt
the levy of 30,000 men. To facilitate the ar
ing and equipping of this large body ef troops,
e Government have ordered that duties on all
umtionsof war shall cease to be levied, until
ither notice.
Alveteg, who seited the Californiart supplies,
d made war against the authorities, last April,
s given in his adhesion to Santa Ana'a Govern
rnt, and expresses a desire to help the Mexi
ns t "vengeance against the insolent conque
rs of the New World, who have osnrped the
mens territory of Texas.1'
An edict issued the 4th of September from the
vernment, appointing commission composed
fire gentlemen, to digest and report plan,
i heads of which art furnished to tbem, for re
rding and providing for deserter from the A
rieanarmy. they are:
si?" To determine upon the number ef acres
and, which the government tball grant and
term upon which they shall be granted, to
b persont as, not king tiliteni of Iht Vnittd
t, shall tbendca tax rank f the NeMk A
Ult' f t !
U. "To designate tha uncultivated land
which the government ahould appropriate to this
object in the different states."
3d. "Ta propose means by which th govern
ment may best render assistance to tha individu
la referred to, to transporting their families, if
they have any, and in furnishing them witn the
necessary implements of farming "
A rumor was current in town yesterday that
Gen. La Vega, now In this city, had received a
letter from Gen. Ampudia, atating that Santa An
na, with fifteen thousand men, was on his march
to attack Gen. Taylor breaking the armistice.
If the armstice be broken by the Mexicans, they
will (in common parlance) "never touch bot
Office of Iht llT.Tt!ons Aoaateaa.Oct. 19.
GRAIN There is a good supply of Wheat at
market, and sales are making at the closing rates
of last week, vix: fair to good reds BoalOO cents
and prime lots 2 or 3 cents higher, and ordinary
to good S0af5 cts. A lot of Penn'a white Wheat
was sold to day at 113 cent
Sales of old Corn at C'aCS cent for white, and
6ta62 centa for yellow. New is worth 33a57
centa lor both white and yellow.
Rye, C7 cents nl-e.
Oats are not very brisk at 20 cts, at which
price sales M ere made to-day.
WHISKEY The demand is limited and prices
have declined a ahade. Sales to day at 23 tents
for hhds and 21) cents for bblf .
Cars rr Wnnsia A Craic re VeM.
Worm are formed from the foul humors which
selt'e in the slam ch and in the intestines, because
ihise ma' eis hsve acquired, by lh-ir dctnrrati in,
s e'rnng slimy nature proper to the concentration
f those insects. They are variously nam. d the
round worm, get er.illy in p rwins of lender )eir;
he msw worm, a mo-t troublesome inarct; and
Iso the locf thread worm, the tenet or tape worm.
Ac. Ac. They si t under d.ffeicnt forms, some
im a t ev k- it together snd go out into balls ; of
ten, r ihcy div'd and gu out one afer another
Winn thry t-cend through the intestinsl cansl,
ihey may he ejected by the m uth. and even by the
to When this happens the patient ia in much
ilsn.-er, such tymptims being stinng evidence thst
liis sysirm is dangcrout'y encumbered with the
corruption, and iis re-union and these tw i affec
tiona whin united, msy cause instant dea h, or a
h nt dlneis, ending in iuevilaMe death.
Drand eth'e Pills remove not only the worms of
whatever kind, hut al the hum 'rs which form
ihem, and upon which they feeik IJesidee, they
have the pmity of evsrosting every eubstsnce
which might fiv r a new formsiion of worms, hy
regener iting the mat of humor.
(y Purchase of H. D. Maeser, 8unbury, or of
the asent, pul'fiidted in another part of this paptr.
D K U,
In this place, on Saturday last, Mrs. RlNALD.
furmerly of Lebanon county, aged about 60 y'rs
CorrectiJ wetkty by lltnry Uatrrr.
Whsst. tl
Coss, . . 5d
Osrs, .... 21
fuss, . . . fl
I'uiniD, ... .
llVTTIS, 14
r, .... .8
Btriwtt, .... if,
Titioe, ... f
l"it, ... -10
11 sex i.o Fl t, . to
t)ii an A rei.ts, . . . . 75
Do. PsirNrs. . - HO
N Klei will lie ht-lit ai the Hankiig House,
on M. n ly the IG'h 'sy i f Novembei mxt.
hetween the hours of 10 n'cl -k A. M. and 3 o.
cl ck. P. M. for the purpose nf electing Ihiueen di
lectors to aeive for the ensuing vesr.
A genersl meeting of the at"Ckh.'.Iers will h
held at the lisnkinjt h -use. on Tue-ilsv the 3.1
day nf November, at 10 o'clock, A. M , in pursu
ance w ih toe act of incorporation.
October 24 ih. 1843 3t Ca.Wr.
I t' fit skt e t . nt vsj e s a eat tt
I.NUIA.S IMibl .UI.U l ll.l.i.
A RE d -ily effeciint eome of the most astoni-h-
2sL "'It nJ wootlrrlul cures tliat have evrr heen
known, ia consequence of whieh they hate now
become a shining msik againai which all liie art
r.iwa of disappoint! d hope, envy, and unchariia
Menets are levelled without ditii ctioo, The town
and eoun'rv are alike filled with their pr.iis. The
pslaee snd the poor house alike echo with their tin
lues. In all dim lies, under sll tempetatu'es they
still tetsin iheir womlerful potters, and esert ihem
unaltered by age or situation. They are simple in
their pr pa'siions, mild in iheir ncioiie, thorouvh
in h II their nperstion., and unrivalled in their re
sults. They are en I biliutj., aiiti.ilvapeptic. ml
anii-meicuri .1 i and they are peculi irly beneficial
in the folliiwinc complain'S! freer and anUe, yel
low and bilioUa fevers, dspepia, crnup, liver coin
'l iltil, sick heailache, j oinilire, asthma, dmosv,
spleen) piles, eulie, obstructions) heirtl'urn, furred
tongue and foul atom ich, nauses, dianhctt, costive
ness, nss of appet itsk sallow completions, e 'Ids,
and in all Csaet of l rir if the bowels where a
cthenie ni an aiienl ia neededt
N. U. No Sugar t "oiled Pills can be genuine,
unlets evee bos has on it the signature of U.
CQ" "AliriON. As a miserable imitation hsa
been msds, l.y the name of ugsr Coaie.1 Pill,"
it is nreest iry to be sure that Da. G BtxJ. SsiitVs
signs'uie la on every hoi; Priee 25 cent.
Principal Oftle. 170 (J,eenwich at. New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FKILLNO. funbury.
WM. rORSYTHE. SirlAunSd.
Oct. 17, 1 84 6.
iieta ttsooiis, iieto Goatis.
Cheaper Than Ever!
JOHN II. PURDV. has ju.trw.ived, at hia
New rtore. in Mstkel Hqune, t fltth supply
nf Seasonable Goods, eoch ae
Ciotht. Csssimers, Saitinetls, Kentucky Jesns,
Cord, DiilliiiRS, Alpaccas, Ginghsma,
Prints, Muslins, Hosiery. Gloves. drC,
Al-ol Queen.Waie end Groceries,
which will he sold very low. Purchasers sra invi.
ted to cell snd eismine hi etc, be for puicbaaTJ
Wtwhcil. The bi.s;,,, p,. piiJ fot projuet,
f unhory, October ITrb, Ii4 If.
River Farm
Kilt SAM2.
THE subscriber rfferk, at private sale, tl tract of
land Situate in Augtitt townahip, Northum
berland ertunry, 8 miles ha I W SUnbury, on the
road leading from SunhUiy to Harri-burg. The
tract containe ISO acres, about 100 arree of which
are cleared. Forty acrea of the cleared Imd are
River Dottom. and in a high state of cultivation,
wiih a rea oriili'e portion f Mead s and Meadow
RMuml. There i a1n a number of fi uit iroee of
different kinle on the premise; The buiUlings
sre e large two story stone house, with rellar and
rellur kitchen under the whole also a hank ham
3ll by 00 feet ; sto a shed and corn critis. Ate.
There is also a t'e'ry attached to said firm, known
l-y the nnme nf Kishrr's Ferry on the weal side of
the river Susq iehs.nns ; a'so a lime kiln i.n asid
farm, within two miles uf litne stjnr, on the hank
of the rivef.
If the abrwe F.irm is not a dd by the first dny of
Jsnnsry nut. It will be rented f T a term of veins.
IVs eision given on the first day uf Apt.! n.'il, er
pe hips sooner, if requi'ed.
Anv pers m wir-hieg to view the firm, ceo do so
by calling on the aul'scrther, liv ni on the s me
Augiifli. October t7lh, l43 fit
TENS OF THOUSANDS of unhappy beings
in the "Axue S.-ctiona" i.f our counny are
n-iw tnrmen'ed with thst hated cntnphvM" FE
TENT FEVER, or (.'mitt ano FiVsa. as it is
variously C illrd. The univo I v. ice of t'tis en
tire community "fiom Maine to Georgia'' and fruin
the Atlantic to tha Rocky Mountains, declares
to be the great and only lift. 11ft and rartiral
cure, when properly used. This csnnnt he con.
tiovetled. It restore the natural fctlinc; and t
lartitity of the constitution in a manner that no
thing else wi t.
Ettraet of s letter, dated
Lswistowx, P. Oct. 10, 1M2.
Every bottle of thi Improved Tonic Mixture
sent has been sold, and I do not knuw nf one in-st-inre
thtit it did nut affect a cure. Four bottles
cured five cases of the worst kind of Ft vcr and A
gue one cjse was myself. After Iryinq nine
and all other cures thought of by my I'hysician.
fiudinx no relief, I finally tent fur nne h tile of your
Tome Miiture. and ws relieved, in ftct cured in
24 hours, fleas send nn fr. sh supply, aa there
is none left." You , tui'v,
(O S d I on Afeney in Sunhury, by H. M ier
and oher, and all the Ston keepers in the adjoin
mj Ounttes. Ort -her 17, lsig
THE public are hereby notified, that the R idge
from the Northumbeiland shore to the t-laud
is now so far c mpleted. that it csn be IrsVelled
with sftv by all tarriagr of lurthen, a well as
all 1 there, &c. D. URAIM'IGAM.
Pres't. iNorlli'd U ridge Co.
NorthumheiUnd, Oct. 10, IS46. 3t
list bTtwsiis.
lOU trial in the Court ol t'nmmoii Pleas of Nor.
ihum'erland County, st Nov. Term, 1848,
commencing the first Mondsy, liiig the 2J.
Sciitioger, alienee of
(isrtrr vs John Garver et s
William Farrow vt Ahrahim Klare
tlom'ih for McCov, vs Felix Muner et si
Wiltism ftimenion s John fchipmen
J h 1 Heml rs.ui'a hvira Va liieenoiiah Ac Shipman
Wm L Heii.cmsn s ITsilinsn H K ffht
Peter ltrchrer Ac Vs Doitg - & H,rr.t
Franc a IJ.ili's s.'ni'r vs llsn'el M. Seeliler
Aiiraham TerW lliger va !!oh;ns A Newlrry
J bu McC oushan's a.lm'r v Cht'les Meriick
John A Llovd
v Wm E McDonald
vs J .hn Nvtdig & wife
vs J hu A Lloy.l
v John A Llovd
vt John llsr'msn
J"l.n Kane ft W;ft
U rn E McDonald
Wm Coll
Freiler ik Bi.kenl i'ne
Kenderion Smith et al s (ieorce Gral ! at
a t r (5'slnin
John Me(iine
John Fumisn et al
llciiry M 'Se
Biilieii et
ss Pi ler HXnselman
vs un Siaikca
s AufiUstus oV Joint Htiey
vs T A Pipingron
vs Issic Rrown
John P KenneJy el al vs J Jc A SI, i,. man
Himi vs Same
Mary Rex et al ta Hen-v Simlerct al
Wm H Ponip's asslgtn e vs Win Welch
Henjtmin Robin
tlen'V Msaser
William Raker
va Valentine K'st"
vs Win Mrt:aity rl al
vs Win Sein and Elira-
heth Waiiner
Vs Huh Re.d et si
vs Hei'jmiin Cauley
ss Salome Seitx
Vs J imrs Cntert
vs Jacob tiesihart ct al
Va Thomas Lemon vt si
vs William StsikS
vs Robert Philips
a Levi II. .hart i t al
Sarah Reed
Chailes Craig
John Itehock
Charle Crsig, jr.
Peter Ueldy
Stmuel t'rsiith
John Mctiiitries
J. hn Packer ct al
WillHm M.Cny
J Johnson fot Wise Sc Hasa vs Darnel (!!' n et al
(ill am Corn-1. a el rs v Phibp cV Henry Kenn
I'htUdelphia Bink vt I hn Hnmirel
Fb lr her Maihews vs Daniel Wci lnct
Jaeo'i Seileri for John S, il,t ss Geo. C McKee
Dr John W vs Dr Jacob B Ms.r
D N L ke for Win 1'armw vs Jacob KceJ
Joaep", VLtmsn vt Shsm. Coal A U m
c. 1
Dmiel Weiher vs Vichsel f h ormaker
Prter Rrosiut vt (Je nge Sn,rr et cl
m Marks V ife vt John MiG nut s
Freileri.k Miler
vs Henry Mas-cr it al
vs G'lleon I.ii-ei tiiij
I'llmsn Si co
Jos. Folk cV P Conrad cl hI t lies J P Shm Icl
James Merrill's et'rt vt F L rarua. sd of G Watis
Casper St (" tir vt (fe ire Kun x'a 1 x'lt
Wm Hhannon'a heirs vs Gearhatt
Msitin (Sass va Henry Maaaer
Philip WiCkery et al va I'eler iLosius et at
Pinihonotsrv nffiee. J Vrolh'y.
Sunhury, Oct. 10. IK40 S
T .
IS heieby cien to :. legatees, creditors, and o.
ther person interest! d In the circles uf John
Hsuchtwoitt dee'd, aellle.l by hia Imr Peter
HaiighaWJUtl of I'hllip Eshbach dee'd, settled by
hi admr Peier Kun; i.f Michael Uuhli deed) te--lied
by his fir John Dohh, Michael IJ bb and
Philip Smith; of Michael Kimer dee'd. te lled by
hi tilmrs David Eia'er and Coined Eisier; of K.
litsbelh Fullmer deed, settled by her eir Wm F.
Nsfle; of John Uunty dee'd, settled hy hi adrur
Michael Lenkrr; of Samuel Lahr dee'd, settled by
hia eir Solomon Dressier; of Jacob Gaas doe'd, Set.
tied by bis admrs Joseph Gass and Merlin Gass;
the account of John Snyder, gusrditn of John
Snyder, late of NorthutnberUnd eniinty, decea
sed; that the executor, administrator and guar
diens of the said decessed e.tatrs have filed iheir
accounts with ihe Register of this county, and tint
Ihey will b irraenled to the Orphans' Coutl of ssid
county, on Tuesday ihe 3d day of November nest,
for confirmation and allowance,
huotury, Oct, M, I 4. Rfgtsttl.
titsT of junons
F ' Northumberland Cnnniv. fit November
Term, A. D. 84.
ft rand .fur1oi4M.
TurSuf. Samuel Itlain, Nathsniel McCray.
Lei'ia J. ihn Linebsrh.
- MUton. Soldmon Diefienletfet, Joseph ttogett
dohl r.
Chillirfunque.-ihn It. Vincent.
Pnint Jacob It rnhs't.
Sortfiumhtr'nint .lames ttirffenhachct.
Auiftuta Ephraint Lylle, Oeotg FUerman,
Strrtncl R eir.
Winmokin tmtent Mrdler,
foi. naOd Billmsn.
t)er,dArtnriiy. Geotg Shartel, Daniel Deis
tjiwrr Miihtnny Solomon Rosier, Samuel
Bros! tis, Jonnthari L' nker,
Jnrkfnn. George O -rrnan. Mi. hsel Bower, J.
fob Hilbish. Jacob H .ffmsn D.niel Hi bish. jr.
Traverse .TurorM.
Turhtt. Thnmns Polbvk. Win. I' lTdtl.
Tsu'i. Wm. Leweis. S cphen fSlstx.
Prhmnre.W. J B Kclchner, .l .hn Bechiel
.Ui' m ( K R.eder, HamU-l Rhoa ls, Robert
M Friek.
Ch'l'fi'inquf. S imuel McMah.m, John Deck
ley. Cbriri.s ttrrx Henrv Gih'on.
Pn'nt. Charles I'aiks. Jora han Pur-el.
Nirthumhrrland. J m s f .'ook. Wm. T. Bovd
A mhury. ('onri I Ketshner, Henry Thomp
son. Henrv Simpson. Geo'ce Clark.
Aug'itttt. Jscnh Griner. J icoh Wsmpole, Wm.
R-o-s. Waiter Snrece, Wm., Caleb
II arrl.
SUamnteiit. George Arnn'd, Gorije Fox, BiT
j min Adims, Peter Has Jonas Mu'chlcr.
Itufh Joseph Camphell, James Fo kmsn, Ja
cob l.aslieil, Chs'lea T. Gerhait.
Con, John Eerl.
Vppcr Mnhnnn.--1 hn Mnyer, Henry Haas.
Lritrrr Mnhonny Martin Gjrmsn, Divid Seilrt,
John Spi't John Dockey.
IJiltr Mahnnny. Conrad Resk r.
Jtckxnn.--Wm D. Hoffinin, John D.itlii I, Pe
ter tleo-ae llsrner.
lclit slurorst
Turhut. Daniel Folliner.
Lcuie John Ksr-hner, Gertge Stnhl, Adam
Klapp, Si'iiuel McNineh.
Delaware Win B. Bryon, V.. C. Vincent,
Georce l.illev. Joseph HiW iid, David Stahlnerkrr,
David Gold. Win. Fu'k.e'm.
M ltnn. J ihn W KrtiilTmin.
Chillifjumn. John Flicker, Tunis Gearlia'b
I'o'iit Jacob Deii'ler. IL nry Amnvrmin.
Ani'Hfta. Henry linns, Henrv GnNhwII, Geo.
Zio-meiio in, Ch rl s Gohin, H irman Kline, jr.
Shanwfcin May la -id B manner.
U'irU. C ispi-r Hair, Roherl SSro't, Naihsn Pegs.
Vpper Matitmny 'm. Kerger, J bn Sherry,
Peter li. t.
Ixiwrr Mahn'wy. G o-ce Br si mis. Benjamin
B vcr. Ad.m B rg man, Siimucl Witmer.
jticlnon. Simon Ks1 lc, Msrtin Zartman, Jacob
Suited to ti e Human Conxt'lutinn. imd equal to
the cure of every tumble Ditcase, uv'iV
ie fund in
C'f Til K
orth imrrlcaii CotlcReorifruItll.
TIIKSE ext-a-irdinsry Pills sre cr)mpne?i of
. plains which gr iw sp u'ianeou-lv on oit own
!, end are, tlierToe, loiter kd p'ed to c'tir c on
stitutions lb n Mpd cines concoet. d from fortign
dtt'Cs, however well they msv I e cini!onnde.l ;
ndas Wwomt's Isihav Vionrsntr. Pitts a-e
f ninded upon the eriiieipV th-l the t-nirun '-odv
in iru-h i;ilJECT TO BUT ONE DISK SE.
namely, humors, slid ti nt said MeeNi ine
cures Ibis 1I1 esse nn Nan-ntt P H 1 vci et r.. hi
cleansing nnit purfyiu lit ho ly, it tll be man.
if -.t lh', if the eoo.t toil 11 Ve not enil'elv i X
bsii.iel. a ,eisevi isiice in their me, srro.riiij t ,
litoeti uis, i i.bolu elv ceil.un to iliivo 1 tea-e of
fisri name from the Im.ty.
Wt en we wi-h in ie trt e a swamp or m r-at ro
fertility, we,l Vl U ol' the -i,iialiiindalll water I i
ike mar ner, if we wish to ics'ore Vic body to
health, we mvtt ciem.e ii of ioipnri v
wi'l be found ' lie f ihe In st. if I o' he erv l st
imili. ine m the evmld for ca-nl tc out thl-. Cn isu
PrMirttvo Tiiciru, bictuse ihey ettpel fr on
the b ly nil morbid and c uropt hum r. ihe cmi-'e
of the d se's-, in an eisy nd Suturat Ulttniitr;
nd bi e ihev cvrrv ihy nivs rir. jn Kik-crn, if every nern'e is r.ifid y dii-vn fr. tn the
iod v
'Tiie foil ai g highly resp-'ctt'de ttoicVcpe a
hsve teen duly sp onitfil at; n'a for tie sal - of
Uri'nAf'e Indian Vegrtultc V1K4, in NotthUniber
I ii I county :
Henrv Master. Snn'.i oy,
V.. A: J KiolTo ni, Aogiisia lonuship,
Ssn-uel lleib, Lilde M ihi f.oy.
Will Cm Drppen, J irk son.
Brnesille Hols'iue. Upper Mahanoy.
John (I. I'enn. Up er Mahouoy.
Samuel John, Shiiuioklniiiw n.
For.ythe, WiUnn Ac Co.. Noiiliuoibetlaiid,
E. L. I 'per, Waioiibiirp.
Irluul A- Hays McEen.ille.
Jirti'l Peed. Po't-croVe.
Wm. Sc ut. R'ishv lie.
Ilartmnn Knaii'le, Eiy.burg P. O.
Am T Betesel, 'Tu'l ii'sville.
(i d 011 Sha.'el, Upper lh.n iv.
Hhoiles A Farro. 2nydituwn.
J ihn K itg. Farmi-r-v pe.
Si'ss (i. Co- k. M ntio's l.'re k.
J. I Ie Young Hu ksvi e.
Ahr.ihaRi S.n h r Rf litn iml.
Samuel 'Taylor, Slit for
Ju' n H. Vincent, t 'hibsipmpi.
Win. He neu & lliothe', Milton,
rj OiTtce. ibvoel 1 scluive'y in 'he sale of
WHICH I 'S INDIAN VFltiE t'AUI.E I'tl.l.s,
i fihe North Amrr'Csn College of He .hh. No 28S
Greenwich Street, N.wY .rkt No. I'-H Tr monl
Sireet. Huston; nd PRlNCII'AL OFFICE No.
2C.I R.t s SrttmT. Phil Irlphi.
S pi. 19th. IRlfi. ly.
In ruling C0I1U, CoUilis, A-ihms, li.CuetiJi,
Whooping-t'uURh, sud alt Disesi of the
tie et snd lui s, lesdu.g 10 Cousump.
lion ; curni o-ed of ihe conrenir .ted
Vir ui of ihe lierl S Hon hnunil,
U nesrtt, Bloodr'Mit, and
seveisl dlher vege a
ble si.b-Uncea.
rplIIS iuvaluatde Medicine ia the e a,t .
end eei tain remedy ever disco clt.j flf ,na'
lov complt ma, at thousand wno h-M'ua ii
wi.l leatify. For ule, in S'-,tlbury, 'oy "
....... J- '.'v. Fit I LING.
snd . Nor un.b,l-.Bl,. rf 0 HRAUI HIAM,
and al wbolcak f , phj, Um ,iy
Cerner. nf eWonJ end CllowhiU ltttta.
Spto,br i)ib, 116. I y
DBATNESS OA. It BB nnaimii
la.ling remn.Iy for Dsvsgss, also for pains
and discharge i.f matter from the Ears.
Hundreds of cur. a in ca-es deemed ut'erly hope
le-shave fi-mlv e tahlisheil its superiority over eve.
iy firmer Medical discovery.
Thi valuable Acoustic Medicine ia a compound
nf four d. (Tan tit (Ms, nne of whi h, Ihe active and
p-incipal ing e 'ient, i o' t lined f om the bark of a
c rmin spieira of W'aurt, new and effictUil
ngoril in the cine of Del e-s.
Perron- who Imd been d af for 10, 1 5 and even
20yar, hive bcei permanently cured by using
this nil. In ficl. so nunietOtia and so emphatic
hive been the le.itm. minis in it. fjVo', lhat the in
vctt'or c'aims for it i!.e dis int 1111 T an Infallible
f' in all rsser, wlun the Ear is perfect in
its f uniiili n.
For further ps'icolare, and evidence of its greet
vilne. s o printeil khe.-t, in ihe hands of Agents.
F. r s .Ie in simbu y, by J. W. FULINO.
September 19ih, !H4n ly
Dialri s in Silk, I'Wibonv, ami Milli-nn-y
A'n. 45 South Srcond ttrert,
BAVn now in Plore a large aasorlmenl of
Itlrlk nillllnoi'y Goods,
Aiispteit in ran srs, s-.ich as
llontiet Silkt and Satins figuri d and plain.
Fancy Ribbons, of erillielv new style.
Plun Mamiis and Satin Ivit.hon, of all width.
Blrt-k anil Cnh'red Silt Ve'vela.
Frfneh Faflrv Feattters and Flowers.
Fartfy Cii Nets and Laces.
Burk.ars, Willows, Cmwn Linlncs, Ac. etc.
Manv of the above ar'le'es being of their own
imp ration, they revntibled to offer thrftl at the
lowest prrfes
Th ladelphis, Sept. hth, l8tfi lm
ciikavkst i 'rmrvoiitair!
Stmm llcflncsl Suuur Candles,
CJAvksts vi.:n rorjiii. wMoirsara.
5J. KICIIAUDMlN, No. 42 Maikel Street.
, TiinKn) i.rniA, lakes pleasure hi inhuming
H e piihlic, lhat he sti I continues to sell his very Su
per'oT S eam Refined Candy at Ihe low . price of
f 12 60 f cr IV)0 pounds, and the quvlily ia eqti.l to
any m"ufaei ureal in the Cri ed Slate.
He nl.o offers sll kinds of goods iii the Ccnfet
tioiicry mid Fr&it line nt corre-ponding low p'hes,
a q nek Bales and small profit are the order of
t e 'lay. ,
Cull er nd yOrtr oe-l.-rs, and you cannot foil to
be satined Don't f,vevt ttin niimU'r, 43 MAR
Anc'sl 20 h. If.. ;m
MRsn SriiVnr, SrsirvnT,
tlV.l NKFl'L foV p.-t t'svors, begs leave loin
1. f 'tit h s WemN an.! the public generally, that
te tis J i-t returned from l'ie city with nevr and
t.i.hi..ns'le Imts. an I a fill sssortroi'nt nf Light
-ol re,!, tlro''. Blark Kid. ami a'l other k:nd
. f Mor.wco f .r tSer.i'em. ri. Ladies end Children's
ear, iii. ho asvnres a'.l ho mav favor hrm with
tlu-ir eii -mm. thit th- y nnv rely upon having their
w .ik f, me in lim m .st f.ih.taniial und rnshion:ible
maiinei. ..lui at V. iy loW prices.
He al-,i b.s a fi.ll a s o m'enl of low pilced work.
e!. ct d by hirr,e f w I, Sell he will tell lower than
ever nil" rea1 hi this place, VIS :
M. 11' Shoes. at low at $1,00
'.t ia Stout II wis, 3 on
G. 1.1.I L.iee B o lor Women, " 1,00
Wi.rren'a lip, " 60
Ch' u's Sli. e', 25
S. Ie Li ait cr, Morocco. Ac, Tor sale low.
Ancust 22 1. I C tC. splHif
.1 Lit UU i:stuUi.ltiiiciit. in Market Sireet,
friM-nstlTB THE l.'Cis) WOTEt.,)
E 1 I'liNS his thanks lor piat favor, and re
pec'fullv informs his fiicii'l and the pu' lie
reoerallv, lhat he coioiiiiies to nunufjciuie to or
der, in the i rTe-t and laie-t stvle,
c tn:ii hoots aVi iioi:,
wiir inte.l f t'ie l est material, and made by the
most rxpeil med vtkmen. He leo keeps on
h.-ind a ceucral aso tineiit uf fashionable B nils lor
g tt' I- me-, together with a larjje st.ick nf f.iahion.
b e eentl. men's. bo ', la 'ies' and children's Shoes,
'II of CjIh.-'i hiVe been m ule under h a own imme
diate inspection, and are of ihe besi material and
wii-ktrt in.h p, wbli-h he will sell .iv for cash.
In a bliiion In liie 'ove, he haa jUst received I
from rlitin.l. Ipliia a tame ami etteiisive uppiy ol
H.mi a, ?h ie, Ac. ..f a'l descriptions, which he alo
ffe. I n is-li. cheaper i.'.au ever lefore off. red in
'l is pUie. He lespeclfully invite hi old cuslo
iners, snd othtis, 10 call and etamine for them
si I a.
I'epiiring done wiih neiitncss and despatch.
Sunt urv, Aujii-t I Sill, I e 1 C
V tl O t.K S A iTk
BCGT z, S302 STC3.S.
I'll E P FUR ('All.
yo. .IS Hinlh Third Street, ulmve Cheinut,
usTtilv tsrJ tirt MtrrsiTi'Htu boOts. axu,
fl'lllE Su'..cribi'r has tsken the liberie nt jjj,,,.
1 inj lh. pul.'ic, svli-lied that lhtf w jM fi'oJ j,
lo Iheir loteresi t.i call and cin;r rj, ,,,1 (
B.MVS ai d M,o.s, and,.t themevet with
hi price.
felling ex, l,,.i vet- f,,, Tt Ci,K he i. ll.bed
I nJ J'!,".'"'J to se", ,owt( un ,ny olber rvgus
lar house m ir,e e; lVt
P'f .n will examine the market tho.
ru,'hly, ei di Lafoie purchasing, call at ihe ttoie
No. 35 South Third, above Chesnut St
ThiUda'phii. Aug. I.J''-
D EXTTR'cT'cTiIITS DF btlAP, for eg
trading Grease, Dry Paint, Varnish, Tar,
W as, Ate, from clothing of any description, war
ranted ni I in injure the cloth or the mat delicate
color. Thi I qu d hat also Wen used with-gnat
sucre.e in cas,s ol lluuu. Seal .Is, Tilt' r. Pimples
on th face, Chspia-d hands Sore lips. Rheum Hard nr soft Com, Ac. (U Piice, 23 eta.
pr ho-lie. For sale at tbr iloi of
July IH, 1 St. 11. MANSER.
THANKFUL for the liberal encnur'gemeit
which be has reeeived, wool I reapictfu'le
liif -rm his friend and the citit.m nf Northnm'a r.
land eonnty in general, thst he has prepared lim.
svlf with Ihe best Incurruplible Teeth, Gold Piste,
I. dd Foil, cVc , that can be had In the city of Pin
ladelphi I end lhat he will endeavor, to ihnntmost
ol hia ability, to render full eatisfucl on lo a'l who
tnny think proper tn engage hia services. wi'l
be In Sunhury at Ihe Aur0,1 court, whore he will
be prepared, at his residence, to insert Teeth on
Ool.l Plate, or on Pivot, nn ihe latest and most p.
prosed plans, and attend to a'l the branches belong-,
Lsdira will he waited on at their place of rvsi
dence, if desired.
Hia charges will be restnbte, snd his work
He wrll visit diff. reni part ef the county, ibout
nne in three month.
Sunhury, July 1Mb. 1816 6m
s2Ai;a,s8 ans'asa.,
33. KIXKBEXl, JR.,
So. 3t Aori Fourth Street, under f Mer.
fAmif' Hottl,
P It 1 1 d c I p h I a
a Lt Morn nt rants
KEEPS contanfy on hnnd an et'rfs'ive as .
snrtmeut i.f all kinds of Silk, Fur rUI Be -vei
Mats, which he i ffers for tale on the most r -sonahle
terms. His Hats are nnule un nl the be.t
materials, and in the moat approved style. Pei
eons visiting the ciy will find it to their interest t,.
call. July lhh, i46 ly
iwaanm et Tea ritsttuti tesTiTurg, 1845..
City Dagticrrcotypc Establishments.
Q1. es. cacOsniaiaa
(Lsti Simons & Cop.n.t,
So. 100 Chtimut st., nhtwt Tiisd, tWA tide,
mil. ADEI -F-IA.
MINIATURES taken equally a Well in clou
dy ss in clear v. e ,,-. A darli silk diesa
for a lady, and a bla' k feuit for a gentletn'sn, are
pn r.irable in sitting for picluie. No eitra chrg.
i mtido for cob-nr gt and perfect likenesses am
"Jl!r"i,i!J- . J,lfy 4tll. lfsir.. ly
l.lurlit Strt-rt,
FIIHF'. '.Tonae has undorgnno a thorough repaid
Jl l'he proprietors soll;:t its former patronage.
Terms $ 1 25 per day.
VM. V. ni.v.
July 4. 18 IB. ly Pr.
lllins larpo and cnnunudioti Hotel lian recently
I been f.t'pj ii)i vi;h e:itire new furninire,
The subscriheri ibr'reforp n.iieit the titronnne ,,f
the public, and liut that their xperiemv in this
business will ensi'h' ihem to give entire Satisfac
tion. Terms moderate
15 GLEY. Mi-KENZrE tl Co.
July 4th, 1316. ly
Keller Ac (it'vcnc.iish, "
DRAWINGS and Papers f,.r Ihe Pa ci.l OP
lice will be r. t nr d ly thi in, nt their offi.ev
opposite the Pa'ent Office.
July. 4th, 1 S-JO. ly
l si i ( x; tTIvT-i7
1 I'ly in 'V he sure i-f ..l.t in at
I tall tunes, piirn it t tl highly fl noted
lly the single pound ur larger quai In v. at t!e
IekiiiTraCoiHutn),, IVaieliotiNp,
3U outh Second street, Ltlivren Market und Chci
tiut sir rem,
Heretofore it has been rrv difficult, im)eci ri
ttiM imiostible. alwflys ta obtain good V ro, n st.j
UI ck Tea. 13 nt ii"W , u have only to ihn
Pi kin Tea Cnipmi 'a, lo obtain as del i.oja
and fragrant 'Tea as y..u could iah fo-. All 'n-tea
cn heie be suited, with the advtiiinge of g'iliug a
pu'o article at a low price.
June 87th. 1SIG.
Lla'e'a Celebrated Scares.
t:oi.l r;J ila d ,
lr.i'ii 'taiinUcV ('o
rjrtebl" Platform i!o.
d Herein
Dor mut or Floef it-
fl t'lffrieill !.
Cotn-,,r d
l' different siira
T,ie S. a'es sr..
p ..I., au sle or
J ,,... , i .nd n.i
decidedly the '"- d'..e.n,., H1.tUta e and envem.
etil c.lea i,,,.. .. , ( Wi, u,f .
and Loui.t r Sc-1, pal,.llt n..t,m.,,
kind nf M ctgb ,, 4 Ml.ines -U ti e f. r t'e, wh-bis
sale snd tele s, , nv A Sci)pf ,(lJ l ujf
ro go out f ,h my, B. i.ried fr-e of charge, an. I
waitan' tt ,,,,, ,n,ii,ri!,,i, t- ihe pun-h ser in .
ecte pncui GRAY A HIJOTHEK,
M'aiiuf jcutrcit and Healers, No. IJ4 Wahiet atieei
Junw 27.JMC ly rk.SiJelphm.
0HOR E MIOE.-Itwden' Pat. . fSlioes, or tale al manufacture! '
pttcc, by
Jur.f-27. loMG ly 34 Walnut rt. Phil. I,
iALT. N. Yo.k Sail m l airelsand huts, I. if'
aid at rrjunufsc urern' pneea hv
June tl. I8I. ly HI Walnut t. Phil ...
cTL"d"?"H l"lT G9
rPHE mtsisibeia sre constantly manuficturin
A- fiom Ihe best Fr. neh, Eiifilii-h and America i
rosnufactuied Cloth m l Cssnniers, (;LOTII(V'i
in a very superior style, cut and workmanshi
Persons buying lo sell again will find on of li I
largest and uioal fsl ionatile t-l.n k of goo,U to rr'. I
from in the city, and st iinp-eeedenle.1 I w prire
J. W. A E. D. STOKF.
194 Market si. Phi
N. D, A hr aortm rl al Odd Fell iws' V -gaha
constantly un h md, and ad orders from bailees
or indi-iUual l Ui.cwusl y slUuded lu. on ihe m..t
hhrsl terms. J. W. A E. 1 S
Philsdelpbi, Jun J7ih, le46,ly
do d
d ,1
do Jo
do Jo
dj do