Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 17, 1846, Image 3

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    I M' -J"
Corrected weekly by Henry Matter.
Wat at, . . . 0(1
Rrt, fit
Cobb, . ... fill
Oati, . . . . 35
Poac, 6
FiAtttta, lit
Butt 14
Ea. . . g
BtaawAt, ...: 35
Tallow, 10
Fiat, .10
Office f the lUtTiKoat AaitCAR,Oct. 13.
FLOUR.-Salt of Howard afreet Flour, to
the extent of about 1.000 bbte. at 83. Thii it
the current rate to-day, but there it not much
, animation. The receipt price from cart it $4,
GRAIN. Pricet to-day are a trifle lower.
We quote fair te good redt at lit 103 et. am!
prime S or 3 cte. higher ; and ordinary to fair at
0a95 centt. Sale of white Wheat at 1 10a 120
centt, and of parcela fit for family flour at 130
entt. On Saturday a load of PenntylvanU
Wheat told at 107 centt for red, and 1 10 centa
"or white and red mixed.
Corn it alto lower. felet of old at 6.1a6S
ventt for white, and 60a63 centt for yellow.
We quote new at 335.'i centt for white and yel
low. .Rye it worth 63a67 centt for Mil.
Satea of Oatt at 3 1 a33 c entt.
WHISKEY. The market it without anima
tion and prieef are little lower. Hoi Jen aik
"21 1 ctt. for khdt. and 23 eta. for bblt.
Caret or U iim- A Cv o Wat.
Worme ere f.ajmed from the o,l humore which
wattle in the Mom eb tud in the inlexl'oe, ictue
nhr. matiere have e quired, by their deg. Iteration,
atrong tlimy rtaiuee iroirr to the concentration
! OM MIWM I nry are van .unr namm u i . . , ,i PrtlTinl,,illnA. -
r onll worm, KeirHy ii p "onof nnJ eirt j j jn t e,,,, of t'.rpbr if the bowil. whire t
the mv worm, a nat.i irihlome inecct; and cathartic oi an ape lent ia nf dd.
.1.0 the long Ihrc.d worm, tbetene, or tap. worm. ! f..". f
, , , unl-a eveie hot lit, on it the .'ignalure of G.
Ac, tie. 1 hey iw wider different form, some- . uj-iy j-fl SMITH, M. D.
tinva ll.ey k it together trial gatjut into bet!; of. ! 4JAUTION. -Aa a mincrald n citation ha
1n. r they devic and xl on af er nther been made, by the name of Sugar Una d Pill',"
Wbrti eheyrel ll.t-.gS the emal. J ""J " ' " ui.c iti..
DR. 8MITH'8 (Siioab CoaTKn) IMPROVED
A RE diily effecting aome of the moat atnnih
. & "nd wonderful rurra that have ever lieen
j knvwii, n conaequenee of which the have now
becona a ahining maik again! which all the ar
row a of lieapprinld hope, envy, and unehariia
blenee. are levelled without diitinetion. 1'ha.lown
and country are alike filled wiih their ri. The
palace and lh poor bourn alike echo with their vir
tue. In all el'mtlea.nnder all temperature, they
atdl retain their wonderful potter, and eirrt them
unaltervd by age or attuation. Th'f are aimple in
their preparation., mild in their arimi. thorough
in all their oprraiion', and unrivalleil in thir re
auha. 'lhey are anti-l'iliuos anli-dyaptic, and
an'i.merrari It and ihff are peculiarly lirnefirial
in lh. following rompUin'ar fvcr and ague, yel
low and hilioaja fevera, dvepepsia, croup, liver co n
ptiint, aick headache, jiundire, aathma, dropay,
aplern, pilifi, t"?ie, obatructiona, heartburn, furred
tongue and f.iu' aicrKCh. nauaea, diarrhni, eoative.
Piice 25 renta.
Ptincipal Omre, 170 Greenwich et. Nw York.
Suldhy JOHN W. PKH.INn. Sunbury.
WM. FORSYTH E. MrthunSd.
Oct. 17, IMS.
united, way caue hitUnl e k,ij lt'R trial In the tioiirt of Common Plea of Nor
emlnig in i'.eviuMf reth. thum'erland County, at Nov. Term, 1846,
a bey aaay be ejetird by tft an &h, and rv. o by the
him Whra thia happina the patient lain aeach
Jan;er, euch ayaig una Seing vliiWfj evidence ihrt
'liia eyatem it I'aiigrTiiut'y etrttftrh red th'
nrruition. and ila r.-uni m a d lieae w aff-e-
t'oua whrD
ah Ml iltnea. endiliz
Dra..d eth'a P.M. remove irnt .ly th Wartrtsof mncing the fir.l Monday, lxir the U.
i ma i- r
whatever kind, but al-o the hum r. -hirh Mm t C,",V "" '
I ttarver
them, anJ Uon winch thry r. r-t, Uiirrv lliey
Yiave the proj ty 6' evacuating every auliftince
which might fav t a nrw furmiiion of Wirma, by
Trgeneriting the maa of humor.
(J" Purchaae of H. U. Maaer, 8onbury, or of
the agent, puldiahed in another part of thia tr.
atL !' . ' . . -.T--a
In rhili.qiiaq'ta'nhip, on the 3d intt., by
Jacob Wherlaiicl,, Mr. William 1ihat to
Mm RrHARt. Stivkr.
In Milton, on the 7th intt. Mr. Tkrrfxck Mc
Larxk to Mi.t Mutv U.nkt, alt of Chilitqua
Aie. On the ath inst., by George Oy.ter, Kq , Mr.
ItiiNJAMiN Bkmlk, of Lycoming county, to Mra.
F.LiiABitra Knorr, ofthit county.
B2aaBaaatBaaauHaasa.K?aEnESb' uAiiaatsaaaaaaaaflaaasaai
o i i: d.
In thit plarts on Monday last, WILLIAM
WORREL HKLLF.R, aged about 5 yeart.
In AuguMa tswnthip, on the 3th intt., Mr.
ANDREW MOVVRKR, agrd abont 76 yeara.
In Chiliaquaqu, on the 7th inst. Mr. HKNRY
IIALDEMAN, agedaboat CG yeart.
v. J.ihn Garver et al
William Farrow Va Abraham Klaae
t!..m'ih for McCort t Felit Miurer et al
William Sfimenlon v. John Shipman
J ih iltfi'd'a heirt (Srernough A. Hhipman
Vm . Ai mn v. Hartman II Ki able
Pvler Richier & ) A Urrt
Franci. 13 all. a.lmY va i)aniet M. Sm hlcr
Abraham TerWillii't va Rohint St Newlerry
J. hn MrC onghana til ii'r Cha'lea Merrirk
J. ho A Mov.l v Wm E McDonald
John Kane St wife Va J.ihn NriJig it wife
Wm E McDonald va J .hn A I.loyd
Wm Colt v. John A Lloyd
Frederick Birkenbine a John llarimtn
Krnd.-Mon fmiih et at v. (aeorge Grant it al
Walt.r G'hm va Piter II anr-rlman
J.ihn McGinnea va Wiiliam Htarke.
Joi n Fii'mtn et at va Auguama eV John lluey
Henry Mecr v. T A Killingtoii
Robrit Bciiiet va laiac IlritWn
John I Kennedy et al va J St A Mhlpmtn
8i me va Same
Mary Rrl rt al . Henty Hnvdef et al
W in H I'onip a aalgn-e va Wm Wrlcn
ilrM (Roots, iltVQ G00t)5
Cheaper Than Ever!
JOHN H. PI RDY. h ju.i recfUrd, at h a
New More, in Market fqu c, a fie.-h aupply
1 f Sea nablr Go hIb, audi aa
Clot'ia. C,imera, 8attinetta, Krnturky Jeina,
C r.l., Iit inea. Alparr.. Girig' ama,
Piii.tS Mual'na. Huatery. Gtovta Ac.
Al : (jum-n-wme and Grorertea,
whirb ll be aold very low, Purrh .a r are invi
ted to call and w imwi hi. atoak lefoe pnrrhaaing
vlaewhrre. The. highea- price paid Tot lToduCe.
8uiibi.ry, tMnber ITrh, IS46 tf.
Btivcr Farm
i on sai.i:.
fTHP tiWriib,-r flT. ia, at private aaV, t tract of
M. land eiitt iie in A;-ia tnwnahip. Northum
liriland rnunrv, ft mi Ira lei w SunbU'y, on the
toad bailing from Suntaiiy to Maul burg. The
tract tfifl all -ut It HI im. which
are clrarol. F.xiy arrra of the t aed I -lid are
KiviT B 4inm, ami in a high elate of rul ivation,
Wi'b a rrt ontbe Mirttnn "f Mrtd w and Meadow
round, 'f ira ia al-., a numbrr of fiuit lre.-a of
tUfcrent kin 'a -n the premiae. The J'Ui'dinga
ara a la'ge two lAy rtone huM. with rrll.i and
-ellir kitchen u- tier ibe wlmle( aln a bank barn
Ail by 60 fxet ( ! a hd and Corn rrtWa, Ac.
There i. alai a n ry anarhed to aaid f-rm k own
I y the name nf FieVt' Ferry on the wr.t aide of
the river 8uaq ehanna ; a'an a Inn kiln on aanl
farm, within tarn lia of lime atone, on ilia bank
i the riv-f.
If the above frm it nit a ld by the ft rat day of
January hell, il will he rented f t ! tm of yean.
P.-. aari 41 livrn en the 6it day of Apr In It, ut I
pa bip aonrier, if requird. I
Anv pera m wiahiog tn view the faim, rkn do ao
by calling on the tUleritr. liv nt on the me. j
AnnlV October Ulh. 1MB fit
TENS OF THttllSANDS of unha pv bing.
in the "Ague I) eilona" of our county ate
n .w tormen e.l with that haled coniplaml" FE
TENT FEVER, or Cam., abb Ftvaa. at it la
tarioutly called. The unite til Voice of thi. en
tire communi y "fiom Maine to fSeorgia'' and from
tha Atlantic to the Rocky Mouniatna, declare.
to be tha gtecl and only toft. $rt and radical
cure, wben pioperly ttard. Thia cannot l con.
tiovertrd. It realnTe. the natural ftfUnge and e
iattitity of tha coHttititJiun in a maimer that no
thing alee
Enraet of a letter, dated
LiwiaTowft.pAiOct. 10, IMf.
' Every botile of the Improved Tonic Miature
tent haa been Bold, and t do not know of one In
eta n-e that it did not affect a eure. Four botttee
farad ft raeM of tha worat kind of Fever and A
goa Mna eaaa waa nyarlf. After trying Quinine
and all other rurea thought of by my Phyaietan,
f nding no relief, I Anally aent for one bottle of your
Tonic Mixture, and waa relieved. In fact cored in
24 bout.. Pleaaa tend on a fretb topply, aa there
it none lefi." You't, truly,
- Sold On Agency in Suubury, by II. Maaaer
and otbera, and all the thorekeeera in the edjoto
tn Countiea. October 17, 119
Benj imin Robina
llriiiy Maaarr
William Rak-r
Sarah Reed
Chailea traig
John Rt-twk
tMiaiba Cr'g, jr.
Peter llW
8 imii' l t'raigh
John McGmnea
J hn Packer rtnl
William MoCnt
va Valentine Klat
va Win MrCaily rtal
va Wm 8eiia and Elita-
belh Waener
va Hugh Re-d rt al
va llrnjamin faulty
va 8aloine 8riit
va Jami-a Covert
va Jacob Geathart rt al
va Thnmee Lemon rt al
va Williim 8iaikt
va Robert rhili
va Levi IL .hart .t al
J Johtiaon for Wiae A M ia va Danirl Gi'iaon et at
Gill am Corn l.'a et'ra v. Philip A Henry Kenn
I'hiUdclphia B i'k va I dm llominel
Fblcbrr MaiheWt Va D mWI Weidner
Jaco 8eilerl for John H. ibrit Va Geo. t! McKee
Dr John W a IH Jarob B Mi-t r
l N I. k- for Wm Farrow va Jeoh RreJ
J.wrpH M I man a 8hm ( A Ir m Co
Dmiel Wei''ner 'a Vichvrl h'mak-r
Prtrt Hriwint va Ge g 8-nrr el
Wm Miatke A Wife va Job.,, Mrtl nnu
Va Heny Maa-er it al
Va tiidroH lot-et'tlng
Jo.. Folk A P Conr.d el V. rv J P Khn lei
Jamra Merrill era Va F l. ofG Wla
tairr 8i C air Vt Ge ire Kun t'a i x'ie
Wm SlunniHi'i hcira va Tunla Gratliait
Mailin Gaa va Henry Maaarr
Philip Wickery el l va I'rlrr Bmaiua et al
Prmhmiotartva ofR.-e. Prdh'y.
8unbury, Oct. 10, 1940 )
THE Uldic are brnhy notinrd, that the Bridge
front the No.thumbeiWnd ahore lo the Maud
ia now ao far completed, ihal il can ha travelled
with aaVtv by all la'llagrl nf I ttrihen, aa well a
at I. the. a, Ac. D. IIIIAIMIGAM.
Prra'l. Nonh'd Bridge Co.
Norl umliriland, Oct. 10, 146. 3l
Frcdrri k Mder
UHman A co
18 ke-Cly ein to It b-gatree, frediinre, and na
iher peraona inlneatrrf In the eatea f Jnhll
Haufhawnut dee'd, eellle.l by hia edmr Peter
Huahw.iot nf I'hilip Ehherh oWM, aet led by
hit edmr Peier Kun Mirhart Ituhh defd, r-a
M by hi rtr. J.ihn llobb, Michael B hb and
Poilip Mimlht of MM'htrl Kiater dee'd, aanleil by
bia admra UavlJ Eit er and Con'l I Eiaiert of E-
littbeib Follmer deed, artlbd by her etra Wm Fi
Iat1e; of John Bunty dre d, etlrd hy hia admr
Michael Lenkrrt of Simurl t.ahr dee'd. aetllrd by
hia etr Salomon Dreaelrrt ot Jacob Gasa doc'tl. art
tied by bia admra Joaeph tlaaa and MatliH flaaa; j
the account of John Miid -r, gutrdiatl of John I
Hnydcr. late of Noithurnbeilahd eoimly, drrea- I
erdt inal tha eterutora, adminiairatora and guar- '
diane of the aail drceaaed e.latra hate filed ihrir i
account, with the Krgi.ier of thia county, and that '
ihry will l pn tinted to the Orphtna' Coii.t nf aaid I
county, on l uead.y tha 3d day ol November next,
foi eon A tin at ion and allowance,
Punbury, Oct. d. 1846. Regi.irr.
fT Northumberland County, for Njverober
Term, A. D. 1846.
' Cirand Jurors.
TWrfttt. 8aniuel Hlain, Nathaniel McCray.
Lnrit. John Linebarh.
Miltm. 8olomon Diefferderfer, Joaeph Hogen
dohler. Chilli$quaque. John M. Vincent.
Vrnnt, Jacob B.irnhart
Norlhumberi'aml Jamra Dii flenhacber.
Jujruiita-Ephraim Lytle, George Fetterman,
Samuel Keeaer.
. MoiwoA-in. Lorento Medlar,
Coal. David Billman.
I pper Mahvnoy.' George 8hartel, Daniel Beit
eel. I-nwrr Mahimny Solomon Rrealrr, Sawturl
Broai iu, Jonathan Linker.
Jnrtttnn. Oi-orge Garmnn. Mirhael Bownr, Ja
cob Hdbiah, Jacob II iffman. Dinirl Hi biah, jt.
Traverse .Inrort.
Tr6i. Thnmta Pollock. Wm. P Hull.
twi.Wm. Iweta, Stephen Glatx.
Prhiwart. M. J. B. Kelrhner, John Oerhtrl
Miltm G. K Rreder, 8amu I Rboa la, Robert
M. Frick.
Ch!li$quaque. 8imoel McMahon, John Beck
ley. Charhe t'ri'a. Henry Gibaon.
Pnint. Charlea Patka. Jonathan Pur-el.
Ntrthumbrrland.l mr Cook, Wm. T. Bovd
Sunbury. Conrad Kerahner, Henry Thomp
ton, Henry Simpaon. Geo-ge Clark.
Augita, -Jacob Giinrr. Jacob Wampnle. Wm.
Roa, Walter 8peeee, Wm. Silverwo.O, taleh
II arret,
Shamnkin. George Arnold, George Foi.'Bit
j.min Ad ims, Peter Haaa. Jtmas Muirhlrr.
Riub. Jneeph Campbell, Jamea Eckman, J.i
cob l.aahell, Cbartra T. Gearhart.
Coal. John Evert.
Upper Mahonnr,.--l hn Mciyer. Henry llee.
Itower Muumoy Martin Garmnn, David Seiler.
John fpt John Dorkey.
Liltle Mahontn. Conrad Reak'-r.
Jacktnn. Wm D. Hoffinan, John Danii I, Pe
ter Rubenthil. George llarner.
Petit Jurors.
Turbut. Daniel Follmer.
7?u John Karahner, George Stahl, Adam
KUtip. Samuel McNinch.
Delaware Wm B. Bryon, E. f'. Viorent,
Georee I. :Uev, Joaeph Hity iid, Dav';d Stahlneckrr,
David Go,'. I Wm. Fuikrann.
Milan. J.msi W. KaiifTimn.
ChilliMipiaqur. John Flicker. Tunis Grarhait
Point Jacob Dtiler. Hinry Ammermn.
Axigtata. Henry Haa, Henry Got-hall, Geo.
Zioimertn m, Ch irl t G..bin, H.irman Klinr.jr.
Shamokin Mavlaml B Mighner.
Hiuh . C ip. r B air. Robr-n Scot I. N al ha n PeB.
iyjrr Mahunoy. Wm. Kr-ger, J. hn Sherry,
Peter (Ji iat.
Lower Mnbnnot. George Briaione, Benjamin
B iyer. Ad im Bwgiman, Samuel Witmer.
jacknon. Simon Ka' le, Martin Ztinman, Jacob ;
I)rrale', j
Suited to the Human Conntilutmn, and rqual to
the cure of every eurafile Uiteaie, w 'U
be found in
or TUB
iorlh American College or Health.
fipHESE extraordinary Pilla are compo-ed of
JL plant, which grow fp on our o n
a.'il, and are, thrtefite, better adiplrtl to uur con
alitutiona tban Meda-inea cotteoelid from foreign
diuga, however well they may l compounded;
nJ n Wcoht'i lantiB VantTABta Pill, ate
founded ot-nn the princitile tht the human ImhW ia
namely, roriupt humor, and that aaid Met!itine
rurra thia ili-eeae on Natraat Pamrieiaa, hy
rteanxingnnit pnrifyi nf Iht rViy, it will be man
ifeat ttt it, If the t on.iitnti n be not entirely ri
hauatrd, a prrarvrrance in ihcir uee, according to
tlitortiona, i- abaluirlv rrrtaih lo drive d btam? of
everv name ftnm the Ixw'y,
Wl en we wi-h to reio e a mp ot mor.iaa lo
fertility. We dia'ti il of the Mipeiabundant watrr I i
like manner, if we wieh to reore the luxly In
health, we muat clem it nf impuri'y.
will le found one i f lha brat, if noi the vrrv beat
nietli- ine in the wotld for trrlog out thia Uaaviv I
Pl-atrTiaa PaisririR. Ixcau; they en-l fr .m
ibe b tly all mothtd and C rtUit hum r, the cauae
of the, in an e.iay and Soturnl Manner
and whie ihry rvt-rv day atvi aaaa abh rtal-Vkk.
di eaeif every name la rapid y diln fr m the
I ot'y.
The toll wlog highly reeprctaMe aloirkeepera
have l n duly ap omird ag' nil for the aate, of
I Wright' t Indian Vrgetubk PilU, in NntthumlM-r.
I n I county t
Hi hry Maaaer, Sunhmy,
E A J. KenlTinan, Angoata lownahlp.
Samuel lleih, Lilile Mihunoy.
Will am l)epien, J ickaon.
Benrville llotahne, t'piier Mahonny.
John G. Henn, Vf er Mahunoy,
famurl John, Shamokinnoa n.
For. i he, Wil on A Co., Noiihtimbrtland, .
B. 1 P'per, Waiaonbuigi
Irland A Have MrEen-ville.
Jamta Peed. Poll'K'a.
Wm. (1 Bctt, Ruahville.
Htrtman KncB'de, P. O.
Am. aT Beiaael, TllrbotaVille.
Gd on Khailel, I 'pper Mahoi.oy.
Rhodra A Fanow, Bnyd.irloWn.
John King, Farmerv tie.
Hi'aa C t.'o- h. Martin'a 1'ie'kt
J. He Young Hirkavi le.
Abraham Sin i r iti. hmood.
S4morl Tayfor, 81 il- for I.
Jo' n II. Vincent, t 'hil aqoaqne.
Wm. Ile neu A tliotbe'. Milton,
T Dirire- eWvo e l n luie'y in the .ale of
ilthe Nntlli Amrr ran College of Health. No 288
Greenwich Street. N. W York No. ID Tr mi.ttl
Kueei. Uoa on and PRINCIPAL OFFICE No.
100 Rata Stbkat, Philadelphia.
8 pt. 19 h, 1846. ly.
FROM lha premier, of the aubaeriber, in An
guia lownahip, Northumberland county, a
bout Iba Brat of J Una laat,
one year old laat epilog, wilb atraight hoi ha, a
while belly, and a white aireak along bia back.
Any raon returning aaid Bull to the euWri
lr, or giving information wuare ba may be found,
will ba auitably rewarded.
Augualt, Sept. 19th, l846.-9t
In ruling Colda, Cougha, Aaihmt, Influent i,
Whooping-t'ough, and all DUeaaea of tha
bia at end lunga, leading lo Couaunip
lion eompoaed nf the eonrentr ilrd
vir uet of the berba Hurehtillud,
Boneaett, Bloodrtat, and
aeveial other vrgeia
bia aubataneea.
r PHI H invaluable Medicine I. the mod tpeedy
-I and certain remedy ever diaenvered fr the a
love eompla'nia. aa thouaand wbd have Used It
will teatify. Fur Bale, in Sunbury. by
and in Northumberland, by D. BHAUT1GAM,
and at Wboleeale, in Philadelphia, by
Corner of Second and Callowbill BUecta,
September I9ib, 1846. I y
aDBATlaTEl ft fl Aver am nrravm r
lading remedy for Duarvtaa. alao for pain
and diarharge of matter from tha Ear.
Ilundreda of curia in caea deemed ufeily hope
lesthave fi-mly a taldiahed iu uieiioriiy over eve
ry firmer Meilicnl dia-overy.
Thia valuable Acou.lic Medicine ia a compound
of four di Her i nt Oile, one of which, the active and
prinriial intiedicnt, ia oi tiined f om the hark of a
certain apeci a of Waivpt, a new and eflrcliiil
agent in the cure of De.ifi eaa,
Peraona who had been d. af for 10, 15 and even
50 year., hjve lieen iermanenily cured by naing
thi nil. In fiet, an niimerona and an emphatic
have len the leatlmonial in it favo', :h it the in
ventor claima for il the ilia'incttnn of an Infallible
Remedy, in all raaea, when the Ear ia perfect in
it f irmati n.
For further particular, and evidence of iia great
vhie, eee printed ahe. I, in ihe homla nf Agent.
F. d. ln!uii.u J. W. FULINO.
September ttlih. 1846 ly
DciittTs in Silks, RUiltnrtH ami i I linn-v
An. 45 Smith Srmnd itrert,
n AVR now in Store a laige aaanrtment nf
Hlrll millinery CooJi,
Adapirtl to Fall M-i'e-, ench aa
Bonnet Silk and ?iin-fiewr d and plain.
Fancy Ribbon, of enltielv new a'j h a.
I'liin Mantua and Satin Kihh.ina, of all width.
Ill irk and Coin ed .ilk Velvet.
French Fancv Fealhera and FloWera.
Fat cy Cap Nrt and I. area.
Bnrkam. Willowa, Cmem l.inlne., Ac. Ac.
Mnv nf the above arttrlra being of their own
imp riation, they ere en idled to oiTer them at the
oeai price
Th. Udel hi, Sept h h, 1810 Irri
Steam Itrliiird Sntrar t'anlle4,
IVj ravjT era eotvn. wil iiairt.
JJ. RICHAIMM. N i. 4J Mukei Htrect.
a PhiLaiiri.pnia, take, p'ca-ure in tttoiming
Ihe public, that he ti I coiilmui a lo arb hia vr Mu
per or Sieam Ri fined Candy at the low price ol
f 12 SO per 100 pound, and 'he tpirlitv ia rlu .1 to
any manufactured in the l;ni ed Intea
He al-o off' la alt kinda of gootla in the Ccufre
liontry and fruit line at eone-pniulin low pucea.
aa iptick alt-e and ainall ptoflta are the order of
the dajy.
('all or end your nrdi r, and you Cannot Fail to
be aali-fied Don't fmgrt the nunilier, 44 MAR
Aucut39h. 184 ft. 6m
W. H. T HOin V S ON,
Mabkib Sramr, Sntmii,
riVIANKFI'L for pat favor, lieg lere lo in
JL form h a friend and the public gefetally, thai
he haa jut returned from the rity wi'h new and
faahionahle I lata, an I a fil l aaaortnu ni of Ligh
col .red, Brnnxe, Black Kid, and all other kind
of Mv.irco l-ir (iinileim n. Ladiea and l'hillrvn'
wear; and he aaanrea all uhr, mv fivnr him ilh
their ru-tom, that they m i rely upon having Iheii
w -ik done in the moat .ulwlantial and f lahion.ible
inaiil'iPi. ami ai very low price.
He al-o ha a full'nient of I iw piice.l wmk,
rltrt rf by himaalf which he will aell lower than
ever nfr red in thia place, VlX :
Men'a Mloe, aa low ua
K rt Si out B.iota,
G.l Lace B.-o a lor Women,
Women'a Shpa,
Children' Shi, "
Sole Leather, Mrtrorto. Ac, for rale row.
AogtiM SS I, I 4ft.- aplBlT
Boot & Slioe
n an i ix. n ii i;c k f.m 1 1 .1 .K n .
At At IjlJ llilaUihiitrtA, in turkil Strrel,
(opforaiTK 111k HHl'S lltlTrt.,)
RETI.'KNS hit thank for p at fivor, and re
. ejM cifiilly infotma hi fllrinU and the public
generallv, that he roniliniea to manufacture to ol
der, in the nralrat anil lle-t nle.
i iii:ai hoots ai ikiioiys,
wirranlrd f the liea' mat. ri il, and made by the
moat eX pel I. need workmen. He i.lao keep, en
hund a general aaanilmFiit of faahionahle Boot for
g. nil- men, together with a large atx k of f iahi.ui
b e tenth men', but la 'b-a' and rhild fn'a Short,
all nf Which haVe been m n'e under h t own Imme
diate inapectiim, and Bte of ihe beat mvetlal and
wu kminh'Pi wld.-h h - will i low f..r raah.
tn I I lition to ihe a' ove, he ha Jut t ci ivnl
from Phllad Ip'-i a anl rXlenaiVe aupply of
Hon-, Mhoea, Ac, . f a'l d.-criptirtn.. Whlrh he al o
ITuib fur rah. cheef tttttt i ler brlote off red in
ihia place, He leapeclfu'ly invitr hia old rutto
men, attJ othrra, lo cull and rtttuine for them-
We. h i
Krpvfing done wiilf neelnea and deapatrhi
SunhUrvi Auut IA h, llfl
II () la K S A V I'i
Ifo. 3S Stouth Thlr-l Stmt, atxnt Ckttnut,
ttaTXtts tan tlrt MtatrAcf ibib guttra axH
r1llC Suhfcribet baa taken the liberty nt ad. Ire.
1 i-ing the publiri rali-fied Ihal ihty will find il
lo their Iniereai lo rait and rtam'ne hiKimk if
Ujoi and rtUdea, and arrjutlnt themtnlVe with
bia pricrt,
Kel'ing etcln.ivrlv fii tie Ct h, he Ik enabled
and Jeieimlned to l lowif thatt any other rrgu
Ur bouae In the cii jr.
Per-oh Will pleata etam:nk Ihe maikel tho
roughly, Ihd, U. foit purchaalng, rail al the aiote
of Tllns. L. EVANS.
?lo. 3fl Souitt Third, above Cbrthul Su
PhJIadelphls Ana. IS. 1946.
ME X Hlt'ssTl uTrsor"6lJAlr, U ri
' trading Create, Dry Pathlt, Vaini.h, Tar.
Wax, St e, fiom clothing of any drrrirtlon, war
ranted nut lo injute the clotb or the mo-t delica'a
color. Thia Inju'd baa alao been 0a.l taiib gnat
aucceae In eaat-a nt Bonn, Sctlda, Tett-r. Pimple
on tha face, Chapped hand', Sura lip, rlheuma
tim. Hard ur aofl Coma, eVe. gj- Price, 25 eta.
per bottle. For tela at iba ttoie of
July IV, 1846. H, MASSE R.
ft, 00
3 till
1 .till
THANKFUL Tot tha liberal encouragement
Which h hat rertivrd, Woul I reaprctfully
inform hit Menda and Ihe tititent of Northumber
land county in gaireral, rbtt he htt prepared bltn-er-lf
wilh the beat InctiYrtiptible Teeth. Gold PUtyt,
Gold Foil, Ac , that run be bad in the City of PM
ladtlphiat and that he will endeavor,... the turnout
of hi ability, W irmder rult ii.riion lo a'l Who
Jtiy think prnper tn engage hi aervrcea. Ha will
le In Sunbury at tha AugMrt coMrt, where be will
be prepared, at hi tvaMrnce, lo ineert Teeth on
Gul l Plate, or on Plv.rl. on the luteal and moat ap.
proved pi ma, and attend lo aH thebrairchea twlont.
Ladi. a will he waited on at rheir place of rt
denee, if draired .
Hia rhatge will bo rronAule, and hit work
He will dtlferenl patt of the county, abont
mire in three nt -ntlia.
Wunlinry, July ISth. I8tfi fim
To Toncliors.
TEN Teacher, will be wanted for thrj cwmii g
Ml and witHer achnol. in Lower Aumit diir.
Iriet, Nortliumberl -n l couniy, JYraona warning
to be employed aa i-ueh, will ph-tte meet lire board
of dlrer-inta, at John Packer'a trtfice In Stlnlmry, on
8 ilnrday, ihe 84th day oTOrto!r tleil, for eami
nation aecnnling lo law, Pervotiv apply mg. nil
peuonally known lo the boatd, Wt'l be etpecied to
prihluce lei en of n-romm ndntiim tmirbiiig g i,o.
moral rhartcter. By n-tler of the board.
TMOMas sNVnp.n
ArniiHim SamVIi, See'y. Pre'!.
L. Augua a Dial.. Sept. ft, 1846. Vt
.o. !ll AtirfA fVinr'A Sirrrl, under the Hfcr
rAorif.' Ifotet,
(a t Mona tt tABia.
KEEPS conaiantly on bnd an extenaiva aa
ortoient of a!l kind uTS.Ik, Fur and Bea
vei Hta. whrch he i ffer for ele on iba mom tea
aonahle trrm. Ilia Hat are made np of tire beat
tnateiiala, and in the tttnat approved thJ. Per-
n- viaiiing the ci'y will find il to their intereat to
ra'l; July 11th. 1845 ly
AWARntn a th a raaiti! ixbtitcTi, 1845.
City DaSnrfTrotypc EstaWiihrnTtil.
(Lata Smtisa cV t'oLLls,)
Ao 100 Ctinntil s7 nhrfe Third, Sr)n!A tiie,
m M.TI'!!ES Hkeli equally a Well In flou
XV J tly at inch)ir either. A dark ilk dtea
for n lady, and a black nit for a (ferthrman, are
I ref.iralde in titling fnt a pirtu e. No extra charge
a made tor tu'.otlng) and pettrct likenea are
guiratmrd. July 4th, IS4W. !y
I.luht strrrl,
Hi LL Zl Ui Ul
njHE Honae hat unihriono a thorough trpair.
J 'The proprietor, .illicit it former putronas.
I'l-tm 1 23 per dv.
WM. W. DlX.
AinHtR l. routs,
P II I Ir A I) K li 1' 11 I A i
riMei larcn and commodiona Hotel ha rervntly
1. birn I'mcl up with ettiirtt new furuiiuir.
I he tKbaUnhera tin t fore otirit tha patronage of
the iihlie, and Ituai that their expeiience in tha
buaiira will enable them to give entire (atiific
lion Term mndeiie.
H Mil.CY, McKENZIE i Co.
July 4h. t!U(n ly
ItClll't tV tal'trilOllll,
DRAWINGS and Paper, for the Parent Of
life will be prepared by them, at their office,
oppiwiie ihe Pa'ent tlinre.
July. 4ih. lJtlfli ly
" l M V o iiTt 4 rv T
YOU may be sure of obtaining, ai
? I all timet, pure and highly flavored
By the titigtit p.-und or larger quartily, al tha
Prhln Tea tomianj s ivnrtliOtite,
00 StfUh S,enntl ttrrtt, between Market and Cher
nut trrn,
Herelofore il baa laren trry difficult indeed, al-m.i-i
ImiHiaaible. alway. lo ob'ain good Gren and
III ck Trnn. But now i have only to the
Pi kin Tea t'oinpaii)' Stnre, to iilililtl a deliriou
and fragrant 'Tea aa Vi U could i.h for. A II taale
can heie be auited. with t!.c of gelling a
pii'e artirle l a low price.
June 7'h. IHIR.
I'aV' Cele fated Rail Road Scale.
Coal and Hay do
Iron Manufar'a do
Portable Platform do
SO different rtee,
Doimut or FIMr do
A diffi rent aitea.
Counter do
I? d iTnent altea.
Tha abova Scale, are
made either .ingle ol
Joullle brartl. and are
t'eridedly the moat duiahle. aci u'ale aod cniivenl-
enlcdia err ine .I'd. We tt.o ha Pla'f "m
I and Cniii.t r Si'ulrn, Patent Balauna aud eveiy
1 kind of Weighing Machmra m U- fi't le, whole
j .ale atld relml al low prin a. All Scale aold by Da
j 10 go Out of lha rlty, are I bled free Hf chge, and
I Watitiilrd to give ttllafarlion It the purchiaer lu-
every p.ruruUr. GRAY A UKUI 11KK.
MluufaMureit and l.let, Not 34 Walnut atieel,
Jji e 'ii, IH46. ly J'hiltitfeljihiH
tillOBS. Burden. Patent
Mhoea, for tile at manufic lori u'
Ju'y 4. l!tl. ly
do d i
d i do
dJ do
do do
do do
Hoie Shoe
p-ice.. by
Jure 27. 1846. It 94 Walnut rt. Phllad.
iJALT. Ni Yuik Salt in l anelaauJ bag., for
.al at manufacturer.' prirea. by
Jane t7, 1846. ly 84 Walnut tt. Phllad.
11 hand
.'i jiu. . m. ! i
Have tou hcurail Hie !ew
W nr, HAt't to a tABD that
.4 hilihnp, in Market ilrret, adjoining the Urn'
rnry nntH mm,
ttal red lved from Philadelnhia thelareeat.
handaomeBt and brat araortment of
nf every deerrlptlon, that ba ever been brought ir
lbi place. And wbat I ttill better, thry any h
aeltt elwap, that you ctn buy two eita iy th'
tame Money that fmi uarrf to pay for ne pair.
He Bvva rt), tJ.'aa and Seal for Cah, and
thit i.the ir-aaortthtt he can afTord lo - them e
much chr. If yotl iron'l want to bny, juat c.'J
and tee hi rrrk. He i alwaya glal lo are h
TOklnmerai and il ta no trouble to him lo hnw lit
gootla, 1 0.4 I ft ftlve yon an Idea how rhea, he due.
fell, the following ia li of prior of a ptrt of hi
l.-rk S
Men' TbicV Bo,.t
do ( ine Grain do
do Calf tlit
Boya Thick dt
V'otilha do
Men'a Thick Brogana,
Women'a Morocc WeHa
and Kid Sprint,
Wtftmen,a heat City tniih)
Kid Sliniet,
Laillca' Gaiur and Gar
ter Bmiia,
Alao, eVety vvYiety ol I
den' ahoe, at prwa lower than taver before olfi i
d. Comr and Set
Siinhory. June 13 h, I84t? flm
worth f 4 00 at fa ..I
4 50 tt 3 n 1
ft no at
2 50 it
2 cm at
1 8T-lt
3 f"t
1 71
l a ."i
l tm
1 60 at I on
1 8 tt 1 11
on at
dien, Boya' and
1 .17
iioi.i:sii.i ami iiirr.iit..
TME mlnmiber aro ronatatitly manuf icturin j
- Tiom the best French. Englifh and America t
manufactured Cloth and Caamrrfer, CLOTHING
m a very auperior etyle, ctit and wotkmanahiis
I'eraona loving to net I agvin will find one of tho
lareet nil mowt fa.Ka.n.lW, .f...! rf anrm .I .
from In the city, tnd at unp'ecedeiiled low price-.
. - . a. u. oi ui co,
104 Market t. Phila.l.
N. B, A Urge tartrTlmcrt nf Odd Fellow' Re.
galia conaiantly on band, and nil order, from Indue
or imll.idual pnnrt-JaVy nltended lo, on the moM
liberal term. J. W, cVv E. D. S.
I'Mlatrelplila. June SVlh, 1946 ly
Ti ESKECTKL'LLY inform I t f.Und and
k. tuatotneTB. that he ha rvmoved hit tlork of
rovI to the Stone House, on Maikel aqu ire, fotm
erly oCrOpredby Mr. Wm. Dewart, where he will
be happy to acrve hi. old cuntoinete and the pub
lie generalty, un eagood letmt, and at a low pri
ret a ctn bo h id e'sewhere.
A large Bxaoriment of Groceriea, Diy Gooi!,
and tjueentwaie, constantly on hand,
June a7ih. 1846. tf.
Tin and Sheel-lron Ware
SSZalNSa AO VB, Fill N'Aa
f iHE etil-ecrtlicr rBupwlfully informa lha ptiblio
JL ihxt he ha Commenced the manufacture lil
Tin UihI shori-lron tVurc,
in all it varlou branches, at Srlinpurove. llir
ware t not on'y made of the beat ma'erials, hut i
put together in a auhaiRiitiat tnd workmanlike man
ner, dilfrrlng In ht rrs'pei t Tirtitt much if ihe
aold, wl leh l mitile up in a ItUriy for that purpo'c.
An i xreltenl a-aortment will be kept on hand at nil
tiniin, Which will be old on the tnnnt leasonahbr
SclinaRtovev May IRih. 1818. tf.
DAN V I l iTeT
fllHE fum'j'fe Strain Wmkn I'art'&y. fotrticri
X ly owned and ocrup r-d by Dr. PtrittM. h -a
recently been purthased by the tub- libera, wh i
irapectrully htinUnce to their Oirnds and the pub
lic general V, Ihtl thev 8'e now piepired lo do all
kind, of w.nk in theii line nf IiUsiiu.h, at the ahot
irst hotice, according to order, ail I in the beat com
parative manner. Having gone ti conaideraMe)
expenae in rrpsiritig thrit machinery and aparitu)
and Mng Very paniculat In arCuring the aerviceol'
rxfieiienced niechiiira, they feel confident that
they are capable or executing til kind, or work in
a style tuperior to any other rt ablishment iu thtf
country, at the tilt) ruatorunry prirea.
BLANKETS couataii ly on haml, and for aale at
reduced piier-a, for I'iait or Batier.
C AltIlC; A l"L'I.LIfi
will be done in the bett manner, at the uaUal pri--cea.
All kinda of country produce taken in pay
ment Tor wuik, al Dilivillu rnarKi t price.
For the acioiuiliodiiitlu of iIiomi ttho live at
distance, Wool and Ctotti Will tie taken in at,
and, when Untuned, returned to the fallowing pla
ce, Plain Written ditrctUm. mud accompany
eaiih parcel ";
Columbia County. RoUp A: Marr'a store, Wg
hingti-nvillet R. rruii. Wore, J r-evtown ; Yea
get' inn, Roaring Creik Sharpie..' ttote, Catta--wia
C. F. Miiiiu'a aloie, Mitfllnville Millet V
atme, Ueiwiik ; J. Cline'a Mill; Rirkrl't tUrc,
Oiangevillet Derr'a aiore, W hiie Hill.
Sorlhumbrrliind Count Michael Retdct' Inp
Turbuiville; Ireland &. Hv' t'ore, McEwen
ville E. L. Piper' aloie, Wat.ot (own t S. ta
Comly & Co'a line. Milion) Oihaon'. inn, Chll
Ita.piaque ; Foravlh'a Hore .Northunibcrl.tnil i
Young'a note. Soubu'V.
l.uterne fVmff. "Reynold ttore, Kingttrtt i
Gilderalreve'. aloie, Wilkeabtire t G.vlord't HO't
Plymouth i Siyei'a .tore, NtMllcokc Jai'i
MaiL'a Nidi, Huntington.
Lyenmiiiff County. V.Vlp' tlore, Mull;
MhoCmakei''. etore. Smith't Mill.
Qanville. May 9. 1816.
Lime! ETnieD
mm ERPECTH I LY Inlnimt hi r. i-(if t.W-
JL ba ht rnmihenrrd the I'Uai' ,ra pj"
iTuiiiIng, i ll ihe fuln be h.iW ore upie, )lt bat
now on hand a (juaniity nf I.iinr fr Me it)j ; )
alw.v. ehiie v .r ut urrnmrii d .n thua Viho huv
fjior him wiih their rutom.
AuguMi, April I Ilh, le4ti.tjin
(bStiknislSKtiuimk Cmig.e s
v- kj of a UiloV u, j.lny.f or fale cheap, al il.j
i'"f, , liERY MASTER,
July4ih. 146.
MltLASNHj n. lifquVhty (Sugar jloiTw'
Mola ra, only lg tent. ier quail) al.i. 4
.upeifiii. r.ic or yellow Mott-a.-. for baking, on
ly Ui c.enta per quart for aale at tbealnrewt
June 13. IW4n. HJ?N!!V MAEU.
rpHE CALtBBATAU Mat .... IU OnTu.a
X just bet u received and ia for aale at the at ore q
May ao, 1846. HLNKY MAStiEN.