. PTh ThleleeiMla Dletriet atr . - I !. ' ifl ; .' I uiracrva ma. our v nig: ctmvmpiirsriwa, , begin to manifest great Concern about the re rultof the approaching elect km for Congreee, ' and well they may, fur all the chance of eoc ' ceaa art on the aid of ih Democratic candi date. The Clinton Whig, a ppr diolingnieh - fd fi more latent than influence, pounce upon . Mr. WHITE, with all tha fury of a maniac, . and in ita anxiety to destroy him, Iranacenda ' even the hound of ordinary prudence.by attemp ting to fi upon htm principlea , notoriously at variance with hia whole political I if. Thm at- TCMrr nt even the ATTEMPT to nci ; ate Mr. White, with Fun Taoa, will de i troy the renutatinn n troth, of any man who makee it. Too lung and too ardenly, hat that 'jrentteman conten ted (or the ' maintenance of Pennsylvania interest, by the auppnrt of a libe . ral Tariff, to he now sacrificed al the alter of Whig ambition, by the unecrnputnn High I'rieeta of Whig idolatry. . Ilia opinion upon the euhject of the tariff, haa n-ver been equivo cal, but on the contrary,1 decidedly orthodox. We aaeert, upon the authority of a long and in '. timate p-ron1 acquaintance upon the knowl- edge ot public acta, a well at private view, that ALLISON WHITE, i a warm and ar- dent friend ot a diecriminiling revenue tariff, I and an uncompromising aupporterof th Crul j and Iron intereirenf Pennsylvania.'' We assert, ! , moreover, that it will be hia pride and hia pica- j ure, if elected to (Jnnjrre, to further by all " meane within hi power, uch an alteration of j Vie Tariff of 184(1, a will be amply lifictory to every aincere friend of American Industry in thi Commnnwvjalth. fly the election of D'-mo-eratic Tariff mon, We cnre to Pennsylvania . the asked fir iVitectitin, mcaaure not eaaity tconenmaterf by Whig vote The eentiment or the Hon. JAMES POL LOCK, upon the auhject of the tariff, are no doubt correct, and we approve of h:a course in i thi particular entirely f D it in every other - great messnro of the country to be raeriflced tor thi 1 Mr Pollock, it will be remembered, did nothing more than hi democratic crlleaguea J Cong re from Pennsylvania, in ettppnrl of - the Tariff of V2. Every member, With the exception of Hon. David Wilmot, from thi State, voted against the now Tariff and to B'i tain the old; and Mr. WHITE, had be been there, would hove acted with them. Pennsylva. '. nia iseniphaticatly a Tariff State, and her whole tnerpie ahould bd exmted tu obtain a rrpeal or modification of the new law without rfard to Pt'y. What mattor it then, upon thi abstract qm-etion, whnther Allison White or Jame PnU , lock succeed in the 13th diatrict, provided both re equally in favor of a repeal or mod ideation of McKay'e Bill! Surely ifthereieeny pre- ' ference, it ahoulj be given to him whoe princi- - pica harmonizea with that of the National ad- ministration. A political opponent may not. The new tariff may be repealed by Democrat, . but never by Whig, The election of ALLISON WHITE, E-q . to Congrc, will not only eerure to th friend of a I. bora I tarif!, the aetvicee of an able and in- - (luenttal champion of their celiac, but it will do more. ' It will help divert the Tariff pie.tion of it present unfortunate party aspect an incubu . which indiecreet friend have sought to hang a buut it heck. Nothing can be more plain than the fact, that whenever a beat question i mer ged into a party on, it success theretbre de ponda entirely upon the aiiccee or defeat of the orKBL pinsotri.M .of it new advocatee. SuiipoKe tlifa. that the Whin ol Pennsylvania ahould force an iue tln-y being announced a the exciuaive guardian of the Tariff, what would be the result ! Can any one fail to ee the catrnphe which would await the Tariff. Why, in that alternate, the maaaea would rl- , ly aa heretofore on all other trying occaaiona, in aupport of the great principle of FreeJom, Equality and Democracy, against Aristocracy and all ita iniquitou appendage. Liberty i , the firat and grealeat ramaideraiion, and when- ' ev r that la amiaih-d by PVderaliem, no matter under whatever specious pretence, the People will rally in it aupport. But the Tar.fl ia not yet a party queation, nor will it ever become : one, with oar consent. ' It democratic friend in Pennsylvania,, will continue to demand a modification of the new law, and the election of ALLISON WHITE, E-q., will aid their ex ertiona in thi respect materially. Lvcomjm .. (jAzrrric.. ;. . . ,. . .-. (From the St, Louia Orean, 10th inst. Illcil)r liMwtat trmtm Bmmw. The City tklivftrJ info Ac lUnJi of Me Attlt-Mitrmnnt, From the officers and passengera of the Alva fado, we gather the following particular I , ' Steamboat Alvarado arriveil at the landing thi morning from Keokuck. She bringa down large number of Mmmona, who have a Undo Bed tha Holy City after all the troubles) and difScoHlca. '' ' After much akirmiahing and aevera peraona beiag killed during Sunday, and the three days following, on Thursday the AntbMormooa ea tered the city In a very large body, and til com. pletcly armed. A parley waa held,' which reeulled in a de aoand that the Mormona induUim lU eilf en . pged in tha trouble, bonld leave Nauvoo , within five day, and at once, deliver the! pet eone, arm, aauaaailioa, and thi city i tacit; into the band of tbc AnMotwooa. ' " ";) The Mortnooa were ill leering Jfaovoo,and arriviag at St Lowia ia UeetHnte aute feara were enteruined that many would urn If not , relieved by public' charity. The term ol the . eapitnlatioa had Wen complied with by the Aati-MonneM. si ''. v " . ,,. . f Tiwiiiwa viHnn V 1 PataaaTATioR op Swoaoa -0n Friday, tha 88th ult., Col. R. C. Hale, and the effieere of the Brady Regiment of Pennaylvania voluntcara, assembled iethe public aquare of Lewiatown, Mifflin county, Pa., for the purpose of present ing swords to Lt. R. P. Maclay. of the 8th in fantry, and Lt. J. 8. Wood, of the 4th infantry, for their distincuisheJ aervicea in tha battles of Palo Alto and Reaara da la Pal ma. The aeene ia aaid te have been very Imposing. ' Several able addressee were delivered on the occasion. On Word to tmb SanaimBT. Those who labor within doors are not only eompeHed to breathe an impure atmosphere, which is frequent ly rendered wholly unfit for tha proper expansion of tha lungs, but, owning to want of exercise, tha bowels become constipated, the pores of tha sk in are closed, and, indeed, all the functiona of the body become deranged j bence proceed asth ma, cough, pains in the breast and aide, palpita tion in the heart, rheumatic pains in different parts of the body, giddineis, and variety of o ther distressing complaints, so common to those of sedentary habits. . ' " , Wright', Indian Vegetable Pith disperse all these unpleasant aymtoms, aa if by a tharm J a ainrle dose will in all cases give relief, and if re peated a few times, will most assuredly .restore the body te health. An occasional use of the Indian Vegetable Pilla will keep the body com pletely free from those humors which are in all case the cause of illness, and enable those who lead a aedentary life to enjoy perfect and aeund health. ' ' - ' ' Caul' on, It should be remembered that Mr. F.dvrard Cole, of Philadelphia, Mr John Dixon, of Easton, Pa., and Messra, Die wning It Brothers, of Philadelphia, are not acente of ours, and as they purchase no Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills at our office, we cannot guaranty as gmuine ny mtdieint they may kartfnr tale. - rjAgent fur the nleof Wiitht's Indian Vegeta-J hie Pill m Sunhnry, Htaav Mteaaa. For oiher axencie ire advertisement In anotbri column. -. mfui m h i b n , In Reading, on the 1 7lh ult.. by the Rev. Dr. Morgan, AniksSntdeb, Esq., fotmerlyol Selins grove, te Miss Mabv B. Lewie. 1MUCB CURUEN'f. " Currtittd werkty by Henry Matter . , Waavr, . . . . Pll Rva. - . . . .fit Coaa, . ....... fto 0ts, . as Poaa, : , -ft Fiatscan, , . ',. ; IH4 Bcrrta, .... ' i Kan. . . . , 8 : Bcaawax, . . TaLiew, , 10 Paax, . lo Hacxtak Ffcit, to UaiaaAeptaa, , , t5 Do. Paaceas, I SO meas.-i l Good Intent Fire Company" A STATED MEETING id'tbe Compaiiv will lie held on Toe.l iy eveotna; netf, at 7 o'clock, at the Court House. Punctual attemtenee ie ra quirrd. HE.NRY DON N EL. Oct. 3. 1846. - Setrefory. "Wnnhlnfton Fire Comimnjr.' ,fPHE mrmlra of the "Washington Fire Cm a pnj" ar requeatrd lo mret a the Hiatr House, on Mund.iv Evening-, Oct 7. ai 7J o' elm k. precisely. Punctual attendance in required. Oct 3. 8AMUEI. J. YOUNO. .Ve Pulsion. WE think a man who will mike and palm up n an enuperting person, a 4Hur foaied Pill." not havinc on the hot Dr.fJ. Denj'n Smith's signature, arnuhl not hesitate n rll pni-nn, iegarilla of all cnequeocrs. No "St'eta 04 ti a Puts' ran br relied upon, nnlms Dr. Smith's signature is on the lov. and y all other are either imitati.ia ir counterfeit, and of rouraa dangerous to CAUTION. Aa a miserable imitation h been made, t't the name of 'foiif Coated Pill-," ilianeereary lobe aore that Da. O f)i Sbjitn' signatuie i on every hai. ' Piice tS rent. ' ' i Principal Office. 179 Grrenwich at. N w York. 8..dly JOHK W. PRII.INO. funhfsn,. WM. FOR8YTHE. SnrthHm'd. Ort. 8. IM6. Notice 18 hereby eiven to ult Irgatrea, creditor, and o I bar person intereated in the estate of John Haoghawuul dee'd, aeillad by hia ailmr Peter Huebawoels of Philip Eehbach tlac'd, sHiled by hi almr I'aia Kunr, ,.f Micha4 Oobb deed, ar' tlnl by hi tra John Uobh, Mkhael D Mi and Philip Smith, uf Mil bwl Eiter deeM. aaulad by hie almr David Eta'er end ConaJ Eitlert of E liabrth Potluier vUeJ. arNl.d by bar eira Wa F. Nagle of J.thn Booty Jre'.l. artllrd by b almr Michael Lenken of8mttr Lahr der'j, setik-d by hia air Solon Dravskn f Jaeub Uaa doe'd, an llJ by his admr Jooeph Gaea and Martin Gaat the account uf John 8ndr, guardian of John Snyder tale of Nodhnmherland eiauty, decaa aid; ibat the eiicuiur. admin iairatora and guar dai of ibe aai.1 deceaed .tat-a have filed their are un a with lb Kegiaier of this county, ai d that ihry will be rrjtd to th Orphan tmil of aaid eoonl v. on Tueailay ih 3d day ol November beat, kit Cviiflimation and allowance, . -'4 - ' ' EDWARD OYSTER. Pnnhary, Oct. 8d. 1846. . --H .v R.fi-trr. trTKACHEUS SEE IIVMU. JO SEVERAL Teachers aie still wanting fot tb School la Sham-kin dimtict. Nor dumber land County. Per -lis wishing to I ample wd, wiH pltwaameet the Board uf Director ef aaid di riet m lb boo of Fain Lcrck in Snufltown, en Satunlay tha tenth day of October nH, for l- aminatbtn according lo law. Persons not pereoally known t the Board, will be a i peeled to udoce laatlmouiala of good aao ral character, - " i By order of the Doald,lhl 19th day of Rep. saaae, A. D. 1846, . t FELIX LURCH. Em Je, Sae'y, ; i v ,. r fii , f i't Bpt- 96, I8463t ,.-.. fT7iROM Ibe urn I t w anki i. a ITI get townahtp, Nwthaawhattand oaunty, Ul a trst of June leal, . ,, r ... '!-.-. A BMALL I ED BULL, . M year eld leet awing, wbh etralght borna, a white belly, and a Whit wreak Ug KM bek7 " Any peraon returning aaid Bolt te the eabseri. bet, c giving ioioratati.ia where he buv g tmn will be eaMabty nwaided. - ' . T it WILUAM M. MILLS P). Auguala, Sept 19th, t646.-9t - ... list oFJimons OF Northumberland ' Coimty, for . Novmbr Twm, A. D. 1846. 1 ' Orand Jurors " ' ' TUrW. Hamaet Blain, Nathaniel McCray. Lewi. John Llnebach. -. f " Milton. Solomon Dieffarderfer, Joseph Hog en doW.r. CMniipmque.i-bn H. Vincent. , j Pnint. Jcoh Bsmhait Nori humbtr!antJm Dh ffxibaebct. -Augvtta Ephraim Lytic, George Fetterman, Samuel K-eeer. , , ' , -t" j SAamofrin. I.orentd Medler, ' ' f , Cnl. David Biflman,' 1 - I 'pptr MiAwroy, Oemg Shartet, Daniel Baia- Lower Mahonny Solomon Realer, Samuel Broai .us Jonathan I nker. - Jctkmn, Georg Grman, Michael Bower, Ja cob Hilbish. Jacob H fTmsn. Dniel Hi bisb, Jr. ' Traverse Juror " rr3uf. I'hnmas Pollock. Wm. P. Hull. KLtwii. Wm. Lewna. Stephen Gtat. Peluware. M. J. B. Ketrhner, J. hn Bechtel Milton O. K Ri eder, 8amu I Rhoada, Robert M. Friek. y. r- -- ', ChilistjttWjue. Simuel MeMahon, John Berk Icy. Chard Cms, Henry Gibson.' i i Po'nt.Vbret Parks. Jonathan Pur'al. ' Northumberland. I w Cook. Wm. T. Botd. Sunbury. Conrad Ketshax-r, Henry Tbomp on, Henry 8inpon. Gee ge Clark.- Augvtia, Jacob Grinee, Jacob Wamnle. Wm. Roe. Walter Speeee, Wm. 8lvrwo O, Caleb Brrct. Gkamoltin. George Arnold, George Foi, Dec jimin Adam, Pater Hae. Jouaa Mutchlcr. ' ' - fuaa Joseph CamihcU, James Eckmsn, Jj Cob I Cabell. Ct-a -tea T. GearhsrU " ' Caml. John Ever!.' '' Upper AfAont-J 'hn Moyer, Henrv H. ' Ixxver Mmkonoy Martin Gimw, David 8eiler, JobnCpa'a John Dockey. ' . : ' ; Little Mahonoy. Comml Rab-r. ' Jaekton. Wm. D. Hoffman, John Danivl, Te ler Rubenthil George Harner. ' ' Petit Jurors. " Turbut. Daniel Follmcr. Lewh John Ksrshner, Ge rg Btahl, Adam Klapp, Samuel McNinch. " Delaware Wm B. Bryon,! T..' C. Viocenl, George Ltllev, Joseph Hi'yrd, David Stahlneckrr, David Gold. Wm. Fn keaon. ' . M'llon. Jnhn W. Ksnflmm. ChMitqunque. John Flicker, Tunis Gearhart. Pnint Jacob Dentlcr. H'nry Ammcrman. Augutta. Henry Haa, Henrv Gnthll, Geo. Zinmecmin, Ch rl- Oobin, H roisn Kline, jr. Shamoki. Maytaod B.iugbner. . ... Ruth. CaeprrBalr, Robert 8ft, Nathan Pegg, Upper Mahonoy. Wm. Kergcr, Ji'hn 8hetty, Peter Griat, ' Lower Mahonoy. GrO'ge Jrsiou, Benjamin Boyet. Adim Bingman, 8amnel Witmer. i l Jaekton. 8imon Kal le, Martin Zartmao, Jcob Dreesler, " SHtd to the Human Cmlitulon, and equal ' the curt of every curable Di tease, will . be found in i WRICBTS mm TECET1BLB NILS, - ' ov re ' " If ertlt American College ofllealtta. FF4HE8E esliaordinary Pilla am rmpod of JL planta wbicii grow rpontaneousiy on our own oil. and arv thevrFu. hetlee ad pted to our con stittttions tbsn Medidnea eoncoclid from foreign diuga, however well Ibey may h compounded ; and a Wnasv'i lanu Vsaivaat Pill aie foumbM unCin the principle lhl the human bndv ia in truth SUBJECT TO BUT ONE DISEASE, namely, ronupt humora, and that said Mediiine emea this dieaee on NaTeaai Paiaciria. by ttean$ing ttnd purifying tfit bn-ly, it will he man ifcut ' th ,i, if Ih eonliimi n V not' emiorlv ei ksustad, a llfMasfTVfFt slvpji hi their tiae. acrotdtng lo liructions, i brt)!uvlj rettaitt to drive d scare or everv nam Tiom ihe body. When w with to ra-io e a swamp or moras to fertility, we dra'tl it of tha .upetahutttlant ter. Li lik manner, if we wish In remote the body to brelih, we must cle mse it nf tmnuriv. ' WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEOETABLE liLl.8 will be found me ,if iha Im-i, ir i.oi the wrv heat rmdi-'ioe in tha woild f rairjl ig out thu Gaaaa Poaivvtne PaiaCieit, heeausa I hey expel from th body all morbid and C rrwit hum -r, Ibe eaUae f the diaeaaa, in an eaey and Natural Manner; d nil tbey every day eivg aaaa rtsi-tak, di e.aa f every name I rapitl y diiven ft. m lb o.y. - -' ' ..." : lite toll wing highly respectable atoirkecpers have lrj duly ap ointrd g- ni for tb aal of Wright' Indian Vegetable Pill, in Nottbttmbct I nd county I' ' ' ' Henry Maasev, Sanbory. . ' ; ; E. de J. Kauffman, Augusta townihrp. ' Samuel Heih, Lilikf MihoHny, Wlll am Deppeo, Jackson. v . i .i,.., Bene ilia Hotaboe, Upper Mahonoy. ' John G. Reno, Upier Mahonoy . -Hamoel John, 8hamokito n. ' Foriyihe, Wil-oock I "o., Northumberland. ' E. I. Pifev. Wataonburg. Hand Have. McEeail!e. ' . . Jamee Feed.'PotUgriiVe. ' - ' - Wm. G Scott, RuahvUle, 1 1 art man Kmrble, Elvburg P. O. Am T Beisaal, TurbuisVitle. : ' Uid-on Bhadel, Upper Mshonov. ' ' . ! ' Rhode dt Farrow, Sny-Uirlwa. ' John King, Farasorrv lie. - " Sitae C. Co. k. Marliu'a Cieiki J. Ie Voung Hicksvi b. f rl . i Atshm Sherrr Ru hmond, ' Bamnel Taylor, Sljlefbrl. - - . V 'f ! ' Jot.a H. Vincent, Cnilieqnaque. ; Wa. Heine Blather. Mittuo, ' . (T Office deo.l rieluly m b rah) of WKlUHrs INDIAN VEGB I'AULE PlLlJi of ibe North American C.llcgofHelih. No 588 Greenwich Street. N. w York No. 108 Tr motit fltreet. Boston t and PRINCIPAL OFFICE No. 86 Race Sraaicf , PbilaJelpbia, i 8 pi. 19th, 1846. ly. . UNKIVALLKD AND UNEQUALLED It cuting CoMe, Cough. Aalbaie. luflurnsa, Whooping-Cangh, and all Disease of lb bieet nd tongs, leading to Conaemp tion eompoaad of ibe eonccjtrted . "ry ' , virioea of lha herba KorehouoJ, . , Boneaett. Bloodroat, and ,n 1 ' verl etber vegeta , ' 11 ' ' ' ' " bl sub.UnCe. ! '- Warranted ' ' "' PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. THIS invaluable Medicine I th moat ly and certahl ttndy V,r discovered for tb a bova eomplaima, aa thoumnd who have used II will testify , . For aale, In Snnbuw. by ' " J. VV. FRILINfJ, , i and in Northoa.berlnd. by D. BRAUTIOAM and at whokaela, la Philadelphia, by ' n . i w,..i , ,,.. p. KLETl dk Ce, , J- Cr at tWood cod CalUwhifJ cUeeU etea9ber I9ih, 1946. ly FiXTR AOU DI N A It V bWCOVEltY! DHAnrni oaxt wm ovmssti COOPER'S ETERIAL OIL A prompt and lasting remedy fr Daaa, also fot pam and dixharg of matter from Ihe Ear. , , . , Hundred of cum in rae deemed ut'Bily hope le-ha fl-mlv e taldishrd its siieriur1fy oVet eve y farmer Medicul diseevery. Thi valuable Acouatic Meilicin i compound nf four different Ode, en of wht-h, the active and principal ingieJIent, ia ott lined f om the bark of a certain species of Waiter, a new a d eff ctuil agent in Ibe core of Denfiea. '' Peron who had been d.-affor 10," 15 and even SO year have leei permanendy cored by using Ihia nil. , In fact, so numeroiia and ao emphatic have ten ihe le!im.inlal in il faVor, thl the in ventor claime for it the distinction of an Infallible Remedy, m all case, wlnn the Ear ia perfect in it f.Hmati n.- For further particulars, and evidence of its great vslua, re rliited she I. In the band nf Agent. F...einSu.ilu.y, by J. W, FRILI.NG. September !9ih, 1846 ly FALL IrllLLINElTir JOS1T STOITE fe, S01TS, Dialers in Silk.,, llibbortii nml Milli nery Goods, " Av 45 - SoHih Srmiid ttrett, - - " PHILADELPHIA.' ?J 'Bj A VE now in Store a laige aortment of M l Rich Millinery Good, . , , . Adapteil to Fall 8.i'e-, such f Bonnet Silks and Satins figur-d and plin. ' Fancy Ribbone, of entirety liewyb. 'Un Maiituy and Satin Rilbon, of all width, fllick atid CoIotJ Silk Vi lveia. ,f n French Fancy Feather and Flower. Farcy t'ap' beta and Lace. Buckm. Willow, Crown Lining, &c. Ac Maur of ihe above articles being of their own Imp nation, they arc enabled to offer then al lha lowret lricea Philadelphia, Sept 6 h, 1816 1m - CllEAPES IN THE WORiiu ! Btenm Refined Supra r Cnndlen, Kcstura ra rofT. wnoi.ita. JJ. RICHARDSON, No. 49 Muket Street, c PniL4ki.rtit lake ptear in oloimiitg tb Public. that he still continues Hi ll his vert Su perot 8iam Rrnnrd Camly at th low price of 9 13 SO -er 100 poo no, and the qurlltv is tqu to any manufaclurrd in tha Uni'eil St. lea. H ak off.ts all kind of goods m the Crnee lion try and Fruil line al eorre pnntttltg low tonjes. aa quick aelea and small pioflta are lha order of the lj.' . ' , . ; - . ' ' Call or send your orders, and you Cannot fait lo heatifid. iin'l fmgM ihe number, 49 MAR KET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. - v . J. J. RICHARDSON. - Aognat 99 h. 1846. 6m W. B. THOMPSON, 1 Fashionable BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, ' Maaaia Stbist, Stuarav, THANKFUL for pa-t favera, beg leave to in. form h friend and the public generally, that he ha JiM returned from th city with new anil faabionaliln Uala, an I a fo'l assorlmtnt uf Lighi col reJ, Bronxe, Black Kid, and all other kind of Morocco f-ir Grntlemrn, Lalie and t'hiMren's wear; and he aenuree all hf. ma fvor him with their cu-lom, that they mav rely upon having their w.rik done in Ihe nml Mlbstantial and ftahion.ible manner, nd at vny low pi ire. . He al-o haa a full a-eor'meut nf I w prtre.1 woik, selrct' d by himself which he will mil lowar than ever off red in thi place, via I ' ' Mi n's fehoes, aa low a Eg ra Miou? Root. ' O.Ml Lace Bo for Women, M Women Klip, - tiiMrrn' 8hoet " ' ".. fll.flO 3.00 1,00 . AO "26 - Sol Li-atber, Morocco. Ac. fur al raw.' ' August 83J, 1M6. apl8if " ESTABLISHMENT. DANIEIi DRUCKr.Mlt.LER, Ar hit lAd EitaUithmrnt. in Market Street, ' - ' ' 8untuty ' ' ' ' fnpHttR tMt ir.h tlog itorctt) - ' RETURNS hia ihenka for p-a f.vne, and re sped fully Informs his friends ami th pot -lie generally, that he Continue to manufacture lo or der, th the iateal and latent nvm, - : . . ClIEAP HOOTS AD RtlOESv warranted i-f the be' material, end made by lha mot etpellenced workmen. He also beep on hand a general assoilineut of fashions die Boots fur g. ntbmeo) together with a latce t.rk of fjhioo ti'C getitb rnen,a.bo, la-'eV nd bild'en's Shoes, all nf which have been mbj under b own Imme Htate inacllon. and r of ih bt ma'etlal and woikmmahip) wldch h will sail iw fot eab. ' ' tn a.l.lilioo lo ibe !oVe, b ha jdst t ceived from Phited- lliia Istf sHd etlenaive aoppiy of Boo-, Shnea, eke. i-f a! ilcriplion. which he f-o i ffci for c-h. cheaper than ever before off.-rOil in ihia place, ' H respectfully invite hi old ruato mera, abd otbrr to call and t tamlne foe lh sn. lv. ''' '' '', .! " t .''' : r Repairing don wbh neatness and depatrhi ' Sunl'uryi Augut loih, 1818. 1 " ; MriilTf E s a I k BOOT & SHOE BTO&S. ' CHBP FOR CAH. . Ifo. 35 South Third Xrtrt, efk,i Chemul, PHUADSIiPnil .,, , ... . snot. , rflHtS Subscribes ha taken the liberty id eddrc. sing the public, aaib-fid that ihy will find it to their lnirei to call and eiamine b a'oi'k "f Uoota abd Slux' and acquaiut ibemaalv with hi prices. , 1 , - ' ,. i . Selling leloaivelv fas the Cevbt h I enabled d determined I anil loWct lbn any ether rrtt ar Koua in Ih city. .. , , :. . . Peraon will plasa etamin lha market I bo roughly, and. bfoi6 purchasing, rail at it s'tJr ef ., - - THUS. I EVANS. ' ' '. J(o. 9S South Third, ebov Cheettul St. JbjMtphia.Aug. 18. 1646 ' . - JljV treeting 0 tease. Dry PotV, Vamlb.Tar, Wif , from clothing of hy deactiptlon, wgr. rantad m4 to Injure the cloth er b Mjo dalieat color. -Thi liquid has ka been nbd iih great euerere In eases ol Burht, Sctld. Tetur. PimptiH n Ike fact. Chapped band, Sore rip. Rbeuma tJanti Hard. aoft Coma, tkr. fry Pike, f I eta, per bottlejK for al gt the tt of, July 16, 1641. H. MASSBR. ' JACOB HBlliiER, ffpHANKFUL for the liberal encouragement U which he ha received, would respectfully liifTrm hia friend ahd iba cititena r Nnrtbumber laod county in general, that he haa prepsred him elf with the beat tnenrrtt'ptible Teeth, Gobi Plate, Gobi Foil, dtc.t that can be had in the City of Phi ladrtphla end that he will endeavor, to tha tit moat of hia ability, 10 render full ealitfaction to all who my think proper to engage hi service. He will be In Sunbury at Ihe Augut court, Where he will he prepared, at hia residence, to InneM Teeth on Gol.l Plate, or on Pivot, on the Ureal and most ap proved pi ma, hd attend In all the btsnChes belong ing to DEN PAL SUROERV. Ladi will h waited on al their place tf reai dence. if dtairedt Hi chatges will be reasonable, ind hia woik warranted. - He will visit difT-rent parts of the connty, about tibre in three m. -nth. Sunbury, July 18th. 1816 6m To Teachers. TEN Teacher will be wanted for the coming fill and winter chool. in Lower Augnrte di. trh-t, Northnmbrrl ind county. Persons wishing to be employed such, will plessemeet the board of director, at John Packer' office in Sunbury, on Sdiinlay . the 94th day of October neit, for etami nation according lo law. Persons applying, not peuenally known to the board, will be expected to prittJuce letter of recommendation touching good moral character. By oder of the boaM. THOMAS SNYDER, Aaatnan Saavi. Sec'y. Pre1!, I- Augu a Pit.. Sept. 8, 1846. ft jirr,.?LP30 rsTTtQ?aS3 B. KZlMBEIly JILy So. 34 Aorrn Fourth Street, under Ihe Mer ' . , , chant' Hotel, .. ' '. ' Phllndelphla, a it none na ris KEEPS constsntlv on hsnd an extensive as orlment of a I kinda of Silk, Fur aud Bea vi i Hal, which he ffera for rale on the most rea sonable term. His Hals at msde up ol the best maierists. and in the most approved at vie. Per son visiting Ibe city will find it to their interest to call. July 11 th. 1846 ly SILVEK MEDAL. iwtssia av ma vb4mklIb laartTCTS, 1844. City Daguerreotype EstabllthmenL Q. OP CS3XI2aIZaS2aC3'S3, (Ltb 8imor &l Coitiw,) So. 100 CAesnuf nrVrbe TAirof, South tide, - ?miABSXtPHla IS tT I MATURES taken eeuallv aa Well in Clou- IfJl dv aa in Cle.r i either. A datk ailk diesa for a lady, and a black suit for B genttemetH, are rrrfiirable in sitting for a pictu'O. No extra charge ia maile for coloring, and peilVct likeneeatea ar guarantied. July 4th, 164ft. ty IrdUNTAXN HOTEL, UKlit street. FRHE House has umlergone a thorough repair. M- I ne irnprieinrs aoueil tu lormer paironage. Terma 95 tier diy. WM.W. DlX. ARTHUR L. FOGG. July 4, 1846. ly - . . . Proprietor. CCLTTlrlSIA ZOTJSS) OmSSZTTTT STAJdllT P II I I. A D B L P U I A .J rrvjll 'K Ure and commoilious Hotel haa recently JL Urn fined up with eh'ire new furniture, 'I he MbcritM-r thrii fore solicit Ihe patronage nf the ublic, and liusi that their rxpeilenCc in tbo buaiue will enable thi-m to give entire eatiafac tiou Terma mivleraie. U Alil.EV, McKENZIE & Co. July lib, 1816. ly Keller V (.rcenottgli, PATE1TT ATTORITEYD, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, v WASBXXraTOM) D. O. " ' 1TKR A WING8 and Paper tor the Pa'eot Of U Jf Re will lie rrvprrd by tbem, at their office, ovfxtaiie Ihe Patent Olnce. . . . Julv.iib. 1846. ly ., I 91 p e ii f A ii r ( TO ALL COUNTRY,,: , , ', ",' HOUSE It EEPBHC, - YOU may be sunt of obtaining, al all time, pur and highly flavored ' By the aingle pound or larger quantity, at the tckln Tcucontpany'a Wnrctaonse, 30 South Aenncf rWf brtwern Market and Che- - triif tfrern, Heretofore it bs been very difficult, indeed, sl mol imftiiible. always lo obisin good Gre-n and Bl rk Tea. But nw vou have only to vi.it th Prkin Te Company's Store, to obtain as delirloUa and fagtht Te a yon could wiah for. A ll taalC Can heie i auilcd. wiih the advantage of geitiog a pue article at a bw price. June 7ih. 1816. . " ' .' PIlEMIUrn SCALES? Delv'a CeW rstri! Rail Road Scale. Coal and Hav d i Iron MahufacV do Portalde Platform do 90 difTeeem iCa, Dotmut or Floor do ft diffirent i, " Counter - . .via 19 different sise. The above Scale are md either ting' or doubl btart, and ar dacldeilly the oioai duiaUe, accurate and conveni ent fCi.Ira eer mve iled. ' We also have Platform and Coui.1 r Scale. Palepl Balaneee and hvery kind of Weighing Machine ih uaa fot sale, whore sale and retail, at low prices. All 8 carta Botd by h 0 f o out of th city, ate boxed free of charge, and wananled to giVW satlateelian to th purcbaeer in every particular. GRAY BROHIER,. Manufaeturera and Dealers, Not Si Walnut street, . June 9T, l4i.-ty PhUadetpkim. HORSE SHOSs. Burden's ttcnt .aaen llhoAat fni mmXm. sift M ..a.r. .a.u J vuw ii vwmw wnuwmiHiaii GRAY ft BROTHER. 84 Wafnni . Pbilad. June 9t. 1146.-ly SALT. New Voik Salt in baireU and' bag, tor lale at Baanufacturerr piieea. by ' - " w . , . . QRAY ft R ROTH BR. ' June ST 1646, ly ' 81 Wlnllt L tHtHalL ri 1 1 o do I is d - do II da do I lo do I do do i"V.,-f.y ,". " -A. IXave you heard Ihe IVevrsf NO! V7IIAT IS IT? MAUTIN IRWIN, At hitikop, in Market tlreel, adjoining the thrit tory Brick Honre, HAS Just recilved from Philadelphia tha largest, handsomeal and beat assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES of every description, thai baa ewr been brought tn thi place. And what ia itill better, they y he sells stt ehesp, thst you can buy two t fur the am money that you ue.i to pay for ne pair. He Beta roe Case and Satt Von Caaa, and that is Ihe lejenn that he can afford lo aril them s much chesr. If you don'l want to buy, just csl and aee hia atock. He ia alwaya glad lo Bee hia customers ( and il is no trouble to bim to show bis good. Just to give you n idea how cheap be doe sell, the following is a list of price of a part of hia stock t Men's Thick Bunt, Worth f 4 00 -at 93 7. d i l ine Grain do 4 50 at 3 0 do Calf do " 5 00 at 3 0'i Boya Thick do ' 9 60 at 1 7ft Youth' do 9 00 at 1 2ft Men's Thick BrngaU, 1 8t at 1 00 Women' Morocco Welt and Kid Springs, 1 50 at 1 00 Women' lt City made Kid Sttppera, 1 9 t I 19 LadhV J Gaitrr and Gai ter Boots " 9 00 at I 3f Also, every variety of Ladie', Boy' and rhil dren' ahoea, at prices lower than ever before oOVi ed. Come bid See Sunbury, June tSih, 184B 6m CLOTHI1TC-, tVIIOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE rubscsibers are constantly manuficturin4 from the beat French, English and America-! manufactured Cloth and Caasimera, CLOTHIMl in a very uierior siyle, cut and workmaohlri Persons buying lo sell again will find one of thl largest and moat fanMonable atock or gooda 10 selei t from In the City, and st ohpiectdented I 'W price-, J. W.dcE. D. STOKES, 194 Msrket at. Philed, N. B. A large avortmert of Odd Frllowa' Ri gilia constantly cm hsnd, and all orders from lodge or individual punctually attended to. on the most liberal terms. . J. W. E, D. 8. Philadelphia. June 27th, 1846 ly REMOVAL JOHN. II- PURDY, RESPECTFULLY iufonna hia f.ieml and Customers, that be haa teiuoved bis atock uf gooda to the Stone House, on Market sqttire, fotma erly occupied by Mr. Wra. Dewart, where be will be happy to erne bis old customer and the pul lie generally, on as good terror), and al aa low pti cc a can be had elsewhere. ' A large asaortment of Gtocerie, Dry Goads, and Queensware, constantly on band. June 9tth, 1816. tf, Tilt and Sheet-Iron Ware MANUFACTORY gBX.I9OR0VS, PSKN'Ai THE (ubacriber re-pectfully informs the pnbtiii thst he hss Commenced the msnufsctufB o( Tlu and SUcctalron Ware in all ita Vsrious branches, at 8elinsgruve HI were is not only mad of th boat materials, but U put together in a substantial and workmanlike man ner, differing In this respect fiom much of the waia eold, which ia made up in a hurry fot that purpose. An excellent asaortment wilt be kept on hand at all time, Which will be a-dd on ihe most teasohs'jU terms. ANDREW 8. WlNGERT. SelinsgroVe, May 16th, 1840. if. ' D A N V IL L 12 WOOLEN FACTORY. DAKtlLLC, dOLtimSlA COUNTY, . Pennsylvania. THE bantilh Sttnm It'vekn Faetnry. former, ly owned and occup ed by Dr. PaTalkte. b recently Iwn-ii pUrtbaard by the aubwribi-ra, b.l reapectfully ann. Uhce lo their friends ahd the puh lie general y, Ibat Ibey are now prepared lo do all kind of wjrk in their lioe of busines) at the shot, lest notice, according to order, and in th beat com parative manner. Having gone to considerable! ex pen in repairing tbeli machinery and eparatosi and bring very partlrUlat in securing Ibe Service of expeiienced mechanics, they feel Confident ihst Ibey am capable of executing all kinds of eroTk In a style superior lo any other ea'aUishment in the) country, at the old customary price. CLOTHS, SATINETTS, FLANNELS iart BLANKETS cunatan ly on hand, and for sale at reduced price, fur CasU or Barter. CARDlffO AKtt tt LLIXCI will be done in ibe best msnner, si lb uses! pH ce. All kind of country produce taken in pay ment for woik. at Dahville eusiket pvices. For the ccomntodtion of ihote Who live it dblance, Wuttt and CtOTft Wilt be taken ih t end, when flniahnK returned to the following pls ce; Plain written direction must accompany eaen parcel : , , , CVumftto C&hr. Roup &. Man's store. U a shirt. hvill R. Fruit store, J reytown ; Yea' gar's inn. Roaring Cretkt 8hrpleaef wore. tJalt' wia i C. F. Mann el ore, MlIHinvtll . Miller stoie, DerWitkl 3. C line's Mill; Rickei slorc Oratlgevilret Derf lore. White Haft. Mrlhumberhtnd Conny Michael RejdrVslnni TUrbetviliet Ireland ft Hav'a atore, McLn ville; E, L. Piper'a sioin WsUonstown; 8. U Comly ft Co'aalOrB. Milton; liihaon itin, Cl.il lli-tustjue i fotftYtb'e atOte, NoMbambetland t Young store, Sunbury. . . . . Luxernt County. Reynold tore Kindlon Gildersleeve' tote. Wdkeabstre GaVlotd Storki Plymouth Siyer's Stdte, Nihlleuk Judg t Mack'a Mill, Huhlington. . Lycoming Vount--h I lpp a atore, Muucy Shoemaker ii store. Hmilh M ill. GEARHART ft KOWNOVERi Danville. May 9. 1846. Xiinicl Lime! I Tf EUPECTFLLl.Y uilOim bl f.Wnd. iH a I be b4 roii.mehceJ th busine of LiH9 liuiiilng, oh lhUim he h"W occnple-. H rt now o hand quantity of Lima for ealei ahd I alWaya enuaur to accommiid! tboaa hb Ui (a tor him with their custom. Augnal. April 1 1 th. 1646. 6m ifMVRrVsS INK. Blu nd Black dong -r 4 Ink. 6t a suiwiior qulity. fe aal Cheap, at n .1 atoraof HENRY MASsER- July 4th, 1646. I L ASSES I'he fiiat quality Sugar Hou-t Molaaae. only 111 tent pet quart; a fa-.. aupaTfine article of yellow Mo iar baking,- iM,. ly 191 cent per quart lor Sal at Ihe star f Junell 1146 HENRY MAS8KR r4rT8 Cai.BeTss) M.caaaaalliia Oil, h X iual bh rveeiVaa and i fof safe si the store M.y iO, iiH. i HENRY MAfl.