"VV i ' r--... . I.NV I To Mil Alikriil YMY, by r,Eon7!: r. rr.r.ncr, 'Tis morn t lie sen breeze sccrn tnbiing 'oy, hesilth and freshness on it wins Bright flowers, to ma atl .trangr and new, A rp el 1 1 tor i n in the early dew Arid perfumes rise from every trnre As inorjiiso totho clouds that move Like spirit o'er yon welkin clear Tut 1 nm sad tliou art not hero, 'Tis noon a calm, mdiroken steep , 1 on the Mite wave of the deep- A soft haze like a fairy dream Is floating over wood and stteam And many a broad magnolia llower. Within its shadowy woodland bower, Is gleaming like a lovely star But I am sad thott art afar. 'Tis eve on earth the sunset skies Are painting their own Eden dyes Tin; stars come down, and trembling glow Like blossoms in the wave below And, like some unseen sprite, the breczo Seems lingering 'mid these orange trees. Breathing its music 'round the t-pot But I am sad see thee not. 'Tis midnight with a soothing spell The far tones of the ocean swell, Soft as a mother's cadence mild Low bending o'er the sleeping child And on each wandering breeze ate hear J The rich notes of the mocking bird, In many a wild and wondrous lay But I urn sad thou art away. t sink in dreams low, sweet and clear, I'hy own dear voice is in my ear Around my cheek thy tresses twine I'hy own loved hand is clasped in mine Thyown Soft lip to mine is pressed---Thy head is pillowed on my breast Oh ! I have all my heart holds deal Aod I am happy thou art here. First Amrrlrsu Mniidnrft. The followinjr extract is from thn Lmuhm .Moriiinrr Chronicle, of Ju!v 2oih. 17TG. The . iiim loricB of the first American pnstsin ore in- ivniouly set furtl. vet ns' our prpjtidicesi a ainst tho snake ore deeply-rooted, ai.d ns old .ii' original sin itself, few of our citintrytncn ivi'l regret that the device was changed. The trnct, however, ia n curiosity, and will lie piito new to nine tenths of the preterit genera lion : 'The colors of the American flap hive a snake with thirteen rnttles, the fourteenth buddinij, described in the attitude nf L'oina to etrike, with i ., t thu ...otto: 'Dont tread .m me! It is a ru e in heruldry, that the worthy properties of the am m il, in Hie crest borne, shall he considered, and the base ones cnunot hi! inlendetl. The ancients !! imnted n snake or a serpent on emblem tif wisdom, r.iid, in certain altitudes, of end lets du- rr. ii- i 1 1 i it ion. I he rutiiei-tinle is properly an emblem 1 1' A in rial, as the animal is louuJ in no other p.rt id'tho world. The eye of this creature ex eels in bright riess most of any d'.her aiiiiunl. ."-In has no eyelids, and is therefore mi emblem ot vigilence. Kin; never begins mi u'.taek, nor ever turrenders ; she is therefore an emblem ot magnanimity and true rnurfge. W hen injured or in danger nl' lieinjj injured, she never wounds until she has i v ii notice to her enemies of their duuper. .No rilberof the kind shows 6tich teuerusily. When undisturbed, uml in peace, tut iti.f.a ,.! Niilimir 1 In. fnrnitlir,. I vi iili linn. pons of any kind. They nre latent in the roof i ol her mould, and even when extended fur her j tli feiiei, appear to llie-o who tiro not ucquain- j ted with her. tube weak and font fin lit I 111 i. vet . . her vmhii'iIs, however nieill, are decisive and fa til. Site is Military, m d .issocintcs will) her kind only when it is ncei-s.-ury for their preser vaiioti. Hit piii.-uu i.s ill once the necessary men n- ft ilie.-ltu In r lied, mid certain tie tirml !(!i to her enemies. The power of fuscj. nation iitttibuted In her, by u entruus Con Mriietion, reM inhles Ann riea. Thotc w ho look i-t lily on her, ure tlelihti d, and involuntarily advuui'e tuviaitN her, utnl '.aviiifr once iipprra eln il never leave her. Sin; is (Veipietitly loii;id .villi tliirteeti f ill i':-, otel ihey ir creose yearly, Siie is heniti'i.l in youtit, ao I her beauty iiu rea t-e- with her a a I 1 liiriopue is blue uini lorkid lioli'nini;.'' Tioiit I veiMi A learned doctor referrin to nht iacito', uvers that tt is a public beuelil, masiouel, s it ki.V a!. ,., lool.-U girl,, and loevi'Utlio wisct ones to gr,v x,v to bo uvoinen. A (iiiiii, Si'ni.ir.M v.v. It is rlu'led, in Uood'n M teni-'mVliai, ut u wist Li,dJebatMi''tAciiiy, ' j jouineyinaii -a hud a f tyhl Was by fur the beat SJHlLi SlIHIll, . A retul.tr b.rk-.vi o.lMr.ar. of Ya.'.rsi s aaiup 1 was naked how old .o was, 'Why ttrang. r, said he, 'I cunt Jziiflly tel, but wl.ell this tonu'.iy wahlitdieOAtrH..' 1 uuso rwhttmart cuck oU ch. 'No Caihi'titi'.,' said 1' I rick tu his lAif-, 'you n ver Catch u lie coming 1 ut ol my mouth,' True, replied Kit", ".hey fly out of your unMithtw I i. t liiat nobody can c.ltch them.' . ... ... ... Atl Irn ht'ini makiii-; love U a I idy of rcttt f. itnne, to'.l her, 'ha c':uld -.ot tleep lrr dicaui- in'' c" I,er ' ' . . , , ',J il"uy ''r I" 4 .i-rppy KUow ; uut bueiiiKts u! v.y tui. a , mm mpj ); li 4 X H X O T V. LI ST. ri.JiXSTI.TAXl.i. The rdlnwinr list shows the current value of nil j innsvlvanhi Bank Notes. The 111.11 implicit re j Inure in .y I e placed upon it. as it I t very week ; arcfrilly rnmpiretl with aid corrected l rout IJHK" nrll's Reporter. IailhS 111 PlllIiHlC.pl. I.l. NsMr. LoeTioi. A T P R. x o v r. s tbink of North Amoiiea . , flank nf the Xnrthrrti Liberties , f 'oinnierrinl Bunk of PennV . Farmers' nml Mechanics' IJ.mk , Kensiniton Bank . Philadelphia Dank" Mimlkiil Bank Sniithwark Bank . Weeletn Pink . Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers A Mechanics' Bank (tank of Prim Township . . lirard Ilnnk B itik of Commerce, l ite Nfnyanu nsinr, Umk of Pennsylvania Country Itai.ti.. Bank of ''hesler Count) Westchester Hank of Debiware County Chester ltnk of tierinantown (Seriiiaiitnwn Hank of Monteomcry Co. Nnrris'own floylestnw n Bank Dovlest.iwn Eas'ou Bank Eislon Farmers' Bank of Bucks co 1tri-t.il par par par par pnr par par pit pat par par par par ; par par pur pnr, par Brink of Xnrthiiuibeil.ind Nnrthoinlieiland par I'oluinl'ia Bank Sf ttridue co. ('oluinhia 7sr Farmers" Batik of Lancaster Lancistei par Lnncaer t'ouuty Batik Lancaster pir f. iniMs er Bank Iinnc istcr p't : Beadini pi ' ILirrisbutt The.-p ; Lancaster nflices Be.uliug ( do not ' Easton J iscuen. Fnriiiers' Bunk nf Beading Ol'ice nf B ink of Penn'a. Odice do do I) Mice do lii OiTice d.i do NOTES AT DISCOUNT, ".nk of the United States Philadelphia Miners Bunk of I'ottsville Bank of Lrwistown Bank of Mid.lletuwn Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank l)o branch of HairishuiR Bank Lehanon Bank Men hauls' A: .Mnnuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg Wi st Bianch B .nk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks Cnuntv Bank Ollicc of Batik of U. S. Do do do Do do do Pot-sville Lewi-town Middleiown Carlisle Pittshiwir iliillidnvshurii Harri-'.mrg Lehanon Piltsl'Urg Pitts'.uug Wiiliamspnrl Viike-!'arr Allentown Keading Pitlshurg Erie New Brighton ("hambersluirg (ielty.siiitrg Mr.utiose ; ; failed ! J j d"! Bank of Chnmlicrshuri Hank of Oettysburg Bank of ! uenanna Co. i F n.,ri. Eri- Wix-tieshurg Wiisliiuclon Honesil.ile BrmMisville Farmer-' A Drovers' Bank Franklin Bank llutiesiLle B.nk Moi'onmhcU Bank of H. Yotk Bank Yoik 21 i Jal ' 7 a i , i i )l i 1 ; ' I j N. B. 'I ho notes of those banks on which we ( pub ic, that l e has tjketi tint e-iabl -hinent en bis ; amil sptolalions, and substitute a dash ( ) are not own ncenni I, on the fird of .lunuii v, j purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the- The II uoe has, ol bue, undeiaone many irr.por Fxceptioii of those whirh have a lelter of ! fen nee. i taut alleiaiions, and the present conductor pr..ini-es BROKE N B A N K s. Phila.Mhia do do d do i Philadelphia Sav. Ins. i 'b'ludelphi-i Loan Co. Schuylkill Sav. hm. Ke.wnHton Sav. Ins. A f.l,..l laileo f.,,1,,,1 f.ile.1 ; Peun Township S iv. Ins. Manual Labor Burnt ( w Dvott, prop.) Towauda Bidfoid Beavet ILir.isburg Wa-hiuctoti Bell tonic Pill-ling I'llt.-S.ur Favt lie Co. I iteeiieasl V II IllllilhV fiiled no sale clo.std i lose I tail, .t rinsed no -ale l.tlleil failed roici no sab I i owuuiia iiann Alleghany Bank of Pa, Bank ot Beaver Bank of -Swatara Bank of Washington f;(,ll(rc j).,, ltv Bank Farineri." A Mci h'es' I! ink Farmer' A- MecliVs" Bank Farmers' A MerhVs' Bank flartnonv lusiiliite Huiitini'doi, Bank .luuiata liji.k LuuiW-rnieii'k Bmik Northern Bank of l'a. New Hope Del. Biiilite Co. Northuinli'd L'liinii Col. Ilk. N.irth Western Baik of l'a. 1 1 nut iiij.lii,i no .-.i! I.en -lm ii il.is.it W j'leii llon.l.H' N'i'S Hope Milion M.a.ltille Port ( 'rtfli.in Carlisle MllllUnM' I IliilUIoVMI i .leellnl'lir J f.nleil o vile eo.-eil ...-air closcJ failed ..,s., (Viae of Nchuvlkill Bank j Pa. Aur, & Manuf. Bank ! Silver Lake Bank I 'moil Bank nf I'enu'.i. NA .slnioii laiiil Bank NYllke.-barre Bridge Cu. fail rb.-el Wilkesb.irre no sale (Xj- All notes purpoitiii lo be on any IVun-vl-vaniu Batik lint given in the above li t, may he set ! .' town a - Irautls. si'AV ji:::si:v. Bank of New Bttiuswiek llelvideie Bank BnrliuKi'iu Co. Bank i'uiunicieial Bank 'iiinls rland Bank "ainu rs Bank r'lirun rs' and Vleehauii ' BruusvA iek Belviilere .M.alt.ird P. nil Aui'uiy llrnL'eion Mount Holly Bk Baliwav failed i iir i V" par r'au.iers iiiid , Mechanics' l!U .V . Hi nns,. ii k faile.l Farmers' and Men haul." Bk M id. Helot. u I',. J ; Frankim Bank ofN.J. Jersey Ciy -i,., llolinken lllitiA (iiazinu Co llob. ken laihtl lalle.l foil. .1 lade.l i faded i V" liti tale lers.y City Bank .Mcchaiiiis' Bank Jt iMy t.'ily I'allelsoii II. II. villi) Mirrislown Kle.'llo.l Newark Trenton Jersey City Maiml ii turi r' Bank Morris County Bank Meiiiuoiith Bk ol N. J. Michaiiics' Bank Mechanii .,' and Manuf. Bk Monis Canal and Bkg Co Pol Noics ! Newark Ukt (V Ins lo J?"''' Nevvaik l.anibeils.ill!) i lailetl Isile.l A faile.l i , jv j p,,,!,.,,,,,, a. I.ouibatdl k JeiM-y Ciiy Ilotaiken 1 v....... It ...L OiaiiL'e. Paietson Bank ' '''"I'1' ,l"k i Priueiiou Bank ! f.,yy X II inking Co Stale Bank 1 sian- Bunk , . . TfiMlu Batik ol Munis ( jj,,lte iak Salini und Philad M aliuf Co ; J?"' . ... I iciiiiiii li.tiil.mg Co ' Cinn U.i.k Paler still do Pi nuri'iii Salt in Newark Jill lis ihtowu i ' till. leu Moriislovvti 'J'rettluU S.ilrlll New ion TiLl.tnti D.aver llackeiisack pal par i 1 ,..r 1 lailel luilt. I 1 par Washington Banking Co. s r.l-i tailed nri.iiv.iHi:. Bk of Willi, & Brautly wine Wi miiif-toi, ,t ...L ..1' 1 1.1 .-.i..... ... ... ji.k .tI Sm,,,,. Sinyin. Da bi.int h MiliorJ ; Faruier' Ck of Slate of bil Dovei i ,J branch Wilmington ; !) hrami, (.eo.g.lovvri l)o branch .Ncwcisile I l'liinii Bank N ihiungton 1 ilj- I'udci 5's psi par pur pur pir par , par . 01 uii mi iviir.1 unn-.ru triuk 1 -1 iixre are ti lur , ,,., COuntwltit ur ali.r.d nai.s of the vjrioui' d 1 nuutinaiiors, in ciiculaiiori. ' f I.. -It 1 I . . ., .1 .. . V .1 ?f?;'-."p, IEXXSVLVAX1A ItOVSK. DANVILLE, TA. flHH snhsttilier, Inlc of the Union Hoi,!, Mutt .1 ry, l'a , rrspertfuily informs the olj and nu merous customers of tha ittsc.it, I'ritiisylt ania llouvr. I'll 1 1. An. j and the public trncr.i!v. that lie bin Icuc.l ll.e Tiivi rn Stand of .f.dm Rhode-, in D.invdlc, where par 1 he is now prcpatcd t.t rnlrrtniu Irnvt hers, and pcr , pnr : sons visilitiij the (owe, in the v. rv best style, The aee,....in.id.,lons will be mi. Ii as it well conducted pnlilic home kIiouM i.lT.ifi', and na i flail mill be spareJ to rrricli r s ili-Tn ti.n, In cvety respect, In nil wl o n ay rn'l Tl e til'v.en. i.f I.m oihm e county 1 Ure invited In (.lit tip wiih the utiilersigi rd when they visit 1) im ille. ltui'i h-. M.v ls;r. i i: t i-: u n. mass r. ii, Br.CKNTLY I'KOM PIllI.ADLLI'lllA, TJ5 i:si i:t."I FI'l.l.Y inform' the cili.ns nl p tfi Siiiil'inv and vieinitv, lli.ii he his nprnid an lliee at l!e leiJlle ,.f Henry Mas-t r. in Maikct strict, where lie is prep unl to i xi eu'e all kinds id lt M t Al. Si iii:iiT. I I Me Work, cic . on Hie l.ilost and nio-t npproted p!:in. ) 1 1 vim bid Mime spcrieneo and instmetiiiii. umlfr i tie ot ihe m,-l riniaciit ai.d Mirre-sail l)en- $ Sin,.n.v ( 'i s in I'lnla.l l,.ii i, he I rie ves t'i ,t be ill le ah'e to give satis..c:ion to tl)o;c who may w ml his servrrs I l.ndes will be w tiled on at their 1 1 of res!. deuce. His charges will be ino.'eiale. and bis wo k wair.uiteil, j Sunbury, March 2Slh, 1SIG. WHITS SWi-lT HCTSL, K( t; Si i! i i; r, Piiii aoi t tin. ItV .1. PIM'EUK. rPIItS location is mm nienl for Bus nos men - vis'ting the city. Eveiy p tins is takii lire cure the comfort ot tiavdieis. Mirch7. IS in. ly Itcmoval. R. D. T. TR.ITES, jfiy RESPEC ri-lT.LY informs th-ci-f"j t lis of Snnbiirv and v.ciuitv, 'hit he Yf.fu ba ir in ve I his icsal nc -to the Brirk Hoti-e hi M iikcl s'r-it, one ilonr we t nf the Bed Lino Hotel, wberc, ih uikful for pl.t fi . . r, I e hopn m receive n cnn'inii .(ion of the bin r- P'lroinige wh ch ha- be etofore I een rjn rnl d to him. Feb 2, t84fi . rii t-vurATTii imiToi' iATK ltWADVS HOTKIs, (IpjiKsilr ti c Ciwrt llmisr, DANVILLE, PENH'A. Till'. Stit-c'i''i r. who ns. is I'd for s-e- E J " "-' . .. ....... i iiin in uopniiihi 11 lei n- i-.A. hove Hotel, lalelv k. ft bv Mi. S. A. lira- dv, b. (j- leave lo infirm ihe lrarllni! i . I . - ... i ... i. .. ...r.. i.l.l. in lei leiltlllli iiriiioii,- 11, in.ino i. i. - . .. .. . i nml aeieeat'le, a well as cneap aim arcoioni sri- '"... 1 ..... . . .'.-. ...v. - ; i.-.r s,o,,nB ,ace njr , ......... (1 niri hinii village. No pnins nor eii'riise wi'l he I spar.il to fill the table mid the bar with the lP-t the ' m iiket. a'.fn.l, an I vviih th- ib teimina'ion lo i!e. ' v o e his rntire person il aid ntion to Ibe comlorl of J hose whi mav o nke his house their lemporarv a i l ode, ami niile.l bv artive, careful mid obliKii'l! ser vo's, he hopes to (jive gen rat s itisfuetion, and re . reive a li'sral shale of ru-l n'i. l. ree ami c Mo no, boils STABLE'' an t i:,. ied iii the rs'abl shoieol. wh'.ch uie iltelide I b) ran fill am! obliging bo ller. tilDEON M. SIHOP. lanua-y 21th. Hilt. if EiVANS 8c WATSON. . 7' Sin-ill Tin mi Sinn t, ;iiot.'( ,'ir i'hil'iih Ijiltiu I'.srlitmgi; M, nf.. Intft wi il Lu li r.n , hlfW iV-talitly on land a large as t; 'i'Iti '6ii : ' .'f-orlii.. nl ef tbrir Palenl Lie ! r-f':.-: .: Vlii roved S oin.hr I' I K 1 ; hl575t'K-',:i .'!'i-i 'J SAFE--., wl.ich ae , iiijb't-Jji " r'S- ' ('-ii' inetrd as lo set at rest i tIrjrta:l in .in er . f iloub as lo their I ---A--V!e-- '" beins srntb tire proof, . ml .hat th.v will re-isi lie fee ot ur.v biiiMing in lie 'e'd. The oil's ile c ,-r f ihe S ite a-e m nle ol boilrr iron, the in:.le r .-e ol so .p-loue, and be 'with li e , ul.t cse mi l inner case i a space of - ine :t ioi'b, s I' i. k, ami is fill, d in i t It iiu'e l tic Hide n, .livi l, so us in nuke it an iuipnsibiliiv to ever bniu anv i t the con'. ni ini le i f Ihi- t'besl. 1'bese S -iipstom Sul loan. lets we an p e ared and d.i cbal'i Hi! the wrf Id lo proiluce any hi ti le in ll.e shape of (look -u. ibal will stand as mm h leal, mnl e hn. oinselv. s rea.ly a a'l Uini I have ill. m la rlv te.ie.l bv public bonfire, Inml I a nv if mil couipcli'i.rs I. el ill pus. d to try llieir. NYr hI-ii cool nue l.i in an it til e and keep c n- -I it.lt v no hand, n luri:e ami i- in ral as nilineni nl our Pieuiiuo, Air Pi;lii Fue Proof Safes, if which we h ne a I .ii;e ipi.ti.te y in u-e, an I 111 '' 11 lu st jure ibey bave i;u,!t nitre ilis'ni lion lo the puii li oi rs ,. wl.ii h we will 11 frr the public lo a l'i w uentViiicn who line iheot in us. V .V ti. I ivlor, I'.'ll ninth dl s'.: A. NriKhl . N p'iew, Vim i wh ill ; Mi vitiiiV, dr. r. Cm v. Vane r. turner i f Filbeil and '.lib s's.; J. bn M IVr". :i in. nli :l. i.; M..r. Bu-h. 2 nn h nl si. ; Bailey & Broiler, Ctt M.k'l st ; J.in.is M Paul, till souili 4'b st ; Dr lUvi.l .l .vne, H ..nil, :ld ! ; Matthew 'P. Miller, 211 south :hl si.; aid ciiiild name smur tbue 1 r four hie drul i.ih"i if it wtie liictss.iv. N. w we invi .: 'bn atl 1,11011 nf the public, and par it ul oly ihose i i w ,ut nl Fiic Proof Safes, to c .11 l 1.111 slore b. fine pit't bi sini; tl-i wbe.e, so. I we think we cm ht'isfv Ihem iba' ibey will i;el 11 lent, : I In e nriiih: nl our s, .re th 1,1 ui y olln r e.i .bl shun lit in ihe ci'v. NVc sls.a ton, inue m oi ,nnla. tine f-cal and C.t p. ins Pr, ssts, math' in such a manner a. t 1 an swtr bnili pnriti is; ll.-trliug M trbiin , I'ln l'n. of Doo,., u.ilt our own tuaiu.is lore ol lo.ks nil ibt ui, w itti . Evans's Pali 11! Kcvbnln covt r iitiiehul in die same; plain slid oinau.enlul Iron Bailing, Ac. N. II We keep eoiisl'iiitly on hand l,re as. koilinenl ol eur P.uei.l lale Lint d Krfiiuei I Ms, NN jler Fi'teis mnl (' i h i-;iin.l we have alsn 0,1 hand st vt ral -ct on. I hai.il Fire Pr nf Cln sts l iken i ... u..l. f L I -ill tf. exchange for our., whiili vvc wil doposs of at j ( j ptire, i l'i..i...t..'i'.i.;' 1 0.1. ttn ... par I - vv ,111241'. Ihe lni;hkl inice i!i.'ii lit at. al Ihe stoic of II. MAS.-blt. A new supply of Ituse Onilinoiit iu.t received. Nov. adi, IKIo. par' HAI llvONJiM letvived and f.11 sale cbeap . -- I.ir rl.ti l.w I IIE.MIY MAfSEIv. Sunbury, Si pi. SO, I H f . ir ! S;l;PEIil Piiil wine, Mmkii. "siiiT Lisbon ' & wines. Alsw superior Brandy and tin,, Le mon iup. Alu a fuw lianeU of Bli'k r iHii, for au . ? i jtWL s 1 y HUNKV M.sE Suofuty, July I'Jih, I8I A T T O II X R Y A T f . A W , 8UMBUB.V, TA. Buslnecs stleuded to in the (bounties of Not thurpl erlatid, Union. Lvcominii and Colnnilis. llef.P lot P. & A. Pnvnrn-r, Lownn cV BAtinn'r, fonrtis & Nmotmn t, yl'.'iiftitt. r,'l;i Rktmoliis, Mc I'as t. ii & Co j Serui-io, 'iiitin &. Co., J 'HAT CAT VAUKHOi:SK, j MrUi Sir, i t. tihuvr Vh, Svli .sf'rfe, 1'IIILADBLrHIA, TUB suliscrdrrs rrspeelfully call the Mien lion i.f their fiielidn unl de b r to flic r l.irue nml wi II ass fed si . rk of Ha' and (,n s of i vry I'e.sriii lion i i II id ipled f r the s rti'lride. Be n g m i Je ol t; e I est m oeri I a.i I by the loo l 1 1 erienc. d Woikmer. tl ry fee! conli.leiil to ;i.e mi' versil ml sficti 'ii lo all who m.iy f.ivi.r iheni woh a lii il, a-: tl.ev nil' r to sell as I .vv ns tun house in tiieriv. BAB I'ALO I T .V BLVNN. I'hiii li Inl.i i. .la-un.rv :t. ? HERR'S HOTEL, ii vrcitism rtc;. im. 1 TBEC! have tn infirm the pull c lint I have b ft Pl.i'adc'i bi t. and am n 'W lec ited in Hani I'urs, the vest of the nfrntie -iinl S'ate (i.iv.rn incut of I'ennsv Ivai.i j, where I now occupy the sriieious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. .Matthew, WlUmi. This spneion? bui'iltug, hnvinij been tirpnr'y plimii il nnd i m ti d for h Hod I nf ibe fust class, is not surpassed if eipia led, bv any similar rslnli lishinent in Pennsylvania ; nud having tin le'Rotie a thorout;h reimvaiion. the parlors, rnmus and rham'ii rs nre no.t tilted up in a s'vle that cam I 1 1 - s e'ejance with cornful and convenience. Mv TABLE is tled-rd lo l e supplied with the he-t fare the M rkits can pro lue : the rh-rcs at the s tin time hrine ns rnoilerate anv of llie be-t rriulited asiid lilirrn-it else.vhe.e. Ill shoit.no eieitioi s shall be spared mi my p r', or on the p .rt of every memb er of i:iv In nsi hold, to make il h il it slioiiid be. in t' e t oipit d i f one of Pie most pop ulous mid in'eresling S ate of ibe Union. With these pr-tois s, neeomiiin,ltions and fnci liti s, slid the lot that toe Hotel is most rligiMy siliiated, I wi 11 confidence, It out nspectlully soli cit (he pa roii.ige of ihu Public. DXNIEL II EU If, Lite of Hen's Unci, CliCsttut si., Pliihul. II. rri burs. X. v. 'ii. I ."IS. 'I'o l'iu(li;iM'is of DRY GOODS. . I'-l I i nil ft , .!. till IV. i UAVINtS establi-hed a Br .mil at No. Che . mil i Plnl i.le'nl.i a. is now ien:ni!. and to I ; be cons'ni.tly ri ceiviii' lioin the Nivv York Aue j lions, no exlen-ive assortment nf ' FANCY & STA3?LE DHY GOODS. nhuli will be sold at the ovest Niw York pi ces at wbolesale and !( tail. Amoi t h s stock vvill be ; foutiil a ih1 assottiiient of the f.illnnii g nitidis: Jaiconets, Plaid. Hair ('old, l.nce, Sirije, Book. ; Svii-s uud Tarla'an Muslins, D.-h p and Linen Linns, Fancy Cap Nells. Fancy and Ball llrrsse.. Thread I, ares, Application D ., rch B'ai k Si k Triuirii!, u Lace, Iri-h I. in. ns. Linen Cambrics. . ., , u n . . . . i , . l.inen LanibriC llilKl-.,t. uit.iui r rnaes, t-aslimeie .... ., . . . . . . i i ., . il l'.eoa-e. Mousebtie ile l.uine. i k and t ottnti 'eo.-e, ;w ..b.rrHH, Qui.,., Cloth, Cat, PbiM. Frm. h Meiinos, Black Si'ks, Cloves, ri k Hose, Shawls, Ctava's, Kililioii-. Einbioiderii s. Ac, Ac. Country Meichants and others visiting Phdnlel phia or New Yotk to purchase, ae rrsprctlully in . vited in c ill and 1 1. inline the st, ik. Nov. 1. IM.V ly n i: 1. 1 k v k a x i) Y. i v i: . THOMSON'S Compound f.t i lift of 'I'm & ) ootl .;iitli;i. , rilill uiipie 'ed nti d succe-s of this medirine, in 1 the restoration f heal h, 'ho aha, in de pair, had riven Up all hopes, has uivcti it an la' : ted n pnialion alove nil nihi l remedies, furi.i I nn ' i vidence of il - inlnesie v , U' an I pov er. as the on- y scent vl,:rl, ran be n l ed up n for ihe roie nf i Pulmonary Coiisninpiion. Broiu hill s, Asthma, Pain in Ibe -i.le and Brca I, S.itiiog of Blood, i b.oopitig I oiir.b, t roup. Ac. Aitentinn is inpnste.! in ihe foil .wine ASTON Js.(; tTKE. bv Tie niso,'. Comp.m.d Svrnp f Tar and W. d X.ptla!! ' Vhiliu!, !,,!,w. M.tif H,, KI. Ml. TIIOMfON D'r Mr-NNeh cr.telnl fi .-'iniis I inf.. mi you el 'ihe nstouin'iius .iVrc's ol vmir nie.'ieii.e. v Inch has liter i!lv mis d lae from a tie ilh-l e.l ! My dfca e, Piilii.ou .ry Con-uinp. lion, had reduced me -o ,,tv lti.it ley bv- nan i i n Hired my case boj eless ! At this jn c'ion I l e call lo u eyour no .l e in , ami iniracnf us ns it may -eem, it has compb t. v re l 'ie.l ute l.i health, allei ivtrything l-e had laded. I'e-pi llnllv voers. WASl.M!Tt MACK. I'l nilotle sir. 1 1, above I it'oitie trei I. 'Pile inidersicned. I" ii K per-o:ia'v aripi '1 t d with NYu.hiiitti n M u k ai d his mlleiiius. be n iv.luiss to the list. H i-toMi I'tliits nf Tbemsoi.'h (",, , p, ,11ml ?y nip ol T.ir, and Ihe Until of llie a tiove sta'coieni. .11 I.S, IN :i.', :tS North TI ird s'rtct. DWTD VIt:KEHs, 4 Abooi.d strtci. Ill (ill M'CIM.CY, s. E. com.r Tumni. ..in I F. urih s it els. Prepared 01 ly by S. l. 'I beni-.o, N, E. cetnci f ISlliatid Spmce streils, I'll i.le 1 bi 1. Njinls. II. B, M.om r, Sniibo y ; lb ttros, 01 I I'r Mjr-pheisoii, l i.ai-buig ; Jii .tj. Br .vvn, Pi llsvite; lie .. E .rl, I!. ilmt; ; llousion A: Ma. 00, TiK.aiid.i. Brait.oiil county, Pa. Piiee cents p. I boltte, hi ." I r ib'ien. thw-iri if all imi.'at'mtK. PI11I...I. Iphni. June 2Slh, s5..-y ra.nii xsi: rata a GL,r;ia p i a N o s. ritllE SCIISI RIBEIi has I'M n . poinle.l a,.nt, fi to. ile s le . I (i.M; M) ME YE B's c El. 1. lib' N'l'KD PUEMICM l!'i?E WOH PI ANOS, ul this lac. 'I he-- Pianos have a plsin. n.Ksi,. it,,. I I ho iful ext.iioi li. 1 h. ami, for depih ui tl , wft Im ol tone, ami I. g .nee ol woikiiian- .hip, are not su, pa-si J bv any in the l'nid Siales. j The foliv iig is a iri niiiiiii uilslioil fioin ('ami : DirTs, .1 c. h bi itel ieilotm(r, and himself a man- i ufsCIUtei : ' J, . , , . , . , . Il.TIAU is. til iiirs-HH- til IIOI'L iii. inn- 1 . . ... , , , " ., , ,'"" 1 "ea miiiifacinred by Mr. Meyer, and i eihiblicd at ihe I ,st 'Xhibiiion oflho Fr.iiklin In. I siotiip. I r...i tl tlo lo tbe Irian meiil of ihti nuker ". 0 ,'rcla,.' lhal these instruments ate qujietipiul' 1 .....i ; .,. ns even tuiHiiof. 10 all the IV ami Fortes, saw al the capitals of Europe, and during a sojourn nf Iwu yesrs ai Talis. These pianos will be so J at the uianufaclurer' lowel Pluljilel bii prices, if not sotneihiug lower. Persons are it ipieste.l to rail ami el amine fol 1 themselves, nl Ihe lci.lei.ee of ibe suhsrii.H-r. : Sunbury. May 17. IW 15. II. II. M ASSEK. : .N I,, ol a iis nor tuslity , csn now be h id ai'iie Liiiu' Kiln ol Henry Ma. -f t, in Sun- I bury. Mav 17, lft. roiRTtM i H'alualJlr SlttCclrc! 1 llnr.tri-n' Vtni iifiin - a artuin cure fur' wniiiis snjr ami very pleasant lo tn-.r. 2. r5inso's Ltritvcis. wlieh ri move Uun-c ' of all kind', Dry Pa:nls, Tur, Vaiuisli snd Wax, . from carpets or from clolhing, Without injuring the color or the cloth, J LoMioi l'tr PaI'i.ii 'In-l est thing known for klMiiii flics and inu-ipiit as. 4. ceitatn Destroyer Rats, Mice, Ko.u hes and An's, ai d an ilher nl Bid Burs. ft. (itn's Seieirte. lor a nr sionmrh, lfrmt Burn and W,itr Brsh, by one who Ii id selli n il tltlrfrrn ve ir", befoe he ihcovere.l the cure. Da. Sim sn's (Snttx Oivtmia r lor tl.e Pdis. il has never failed to erne. 7. II iiiiiisoi's Tr i-i i.ii Wash. 5. Pat: mo ill's; IiiiM.ititK Ink. wiiliotit a riv .1 !. Tin: CosiriitM, CoMicnoi or I'tm just the tite.lii ine for i hiltheti ami for wi.im n.ii is Ml pleas itll 1.1 take. 10. Bui. 's Vm.i.ti 111 r Nvrtetiiois Pitt;. 11. (!i n's Emoi.likit NVsriii-ritont' Pjvsti:, f.T II . rin ss. Bonis, Ac. If softens the leather, ami keeps cut Ihe water, 12. P11011 Mai's STnr:i'iTHKiisii I'lantn. 13. Iackso's Ii tiiinin: v MiiTt nr, whi.h' cures the worst Diauhrra in a few hours. 14 Jviksiii's Dtsr.iTAiir MtiTi', a err. tniii nr.il spei rjy cure for Dysenlety and Summer Com pi rint. The al ove valuable articles nre s. Id din'riale nn.l r. inil. bv L. C. CI'NN, No. I Smith F-fth strrrl, I'liilndefphin w heic S'or keeper and o ihers i 1 be -up led with pore African Cayenne Pi pi er, Arnica Flowers, Drtnjs, Paint, Oils, (ila-s and Varnislu s. at the biw e-t re, s. Terms 01 ly rash, fty Cut out ihe advciti-cnif nt, and brii g il w.lh voi, Phil Id, l Ida. Ju'y I9h. IS4N ly. OAKlTlOY S m:ii icativi: shut. "ltlE vidiiah'e prnMr'iea of Oakley's Depua I live Syrup ol S.trsapa'illa, ns a purifier of the hloed. is so well known ta ihe public seur-rallv. thai it i iinrercssny lo ncrupy much spare in si t- . titig for'h the s.lvnntaces to be tlerived fnm its use; wherever the ine.lii ine ha once la-en in'ro ilueeil.it lakes preceileece oer all others ; evety one ti nt has taken it, have derived so siuiinl Is lie fiei.il results from il, lhat il is recommended bv them with the u tnost confiilence. Physician ot the h'ehest stnn liiiu in the piofes-ion, prescril it to pa'ients under their rare ; eonlsminff r.olliinB del. tenons, hul luing comjiosed ol the most mild, el tlTicacious vrcelahle materials, p is nlTeretl with r.uifi.lenr. a the cheri'iest and most elTicicrit pn. nfier of the blood now known. The use of a few hollies, esK'i'ial'y in Ihe spring mouths, will be at tenth tl with most derided ituprovenii nt in the ge. neral strenuih of the system, eradicaiina any see. Is of disea-e that mv have been rjenerntrd, besides cuiim health snd vicor In the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheum, listn. Tiller, Pimples or eruptions nf the Skin, White Swelling, Fislula, Chronic Couch. Asthma, Ac. The nu merous ceriifica'c in the possession of the sul sen her and his agents, lion, physicians and oitnrs, are siiiricieut to convince the uiesl skepticnl ofi'ssu perimity over all prepiiritiorl' nf S irsapaiill.,. Sold wholesale and retail, bv ff'e proprietor, t.'EOKCE NN. OAKLEY. North 5th -tre.'. !es dine, B. rks Cuon'y, and to bn b.l of 'he following peisons : In Snrthumherand Cnuuttf. H. B. Mass?, Sunbury j belaud cfc M.xel, M Ewetisville ; D Krausi r. Milton. hi Vniim Cinnity. J. ficnrhart, Srliiisgrove : A (iutelills. Mlllllllburil. In Cntumhin Cuunlij. B. V. NlrCay, Wash ington. Reading. Marrh I I, Ma. Oj.KI.tT: I believe il the nty ntt.irv one lo tin wbhtever in th, ir power I u, for tin b n. . fit of their ti'llow ma", anil having tin I po-i ive pioof in my own family, of the w..n!eili;l pr. . peril s of your Depurati.e Synip of Sa'snpsrill 1, I in st Cons, rrnlloll-lv reconiineiiil it to ihe allli.'le.l. We had the misfortune I i lose two of our cbil.lren, bv the br akms nut ol ulcerous s. ires lha' covered t'o fare, In nil ami 1 erk, tilthough we hul some .1 t!,i most si ientific physicians lo atlend lit m mnl lia I trii JaM the known 1. 11 e. lies, inrlndii u Swnim's Panact a, without av.nl. Anoil.t r of mv ri.jlil.t n vas aiiarke l in the same manner, ber bn-e sri! perk was con.p'clrly i i.vert il; ihe disi haige wns so nilensivf, si d the tbse.ise at sin h a he ul.t. I'ml wi th spiire.l ol her bfi. SeeiiiR ihe woiulerful el'i el nf yotil I'epura'ive Syiup .! S usipmi'l 1, we weir indiirid to make trial of il. as the la-l n rt ; it need 111. t a rfaim; the u'cers comment', d t.t aline iiirnc.hately . a few bottles eniirrlv rr storeil In r to ber health, which she has ei joyed no nirnu, tc.l y iv.Turie Asa I uiifii r ol ll.e bio d, I Hilly be l:.vc it I. as ll.it Its ,'tjinil. JOHN MO YE II, Tilor. NValnut street, near Fourlli, Brj.lmg. lb.uglissville, N ril l.nb, l.t:t. Mm. Ovklit: My son E.'imind Leaf, bad llie sriofi la m the iiiosl dieaihul and distressing muii 1 er b t tl.rie vears, dining wh'ch time he was Je . unl of the use of his limb, hi- he d and i n k w.ie com red w ii Ii ulrers. NYe trn.l nil ihe thib r. 1 nl rein, tin s, I ut In in. 1 lb el, until recooirm tided ! y )lr. Joboson of Nonistown. and al-o Dr. Isaac lliistt ), nl Id a.ln g. 1,1 use voui DepU'iittvi Svmp nl '.s trssp..rila, of whit h I nllainr.l nvrlal boobs llie use nf winch tbove ll.e ili-ca-c ei.iin ly onl ol 'hat system, Ihe son, healed up, and the eliil.1 was itsloieil lo pvilecl heaiih, win, h be has enjoved .Mill. leriupledly evi r since, lo Ihe al-aiishan nl ot lu inv pei son, who h an him 1 hi ing Ins aftl clion. I have though! 11 my duly, anil sen. I ..u tins certi ficate ihsi ollie'S who have a like atllii'iioii 11, the fni.i'y may know nbere to obtain s. viluable a nit du inc. Yours trul. , AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. Irt, s4:i ly A II IS V s-V IC OA A I, WHOLESALE &. HETAIL HAT A: IMP MAM IMlTl'UIM.S, Suuth Kail nini-r of Marktt and 4th .. rbllatlelplila, ArilEKF. ihey always keep 011 hand mi, eil.m ' ' ie asaorttnent el HATS U CA I'S of every ', tl, script ton, got up in the let and most spjiroved .11 le. Pers. ns tlerir. us i f pun hasing Ueri.ii sni ch on ihe iiuikt rrasorsble terms, will find ii In iheir advantage, to call b. fore making purchases elspw here. Philadelphia, (Vr. 6tl., 1341. ly m"'Y ri7i.rn:in: Ai rTinx, AXfD PBIVATE SALES ROOMS, 1 Nos. JSI ami III North Thiol -Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACK E Y, Auctioneer, re-peclful'y in- vilis Ihe altuition of persons Jesitous of pur I chasing FoniPuie, lo In extensive Sule Rooms, 1 (both public ami Piiale.) for every descripliou ol 1 Household Furiiiiuie, white can l obtained at all tine, a large assortment of fashionable and well inuiiufacluri j Cabin. I Furniture, Bcjs, Maltrasses, 1 &c, at very reduced price, for cash , ft7" Sulce bv AuctKii, tw ice a cek. I May 'th, 1 - 1?. I v ROSE OINTWEN T FOIl Tl.TTKlt. ni.loWDUMS, riMPI-KSt ON TIIK I Ar K, KUn OTIIl it 'ITAfiKCirn KRIITIONS. (J j 77i? fiillxwiiit; errtijxcn'e itsn ibet one nj fflA mini iitrttrt'hmry eurrt rvrr rjfceteil ly any Diitieatimi. P1111..1H tPHi. rehtttary 10, 1:1S. lOR twenty year I was evcrely' afflicted with Tittkm on the Face and Head: the disease) commenced when I w is seventeen years nld, and continued until the Fall of 1810, varying in vio lenre, hul without rvnr tlis.ppe irinu. During most, or ! p lime, area! pari of my f .ce was covered with ihe etuplion. frequently a'tcniUI with vio'enl itch' inn 5 my head swel'cd al times until il Tell as if it W1.11I1I bttrt the swcllitii was so g eat. thm. coubl eareely (et mv hul on. During tho long peri.. ih tl I was niieie.l wirh Ihe disease, I useil a great many n) plications, (among them several celebri.te,t preparation-) as w. II as lakinc inward remedies, inrlniliua a nmiiher of bottles of Sinn'm' Vunarra, fUtrnrt nf Svr.inpnriHn, A c. In fact, it would be imp.i-sible lo enumctate all the indicium s..,. I was also under the care of 10 of ibe most (is. tincuished physicians nf this city, but with ait re reiving tre ch benefit, suit I d.spair, , r,.,.r Ii,.,,,,, rnrrd. In the fill nf S;!0, lha disea-e al ihe tune being very violent, I cominenv.1 u.i,ir tllr ns(. Ointm'iil, fpreparrd bv Naiiilan ft ),vis.) In a f. w arpliraltons the violent 'itchim naseil. ibe swelling abated, the , rtintiott hej.-m to ills i.pi.r, anil before I b d used a j ir the ilsease w t ntirelr cined. It has now been ninrWn viar ami .1 h,:f since, and there is not a vcti,. if i,.. , -ra-e r.' rnaininc. encept the seirs front thdleep pits tonne I by Ihe ili'csse. It is impossible ,r m,. ,, . in a c.rlificate the severity of tip , lisp , siilh ting, hul I will bo pie ised tit count to any person wanting fur. who will c.ll on me. At Ibe tin using the ..se Ointment I would beds of do lais to he rid of the di sing it, I have recommended it lo (anion' them my mother, who had ly on bet arm.) who w. re a I rure.l JAMES DI'BNELL, No. The Rose Oinlmet.t is pripa. Vaughan, Soii'h East corner of 'Pi'.rd slteils, Phihidelphia, and sold on agtnry in rv. bv II. II. M N ' May 14th. IH 13. .4. ISoc Oiiittiaciit, for 1VI.t. a 1'noor or i rs r.FFiccy. Pun sni trui , May i7ih. Ijsj.-j; 'P!tH is to certify that I was sivereW ,, r('(i , w ith Tetter in Ihe hands and f. el fo tip.... ,J of lorly years; the disease w as attended g. nerally with vin'i nt itching and swelling. I npplteil to 1 ininiht rof physicians, ami used a threat ni.s.y appli cations w about elTecling a cure. A'lout a yi ar since, I applied ll.e Rose Ointment, w hich entirely slopped ihe itching, anil a few applli'ali tis nnnie.1.. an ly cured the disease, which there has been r return of, although I had never been rid of it f'r any lime for forty years. RICHARD S.W.NtjJ Eleventh, leb:w Spruee Sire, gj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E.'lt. N'suuhan. S iuih Ea.-I corner of Third and Race Slut-in. Philadelphia, nud s..Jd on agenrv in Snn'111 ry by H. B. MAS-sPK. May lih. IS 13. .Ip-I. MEDICAL, APFHOBATION l tin- ROSK OIM'MI.ST, Jhr '' tt r. I.TIIOI'til the superiority of the prep.ua i .11 over all othets is fully es'ablishcd. ihe pr -r e tors lake pli h.""'0 laying before the public the follow iiiR certificate i.".v.'" . respcctabV physician, a gratluale of llie Cniversity of Penu.s, .'.vr.Vr '. B nigh, havinu found in this ein.-ily tl.at irlielT r a teilinus and ili-agrreable alf.'. lion which ihe mollis within the r ioge i.f l is profrs-ion I nle I 1.1 ail'-inl, has nut hesi'aletl to give il his approbjti n, ahh .ug'i ibe prejudices and interests of ih it pr.ili--.sioo aip p,-ose.l to secret Remedies. Pi II. 1 10 t eui ., Si pi. 1-1, 1 t:tfi, I was r. 11 nilv t,,.ii!.', vvi'li a te ll his herj.etit eriipli 11, wl.ich c ne e l neirlv one si r ,fnn t' r-, anil exteiiili il over ll.e ear. Mr. N'aii ;I m. propr; -til nt tin Ko.-e Oiiit'nei.t, I'bsei vmg in. I.trr, in-i.. leil t.t. toy t.yit g bis prep trillion. ,.f whir!, ht Ii 1 , del uie a jar. A'lh .ujh 111 ciiiouioii v.i!i ilieme beis ol my pr. f ssimi, .list oimiin 101 e .n I th-a, prove ol the numerous nostrums p. Inn. I ns..i ih- pnl lie l y i.noi ..r,i pr. teii.b r-, I fc. I in jus i.-r b n .. loexc. t the i. .se Oii.iiii. iu Iron, ilia c .1 uf nif d tints, nn. I 1.1 givt- it my approbation. 1 it ,Mi.,-r. ly turt-.l the eruption, nlihoug;, 11 h nl n-i-ii-.l thr ttsu.d iipphriiii .ns. PANE BAI M. l. V 'Ihe Ib.-e Oiiitinc' t is prep.r.J by E !. ailgh ill, foiilh Et-tConir 1 I Tblnl tl 1' ;ri Sucris. 'f;i!ade'pl.i i, and .-olJ on ng. ncv ii. : it,, bury, by H. B. ! N-iK1i. May I lib. 1 . I ui. ( o;.Klt i .t Hc i h' DEATH BLOW. rPhe pit' lie will pl'.isr. nli-crve thn - Pills are peiii.ine, unless ihe I n nl in. Br. m -belli -nv b is th. e I ,- bels upon jr. (the ton, the m. c and the l o;i in) emh emit. lining a I'.c-.1 nib signaturo of toy lutnl vi. riling, ihus B. Bn . m m 1.1 11, Nl. I. -'I In . Ia. I'd an ellgiavt-.l n'l sleel, .eilutil'ol'v tlrMguiHl, mid done at all eiprtisf ..f ,oer fC.tl.MI. - Tin rt fore it will in seen thm the nti'v thirii n" e-Miy 1.1 pro line the meilirii.e in its pnrilv, i to i.b-ene t: e labels. !'eniemb r the lop, ihe si.le, and ti e bottom. The f . Mowing lesprcli.e persons are duty an'ln ri n il, mnl ho!.) CERTIFICATES Or AGENCY ' For the sale ot Hrimdrrth's Yettulile I'mn mill i '(.'.v. ' Noiilion.heilai d eounlv : Milion M.tkiy A. Chambeilin. Siintitiry 1. B. Nlasser. Nl I ena ville Itel indiV Men. II. Norihuin1 eth.n.1 NViu. Forsyth, licoicrtiiwii I. .V J. Walls I'nion t;.nniv: New Berlin llog.11 NVin ler. fellnsitrnvc (.'eorge (uiiihum. Mil. lie buri Isaac Si, tiih. Beavern.iwii Davtil Hubler. Ad uiisbuik' NN'm. J. May. MiHluisbun! Mensch At Ray. ILnlleloi, Daniel Lonq Fiei b wc J.V F.t'. Mover. Lewhurg NVnlU A O'een. Columbia county : Danville E. i'. Iie.uokls t.V a. Berwick Shuinau .V R neiihiuiw. I' tawissa C. G. Broils. Uh.,inbure John Meyer. Jeisey 'Pots 11 1-cvi Bisel. Wasnin.it Robt. MiCsy. LimfUuie Ball' V.Nnc Obrvrve that ecli Aueul has an Entav tl l'n tificate of Afency. contuinini a representation ol lit URANDKETH'S Manufactory al Sim .s,Bi and upon which will also be seen eiacl cpa-n of th new labeii now used upon the Brandnih i'lll Biisft. Philadelphia, oilice No. 8, Noith ftih si net. B. BRANDRETH..M. 1). June tilth lCl. Ce'coi'si" J. Vc:ivt'i, ROPE MAKER & SHIP CHANDLER. .Vo. 13 Siirth Wuter Street, I'liilmi 'phia. ', B B AM ,-oiis'autlv on hand, a penerd ssjort- fill nirnt of Corihi'e, Seine Twines, &c, i:- I ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Nlauil ,la Ropes, 'I'o'V Lines f..r Canal Boats. Also, a complete ansoitment of Sciua Tw ines, Ac. nn h as Hemp iSha-l and IL rring Twine, Best Patent (.ill Net Tn ine, Cotton Shu.i and Hening 'I'w ii e,Shia 'I'hrca.ls, .Ve. .Ve. AIho, Bed Cuds, Plnugh Lino, Hull. rs, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpi t Chains, Al., all of which he will dispose of vni r ationubla telllls. , Phil j'V'j bin, Ne.,mlt ia, lup:. ly.