Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 26, 1846, Image 3

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    l.nlrr front th Mormon t'nniilry,
l'ormntinn, and Rejection Inj the Anti-Mar-tnnnn,
of Atticlrn ef Compromise Their
Uneavipment Three Miltx front Satvon
Jlcfitnntir.n of Henvral Singleton Cul.
Hrockman in Command.
Tho laet nccounts from Hancock county re
present that the anticipated battle between the
Mormons ant! Anti-Mormons had not yet taken
place. The agreement entered into by Ganor
al Sinifleton and others on behalf of the Ami-
mormons was rejected, uen. omgicion wuo-
drew from all connection with the j
tnnns on the rejection F the compromise, and j
Oil. Hrockman, of Tirown county, was elected
to take the command. Rolnre Brock imn con- j
, eented to assume this station, he required n sn-
cred pledge from the officers and men whoclec- j
ted hitn, that in case they were permitted to;
. . . . i. ... ...:.l.
march into Naiivno without opposition, no injury j
should he June to person or property.
The Antics have pledccd themselves to com-
mit no violence in Nnovoo if they ore permitted
to enter it wilhmit opposition. The Mormons
may consent ti let them march in and execute '
the writs they hold if they ran Mud the persons ;
they are ajjnitnt. I'nless some such conditions '
lire agreed" to ty the Mormons, the alternative; i
will be a figh. Gov. l-.rd sends Major Flood, I
v'iney, ti supersede Major Parker, with,
" ml the militia of the State, il'ne
'II the disturbances. !
. l.nlrr nnil Important.
r to l'if'.'fu Killed (t'rent F.x- ',
rilt ini nl, t., )'"c. j
l.ouis Republican, of the l icit inst.
ta battle took place between the I
u nl the Auti .Mormons, on the ll'Ji. I
ippnrf thut the Antics, (who had encamp
diy previous within about three milea of i
i ciyiif.imvon,)nn llie morning nf the llth .
to.'!; uptheir line nfmnrch tor t!io city. !
i V.i a certainins the movements of their foes, j
. Mormons h.'Kt to quarters, mustered he :
1 ,, i i i i i '
,,:r',, hvp l"""lrC'1 MA enl J
tort!, to me t ifcorr ad.-rsar.w.
The nntaoomstro met ala.ut one mile j
rast of the Temple, when a bi'tle commenced.
The Siiinie" d the 'Gentiles" fired upon
ftich oilier fur two hrmrn, lint fire -distance was i
great that their leaden missiles were mate- j
al!y deprived of their -death-dealing proper-
' ;
liollioorents drew off, each party returuir.g to
'its orijiuil position in t-he morning.
The Mwir.ffits in -t Inn ailair bed one max. kil-
Jed and two badry wounded.
The Anlios, nnttib.-rino upwards cf eight
iliuudred, returned to-caiiip, v.'itli a los-s of lr;;i
t'ielit to filteee. killed.
Tho exciteiorrut wa very preat in the vici-
'!,l'y, and it wii irr rierully tupnosed that the
iliiille would be fcsuuiud, cither thut wcr.tin; or
?he next irern n:g.
X mil lirr Ttallte.
T.y lire St. l,.u;a Reveille we learn that the '
Mormonsand Atili .Morir.uns had a second battle j
n Saturday aiu-runon, the Vi, v. hicli -eniled !
... ,, . . ,, ,,, ,i, .-.,., '
,.s h-lore, the Aut., STetr.-.1.n- to tlu .rcamp. .
It is ilcsc.rrii.-d us n very spirited en-iuormuiil. I
I". very lit ti nipt be the Ami - Mormons to puss the j
... v ., i fit
S.iisitiou ot tin' Nauviioites, prmod uriKeesslul. !
' ' i
'J'Ih- fi!it -continued lirlwn hours und a btilf. ,
The 'number ol 'killed on the piTt of the Ami- j
Mnnno.i firro is unknown. Al Crth:.oo thev ;
' i
suity ncknowliMlee to si Imdly wounded (.apt. j
Sioi'h, one of the niiinb"r. mortally. Every j
preparation wan making on both -idea for an- i
1 1 B
.(ther batlle. ;
So ili'trrui-neil are th" Mnrnioiia to maintain :
lheirpoMiion. l at . very ..verlron will be mule !
... ;
to re;ie the iip.K ,
Pain or 1)iiih:ss or any i;im, whether of
pout, rheumatism, headache, truthach, er ny 1
"Otiier kin.) of ache, is in alt cases caosed by im- '
pine burners of the bhv,d, wtitch have lodged up- !
tui Ihe parts, an.l which nothing save vegetable '
purging, (purifyinjj ) can remove, bi-ausn by no '
other means can impurity be drive from the
tody. !
HVifA'1 Indian Vegrtuhh l'i',1 tive r. supe
rior, if indeed they have an erjnal, in removiog 1
every description of pain; because they carry '
olT, by the stortiaeh and bowels, all morbid and !
corrupt haulers, (!' ef idsisel in so easy .
mid natmal a manner, that the body is actually
res'ore.1 tn health n il by magic. Fee.r er five ;
cf said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken once in
twenty four heur. en going to bed, will in a '
hnrt time not only drive pain or distress of every i
i...- . L . . . . .. , . iidin tiie svbiern. ana resroie rne im.iv in m
,,,,,. I i I,. , . , , ...
r1att of somi.l health, but the blood and otner ;
fluids will be o completely purified, that new
' and vigor will be given to the whole frame.
' .
Viiulimt, It should be remembered (hat Mr.
Iward Cole, of Philadelphia , Mr. John llixan,
K.aston, Ta , and Mes-r, P.iowiiing lirotbera,
Philadelphia, are not agents of ours, and as ',
they purchase no Wright's Indian Vegetablu Pills
at our olfice, ree eannoi uiirunty us genuine
tiny ntcd'sint tin y may hwi fur ie. j
dj"A(jeiil for the ile.f Wright' Indian Ycgei.
l ie Pill in Ruid uiy, Hmui Massi :r. For other
ageiifini te a.Ueriieni. nt in another column. ,
SEVERAL Teacher aresiill warning for the
School in Shaniokin district, Norhumher-
laud County. Per,. us wishing lo t e enu, loved. !
...o.i .in , - ' . -
sin piease mew ine noaru oi mreciors ntsan
mcl at the house of helix Kerch in Snulltown, on rpiILS invaluable Medicine i. the mo.t aiwdy
Satuiday the tenth day of October next, (or ex-! J and cei tain remedy ever diacovtred for ihe a
animation according to law. I Imve compla in, as thousands who have ucd it
Pe runs no! pruoinlly known to the Board, will ; will lealify, For ale, in Bunbury, by
he eipecled to roduce Icstimoiiial of good mis j ' j, W. FRILINO,
. i ll i-harat'ier. , and in N'orthuii.ltf-rUn.l l. 11 It it 1 1 TTin A VI
lly order of Ike lloaid, this lUih day of Sen.
ti rul er. A. I. Ihlrt FELIX LURCH,
Ei.rriA JoaN, Sec'y. Pre't.
f-ept. so, ibie. 3i
Fat (ft Attn Aoi n, x;n ll Frvsas Cento
ht UnAsnnr.Tit' PiiM.- All fever are occasion
ed by the disordered motion of the Mood, p'mluced
by the humoral serosily by hardening the i!ri nf
iho vcsrela. The blood circulate with greatly in
creased speed, and is aiill increased by the friction
nf the globules, or panicles which compose ihe mass
of fluids. Thi n it is that the execs-ive heat and
chills cxpcticnccd ihrouRh. tit the whole system,
and accompanied with Rrcnt thirst, p dn in the head,
hack, kidney, and in fact a complete prostration
f all the faoultirin.f ihe mind m v,. alK.-ly.
0n lhl fir.t ltaik f r,,vcr( or tny jj.,
mediately take a luge dose, of tlrnndrcthV Veirct.
,e Universal Pills, and continue to keep up a
powrrru ellect upon tho hnwcl until the r. v. r or
injn iag entirely reused. Six or rii;hl will in
m0st case lie aulVirient as a dose, and one dose, of
this kind it i not improbable, may prevent mon lis
of sickness, perhaps death.
Dr. Benjamin Ursndre'.h's Vegetable. I'nivcrsal
Pill-., are indeed a universally approved medicine,
which by its peculiar action, cleanses the blood of
all impurities, remove every Pai and Weakness,
and finally ir.rr the Cantilutinn to perfect
Health and F'A'or.
(EJ Purchase of If. II. Master, Sunhnry, or of
the uet, published in another part of itd 'ps.-er.
Ctirrrvtirf trrrkfy llrtiry JlfusstT.
Wiiht, .... Si)
Ktk, H2
Cons), .... (12
t)rs, . ur
I'll II K, ... 5
I'likeiii, ... .112
Koos, .... .7
Hkkswat, .... 25
Tu,wi ... o
Fi.x, ... .10
IIki kihi FtT, 10
I it I . Arrt.Ks, . . 75
Do. 1'kachfs, - 150
" 1 1 1 L I
?SoS EJ? D."' t3 ESS. j
HTJKOM the premises of the subscriber, in Au-
B RU-ta lownshio, IS'orthumberlnnd countv. a-
laTut ,he fint of June lat, ' ' j
one yrir o)J as w jh Mrajchl n .
white lielly, and a white stre.ik along his back. i
Any person returning said Mull to the sub cri-
I er, or piving infi'rmation where be miy be found, :
w ill lie auita v row ante. I. i
Augusta, Sept. IHth. Itr,.ni
Suited to the Unman Constitution, anil rnutil in
llie cure tij errri rnnihr Hi tease, w.ll
lie fnund in
.orlh Amcrlraii I'ollcjrcof lEcnltli.
flHKSE extraordinary Pill are compo-ed of
plants which prow spoiuaneously on our own !
soil, and are, Iheref ue, belter ndipled to nur con- '
stiiutions tban from foriign)
dint;, however well they may be compounded;!
llll. I Vl'niflll-r'tf fliltv I'cnr-.Hin a, a!
' founded lli on the nrincinle Ih ,1 the hnmm l.mlu i.
i niiinelv, enrmpt humors, ami tlmt said Medicine
f(, - ., antl p,,,; lht ,,,Vi u W1 lie mill;: !
if.-st ih it, if the eoni'iiioii .n 'e not entirely x- '
liau.te I. a peiseverarrce in their ue, according 1 J
Hinclioiis, i absolmrly certain te drive d.sea-c of , we wish to re-iof a swamp or morass to !
fertility, we dia'tt il of the Mipi-ia'himd.i'nt water lo
'ike manlier, if we wish lo res'nre the bodv lo '
. ,, , , . . i
health, we niu-l clonwen nf nnpimiv.
will v found ,iie i f llie bcsl. if i ot the verv hesi
in w"' f-'t nsUa out tl.M li.nn
PriiiTiiNf; Pmtin.K, hicaose iloVeipl from,
,w i ,iy u n,01, lui f llTl. hum r. the cause j
' f ''e disease, in an esy i nl ininrnl Manner j
vhi!e they ev,-rv day ihvk kasf. axii rt.1 a-1'iik, j
ili every name is r..pi.l v ,biveu hoiii ihe '
'I'be foil r.Vij TiijMv rrsivialdr irt.m-?;erpei
h .'T,' ", T nT$ TV" V' "", ' "'
rir;fit i Iniiini I o'ctuuiL Pilit, in Noithumhi-r-
I nd county :
Henry Massrr, funSiiT, I
u:. .1. .. . .... v . I, . i .
E. & J Kaufl'man, Anmisia tnwmddp. int lleiii, Litile M ihnnoy.
'Witbam Heppen. J ickson.
Bene Bin II n I shoe, Upper Mahnnny.
John (. Renn, Up: er Malmnoy.
Samuel John, Khamokiniou n.
For-ythe, Wil-enA Co.. Noiibunibet laud.
E. L. Piper. Walsmiburg.
Irbind Hays. McEwriiiRa.
James Peed. Poil-nrove.
Wni. Sett. Rushvilie.
Itarimsn Kno ble, Elvburu P. O.
Am a T lleissel, 'Purhuisville,
on Shadel, Upper Mahoi.oy.
Ithotte & Farrow, SnvdsiMnwn.
John King, Farmer-v lie.
Silna (5. Cook. Marli..' Creik.
J. l Yolirid Hicksvi e.
Ahrah im Sln ri r. lii, hniiio.l,
Samuel Taylor, Sl i(. for I.
Jo'-n H. Vincent. Chihsipiaque.
Win. Ileiueti & llmthor, .Milton,
(rt Olfire devo-e.l i t ehisivety to the sale of
,,. iTki.iciiiu '.1.. ........ .......
n K lllll l.Pl.t. Mil. . I' II.
, ., v ,u a, i n mi i.t. .,1
"f the INorth American (ol!eienf He.dth. No J-isl
(Jwenwich Street. N. wY.-ik; No. 9H Tr inoiil
Sireei. Bosmm and PRINCIPAL OFr lCE No
:j!I Stmiiit, Phil It-lphiu.
pi. I'Jtn, ik in. ly.
In coring Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Ioflmnr. i,
Whnopii)2-('uoi;h, and all Discus, i of the
hie. si and lungs, leading lo Cuumnip.
lion e.)inpned of ihe concentr itej
virtue of the herb Horehound,
U. neveit, UloodMot, and
acveial other Mgeia-
Lie autistaiirea.
lil-nr rnnir , ve iiivlm. .
1 il.,i .i.a i .nioroiAU n A I r-VI. It. I
and at wholeeale, in Philadelphia, hy
.... j . ........
F. KLKTT & Co,
Corner of Hernm) enj Callowhill Mieet..
September I 'Jib, 1816 ly
' - 1 1 miT ' - , Jvjen.ja l
mi a' iu ii
COOPERS ETERI AL Oil A prompt and
lasting remedy fir DmWkss, also Tot pains
and discharge of matter from the Ear.
Hundreds of enrea in ea-rs deemed ut'eily hope
less have firmly established its superiority over eve
ry former Medical discovery.
This valuable Acoustic Medicine is a compound
nf four different Oils, nun of whirl), llie nelive mid
prinripal inirit'iltent, is oht lined fom the bark nf n
certain species of Wibi t, a new ai.d ctlirtu d
agent in the cure of Deifi e.
Persons who had been deaf for 10, 15 and evrn
2U ycrs, have been permanently cured by using
this oil. In fact, so numerous n ri, so emphatic
have len I lie texlimiiuials in it!, f.ivor, ih it the in
ventor claims for it tho ilistnu tion nf an Infnllil c
Sti 4nn" ,hn E:,r i8 yerU1 ,
Foi further parixulars, and evidence of ii great
value, c printed she. ts, in llie hand-" nf AiTeiii".
P. rsdeinSuiil u.y. by J. W. riMLI.NG.
September lilih, ISKi ly
7H think a man who will mike and palm
1 up ui an unsuspecting person, a '-uoir
Coiie.l Pill." not bavins on llie bon IV. (I. lieiij'ii
Smith's aignaluie, would not heitate to -ell poi-on.
regardless of nil c.nsee,iiemes. No "Si ; tn I'm- j
Tin Pin.a"ran be relied upon, utile )r. Smith's i
siunatnre is on the box. and jj- all others are either '
iontati on or counterfeit, end ol course linngetoua to J
dj1 ('ATi TlON'. A a miserable imitation h i
been made, by the name nl '-!iigir (oiated IMI--,"
it is necess iry to be sure Dn. (i ltv:j SMii n's '
tdiinatuie is on every box. Price 85 cents. '
Principal Ull'iee, 170 (ireenwirh st. N. w York. '
Sold by JOHN VV. Fin LING, Suntiun.
Sept. 19, 1S4C.
A I) .11 1 XISTIl ITOK'S S 1 1,1
fou si,n.
BY VIRTUE of the powir vested in me, l,v
ihe will of the l.ile Tiiovits limr, der'.l..
will he sold at public s .le on W 'rdneadav, ihe 30ih
day of Sepseniber next, nl ihe Man-ion House.
upon ihe premise or the Mam-ton Firm of ill- bite 1 fall and winter rh, ol. in Lower Augtil d:s
Tln.mas tirmt, dee'd , in Augusta township, j ,et, Northumlerl md ctmnty. IVraoti wa-ing
Norlhumberl md county. Pa., siluiile on the r sl J in he v-mptnyed eh. Bl pVase mei-t lh board
side nf the River Susquehanna, erjuidislaut, and : ,.f du.mrs, at John Packer's olfice in Snrinorv. on
al-out a mile from the II, roughs nf Sundry n I I S .tur.Uv. ihe 2th dav ofOetnlTr neSl. for exami-
iorlliumlerlaii.l, all that valiial le -state. Inte the ;
Man-ii-n Farm of said Thomas (irant, ilec'd., nd
joining ihe fm in of Samuel HunU-r on Ihe smiih.
land ol 'I honiHS Itotiinson the rast, other land of
the lale Thuinas Grant on the nrih, and the
Su-quehannu River oh the we', coiit:,iniiie. to
cether, three hundml aere-" and fif y.six per
ches, more or . ss, if wl ich out two huo
dr.-d and fifieen acre a.e rleare.I and a'mut one
hundred and fill. en acre are fir.t ta e Rivtr
hotlom laud.
The improvements consist of a two torv double
firm hou-e, 40 feel front by III! 'rel indtnh, wiih
frame b.-ck huildioit and frame ki'cln n, and stone
milk house and ovi n attached, nd a pump and
well nf cxi client watvr in the k teh.ii. a sl.e
smoke bouse, a h.rne hank barn, 1st story stone,
8,1 do. frame, SO feel Ion? by :IC feel in depth, a "2
sti ry waann hou-e, with granary a,vr i.nd r.-ro
crib B't.ichcd, a fr ;me carriste h.ise ami pr nary,
and a LrL'e Ins hnrii and ahe, wiih a new and
improved cider press, with shing'ed rout over the
same. And
ALSO ; A two stioV brick dwelHf.ft hntt e, C.n
Inininif in fr uit -0 feet and in depth "7 feet, 10
inches, and brick two story ki'chen. Si) feci m fiom
ly H bet, 6 incliT in depth. There are upon
llie p.i niise two apple in r XTelVnt order,
nf tlie most valuahlo frait. one coot .fciiiig ahout
eitht and tile oilier ah.nil nine acres.
This F..m 1s one I itn- rrisi va'tia'ole anl pro.
doclive hi tl e Sib f, is in llie highest -t ie nf nil
livatiuii, and located m the heart of a district,
which, for sahi'nity of i-'ivnate and picturesque
sci ii-iy, is ni'siirpai-rV li i rii-j ,le on t',ie pool
nf ihe fhamnkeit dam nt heetsrnr. retn;iiulio'il of
the NrntlrtiuilrerSnd Oiidae. Its proximity tn Ihe
thrivni" hnr-mirtis of SunVu'' ami Northcmberland,
and llie piohalnlity t'lat the hills c- nlaiu v. .Viable
luulies nl Iron Ore, and its a.lmiiAhtc location in the
hfart of the Iron and ( Vat rvfi'.ons cf Ivani ,
to which iliiVi. is a heavy net inriesnni: enMnra
tioo, (lives t'ois p-npcTly an addilinnal value, and
render it wrf! woitby of the attention ofcapiial
isia. (Tj" Tirms ma re known or. the day if sa'e.
Adm r.. etc.. nf Thomas lirunt, dee'd.
Sunltiry. Aug. 31. IK 16. i
Dcati'i's iti Silks, liUilimiH it ml .Milli-nt-ry
An. 4" Smith Strand ftreet,
AY E now in Store a laii assortment of
alidi nillltitfry flutist.
Ailapteil to I all .i e-, audi as
Bonnet Silks aiul S.iiins fnvr. d and plain.
Fancy Ribholis, cf enlirply tows') hi.
I'liin Mao'iia and Sutin Rihhons, nf all widths,
I'.lieU and Colo-ed Silk Vilveis.
French Fiiie.v Feathers ami Flowers.
Fancy Cap Nets and Laces.
Ilockiams, Widows, Ctown Linlni's, ,Vc. &c.
Many of ihe nhove antclvs being of their own
imp -nation, they arc enabled to o'.kt them nl the
o,-sl prices
Philadelphia, Sept. .') h, ISlfi lm
'l lie Ilvau. B.utaii'i'au Sviiott,
'1'I7'ILI meet at Milton, Norh'imlx'iland coun
ly, on the last Thuis.lay evening of Ft. plein
brr inal , and the following day.
Sept. fiih, SS ICl. I'.esi.b iH.
Mcum Itolliicd StiKiir C'aiiillt H,
IS)rK r i'i rm Kii, wiinimn.
JJ. RICHARUSON, No. 43 Maikei Street.
t PuiiAni trim, takes pleasure in intomiing
Ihe public, that he still continue lo sell bis very Su
perior Siejin Refined Candy al ill low price of
f'i f0 per 100 pounds, and the o,ulily ia eiju.. to
any niaoufurtured in ihe United Slate.
He also oiler all kind of go.idf in tho CenftC'
li'mcry and Fruit line at corre-poiidioR low pines,
aa quick aalea and small piollla are the order of
the day.
Call or send your order, and you cannot Tail to
be aiiitfied. Dn't fond the number, 4S MAR
August S'Jih, .-f m
NlASKsn riir.r.T, tsun-nt,
f1HANKFIt, fur p-t favors, hi-u leave to in
R. I. Tin In rrieoils and the public generally, that
be bas jit-l reiunieil from the city with new nod
rashhmntd.t lists, an) a full assort mint f I. itflil, Unuir.e, iMnik Kill, and all other kinds
of Morocco lor Gentlemen, l.ailies and I'hiMren'a
vvear; and be assure all wlu. may favor him vtitli
their rUtoin, that they may rely upon having their
woik done in the must Mil'slautial and fashionable
manner, and al very low prices.
He nUt has a futl a-sornoeiil nf low i.'h ed work. ! d hy himelt. wl.ieh he will sell lower than i
evry niV.-red ill this place, vit :
Mi n's hoes, s low ns
I' ra Siout Hoots,
(tooil L.iee D.ava lor Wnnien, "
VV omen's flips,
('hildr. n' Sh"e,
!oo Leather, MororHo. Sjc., fol -ale low.
Auuusl Ml, IMtt.aplHif
Hoot & Shoe
Al Ais VlJ I'slaMishmrnt. in Marirt Street,
(orrwi-ri: run nro mon ttorrr.,)
H E li. I, NS bis thntiks for p iM f ivnrs, and re- j
MO.' see:fidly informs his and the puMir
aejierally, that he continues lo manufacture to ol
der, in tho neatvrl and lalet f t) k,
c iii:ai ikmt.s ami snoai,
warranted i f the rca' rnnl-'rl I, and made by Ihe j
nint expcih-nccd -ork'iieo. lie nlo V.eeps on j
bund a ceneral nso'tnant of fiishions.liie IS nils for t
g. li'b men, loeether w ith a larne st-a k nf f ivhloti- j
diV uetill men's, hoys', la-llea' and i lii'd en's 'hl, i
all of which Imve been m ule nmh-r h.s nwnimme- ,
ilinte tiiR s-clion. and are of ihe best ma'erial and
wo-kni msh'p, w hi.-h h'- will sell low fir cash. i
j In a blition lo the a' ove, he has jusl r.ceiv.d
j from Pbilaib lphia a latue and extensive supply of j
Hon s. Shoes, iVc. of all description, which he il-o ;
I efi.-r .,r ca-h. rhraper than ever belore oif red in :
ibis place. He irspeelfu'ly invite hi old custo- :
i mers, md others, lo call and it amine for them-
; s. v,'. I
I Rrpailing with neB?ness and dcsjiateh.
, Pttnhury, Auet tftili, ISltl. '
To Teachers.
TI, . I eaenrr.1 will lie wauled Mr the comn g
imlion a rordiuu M law. Person am lvm. m l
peuoliallv known to toe board wi'l be especied to
proiloce It-tie' nf lecomr.v nd id n toin binp good
moral character. By out. r of Ihe bo .rd.
AnaAHlM Sxiiv i. Sec'y. Pres'l.
L. Ali;;us Dial.. Sepl. .1. IPlfi. Tt
U II I) l.KS A 1 . VI
iV,-.. TIN vM-.iii Third Street, ahite X'hrtnnf,
KAtTr.n. ask ci XT Mn ri:Tt HI n l-UOTS AMI
rlHE Subscritrer has tnken ihe liberly nf address
I sinu the pahlic, ssli-fn .l that ihey Will find it
to their interest to call an.l etam;ne bn slot k nf
Boot ami Shoes, und afuatut Ihcmselvea with j
his ficrs, '
Srllinii etcb-rivelv for ll.e (?ash, he w enabled '
and determined to sTi lower than any other regit- :
lar hous5 ru ihe vily. j
Per-nns will please etaueire the nirkel tho-
rien.'!ly, t:if, tiifo ts purcha-'iiig, call at ihe s'oie
ef ' TIUW L. V.V AN,
N'o. Voiuli Third, aln.vr Ulnsi-nt Si
PhiU.'e'pli'i., Aue. lo. ISio. j
to' Tin: ui.njioiis c.v nortiiU.m ;
r.r.iii.AM) (.ou.ntv
: the
' 1 a number nf pi rs "lis in dilVcrei
the rc.'i c'lalioo of
pi TS ui 111 ililli-rcul I ails i llie :
j conntv. I have consi-lilcd to I e a candidate for the ;
office oi t
I can only, should I le
cverv -TV tt to diwhaice llie dutic
)oui eniiie iatif luclim.
ltlt.ll McFAt.L.
1 liwste township, A lie. Sili. lHlb.
77: r.iKcroiis .ip south-
iMitr.m.A.M) cor.xTY.
PL LOW CITIZENS: Through trie encmi
raitement of niy frienda, I w been induct d
to olfer myself a? a candidate f r llie nllice iT
Cuuuly CoiiiiitKaioiirr.
Should you see proper to chvt me, ( will m .ke eve
ry t-lfoit to rendi-l pliernl .lisfj. iion
Lewi toWiisliip. Ann H. ISt'l.
Valuable Real Instate
JL T. ill it certain Tavern Si md and Valuable
Faun, situ ile in Shmiok n Inwnsh p, Nor
thum!il md county, on (yciilre Turnpike, ahuiil
H milea fiom Sonbiny. the c.mniy town, adjoiuiv.g
laud of Fee. Iv' H is, Annanias Saxiou aiuI o-
thcis, rolilaliiin; 1 5l acre more or less, V! arte
f which l eilii! in Cond mea.l-.i.v, small cie, k
. fin. nt.,.. ibia kn.iie. fend nboltl -1W arr'.
.1 .i i.;.... .....II i,. !....... I II... , Um,. In .
..,., in in-, hh -.i I,-, .'.. , m
j hiuh st.ite nf cuhlvaii.iii under exci llei.t fences, nn
I which i. un oiebatd nf h"iee fr'i I Ir. es j the bod
'. dinit consist of a two story stone dwefliliit house,
I weil a bii.teil f.r T.Veiii Sl.lll.l. uhiiltwask oi
as nub fr Upwards of SB yens, a lare cnnveiii-
rut bark b.itn. with ubui.diuce of good binds and
other nut huiMiti.
ALSO Another siosll tract nf land rj 'joiui"J
the above and lands of Dunn I J, Rote and min is,
ront-iiiiiog ulioiit 1 1 acres in goad st-le of cultiva
tion t the building iheie m ce;?t iT a iwo stoiy
frame ij'.v. Ihtin hoUbe and frame bank barn, wiih
ether Dili hui'.diini water spiiuisliiR al ihe door
of this dwilliiiE and ihe tavirn slaiid. l-y iiiestit c'k
foiinl.iia pump Pi I it; late llie real estate f Vi ...
,,. ' i il I .. -.11 I II
in v caver, oec u., mm win n u.i i pi'. ,,e title
by lb aubri-rilier, being allthoiiml bw tl ,,f i
said dectast-d. Iiidisputat'le lille .v , iv)11 j
Ar.rer. j. rope'.
ror me ueoi me lit.t 0f .aid d,cea.J.
Shaniokin township. August 1, I81(
iractinir Urease. Dry Painu. V arni-h. 'Vmr
a, ai, Horn I'liiilniig of any description, war
ranted n.-t lo ir.jure the cloih or Ihe mn-t delicate
colors. Thi. li,U.J ha also been ucd i'h Rrcnt
aucce. in r4g... 0) Uuins. Scalds, Tetl- r. 1'iinplo
on te, Chspped hands, Sote hr. Rheoma
'.islii, I lard oi soil Conn, Ac, (jj- Piice, S5 ct.
per Inn lie. Fur nlc at the uloie .1
July in, If 16, u. M ssER
D K N T I S T It Y.
TllAM't,'I, for the liheral enciurai!enienl
which lie bus received, wout I resjiecifn'ty
inform liie fiienU anJ (be citir.eiia of Nurtliiiinta r
lainl rounty in general, that he has prepared him
self with the I a-si Incurioiilible Teeth, ttohl Phte,
Hold Foil, Ac, that can be had in the city nf I'M
la,l,titii,i ; mid thai bo will endeavor, to ihaulmotit
nl his ahtlity, to tender full siitislaction to ail who
niiiy think piojier to wig me bis service". He will
be lo iSunlmry nl tlni Auitu-t Court, wlmre he will
la pn-paml. at his reriiilelire, lo insert Teeth on
1 '" "" 1 nn latest and nio,4 ap-
I" M"',,.", n" '" uranrlies liulong
i mis to HV.N I' At. M'ltGF.KY.
fl.mi ! Ladl s will be waited on at lhir plave of tvsi
2 (Ml ' deiier, if desired.
1,00 j Hiihart;esj will be reasonable, and hi work
(, Wnerauled.
C i I'" w'" vr't iMT.reni parts of llie county, about
J ntree in three In nihs. .
J itmibiiry, July Iflh. t.Slfi (Sin
V e
A'o. !il A'orA rnnrlk Shi rt, under the. Mer
rhnnls' Hotel,
P h 1 1 n 1 e 1 1 h I u ,
l .mop vk nnis.
KF.EPS foMslaiilly on hand an extensive a.
Korlmem (.f n l kinds of Silk, For and Itea
vei Hats, which he offer for fale on the most rea
son!. Ic Inrrns. His Hats are made up ol the best
m-ileiials, and in the most approved lyK. Person-,
visiting the city will find it to tbeit interest lo
caH. July llth, 181f5. ly
AWAtlln.ll BV TIIK VII l 1.1 M t!STITVT, 18'15.
Vily ThpncTrio'ype Estmilislimrnt.
(LaTf. SiMo St Cnt.u,)
?:. lf O ChruJ st.. hlm e Third, Sr,uth tide,
ritlljADE LriUA.
IN ATT'llKS i-ikm efiually as well in clou
dy ts in rle.r weil'ier. A dark ifk diess
for a lady, and a black suit for a gentleman, are
I Ti forr.Me in sftting f it ft pirlvj e. No extra charge
is made Hit coloring, and perfect likenesses arc
gutrautietV Joly 1th, I84K ly
l.Iuht sirrrt,
112 !S -t U. yl ; UuLULi
fllHE IToirse ha undergone thorough repair.
I '(Tie proprietors solrdt it former patronage.
Terms ! 35 ct day.
July 4, IS 10. !
P 11 1 L A i i: . 1' II 1 A.
rrtll'S .irpi and commodious Hotel han recently
I. been filed up wi'ti entire new Aimiiiire.
! The HtihsCrihcni thiyefore solicit the pa (run ape of
t'ie uhlie, and trust that their ixpeneirre in the
business will enable ihcro to give rtitiro (al'iitfac
lien. Tcrm.-i wodcia'e.
.Inly iK. ly
IkCllOI' V Ca'rVCllOllll,
RAWINCS and Papers fr the P.Venl Of
'ice wnl I.,- irepiir, ,) ,v th'-io, al iheir office,
ipposi'e I no r.rcnl t .
.litU'. '.ih. 1-il '.. ly
H O U 3 13 K X3 E P ERS.
TrBtafc Ol in iv be sure oi ohlsmiiif;, al
tunes, pure and highly flavored
. Hy tint shiele pound or larger uaclily, at the
I'cMii Tea oiiil)rtii'n IVaiclioilair,
I. ci. .1, t i make , 3n South S,vntrd ttrrtt, lnfre,Tn Market und Chci
nf the efTico to j tli,t ninet.
-a 1 1. .li a jj x; r 1 1 x Aa
Ilere'of.ire it has Veen very ditticult, indeed, al-mo-l
iuiposMhle. always 10 ubtain good (Jreui and
III a'k Teas. Put now voti have only to visit the
Pi kin Tea Cornpanya SloTvs In obtain as delicious
and fracnafit 'IVa as yi.u co!d wish for. A II taste
can heir l e suited, with the advantage or getting a
pine article ut a low price-.
June 27ih, IMtri.
Tr"""V'l l'ale'.Cvle'ralfd Rail R oad Scales,
pV II do di U'oaland Hay do
ni.n d do Iron MsnulncV do
do d i
d do
do do
do do
d da
I'oilaMe riaiiorm no
20 diflcren. aiies,
Uormut or Moor do
. A dill'.rciit,
l-ountvr do
Vi ddVeient sizes.
B dlltVrciit sire.,
I tic a'jove Scales are
made cither tinfi'e ur i
' double Ivaili, and are
; decidedly the most du ahle, accurate und con-eid-
ent -r in eer line
and Count- r Scales,
inl. e also lmv riaiiorm .
Patent PaV.iiiCf and ever-
l ..i' VI '..Ai. ... .. II ..... r -.... ...i J
Riiiiiui , eiumn inn li nir-s ill in - li ,.er, 4,,i,
J ,nle an I reind. at low prices. All Scale e' (j u
' ra r.i ou of the i ily, are boxed free of )(t
j wuiiaulcd lo c'vw satisfaction I j tb- .'.
I ,v... t, .ii.-l .r IJIJW ","
Minulacluicrs and Ih-alcrs. v i '..' . ". ' .
,y. rhilndetphhy.
''ti f-TtOES.Uimlcn' ralenl
Shoi., ur silo al manufacturci'
'''.ces, by
7. IfSi'l ly 11 Walnut it. Philad.
S2AJ.T. New Voik ?alt ill IsrVcl and bag, for
k J -de at inauulucttrer' pr'.v. hv
-l-.. 111X1 -Ill-I
June 27, lifi. ly at Walnut t. phiUd.
j Notice.
I "WTOTICU ishirvhy iliven, lhat an application
I u-ill lu, n..l.. I., ihi, in I t.'iiiMlfetiii lor a
; - - " - - . i
. i.l.u,i... i... Il ...l - i i u 1 ..I' tti nun '
. ,.,, 1 nil, m H m inj'imi in -m..,.,.,., v.
power lo increase thet-3tlal ib.reof lo !('(), iXtll,
wiih baukioi und diiiuntin privileges, to he rah
I led "The Hank of Shamokili." and in I l.rated in
the bnrou(;li i f ruiibiiiv, ill Northumberland coun
ty. June 27ih, HOo.
' f UtSUUKSS IK. Ulue and Illack (V'ne'e-
j ink, ul a upi-nor uualnv.for ale cheap. al the
Ikti.u of HE.NRV MASSER.
I July 4ih, t Id.
Have you letmS 11 v. rVrw
W'nr, m i v's r inn ihoiii nur
At kitxlnp, in Ulurket t ' trt. i-rljuiniiie- ti
HuTlj I h i; '! '( ,
ul lec.-iviid trom I'll .!) I.,h a ihcUrgeri,
honil,oni ami liisi ai-sorioien i of
ofevety ik'ae.ripiiim. that has ever been branch!
this place. And what is still heller, they iy lo.
sells so cheap, thai you can bov two cih fir the
nme money that inu ur,l tn ptiy for one p-vr.
He Ill y ton it end Sm (ok (ssii, miJ
that ts the teas .ti that he can rd to . II th.-m ,i
much cheaper. Il you don't waul lo l uv, jn- euli
and see bis inek. lie is nlwsy gl "1 to see his
customers; and it i no I rouble i,, liim to show hi
goods. Jut to ! you an idea how cheap he dn"--sell,
the lolluwim; U a IM of prices of a pat! of his
strck :
Men' Thick It.v.l;,
d i Fine (irain t'o
v.'nrlh I 00 nt HZ
4 r.0 at
f, 00 ;,t
2 r.O al
C HO at
I H7 at
1 Wi at
I C2 at
3 (HI nl
:t t
t v '
1 v.i
I tt.i
t (10
1 li
1 :",
do Calf ,l.i
Hoy' Thick !
Vouths' d -i
Men's Thick Itrogaiis, "
Women's Morocco V ella
and Kid Spring, "
Women's hist City made
Kid Slinpers,
Ladips i Gaiter and (Jai
ler poot, "
Also, every viriety of I.alie
Uov and
drens' shoes, si prices lowc than eer hel
.e ofle-
ed. Com and See
Siinburv, June 13ih, fi4n fim
WJSOI.r.SlI.t; AM) II ETA 1 1.
rP-iF solscsihers arc constantly manuf icturii.i
fiom the best Fn neh, Enalish and Ante, ir
mairuVactTired Cloths an 1 Cassimers, CLO'I'IIV';
in a very superior style, cut and workmao-h.-Persons
huyinir, to s II ainiti will find one ol ti. .
larnesl and must fisl ionahlc utoik of booiIs to si Icn
from in the city, and at orrpiecedeiiteil ,,w price-,
J. W. V E. U. STOKI,
. 1 91 Market st. Phila,)
N. P. A large nnrlni.'it of Odd Fellows' P.
pabaronstamlv oil hand, and all orders from lo'c
or inliiih",.i's puncluapy iittended to, on the most
liheral terii-r. " .1. W. V E. I). S.
Philadelphia. J.,ne27lli. ISlfi ly
IlESPECTIT'LLV informu his fiends end
customers, that b his removed his stock nf
jrol lo the Stone Hoese, on Maiket square, form
erly occupied by Mr. Wni. Dew.irf. wh.oc he wiil
be happy to serv? hi old cnstointrb and tho peb
lie Ronersllv. nn ncood tetiT.r, and at as 1 p''
ee a can be had c'aewn....
A large assortment or Groceries. V)ry Goods
and tim-ensware, constantly on hand.
June SVih,
Tin niui liotl-iron Ware
flHE sul-K,:riher ro-prctfully inforur 'he pnbi.;
M. ho ha commenced the inanlif ntlt-C
Tin tmJ SIu-i'l-Iiou Hiifi'i
Mt all ils vationa branches, nt Si ! i sj.ove. Hi
ware is tint on'y made of the h.-ti materials, but i
put togeiher in -i i-ubstaiitia! nv. -.votknr.i'-Mn m i:,,
ner, dilVeritij; in this rirj-ec! Imui rich ! die vi i:-'
sold, which is tnadi; up in a l.u-iv for thrit jmrpe.-r .
An excellent a-sorivi.-M will he !.c;t i ;i hand ct a'l
limtR, which vi!l be rt.dd on llie most reaoriaM-i
terms. AIS DREW s. WINl.ilP.T.
Selinscrove, M iv lliih, I8lo. tf.
fflllE DawWe $riim JI..-n t'.ictory. fo meV-
ly owned a:ni eceep : d by Ir. Pftmikiw. b'H
recently been puriha;-ed hv the fii'u-criln rs, v i'
rcspeclluP.y annoiiitcc to their friends and ihe p' .
he general y, lhal they arc now to e
kinds of vvirk Ju iheir hue of t v.sini ss, at tlj-
lest notice, acroii'inf; to order, at:d in lf b
parat've manner. H.svins e.'n." ti Co
o-kh rahle
I s'laratus.
expense in repa run; t'len rvie'iieie ir
snu ncing vety pa-'l in ir in v conn? ,he r,ir
t-.pritriieen n.ecnaincs, Kiev i -i-i fm,
Ihey aVe capable of executing 'ill t ,,!, ll( Wil
th it
rk in
a aiyie sua rior to any i.i-.v. r i ? SM ,shl.1,.I,t j,, ,,a
cnunlry, ai the oh! cwt .in .iv
BLANKETS rii.-l mlvc. -,ut, oml tt-r s.'e a,
redocej puces, for I -'t . r i ,..r,,.r
C'AKI1!c; AV C , j.M,
will be d .;ir in the 1 L.
ees. All kinds of cm
' '.rillille'. s! ,- i,sua! r-
r.'rv r.el-ii-c i-.U-n :n .
mcnt for woik, ai ))
rr -oe icemi.lVljI;(l ,,, ,,. . n,
d.-tance, ul ,j (;I()Tll , ,.
and. when funs' .lrJ( re,rni.., , jg,ow;.., ,,..
ces, 1 lain '-rilteri dir-vrotw ,,., r..
v .1
! each parcel; "'uml""'
' ' M "". U '
o-- llTtlli: , j,, i roll
re. .le n , .t,.
J I per a ..... 11... i. i '
. V. ' 15 r -1, slore. t altl
,. ..., M, M,n!mv!e; Mil!.-iii
! Fiore, Hertviek ; J
('Vine's Mil; Picket' slue.
i Oranzet ilie I
. err's mire, hi e Hall.
-irind Cvuulir-Michael Rcjiler' ii e.
le ; lreLonl A. Hav' s'.oie. McL'ens-
ville :
j ('e
E, L. Pi la-i 'a fl oe, Wat-oi.r.t ovn ; S. I.
"'ly & Co's More, Milton; Oil-en's mo. C;-!'
'"S'oaipje ; Foiavth' lo c, N.' -unl ;
i ouun's 'oie. S. iii u y.
Luzerne Cn.-i.v R- vn.d.i's i-tote, .
Ciildetalet Ve's -1 'ie. Wilkesbaire ; .av..-i,i', ,
Plymouth ; Siyei'a store-, Nanlic -ke ; Jo
Mail:' M P, Hoiilini.ten.
l-yeoming Count , U. CI pp's tore, Mup-
Shoeiiiakei's store. Smith's Mill.
Danvi'ile, May l, si.
Lime J Lime ! !
"H Eli'I'LC'IT'l LI. iiiIomiis his tueitds, ih t
flo be has t-oirnietice.1 the inisiuers of Linn
llundnu, i 11 the firm he JI"W ra-cupie. ie Inl
now on hand a ipjannty of Lime for srle, sn I in I
alwuy iii.leiv r lo ccoimnodaie ihoso who liiao
favor him with their custom.
Aoguti. April llth, lS!ri.6m
Wl !. ASS tTs I hTiii luafitySu-a7lTou-.'
Mola-c, only 14 J cents per quail; ulso,
upcifine ar icle of yellow Molls. for bako g, on
ly 12J cent per iU sit for (ale at Ihestoie l'
June 13. liar.. HRNRV MAsi-;p.
riHE lHrukTin Miisi Ihn: I'ii,"
M. iust been rereitej and Is lor ileal -lii-
Miy :to. if. pi. HP.vnv masi:i:.
iDiy.S SK.I.Vs. A hctT U ply "of .
Kli.lcy eV. Co' aupciior (iurdeu hue-U, iu-t
lieeised and for n le ai'tho stote nf
Miich tl, lmc. HENRV MASoLR.