0? m. - ' T The Veterans' t)enti. B SOLtAlnir. " r : A soldier, who bed served under Napoleon, was among the first victimi of the American t.inVt at Talo Alto,' am! when tome of hit com r.ulei halted beside hit bleeding form to eympa- tliise with him, he urged them en In pursuit of the Toe, remarking that he had but met a toldier't Me. . Upon dread Palo Alto's plain, When was heard war'a dim and rattle, A tnUlier mingled in the fight Who fearleet dared the front of battle. Oft he wa teen, with biting steel, Rushing in the roar of strife ' . Seeking foemon in their ranks- , Recking not for human life. Hi iron arm unhurt had waved O'er other fields well known in story Where shone the ttar of Ansterlita - On Eagle pinions bathed in glory;' Hut now the stern decree of fate, tins tped hit summons from the foe, And while with dauntless mien be fight, Death strikes the aged veteran low. "The foemen fly !" "TTark to that shoot The dying hero hears the cry, - And, raising up his drooping head, -The fire kindles in his eye. Brave men around him cluster now One holds him by his trembling hand While tears proclaim their grief that he No more, on earth with them shall stand. "Grieve not for me," he proudly says "Rrave comrades? on, and win the fieldl A soldier's fate is mine to day But, see ! to death, alone, I yield !" He listened to the sounds of strife, Then joined them with his dying cry "My last fought field is won," he shouts "The eagles foes inglorious flyl" HANK NOTE LIST. i r f i , v 1 " ' , . . 1 FEtfffSlXVANIA. ' A The Allowing list shows the current value of all rVnnfcylvanie Hank N.rtes. The mart Implicit re liance may I placed upon It, as it is trtry week refully compared with and corrected from Bick mil's Reporter. 1 ' Ranks la Philadelphia. ' ; Nas. . Location. pBitAn. NOTE 8 AT PAH. Bank of North America ' par Bank of the Northern Liberties ". . par Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . . Pr Farmera' and Mechanics' Dank . ' . . par Kensington Bank ' ' . Pr PhilMf4fthsst Bank." ' ,. .,".'" par Schuylkill Hank ' . . . psr Sontbwark Hank ' . par Western Hunk . , . P" Mechanics flank ' '' . . " ' par Manufacturers' eV. Mechanics' B.mk . , pr Bank of Penn Township . . '' GrardBsk . . i Bank of Commerce, Into Moy am nainrj par Bank of Pennsylvania . P' , Country Hank. Rank of Chester County! Bank of Delaware County Bank of Germentnwn Bank of Montgomery Co. Dnylrstown Dank GtsMn Bank Fsrmers' Hank of Buck co Dank of Northumberland Westchester Chester Germanlown Nnrrlstown Doylestown Easfnn BrMol Northumberland I'olumbi Bank A. tlridge c. Columbia Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancislei Dow Junior on tiik Moknino or Ijm Thero lay sermonising Dow Junior, deeeribinp life at twenty, in the following unique manner: 'My friends at twenty we are wild, wild partrige. There is no such a thing a taming ii ; wc ride that fierce, fiery, and headstrong nnimal, Pass'on, over fences, ditches, bulges, nml on to the devil leap the five-barred gate of reason, without touching the curb of discretion, r pulling harder than a tit-mouse upon the strong rein of judgment. O, at twenty you are perfect locomotives, going it at the rate of sixty miles an hour: your heart is the boiler love ia the steam, which you sometimes blow off in eight and hope, fear, anxiety, and jealousy, are the train that you drag. At this season of life, you are filled with the exhilerating gas ot ro mance: everything to you looks romantic, by pells even a jackass philosophizing over a barrel of vinegar. You (both girls and boys,) now read novels till your gizzards have soften- nl into a sentimental jelly, and settled into the pit of your stomach. O, I know how you feel I you feel as though you like to soar from stsjr to star! kick little planets aside take crazy comets by their blazing hair, and pull the in into their right courses sit upon the highest peak ot a thunder-cloud and dangle the red lightning between your thumb and fingers, aa a watch chain then dive into the golden sunset sea, and port with celestial syrens speed on, pull the nose of the blackguard in the moon ransack nil creation knock a few panes out of the win flows of heaven and then flutter down as gent ly as a breeze, and find the darling object of vimr InvA mendinir r( nek in its hv mnnnlivhl.' ' ' m- -j - That's how you feel." Lancaster County Bunk Lsncae'er Bank Farmers' Bank nf Reading Office of Bmk of Penn'a. Office do do Office do do Office do do NOTE 8 AT Rank of the United States Miners' Bank of Pottsvillu Dank of Lewistown Bank of Middlclown Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Io dit branch of Harrishurg Bank l,ehannn Hank Merrhanls' St Manuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg West Branch B ink Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks tounty Hank Office of Bank of U. 8. Do ato do Do do do Bank of Chambershurg Bank of Gettysburg Bank of Suquelanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' A Drovers' Bank Franklin Bank Hnnesdale Bank Monongahela Bank of B. par par par par par par par par par par par par pat I.nncaster Lancaster Reading HarrittliurfO These Lancaster I nil ices Reading ( do not Eastern J issue n. DISCOUNT. Philadelphia 83 ' Pot'svilln Lewistown I i Middletown Jul Carlisle J Pittsburg i HoMiclavshurg j Hnrrixliurg j Lebanon i Pittsburg j Piltsbutg Willitmsporl Ij W'ilkcHbaria 1 1 Alloiilnwn Reading Pitlsliurg failed Erie do New Bricbtnn do Chamliersburg 2 (iltysburg Montrose Ij Eria ljslj Wsynesburg JnJ Vnahini(ton H Hnebilo 1 1 Brownsville I i Yoik 21 PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, fjli' DAKvnviua, a. i THE suheciiber, late of the Union Hotel, Mun cy, Pa , respectfully informs the old and nu merous customers of the Pennsylvania Home. and the public generally, that he has leased the Tavern Stand of John Rhode, in Danville, where ha ia now prepared to entertain travellers, and per sons visiting the town, in the very heat style. The accommodations will be socb as a well conducted public house should affitrd, and no effort will he spared to render satisfaction, in every respect, to all who n ay call. The citizens of Lycoming county aie invited to put up with the undersigned when they visit Danville. HENRY WEAVER. Dan'i le. May 2, 1816. P K T HUB. MASSE II, RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY informs the citir.ens of Hunbury and vicinity, that he haa opened an rlrice at the resilience f Henry Master, in Market street, where be ia prepared to execute all kinda nf Dkrtal Mimosa?, Plate Work, dec , on the lutes! and mot approved plans. Hiving, nail some experience and instruction, under ne nf ibe moot eminent and sueccsaful Den tin's in Pbilad. lihia, he lielievcs that he will lc ab'e to give satisfaction to lliosc who may want his aervicea Lad ea will I waited on at their places of resi lience, Ills charges will be moderate, and his wo-k warranted. Hunbury, March S8th, 1846. whits'svait'hctel, Hack Struct, 1'itir.artKi.PHiA. IIV J. PETKItS HLS location ia convenient for Bus'ness men visiting the city. Every paint ia taken to se cure the comfort of t'svellera. March 7, 1846. ly H. B. IrlASSEPa, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, UlfBVRV. PA. Buslnesa attended to in the Counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Lveoming and Columbia. Refer toi P. & A. RavocriT. Lowta Ac Baaaorr. Boaiaaa tt, SwonoaAss, RaTNotna, McFaatann &, Co. Sraarao, Ooaa St Co., T1 York Bank N. li, I he notes or those hunks on which we omit quotations, and aubslitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANK8. Philadelphia 8av. Ina. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill 8av. Ins. do failed Kensington 8av. Ina. A do Penn Township 8av. Ins, do Manual Labor liana. ( I . Dyolt, prop.) failed Diear Dealino. A young and pretty girl stepped into a shop, where a spruce young man, who had long been enamored, but dared not speak, stood behind the counter selling dry foods. In order to remain aa long as possible, he cheapened every thing; at last, ahe said, 'I believe you think I am cheating you. 'Oil, no,' said the youngster, Ho roe you are always fair.' 'Well,' whispered the lady, blushing aa she laid an emphasis on the word, 'I would not stty ao long bargaining, if you were not so Jtar.' rpwanda Bank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of 8watara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank r armers V Mech ca Hunk Farmers' & MecVcs Bank F armers' A, Meeh'ce' Uiik Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumu'd Union Col. Uk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. & Msnuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. (TJ All notes puriiorting to be on any PennxvN vania Bank not given in the above li.l, may be set jown aa irauua. NEW JCIlKKir. Towamia Bedford Reaver Hanixtiurg Wai'liiugton lielb foute Pittxbun I'lltKburg Fayette co. (reeiicavtle Harmony Huntingtlon LeivisiMwii Warren Dundaft' New Hope Milton Meadville Port Carbon Carliale Montroae Ulitutilnwn (ireenaburs Wilkealarre noaale no aale closed rliHwnl failed ll.au-J no tale failed failed failed no sale no sale no aale failed no sale cl.aicd no sale closed Jailed closed failed closed WHOLESALE k DETAIL HAT & CAP WAREHOUSE, A'o. 301. Mttrkrt Sirrrt, above ftth, South iJe, PHIL ADSLFHIA, a THE subscrd era respectfully call the atten tion nf their friends ami da dcni to their large and well assorted stock of lists and C S of every dcaeiitinn. wi II adapted f r the spring trade. Be lug made nf H e best m ileri .l and by the moat ex perienced workmen, they feel confident to givenni versal snlisfxclion to all ho may favnr them with a trial, aa the off-r to aelt as low as anv linos in theci'y. BAR PALO IT & BLYNN. Philadilphia. January 3. I84B T 7 B!!!l Miss Splizfizzle's school is daily rising in re putation, for the refined morality inculculated by this excellent lady. Miss Martha Muzzle, come up to spell'ii.' P-i-l-l-o-w.' What does that spell?' 'It spell a a hem ! it a piten.' No. Try again.' 'Wal now, Martha, where did you put your bead last night V 'Oh, gracious mum ! I don't like to tell.' La I how modest the child w. But you must tell; coz it's accord in to the Jarnin' sy tem.' O dear don't ax me.' 'Fiddle I I shall, and you $kull answer.' Oine I wal a I muat I a Oh n I it-a waa on Bub Btdluw'skboulders but he's ny sweetherrt, and Ma knowa all about it.' Wh a a a l ! Miae Martha Muzzle, you are dimiied rite out of this are school, Sich doings would c'rupt every gal in the school every one on era. I never should bear of poth'o but shoulders again. Go rile out, roiv, this minute.-ioson Slur. Bank of New Biunawick Betvidere Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank farmers Bank Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmera' and Mechanics' Ilk Farmer' and Merchants' Bk Franklin Bank of N.J. Hoboken Bkg Si Crazing Co leraey City Bank Mechanics' Bank Manufacturer' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Uk Morria Canal and likg Co Pott Notea Newark Bkg & Ina Co New Hope Del Undue Cu N. J. Manufac. and Bkg t'u Brunswick Belvidere Met) ford Perth Amlwiy Bridget on Mount Holly Rahway N. Biunawick Mkl.lleon Pi, Jersey City Holt.. ken Jersey City Patterson ; Belleville Mnrriktowii FieeliolJ ' Newark Trenton Jersey Ctty failed 1 par i par liar i tailed 1 failed failed failed failed failed 4 failed J par Newaik LauibeiUvilla Hoboken no aale 1 Orange Paler mim do I'riucvtou Ctaleui Newark Eliiabeihtown t'auuleit Morruiown 'J'renliHi Haleni Newton Trenton Dover Hackenaack faile.l failed DLCEPINO IN UllVBCII. IWW Jr., SSJS.' Slueping in church is always tolerated ia a land of religious liberty ; but loud snoring k Qui anc to the more quiet and respectable stampers. N J Proleclon & Lombard bk Jersey C'iiy (.'range nana' Paleraon Bank Peoplea' Bank Piinceton Bank fealero Banking Co Stale Bank 8ui Bank Slate Bank Slate Bank of Muiiia iilate Bank Balem and Pbilad Munuf Co Buaaes Bank Trenton Banking Co Union Bank Washington Banking Co. DELAWARE. Bk of Wilm cV Brandy wine Wilmington Dana, or Ltalaware Bank of Suiyma Do blanch Farmera' Bk of Htale of Del i i Do braucb ! , Do branch , .Do branch Union Bank' OJ- Uudot 6'a 07 On all banks maiked toe counterfeit or altered notes of the various da- nonuneUona, ia circulation fallej i par par a i pir 1 failisl failed I -t failed par par par par par par par par P.r thus () there are i- Wilinington Buiyiiia Miltord Dover , Wilmington Georgetown Newcaalla Wilmington Renioval. DR. D. T. TRITE S, RESPECTFULLY lnrwma the ci t'zens of Hunbury and vieinitv, that he has removed hia lesidenc.e to the Brick I House in Market atreet. one door we t of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa- j vers, he hnpee to receive a continuation of the liber al patronage which has heretofore been eilend-d to him. Feb 28, 1846. Bin mWtour"house, LATE KIIADY'S HOTEL, Opposite the Court llouie, DANVILLE, PBZvTXr'A. THE Subscriber, viho aaaia'ed f.r se veiel veara in the mananemenl of the a We Hotel, lately kept by Mr. 8. A. Bra. dy, bees leave to inform the travelling public, that he haa taken the establishment on his own account, on the first of January, 1846. The House has, of late, undergone many impor tant alterations, and the present conductor promises to leave nothing undone to make it a comfortable and agreeable, as well aa a cheap and accommoda ting atopping place for strangers who may visit our flourishing village. No pains nor expense will be spared to fill the table and the bar with the best the msikets afford, and with tbn determination to ile vo'c bis entire persons! attention to the comfort of those who mav make hia house iheir temporary a bode, and aided by active, careful and obliging ser vants, he hnHs to give gen ral satisfaction, and re ceive a liberal share of ciMom. cri- Large and commodious ftTAtl!,E"l in it- lached to the establishment, which are atlendeJ by cart ful and obliging ho tiers. CIDKOM M. Ktiotif. January S4lh. 1840. tf i EVAN S & WATSON, No. 7fi Sh'th Tiiiko yTRitirr, Opjmnite the l'liilntldphia I'xrhmngi; Manufacture and kix ncoi - T&tfUntly on hand, a large as 'aVsortnieni nf their Patent Im- .Ti(lroed Salamander FIRE l.'kPROOF SAFES, tshichaie cnnsiructed aa to aet at rest all manner of doubt as to their being alrietlv fire proof, snd that ihey will resist the fire of any building in the world. The outaide case of the Kufes are made of boiler iron, tho inside c ie of aonptone, and be tween lb i uter case and inner case ia a space nf some 3 inelies thick, and is filled in with imle-lrur-lible m itoiil, as In nfake it sn impnibility to ever burn any of the ron'enla ineide of this t'best. These HaKtone Sal. iiiandeia we are piepared and do challenge the eild to produce any article In the shape of Book Hafea that will aland aa mui h heat, and we hold our mil v. a ready at all times to have I hem fairly teste I by public bonfire, should a ny ef out comrliirs del ili.powd to try them. We also continue lo mamifarlu'e and keep con stantly on hsnJ, Urge and general aaortmenl nf our Piemiuin Air llbt Fire Proof Kofes, i f which we have a Urge quanliiy in ur, and in every in tance they have given entire aatiafaclinn lo the purchasers of whk'h we will refer Ihe public to a lew goutlemen who have I hem in use, N. &. (I. Tax lor, l i'J north 3.1 si.; A. Wright & N' phew, Vine sl. wharf; Alexamler Caror, Con veyancer, comer of Fillert and 9th sis.; John M Fort, 34 north Hdl.; Myer. Bush, 20 nonh 3d I.; Bailey ft Bruiber, I'.H M.iket James M. Paul. 101 south 4 1 It st.; Dr David Juyne, 8 south yjht; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d at.; and we could name some three or four hut drcd others if il were necessjry. New we inviie the attention of the public, and iiaricularly ihose in want of Fire Proof 8fe, in call at our store Im fore purcha sing t'Uewhere, and e think we can aalisfy them that they will gel a la-itei and cheaper article at our store than any other esiuhbahment in the city. We alao continue to inantifactuie Seal and Co pying Prrsses, nisde in such a manner aa to an swer both puriea ; lloialing Machines, Fire Proof Doors, with our own nianutV tore of Im-ks on Ihem, with D. Evans's Patent Keyhole cover attached to the same; plain and ornamental Iron leaning, ie. N. U We keep ennlantly on hand a large as. sottment of our Psienl Mate Lined Kefiigerxta, Water rilletaand Ciders; and we have also on band save ral recond hand Fire Proof t7heata taken in ei change for ours, which we will do-pose of at very low puces. Philadelphia, January S4lh, 1846. ly mnriiKAT. The bTgbeat price given fur f f Wheat, at Ihe atore of H. MASSE K. A new supply of Ross Ointment juat received. Nov. 8th, 1846. - HERR'S HOTEL iiAnmniRcs, pa. IP RO , ave to inform the public that I have left Philadelphia, and am now located in Hania burg, the seal of the Executive and State Govern ment of Pennsylvania, where I now occupy ihe spacious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Matthew Wilaon. This spacious building, having been purposely planned and erected fur a Hotel nf the first class, is not aurpasaed if equa led, by any similar rated bailment in Pennsylvania ; and having undergone a thorough renovation, the parlors, rooms ami chamh) im are now fitted up in a atyle that com bines elegance with comfort and convenience. My TABLE is pleducd to be suppliod with the best fare the Markets can produce: the rbnrgea at the a i me time being aa moderate aa any of the bet regulated astat bailments elsewhere. In short, no rxcttinue shall be spared on my p rl, or on Ihe part of every memlr uf my household, to make il what it should be, in fie Capital ef one of the most pop ulous and interesting State, of the Union. With these promises, acenmmndatinna and fac't. lilies, and the fact that tbe Hotel is most eligibly situated, I wbh confidence, moat respectfully soli cit the patroiinge of the Public DANIEL HERR, Late of Hcrr's Hotel, Chesnut st., Pbilad. IT.rri burg. Nov. 22. 1N4.V To I'u i c li nticraj or DRV GOODS. ; ! FOURTKCM ' ' jyaluaUlc article. 1 Bataitta'e Vta)irrjo--a certain turt for 1 s worm nfe and very plewiani lo lake. 2. Oiaaoa'a Evtractw, which remove Crease of all kinds, Dry Paints, Tar, Varnish and W, from rarpeta or from clothing, without injuring tbe color or the cloth. 3. Lordo Fit Parra the best thing known for killing flies and muequitoca. 4. A certain Destroyer of Rsta, Mice, Roaches and Ante, and another of Btd Bu,rs. 6. (JraVa Smciric for sur stomach. Heart Burn and Water Brash, by one who had suRlred thirteen years, lefoie he discovered the cure. Da. 8TtvaVa Guts Oistmiht for the Piles. It has never failed to cure. 7. IfAaaiaosj'a Tsttsii Waari. 8. Bbkmoko's IantLiata las:, without a rival. 9. Tut Coairnt'-jn Covrrcrtoaj o Fios just the medic ine for children and for women, it ht so pleasant to take, 10. Buck's VtoKTiBtr, ATl bi t.tnrs Pn.it. 1 1. Omj'i Eaioitiaa r WaTaa-raonr Psts, for Harness, Boots, etc . It softens the leather, and keeps out Ihe water. 12. Poon Man'a fTR;BTHnajn PtiSTaa. 13. Jacasoa's Duaaanta MiiTunc, whiih curea the worst Diarrhrra in a few hours. 14 Jaegsoa's Dtstraav MiZTCar, a cer lain and speedy cure for Dysentery and Summer Complaint. 1'he above valuable articles are sold wholeaale and retail, by I.. C. GUNN. No. 1 South Fifth ttrrel, Philadelphia where Ston keepers and o there will be snpp ied with pure African Cayenne Pepper, Arnica Flowers, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glsss and Varnishea, at the lowest prices. Terms only rssh. rjj Cut out the advertisement, and bring It with you. Philadelphia, July 19th. 1845. ly. 11 71 Pk.aK-aaV BAR IRON Juat laceiveTand for aale, cheap forcah, by HENRY MA88ER. Munliury, Kept. 20, 1815. CUPERIOK Purl wine, Wadena and Lisbon winea. Alao superior Brandy and Gin, Lemon Hyrup. Alao a few barrels of Bios Fisa, fur aale by HENRY MA88ER. fcuubgry, July llth, 1 844. Jo. i t carl if., nr KIKK., 11 AYING fstahlihed a Branch at No. Ches- nut at., Philadelphia, ia now opening, anj wi! be constantly receiving from the New York Auc tions, an extensive assortment of FANCY fa STAPLE! DRY OOODS. which will be sold at the loweat New York pi ices at wholesale and Retail. Among hia slock will be found a good assortment of the fallowirg articles: Jaccnnels, Plsid, Hair Cold, Lace, Stripe, Book, Swisa and Tarlatan Muslins. Bishop and Linen Lawns, Fancy Cap Nrlts, Fancy and Ball Ureases, Thread Lares, Application Do., rich B'ack Silk lpmming Lace, Irish Linrna, Linen Cambrics. Linen Cambric Hdkfe., Curtain Fringes, Cashmere d'Ecoese, Mnueehne de Laiae. Silk and Cotton Warp Alpaccae,' Quoen'a Uolh, Gala Plaids, French Merinos, Black Silka, Gloves. Si k Hnec, Shawls, Craveia, Ribbon, Embroideries, Acic. Country Meichanta arvl othera visiting Pbifailel phia or New York to purchase, are rcaarctfully in vited lo call and examine Ihe sUkIs. No. 1, 1845. I y iTeTFe v ev xdT i t. THOMSON'S Coiiiiouiid Syr up ofTur & M ootl Nulba. "HIE unprecedented success of Ibis medicine, in J. the restoration of health, to those who, in des. pair, had gien up all hoes, haa given it en rxa'- ted reputation alove all nlhei remedies, fumirhing evidence of its intrinsic va'ne and power, aa the on. ly agent wh en can l relied up n for Ibe cure of fanacea, without avail. Pulmonary Consumption. Bronebiltis, Asthma. Pain in Ihe side and Breat, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac. Attention ia requested lo Ihe following ASTON ISHING CCRE.bv Thomson'. Compound Syrup of Tar end Wood Nsptha J ! Vhiluilrlphia, May &, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelings I inform you nf the astonishing elTects of your medicine, which has literally rais d me from a uealh-led I My direae, rulmonary Consump tion, bad reduced me so low ihst my physician pro. no.inred my case hopeless At ihis junction I be gin lo oi-eyour medicine, snd miraculous aa il may seem, il haa completely restored me to health, after i very thing else had failed. Respectfully vours, WASHINGTON MAt K. Charlotte street, shove Genige street. The undersigned, being personally acquainted with Washington Mack and hia sulk-rings, hear wilneaa to the astoijnhing effects of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth of Ihe a bove statement. JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third street, DAVID VICKEKS, 42 Almond street, HUGH M'GINI.EY, 8. E. eormr Tamany and Fourth elleel. Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. corner i f 5th and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. Agents. H. B. Masser, Sunbury ; D. Cross, and Dr. Macphersnn, Harrisburg ; Jno. G. Brown, Pultaville ; (Seo. Earl, Reading ; Ilnuston oV Ma. on, Towanda, Bradord county, Pa. Piice 50 centa h r bottle, or f 5 p. r dozen. Rru-art of till imilntion. Philadelphia, June 28lh, 1845. ly PIANO S. 1111 E SUBSCRIBER haa been appointed aaenl, . for tba a. la of CONRAD MEYER'S t EU EBRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI AN OS, at this place. These Pianoa have a plain, massive and Uamiful eiteiior fini-h, and, for depth and sweetness of lone, and elegance uf workman, ship, are not eurpataed by any in the United Slates. The following ia a recommendation fiom Caai Dists, a celt br ate J peifoimer, auj himself a man ufactuier; A CAItD. Hiviaa had the pleasuie of trying the excel lent Piano Fortes manfaetured by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited at lha last exhibition of the Franklin In stitute, I feel it due to tbe true merit of Ihe maker to declare that these iaatrumenUi are quite equal1 and in some respects even auperiot, te all the Pi ano Fortes, aaw at Ihe capitals of Europe, and during a aojourn of two years at Paria, Tbesa Pianoa will be sold at tbe manufacturer loweat Philadelphia prices, if not eomelhing lower. Persons are requested lo call and exaraiue for ibemaelves, at the residence of Ihe subscriber. Sunbury, May 17, 1845. H. B. MASSER. H 191 12, of e superior qaality , can now be had JJJ at the Lime Kilns of Henry Masser, in Sun bury. May 17, 1845. OAKLEYS DEPITRATITR SYIU'F. THE vnluab'e properties nf Oakley's Depura live Syrup nf Sarsaparilla, aa a purifier of the blond, is ao well known lo the public generally, that it is unnecessary to occupy much space in set ling forth Ihe advantages lo be derived from ila use ; w herever the medicine has once been intro. dueed, it tskes precedence over all nthera ; evety one that haa taken it, have derived so signal bene ficial results from it, that it is recommended by Ihem with the u'mnal confidence. Physicians of the highest stsnding in the profession, prescrile il to patients under their care ; containing nothing deleterious, but being composed nf the most mild, yel efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered with confidence, aa the chespest and most efficient pu rifier nf the blood now known. The use of a few hot i lea. especially in the spring months, will br at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds of diaeae that may have been generated, besides giving heslth and vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kinga Evil, Rheumatism. Teller, Pimples or eruptions nf Ihe Skin, White Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac. The no merous certificate in the possession of the subserl her and his agents, from physicians and nthera, are sufficient to convince the moat skeptical of its su periority over all preparationa of Sarsapsrills. Sold wholeaale and retail, by the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 5th street. Rea ding, Beika Cuonty, and to Im bad of the following pel sons : In Northumberland County. H. B. Masarrj Sunbury ; Ireland & Mixel, McEwensvRle ; D Krauser, Milton. In Union County.-J. Gearbart, Seliusgrove ! A. Gulelius, Mifflinburg. In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Wash ington. Beading, March 14, 184.1. Ma.Oiaiar: I lelieve il Ihe uty of every one lo do whatever in their aiwer I tea, for Ihe Ivne. fit of their fellow man, and having had po-iiive piiHif iu mv own family, of ihe wonderful prortie of your Deptiralive Syrup of SarsspsrilN, I m at Otfieeienliouly recommend il lo the afflicted. We bad lha misfortune to I. we two of our children, by the breaking out of ulceroua sores that covered the face, head and neck, although we had aome of Ihe most scientific physicians to attend lh-m and had tried all Ihe known le medics, including Swaim'a Another of my children was attacked in the same manner, her face and neck waa completely covered; the discharge waa ao offensive, and ihe disease at auch a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Depurative Syrup of 8nsaiarilU, we weie induced to make trial of il, as the Isst resort ; it acted like a charm the ulcers commenced healing Immediately, a few bottles entirely restored her to her health, which ahe has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since. As s purifier of Ihe blood, I verily be lieve it baa not ita rqoal, JOHN MOYER, Tailor. Walnut street, nesr Fourth, Reading. Douglasaville, April 19th, 1843. Ma. Osaixt : My eon Edmund !eaf, bad Ihe scrofula in ibe'moat dreadful and da-tresaing man ner for three years, doting which lime he was de prived of the use of his limbs, hia he id and neck were covered with ulcers. We trid sll the differ enl remedies, hut to no effect, until recommended by lr. Johnson ot Noriistown, anJ also Dr. Isaac H tester, of Reading, to use your Depurative Syrup of Sarsaparilla, of which I obtained several bottlea. ihe use of which drove Ihe disease entirely out of his system, Ihe sore healed up, and Ihe chikl was restored to ierfret health, which he has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, lo the asloniabmenl ef many peraona who seen him during hia affliction. I have thought it my duty, ami send yw this certi ficate thai othera who haves bke affliction in tbe family may know where to obtain ao valuable a medicine. Yours truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 16, 1843, I y 1 ANIinY & II O C A I, WnOLMALH 4V RBTAIX. HAT & CAP MAMFACTUKEUS, South East romr of Market and 4th !$.. Philadelphia, TlHERE ihey alwaya keep on hand an exten- aive assortment ef HATS U CA PS of every description, got up in the beat and most approved stj le. Peiaoiis derirous ef purchasing superior sni des on Ihe most reasonable terms, will find il lo Iheir advantage to call before making purchases elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. 5th, 1844. ly CITY FURNITURE AUCTION, UTD T JUVATS SALES BOOMS, Nog. SO and 31 North Third Street, Near th City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in a vitea tbe attention of peraona desirous of pur chasing Furniture, to bis extensive Sales Rooms, iboih public snd Private,) for every 4eeeriptie ef louacbold Furniture, where can be obtained at all limes, e Urge assortment ef fashionable end well soanuractnred Cabinet Furniture, Beda, Matlraaaea, &.C., at very reduced prices, for ease). 03" Bales) by Auction, twice a week. May iTin, 1843. ly ROSE OINTMENT FOR TETTER. ttrmWOKM), T-tMPt.F" OW THB fACE, AND OTHU . ri'TAtntorn Mt rrtoTrsj. . ffj' The following rertijira'e drieribrt one of lha . tnot extraordinary eurtt ever effetted by any ' application. ' Pim.Antt.itrA, Febrosry 10, 18M. T70R twenty yesrs I waa severely afflicted Wilh ' Tarran on the Face and Head: the disesse commenced when I waa seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 1836, varying in vio. lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of ihe time, great part of my face waa covered with ' tbe eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing ; my head awel'ed at times until it fell aa if it ' would burst the swelling was so great, that I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long period thst I wassffiicted with the disease, I , used a great many at plication, (among ihem several celebrated preparation aa well as taking inward remedlna. including a number nf holt lea of Stoaii'a Panaera, KxlVncf of Sartnpnrilla, Ac, In fact, it would be impossible lo enumerate all the medicines I ueed. I waa also under the care of two of ihe most dis tinguished physicians of ibis city, but without re ceiving moch tienetit, and I deapaired of ever being cured. In the fall of 18:tn, the disease at the time, being very violent, I commenced using the Rose Ointment, (prepared by Vsughan At Davie.) In a few applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling abated, the fruition began lo disappear, snd before I had used a jar the disease waa entirely cured. It has now been nearly a year and a half since, and there ia not a vestige of the disease re maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed bv the disease. It is imnossilde for ma in ,Wrik in a certificate the severity of ihe disease and my suffering, but I will be pleased to give fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will enll on me. At the time I commenced using Ihe Rose Ointment I would have given hun dreds nf dollara lo be rid of ihe disease. Since u sing il, I have recommended it lo several persona, (among Ihem my mother, who had the disease bad ly on her arm,) who were a! cured bv it, JAMES DURNELL, No. 156, Race St. fj" The Rose Ointment Is prepared by E, B. Yaughan, 8outh East rorner of Third and Race streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu ry. by H. B. MASSER, M ay 14th, 1843. - Agent, Itosc Ointment, for Tetter. A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. PHiLanaLriiiA,May 37th, 1839. 'PHIS ia to certify that I was severely afflicted wilh Tetter in the hands and f. el for upwanbi of forty years; the disesse was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I applied to ,i nutrbcrof physicians, and used a great many appli cations without effecting a cure. About a yea aince, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entireK, siopd ihe itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured the disease, which there baa been m return of, although I had never been rid of it a any lime for forty years. RICHARD SAVAt-E Eleventh, below Spruce Street. Cj The Rose Ointment ia" prepared by E. V Yaughan, 8 uth East corner of Third and Raca Streela, Philadelphia, and aold on agency in Sunhu ry. by H. U. MASSER. May 14th. 1843. Age) MEDXCAX. APPROBATION Of the ROSE OinTMEWKfor Tetter. ALTHOUGH the superiority of the prepaiatioi over all nthera ia fully es'ahlixhed, the proprie tors take pleasure in laying before ihe public ih following certificate from a respectable physicist a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. D i Usurp, having found in this remedy that relief f i a ledioua and disagreeable affection which the meat within Ihe range of his profession failed lo affon has not hesitated to give it disapprobation, althoug the prejudicee and interests of that profession at opposed to secret Remedies. I HilanKiruii, Wept. I yt ln.lo. I waa recently troubled with a tedious herpet. eruption, which covered nearly one st le uf my f e and extended over the ear. Mr. Vauhan, propri tnl of the Row; Ointment, obseiviug my face, inst led on my trying his preparation, of which he hai ded me a jar. A Ithoueh in common with the men here of my profession, I discountenance snd disa; prove nf the numerous nostrums palmed upon tl public by iunoi ant pretenders, I feel in jusiice bout lo except the Rose Ointment from that cla of rW dicines, snd lo give it my spprobation, aa il entir ly cured the eruption, although it h id resisted ll ummI applications. DANL. BAUGH, M. D. (J- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. Vsughan, South East corner of Third and Ra Streeta, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Su bury, by H. U. MASSER. May 14th, 1843. Age Counterfeiter!' DEATH BLOW. rPbe public will pleaae observe that no Brandic -1 Pilla are genuine, unless ibe box haa three bets upon it. (the top, the sii'e and tbe hottni each containing a fac-simiU signature of my hai writing, thus B. UaannasrH, M. D. These i bel- aie engraved on steel, beautifully deaignt and done al an expense of over 2,000. Thrrefv it will he seen that the only thing necessary lo p cure ihe medicine in ita purity, ia to observe tin labels. Remember the top, Ihe side, snd the botto The following respective persons are duly auth. xed, and hold CERTIFICATES OF AGENCY For the aale of brandreth't Vegetable Vniver. Pill. i Northumberland rnunlv I Milton Markey Chamlieilin. Sunbury II. B. Manser. M'Ewe-: vilkv Ireland dr, Meixell. Norihuml-eilend YV Forsyth. Georgetown J. & J. Walla. . Union County i New Uerbn Boga & V ter, Selinagrove George Gundium.. Midul burg laaae Smilb. Beavertown David Hub. Adam.burg W'm. J. May. Mifflinsbrjrg Men. it Ray. Hartlelon Daniel Long. Freebur G. Sl F. C. Moyer. Iwiahurg Walls St Gre Columbia county l Danville E. B. Reyno dr. Co. Berwick Sbuman Jr. Rillenhouse. U tswisaa G. G. Brohta. Bloomaburg John Moyer. Jeaeey 1'own Ievi Biael. Washing' Roht. McCay. Limestone Ball fc M:Nie Ohaerve that each Agent haa an Engraved O liBcate of Agency, containing a representation Ot BRANDKETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sii and upon which wiU also be seen exact copies ihe new label new uted upon the Brandreih J Boxt. Philadelphia, office No. 8, North 8th atreet. B. BRANDKETH.M.D JuneStlh 1848. aeors;e J. Weaver, BOPB B0AXJ3R 4V SHIP CBAItDLSt No. IS North Water Street, Philadelphia. ' AS constantly on band, a geueral as tnent of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac., a Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Ma la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Alat complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac such Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent t Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, 81 Threads, Ac Ac Alao, Bed Corda, Plough Lit H altera. Traces, Cotton snd Linen Csrpet Che Ac, all at which he will dispose of on reaaooi terms. ' Philsdelphis, November 1 3, 1 143. ly.