Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 12, 1846, Image 4
A fprlakllnsr eflrlah. A Hibernian, with a poll red M the Red I .ton at Brentford, md rendered still more red j I'V a enpiom discharge of blood, which oofed through dirty raff tied nvefa recent wound his scalp, applied at Dow afreet at the bo cmninff of tho week for a warrant, when the tnllowiniF dialogue took ptnee; Mtigittrnte'WeM, Pat,' (for hi cminten i.nce operated aa a sort of finder post, pointing to the road from whence he ramo) what do you wnt?' 'I'd be wanting a warrant, plase ycr Ho nor. , Against whom V Arjin IWncy O'Leary, plate ycr River- nee.' For what V 'For mnrther yer Grace.' 'When did be mordc rV 'Divil a creature but myeelC 'cr Honor.' 'And has he murdered you !' 'fty my soul he has, bad luck to him t He rut a hole in my head big enough to bury his cut.' 'He has'nt killod you outright, I sec.' 'It's not his !ault that he has'nt, yer honor, f r he inlindcd it, snd nothing surer. 'I suppose an assault warrant will suit your purpose V 'Yer Honor knows what's bent and I'll take wlwt I can git.' 'When did he asssult you ! Ist night that erer was, yer Riverence." 'Did he hit you wkh a stick !' 'For God he didn't yer Honor, but wid a p ker.' 'A poker ! That's a dangerous weapon.' 'Divil a doubt ot it.' Where were you V 'Where waa 1 ! why, in bed to be sure.' Asleep or awake !' 'As sound ss a roach, yer Honor.' 'And what provocation her! you given him V Divil a provocation at all, yer Honor; How could I when I was sound asleep ! What ! do you mean toay he came to your bedside and struck you in this dreadful manner with out tho slightest provocation ! It's truth what you say, ycr Honor, barring he came to his own bedside instead of mine.' His own bedside were you in his bed !' 'Faith, you just guessed it, yer honor. And what brought you there V That's more than I can tell, yer Honor, bar ring the liquor that waa in me.' And waa this all you did to provoke hia an ger' Divil a thing else.' Was there any other person present V Not a creature, indipindint of his wifs.' - 'His wife V 'Of cooree.' 'Of course! and don't you think you deser ved what you got!' 'Is it me V 'Yes, you.' 'S.ire it waa all a mistake, yer Honor, 1 ;lioukht 'twas my own wife, and divil a hair of her head I touched.' 'That may be ; but you must be more care tut in future, andl think under these circum fc'incea you must be content with what you liBve got, for I cannot grant a warrant.' Thank yer Honor ; but when he hits me agin it wont be for nothing.' Kxil rat, shrugging bis shoulders, odu evi dently disappointed. It turned out that the fellow went drunk to the bed, and waa unconscious where he was, till Harney, gave him a gentle hint with the iron persuader and fortunately bis scull was thick t-nough to resist the intended finisher. Barney's wife, who waa awoke by the shock, lent her Assistance in whacking him out of the room She ex pressed her utter unconciouaness of his presence, till her lawful lord arrived and die- covered the intruder. . No Pat No Paper. The editor of the Western Citizen (Chicago.) weekly psper, Mixpends the publication when the money does not come in. When his subscribers pay up, he issues another number, and waits for the next supply of funds. The subscribers, of course, cannot complain of thia arrangement, for all they have to do is to pay regularly to be served reg ularly. Slandrrocs. It is said that girl in Pit- field, Mass., was struck dumb by the firing of a cannon. Since then a number uf married men it is said, have invited tho artillery companies to come and diechargo their pieces on their pre' inisea ! Fellow CitizemV rs'td candidate for Congress, recently, somewhere 'out West,1 Fellow citizens! you are well aware I've got no edication, 1 never went to school in all my lite but three times, and that was to night achat; Two nights the teacher didn't come, and the loilier night I had no candle! " A Hardened Osfrndfr. A hardened oflen tier about being hung, the attendant clergyman under the impression that he was a repentant miner, thus addressed him 'In few moments you will te in another snd a better world; I envy your place.' Do youV aaid he eagerly, 'how'll you swop situations V A SriaiT or Favlt finpisq an unsatisfied temper a constant irritability little ioequsli ties in the look, the temper, or manner, a brow cloudy and dissatisfied will more than neutral ua all the good you can do, and render life anything but t blessing. - II A If K IfOTE LIST. PENWSlflsVAWIA. The following list howe the current value of all rVnnsylvsnis Bank N.rtes. The most implicit re liance may he placed npon it, as it U every week artfully compared with and corrected from Bun nell's Reporter. flanks la Philadelphia. Nam a. Location. IIISC. Iff PmtAn. par par par par . par : par par par par par par par par psr psr NOTES AT PAR. Bunk of Notih America . . Bank of the Northern Liberties Commercial Bunk of Penn's. . .' Farmers' snd Mechanics' Bank Kensington B.wk Philadelphia Bank Schuylkill Bank . . . Snulhwsrk Bank Western Bunk Mechanic' Bank Manufacturers' St Mechanics' Bjnk flank of Penn Townahip . dirard Bask . . Bink of Commerce, late Moyamcnsing Bank of Pennsylvania . Country Hanks. Bank of Cheater County Westchester par Bank of Delaware County Chester par Bank of Cermantown Germentown par Bank of Montgomery Co. Nornslown par Doylestnwn Bank Doyleatown par Esston Bank F.naton par Farmers' Bank of Bucks ro Bristol par Bank of Northumberland1 Northumberland psr Columbia Bank & Bridge co. Columbia par Farmers' Bank of I.ancaater l.ancaatei par I.ancaater par ,ancater County Bank Lancaster Bank Farmers' Bank of Heading I.ancaater pat Resiling par Office of Bank of Penn'a. Hsrrisburg" These I.ancaater I offices Heading J do not Office Office Office do do do NOTE8 do do do AT Easton J issue n DISCOUNT. Rank of the United 8tates Miners' Bank of Pottsvillu Philadelphia Pottavills Iwiiitown Middletown Carlisle Pillsburf Hnllidsysburg Hsrrisburg Iehanon Piltahurg rittabutg Williamaport Wilkesharre Allentown Resiling Pittsburg 23 i Jal 1 i J 1 Bsnk of Iewitown Bsnk of Middlotown Carlisle Bank Exchange Bsnk Do do branch of Harrishnrg Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Msnuf. Bsnk i i i Bank of Pittsburg West Branch Bank Wyoming Bsnk Northampton Bank it Berks County Bank Office of Bank of U. B. failed Do do do Do do do Erie New Brighton Chambersburg Gcttyaburg do do Bank of Chambersburg i Bank of Gettyshurg 1 Bank of Susquehanna Co. Brie Bank Farmers & Drovera' Bank Montrose Erie Wsynesburg Washington Honesdale Brownsville York 14.1 lt Franklin Bank Honesdale Bank MonnngaMe Bank of B. I York Bank 11 N. B. The notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, snd substitute s dash ( ) sre not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANK 8. Philadelphia 8av. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Philadelphia do do do do failed failed Schuylkill Sav. Ins. fuilod Kensington 8sv. Ins. A Penn Township 8av. Ins. Manusl Labor Bank (T. W, Dyotl, prop.) failed Powsnda Bank I'owanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swatsrs Bedford Beaver Han isliurg Washington llclhfonte Plttxhuig Piltxlmrg Fayette co. Grecncaallo Harmony no sale clnsei closed failed closed Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank no a Farmers & Rtoch cs Hank Farmers' Si Mcch'cs' Hank Farmere'cV. Mcch'cs' Bank Hsrmony Institute . Huntingdon Bsnk failed failed failed no sale Hunliugilon no sale Lewinlown nos.ile Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Warren Dun.latl' New Hope Milton Meadville Port Carbon Carlisle Montrose Uniontnwn failed Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Nortbumh'd Union Col. Bk. North W extern Bank of Pa. no sale closed no sale closed Office of Schuylkill Bank Ps. Agr. dt Msnuf. Bank failed Silver Lake Bank closed Union Bsnk of Penn's. failed Westmoreland Bank Greens! turg closed Wilkeaharre Bridge Co. Wilkesbsrre nossle rrT All notes puriiorting to he on sny Psiinoyl vsnis Bsnk not given in the slove list, insy be set Jown aa frauds. NEW JKIISUY. Bank of New Biuoswick Brunswick failu! Belvideie Bank llelvi.lere Burlington Co. Bank Medford pa Commercial Uauk IVrto Amiioy Cumberland Bank BrMgelon' Farmers' Bank Mount Holly Farmers' snd Mechanics' Bk Rshwsy Farmers' snd Mechanics' Bk N. Biunawick P V (aile. Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown Pi. Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City failed lloboken BkgeV tiruzing l-o lioUiken faid lersey City Bank Jersey City failed Mechanics Bank 1'atieraon Belleville Morristown Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City fail Manufacturers' Bank failed Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. J filled Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Msnuf. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co Poal Notes Newark Bkg &, Ins Co New Hoi Del Bridge Co ps Ihi sal Newark LanilM'iuvills N. J. Msnufac. snd Bkg Co failed N J Prolecton Si LoinUid Jk Jersey City Orange Bank Orsnge failed Paterson Bank PaH-raon failed Peoples' Bsnk do Princeton Bank I'micelim par Halem Hanking Lo ctaleio par male Usnk' INewark State Bank Eliiabelhtown 1 Slate Bank Camden par Slate Bank of Morris Moriiatown ) State Bauk Trrnloo failed Salem snd Philsd Maiiuf Co Salem failed Suasex Bank Newion ) Trenton Banking Co Trenton par Union Bank Dover j Wsshinglou Banking Co. Hackenssck failed UF.LAWAR K. Bk of Wilm St Brandy wine Wilmington par Bank of Delaware Wilmington par Bank of Ssayrns Smyrna psr Do branch Miliord par Farmers' Bk of Stste of Del Dover psr Do branch Wilmington par Do branch Georgetown par Do ' brauch Newcastle par Union Bsnk Wilmington psr fTJ- Under fi's j (Q- On sll banks marked thus ( there sre sk Ibsr ceunlerfsit or slurred nolss of the various de- noouaauons, ia circulation. WHITE 377" AIT HOTEL, Racb Strict, PMisanrtPHaA. IIV J. PETERS. THIS location is convenient for Business men visiting the city. Every pains is tsken to so. cure ths comfort of travellers. March 7, 1846. ly - Kcmoval. D. T. TXIXTES, RE8PECTFULLY Informs ths ci tacns of Sunbury snd vicinity, that hs has removed his residence to ths Brick House in Market street, one door wet of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thinkful for past fa- ora, he hopes to receie s continuition or the liber al patronage which has heretofore lieen etendrd to ,im. relt 2H, lm.-ni MONTOUH HOUSE, LATIi nilADY'S HOTEL, Opposite the Court llntite, DANVILLS) PENN'A. THE Surfcriher, who sssia'ed for sc. van I yesra in the management of lbs a- hove Hotel, lately kept riy Mr. o. a. ira. ffdv. b. a leave to inform the travelling puh'ie, that je hss tsken the establishment on bis own account, on the firat of January, 1846. The House has. of late, undergone many impor tant alterations, snd the present conductor promises to lesve nothing undone to make it a comfortable snd sgreeshle, sa wsll ss s chesp snd scenmmods ting atnpping place for strsngers who may visit our flourishing village. No pains nor etpense win on spared to fill the table and the bar with the best the msikets afford, and with the determination to de. vo'e hia entire personal sttention to the comfort of those whe msv mske his nouso ineir temporary lode, snd aided by active, careful and obliging ser. vsnts, he hopes to gie general satisfaction, and re ceive s liberal ehsre ol custom. irf Larse snd commodious STABLES srsst' tsebed to the establiahment, which are attended by careful and obliging ho llers. GIUEU M. Bnuur. January J4lh, 1846. tf EVANS & WATSON, No. 70 Sot'Tii Third Street, Opoile the Philadelphia Exchange, Manufacture and ksepcorv kstantly on hand, a large aa Fsortment of their Patent lm P ...i a.i.n..n.l. FIRE 1 i HfPROOF SAFES, which are ,,... . 6tJ! consirocieo as m ","jr-" manner of doubt as to their V . I - ... M. S? being strictly fire proof, and that thev wrll resist the Gre of any building in the world. The oulaide-caae of the Safes sre maile ol boiler iron, the inside cie of soapstone, snd be tween the outer ease snd Inner esse is a space of sums 3 inches thick, and is filled in with inde-trur-tille nmciil, so ss to mske it sn impossibility to ever burn snv of the contents inside of this Chest, These Soamtone Sstamanders we sre prepsred snd do chstlengs the world to produce sny srliele in the shaps of Book 8afes thst will stsnd ss mucn best, snd we hold ourselves resdy st all times to bsve them fsirl tested bv Public bonfire, should a ny of our competitors feel disposed to try them, We also continue to manufacture snd keep con' stantlv on hand, s Isrce snd general esortment o our Premium Air-tieht Fire Proof Safes, of which we have s large quantity In use, snd In every in stsnce they have given entire aatiafaction to the purchasers of which we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have them in use. N. St G. Tsylor, 129 north 8J St.: A. Wright Si Nephew, Vine st. wharf : AlextnoW Osror, Uon vevsnccr. corner of Filbert and Oth sts.t John M Ford, 32 north 3d st.; Mvers Bush, 20 north 3d .: Bsilev St Brother. 134 Msket stJ Jsmes M Paul, I nt south 4 th st.; Dr. Dsvid J syne, 8 south 3d at.: Matthew T. Miller, 10 south 3d at.; an we could name some three or fnur hut dred other if it were necessary. Now we invite the attention of the public, and particularly those in wut of r ire I "roof Huffs, to call at our store tx lore pnrens ing elsewhere, and we think we can satisfy them thai they wilt get a belter and cheaper article a our store than anv other establishment in the city. We also continue to manufactuie Seal and Co rvine Presses, made in such a manner ss to an swer both puroea ; Hoisting Machines, Fire Proof Doors, with our own manufacture of locks on them, with D. Evans's Patent Keyhole cover attached to (he seme; plain and ornamental Iron itniling, CVe. N. B. Wc keep cnm-tonlly on hand a large as snrtment of our Paten! Mate Lined Kelnger t'H Water Filtera and C .ler; and we have also on hand several ternd hand Firi Pnnif Chests taken in exchange for ours, which ws will dispose of at very low prices. Philadelphia. January 24 h. 1846. ly WHOLESALE F.ETAIL H AT & CAT WAUKIIOL'SK, A'o. 301. Murkrt Street, above Qlh, South siuV, rHILADSLFHIA. fit THE sulrscnl era resirectfully call the atten S lion of their friends and deters to their large and well aascrled stock of Haia and C a of every deaciinlion. will adapted f r the si ring trade. Us ing made of the beat miteri .1 sad by the mnl ex (lerieneed workmen, they feel confident to give tin verail satisfaction to all who may favi ibem wil a trial, ss they offer to aell aa low aa sn? house in Iheeity. 1JA K rAI.U IT oc UMNa,libia. January 3. 1846 T " To IurIiaM'rsj of DRY GOODS. .. 121 I'rurUt, NEW ytKK, HAVING eMuhli-hed a Branch at No. Cher nut at., Philadelphia, is now opening, and will be constantly receiving from the New York Auc tions, an eitensive assortment of rA.NCT fc STAFZ.B DRY GOODS, which will be sold at the lowest New York pi ices at wholesale snd lt. Among his stork will he found a gfHxl sssoitmeiit of the following articles; Jaeconets, Plaid. Hair Cord, Lsce, 8iri, Book, Swiss snd Tarlatan Muslins, Bithp and Linen Lawns, Fancy Cap Nells, Fancy and Ball Dresses, Thread Laces, Application D ., rich Black Silk Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Csmbrics, Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringea, Cashmere d'EcoSfe, Mousebne do l.aiae, bilk and Cotton Warp Alpaccss, CJuoeu's Cloth, Gsls Plaids, French Merinos, BUck Silks, Gloves, Hi k Hose, Shawls, Cravats, Rihhons, Embroideries, Ae., Ae. Country Merchants snd others visiting PhiladeU phis or New Yoik to purchase, sre respectfully in vited to call snd eismine the slocks. Nov. 1, 1645. ly W" illJAT. I he highest price given fur Wheat, st ths store of H. MASSE R. A new supply of Kose Ointment just received. No. 8th, 1845. Dm ml 17JJJU- 1 1 im-t BAR IKON Just received and foe sals, cheap forca-h, by HENUY MASS EH. Sunbury, Sept. 20, 1845. . tUPKKIOH Port wine, Maderia and Lisbon wines. Also superior Brandy snd Gin, Lemon yrup. Also few barrels of Hies Tier, for sals by HENRY MASSE R, Sunbury, July I9ih, 1845. H. B. iVIASSEP., ATTORNEY AT LAW, sxrirBV&T, PA. Business sttended to in the Counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Lycoming snd Columbis. Merer loi P. A. Pbvocht, Lowaa A. Biaaoir. Hour, a a A. Ssoiiosass, Rstwotns, McFahiikii 6c Co. Sessrwo, Goon St Vo., KERR'S HOTDZi, HARRISDITIKiSs l'A. I REG lesve to Inform the public thst I hsve left Philadelphia, snd sm now located in Harris. bure. the aeat of Ihe Eieeutive and Stste Govern ment of Pennsylvsnis, where I now occupy the spneious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Mstthcw Wilson. This spacious building, having been purposely dinned and erected for a lintel of the first class, is not surpassed if equalled, by sny similar esiab- liahmcnt in Pennsylvania ; snd having unuergone s thorough renovation, the parlors, rooms snd ehambens sre now fitted up In a stylo thst com bines elegance with comfort and convenience. My TABLE is pledged to be supplied with Ihe best fare the Markets can produce: tho charges st the sme time being ss moderate as sny of the best regulated sslol lisbments elsewhere. In short, no eisrtions shall be spsred on my p irt, or on the part of every memtr of my household, to make it wnat it should le, in the Uspitai or one ol inn tnosi pop ulous and interesting Siate of the Union. With these promises, accommodstions and faci lities, snd the fact thst the Hotel is most eligibly situated, I wih confidence, moat respectfully soli cit Ihe patronage of ihs Public UAPIItili HLKK, Late of llerr's Hoiel, Chesnut st., Philad. Ham burg. Nov. 22. I H45. FOritTEBN IBacnsta a Viaviircoa- a err t tun cure for s worms tnfr. and verv nlratanl to take. 8. Giaaos'a Extbactb, which remove Creese of sll kind, Dry Paints, Tar, Varnish and Was, from carpets or from clothing, without injuring the color or the cloth. . 3. Losnos Fit Paesa the beat thing known for killing flies snd musquitoes. 4. A certain Destroyer of Rats, Mice, Koachrs and Ants. snd another or tied lleie. 6. Guss'a 8rrciric for or stomach. Heart Burn and Water Brash, by one who had auffi red thirteen years, before he discovered ths cure. Da. Stsv es s Gaasa Uistmsht lor the riles, It hss never fsiled to cuie. 7. Habbisob's Tkttkr Wash. 8. Bbsmobd's Isdklibls Isk, without rival. 9. Tea Coisrouan Cofkctiok or Fies just the medicine for children snd for women, it is so plesssnt lo tske. 10. Beck s Visitable Astibiliocs r-itts, 11. GCBS'S EoOtLIEHT WaTEB-SBOOS PaBTB. for Harness, Boots, dec. It softens the leather, and keepa out the water. 12. Poor Mar s Btrsbsthsbixi master. 13. Jacksor's Diabbboza Miitcbe, whii cures the worst Disrrbasa in a few hours. 14 JaCSSOS S DVSEBTABT MlETCBS, S Cer tain snd speedy cure for Dysentery and Summer Complaint. The atove vslusble articles are sold wholesale and retail, by I C. GUNN, Kit. I South Fifth ttreet. Pkiladelvhia where Siortkeeiiers snd o- ihers will be sunp'ied with pure Africsn Cayenne Pepper, Arnica Flowers, Drugs, Psints.Oils, Glsss snd Vsmishes, si ths lowest prices. Terms only cssh. fjj" Cut out the sdvertiscment, snd bring it with you. Philadelphia. July I9ih. 1845. ly. HEL1KVK AND L I V E . THOMSON'S Compound Syrup of Tar &. Wood 1 a pin a. niHE unpreefxlented suceets of this medicine, in 1 the restoration of beabh, to those who, in des pair, had given up all hopes, hss given it nn ezat led reputation tove all other remedies, furnishing evidence of its intrinsic vatue and power, as trie on ly agent which ran he relied upon for the cure o Pulmonary Consumption, Brnnchiitia, Asthma Pain in the side and Brea't, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Couch, Croup, &e. Attention ia requested to the following ASTON ISHING Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood N apt ha ! ! rhlla.lrlphia, May 3d, 1844 MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelings I inform you of Ihe aslouishing effects of your medicine, which hss literally ibis d me from sdeath-bed! Mv disease, Pulmorfary Consump lion, had reduced me so low that my physician pro. nojnced my case hopeless ! At this junction I be gan to n-eyour medicine, and miraculous ss it may seem, it hss completely restored me to health, after everything elae bad failed. Itevpectfullv vours, WASHINGTON MACK. . Charlotte street, shove George street, The undersigned, being personsllv scquaintrd with Wsshington Mack and his sufieringe, bear witness to the satonihbing effects of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tsr, snd ibe truth of the as bove statement. JDS. WINNER. 318 North Third street, DAVID VICKEKS. 42 Almond street. HUGH M 'GIN LEY, 8. E. corn.r Tsmsny and Fourth streets. Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of 5lh snd Spruce streets, Philadelphia. Agents. II. II. Masser, Sunbury ; D. Gross, and Dr. Macphcrsnn, Hsrrisburg ; Jn. G. Brown, Poltsvitle ; Geo, Earl, Reading t Houston Si Ma on, Towauda, Brsdiord county, Pa. Price 50 cents r holtle, or $5 per dozen. (Jj" Hrware of all imitation. Philadelphia, June 28lh, 1845. ly PIANOS. THE SUBSCRIBER haa been appointed agent, for the sale nf CONRAD MEYER'S CEL EBRATED PREMIUM R'SK WOOD PI ANOS, at thia place. These Pianos have a plain, msasive and Im auliful siterioe unih. snd, for depth snd sweelueea of lone, and elegance of workman ship, are not surpassed by sny in the United Slates. The following is a recommendeiion from Casi Diets, a celebrated performer, sod himself s man. ufactuier: A CAR II. Havibb hsd the plessure of Irying ihe escel lent Piano Fortes msnfsctured by Mr. Meyer, snd eihiblted st ths last exhibition of the Franklin In. atitute, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker lo declare thst tbesa instruments sre quite equsl' snd in some respects even superior, lo all the Pi ano Fortes, 1 ssw at Ihe capitals of Europe, and during a sojourn of two yesrs at Paris. These Pianos will be sold at the manufacturer's lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower. Persons sre requested to esll and eismiue for themselves, st the residence of the aubsciiher. Sunbury, May 17. 1846. H. B. MA88ER. El ME, of s superior quality, can now be had J at ths Lime Kilns of Hsnry Masser, in Sun bury. Msy 17, 1845. OAKLEYS IKPtTn atitr sim p. THE vatunbto properties nf Oakley's Depura five Syrup nf Ssrsapsrilla, ss s purifier of ths blood, Is so well known to ths public generally, thst it is unnecessary to occupy much spare in set ting forth the advantages to be derived from its uss t wherever ihs medicine hss once been intro duced, it Iskes precedence over sll others t eveiy one thst hss taken it, have derived so signal bene ficial results from II, Ihst it is recommended by them with the utmost confidence. Physicians of Ihe highest stsnding in the profession, prescribe it lo patients nnder their csre enntsining nothing deleterious, but being composed ot the most mild, yet efficacious vegetable materials, it la offered with confidence, ss the cheapest snd most efficient pit. rifier nf ihs blood now known. The use of s few bottles, especially In ths spring months, will be at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds nf disease that may have been generated, besides giving hrslth snd vigor to the body, For the cure ofScrnfulsor Kings Evil, Rheumatism, Teller, Pimples or eiuptinns of Ihe Skin, White Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac. ihe nu merous certificates in the ikmscsmoii of lbs subscri ber snd hia agents, from physicians snd others, are sufficient to convince the most skeptical ofitssu- iieriority over sll prrparaliona nf narssparilla. fold wholesala snd retail, hy the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North Glh street. Res ding, Berks Coenty, snd to he bad of the following petanns t In ForlhnmheTlantl t.ownf Wssser, Sunbury ; Ireland St Mnel, McEwensvills D Krauser. Milton. In Union County.!. Gearhart, Heliusgrovet A. Gutelius. Mifflinburg. In Columbia County. H. W. McCsy, W ash Ington. Kesdmg, Msrcn 14, Ma. Oa Rivt I believe It the uty of every one lo do whstever in their power I les, fur ths b"ne. fit of their fellow msn, snd hsving bad poiiive proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties nf your Depuralivs Syrup of Ssrsapsrilla, I m st conscientiously recommend it to the sfflicled. Ws bsd ths misfortune to lose two of our children, hy the breaking not of ulcerous sores thst covered the face, head snd neck, although we had some or the most scientific physicians to attend them and had tried all the known remedies, including Swsim's Panacea, without avail. Another of my children waa attacked in the ssme manner, her face and neck was completely covered; the discharge wss so nfleneive, snd the diaease at soeb a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Depuraiive Syrup of Sursapsrill, we weie induced to make trial or H. as the last resort ; il acted like s charm; ths ulcers commenced healing immedratety, a few botllra entirely restored her to her health, which she has enjoyed nninterruptedty ever since. As a purifier of Ihe blood, I verily be lieve it haa not its equsl, JOHN MOYER, Tailor,. Walnut street, nesr Fourth, Resding. Douglsssville, April 19th, 1843. Ma. Oaklet : My son Edmund Lesf, bsd Ihe scrofula in ihe most dreadful snd distressing man ner for three years, during which lime he was de prived of the use of his limbs, bis he l snd neck were covered w ith ulcers. We tried sll ihe differ ent remedies, but lo no effect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of NonUtown, snd slso Dr. Isssc Hiester, of Resding, lo use your Deparative Syrup of Sarssparills, of which I ohlsined several bottles. the uae nf which drove Ihe disease enlirelv out of his system, Ihe sore healed up, and the child waa restored to irerfect health, which be hss enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, to the sstonishment of many persons who seen bim during his affliction I have thought it my duty, and send you this certi ficste Ihst others who bsve a like affliction in the family may know where to obtain so vslusble a medicine. Yours truly, AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 18, 1843 ly A S II II "itA, ROCAP, WnOLXSALB &. RETAIL HAT Ss, CAP MANUFACTURERS, South Eael corner nf Market and 4th its.. Philadelphia, T THERE they slwsys keep on hand sn eilen sive assortment of HATS 13 CA I'S of every description, got up In the best snd most approved style. I eisnna denmusrf purchasing superior sni cles on the most ressopsble terms, will find H to their advantage to call before making purchases elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. 5th, 1844. ly CITY FURNITURE AUCTION AND PRIVATE SAXES BOOKS. Nos. 29 and 31 North Third Street Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. ( V. MACKEY, Auctioneer, re-peetfully in s v,r( tue attention of persons desirous of pur chasing Furniture, lo bis eztensiva Sales Rooms, (both public snd Private.) for every description of Household Furniture, where can I obtained at sll times, s large assortment or fashionalila and well manufactured Cabinet Fumilnre, Beds, Matlrasses, 4t at very reduced prices, for cash. Kales by Auction, twice a week. Msy 2Vih. 1843. ly Counterfeiter DEATH BLOW. The public will please observe ihst no Brandreth Pills sre genuine, unless ihs hoi hss three la bels upon it, (the lop, ths side snd the bottom) each containing a fsc-simile signature of my hsnd writing, thus B. Bbabdbbtn, M. I). These la. 11- aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, snd done st sn eipeitae of over $3,0(10. Therefore it will be seen that the only thing necessary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these Isbels. Remember lbs top, Ihe side, snd the bottom. The following respective persons sre duly authori sed, and hold CSRTXFXCATrS OT AOJBXTCT For the sale of Hrandreih' Vegetable Vnirerial J'ilb. Northumberland county t Milton Mackey & Chsmlreilin. Sunbury II. B. Masser. M'Ewens villa Ireland Jl Meisell. Norlhumbeiland Wm. Foray I h. Georgetown J. St J. Walla. Union County t New Berlin Bogsr At Win ter, Selinsgrove George Gundiom. Middle burg Issse Smith. Besvertown Dsvid Hubler. Adamaburg Wm. J. Msy. Mifflinaborg Menacb St Rsy. Harlleton Daniel Long. Freeburg G. St F, C. Moyer. . Lewiaburg Walls St Green. Columbis county t Danville E. B. Keynolda dr. Co, Berwick fihumsn St Ktttenhouse. Cat tawissa C. G. Brobts. Bloomsburg John R. Moyer. Jersey Town Levi Biael. Wsshington Robt. McCsy. Limes tons BalM & McNinch. Observe that each Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing repreesatation of Ot BRANDKETH'S Msnufaclory at Sing Sing, snd upon which will alao be aeea si art copies of ihe bmw labels new used upon ths Brandreth Pill Boxes. Pbiledslphis, office No. 8. North lh strseC B. BRANDRETH, M. D. Juns24ih 1843. ROSS OINTMENT FOR TKTTKR. RINGWORMS, Platrt.M OR THE PACE, ARB OTH KB rt'TANKOt'S ERUPTIONS. fXj The following eertijiea'e dettribes one of I hi tnosl extraordinary cures ever effected by any application, PntiAfiRtrittA, Februsry 10, 1838. IOR twenty yesrs t wss severely s (Dieted with Tetter on the Face and Hesdl the disease commenced when I was seventeen yesrs old, and continued until the Fall of 1838, varying in vio lence, hut without ever d reappearing. During most nf the time, great part of my fce was covered with the eruption, frequently sttended with violent itch ing t my head swelled at times until it fell ss if it would hurst the swelling wss so great, thst I couM scarcely get my hat on. During ths long period that I wss sfflicled with the disease! used a great many s plicslions, (among them several celebrated! preparations) as wi II ss taking inward remedies, including s number of bottles nf Sioaim's Panacea Extract of Sartnpnrilla, &e. In fsct, it would br imposaihle to enumerate all the medicines I used I was slo under the care of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of this city, but without re eeiving much benefit, and I despaired nf ever betnj cured. In the full nf 18:10, the disease at the tim being very violent, 1 commenced using Ihe Jen Ointment, (prepsred by Vaughan Si Davis.) Ii s few snplications the violent itching ceased. Ih swelling abated, the rruptinn began to disappear snd lielore I hsd used a ir ihe ill-ease wss entire! cured. It has now been nearly a yesr and a hn since, and there is not s vestige of the disease r, msining, except Ihe sc.irs from the deep pita forme by the disesse. It ia impossible for ine to descril in a certificate the severity of Ihe disesse snd m eutTrring, but I will be ple.iscd to give s fuller si ennnt to sny person wsnting further sstisfaclior ho will call on me. At the time I commence using the Roae Ointment I would have given hur dreds of do'laia to Ihs rid of ths disesse. Since i sing it, I have recommended it to several person (among them my mother, who had ihe disease bai ly on her srm,) who were a'l cured hy it. JAMES UUKoEId,, No. lf)G, Race St. rr The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. I Vsu,ihsn, South East corner of Third snd Rar streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Siiuhi II. B. MASSER, May I4lh. 181.1. Agc IConc Oinlniciif, loiTcTlrr, y PROOF OF EPS EFFICACY. Philadelphia, May 27th, 1839. rHIS is lo certify that I waa severely afllicti with Teller in the hands and feet for upwar of forty years ; the disease wss sttended general with violent itching and swelling. I applied to number of phyeicisns, and used s grest msny spp cations without e fleeting s cure. About a ye since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entire stopped the itching, and a few applications unmet ately cured the disease, which there has been : return of, although I had never been rid of it any lime for forty years. RICHARD SAV Ad Eleventh, below Spruce Street Cj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. Vautihsn, Sjuth East corner of Third and Rn Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on sgency in Sonb ry. by 1. B. MASSER, May 14th. 1843. Age MEDXCAX APPROBATION OJ the ROSE OINTMENT, for Telle, ALTHOUGH the superiority of the prepsisti over all others is fully estsblished, the pnpt tors tske plessure in Isying before the public I following certificate from a respectable physicii a graduste of the University of Psnnsylvsnia. Baugh, having found in this remedy that relief s ledious snijdissgrecshle sflection which the mei within the range of bis profession failed to alT.i has not hesitated lo give it hia approbation, althoi. the prejudices snd interests of thst profession opposeJ to secret 'Remedies. Prilaoelpbia, Sept. 19, 1830 I wss recently troubled with s tedious berpr eruption, which covered nesrly one side of my f.i snd eitended over (lie ear. Mr. Vaughan, prop; tot of Ihe Rose Ointment, ol wets ing my face, im led on my trying hia preparation, of which he h ded me a jar. Although in common with ihs mr bets of my profosion, I discountenance anJ dit prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon public by isnorant pr, tenders, I feel injustice hoi toeicept the Hose Ointment from that c'a-s of i dicines, snd to give it my approbation, as it en ly cured the eruption, although it had resisted usual applications. DANL. BATCH, M. 1) fj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. Vaughan, South East corner of Third arid Ii Streela. Philadelphia, sud sold on agencv in S bury, hy II. B. MASSEll May 14th, 1843. Ay; EAGLE XEC CD 'JUT' .033 ULs Corner of Third and Vine Streets, wiXLiAMsronT, fa. THE subscriber respectfully snnnunces lo public, that he hia opened s Hotel in the c modious brick building sitn.ite on the corner Third and Pine streets, where he will be hspp; wsit npon I hose who may favor him with t company. The Eagle Hotel ia large snd conv ent, snd furnished in Ihe het modem stile, provided with s large number of well aired comfortable sleeping apartments rooms, pri parlors, Ac, Persons visiting Williamaport on siness or plessure, may rest as-ured that every ertion will he used to render ibeir sojourn st "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreesble. HieT will be supplied with the very best the msrke' fords, and bis bar with ihe choicest wines snd o ' liquors charges re isonalle. The Eagle II possesses greater advantages in point of Iocs than any other similar establishment in the borui being silusle in the business part of the town, within s convenient distance of the Court H and Willismeport and Elmirs Kail Road Depot Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and tr ostlers alwaj a in attendance. Attentive, accommodating snd honest Serv hsve been employed, snd nothing left undone will add to Ihe comfort end sccommodstion of guests. There will be a carriage alwaya in altendane the Boat Landing lo convey passengers to snd I the House, free of charge. CHARLES BORROW! Msy 14th. 184311 Vorffe jT"Vcavcr. HOPE MAKER & SHIP C HANDLE AYi. IS Horth Water Street, Philadelphia. A3 constsntly on bsnd, a geueral ss men! of Cordage, Heine 1 wince, &e., Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, al la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Al complete assortment of Seine Twines, Sic. sue Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, I Threads, Ac Ac Also, Bed Cords, Plough L Halters, Trsces, Cotton snd Linen Csrpel Ch Ac, all of which he will dispose of on rnsaoi terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 14?. ly. "HSPEIiING7Gt30D & CO. No. 138 Market Street, Philadelp INVITE the attention ot Country Merc! te their extensive aaanrtnaent of British Fr and American Dry Goods, which they oflat fo e the aaest reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1843. ly.