Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 12, 1846, Image 3
Mr. Foster and the Tariff. , The Democratic Union of last week tontained a very able article urging the re-election bfWhi. B. Foster, Jr. To the object of that article we take no exception ; but believing "that our neigh bort have been imposed upon, e fntiat protest against the attempt to make Mr. Foster occupy false position on the tariff question. We be lieve such an at empt to be contrary to his wish es. He is too honorable and high-minded to de sire to deceive the people of Pennsylvania. He has not been backward in avowing his Opinions on the various subjects that agitate the public mind and on none are his sentiments letter un derstood than those he enteltikins ont'he subject of a tariff.aVAt the meeting of 'the last Congress 'it will be recollected that the Argus took ground against the views ofthe administration at Wash ington, on that subject. We were influenced in the course we took, by a desire to present the views ofthe Democratic party in Pennsylvania, as we believed them to exist. The action ofthe Democratic members in the Senate and House of Representatives of our own State, fend in Con press, proves that we, at that time, represehtfctl the views of the party correctly. Mr. Fotse'r was among the fw here, (we say few, for at that time the whole Free Trade party of "the State, consisted of a minority of the men in nfiie nil the hill.) who took occasion to rind fault tvfthWfnr yur course, and openly Wehleil the "proposed measures of the party at Washington. n the views he then express I webeliee him 'to be honest. He was from Bradford county, and his 'opinions were most ably argtieil k'til! "ctrrieil 6ut by Messrs. Webb and Piollet, in the lotfse oT .Representatives of the State last winter, fnd Vy the Hon. David, tn Congress. Ve now eay, anfl cah safely appeal 'to eVeVy fnan that has ever heard Mr. FostoY speak Wi l!lhe subject, "fcntl 'Ihey are not k few, VhhH he "Was aft open opponent Of rlie'ta'n'lr ofY$V2, and an advocate and defender of the views expressed 01 rha't thliiect, by the organs of the administration at " Washington. 'What his views rW6 nr, aS to Yhe tariff oV IS'lfl, Jved&rrol IcnAw, s Ve lave iiothad't!he'plefcs!:Te of a icha't'v.lth'hiliiVi'nce fhe passage 'of the 4iot, liut presume he has rio't ctik'geii -as he is a'fir'hS and 'tfcsist?nt man. ;rr;OM': Xrguf. VtAVlMOlliS NtltKET, reo5rAe'6i.,r,tioaa Xa'sa'iris, "Sefit. T. GUAIN. The price of Wheat hae improved. The supply of Maryland Wheat is email, and talea were made at 8O18O cent for pood tn trims rods, aril (K)j80 cents for ordinaty to plod. Ve note sain of prirnt I'irnnFytVania red at trt cts ; another at S3 cents, and W6 at cents, the 'latter being mixed wire whito. S ilea of Fenna. Rye at 63 eta. Corn has also iinpruved. S.lee to day at 49 50 cts, for white, and51a53 eta, for yellow. There is lea demand for Oats, and the price is receded to 30 ct. sale. WHISKEY. The demand ianitetiYnited, 21 cts for hhds. and 22 eta. for bbK-, K RIB 7n this pWe, on the nlst lt., cy tVie Rev. ft. Fisher, Mr. llowt Jbnih, of PoVtsVille, t6 iss Caihkbim Lskwmck, of this place. 1 "" if 1 t!"'" " On Saturday last, Mrs. t ATiiERtNft M. AL RR, of this place, ard 79 years. In NorthnrtSberlnd, ton the 5th inst., Mrs. A R Y RF.NN1 VgV.R, we ttf Mr. faeKiVy JTten 'ger, egefl &i yeaVs. AbyiixisTtvi toil's sAltc. rAL0ABLfe FAHM FOR 8M.E. Y VIRTUE ofthe pn.t Vested m me, by 5 the will of ma Uta Tnoma Cat's r, drr'it.. il lie sold at public sule on Wednesday, ihe 3(U(i f of Sepxrniber next, st llW Man-ion House, )i the preiuiacs of the Mnnt-Von F.rnt ofthe lute tunas, deed.-, In Augusta townahip. rthumber1:iiid roUnly, Pa situate on the east f of ilia River Susqiieharuia, equidislant, and nit a mile fioin the Borough of Sunl'Ury anl i lliumherlanil, all that valuable estate. Idle ihe riicn farm of aid Thomas (Irani, ilec JM ad. ling h faun of Samuel Hauler on ihe amiih. J of Thoniha lii.hiiiSon the Ktl,ther land of late Thomas tirant oh the n. rlh', Rn.l the tuehaiina RiVer on the wrs, cont liiiiiig. toi iii-r. twn hundred and twVnty ix arte and iity perthcS, more or l sx, nf which A'rtUt two nlW J ant fifteen arrea aie cteSrfil and S'toiil hubdy. d midGftten a'crra ara fiV.t lite Rivrr tim land. 'be improvement consist of a two aio'rv dnibre hou-e, 40 feel front by !I0 feet in depth, with le luck buibliug and frame kitchen, ahd&lnne c house and ovtn attached, and a bump and : of exielMi( Water in the Kitchen, a stnrie fcc hoiiie, u lurge bank bnrn, 1st story stone, o. fr line, 8U feet lng by 30 fret in depth, a 3 wagon house, with granary aboVe and 'corn ii'b.c'ied. a fnme cainage hoOse and gr .nary', a Urise log hrn and Stat.ln with a new and ovrdciJei phSs's, with shingled roof ovbr the 1.90 : A two story brick dwellirlg bort, ron. og in front 39 frel anj iri depth 27 feet. Hi , and .brick two s'dry aijchrr), 20 feet in firtttt I feet, 6 inches ,in dtpth. There are Uxn iirrriiscs two apple orchards in excellent order; e tnftt, valuable fruit, one contaihing about I ah'J the oilier about nine acres, bi Fsrm is one nf the, most Valuable fend brty. .ve ill U b fita; W in the highest state of cul i..n; and located in the heart 'of a district ft, fit salubrity of climate and piclurenjue iV, ! Unaurliaaird. 11 i iituais on the pool ribaniolirtt dam, st the eastern termination1 6X iorthtiujtietland Hiidsa. Its i roiimilv to the rig bMtndghs of Sunbury srul Northutnuetltod, be rroth,il that the hills contain Valuable of If oh Ure-, artd ils admirable location in tha illha Inln and Coal reainna of Pannsvlvshl ilch there is a heavy and ihfcrraaihg emigra, gives this iiionerly ah additional value, ana 1. L tl L .I.' ...!.;'' 'tJJ:.ii' rs 11 wen wormy 01 un aueaiiua 01 casual Trrrok made knowi efi tha day p aaVi KENDERTbN 4MITH. Aum'r. etc., f Thomas Grant, dfec'i). iburr. Aug. 31. 1846. 4 1 c Erah; rutht? ran Sjrrtotf, f.I. maat al Milton. Konhnmbarlsni com ty, oil iha last Thuisdav avsning of 8e4em M.: and IM aultewlng uava. aa. A a a are, n ar il. I I ennti'r.i,, . 6ib, I HO. "Mature and Experience our CuldeJ" THE extraordinary and well authenticated cures wrought by tha celebrated Sceaa Coa-ran PilIs, Or Dr. Smith's Improved Indian Vegetable Pills, he naturally drawn public attention to them. Perhaps in the history of Medicine, from the time of Hippocrates to the pr front day, there is no evidence of a medical compound obtaining equal celebrity in aft short a time. There was never a medecine recommended by such high a'tiihority as Dr. 8mith'a Pills. Besides their great tiirative properties, (poRscaVinjr. as they do, such astonish lng 'powers 10 open all 'the drains of thob i dy, via: tha lungs, Kidney, Skin and Dowels,) they are unlike all oilier pills, extremely pleasant, being coaled with sugar, and s they do not gripe, nor produce naue, 01 any ether unp'ea.aut con sequences, thrv have, beci-nte verv popular fur Dys pepsia, Headache, Coslivnncss, Bilious complaints, Fool Stomach, Feveis Worms. Varit uf Appetite. Iinpuriiiea of the Blood, Obstructions and Fenrile Oorrfplshva generally , Colds, Sec. One of the most influcmial si d benevolent ladies in New Yoik, Mrs. 8. A Goul.l. Matron of ihe U.S. Naval Hb nilal. Save. "There is no medicine in her knowledge so Will adapted to flin numerous ailments of man kind, ss Dr. Smith Sujar V-ooted Tills. fiine tsecifly recommend tliem to ladies rry CAUTION. As a miserable imitation has been ftiiide, lv the namo of Sugar dialed Pill-, it is nCci'Fs iry to be sure tlml Dn. O Baa J. 5mith a signature fa on every box. Price SS cents. ririiip4lT)iiice, 1,9 Greenwich st. New York. Sold by JOHN W. FUILING. Sunbury. WM. FOUSYTHE. Norlhum'd. Sept. IS4"S. FALXi iyiiliiInehit atOSlT STOltE fc SOUS, lcsilri s1ft SiY-ks, lbbotw anA MiUr iic'ry Utiotls, Mo. 4." iVoiiA rort street, . PHILADELPHIA, HAVE now in 8tore a huge assortment of pil;h Millinery Ciiuudx, Adapird to 1'all Sle, such a Ronncl Sifka and CtulrriS riguri d and pliiin. Fancy Kibbdira, of enn'rety new styles. . Iljrn Klantua and Satin Rildioilk, Jfafl wMlhe. lllA and Colored Silk Vi'lre's. French t artcv Frsitliers and i'lowers. Fkncy Cap Ne'fa and I.Sdes. Buckrams, Willow. Cro'wn l.inlngs, Ace. eVc. Many of the above article's being of their own imp nation, they are enabled to offer them at the lowest prices. .. , Philadelphia, Sept. 6th, 1816 lm To Teachers. TEN Teadiers wrtl be Wanted for the c'nming 'fall and winter school, in Lower Augusts dis trict, Northiimberhnd county. Persons wishing to be mployeil as ueh.will please meet ihe hoard of ffirectom, at John l'arker's office In S'dnliury, on 8xlurdav,lhe 21lh day of Octolr next, for ekamt nation according to law. Persons applying, not pcuonalty known to rtie board, will be e'ecied to produce tetters ul recommendation tourning gi oj moral character. Uy o'der of the Imard. THOMAS SNYDER, AaaABi 8aVis, Pec'y. Pi'es'L U Angus a Dist..tSept. 5. 1 B4B. t JVotice THE nndertigtied Auditor, appOinte'd by the Orphan' Court of Northumberland county, tn make tTinlri'biiVion of the bjlance of the rat.ile of GEORGE WATT, remaining in (be bands of Frederick l.-xarus. Ms administrator, to and among. rhae leg illy sn'itled to receive the aauro. will It- lend to the duties of his appointment, at his office, in SuYibirry, on the 1A dy T Septemlei, 1846. All persons intriesteu are nqueMe.l to aiteml. WM.J. MARTIN, Aug.So.tJ. 4t Auditor. CHEAPEST IN THE NVOHLl) ! Sleam Itcllnct! Sugar Candled, ISckmts rita rouan. WH .aKsaaa. J J. RICHAIDSt)N, No, 4? MiVet Street. , PHiL4tir.LtAii', lake plea-ure in informing ilm puMic, that be sil l eonlinurs to sell his Very Su lierinr 8;ejin Rifinrd C&ndy al tha l iw price ol $13 50 1 er Xi0 pounds, and ihe quttily is eiu .1 to any manufactured in the t'ui ed Hi u tea. He sli0 off r all kind of gootl in the Venfet' llotirrij and Friiil line t torierpotiJing low puces, aa quick sales and mal piolita are ttke order of t'.e liny. Call nr ree'd your orders, and you tann"t f .il to be salii-tieil. D.'ii'l forgrl. I lie nuniber, 4t MAR KE P fSTREET, PHH.AbELPHIA. J. J. RICHARDSON- August 29 h 1R4fi. 6m Ha THOXV1FSON, rasiliionablc BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, MsansR Stsist, fVaaiaV, THANKFL'L for pat lavor. begs lesve to in form h a friend and the puYlte generaty, ihai behts )urt returned ft din the city with new and fashionable Usts, and a full ashortini nt nf Ligh col -ted, lhonte, Dlaca Kid, and all oilier k nda of Morocco lor Uentlenun. Ladies arid CfTiMreii's w'esrt and be aavuVrk all who may fvor him with their cVlsrom, that Ihey may rely upon havitig their woik dona in the most k'ulmtaiitial and fisbionulilo manner, and al Very loV prices. 11 abi) has a full isnmeiil of low priced woVk, sblcctid by hiiiiaeir. which he will sell lower than ever ottered hi this place, viz, : Men's Wiolp's. 03 low as ?l.(i6 Extra Hiaut Doois, " 2.00 .kkI Lace Boot for V.'otnch, 1.TJ0 WomenV Wtipa; 60 Children's Shoe. " 5i Bide Lesihtr, Miirocro, Ac, Tor sale low. Abgust 22d, 184K. apl8lf Boot & ShoiT ESTABLISHMENT. DANIEL 1HIUCKEM1LLEU, At its olJ l'slul)h,lnncnt, in Market Street, RunbHtif, (otl-oaiTB Tlllt RCII i.iosj tnrrt:) RETURNS his thanks for past favor, and re. epecifully inform bia fiieuds and the public generally, Inst As continues lo nisuulactute to ol der, in tha neatest sod latest style, tiiEAt hoots kxn snocs; wsrranled of the best material, and made by the moat cipeilenced workmen. Ha alto keeps on hand a general saaortmenl of fsshibnable Boola for gentlemen, together With a large stock of Uihioo- sbla gentlemen', boys'; ladies' aod cbildten'a Shoes, all pi which have been made under bis own Imme diate inspection, and ara of the beat material and isaikmanahin: which ha will sail low for eaah. In addition lo Iba above: ha baa lust receive!) from Philadelphia large and ex,tensve supply of Voois, enoea, Ac. ol all descriptions, which r.s alao offeia for caUt. cheaper tHan ever before ottered in this place. He respectfully invliei hit old ru'sto. BAera, and others to call and examine lor ihcnv arises, :- ReaiUng done with neatness and despatch. Pieaident.l ounbury, Au.ual l&lb, 1B46. ' WIIOLtiS ALE BOOT & SHOE STORE CHEAP FOR CASH. iVa. 35 Simla Third Street, abort Chetnut, PillLADflLPHIA. tiSTra-r Isd citt sUnorActuaiD boots sd sbosa. fllHE Subscrilier has'tsken the liberty of addres- l sing the public, sstiKfied that ihey will End it to their interrat to call and examine his slock nf Boots and Shoes, atid acquMiiit 'thonrteives with his prices. Helling e'xclifliivcW Tor the Cah, he is enabled nd determined to at-II lower than any other regu lar hoQse 1n the cily. Persons win please examine the market tho rootly, fend, bi foi'e purchasing, rill l ihe sioie of THO. t.. EVANS. No. 3S Souin Third, above ChcuiMit St. Philadelphia, Aug. 15,1845. Tfo Teatliet!. ELEVEN principal teachers, and one ss-i-lsnl, 1 will be wanted for the coming f .11 and w'it.'tcr school, in Slis'mokin district, Noiiliuin' erland'coun ty. Person wiiihing to he employed SB mich.tvill pleane mert the bnanl nf director, at the hoii'C of Feirx Lerch.lri SriulTiown, on SatunUy the 1ft. h day of September next, for 'examination according lo law. Persons applying not personally kniwn to ihetroard, will be expected to produce letlc'Ts of recommendatinn touching good niorjl chirne'er. (Xj The board wil hicet at 8 o'cl.iik, A. M. )iy order of the board, FELIX LEKCII. Altcst. Pies'lD b.D. Shafu. Dir.t loir, fiec'y. ShnmoTcin "Dint., Augut 8h, 184(5. TO TI ICE I KCTC )KS0 F N(RT iTu Al ItVRLAND COUNTY. IT'ELL'OWICI Tift ENS: Mthe Solicitation nf a numlier of persona, in different raits nf ihe county, I bae cotiicntcdto be a randidj'le fortlic office nf COXjrXTV COMM1SSI6NE&. I csn only prom're, should I 1 elected, to make every e'ff .'rt to diM-hatge the duties of the (di'ice lo your entire satisfaction. HUGH McFAf.L. Delaware township. Aug. Hth, 1846. to ELECtohtS OF NORTH- 1 11 r. VMBERtAND COUNTY. T?ELLOV CITIZENS : Through the -encou JL ragement of my friends, I h vve been induced to fjflor myself as a candidate Vol fhe office nf tlWdnty ContmiMlonci-. iiho'iild you see propeV to elect me, I will make eve r'y effort to lender general satisfst-iinn. WILLIAM WILSON. Lewis to'wuship, Xng. H. t84t. Valuable Real Estate A LL that 'certain Tavern Stand and Valuable r. Farm, anVUite in hamiAin lownhip. Nor itiumbeitand county, on Centre Turnpike, about iB miles from Sunbury. the Votinty toWn, hiljoiiing lanifb of Vemtv's Heirs. Annaniaa Kaxtou nl o- thers.'confa'ining fto keres mofa or le, 20 acres of wTiich liefng in good Ynesdow, a tsmsfl creek runnine thtotiah the same, aYiJ about 20 acres iberrot being well timbered, the residue being in high state f 'culilvalton tinder excellent fence, on which ia an orchard of choice fruit; the boil dings eoAVist 'of a fwo story stone dwelling trnuse, wetl adspted Tor a Tavern TMand, which Waa If pi ..rV, r. nf M vaath. a laroa ennveni. ent bank barn. Vrth aVundlin'c of 'gitoi abeds and oiber out building's. , . AL80 Another small trar't ot land adjoining the above and land of Daniel J ."Role and others, rontsining abo'iilS a'cfa in good state of cultiva tion ; the huildhiga theie.-n conefct nf a two atoiy fiam .Iw.tlMn hotise and frame tii'nV l arti, with i-thtr 'out-buildings water auiinging at tlje door of this dwelling and the tavern slsnd, l y nieana of fountnin pump Del g tale Ihe real estate of Mar- tin WeaveV, rW'J, and will b'a "M at private sale by the attbf'crttier, beinfV anthoiited fy ihe heirs of said dtxeastd. lud.sputalle title will be giVert. DANIEL i. ROTE, Fi ihe tl'settfthe Heiis of said d. ceased. fShstnoVin township, August t. 18lt. t'f THANKFUL foV the liVtat VnctiVsgement VvbicVi be has received, wnui I wspectfully inform bis friends and the cititena of Northumtx-r-land 'county in genWel, tnat he ba prepared him self with Ihe lat fncuViupt'nM Teem, tSold Plate, (old Foil, &c , lhat ran tio had in the tily of Phi ladet'jba k, hd thai lSe will eiideaVOr, to the utmt ol bis ability, li render full satisfaction lo a! who iusV think pioper to engage Ma ervice. He will lie in S'unhury at the August court, where he will l prepared, at bi reoidence, to insert Teeth on (iol l Plate, or on Pivot, on the luteal and mot a proie'J V'l "n' attend to all the branches leloiigo ihg to DEN PAL kURUERY. I.adiik Will he waited on at their places ol r'cVi deuce, if desired. Hi ihaiges will l reasonable, and his woik warranted. He will visit different parts of the county, about once in three tn 'ii'h. Sunbury, July Iftth, 18t6 flm E. ItttiXBEXla JR., .Yo. 31 .VorfA Fourth Street, uwhr tfie Mer chants' lintel, . 1 U 1 1 u tt c I p h I n A t MODK bt rilUS KEEPS coniantly on hind an exteiuiVe as orlmenl nf all kind of Silk, F ur and Hea- .i Mat, which be ttera Hir rale. on the m'l rea- sonahle term. Hi liaisare niaile up 01 me nexi materials, and in the m'ost sriproved BijW. I el- sons visiting the tity will Und il to their iiilere to cslk July Jtlti, tu. y Fountain hoieii, Liirlit ftrit. flHE House has undergone a thorough trpair. X Tbe proprietors solicit its former palioua.e. . ."a..''. Perms I 2.1 per dsy. . VM.V D1X. . . . ARTHUR L. FOGG, July 4, 1S46. ly liptielora. TIEXTE's'sPIRiTS tF tJOAP, io7e. II 9 l.racting .urease, Dry Paints, Varnish, Tar, Wat, cVc. from clothing of any JescUpljou, war ranted o to injure ihscloihj or, ihe most delicsie colors. This bquul hs also Veen eyej with, grat aticcesa in, cases o) Burns, .Scalds, Tettr, Pimple on ,the face, Qbspped hands, Sore hps, Khaurpa tism, Har3 orsofl Corps, Jjcc t):Prict, S3 cU. iter bottle. For. sale at Ibe aloie ol t. . .... Jul it. lf)46. H. MASSER. iroNGiti-Sia iNK.viitA and isvk CJbst tuk, of a kupeiior quality, for sale cheap, al Ibe store of HENRY MASSER, July 4lh, 1616. SILVEIt MEDAL, AWABDSIt BV TUB tBAffailM IHSTITUTS, 1845. -til; DiigfirrrfOtype Eital)lihmfnt. . (Latk 8ioni Al Cattms,) Ko. tOO Chetnut $t nkove Third, South tide, M br a I 1NIATURE8 taken equally as well in clou. dy sa in cleir weal'ier. A dark silk uiess lady, and a black suit lor a gentleman, are prrfnrahle in sitting for a piclme. No extra charge is made for coloring, and per'fert likenesses are gii'iranlied. July 4ili, l84H. Jy " COLtrivr'Bli." HOUSE," CHE3J1TJT STItBBT, 1M1 1 L A 1) E L V II 1 A . HfS 1aric and commodious Hotel haft rrcentty The KHltucrihera therefore solicit tho patronage of the i iihhf. ami trust hot their rxnerieitoe in the ' liusmeM will rnntile thi in to give entire sstisljc- lion. Terma nifrderate. ftAtJLEY, McKENZIE & Co. 5uy 4th, ffllfi. Iy Itl'llci A. arrcii4iia;1i, ?ATE1TT iLTTOPvlTETS, AflU MbtiiAAiVAii MMjiir,i.ns, tVAStXINGTON, D. O. RA WINGS and Paper for the Pa'eni Tr fice will he. nreparrd by theirK al their ollice, opposite the Parent Office. .tnlv. 4th. 181(1. ly i m i o it Is a. T TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU may be sure of obtaining, at W J all times, pure and highly flivored Uy the single poo ml or larger quni.tily, al the l'ekln Vea Company's VVarciiuiiMc, 30 South Steon'J street, beftveen Slorh:! und Chct mil trYch, nXX.ADEX.PIIXAv Hereinfore it has Wen very tlifTicult, Snde eiT, al mod iffipoiwible, klways 16 oiita'in good Gren and HI iCk .Tens, tout po'w yn'u have only to vinil the Pekin Tea Company'a Store, to obtain as delicious and frsgrant Tea as y no Citold wiah for. A It I axles can here !c suited, with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low 'price. June S7lh, CLOTHI1TG) miiolUhai.i: au fctirrAi. rPHE t'dl scBibera are cuiiHtant'ly hiHtiuticturini; a- fiom the best Fn neb; Englirh and American manufarfaied Cloths and Caaarmers, Cl.O THlNiJ in a Very supf'rior aivle, cul arid workmanabip. Person lAiying lo rwll sgahl w ill find one of the largest and moot faab'ionable stock of gmxla lo aeloi l from in the tity, and ol nop ecedenle.l ..w price-. J. W. A E. D.STOKES, 194 Market st. 1'lnlad. N. B, A large aworlmert ol Odd Fellowa' Uv-(aliaron-tantly un hand, and all order from ludge or indioiduals punctually attemletl tn, on Ihe most liberal terms. J. V. IV li. U. 9. Philsdclphia, June 27ih, PREIV1IUIV1 SCALES. Dale'aCele'Vated Rail Road 8ralea VJol and Hav d Iron ManufacV do Portulde Platform do 20 ilitTcreni ixes, Dormot or Floor do 5 dilT. rent rr.e. Counter do ItS different size, The above Scale are made either sirg'e or double U-sm, snd are decidedly rtie most dualle, accurate nd conaeni enl'C.l.s ever ine , nd. We aUo liv Plaif.nm and Count, r Scule. Patent Balance ami every kind nf Weighing Mechinea in u f.'V sale, whole raW and retail, allow prices. AH Scales sold by U to go out of the cily , are boxed fr. e of crVarije, and wanaiiird to give aaliefaclinn ti tho purch ser in every particular, . GRAY & BROTHER, MiuuTsctwrors and Dealers, No. 34 Walnut street, June 27. 1846. ly TliiUidelphia. OHORSI Horse Sbo p. ice, by SE silOES.Burdeil' Talent toes, for sale al manufaclureis GRAY it BROTHER. Jur.e 27. 1816. y 34 Vali.ul . PMtad. 8 ALT. New Yoik Salt in laiVeU uVti for sale at manufacturers price bv ... . GRAY V UROTIiEK, June 27. 1 R Ifi. 1 y :1 Walnutt. JPhil id. " Notice. NOTICE i hereby given, lhat an m plication will I m.'de to lt.0 licit leiiialaiiire lor a .1 nf tftll llllll. and i.ocr lo increase ll.etaiilal ill. reof lo $llltl.00tl. wuh banking and diM'ounling privileges. In le cal- led -the Bank nf Shamokin." and io I b raicd m ihe borough uf Sunbury, in Northumberland cnun lV- iune 27lh, I84fi. 15a vc von heartt the WettM t NOl WHAT IS IT? War, HV'at tou its. an that MARTIN IRWIiX, At bhihop, in AforVtV tlrett, adjoining the three Miry lirien llontr. I f ASjuat received from Philadelphia, the largest, I 1 -L handsomest and b't assortment nf ltOOTM AM) fHOKS ofevciy desciiptioii, that has rv'er Ineii brought lo iriis placb. Ai d what is l ll lwi:er, ihty sty he sells so eheup, you can buy To HlJir the miii money that you utsd lo pay fur one juv'r. He Bi'taioa CisA stld Sriu " Casit, and that L the ieaaon lost he ran stioid lo sell I he in so much cheaner. If you doi, I waul to buy, just call and see, his stock. He is lway glad lo bee bia cU'lotiu'ra; audit no IrouKle to hi ill to show bl go.xls, o-l to give you an i.fea how. cheap lie diiea ell- the rolluwing is a ul puces ul a pait ol hta Mock: i ' . . '.' - -.. Men's Thick Boot, d. Fine Grain ijo do. Calf tU Boys' Thick do toutha' , ' do M'i Thick TJrogahs, . Women's Morocco. Welts v and Kid Sprints, Womeu's best City made Kid Slippers, Ladles' Gaiu r andGaf- Ipr Unnia. worth M ijrt at U 4 ad at 3 00 8 06 7 1 25 1 00 100 i M 6 110 at i 6 0 al 3 09 at I 87 at I SO at 1 6t at 8 00 it 137 Also, every variety ol LadUv, Boy.' and rhi diena' shoes, al prion tower than ever bclort uiTvf. cd. Cunie and See. Sunbury, June lili, ISJQ, Cm do do do do do do do do dj do i "TP.TJTH,IS 1AIGHT7. iLlTO .WILL PRBTiL-IL.' A-. , B. MARSHALL,, No. 1S8 Cheanut Street, between Seyeutn and Klglilli Streets, , . ,'lJP 12 CCa ZJD OS LEa 3JP ULU ZZ v 9 IS 'now pirpared to oiler, V holesale and Retail, a 'large assortment of F set and SrarLa ,, , . in,Y oois, snlted tn the Country as well as Cily, Trade. , He continues tho system of "no abatement in pricti," which lie has pnraued for the past ten. years, and desrres lo call the Sieei il attention of tbe public lo it s tbe oirly true ytcm of "retail business, and Which is derididly r:t tllo interest of the purchaser to promote. t in quite lime. the fraudulent prac tice of .aking a hinh price, and abating to make the pun h eis believe they are tbe "favored few,'' was 1orle away with, s, nino lime nut of ten, they are mad.' In pay a higln'r price (however great the re 'flue i. ii) limn the like Myle snd quality on be put (hsed al Ibe ''One Piicc" A. It. M. is In regular receipt nf the newest and rheapet seaxonable goods, and when any arltcbr lo value the price rs at once marked down So low il,t it cannot Itetnide'rs.ild. Uy (hi sytihHii tho pu'i hs-er cm at all timrs buy with coiifnleiico uiiil suti faclion, add without wa-te of time in u-clea bargaiiirrrg. He bus at ibis time a complete ussuriineut of Slt.KS. B'aik Luatrino, Oilnman, Poux do Snie, Man tua, (tros de Ithine, Ar'ni'jre, and other Dress end .VUmitl.i Si!ks. AIo, Fsnry Dress Silk, from 41 cts. to f2 25 per vaiil, including all ihe variety of approved and Uncfiil style and r.ornhinaiion of colon. . , Lining Silks, r nulard Silk, SilK liingham. LAWXS .4 AO VtiaASDlES. , Paris ParTiti'd Liwn ami Organdies, of the newiat and fmn-t approved a yle, a'a well ks the cheapest in Ihe market. Al-o, fcotth Lawns st very low prices. . F RT. yell OINC'ilA MS, ' ' ' ! Ofthe neweMd.agns. Also Scotch Ginghains i snd Oinbatn Lawns, eiy diiap. n ail a r a I win o t.ari- I aloii and Alaucluiaier uiugnatus, . . a.' 1 for cbildien s "car. Fiiiiscn cmsTZLs. Light-, medium, aiid durk cobirs, 4-4 wide, ,Aln, Wi-l m ke American Chiiirz and Calicoes, of the new i stlerns, at 18 J cl. per yotd. MOUSELIN DE LALSES, , ttfihe most splendid Ombre and Printed aly I.e. down to the French, English and American, al 25 ceiils per ya'd. , . KAHF.CES JSD if A LZOH1XES, Of all qualilre snd every variety of .designs miied to all ISKte. AtS.t, cmhnndeied .ami cUam- stilcliMl Rolxs, HaysdercBinl Polka UreSccs.eudi d Swis. Muslin and llhdioii Lawn dress patten a Tatleti ih and culoied plaid and slripo Swiss Mus lins. illTE GOODS. . , . , I'K... !wi.a. Mull. Ninsonk. Jeconet Camlnic, ll. ...1 m..I I'.il.on Mii-lin.i. Plaid. Sirrne, roid.d and liKUicd Ciml.ric sod Sisa do, Bishops Lawn, REMOVAL.. JOHN. if. purdv, 1" ESt'ECTFl.'LLY inform bis fiienda and customers, that h hs removed .bis stork of go xts lo ihe Stone House, cm Maikel tquare, foim erly occupied ty Mr. Wm. DeWart, where he will le happy to'0 hi uld tfustomer and the pub lic generally. iti aaguod terms', and at as low pri ces ss can tc hid Wee where. A large assortment of ti'roeeries, Dry Gooda, and tjueeiiswsre, 'constantly 'on hand. June 47ib. 181. if. . . 4 v-j. Till aiiii"i!ilieet-lron VaV IVIANUrACTOR'Sr. SEtlHSOIlO Via PBNltf'A. rall(K iiliarnl er reriiectfullv informs the public I ihl he has c imnenced the msnufacture of TlA nn'tl Slioct-Iron tVarc, ... . I: 17 1 . ill all na Vaiioua nrnucnes, si peiiua,u,B- ware is not iitt made of ihe best materials but i put loge.iier Tn a suluiamial and workmanlike mtn ncr, didming in ibis r sped from much of ibe ware eold, wl ich is made up in a biiriy for that purpnae. An t xcellenl SMorlm. lil will bo kept on hand si all tim. f, vthb iI 'V tld n the most reasonable term.. ANDREW 8. W1NGERT. VRoaerovr, May tfiih, 84"G. tF. lllili and KleRant C APeFETS, CIL CL0TE3, MATf INGS AND WINDOW SHADES, TOR BPIIINO TRADE, f IIHE su' sent', r has jusl opened lor spring tilde, L a largo and complete assortment of Brus-els, Imperi-il, uHrrfine and fine Ingrain and Venetian CARPETS, which have all been purchased within a mttnlh, st the lowest cash Vstca. They ate now o he ied at giestlv reduced price for ctsh. Tl ee gmids are t.f an eura Vlyle and finish, and lieing of tbe lt make ai d fabric, offer gicst in I'ucrm. nt to purcha-rr to obtain a handsome and dcsitalilo aVtb lto t prTfe belo the u'sUul rate. The aa or'meiil is complete in every resj e'et, and consist in pan f ihe following ) NeW and , b hdttl Hiusftels lt,)Kil Dd lo lugraiua tinperiala Twl'd Venetians Pi. ill do Fine iV I IininnoU Do Do Do D do d.l Vl.t CARPETS, at Reduced Price. Iiigraiii S'rTenilid Emhorsed I'laiio atnl Table Covers; Kia r Ibals. Binding, Sheep Skins, e. Ac. Willi an immerse st.ntl of low piiced Carpel uf mII desetiiition. L HI. T. U lleaili. and Lotion t'-ilt. from li to SO cent per yard. Cniiiitiv Mercbonis. hou keeper and others hav n. .w sn oppnrtunity of supplying themselves wnh handsome and Jesir tnie g al greanv rcuu red prices. ROBERT B. WALKER, 2! N -.1 at. opposite Christ Chinch Pbibnlelph a. Ma'v 10 h, lUlU :iin " iT.NNbVLVANl A llOLSK, DAMVILLB, PAi fMtlE auhscliber, bile of the Union Hotel, Mun L cy, ra , reaiieet fully informs the old and nu mrou cusi.un'era nf iha rcniiMvlvanla Itoirto; tnd tbe public generally, lhat he haa leased the Taverrt Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, where he la now prepared to entertain travellers, and ar. sons visiting the town, in Ihe vt ry best style. The accommodations will be such as a well eoodocud public house should afford, and no effort wvtl be spared lo render aatisfaction, in every respect, to all who irev call. The ciirkena of Lyrominf cobntV are ioviled ta put up with the undersigned when Ihey visit Danville. . , HENRY WEAVER. Danville, May jJ546. i m OLAaiSEB. The liial uhly Sugar House if il Molaseek, only U tents per uuarti alao, a UrArtna ankle of yellow Molasses for baking, on ly ik cents per quart for sale at the aloie of June 13, IV46. HBNKV MAWER. Imitation Cambric, Camt'rc Dimity, Irinh Shir'ing Linens, Damack Table Linen, Tal'le Clo'ha ami Napkins, Long Lawns, French Linen Camlnic snd Linen J.swns, cheip Shirting and Sheeting Mus lins, and suierinr Long Cloth Sbiiting. . ., MUVRMSU GOODS. Lupin's Bumhazinea of all qualities, and the va rious shsdes .of Black, Sumwer Bombazines or Brilliaoteii.Sllk and Cotton Wnrp Alpaccas, Silkn, Mouselin de Laiues, Baregea, Balzorines, Marqucae, 4irciiailine, Cinghsms. Lawna, Crapes, Crape ami Love Lei-an Viels, Kid and Silk fJlovee, HoMcry, Plsin Silk. Olacia, Ottoman, Thibet, Burego and Twisted Silk Shawl, Scarfs and Cravats. SHAWLS .1ND SCAltt'S. French Cashmere long and suuaie Shawls, Broche do., Piintcd, Barege, Thibet and Terkerri do., (tlaria, Twitted Silk, (irenaJitic, Ilernuni uuJ Mohair do,, and low priced do. Silk, Grenadine, Sange, and otlor long and ahort Scarfs. Ala, Cruvuls. Black Lace and Silk .Muntillus, Vt.-iti, Capo and Curdiiials, of Ihe new styles. EMIIKOIDERIES AM) LACKS. Emli'd Caps, Collar. Spencers, and Cbetnir.ptts, under Sleevis and tutl, Knebah and French Thread Laces, EduingK ai,d Ins, rtinus. Linen Uoli- ' h n Edgin g' snd In-ertini!', eml 0 fSwiss uml Cant I brie do ,fllck snd White Lar e Viels, Lice ShawU I and Scarfs widn Black Lace for Mantillas nnd Scarfs, pnd BUik liiupst ls Lace, for triiuiniiig do. snd drcaavs. HOSIER Y. I English white and Wrtck ribb'd, emb'd, npeu woiked, and p'ain Silk Hosiery ? white an I black half lLse, rilili'd mid plain ; spun Silk and raw Silk do.; also, English and Swi-s white, colored, und ' unbleached Cotlon do; libb'd, plu'u:, eiiih'd clock- .l u,.l ,.nn tti.tli il' f 'tli lltrCII Colli!!! do . , ' , . . , ,,,..,.,,. ,ula Thread ... , .... ,. . i .i.,;,i,u .. ' K . ..... ,V ' : a ticle, and other Hosiery of various descriptions. LINEN CAMlilllC AND LAWN HDKFS. Plain, curded,, bcrdered, riviere, musiipie, and emb'd Linen Cambric and Lawn Hdkfs , from 12 cts, to Sp'JO each Also, Bags, Purses, Green Us rcgo for Veils, Gouao Viels. Black Linen, Lead col'd and Biuvrn do., Paper Muslins, iVc. . , FOR GENTLEMEN. All the new .at) Its rich and cheap Scarfs ami Cravats; Kid, Silk. Thread, aud other Gloves; Cotton half Hose ; Silk and Linen Cambric pocket. HdVfsr Suspenders, Vc. Xj- You can find al MARSHALL'S, 18 Chcs nul street, alonwl evi ry article in Dry Good thai you reqtine, and ht prices quite as low, if not lowtr than eUewh, re, (ii l tit bin interest to fell eheup) nd as he is constantly adding to his stock the uew est. and ehciipel goods,. you will be sure uf beiu.r suited. But, tewlcr, you aio invited lo call unit ludcfl for yours-ell'. I'Mladelphi. May lf.ih, 18l. 2tn DANVILLE WOOLEN FACTORY. DANVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, liuiiyi anla. THE Danville Steam Woolen Factory, former, ly owned and occupied by Dr. Pbthikiv, haa feceully tieen purchased by the subscribers, wno respectfully announce to their friemU and the pun lie general y, lhat Ihey ara now piepared to do al( kinds of wjrk in their line of business, at theahoi Icst notice, secording to order, and in the best com parative manner. Having gone to considerable expense in repniriug theii machinery and aparalu. and heing very particular in securing the service ot experienced mechanics, they feel confident that they are capable of executing all kinds of work iu a style superior lo any other establishment in tho country, al the old customiry p ices. CLOTHS. SATINETTS, FLANNELS ami BLANKETS constsn ly on hand, and for sale at reduced prices, for Cash or Barter. t'AUDUG AtD ri I.I.IXG will be done in the beat manner, at the usual pri ces. All kinds of country produce tsken in pay inent for woik, at, D .nvtlle Market prices. For the accommodaiion of those who live al at distance, Wool and Cloth will be taken in at. and, When finishnd, returned to the following pla-. ccs, , I'lain written uiiccuons musi accompany esch parcel : , , . Columbia County. Roup & Marr's store, Wa shingtotivilre ; it. Fruit's store, J. rwvtnwn ; Yea ger'a iun. Roaring ('retk; Shai-plesa aioie, Calta- wiasa: Ij. t . Mann s store, MilUinviile; Miller a store, Berwick t J. Clin Mill ; Rickct'a store, Oiangeville; Detr's store, While Hall. Northumberland Cuimtif Michael Header a inn, Turbutvilla ; Ireland & Hsv's alore, McEwen' ville; B. .1. Pilr a store, Wstaonstown ; 8. I, Comly St Co' alore, Millon; Gibson's inn, Cliil- lisqnsque : Forsyth atore, INorthumbcriauJ ; Young s stoie, Soubury. Luzerne Count Reynold stoie, Kingston; Gildcrsleeve' store. Wilkeabsrre ; Gsylord's store. Plymouth ; Styev's store, Nsnllccke ; Judge Mack's Mill, HuntinRton. Lycoming County. V. i l.rpp store, Muucy j Shoemakei's store. Smith's Mill. GEAKHART i!a. KOWNOVER. Danville. May , 1840. liimc J Lime ! ! JCZ1T 2. 5H3rlAlT, RERPECTFL'LLY iulonns hi friends, that he has conmicr.ceJ the business of Lima iluiiiing, on ihelaim he lnw occupies. He baa now on hand a tjuaniily of Lime for sale, and will always endeavor lo accommodate ihoso who may faiorhrin with their custom. Augusta, April lllb, IbIC Cm CBiTTIST3e7. 1 K T K 11 . Al A S S K li. UF.CF.NTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, area KSPECTFCI.LY inform the cilisens of 1; Sunbury and 'icinilv, lhal he has opened an ..the at Iha of Henry Maaaer. ill Market street, where be i prepared 10 execute all kinda of Dkmtsl SV auEBT. Pl'e Work, Ac , on tli latest and m6i approved plsns. Hsving some xierieuce and inatruetkm, under una ofthe m.M eminent aud successful Den. lie's in Philadelphia, he believes that he will be able to give satisfaction lo thoe who may want his aervicea- . Ladies will be waited on at their plaoea or reau denee. His charges will be wodeiate, aud hia work warranted, Sunbury, March 88lh, 184L THB CaiVaaaTaB." MacsassB lUlaTDii., has) just Imstb received and is for aal at lbs store o' May 30, 1H40. HENRVMASSER. G- ARUtiV;sEEUS.T"A tuh supply of E, Pusley At. Go's aaperior Gsrduu SiJs, jus received ami for sale at the store of