Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 29, 1846, Image 4
Take your Cennljr Paper. 'Twss night and sniggle to hit wifit " Lay talking, as they were In bed, Ofall the ills the care and strtfo, That fell upon his Inckless head. 'Here have ws been six years,' quoth he, And atill we find both end don't meet : . I've worked as busy as a bee, Ami yet we barely lire and eat ! Our children have no schooling yet ; Indeed I am ashamed of Ben Poor fellow I'm so much in debt He's hnd no chance, though now past ten.' 'But stop how is it?' said his spouse, 'Our neighbor gets along so well ? Have you not marked that Blowse WhaiYr he has, can always sell ? His hoys, he says, know far much more Than those who've been to school a year. And then he always knows the law, When goods are low and when they're dear ; Hia farm, though not as large as ours, ' ' Is fast improving every day. I'd tike to know what magic powers Do help him in this way.' And I would too, poor sniggle thought, So next morning forth he went, . To find where Blowse his bargains bought, And how he had so little spent Paid Blowse 'dear sir, the thing is plain; The question, no matter how yon shape her, Is answered by six simple words - 1 always lake my County Paper . Apr lb Tubes. AU hardy fruit trees, more especially apples, will bear a considerable por tion of manure in the soil, provided it had been previously intermixed with the soil, and tho roughly rotted. A very successful experiment was made two years ago, by the writer, the results of which are now very striking, by digging very large boles tor apple trees, and filling them with a mixture of soil and rotted manure. A thorough inter mixture of the soil ai.d rotted manure was effec ted as they were gradually filled in, by means of a large toothed iron rake. The holes were about seven feet in diameter, and a foot deep. - I set ting out the trees, common garden earth only was placed in contact with the root, consequently I be effects of the mixed retted manure was not visible the first year. The present year, howe ver, its influence has been most obvious in the rapid growth of the schools, and the uncommonly dark and rich hue of the large and luxuriant foli age. It is hardly necessary to add that the soil, as .natter of course, was kept clean and in a mellow ktate, and that the trees were tied to an upright stake, driven into the bole before filling, to pre vent shaking and loosening by the wind. Roilino Under Presmurk. Every body knows the effects of boiling various vegetable and animal substance in water unconfined, in which case the temperature; cannot possibly be raised above 220 degrees; but water when confined in i strong boiler, and its temperature raised to 400 degrees, is capable of dissolving "arious substances which are ordinarily con sidered insoluble ; such as bones, horns, leath er and the hair of animals. We believe that but little attention has been given to experi menting on this subject , but that many valua ble compounds for cements, and various utensils and fancy articles might be produced by a course of experiments on this subject, there can be no doubt. Scientific American. Handsome Men. A cotetnporary, who evi dently enjoys not a aweet favored aspect, aaya pome very hard things of handsome men, which may be true as a general rule, but we feel con fiJont admi'a of some few exceptions. lie says if you are ever threatened with a handsome man in your family, just take a clothes pounder while' he's yet in the bud, and batter hia nose to a pummice you will do him a lasting benefit, lor instead of devoting hia time to cultivating bis whiskers and improving hiacompleclion, he will cultivate and improve hia mind. What is Expected or Man ! After the me morable battle of Trafalgar, came into general use the Trafatgarg-0rfrr,on which was inscri bed the memorable signal of that battle, "Eng land expects every man to do hia duty !" - i - Sensible. A pood remark waa made lately in conversation, viz: "the silliest fellows are in general the worst husbands ; a man of sense rarely behaves very ill to a wife who behaves very well." Tbib. "To send an uneducated child into the world," says Paley, "is little better thsn to turn out a mad dog or a wild beast into (he a' recta. , . Goon. When we ace a man kick a horse, nay a the fioston Sun, we say at once, that be never need to come to oourt our daughter, for he should not have her if he waa worth a anil- lion. Pett Good. A discontented nun waa quit too much in the kabii of reminding hie second rib what an excellent manager hia first . aTX . a a a wiie waa. uui m an patience, in turn, he waa comforted with tbe remark that no one regret ted her death more than she did. 1 i f A Vkbv Laboe AmiEL The Koran aaya: Mahomet, in one of hia visions, aaw an angel iu tbe third heaven, so large that hia eyea were etettj tbouaand deye journey apart ; HANK NOTE LIST. PENI9Yi.TAIfIA. The following list shows the current vslue of sll Pennsylvania Hank Notes The most implicit re liance may he placed upon it, as it is every teeefc larefutty compared with and corrected from Dick nell's Reporter. : Banks In Philadelphia. N. - LoCATIO. r'C', NOTES AT PAR. Bsnk of North America . , Bsnk of the Northern Liberties . , Commercial Rank of Penn'a. , . Farmers' and Mechanics' Bsnk . Kensington Bank , Philadelphia Dank . . . Schuylkill Dank ' . . . Southward Hank . . Western Dunk . , Mechanics' Hank . . . Msnuffwtorcrs' A Mechanics' Biink flank of Penn Township ... ni-ar.1 Dank . lUnk f Commerce, late Moysmcneing Bsnk of Pennsylvania Country Itnnhs. Bank of Chester County Westchester Bank of Delaware County Chester Bank of Oermantown (Jermantown Bank of Montgomery Co. Norris'own . Doylestown Bank Doylestown R aiion Bank Rust on Farmers' Dank of Burks en. Bristol par par par psr par par par par par par par par par psr par par par par par par par par Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par Columbia Bsnk A tlridgc co.Columhia par Farmers' B ink of Lancaster Lancistet par lsnceter County Bank Lancaster par Lancaster par Reading par Hsrrihiirg These Lancaster I offices Reading 1 ( do not Lancaster Hank Farmers' Bank of Reading Office of Bunk of Perm's. Office do Office do Office do NOTE8 do do -do Easton J issue a AT DI8COUNT. Rank of the United Slates Philadelphia Potisville I-esvixlown Midi) lei own CsrIUIe Harrisburg Lebanon Piltaburg Piltabuig Williamsport Wilkesliarre . Allcntown Reading 23 i tl Miners' Bank of Potlsviih) Bsnk of Iewiatown Bank of M iddlctown Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of Harrisburg Bank Lebanon Bank . Merchants' St Msnuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg West Branch Bank Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks County Bsnk Office of Bank of U.S. Do do do Do do do Bank of Chamberaburg Bank of Gettyslnirg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' At Drovers Bsnk Franklin Bsnk Honesdale Bank Pittsburg failed Erie do New Brighton do Chamberaburg 1 Gettysburg i Montrose Erie Wsynesburg Washington Honeadsle Brownsville lj.if 1 Monnngalieta Bank of D. York Bank York is I York N. B. T he notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia 8s. Ins. Pbilak-Ihia do do do do failed Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill 8a. Ins. Kensington 8a v. Ins. A failed failed Penn Township 8a. Ins. Manual Labor Bank (T. W- Dyett, prop.) . failed rwands Bank Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Bearer Bank of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' St Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' A Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Hsrmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Bedford no ssle Reaver closed Hsrrisburg closed Washington failed Belli fonts . rhawd Pittsburg no sale Pittsburg failed Fayette en. faileil (Sreencastle failed Harmony uo sale Huntingdon no sale ewitown no sale Wsrren failed Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bsnk Northern Bsnk of Ps. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. DundafT no sale New Hope . closed Nortbumh'd Union Col. Bk. M ilton no sale Meadsille closed North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Port Carbon Pa. Agr. tt Msnuf. Bank Carlisle tailed Montrose closed Uniontown failed Grrenshurg closed Silver Lake Bsnk Union Bank of Peno'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Wilkesbarre no ssle crT All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set Jown as irsuus. KEW JERSEY. Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick , Belvidere Medford Perth Amboy Bridgeloa failed Belvideie Bsnk Burlington Co. Bsnk Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank farmers' Bank P' par Mount Holly Fsrmers' and Mechanics' Bk Kshwsy -N. Brunswick Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk failed Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown Ft. J r ranklin Uank o: . J. Jersey City failed failed nouoaen URgec U rating uo Hobuken lerse City Bsnk Jersey City failed Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth BkofN.J. MechsnicV Bsnk Mecbsnics and Msnuf. Bk MorrU Canl and Ukg Co Post Notes Newark Bkg St Ins Co New Hope Dei Bridge Co ralterson Belleville Morrwtoisn Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City failed failed failed . par no sale Newaik LambeiUville i N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Hot oken failed failed N J Protecton 4c Lombard bk Jersey City Orange Bank Orange Patenon Bank Peterson Peoples' Bank ; , , do 4 failed . 4 Princeton Bank Princeton ' Haiern Banking Co - 8altin State Bank Newark Stale Bank ! Eliuhethtown Stale Bank ' Camden StaU Bank of Morris i..: ' Morriahn Bute Bank , i . Trenton Salent and Philad Manuf Co Halem . .. Sussex Bank Newloo Trenton Banking "Co .. Trenton Union Bank Der par par i par s failed failed i psr WasbingtoR Banking Co. - Hsrkensack DELATrTAKE. Bk erWihu tt Bmnrfywine Wilmington Bank of Delaware ' Wilmington I failed par P' Dana m oanyrna- - Smyrna i Do branch Milford Farmers' Bk of Stale of Del Dover Do branch ' Wilmington Do branch George town Do branch Nssrcaslle Union Bank Wilmington r Under 6's Pr par P par par par par tX7 On sll banks marked thus () there are sk that counterfeit or altered notes of the various eV porainalMHia, u circulalioo. WHITE SWAIT HOTEL, tl . C - r. . 11ACB OTBBET, I'niBlKi.rHtA. nv Bissau THIS location is convenient for Business men viaitlne lha rliv. Ever Dains is taken to se- 1 - .-j . cure the comfort of travsllers. March 7. 1846. ly Removal. . fa "Tl rfinT'Prr! a db a b m mwi RESPECTFULLY informs the ci t'tens of Sunhury snd vicinity, that he has removed his residence to the Brick House in Market street, one door we-t of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful fur past fs- or, he hopes to receive s continuation of the lilier al patronage which has heretofore been extended to him. ' Feb 58, 1840. fim MONTOUR HOUSE, LATK nitADY S IIOTKL, (Jpponile Ike Court Vrirse, DANVILLE, VBXrXV'A. p i THE 8uheriler, viho sssired for se. ven I years in the management of the a- Mil I bore Hotel, lately kept by Mr. 8. A. Rra i I'lw'dy, b'g leave to infirm the travelling puli'ir, that he has taken the establishment on hia own aceouiit, on the first of January, 1846. he House has, of late, undergone many impor tant alterations, and the present conductor promisee to leave nothing undone to make it a eomfbrtaMe and agreeable, as well as a cheap and accommoda ting stopping place for stranger who may viit our flourishing village. No pains nor etpense will be spared to fill the taMe and the bar with the best the maiketa aflord, and with th determination to le- voe his entire personal attention to the comfort of those who may make his bouse tboir temporary s bode, and aided by active, careful and obliging Ser vants, he hories lo give general satisfaction, snd re ceive a liberal share of custom. ' . - J (Tj Large and commodious 8TABLES sre at tached to the establishment, which sre attended by careful and obliging ho -tiers. v GIDEON M. BHUUI". January S4lh, 184A. tf ? . EVANS & WATSON, No. 70 Sot'TH Third Street, Opposite the Philadelphia Exrhmtige, Manufacture and keep cor kstantly on hand, a large as Fsortment of their Patent Im proved Salamander FIRE J.PROOF 8AFES. which sre Vi J" constructed as to set st rest an manner ih tiivuu iu iiii-ii being strictly fire proof, and tbst ihey will resist the tire of any building in the world. The outside case of the 8afes are made of boiler iron, the inaide e ise of sonpstone, snd be tween the cuter esse and inner ease is a space of some 3 inches thick, and is filled in with indeotrur lilile material, so ss in make it an impossibility to ever bum any of the contents inaide of this Chest. Tbese 8epslone SsUmsnders we sre prepared and do challenge the ereild lo produce any article in the sbape or ISook Safes that will stand as much heat, and wehold oorsdves ready at all times in nave inem lairly tested by public bonfire, should a ny tf our competitors feel disposed to try them We also continue to manufacture snd keep con stantly on hand, a large and general assortment of our Premium Air-tight Fire Proof Safes, of which we have a large quantity In use, and in every in stance Ihey have given entire satisfaction to the purchasers of which we will refer the public to a tew gentlemen who have them in use. N. St Q. Tsvlor, 129 north 3d st.t A. Wright ft nephew. Vine st. wharf; Aleiamler Caror, Con- veyancer. comer of Filbert and 9th ets, John M Furd, 32 north 3d st.; Myers Bush, 30 n.arih 3d st; Usiley St Brother, 138 Mabel st4 James M Paul, llll south 4th St.; Dr Dsvid Jsvne. 8 south 3d St.; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d St.; and we coutJ nsme some three or four hundred others if it were necessary. Ni.w we invite the siteniion of tbe public, and particularly those in want of r ire I'root Bates, to call at our More before nurcha sing elsewhere, snd s think we can ssliafy them that they will eel a belief ami cheaper article at our store than any other eslabl shment in the city e also continue to manufactme real and Co pytng Presses, msde in such a manner as to an' swer lioth puri-otes ; Hoisting MacMni, Fire Proof Doors, with our own manufacture of locks on Ihem, wilb D. Evsns's Patent Keyhole cover attached to ihesame; plain snd ornamental Iron Railing, &e. ' N. B. We keep constantly on hand a large as sortment of our Patent Stale Lined Refiiget VMS, Water Filters snd Coders; and we have also on hand several second hand Fire Pruf Chests taken in eicbenge for ours, which we will dispose of at veiy low prices. Philadelphia, January 24h. 1846. ty HAT & CAP WARKIIOUSK, ATo. 304. Market Sreel, oonee 9ft, South sufc, PHibAoaiiraiA, M THE subseril era respectfully call tbe alien aSaX lion of their friends snd dealers to their Isrge snd well assorted stock of Hsts and Ca of every ilescrilion. welt adapted f f tbe ai-rmg trade. Be ing made of the lest material and by the mn4 ex perienced workmen, they feel confident lo give uni versal satisf'iction to all who msy fsvnr iheni with a trial, as they oftVr lo sell ss lw as any hmiae in the city. BAR TALO IT St BLYNN. Phila.b Iphia. January 3, 1846 ! To rui'diuMcm of DR7 GOODS.' HAVINU rUblishe.l a Branch el No,-.- Cb.. nut at., Philadelphia, is now opening, snd will be constantly receiving from the S'iw York Auo lions, sn extensive assortment of TANCT $t 8TAYZ.B DBT GOODS. ' which will lie sold st the lowest New York prices at wholesale and Retail. Among his stork will lie found a good assortment of the Mlowieg articles; JacconeU, Plaid. Hair Cord, Lace, 8iripe, Book, Swiss snd Tsrlsisn Muslins, Bish -p snd Linen Lawns, Fsncy Cap Netts, Fancy snd Ball Ureases, Thread Lsres, Application Do., twh Black Silk Trimming Lace, -Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics, Linen Cambrie Hdkfs.,CuiUin Fringea, Cashmeie d'Eeusse, Meuaeline ds Laiae. bilk and Cotton Warp A lecas, l)ueii's 4'loth, Gsla Plaids, Frrutb Merinoa, BUck 8ilka, Gloves, Hilk Hose, Shawls, Crsvsts, Ribbons, Embioiderirs, Ac, Ac. Country Merchants and others visiting Philadel phia or New York to purchase, are respectfully in vited le call and examine the stocks. No. 1, 1845. ly ' ' ' ' W II CAT. The bigheel price given fur Wheat, at the store of H. MAUSER. . A new supply of Rose Ointment just received. . No. 8th, 1845. , BAR IRON Just received snd for sale, ehesTp for cash, by HENRY MASSE R. . Sunbury, Bept. 20, 1845. ITllOiFPort wiim,M.deria and Lisbon wines. Also superior Brandy and Gin, Lemon Syrup. Also a few barrels of Fisa, for sale by HENRY MA88ER. Sunbury, July 19th, 1846, H. Be ATTORNEY AT LAW, STJITBTJA-r. PA. .. Business attended to in the Counties of Nor- thuml-erland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia. Herer to I P. St A. Rotoudt. Lnwta A BAaneir, SoMsaa &8s) onoaiss, Ravirotns, McFAtiB St Co. Srsaiao, Ooon St Co., HE1T1V5 HOTEL, II ARRISIII IIG, PA. T BEO leave to Inform the public that t have left Phitaileliihia, and am now located in Hsrris burg, the seat of the Riecntie and State Ooern merit of Pennsylvania, where I now occupy the spacious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Matthew w ilson. This spacious building, having been purposely planned and creeled for a Hotel of the first class. Is not surpassed if equalled, by any similar estab lishment in Pennsylvania snd having undergone s thorough renovntion. the parlors, rooms and ehsmbess sre now fitted op in a style thst com nines e'et snce with com tort and convenience. My TABLE is pledged to be supplied with the best (sre the Markets can protlnevt the charges si the iims lime being ss moderate as sny oflhe best regulated sstal lishmenls elsewhere. In short, no exertions shall lie spared on my p irt, or on the part of every member of my household, lo make It what it should be, in tbe Capital nf one of the most pop ulous and interesting Stste of the Union. With these pnmisis, accommodations and faci lities, and the fact that tbe Hotel ia most eligibly situated, I wi h confidence, moat respectfully soli cil tbe patronage of the Public. - , DANIEL HERR, Late of Herr's Hotel, Chesnut at., Pbilnd. ITarri burg. Nov. 22. I81.V . i : FOI'ltTEKW IDtimii'i VaaMireea- a errfafn ' turt for worms sne snd very pleamnt to lake, 2. Gibson's Extracts, which remove Grease of all kinds Dry Paints. Tsr, Varnish snd Wax, from carpeta or from clothing, without injuring the color or the cloth. 3. Lnsnon Fiv Prra the best thing known for killing fliea ami musqnitoee. ' 4. A certain Destroyer of Rats, Mice, Roaches and Ants, and another of Bd Bujs. 5. Ocsn'i Sprciric for s-ur stomach, Heart Bum and Wsler Brash, by one who hadsuflired thirteen yers, liefore bo discovered the cure. Da. 8T.vkV Gnkkx Oixtmcht for the Piles. It hss never faileil lo cure. 7. Ilaaaiaos's Tsttkr M'ash. 3. Bbihord's Ibbklisls Isk, without a rival. , 9. Tea . Coaieeraa CorrrTios or Fi just the medicine for children and for women, it is so pleassnt to tske. 10. Btc.'s Vr.naTaata AsTiaiuoes Put. 11. Gona's Ekollikst WATSB-rsoor Pastk. for Harness, Boots, etc. It softens the leather, and keeps out the wsler. 12. Poon Man's 8TataTaxaia PiASTia. 13. Jacksob's DuaaaotA Miitcbi, which cures the worst Diarrhoea in a few hours. 14 Jacks Dvsk)itabt Mixtcb, a cer lain and speedy cure for Dysentery and Summer lyomulaint. The aliove valuable articles sre sold wholesale and retail, by L. C. GUNN, No. 1 South Fifth ttrett, Philadelphia- when Storekeepers snd o thers will be supp ied with pure African Cayenne Pepper, Arnica Floweis, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass snd Yaraishea, at the lowest prices. Terms only cash. QJ" Cut out lbs advertisement, and bring it with you. Philadelphia. July 19th. 1845. ly. BELIEVE AND LIVE THOMSON'S Conipouud 8yroi of Tar &. Wood A'apltia. FflHE unprecedented success of thi medicine, in X the restoration ofhealib, to those who, in des pair, had given up all hope, has given it an xa' led reputation alovo all other remedies, fumUbing evidence of its intrinsic vslus and power, as the on ly sgenl which can be relied uixin for the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, Brotichittis, Asihms, Pain in the side and Breat, Spitting of Blood, whooping Uough, Urmip, ote. Attention is requested lo the following ASTON. ISHING t' Thomson's Compound Syrup oi i sr and ohj nsjiths ! ! Philuitrtpkia, May So, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelings I inform yu of the astonishing effects of your metiicine, oicn nas nierauy rsis a me irom s death-bed I My diea-e. Pulmonary Consump tion, bad reduced me so low that my physician pro. nojnced my case hopeless I Al this junction I be gan to u-e your medicine, and miraculous as it msy seem, K hss completely restored me to health, after everything else bad failed. Kespectfullv yours. WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte street, above George street. The undersigned, being personslly acquainted with Washington Msrk and his suflerings, bear witness lo ihe aalonishing effects of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar, snd Ibe truth of lbs s bove statement. JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third street, . DAVID VICKER8.42 Almond street. HUGH M'GI.NLEY, 8. E. corn.r Tamsny and Fourth streets. Prepared only by H. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of 5th snd Spruce streets, Philadelphia. Agents. H. B. Maaser, Sunbury ( D. Tiroes, and Dr. Marpheraon, Harrisburg ; Jn. G. Brown, Puttavi!le Ge.. Earl, Renling ; Houston ft Ma ori, Towanda. Bradford county. Pa. Price 60 cents per bottle, or (6 p r dozen. Rmmre of mil imitation. '' Pbiladelphia, June 28th, IMS. ly . . PIANOS;, THE SUBSCRIBER baa been appointed agent, for ibeaale.-ft -ON RAD MEYER'S t El EBRATED PREMIUM RJSB WOOD PI ANOS, at this place. These Pianos base a plain, maaaive ami breuiiful eitetior Coi-h, and, fur depth and sweetness of lone, and cleg nice of workman ship, are not aursed by any in llie United Slates. Tbe following is a recommendation from Cabs Distb, a celebrsted pnilbimer, and himself a man ufootuier i A C AIID. Havibo had the pleasure of trying the eicel lent Piano Fortes manfactured by Mr. Meyer, and esbiblted at the last exhibition of the Franklin In stitute, feel it due to the Irue merit of the maker to declare that these instruments are quite equal1 and in sosae raspeets even superiot, lo all the Pt ano Fortes, saw at the capitals of Euiope, and during a sojourn of two year al Paris. These Pianos will be sold at the manufacturer's lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower. Persons are requested to call and sismiuc for themselves, at the residence of the subscriber. Sunbury, May 17, 1845. H. B.M AMBER. IT IME. of a snperior quality, can now be had UJ slide Lima Kilns of Henry Maaser, in un bury. May 17, 1845. OAKLEY'S EPEJItATlVC 8Ynri, THE valuable properties of Oskley's Depurs lio8ytupof 8arsaparillB, as s purifier of ihe blood, is so well known to the public generally, that it ia unnecessary lo irupy much spare in set ting forth the advantages lo be derived from its use wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, it lakes precedence over sll others l eveiy one that baa taken it, have derived so signal bene ficial results from it, thai it is recommended by Ihem with Ihe utmost confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in tbe profeasion, prescribe il to patients under their tare r containing nothing deleterious, but lieing composed of the most mild, yel efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered with confidence, as the cheapest snd most efficient pu. rifier nf ihe blood now known. The use of a few bottles, especially In the spring months, will be at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge neral strength oflhe system, eradicating any seed of disease that may have been generaU-d, besides giving heslih snd vigor lo the body. For Ihe cure of Scrofuls or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Teller, Pimples or eruptions of Ihe Skin, White Swelling, Fistuls, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac. The nu merous eertifics'es in the possession of the subscri ber snd his sgenls, from physicians and others, are sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su periority over sll preparations of Sarsapsrilla. 8ld wholesale snd retail, by Ihe proprietor, '""""'u w, uAAiici, itorin Din street. Hea ding, Berks County, and to ha bad oflhe following persons ' . . - i In Narthnmhtrland Votintv. If. B. Masv. Sunbury; Ireland St Mixel, McEwensville ; D Krauser, Ml Hon. In Union Cnunty.l. Gearbart, Scliuegrove: A . f ?ula-tiu. 4iOti..l..i.A - . In Columbia County. tt. W. McCay, Wash ington. ' "'',; " - . "".. Reading. March 14, 184:1. Ma. Oakisv: I lielieve il the uty of every one lo do whatever in their power I les.for the le-ne. til ol their fellow man, and having had ponuve proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties of your Depurstive 8yrup of Ssrsaparilla, I m t conscientiously reconvnend il lo the aHlicteiL We bsd Ihe misfortune lo lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores ihsl covered Ihe face, head snd neck, although we had some of ihe most scientific physicians to sltend ih m snd hs tried sll Ihe known remedies, including 8waim's Panacea, without avail. Another of my children waa attacked in the same manner, her face snd neck wss completely covered; the discharge was so offensive, snd the disease st such a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Depurative 8yrnp of 8:irsapari!l.i, we were induced lo make trial of it. as the last res.-rt ; n scted like a charm ; the ulcers commenced besting Immediately, a few bottles entirely restored her lo her health, which ahe has enjoyed uninterruiitedly ever since. As a purifier of tbe blood, I verily be lieve it hss not its equal, JOHN MOYER, Tailor, Walnut street, nesr Fourth, Heading. Dooglassville. April 19lh. 1843. Ma. Oakisv: My son Edmund Leaf, had Ihe scrofula in tbe most dreadful and dtslresung man ner for three years, during which time he de prived of the use of bis limbs, his he id snd neck were covered with ulcers. We tried sll the differ enl remedies, but to no effect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown. and also Dr. Isaac Hiester, of Reading, lo oise your Depurstive Syrup of Ssrsaparilla, of which I obtained eeveial bottles. the use of which drove the disease eminlv nut of hia system, Ihe sore healed up, and the child was restored to perfect health, which he has. enjoyed onintcrruptetlly ever since, to the astonishment of many persona who seen him dming his sffliction I have thought it my duty, and send y.-u thiaceili ficste that others who have a like affliction in the family may know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Yours truly, ' AMELIA D- LEAF. ScpLjfi. 1843. ly . , A S II IJ Y & 'no V Al WHOLESALE & BSTAIX. HAT & CAP MANUFACTURERS South East rornr of Market end 4th .. Philadelphia, Tint" ERE they always keep on hsnd sn eiten aive assortment of HATS U CA PS of every description, got up in the best and most approved slj le. rersnns denrous et purchasing suinor aril cles on Ihe most ressoesble terms, will find it lo their advantage lo call before making purchases eisewnere. Philadelphia, Oct. filli, 1844. I y CITY FUHM ITURE AUCTION AND PRIVATE SALES BOOMS. Nos. 29 and 31 North Thud Street Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. O .C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in viles lbs sttention of persons desirous of pur chasing Furniture, to hie ei tensive Wales Rooms (loth publie snd Private.) for every deerition of Household furniture, whrre csn l oMained at sll times, a large assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattresses, Ac., at very reduced prices, for cash. Soles by Auction, twice a week. Msy 27lh. 1843 ly Counterfeiter!' DEATH BLOW. ryhe pu! lie will please observe ibat no Brandieth Pills are genuine, unless ihe hoi has three la bels upon it, (tbe lop, Ihe enle snd tbe bottom) each containing a Nc-aimil. signature of my hand' writing, thus B. Bsabdbith, M. D These la. beUate engraved on sUte.L beautifully designed. snd done st sn eipenae of over f 3,000. Therefore it will he seen that the only thing necessary lo pro cure ihe medicine in iia purity, is lo observe these labels. . . , , Remember the lop, the side, snd Ihe bottom. Tbe following respective persona are duly authori sed, and hold ' , CERTIFICATES OP AOEXTCT For the eala of Brundrttk't VegttaltU Univermi , . ... ,PUU, ... . . Norlbumbailand county I Milton Markey A Chambeilin, Sunbury il.B. Maaser. M'Eweus ville Irelsnd St MeiielL . Nwibumleiland Was. Forsylh., Georgetown J. St J. Walla. Uuion Cwunlyi New Berlin Bogsr St Win ter, Slinsgroe George Gundium. Middle burg Isaac Smith. Beaverlown David Hubler.. Adamsburg Wm.J.May. Mifllmsburg Menscb St Ray. Hartleion Daniel Long. Freeburg U. St F. C. Moyer. Lewisburg Walls St Green. Colutnbis county i Danville E. B. Keynolda St Co. Berwick Shuman St Ritlenhouae. Cat Iswiasa C G. Brobts. Bloomeburg John R. Moyer. Jeieey Town Levi Bisel. Washington Robu McCsy. Limestone BalM H McNIneh. Observe ibst each Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of Dr BRANDRETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of ihe new kibett new Uted upon th Brondrtth J'iU Boxes. Philadelphia, office No. 8, North Rih street. B. BRANDRETH.M.D, June 34th 1843, ROSC OINTMENT ron TETTER. RiNowonMH, riMPi.m on the trn, and othkk CKTANKOVa r.RUMIONIs. (Jj 77i following ctrtifca'e detcribt one of the mnut fxtraordinani eurei ever effected bu an application. PHitAnsi.rntA, February 10, 18.18. J70R twenty years I wss severely afflicted with Tsttkb on the Face and Head) ihe disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, snd continued until the Fall or 1836, varying in vio lence, bnl without ever disaptsjiaring. During most nf ihe time, great pari of my face was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing ; my head swelled at times until it foil ss if it would buret the swelling wss so great, that I couM scarcely get my hat on. During the long period that I was nfTlicted with the disease, I used a greet msny a plications, (among them several celebrated prepnration.) ns well as taking inward remedies, including a number of hottlca of Swaim's Panacea, Extract of Sarsnpurilla, Ac, In fact, it would be impossible to enumerste sll the medicines I used. I wss also under the care of two of ihe moat di- iinguished physicians of thia city, but without re- reiving much bencHI, and I despsired of ever being cured. In the fall of l8Hfi, the disease at the time being very violent, I commenced using the Roue Ointment, (prepared by Vaughsn St Davis.) In s few applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling sbsled, the rruption began to disappear, and before I had used ajar the disease was entirely cured. It has now leen nearly s year and a half since, and there is not a vestige of the disease re naming. excett ihe scars from the deep pits formed by the disease. It ia impossible for me 10 decrile in e certificate the severity of the disease snd my suffering, but I will be ple.iscd to give a fuller ac eonnl to any person wanting further satisfaction. who will call on me. At the lime I commenced using the R--se Ointment I would have given hun ched of do'.lais to be rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it lo several persnne, (among Ihem my mother, who bad the disease bad ly on her arm,) who were all cured by it. JAMbtt UU KPiUll, No. 156, Race St. CTY The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vsurfhsn, 8oah East corner of Third snd Race streets, Philadelphia, and sold on sgency in Sunbu ry, by tt. B. MA8SER, May I4lh. 1843. - - . - Agent. Hone Ointment, for TetterT A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. Phi LAnfcLFHt a, Msy 27th, 18-39. rPHIS is to certify that I waa severely afflicted with Tetter in the hsnds snd feet for upwards or lorly yesrs ; the diaease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I applied to a number of phyaicians, and used a great many appli cations without effecting a cure. About a year since, I applied Ihe Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped the iiching, snd a few applications immedi ately cured Ihe disease, which there has been no return of, slthough I had never been rid of it at sny lime for forty yesrs. RICHARD 8AVAUE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. j The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vsuuhan, 8julh East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and aold on agency in Sunbu ry. by H. B. MASSER, May 14th. 1843. Arch! lttEDICAZ. APPROBATION OJ the ROSE OINTMENT, for Teller. A LTHOUGH the superiority of ihe prepaialior over all others is fully established, the pruprie tors lake plessure in laying before the public tin following certifieste from a respectable physician a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr Bsugh, hsving found in this lemedy that relief fi a tedious snd disagreeable affection which the mean within Ihe range of bis profession failed lo affort) ha not hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices snd interests of that profession ai imposed to secret Remedies. PuiLAiisLruiA, Sept. 19, 1836, I wss recently troubled with s tedious herieli eruptiun. which coveied nearly one si 'e of my f.ici and extended over the ear. Mr. Vsughan.proprii lot oflhe Rose Ointment, uhseiving my face, mai led on my tiying his preparation, of which he bar ded me a jar. Although in common with the men lrs of my profersion, I discountenance and disa rove of Ihe numerous nnetruma palmed upon th public by iunniant pretenders, I feel in justice boun to except ihe Ruse Ointment from thst class of mi dicines. snd lo give it my spprobalion, as il entin ly cured the eruption, although it h id resisted tl usual applications. DAN I.. BAl'GH, M. D. The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. I Vsughan, South Eaat corner of Third and Rai Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sm bury, by H. B. MASSER, I2AGLE ss ax "jac uiz mis Corner of Third ami Vine Streets, WIZ.X.XAMSPOBT, PA. THE subscriber resclfully snnounces to I' public, that he haa oned a Hotel in tbe coi modjoua brick building ailuate on the corner '1 bird and Pine streets, where he will be happy wait ripun Ihose who may favor biro witU th' company. The Eagle Hotel ia large and c-nvei enl, and furnished in Hie he-t modem style. It provided wilb a large number of well aired a comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, privi parlors, Ac Persons visiting Willismsport on I sines or pleasure, may rest aa-ured thai every en ion will be used lo render their sojourn st t i "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. HisTs' will lie supplied with Ihe very best the msrket fords, and his bsr with tbe choicest wines and otl liijuors charges reasonable. The Eagle Ho possesses greater sdvantages in point of locati than any ruber similar establishment in ihe horoui being situste in the business part of the town, a within a convenient distance of the Court Hot and Williamenorl and Ehnira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and guod and tru ostlers slwsys in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Serva have been employed, and nothing left undone t: will add lo tbe comfort and accommodation of guests. There will be a carriage always in attendance the Boat landing to convey passengers to and fr Ihe House, free of charge. ' CHARLES BORROWS Msy 14th, I84w tf ticorgy J.Vvavcp, BOPB RXAKEXZ & SHIP CHANDLEI A'p. I S North Water Street, Philadepkuu frit A3 constantly on hsnd, a general a as JlM ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac, Tar I Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Ma la Ropes, Tow Lines for Csnal Boats. Ala. complete aasortment of Seine Twines, Ac sud Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent . Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, S Threads, Ac Ac Also, Bed Cords, Plough U Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Csrpet Chs Ac, all of which he will dispose of on mason: terms. Philadelphia. November 1 3, 1 842. ly. ""sj'iikiNG, GooirATca No. 138 Markt Street, Philadelph INVITE the attention or Country Merch to their extensive aasortment of British Fn sud American Dry Gooda, which they offer for on tbe mot reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1843. ly.