Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 29, 1846, Image 3
t - n.i.TiiMtr m aiikf.Ti ;f ( r, Ofiecoftfie IWtTttoa ABir, Aug. 01. "" GR AIN The supply of Wheat today has been smnll and prices Mendy. We continue to (noe good to prime. roil at "JOaSO cts., ami infe rior to fair of C.r,n70 e t. No family flour white Wheats nt market. A sale of Penna. red was rnadc to-d.iy nt R( rts ' - ,, ' ' Sale of 'Cprn to-day at 4Ca l7 eta. for wliito, find 63adl et. for yellow. ' - J- '" ; ' A parcel of Md. Ryewia. sold to-day nt GO cts. ' , W quote Oats nt 25a37 cts. . ,, ' ", .", V WHISKEY. The demand continues moder ate, and price atationary ht 83 cts. for hhds., end 33cti. for Mils. .' . " e m ' . , ".' i Comwnniratcd, . Tn casually looking over your paper, I was filled, with profound giicl by observing the an nouncement of the death of an old and valued .friend, Mrs. Ei.iz.Aiimi Lazarus. . ' Woman, prevented from participating in the 'active and stirring scenes of liTc, unobtrusively cultivates those social virtues, which daily as cend from the domestic hearth, as a sweet scen ted offering to Heaven, and constitute the peace and happiness of home. It waa there an intima cy of years enabled me to note the deceased in the scrupulous discharge of the various duties bf wife and mother, in these tender relations she exhibited the most self-sacrificing devotion; but 'the generous sympathies of a kind heart were Hot confined to them alone. She always was to Tjo found at the bedside of the sick, ministering 'to them comfort and their wants; and when death and affliction visited her friends and neigh bors, she participated in their grief, and mingled her benevolent, sympathies with their sorrows. Her sudden disease has inflicted shock upon licr family, peculiarly painlu.1 from its sudden ness, which time alone can relieve, tint her loss is irreparable ; and while the affliction tf an in refutable TVovideweetspetw the fountain of grief in the hearts tX those connected by the dearest ties, many "rVirtifl will cherish her memory, and drop tht fcinifly teat of tegtct. , , For tins Amciican. .' " AssrmWymnn. ' Ma. EniTnTt.- Permit me to recomnvnd to the D'tm-crary of lliis ecAmty, fur lliis rrpniisihle ti lion.a who, fir his unwavering fT to ran. I ain the TaiifTof 1843, nod lira stem and manly nd'icrence to every other principle of our grrat par. I V, in spite of the ntlcmpt of the ruling powers lo guvcrn bim, merits the cntifhb nee of his former constituent. EOWARD Y. BRIGHT has faith fully reived us in olhei ycrrs let os try him again. Vet'er cht one vthse sentiments we know, and Whose intrgnty we c nnot doul-1, at ibis crisis, than a new mn that may turn traitor to our interes's. r. ry one know that Mr. Bright was always in favor of prnleeli n to American Industry, and war mover of the lerolulion instructing our Senatora end Representatives to support that policy. Let very di mortal who know bis country's and his fiCti interest, tote f- r fbe iinenmptomising oppo. rent r free trudc bill vf EDWARD Y. iKlUHT. SHAMOKIN. For the American. Ma. Enttne. As the Standing Committee of ii c iiinty have appointi-d llio 7lh day of 8eptem .'r next f. r tin1 meetieg of the dfl galea lo the Do locnlie County Convention, it behooves u to linik liout far mmo euiiahle person to repreent tlii iiinty in the next Legislature. In tdia n-wtihip we 'c di-cjdrdly in favor of the c-clcction rf oui lute representative, EDWARD BRIGHT. Esq. We I e'ievn him lo I honest, iihful nd cumin lent, an I warm'y attached to si' tine interest of the people of couity. Ll oof of lhi, we nied but point lo bin ruiirse in fa ir of '.lie ii rilT, mill all I in nil er public art by liich t!ie interest of hi constituent were to be r end. - Mr Dkmocsits nr I.owku MiHoitor. VkVcm Ann Aavr., tun i.l Frvrns Ccaan riiiAXiiHi'.Til Piti.. All fever are occasinii by the dinordetrd motion oflho blood, p-odiiccd the humornl aeronilv by hardening ihe va'vet of vc-m'Ij. Tlio M ukI clreuluti-a with (ireatly in eased uperd, and is si ill increased by the friction ihe gluliuWa, ! paiiklf which compose the mas lluiils. 1 hi n it i thai the excessive heal and i'U i rrieiirnciU ihrouahrut the v.h"e srsteio, d accompanied with great ihirat, pjin in the head, rk, kidneys, aud in fact complete proatroliun all the racullirs of the mind as wtll as tody. On the first attack of fever, or any disease, im diaiely lake a I irge doM of Brandrelh Vrgeta i llnivcrval Pilln, and continue tn keep up a wcrful effect upon ihe bowels Until ihe fvet or n has entirely ceased, 8ii or eiuhl will in wt cases lie sufficient a a do, and one dne of skind it is not Improbable, may reenl mon'ba ilk lie, prihaps death. Jr. Benjamin Urandielb'a Vegetable Universal U, are indeed a universally approved medicine, ich by its peculiar action, cleanses the blood of impnritica, rrntove every Pain and WcaAneu, I finally Ratortt the Vontlitution to perfect ilth and Vigor, Purchase of H. D. Maaaer, Sunbory, or of agent, pul'ltahed in another part of ibis paper. n Milton on the 19th inst., Mr. MARY WIT li, consort of Mr. Amos Witter, aged 43 r. . : . jsiii-j.. l i-ii ie Uemocratlc Klectors orXortti ' ' uiuberland Couutjr, RE reipiested to meet, at the usual place of holding township elections en WalurUsy lue day of Heiiti mber ncit, for the purpose of elrc- ' delesalea to meet in county coovention, the at lloua in cJuubury, on Monday the 7 lb of umber. JOHN McKIPKNEV, A. JORDAN, JACOUD. HOFrMAN, A. D. PATTERSON, , A.HUIPMAN, uu4. IStb. bunding Committee. .,i':icK .t:uniniNT. , , Cifrrtdect tvrtlrly hy llrnry Masmr, ,i WnrT, . - '. .., 81) r.3 fi3 ' 25 6 112J 10 . 0 2ft 10 10 10 75 . U)0 . Conn, ., , , . , Oats, PnnK, . ..... . , FuTarrii, , . Mt'TTsn, , ;, , I'un, ', . , . , . OsKSWiV, . Til.KIW, . : . .. Pui, . ... , ! Hrr.mni, Daian Arriss, -. Do. Pkachks, 'CSood Intent I'lrc Com pan jV AH I'ATED MEETINtJ orthe Uontpiinv win be held on 'rnemliy evening next, at 7 o'clock, at the Court House.' Punctual nttenilanea la re quired. ' HENRY ' PONNEL.' - Ae 29. IR18. Secrtlartf. IVoticc. rriHE inderiffned Ae lt-r, appointed by ihe . JL Otphana' Court of Northumberland county, to mate iliairibution of the balance of ihe estate of GEORGE WATT, remaining in the hand of Frederick l.naaius, his administrator, to an.1 among those k? illy rniitlrd lo receive the same, will at tend to the iln'iea of hia appointment, at hi office, in Hunbury, on the Slut day of 8epiemliei, 1846. All persona interested are requested to attend. -WM.J. KARTIN, , Aug. 20, 1846. 4t Aoditor. ciieapestin" tiTe TvouliT! Stcunt Refined Sngnr Candles, i - 13 catrra ran row an, wnoLr.aiat. J J. RICHARDSON, No. 43 M.ikei Street, PniLADRLPHit, takes plcaaure in mlmming ihe public, that he still continue to aell hi very Pa ierior Steam It fined Candy at Ihe low price of $13 60 per 100 pounds, and ihe quality i equal to any manufactured in the Unued Htatea. ' ' He Uo off ra all kind of good in the Cenfee tinnertf and Fruit line at eorre-ponding low piiuee, ae quick aalrs end email piofil are the order of the day. . . . Call or aeml your order, and you cannot fail to be aliaried. Don't forget the number, 42 MAR KB r STREET, PHILADELPHIA. - - - J.J.RICHARDSON. Attcnat 29th. I64fi. 6m ... Address to tlio Public THE unprecedented success attending the use of Dr. O. Ilenj'n Smitli'a ( ucr Coutrd) lm proted VeKelaMe I'llls," and the arVnowlnlued au-l-erioiily which they posieas over the common An-li-Uliou, Cathartic, and various other 1 'ill in ge neral use, have given them a decided preference with all who have used thrm ; and they are uni versally esteemed Ibe most ifo and peasant ur gatives ever oil- red to ihe public. fjj CAU'l'ION. As a miserable imitation ha been mado, by the name of Sugar Coaiod Pill'," it ia necessary to be aure that Dn. G Uasi. Smith's signature i on every Imh. . Price 26 cent. - i Principal Office, 179 Greenwich L New York, Sold by JOHN W. F RILING. Sunbury. WM. FOKSYTHE, .VoTAWef. . Aug. S3, 1846. - v n . W. H. THOXVIFSON, VnliioiialIc BOOT AND SHOE '.MAKER,"... . Mabkk Stuiet, SuHauar, - THANKFUL for pat favors, begs lesve lo in form h a frienda and the public geieratly, thai he has Ju-t relumed from the city i'b new and fnahinnalile biatu, an I a 0)11 assort romt of Light col red, Uronr.e, Hlark Kid, and all other kinds i'f Moroecft t r tirntleim n, l.ailira and Chil.'r. n'a wear; and he aaxure all who may f.ivor him with Ihcir ru-lom, that ihey may rely upon having their w.ik d.ine in the m.wi ulmlantial and fiabionublo manner, and ai vrry low price. He alo haaa full a-oriment of biw prierd work, elicti-d by liiinxeir which be will sell lower than ever nlf red in tbi place, viz Men's Mioe. ' as tow as , fl.OO Er ra 8iou! n.K.t, .. ti.od Lace B o-s for Women, " I, OH Women' Slipa, fto Children' Shoes 25 l.eall cr, Mnroeco. he., fir rte low. ' Anguat23.l, 1 846. ap! Kif oot & Shoe SSTABLISHrfSENT. DANIEL nilUCKEMILTaKK. At hit Old Estahlishnrnl. in Market Street, ' Sunbiirt, (orPOSITK TIIK KED I.ION 1I0TEIM) ' fTh ETUiSNS hi thanka for past favors, and re Xi ftj 'P'cifully iiifurma hi friends and the puMin luuerally, tbut he continues to nunufactuie to ol der, in the nrateat and latent stylo, CI IF, A I HOOTS A!l SHOES, warranted of the Keel material, and mado by the most expetbnrrd workmen. He also kerpa on hand a general assortment of fashionable Boot for L grind-men, together with large stock of f.iahion v.. . .. ..... ..... able eenllemen s,toys , la.lle andrhlldien Phoes, all of which have been made under bis own imme diate inflection, end are of ihe beat material and workmanahiii, which ha will sell low for caah, tn addition In ihe a!vc, he ha Just received from Philadelphia a Urge and rxtenaive supply of lloota, Shoes, Ac of all derlptions, which he l-o rffcre fir caah. cheaper than ever before oil", red in this place, He lespeelfully invite his old custo mer, and other, to call and examine for them- Ives. . Repairing done with neatneaa and despatch, etunliury, August I6ih, 1846. Orphniisj) Court Nnle IN pursu nre of an order of ihe Oiphana' Court of NonhumHeiland county, will be ld ai pub lie vendue, en Saturday Ibe Alii day of September next, on the premise, in ea'd county, t wit i A ceitsin tract of land Miaaie In Itueh township, county aforesaid, adjoining land of Isaac Kline, Widow Streh, Henry Hun end other, containing 00 acre more or leaa, 25 sere of which are clear ed, whereon is erected a email one story frame end log honae, a small big atable, and an apple orchard. Ja the eelate of Bsvtd Kaaemen, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'rlook, A. M. of said day, when the conditions of sate will be made known by FREDERICK KA8EMAN, Auua8tb, 1846 6t - AJmr. sr. T?KOM the premise of the subscriber, in Sba -s- mnkintown, Northumberland county, on the mat m July last, . - -: t w o co w 8. C ' ; One a fresh milch cow, red, with white belly and tail, and some wbite about her fare. The other a uaik luiudle, with a abort lad. Any ncraon In ill E in ii ihe said aliay lo the aubacriber, or giving Ititu iuformalion tabvte they can be found, will he iea- soniiy rewaidcd. W M. M. WEAVER cthamokiiilowu, Aug. 8, 1846. Ji. ... W II O TiE 8 A !,K , , soot: &- a:-iOSi 'STC?als. - CHEAP FOK CASH. ' Ao. 35 Rfitifi Ttiirit Strrrf, olmve Chhnut, r ii i l a b e x. r si i a. Tr.nM Ann rirr MANnrACTt'iite anara anii :' anoss. ,. - . - fllllE Subscriber h.iatakeri the liberty ol nd.lrea 1 find the publie, satisfled that they will .find, it lo their Interest to call and rtaui'iie Jii slok of Roots and Shoes, and acquaint themaelve Willi hia prices, j ' f ; ' : ' ;. i Selling exclusively for Ihe Cash, he is enabled and determined to aell lower than any ether regu lar houto in iho city. : . Persona will please exsm'ne the market tho roughly, and, bifuio purchasing, call at the aloie of . TH OS. .. EVANS, No. .15 South Third, above Chescul St Philadelphia, Aug. 15. 1840. To Teachers, , I, LEV EN principal teachers, and one. aaj-tsiit, J will be wanted for the coming frill and winter school, in Sbamekin ditrie.t,Nnriiunilerland coun ty. Persnns wishing In bo employed as such, will please moil the board of directors, at the houre of Felix Lerch, in SnulTtown, on Saturday the III b day of September next, for examination accHiling to law, Peraons applying itoi persoi ally kn.wn lo Ibe board, will ho expected lo pr.nluco lultrra of recommendation lunching good moral cbaiacter. -djT The hoard wi'l meet at 8 o'clock, A. M. ; By order of the boaid. . ,, FELIX LERCH. Attest, Prea't B. 8. D. Sham. Dial Enn Jonir, Sec'y. . Shamokin Diet, August 6ih, 1846. , TO THE KLTOTORsToFN BERLAND COUNTY. IELIXIW CITIZENS: At the eolirilalion of a number of pi rsnne, in difTerent part of ibe county, I have consented to be a candidate for the office rf -' ....... - COVXVTT COMXCISSXONXia. I can only promise, should I be elected, In make every effort lo discharge the duties of the ill"ice to your entire satisfaction. -. HUGH McFALL. Delaware townrhip, Aug. 8ih, 1846. TO TlllEtiECTOR'l) VMIiERLAND COUNTY. IELLOW CITIZENS s Through lite rnrnu rsgemenl of my frienda, I have been induced to offer myself a a candidate fit Ibe oflico of . County CoinmlMionrr. - Should you see proper to elect me, I will m ike eve ry rflbtl to render general SMliafsetion. WILLIAM WILSON.; ' Lewis towutbip. Ang. 8. 1846. "" Valuable Real Estate .a- Jk I.L ihst certain Tavern Stand and Valuable VJk. Farm, situite in Shsmokin townsh-p, Nor ihumheiland county, on Centre Turnpike, about 8 mi Ira from Sunbury, the county town, adjoining lands of Fegely's Heirs, Annsnias Saxton and o there, containing 150 acrea more or leas, 20 acres of which being in good meadow, a small creek running through the aame, and about 20 acrea thereof being well limbered, the residue being in a high state of cultivation under excellent fence, on which is an orchard of choice fruit trees; the buil dings constat of a two story stone dwelling house, well adapted for a Tavern Stand, which waa k pt as rnrh for upwards of 35 years, a targe conveni-' ent bank bain, with abundance of good shed and other out buildings. " ALSO A ni'tlier small tract of land adjoining the above and land of Daniel J. Rote and others, containing iibout 18 acre in good statu of cultiva tion ; the building, theienn consist ,.f a two sloiy frame dwelluia house and frame bank barn, with 'Ihrr put buildings water apiiiiKlug at, ibe door of tlii dwelling and the tavern aland, by meant of fountain pumM ll,i late the real estate of Mar-, tin Weaver, doe'd., ai d will be anlJ at private aale by ho eulierilM r, being autboiiziil by Iho heira if said diCtattd. Jnd sputal le litlea will I.p cive-,. I)NIEL J. ROTE, Fir the uaeoflbe Heiis nfaaid d. ceased. Shsmokin lownabip, Aufuat 1, 1316. if D E N tTsR yT JACOB" SELLS?.,"':''' IIANKFI'L fur the liberal encouragement which be has received, wmd I rrspeeifiilly ii.fornt his frienda and Ihe cititena of Noilliumls-r land county in neneral. that he baa prepirrd bim- celf with the best Incorruptible Teeth. tJol I Plain, (old Foil, &c , that can he had in Ibe city of Phi ladelphia ; and ibat ho will emleavor, t i ibe utmost of hia ability, to render full satisfaction lo a'l who utay think piopcr lo engago tils fervice. lie will be In Sunbury nt the Auuu.l court, where ho will l prepared, at hi residence, lo inra-rt Teeth on (Sold Plate, or on Pivot, on iho I iivsi and mot r pro,ed plana, and attend to all the brunette U'loiig. ing lo DEN I'Al. Sl'IMiKRV. Ladies will be waited on at their place of rri- deuce, if desired. Hi charges will be reasonahle, and his woik warranted. , . He Will visit difTerent parts of the county, about i. nee in three m.4iih. ' . . , , . Sunbury, July IMh, I84C flm ' ' jrxE.VTEU'8 SPIRITS OF SOAP, fc.r ix JLf tracting Oreaae, Dry Paints, Varnialt, Tar, Wax, Ac from clothing wf any description, war ranted not lo iniuie Ihe cloth or the mo-t delicate color. Tbi bqli d ha abto U-en u-el Willi gnat aucce in caa. a ol Burn. Scalds Tett- r. I'imploa on the face, Chapped hsniU, Sore i. Rheum a- tiam, Hard ,4 soft Corua, cVr. Titce, 3D elm tier boi lie. For aale at the atoie of July 18. 1840. . H. MASSfiR. B. ICIIVZBI2XI. ' JR., No, 31 North Fourth Sirvvl, unJcr the Mcr chanti" Iltttcl, . , , , Phlladelpliln, a tt ... rA....) KEEPS constantly on hand an extensive aa rortmenl of all kind of Silk, Fur and Ilea ve Hata, which be offer for sate on the moat rea sonable term. ' Hi Hat are made up ol the best materials, and in ibe moat approved atyle. ' Per son viUing to city will And it In their interest lu call. July llth, 1846. ly FOUNTAIN HOTEL? ' Ught Street, . . . . . . . ,.t . i. npHE House hsa undergone a thorough tcpair. X 1 be proprietor solKtt it former patronage Term 1 23 per day. , , WM.W.Dlt, ... ARTHUR L. FOG'3. July 4, JM8-ly ProptMura. CoSQKEHS AX. Blue aud litau Congrea J Ink, of aujieiior quality, for sale cheap, at tin atoreet HENRY MASSE K. July 4th, iStn. AWAitnrH at tm rnaiiit maTiTrTK, 1843 ' -a - y' a . ' ' Tiljr Pft.snYrrrotypc EslnMisIiinrn!.'.' (LTi! Siviiaa o Coi.usra.) K. 100 Chttnut (t.,'We Third, South aic, . r, f riIII.AZEX.rHZA. - INIATt'RF.S taken equall lly as well in clou A dark silk die XVJal "J ss in rloir went: for a ladv. and a black auit fur a ocnlleman. are lircf.irnlilo in silling for a picture. No extra charge is ttiaiio lor coloring, and pnrlert likeneeae are Ruaraitird. t ( July 4lh, I81. Jy CHESNUT STBEBT, ;;P HI LA DEI, V II I A. 5 flltl IS bitpe and Cotnieodlolis llolel had recently I been lined up wlh entire new furniture. 'I he aHlwcribet I here tor Mil kit Ihe patronage of the public, and t'ti.-t that their experience in the buaiueaa will enahle thrm to give entire satisfac tion. Term inodurate. ., .' ; ; . , 1IACLEY, McKENZIE & Co. July 4th, ISIG. ly . . - Keller V Crirt't'iionli, PATE1TT ATTO?lTYS, . AND MECHANICAL KNCINKKUS, WASHINGTON, S. O. DR A WINOS and Papers for the Patent Of. fice will hti irepared by them, at their ollWe, opposite the Pa'ciit Ollke. July, 4th, 1840. ly . PREZUCIUXIX SCALES. Pale' Crk tateil Rail Road Scare. ' Con! and Hav do ' Iron MntifeV d Portable Platform do 20 different aieea, Dormul or FliHr do A different site. ." Cnunier - " do 12 difTerent slu-a. The above Scale are mado either single or double beam,' and are decidedly Ihe moal durahle, aerurate and conveni ent fcb a ever ine Pit. We also have Platform and Coniit- r Soulra, Patent Balance and every kind of VV'cighina Machines in uae for sale, whole vale ml retail, at low price. All Scare sold by aa lo go out of iho rliy, are hoxed free of charge, and warranted .i give salixfaetion ti the porehaer In every particular. CRAY cV BROTHER, Mauufarturrrs and Deafer, No, 34 Walnut street, . June 8T. 1 840. ly VkilaJitphin. - HORSE SHOES. Burden" a Patent Horse Shoe, for ,! at manufieiureta P'icea by GRAY t BSOTHER. June 57. 1810,-ly ' v Walnut ,l. Pbilad. S ATT. Sew Voik Sail in I nuel and bags, for ale at manufacturer' price by , ... . , CRAY A. BROTHER. . June 27, 1810. ly , I Walnul at. Phil .id. ""CL"b I H I IT C-,. - W1IOL.CS.4L.I: AXI RCTAIIa. . rPHE vutsrailwr are conatNiitlv manuf iclurinu -L. ftom the best French, Kncliah and American manufactured Cloth and Uaaaiincr. CLOTHINU in a very superior atyle, cut and . workmanship. Persons buying lo sell again will find one of the large! and moat fashionable stock of goods to aclecl from in Ibe city, and at unprecedented .w price--. . ... J. W. & E. D. STOKb, 4 Market at. I'bllad. N. B, A larae aaortmerl of Odd Fellow ' Re (alia CMistanily on Itmid, and all orders from" bxlrjoa or iixltaidtlal pUnCUaly allili.le.l to, on Ihe moat liberal term. . . , . J. W. oiE. D.S. PluboMpbia. Jun27ih, Isitl. ly l ?I I O R T i M T " ' ' , TO ALL COUNTRY HOXTSBICBEPERS. . YOU in iy he sure ol oll inmg, nt jrM ull tiinea, pure and highly (1 ivored Hy the hiuulf pound or Inrq.-r quti tity, at Iho I'rkln T' 4'ominjsi "rVar'Iau"o. 30 .SijiiA Sicuuti strrrt, Mwern Varhtt utltl Vhtt 1 rir7 Unfix, , " ' ' . ipiiii-ADELrniA. ; Hereiofoie it haa leen very dillleull, indeed, al nio.l iinHV!ble, always in olnaili good lire, n and Itl.rk Teas. But now vou have only to v ibe P. I In IVj Cninaii'a Slim, lo obtain aadet'uioiH - - - . j m..l r..ianl IVs v.,ii mill. I iih for. A U latH can here ho united, with Ibe advantage of getting a pure arliele at a low price.. . , , . r, June 27th, tmri. ' ; TVotice. TfcTttTlCE t hereby fiiveii, thai an plication Iwl arill l m ..Im to ihu m il legislature lor a chailer for a Bmk wuh a capital of f.'illtMKI, and owei to ineriaao llara ill tin reuf J 100,000, will) hanking and diM'ouiilinj piivib'gea, lo lo cal led -The Bank of Shsatokin." ami to I located iu ihe borough of Suubry, in NorihumherUod coun ty. ... - June 27Ui. 110. Have von jirnrtl tlic.IVrw h t NO ! WHAT IS IT? -- Wnr, air'st iw nstan tt - MARTIN -IRWIN,; .t, hi "7, in Murktl tlitrl, nifjiiiting llit three fury lirifk Ihmst, 1 T AS juMeoeived from PhiUdlihia ihe largeal, A handoine and Im bI assortment of , , . HOO I S AM) HIIOF.S nfrvciy dee.riiitlon, that liaa ever I wen brnnghl lo ih'i place. And vihut i Mill bener, lln'y iy ho ell o cheap, that you ran buy two ram fur Ihe tnm mtiueji thai tyu user la jniy fir sue pair. He llt'is roe Cash and Ski.i. Von, Cahb, and that la the ieaon Uiat lie car, alHiid to sell ibem n much cheaper. f you doit't want to buy, JuM cll and see his slock. He ia always glad lo see bis cu'toipcrs; and it i no trouble lo him lo ahow bis goods. Ju.-t lo give you an idea huw cheap be dor aell, t'uo followiug U a liaa. of price of part of his at.fH t Mens Thick Booti worth f 4 0(W-al $ 75 da Fine Grain co do Cair do BoyaTbiek do Youths' do Mens' Thlrk Brogsha, Womena' Morocco Well 4 50 at 3 00 M ft 00 at 3 60 at S 00 at I HT at 3 00 175 1 35 I DO do ' di do dil do do do ' do '. do i do and JU1 Bprin, ., 150-e-at 100 Women' best City made Kid S!loera, 1 63 at I 12 Ladles' (Jailers and Gai . ter Boot. , . . " 3 00 at 1 37 . Also, every variety of LadieV, Boy' and chil dren' shoes, at prices lower than ecr bcloro olfcr cd. Cume See. Suubuiy, Juue 13ib, 1810. Oin " TP.'JTH , IS. OTIOHTZ AlTfi . WILL" PRETAIL." A . B. MARSH ALL, ' . lo. l4H ClH-Niint Street, betueen Seventh ami Eighth g(rect, IS nrtw ptepared lo nfler. Wholesale and Retail, a largo assortment of Fasct and Sta p La la K Y noons, hi it eel to the Country aa well a City Trade. He continues tlio ayatem of "no nlmlmitiil in price," which he has puraued for the past ten year, end desirea to call the special attention of the puld'c to it the only true ttntetn of retail busineee, and wh'irh ia derididly l. the iutcrent of the purchaser lo promote. t is quite lime iho fraudulent prae lice of pslvinn a biub priee, and abating to make lb puti hnaers believe they aie ibe "favored few," wa done away with, as, nine limea out of ten. Ihey are inadu lo pay a higher price (however great Ihe re due'ioii) than the lit.- Myt0 RM quality can be pur chased at Ihe One Piiec Sioie." A. 15. M. ia in regular receipt ef the neweat and cheapest aensonahtc goods, .and when any article s in value ihe price ia at once marked down so low Ilml ii Ciiiiliol 1h- undetaold.. By tbia ayaleui the puuhaser can al nil timra huy widi confidence and a di- faction, and without waste of lime in it'cleaa bargaining. He ha al this lime a Complete assortment of . SILKS. Itlaik l.iMnno. Oitonv.n, Poux do Sole, Man tua, On is dn Rhine, Artuutc, and other Ires aud Mantilla Silks. Also, Fancy Hresa Silka, from 41 cla. lo f 3 SB per var.l, inchiding all the variety of approved and useful nl) le and combination of elbn.,' ' ' Lining Silks, Foulard Sitka, Silk Gingham. LAWKS ASH OKCASDIES. P.iria Paintitl I.swna and Organdies, of the tiewret and most approved e'yle, a Well a thtt cheapest in Ihe market. Alo, Scotch Lawn at very low prices. IHE SCII VlSUltAMS, O r ihe neweat designs. Also Scotch (linghama and tiincham Lawns, very cheap. Twill'd Barb stun and Manchester Uingbam, for children' wear, " '- -' ' ' PRE SCII CHISTZES. Light, meilium, and dalk colors, 4-4 wide, Abto, berl m ke American Chinta and Calicoes, of the ntW attorns, at 12 J els. per yard. MOVSEUN I)E LAISES, Of the moal splendid Omhre and Printed atyle, down to the French, Englitdi ami American, at 25 cent r ja'd. HA KECKS af.Vf) 11ALZOIUSE8, Of all qualities and every variety of design-", rliiird lo all lasle. Ala-', embroideied and chain Mebid RoIns, Bayadere and Polka Ureases, emh'd Swma Mualirl and Bishop Lawn drem ialterrs Taib-I. n and coloiC.I plaid and stripe Swtaj Mil bus. white coons. Plain Swie. Mull, N.niaook. Jseconet, Canibiic, Book, and Teibloii Mnsbiie, Ptaid, Snipe, coid tl and ficuied Cnihiic and Sii- do , Bishop Lawn, JOHN. 11- PURDY, 1 I'SPECTFIILI.Y infiirm hi frienda and customers, thai ho bs removed bis stoi k cf gorl to ibe Stone House, on Maikel square, form, erly occupied by Mr. Wm. Hewarl, where he will be happy tn serve hi idd cuatomere and Iho pub lie generally, on as good terms, and al b low pri rra a ran bo had c'aewhero, . A large aaaortment of (Jroeeriea, Dry Uoods, end lueena ware, eonalantly on hand. Juno 27th, 1810. If. "Tiii iuu Sliect-l run V.irc" MANUr ACTOR V 8SLINSOBOVS, PENN'A. rilHE auleerilcr re-peirlfully inform iho public JL that be has e mineneed iho manufarture or Tin nn1 sliprt-Iron IVarc, in all ii various branches, at Solinsgrove. Ilia ware ia not on'y made tiftlin Iw-st materials, but is pill time lier in a iulsiautial and woikmatilike man ner, tlilleiiut! In this nspect from much of ihe waie a.ibl, wl ich ia made up in a bnriy for that purpose. An excellent a-sortim lit will bn kept on hand at ail lime, wbii h will be sold on ibe most reasonable ierm. ANDREW 8. W'lNGEUT. S-linscrove, May Ifuli. ISIfl. tf.- ' Itltli ami i:iBUt C APaPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS AND VINIH)V SHADES, irnw KPTtiNO t n a tit;. f HE au scilh, rliaa juai upeued lor spring tiade, I a large and complete assortment of Brua-elx, Imperial, -upeiline au.l fine Ingrain, and cnetfan ('ARPE'l'S, which t-.avc all been pun based iihiu a moullw nt the lnveal cash ralea. They atu now ,ITeriHl at greallj reduced prices for cash.' I he ij' are of mi eitra style and nniah, anl beiiit; of the best makn hi d fabric, oiler great in-iluii-menta to pun-ba-erH toohlahi a handaome and ileauablo arlielo at prices brlov llic ImUnl late. , The na-orirnenl ia roinph-t in every re ect, and eiMiaiais in -f ihe following -' " New and 4i ndn.1 Bruam'ta : . l0 do - Ingrain ' ' ' Do do ! Imperial v ' CARPETS. Ilo do '. Twl'd Veneiian r at Reiluced Id, il. PI tin do ' Price. Ui b'-' Fine A 'oiumon ' ' . lugraiu ' .) SpkrhiHd EmtxviM-d Piano and Tahlo l!orra i Hiair R.hIs, lliiHbngs, Sheep SkiiiH, Ac. Ac. With au irnmen-a, at ark of low piieed Carpeta of all ilewrirtMMi, I oat,' Ran Hump, and Cotton Carpel, from 12 lo .Ml cents ar yard. , I'ountiy Merchant, lioun keper and other have uoW an ojp,wiunuy of eupplying Ihemaelves with handaome and desirable ornla at greatly nilil red prices. - ItOUEKT B. WALKEK, 2 N. '.'d at. opposite Christ t'huich. n.iladelpbia. May I6h. iHtlt .1m IMSNlXSY'LVANlA" llUDSK, jCiai I a a j a ' DAKVILUl) PAa rlHl! tuibaetilier, late of Ihe Union Ilolrl, Mun X ey, Pa , reapc-trully inform the old and nil merou cuslomer of the Pennsylvania Iloufeci and the public generally, lhal he hat knafct-d Ibe Tavern Stand of John Rhode, in Hsnvill. wber be ia now prepares) ie euteruisj travellers, and per one visiting the town, in ilia vety beat alylav- The accummodaliona will be such As a well conducted public hou ahould atlord, and n rOioti will be spared to render satisfaction, in every reprci, to ill who may call. . The ciliten of Lycoming county are invited. 10 put up with the Uudtiaigned ben Ihey Visit Pan die. , , HENRY WEAVER. Snifle, May 3, 1S46. . t "jrl7l Ol.TssESl hliiiiTqulity Sug"r House IfJJ Motaaaea, euly It) cent per quart; abw, a au per One article of yellow MolAs s for baking, on ly 121 cen la per quart lor a al t lie albrebf ' Juue 13, IS 10. HENRY MASSER. I mi lain ii Cambric, Cambr'c Dimity, Irish Shirting Liuena, Dnmssk Table Linen, 'i'aldo Cloths end Napkins, Long Lawns, French Linou t'ambric end Lim n Lnwna, cheap Shirting and Sheeting Mus lins, and rUK-rior Long Cloth Shitting. MOIKSISC GOODS. Lupin's Bomlminc of alt qualities, and the vi rion shade of - Black, Summer Bornhnxiue ot Brilliaules, Silk and Cotton Warp Alpaccas, Silks, MotiNclin ,lc Laiucs, Barege, Balr.orincs, Murqnese, (reiiailine-i, Cini-hania, Lawns Crapes, Crnpo and Lovo Vh-Ii, Kid and Silk Cloven, llosici v. Plain Silk. Clacii, Ottoman, Thibet. Barege aul I'wieted Sifk ShaWla, Scarf and Cravate. Ull AWLS -AND SCARFS. French Cashmere long and squaie Shawl.--, Brocbo do., Piinted, Barcgn, Thibet and Tcrkeiri do., tilaeia, Twisted Silk, Crenadino, Hernani aud Mohair do., and low priced do. Silk, Urcuadinc, Barege, and olhrr lung and shoit Scarfs. Alan, Cravats. Black Lace and Silk Mantillas, Viaiii, Capes and Cardinals, of the l ew styles. EMllllOlDEKIES ASl) I.ACF. Emb'd Caps, Collars, Sieuci, ami Ciiemi.i-tis, under SleeVea and CulTri, English mid Fr-nrh Thread Laci-H, l-'ilitinga and lusrrlinca, l.'u:i:n l! i -bn Edgioga and Insertinaa, rmh'd S iaa anrt I ' -hi-brie do., Bhu-k and While Laee Viels. Lace f.-liwl aud Scarfs, wide Black Laces lor Mannll.n uml Scat Tri, and Blu-k BruseoU Laee, for trinuiiing do. and dresses. " HOSIER Y. English white and black tibb'd. emh'.l, opeii woiked, slid plain Silk Hosiery ; whito and Hack half Hose, ribb'd and plain ; spun Silk ad raw Silk do.t alert, English and Swiss white, colored, ond unbleaehol Cotton do j ribb'd, plain, emh'd chk k ed, and open worked; alo, Children' Col ion do , and Ladiea' while and unbleached I.ile Thread do , of various qualities, a scarce and desirable ta lkie, and olhrr Hosiery of various, descriptions. LtSES CAMRIIIC ASD LA WAT JUMPS. Plain, corded, lerdered, riviere, musique, and emb'd Linen Cambric aud Lawn Hdkf.,irotn 13.$ ct. to f20 each. Also, Bags, l'utsea, Creeu Ba rege lor Veils, (lauze Vicla, Black Linen, Lead col'd aud Brown do.. Paper Muslins, &c, FOR CESTLEMRX. All the new styles rich and cheap Scarf and Cravats Kid, Sdk, Thread, aud olber (ilovr,; (Bolton half Hose -, Silk and Linen Cambric pocket Hdkfs, Suiqwnders, Jtc. , 0f You can find at MARSHALL'S, 18 Chc nut r.lrrct, almost every ariieln in Dry Uoodi that you reipiiie, and at prices qnile aa tow. ir not lower than elsewhire, (i7 lanrll eheup) and as bo ia constantly adding to his ttoi k the n( vs est and ebenpeat gooils, you will be sure of In inc. auiii-d. But, leader, you ato invi'.cd to tail and judce for vonrself. Philadel'phii. May lOih. I?lfi. 2m DANVILLE eW.n3xv.jta: WOOLEN FACTORY . DANVILLE, COLUMDIA COUNTY, I'cniiHylvanla. THE Danville Stearn If Wen Fael'iry. foniier ly owned and occupied by Dr. Pktnikiw, lu. recently been purchased by the subscribers, wb respectfully alinounco lo ihcir friends and the puh lic general y, thai ihey are now prepared lo do nil kiiiiU of w ark in their line of busiuisa, at Ihu sho. teat notice, according to order, and in the best com parative manner. Having gone to considerable expense iu repairing thvii machinery and aparitur, and heing very panjeular in securing ibo service u! cipciicncod nieelianica, they fori confident Ihey are capable ef executing all kind of wrrk in a atyle superior lo any other establishment in Ibo country, r.i ihe old cn-tommy p-iees. CLOTHS, SATIN ETTS, FLANNELf? ami BLANKETS eonslsn ly on hsnd, and for sale at reduced price, for t'asil or Barter. J.lltlll4i A!l 1-4 LM.Vtl will lie done in the bust maimer, at ibe usual pu cce. All kindi of country products taken in pay ment fm work, ol Uanvilbt nimkel prices. For ihe accommodation of those who live al a di.-lilice, Wuiil and CLorn will las Itikcn in at, and, when finish) d, reiumed lo ibo follow ing pla cea, I'luin written directions lnusl accompany each parcel : L'vlumliia 'County. Roup & Man's store, Wa tihingti'iiville ; R. Fruit' store, Ji rscttown ; Y ea ger' inn,' Rnarinfi Ciik; Sharpie' stoic, t "ulta wissa; C F. Maun' atoie, MilHinviilo ; Millei'e slme, Berwick t J- Cliuu' Mill; Rickri' ttoic, Ornngevilte ; llcrr'a sloro, Wbi'O Halt. S'o)lhinih?rl(til fiiln.V Michael Reider'e inn, Turhulrille; iTi-t.-ind At Hsv' store, McEwens sillct E. It. Pqicr Klme, Watsonslown; S. I, Coinly Sc IV loui, Millou; tiihson's inn, t'bil lisqunque ; " ForaNlh atore, Northumbetl md I Young's slme, Sunbury. I.UTfrae Cu;ity. Reynold's stote, Kiiigaton. (JilJeislerVe'a blolii. Will.eJatro ; Caylord'f. i-' tre. Plymouth; B')ei store, Nantlck" ; Judgo Mail:' Mill, Huntington. I.yroiniin; tmtity.). CI i'p' kIoic, Money , Shoeinukei' More, Smith' Mill. liBASHART A, hUWNOVEK. . i)anille. May 9, IKK , iimo! iiiiiui ! ! JOHlt Si OHIrlflAlT, HfcRI'ECTFCLLY inloun bis f.ienda, thai be ha commenced Ihe business of l.iiufl UurnVilg, e'u the fjim be now occopi-s. He La noVv on hand a quantity of Lime for fale, and will always endeavor to acconiirWlie ihoie who may fa, or hint with their custom. Auf-usla, April 1 Ith, IMOe Cm pPaTHU-Il. MASSfctt. Tvl-CFNILY FROM rlHLADtLPHIA, HES'ECTFl'I.LY informs the ritiMn ef Dm, Sunbtiry Hud vieinily. tbl he ha opened in tallica at the Vei-ldonr of Henry Maaaer, in Maiket Street, where be is prepared execute all kind ol UsaTAt Sbba. Plat Woik, Ac, OU the late: I and moat appro ed plah. s Having r.d some etpetience and mstriii-lwni under one of the mol eminent and succeaeful IVn lia's in 'Thilad.1phU, he believe lhat he will he abto 10 (We latirfaetidn le Inora who may want bit aervicea.,: , . u .. . Ladre will ie wailed on t their placea or rest denco. Ilia charge wilt be moderate, aud his work Wrrnled. " ' Sunhury , Mrch 88lh, 1846. r'fl H E Caiaa a atuM ac" s a a Halt On, naa, 1 iul been rvceivad aod i for le at the ainre or May 30. l46. HKNRY MASSER. afAlfUliN SSEUSr ftesh SUppTVoTKi rtlaley & Co' lOpeHor Ostden Seed, jual received and for eale tl the atom of - Maichtl.laio. HENRY MASSER.