Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 22, 1846, Image 4

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    From Cist's Cincinnati Advertiser.
ii7'vl tTka Vtoi'ssitwaHa it LW. T
Mr. Cist ef the Cincinnati Advertiser recent-
published a chapter of the Ope and down! of
.ife. He now furnishes another of vicissitudes:
I knew an individual in Philadelphia, son to
one of our roost distinguished revolutionary pa-
,oH, obliged to flee the city1 and take refuge in
I'npland. where tie Wat obliged to pats the resi
due of his life under a fictitious title. He had
been guilty of forgery, and time sacrificed coun
try, individual character, and an illustrious fami
ly name, to gratify extravagant and licentious
habits of lite.' He was one of the finest looking
men I have everaeen. " "
One of my early associates in life, and the de
light of the female circle in which ha moved, I
m w a few years since in Cincinnati; to disfigured
by dissipation, sickness, and neglect of personal
nppoaranee, that I presume his' own mother
would not have recognised him. " I furnished him
the means of getting down to New Orleans. The
next thing 1 heard of him was at the head of the
list of Americans who accompanied Gen. Sent
manat to Mexico, and being captured by Gen. I
Ampudia, were shot by his orders, was my friend
A C- . He bad been left a fortune of
$50,000, amnhis was the end of his course.
I know a lady who in her own history, has
seen better days, who is a lineal descendant of
William the Conqueror's most trusty friend and
favorite among alt his puisant barons.' - She is
now earning a subsistence at day's wages,' by her
industry at the needle.
I know a merrbatit on Main street, Cincinna
ti, now worth $150,000, who was refused credit
sixteen years since for a barrel of salt. ; ' "
I know a man working at day wages at one of
our Cincinnati foundries, who was proprietor for
many yeara of the Iran Works on Carron river,
in Scotland, and reduced to bankruptcy by no ill
habits or faults of bis own, 'unless becoming ra
ined by misplaced confidence in bis friends may
be reckoned such.' ' .
I have seen a grandson of a distinguished revo
tionary patriot at bard labor on our Cincinnati
chain-gang. ' ' ' '
I was supplied with milk daily from a cart for
several years, by an individual. who was after
wards extensively engaged in the putting up of
,Krlc, and dealing in the provision line, and has
since been able to draw on New Orleans or the
east for thirty thousand dollars at a time.
I know a manufacturing firm which in 1841
was so cramped for means as to decline purcha
sing a copy of my "Cincinnati in 1841," alleging
that they had not the price -one oWftrr-i-to spare,
whose sales this year are 500,000 dollars," and
their profits cannot bo lesa than $80,000. .
One of our richest individuals was a journey
man shoemaker thirty-five years ago. A. Ct
Such are the nps and downs oT human life
enough surely, to teach impressively the uncer
tainty of worldly possessions, and the fleeting te
nure of worldly enjoyment. "v
Foul Assassination. A cool-blooded murder
was committed in this county on Monday last,
on the person of Mr. Robert Harper, a younger
brother of Capt. Andrew Harper, of St. Ferdi
nand township. ' It seems, that on Monday mor
ning, at the election ground in Central township,
some altercation arose between Mr Harper and
a man named Ketteter.- It was, however, toon
adjusted and they "made friends." ' The day pas
sed and Mr. Harper ordered his horse, to go
home. Kettetter proposed, upon some frivolous
excuse, to ride home with biro, but Mr. Harper
demurred. At last he consented. Ketteter then
asked Harper to loan hina a half . dollar, to pay
for the keeping of his horse. 'This he did and
they mounted Ketteter behind Harper. . It is
not known now far they travelled, but the horse
returned to the election ground, without riders,
bloody and the reins loose. ' The assassin stab
bed Mr. Harper on the right side, to the heart,
jumped from the horse and left him in that con
dition. Ha was dragged for about two miles,
then fell from bis horse. Mr. Harper was found
and taken to the bouse of a German, where he
lay yesterday, in a dangeroas state. Under an
expectation of an approaching death, be made a
full statement of all the circumstances of the
murder. Ketteter fled, and although the people
were out in every direction searching for him,
he had not been taken. Ketterer is a married
man, and yesterday bis wife walked three miles
to where he bad left bis horse, got possession of
it, and it is presumed the aaurderer escaped on
this animal.
Mr. Harper is a married man, and was highly
respected. No means should be left untried to
prevent the escape of the assassin. St. Lout's
Gazette, '
' . . r i 4 . 'f
Boiled leg In tome hot countries, to which
Yankee ice is tent, It it regarded as a great
luxury. A foreign journal relates that a gen
tleman, who had purchased tome lumps of it,
sent it to his cook, with orders to have it ser
ved up for dinner.. Tbe cook waa at a loss what
to do with it. But, as he had a pot of of boiling
water over the fire, he dropped the ' ice into it
At the dinner table, the master Mid when tbe
desert wsa ready "" ""
Now fetch on the Ice.'
' All gone, mnssa.' .
'Gone! w here's it gone tot' ' k ' '. ! "
Why, mtiM, roe put H into de. pot to boil,
and when we rooked for it, it wasn't there f
The poor fellow had a bottle thrown at hit
head for his blunder. ... , .,,',,.,' ,
I'KitrvME tua Cunuaa. Take in ounce of
( loves, one of cedar and one of rhubarb, pulvrr
i aud 6riuUu thesn io drawer or chest in
which clothes are to be placed. It will prevent
rnctiis from injuring the clothes, and create an
excellent ectiil.
Prucng Wore.'A Mr. Gillespie, at Pitts
burg has engraved the Lord' Prayer end "the
r Cwwtaudaisatsr m oa ttd of a 6J cent
piece, ' n -!; n .. ? ,
rx - ... . ...
The following Hut shows the current value of all
Pennsylvania Osnk Note. "The most implicit re
liance may be placed apon It, as it I every week
awfully compared with and corrected from Dick
ncll's Reporter. '. .... ., , . . 1
Ranks la Philadelphia.
iw ; . i.ocat.0. :
Bank of North America " '.'
Bank of the Northern I. liberties .
Commerr ial Bank of Penn'a. . " ,
farmers' and Mechanics Bank ,
KeninHon Bank" " ' . '". '
Philadelphia Rank
Srhnylkill Bank . . . " .
Sonthwark Dank
Western Dunk
Mechanics Dank v
Manufacturers' Mechanics Bank
flank of Penn Township ' . ,
Girard Rank ' . ' . ' ' ,
Dink nf Commerce, lute Mnyamrneing
Dank of Pennsylvania '
;,, " Conn try Rank. ,
Rank of Chester County ,
Hank of Delaware County.
Bank of Germantown
Dank of Montgomery Co.
Doylestnwn Dank .
Eaelon Bsnk
Cheater .
East on
Farmers' Dank of Ducks co Bristol
Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par
Oolumhia Bmk & tl ridge co.Columhia .' ' ' par
Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancistet par
Lancaster County Batik 'Lancaster par
Lancaster Bank " " Lancaster ' psi
Farmers' Bank of Reading - Reading par
tJI'ice of Uank or I'enn a.
Office do do
Office "do '" ' do
Office do do
Harriaburg These
Lsncnsler I offices
Reading ' f do not
Easton J issue n.
Rank of the United States Philadelphia
Miners' Uank or rollsvillu"
Bank of lwistown '
Bank nf Middlotown '
Carlisle Dank
Exchange Bank
I)o do - branch of '
HsrrUhurc Bank
ItmnoD Bank '
Merchants' &, Manuf. Bank
Piltahurg .
Wilkesfmrre '
Bank of Pittsburg
West Branch Bunk
Wyoming Bank :
Northampton Bsnk '
Berks County Dank
Office of Bank of U. 8.
;Do do - do ...
l)o do do
Bank of Cbamtiersburg ,,
Bank l' Gettysburg
Bank of 8uquebana Co. ..
Erie Bank
Farmer' cV Drovers' Bank '
Franklin Bank .
Reading ' '
' Piltaliurg failed
Erie - do
New Briehton do
Gettysburg .
Montrose , . . IJ
Erie ljalj
v Waynesburg JnJ
. Waahingtoo 1
(. Honcadide , I i
Brownsville 11
Honesdle Bank
Monnngnliela Bank of B.
lork Uank'
Toik Ial
N. B. T b notes of those banka on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash (-) are not
purchased ,by ihe, Philadelphia brokers, with be
exception M IlKise which have a letter of reference,
Philadelphia Bav. Ins. ' 1 PhHaJ. lj,hia failed
Philadelphia Loan Co. do ' failed
SchoylkillSav.lns." do failed
Kensington Sav, Ins. A '' ' do
Penn Township 8sv. Ins. ' - do
Msnusl Lsbor Bank (T, W- Dyoti. prep.)' faired
fowanda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa. :
Bank of Beaver
Bedford ' no sale
' Beaver " closed
HanMiurg cIkmoiI
.WaJiiiicton failed
Baokof Swalara .
Bank of Washington-. ,
Centra Bank ' - :
City Bank -' - -
Bell, fonts cl
Pituluig no tale
Pittsburg . failed
Fayette co. failed
Greencaatle failed
rarmers' 6l Mscb ca uank
Farmers' & Mecfa'ca Bank ,
Farmers' & Mech'cs' Uauk
Harmony Institute '
Harmony no sale
Huntingdon no sale
Huntingtioo Bank
Juniata Bank
Iwitowo no sale
Warren failed
Dundaff no sale
New Hope cloved
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Uriilge Vo.'
Northumb'd Union Col. Bk.
North Western Bank of Pa.
Milton no sale
Meadsillo closed
Office of Bcbujlkill Bank
Port Carbon
Pa. Acr. & Msnuf. Dank
Silver Lake Bank . -
Carlisle failed
Montrose . closed
- Unionlown - (ailed
(Ireenaburg closed
Union Bank of Penn'a.
Weatmoreland Bank
Wilkeabarre Bridge Co.
Wilkeabarre no sale
(TT All notes iurportins: to be on any Pennvl
vsnia Bank not given in the above lint, may be set
jown as irautis. .
Bank of New Brunswick ' Brunswick
Betvidere Bsnk ' 1 Belvidera - '
Burlington Co, Bsnk r Medfbrd
Commercial Bank Perth Amluiy
Cumberland Bank ' Bridgeton
Farmers' Bank Mount Holly
farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunawick
Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown Pt.
rrankltn Uank o: M. J. Jerey Uity
Hoboken Bkgdt Graxing Vo Hobnken
' par
lersey Uity Bank Jersey City
Mechanics' Bank Patterson
Manufacturers' Bank Belleville
Morria County Bank ' Morristown
Monmouth Bk of N.J. Freehold
Mecbaniea' Bank ' Newark '
Mecheatics and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morria Canal and Ukg Co Jersey City
PostPiotea - - r . .
no tale
Newark Bkg ft laa Co 1 Newark
New Hope Del Bridge Co Lamlwttuville
N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Hoboken
N J Proteeton cV IxMubard bk Jersey City
Orange Bank
PalerMMi Bank
' do. - '
; t'smdeu
: Trenton
Trenton '
' D"er -
Peoples' Bank - ; i ;
rnnceton Bank
i I
Salem Banking Co
Sute Bank
Slate Bank
StaU Bank '
State Bank of Morria '
Stale Bank '
Salem and Pbilad Manuf Co
Sussex Bank
Trenton Banking Co
Union Bank ' "
Washingtoa Banking Co.
Bk of Wilm dt Brandy wins. Wilmington
Bank of Delaware . Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna' ' ' Smyrna ,
Do branch Milford
Farmers' Bk of Slate of Dd Dover . ' ,
I ' Do branch ' Wilmington
Do , j .. branch . Georgetown
' Do ' ' branch .Newcastle
Union Bank ' Wilmington
ffT Under 5's :
n A IV K.
rX7 o banks marked thus () there are si,
thar eounlarfeit or altered eotes or the various 4t
oonunttioot. in circulation, . o ' . -
. . i-- .. . . ,- . !
1 Kacb Stbkst, PmaAriaiPHiA.
I1T J. rETERS. -
THIS location is convenient for Bosinnss men
visitina the city. Every psins is Isken to se
cure the comfort of trtvellers. ' .
March 7, 1846. ty ' 1
RESPECTFULLY Informs the ci
t'xons of Suobury snd vicinity, that he
hss removed his reaidenee to the Brick
House in Msrkrt street, one door ws-t
nf the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa
vors, he hopes tt receive a continuation of the liber
al patronage which baa heretofore been ettendrd to
him. . r ...... - Feb 28, 1846. Cm '
, Oppotit Ihe Court IImt, . i
j , THE Butwerihcr, ho aasie'ed fur se.
Ciii, J veit years in the management of the a-
li's'i vove "o,', 'u,y krpi l'y Mr- 8 A "r"
I 'I'.ljJily, b''gs lesve In infirm the travelling
pub'ic, that be has tsken the establishment on bis
own account, nn the first of January, 1846.
The House has, of late, undergone many impor
tant alterations, and the present conductor promiea
to leave nothing undone to make it a comfortable
and agreeable, a well as a chesp and accommoda
ting stopping place for stranger wbft may viil our
flourishing, village. No paina nor expense will be
pared to fill the table and the bar with the Wt the
m itkets afford, and with th" determination to de-
vo'e his entire personal attention to the comfort of
those who mav iake bis bouse their temporary a
bode, and aided by activo, careful and obliging ser
vanta, he hopes to give geni tal satisfaction, snd re
ceive a lilicral share of custom. . 1 ' . ' "' ,-' ,
(Iy Irge and commodious STABLES are at
tached to the establishment, which are attended by
careful and obliging ho tiers. i ;
January S4th, 1846. tf i
No. 70 Sovrii THtnn Street,
Opposite the Philadelphia Exchange,
Manufacture and keep con
stantly on hand, a targe ss
sortmenl of tbnir I'ttent Im
fimved Sulamandrr FIRE
PROOF SAFES, which.are
!i constructed as to set at reel
all mmner nf iloub' as to their
licing alrictU fire proof, and
that they will resist the Ore of any building in the
world. The oulaide-ease of the Safes are made of
boiler iron, Ihe inaide c e of sonpstone, and be
tween tlio ruler case and inner case is a space of
some 9 inches thick, and is filled in with indetruc-
tible ataterixl, ao as In make H an impossibility to
ever burn any of the contenta inside of IbM Ubest
Theae H.pstone Salumandeta we sre ptenared
and do challenge Ihe waild to produce any article
In Ihe abape of BouU Safes lhat will stsnd as much
heat, and we hold ourselves reaJy at all times to
nave them fairly tested by public bonfire, rhoubl a-
ny of our. competitors feel disposed to try them,
We also continue to manufacture and keep con
stsntly on haodva large and general assortment of
our premium Air-tight Firs Proof, Hsfes. i'f which
we have a Urge quantity in use, aol in evert in-
rtance they have given entire astlafaciion to the
purchasers -of which we will refer Ihe public to a
few gentlemen who have them In use.
N. AG. Tsylor, 129 north 3J sl.j A. Wright
& N- phew, Vine st. whsrf; Alexander Csror, Con
veysncer, corner of FHbert and 9th sta.; John M
Ford, 3? north 3d sLt, Myers Bush, 20 north 3J
st.; Bsiley & Brother, 138 Msket st Jamra M.
Paul, till south 4 tit st.; Dr. DsviJ Jsyne, 8 south
3d st. Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d St.; and
we could name some three or four hundnd others
if it were necessary. , Nw we invi'e the attention
of the publir, and particularly those in want of
r ire I r,H)l Sates, to csll st our store bi lore purcna
sing t-Uewhere, and we think we can satisfy them
that they will get a liiri and cheior article at
our store thin any other estatMhm rit in the city
, We also continue to manufactuie feat and Co
pying Frees, a, made ill auch a manner as to an
swer both purpora ; Hoisting Machines, Firs
Proof Door, with our own manufacture of locks
on them, witb D. Evaus's Patent Keyhole cover
attached lo tbe same; plain and ornamental iron
Hatting, ate.
N. B. We keep constantly on bsnd a large as
snrlment of our Pstenl Klate Lined Refiigei t i,
Water Filters and Coders (and we have si so on
bsnd severs! second baud Firs Pr.nU" Chests taken
in exchange for ours, which we will dispose of at
veiy low prices.
Philadelphia, January 24th. 1846. ly
A'n. 304. Market Street, above 0th, South tule,
rtl THE subsenl crs respectfully call Ihe stlrn
lion of their friends snd dealers to their large
and well assortej stock of Hsts and Caps of every
description, will adapted f -r tbe ai ring trade. Be
ing made of lbs best material and by the ruot ex
perienced wntkmrn, ihry feel confident lo give uni
versal satisfaction lo all ho may favor them witb
a liiaUas tbey ofTer to sell ss low ss snv bouse in
theciiy. BAR PALO IT ct BLYNN.
PhiUdi liihia. January 3, 1846 !
To l'tirtiiuserti of
- .Vo. 1X1 I'rarttt.KaW V OKK, , -
HAVING e.ubli.hed s Branch ai No. Cbea
uut st, Philadelphia, is now opening, snd will
be constantly receiving from ihe New York Auc
tions, an eitenaivs assortment of .
which will bo aold at the loweat New York pi ices
al wholesale snd Retail. Among his slock will be
found a good assortment of the following articles:
J scc net, puiu. Hair Cold, Leee, Sirie, Book.
Swios snd Tarlatan Mualina, Biab-p and Linen
Lnwus, Fancy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Dresses,
Thread Laces, Application Do rich Blatk Silk
Ttiinroing Lace, Iriab Linens, Linen Cambrics,
Linen Csmbrie Hdkfo., Curtain Fringea, Cohuete
d'Ecoae, Mouaeline de Laiae, Silk and Cotum
Warp Aliaccaa, CJuWa Uoth, Gala Plaids,
French Merinos, Bl .ck Silks. Gloves. Si k Haas,
BUawla, Ciavaia, Ribbous, EmUoideriea, ate,, dee.
Country Mercbauls and others vi.iiing Philadel
phia or New York to purchase, are respectfully in
vited to call and examine tba stocks.
No!l ' lata- ly- . . ',
WliEAT. lbs highest price given lor
Wheat, at the store of II. MASSER.
A new supply of Rose Ointment! just raosived.
Nov. 8tb. 1845. -.. w.w., mi.
BAR I RON J uat leceiveJanaTf.w sale, chesp
forca.b,by HBKRY'MASSER.
Bunbury, Sept. 20, 1 843.
5JUFER 1UU Purl winer Madcue and Lwboii
wines. Also superior Brsndy and Gin. Lemon
Syrup. Also a few barrels of Dtoa Fish, for aala
Kunbury, July 19th, 1846,
suzrBxrmT, pa.
Business attended to in the Counties of Nor
thumberland, Union. Lycoming snd Golumbis.
P. r. A. IiaTDDiiT. "
I.owaa tt Babboit,
Sotatas dt SnonoBAta, W'Aiiai,
ntrtrotna, AicrABtABnecUo.
' ' BrxBtrta, Goon St t'o.,
T BEG leave to Inform the public lhat I have left
, PhiladoihU. and am now located in Herris-
burg, Ihe rest of the Eiccutive and Stale Govern
ment of Pennsylvania, where I now occupy the
spscious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Mstihcw
Wilson. . '
This spurious building, having been pnrpnsety
phnned end erected for a Hotel nf the first class,
is not turpaaecd if equalled, by any similar estab
lishment in Pennsylvania and having undergone
s thorough rennvntinn. the parlors, room a and
chamheta are now fitted up in a aiyle that com
bines elegance with comfort snd convenience.
My TABLE is pledged to he supplied with the
best fare the Markets can produce t the charges si
the stme time being as moderate as sny of Ihe best
regulated eats! lishmentf elsewhere. In shoit, no
eiettions shsll be spared on my p irt, or on Ihe part
of every member of my household, to make il whsl
it should lie, in tbe Capital of one of the most pop
ulous and interesting State, of ihe Union.
With these promises, scmmmodsiions snd faci
lities, aud the fact that the Hotel ia most eligibly
situated, I with confidence, most respectfully Boli
rit the paironnge of the Public.
I.Mn of Herr's Hotel, Chesnut st., Philad.
Ifsrri-burg. Nov. 22. 184.V
- ...
IBartrarrV VtnairroB a trrluin cure for
worms foe and very p lea tan t lo lake.
2. Gibsoh's Extbacts, which remove) Oresse
of sll kind, Dry Paints. Tar, Varnish and Wax,
from carpets or from clothing, without injuring the
color or the cloth. -
3. Iomoo Flt Papib the best tiling known
for killing flies snd musquitoes.
4. A certain Destroyer of Rata, Mice, Roaehea
and Ante, and another of Bid Buxa. i t
6. Gvita'e Spsctrtc for sour stomsch, Heart
Burn and Water Braah, by one who had suiTired
thirteen ysirs, before he iliocovereil the cure.
Da. 8tkvrn's Gbkkh Ointmxht for the Piles.
It has never failod to cute. ;
7. HABaiso'a Tkttkb Wash.
8. Bbsmobb's InnstiBLB Is;, without a
rival. . , ,
0, Thx Cyxriiuxn, Co'irr.cTio ,or Fioa
just tbe meditine for children and for women, il Is
so pleasant lo lake. . i.. . '
10. Buck's Vmiktabib AsTiBiuopa Pills.
1 1. Gdsb's Emollixbt Watbb-pboov Pastb,
for Harness, Boots, cVe. It softens the leather, and
keeps out tbe water.' ' ''
12. Pooa Mam's Stbkhbtubiii Plastbb.
13. Jacksob's DiABBHOta Mixtvbb, 'Which
cures the worst Diarrhrra in a few hours.
.1 14 Jacbsob's DreaiTABT MiXTrar, a ' eer
tain and speedy cure for Dyaenlety and Summer
Complaint."''- "' ' - ' -'
The above valuable articles are' sold wholcssle
and retail, hv L. C. GUNN. No. ' 1 Smith Fifth
ttreet,' Philruhlphiamhtie Stftn keepers snd o
ihrrs wilt be sunn ied witb pure African Cayenne
Pepper, Arnica Flowers, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glsss
snd Vsrnishes, at the lowest prices. Terms only
cssh. rr Cut out the advertisement, and bring
it with you. ' - it - -!.-
Phils.lel.hia. July 19th. 1 845. I v.
Compound Syrup or Tar & Wood
, . , ... Aiapllia. .
riHE unprecetlenied success of this medicine, in
JL the restnrslion nf bealib, to those who, in des
pair, had given up all hopes, has given it nn exal
ted reputation aove all other remedies, fumUhing
evidence of its intrinsic vsiueand power, ss the on
ly agent which ran be relied upon for the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption, Broiichittis, Asthms,
Pain in the ride snd Brest," Spilling of Blood,
Whooping Cough, Croup, dtc
Attention ia requeate.1 lo ihe following A8TON
IS III. NO Thomson's Compound Syrup
or Tsr and Wood INsplns I !
thihitelphia. May Zd, 1844. '
MR. THOMSON Desr Sir With grateful
feelings I inform you of tbe astonishing eflVcie of
your medicine, which haa literally raia-d me from
a death-bed I My diseae, Pulmonary Consump
tion, had reduced mo sa low thst my pbysicisn pro.
npjnced my case hopeless 1 At this junction I be
gan to ureyour medicine, snd miraculous ss it may
seem, it haa completely restored mo to health, after
tverytbing else had failed. Respectfully yours.
Chailotle street, above Gcoiro atreel.
Tbe undersigned, being personally acquainted
with Washington Mack and bia auirerin,, bear
witness lo tbe Bbtoniahing effi-cta of Thomson's
Compound Syrup of Tar, aud tbe truth of tbes
bove statemeiil.
JOS. WINNER, SI8 North Third street,
DAVID VHIKERS. 42 Almond street. . -
HUGH M GINLEY, S. E. corner Tsmsuy
and Fourth alreels.
Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E.' comer
of 5th and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. -
Agents. H. B. Masser, Bunbury; D. Gross,
and Dr. Macpberaon, Harrikburg Jn. G. Brown,
Puttsville ; Gen. Earl, ltdiding ; Houston cV Ma
on, Towanda, Bradord county, Ps. Price 60 cents
per bottle, or $5 per dxen.
Qj" Beware of ail imilat'ont.
Philadelphia, Juno 28lh, 1845. ly
PI A N OS. ;
THE SUBSCRIBER baa bron appoiuted stent,
for ihe sale of CONRAD MEYER'S CEI
A.N OS, at this place. These Pianos have a plain,
maaaivs and Uautiful sxterior Aid-h, aad, for depth
and sweetness of lone, and elegance of workman
ship, are not surpassed by sny in lbs United Stales.
Tbe following is a recommendation - from Cab l
Dikts, a euU brated peifoirosr, snd himself a roan
ufacluiert. . . - .. ; - .
A CA11D.
Havibo had the pleasure of trying the excel
lent Piano Fortes manfactured by Mr, Meyer, and
exhibited at tbe last exhibition ef ihe Franklin In
stitute, I feel it due to tbe Hue) merit of lbs maker
la declare that these instruments are quit equal1
and in some respects even superior, lo all the Pi
ano Fortes, I ssw at Ihe capitals of Europe, and
during a sojourn of two years at Paris.
These Pisoos will be sold at the manufacturer's
lowest Philadelphia price, if not something lower.
Persons are requested io csll and sum ins fur
themselves, at tbe residence of lbs subscriber. . v
Buulwiry, May 17, 184ft. II. D. MASSER.
TT . 191 Ea'of a an periur quality, can now be had
U al at the Lime Kilns of Henry Masser, in Sun-
(bury. May IT, 1845.
depuratitk syrup.
THE valusbla properties of Oakley's Depurs
live 8ytup of Baraaparilla, as a purifier of the
blood, is so well known to the public generally,
thst it is unnecessary lo ocenpy much space in set
ting forth the advantages to be derived from its
use wherever the medicine has once been intro
duced, it lakes precedence over sll others i eveiy
one thst hss taken it, hae derived ao signal bene
ficial results from it, that il is recommended by
them with the U'most confidence. Pbysicisns of
the highest stsnding in the profession, prescrilie it
lo pstients under their csre containing nothing
deleterious, but being composed of the most mild,
yet eiTicacioua vegetable materials, K is offered with
confidence, as the chespest and most efficient pu
rifier of the blood now known. The use of e lew
bottles, especislly In the spring months, will be at
tended with a most decided improvement in the ge
neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds
of disease that may have been generated, besides
giving health and vigor to the hotly. For the cure
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism, Tetter,
Pimples or eiuplions of the Skin, While Swelling,
FiMula, Chronic Cough Asthma, tee. The nu
merous eeriificaee in Ihe possession of the subscri
ber and bis agents, from physicians snd others, sre
sufficient to convince the most skeptical ofitssu
eriorily over all preparations of Sarssparilla.
Sold wholesale and relsil, ry the proprietor,
GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 5th street, Res
ding, Beiks Co'onty, snd to be bad of the following
persons t i : - i - - . .
In Korthumberland Cmmtp. II. B. Misser
Sunburyt Ireland & Mrxel, McEwenavills ; I)
Krauser. Milton.
n. Union Cwiny. J. Gearhsrt, Seliusgrovet
A. Gutelius, Mifflinburg. - v
In Columbia Cvunty.ll. W. McCsy, Waah
ingt'on. ' . . " . . " '.
Reading, March 14, 184.
Mb.' OaKLBT ; I bclirve it the uty nf every
one lo do whatever in tbetr power lies, for the b-ne.
fit of their fellow man, snd having had poi:ive
proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties
ol your Llopurativa Byrop of earaapnrilla, I nvst
ronaeicnliously recommend it to the afflicted. We
bad Ihe miffortone lo !se two of our children, by
the breaking out of ulcerous sores lhat covered the
face, head and neck, although we bnd some of Ihe
most scientific pbysicisns lo attend thrm snd bsd
tried sll Ihe known temedies, including Swaim't
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
was sttarked In the same manner, her face snd
neck wsa completely covered; the discharge was ao
offensive, and the disease at auch a height, lhat we
despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects
of your I'epurative Fyrup of Snrgaparilli, we wcie
induced to make trial or It, ss the last resort ; it
acled like a cV.arm ; the ulcere commenced healing
immediately, a ftw bottles entirely retored her to
her health, which she hss enjoyed uninterruptedly
ever since. ' As a puiifier of the blood, I verily be
lieve il Haa not ila equal.
- . JOHN MOYER. Tailor.
Walnut ttreet, near Fourth, Reading. '
- - . j : Douglassvilte, April 19th, 1843.
Ma. Oaklxt : My aon Edmund Leaf, bad the
scrofula in the most dreadful snd distressing man
ner for three years, during which time he was de
prived of the use of his limbs, hi he d snd neck
were covered si ith ulcers. We tried all the differ
ent remedies, but to no eflect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Noriistown, snd also Dr. Isaac
Hiester. of Reading, to nae your Depurative Syrup
of Sarssparilla, of which I obtained several bottles,
the use of which drovs Ihe disease entirely out of
his system; tbe sore healed up, and the child was
restored to perfect health, which he has enjoyed
uninterruirteilly ever since, to tbe awtoniahmenl ef
many persons who seen him during bis affliction.
I have thought it my duty, and send yno this certi
ficate that others who have a like affliction in ihe
family may know where to obtain so valuable a
medicine. Yours truly,
8ept. 16, 1943 ly
a s iTn i & il i f cTa i,
South Eatl corner of Market and 4lh ..
WHERE they always keep on band an ei ten
sive assortment of fdT6' li CA PS of every
description, got up in the best snd most spproved
st le. I'etsons derirous ct purchasing superior srli
cles on Ihe moat reason aide terms, will find it to
their advantage to call before Disking purchase
Philadelphia, Oct. 8lh, 1844. ly
Nos. 29 and 31 North Third Street,
Near, the City Hotel,
f C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully i
vites tbe sttentlon or persons desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, to bia extensive Hates Rooms,
(both pob he and Private,) for every description of
Household Furniture, where csn lie obtained at all
times, a larga assortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattraases,
die., at very reduced prices, for ctah. '
Soles by Auction, twice a week.
May 871 h. 1843. ly
. Counterfeiters)'
The pul-lie will please observe lhat no Brandreth
Pills are genuine, unless the box has three la
bels upon it, (tbe top, the silo and the bottom)
each containing a fsc-aimik signature of my hand
writing, thus B. Bbabbbbtb, M. D. These Is.
bela aio engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
snd done at an eipense of ovor S,tU0. Therefore
it will be seen that lha only thing necessary to pro
cure the medicine in its purity, is lo observe these
Isbels. .i . .
Remember the top, tha side, and the bottom.
Tbe following respective persona are duly authori
sed, and hold
For tbe sale of Brandrtik'i Vegetable Vnivertal
Northumberland county t Milton Mackey cV
Chainbcilin. Hunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewene
ville Ireland dc MeixelL Northumberland Wm.
Forsyth. Georgetown J. 4t J. Walls.
Union County i New Berlin Bogar it Win
ter, - Selinagrove George Gundium. Middle
burg Isaac Smith.1 Beavertown David Hobler.
AdamsbureWm. J.May. Mifflinaburg Menach
At Ray. Hartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg
G. da F. C. Moyer. Lewisburg Walls dr. Green.
Columbia county i Danville E. B. Reynolds
dr. Co, , Berwick -Bfcomas) dr. RtUenhooas.- Csi
Iswissa C. G. Brobts. Bloomsburg John B.
Moyer. Jersey Town Levi Bissl. Washington
Robt. McCay. Limestone BaHH t McNtncb.
Obasrve lhat each Agent has an Engraved Cer
tificaU of Agency, containing a representation of
Oi BRANDRETH'8 Maaafactory at Sing Ming,
and upon which will also bo seen si act copies of
tbe smut UlU mm tucd vpom the Brandreik Pitt
Bajne. . . . .. ,'.,., :-..
. rbiladclphia, oitee No. S. North 8tk atrswt. ..
, . ; -, B. BRANDRETH, M. D.
: JunsStth. 1843. . : .
(T The followinrcertilca'e dencribe one of the
mrut extraordinary our a ever effected by any
application. , . . .
F HiLAnxLPnt A, FebtUaty 10, 1838.
TPOR twenty years I wat severely afflicted with
-V TtrrttBonthe Face and Ileadt the disease
commenced when I waa seventeen years old. snd
continued until the Fall -of 1836, varying in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During most
of the time, great part of my face waa covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch
ing ; my head swelled at timet until it felt ts if it
would buret the swelling wss so great, thst I eould
scsreily get my hst on. During lbs long period
that 1 wss afflicted with the disease, I used a great
many S plications, (among them several celebrated
preparation.) as w. II as tskinc Inward remedies,
including a number oflxittles of Stvaim'i Panacea,
Extract of Sartapnrilla, etc, In fact, it would be
Impossible in enumerate all the medicines I used.
I wss also under the care of two of the most dis
tinguished phystcisns of this ciiy, but without re
reiving much benefit, and I despsired of ever being
cured. In the fill of 1 83R, tha disease at the time
being very violent, I commenced using the Rote
Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan ft Davis.) In
a few applications the violent itching ceased, the
swelling abated, tbe fruition began to disappear,
and before I had used ajar the disease was entirely
cured. It has now been nearly a year and a half
since, and there ia not a vestige of Ihe disease re
maining, except Ihe scare from the deep pita formed
by the diaease. It is impossible foe me to descrit
in s certificate Ihe severity of the disesse and my
soflering, but I will be pleased to give a fuller ac- .
enwit to sny person wsnting further satisfaction,
who will cull on me. At the lime I commenced
uing the Rose Ointment I would have given hun
dieds of doilaia to be rid nf the disease. Since u
sing It, I have recommended it to several person,
(among them my mother, who had the disease bad
ly 011 her arm,) who were all cured bv it,
JAMES DURNELL, No. 156, Race St.
(ty The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. 0.
Vsurfhsn, South East corner of Third and Race
at red, Philadelphia, and aold on agency in Sunbu
ry. by H. -B. MASSER,
May 14th, 1843. Atjtnt.
IKosc Ointment, for TeJIcr.
PniLAniLrniA, May 27lh, 1839.
rPHlS is to certify that I wss severely afflicted
witb Tetter in the hands snd feet for upwards
offorty years; the disease was attended generally
with violent itching and swelling. I Applied to a
number of physicians, and used a great many appli
cations without eflecting s cure. About a yeat
since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely
stopped the Itching, snd a few applications immedi
ately cored Ihe disease, which there has been nc
return of, although I had never been rid of it at
any time for forty years. RICHARD 8AVAGE
Eleventh, below Spruce Street.
Cj Th" Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vauchdh, Sjuth East corner of Third and Race
Street, Philadelphia, and aold on agency in Sunbu H. B. MASSER,
May 14th. 1843. ' Agtl
OJ the ROSE OINTMENT, for Tetter.
A LTHOUGH the superiority of the prepataiiot
over all others is fully established, tba proprio
lora take pleasure in laying before the public iht
following certificate from a respectable physician
a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr
Baugh, having found in this remedy thai relief f
a tedious snd disagreeable affection which the mean:
within the range of his profession failed to afford
has not hesitated lo give it his approbation, althougl
ths prejudices snd interests of that profession an
opposed to secret Remedies.
Phi LAncLrai a, Sept. 19, 1836.
I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic
erupii-n. which entered pearly one si.'e of my face
and extended uver the ear. Mr. Vaughan, proprie
loi of the Rose Ointment, obsciving my face, insii.
tcd on my trying his preparation, of which he ban
ded me a jar. A Ithough in common with the mem'
hers of my profession, I discountenance and disap
prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon th.
public by ignorant pretenders, I feci injustice bouut
to except Ihe Rose Ointment from lhat class of me
dicincs. and to give it my approbation, as it entire
ly cured the eruption, although it hd resisted th
usual applications. DAM.. BAUGH, M. D.
fXj" The Roe Ointment is preiwired by 12. D
Vsut;han, Soulh East corner of Third and Rnc
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sun
bury, by H. B. MASSER,
May I4lh, 1843. Agen.
Corner of Third and Vine Street,
THE subscriber respectfully announces to th
public, thai he has opened a Hotel in tbe corr
modious brick building situate on the corner 1
Third snd Pine streets, where be will be happy t
wait ripon those who may favor him will, the.
company. 1 he bagle Hotel ia large and conven
enl, and furnished in the bet modem style. It '.
provided with a large number of well aired an
comfortable eleepiog apartments, rooms, prival
parlors, dec Persons visiting Williamsport on bi
ainess or pleasure, may rest aa-ured lhat every e:
ertion will be used lo render their sojourn at tt
"Eagla Hotel" pleaaant and agreeable. Hie Tab ,
will be supplied with the very best the market a
fords, and bia bar with ihe choicest wines snd otht
liquors charges reseonalde. The Eagle Hot.'
possesses greater advantages in point nf locatio
than any other similar eetahlishmeul in the horougl
being aituate in the business part of the town, tu
within a convenient distance of the Court Hou
and Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot.
Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trust
ostlers always in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and honest 8ervan
bava been employed, and nothing left nndonethi
will add to lbs comfort and accommodation of h
There will he a carriage alwaya in attendance
the Boat Landing to eouvey passengers to snd froi
the House, free of charge.
May 14th, 1848-U .
iiieorge J. Weaver
aS'Oa I
TarVl R01
Ao. 13 Jiurth Water Street, Philadelphia.
A3 constantly on hand, a general aasoi
merit or Uordage, Heine Twines, dec., Vr,
opes. Fishing Rones, Whits Ropes, Man
la Ropes, 'J'ow Lines for Canal Boats. Also,
complete sssortmeiit of Seine Twines, Ac, auch
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent (it
Nat Twine, Cotton Shad snd Herring Twins, Sh!
Threads, dec. cVc Also, Bsd Cords, Plough Lini
H altera. Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chair
Ac, all of which he will dispose of on masonal
Philadelphia, November IS, 1842. ly. S
No. 13ft Marknt Street, Thiladelphii
INVITE the attention of Country Merchar
to their extensive assortment of British Fron
aud Arnsrican Dry Goods, which they offer foist
on the moat reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, November 1 3, 1 84 ly.