Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 22, 1846, Image 3

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    son of the North, end lets him to drawing lines
ofconiparison between therri and the fair ones
lie hat left behind him. Here again they suffer.
The low necked short dress, with large glaring
pink figures, and a tingle narrow flonnce, re
lieved below by a few inches of the white under
dress, cut into points, is not wanting In beauty,
end seta off a fine figure Jo the utmost advantage.
And it has another recommendation t it displays
the finest turned ancle, and the prettiest foot in
the world.', But with nil this, no one of even
moderate taste, can pretend to say that the Seni
orita would be lets enchanting if fashionably
dressed. Nay,' I have thooghr some' 6f them
might shine as stars in our Northern ball rooms.
This is saying more for them than most of my
'Companions, would dream of, on account of the
.almost suspicious darkneis of their complexions.
There is a great dearth of military news, at
present, on eccount of the great distance of any
hostile body of Mexicans. Volunteers are daily
arriving in bodies of from four hundred to one
thousand; and are usually .kept several weeks
in camp at Brazos St. lago, before they art al
lowed to go up the Rio Grande. Of the object
of this procedure I am entirely ignorant; but of
the consequences I have had occulnr demonstra
tion. Very many, on account of the wretched
quality of the water, are taken sick, soon after
their arrival, and lay for weeks, without a single
comfort, upon a parched desert, not exc.eded in
beat by the great Sahara. So hot is it that I have
aecn a perfect mirage upon it for half a day at a
time, making the tents appear as if atanding in
the middle of large sheet of water. Many a
poor fellow has seen the elephant without leaving
Brazes island. - ,. , .
Tbo spy company nf Toxin RnnjeM (Wal
ker's) has been dNbmded, their term of enlist
ment having expired. They are etill here and
keep the city in a constant elate of alarm. AN
moat every night some one, Mexican or Amer
ican, is murdered ; and though General Tay
lor has placed a double guard of IT. S. troops In
the Plazi, to act in connection with the Mex
ican authorities, these outranes etill continue.
One despprnte fellow, by the nsmc of Mills,
was a few duys since arrested upnn the charge
)f having shot a Mexican citizen, and confined
in the city prison. This his got the Texan
blood up to the highest pitch; anl it ia feared
there fill be n general otit-hrrak among hia
ild compn. :nns in arms should they attempt
.oilo him justice. .The principnl witness's
ninst him was found, a few mornings ago,
vith hii throat cut from ear to car. So things
To here ; and it is well known that a Texan
.ires as little lor tho life of a t'greazcr,n as for
hat of a deer. . An officer who waa in the bat
tles of the"8ih and Oth told me that once during
.he action, while there was a dead silence at
Resaca de la Talma, be heard the sharp, long
a hiplike report of a rifle, and a few minutes at
ler saw a Texan Ranger ride out of the chap
arel, close to his company. As they did not
wish to attract the attention of the enemy,
letold the fellow he oneht riot to bo firing a
Hint there and asked him at what he had been
hooting. "Oh ! said he, with the most perfect
mnchnll.-ince, '"I oit7y shot a creBzr." The
lix'cm soldiers nre nicknamed j: rearers"
iy the 'iVxaiif, and now no nlmrwt exclusively
.y ll'iit name among all the Am r can forces.
A I hive already cxIiui.-OjnI your pitiencp,
in shall not now be troubled' witli Ihrt nnrra
on ofmynwn personal adventures. That aha!)
i reserved till I see you. , . Truly Yours,
;: U. B. M.
Males asi Cathinu at Nrwiort.
. corrHsp'tndi-tit ot the Boston Transcript
r'.te.s thus trout New port on lliu subject o( ta-
I had my prejudices a;a;nrt the custom of
I'll Boxes bathing tnjretlu-r, but on 6eeing Uie
ti at Newport, my antipathy against the fish,
n wag much removed.'- The sight is piclu-.-ipe,
certainly. " Fancy an encampment of
,durn, or rather, Gtpseys, divested of the boi-"
pit,anJ you have the scene previsui to
imersion. Vmi cannot tell the gentlemen
out the ladies; nnd in fact.' it is difficult to
itlngnith the member ol your own family.
'.it geuts wear fed funnel tunica, duck pants
,J straw huts; the ladies tunica and nantslet-
of the eatne color, with white collars and
. iptbanJs, and straw hats also. There are aa
tity as 150 baUi:ri;r houses. You cuter on
e side, and go on to the beach from the other,,
' equipped to act the part of tho tea nymphs,
aught else that seems an appropriate charac
r. It is really very exciting to behold the
IllA'.HIi.U WL!f
Fsvxn Ann Aocs, ass all FtVsas Costs
Biisdbeth's Pill. -All fevers are occasion
by the disordered niolion ofthe bhind, p.oduccd
the humoral scrosity by hardening lbs vslvee of
I vessel The blood circulates with greatly lo
used speed, and is ai ill increased by the friction
'he globules, or ps nicies which compose the tatw
lluida. Then it is that the excessive heal and
ills ia experienced ut the whole system,
J accompanied with great ihtrst, pain In the head,
k, kidneys, and in fcl a Cooiptett prostration
ell the faculties ofthe mind as writ St body,
On lbs first attack of fever, or any disease, In,
d istely take a lirga dose of Urandretb's Vegeta
Universal Ftlla, and continue to keep op a
a-erful effect upon the bowels until the fever or
u has entirely ceased. Sis or eight will ia
S4 cases be sufficient as a dose, and on doss of
t kind it is not Improbable, may prevent months
ii( knew, perhaps death.'
)r. Benjamin Brandieth's Vegetable Universal
l, srs indeed a Ohiteraally sppfoved msdEeins,
' ich by its peculiar actios, cleanses ihs blood of
impurities, remove every Pai sad Wtukneu,
, finally Retioru lbs CoHtttlulion to perfect
UtA and Vigor.
"y Puirh of H. B. Msssrr, 8uobury, or of
agent, j utlijhed in another fait ol' ibis taper .
OJiceofthe BAt.Ttwflna AassicAsAug. IS.
GRAIN. The supply or Wheat has f-illen
olTaiitlls. Prices continue about as last noted,
the sales to day being at 76 a SO cts for gttbd
to prima reds, snd (V a 70 cts. for inferior and
ordinary parcel. T We hoar of no salei of white
Wheat. -.'
Sales of Cirri to-day at 50 cents for "white,
and 5ia55 cents for yellow. '.
We quote Outs at 2.w27 cents. :
"' WHISKEY. The market' continues very
dull, and limited sales were made to day at 22
cents for hhds. and 23 cents for bbls. .
. ; " . .rnicE CURRENT. . "
Corrected week I y fty Heitry ffimer. ' '. ' 1
" WnSAT, ". . PO ;
Rrs, ' ; Z .' : . ' 6-;
" Coast, "'" . ' '' '.. ' '.. ', (13 '
Oats,. - '.'..,... .,n ,' ,-2S
Pobk, ." . , . i . & .
FLAtsKsn, ' . r ' ' .' , -112
' 'BOTTBH, - , , ' 10 y
'' Koas, r ' '. '
Brrswat, . . , . 85.
TAttow, ; .'....',. - 10
' fiax, . ' .' ; . -.- io "
' Hkcklrii Flax, ; . 10
Urikh AsstKs,. , . . . . 75
Do. PtACHES, - .,': -. . 150 ,
Tlie Democratic selectors) ol'iVurlh
uiubcrliind County. .. 1A
ARB reqnexleil to meet,' at the usual plnees of
holiVna trtwns'dp elections nn ftaturday the
5th da of 8iptml)er next, for the purport of !rc
ling ilelegnte' to meet in county convrnti 'H, at the
Cuurt House in Sunliury, on Mnn l- y the 7th of
Seplrmber. JOHN McKINNEY,
Aug'i t 2J. 1846. . . Standing Committee,
Acldrc-M to Hie Public. 1
Tllfj unprecedented success attending the use
of Dr. O. Deni'ii Smitli'n (Sugnr ('oiiti dj ' Iin.
proveJ VeiietnbU Pills," and the acknowledged su
perio'ity which they possess over the common Anil-
Blious, Cathartic, and various other Pills in ge
neral use, have given, them a decided preference
with all who have used tb m; nnd they are uni
versally esteemed the most . sifa nd p'ejsant pur
gatives ever nlfTetl to the public,
CAUTION. As a miserable imitation has
been minis, by the nsme of '-Sugr Coated Pill,"
it is necess iry to be sure that Dh. G Demj. mitm's
signature is nn every box. Price 25 cents.
Principal Office. 179 Greenwich st. New York.
8oldby JOHN W. FRILING. Sunburjf
WM. FORSYTH, Xorthum'd.
Aug. 22, 1P48.
. MAsasa 8trkst, Subbubt, ,
THANKFUL for ps-t favora, begs leave to in
form h i friends snd the public generally, thai
he haa jurt returned from the city wiih new and
fashionable lasts, and a full assortment of Light
cob red, Drome, Dlock Kid, and all other kinds
of Morocco for Gentlemen, Ladies snd Children's
wesr ; snd be assures all who may favor him with
ihcir custom, that they may rely upnn having their
w.itk done in tha most substantial and fashionable
manner, and at very bw prices. ......
- He also has a full assortment of low priced work,
sokcti'd by himself, which he will sell lower than
ever fflered in this place, vis . -.
M-n's bhoes. . aslowss - ' fli)0
Ex-rs 8tout Boots, 8 00
(rood Lure B. o s for Women, - 1,00
Wrmen's Sip, fit)
Childrm's Shi, j5
Side, Morocco, eke., fjr Aale low,
Anetisl 2?d, 18t6. sptfitf v '
oot & Shoo f
r aniet; druckemi uj:r,
At his Old Lslollithmriil. in ularlet Street,
Sunhury, ' ".
(orrosiTK Titie dko mon noTEi) ' '
JfP ETURNS his tbnnk for p ist fivors, and re- !,. s;c:fully iiiformv U fiiend and tha puMic j
necerally, ibut he cntiiiiiurs to manufictuie to ol
der, in the nentcut and latest style,
warranted of the I est mt; ri l, and mads by the
most expeilcnecd worknu-n. Ho i-lo kwp on
hand a general assortment of fishionaMi B ot for
gi iitb meii, together with a larpe stock of fishiou
nb!e geuili men's. Kiv',!' and cbildisn's Mhoe,
II of which have been in.e under h a own imme
tliale insctioit, and aieofihe best material and
woikmintlpp, whieU hs will aeii low. for cash.
;. In a.hlitioii to the above, ha baa -just r reived
from I'hilad. 1,'liia a larua snd extonvs supply of
Boots, Kboe, etc of all dercriptions, whicti he l-o
lie is for rakh. er than ever betixs oil' red hi
ibis place, ' He respectfully invites his old custo
mers, and others, to call and examine for (hem
h rvea.
Repairing dona wiili neatness and despatch,
Sunbury, August J5ih, 1R44. . ; .-
TRAY ED from the suteribr, vn r bHil the
first of Au?u a DI.ACK COW, wiih a
whits alar on her fit and a white spot on her
'itiht hind leg. Hw horns have also been bored.
Any person informing the subscriber where she U
will bis suitably rewaided.
Neat Geo, Coumds,
AnrUata, township, Aug. Id, 1818. 3t
Orphan Court Sale.
TN pursu nce of an order of the Oiphana' C.Hirt
of Nonhuml'Oiland couaty, will be sold st pub
lic vendue, ou Malurday the 6th dy of 8epi oiber
next, on the premise, lu aa:d county, to wlti
A ceitain irsct of land situate la Rush township,
county aforetsid, adjoining laud of Iaaac Kline,
Widow Strob, Uenry Hull' and others, conlAiuiug
60 acres mors oa ), 35 seres of wbicb are clsar
ed, wbersoo is erected a small on aloiy fraoie and
log bouse, s small log stable, and an apple oi chard.
Lets the etale of cVsvid Kaseman, dee'd. .
- 8ala to comMMHicWat 10 o'clock, A M of said
day, when the conditiuua of sals will be made
AuguJ 8tb, 184951 , . , . Adrar.
TROM ths premuuM of lbs subscriber, in 6ha
mnbintown, Northumberland aoonty. oa lbs
8lstoJuly last, . . - ,,
T WOjCOWS.'iv ....
Ona a fresh milch eaw, real, with a white belly snJ
tail, and soma white about her face. The other a
dark biludle, with s shart tail. Any person bring
ing lbs said strsys to lbs subscriber, or gWiug him
information wiser they can ha found, will be tea
sooMy rewsrded. ' WM. M. WEAVER.
6hoiukiutown, Aug. 8, 1846. Ju'
Nfl. 35 South. Third Street, above Chttnut, ,.
' snoxs. -,' : '
THE Sulisrribet has taken the liberty of ad.lres
sing the pnblic, sstbfied.thst they will find it
to their interest to csll and examine hie slock of
Roots snd Shoes, snd acquaint themselves with
hit prices.
Belling exclusively fur the Cah, he is enabled
snd determined to sell lower than any olber regu
lar house in lh city. - j
Persons will plenso examine the market tho
rougbty, and, bifo e purrhislno, enll at the store
of ' ' THOS. L. EVANS.'
v a5 Srtut Third, above Chesnut Si
rhllade'phls, Aug. 15. 18-16.
r . UEltLAND COUNTY. , .
T7ELLOW CITIZENSs At the solicitation of
- a number of persons, in diflerenl farts of the
county, I have consented to be a candiddtu for the
OfficOti' ' - ' ' - ' - ' :- . :r
I can only promise, shnuld 1 1 e elected, t mike
every i ff. rt to discharge the duties of tho idfice lo
your entire t-atisfuctlon.'
' P' I ware-township. Aug. fib, 18411.
IELLOVV CITIZENS : Through ihe eneoo
' rsgement of my friends, t hive been Induced
to ofTer myself as a csndidate f r ths office cf
Count j Commissioner.
Should you see proper to elect me, I will inuke eve
ry effort to tender general satisfaction.
!,cwia tnwusbip. Aug 8. 1818. : : '
, TcTeacIicrs. . ,
ILEVEN princiial teachers snd one sa i lent.
J will be wanletl for ths coming fdl and a ii.tcr
school, in fhsmokin district, Nnlliumlrlsnd ckiii
ty, . Persons wishing to be employed as such, wiH
pleare meet the tma'il nf directors, at the hon-eof
Felix Iiereh, in HnutTiown, nn rjntunlsy the 18 h
day of September next, for exxinin.ition ace-.rdii.g
lo law. ' Persons applying nt perso al'y knjwti
lo the board, will be tXieclcd to produce letters of
recommendation loudiing good mors I character.
' (J5 The board wi 1 meet st 8 o'clock, A, M.
Ily orJer of Ihe board, v-. ...... -
i ... - , FELIX LERCH.
Allcsi. Pies't D. 8. D. Sham Dt
Eunt Jons, Rec'y. -..
IShsmokin DisU, August 6ih, 1840. -
Valuable Real Estate
A LL that
A. Farm, s
thumliland i
certain Tavern Stand and Valuable
situats in Shsmokm lowmJi:p, Nor
county, on lenlre 1 uropike, almul
8 miles fiom Sunbuiy, the county town, adjoining
lands of Fegly's H i'a, Annaniaa r'axion nd o
Ihera. containing 150 seres mors ories, 80 acres
of which being in good meadow, ' a amall era k
running through lbs same, and about 80 acres
thereof being well timbered, the residue being in a
high stats of cultivation under excellent fences, nn
which is an orchard of choice fruit tree; the buil
dings consist of a I wo story stone dwelling house,
well adapted fir a Tavern Stand, which was k-p'
as such f upwarda of 35 yeais, a Urge conveni
ent bank burn, with abundance of good sheds and
other out'buildinge. .
ALSO Another small tract of land adjoining
the above and lands of Daniel J. Rote and others,
containing ab ut 18 acres in good stats of cultiva
tion ; the buildings iheie.-n consist tf a two atiy
frame dWi Hint house and frame bank farn. with
ther out buildings water apilnglng at the door
of this dwelling and the tavern stand, by meant, of
fountain pumps Did ig late the reel estate of Mar
tin Weaver, doe'd., and will be sol I st privste sale
by Ihe subcriler being suthoiizeil by ihe heirs f
said di Ciaitd. ind.sputable titles will he tive-.
1 1 " F. r the use of ths Heiia of said d rcaed.
Shatnokin t.rtvnship, August l.l848.-"-tf
rjnHANKFUL for Ihe liberal encouragement
which be has received, woiil I rrspretfull
iiif 'rm bis friend and theeilizena r Noithumher
land county in general, that he has prepared him
elf wiih the beat Incorruptible Teeth, Gnl.f Plain,
Gold Foil, fee, that can tie bad in the city of Phi
Udelphta t and thai be will endeavor, t the utmoal
ol his ability, to render full salNfaction to a'l who
may think proper In engage hi services. Ho will
le in 3unlury at Ihe Augut court, where he will
prepared, at his residence; Is insvtt Teeth on
Gobi Plata, or nn Pivot, on the Intent and mol at
proved pl ins, and attend In a'l the hranchea belong
- Ladb s will be waited vu at their plse a of rei
denes, if de red.
Hi chsrge will be reasmuble, and bis woik
wsrranted. ' '
lis Will visit difTwent parts of the county, shout
unrein three m-m'hs. ' ' -
Uunbury, July Ibth. !8tfl Bm
Qjf trading Creste, Dry Paints, Varnifh, Tar,
W t, V, from clothing or any ilsKcrip'ton, war
ranted in ! lo Injure the cloth or the tno-t delicate
colors. This 1 qu'd baa also been Used lib great
aucceas in case ol Uuro, Scald, Tell- r, Pimplea
on the face. Chapped hand. Sore li. Rheuma
li.m. Hard or soft Corns, Sto, Pi ice, 23 cts.
par bo: lie. For sale at ihe ttots of
July la. 1846. IL MASSER,
.Yo, 31 North Fourth Street, vnder the Mer
cAonts' Hotel,
. r It 1 1 a tl o I p h 1 n ,
t u Mosisiriiii
KEEPS constantly on hand an extensive as
sortment of all kinds of Silk, Fur and Ilea
i Hals, which ha onVrs for sale mi lbs moat rea
sonable tsrms, His Hats era made up ot the best
materials, snd in the most approved style. - Per
sons visiting the city wilt find it to their interest to
call. , July llth, 1846 ly s
., LlslU Street, ... 7
THE Roues has nndergons a thorough repair.
Tbs proprietors solicit its former patronage. .
'farms ft S3 per day.
. WM. W.DIX.
' Arthur l. rood,
July 4. 146. ly ' Proprietors.
pOA7A';57A'Jf. DfuTaliflJlatk Cong"fS;
Iuk, of s kupciior quality . fus sale cheap, al the
tore of . 11ENKY MASTER.
July 4ih, 1610. 1
- CHEsntJT etnnaT.
. -. ? .'" . -.
THIS large and eommodious Hotel haa recently
been fitted nn with entire new. furnitare.
The subscriber therefore solicit the -patronage of
the public, and Iruat that their experience In the
business will enable them 10 give entire satisfac
tion. vTerm moderate. i-jr
- - - UAOLEY, McKENZIE & Co.
July 4th, lft4 6.-! f ' -,,; r'-t:.":
AWAKnan by TSB rsistun lirsTiTVta, 1846.
'"' City Dnsncrrfolyrc Esloblisiimriit.; "
(Lats Simoks A. Colli as,) d
71.' 100 Chrmut at., ntnirt Third, South tldci
LNIATtTRES lik ri eounlly ss wi II in clou-
dy ss hi ctotr weitSee. A durk silk dies
for a lady, snd S blark snit- for S gentleman, a-e
t ref.irable in sitting for a pirlue. ;No sura charge
is fniHlo fur coloring, and peiferl likenesses are
guarantied. July 4lb, I84fl. Jy -
Keller &, fai'eciiotisli, -PATE1TT
DRA WINGS and Papers for the Pn'enl Of
lice will be prepared by them, at their oluVe,
oppos'iie the Piiieul Office,
July,4ih, 1816. ly
Dale's Cele' rslrd Road Scales
?xil snd Hay 'do
- Iron ManufatV do
Porlatib" Platform b
SO diflerenl sixes,
Dormut or Floor do
" " r R dilT.Teiil siaes,
. Counter, " , . ;- do
'. 1? difletent sizes.
The above Scale are
made either single or
double beam, and are
decidedly Ihe moat dmahle, ancurste ami conveni
ent cul-t ever into .U-d. We also have Plaifoim
and Coui.t r Scales, - Patent Uslancr s snd every
kind of Weighing Machines in oae for sale, whole
sale and retail, at low prices. All Scales sold by us
lo go out of ibe rily, are boxed fne of chsrge, and
warianted o five satisfaction to Ihe purchaser in
every psrlicuU. GRAY & BROTHER,
Manufeetnrera and Dealers, No, 34 Walnut street,
June 57. 1846. ly Philndrtjihia.
ft 1 1 do -' 4.1
bjpmmumf , dil '. d.i
1 1 ,. - -Jo Jo
v I ' .lo do
r.j:.. I . dj . do
If Hoiee Shoes, for sl at
II II prices, by . , .
V . - GRAY tc
Uunlcn' Patent
at manufacture! a
June 37, 1846. I y
84 Walnut ft. Philad.
SALT. New Yoik Hall In barrels snd bags, for
sale st manufacturers' hv
June 37, 1846. ly M Walnut at. Philad.
THE subsrsihers sre constantly manuficlurins
from tha lat French, English and American
manufactured Clothe and Cssaimers, CLOTHING
in a very superi sr style, cut and smrkmanship.
Person buying to sell again will find one of ihe
largeet and most fashionable stock or good to select
from in the city, and at unp.ecedenled ..w price'.
. 194 Market st. Philad.
N. B, A large a0rlmeH of Odd Pellowa Rf
talis coliotanilv on h ind, snd all order from lodges
or individuals pui.ctual'y atltmled to, on the most
literal terms. J. W. ck E. D. S.
Philadelphia. June 57tb, ISlfl. ly
I Vfl O II T i Hi T -
YOU may lie sure of oUm ng, at
iSi "h3 times, pure and highly il ivored
i. ft. -
Uy the single pound or larger quai tity, at tho
t'cttln TcaComnaiiy'it TVarcIionsc,
30 South Scnmd ttrert, liciween Murket and Vhet-
: . nut Hrrrm. - " '
' ' ""' i?nn.AUELPiiiA.
Heretofure it has been very diffteult, Ind.-ed, al
imi.t impOKsibln. always to oli'oiil pood Gre' n arid
III rk Teas. 13ut n"'w yen have only to vi:it the
Pekin Tei Compauy'k Bipre. to obtain as delicious
and fragrant Tea aa you could wmh.fnr, " A II lalea
rsn here l e suited, with the advantage ufgrttlng a
pure article at s low price.
June 87th. 1846.' :
Notice, v
NOTK'E.i hereby given, ibnl art plicalion
will he uiud.i to the next li-gialatuie fir a
charter for s II lik wi b a capita! of J 50 000", and
power to Increase the O il-l th. renf to. flOO.COH,
with banking and di-eountiiig privilege, lo 1 cab
ted "The Hank of Shanmn and m lw 1 .eali d in
the borough of Sunbuiy, iu Nnr'.huin'w-rland eono
ly. June S7ih, ISlS.
ISavc yon, heard the JYeivs ?
At hittlixp in MorJccI ttreet, adjoining the three
ttvry Urtrk Jfousr,
HAS Jut received from PhilAJuIphia the largest,
handsomest snd bent assortment of
of every description, thst bss ever been brought to
ths place. And what is still belter, th y say hs
soils so chesp, that yon cah buy two pais fur the
some nmnrl that ijtttl titrd to jty frir atie pair,
Hs Hits oa Cas snJ Sills roa Cash, snd
that 1- Ihe leason that he csn slfiwd lo cell Ihem so
much chear, : If you doi,'t want to buy, Just call
and aee hia slock. He ia always glad lo sea his
customers; snd it I nO trouble Id hint lo show Ida
goitds. Ju-I to give yoo sn idea how cheap he do
sell, the following I 4 list of price of a pait or his
stock t
Mens' Thitk Boots, worth ft 00--al ft 75
' d 1'me Gram Co '
do Calf do
Boys' Tbiih do
Youth a . do
Mens' Thick Brogans,
W omens' Morocco WelU
Sod Kid Springe, .,
Womena' best City mada
Kid Slipiaara,
Ladies' 4 Gaiters snd Oai
. ter Boots
Also, ery vsrlety ol Ladies', Boys' sod chit
drens' shoes, ai prices Wwsr than ecr before olfcr
ed. ComtandSt:
Sunbury, June I3ib, IMC. J "
" 4 00 at 8 00
6 06 at 9 00
" 9 60-st I 75
" . 2 DO at I SS
I 87 at 1 00
. i. '
H I 60 at 1 09
0-a j IS
" 00-at 1 37
No. IS Chesnnt Street, bettrectt Scvrutli ntid Eighth Strceia,
S now pleptred to oiler, Wbotesalssnd Retsil,
a large assortment of Fascx and Staplb
suited to the Country sa well aa City Trade. , He
continues tho system of "wo abatement in price
which be has pursued for ths paat len years, and
desires lo call Ihe attention of the pubi c to
it ss the only true lyxtem of retail buaineaa, snd
which ia decid.dly Is the interest of the purchsser
to promote, it is rjuite time the fraudulent prso
lice of esking a hich price, and shsting to mske ths
purchasers belii ve they are tho "favored few,", waa
done aw.iy with, as, nine limes out of lew. they ars
mad In pay a higher price (however great Ihs re
doe i. iii) than the lik lvlo snd nuility can be pur
chnseil at Ibe t)ne Piiee Store.'
. A, It. M. ia in regular receipt of lbs newest and
cheaper! seasonable goods, and when. any . article
ili'' s in v due t!,e price i at mice marked
ili.s n an low lb it II catinnl be undcrstdd. By this
system the ii-rher c-.n al all times buy wbh
ennfnlenee ami s.-ti-f.iclion, "snd without wate if
time in u-elesw bargaining. He has St this time
a Con pl. te assortment of ' ' '
. .: slLKs, ' ; -''.y;' '; ''; '!
. B'srk Litftrino. Ottoman, Ponx do Sole, Man
tua, de Rhine, Armure, and other Dress and
Mantill.1 Silks. Also, - .
, Fsm-v Dress Silks, from 41 els, lo $3 25 per
yard, including all ihe vsriciy of approved and
useful styles and combination nf odors. ,. . .
.- Lining Silks, Foulard Silk, Silk tiuigham. ...
P.iti Pamtcd Lawns and Organdiea, .f the
newest and moat approved s Jle, aa Will s Ike
cbeniist in the market.. Alo . f . .
, Pcntt h Lawne at very low prices. ,
" - FRENCH ClNCHAMi,'"', , ,
' Of ihe newest sVs'gns. Also Scotch Ginghams
and Giiwham lwns, ery cheap.,- Twdl'd Earl
sion and Mancbeater Ginghams, fur cbildisn's
wear. .- '
Light, mstlium.aml dark colors, 4-4 wble. Also,
Wfi m lie American I'hintt and Calicoes, of ihe
new atlerns, at HJ cts, per yard. ' -'
Of the moat splendid Ombre and Printoj style,
down to the French, English and American, at So
ccnla ier yad.
Of all qualities and every variety of design,
Milled to all Isstes. Also, embroidered and Chain-
tikhid Robis, Bsyaders sod Polks Dresses, emb'd
Swiss Muslin snd Riahop Lawn dress pattevr.a
Taib l. n ami colored platil and strips Swiss Mow
white aoons.
Plain SwUs, Mull, Nansook. Jscconct, Cambric,
Book, and Tsrlelon Muslins, Plaid, Sltrpe, corded
and figured Cambric and Ss iss do, Ulshopa Lawn,
Imitation Cambric, Conibrie Dimity, Irih Shirting
Linens, Damask Table Linen, Table Clothe and
Napkins, Long I .astir, French Linen Cambric and
Linen Lawns, chesp Shilling and Sheeting Mus
Ims, snd superior Long Cloth Shilling.
Lupin's fiorhlnxlnes of all qualities, and thfl 4
rinut ehsde of Black, Hummer Bombasines nf
Brilliantes, Silk and Cotton W.rp Alpaccan, Silks,
Mouseliu de Laines, Baregrs, Bslxoriues, Marquese.
Grensdinea, (linuhnms, Lawns, Crapes, Crnpo snd
f.ove Lebse VWVKid and Silk Gloves, Hosiery,
Plain Silk,- Glaeia, Ottoman, Thibet, Baregd and
I'wietcd Silk Shawls, Scoria snd Cravata. .
j.,, - . SUA U LS .4SD SCARFS.
French Cashmere lmg sod squats Shawls,
Bnclie do., Piiulod, Barrgo, 'J'hibel. and 'J'erkerri
do., GInrin, Twirted Silk, (Srenndiucj Ilcniani and
Mohair do., and low priced d. '
Silk, Greuatlina, - Bsrege, snd other long and
abortScsrfs. Also, I 'rsvais. : .;,
Black Lace and Silk Mantillas, VUiii, Capes atiJ
Cardinals, of Ihe new styles.
Emb d Caps, Collars, Spencers, and Chemir.rtls,
under Sleeves and Cults Enulish shd French
Thread Laces, K.ttings snd Insertlnirs, Linen Bot-
bin Gdgii-gs snd I openings, einb'd Swis snd Cam
bric d.v., Black and While Lare Viels. Lace Shawls
and Scarfs, wide lllwk Lace lor Manlillns and
Scat fa, and Black Brussels Lace, for trimming do.
snd dresses,
English White snd black ribb'd, emb'd, opert
woiked, snd p'sin Silk Hosiery ( white and black
half Hose, ribb'd snd plain ; spun Silk and raw Silk
d'l.t also, Engl'all Snd Swl-s White, colored, nnd
Unbleached Cotton do tibb'il, plsir, emb'd clock
ed, and open worked; also Children's Gotten do,
snd Ladies' while and unbleached Liale Tbrasd
do , of vsrious rtusliiies, a scarce and desirable ar
ticle, snd other Hosiery of various descriptions,
Plain, corded, terdered, riviere, muaique, ami
emb'd Linen Cambric and Lawn Hdkf., from lii
cut, to ft() each. Also, Baga, Pnraea, Green Ba
icge for Yeils, Gaute Viels, Blsck Linen, Lead
col'd and BroWn do Paper Muslins, &.c,
All the new stvl. s rich and cheap Scarfs and
CraVatat Kit, Cdk, Thread, and olber Gloves
Cotton half Hose! Silk and Linen Csmbtie pot kit
Hdkfs, Suspendera, ckc .
(CJ- You can find at MARSHALL'S, 188 Chcs
nut street, almost every article in Dry Good that
yoo tequ'ue, snd at prices quite aa low, if not lower
thsnetsewbte,(i( r to hhintertst lo sell cheap)
and ss he ia constantly adding to hia stock the new
est snd cheapest goods you will be sure of being
suited. But, leader, you are invited lo call nnd
judge for yourself.
Philadelphia. Miy loth, 14(1. 5m
Jdii puun y,
1) ESPECTFULLY informs, his fiends and
Customers that be haa removed bis (Stock of
goods to the Kione House, on Maikt square, form
erly occupied by Mr. Win. Dewart, where b will
lie hippy toavrvehis old customers snd ibe pub
lie generally, on as good term, and st ss Lrw pri
cesss can be had O'sewhere, . :., : :n ,
. A large asaortment of Groceries, Dry, Goods,
and Queenswsre, Constantly on hand, r, ,,
June 27th, IS46. -IT. ' ...
Tin and Sliecl-'lronViirc
riHE sul tcriler rs-ncctfully iuforms ibe. public
Ji ih it he has coimenced the manufacture of
. Tin nml Micct'lroit Ware,,
in all iia vaiioos branches, at Selinsgrovet . His
ware is not on'y made ofthe best materials, but is
put lotte her in a sitlis'aniial snd workmanlike man
ner, Oillcrini! in tliia n spei-l from much of ibe waia
sold, wi it-li is uisde up in s l urry for that purpose.
An rXci lli'iit a-snrtm. nl will be kept on hand st sll
litn.-a, which will lie a dd on the most leaaonaMe
terms. ANDREW 8. WlNGERT. .
S. li .isgrove, Msy Itiili, 1848. if.
rilllB su senior ha Just opeord lor spring tride,
JL a large and eomiloie assortment or urueels
Imperi .1, m; pi i fine and fine Ingrain and Venetian
UAKPf-IH, wliieh have all been purchased within
a mouth, at the lowest cuh rales. ..They are now
ofn red at creimT reduced price for cash.
Tt rae goods are f an extra style snd Guisb, tud
In-iii); of the lt make ai d fjliric, otfor great in-dueemi-nta
to purchaser to obtain a handsome aod
tii-sirsble article st prices below the usual ratea.
Tit.- us-nrtiiuutl i roinplcte in every rc eel, anj
cinul I 'i part .'I die lollowicg - :
New hi d SJ b'lldill BUiels , . . ; -"
Do . do InirainS I
Pa, do ; laipirisls ;, I CARPETS,
Do , . do , Tl'd Venetians k at Reduced
Do do PUin do i Prices.
Dj do , Fine V Common I . .
, Ioprin J , . - ..
Splendid Euiboaed Piano and Table Cover; .
Siar Ibut. Binding", fheep Skins cC- A-C, .
Wi'h an immeius st nk of k'W piked Carpets
nf sll deseriain, L'v1, R ig Henip, sod Cotton
t-rict, from 13 lo nil cent per yard,
Country Merchant, housvkeeprrs snd e lb Sea
have now en opportunely of supplying tbetosetve
with tiaiiiisoma aad desirable (node at greatly reJU
ced price. ROBERP U. WALKER,'
Hi N. 2d st. opposite Chiul Church.
Pbilsdelpb a. May 16 h. 1846 3m
rpHE sol, liber, Me of ths CniuS) Holt ), Mun
X ry, Ps , rrspevtfbtly knforiua lbs oid suil 0g
meroUa customer of llie
I'l'uukjlaanla House
Sud the public aeucrallv, that hs has leased tha
Tsvvrq Sisud of john Rhodes, In Danville, wberb
be Is now prepared lo entertain travellers, and per
sons vUilihg the losVn, In Ihs wty bet I sly Is. The
acCOminodallona will, be stlch Ss 4 wll conducted
publlfc hoilas shoiitd all'ord, and no effort will bs
spared lo render satisfaction, in every ieajiect, lo all
Vbd way call. The citisens of Lycoming eoUniy
ars taviled lo put up with ths undersigned tubes
they Visit Danville;
; henry Weaver.
Psni1le, Msy j, 1846
mrfrt"LASSErJThe Qist uusbty Sugar House
I V U Moiasaes, only Iti csnl pet quart! us, a
sopcanoa ankle of ysllost Moiasaes tor bakwg, on
ly 11 con l per quart k amle si lbs store
June 13, la4. Iicntti MAOox.iv.
ID A N V I L I 12
" I'rmisyUauiu.
THE DtintilU Shan Woohn Factory, former
ly owned and c.Ccup ed by Dr. Pstkikiv, hns
recently been ptlnhased by the subscribers, who
respectfully announce to their friend and the pub
lie general y, thai they sre nnw prepared In do sll
kinds oT wjrk in Ihcir line of business, st the sbor
lest notice, according to order, and in Ihe best corn
psrellve manner. Having gone to considerable
expense ill repairing theii machinery and aparatus,
and bring very partieulat in arcuriug the service of
experienced mechanics they feel confident thai
they are capable of executing til kinds or work iu
a s'yle superior lo sny other rs'sblishmcnt iu the
country, st the ol J customary p-ices. ' ' '
BIANKETS constan ly on hand, and for sale st
reduced prices, for Cash or Barter.
CARDixn aivu ri i.i.ix
will be done in the heal manner, st the usual pri
ces. All kind of country produce taken in pay
ment for woik, at Danville market price ar
For the accommodation of those, wko lifft at a
distance, Wont and Cloth will be taken in st,
and, When finished, rcictntd to Ihe following pla
ces. Plain written directions Must accompany
each parcel l ' - m .
Columbia County.-' Roup fc Man's store, Wa
shingknville; R, Fru'u store, J.raeytown ; Yca
gci'slon, Roarhig Crck; Shsrples' sore, Calta
wiss; t."F. Mann's store, Mifflin v:e Miller's
store, Berwick t' J- Cbne's Mill Kicker's store,
Orangeville t Dorr's store. While Hall.
Northumberland County Michsel Reader's inn,
TorbUttlUe ;' Ireland & Hsv'a store, McE wens
viltej'B. L. Piper's store, Watsonstown ; S. I.
Comly & Go's slore, Milton Gitmon'a inn, Chil
lisquaque ; . Forsyth store, . NorthumbeiUnd
Youuc's store. Sunbury.
Lrerme Ctr-tnty.-Reynold's store, Kingston i
GiloVrsleeve's store. Wilke.barre Gsylord's store,
Plymouth ;., Stvor'a stovsv Nantlcoke Judge
Maik's Mill, Huntington.
Lycoming County. V. Clupp's store, Muncy
ShoemuVei'a store. Smith's Mill.
Dsnvills Msy 9, 1044. ) t
Lime I Limo Fl
.TOE1T E.' '
"ITBEHPECTFLLLY iurbrms bi fiiend, ibt
JLLft; ha ha ro4r.mer.eed I ha business of Liiud
liuiiilug, on lbs farm be tioW occupies. lie baa
now en bahJ s quantity of Lime for sate, end wilt
alwsys endeavor 10 accommodate those who may
fator him with their custom. , - u't
Augusts April llth, 1810 6m
lteTKn n. jm Ass Kit,
"TT ESTECTFL'LLY inform ihs citizens f
JI Sunbliry Snd vicinilv, Ihsl he bss ojened sn
oiues St the residenctt of Henry Msassr, in Mslkrt
street, where bs is prepared 10 execute sll kinds ol
DsbtaV Susosat, rlate Work. Ac, on tbelataa
and moat approteJ platis, " '
Having Lad seme experience and instruction,
under one of ihb most eminent snd successful Den
tin's in PbiUul4ibJs be belirtes that be will I r
sble to giy sstisf jctioo to those who msy want his
Lsdres will be waited on it theft places of resi
drooe. HI ahargea will bs moderate, and his
work warranted. , . ,
' Sunbury, March ?8lh, 1848.
rVtHE CtLKBBATSa MACAatAB 1Tai Oil, has
M. just been reeasived and is for sal at tb store of
May 30. 1846. HENRY MASSER.
7lilftT7l!BX" ftTuTply"?. 1
Kadey Jk tVs superior Osrdan Seeds, jua '
received sod for sals st lbs slora of