Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 15, 1846, Image 4

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A Wcniftn fcltlrit hy tier Husband at her
own requests -
The following extraordinary tut occurred t
short time tine t Wurtemburgh ; wt find it re
lated in a late foreign journal : -
Adam Gayring, man sixty four years of age,
of lioneit and uptight dealings, loved and respec
tod by all who knew him, presented himself on
the 8th ult. before the authorities of Heidenhcitn,
and stated calmly that he had jtut killed his wife.
His declaration was immediately taken, as fol
lows : "My wife," he said, "as every one knows,
has been suffering a long time from illness, and
at times the pains she had to endure were sutli
ns to affect her reason ; she latterly gave np all
hopes of recovery, and continually repeated that
not only was life a torment to her, but that she
feared that if I died before her, she would be re
duced to misery. This moruing, after we hat!
read together the 4th chapter of the Bonk of Jud
ges, (they wcte devout people, and read the bible
.very day,) she requested me to drive a nail into
her temple, as Jael did to Sisera, as such a death
: cemed to her short and easy, and would put an
end to her sufferings; she said she forgave me
bofoiehand for the act, of which she adsolved me
before God and man. A nail, she said, would
not cause a great hemorrhage, and would make
hut a slight wound. 'As soon as I am dead,' she
added, 'you can close the wound, put me on a
clean cap, and no .one will know anything at all
about it.' After long resistance, (contined Gay
ring.) I gave way to the wishes of my wife. I
took a nail and began to drive it into her left
temple with hammer, but the nail was too
weak, and the point, instead of entering, flatten
ed itself on the bone. I then took a small drill,
but was equally unsuccessful. My wife grew
impatient, and requested me to kill her at once
with the hammer, which I accordingly did, by
knocking in the skull. The body of my wire is
at my house, where you can examine it at your
The magistrate immediately proceeded to the
house with a medical man, and Gayring under a
strong guard. They found the body dressed,
upon the bed. On the left temple there were
two wounds, and the right side ofthe skull was
' nocked in as low down as the temple. Beside
ie bed was a table, on which was a bible, the
ail, drill, and hammer alluded to. On the ground
was a basin of water, in which the murderer,
according to his own declaration, washed his
hands before presenting himself to the authori
ties. Garying is now in prison ; he is perfectly calm
and convinced that he acted well in fulfilling the
wishes of his wife by putting an end to her suf
ferings. Some Wurtemburg papers state that
the inhabitants of the village of Guessenstadt,
where the murder was committed, left their
work as soon at they heard of the murder, and
spent the day in the Church, fasting and praying
lor the soul of the departed.
Monterey. The Matamoraa Reveille men
tions one incident connected with the history of
Monterey, in Nuevo Leon, which is not generally
known. The streets of that city were paved
by American prisoners, taken by the forces of
On. Arredondo from Mina'a unfortunate expe
dition of 1816, and cemented with their blood.
These men, who had nobly periled their lives
to obtain the independence of Mexico, were ta
ken prisoners, and after being kept at hard labor
in the streets of Monterey for months, were ta
ken out and basely shot,aby order oi the govern
ment. There is but one survivor of the expe
dition, the senior proprietor ofthe Reveille, from
which we obtain the fact.
Receipk for Making Corn Sovp. Take one
dozen ears of corn, (yellow ia the best,) before
it ia hard, while the milk will run in breaking
the kernel, icore each one down the middle
with a knife, then scrape the inside out into t
bawl or dish, by running the back of a knife
hard over the face of the ear, which set aside,
then take the corn cob and what remains on it,
put them in a pot and cover with water, and
lxil one hour, then take out the cobs and put
in with the liqui-J the inside of the corn that was
scraped out, and boil together half an hour, put
in a little salt and a pint of sweet milk and let
it boil up once, dish it up with a little butter. If
found loo thick, it may be thinned with water
before the second boiling. We are assured by
one who has tried, it and who we know to be an
admirable judge of what is good, that by fol
lowing .these directions the poorest family may
enjoy a nutri'otis and most delectable dish of
For the Heaves or Bbokkn Winded
IIob8E8. Whoever is so unfortunate as to have
a heaving or broken winded horse, and desires
to cure or make him better, should not suffer
him to drink for some time any other drink than
weak !i:ne water. The horse will soon relish
this, and it seldom fails to produce a radical
I will state another way for those who may
prefer it. Take from one to two table spoons
f jl of ground plaster of Paris, and stir the same
into his menses three times day. At first, if
at hand, bran fur two or three days then bran
end oats lor a few days, with ground plaster,
ss above directed, in each ofthe messes. Prau
tie Farmer.
Tub Last Miller Story. The following
anecdote is told in-the Kniukerboker, of N. V.
A matter of fact old gentleman in New Eng
land, whose wife was a thorough 'Destruciionist,'
was awakened out of his sleep by his possessed
no, one stormy march night, with
'Husband! did you hear that noise t ItsGa
bnel a coming ! its the sound of bis chariot
whoeis !
'Oh, pshaw, you old fool !' replied the rood
man 'do you suppose Gabriel ii such sn ass as
to come on wheel in such good sleighing as
this) 1 1 tell you it's the wind turn over and
go 10 sleep !
A doctor in England, advertises in the Da
pers that be has removed bis residence near tha
grave yard, lor lbs greater convenience of hi
The fallowing list shows the current value of all
fennsylvania Dank Notes. The most implicit re
liance may he placed upon it, as it is every utek
tarrfully compared with and corrected from Bun
nell's Reporter.
Ranks la Philadelphia.
Nina. Location "
Phi tin.
Bsnk of North America , ,
Dank of the Northern Liberties , .
Commercial Rank of Penn'a. . . '
Farmers' and Mechanics Dank . .
Kensington Hank . . ,
Philadelphia Rank . . t
Schuylkill Rank
Soutbwark Rank , .
Western Rank . ,
Mechanics' Hank ,
Manufacturer' St Mechanics'
flank nf Prim Township . .
(Shard Rnnk . .
Rink of Commerce, Into Moyamrnsing
Bank of Pennsylvania .
Country Itanki.
Bank of Chester County Westchester par
Hank nf Delnware County Chester par
Bank of Germantown Germantown par
Bank of Montgomery Co. Nnrristown par
Doylcslown Bank Dnylestown par
Eaaton Rank Esslon par
Farmers' Bank of Bucks ro. Rristol par
Bnnk of Northumberland Northumtierland par
Columbia Rnnk A. Tlridge ro.Columhia par
Farmers' Rnnk of Lancaster Lancistci par
Lancaster County Bunk
Lancaster Rank
Farmers' Rank nf Reading
Office of Rnnk of Penn'a.
Office do do
Office da do
Office d) do
I .nncaster par
Lancaster pi
Reading par
Harrishurg" These
Lancaster 1 offices
Rending f do not
Easton J issue n.
Rank of llio United States
Philadelphia S3
Potisville I
Lewistown 1 i
Middletown Jul
Carlisle j
Pittsburg j
ITollidsvshurg j
HarrUburg J
Lebanon j
Pittsburg i
Pitlabuig i
Williamsporl 1
Wilkesbarre I J
Pittsburg fuiled
Erie do
New Brighton do
Charnhersburg 2
Montrose 1
Erie ljnlj
Waynesburg JnJ
Washington ij
Honesdule I j
Brownsville 1
York 2a 1
Miners' Rank of Pottsvillo
Rank of Lewintown
Bank nf Middlotown
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
Do di branch of
Harriehurg Bank
Lebanon Rank
Meichantii' ft Manuf. Bank
Bank of Pittsburg
West Branch
Wyoming Biink
Northnmpton Bank
Merits County llnnk
Ollice of Bank of U. S.
Do do do
Do da do
Bank of Chamhersburg
Bank of Gettysburg
Bank of HuKjuelianna Co.
brie Uank
Farmer' St Drovers' Rank
Franklin Bnnk
Honesdale Bmk
Monnngnhela Bank of B.
York Bank
N. R. 1 he notes of those banks on which we
omit quotations, snd aubatitnte a dash ( ) are not
purchasej hy the i'hlladelphia brokers, wnb Ihe
exception of those which have a letter of reference.
Philadelphia 8av. Ins. Philadelphia failed
Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed
Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do fuiled
Kensington Sav. Ins. A do
Penn Township Sav. Ins. do
Msnusl Labor Bank (T. W; Dyott, prop.) failed
Powanda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Fayette co.
no sale
no sale
Bank or Reaver
Bank of Swatara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bank
r armors & Merh cs Hank
Farmers' St Mech'cs' Bank
Farmers' St Mcch'cs' Bsuk
Hsrmony Institute
110 sale
Huntingdon uank
Huntingdon no sale
Iewitown nosjle
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope
Port Carbon
no sale
New Hope DeL Bridge Co.
Northumb'd Union Col. Bk.
no sale
North Western Bank of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Agr. St Msnuf. Bsnk
Silver Lake Bsuk
Union Bsnk of Penn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co.
Wilkesbarre nossle
fTj All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set
Jown as frauds.
Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick
Uelvideie Bsnk Belvidere
Burlington Co. Bsnk Medford
Commercial Bank Perth Amboy
Cumberland Bank Bridgeton
Farmers' Bsnk Mount Holly
Farmers and Mechanics' Bk Rahway
Farmers' snd Mechanics' Ilk N. Riunswick
Farmers' and Merchants' Rk Middletown Pi,
Franklin Bank of IS. J. Jersey City
lloboken liugat brazing L-o Iloboken
Jersey City Rank
Jersey City
Mechanics' Bank
Manufacturers' Bunk
Morris County Bunk
Monmouth Bk of N.J. '
Mechsuics Bsnk
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk
Morria Canal and Bkg Co
Post Notes
Newark Bkg St Ins Co
New Hope Del Bridge Co
N. J. Manufac and Bkg Co
Jersey City
no sale
N J Proieclon St Lombard bk Jersey Cily
Orange Bank Orange
Paterson Bank Paierson
Peoples' Bank do
Princeton Bank Princeton
Salem Banking Co Sulvra
State Bank Newark
Stale Rank Eliiabethtown
State Bank Camden
Slate Bsnk of Morris Morristown
State Bunk Trenton
Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem
Sussex Bank New ion
Trenton Ranking Co Trenton
Union Bank Dover
Washington Banking Co. Hackensack
Bk of Wilm St Brandy wine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do branch Miliord
Farmers' Bk of Slate of Del Dover
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch Georgetown
Do branch Newcastle
Union Bank Wilmington
rr ITnder B's
0J" On sll banks unsiked thus () thers srs ei
ther counterfeit or shared notes of lis vsrious ds
nominstions, ia ctrculsiion.
11 11.1- l-J J 't J"HW
lUct Struct, Philadelphia. -
dy j. PETEiw.ry
Till!? location it convenient for Business men
visiting the city. Every pains 4a taken to se
cure the comfort of trsvellf rs. 1
Mirch 7. 1848. ty ' -
S il Jb Jk aWSSJa
RESPECTFULLY Informs tho ci
t'tens of Sunhory and vicinity, that he
hss removed bis lesidenee to the Brick
House in Market street, ont door ws-t
of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa
vors, he hopes ti receive a continuation of the liber
al patronage which has heretofore been extended to
him. Feb 28, 1846. Cm
Opposite the Court Home,
THE Subscriber, who asnisted for sc.
veirl yesrs in the management of the a
bove Hotel, lately kept by Mr. 8. A. Bra-
5 dy, b as leavo to infirm the travelling
public, that he has taken the establishment on his
own account, on the first nf January, 1840.
The House has, of late, undergone many impor
tant alterations, and the present conductor promises
to leave nothing undone to mske it a comfortable
and agreeable, as well ss a cheap end accommoda
ting stopping place for strangers who may visit our
flourishing village. No pains nor expense will he
spsred to fill the table and the bar with the best ihe
mukcts afford, and with the determination to lie-
vo'e his entire personal attention to the comfort of
those who mav make bin house Iheir temporary a
IhhIh, and nided by active, careful and obliging ser
vants, he hopes to give gen ral satisfaction, and re
ceive a liberal share of custom.
(T7" Large ond commodious STABLES are at
tached to the establishment, which are attendeJ by
careful sud obliging ho tiers.
January 24th. 184B. if
No. 70 Sot'Tii Third Street,
Opposite the Philadelphia Exchange,
Msnufscture snd keep cor-
:,- j-flfintly on hsnd, s large as-
I . a .
Fsortment of thoir Putent 1m-
1 A? .l 0 .1 P I TI P
?'g,y$EPROOF SAFES, which are
B i-'s' constructed aato set at rest
beina strictly fire proof, snd
that they will resist the fire of any building in the
world. The ontside-csse of the Ssfes sre made of
boiler iron, the inside doc of soipstone, snd be
tween tho .uter cass and inner esse is space of
s.-rno 3 inchea thick, snd ia filled in with indestruc
tible mate11.1l, sn aa to make it an impossibility to
ever burn any of the contents inside of this Chest
These Hospstone Salumandeis we sre prepared
and do challenge the weild to produce any snide
in Ihe shape of Book Ssfes thst will stand ss much
heat, and we hold ourselves ready at all limes to
have them fairly tested by public bonfire, should s
ny of our competitors feel disposed to try Ihem.
we elso continue to manufacture snd keep con
stantly on hsnd, s large and general aaoriment of
our Piemium Air-tight Fire Proof Safes, if which
we have a large quantity in use, and in every in
stance they have given entire antisfaciion to the
purchasers of which we will refer the public to a
few gentlemen who hsve tbem in use.
N. St Q. Tsylor, 129 north 3d St.; A. Wright
St N- phew, Vine si. wharf ; Alexander Caror, Con
veyancer, comer of Filbert and Oth sis.; John M
Furd, 32 north 3d si; Myers Bush, 20 north 3d
st.; Bailey & Brother, 133 Msket st James M.
Psul, IIH south 4ih st.; Dr. Dsvid Jayne, 8 south
3d st.; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d at.; and
we could name aome three or four hundred others
if it wire necrsaury. Now we invite the attention
of the public, and particularly those in want of
Fire Proof Ssfes, to call st our store before purcha
sing elsewhere, and we think we can sstisfy them
thai they will get a lttei and cheaper article at
our store thm any other establishment in the city.
We also continue 10 msnufscture Peal snd Co
pying Presses, made in such a manner aa to an
swer both purposes ; Hoisting Machines, Fite
Proof Doors, with our own manufacture of locks
on Ihem, with D. Evsna's Patent Keyhole cover
attached to the same ; plain and ornamental Iron
Railing, Are.
N. B. We keep constantly on band a large as
sortment of our Psienl Hlate Lined Refiigei .tus,
Wster Filters and Coders; and we have also on
hand several second hand Fire Proof Chests taken
in exchange for ours, which we will dispose of at
very low prices.
Philadelphia, January 24th, 1846. ly
A". 301, Market Street, above Oth, South tide,
i THE suhscril rrs respectfully csll the stten
lion of their friends snd dealers to Iheir large
and well assorted stock of lists and Cs s of every
description, wtll adapted Frthe s; ring Irsde, Be
ii'i made ofthe best mjterid snd by the most ex
perienced workmen, they feet confident to give uni
versal satisfaction 10 sll ho msy fsvor Ihem wiih
s trial, ss they olTer lo sell aa low aa any house in
the city. BAR PALO IT St ULYNN.
Philadelphia. January 3. 1846 T
To I'uriiaaer of
rpHE subscriber, No. 121 Pearl street, New
JL York, hsving established a Branch at No. 23)
South Second St., Philadelphia, is now opening,
and will be constantly receiving from the New
York Aeciions, sn extensive sssoriment of
which will be sold at the lowest New York pi ices
at wholesale snd Retail. Among his slock will he
found s good sssortmrnl of ihe following srlides:
Jaccnnels, Plaid, II air Cold, Lace, Sirie, Rook,
Swiss snd Tsrlstsn Muslins, Bishop and Linen
Lswns, Fsney Cap Nells, Fancy and Ball Urease,
Thread Laces, Application Do,, rich Black Silk
Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics,
Linen Cambric HJkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cashmere
d'Ecosse, Mousehne de I. sine. Milk snd Cotton
Warp Alpaccas, ljuorii's Cloth, Gala Plaids,
French Merinos, Black Silks, Gloves, Silk Hose,
Shawls, Ciavats, Ribbons, Embroideries, ice, Ac.
Country Meirhsnls snd others visiting PbiUdel
phis or New York to purchase, are respectfully in
vited lo call and examine the stocks.
Nov. 1. I845! ly O. H. MOORE.
Willi AT. Ihe highest price given fur
Wheat, al the store of H. MASSER.
A new supply of Rose Ointment just received.
Nov. 8th, 1845.
BAR IRONJust leceived and for sale, cheap
for csb, by HENRY MA8SER.
Sunbury, Sept. SO, 1845.
FPTJKIOR Port wine, Madcris and Lisbon
wines. Also superior Brandy and Gin, Lemon
Syrup. Also a fsw barrels of Rica Fish, for sals
feunbuiy, July I9ib,
gUirBTJK Y, P A.
Business attended to in tha Counties of Nor
ihumt erlsnd, Union. Lycoming snd Columbia,
Refer !
P. St A. RevotrDT,
' Low it a St Basso.
RoNRa St SwonoaAss, y-VMlaJ.
Rstffoins, McFamlakd Sl Co,
8rxRtfts, Ooon St Co.,
iitnRismiRc., pa. .
T REO leave to Inform the public that I have left
Philadelphia, and am now located in Harris
burg, the seat of tbn Executive and Stale Govern
ment of Pennsylvsnis, where I now occupy the
spacious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Mstihew
This spacious building, having been purposely
plnnned and erected for a Hotel of Ihe first clsss,
is not surpassed if equalled, by any similar estsb
lishment in Pennsylvania; and hsving undergone
s thorough renovation, Ihe psrlors, rooms and
chamber are now fitted up in s style that com
bines elegance with comfort snd convenience.
My TABLE is pledged to be supplied with the
best fare Ihe Markets csn produce; the charges at
the sima time being as moderate aa any ofthe best
regulated astal lishments elsewhere. In short, no
exeitions shall be spared on my p.irt, or on Ihe part
of every memler of my household, to make it what
it should be, in the Capital nf one of the moat pop
ulous and interesting Slates ofthe Union.
With these promises, accommodations snd faci
lities, and the fact that the Hotel is most eligibly
situated, I wiih confidence, most respectfully soli
cit the patronage of ihe Public
Late of Herr's Hotel, Chesnut st., Philad.
Hsrri-burg. Nov. 22, .84!..
SET ill U it t) I tJX V 1 1 1 1 tfi .
"I BasMKiVs Yanvirvoc- s certain cure for
worms nfe and very pleasant to take.
2. (iinsnn's Extracts, which remove Urease
of all kinds. Dry Paints, Tar, Vainish and Wax,
from carpeis nr from clothing, without injuring Ihe
color nr ihe cloth.
3. Lonoo Fit Pafrr the best thing known
for kilting flies and musquitoes.
4. A certain Destroyer of Rats, Mice, Roaches
and Ants, and another of Bed Bujs.
5. Uuhn a Srsciric for sour stomach. Heart
Burn snd Water Brash, by one who bad sufft red
thirteen years, tafore he discovered the cure.
Dn. Stkvi a Green Oistmemt for the Piles.
It has never failed lo cure.
7. Harrisox's Tkttxr Wash.
8. Brsmord's Irdklible Irk, without s
9. Ths Co pons d CotrtcTio or Figs
just Ihe medieine for children and for women, H la
so pleasant lo lake.
10. Out s Yksktarlr Asti biiious Pills.
1 1. Genu's Emolliiht WATis-sRonr Pastk,
for Harness, Boots, dec It softens the leather, and
keeps out the water.
12. Poor Mab'b Strkkgthsmiwb Plsstir.
13. Jacrsor's Diarbrcka Mixtcrr, which
cures the worst Diarrhoea in a few hours.
14 Jacrsoh a DiaiRTARV Mixtcrs, a cer
tain snd speedy cure for Dysentery and Summer
The alove valuable articles are sold wholesale
and retail, by L. C. GUNN, No. 1 South Fifth
ilreet, I huaaclpkta where Morrkeeiiera and fl
itters will be supp'ieJ with pure Africsn Cayenne
Pepper, Arnica Flowers, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glsss
snd VarniMies. al the lowest prices. Terms only
cash. $y Cut out the sdvcitiscment, and bring
it with you.
Philadelphia, July 19th. 1845. ly.
B K la 1 E V K AND LIVE.
Compound Syrup of Tar & Wood
riHE unprecedented success of this medicine, in
JL the restoration of health, to those who, in des
pair, had given up sll hopes, bss given it sn rxs'
led reputation shove all other remedies, furnishing
evidence of its intrinsic value and power, as the on
ly agent which csn be relied upon for the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption, Bronchittis, Asthms,
Pain in Ihe side and Bressl, Spitting of Blood,
Whooping Cough, Uroup, ore
Attention is requested lo ihe following ASTON.
ISHING CURE.hv Thomson's Compound Syrup
01 I arena wood Iaptha! !
rhilu,klphia, May 3d, 1844.
MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With cruteful
feelings T inform you of Ihe astonishing effects of
your medicine, which has literally rsis d me from
a death-bed ! My disese, Pulmonary Consump
tion, bad reduced me so low that my physician pro.
noanced my case hopeless I Al this junction I be
gsn to ue your medicine, and miraculous aa it may
seem, it has completely restored me lo health, after
everything else bad failed. Respectfully yours,
Charlotte street, above Geoige street.
The undersigned, being personally acquainted
with Washington Mark and bis sufferings, bear
wilneaa lo the astonishing effects of Thomson's
Compound Syrup of Tar, snd the truth of the s-
bove statement.
JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third street, -DAVID
VICKERS, 42 Almond street.
HUGH M 'GIN LEY, 8. E. cormr Tamsny
and Fourth atreets.
Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. corner
of 5lh and Spruce atreets, Philadelphia.
Agents. H. B. Master, Sunbury D. Gross,
and Dr. Macpherson, Harrisburg ; Jno. G. Brown,
Pottavi'.le ( Gen, Earl, Reiding ; Houston St Ma
on, Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. Price 60 cents
per bottle, or $5 P' r dozen.
Beware of all imitation.
Philadelphia. June 28th, 1845. ly
THE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed stent,
for 1 be sale of CONRAD MEYER'S CEL
AN OS, at this place. These Pianos have a plain,
massive and beautiful exterior fini-h, and, for depth
and sweetness of tone, snd elegance of workman
ship, are nut surpassed by any in the United State.
The following ia a recommendation from Cabi
Diets, a celebrsted pertbimer, and himself s man
ufactuieri A CAUD.
Havibs had the pleasure of trying the excel
lent Piano Fortes manfaetured by Mr. Meyer, and
exhibited at the last exhibition of the Franklin In
stitute, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker
to declare thst these instruments sre quits equal'
snd in some respects even superior, lo sll ths Pi
sno Foites, I ssw at the capitals of Euiope, and
during a sojourn of two yaws at Paris.
These Pianos will be sold at lbs manufacturer's
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower.
Persons are requested to call and examine for
themselves, at lbs residence of Ihe subscriber.
Sunbury, Msy 17. 1845. H. B. MASSER.
TT lMfcl, of a superior quality, can now be bad
at the Lima Kilus of Hsnry Ms, In Sun
buiy. Msy 17, 1115.
--i ,l jl.j j. ia 1 1 m v-r-m
' nen n atiye si ni p. '
THE valuable properties of Oakley's Depnra
tive Syrup of Ssrssparills, ss a purifier of lbs
blood, is so well known te lbs pnblie generally,
that it ia unnecessary to ocenpy much spare in set
ting forth tha sdvantsges to be derived from its
use i wherever the medicine bss once been Intro
duced, it takes precedence over sll others t eveiy
one that baa taken it, have derived so signal bene
ficial results from it, that It is recommended by
them with ihe utmost confidence. Physicians of
Ihe highest standing in the profession, presenile it
to patients under their care ; containing nothing
deleterious, but being composed of the most mild,
yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered wiih
confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu
rifier of Ihe blood now known. The ose of e few
bottles, especially in the spring months, wtll be at
tended with s most decided improvement in the ge
neral atrength ofthe system, eradicating any seed
of disease that may have been generated, besides
giving health snd vigor lo the body. For the cure
nf Scrofula or Kings Evil. Rheumatism. Teller.
Pimples or eiuplions of the Skin. While Swellinc.
Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac. The nu
merous certificates in Ihe possession of Ihe subscri
ber and his agents, from physicians snd others, are
sufficient lo convince the most skeptical of lis su
periority over all preparalions of Sarsaparills.
Sold wholesale and retail, by the proprietor,
GEORGE W.OAKLEY, North 6th street, Rea
ding, Berks County, snd lo he bad of ths following
persons t
in Northumberland County. II. B. Masses
Sunbury; Ireland St Mixel, McEwensville ; D
Krauser, Milton.
In Union County. J. Gcarbart. Seliustrovet
A. Gutelius. Mifllinburg.
In Columbia Countu.U. W. McCav. Wash
ington. j
Reading, March 14, 184.1. I
Mr. Oar irt : t believe lithe nty of every
one to do whatever in their power lies, for the bene
fit of their fellow man, and bavins; had positive
proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties
of your Depuralive Syrup of Sarsaparills, I most
conscientiously recommend it lo the afflicted. We
bad the misfortune to lose two of our children, by
the breaking ont of ulcerous sores thst covered the
fsce, hesd snd neck, sltbough we had some of the
moat scientific physicians lo attend them and had
tried all the known temedies, including Swaim's
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
waa attacked in ihe same manner, her face and
neck waa completely covered; the discharge wss so
offensive, snd Ihe disesse st such a height, that we
despaired of her life. Seeing Ihe wonderful effects
of your Depuralive Syrup of 8arsarilla, we were
Induced to make trial of il, as the Isal resort : it
scted like a charm ; the ulcers commenced heating
immediately, a few bottles entirely restored her lo
her beullh, which she hss enjoyed uninterruptedly
ever since. As s purifier of the blood.! verily be
lieve it has not its equal,
Walnut street, nesr Fourth, Resiling.
Dooglssaville, April 19ih, 1843.
Mr. Oarlrt 1 My son Edmund Leaf, had ths
scrofula in lbs moat dreadful snd distressing man
ner for three years, during which time be was de
prived of ths use of his limbs, bis snd neck
were covered with ulcers. We tried all lbs differ
ent remedies, but to no effect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Noriistown, and also Dr. Isaae
Hieater, of Reading, to use your Depuralive Syrup
of Ssrssparills, of which I obtsined several bottles.
Ihe use of which drove Ihe disesse enlirrlv out of
his system, the sore healed up, snd Ihe child was
restored to perfect health, which be hss enjoyed
uninterruptedly ever sines, to the astonishment of
msny persona who seen him during his sffliction.
I have thought il my duty, and send you this certi
ficate that others vho hsve a like affliction in the
family may know whers to obtain so valuable s
medicine. Yours truly,
8epl. 18, 1843 ly
A Ml II Y& It 0CA
South Eait corner of Market and Alh sis..
WHERE they slwsys keep on band an exten
sive assortment of HATS ii CA PS of every
description, got up In the best snd most approved
st le. Persons derirous rf purchasing superior arti
cles on the most reasonable terms, will find il to
iheir advantage to call before making purchases
Philadelphia, Oct. 6tli, 1844. ly
Noi. 20 and 31 North Third Street,
Near the City Hotel,
CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in-
viles lbs attention of persons desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, to his extensive Sales Rooms,
(both public snd Private,) for every description of
Household Furniture, where can be obtained al all
times, s Urge sssoriment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattresses,
&c, at very reduced prices, for caab.
07 Sales by Auction, twice a week.
May 17th. 1843. ly -
rpba puMie will please observe thst no Brandretb
Pills sre genuine, unless ths box bss three la
bels upon it, (the top, lbs side snd the bottom)
each contsining a fae-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. Brardrrth, M. D. These Is.
bel'Rie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done al an expense of over $3,000. Therefore
it will be seen that the only thing necessary to pro
cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these
Remember the lop, the side, snd the bottom.
Tbe following respective persons are duly authori
sed, and hold
For tbe aala of brandretk'i Vegetable Universal
Northumberland county t Milton Mackry cV
Chamheilin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewens
ville Ireland St MeixelL Northumleiland Wm.
Forsyth. Georgetown J. St J. Walls.
Union County 1 New Berlin Bogar St Win
ter. Selinsgrove George Gundrum. Middle
burg Isaac Smith. Beaveriowo David Hubler.
Adamsburg Wm. J. May. Mifflinsborg Msnsch
St Rsy. Hardelon Daniel Long. Freeburg
G. A F. C. Moyer. Lswiaburg Walls St Green.
Columbia county 1 Danvllks E. B. Reynolds
St Co. Berwick Shuman St Ritlenhouse. Cst
tswisM C. G. BrobU. Blootnshurg John R.
Moysr. Jetsev Town Lsvi Bisel. Wssbingtou
Robl. McCsy. Limestone Ball & MsNloch.
Observe thst each Agent bss an Er graved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation of
Ur BRANDKETH8 Manufactory al Sing 8ing,
and upon which will also be ssen exact eopiee of
the smsO label neio used upon the Brandrtlk Pill
Philadelphia, office No, S, North 8th street.
June Jlih, 1114,
fr The following certifiea't deicribe one of fat
mmil extraordinary curt ever effected by ana
pRitActtrniA, February 1(1, 1839.
T7OR twenty yeara I was severely afflicted with
' Trttrh en the Fsce and Hesd! the disease1
commenced when 1 was seventrrn yesrs old, snj
continued until the Fell of l83fT, vsrying in vio
lence, but without over disappearing. During most
of the time, great pari of my face wss covered with
ths eruption, frequently sttended with violent iteb
ing; my head swelled al times until it fellas if H
would burst the swelling waa so grest, thst I could
scarcely get my hat on. During the long period
that I was sfflicled with the disease, I used a great
msny si plicslions, (among them several celebrated
preparations) aa well as taking inward remedies,
including s number nf bottles of Suaim,i Panacea,
Extract of Sarapnrilla, Ac,. In fsct. it would be
impossible lo enumerate all the medicines I used.
I was slso under the care of two of ihe most dis
tinguished physicians of ihis cily, hut without re
reiving much benefit, snd I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fall of 1838, the disease at the time
being very violent, I commenced uaing the Rote
Ointment, (prepared by Yaughan St Davis.) In
s few applications the violent itching ceased, the
swelling abated, tbe eruption began to disappear,
snd before I had used a jar the disease wss entirely
cured. It hss now been nesrly s year snd a half
since, and there is not a vestige of the disease re
msininf , except the scars from the deep pile formed
by the disease. Il is impossible for me to describe
in s certificate the severity of ihe disease and m
suffering, but I will be pleased to give s fuller se
connt to sny person wsnting further satisfaction,
who will csll on me. At the time I commenced
using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun
dreds of dollaia to be rid of the disease. Since u
sing it, I. have recommended it to several persons,
(smong them my mother, who had tbe disease bad
ly on ber arm,) who were all cured by it.
JAMES DURNELL, No. 156, Rsce 81.
rjj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Yaughan, 8outh East corner of Third and Race
streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu
ry. by H. B. MASSER,
May 14th, 1843. Agent.
iloue Ointment, IbirTetter.
Paif.ADki.rHiA, May 87th, 1839.
rFHIS is to certify ibat I waa severely sfOicied
1 with Tetter in the hsnds snd feet for opwsnlt
of forty years; the disesse wss sttended generally
with violent itching and swelling. I applied to t
number of physicians, snd used s great many appli
cations without effecting a cure. About a yea;
since, I applied Ihe Rose Ointment, which entirely
stopped ihe itching, and a few applications immedi
aieiy cureu ine uiwase, wnicO Were has been nt
return of, although I had nevrr been rid of it a
any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAGE
Eleventh, below Spruce Street.
C3 Tho Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B
Vsughan, 8outh East corner of Third sud Raci
Streeta, Philadelphia, and sold on sgency in Sunbu,
ry.hy H. B. MASSER,
May 14lh. 1843. Agent
OJ the ROSE OINTMENT, for Tetter.
A LTHOUGH tbe superiority of ihs prepsiatior
over all others is fully established, the proprie
tore lake pleasure in laying before lbs public th
following certificate from a respectable physicisr
a graduate of ihe University of Pennsylvania. D
Baugh, having found in Ihis remedy that relief f ,
a tedious snd disagreeable sffoction which the mean
within Ihe range of bis profession failed lo affori
has not hesitated to give il bia approbation, althoue
the prejudices and interests of that profession ai
opposed to secret Remedies.
PuiiAnxLraiA, Sept. 19, 1836.
I wss recently troubled with a tedious herpet
eruption, which covered nesrly one site of my fac
snd extended over ihe ear. Mr. Vaughan.propri
loi of the Rose t lint men t, observing my face, insi
ted on my trying his preparation, of which he bar
ded me a jar. A llhough in common with ihe men
Iwre of my profession, 1 discountenance and diss,
prove ofthe numerous nostrums palmed upon tt
public by ignorant pretenders, I feel injustice hour
to except the Rose Ointment from that class of m
dicinea, and lo give it my approbation, as it entir
ly eurrd ihe eruption, although it had resisted l!
usual applications. DANL. BATGH, M. D.
rX Tha Rose Ointment is prepared by E. '
Vauijhan, South East corner of Third and Ra
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Su
bury, by H. B. MASSER.
May 14th, 1843. Ag"
-tLr lis m. .
Corner of Third and Vine Street,
THE subscriber respectfully snnounces to I
public, thsi he has opened a Hotel in the co
modious brick building situate oq the corner
Third snd Pine streets, where hs will be happy
wait npon those who may favor him will, th
company. The Eagle Hotel is large and convei
enl, and furnished in the best modem style. Il'
provided wilb a large number of well aired a
comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, priv
parlors, Ac Persona viailing Williamsport on I
ainesa or pleasure, may rest as-ured that every 1
ertion will be used to render their sojourn st 1
"Esgle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. HisTs
will lie supplied with the very best the msrket
fords, snd his bsr with ihe choicest wines snd oil
liquors chsrges reasonsble. Ths Esgle He
possesses greater advantages in point of local
than any other similar establishment in the borou
being situste in the business part of the town,
wiihin a convenient distance of the Court Hoi
aud Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot.
Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and tru
ostlers always in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and honest 8erva
have been employed, and nothing left undone t
will add to lbs comfort snd sccommodsiion of
There will be e carriage slwsys in sttendsner
ihe Boat Landing to convey passengers to snd fi
Ihs House, free of chsrgs,
Msy 14 th. 1848. If
MichasFl-Weaver a. Son,
A'o. 13 North Water Street, Philadelphia.
PAVE.constsntly on hsnd, a general ass
ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac,
Ropes, Fishing Ropes, Wbits Ropes, Ms
Is Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. A Is
complete sasortment of Seine Twines, dee, sue'.
Hemp Sbsd snd Herring Twine, Best Patent
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, S
Threads, Ac Ac Also, Bed Cords, Plough Li
Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chs
Ac all of which they will dispose of on rneson,
Philadelphia, November 13, 1843. ly.
SPEftlNG, e&iT&"ca
No. 138 Market Street,
INVITE the attentiosj of Country March
to ibsir extensive assortment of British Fr
and American Dry Goods, which they offer for
en the most reesonsbls terms.
Philadelphia, November IS, 1842. ly.