I '- " 1 -- . i . .1 ! 1 . .11. .. .11 1. IV! Ji ' J." I I J" Mwef, bul I Will field wfcaf 1 estearrl toy tigW because I desirs no nnpltasant sceee here. s II is the will of the people which Is to grorers us; to we re tola" we ere not to disc.uss the me rifs T 'measures ths will of the people is all. Well, be It to. ' . , .From the Phil, Ledger Extra, of Aug., 10.75 ARRIVAL OP tHR STEAMSHIP GREAT ' '.'V, WESTERN. ;' ' ;'" " '" till Day Later from EOrope.' ,. Tho steatnehip Great Western arrived at Naw York yesterday tnnrninjr, at 6 o'clock, With si days later newt 'from Europe, '.'' ' An address of the merchants of Liverpool to Mr. McLfio( congratulates him on tho settle, ftient dftho Oregon question, 16 which lie re plied, ,M$jtfi documents ara highly intcrpttinjr, and creditable to the feelings of the respective , jwrties. If there is one place more than another which woulJ suffer by the interruption of friend Jy relations wiili America, it is Liverpool... J. , ' Statb OF ttit Cnopn-Since the sailing of tho llibernta (he wcs'lier lias been rather vari- b!e. , There have been numeious showers of rain, and although the slmu'phero has been cool, wo believe it has been unravoi'L!e to the ripening of (he crops, which in this neighbor hood look well and promio to be very ab'Jndsnt. We are sorry to say the" potato dfeea'se has mado its appearance to an nlariniiifr extent in the sis ter kingdom. Mention is made in the journal, from nearly every district of Ireland, that the potato rot has appeared in this year's crop; and i . . " ' r " 1 uiany of them ex;ireM the most gloomy appro iiensions of the result."1' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,! ' The weather, at all times en ol j -ct ( inter jst, isMpncially eoonlheevenf harvest. Since :he middle -of 'last inonih, when the intense ffarmlh which prevailed for some weeks ceas ed, ehottcrs, mure or lcesstrvcrn, bave prevail ed. . .., .. , Up to that time the parched earilt required noisture ; since then it Iras Enough and to ppare. Svery day durinjr the present wcCk ha experj meed copious showers, which' bave certainly -.ot improved tho groin crops, which ndw re iuirea sun-shine to ripen theiti. No great iri ' ury has been dune yet 5 but two or three weeks fthe same unsettled weather would go far to CBtroy the bright prospects of the lart throe lonths. It is an ascertained F.ict one which hows the variablo nature of our clime that lore rain fulls in the month of July than during ny other month in tho year. 'At the Liverpool market, yesterday,' grain ras somewhat more firm, but the. Irsda pur. hased cautiously, and prices were but Ut tie of 'deJ. Tlie potato disease, which coiiKcd eo (uch commotion lart year, has reappeared this ear in various parts of I'njland and Ireland, n such occasions there is a natural tendency 1 create alarm anJ magnify the evil. Under tie influence of the lenr which prevailed at tho hue, Pci l was enabled to pass his bill fur tho peal of the Corn-law but the evil ptoved less rious than tho timid -prople npprelirndod, id the Minieter was charged with furthering ie delusion. O i all iiicli occasions sttlnVhnoss imbines with nn amitib'c plii'antliropy lo alarm .0 niihl'c. Tiie result, howtver. in the ore- ut infitiuice, has been to increase the rlomund , .... I" r Indian Wheat, and necessrily to fmpnve I r ' . 1 e price. IrelHiid will be the reoipumt of a. rgo qusMity of India Wheat, and to the star d peasantry ot'thitt unfortunatecountry, when v beenrna used to if, it cannot fail to prove a rl-send. '. , ; .. ' Statk Ki.kctions were held on the ;id inst., in abama. Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois and Misso i ; and took place in North Carolina and Ten iae on the 7th. The remaining (-lections this jr will be held as stated below : rmout... .Tuesday, ;'r September .. 1st. iine, 'Monday, , ..'.'" 1 Ith. orgia, : u- October ; 3d. kansas, . ., '.B . ?', .ryland, ! 'Wednesday,' i " ';' - 7th. I Carolina, . Monday, ' " 12th. ! nnsylvania, Tuesday, ' " . , 1 3ih. io, -. .. : ' ; ' " . " ssissippi, - "' November ' 2-1. cbigan, ; , " " . " w Toik,' " . ,'. ' .'; '..' . ! 3d., w Jersey, ; " ' . . " ssachuaelts, " - , tih.' laware, ; ; " ' 10th. rIVIB AID ASCR, ANV ILL FkVSKS CuHKII BaAxnRttTii's Pills. All fevers areoccas!on ,iy the disordered motion of the blood, p-oducrd 'he bunioral serosily by hardening the v've of verael. This bloml circulates with greiitly In lsed speid, and la ailll increased by the friction he globules, i-r panicles which compose the diik luids. '1 hm it is tbst ihe excrs-ive hesl sud Is is experienced through, ut theWh.da system accompanied wlih great ihirat, pdu in the head, (, kidneys, and in fuel a complete pro.tralion II the fa.-uitiia of ibe mind as well as loly In the flist ettaik of fever, or any disease, im liatety laVe a Lrgedofi of B'anJreth's Vege:a Univarsat Pills, and continue to keep up a eiful trttcl upon the bowels until ihe fevrr or bis eniirely. ceated. ' Six, or riht will in it cases be sufficient as dose, snd una dose of kind it is not Improbable, may prevent on oh bs i knesfj peibvps dra'h. ., U. Benjamin LIrsndretb's Vrgetuhle tluivaraal , are indeed universally sppromd medicine, ch by-its peculiar action, cleanses th blood of mpurities, icmovea every Paisi and W'takntu, .finally Ketlores lbs Constitution to perfect 'th sud Viffart J1 Purchase of it. D, Master, Sunbury, or of icasri, pubtisbed iu another start of Ibis paper. sssassswaaaMsaNSMwsBsBBassavaMsskaBW t 1 1: D Thursday morning last, Mr. JOHN RO S, of Ibis borough, aged about 75 years, t Northumberland, en Monday morning .he inst., Mrs. J A NT, TAGUART, formerly of idclplua, aged about 56 ) ars OAtTtnidnH ajnkatt. Offtceqffae UAiTtmona AmaaicAa,, Aug. 3, ., CBAIN.The Wboat market isduUand prices have a decided tendency downwards.' - We quote good to prime nW Md. red at 80aS3 Cents and ordinary to good at 70aS0 cents. In inferior and common aorta there is decided decline, and we quote these descriptions at 60a70 tents.' -' -' ' Oats are plenty and very' dull, and prices have father declined considerably, . Sales of good to prime at 20a22 cents, and inferior to good at 18a 30 cents. !. .', vm:; . -,;-.' .1 ! WHISKEY. We note sale of hhds. at 53a 23 J cents, anij bbl; it aS ll cents, and '1 some cases at 25 cents. u-l d; , v.v. Corrected wectfy by Henry Matter. 80 f)5 6t 25 " - 0 " I12J 10 8 35 .10 10 10 75 150 Con, Oats,. 7 ,.,;! ,.)! Fnxniiiie, Eoos,'- ; i BaaswaT, 7 Tattow, 1 . Put, - Hkckifti VlAX, -imtti AerLfeft, ' ' Dh rCMr.s,' C4 I'll AY ED from the subseriber.on or shout the ?5 fir.it nf A'luiist. a BLACK COW. wbh a T. , , 1 " ,r u . . . . nht linid Iflif. Uei horn have also brcn bored. le. Anv person inform ins the sub criler vvherb she if. will be suitab'y rc warded. ' '' , . ; DANIEL RUFFANER, , ' " ' " ' ' "' ' JVeir Ceo. Conradi. t Augusts! township, Aug. 16, 1816. :it . : !5o6t & .SilOC -21 S T A B Ii IS HUZEN ?. DANIEL DRUCKEMIIXEH, Al hU Old Establishment, in Market Street, : -.,! ; Sunbury, . r,.. 1 (OPIVSITE TUB ttBD LION lIOTEf.,) "R ETLi?iVS bis thanks for'pist f.ivor, and tn J3pcc!fully Informs his fiicnili and the pul.lle genrrally, that he conliriues to manufacture to 01 det, in tlie neatest and laleet Ftjle, . CIlr.Al liOOTS AAU SItttES, ' warranted of tlx best material, and mads by the moat etpcrhheed vdrkmen. Ha li keep on hand s penrral assaitmnnt of fashional . U -ols for B-'mbmep, together with a larpe stork of f ishioti "tble gentlrmehV, boyn'jla Uns andehi'd rn' Shoes, ull of which ll .Ve hnn in-tde under h own imme liaie inspection, and arb of the bet material and workminHhp, wlidi he will aallluw fir evaht : 1 . In S blilion to the alnve, be has just teceivrd from 1'hilad. Ipliia a lare and extenaivo aupp'y of lioota, Bboea, Ac. of all oofcrtptiona, which be Im 1 iTum for cali. cheaper than ever before otT-rad tn this place. , Ho trupeclfully inviira his olJ custo mers, and other) to call end rxamine for tlii-m- a Ives, 1 , :' .--. ". .: . ,r , - Reps-ring done w'uh neathena and dvpatchi ..'Banbury, August I5ih, 1846 - ; ' v ii o l k s A L E": ; BOOT a-SHOE ' STORE. l'HgI' FOR CAH. Au. 35 Fuitih Third Street, oiiove Ciesitit, . . PHILADELPHIA. eastern aso cirr man rrACTt's k it noOTS Asn FHOfcH. . . t r11IE Suhscrlher ba'.tnkrn the liberty ol ad.lres- -LH.n ,,ln l'u,)!,c . I'fJ ht 'bey will bmi it to their mterenl In mil and rum nn l.iaKink nt Boots and Uo, ami acquaint themselves with j lit prices. , , . ' e-'eliing excb'sivelv for li e Ca-h, he i enabled j i nj determined t sell lower llinn any other rrgu j for house i.-i the i-i'y. ' ' I Persons wi'l please cxtti-ne the mirkel tho 1 roughly, and, b. fo e purchasing, call et the ftore i of Tims. L EVANS. No. 35 K,uth Third, above I'beaout Ft 1'bil.ide'i hi . Aiie. .15. 1S1C " . ,,. ,Iai:so KcitdcrJIJ ' 'This ?oo1 edv're 'comes from a fiienl, an edit caled plive.Min, snd -on whn hi bent 4nn-d nf protraced illne, bv IUE IMPKOYEU INDI AN VECETAULB PIL1.S." (ji:oAB Coatsii.) which are al this moment eiTt-o ing sortie of the most remark ' lr ceres on rrcuM, snd they will con tinue lit heal ibe itiek as long as they' are usor'r J Io by tliein. This is no nnstrora. mado merely to sell iire-p ctivo . fits qualitiff, but a valuable nt--l-b-iit"-, msde by a w-ll inf irmed Physician, i f Vege. labia Ingrrdi ut. pure, tljiracious, and httrmlet. In a f.-w dsy. wo .bull muke a puli'ie repon ot vral more ra-M of ntvrinr.n rnro (for we nulene ot fieri) an.) the puMie inty know on wtut me.li cine to relit m time of need. ' fJ3 CAUTION. As a mifreble imiution has been made, by the name of -Sugr Coated Pills" it is i.ccrFs iry to be sure that I)n. O Btaj. H hitii's fi:'tis'uis Js on every box.', pries S3 cents Principal Onii-ei 170 Greenwich st New' York. 1 SolJby JOHN W. FRIMNO, Sunhiinf. WM. FORHYTHE, North um'iL Aitj. Bh, 1MB. ' ' 'roTHiinRi.c , BERLAM) COUNTY. . . PELLOW CITIZBXSt Mthosolcitarinn of - a numlter nf ptrsona, in different 1 arts of ibe county, I bave consented to be a t audidaUi for the office if . ; cotftrTV ccMMissidnna. - ' : I can only prnmre, should I t elected,,!. mike every tff -rt Io discliHigc the doticj i f the office to your entire satisfaction. ' - - - '-' HUGH McFALL. Delaware townntiip, Ao. Hth, 1846. ..... VMnSllLANI) COUSTY. "I7ELLOVV CITIZENS! Throimh the enctou L ragement of my friends, I he beeh rnJuct-d to offer myself as a eandidata l-t the ofliee of C'ouuty Commissioner. Should you are proper la elect me, I will tn-ke c ve ry .effort to tender general ssiisfarilon. , , WILLIAM WILSON., Lewie towutblp, Aug. S. 1846. 1 J7ROM the premises .f the subscriber, in Fba ptnkintown, Northumberland county, on Ibe SU of July last, ' , ' . TWO COWS. . One i fresh milch cow, red, with white belly snd tail, and soma white about hs face. The other a dmk brindle, with s short tail. Any person bring, inf the said strays 10 Ibe tubseiber, ot giving him information where ihey can be found, will be rea aonldy rewarded. WM. M. WEAVEK. rhamekintown, Aug. 8, 1810. 3t. ,Oriliany Court Sale, , T N ptirsu mre of an order of the Orphan' Court of JVorlhomr-erland cnontr. Will e sold at pub He vendue, On Bnfurday the 6lh diiy of rJeptombcr next, on the premfnee, H sa'd eotinif, to witr A certain tract of land Situate in Kuah (nwnship, county aforesaid, adjoining land of , Isiae Kline, Widow Stroh, Henry Hu(T and oihem, containing CO aerei more oi Ics. 25 arrra of which are clear ed, whrrfOO is erected a am.il! one r-toiy frame And lop; hniiso, a umall log tall and an apple orchard. J i,a. tnemtrorpavid Kksetnan, deo'd.'," ; ( 8ttlfl tb cq:nmenc at 10 oVlook, A.t.' of a'lid dy, wtien'the eohellilnn of ale will be mndo known by FREDERICK KASEMAN, ' Aogti-t 8lh, I816-5t ' ' '' A.lmrl a To Teachers. '. . TLEVEN principal teachers, and one as l-tant. A wifl liewanvd fir the coming fill ami wint.-r achunt, in Klinm. liin diKtrict, Norlhumtrrlanil r,.iim ty.'' Persona winhinj 10 he emptrtyed a anrh, is- H p'eae mert the b.ia'd of dirceion, at tlie hoove of rYlix I,rreh, In Sr.uffiown, on fc'tnunlay the t!) h day of St'i'tembrr neif, fnf ex.irtiinntion aee.-filb j 10 law. Pirsons apdying not pfTurv ally fcn.mn to ihe board, will be txpecied In produce litlcru nf rernmrhendiition touching good mor.il chiMcirf.' ' 03" '' be board wi I mret at 8 o'ebek, A. M. ' ' - ' By order cf the bfta-d. ' ' ' ' FELIX I.ERC1I. Atb at, Pres'i B S. D. Sham. D:t Er.nn Jon, Sec'y. J' 1 f hnmnkin PiM., AuRO't 8 h, lMfl. Valuable Ileal "Estate ALL tint certsin TAvern 8t:md end : Wimble Farm, aitunte in Phamokin towmh p, Nor-ihuint-eilatid county, on Centre Turnpike, hbout 8 niiii-e. ftotn Honbury, Ihe rxun'y town, adjnitrltg lands of Fegily's Heirs, Annauus azlnn und o thers, c.inlniniiig 150 acres more or Ires, 2(1 acres of which Icing io good meadow, a s.nnll e.ro k rur.riin? thrutth tho same, snd about 20 dtp s llicriol brini! Will timbered, t'le residue beins; in a hifih stutri of cultivation under excellent fences, en which ij n orchard of choice fru't tr.es; the boil dings constat of a two story fbne dwnlling house. well n bipteJ rn- a i nvent totsnil, Which wis k p' as such fir upward of 35 ye.irs, a forqe eonverd cut bank lurn, with abundance of good sh-ds and other nut-buildings. ALSO Another s:nsll trart nf land aljo'nir.g the above and binds of lljtiiel J. Hole and others, containing about 18 acre in good stnte of cull.va tioii ; the buildings there' n cntisiut rf s two stoiy frame dwellfns house' and frame bank barn, with ( ther out buildinas Wittrr sprincing at the door of this dwelling and ihe tavern stand, by menns of fountain pumps Being late the real estate c.f M jr lin Weaver, drr'd., and will be ol I at priva'e sale by the suli-rri!ier, being aiithoii7.cd by Ibe heirs i'f sj';J di cravr d. Iiid stHilal le titles will be civoo. DANIEL J. ROTE, ., F. r ihe use ofthe Hciis of said di ceased. Rhstnokin township, August 1.' 1810.- tf T) E N inr y? .;.-ati.rC6:HELL3i?.3; THANKFUL' for tho liberal rncobrajement which he baa rectived,' wotil I respectfully inform his friends and lb citizens of Nortbum'-er-land county in general, ihat be has prepared him self with Ihe best Incorruptible Teeth, Gold Pbite. Gold Foil, Ac, that can be had in Ihe City nf PI i ladi Ijdtia ; and thnt he will endeavor, to the utmost ol his ability, to render full satUf.iction to a't who iu:iy think pioper to engipo bis sorviren. He will lie In Sunbory at the August court, where he will be prepared, at his residence, to insert Teeth on trol l Plate, or nn Pivot, on ihe I itext and nto-t ap proved pirns, Ml.l attend to a'l ibe br inches belong ing to )BN PAL URGEUY. ;.;,.; l.u'i'S will.bv waited on ut (heir pluccs cf n-si-d.-riee, if .! rrd. ; ' . ": ' . ' " - His ibarsji's will be reasonable, sod bis woik warrnnleil. .i- , . He will visit ditT.-rcnt pjita of .the county, about once i. three m n'bs. . , . Sunbury, July lSlh. tl(J fim EXTEIl'M SPIItlTS OF rSOAP, br n-tract-ng Grease, Dry Paints, Yanii-di, Tar, VN ax, A.C, fi.iln c'olbb.g .f any lescr;p'ion, w a--r-tnted rn I to injure ihe c-bnh or the tno-t ite'iei'e colors. This 1 1't d has nUa Iven nse-l with greal snree-s in cas -s ol tsurn'. neatils I ell- r. I irnple- on the fire, Clmpoed bands rtore lis, llheorna tinl, Hsrd er soft Corns, &o, (fj Piice, 25 cts. per bo tie, F- r lo at ibe ttore nf -July 18. 1S1C. II. MASSE S. IIIS5BBR, JR., .Yo. 31 Mortli Fourth Stru t, vnutr the iltr chants' JIutt.l, IMilliidolphla, ' . a 1 asm tik rims "7" EBI'S constantly nn bind an r'ltcntiVe us sortment of all kinds of S;lk, Fur and licj- vn ll ita, which ba lf- rs for sale on the moct reu- mtnnbla terms,' His lints are insdt lip of the best ntslefials, and in the most approved style. Per sons visiting Ihe ciy will ftii l it to their interest to call. . July llilt, "IGIy IMstttt Slrrrt, !Zj O? 12 CD SXi lilt' House baa undergone a thorough lepiir. The proprietors solicit its former putrouaj-e. Trrins 1 S3 per diy. WM. W. VlX. AKTHt'R l. rond. July 4. 181ft. tv Proprietors. CIIESIIUT STREET, I'll 1 LA DEL l U I A r . ' t flllllS force and comrtnxliods Hotel bSs recently 1 been filled tip wbh entir new furnl'me. '1 tie aubseribera tbersfors solicit lha patronage of Ibe public, and trust that their rtperience iu (he busuie.s will enable them Io give i-ntire salisUc. lion. Terms nioJeia'e. UAGLEY, McKGNZIE & Co; July 4 ib, IS16 ly aWarokii ay rua soamklis institlti, 1845. - '? : City Daguerreotype EatablUliinrut, s CP. ea2DS3-iI2aI2Sf 653, , ,, (I, Ats 8mos & Colusa,) Ai. 100 CheiHut it., above Third, South tide PIIXX1ADBX.FHXA. Tl VIMATURSei isken equally as well In clo. jP-fi dy as In clear weather. A dstk ailk diete for a lady, and a black suit for a tentlcmnn, are prefurable in sitting for s pictme. No eitrs charge ia made for coloring; end perfect likenesses are guarantied. July 4th, I84H. Jy p ONVKKSS JA'A. Blue aud Blaci Oougrs Ink, of superior iuality, for sale cheap, at the stora 01 July 4th, 11(1 . . - 11ENKV MAfcSEU. 'TlimrlltSm SCALES. Dale's Celebrated Roil Ib.nd Hcalrs. Cool and Hay . d t Iron MarinfucV lo Portable Platform do , SO different sizes, Dormut or Floor do Sio? U dd 5 Counter do H diffcrctit fizr.e. e - '. The above Hcales are made Cither single, or double beam, and are decidedly Iho must duiabli', accurate and e.onreni cnt scshs ever ime steal. Wo also bao Platform and Couriti r 8.-sle, . l'ntrnt Ilabiiiri s slid every kind nf Wnighine Miitbir:esin u-e f ?r ssle, whole sale and retail, at low prices. All Scsles sold by Us 10 go ouof lha tity, ore boxed fre of clmrije, and watianted to C'ye salitfiictioti io the purehisrr in every prticul..r.- GliAY cV IJIiOTHEK, jMnnufuctitrers snd Peulcrs, No. 34 Wslntit stieel, June 87. ltfi. ly " - Vliiludr!f,h:n. 1IOKSB SHOES. Burden's Talent I Horse Shoes, for silent manufacturer' 'p'ices, by . on.Y & BnoTHEn. Juco 37. 1816.-ly , 34 Walnut .1. Philad. ijA L'J'i NYork'siniiTa'TeU mrb:s, f7r side at montifiiclurrrH' prie- bv GUA Y A UROI'IIER, fl4 W.b.ut t. Phil id. Juno S7. 1810. ly Keller &. Creenoimh, PATE1TT ATTOH1TEYS, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, WASHING TCIT, J3m C. tlAWINOS and Paper for Ibe PaTnt Of fice will be prepared by them, al their ofliee, opposite the Patent Ofllre. July'. 4th. ISIfl. ly - : 7:CL OTH I IT G, rPHE utscsibns tiro constanily msnuf icturim; fiom tbe liest French, Eniilish and American maiiofar to-ed Cloths snd (yassiruers, ('!.() THIN(i in a very Riipi rl r styh rut and workmanship. I'ersons tuying to sell ngiin w ill Hud one of the largest and mo.st tVl.i muble t-lock of goods to m-Ic.'I from in the citv, and ot tinp ercdcnled 1 w price-. " ' JL- W. A- E. D. STOKES, ' I'll Mnrket at. Pbilsd, N. B. A large a'forlmmt of Odd Fellows' Re galia constantly on h ind, and all orders from lodges or indiiduns pui.ctual'y uttir.ded to. nn the most lilrsl terms. J. W. &. E. D. S. Philadelphia. Junc27th. 1916. I y iMi" II T A T TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU mty be sure of olitun.np, al I all limes, pure and bighly fltvoreJ By the single pound or larger quar tity, at tbe lVkin Tea C:oiiiianys tVtircIioiMc. 3U Syui Sce.md street, Lriioten Market and C'Acs- i ' nn sirceis, rilXLADELPIIIA Heretofore' it his len very difficult, Ind.-ed; ah tnoij rmp0isib!e. always tn nh'atn good Ore n and IJI.l-k TesS. But now ti ll bare onlv to Vi-it ihe Pi kiit Tes Company's Sti re, to obtain as delicious snd fragrant Tea as yn fould wigh for. A II tastes can beie lo suited. With tho advsulsge of getting a pute article at 11 In price; June S7ih, 1B10. ; ' ' ' V: s:.;llEMOVAL.: - : .1 Oil N. IaV P U R 1) V, pESPECTFl.'I.I.Y- informs bis f itn'a sriT I- customi r, tbjt be h is removed hi stmk nf go.t.ls to tbe hl.n-e llt '.lse, mi M kel s pi ire, f ntn. erly occUiieJ by Mr. Win. D.-wnrt, wln re he will be hippy tosirvabis 1 1.1 cu-iiuteia and Ibe pub be i;i r r ill v , nn nt-OO.I teinw, und ut us I iw pri-.--s as can be h id e'acwhcie. A btre i-snrirtierit if tlnwer'e', Py fiau's. imd Ijiivenrwiire. coit itil'v nil hutid. JnmJ 27. b, IS 10. tf. TftTOTH'E i In reby (liven, llmt tn application 1 will h 10 de In the ri'-ict b-tis aune I ir a clitMcr Its ll 'lili wi b a capital c.t .0 (;UU, ai.U power Io inriCiiko the c:i il I ih- r. uf t Jit 0,000, with banking and di-i-outitiim piivib i!!'. In be cab ' led "The Bank of Hiamokin." und 'o be I c thd iu i tho boiough of iSunburv, in Nonhituibi rial d rutin- iv. June 27lh, IS 10. Sfiave vm hea t il the i'lt s t NO! WHAT IS IT? .-War, Hv'T rou usisn that ItlARTIiV IRWlV, Al hid shop y in Altirhfl it ret t, unjoining tie three . .. 1 siury ifncx Ihmwe, TT A5 jul ri c ivtd frii n I'bd nlclphia the largest, ; I X hauiUmriest 11 rid hist iissortmenl of j HOOTS AM) SUOKS of eVeiy deerip'ion, that baSeer lieen brought to j ih's phch. And tshbt is Mill better, lln-y my he ; se'ls 0 cbftp. ih.it Jrou can buy two eAi fur the I fame Wirier that you Uielt In jniy fur tut fia!r. I Ho Tits rou ( ' a n niij Sklls ton Ci'il, and j th it i- tbe ie is n tbst I s can nfford to n II i.-m so j much ciir-nics, ; Ifyon tloc'l want to buy, j it call j and see bis s'nek. He is hIwhvs el d to we bis ' cu-titmi-Nt and it is no tr ublu 10 him in s'i.hv I U 1 gooils. Ju-t 10 give ton an loe.i now eueap lie noes i-e!l, ibe foltuwing is a li t of price of a pail of bis t. ck 1 Mens' Tliirk n.)-t-,-d . l ine Grain do di Golf ill Ilovs'Tbbk do Vout'o' - do WortJl f I 00 Mf'J 7ii 4 50 at fi HO at 5 60 l 2 00 ut 1 87 at 3 0! I 3 00 ' 1 75 I 1 23 j 1 od ! MeiV Thick Bfogans. . , ' Woihena' Morocco W ella and Ki I fjpriiigs, " i 0 at fJU Women.' best City made . Kid b!l.i oi, ; " 1 C2 ol 1 13 L idics' 4 Gsibrs sud Gai- lei Bools, , " 3 00 at 1 37 A'sO, every vsHviy ( Idi.!.', Boys' st.d ihil ditn' shoes, ai pi. era lower than ever before otTcr td. Com and See ' Su&b Jfy, June IS h, IS46. 0:t ' i iV'niiahecMrmr""Wa rc MANUrACTOIl'Sr. SSLIHSOAOiy J3, fJlNWA. ri'tlltJ subscriber rept-c4fu!!y iufornis lbs public JL lh it be hss eomineneed Ihe manufaciure of Tin aurt Slief l-Ii-on Ware, in all its Vaitous brauches, at Puhnsgrove. His ware IS not en'y made ofthe bet materials, but is put together in a substantial and workmanlike man ner, dilbning in thie respect from much of lha waia sold, wbieh ia made up in a hurry for that purpo.e. An ricellenl aiS.Ktnn lit will be kepi on hand at all linns, wbiih wilt bs e.dd on the nn-st ressoiiabl terms. ANDKKW . WINGEKT. Stliiiegrove, May ltb, ISIS. if. PSTT II. do do It do do Hi fZaaj "SP.tTTH.ia, MISHIT A1TD WILL f RETAIL." '.;;r:,.u:-A.:.B.-.MARSnAtLV.;'.. Kd. CIisnnt SIrccf, licttvccu Scirillli hnd riglilh Slrtcl 123 on CE 32a k Z3D S noW prepared In'rifTrr. Wholesale and Retail, a large assortment of Fasct and Staflk IMIY HOODS, suited to the Country as well as City Trade. He continues lh system of "no utialemerit in price;" which be litis pursued for Ihe past ten years, and desiies to cull Ibe spccb.1 attention of the publ c 10 it ns Ihe only true tyclein of retail business, and which is ih-chh dly 1 1 tbn interest of tbe purchaser lo promote. It is q-jlie lime the fraudulent prac lice nf it-king a high price, and sbalins lo hiska the pur. h rem belii ve they nra the "fnorbd Ibw," wng done nw.iy with. h, nine limes otlt of leh. Ihey urn ruin!.! lo psy a higln-r price (however great the re duction) thnn the lik ftt'n and qu,diiy cm be pur t-b:ised at Ibn One. Priee Store," A. 11. M. is in regular trceipt of the newest and cheapen seasonable goods, and. when any article dcpreebit. s io v due tl-.e price ia at .mice mnrked tbiwn so low that i c.n.nol be undersold. By this system the purchaser cm at ell times buy with confidence und sali facti m.' and without wate nf time in u-cless bargaining. He has at tbis time s corrpleie assortment of SILKS. B'aik Lmtrinn, Oitomin, Pout le Roie, Man tus, Oms de I.hine, Armure, and other Dress and Msntilbi ei:ke. Alio, Fstiev Dress iSilks, from 44 eta. lo f 2 25 per vnrd, including all the variety of approved and useful Mylcs nud eond-imitioii uf cnbtra, Lining Sdlis, Foulaid Silk", Bilk Gingham. . L.4tlA-.V i4A7) ORGANDIES. P,niH Piiiiittd Lawns and Organdies, of the ne"l and mott approved a vie. as wi ll as lite cheapest in the market. A hoi fr'cntch Lawns at very low prices. I KEKCll GINGHAMS, Of the newest tb a ens. Also etcotch Gingham nn I Gioiibnm Lawns, very clonp. ' Twdl'd Earl stun and Munchcter Ginghams, for cbildieu's wear. ' FRENCH CHINTZES. Light, medium, snd dark colors, 4-4 wide. Also, hot 111 ke Amer cull Chintz and Culicoes, of the luw 1 atlerns, at 1CJ cts. per yrd. , MOVSELIS DE LAINES, Of ibe moo splendid Ombre and i'rinlo l s') l down to the French, English and American, at SS cents per j a di 5 HAllEGES .INi) I)ALZORlNESt Of all qualities and every variety of drsigns tied lo all lantt-H. A 's i, embroidered and t'hain- titth.J l'i)')is, Bayadere snd Pi.lka I)ris$cs,emb'd Svvis Muslin and Uit-hop Lawn dress psttetrS Tarleli 11. and colo-ed plaid snd stripe Swiss Mu ' ' white Goods. rUin Swi-is, Mull, N irisouk. Jaccmiet, Cambric, Ibsik, iii'd I'silelon Miikbns, I'iaid, rSnipe, coidrd .ir.d liguied C.imbric and U iss do , Hii-hopa Lawn, It Itli uiil llcpraiit Ci.?.FETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS AND INDOW SIJADLS, rOH SFXIIKQ TKAEE. rilil" sul sciibi r has just ( p.-rn d for spring bade-, JL large and civnpleio at-s ntriient f Brua-els, Imperiul, -upi ilioe and fine Ii grain and Venetian CAIilMOT-S. tt bich bavo all la en putchast d Wiilini a month, ut ibe lowest cis'i tatcS. They ire now offered at greatU reduced prices for cash. Tl cm; ionds arb f an extra style and fiuiaht and being tf the l-e-l make ai d fibr e, olTer great iu. diiremi iili lo puribrl-era tonloaiu a handsome and di siiablc srtleio i t ptices below tbe Usual rates. 'J'lie :i.i!tmeMi is coiiipli te in every respect and c.iu.-isia in 1 art c-f ihe hillow ing New ai d t Icndid Brussels " l)j io Ingrains '' i o do Lnperia's Cni'ETS, Do do T I'd Venetians V at Iiedueed Do da PI .in do Prices. I) i " . r!o Fiui-iV''' mmon 1 cr.li J Splrr'id i'.mb.ifsed 1'nuni nnd 'i'ub'o (Tovers; Sta r IJ.'d, Bindings, Kheep 6-klns, A:c. &e. Willi an immra-t -k -f low pii.'td ('arpcts of all d.rii4ions, Lai, It ig Hemp, and Cotton Gar.its, from IS to tl) cents per yard. Count y Merclinn'S. bousi kei-pela and others have iiuw an opporiuuiiy of supplying themselves wiili b in. 'some and desir d Ie g -ods et greatly redo tid pi iws; . : KOBE It I' U. WALKElt, 25 N 2d st. opposite Chrut Church. Tl ilaib-lph n. Ma 18 h. I H I 6 1m DANIL Ii IS WOOLEN FACTORY. DANVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Iriiiis)lt:iuLl. TjIIE Ddni'HIe Steam It'oclen Factory. Turner M ly owned and r.ccup cd by Ur. PuTaiKtv. h s re. ent'y Inn pinbu-ul by Ibe subscribers, Who lespi-r'tfully aim up c to their friends and the bh lie gi-nerul y, tliul t'.ev a-e now tepired In do all kinds r.f w nk hi llo ir line of busiru ts, ai the shor lest pritlce, according lo order, arid in the lies! coir. piratle msnner. IIjv'mh gnna ti considerable erpcri'e in ri'i aVnii: thi-b nMcbinery and arar-.ua. and i-ilntj ery paiti.-Ulrft in si curb g the set vice of 1 ipciiei ceil inei banlN, Ihey feel tonuient thai they ar rapa -.t of CJecoting till tmds of work in a r.'j V superior to any oilier U'-jblishuK-iit ia ibe country, in Ibe oM cust..mj,. i,,j,. , ( LOfHS. SATI.NET IS, FLANNELS as BLANKETS e.itt. I 011 laud, and for sjle at reduced piicea. fo' ttM f Barter. iit;i:fc, a.i iTi'i.i.i.vo will 5 e djr j ij, .4l mi1U.fl at i(,e usual pii Ci's, .';) itnj, uf country pr il-jre taken in pay nicp. ,r wotk, l Di-rtvilla ,'i-irki-t price. Tor ihe aecoiiimoda ion ol ihose who live at a .11-1. me--, Wool ai';d Clotu will be Isken in ai, ai.d, v. In 11 liniabul, re urind 1. 1 the following pla ces. I'ljin wriiU-n directions must tcconipsny escl) parcel CulhW.biti County. I'nup & Man's slore, VVa i.h'ngt. nvdle; It. Fn.it'a sn-rs, J rrvtin j Yea gei's Inn, Ktiaring ('ie. V Mia-pti s' s'O'e, I'atta wiaa; C. F. alaun's atme, Miniiiivilte ; Millei's stoie, Boiwick I J. Chni-'a Mill; Kickn's alore, bian;'eilte ; Dert's llre. White Hall. Nuithun.bcrland County Michael Kesder's Inn, TurbbtMlIn; Ireland & I lay 'a store, McEsveua yille; E. L. Piper's stoie, Walsoi.siown ; r. I. Cmly & Go's Kiore, Milton ; Gitison's inn, Cbil lisqUaquo ; Forsyth's sto-O, Noilhumbfrl tnd ) Young's store. S.mhu'V. . Luzerne Cuunty. Key m;ld s stoie; Kingston; Giblaklerve' utoie, U ilLe-butre ; GayhirJ'e store, l'lytiir ; S yev's store,. Namlcoka) Judge Mai'k'a Mill, Huntington. Lycoming County. V. Clpps slore, Mtmry ; Shueiiiukei's store, tjoiilli's MilL GEARIIART Cv KOWNOVER. Pjnville, May 9, 1848. rpHE CuaaaATiD Macassab Hits. Oil, has JL iust been iereied and is for ssle at the store of Miy 'JO, leiS, HEMiY MANSER. nt?.'!i.M! JJ. 1. ; . ijlaji gm .mm 23 L CP 133 52 l a tmitation Csmbre, CombtitS Dlmtty, Irhh tshir inrj j.meris, UsmsKk i able I.incn, TaMe Cloths and Napkins, Long Lawns, French Lirien Cambric niut Limti LfiWns. chesi Whirling ari l aiieeting Mus line, and superior Long Cloth Shirting. MOt UN I NO GOODS. Ltlpln's IL mhuinCs f 9l rjualitles, ahd lite. vs. Hons ahades of Illack, Bummer Ilortihr.ines r.r llrilliantesiSlIk and Cotton Vrp Alpaccas, Willis, Mouiteliu de Laines, Uareges, Uslzorines, Mrqttcs. ( firennilines, (iiiiKhams, L:iwn, CiBpes, Crape and Love l.rhse rielH, Kid and Silk G!ove, HoslerVi Plain Silk. Olaeia. Otlnmsn, Tbibtt, Barege arid Twisted 8iik Mis wis, Scarfs and Cravata. SHAWLS 1ND SCARFS. French Cashmere birtg ' and squne Shaw'si Ilrnche do., Piinied, Barege, 'J'hibet and Terkrrri do.. lila.'U, Twisled Rdk, Grcnadiue, Hcriiuni und Mohair do., and low priced do. Silk, Grenadine, Barege, Snd tthrr lohg and short Scarfs; Alan, Craviits. Ilhck Lace and Milk Mantillas, Yisili, Capes and Cardinals, of tbe new styles. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. Emb'd Caps, Collars. Spencers, and Chemiz'ttej under Sleeves and Cuff-, Enclish end Fr. mil Thrend t .aces, Edainfts and Insettincs. Linen Ur-b b;n Eilgli g and lneitnga, emb'd H is and Cam bric do., Black and White Lai a Viels. Lace eihawis and Scarfs, wido Hl.uk Laces lor Mantillas and Scarfs, and Black Uiusscls Lace, fur trimming doi artJ drcsM-St Hosiery. English wliite and black ribb'd, emb'd, op.rt woiked, and p'ain Silk Hraiery ; white and black half H. ae, ri'nb'd and plain t spun ilk and raw S.Ik do.; also, Engl h and SSwha White, colored , and unbleached Cotton do; libh'd, plain, emb'd cloek Cd, end open woiked; also, Children's Gotten do ( and Ladies' while and unbleached Li-lo Tbre-nl do , of various qualities a scarce arid desirable ar ticle, and other Hosiery of various descriptions. LINEN CAMBRIC AND LAWN HDKFS. Plain, cotded, bcrdercd, riviere, mueique, end emb'd Linen Cambric atid Lawn Hdkfs.tlrnm 12 cts, to S'.'O each. Also, Rag. Purses, Green Wo' rrpe for Veild, Gaur.e Yiels, Black Linen, Lead col'd and Biown do.. Papr Muslins, &c. FOR GENTLEMEN. All the new r,tt b s rich and cheap Sc irfs nnd Crav.its ; Kid, Sdk, Thread, and other Gh.vcsJ ('niton half I lose ; Silk and Linen Cambric pocktt Hdkfs, Susperulcrs, &e. rry You can find at MAUSIIALL'S, lisS Ches. nut xlrrot, almost V!ry anicle iu Dry Goods tbal you roipiiie, and ut prii-ra quite as low, if not lower than eUewhi re, ( is to his interest to sill ci'op) snd aa he is constantly adding io his stock tbe new. est and cheapest goods, you will be sure of beiiisi suited. But, leader, you sro invited 10 csll and judge for yourself. I'blladelpbii, M iy ICth, 1910. im PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, Z) AKV1LLB, jr?At flIIE auliAciitier, bite ofthe Union Hotel, Men .L cy, Pa., respectfully informs the old and nus incfoos costomers of the I'ctictiylvanln Ilousri and the public gemrally, that he has leased lint Tavirii Stand of John KhodeM, iu Danville, whcie he is now prepared to entertain travel era, and per srtns visiting Ihe town, in the very best style. The' accommodations will be Mich as a well conluetrd public house should afford and no dl'ort will be spared to render silf.utiuh, in every respect, to a'l who rosy call. 'J'he cit zi n of Lyromtng county a'e invited 10 put up will the undersigned wbt-il ihey visit Dtrtville. HENUY WEAYEK. Dimide, May 2, IS 16 IV. H. THOXV2P SQK", B'nhtoiialilc HOOT ANi) SHOE 3IAKEK, EI! LBV ri turns bis sincere thanks f ir. pt favors, and re-pecl fully i; forms Lis Mends and lha public generally, that he has remove, u Ihe Brick Htore Room formcily occupied by Won.l & Uhawn, where ho will be happy to ar commodate all who wih good work at moderate prices, assuring them that ho will exut himself 10 please. A good as-iortineut of Boots atd Shws,' for Gen tlemen, Ladies, snd Children, constantly on hand. Also. L:n ngs, Bindings, and all sotts of Morocco" for fale, low. All kird ef Work mado to rfl asure, snd Ee pail ng well done, at the shortetl Duties. Cull and See, Sunbury, Aptil lSth, 164(1. tf Jlinie ! Liliie ! ! aTOHIT 2. SHIP!! AIT, gTB ElU'EtriT I LLY informs bis fib mis, thsl Jat W.. be ha-i coinincr.ced Ibe business of Lime liuiiiilig. im ihefjuit bb now octul.'S, He 14 1 ew 0:1 I'.an I a ejiiantity of Lime for tub-, and Will always ria.'e iv i 11 i.croiiiin.niate thosa Who may bit or him vilth their custom. August 1, April iliii, 184(5. 0n sbElTTIST?. V E T E n n. 31 A S S E 1?; KECENTLY FliO?l Till LA DELPHI A, TH ESI'l 1 ESI'EC T'FL'I.LY informs the riticens Jm O. SunbUrv and vicinity, that be has opemd an ulico at the rel.leice ir Henry Msii-er. iu Maikct strfi'$, whern I e is prepared to iSiCute all kinds of I'm rl UKi.tiiT, Plito Work, etc , on lhelaltt Bli-I mc4 approved plan. HavinR had some if pertehee and instrnet'mni Under ne ol ibe moil eminent and successful Den lis a in I'bilud. I.hh, he believes.that ba will t e sb'e ia give satisfaction to ttiote who may want lit seivue Lad es will Lo waited on at their pl iers of resi. deuce. Ill cbsrgea will be uiodeiute, and hii wo k wairanted, Sunbory, March 2Sih, 1S10. -1,--,,4 ,,. JVolK-45, ffHE Bunk Acuomta, Notes, dec ol II. B. M.u i .er and II. B. Masoot it co. are now in 1! d hands i f a justice for collection, und will be put id suit if not sct lid, in a fi-w days, Sunbury, Apnl 4th, IF46. MIIiS:S Tbe Hit.! quality Sugar llone Molixe.-, only IS Cents per quart) also, a supeiiine article of yellow Molavs s for bal.i'ng, on ly 12) rent ier quart for sale at I lies' ore of June 13, 1MB. HENKY MAWSKR. rirUEN BEEUS A fteah eupply of Ei Of Ilislfy cV Cu's u pes lor Garden Secda, just received and for eahi al the atore of Mjrchil.lSia. JiENRY MA8SER. t