t Telstra phle Despatch To the Philadelphia. Ltdgec Vtt niM nive nbr Bin. ' ' WeHtafo., Monday; Aug 3. . ,The Veto of the Harbor and River bill wai hers received and read. , . Hit predecessor had vetoed a bill of this na tur and given his reason for to doing. He would Jd bt few of his own. , V . . t , , , i , The power proposed to be used by Congress ia this cans was unconstitutional and inexpedient. He argued the case lit length and recounted Ibe evils to result from the indulgence of the princi ples in the bill. Aside from constitutional ob jections, there were others. The bill appro prlates between l,000,000 and $5,000,000. We want the money to carry on the war. .. The Speaker put the question t Shall this bill become taw. the President's objections not withstsnding . '' Mr. Boyd moved the previonqurstinn deci ded by tellers, and not secondedyeas 83, nays J05.' : ' ' Mr. Dromgnoie cited Washington's veto for a precedent, and moved the House proceed to morrow to reconsider the bill. . Others said now forthwith. . Mr. Douglass discitseed the subject and appro ved the general principles laid down by the President, but not his distinction between salt and fresh water. ..' : Mr. Thompson, of " Pennsylvania, denounced the veto and its doctrines, and aslced Mr. McClel land if they had not conversed with .the , Preni dent on items of the bill, and if he did not give them to understand before the Tariff bill had been passed by Congress, that all would be right in regard to the River and Harbor bill ? , If Mr. Pollc intended to veto such bill, why did he al low his friends to frame it without telling them what he could approve and what he emild not ? Why did his Secretary recommend all these ap propriations ? . Mr, Wilmot sustained the President and con demned the bill, which he said was passed by log-rolling. Mr. Brodhead sustained the Veto, not for the reasons in it, but because there would be now, that the'ta riff had been repealed, no mo ney in the treastiry to make improvements. Mr. Holmes, of S. C, made a party speech in support of the Veto, and cited the Baltimore Convention Ironically in support oT his creed on this Subject Mr. Tibba'ts condemned the Veto, and cited Mr. Polk's annual message, and spoke of his inconsistency. ' ' ' ' Mr. Brinkerhoffsaid it his friends had taken his advice on the Tariff bill, his bill .would not nave been vetoed. He was very animated. Mr. Ithett followed him, and sustained the veto and he principles on which it was based. ' Mr. IViley next got the floor, when, on motion, the 'fonte adjourned. . ' j ' The D:vrnovCAM r.nR, Th New Or an Bulletin, in t.oticiu; the death rthisgal int officer, says : When we aw him onboard th Mieeemri r Tuesday, the ?th innt., he was quite helpless, (tt was fed by means of a silver tube, and ex eaed his wishes on a elnt.. lie was acicoin tnied by hi devotn.l wif., who continued to irse him with in cinj-iiial tenderm'., deny-1 g herself H rli t and real, until hhn ws ts- ! er exhausted fri n lit bvd-i !p n lew hour he. re I1H dentil. Hie fiitliful Orderly, J.ihn Mil lay, w.ia Ni will) li int. from the lime lie re vived hie wound until h breathed his (a -it rot her soldier, the difJ.-nmce of nnk Were Kgntten and he nursed his Coniimtiid'-r wilh .sternal affection and fidelity. At 12 u'clnck on Saturday, the 11th, the tin rtanute officer became sensible that hi death mr wan appfnicliin?, : When aeke. if he was cwie:p to die, he made a ij;n '.hnt he wa. frs. I'iim' heine exlinu-t.! anJ hiving Iwen re. ived from hi .bedside, th.t, wif.s or the Cap in of the bill, nd a lady who was pnsseneer, ok her place, and did not quit It Until 4 ' k on Hindey mnrntny, when, eUpinv the .iid ef one or I hem in his cold, damp finyer, d with appealiny eyes endeavored to express p fueling he Could not spcuk. he exoired. , It is Condinj to reflect that though he did it die, like the gallant Kincpold, on the field clory, with the fliouts of triumph in his ear, t in his last moment, his sufferings were ;htened by the cares, the eympathies, and the ars u'a woman, and by the love unto death of s devoted wife. The brave soldier now rest hit last repose beneath the turf of Jeftcrann -rack, whither his remains were taken for rial ,1 ' Th OfUt TsHS-'POHTATlO!! A WaCJM. e are informed that a few week a;o Mr. cker, the President of tho Reeding Rail Road mpsny, mado a wager cd $1,000 with a pen man of Philadelphia, that they would take vn to the city upon the Rail Rond, 150,000 a of Coal in the month of July, and 100,000 the month of August. We learned yeater y that the quantity transported during the mth just ended, haa exceeded lSO.000 ton, I the officers and hand- upon the road are fident that they will be able to win the 1st part of tho wsger. with 'rose. If ft iadeci I in favor nf Mr. Tucker the money ia to be .ributed among the hande employed id. the I transportation,' ! 4 feme estimate may be formed of the immense tineas done by the rail road, when it ia knowa t the carrying of coal to this amount, at the eent rstea of freight, yield to the Combe 8240,000 per month. Thie Id itaell, la a hand nt mm, excluaive of the receipts from paa ger and freight, transportation. Reading ueffe, - - --. - - '.. , - law ArracaMBjrr t Tata Pumx A nan Boston went hone the other eveaiogt and id oew and somewhat original attachment is wife 'a piano. It was put pn by the She- BALTIHtOnS MARKftT. OJtttothi DAiTtMnaa AasaiCAa, Aug. 3, GRAIN. The demand for Wheat to-day la qnite limited and the millers show but little dis position to operate. Prices are 9 or 3 tti. lower, and sales are difficult to be effected at the reduc tion. We quote good to prime new Md. reds at 80a83 cts., and ordinary to good 7080 cts. A load of Pennsylvania old, red and white mixed, sold at 01 cts., and another of prime ' ted at 00 cts. Nothing doing in white Wheats. , Sales of white Corn to-day at SlaSS cts. and of yellow at 33a5J its. Oats have further declined. Sales to-day at 23cts.., , r . , ...j. WHISKEY. There . is very little inquiry, The nominal rate is 21 cts. for hhds. and 35 tts, forbbls.', ' : ' ''' " ' ' Fcvta ' Asn'Aoea, tin ut Tsvaa Coaan bt BaAMDBtTa's PrtLrAU fever are occasion cd by the disordered motion of the blood, produced by the humuTid eerotltv by hardening the vs'ves nf the vessel. The blood circulates with Rrestly in. eressed epetd, and is si ill increased by the friction of i he globules, or panicle which compose the mnss of fluids. Tbn Hi that the excessive heat and chl Is U expetiencid through, ut the v.h le system, and accompanied iih grent thirst, pain in the bead, hark, kidneys, and in fct a complete prostration t-f all the faraltira of the mind as well sldy. ; ' On the fi st attack of fever, or any disease, im med ately take a lirgsdose of B sn lreth's Vegeis ble Unire'sal Pill, and continue to keep up a powerful effect upon the bowels until the fvr or pain las emirely ceased, fix or eight will in most cases be sufficient a a dose, and una diiso of thiakind it is not improbable, may present mon hs ofii km sp, jitib.ips deah.' ' v Dr. Uenjnmin Umrdieth's Vrgflable Unisersal Pi I-, are indred a uiiivrrslly approved medicine, which by i:s .ei uliar action, cleanse the hl.wj of II impuritira, nniove every Pais and Weaknrts, nd finally lietlora the Conttitution t perf.it fciAaid Vigor. - Pun-hsee of H. 11. Master, Bunlury, or of the agent, puhli.hrd in another put of this paper. ' In New Columbia, on the 22d ult., by Henry High, Esq , Mr. Jon s roucSMAX, Of this county, to Mr. parah M Cormick, orLycoming county. In Milton, on the SSth nil.; by the Rev. F. Ruthrauff, Mr. M. A- Foees of New York, to Miss Maoa.ctta, daughter of Joseph Bound, Esq , of that place. ' D I I! D, -.:w. On Snnday evening last, Mrs. F.LIZA BF.TH LAZARUS, wife of Mr. Peter Lazarus, of this place, aged about 43 years. i On the same evening, AMELIA CAROLINE, daughter of James C. and Amelia S.' Brisben, aged 3 years and 8 month.- . i On Thursday last, JOHN, son of Mr. Frede rick Merrill, of this place, aged about 8 months. In Milton on Sunday morning the 2Gth ult., Mrs MARY DF.URlCKhON, aged about St yearn.- ' . - . - Iu Delaware township, on Sunday the 2Cth ult , Mrs. NANCY MiKINNEY, wife of Johu MrKiniiry, Esq , aged abont 70. PRICE CUKP.HXT.": Whkat, . " P.1 50 1 tl ft s ; 111!) 10 n :s ' it) 10 10 75 ISO Rts, Cna. Oats. ' ' I'OBK, ' , Fnxsr.se, BirTT!t, Kiin, ' . Uar.sttAt, -Tattnw, Flax, Hbcklkh Flax, l)mn ArfLRs, - Do, . Psachus, ln:iNa Ri:nkrl!l - This 8nd d ce mines from s fiiend, an, edu cated plivsicisu, n I en.' his licen cured nf pr.ttMr.'ed illness, t.v 'CtlE 1IPItrVED INDI AN VESKBTABI.R PILLS.'' (rsu CiirM) which are at this moment ell'ec inx some of ihr most remnrkV le cures on reeurd, snd they Mill c .n liuue In heal the sick as long as they an rrsorinl to hv ihe'rt. This s no nnsuum, made men ly te aetl inrsp'Clise f it qualities, tmt a valuable med leine, mide hy a well inf.irmej Phyielsn. i f Vetje. talile IngreJi nt(, pure, ifjlmciimii. Bi d hiirmfen. In f w d.iys. we 'hall m ike a puMic tepntt of e vernl more ra-es of scir)tn cre (ue we note n nfhert) an.l the puMic my knout oil what me.li ciue.io rely u lime of need. ' ' fjQr t'AUTION. Aa a miserable imitation h is been msde, ly the name of "Nagsr Ouated Pill'," it ianecessirj ! be sure that Dn.G Bikj. Smith's tittnatuta ia on every box. Pi ice 25 rents. Pjincipsl Oiliest, 179 Greenwich t New York. .Sold by JOHN W. FKIMNH. Sunbury. , WM. rOR8V"THE, JturlhunCd. Au. 8 h, IStO. fo iTkTi:ct()rs of nortuum- 1 CERLAND COUNTY. - I7EI.T.OW CITIZEN8t At the soliritstion of a number of persons, in different raits of die eanty. I have consented to t a candiJste for the office f ' ' COUXTTT COBUIXSSXONZt I rsu only pinnve, should I le elected, 1 1 mske every rff tt Ij dischaige the duties of lbs office lo your entire satisfaction. " HUOH McFALL. ' D. Is ware township, Anf. Mth, 1818. ' ' TO THE ELECTORS OF SOUTH UUBERLASD COVSTY. FELLOW CITIZENS 1 Through the eneoo ragement of my friends, I h'tve been tndurtd to offer myself s a csndiJat fr the office of ' . County CouiuilMloner. Should you see proper 10 elect me, I will mike ee- ry effort le render general .lisfsciioo. - WILLIAM WILSOjf.,; Lewis towuhip. Aue;. 8. 1848. TpROM lb prsmues 1 the subscriber, in 6ha--- mokintown, Jfertbomberlsnd county, 00 lh JUcfJuly Is.t, , V.. .TWO COW ' One a fresei milch eow, red, with a white baity and leM, and some while about bet bo. Tne ether a dark biiastUi whh a sheet tn . Any persosi bring ing tbe said strsys to Ibe subscriber, or giving him inforaMtlen where fhey can U round, wiH be sea onlly rewarded.' 1 - WM. M. WEAVER. Hhamokintown, Aug. 8, Ii8. 3u -f . Orphan Court 8ale. TN pursunre of an order of the Oiphsns Omirl of Norihumreiland county, will be suhl at pub lic vendue, en Ssturdsy the Clh dsy of September next, on the premise, In said eonntv, to win A certain Irsct of Isnd siteai in Rush township, county sfiiresaid, adjoining land of lease Kline, Widow Stroh, Henry Huff snd oihets, eontsinlng 60 acres more 01 less, 13 seres of which srs clear ed, whereon is erected a email one stoty frame and log house, a small tog staMe, and an apple orchard. La th estate of Psvid Kaeeman, dee'd. v t Sale to commence at 10 o'clook, A. M. of li:id dsy, vrhen the eondillnne nf sale, will be made known hy FREDERICK KA8EMAN, Aeta4 8ih, 1840 3t , ; , . A'linr. To Teachers. ELEVEN principal teacbera. and one eaitant, 1 will be wanted fur the coming Ml anil winter rniiol, in Sham, kin district, IN mlhumlterlaiid emn tyi Persons wishing to he employed as urh, will please matt the boaul of director, t the home of Frhx Lrreh, in Bnoffiosrn, on Saturday the lO.b day of September next, (or examination acomlii.x lo taw. Prreons aptdvine not pereo el'V kn.iwn 10 ihe board, will be rxprcied to produce tetters of rerommendntion touching good mnrsl chsrscier. ' (EJ Th board wi I meet at 8 o'cl-ick, A. M.' : By order of the bnaul. v ,. : , . FELIX LERCH. Atlrst.: ' - ' Pies'i 1). S.U.Shiim.Dir-l. hi.io Jnntr, Secy. - Hh sin. thin Dist., Aufdrl 8'h. 1846. Viiluable Real Estate ALL that certain Tavein Sund and Ya'ur.bl ' Farm, situate in &hmokin townh n. Nor thumberland county, on Centre Turnpike, sl.nut 8 miles fiom f unhury, the eoumy tnwn, adjoining lands of Fegt ly's lliiis, Annaniss r'axtnit nd o thers, containing 150 acre more or less, 20 acres of which 1 being in gnod meadow, a email cr k running through the same, and shout 20ncr. s thrrtol being well limbered, t lie rrsidue being in a high sUt of cultisation under excellent fences, nn which is an orchard of choice fruit tries; the buit dings consist of a lw. story atone dwflinii house. well ailapled f.ir a Tavern SlnnJ, vtbk-h wsa k pi as such fir upwards nf 35 yens, a Urge conveni ent bark ham, with abuudunce of gnod shrd and other out building. , ALSO Am Ihrr bdbII tract of land ailwining the above and lands of Djiih I J. Rote and oilu rs. containing about 18 acres in good etnte of cu!t.v tion t the huilJing there, n consist f tu ttoiy frsrre dw llina heuse and frame bank larn, with lhrr out buildings water oiiming at iho door f this dwelling and the tavern stand, by mcm o fountniii pumps Uei-ig laie ihercal esiate tf M r tin Weaver, ilec'd., and will I e n-l I t prise sle by the sub rrilier, bring sulbmized by the lirira id aid diCraMd. I ml sputa! le lilies will be gite.i. IUN1EL J. IIOTE. F r the use of the lleii of said diceaaod, Shamnkin township, August I. 1916. tf DENTISTRY. JACOB HELLSHj ; HANKFL'L for the liberal enc.ur.igrment which he haa received, wool I respectfully inf'irm hi friends and the cttixrna of Nnitliuml-er-land county in general, ihnl be has prrp.ired liiin self with the beat Incorruptible, Teeth, tiol l Plsto, tlnbl Foil, dec , that can be had in the city of Phi ladelphia 1 and thai be will endeavor, to ihe utmost of hi ability, to render full satUfiction to a!l who tuny think pioper to cngsge bia services. He will be in Sunbury at Ihe Augu.l court, where he will be prepared, at hia residence, to insert Teeth en (Jol.l Plate, or on Pivot, on ihe I ileal and not ap proved pirns, snd attend In all tbetirsnclie belong ingto DENI'AL tsUKUEKY. . Ldi' will Im wailed on at their places of resi dence, if desired. ,. ' t v - His charges will be reasonable, Slid his woik warranteil. ' He will vis'i different parts of the county, about once in three m. n'h. i : Honbttry, July Ifelh. 1840 6m - 1 -TThEXTER'S SPIRITS OF AI f.-r x Q V traci ng Grease, Dry l'jinls, Varnith, Tar, sx, Ve. Iri'in clothing of any descrip'ion, war r uiU'd m l 10 iiijut thetl.ilh or the mo t delicsie colors. This I qu d has kleo l-en use I w ith grtst success in casi-s nt Hume. Hcalds, Tett r. Pimples on the f.ice, Chspiied baiid, Sure lips, Rheuina linn. Hard or soft C. rns, &x. (Jj- Piir, SS els. I cr bo lie. F.r rale at the stoie nf July 18. 1848. II. MASSER. 33. KIIVIBER, JRM .Vo. 31 A'orfi Fourth Sirrei, unJtr ihe Me chant' Hotel, -. Phlladelpbln, ill MODS l)B eAttl ' ' EEPd constantly on hand sn extensive s rortment of all kintls ofnilk, rur and Rev v. 1 ints, wlncn na 1 tier lor sl. on tne ninsi rea sonable terms. His Hats are made up of the best miierisls.'aiid In the most approved style, Per s.in visiting the city will find it to their inieiest to call. July llth, 1848. tv FOUNTAIN IIOTEIi, Usht Street, . ,.. , . flvHE House has undergone a thorough repair. .1. 'i'lie proprietors solicit Us former putionsce- Trtuis $ I 25 per day. WM. V. D1X. ARTHUR L. FOOG. , Pritftrirt.irs. July 4. 1846. I v P H I U DU L P. U.I A ;.: riHIS large and commodious Ifutel has rrrently X been 'lined o with entire' iievti furniiure. 1 he SHbseribrrs t..erefore olicit the patrouagn of the public, and liusl that their rlperirnce in the business will enable them to give cutire aatisfsc lion." Terms mrxleisie. 1 - HAOLEV, MrKENZIB A Co. Ju'y 4lh, 1846. ly ' ' ' SILVKU M ED A U AWABDtn aT tub rBAsiux ixbtitcts, 1845, rily Daguerreotype 'E&tabli&kincnt. . '; (Latb 6itea & C)LLiaa.) n Ifo. 100 Chetnut H., above Third, South hide, ' .;, 1 V rmz.ABBz.rmA. ( ISTTINIATURES tskrn equally sa well lh clou IfJl dy ss in clear wsslhsr. A dark silk dices tor a lady, and a black suit for 8 gtntlemsn, are preferable in lilting fur a pictme. No extra charge ie msde for coloring, and peifrct likenesses sre guitrsniied. ' ', ' .' '' ' July 4ih, 1846. ly fSOXGUTisf JAX-lBWi a'oTlliartTonss Ink, of e superior qtiiliiy, for l cheap, at the store of ' ' UKNRT MABR Jets 4th, H4. i PH33rXZUZiI SO ALSS.; Dale's Celebrated Rail Road 8calea, Cord and Hoy d.i ' Iron Manurac's do Portable Platform do SO different sites, Dorm ut or Floor do B different rises, I Counter do 15 different sites. The above Si-ales are made either single or double team, arid are decidedly the most durable) accurate anil conveni ent ecdee ever inve .! d. We also hne Plaif 11m and Count r Rt-slea, Piilent l)lsncrs and every kind of Weighina Machines in ue f . r sale, whole sale and retail, at low prices. All Scales sold by us 0 go out of the city, are. boxed fr. e of chsrue, and wanaulid to give satisfaction t tho urrh err in every pnriicol.r; : GKAT& IlllO THRR, ' Mnurrtiirei nd Dealers, No. .14 Walnut strret, Jun 7;tStq. ty ' FhilaMphia. HORSE SHOES. L'urden's Pal.nl j Horse Shoe, for sales! msnufsciurris' ' p'ices, by ' GRAY tt nHOTHER. Jnr.eS7. 1840. ly " !t4 Walnut Philad. yAll', New Vork Knit in baircU sndTugs, for sale st rosnufsctuters prires by OKAY & DROTHEIt. , June 57. 18IC ty .11 Walnut st. Philsd. Keller & CJrt'eiioush, PATE1TT ATTOP.1TE7S, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, WASHZKOTOZT, . O. R A WINGS and Papers for the Pa'rnt Of fice will be prepared by them, at their office, opposiie the Patent Office, July. 4th. 1840. ly . .CLOTZI1TC-, vviioi.i.sai.i: a.i itr.T.iiu T!IE ulsis b-rs are rnnatantly msnufictnrino from tbe best Fr neh. Etiislisli and An.eiiran msnur.11 luted Cloths and Cssimrrs, CT.DTHIVO in a very euM-ri ir e'fkle, rut and workmanship. Persons buying to sell sgsin will find one of the laipesl and mol fsbionsble slock of goods to veto. I from in Ihe cily, and st imp ecrilei.le.l I w price'. . J. W. .V E. D. S l Olvr.S, 14 Market st. Phllad. N. 0. A Urge arorlmert ol Odd Fell iwa' Ite- galta convtantly nn h unl, and all order from lotlges or indi'iilusl pui.ciusl'y alU'inled to, on the moat liberal terms. J. V. Ci K. V. 9. Phibidelphi. June S7th. 1S46. y i ,11 p o it t a m t . TO ALL COL'NTRV HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU my be sure of obi ..in-ng, al Ljjl all tune, pure and highly flivured I)y tbenngltf pound or larger oust tity, al the Pckln Tou lomiiany'i ff'nrchoiisc. 30 South Stcond ttreef, Lrtwten Market and Cha nut itreea, rnzz.ADrLPirrA. i Heretofore it his been sery difficult, ind.-cd, al most impossible, always to ohtnin good Ore. u and III irk Teas. Out nw vu hsve only to vi-it the Pekin Tea Company 'a Store, to obtain as delu ious and fragrant 1 ea aa you could wish lor, A II tar-lea can heie l suited, with the sdvanlsge of getting a pure article at a low price. , - .. June 7ih. 1840. ' REMOVAL. JOHN. iiTpURD Y, RESPEtri LLLY inf-nrs hia f.ieul and ciutoniera, that be has- removed hn m. k ' good to il.e Si. me House, on Nla.ltel sjure, f.nm mi ly occulted by Mr. Win. Dewsrt, wb. re lie i I be happy to m obis old customers and ihe pul lic generally, on as pood teims, and at as I J pri re a can bo hjJ a'aewbe e. A large assortment of (iiiiceries, Dy Oo.kIs. and Queens waie, coi.st.uit!y on band. June S7th, 1816. if. TVoticc., TeVTOTH'E Ulmn bv given, shat an t plication JJ will lie m do to ihe m il l.-cis'stme f ir charter for a U n't wi li a eapi'sl cd' f&tt fOH, a. d power to increase the ri it d ih.M'f to JlttOOOll. with banking and d.- itinling privileges, t.i be r led 'l'be Dank of haimkin.'' and o be I eatid in the borough of Sunbury, in Nr huoih- itai.d cun tv. June STih, 1816. , lflavc you Iieartl the .tiv NO ! WHAT KIT ? ' Wiit.'hav'wt Tot) nan ve t; ' MARTIA'.IRWIiV, At Itisthop, in Murk ft sreW, adjoining the three . - liory Dritk orie, . -. TT AS just received fr.in Pbdatiidphia ibe largest, -- haiiilsnm.st and txal assortment 4f BOOTS AND SHOES of every detcrip'ion, that ha ever been brought to llii place. And hat ia still belier, ihey asy he sells so cheap, lh.it you can buy two mm fir th tame money that you used to pay fur siif pair. He IIcts roe t'H nd Hrit roe Case, and that i the te.ia. in lliot, be can sflt.'d lo sell ih. m so much rhcai(, ( yoti doi.'t waul to buy , Jusl call and see Id stock. II i always glid lo e hi customers; and it is no trouble to bmi to shw his g.vds. ' Ju"t io give you an Idea how cheap ha does sell, the following is a list of price of a pait of hi stckr Mens Thick Root, d i F lie Orain d ' do ' Cslf ' d Bote' Tbi.k do Youths' - ; . d. Mens 1'biek Brogsns, Worth ft 00 M3 75 ' 4 60s.t 3 00 h HQ at at 80 nl 8 00 at I 87 st 3 no I 78 t to t 00 it tt'ottirni Morocco V, c!l and Kid Spitees, 1 CO st Women.' best City mad K-d tSt..i efs, : ' 1 C8 st LxliW Uit, rs and Gal- - . , ter Ooois, 1 . t 00 at A'so. every variety of Lsdln.', UnV' and too i 1 13 ! I 1 1 8T rbib drens' shoes, at pr e lower than ever befute offer ed. Crime eitf See 1 8unb.iry, Juno ISihj 1846. Bin - ' ,Xiu uutl shcct-Irtin Wn re MANUFACTORY. 8 S Zi Z XT 9 O A Ojy B, PHNWA. THE subscriber respectfully inform ihe pnblic ihsl ke ha commenced the manufartdre of Tlu aiid Sheet-Iron Ware in alt ite various branch, at eebngre. . Jits ware ia not nn'y inuj of ibe best ms'ertsls, bijt is ptit together in a substsetial snd wurkinsrilike ntsn ner, tUiUiriag in this respect faom much uf the wgi Sold, wl lcb is made up In a bony for that purpose. An ficeltenl aesortmtoi Will be kepi on hand at atl timrs, wliicb'will be S' Id en the most rcasanat le terma.: 'ANDREW 8. WINGERT. Strltngs..ve, Msy I8ih, IU40. tf. jTi I I do. . do htpummmJ I " do ' dii I f do f do 1 1 1 i dof do "T5UJTH IS IrllGH-lT M1TD . WILL IPAttVAIL. Ko. iSS Cliesnnt Streets between Seveulli nod Eighth Street u vta S now ptepsrsd to ofler. Wholesale and Retsi', a large assortment of Fa5ct and SrAfil DRY GOODS, stilted to tho Cuntry ss well as City Trade, rfe continue the syst. m of "no abatement in prteet," winch he hs pursued for Ihe p sat ten year, and desires to call Ihe si eel d sttention nf the pul l e to it s the only fnie tyrem nf retnil Imsinrss, and which is deiid.dls 1 1 the Interest of Ibe purchaser lo piomote. It U rjtiiie lime 'be frs du'e- t prae, lice of i sklng a biyh prire. and i.bstinv ! mike the port h -sers belli ve they ate the "fivorcd fe," was done aw iy ith. , mnr times nut of ten they are mad- to piy a higher prire (however g-cst the re doc ion) than the !ih Mvte nnd qnslily c.ui be puM h:.se I at Ibe 'Due IMre Stre." A. B. M. ia in r gnlnr receipt of the tlewesl and cheapen esrnnalile goods, and when any article deprecinti in v due the price is at nnce n.stltrd down so low that li cannot be undersold. By this system the pa-chafer cm at ell time buy with confidence nd s .ti f icti.m. snd without wate of time in n-elcss lrgaining. He has at this time complete sssortment of ' SILKS. ' ll'ark t.ii'trino. Ottom-in, Ponx d Sole, Man lus, Groa i'e Rhine, Artnuie, and other Dress and Mantilla Pilks. Also, Fancy Dirss Kilks, from 44 cts. to $2 35 per yard, including all the vnrieiy of approved end Useful styles and Combination of color. , Lining Silks, Foulard Silk-, Sdk Ginghsni. ' LilWNS A AD ORG A KDIES. Pari Ps ntrd Lawns and Organdies, of the newrst and hiot approved s ylc, as Will as te cheat" t in the market. Al", Scotch Lawn t very low price. FRENCH GINGHAMS, Of ihe newest dia'gn. Also Scotch Gingham sn I Ginuhnm Lawns, very cheap. Twdl'd Earl ston and Manchester Gingham, for chilJieii's wear. FRENCH CHINTZES. ' Lijht, medium, and dark colors, 4-4 wide. Also, be-t m ke American Chintz and Calicoes, of tbe m w atlerne, at 12) eta, per yard. . . M0USEL1S DE LA1SES, Of the most rplendnl Omt.fe and Printed s'yl. down to Ihe Frenili, English and American, st 25 cents per j a-d. BAREGES .JN BALZORltiES, Of all qualities nd every varnty of design', tined to all tHsi s. A'a , embr..idered and chain--tiiilnd Koine, Usyaderesnd P.lka Dns.-es.emb'd Swis Muslin and UUh -p Laian drtaa paltrri a Toilet, fit and Colmed plaid slid sir. pa bwiss Mus lins. . WHITE GOODS. riain ?wi-, Moll, N nsonk. Jaccnnet, Camb-ic, Bi'k. and Tsrleton M iixlins, Plaid, Snipe, roid. d and fi jo red Cimhric and B isa do, l)l-h pa Lawn, li Icli nnd i:iocraiit CAHPBT3, OILCLOTHS, MATTINGS AND WINDOW SHADES, for spnzxro thade. THE pubscriber hs just opened f.ir spring tide, a large and complete asa irtment nf Bros els, Imperial, -uperfine and fine legrain and Venetian CARPKTS. which have all been purihascd Withiii a month, at the lowest ensh rates. They are no offrred st grestls rednrcil prices Tor cash. '' Tl ce g.Mid sre nf an extra style and finish, and being tt the I et mske and fabric, offer great in ducemi nta to pnrchs-ers to obtain a handsome and drsirsble article st prices beli.w the usual rate. Th- assortment is complrle in every resjeel, and consists in part i f ihe following New and s lemlid Brussels do Ingrsins do tmperi' CARPETS, do 1'wl'd Venetian at Reduced da PI i in do ' Price. ' do FineiVCnmrnon w, Do Do ' Ir-gfsin J Splendid Kmb.ifsed Piano nnd Tsb'e Covers; Hta-r R"da, Bindings, Sheep SLins, &e. eke. With n irnmen-e st 'ik nf l .w pl.ed Carpets of all ties eiiption. I. a. II ig Hei p, and Cotton t!rieis, Trom 12 o fiO Cen's per yard. Country ' Mrrchsn s, houe. keeia-r end others have now sn oprMHriiini'y of supplying tlxmselvesi wiih bam'somn and de rl le g oils at presilv retln cedince.. ijoi.'cjarn walker. ' 25 N 21 st. oj.rts te Ctni Chu rh. rlilail.lph a. at,v tj h. ts48 Im D A N V S L li a. (Sgs T17 3a.Ir3.ir- WOULEiV FACTORY. ' SAIVVZLLC, COLUMBIA COUNTY, ; IVitnMTliaiila. FfHR Danville Steam IVonfrn Faefnry, fo-mer X ly owned and cup cd by Dr. Pstmib.1 , h-s reienliy been pu honed by the sub-criUrs, who iesp,ctlully nn tiln-e to their friends ind the pub lic geoersl y, thai ibev ' now fepared to do all Kinus i i w jib, tn itii-ir line Dl tn'.atiu se, st tbe slior. lest riolice, according lo trdr;, n.l in the beet com pirailve manner, ll.,ir,a g0ne t.y constderslde eipene in r.pairir . x,f. machinery end simratu. and bting very paf.icul..! in securing the kerviceof eipeiience.i n hanu-, they ice I conadeut Ihsl Ihey ate r.( ,a of ev enting all k'ri.le of work iu a s yle s.'.perior lo snv other rs aUisbmehl iu ihs Cou'.iry, i the old cuetom'.ty p'tees. Ll.tM HS. SATI.vaiTTS, rLA-vBl- dLANKETS coiistan ly on hand, and for sale st reduced p-ices, for t'A'it of Bane. . CMUOIoVrtS AM rULLlG -will le d ne in ib 4at manner, al the ususl pri ce. ' All kinds or country produce taken in pay mint for wuik, at D ilmlTe risik. t prices. For the sccotuntoda:ion nf those who live el a Hi tunc.-, ooi and Cloth will lie taken in al. and, when flnikh.il, rcurmd la the following pla ces. Plain written diiectioua must aecompsny each paic. l ' ' t Columbia Conwy. Roup Si Msrrs store, Wa ahrngt. nv.lle; It. Finn's st .re, J.ri-eylawn ; Yea gei's inn, R. wring Cre. k Sharpless' e'ote. I'sit wiesa; C. F. Mann's aioie, Mtfflinvi le; Millet's toss, L'eiwi.kt J. C line's Mill; Rickets store, piansevills Derr's store. White Hsll. . N'orthttihberlaiid CounvM iehsal Resder's inn, Turl unille ; Ireland 6c Usv's store, Mcwens ille; K. fc Pipev'i etoie, Wstsoi stown; H. I. Comly A Co's su.r.. Milton Gibson's inn. Chit lisqusque ; Forsyth' atoie, , Northumberland ; Young' sioia. 8.inbury. -, . . , , , Luternt pounv. Reynold' stoie, Xingstont Gildeulev' stnie. Wilkesbait Gsylord's store, Plymouth; 8 yet etDve, . Nantlcoks ; Judge li k' Mdl, Huniinston. . . . Lycoming County.- D. Clupp'f store, Mui.cy j Shoemaker's store. rmiih' Mill. .' UBAKHART ot KOWjiOVER. i Danville. May 0, 1848. TIME CstsSBiTia MsrusaAB HaibOii, has ' iust been received 'J U for sf al the etnte of M.y W, 1 1 10. HENRY MAf?E!t. oa clj cp 123 n , imitation rjsmhric, Cnmr e Dimity, Irish Shir ing Linens, Damsk Tshle l.incH, TdMe Cloths snd Napkin. Iing Lawns, French Linen Cambric and Linen Lnvns. ehp Shilling and Sheeting Ali llnsj snd sujierior Long Cloth Ht.iiting. MOURNING GOODS, Lup'fi's 11. mS'tine of all qua'itie, snd the va rt us shade nt Black. Hummer II mli sine r Bri!har.ie, Nilk arid C. tt .n W rp AlpacC", i k Monselln :le I.ainea, Barig'e. B' ruifi. VI .rqnese, f!rnia.line, 'out bams Liwiw, t) si.e. ('rime mi l Love I i,se Viela, K:d and Rnk G oies, ttosie'V Plain Silk Glari. I n, .man; Thibet. 'Wgn and I'wialid Bilk Mhswls, 6,-arfs and ('tav s SHAWLS .i!?D SCARFS. French Chmere long nnd squ.te S ar'sf B'. cle do, Piinled, Range, Thibet am' I erk nl do., Gla la, Twisted 8,1k, (tienadine, Ilt rnani ami Mohair do., arid low priced do. Silk. Gienadine, Bari ge, anJ otbir long ami aboil S. srfa. Ala i, CrnVuts. Blatk Lace and Hilk Mni.tillsS, Visit), (japes and Cardinals, of the new style. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. EmbM Cape, O.lllnrs. Spencers, snd Chem;tt'i under Plev,e and Cuff. Engbsli uhd Fr n. t Tbreud LacrS, Edgings and Insrt'.lngs, Li'. en B. ' b n IMc'l' gs and lneriings, endi'd Swiss and ('- bnc do.. Black and White Lace Viela. Lac Sliav. and Scarfa, wide Black Laces lor Manullas an i Scatf, and Uhik Biussels Lace, for trimming ih, and dresses, HOSIERY'. English white and black rihh'd. cmbM, oprrt worked, and p'ain 8tlk Hosiery ; whits and blsi k half H. ae, libb'd snJ plain ; (pun Silk and raw Side do.; also, Engl kh and Swi-s white, colnre.l, end unlileachrd Cottoh do( tibb'd, plain, fmbV. cl ir li ed, and open worked; alao, Children's Col ten do ; and Ladies' white and unbleached Lisle Thred do , of various qualities, a scarce and desirable ar ticle, and other Hosiery of vsrinus description. LlNEIf CAMBRIC AND LAWS HDKFS. Plain, corded, bcrdcred, riviere, rhu;q ie, snd emb'd Lihen Camtiric and Lswn Hdkfs , Irom 12 j cts, to $i0 each. Also, Bag. Turse. (ireen lis rrge for Veils, Gaute Viils. B'ack Linen, Lend col'd snd Brown dh Pspi r Muslins. kc. FOR GENTLEMEN. All the new stvb rich snd cheap Scufs nnd Cravats; Kid, Sdk, Thread, and other Gh.ves) Cniton half Hose; Silk and Linen Cambric pocktt Hdkfs, Suspenders, dec. You can find at MARSHALL'S. I8S Ches nut street, al.nost tv, ry ar ie'e in Dry Good that you reqiiiie, and i.t pries quite low, if n"t l.iw.r than el-ewhi re, (ff is In his interest to tell chfup) nd sa he la cona amly adding t hi slo.k t-e new. est nnd chenpesl boo. Is, you wd be sure of being s.nled. Hut, lesdir, you are iuvi.ed to tell and Ju.lce f r yourself. I'M aJelpl.Ii, May 16ih, 181C 2m I'ENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, BAITVIZilaZ J?As IHE suhsctiher, lute of Ihe Union Hob I, Afun .: cy, l's , respectfully informs the old snd nu merous customers of th Pennsylvania IIou&c, and tbe public generally, that he ba leased Ibd Tavern Stand or John Rhodes, in Danville, where hfe is now prepared to entertain travellers, and per sons visiting th town, in tbe vrry beat style. Thai accommodation will be such a a well conducted, public ho'uac should afford, and no iff tit will be spared to render a itinfarlinn, in every respect, In alt who n ay call. Phe ctt'tena of Lycoming county sre invited to put up with tho undersigned wbett ihey visit Danville. . Henry Weayeij. bsnvl le, Msy 4, 1846. II. THOMPSON, Fashionable BOOT AND SHOE MAKKIt; ERF.BY rrtnrn l is s.nrere thsnks for ps favo , and re-pec'.iully i form, his fiiends and ih.' public gener.i'.v , th . he ba removed m t.e Biirk Si.ve K.'i-'.n f rme.'v ore pied by Wnn.l ck Rh:ivn, wl e-e ite wi I li n"prn m si co'iimoil .te "II who wis! gor.l r rk ..t it.odo .1- 'ir. s, assur ng lurin that bo will egit himlf io j.lese. A fJo.nl itinent of U ot find Shoes, for Gen lemen. Lad e, and Chi drcn, cos'm'lv on hand. A'so, In nc, Eludings, And all sorts of Morocco for sale. low. .All kind of Work made to mmisuro, end Fe paiung wtll done, at the shortest holic. Call and Sc'e. Suttbury, April 18th, 1848. if "Lime ! Lime ! ! aTOElt B. SSIFlrlAlT, RERP1XTFLLLY informa hi fiend, thai be has commenced the business of Lime Ituuiing, c ihe Turn be n.w occupies. He has low on bsrtd a quantity of Lime for sale, and wilt alwsya en.'e.yor to sccomm kIsis thess ho auj ticii h'vn Viih their custom. August i, April I lib, 1840. Bm . ... . DElTtl3TRT. ,r. PETER 1. MASSEh. HECENTtV ITvOM PHILADEif.rHlA, I ESl'ECTFULLY Inforhis ibe citizens t mmj Sllnbbry and vicinity, lhal be has opened art i lDc at tbe rei.lnce of Henry Master, in Msiket. si reel, where ha ie prensted to eiecute all kinds of DtBTAt. oseia't, Plai Work, Stc , on (he latent and most apprnved plana. Having bad some experience end instruction. Under che of the. irnxt enjincnt and succesaful Dcu lis s in I'hilsd. Ipbis, he leli. Ves that be will le ah'e id give aatisfactlon to tbdta who msy want lAt serVicee Lsdtes will be wallt.l on at their place nf real, denes. Hi charges will be moJeisle, and tie wo'k warranie.l, , Sunburv. Mairrh 28lh. 1648, Kt i'urtsicr Aiuttte 11IG Book. Acce ants. Notes, die vf II. B. Mas. I ser and J Q. Master di co, are now in tbe now in tbe 11 be pox in hands i-T a Ijjiice for collection, and suit ifn.ii set l.d. ip a few days. ".nnury, April am. ma. "iT1 OLASSF3 I'b flrsl quality bugar ttousel jYjL MntMSs,only It) cent wr quart also, upe.nne ar icle of yel en M.ds-s for t aking, ou ry lt eswls per quart for lest I be 'rent ; i June IS. IH4R. . HKNhY M SPR. 4rARDE.N kt;US. A li.sii uiiy ol U. Uislev & CVa suinrlor Garden cVcds, iusl received and fur sale at lh atore of March 21, 1MB. HENRY MSSER.