Si-" Pastry- jr John t. tilami , Mms Em. M. Cooitr,!of John and Thomat Forest, Baltimore county presented to Mr. A dams, few weeks ago, pair of knit gloves. In acknowledging their reception te "old man eloquent'! penned the following lines:..,, r Who ahall iay lhat pull ie life V " '. ' ' Is nothing but discordant strife T , Ami he whose heart la tuned to lot, -f Tender and gentle as the dove, ' Must whet hia talons night and day,' " ' ' " For conflict! with the birds of prey V ' Thia world it fashioned, Lady love ! ; ' - Of Jny and Sorrow, Ease and Care,' ' ' Of audden change small and great .' ' And whoso bendi hia mood to trace, -The annate of man' fallen race, , . ., May sigh to find that nature's plan, 1 Ii rutblete war from man to man.' But nature cruel, to be kind, ' ' ' t Not to war only man consigned ; . ' . , f But gave him woman on the tpot, ( ti To mingle pleasure in hi lot, . ; That if with man war cannot ceate, . r With woman reign eternal peace. Fair Lady I have lived on'earth Nigh foitr-acore lummer from my birth ; And half the sorrow I have felt by my brother man been dealt ; And all the ill I have endured, By man inflicted woman cured. The glove from man to man, thon know'st, ' Of fierce defiance i the boast ; And east in anger on the floor, . , ,'. To mortal combat show the door. . . But glove from woman' gentle band, Of cordial friendship bear the wand ; And in return a (ingle glove Betoken emblematic Love. Thy gift, fair Ellen, then, I take, And cherish for the giver' take ; And while they shelter from the storm My hands, my heart alike shall warm ; And speed for thee to God above, The fervid prayer of faithful love. Johh QpimcT Adam. Washington, April 10, 1046. . 1 Stick to bim Jimmt.' Two brother! from tho Emerald ale, ft few years since purchased a piece of wild land, not far from Kennebec and went to work to clear it np. After cutting down the large growth and burning over the underbrush, they proceeded to contrive a plan tn get the fallen trunk together in a pile for the purpose of burning them also. The' land lay upon a side hill and they concluded that if they could roll a large log that lay near the Mimmit, and place it about half way down, they might pile the rest against it, and thus secure their object. But how were they to prevent it when once nnder way rolling to tho bottom and thus defeating their plan! To accomplish thia they procured a rope, and making one end fast to the log one of them was to hold on to the other end and to prevent it going too far, while the other waa to start. Fearing that he might not be able to prevent the rope from slipping through hi finger, Jimmy, who was the steers man, tied it securely to bis body. 'Start him nt-y, t'helim !' said he convincing bimaelf that all was right and tight rheum did atari mm, and aa the log com. menced it progress the rope caught in a pro jeotion and began rapidly to wind up. It soon drew poor Jimmy chock up. Firet he went over the log and then the log went over him, and so they continued their circumgyration and summerset. Fhelim watched their prog re tr a moment and then aung out 'Slick to him Jimmy ! faith you" r match for him any way : you'r on fp half the tim !',. Scene in thg Nww HaMpaHiftB Snat There was an amusing passage in the debate on Friday, in the Senate chamber. . Mr. Patten hastily 'Mr. President ! there ia no anmlytit between the case. A general laugh ' 4 Mr. Patten thinking he had collared good joke. 1 'I repeat it Mr. President, tier u not tbe lightest analyuit between the Ciseu.' We think there is a alight 'analysis' between the gentlemen' uso ' of English and what a good lady of Buffalo, ambitious to be considered clever, once told Gov. Throop. She remarked in relation to the weather, that it waa very apt to be stormy when the sun passed tbe Penob scot ConcorJ (AT. .) Slatetman. ' Tbi i almost equal to the fallowing pas sage between two member of ft Western Le gialalure : Mr. A. 'And tbi sir ia catamount to a de nial.' Mr. E i suppose the gentleman mean tan tamount.' Mr. A. 'No Mr. President, I mean cata mount. A if 1 didn't know that catamount and tantamount were anonymous.' Some company in Ireland disputing relative to the quickuesa of reply ascribed to the lower order of lhat country, it ws resolved to put the matter to the teat in the person of ft clown who waa approaching them. 'Pat, saul one of Hie gentlemen, 'if the devil waa to come determined to have one of us which do you think he would Uke f Me, to be sur.' Why so!' ' : 1 Decs use he knows be can hare your honor any time.' . V DAIHrHOTE liIITr- ; , JW av 4 mmmm m .?, . i jTh wdkiwing list s4ow th current valoe of all iVnnsytvania Bank Nales.( Th most implicit re AanrftTOii he placed upon It, s' it Is reefy toee.k tarefvlly compare: with a ndeor reeled from Blck nou s itcporier. nanks In riillndolpliln. ' ?' ' t' ' Disc' i r ,.,,NOTE8,AT.PAR(,:.t) Bank of North America , - par Bank of the Northern Liberties , , , , par ComnMrrial Bnnk of Pen a,. . ,, Farmer' and Mechanics' Bank. t Kensington Bank ., w.u u :.; Philadelphia Bank.i ... s .'. ,...! .y par h par r par .1.1 par 1 par par , par par i. par par 8chuylkill Bank , . ,. . s- 8nuthwrk Bank . , fj ,. hi Western Bank . . ... .,. t'. r, . ' Mechanics' Bank , i . t , Mufaiurera' tc Mechanic' Bank ' Bank of Pnnn Township . i .' i i tlkard Banknji X; t ( n. - .IS: Btnk of Cionieaerrc, late MoyamrDsing. . t Bank of itinvlvBnia ;i ..uii-.T .( - r H P .par . pr "- '! c'' ST'nnntrv KianUa. Bank ot" beater Counl' ' Weetcheile? ' Bank of Dclnwarc County Chestef ', ' Bank of Oermantown -- ''"J Oermantowh t Bank ht Montgomery Co. '" Norristown" ' Doyleatown Bank ' ' v- Dtyletown Eairioaj Bank-' -.'1 .. F.nsloB) ,. , far par par1 par par , par Farmers' Bank of Buck CO. Bristol. i par Bank of Nnrthomhetland Northumberland iar Oiluinhia Bunk & nridge co.()otambie M , par Faratera Bank of Lancaster-. Lancsalsi 1 . . bar Lsncsvter tnonty Bank v. Iaficaater , t par Lancaster Bank .. Lancaateri par Farmers' Bonk of Reading , Reading par t Wice of Bank oi Perm a. Office do V do Harrisliortl The c Lancaster : I orTiees ' - Reading ' f do not . Barton ' J issue n. D! COUNT.' Office do Ho I Office d do i ' NOTES AT Rank of the United State v Philadelphia 23 Miners" Bank of Pottsville" , Pottsvill Bank of Iwintown Lewiotown ; . Middletown ' Carlisle Pittahurf Hollidavsburg Harriaburg ' Ielanon Pittsburg 1 Bank of Middletown 1st Carlisle Bank i Exchange Bank , .. ; , i Do do , . branch of . i 1 Herrishurg Bank Ilmnnn Bank ' ' Merchants' & Manuf. Bank I Bank of Pittalturg ' ' Wrat Branch Bnk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank ' Pitlabutg Williamaport . WilkenUrr Allentown Reading ,, i Pittsburg i it Berks Uoiinty Bank Office of Bank of U. 8. failed do Do , do do , Do do do ' Bank of Chambersliurg , ' Bank- of Getty shurg Bank of Harquebanna Co.' Erie Bank Erie New Brighton , Cbambersburg Gettysburg 1 Montrose ' ' do I 1 t t - I: 1; Eri ' Wsyneaberg Y Washington ' Hoiteedal -' BrowncviO Farmer tc Drovera Bank Franklin Bank " HoneedaleBnik' '1 Monongahet Bank of B. fork Bank - - York N. B. 1 h note of thoa bank which we omit quotation,' and mbathut dash (-) not purchased by ' the Philadelphia hroker With the exception of those whkh have a tetter of reference. -BROKE N DANK8. 7 Philadelphia Sav. In. ; PbiUdelhia ; Philadelphia Loan Co. d . SchuvlkMI Hav.lm. i i do Konsinglon Sav, In. A ' - y : j - do ; .1 failed railed failed Pna Township Bav. In c..-, do,. , Manual Labor Bank (T. W; Dyetl, prop.) failed rowanda Bank Towanda Allegheny Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver, Bank of etwatara ..'. Bank of Wasbingt.m -Centre Bsnk 1 City Bsnk " Bedford '! Beaver : , . ' Hsniaburg Washington Bellrfonte '-Pitlabutg Pittsburg ' Fayett co. Greencastl Harmony no el r einaed .cliiaed failed cloeed DO sale railed failed failed no sale ra"mera' & Mech ca Bank Farmers' k Mech'ca Bank Farmers' dt Mech'ca' Bank ' Harmony Institute ' Huntingdon Bank i!" Jonmta Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Ps. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northurob'd Union Cot. Bk. North Weatern Bank of Pa. Officeof Schojlkill Bank Pa. Agr. dc Manuf. Bank ' ' Silver Lake Bank Union Batik of l'enn'a. " Westmoreland Bank ' ' - Huntingdon no sale ' Iwiatown no sale Wsrren Dundsff failed no sale closed no sale closed failed ' closed failed New Hop Milton Mesdtill Port Carbon Cwliala ; Montrose 1 Uniontown Greensburg closed Wilkesbarr Bridge Co. Wilkesbarr no sal (3 All note purporting to b on any PennsyU vanis Bank not given in th abov list, may be set iowa as frauds. . -v T " ' r ? 'o Tamr anmriaiwr . r failed O 1 i:rf. p' ,PV Bank of New Biunawick : ' Brunswick ' ' BalvidM Bank .1': r;-;z Betvkdere: ' . Burlington Co. Bank , : i . .- Medford Commercial Bank . ... Perth Amboy Cumberland Bank , . Bridget on Permera Bank . Mount-Hully Farmers' sod Mechanics' Bk Rahwsv ,. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunawick failed Farmer' and Merchants' Bk Mtddletuwii Ft. Franklin Bauk ol Pi. J. Jersey City , fail tlouokrn Ukgtt Uraaing L-o noboken faihd failed failed failed lersey City Bank Mechanics', Bank Jcraev Cilt . Patlvraon Bi-llevia Morriatwn .. Freehold Newark , Trenton ,i. ManufacUirere' Bsnk Morris County Bank . , Monmouth Bk of N, J. Mechanic' Bank '. Mech snics and Manuf. Bk failed .- i UP" no ssle Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City Newark Post Notes ... Newark Bkg fc Ids Co . New Hope Del Bridge Co 1 i failed failed failed LsmbertfcvQia IN. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Hoboken N J Proteclon & Lombard bk Jersey City Orang Ubuk ' Orang Paterkon Bank Pateraon .' Peoj.W Buik ' do ' ' ;" Princeton Bat.k ' Princeton " par par failed failed : Pr faibi Salem Banking Co ' Salem " ' Hut Bank Newark Stale Bauk ' ( Eliiahethtowi Stat Bunk ' ' " ' " ' ! tamdaii - Btste Bank of Morris ' Morrisbtwn Slate Bank " Trenton Salem and PbUad Manuf Co Halem ' " Susaei Bank New ion ' Trenton Banking Co ' ' TiMtoa Union Bank Dvr , Wsahiugtoo Banking Co, Hscknck DELAWARE. Bk of Wilm At Brsndy win Wilmington Bank ef Delawar ' Wilmington . Bank of Smyrna v Smyrna . Do branch ' , Miurd ' Farmers' Bk of Stats of Del Dover Do branch , Wilmington " Do ' branch . , Georgetown Do branch . NewcssU Union Bank , Wilmington Or?" Under fi's pr par par par P' P par ' OCT Oo s bsnks marked the () thee ar Iher couaaarfeii or altoead note of la various d BoaaiMiioo, to auculaUon. - r Tr'SITB SWAIT. HOTEL, ! R&CB) 8TS.SET, pBICAPKLraiA, 'PIIW location la convenient for Businaea roan -. visiting th city. I Every pain is taken to se cure (he Comfort of travellers. ' i March 7. 1848.-' M Removal.! dB M BE8PECTFCLLY. inform, th ci- t'enns ,of 8unbury and, vicinity, that he has removed bis residence to tn Uriel House in Market street, one door wet of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past Ta ors. b bones tn reesAve continuation of th liber al patronage which, ha heretofore been ettended to Wm. ...:, , , .., . .. ... rcu. SB. into. nm MONTOUR' HOUSE, tt LATE BRADY'S IIOTEU .,. . -f . ' Opftmile Ihe Court llontt, SAKVILLB, VBMXV'Al j n a THE Bnlwerihcr, vtko te4 for ef jftij V verel 'years In th msnsgement of .the a i Vbove Hotel, Istcly kept by Mr. 8. A. Bra IVI't Idy, hega leave to inform th travelling public, that he bee taken tbe establishment on his own soconn, oq the fimt of January, 1846. Tn Iloaxa.bae.of. lale, undergone many impor tant alteration, and the present conductor promises to leete'ntthing 'undone to mk ft jontrstortsMe and agreeable, s well aa a cheap and accommoda ting stopping ptade for' strangers whir may visit our flourjohing village.' No pain hnretnense will he spared to All the table and the bar with the best the miket afford, nd with the determination to tie. vo'e his entire personal attention te the comfort of those who may nk hia hnqm their temporary a. bode, and aided by active, carefoi and obliging ser vanta, be hopea to give general satisfaction, and re ceive a liberal share ef eqton (CJ Large nd commodiou fSTAfAES re N tached to the establishment, which areattended by . " ! 1 11 careful and obliging ho tiers. - 1 " - , GIDEON M. 8HOOP. ' Jannary t4th, 1M. ir -r ! !' I (.-.-tn EVANS & WATSON, ' ' " No. TO Sobtm Tmaru rrrrt i Opposite the fhiUdflphia Exchange, . Manufacture and keep eon istantly on hand. large a !aortmetit of their Patent lnv 'proved Bslamander P I R E ROOF SAFES, which are so constructed aa to set at rest .all manner of doubt a to their being atrirtlf fir proof, and that they wdl resist th fir of any building in th world, fbe outside-ease of the 8afea are made of boiler iron. the inside case of. aoan4on. rBl b . r . - . M -. . Iween lb r.otrr ease and inner case is a space of sum S inches thick, and is filled in witlf Indestrsjc tibia material, so ss to make it an impeHUity to ever born key of the ceutenis insid of ' ihh ttt. These Hmipatone Ksl.imsndeis we ar prepared and do challens th world lo pro.loce sny srticle In the sbepe-of Book Bafes that Will Mnd a orach: heat, and we hold ooraetvrs ready at aH limes lu have them fairly teatsu by pahne bonfire, shoubl a ny of our eoinpetttoss feel disoosed, ,to try them. we also continue to manufacture and seep con stantly on hand, a large and general eawnrtment ef our Piemitfm Air-tight Fire Proof Bate, cl which w ha a Israe quantiiy in use, anJ in every In stance ,lbey bav give entire satisfaction to the purchasers of which we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have tbem in use. ' " N. & G.Tsylor, U9 north 3d St.; A. Wright & Nephew, Vine st. wharf ; Alesander Caror, Con veyaneer. corner of Filbert 'end 9th r.; John M Ford, 32 north 8d st.: Myers Bush, -24 n.w'h 3d et.i Bailey & Brother, 138 Maket M.; James M Psul.,101 south 4ih t.; D( David Jxyne. 8 eouih 3d st.; Matthew T. Miller, SO south. 3d st.j and we could name some three or four hundred other if it were nrcesssry. Now we invii the attention of the public, and particularly those in want 'Of Fire Proof Bate, to call at our store btTor porcha sing eUewhere, and we think we can sslisfy them that they will gri a tietler and cheaper article at our store than any other eslablisbmrnt In toe criy. We also continue to manufactm al and Co pying Presses, msde in such a manner to an swer both purposea ; Hoisting Machines, Fir Proof Doors, with our. own menu fart ur of lorka on tbem, with D. Evans's Patent Kcyhot cover attached to th same ; plain and ornamental Iron Railing, Ac. ' S' t N. B. We keep constantly on hand larg as sortment o our Patent Rial Lined Refiiger-la, Water Filter and Cholera; and w bav also m hand several recond band Fire Proof Cheats lake in exchange for ours, which we will dispos of at vary low prsr.'' 1 ' Philsdalphia, January 4ih, 1848. ly . . WZOLZSALS DETAIL HAT & CAP WAREHOUSE, So. 804, Market Street, above Oth, South tide, ' ' f-'HIL'DflLPBtA.'-1 fM THE subacid ers respectfully call the etlen- ml ea pf their friends and dealers to their large and well assorted stock of Hats and Cap of every ilest-iiiition, well adapted pr th ci-ring trad. D ing made of the best miterisl and by thai' 'mot perteneed wwikmer, they fel ctmfidenlto giv oi- vcrsal sstiafactixa (o sli who may favor tbm with a trial, aa they offer to sail aa low a nv boos in thaeiry. - BAR TALOTT cY BLYNN. I. PbilaoVlphia. January 3. I84 T , , . . To Purchaser! of ' DRV GOODS. tnnHE subscriber. No. 1S1 Pearl trH, Ne A Verk. having estsblisbed a Branch at Ne. S3, South Bt-cond St., Philadelphia, ia now opening and will be constantly receiving . from th New York Auctions, an eitensive assortment f ' SVaYICCT It STATZ.B DBT GOODS. which wilt be sold at the lowest New Verk mire at wholesale end Rrlail. Among his stork will be found a food assortment of the following artieieet Jaeeoneta, Plaid, Hair Coid, Lace, Sirii, Book, Swins and Tailaian Muslins, Bbthep and Linen Lawna, Fancy Cap NeltH, Fancy and Ball Dresses t 1'hrvsd Laces, Application D.i., rich Black Silk Trimming Laos, Irish Linens, Idnen Cambric. Linen Cambric Hdkfs.,Cuitain Fringe, Cashmere I d'Ecoaac, Mauaelin da Lata. Silk and Cnttnn Warp Alpacce, Wu Wa Cloth, Gal Plaids, French Meiioos, BUck Silka, Glov, Silk H Shswia, Cravats, Ribbons, Embioiderie, dr.-dee. ' Country Mstobants and others visiting Philadel phia or New Ywk to purchase, am respectfully lo sited i can and eiamwe tb stocks. - -. . Nov, 1. 146. y r o a H. MOORE, ATI 7 Hi: AT Th highest pne givn fur Y Wheat, at the si ors of l. MASSER; A new supply of Rue Ointmotiust lecaived. Nov. 8th. 1845. par T1ABIRON Juaijecivd and fat ssU-, cheap par J-forah,by HENBY MASSER. , Bunbuiy, Wept. 80, I84&. , SUPERIOR Port wine, Madna and LuJbu J wis. Ala sooerior Bi.iulv asul ill- L. Jyrap, Abe a few WaneU of Bi.wb Fis. far sale byi...... - ' HENRY MASSER. uabuiy, July tfui, 184. . n r " ATTORN R Y A T L A W j Buaineas eMendcd-i? hi ahOenti of Nor thumberlaod, Uoion, Lvcoming. and Colombia, r ) nerer r ' J. Mr A. KklnlrRT. " .S''ll ."- ' "'I '""V " Hosts 4V ttwmnmnkii,-1"" rita. ' RiTSoiita, McFiatma ftCo. Srcaisi, Ooos) dc t., heur's hotel, ! . iiAnRisncii.i.,'; pa. , . T BEG leave to'l'nft.rm th public that I have left Philadelphia, and . am now located in Harris burg, th sest f Ihe Eiecutive end State Govern ment of Pennsylvania, where t now occupy the spucioue Hotel, really, kept by Mr. Matthew Wilson. ' ' , " " Thia spacioo baitdrntr, ttaVMg wfteis purposely pUnned and eroded fur a Uetel of the Aiat claea, is not surpassed if equallod, Inr any similar eslab- lishmetit in Pennsylvania nd having nndergnne thorough- renovation., h parlots, j-ooma, and chamlreta are now fitted up in a alyi tbst ,com bines eteaance with comfort ami convenient. 1 1 Mv TABLE is Pledced to b suuuliad with the best fare the Markets can produce i the, charge el th asm time being as moderate a any of lb, bast regulated astal liahment , elaawUer In eiettion shsll be spsred on my pirt, or on the pert of every member of my nooaehols, to make h what it should be, in 4h Cseiisl of on of th most pop; uloua and intereatina Hialsw pf 4he Union.. .. ... A With these promises, accnmmodaliona and faeii hliea. and tn fact, that the HoUl ia moat eligibly situated, whh ,cofidenee, most respectfully solit cil tbe patroosge ol lb rublie. -. ,i i .-,: M "; (UANIEL HEKhV Late of Herr'a Hotel, Chesnut atn Philad. Harrb-burg. Nov. 83. 184&.; , .... . ,,. 1 BsiV.Vir0 trrtpin eurc tot I. y. i t . . i ' "",m-,"e"M, '"7" ' . UI1H!) tJKTRJIVTi. vriiva. rmitrvvi urravp of all kind, Dry PaimevTarV Vainiah anaV Wx, from carpets or from clothing, without injuring the color or the cloth.' -''- v .,-., i . ,. 3 Los no a Ft Para the best thing known for killing fiis nd tjvusqiiitoe, l ( f 4. A certain Destroyer of Rsts, Mice, Koschrs and Ants. and another of Btd Bua. 6. Gen a Sp'reiric fni'sorjr stomach. Heart Bom and Water Brash, by one who had sirrrdl thirteen yesra, before he dicoverd th core. "' 1 U. BTV a UtK OlSITMtKT fOT tllB rile. It hss never failed to cure. ' ' ' 1" 7. Haaaiaoa's TsTTta Waait. 1 - " 8. BatBoirn IaniLiata Is, without rival. c rA"T.Tr f "V f r Tat1, CoWrOTim' Cowrrettow- Fio just tbe medn ineTor cxitldren atrd for women, it ia so' pleasant Jojiaae.- t J J ' - 10. Biica'a Vtarrsati AsTiaiuooa Pi its. 1 1. Geas's Emoujkst WaTaa-raeor Pastrar. for Hantraa, Boot, du. It softens .the leather, arid keep out Ihe water. , , v. ,s , 13. Fsjoj Mis' Tasraisiv I'tssTia. 19.;Jaesin'a f J)ikais!4 Miitcss, wbUb curealb worst Diarrhaa in a fcw. bMrs i y 14 Jicasoa's DrsaaTtar MiTi'e, a eer tsin od epotdyeui forlPlenarg JMKLStfoimer Complaint. ri rrarirrs TUviarai-) 111 aboee taleabl attidwa are-, sold wholesale ami reran, ny . j. uuhii, no. t orms rijin ttrett,. thiladttphiarmbei i Sieerkeepets aodp- then will be mpp'ied with pure African Cayenne Pepiier, Arnica Flowers, urug, Psint", tlils, liisss and Varniabea, at the lowest .pricee. Terms only cash. .' CCT Cut out the advertisement, and bring it with you. ' .. -i ' rhtUqrlphia, July I9ih. 1845. ly. BELIEVE ANDLI V E . TITO m SO N.'S Compound Syrup, of Tar &. Wood Anplna. FTHE Onpreeedented sucresa nf this medicine, in M. lb restoration 'f hnalih. lo those who, in des pair, 1isd given np all hones, hss given il nn -rial- led reputation above all other remedies', furnishing evidence of it intrinsic value and power, a the il ly agent which ea b railed upon for tbe cur nf Pulmonary Conaumption. ' Bronchittia, Asthma, Pain in tbe side and Breat, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, dec . ". - Attenlion m tequeetad lo Uie following AS l tJA. ISHING CURE, bv Thomson's Compound Svrup f Tar and Wtod Nsptha! I . , t ... 7 i- i'I ..: PhUattrlphia, May MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelinaa T inform- yU of the aetnrriahias; eftVcis of your'medidne, which haa literally st d me from a deetbrbed t . My d locate, . ruimonsry uontump: lion, had reduced me so low lhat my physician pro. nounced my case hopeless ! At this junction I be gan to u your medicine, and miraculous ss it may seem, it has completely restored me to health, alkev everything els had failed. Respectfully yours. - - Charloti street, abov Geotge 'street. The undersigned, being personally scqusinled with Washington Msrk I and hia aurleringa. bear wttaea to tb . astonishing rnt-ct of Thomson' Compound Syrup of . Taf, and th. truth of lb si. bov sUlsnaeot. .... .,.( i , i : ' , . JOS.,. WINNER. 318 North Third street,, j , , , DA VID V1CKERS, 43 Almond street, it HUGH M'GINLEY, 8. E. eorntr Tamany .i . end Foarlh Uclv. !..)- ,-,.. ,.. -. PreparedtMily by S. P. Thomson. N. E, corner of 6th and Sinuc strweU, Piiiladelidua. . , . , Agents. H.-. Be- Msaet- Buubury t D. Groa. and Dr. MacphamiMw HsiUbuig, ; Jno, G. Brown. Pottsvill i Geo. Earl, Kding; Houston & Ma ori, Towanda. Bradford county. Pa. I'rtc 60 cent per bottle, r S pec aso. - ., ,,r.. -. tX oewar of all tmtiuiionM. ., t. i.. ,,. Phrladelphla, Jen 58th, l84S.T-lyJ; V P I A N O S. ; rpHE SUBSCRIBER baa been appointed aaeol, JL fbr th sal 4 CONRAD ME YF.R'S CEI EURATED PREMIUM ROSE . WOOD PI ANOS, at tbi ic. Tbeie Piano have e plain. maaaiv and brauiiful aterior Bui-h. and, fr depth and sweetness of lone, and elegance of woikman ship, are nut so'pard by any in lb United Slate. Th following ia a recommendation . fiom Cai, Dirra, eateUsled parfbimar, and himaaif a man' ufacieiM i . .,,........ P .. . . 1 Hivra had Ihe pleure of trying th : eieet lent Piano Porte manfaetored by Mr. Meyer, end eihiblted at tha last exhibition f lb Franklin In stitute, I feel it do to th true merit of the maker to declare that the inctrumenl are ' quit eouel nd in some respect even - soperioe, to all the Pi ano ' Fortes, saw at lb capital t Curop, during e sotourn f two yesra at Paris. ' ' Thee piano will be sold at lb enannfactarer'e lowest Philadelphia pricee, if not somsihlng tower. Parsons are rsauesied to call and iamiu for themeelves, at the residence of tbe subscriber. ' Bunbwry, May 17. 1846. H. B. MASSER. Tf 1MB. ? euality, en now be bad If 4 silk Lime Kilo of Hoary Sun bury. May IT, 1646. oAicrdisirs DEPvnATivic iinur. n ,1 THE varaabte preptniee. tf Oskley'sDfitirs live Syrup of Psrssparilla, as purifUrefth bieoov I so wall known t the 'pobtle generally, that it is unnecessary f Mcopy wtoch srir trr setH ting fitrth th Wantce t b derived ' frmn ' its use; wherever th mHrree bs noee been Intro, dee J, it -take pressssiis ova r. alJa)ib-iy. miethat haa taken It, bav derived so signrl bene ficial result from it, that ft kf reeomtneniled by them with lb U'mnet conCdeoc., Physicians of th highest standing in the profession, prescribe. It lo patients under their csr ; enntaining nothing deleterious, but being composed of the moat mity, yet efficacious veaetsble mslerisls. it is offeed with Confidence, as the chespest and most' efficient po rinr,nf th blood now known. The use of s few bottle, esnecistly in the spring months, will be sil lendcd with moat decided improvement in (he ge neral atrcnath of the system, ersdtcatin snV seeds of disease tbst may have neen "a errersted' befds givipg beatth and vigor to ihe body. Fbr ihe dure .id r.-l v. v-li nil Li.u. Pimples or eiupUon.of the Skin, White w rsmia, tnronie ouen Astnma, e. . j ne pu- beremllite sgenls, from physicna'nari3Ae1JTrrf eumctefti - so eonvmeo Inw osf WMfiircal "W n o periority awes ll prefMsaiTiSMi sf ar4priHj f Sold wholesale- and mail,' Ofrth proprietor, GEORGE W. OA KLEV, North 6th Mraet, Rea ding, Balks' Crity, tod U lai bad of ths following pei sonar Jff .1 vA r ar . . i norrnumoerima votrnry. 11, H. massvri nunbury! ' Ireland 0l Mfiei,"McEWenrme f D Kraoser; Milton;r""'- " 1-'im-t(f .fill "In Vnirm Connty.--JJ Gtrbsrt,' HclinetTavei A. Glelin, MrrTlihbert. 1 vri.n .V n-.i' Jtf Columbia CotHtfy.1ti W MeOay, Wash ington; r,jnr.t .ijMM ,,' k. ' - - ReaJin. March 14. 184 3. ' Mai'6iatr s-U,blivi ii diet iy: of every one lo do whatever in their power I tea, for th bne- fit of their- fellow -mn,"and having ' bad pohive proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties of your Deimrativ Syrup of Sarsapsrilla, I tavist cnnscientiouKly recommend it to ihe sfflirted. ' W had tbe misfortune to lose two of our children,7 by the bresking out of ulcerous sores tbst Covered the face, head and neck, although we had some of th most scientific phystc.isns to attend them and had tried all 'the known remedies, including Swafm1! I'anacra, wiinoutavau. Anotner or my children waa attacked in the asm manner, her face ' and neck was completely covered; th discharge was so offensive, end tbe disease at such a height, lhat we despaired of her life.' Seeing lb wonderful effects of your Depurativa Syrup of .Sxrsapanlla, we weie induced to make trial of it, ' the last' resort ; ' it acted like a charm ; the' U'cer commenced heating immediately, a f w hollies entirety restored her to her health, which ahe bse enjoyed uninterruptedly ever sine As a purifier of the blood, I verily be lieve It baa not its equal. JOIIiV MOTE K, Tailor, ' Walnut street, near Fourth,' Reading.' ... r r(... Dno-uni; .April 19th, 1843. y Ma. Oiattr i My son Edmund Leaf. had. the scrofula in Ihe moat dreadful and distressing man' ner for three years, during which time he w,ts de prived of rh nse of bis limb, his h d and 'neck were covered with ulcers. We tried sll ihe ditpr nt remedies,' 1iit o no effi-ct, until recommended by Dr. iohnaonofNonistown, and also Drl Isaac H iet, t B..J-.. . n-.-ri. H-m of Saraaparilla, oft which Ihtained' several tollies. ihe use of ..which, djovs the disease entirely out of his.systenf, th healed uy'dlhhikl was restored to perfect - health, which , be has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, to the a.mishment of many pefaon who seen him during hf .affliction. I have thought it my duty and eend yon this certi ficate that oth. who have a lik affliction in the family may know where to obtain so valuable a meiliciue.i . , ,r,f Yours truly. ,i . , .... . ... AMELIA D. LEAF. jJJcpr. 16, 1843. ly . , , . , I AS II Y ' Sc ROCA1', ; WHOLES ALB &. szrTArz " HAT & CAP MAKUEACTUUEUS, South Eael corner of Market and 4th $tt.. ' Philadelphia, TITHERE the always keep on hand an eaten- aiv isaortment of HATS (J CA PS of every description, got np in th best and moat approved at le, Teisons derirous cf purcbasing superitM srtl- clrs on Ibe most reasosalile terms, will Bod it to ibeir sdvsntsge lo esll before making purchases elsewber. t .-, t Philadelphia, Oct. 6th, 1844. ly CITY FUIIMTURK AUCTION, ! Airs ranrATB La.Liai booms, N os. VI) and 31 .North Third Street, N as r, t h e City Hotel,, PHILADELPHIA. ' ' - C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- w vile to attenuoQ of wiaeuouf pur chasing Fvmttu. 4o Me Stwaivo fialeSjiooma, (both pnbvie sod Private.) for rvry dsseriptiotl f HeascboU r urmture, where co be obtained at Ml limes, a larg assortment of fahionU and wall manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds Mallrasaes, dte at aery reduced pricee, flr cash. r . C7" Sale by Auction, twice a week, e,.,,-rJ May tVih. l43.T-ly , '.,'. -r v.,h- counterreltcn " '- ' DBA TH; BLOW.f Tbe pullic wtfl pl'aa observe that no Brsndrelh Pilla are 'genuuie, nnlee th boa baa three la bels upon it, (th toJi,Uia aid and th bottom) ach containing a tW-aimik signature' of my hand writing, thus iP. BaasaatTH, M. D. These la. hel-aie engraved -on steel, beautifully designed, and done at en atpena of over $8,000, Therefore it will be seen thai lb only thing neceaeary to pro cure the medicin in its purity, is lo observe the labels. . ; , , , , ' -'. " . , Remember the top, the side, and Ihe bottom. The following respective persons are duly authori sed, and hold , ; ... t . CSBTXCTCATXS or AOS1TCT . For th sale of Brandruh'i Vegetable Universal ! ...i .. ; title.- ,.... Northundieilaud county l Milton Mackey .dt Chambethu. Sunbury H. B. Maaaar. M'Ewen vill Ireland dr, Meiiell. . Northurahei land Was. Forsyth. Geargelown J. it J. Wstts, ;i , Union Cuuotyt New Uefbn Bogar 4k Win ter. Seliiiagrovo Georg Gundium, Middle burg less Smith. Boa vert own David HubWr. AdamaUirg Was, J. May. Mifflinabarg Menwh dt Rsy. HartkUoa Dsawl Long. , Ffbrg-M. U.dtF.CMoyar. Uwisborg WH at, Gimo. Columbia county I Danville E, B. ReynoWa 4fc Co. i Berwick Shuman k RiUonhouaa. Cat. tswissa- C. G. Brohta. Bloomaburg John R. Moyer. Jeisey Tewa Levi BiaeU WasbingUm Robt. MeCay. . LinvsstiwM Bailie & McNlneb. Obaerv that cb Ant ha an Engraved Car tificat ef Agency. cotioing rspraeaoinuoa of Dr BRANDKETU'H Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will skw be eeen etact copies of the imm hhek mam meed upon the Bramdreih JiB Boxee. h-.'j.'. i., ..!w'.; ,,i. rkisadaJphia. ofBee Ne. 8. Nmth 8th street. . v B. BKANDUETU, M. D. I June S4tb, 1843, sf : m , ',-t t, I rww . nosn oiNTnnNT J"" F4T1T TKTTER. ..'-v h:j- rti ItinowoRiis, rmpi.c on ths race, othbi i i fj, . ...y crTaawua nvrrtoim. ,.,,,,( J fjrt The fnllnwing eeriilea'e rfown7e one of Ihe nttSt bctroordinary eurte' ever tffeeteS by an jf 1' i i!-t-js 1 l!u a- t n. fv i.-: ,. , Fsi&ASKLrtUM fbioary 10, 1838 . $ Tj Oft twenty years I was severely afltietrd witn, 'Terra on the Face and Headt th dlsese ' commenced when -1' ws seventeen year eld, and eaotinoed wttil the Fall . of : 1836, vary ing in vie t lenre, but without ever diaappearing. , During moat of th time, great part of my fce was covered With th enrption, fmroerrtly attended With vwtetit ftch ing J my bead swelled si times uanl k felt s f it , woeld bnM--lb aweHing was ao great, that I could scarcely get' my hat on. During th long period that I was afflicted with th disease, need a great ' many at plirattons, (among them several clliroV preparations)... well, a taking inward, rwnediea, inclmling a number of bottle of Swmm'i Vanamt, prtrart if SarmpnrUhl, fte. In fact,' it 'would tto ; inarMea'mW'trr enavnereto all the ' anodicinee I onad, t .t ph. I wa also under the care of two of in moat utee , f sicisns of ibis city. , but without re- ,(1,, ,m1 1 dPgalrej of em Mn- cored, - In lb fall of 1838, th; d (erase st the tim bs'msj .wry eiolmjt,, I enmmenoed ninc tho Jieao. Ointment, (prepared bv VsuRbsn dt Dsvia,) In ft'w anplirstinns the violent itching eeasetl, th swelling ed1' rb H4tiinn began trf diaap'pear, ' and before I had used a is tbe discs, waa entirely i cured. It has now tieen nearly a yrar and a half since, and there is not a vestige of the disease re- msinina, except the scsrs from the deep pits formed by the dii?ae, It is impossible for me to describe in a certificate theeeverrty of ihe disease and any suflering, but I wiU be plsasad u give a fuller connt to any person wanting further satisfaction, wnq win csu nn mt. , n me lime I conimsncea using Ihe Boa Ointment I would have kivefl hurt-1 dreda of dollaia to b rid of th disease. . 8ittce U'1 sing it, I have recommended it to sevsrsl parsons, (among them my mother, wh had the disease bad ly on ber arm.) who were all cured by it. , , JAMES UUItrNEM., Tio. 156, Race St. fTp The Rose Ointment ia prepared by E. B.' Vauhan, Soaih East comer of Third and Mac streets, Philsdvlphia, and sold on sgency in Sunbu rjf. by , . ... , , ; H. B, MABSKR, Msy 14th. 1843. ; Agent. ICose Ointment, for Tetter. A rUUUf UF ITS EFFICACY. PnitanstraiA, Msy 37th. 1839. - rPHIS is lo certify thai I was severely afflicted' with Tetter in the handa and feet for upward of forty years; the disease was attended generally rfth violent itching and swelling.' I applied to a number of phyeicisna, and used great many appli catton without rUcrtin cure. About arm aince, I applied tbe Rose Ointment, which entirely slopped the itrhinn.and a few applications immedi ately cured the disease, which there haa been no return of, although I had never been rid of it at any time for forty years. RICHARD 8A VAtiE,' 'i ! . : ' Llcventh. below Spruce Street. try The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vaughan, South East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on areney in Sunbu- ry. by . ; .- .... H. B. MAS8ER, May 14th, 1843. . , , Agent. MEDXCAX. APPBOBATIOIT I OJ the ROSE OINTMENT, for Tetter. A " r .k V' frt, t f' V 1 olh" fu"y I'l'-Ae.I. the proprie- I At HtKMtrtll . 1 . a . tors lake pleasure tn laying before the public the followmg cerlincal. from a respectable physician a graduate of the Uoiveraily of Pennsylvsnis. Dr Uaugn, baving found in this icmedy that relief f i a tedious and disagreeable affection which the meam within the range of bis prufeeaion failed to t!rtrd haa not hesitated to hia approbation, altbougl the prejudices and interests of that profession ai ppoeed to secret Remedies. ' :. : - PniaansLrata, Sept. 19,1836. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpeli eruption, which coered nesrly one ai.le of my fici and etlended over Ihe ear. Mr. Vauahin, proprti lot of the Rose Ointmenl, observing my face, inais ted on my tiying bia preparation, of which he bar ded me a jar. AIlhjuh in common with the mem here of my profension, I discountenance and dint prove of Ihe numerous nostrams palmed upon th public ly luBoraot pretenders, feet m juaiice houu to eicrpt the Rose Ointment from that class 'of mi dicinee. and to give it my approbation, aa il entiri ly cured the eruption, although it had resisted th usual applications. DAM.. BAITGH. M. D. rX?" The Roe Ointment is prepared by E. f Vaughan, South Eaal corner of Third and Kai 8lreeta, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sui fuiy.ny 11. B. MASSER, May 14th, 184a. " " - Age EAGLE Z D s a tsvrurr of i Htra ana i rne rvreen, : WXXXsZAMSPOaT, PA. ' THE iibaeriber respectfully announces to l' - public, lhat h hs opened a Hotel in the coi modioua brick building situate on the corner Third and Pine streets, where he will be happy wait npn' those who msy favor him with Irw company. ! Tb Eagle Hotel ia ktrg and eoavei eni, and furniahed in Ibe bet midein style. It provided witb a large number of well aired a Comfortable aleeping apartment, ' rooms, privi parlors, dec Persons visiting Willismsport on t ainesaor pleasure, may real auml that avery t rrtiun will l used to, render ibeir sojourn st I "Esgle Hotel" plcssant snd sgrreable. HisTa will he Supplied with the very best the market fords, and his bsr with the choicest wine snd oil liquors chstge retannaUe. The Eagle Ho puseeeee greater advantages in point of local j than any other aimiiarestahlishmenl in the boroui being situate in the business part of the town, s within a convenient distance of the Court Hot and Wiluamaport and Eiwira Kail Road D' pU Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and tru ostler always in attendance,, ' '' Attentive, accommodating and honest Serva have been employed, and nothing left undone t wilt add to tbe comfort and accommodation of guests. - ". 'ii tu . l- f-. (i Thee will ha a carriage always in attend ihe Boat Landing lo convey psnger to and f th House, free of charge, . . CHARLES BORROWS May 14th. 1848.-tf , . rTifchaeriVcaTcr afsT'woii, ROPE MAKERS t. BBXP CHANDLE! f rr.l : i , , - . . i. . Ao.13 AoriA Water Street, rniludetpAut. AVb constantly on hand, a general sas sent of Cordage, Setn Twmee, die.. ttouae, Fishing Ropea, While Rope, M la Rop, Taw Line for Canal Boats. . AU complete saaortment of Sein Twine, cVe. euc' Hemp Shad and Herring 1 wine, Best Patent Not Twin, Cotton Stiad and Herring Twine, S Thraads, dtc. dec Akm, Bed Coida, Plough Li Hshera, Trace, Cotto and Linen Carpet Cha dec all of which, they will dispoaa of on mason, lei ma. , Philadelphia. November 1 3, 1 84 J. ly. 8P12RING, GOOD & CO. No. 138 Market' Street, Philadelp. Tf NVITE to attonlion of Country Mercb jl. to thoir, oaloaaiv assortment of British Fn and A wane a. Dry Good, whack hy vffei for om th aso4 reaeonabU terms. ... Philadelphia, November 18, 18ivl.