b) after fltHinf tohUM the best tlfrfti (witbjrj in 01 control, .at was prepared to. meet th e jnarfwncy and the hatard. ' ,t vwn To hit mind, ample proof hid bet furnished that the majority of the. people art la favor of a change in tha mode of assessing tha dotiee on foteilpt' tmporta. ' (fix State are equally divi Jed on 'be question f eleven States are in revot of the fell, aed . eleven are arminat it; and of those opposed to the blH,'Pennyleania ia the only Democratie 'State,' "' ' M" -V? . He (poke for nearly half an hour, and conclu ded with tba remark that he1-would prefer the greatest obscurity of private life to 'political ele vation, acquired by the perpetration of, an act whecb hie conscience woo Id not approve, r A motion vae than made to postpone tha tote on third reeding until December next and on tbia ate. Nile wee apeak inf ben thia des patch closed. , ,"J" '"'"J; v. M'Ji'.JfllWaaBi.wiln, 41, P, My;1 ..The amotion te postpone has been defeated, and the bill Anally pawed, 28 to 27 Mr. Jarna Kin voting in tha affirmative. , As tha 9th eec tion is stricken, out, the bill has to be returned to the House,' where it will probably paw to morrow at amended. S: . Mai Quit an excitement is apringing op concerning tb election ef James W. Bradbury to be United States Smate by a small majority, when only forty-nine votes were' returned for Hon. Geo. Evans, Whig, while it ia said fifty' three Whig have signed a solemn, declaration that thry voted for Mr. Evans on that ballot, as four more did for O! L. Allen and W. P. Ffssen don. , They, if o returned, would have prevent ed Mr. B.'e election. It i thought that he should resign and have a nw election. .uv-'u-n'i , Tnit Rom or Sir Roiicrt Pbkl. Tlie ConrU er dee K'ata Unis states that a son of Sir Robert Peel,( who was formerly Secretary of Legation at Madrid, lately received the, appointment of First Secretary of legation in Switzerland ; but before .going to his new post, he went to lyodon fur a few week, and there loet by gam ding 100,(HH) franca, fur which he gave bills .tf exchange. When they became due, Hir Robert refused to pay them, and the son was throwu into prison. ; .. .;.; 'n.. it it ' 1 r --r-TT--rrf " tt.-. ',: A ' Pkb. Doctor Lallement, the French physician who attended Ibrahim Pacha n the, South of France,' received ilr his rervi ;e nix thousand pounds sterling., lie deman led two hundred thousand franc, but bis high aess d it.p aled the bill, and sent him bat one lundred and fifty tlioeeawd franca. - - '. 1 - " -BAt.TarontB MMtKVr, , Office of Ike Bait bob a Aa'teicae, July 37. GRAIN. There baa been a fair aupply of Vheat , at market to-ilay. leeof new Md eds were made at 8592 cts. for goad to prime, iid 7585 eta. for ordinary to good. Several hrcela of prime old Md. reds sold at 8895 cts. Ve quote new family flour white at, 103al05 t. A lot el 3000 bush. Genesee white, fit for mity floor, sold on teTms not transpired. " Sales to-day if white , Corn at 0a5'd cents, ind of yellow 5550 cents. . ,, ... We quote Osis st 2930 cents for new, and 032 cts. for tld "' ,' ' . ' WHISKEY. Pricea have advanced, and nost of the receipt a are ordered to be stored, this, weald readily bring 23 cts.,' and perhaps jore, . , , . . Fsvaa inn Asca, ana iu Fsvaaa Cttaan t BaAtveetT Pin All fever re occasion. J by the disordered motion Of tba Mood, podiwed y lb humoral aerotily by hardening the 've of te vessel Tbe.. blood circulatrs with greailv 1" red pa d, and is 'sitll iiierrMed by the friction f the glolnte, or paiikte which eompoae tbe maa f fluid. Th h U thai tbe excresiva beat and bill U expeticnerd ibroufb, M the whoKa avateaa, nd accomtwoted wtth grt thirst, p4n in tbe bead, ack.Vidneya, and tn fact a CompMe preatraUoa f all tb facnltfrs of ib mind s wli al)dy , On rba fiiat attack of fever, or any disease, im tediaiety labe a 1 irge does ef Bran-lreth's Vegete e tJniveisal Pills, and continue to beep f a werful efbel upon the bowels nntfl tbe fever er rin has vjoiitely eseV 8ix aw eigbt will in ort case be sufTScieat e e do, snd one doe of it kind it knot improbable, may preeot mon h f i'hnra, perbape death. -. ' Dr. Benjaetin Broodieth's Vegetable Univenwl i'li", are mdeed a anirrlry spproveJ medicine, hkb by it peculiar actio. claae the blood ef t bniwrute. remove ovary Pain and UViktaeat. d finally ttttton the Oaitiliim te perfect eatth r d 'foe gQ" Pitrch of H, B. Mr,' Sunbwyi or of e agent, published m anotner part ef thi p ypeiMia or 10 leara KtatHllavg:. rHB wifc of Captaio Itoherta. on Vino Mtreet, wear WtrT, (Jinrmnaiii, ha been adlietcd th DYSPEPSIA inita moat agfravatnrf form t th lietten yeara, waa recommended b Celebra ) phyaician of Boaton, New Ya, Phrladelphi. tlttovira, snd CiucinitaU, to travel, aa they could t nothing f her, Kb did ao, but It did her no od. 8he then commenrvd ttfing th rnoa poptl niodiciiie of th dy for her cemplinl, hut de red no heneflt. Bealn aa arivenieement of DK. vtlTH'S VEGETABLE tSUOAR COATED (LI'S m the ptr, she eoncloded to giv them trial sent te O. F. Thomas, Main street. I een Third end Fourth, Di, tHnith'a Agent for jicinnalL and puicbaaed a box. took them aeeor im lo direction, and can with heart felt f etale it the derived mors benefit from' Ibe wao ef one X of Dr. ftmtib'e Sugar Coated VegrUbU Fille, tn from any other medicine ah ha md uaa of ring the ten yei. The hove wai aenl lo U TheaaM on lb Sd Dee,, 18441 Cin. Ttate. tXT CAUTION A a miaereble iaaUatioo haa u made, by tbe name of "Sugar Coated Pilla," necessary to be sura that Da. O. Ba J. 8Taa rnatui ia on erv box. Price 16 cent.' ' Plirteip! Offuw. 1T9 Oreenwicb at New York. Bold by JOHN W. FBILINO, Swioury.' wu tniavrur vjt J JuiylStb 1 ""l mi m In HaliAnt, Daanbia eoenty, On Ttfedv lf, ELIZA; wife of Dr. Robert H. Awl, aged about 1 1 ysare. p "'..-. .. ...-! On Tuesday laet, ELLEN, daughter ef Mi. I- sac netier,gd about is mootba.- .; . -i On Monday last, an iafMt daughter, of Mr, Waat.H. Miller, of thia place. . .. VT'7,V..V.M'flICE.' CUHitENTV;, ; T Corrtcttd weekly by Henry Mtuser, "WataT,'' On ti l.' v US"1 ,. ftt ' ,19 " ' ;io 1 : 10 . 150 Peaa:,- . TtAXISB',' DDTTIB, ' E,' ''' " Baaawax, ' ' ' " .Taw.,'-";;:: P ' ';... -HicKLta raA'J, ' Dia Areis, Do.,', Paieaaa, - ,f!l. . Ckiexl latent rir a3ompany. A STATED MEETING of the Oompanr wHI beheld on Tulsy evening next, at 7 o'clock, at the Court House. Ptittetuat ttendanea fare qnired. w -t- ' - I HENRY DON.NEUi . . Au. I. 1846. Secretary.' YTaahlDajton Flrt) Company." , THE member of the Washington Fire. Com-, pny,f are requested io meet at the ' Suite Houae, on Mcndy Evenint;, Aegtiel 4, at Ti nV clm-k, preeieeli; ' Pnneraal ailrndanc i required. Aug. 1. 8AMUEI. J. YOUNU, Sm.-4 Valuable Ral Estate A T.t. that certain Tavern Stand nd . Vafiinlde Xliv Perm, aituite In Shamokin townh p, Nor thumteilnd county t on Centr .Turnik, alioul 8 piik'H fiom Wunlmrj, )he county town, adjoining la ml of F't'lj' Hiii, Annanisa Hasrou jiuI o there, containing 150 acre more or lea,. 20-acrni of which feeing in good meadow, a amall crei k running through the ame, and atout . SO cr iliereof heitif well limWrcd, the reidue being in a hijrh tl of cultivation nder eieellent fence, on which U an orchard nf choir fruit tn a ; the buil ding conitt of a two lor alone dwelling houe, wtll adapted f r a Tavern 8lanJ, which wa k pi aa auch fr upward .of 35 ye.ua, a Urge c'onvrni ent ba,k barn, with abundance of good hrd and other eut building. . r . , , (, t AlO Another mll trct of land oljnimng the bove and land of Daniel ). Rote and other. containing about 18 acre in good state of cullive tion ; the building there. 41 cunaiat ef a two etmy fr.ime dwrllin houae and frame, hank lrn, with olhfr out huililinga water iinging at the door of thia dwelling and the tavern aland, ly mean of fountain pump . Uuiog lata the real estate of Mar tin Weaver., doe'd., and will he old "at private l by the aubreeibcr, being authoi iaed by the beira of aaid deceaaed. ludianulal le title will be given.., DANIEL J. BOTE, ... . .. Fr the uae of the Heir of aaid deceased. ' Shamokin township, August 1. 1816. tf ,., .f ,. fHlHANKPtJL4 for the liberal encouragement U wbkb be ha rerelved, wotrl l respectfully inform hi friend and the eitfeen of Northumber land county in general, that he ha prepared him elf with the beat I nrtirrttptibte Term, Uold Plate, Gold Foil, fee , tht can b bad rn the city of Phi ladVtphia; and that be witt endeavor, to thevimoat of hia ability, to render full ealirfiction to 1 who way think, proper lo engage hi ae'rvieea. ' He will be to Soonury at tbe Augua conrt, wtiere he will t prepared, at b'ta reatdence, to imxTl Teetb on (told Plate, or on Pivot, on the latest and mnt ap proved plana, ami attend In a1 rhe hranehee Nleng ingle DEN I'AL KURUERY. , . . Ldie will he waited en at their placea of reai- denco, if deaire. Hi charge will be reasonable, and hi woit warranted. ,: ' He will visit different partaef the cenntv, about once in thre month." ' tionbory, July t6thj l816. fm ' '' ' .r ' "HTVEXTER'S 8 PI R ITS OF SOAP, f.w ex JLV tracting Grease Dry Paint, Varnuh, Tar, Wax, Ac from clothing nf any dearription, war ranted oi to injur tha dulb or ibe mot deKcai color. This ben d bse at been amed wtth gr at ucoeeain caseaot Uum, 8caha Tett-r, Pimiilea on the fare, Chvted band'.' Bore line. Rheuma tism, Haed at oft Corn. (Ve. (J Price,' 25 eta, per bonkx For aale at tba vtor f July 18. r. : ll.iMASSCH, . XiIST or CAUSES. . OB trial in th Coart of Commoo Paio ef N or Umninetland Cennty, at Aegesl Term, 1819, rjemineacing tbe 8rt Mooday, being the 3X - - eeitsinger, alienee of " ' ' ' '' (iarver v John Oarver et ! " ' v Abraham Klsae vs Felig Maqearetal , Benjamin Fordnman va John Hhtnman ve William Prick William Farrow , Prncia McCoy, R D Foidamaa. , William Bimenton Charlee H Frkk. ho Hndi-raon' heir v (imtinugb t Bhipmeo Gilbert Berliea . . V Wm R Jonea .,, j Jme Bos . ' Va Jacob H Bhoeda '' Wm 1, Heineman Hartman H KnoBbh Prior Kiehier cVe . Va Dodge ox Barret Franei Ball' adm'r ' Daniel M, Serhrer I Abraham Terwilliger va Hohina & Newberry f..i Jotin. Mcl'oughaira adin r Chrea Merrck , Yottheimer flt DWon Va N I, Price ' John A Ltovd vs Wm K McDonald ' 1 John Kane A wife , va John NeUllg tc wife Wm B McDonald va John A Lloyd Wm Colt ' John A Lloyd Frederick Birkenbm John Hartman Kenderton Pmith et al va George Grant el al Walter Graham ' va Peter llanerlman -'' Dodge ft DeNoratndi vs Wm A Lloyd Hutet Bmiih ' ; v Augoaiua Hney ike' Henry Maaaer va T A Biltinaion ' Joho Murray ",; '" va Margaret McCay'a etV Rebeit Dennet ' va laaae Brawn - ; ' " ' ' John P Kennedy et l va J dc A Khlpman 1 ' Rame v ' tame ' Mry Rex et al " " v Henry Snyder et al Wm H Pomp's alOre va Wm Wen Henry Meaeef 1 - V Wm McCarty etal ' Benjamin Robina ve Valentine Klce Nathan Beach ' v Daniel Yeager ' WUliem Raker ' va Wm Beira and Eliaa- ' ; both Wagner ' - Barab Bewl i ve Hugh Reed et l '' Cbarhw Craig ' - va Benjamin CauUy - John Rebook ' ' - ve Saturn Beita ' Chart Craig, jr. va Jam Covert '- Peter Bkly - va Jecwb Goarbart et al Samuel Craigb - - va Thomaa Irooa ot al John MeOinwa -. va William 8urke- ' John Packer etal va Robert Philip JOHN FARMJWORTH. Prothewetary' eme,' J'roik'y, Siubury, July II, IM.$ i i. i i list or junons fT Northumberland County, M Auguat Term, v A. V. IMoVj .-, f .? f,. :..! -V, -" Ornnd JiirdrB, ; Turbut. Nathaniel Britten," Anthony Arm trong. ., .. yr-, i . . Lewi.- Samuel Mmg, David Watt, f Delaware Simeon .anlf,. G. V. Drrickon. JI7on. Cbrulopbrr GooUiandr Georg W. Btiine. i i . CMIiequaque,- Jacob Kremer, Cbarlee Dott. Murjprmr Pa'fl-l! U IX U Auguula Elian Kline. , , rl , , . Shamokfh. twia Charhberfin, John Teat. r. Samuel John, Sebaatian Boughner, John Evert. JiaA. William Oullck. '' . . V CoeL Jonathan F.mswonV M ! : "' ' ' "pper Nahonoy.9mie Helm, Henry Straob! ' ' Lnwer MaAonny1. Jacob, Wltman. ,. "' 1 - " Jaekem. Samuel Bower, Daniil Fry mire.' ''. V'-.- : Traverse Juror. f ,'r. ? -V ' TnrBut. Thorn lrelnd.' 4 ' ' f i ' Lmm'-.' Chriee Follmen Robert Finney. Deflttore-John Dorr, Jme Kirk,' Hugh Me Fall, Elijah Crawford, Bonneville Leinbeuh, June Durham, Jacob Hhile. ! ' ' - MUtm. John Know. -' . , :.. CkiCtquomti. Peter Wallmrnj Gee. Iwrerire, Robert Reed. ' -. -' Point ie-e V. Hnrton. John Golick, Philip Gibon, John Nixon, John Vandling,' Wm. Crut 'l i . fit ., !i; , !". NbrHiimfterilsn?. Chrle Nine, Jacob I.eiaen ring; Wm. Fnrnytbe, John fhimun, Gilbert Vori. Sunbury. John Pnidy, William Carr, Samuel D. Jordan. '.'- " ' 'jlrtjtwfo. Jcob Shlrmn, Ell Conmd, John D. Coeradi 8mtlrl 8aidge, ' John Wolf, George Coniad, Jacob Bloom. ' ' " :.'..: SAomoJKit, William Farrow, Jacob Miller, Si meon Campbell. " ' ' " ' ' ' ' " ' Husk. Sjtencer Metiler, Jacob Crr, Abraham Eckman. r";i''f'5l "'? Upper. Mahmey -Henry Malich, Peter .Beiaeel. . famrr Mmhbn.-Samuel Uurrel, Bam'l Ttegov I. ill It Makvtmy. John Henayl. 'Juektan. John Wolf, Altham Rultendatl' J wwwuw iiiiii t . m :. JU aAiAAJE4Jaie UAk. i'o. 34 AorfA Fourth titrrrt, under ike Mcr ,."n! ; ! I' vi rAent' Hotel, ., i ,,. ) c , Phlladclpbln, v " k t', woaa as rl,j '' 1T7"EEPa canataiitty .on band an extensive as rortruent nf all hiinla of 81 Ik, For and "vrr HiK which he offer for le on the moat rr- eonahle term. , Jli Hal r mad up of the treat miteriale, and in the moat approved style, 'Per sona vieiling the city will find it lo ibeic totereat lo cIL: , ,t. . . July ,11th, 1848. ly j TrOUNTAIN, HOTEL, .,, 1, IJfflat Street, .. . ., , m.is iTnasxtm?- t n I ,4 t ; . f lt 'i1 1 4 H l : : i ,4' fWH E Houm hi tofttltfrftftne i 1koroth -ir. X' The pfipflHom solicit H fornrr pittrng. 1- Term fjl 25 per day. WM: W Dl.T. ! .1 ! ARTHUR L. FOGG. (,t tv...t-.i 1, Proprietor. July 4. 1816. ly COLUMBIA HOUSE, - ,17.11,1, L A p E 1. 1 H A: ; IHIS Jarge and corrimodioue Hotel ba recently been filled up with enttm ' new rerniiure. The eubacriber Ibetefore' roKcil fb 'patronige of the public, end trust lltat their experience in the bueinee will enable tbem M give entire satisfac tion. Term moileiste. RAGLEY, MCKENZIE & Co. Jely 4ib, l16. ty ( ' ; f ; S1LVEU! MED At iwaavte v 1-ek riiskua taTVTtTa, 184. ..l-wi.. ni ,- City CBfiirTrfolyie Establistunrat. " (LV 8moirs ft Cof.Lt.) b-. AV 109 Chrimut rt.,ikore TW, Senth aiaV, N ' rurxADELPBia. vv i IttfTIMATUREa tvken erjually a well m elon. ly q dy n in cle.r we.ilher.' A dark ailk dreaa t m lady, arrd a hlaeb suit for a geiittrmaw, are irrfNraMeinaittingforapictU'e. No SXtra charge ia made for coloring, and perfect liVnee are guarantied. v July 4ih, 1846. Jy i ' , Keller aiTxireenoush, PJLTE1TT ATTORUSTS. .... AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, WAsmiraToxr, b c iTKRA WINGS and '. Paper'a f the Patent Of. UJf fie will be prepared, by them, al their office, oppoeiie the Penl Office, , July,4ih. 1846.-ly , " Notice IB hereby given to all legatee, ereiHtor, end e iber person intereated in ibeeetiewf Chrietian Shiuman deed, settled by hie eir lw ll.-rri; of Jacob Reed, nr, deed, tattled by bi admr Jacob Red; of Thi maa Hulf deed, rwiled by hia dmr Henry Grtxors of John Rirha-d d.-ci. aettled by l.ia exr Samuel Yokt ef 8moel lahet deed, aettled by bi etr Michael linker and Jacob Le aher of Daniel Herb, ar. deed, setiml by hieadmie Daniil ami Adam llerht ot Michael Dtrhl, ar deed, eenled by biaexra Jobn am) Michael Diehl; ef Jo eph Kefler r. deed, eel tied by hi exr Jobn and Joaeih Keffer; nf Joeeph Mecklow deed, eeltled by hi sdinr Obadiah Campbelrs of Thomaa Smith deed, aettled by hia admr John M. Smith and Nan cy Smith; of John Frieal deed, aettled by hi adnir Jamee F. Murray! of Karen Mourydccd, aettled by her admr George Long; of David Kaaeman deed, aettled by hi adtnt.' Fndrrirk KawiBari; of John Di fleubacher deed, aettled by hi dmr Peter Kuuat of Predrrirk Huoimr) deed, settled by hi ear Sa muel Hum melt cf Daniel Hirb, r. deed, settled by hi admr DanM'and Adam Heitn v( John Frick, r. deed, sell led by hi etr John Prick ot John Carr deed, settled by hi exr Dr. Djvid Petrtkent of Jxinea Cimpbrlt deed, settled by hi admr Obt diab Campbell and Wm. Peraingi of John Nidig, knr. deed, aettled by bi admr Adam NeMig; 'the account of Jacob Hdbiah, guardian of Henry Lahi; lh account 'f Stephen Glaxe, guaidian of 8atah Ann Klapp; the eecounl f Stephen Glaze, gaar dian of Mary E. Klapp; the account ef Joha Hber ry, guardian ef Adam Snyder; ih account ef, John Sherry, guardian wl William Huyder? the accouut ef John Vherry, guardian of Fanny Snyder. . Late of Nortbemberwnd county, deraaeed, that the executera and adioinatrtor of the aaid decear aad aetalr h Cied their accounts with tha Ka giater of Ihi county j and that they will ba praawa tad to tb Orphan Court of mid county on Toae day tbe 4ib day of Auguat Mil, for confirmation, ,1 ....,.,. . EDWARD OYSTER, Suwbnrv, July 4. U46. . . R, gialT COKGHK8S tNK Blue and Black Congnwe Ink, ef e u potior euaUiy.tW ! chaap. at the atereef - - UEKX July 4th, 1844. PIlBr.IXtiLl'' CO ALBS. V Dal' Cekiliratrd Rail ftoed Scale, ' " Coal ahd Hy do " Iron ManofacV dd 1 Portabt PUtfbrm do 110 differsni siee 1 Dormnt Or Floor do A different tiaea, - x Counter do iih 1 different Uea. 'The above Sotlea are tn'ade either ' airrg'e or k..u t j decidedly ihe most durable, accurate and conveni ent acak-e ever Invenfrd. y aluo have PlatMm and Cour.t. r 8cle, Putent Batancra knd every kind of WeigSlnjI Machine in u for le, wholes rale and retail, at low prices' 'All Scale old by n lo go out of ill ttty, are boxed Tree of cbarge,"and warianlcd to give aatiafartion to the purch ieer ln every particular, ; r GRAY de BROTHER, ; Matiafaoiurera nd Dealer, No. t4:Walnuf street, June jtT. 1846. ly 7 ; r 'A 'i fy'liuitljtkia. HORSE SHOES. Burden' Patent I Hone Shoes, for Salt at' manufhnreia' price, by - , - :li V , on. UK A I ft BROTHER," Jor.eV7, 1840. ly 1 i ,i8A Whiul M. Phila.!. SALT. New York Bait in barrel, and bag, for le at manufacturer' price, hv " 1 ' GRAY BROTHER, June 37. 1816. ly ' 34 Walnut at. Philad. ; . Monterey Taken ! ! - j ALL thoae indeMed to George Rohrbarh ft bro ther, on note or book account, will plea and fettle the aame on or before the Stlth, 30th and lt day of July int. ..All thnee failing todo o, may expect coal, aa no further nittire will Ire given. If nvtifud again, coau will le dJel. , .. .. , GEO- ROHRBACH ft BROTHERS " Sunbury, July 4th. 1846. 3l . .C.L.O..TSI1TO,'.. WIIOLCSALK AM nKTAII. THE rutciber are constantly mannfirturitig from tha beet ' French, Engli'h and American manufactured Clothe ad CewHner, CMITHING in' ,.Vcry auprrior tyeJl cut and work manahip. Peron4 beybig to eeU again wiD jind one of liio Urgeel and. moat faahinnabte alack of good to eclect from in the city, and si unp'cc)eled low price'. .-.r.,..y .. . .,,,, J. W. E. D. STOKES, .1 . I,., - ..l" Mtket Phild. . N. 8. , A " ' eworimen of Oild Pellowa Re. gahaconatantty on baml, nd H order from bulge or individual poaetual'y attended toj on the most lilwral l. rm. Jf , ... . J. W. ft E. D. 8. , , Philadlibi, June 27ih, 1946.--ly a - : ' ' JirPr6 B T A If T ;: ;;' ; tctll country 1 K OUSTjXI ZSE F B RS. ycii jJ r ' YOU may be sue of ubiining , st I 7J W time, nir end highly flsvored - jJCrJ.s' ;: . By the single pound or larger quar ttty, at the Peklai Teafmimnj'ii Waretiouiie, 30 SbtiA Seeafid etreet, between Market nf Cket- " mut arewit, "' vr ;"" :'; , 7'. raixAiisLnixjt. - .' ..Heretofore K ha been very difficult, indeed, l moel impomible, lwya lo obtain good Ore. n and Bl.tck 1 eaa. But now yon have only to visit th Pekio Tea Conapeny'a Store, to oh tarn aa delictou and fragrant Tea a yon could wiah for. ' A II (aatee can heie l raited, with the advantag of getting a pure rtk-l at a low price, ' , i ", ''" " June Tih, 1846. 1 ;' : REMOVAL; v; JO II N. II. rURD V, Respectfully inkrmB in. r.i.n.i sni cuatnmvr. that he ha removed hi ttork nf gol to the Htone House, on Maikct ilare, form erly ocrepied by Mr. Wm. Dewarl, win-re he wi'.l be happy to a,re hi ill ruatomer and Ilia puli lie geni rully, on aa pood terrna, and at low pri ce cau be b id e'aewhere. . ' A larea aaortmenl of fJroeerW, Dry Gooda, and Qjeenwre, conalantly on band.' 7 Jan 87tl, t w l rj. tr. .- . ; iVoticc. TTVTOTICE. M bareby given, that an ai plication f will be made tn the m il k-eilime lor a charier f r b Bnk wi b a captul of HO 000, and pnvet to increase thecji'tM thereof lo f lUtl.ODO, with banking and diMVMNitmg privili-gea, lo be cab led "Tbe Bank ofhamikin." and o t located in ike borough of Sunbury, in NorthumbrrUnd coun ty. June iiim, joio. , Uave you heard the IVews t - NO I WHAT IS IT ? . ' War, nvn teti am r ' ! MARTIN 'lRWIiV; At AuraAoo, in Market ttrtet. at(joiniag fke tkrte v ..! wory arte iiuhx, , .. .a HASjtt rerit44Vm Prjdadislpbi the large) ( haodaoaaeal ami beel aaaortmenl of v . . ncOTS AND SHOES . , , of every deeeription, that baaeve bran brought lo rh'ra place. ' Ami what r Mill belter, ibey eay he aell ao cheap, thrt yon can buy two eat a or Ike tamm money that yvm utrii to pay for ent pair. He Uuraroa i;n and Ban. a run tn, nu that I-the ijon that he ran allurd lo sell them so much cheair,. If you don't wnl to buy , jual call and aea, bi stork.' Hs r alwayf gUd, to ee hi customer; and it la no IrotiMo to bun to show liia gnnda. ' Jurt I gWe you sn idea how cheaii be dne aell, iha following ia a list of rricea of a put of bi toekt Men' Thick Boot", - worth $4 00 t $1 75 do FinOrln!o -do Clf . .. do ;.: f... . Boya'Tbkk . de . . M Youth'. . - do " Mena' Thick Brogana, , . " , Womena' Morocco Welt i . and Kid 8irinm, . v ".. Wemeua brat City made : , i Kid Slijipeta, . ..,.". Latlie' Gaiter and Gi- , ler Uoot. ,.. , ' "V i Alao. ever varielv nf LaJie 4 60 at a oo . 5 l0 -jal 2 50 il I 3 00 at I 87 at 60 at. 'l C3 t 9 oo 1 76 1 15 1 1)0 100 I 13 3 00 at J 3T Boys auJ rhil dicu' ahoaa, l prices lower than ercr bsfure ojTae- rd. Cme ONf See .. ' -. Suubwy, Jan 13ih, 1816. 4m . .. . ,. i'in on d Mheei-Iron XVnre lYEANUFACTOXlir. , S J3Z. I XV IOSOV B, VBXfWA. MTtHE aubsrriber reenectfulfv inform the public X that he baa commenced the manufacture of Tin nud Sbcet-Iron Ware, in all its various brancbea, at Salinsgrov. 'Hi ir i not only mad of the heat malarial, but ia put together in a aobotantial snd work manlike man ner, differing in thia reapect bom much of the waie sold, wl ich ia made no in e buriy for that purpoea. An excellent aaeortmrol will b kepi on baud al all liaate, which will be U en the moat leaaaoable Urme.- ' . ANDREW 8. WINGERT, 1 beliusgrove, May I fib, 1844. tf. , ; ..i. i pi 1 1 tlo "Co iw n'n o do ' 1 I I ' 9"l do I I do do ' I'M -."A.'riB. "M ABtSfflALD i. ' ; - - ii KoriSS fTlianut Bfreet, battTccn Seventh ant. eights strceta r ' CP aJHLHla Ca HDCEi tJP L - ' SS now prepared ,to oOer, Whplerale andRetaii, a large aasortment of finer hd SrirLa ( DRY GOODS, "" suited to the Country a Well a Ctiy Trade. He continue the syatem of "no atutrmeat in pricet," which be haa pursued for tb past ten yem, and desire to call th irlat attention ef the pobl e te It the only true tynfem of retail Wainem, and which ia decidedly lo the interest ef the purchaser tn promote. It Is quits lime tbd fraudulent preca lice nf aaking a high price, and abating to mil ih purchaser believe they are the "favored few," We done sway with, aa, nine timea out of ten. they are md, to pay a higher price (however great the rl duetlon) than the lfk rtyte end ,iitity can be pur-t-ned at the "One Prioe Store." I ' A. B, M. ia in regular receipt of tb newest end ehrepeM aeaaonable good, end When any article depreciate in value tb price h at once marked down ao lo w that it cannot, be undersold. By thi ay atem the purcbsaer can at .all timea buy with confidence snd salirfaction, , and without wete of lime in u-eleaa bargaining. .Hhlthi time complete aaaortmenl or. ' , . , v. i SILKS, -, ' Black LoptrmiH Ottoman, Poux d Snie, Man tua, Uroa de Rhine, Armure, and other Drew and Maniill Silk. Alan, . v r i Fancy Dree Sitka, from 44 et. to f 3 36 fee yard, including all the variety of approved and useful atyle and enmlunation of color. ' ' Lining Stlka, Foulard Silki, 8 ilk Gingham.1' '.'"! rr LAWNS AfiD OIIGANVIKS. , , Pnli Painted Iawn and Orgindien, of the nearest and moal approved sijle, a Well th cheapeat in Ih market. Alao, ' ': Scolch Lawn at vary low price. y f r FRENCH GINGHAMS, i ' Of the nesreat dea'gna. Alao' Scoteh Gingbima nl Gingham Lawn, very cheap Twill'd Earl tun and Manchester Ginghama,' for child ten' wer. " " ' ' ' - f FRENCH CHINTZES. . ' Lii;hf, medium, atul dark color, 4-4 wide. Afao, bel m k American Chintt nd Calicoes, of the ntw ltern. t 12J ct. per yard. . ',' " MOUSEUN DE LAlA'ES, ,1 iOflh moatapkndid Ombre and PrinleI style, down to lb French, English end American, at 33 centa per eid t. f HAR EfiES AND HALZOR1NES, , Of all ualilie'iid every variety' of deaign'), Mii'ed to all taatea. , A las emhroidered and chain- liUhid Ko'm , Bayadere ami P., Ik Drcues.emb't) Sniaa Muslin snd Uihrp Lawn dre pattcrr Tailcti n oud colored plaid and atrip Swi Mu lui. i , ' "" ' " r .. n WHITE GOODfS. , ; . J riin SwUa. MuH, Nanaook. Jaceone, CaroVky Book, and Tailelon.Mualina, Plaid, Stripe, cordrd and figured Caeabric and 8 is tlo.,Bibvp Lawn, Itlclt umd Elegant . s CAHPST3,OIl CLOTHS, MATTINGS AND WINDOW SHADES, FOR1 8PZUZTO TXLcVSB. THE wulcribr haa just opened for pring tiade, a large and complete assortment of Broacela, Imperiil, tniierln and fine Ingrain end Venetian CARPET8. which have all been purchased wiihiu a month, al the mweat ceh rate. ITiey are now- offered at greatl reduced prroea lor can. . ;,. ... Tbew gooda ere of an eitra atyle and fiuiab, and being of the heat make and fbric offer great n rlueemenU to purchaoera to obtain a baodeoma aud deairebl aritcl at rcea below Iho Uaual rate. . , Tbe aaaortmenl i complete iu every reel eel, and conciois in part of rhe following J.,j New ami r hmdid Bruaaera Do do do do v do -tie, Ingrain .'I i .... Do Do Do Dj linperia' CARPETS, Twl'd Venetian at Reduced Pliin do Fined; (Common Price. . :;..;-.. . , Incratn J i , u-ei. Splrn.liJ Emboraed 1'iano and Table Cover ( . Hiatr Rod. Bindings, Sheep 8km, &C, dto. , With an imriwn atork f h,W piked Crpct of alldiK ritiona. L a. Bag Hmpi and Cotton Carnrl. front 12 ut SO cetita per raid. . . Counuv 1 Merchant, houwkeeper and other have now an priuniiy of aupp'ying thruuclve ita hatulsom aol uenr.l.le g.,ol al grotty ruu- crd prico.' ) ROBEKT B. WALKER, - .. S5 a. 2J at. opposite UUiM u,liurcu. PI.asdelpbra.Mev i6h. IH4 3m , . X) A N V I L L E WOOLEN KACTORY. DANTXUB, OOLVniBIA COUNTY, , Iemnylvaiila. THE DantiUe Steam Woolen Fneliry, folme ly owned and occupied by Dr. PbtiI, ha recently Tern iturihiaril by th unaenbera, wno reapectfully nnonre to their friend end the pub He general y, that they ae now prepared lo d all bind of wjrk in their Una of buainera, t the hor lest notice, according lo order, and in the beet com parative manner. Having gone to considerable eiprne in repairing theii machinery and paratua. and in tng very parttculut in ceeuring tn aervrce ot eiperieiiced merbanica, they feel confident that they are capable of executing all kind of work in a aiyle (uperior 'to any other retaMishment in th country, l the old custnmury p'ire. ' ' sjl.tirns. HATISriTTH. FLAW Iv Burv tan BLANK CTS ei.nt.tan ly on band, and for sale at reduced pricea, for Cash or Barter. ' ' t Aitnir: axo rt'ixixo will be done, in the bei manner, at the usual pri ce. . All kind of country prmtuc Ukon in pay ment for wuik, t Dnille niarket price. Per the accommodation of ihoaa who lira at a JVtanre, Vua and Ciotu will be taken in at, and, when finished re;urud to tha following pla ce, Plaia written direction must accompany each parcel ' : Columbia CoNNy. Boup ti Man' tore, Wa bitigtinville( R, Fruit' tre, J. rseytowu Vta ger'a inn, Roaring Cre. k; Sharpie' (tore, t'atta. wiasat C. P. Mana,' stnie, Ktifllinville Miller' tot, Berwick t J. C line's Mill Ricket's store, Oiangetillet Derr' alore, Miiie Hall, Northumberland Ctmrivi-Mich! Reader' Inn, Tdrbutille Ireland & Hav' ator. McEwene villef E. H Pipe' More, Watsonatown 8. L Comlv & CoV alore, Milton l GiUon'a inu, Cl.il linuqu t Foray th atore, ' Norlhuu.V"'loJ ; Youna's store. Suhburv. '' Luzerne County. Reynold s store, Klngeton 1 Gildersleevs's tor. Wilkaabtrr Gaylord'a r-jre, Plymouth i 'Btyetra ator, Nemlcuk'. j 'juJge Mack' Mill, Huntington. Lycoming County. V. Clapp'e ator,, Muucy j Bhoeiuaker'e alore, bmith'a Mill. GEARIIART &. KOWNOVER- Danville, May a, 1848. . , ' flHE CsaaaasTse Maruaaan Idaia Oil. haa A jnaAeen teceivedand I for eal eat the at ore of May 30, 1M. ... . UENKY MA8Jfiai .LPlJijl it aj Imitation Cambric,, Cumlric Dlinily, Iri-.li Sliinii u Linen, Pamvk Table t,in n, 'TaM Tlloih al NapLii,.,lAirjj( Ifawna, French Linen Cambric ard Linen Liwn. cheap Whirling and Shrci'mg Mu lint, and auiierior Long Cloth Shirting. ' MOURNING1 GOODS. ' ' Lupin' Bomhar.inee of aft qcalMie, anJ lii va rinuR ehadee of Black, Summer Bnmbtt'ne or -Brillianle, Silk and Cotton Wrp Alpaccan, ei,kr, Mooeetin de Lainea, Uaregrs, Balxnrinea, Mnrqiiear, Grenailinea, tiinaham. Lawns Crane, Crape and Leva Ieiee Viela, Kid end Bilfc Glove, Hoateiy, Plain Silk. Glaci, Otluman, Thibet, Barege kud Twisted Silk Shawla, Scarf and Cravats. f SHAWLS JND &CAIIFS. ' ( French Caahmere long end 'qute 6hwla, Brnche do., Printed, 'Barege,-'Jhibft and Terkerri do.,G!,via, Twieted SJk, Grenadine, Uerriani and Mnl.iiir do., and low rriocj do. S I':, ('renadiiie," Barege, and other long and hmt nrarf. Also, IrVHt. ' ' Black l.icc and Silk Mantilla, Viaiti, Cape and CardiuaU, of the new at y lea. ; , , ., , . , , v , , EMBROIDERIES AND LACES.,, EmbM Crtfie, Collar. Spencer, and Chemiirt'o, nmrer Slrevea and Cult, English . and' Frmeli Thread Lacea, Eduinga and tnaertinga, Linen Tint -bin Edginga anil InKertingn, emV'J Swiat and Cair brie do.. Block and White lre Viela. Lace 8hN nd Scarf', wxie tlturk Lacea lor Manlitlaa anH Scarf, and Black UruuseU Lace, for trluituing d tnd drcaae. HOME It V. , . . Engliab white and Mack riUli'J, etnli'J, open woikril, and p'aiu Silk llonicry ; white and 1U,1 half Hi ae, rilil'J ami pNin ; spun Silk and raw lo, Eii"l:all and Swia white, colored, ami Uiibiraclinl Cotton do; tibb'd, plain, emb'd clock ed, and nptn worked; also, Cbildicn'a Collen o;. and LailUV, V-liilo end unbleached l.iilc Thrrtd do , of various iiualitier, a scarce snd dcrirubto ar ticle, and other Hosiery of various descriptions. LINEN CAMBRIC AND LAWN HOKI S. Plain, corded, berdered,' riviere, musique, a-'.l emli'd Linen Camliric and Lawn Hilkf., Iiom eta, t f M each, u Alao. Ua.s, Purnea, Grei n rrge for Vcil.4, Gntae Yi Is, Li lack Linen, l.ixi tol'd and Brown ilo., J'apir Muxlins, &.C. FOR GENTLEMEN. ' All tin) new etylia rich and cheap St'fr i.i .1 Crava; Kill, Silk, Thread, and oilier d. v,; Cotton hnlf llooc? Silk and Linen Cuuibrte pocket lldkfs, Su!jndera, 5tc. " rtf You ciri find at MARSHALL'S. IS Che. nut trret, almost every ar' ic!i! in Dry Hood tla you requite, and at priet a quite aa low, if n4 lower than e.HCwhtre, M Jo hi interest to sell clu up) and aa he ia constantly adJing to hia aiock th" new est and cheapeat good, yon will be aoro of lieiutt suited. But, teadi'T, you are invited to call and judge for yourself. Pbiladetphi. Hay iGih, 1818. 5m PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, DANVILLE, PA. IlHB uWiiber, rat of the Union Hotel, Mun . cy, Pa , respectfully informs the old aud nu merous cuatomer of the " Pennsylvania Ilonsc. ' ' and the public generally, that be hue (eased the Tavern Stand of John Rhode,. in Danville, where ha ia now prepared to eulertuin traveller, and pi on visiting the town, in the very best style. The ereoinmodation will be Uch a well conducted public bouae should afford, end no effort will l apared to render aatiafietion, in every rrect, lo ill who n ay cull. The cilitens nf Lycoming county re invited to put up with the uudersigi.eJ v. hen they visit Danviilv. , v" , HENRY WEAVER. Danvl'le, My 8, 64g. W. H. T 110 WPSOIT, Failiionab!e BOOT. AN1 SHOE MAKE 11, EREUY return bis sincere tlttik for peat fvoi, aud repectlul:y n form' his f.iei.Jt and ihe publis ger.erllv, that Ue r.e ;om1 to the B.ick Store I! .. in formerly occupied 1 tVo-vl 4. Rhawn. whei he will be happy lo accommodata all who wiah good work at moderate price, assur.ng l hem that be will exert himself to pleaae. A gno-1 assortment of Boot and Shoes, for Gen. ilamao. Ladies, and Children, cootnUy on haiu1. Alao, Linings, Bindings, end all sort of Morocco for ssle, low. All kind of Work nwte to measure, snd Fa paiiing well don, at tbe ahoiteat notice. Cu'.l and Sec . , " ... Kunbury, ApiH I8lh. 1848.ll Lime I "Lime ! ! . JOHl! B. SHIPlvIAlT, HERPECTFULLV iufarw hi f.iemle, ih he has commenced ibe buainru pf I.n.io Uuming, rn thefaim ho iav cccupi.', , Ho I s now on hand quantity of Lime Tor rale, and uSI alwaya eni'eav-r to accommjdata thoe who n.y fator hin wilh th'jlr custom, Augurt. A;, iiil Ulh, 1846. Cm ' DE1TTISTP7. VET K U B. 1 ASSE W, RECENTLY FUOM PHILADELPHIA, ESPECTFL'LLY inform the citiaen f Hunl.urv and vicinilv. tht he hns Ofenrd a i oll'ice at the re.ddcnre uf Henry Maaer, in Mail, s trettrwher he is prorwrcd to execute U kin is .if DsnraL .SUKOkkt. Plate) Work.&C , on lUel.t-.l nd not approtrd plan, Having Lad soma exp,Tie'nce and intrnelloi, under cna of the mo?t eminent and surceeatul Den lie' ia PWWil'.u, ba blieo W be wili I able to give tirrction to tnos who my waul . io Mrvice. Lad e wi he waite.1 en t their plnces o- re- -donee. . Hi eargea wUl be niodeisl, and !. wo.k warrai-.tcd. , Sunbnrv, Manb 83111848. "TTjo lriUer Notice. TP.E Bwk Account, Notw.eVe.of H. B. Ma. , anJ H. B. M.aer & co. r now in the tand of jualice for callection, and Will be put IU ' suit if not -MiU-l. in a fo day . , ,,, j Sunbury, April 4lh. , - - MOLASSES I be hiat quality our r n Molafaes, onl ltj cenU per i)i..ni also, a, aupeiflne r;lcl of yllow MolateeeM bk..g,tn Iv Hi cenU irquail f'rlatlba'.urJ, 7 Ju'e 13, lj45: HENjIYM;sF.U 5pJABDE.N"BEt:i3. A'fiwii tilyvy E. Jf Rialev i LVauncrlor O' Jen Jual rreeivad and fo sal '. tV '0f Madttl -; jiENBY M.AS4ER.