Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 18, 1846, Image 4

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    Tfthiit ctintnber of Pnr.
'I'ha Chamber of Peer U arranged like our
wo Housed of Conjjt m The seats are semi
. rculnr, bending around ft common centre,
where the President aits. The membra are
nil dressed up in diplomatic coats, ami. presents
t an American the appearance of an assembly
f military officers. The Suscr. had md oom
niencptl as. t took my pluce, and the Vers were
slowly dropping in one after another, and ta
king their respective seat. There whs the
Duke de Broglie, Oui2ol and other, and lnt ol
n'l, m came old Marshal Soult. tie lik like
an old warrior, with his dark features, clear
rye, and stern expression. Ilo Is nhnitlhe
middle sis, though etnnt, with a bald spot on
the top of his head. His panlalnor.a were- vorr
'n'l, mndi so evidently to conceal hi bow U'gi.
It wai a tiseloea expedient, however, for the
Marshal's lower extremities form a per fret pa
r nthpsis, which nothinj but petticoats ever
onncal. As hf stood a moment and est !iis
r-ves over the Chamber, ! thought I could detect
in his conl, quiet glance and se!
hearing, the stern old warrior that had stood
the shock of en Diuny battle fields. A9 he lim-
ped alon? to his seat my mind involuntarily run
nver some of the important event of his hit to
Born of humble parints, entering the army
s o private soldier, mtukct in hand, he ros to
tie Marsha'i of the Empire, Duke of Ddliiintin,
and Pi-er of France, lie early exhibited hi
wonderful coolness in the hour of dimmer.
At the battle of Fleurus, General Marceau,
commanding the right winp under Lefehvre,
was routed and forced to fall back. In hia apn
oy he sent to Sou It for tour batttious, that he
might renew hia lost position.
Moult refused.
'Give them to me f exclaimed the indignant
nud mortified Morceau, 'or I will blow my brains
Soult cooly replied that, to do it would en
Jaeger the whole division. Beinjf then a mere
tiid-tte-cump, and unknown, bia refusal astonish
ed Marceau, whoatked in a rage
Who are you V
'Whoever 1 am,' replied the imperturbable
sildier, 'I am culm, which you aro not; do not
kill yourseK, but lead on your men to the charge,
and you t-hnll have the four battalions aa soon as
we cun lipare them.'
Ilia eHvice had scarcely been piven before
the enemy were upon them, and aide by aide
these two intn raged through the battle like li
o',. AtU r the battle was over, Marceau held
out hiii bund to Soult, saying
'Colom.-I, foryive the past ; you have thia day
k' i veil nit; a lueion which I ahall never forget.
You have lit fact gamed the battle.'
This ia a fair illustration of Souk's character.
'imjI, collected and self reliant, the tumult of
btttle and the chaos of defeat never disturbed
his perceptions or confused bis judgment. At
Austerlitz, he did the same thing to Napoleon.
Aa Bonaparte gave him the command of the
tenire that day, he simply said
'As for you Soult, 1 luvu only to say, act as
jou always do.'
In the heat and terror of battle, r.n aid-dc-camp
burst in headlong gallop in tin pretence
of Soul?, bearing orders that he should iiiunedi-
a'ely curry tbe height of Pratien.
'I will obey the F.mperor'a ordera as anon aa I
i in,' replied the chieftain ; 'but this is not pro
per time.'
D maparte wa in a perfect fury at this an
swer, and sent another aid-de-camp with per
emptory orders, but before he could deliver
'fiem 'the proper timn had arrived,' and tbe aw
ful column of Sou! t was in motion, and in the
next moment bis bead was enveloped in the
smoke of cannon, and in a few minutes after,
iirn and mangled appeared upon the crest of the
'ill, where it struggled two hours for victory
id wun it. S iult had delayed his charge be-
luce tbe enemy were extending their lines,
nd thus weakening their centre. Bonaparte
':tv at unci? the rt isnn of hia delay, and struck
n I nirati in at bis behaviour, soon after rode
Hji in li;io, iinJ in the presence of the whole
s art, I Ac'iiiuo'd
'Mnr-l nl, I account you the ableat tactician
in '.b io;iiro '
I: v,,c S mil's cannon that thundered over the
ruve iif S'r John Moore, nho fell at Corunna,
:'. t'i" noblo lieiirted Marrhal iiireribed a me
mori il to bin bidve oppoio-ut on the siot. lie
w.ia in the ciriiaye ot Vnterloo, and there on
fi-it wide field, saw ) fie atur of Eonsparte sot
Aa be slowly limped to bis seat I could not
bit gaie tijion him with leelmr;aof the deepest
interest. On what wild rcence that dark eye
bud looked, ami in what fierce fibla that now
n,;od form had moved. The memories of such
man must bo terrible; and what fearful scenes
liu between hi:n and his youth ! A word, an al
Its ion to tbe victorious Bonaparte the standards
iain from the enemy and now drooping over
tl.e President's, bead -tho pictures on tbe walls
nmt frerjusnily rerull lo dim those fierce battle
folds; and, f. rietlu' of tbe business that ia
-is o.j aroiiitd bim. -ori b's ajed ear will como
t'f r,.ir nf bntil.a and en bis f ashing eye the
sV-ir-k nfarmior the fierce onset -the wild re-
tr".ttl.e rout anj victory. Amor; tbe last!
rcrra 'ninfi props of Nspo'eon'a empire, be too is
fast ertunhtin away, lie baa escaped the
sword of ha't!, hut be cannot cacape the band
r t'line. f 1 'i ni.t:v.
A has been made, by a yaakee,
ti thrash tho Mexicans by contract. He says
h will do it for ten millions, with picking! and
s'saliiija alloied, or for twenty rnillicng with-p-jt
tKess keirj allowed.
i j. 11
The f dl-ovim; liat howa the current valor of all
reaiieytvniiia Bank Notce. The mt implicit re
liance mav I placi-d upon it, as it i every uck
larcfnlty compared with ai d corrected from Dl k
nrll's bVp.r'vr.
tl.iuUa In Phlln1oli!iin.
t Disc, ts
notes at par.
4ini of .With A met Ira . pur
Onnk of ttif NuMlierii Liberties . . par
Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , pir
Farrrets' and Mechanics' Bank . . par
Kensington Pick , . , par
Philadelphia Rink . . . par
Schuylkill H i i't . . . . pr
SnUthw-irk Bank . . pur
Western H .ok . . par
Vcolianim !.!u.k . . pat
Manufacturers' A Mechanics' Bank par
flank nf Perm Township . . par
CJirard Ratik . . pv
Hank i if Curnmrrce, Into McyaminaiiiB par
Bank or Pennsylvania . par
Country nank,
Bank of Chester County Westchester
l!ank nf Delaware County
Bank of (lprmsntiv,vn
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Dovli slnvn Bank
Diiy Uptown
E;l10ll Bald.
' firm.-' Bank f Buck m
Bnr.k of NiirihnmriPilnnil orlhu;n1iprlnd pur
t'oluml ia B u-.k v nri.lgp oo.M nluni'ili
Farmer' It-ink of I.mirmlet Lanciiei
I.nneater ('oilt ty l.ineaater
f.inra'er Biink I.nciter
FnrmerV Bnok of Reailiog R mliii!?
OITh-v .f Btnk of Penn'a. llairittong'
OtTlre !. do l.mcaater
OfTiee do do b'eniling
Otfiee do do Ei-Onn
lo not
J imticn.
'tank f the t'liiled HtatPH Philadelphia t
Miorra' Bank of Potlavilli: Putiaville j
Bank of l.enitown I ewi-town I J
Bank of Mtddlptuwn Mid'llutown J-il
Carliaie Bank Carlinle 1
Exehange Bank Piitalun? j
I) i d i branch of Mollidavalmrij i
IIairi.1urir Bank Harrili'rg
I.ehanon Bank Lebanon i
Merchant' & Manuf. Bank Piitabur J
Dunk of Pittuburg Pi'tsSuig j
West B'anoh U ink Williamapori
Wyoming Bank Wi;
North in.ptoii Bank Allcntown
Berks Counts Hank finding
Office of Bank of L. S. f'lt'sl'urtt failed
Da do do die do
Da do do iNe- Brighton d.i
Batik of Chamliernbuig t.'lwin1ier!iufl
Bnfk of (leltyaliurn CSetlyaliurg j
Bank of Su-ijuplianna Co. Mr.ntroae I J
Erie Bank Erio 1 JI i
Faimrr' & Drmera' Bank Wayneaburg
Franklin Bank Waahiniiton li
Honeidale Bitik Honeadula li
Monongabeli Bunk of B. Brownsrille 1
Vork Bank Yoik l
N. B, The note of those .ank on which we
3mit'quotationa, and aubytitute a da.h ( ) are not
pure-baaed by tbe Philadelphia broker a, with I be
exception of tboia wl.l.h have a leiter of n ference.
Philadelphia Sv. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schuylkill 8av. Ina.
Kenainstoii i'av. Ina. A
Penn Townabip Sav. Ina.
Manual Lalmr Bank (T. W
Towanda Bank
Dyoti. prop.)
licll, foot
Fayetle co.
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bunk of Heaver
Bnnk of Hwnlara
Bank of VVasliington
Centre Bank
City Bnnk
Farmer' Sc Merh'iV Bank
Fanners' Si Merb'rs' Bank
Farmers' .Mech'cs' Bunk
Harmony Insiituto
lluntingdor. Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Northunib'd L'nion Col. Bk.
North Western Bank of I's.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Agr. 6l Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
L'nion Bank of Penn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
no sale
no sale
tio sale
Huntingdon no sale
Lew Mown no sale
New Hope
Port ('arbon
uo sali:
no sale
Wilkesbarre Biidge Co.
Wilkrsbarre no sale
All notes purpoitintr, lo be on any I'unn-yl-vauia
Bank imt Riven in the alnive list, may he set
lown as frauds.
Bank of New Biunswick
Helvideie Bunk
Burlington Co. Bank
Commercial Bank
'JumU-rland Bank
fin tilers' Batik
Funnels' and Mechanics' Bk
Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk
Farmers' and Merrhuula' Bk
Franklin Bank of N.J.
Perth Am'. oy
Mount II illy
N. I!iunsirk
Mlddiitown I'l.
Jorey City failed
Hoboken failed
Jersey Cily failed
I' utters. u fulled
Bell.viils tailed
Morrmtown i
Freehold failed
New ink
Trenton pur
Jersey City
ro sale
Hoboken Bkg St (Jraziug Co Hoboken
lereey City Bank
Mecbaniia' Bank
Muuufacturcra' Bank
Morria County Bank
Monmouth Ilk of N.J.
MichauitV Bank
Mechanics' and Manuf. Ilk
Mori is Canal and likg Co
t Noiea
j Newark Bkg A: Ins Cu
iNew Hope Del Bridpe Co
N. J. Mauuluc. and Bkg Co
N J Pioieclon & Lnuiliaid bk Jern-y (Jiiy
Orange Bank Ortmge
Palcraon Bank Paierson
People' Bank do
Princeton Bunk Princeton
Salem Banking Co Salem
State Bank Newark
Slate Bank Elitnbeihlown
State Bank 'amden
Slate Batik of Morris Monislown
Ktate Bunk Tunnm
Salem and I'hilad Manuf Co Salem
Sussex Bank Newton
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
l'nion Bunks Daver
Washington Banking Co. Harkensark
IlEXsiW tltK.
Bk ofWilmA Brandy wine Wionitigton
Bank of Delaware Wilininglou
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do branch Miltord
Farmers' Bk of State of Del Dover
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch lienrgelowa
Do brunch Newcastle
l'nion Bank Wilmington
aT L'nder ft's
c :t.
fjj- On all banks marks J thus () there are ei.
i her counterfeit cr slterrd nates of the vaxous J
( nneaiiia'iecs, iu rircu's'i m.
ItY J. IETi:itS
TIII3 location is ronvrnient for Bus'ncfS mpn
inilinS the riiy. Every piins is takrn to
rura llio emiif.irt ot Imvellcn.
Mvch 7. 1 BIO. ly
RESl'FCTFri.I.Y Informs tbe cl-
1 1. nil nf Suntiury hih! vicinity, ilinl tie
la hn torn his ie di-nci In the Brirk
II. one in M.iikrt strt'it, one door we t
of ttie Rfd I.iun Hotel, where, ih-nkfnl for patt fn
r, I r hnpi tn r vi n rnniiuu ition of iIip Mwr
al pntromigo which ha lierptnfnrp I pen ptrnd d to
bim. Feb 2. 1818. Am
OppOMlr the Court olSP, j
THE Huh crit'er, who nanired for ae- j
vet-1 year In the minaeenieni of ttie a- j
hove Hotel, lately kef it by Mi. S. A. Bra- j
dy, b' as lense to infirm ihe travelling I
putt ie, that b laa t..ken the eilahlihoient on lo
own acciniM, on the firat of January, 1R1B.
Th lLiiise b., ol laic, un-lergonn many impor
tant alteration, and the preaei.t conductor promises
to leavp nutrunit iinil.uie to m'iko it a cuniloilaMe '
and areeatiU. a vtell aa a cheap an I ncomm -da- j
ting i-t'ipi'inil ptare 'or trunarr h i niy viii n'nr I
niuii-hiiig viHaats No pains nnr etppnae wi'l be
apand t.t fill ihe niii) thp bar with the bet Ibe i
m okpt air.ird, and with ih dt teimitia'ion to i'e.
vn e hi entirp er.-n il aitnt:on to l!e of ,
iioe whn msv n tike bia houao their temporary a- ,
bode, anil i-ii'el liy yiiva, ra'eful and obliging rr. :
van's, h brp-a to tive (sen ral a ilikfartiuti, ami re- ;
rriva a li' nbaie of rotiin.
Large ami e.aniinndioua STABT.ES arat- .
larbe.l to ttip ea'abl abinent. which are attended by
cauful and obliuiiu bo tier. i
Janna.T Sttb. lSlfi. if '
No 7' Sot'Tti Tninn Strict,
Oj'l'osite the I'hihidi fpliiti Exchange,
fjaw, Manufacture an! kf pcur- 1
IfTEt t a n t ' y on band, a larg- aa.
JWMHal1 " mfaortnirnt i-r their INtfot lw :
! cd 8.lmand.-r F I It E ;
j laVJltS.PKOoF 8AFF.-. which a-e;
jvJtjtJVif.'Vi'Sca constructed as to art at re-t
lAjii.A'e--..a'l m on rr of ilouh- a. lo ihrir :
WAgX?i-U. i.r.,,.f ,.,l
tiring a'riillv lire pr-xn, i nn
i that ih. y will ie-r tl e frP of anv building In tbe
I world. Tbe oo's de of tbe Safes are m ule ot
boiler iron, the in!ile c of so:'p-tone, and be
I tween tl e . udr raae and inner rase ia a spare of
me 3 incb.a tl.ick. anil is tilleil in with inop-tnir-tible
mitPii -l, s-i as to make it on imposi.ility to
ever burn any of the cnntcnla inside of this t'best.
Theae H.-npstoee Snl.imaodeis we are p epared
and do cballengi-the waild to pro.lnc any ar'icle
in ibe shape of Book Safes that w ill stand as much
beat, rind we hold oursclvis ready at all tini.sto
hsve them la rly tesle.l by public bonfire, should a
nv i f our competitor feel dipns.d to try them.
We also continue to manufacnne and keep cn
tantly on hand, a Isriie and general aaortnipni of
our Pieniium A irt v.til Fire Proof Safes, if which
we have a large qnaiili'y in ue, an I in every in-r-tanci
they have g ven ent ro a itia'aciion to thp
purchasers of which we will icfer the public to a
few gctit'emen who have them in usp.
N. & tl. T lor, I2 31 at.: A. Wright
Sc Nmi'icw, Vine si. whail : A lex under Csror, Con
v.-vaneer. eiirner ..f Filbert and Ol Is a'a.: Jo'-ri M
For t. 32 north 3d at.; Mvir Bu.h. Stl nor h 31 ;
si.; Uaiiey & Brother, 13 Maket -t ; Si a M. i
Paul, lot south 4ih St.; Dr Daid .f.yne, 8 south
3d t; Matthew T. Miller, 2(1 snutli'ad H.; r d j
we rnuld name min.- tin. e i.r four hu drid oiheis ,
if it were iirress.irv. Now we invi e the a'ti nilon
of the public, and particularly thosp in want of
Fi'e I'rool Safes, lo call at our store bi fo-e purcha
sing i lm-nhrir, sn l we think we esn satisfy them
that they wilt gel a t eller mi I i er arliele ut
out store than any othir shun nt in the ri'y.
Wc also conlii ue to manuf ictuie eal and ".
lying I'ns-i. s, mads in such a siminsr aa to an
swer both purjo-es ; lloo-lit e Machiins, Fue
Proof Doors, with our own inanulV ture ol locks
on l hem. with D. Evans's Pali nt Keybo'e e-v. r
attached to ihe same; plain and ornamental Iron i
nailing, eke.
JV. II. Wc keep constantly on hand a large as
sortment of our Pa'ent Male Lined IMiign to.
Water Filters sod C -ob-f; snd wp havr also on
haudarveral seeoml hand Fire Pr nf (.'heal taken
in etc!
isnge for ours, which wc will dopoan of al
w p. ice-.
vpiy I
-i.iaoeipnis, January a-rii. isiu. ij i
1 1 AT & CA l WA It V. II () i: S K, j
...... M . ,A.A .
A'o. 3d I. Murki t Street, above Vth, South tide,
""Si subset il rrs rcspecifullv rail the attrn
asd lion of t tie i r friends and de..b rs to their large
and wi ll ass. ried stork of llsis and C i s of every
j desciii linn, wi II ad ipted f r the a ring trade. Be
I ii a made of li e hosl niderid aod bv the nio-l rv.-
i iufii..M.. it sL-orti n..-.i tt.ev t'pel confident to uive lint- !
vrrail sat'sfirtion lo all ho rosy favor iliem won
atiial, aa they oIT.t to sell as I n aa anv house in
tbe ci v. " BAHI ALOI T A BLVNN.
Phii .il.lpliia. .laouuiv 3. I S 10
To I'tii !i;is i s iT
M HE subscribe-. No. 121 Pearl street,
X York, h iving e-tshli-hed a Br inch at No. 23J
South SiTOnd at., Pltilade'pht i, is now . (veiling, l
a i i.l will he constantly receiving from ihe New j
York Auction-, an extensive Bsaonmenl of I
wbiih will be sold nt ihe b.weai New York pi ices
at wltolcsale sin) ! tall. Aiuot g h s stork will be 1
loiind a good assortment (if ihe I illnwii g articles:
Jacc.iiro ts, plaid. Hair Cold, Lace, Stripe, B. ok,
Swi-a and Tail an Musbna, Bish p and Linen
Law ns, Fancy Cap Nuts, Fancy and Ball Dresses,
'I hresd Laces, Application D-i., i ch IHaik Si k
'I'riinmii g Lace, Irish Linens, Limn Cambrics.
Linen c H.lkt..Cuilain Fr nges, Cssbiiiete
i : d'Ecos-e, Mnus-line
de Lame. Silk and Collon
Wain A li sects.
aip A U aecas, lU ten I loin, t.ttl I la'tls,
Fr.fnh Meiiuos, Bt u k silks, (ilove. Si k Hose,
Shawls, t 'isva s, R.tiSoii. Embroiileri. s. Ac., Ae.
Country Meicbauts and others visi'ing Philadel
phia or New York to purchase, are respectfully in
vited ij e ill and X'imine the stocks.
Nov. I. IN4.V ly . II. MOORE.
4M7 IIKA T.-1 he highist pries girn fur
y Wheat, at the store of H. MASSER.
A new supply of Rose Ointment just received.
Nor. 8ih, IMS.
BAR IRON Just leceive'd anil for sale, cheap
for rash, by HENRY MASSE R.
Sunbury, S, pi. SO, 184V
tUPEKlOR 1'ofl wine. Maderia snd Lisbon
sJ wines. Also superior Brandy and (Jin, Lemon
Syrup. Also a Is barrels ot Hlci Fisa, for sale
lunbury, Jaty lflth,
3. b. lsaaa,
ATTO 11 N K Y A T L A VV ,
suiTiiunv, VA.
BiininPM itemlpj to In the ("outilips of Nor
tbuinl crland, Union, l.vroniinj and C'oluintiia.
Hrlrr lit i
P. tV A. PoVotUT,
l.owrn A lltann,
Fomns A Soiinaa, '.ii;i.
t?pr.Hi'?io, Soon fie. Co., J
liERlT SH 6 T rB li
litniiisni'iu:, va.
T BCO ,.., to lof.m the public thai I haw b ft
1 Pbi!.,t,lphia. and am n,!w loented in Hani,
l urtf, the ri of the E xerntive nrnl Siola (!nern
mpnt of, wbrie I now occupy the
prions Hntel, rueiilly kejt by Mr. Matthew
Thia spaeioua buildlnp, bnving been pnrpply
plmnrd mid rrei ted fr a Until of iha firat rbinj,
is not aurpaed if eipia'led, by any imilar enia!
liabment in Peiinaylvnnin ; and haiing uiitlerguiie
a tliorniigh rniiivalinn, the pailors, rooms and
rhambers are now fiUi.l up in a style that com
bines rtpoanee with e'lmbirt anil eonvi nience.
My TABLE is pledned to be supplied Willi the
I bp.I fr th M.rbeta n nrmliirr! Ih. ch .rai s al
; thp a i me time being aa moderate as any ofthe be-.! j
i regulated astal liahments elsewhere. In fhott, no '
' exeitions ahall be pn d on my p iri, or on lite part
1 of every member of my household, to irake it
j it should be, in tbe Capital "f lie of Iho tmwt pup
i titnii and in'erenlina Miatei of die t'nion.
With iliiae priinisis, accninnin.lsiiona and f ici
lilies, and the that II. e Hotel i in..t eligibly
sou Old, I wri h rnofnlpoce, moat n rpct tfully pub
rit the pairotiagn of iha Public.
Late of llerr'a II vi I, Clie.oiut si., I'hilad.
Hsrri burg. N..v. H i. I ti l.'..
'roi iTi:i:.
SLMluitilr avticlfe.
Bafiajra'a Vsiiiii-i-i.-a errtain cure
worms tuft and very I'lea.ninl lo lake.
2. Omsoaj's EiTRir-ra, wi tch reinovp (,
of nil kind', Dry Pa n's. Tar, Varn-ali and Wa,
from carpels or from clothing, without injuring the
color or the cloth.
3 Ln;noai Ftv Psrs.s the la-sl thing known
for killing flies and mu-qii't s.
4. A CPitam Destroyer ul Hats, Mice, Uonchis
and Arils, and another i f B d Buja.
5. (ii-aa'i Srrriric for a tir stomach. If ran
Bom and Water tlrasb. by one who II id st.l'.i n d
thirteen a os, befoe be tirovs-re.l thn chip.
Dm. Xtavtvj'a fiiiiiKj (Iimkint lor ihePibs.
It baa never fii'e.l to cme.
7. laHto's TiT-ri-n Wssti.
j H. BuKMtiati s IancLiiiLB la , nil ul a
j rival.
j 9. Tua Coateerain Co rsrrioar or Fis
just ti e medii me Tor chiMreu and t.-r women, u is
to pleasant to Ink'.
10. Hkk 'a ViatTtai AsTiatttors Pitt.
11. (Ji-s a's E mold 1st WsTiH-sRoor Pssa a,
for Harms, Boots, &ie. It softens the leather, and
kerps out the wstrr.
12. Puou Max's S'Tnaaa THK;ta PLisraa.
13. JsiKsoa'a Disnninnt MiiTtnr, wh'nh
curt a tbe worst Diarhcra in a few hours.
14 Jsmsuaj's DtsEiTsitv MilTeas, a rer
lain and speedy cure for Dysentery and Summer
The above valuable articles are sold who'essle
and retail, h L. V. CCNN. AV. 1 South F'flh
$treet, I'liilndclphin where Stor. kei -per end
ihers will be upp led with pure African Carenne
Pi pjpr, Arnica FIopis, Drugs, Paint, Oils, (ilass
and Varnishes, at the lowest prrrs. '1'prms only
cadi. fXj Cut out the adveiti-cmcnt, and biing
it with you.
Phil nl. h hia, Ju!v 10 h. HI5. It.
n k l 1 1: v i-: a x d l i v i: .
C omiiouiKl 13 up of Tar & outl .
.;t(li. 1
F11IIE unprei-nb tiled .ueee-s of litis medicine, in 1
.1 Ihe resioralion i f In al h, o those who, in des- :
pair, had giien up all ho,ies, has given it so is'-
led reputation s' ove all olhei reuie.lies, fun i-liing
videneeof it- intrinsic va'u-snd power, ss the on
ly agent wlrch ran be rebel up II for the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption. Ilroin-hiit.s, Asthma,
Pain in the ide and I'rca-r, Sj itiing of Blooil,
Whooping (?..itk;h. Croup. Ac.
Addition is i.qtiesle.l lo the foll.w ieg STO.
ISHINU CI' Th. nin.Vs Compound Syiup
of Tar and Wood Napiba ! !
Vhihutelyhia, Mnv 3''. HI I.
MR. THOMSON D.-ir Sir With er.ileful
feelings I inform you ol ihe ainiiihing elltcts of;
I your which has lilrr illv lais d me from
j a de.ilb-be.l ! My discs e, I'lilmon iry Conump-
lior, hail re.tured me so low mat my ny'Cian (iro
noanrrd my ease hoja-less ! At ibis jm ctiou I be- ;
gan lo u-eyour mulicm-. and miraculous aa it may
seem, it haa eornpl. lelv restored me to health, site,
i very thing rise had failed. Reectfollv vnurs.
Cbarliille slre.t, above tienrge strei t.
'J'he undersigned, being personally i.cqiiaint. d
willi Washington M o k and bis snlTcrin js. bear
witness lo the ustoi i-hing rffecls p.f Tbunisou's .
Con. pound "yrup of Tr, and the truth of the a ,
hove statement. j
JOS. WINNER. 3IS North Third street, .
DVU) VK'KERs. 42 Almond street. 1
Ht fJH M'f UN LEY, E. rorn. r Tamany ,
snd Fourth sueets.
Prepared ot ly by S. P. Thomson, N. E. Cornrr
of Sth and Spruce slr.t Is. Phi'ade'pbta.
, Agnus n. ii. jiiaaser, cunuu.y ( u. ims, h,.,, 0j,On i. (lh top, the side and the bottom)
slid Dr. Macpherson. II a.-.i-burg t Jno. (J. Brown, j rHch fon,aini11K . f-sc sti aails signature of mv hand
I Pollsv.lle ; C .. Earl. Re ding ; Houston A Ma- . writjngi thus B. Ba x hwfth. M. D These la. ;
on, Tow-anda. Bradlord county, Pa. 1'nce 50 cents M, u,r Pllliraved on steel, beautifully designed.
P' ' bottle, or ff p. r down. j a1j ,t tn c,,)ellhB nf 0,Pr f i.OOO. Therefore ,
, (rj- Cmtnre of till imitation. j, wii,,w ,tlll, , olly n(.,-,Kaary lo pro- .
l liiia.ieipnia, June tsin. teio. ty
rpHE SUBSCRIBER has bren appointed aoeni, ;
1 for te aale . f t l)NH D MEYER'-S I EU
A.NOS, at thia place. These Pianos have a plain,
massive and Uauiifol exterior fn i h, and, for depih
and swrelneas of lone, and rleg. nee of workman
ship, are not sjrpa.aid bv any in Ihe United Stales.
The following is a rocommendstion fiom ("sat,
Dikra, a ccl. bi'itej peifo nicr, and bunsvlf a man.
ufactuier ;
llsvtasj had the pleasure of trying tbe excel
lent Piano Fortea nianfarlured by Mr. Meyer, and
exhibited al ihe last exhibition of ihs Fr.nklin In
stitute, I feel il due to the true merit of the maker
lo declare that theaa instruments are quite iqusl'
and in some respects even superior, lo all the Pi
ano Fortes, saw at the capitals of Europe, and
during a sojourn of two years at Paris.
These Pianos will be sold at the manufacturer's
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower.
Persons are requested io call snd examine for
themselves., at Ihs residence of the suhscriher.
Sunbury, May IT. 184V H. B. MASSE R.
W I.l Is, of a superior quality, esn now Ik hd
BJi sttUo Lima Kilns of Henry Sun
Msy 17, ISIS.
nnrriivrm; syrip.
riHE vxloab'e proprriei of Oaklrj'l Di-poia-1.
tivo Syniji of Siirinparilla, as a purifier ofthe
Mon.1, i no wrll known tn iha pulilic grnc r.illr,
that it iij unrecrfs.ny ti rcctpy mnrh opm-e in ft
tiii f.-ri h the odvantanp to 'ia derised from i's
tip; nhrrrver the mpilii ine hn once been intro
duced, it takes n ciilrncc ov.f oil nthria : evny
oiietbat haa token it, lme ilrriveil m rignal bene
Crial rerult from it, lint it in recommended by
thpm wiih il-e tvmcmt rnfideiiep. l'hynioiium of
the higher! tin linu in the profe-on, piPM-rilie it
to paiienti under their rare cunlaininff tiottiinn
'- "'"'" r,mi,,,.,rd ol the mo.t mil,!
i tf-- ,t o r-red wuh
'iriiin ,u ai- t iir-Mti-i nuu linifv Vlueit lli pil-
rifier of (he blond now known. The uo of a few J
botilea, esprcially in the apring inontha, will be at
tended aa, i i h a moat derided impiovement in thp bp
tnral atrrns'b of tha ayaiem, eradiraiing anv ppd
of disease that may have len generated, besides
giving health and vigor to Ihe body. For Ibe cure
of Scrofula or Kinga Evil, Rheumatism, Tetter-,
Pimples or eruption of Ihe Skin, White Hwclting,
Fmlula, Chronic Cough Asihma, fit, Tbe nu
merous rerhnVa'ea in ibe possession of the subscrl
. I I 1: r . I
' " "Vu BPn"' FJ"'""'" "'" re
' ""'"'" oi.i -aep.icn, ... .,. .u-
periority over all preparations of Sarsaparilla.
Sold bole-ale and retail, by the ttmnrielnr.
j HEOHCE W. OAKLEY, North Sth street, p
ding, Iteiks Coan'y, and to ba had of ihe following
petsons :
i In STorlfiiimherlntid i'nurtty.W, B. Masr,
Siitihury ; deUud ft Mixel, SlcEwensville ; D
Kraucr. Milton.
In l'nion County. J. (icathart, Helinsgrove!
, A (ulelius, Mifflll.burg.
In CvlumKiu Count if. R. W. Mi Cay, Wash
K. ndiiig, March 14. tM:t.
Mn. Oaki.kt: I believe it the r.ty of every
one lo do whatever in their nwer I ies, fur the h ne
. fit of their fellow mat., and having had po-i ivp
proof in mv own family, of the wonderful properties
of your D.'piirative SSyrnp of Sarsaparilla, I rn- st
i const irntiou-lv recommend it to the aillicted. We
had the misfortune to two of our chil.lien. by
tl.ebr. akin? out of ulcerous sores that covered the
face, head and neck, although we had aome of tht
, most -ctentific physicians to attend th. in anil had
tried all the known remedies, including iwaim's
Parian a, without avail. Another of mv rhildrrn
was anarkeit in ihe same manner, her face and
' neck wua completely covered; the discharge: was so
. otTensive, snd the disease at ati h a he ghl, that wp
despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful Pllerls
of your Depnralive Syrup .! S.naapari la, we were
imlucid to make trial of il. aa the last n a. rt ; il
' seed like a c!arin; the tTrcra commenced healing
4 immediately , a f. w botl'es einit. lv rr-tored h. r lo
' lit he. ltd, which ahe Ins Pi joyed iiniileriui'tedly
ever since A a purifier ofthe blood, I verily bp
In ve it haa not its equal.
Walnut strei t, near Fourth, Beading.
Doitglassville, April lPih, 1043. j
Ma. Osklkt : My son Edmund Leaf, had the :
scrofula in ihe moat dreadful and distreasing man- j
tier for time years, dining which time he was de :
prived of ibe use of bis limbs, hi be d and neck :
were covered with ulcers. We tried all the dilfor. 1
ent remedies, but In no i (Tret, until recommended
... rernrui. a, . U1...II.. . in Cl, until .eru.i..... .....u
by Dr. Johnson of IS'onistown, and also Dr. Isase
, ,, ,.
Hiester, of Resding. lo use your Depuralivo Syrup
. , ...
of Snraapan la, of which I nblamrd srveial bullies.
. ' . u i . . c
Ihe use of which drove the ucae enitrt Iv nut ot
, , , . . , ;
h'B systrm, the aore healed up, and Ihe child waa
3 , ' , . , . . ; ' . . . ,
reatureil to peifrct hea th, which he ha piijoipiI
t.. . ' , i ' ,
uniiilcrruiited y ever since, to the asti iitahment of
1 1 , , . , . . . ,
,.. t.,,u r. ... K .... .............. .
I have thought il my duty, and send you thia eerti- ;
ftcate that otliers who have a like affliction in the !
family may
know whrre to obtain a.i valuable a
Yours trulv.
143 U
Sept. IB
A ? in "Yi
Ac It O V A r,
Svuth Eon! corn' r df Market and 4th aa..
ADHERE they alwsvs keep on band an rxten
kive assortment . f ' HATS If CA I'S of everv
description, got up in the best and most approved
sti le. J'ris lis derirous i f purchasing superior arii
rl.s on ihe most leaser able term, will fn d it to
their advantage lo call hi fore making purchases
PI iladelphia, Oct. Sll.. 1911. Iv
Nop. 'J'J and 31 .North Third Street,
Near the City Hotel,
CC MACKEY, Auctioneer, re-ppctftil'y in
s vites the attention of ierso.s desirous of pur
' chasing Furniture, to his extensive Sales Rooms,
(lioth piil'lic and Private.) for every desrriptioti ot
Household Furniture, wh re ran be nhtainrd at all
; times, a large assortment of fashionable and w. II I
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds,
Ac, at very reduced prices, fir cish.
j (sj" Hiili-a bv Auction, twice a week,
i Mav SVih. IH43. ly
1- 1'oiiiitcrl'ellerH
i rPhe pitl lie will please observe that no Brandreth
-S. i'illa are eeiiniiie. unless ihe I.01 has three 1 1-
' tuna ihe medicine in its purity, is lo ohene these
Remember the lop, the side, and the bottom
The fallowing respective persons are duly audu ri
ted, and hold
For tbe sale of Urandrcth'i Vegetable Vnivcrtal I
I'M. " i
Northumberland county i Milton Msckey A ,
Chamheilin. Sunbury H. B. M isaer. M'Ewena
ville In lnd A Meixell. Norlbumlviland Wm.
Forsyth, (jeoigrtown J. & J. Walla.
Union C .unty : New Berbn Bogar & Win- j
ter. Seliuagrove (ienrge (iuudiuin. Middle- '
burg Isaac Smith. Ueaveri:wn David llubler. i
Adamaburg Win. J. May. Miflluisboig Mensrh I
V Kay. Haillelon Daniel Long. Freiburg i
(i. A F. C. Mover. Lewi.hurg V alia &
('olumbia routiiy : Danville E. B. Reynolds
Ac Co. Berwick Shuman sV R ttenhouae. Cat
lawissa t;. U. Brobta. Blooinsburg John It.
Moyer. Jeisey Town 1-svi BiaeL Washington
Kobt. McUsy. I.imsstone oainef S MOmeti.
Observe lhat each Agent haa an Engraved Ccr-
ti fir ate of Agency, containing a representation of
.1. Ml? 4 VIlUIV! I'M'M M-niif-.-!.... N,n H,. !
and upon which will also be aeen exact copies of
the ntu label now utej upon tht Brandreth I'M
Philadelphia, office No. U, North glh atreet.
Juris !tth, 1841.
ft TAIKOt:J rRffTtONS.
Qfj TAe followintf eertijica't dtterihet one nflKt
mntt extraordinary curet ever effected liy anif
PiittAntiPitiA, Fehmary 10, 183S.
lf)n twenty years I was severely afflicted with
TaTTKK on the Face and Head: the disease
commenced when I was aeventepn years old, and
continued until the Full of 1811, varying in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During mist
of the time, great part of my face, was covered with
the etuption. frequently attended with vio'ent itch
ing; my bead swel'ed at times until it Ml ss if it
would burstthe swelling waa so g eat, that I could
scarcity get my hat on. During the long pcrio.l
that twaa afflicted w idi the disease, I used a great
many si plication-., (among them aeveral celebrated
j irep.uatinn) aa wi II as taking inward remedies,
I including a number of botilea of Swaim'i Panacea,
I Extract of Snrtmpitrilla, &e. In fact, it would be
i impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used.
I I waa also under the care of two of the moat dis
I tinguished physicians of this city, but without re
i ceismg moch benefit, and I despaired of ever being
I cured. In the fall of 1H3R, the disease at ihe time
being very violent, I commenced using the Rote.
I Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan tc Davis.) In
' a few applications the violent itching ceased, the
! swelling atiatpil. the rruption begin to disappear.
1 and before I had used a jar the disease was entirely
; rutrd. It has now been nearly a year and a hall
j since, and there is not a vestige of Ihe disease ro
j niainiug. except ibe scars from the deep pits f irinntl
by the ili-eac. It is impossible for me to desoribi
in a ce rlifirate the severity of ihe disease and my
; sulTcring, but I will be pie ised to give a fuller ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction
who will call on n,e. At the lime I en tiinence..
using the 1! se Ointment I would have giyen hun
, dreds of do lata to bo rid of the disease. Since u
, ing it, I have recommended it lo several persons
(among them n.v mother, who had the diseaao bad-
Iv on her arm.) who were .1 I cured bv it.
' ' JAMES DI'RNELL, No. 15b-, Bare St.
tj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B
Vaiuban, Snath East corner of Third and Kan
1 strei ts, Philadi I phi a, and sold on agpnev in Simhu
rv. bv II. B. MASKER,
' May 14th. At;ent
Hose Oiiitiiiciit, for Tetter.
I'tiiiiniiPHti, May 27th, 1H39.
; fl,HIs i to certify tl a I was severely afTheiP'
! 1 with Tetter in the hands and feet for upward
ol lorty years; the disease was attended getierall;
with violent itching and swelling. I applied to
, iiiimbi rof physici.ina, and used a great many appli
cations without cflccting a core. About a yi a
since, I applied tbe Rose Ointment, which enlirrl;
, stopped the itehmg. ami a few applications immedi
: a'i ly cured the disease, whicli there has been n
I return of, although I had never la-en rid of it a
, any time for forty years. RICHARD SA VALE
I Eleventh. U low Spruce Kneet.
j- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B
j Vauuhan, S iulh East corner of Third and Rac
Streets, Philadelphia, and Sold on agency in Sunbu
i ry. by H. B. MASS Ell.
May Hih, 1813. Aj;en,
Of the HOSE OISTMET,Jhr Tetter.
, , . rij(,,;,.i ,, ..:,:,. r ,hm ,.,..
I A , ,. ,,!, l . A,.'. . , ,
i s. a over sll others is fully ra noliatieil, the pro irit
, , . i l e .i . n: .i
tors lake pleasure in laying before the public th
. f ,, . r , , c . , , u ... .
following certtficale from a rpt-ectahle iihvsiciat
, . .. . ,. , ' -
I a graduate of the I niverstty nl Penusvlvanta. II
t ., . . , , ., : , .. . . , ,
i Baugb, having found in this emedy relief f-
.7 . , ,r . ', - ,
a ledioua and disagreeable affection vvlurh the mea t
,u . c .- , - t , , , ,r
within the range of bis profession failed to alfori
has not hesitated tn give il his approbation, slihoug
ihe prejudices and interests of that profession at
; pposed to secret Remedies.
pHiitintPUii, Sept. 19, 1S.1C.
I was rcrenlly linnMcd with a tedious herpeti
, eruption, which roip-pd nrarlvmiesi 'e of my fac.
and extended ..ver 'he par. Mr. Yauhan, proprn
. toi of tlie Rose t hutment, oliseiviiig my face, insi
' teil on my tiyil'g his preparatloH. of which he har
ded me a jar. Alih uiuh iu coimiion with ihe men
beia of my profession, I discountenance n, i!isi
' prove ot the nunicr. us nosliutn palmed upon tl
; pul'lic by iiinoianl pr. tenders, I feel in jua'iee hoitn
! the Rose Ointrniut fiom thai cla-s of in.
il cim s. mid to give it my approbation, a it t-niin
Iv nred the erii lion, although it bid resisted tl
: usual application. DAM. H U GH, M. D.
i Cj" Thp Rose Ointinei.t is prepared by E. I
' Yaushan. South East comer of Third and Rat
, Slieels. Philade'phia, and sob) oil ag.ncv in Sot
: burv. bv II. B. MASSER.
Msy I4tb. 181:1. Aet
ja-n as rar az
j Corner nf 'I'lurd nnd Vine Streett,
THE subscriber rrsH-rtfiilly announces to tl
public, that he his opened a Hotel in Ihe coi
, modious brick building situate on the corner
! 'I bird and Pine alreels, where he will be happy
I wait upon ih.we who mav favor biiu witu th
' compai v. The Eagle Hotel is lurge and e nvei
, eut, and d n. I'nP be-l modern sti e. It
provided with a large number of well aired ai
poirif. rt .hie sleeping apartment, room, priva
, parlors, Ae. Persons visiting itliamajHirt on b
siness or p'ea-ure, niar rest aa-tir.-d that every e
. ertion will be used to n-nder their sojourn at I
1 "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. HisTal
1 will he supplied with the very best the market r
' ford, and bis bar wiih die clioicesl wines ami nlh
liquors ihargcs re isonablp. The Eagle Hoi
possesses, greater advantages in point of local I.
than any other similar establishment in thehornug
being situate in the business p ot of ihe town, at
j w ithin a coiivent.-tit distance of the (,'ottrt Hou
I and Williainsporl and Eltnirs Rail Road Depot.
' SuiVicient Sinbling provided, and gooil and trus
' ostleis always iu attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and honest Servar
have leen employed, and nothing lefi undone th
1 will add to tho comloit and accommodation of I
I guests.
I There will be a carriage alwaya in attendance
i the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and frc
tbe House, fue of charge,
! Mav 1 4th. 1 842. if
Michael Weaver V Son,
I A'o. 1 3 tiurth Water Street. Philadelphia,
A r. constantly on hand, a general tissO
mint nf Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac, v
1 ai'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Mai
la Riea, Tow Lines lor Canal Boats. Also
complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac, sucb
Hemp Siiad and Herring Twine, Best Patent t
Net Twine, Cotton Sliad and Hening Twice, 8r
Threads, Ae. Ae. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lin
Halters, 'I races, Cotton and Linen Carpet t'hai
i Ac. all of which they will dispoae of on rnasona
Philade'phia, November 13, 141. ly.
I " 1 p if A t V ""f7Sfi Pfl
! AO
I3S Market Street, Philadelnhi
IIS VI IE the attention nf Country Mercha
to their extensive assortment of Brituh Frei
and American Dry Goods, which they offer for
on the most reasonable terms.
Philsdr Ir-bis, Nevember '3, lM'J. ly.