mi 'fw--M The following are the yeas nnd nays upon the passage of (he TarirT Bill, in the Itmite : YEAS Messrs. 5. Adams; Anderson, Atkin son, Bayly, Bedinger, Denton, fiicij", .t. A. Black, lowtin, Boytl, Brlnketholf, nrockenbrmigh, W, to. Brown, Burt, Cntheart, A. A. Chapman, 1!. Chapman, Chase, Chipman, Clarke, Col!, Col lin, Ciillom. Cunningham, Daniel, Dnrgan, J. Davis, lie MoM, Dobbin, Douglass, Dromgoole, l)nnlap, F.IUworth, Faran, Ficklin, Fries, Giles, Goodyear, Gordon. Orover, Hamlin, Haralson, llarmanson, Henley, Hilliard, Hoga, I. E. Hoi. mes, Hojikins, Hough, O. S. Houston, F.. V. Hubbard, .T. B. Hunt, Hunter, J. II. Johnson, Sot. Johnson, An'd. Johnson. G. V. Jones, S. .Tones, KanlTman, Kennedy, P. King, Lawrence, Leake, La Sere, Lignn, Lumpkin, Maclay, Mc Clelland, McClernand, McConnell, McCrate, J. J. McDowell, Jas. McDowell, McKay, J. P. Martin, B. Martin, Morris, Morse, Moulton, Niven, Norr'u, Parish, Tayne, Pcrrill, Thelps, rillsbury, Rathbnn, Rcid, Relfe, Rhett, Roberts, Sawtelle, Sawyer, Seammnn, Sedden, A. I). Sims, L. II. Sims, Simpson, Thos. Smith, R. Smith. Stanton, Starkweather, St. John, Strons, Jaenb Tkompsoti, Thiirman, Tihhats, Towns. Tredway, Wick, Williams, Wilmot, Wood, Woodward, Vaneey 11 I. NAYS ft'er. Abbott, J. Q. Adam, Ar rs.lrl, Aslimtin, JbiTinirrr, Hell, Black, ninnrli rd, Onidheail, Brrvn, I!iiflinton, V. W. Campbell, J. II. C.i. ipSeM, Carroll, Ccke, CI lamer, Crtrnston, f',i:cr, (Silver, Dirr.ioh, I )nvii, Delano. Dixon, Ickery, Ivl-nll, F.rd rnan, J. H. F.v(o?, R. IT. F.winir, Kim it, Foster, iirvin, Gentry, Gul, linos', Grnhnm, (rrid--r, I'Jririiiell, llmn-itum. Harper, Holme?, J. V. Honshu, U Hubbard, Hudson, llnnjerford, iiont, C. J. iiifimll, J. II. Iiijrprvoll. Jenkins, Y). 1 Ring, I.c-ili, Lewi, iic-vin, J. ng, Mr. flcan, Mi-CLiiighrr. Mcllenrv, Mi-lilvniim, March, .Miller, Mu.-ley, Pendleton, Perry, Pol lock, Ramsey, Uiltor, J. ILiekwcll, J. A. JtosI .'ull, Itorrt Knnk, Fiiiswlt, Sohenck, Scai.ian, fSovcrenco, T. Smith, A. Smith, C. II. Sniii'1. Stephen, Stpwart, Slrohui, Sykes, TliilKidoni.v, Thotnn, Thompson. James Thnnip.-ou, Til ('en, Ti rti b , Trim lm. Vm or, Vinton, When totv, White, Winlhrop, Woodruff, Wright, Young', Yost !l.". n , i. mi oi i". .n u it kt, OJTire of the lluTiMinia Aukiiicasi, July I.'), FLOI'R. We tvilfl a talc ot Kiisijuelianna Klonrnt !f;t. '2, July inspection. GRAIN. A orgo of prime new red Wheat, from North Carolina, was sold to day at So ct--. We elfi note a sale of a hit of prime Mil. red at tilt ct', and a hit of M J white, of good quality at !H) etc. A parcel of prime Mil. white, suitable lor fxinily flour, woe sold at Unlets.. Corn has declined. Silea of yr-Kow were made to-luy at 7 a i" ctn , which is a decline of -I cents ; white is held at 55 a 50 eta. We ijiiote Outs at cts. HritTil ! O Blesskii Hkaltii ! Thou nit above 11 poll and treasure; 'tis thou who enlarges! the iul and oper.eih all its pnweis lo receive bistror inn, and to relii-h viiluc. He that has thee, has Mile more l wish f. .r ; and he ihat is mi wi.tched :is U lime line liol, anu i very Ihlna denidi'. I. i t is Ic ibankful Uniiidie'tt' Till- ill ftiVe iishedlh gel tin n ilie e Mei d I'iIIh, whirh a nniuiy'ii lse ban fully ePihli-lied M l ihe bent meilii-iiie er lieloivl on m n. For ibe prvvail iir rnld nil couih. liny ill he fiund everything lll .t ledicine U ra, able of im' ting. (Jj Purchasii f II. IJ. Maai'r, Simtniry, or i f le Bt;enl. puMiheu in another pit', of th! pf r. .TI . n i: I K tl , On the Mb inst., in this place, by the Rev. B, . '!ilt. Mr. Wii.i.iam I.nnAN. of Willmmsport, . Miss Nancy Oni:K,of Ibis place. iBXTKU'S Sl IKI I'S t)F SOAP, f r . l irarting (irra-. Dry Paints, VaruMi, Tar, at, Ac, Ir.Mn ciolliii.g nf any deser p'i n, a- , nied ii. I to injure the cloih or the mo-t ilelieu'e lom. Thiii I ijii il hnii also hern use I with cnai ,rce.- in rane nl Itu.li-. Scald", Ti ll' r. Pimplr I the fm-r, ('hi(ied lind, Sure lips, lihenrun- ; in, Haul o soil Oi.ris. (p Pike, 2ft cl. r bo:ile. F'r hale at ihe i-tme of July (h. is -U5 H. MAscir. WMH irs (fn.ii CuiTKti) "IMPROVED 1.NDIA.N Yl'XiUTAItLK PILLS." 1 IFm d iilv t iVeciiiiK sonie of 111 ni'ii-t alai,i-h- ing and wnmlerl'ul eiinslbat have nor been own, in oi ipimce uf which tbey hnve now utrie a sliiniu; mark agains! which nil 1 1 1 e ar v of ilisappoinli d hope, envy, and lineharit.i neSi air levelled wiiIikiiI di-lii.r lio i. 'I'lie town I coun'ry are alike OIKl Hi iheir prnie, The ace and ihe poor house alike rch' with their vjr. it. In all rbm lies, uruler all tc mperaiuT", they ; I letain rhrii wonderful poers, and ricrt ihem iltered by age or situation. They are simple in ir prrparaiitins, inilil in their actions, thorough ill their operation-1, and unrivalled In iheir re. s. They are arri-hiliuu, anti-ilyspept:e. nml -merCUri d t and ihey are peculiarly heiitllcial . he following coinplnin'sl fever and ague, yel and bilinua fevem, itsepia. croup, liver com j nt, aick headache, j lUiiJii-e, asihins, dmpey, ' i n, pilet, roll", obstructions, beirtburn, furred Je and foul slum ch, nausea, dianhic i, eoMive. , luss of apiel ile, callow enmpleiiniiM, e dd. in all casea of trir of Ihe bowels where s arlic in an apeih nt U needed, '. U. No Hugar Coted IMU ran be genuine, n evei but hat on it the signature of li. NJ'N tSMITII. M. D. CM I'lO.N. A a miserable imitation haa made, by the name of -!Sugir Coated Pill'," necessary to be sure that Da. G. Uesj. .Smith'i I'nie Is on every boi. Price 25 cents, incipal OfTu-e, 179 (ireenwich ft. New York. 8uldby JOHN W. Fill LING, Sunbury. WM. FORSYTHE. .YiWAumV. ily lllh, 1K46S JMontcrrj Taken ! ! '.L those indebted to George Rohrbsrh & Bio then, on note or look account, will please and t ihe same on or before the S'.itli, 3(lili and 3 1st ofJulyinat. AH thuae failing to ila to, inny ;t cokta, at no further notice will be given, titled again, co'ts will be ailded. OLO. RoHKlHCH Ai UROTHLRSi i.l utv, .tiily iih, l-in.;!i TKici: cuki:i:nt. Cnrrfctdt irrrtth !hj Henry Mafsir. Whkat, . . 80 Km, 70 fi'i r nsj 10 H 25 10 10 10 7i dO Cork, . Oats, PnHK, Fmsm:ii, HrTTrit, ' BtrswAT, TiLtOW, FtAt, HKCKi.an FtA, Dnikn Apptus, Do. I'kachrs, D E i TJt S T ii Y. JACOB HELLS?., THANKFtrl. for the liberal encouragement .Uii h Ih has received, voul I rrspeetfully inform his friemls and the citir.ens of Northuml er land county in general, 'ha be has (irepared him self with the best Incnrnipiible Teeth, Ool.l Plate, Hold Foil, Ac, that can he had in Ihe eilv of Phi ladelphia; and ihiil be will endeavor, t i the utmost ol his ability, to render full satUfict:nn to a'l who may think ptoper lo en? me his service'. He will be in funbury at the August court, where he will be prepared, at his residence, to insert Teeth on (told Plate, or on Pivot, on the latest and mo-t ap proved pi n, oi I attend to all ihe lmnrlir l-olont;. ing lo DI'.N l",L sl.'ltOKUV. L idi will he wailed on at iheir jdaci s of resi dence, if desired. Hi-(barges will be reasonable, and bis wivk warranted. Ile wili visit different parts of the counly, about mice in tlnee in nrlis. Sunhurv, July IMh, 14fi On LIST OP CAUSES. lOU trial in the Court ol Ommoii Pleas ot Nor ihuin' eilaud Civility, al August Tei in. 1311, commencing the firt Moiiih.y, being the :i Seitringer. alienee of (JarcTr v John fiarver et al William Farrow vs Abruliiun Klaze Francis McCoy, vs Felix M nner e' id R D Fo dsman vs Benjamin Ford-man Will nro fiinenlon vs John Miinnnn (Charles II Frick vs Wi Ihm Kit- k John Heinl rson'a heirs vs (ireenonuh cV rhipniaii fiilbert Berliru v Wm II J one .lame i Ko-a vs .1 ic. b II Rhoi ln Wm L H einemnn vs Hartmnn II Kt ceblii Peter Richter iVc vs Dodge fc It irret Frar.c s Hall's ailm'r vs Daniel M. Seebler Abrah.-m i'erwillicer vs Robin & Newberry .1 hn MtCouahan's adni'r v Charles Merrick Yottheinin- it D iwson vs N L Piicn J hn A Llov.' vs V m H McDonald John Kane A' wife vs John Neidiu i'v wile Wm K McD.inald vs .1. hn A Lloyd Win foil J.din A Llovd Frederick Birkenbin" vs John Hnnman Keiiderlon Smith et nl a (Jeorce (Jrant i t al Wa'ter (Sralmm vs Peter II liin lman Dodueei' De oinandii' Win A LIomI Hulct Soiiih vs A'lcustns Hney Ae Henrv M;ser vs T A l.'illinrjton John Murray vs Mnrgaiet McCayV ex'rs llnliiit Beiinet vs Isaac Brown John P Kennedy et al vs J iV A Khipmnn S nne vs Same Mary Rex i t nl vs Henry Snvder ct nl Wm 11 Pomp's assignee v Wm Welch Henry Masser vs Win McCnrtv et al Benj imin Robins vs Valentine Rhine Nathan Beach vs Daniel Veneer William Raker vs Wm Seii. and Klina- belh Waaner Sarah Reed vs Hiith Re d el ul ( 'haib?- t 'rnig vs llenjaniin t 'auh v l..in Rehock v Sertz t 'biiib-a t'r.i a jr. vs .I.iiiiph Cunl I'll, r ll.il.lv s .lafoh tie i. bail it nl S imur I t'raiuh s Thomas Li inon K nl .1 . ill 1 1 Mctiimes v Wi.liam Siaikes John Pinker i t al vs IJoheri I'hihps JOHN FARNSW Ol! I'll. Pro'hnn"lnr'a rfliee. l'rilli't. Siiuhury, Ju'y II. If 10 S IiIST OP JURORS O F Northumberland County, for August Trim, A. I. l4r. (ara ad .1 ui'or. Turhitl. .N itliai.it I Biillen, Auili uiv Arm slloi c. I.rvif. Samuel M Pjas. D avid Watt. ftrttnPnrr Siinenn LaiiH, K. V. Derriekson. Milton.- Christopher Uooillandcr, (!eoige W. Siiine. CliitlifiKniUt Jacob Kiemer, Chnr'es D Its. : Sttnfiwy Peter Purtrl. Aiiwlii Klisha Kin e. Slmiwiliin. Lewis Chamberlili. John Teals, sr. ' Samuel John, Siha-lin Uouhnrr. John liveit. J'iuh William (iuliik. (util. Jon.ilhuii FHrr.sworih, I )ltr Muhimiit. Samuel Helm, Henry Miraub. , Ijiiiu-r Miiliniini. I ii oli Wilrn n, j Jackson. Simuel Bower, Dani.l Fryrnlre. Traverse .luror. 7'i;r,W. Thomas Ireland. Lririn. nhnrles Ful nier, Robeit Finney. IhluWiirr. J.ihu Derr, .lames Kirk, llujh Mr Fall, I'ilijali Crawford, lleiincwllc l.einl ih, J lines Dtl'lism, Jacob llirlr. .Millini John Knorr. f V . rr (y it '. Peter Wall Um, Geo. l.awn nce, Robert Reed. 'urn. Jetse C, Hottnn. John (Iulii k, I'hillp (lihons, John Nixon, Jnhn aiulling, Wnii Ciutr. Icy.t Sutlhuiiiliirlaiul, Chi.rles Huie. Jacob Li i4.cn liiiB. Win. Forsxlhe, John Osmuli, (Silbeil Voiis. S'lvfniri, John l'uidy, William Carr, Samuel D. Lo i.ii.i Aug'ifhi. Jucob Mii man, I'll Conrad, John D Cintnd, Samuel 8aviil,;e, John Wolf, Oeorge j Coma 1, -t i' oli Bloom. SiiimtJiin. Wibiain Farrow, Jncub Miller, Pi llieon Campbell. Spencer Metiler, Jacob Carr, Al l .linm Kckman. Vpprt Muhtinnx. -Henry Malirh, Pele'r Beissel. Ijiwrr MulmiHiy Samuel lluirel, Sam'l '1'iego. l.iltk Muhnntitj John Hinsyl. Jjchnm. John W. If. Abraham Ruliend.il. lie I let cV direeiioiislt) Pi-TSiTT ATTOP.1TETG, AND MKCHANICAL K.MjlNK.F.Rs1, WASiimaTon, d. c. DRAWINGS and Paper Tor the Patent Of. fibe will be prepared by thenit al their o'bee, opposite the Patent Olbce. j July. 4lh. lSKi. rPHE Mrrchentt and Tavetn-krepera nf North - umberiatid County are hPnhy ndifled, that their licenses ate ready fot iliatrihuiinn. ami should be attended to oh or before ihe 1 t of Auptist m il, Tbev ran l obtained ataany time, by calling on the TtraMjrer and paying for them. WM. (iULICK. Julv 1. M Ticufuicr. XI. KIMBEK, JR., ttl sYorrj Fourth Sirnt, unhr the Mir- ) chants I lot' I, V Ii 1 1 n d c 1 1 Ii I n , i u mo iik nr. paiiis j F.F.Ps conslantly on hand an extensive as J t-nrtiiicnt nf all kinds of Sdk, Fur and Be a- , ; vet tlal, which he. idlers for ale on the moM tea- sori.il.le terms. His Hats are made up ot the best , materials, and in the most approved alvle. Per ; S'ins visiting the ci'y will find it to their inlere-l to ; caii. July nth, iMfi. FOUNTAIN HOTEL! .Ai. LLj 2? IS iLC U.2. T '! ! TBIin House has unilei'K'Mie n thorough irpair. 1 The prnpriete.rs solicit ils former patronage. ' Perms f 1 25 per thy. WM W. Dl'. ARTHUR L. FOnn. Ju'y A. 1HD1. Proprietor. " CCLTJIOIA CHIISNUT STREET, ! V II I L A 1)K Ll II I A. arae and commodious Hotel ha reeentlv 1 been filled op wtih etriie new fiirnitoie. 'I he subsciibers therefore elicit tint piitron iae of tl'e ublie, and liusl i tint their experience in the Imviurss will enable ihem lo give entire satisfac tion. Terms moderate. BAtil.l'.V. McKF.NZIE & Co. July ih, I 1 1'.. 21 Awuitini v Tiir, ritioxui ijistiti tk, Isl.'i. fiiy Diicnrrrre.l y pi ENliililixlinictil. (Lath Hi moms iV t'oi.tivs.) A. 100 Cfirmiitt ft., tttmrc Third, Smith xnlr, rillLAEDLrillA. ! Ttt TLM ATt'Rl:S( kin eijually as w. II in clou , iVJl. 'y in ele.r we.llier. A dirk silk dies 1 lor a la.!'.', mid a black soil lor n aeiitlein in, n-v ret. nil.le III HittuiK f .r II pictil e. No ex'ra el..irf ; is made fur coloring, and peiteet liket'i'-e aie qu irnniir.l. Julv lib, ISM. ii)tico I 8 he rbv 'jiv an to :.l ! atee, ereottor'. end n- iher pi r-ons iote e-b d i l ihe e- :tes of ' Mir sii n hl.niaii d ed, se'lled by Its iir Lews D "a.'l j of J icob Reed, nr. d.ed, settled by his adm- .laco'i R rd; rf Th mas Hull' il nl, -eliled by his in'mr Henry (iih-on; of John I'iclmils -bed, sitl'rill v ; I. is exr Simtt I Ymk-; of Samuel Les'iet deed, settled by bis txrs Mieha-d Lenker and .1 r i'. -h' r; of Daniel Herb, sr. dec I. settle I by his aibiiis Daniel nnd Adam Hi rb; nf M icbael Dlehl. sr t'ec I, ' seillnl by his exrs John nr:d V.icharl Diehl; of Jo seph Keller fr. deed, se'tled by his ex John and .1 aseph Keller; - f Joseph Muikbuv deed, willed bv his ndmr Obmli ill Campbell; of 'I'll -mas Smiih deed, ettled by Ir.s admrs John M Saiith nnd Nan cy Smiih; of John Fiiest derd, -ruled b his nduit James F. Murray; of fr-'nrih Monrydecd, settled bv her ndmr Ororae Luna; of David Kasr in an deed, settled by his adlln Fr lb rii k Kaseiuan; of John Dii fl'enbnrher deed, si tiled by hi-- nibnr Peter Kuris; of Frederick Ilummel dec', soiled by bis exrSi murl Hummel; rf Dntii.1 Hrti. -r. deed, setlle.l by his admrs Danii I and Adam He h; nf John I'm k. sr. deed, etiul by his i xr Jo'in Frick; nl John ( 'arr deed, settled bv his exr Dr. Divnl Pclrike ; nf .l imes ('.implied dee ', r!l I. d by hisndinrs Obi diali ('nmpbell ai d Win. Peisina; .1 J bo Neolia. stir, ileed, seillnl by bis n Imr Adam Ned p; the :iicounl of .l: o!i llilbish, '-i ar.li lo of Henry Labi; the nee. unit i f St. pheti (Haze, uu uiiiui of s irah Ann Kl ipp; the nee .nnl . I Si. phi n (Jl ir than of M ov I' Kiapp; llo ;icr..ii-.l nl .l.,lin Si,, r. rv. t;iia'd an of Adam r i ill ; ilu- uccoiiut nl .l.i .n Sherry, tuanlian ot William Smder; the i ce.. tint of John Sherry, guardian ot Fanny Snub r. Lite of Northumberland county, ibceas-d. thai the exi colors an I nd nini-lr I'ors ol die s ml decea M'd est ties bine filed t'.eir ni coiiuls I'll ihe Be f 1st' r of Ibis c. limy ; nnd lh.it they u ill be presen ted t i ihe Or hans' Court nf sii I couniy on Toes dav the I'll dav of Angu-I in xl. f..r c.'iifnin-iti.ui. ' KDWARD OYSTKR, SnnliirY, July I, ISM. R.ier I .11 B It T .4 .V T TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSF. KEEPERS. YOU iniy lie sure of 11111.11111115, at .11 t'tues, pure and highly llnored By the sina'e p.uud or tnrg.'r ipiai t'uy, nt the IV LI 11 Tea C'ompanyS 1Vuri-liuii, .'10 Sunt A S.cimtf ttrret, brlwirn Murl,' t and ('.' tint rtrrf, miiiAtoEx.rniAi ltcre'nfure it h is been crv diU'cnlt, indeed, a! ni.i.i impossible, always to ulnuin u.mhI (ice 11 and Bl Ck Ten. But 11 'W i u bae only to vi-it the Pekin Tea ( 'ornpany 's St, re, to obtain a 1lel1ci.nn nnd fr?;rant Tea as y.-ii em-Id wih lor, A II la-tes fan here be snili'd. with !he ndeut:ii;u nf gelling a pii-e altii le at a low price, June 27ih, 1M. ItHJlOVAL. .loiix. iiTp i! 11 1) v, I " UsPUC'l'FULLY informs his friend and 1 t customers, that he has removed his ttm K of go els to the Stone House, nn Mil kel s.piare, f 0111. erly occupied by Mr. V,'m. Den-art, wh. re hs wi;l he happy lo nerve hia old enst timer and the pub lic generally, on as pond termsi and ut as 1 i-a (Hi res as can be h id C'sewhere. A large assortment of (Jroceries, Diy floods, and (jueenswaie, constantly on hand. June 27ih, iHKi. if. 7PJT CP PA3.TITIC1T' Anil Tiiliiallon, A'.iUce fo the Hi in nf Wm. Shannrm. tfi-ctt. TY virtue of a certain Writ i.f Pnttiii.ui and Va J1 Iniltioli lslied out of Ihs Or ham,' (.'ourt nf the county ot Notihumhi rland, 1 1 August term A D. Ilti, direiiing the ahriirT lo nuke pir;i;iort and vabiat on of ihe real estate of Willi rn S'.iai,. linn, dec'il 1 laie of ('bbisipisipie tnwnsbij,. Now kuow ye, (ihe nid heirs nf raid dcc aFed,) by the j iiUthoiity of the aforesaid writ, I Tlimius A." Bil liligtoii, heiitl'of mid county, wdl on Monday the '.t)th day of July nut, A HI o'clock. A. M . up. n the premises, make parltii.in and valustion In 'ht manner and loim specilied in said writ, ut which time and place you are hereby warned to be and appear, if you ihmk proper. THOMAS A. BILLINGTON Rheriff Olliee, Sherifl. Snnbury, June 27, Ifc4tl. J 4t f H(;it:S$ INK. Blue and Black (Jnngre-a Ink, of a Mipeiiur ijujlnv. for tale cheap, ut the tore of HEN It Y M ASSKR. Julv Iih, lir,. PREMIUM SCALES. Pale's Cele' rated Rail I!.. a. I Scales ''" d ) Cm I mid Hav d 1 Irim Mnnul'acV do , Potlnble Platform do ! 80 iliflercni sizes, I Domutl or Floor do ' 6 dill, ii nt fi7.es, (Counter do ( IV dilVeteiil (.i.es. ' The above Scales are ! made eiiher single or double team. Hid are decidedly the most duinhle, accurate an. I convenl cut c. lea ever line li d. We also bii9 J'l.i'Cim and Count r Scnlrs, Patent Bnlsnces and every kind id Wrinhina Machines in u-e f. I sile.wh de Mile ami retail, nl low prices. All Scales so'd hy n In to out of the l ily, are boxed fn e of chnrii", 'mid wartniitcd to aive sntird'nction t i the pureh 'ser in every particular. (RAY eV MKOTHKR. Manufacturers nnd Dealers, No. 'M Wnlnnt .street, Ju-. e 27. ISIG. I v 'iiln'r'i'iii). IlOnsK MIORS. Burden's Pat. nt Hore Shoes, for silent m;!tiufaituri Is' p-ices, bv CRAY vV BUOTIICR, .lin e 'i ?. I S IT.. t v 31 Walnut -I. Phil.nl. ALT. !evv Yn-k f!alt ill I inri Is and bugs, fur cale at niiiuiifi'C'uri r- r;c bv GRAY eV UROTHF.R. June 57. ISM l v :t I Walnut t. Phil td. clot:-: i it c-, K iioi.i.sii.r, tci:i in.. TIIK fti's s bei are corslan'lv inanul 'leliirina bom the best Fr.ncli.Fnalislini.il Aooiiia-i m.inul'.n tuie.l CI. .tl sni d On-imcrs, CLO'l'IIIMi in n very snperi .r style, cut nnd workmanship. Persons Ian ing lo sell i tl will find one of the lai(jest and ino-l fi.l i.inable Ftoek of aoo ls lo select liom In the city, and nl nop ecedenle.l I w piiee . .1. W. St ). 1 1. M OKI.S. I I'd .1 ok. I st. I'hibi.l. N. 11. A l irje n-rr'tini't o' Odd Fell ' if, -gaba c.iti-lan'lv on h onl, and a'l oii't-r- Inon lo.'e or indi'iilu il r-u i c u.il y ntl.nilcd lo. en the in o.i liberal I. nils. .1. W iV C. D. S. Philnlelphii. lime V?di. l lv TO'I'K'U is hi r. by a'i n, ih.it iri ai plle iiioii 2 w dl be in id.' to ll:e ti M lejislatine I t a charter f r a 1! .tik wi h a e ipiial nf Jot) Him, nml power to iiicrc.ine the r v ii .1 ill. r , ( t I r'O.OOil. with binkina nnd ib-c nnHitu pri ih-ui's. to be r .1 led "The Bank ol" Miami. km." nnd 'o be I calnl 111 the boiot';;!i 11! SiM.bury, ill Ni r liuuib. alar d eoi n IV. June " 7 1 h . I y 1 ft. K'ERRl" BOAT AT L E Y I S II II It it. r H LRKAS, the p.incijed n tier -..f rlie sn.ik, ' nr.il nlinosi o e 111.1. a. r . f ihe Lew i-buiii biidte I believe to be impiodou' on the ci'i7i'i:s i t l.eis.iiL'. n. rl wi-hitrj o put it .ut ot his power to do so any longer, I have erected a splendid and t.mt running HOHSI-. I-KliKY HOAT. perfeitly safe ami cross nil in 'I minuti s. It wiil siart from each shine evriy 10 minutes, nud rales id loll not half uh it is ctnni;e.l by Ihe I r il i;--. Hutr hy litit't. ' Hutin In liri-l.fr. Ci horse w a 1:011 5 do do 1 do it 1 1 :l do do 2 do do I do do I horse mid nder Fool a-seti. rs Hon e.l r .iile Hi- ep und so iue :i 1 11 a 1 'ft 2.1,1 211 :l l-s lit I lloise W .IL' HI do I till N7 : fill av 2o 12 :t t, do lo :i I horse ai d rider I l'i ot pus in gci M lloined faille t Sh, i' j 1 nnd s w iue r. .1 ii k v 1. 1 11. I' .inn ri HO Town leani.sieis t (Ml T1W11 people not ni I ll-IUI I Si.iu ki epe s lo do 11 I ihi-ti iia..ln.o m nil .0 No distinct, nn made letw.cn pbs-ni e r irriat-rs and other vibitles. Ml rClll'.I.L. June Sith, l-'li'. P-.'prieli". Have von ho:Jr5 Ihe At-Us? : NO! WHAT IS IT ? Wl!t lliv'.vf Tor IlKAIIIl IIIAT MARTS IRWI.V. A hittthap. in Mntlnl 'Inrt. mljuiniir? tin tl.nc 1 ,vory lirirl; i,'e, HAS just rcr 1 ived from Ph Sidelphia ihe larjes-, han.lsom. si nnd lust iissorlinent . f i HOOTS AM) si.or.s . of every dcserip'ioli, Ibet hns ever been brnugbt lo i lh"t place. Aid what is .til brt'er, th-y i.y he sells so cheap, that you can bov tun HAtuy.ir the mine muni lj that 1011 tint! lit fur an Juiir, lie lit-vm roil Cah nud S:i.i. ton Cash, nml that i- Ihe leas ni th.-.t l.e can nt'o'd In si II ih.an so much cheaper. If you I'ri.'l want to b'.sy, j'it call nud see bis stock, lie is alwasr.ini to ece his cu-lorners ; mid 0 is no trouble lo loin lo uli ov l is go.Vs. Jn-t to give y on s.i idea ho-.v . heap In- does sell, the lollowing in a li-l of prices of a part of his st. 1 k : Mens' Thick Bo I". Worth f t 00 al fi '(."1 di me Grain 1! 1 " 1 ..il at :l 00 do Calf do '' f) 00 al o CO Bins' Thick r'" " 2. Ml it t tS Vonths' do " 2 00 at 1 2.'. M. i ' Thick Brouahs, 1 tV7 it 1 (in 1 Worn. n' Morol'iii Wells J and Ki I Sprints, ' I. Ml ut 1 CO 1 Womeris' I est City tr.ado K'd Siiine.-, " 1 C J l 1 12 I. i.li.'s' J (I. nd rs nnd (ia:- ter Boots, ' Z (KI at 1 r7 A'so. cV.ty variety ot Lsdle-', Boy' rfn.l ibil du ns' shoes, al pi'c. s low i th ;n ecr bc'ore otP-r-i d. Cinnt anil X Snnbury, June 1.1b, iFld. Cm lcimt 1 ooI rrlon'sj ""OTICH is hen bv giv. n that I ..rcrs r.f ndmin Jj is-r.lion on the cm .li 1 f l.'i linis Wo. Iv. rlon. late of Coal toAi.shii", Noiibuinbeiliiid county, lb t-'d have been gllot' to th,. mi' scril AH p; . sous in leblid to jii.l cst-ile, or h 'mi c'ain.s a- t-aiost the s.i'-,,e, me re.ins'id to c.ll on Ihe fm! si ri'vr, a , Sh 11m kint. w n, nnd .i-nle w itlmnt delav. WILLIAM FlHiBLY. , June 1.1, h, l1(i ft Adi'.'r. Tin and Shci'f-Iroti AVare MANUF ACTOR1T. SELINSOKOVE, P13NWA. flIlL ul si rd er re-pictfully infi.riiia the public 1 ih .t hn has c nniiieni ed the manlif u turo of Tin ami Miot-Ii'uu M ate, I in all its various branches, at Selmsgrove. His ' ware is not rn'y made of ihe hes( materials, but is put loge:hcr in a subsiaulial and woikmanbke man ner, dilli'iing in ibis it spec I I10111 much id die w.ue sold, wl ieli u Hindu Up in a l.u.iv lor that (iinpure. All 1 xcellenl ar rlmi 111 will be kept nn bard al u 1 1 0 . tun. s, whiih will be h l.t 011 I ho in. n res-en ilu terms. AN DBF W S. W IN(.i:RT. 1 i-lit;sjr ie. M iy lb h. tMn.-lf. uT?."JT:i ICJ lHOHIT 1 I'0. ISS C'iM'NIHlt MH , ItCttVCril S K UlIl llllf i:lw,i;fl. L- "LL Li LLj LJ UU LLj HR now pi.-parcd to idler. Whole-ale nnd Rein 1, ! Imi-.itu.ii I 'tubrir, Cam'-r c 1i:.m' . , at lg' iissortmetit nf Facx t.nd Si Aii.e. l U V (JOODS, Ml;l I'd lo the Country as well in City Tia le. H eonlinues the system of uhatrmmt in ,,,. j 'U " ,"""5 """n ": "",c-- wb ih he has ursued for Ihe past ten .i ins, and M1 HM.W UQODS. lesai to call the n; ei I d attention of tint publ c lo Lupin's U. mbsr.ine of ai rjunhties. nud toe -it us tbe enlv f.-.u- m of retail busiiiiss, ami : riotis aliade or Black, Suminer B,.mb 7.ine. -which is ilerlilullv t Ihe interest or the pun-lnser 1 Brilliantes, Silk anil Cutt .n W rp Alpacras, Sj'l, . to j t.'ioole. tt is iptite lime iin fraudulent prnc ; Moust'lin de Lnlnes. Ban irrs. Balnrine.t, M.tr-pu . tiee -'I . skin a a liich price, nnd iibatina to mike the (irena-lilirs, (iinahatn. Lawns, Cmpes, t.'rnpe ai: I pnr, h .wis la b. ve they ate ihe "faVorcd few," wis , Love Lei-.ro Vo ls, K d nt-d .Silk Gltrtes, Hosie.' . done aw iy with. H, nine times out of ten they nre Plain Silk. 01 ici't. Oitonmri, 'J'hibe!. B..:c;;e w ' mn.l to pay a hither price (however great the re- , 1'wiK'rd Silk hawl-, Vnrfs nnd Crava-s. doe i n) than the ;ik-lyle and ijunlily Call he pur-j ' t M' .S JrY? SCiPI-'ii ill ase.1 at the One Piioc Sere." ' ' ' " " ' A. B. M. is in reautnr receipt of the newest and Fr.nch Cashioerrf long ond e.iu .ie ShnW-ebenpe-t seii-i'imble go ..tls, mi l when any nrticle ';,"''!" J" - Piinled, ?larei?r, Thibet and Terk. . lepieci.it. s in value the price is nt mice mnrked i '1'winted Sdk, V" lisdme, ILroani an 1 loan o ,.w that ii cannot be undersold. By this system the pu-cha-er en at nil time buy wjih eoulidence and e I i f.n l i . . 11 . and without wa-te of ' time in 11 eless bargaining. He has at this time 11 complete i ssor'tnenl of ( SILK. i I! a. k l.u-trinn, O torn .n. Pout da S.oe, Man- ; In 1, (iros r'e Rhine, Arniure, and other Dress and M .null . f-i ks. Al-., ! Fanev Doss Sjlks, from M els. to f2 25 j er yard, including nil ihe vmie y of approved nnd useliil styles nnd I'oiidiiiMtiori of colors, Linrm; Silks, Foulard Silks, Milk Gingham. ..nv.Y.V .i.Yj Of;(;AMJli:s. P.ris Paiit.il Lmns und Organdbs. of the; ne.st and most appr. ted vie, at Wall as ti e che.1;.. st hi ihe tniiikcl. Al-o, 1 So'It h L ivens at erv low pricis. I ir a! sail a ms, Ol'ihe ni w.'si d. s ens. Al-oi Sentrdi (i.nuhiuis mil (iiiuli'iiil Law is, very cheap. Twdl'd lvul s'..ii n:nl Marihr-ter (MOih.in.s, for cinl l.cn's , mar. ! r.'.'Ac cmsryr.s. l.ii!.'. ni diem ' d ik e .1 rs, I I wide. A '.. In -1 m ke Amircin Ch'i and C.hcocs, rf the : in W 1 J'leiti". nt 12 J c's. I "r y rd Mitt -.s.'..v D,; i.aim:s, j (i. ihe loos' spl'-i di I I iini re and Pr hied cyb'. ; d-'Wti to il.r Frci.i h, Kn!;si; ;.U 11.1 r-e.iii, ut 2;i , Cent - pet , ,. j ;. w. i-: . im itM.:oiu.iis, Of all , i , ,t . s ii. 1 evety v.r.ity o. des-uns, 1 i'i'iI to all 1 .-ii s. s , 1 lu'.r .lui'leii nna cnniu l.i.hd Rii'.., I!aaile-i nnd P.lka Do a-ea.rmb'd Sw.- Mus'in and Bi-U-p L ian dr ss patten s I'urb t II. al.d Co'o'ld pla.d . i.d .-iripo Swiss Muv In s. Wiiiri: nitons. I Ii 11 Sii-s, Mu'l, N ns.i.ik, Jacconel, Cambric, Hoi k, inul r.nlctoii M n-lins, Pla'd, Siripc, coi.b d and lijuir'l ' .mbrie mid S a j-s do , Bishops Lawn, itltli ;it:I llls'ifuitt C A?.?3TS, CIL CLOTHS, M ATTINGS AND INDOW SIIADKS, TOR STRING TRADE. r B 1 1 1 VI sii scril r has just i.p. tied f.ir spring tinde, 1 n large and co npli-e ass .rtm- ut of Brussels, I111p1r. il, up.-rliiie nnd fine Ingrain and Venetian CARPin'-S. which I. ve all been purchased wi-htn a iinnl'l.at the In vest casli rates. They are now ol'fi red at cieailv reduced prices for c&sh. Tl e-e coeds ere f ..11 ejira -I y le and finish, nnd belli,; of -lie hot niake in d f .brie, offer ceat in I'ucenn nt- to pureha-ers toobin'ti a handsome and d. si ahle nnie'e r-l prices beh '.V the usllul rates. Tin- as nrtine.,1 is eoinplete in every resj ect, and eoiisisiH in 1 n . t ef he fiillutf-ing i v ai ri s leu. In! Bill". Is III do lop.iains j Do do Inperias C.RPI-M'S, I to do Twl'd Vene'inna V at Reduced Do do PI .in do j Prices. D 1 do Fin. .V I '. ninoit I I erai 1 j SpYin'r! I'liihi-.'id Piano and Table Covers; r Rods, Biu.hnus, Sheep Skins, cVc. itc. W llli no Imrueii-e st !; i t low pi iced Carpets of di descriptions, I.s', K Hemp, and Cotton Cariis, Troin 13 10 T.O renis per yard. Count, v Mcrchmi's. lions, keepers nrul i lhrrs have imnr 1111 opporiiinny of supplying themselves wrlii han.'Si'inc and de- r d le a oods nt crcatlv redu ced puce-, ROBFP.P U WALKKIt, -.1 N Ud st. opposite Chiisl Church. PI i!-.d. l h s. Mm Hi h, I - 1!. .Int D A N V 3 L L E fw ''.la .53 : , fa a ; WOOLKN KACTOllY. Danville Columbia coinTy, lirii.; It unSii. rPlll' HitiiviHr SI finn ll ud.'in I'lit'iiri. former I Iy owned ai:d 1 ccup cd by Dr. Pktiiikiw, hss recenttv beeupitrihas.il b the fubsrribcrs, who iesp. a- l ft 1 1 1 v nun uuce Ut llnlr friends and the pub- lie crucial v, that ibev a e im-v prep .red to do nil! kinds nf iv ok ! i ibi ir line of business, at theahor- ! trl not ce. e.rronlini; to order, and in the best com. I paraiUe manner. llaMii,' tone ta considerable 1 exp-ri-e iti ti j a r'.iti tln-it m tehinery and aparali, 1 Mi l 1 1 inn very I' v ! u'.n 111 si cniii.il the a, rvier i.l , tin v are capV e nf ex -cel n al( V.uids ..f iv. rk in a s vie oer-or to any oilier r d'ahlishuiriit in the country, 111 Ihe old ciistoe. ,rv p -je. s. I Cl.OI'lts. "Ai '.M, ns, !"..N.i:i.S am: 1 BI.N1ET."S ci.nst.in Iv mi luiiid, a.nl lor sale ii-1 re li e d pii.-, f,,r ,,r J ,rll r. f-iii; ii 11 i "II 1 d ne in the bi -.1 in inner, st the Usu i! pri- ! :es. All kind, i f coni.t-y pfo.luep taken ill pay 1 nn-ni for wo.k, 'l D rinlb Pio?;.i prices. I or :he inmo.bi in. rl those who live al 11 di lane.-. W ont, mid Cioru will b." liken inn'.i aid, when I'.ni-ln .!, rl" urn .1 to the fol!oAiu pla ces. I'liiu wri't. n d'.K cii.-.iH iiin&l uccoinp..ny 1 e l 'i y i.e. I ; j ( i'.oi' 11 ( 'nir.'i y.--I.'i up V Mm' sb.re, W'a- rhinub mole ; R. I'n.i:'- i r. , J. r evt mii ; Yea-1 K'-r'j. ion, B -mini- Ci". k ; Sharpless' s'oic. ('.."- ! tiis-n; ('. F. M om's s'oie, M mlm i Ir-; Mdler's' st.ne, llerwi, k ; .1. Chin's Mill llili t's st n. , ' Oi iii;cw!!e; II. n' -noe. W !.i ". !!.. I. , Nut tin uihi rlo.il Cuun'f - Michae: I.'.'ider's inn, Tor! on ill ; Ia nd ryj Hu' sioie, McLwem iile; L. 1. P. pel's i..u", , . s.. wii ; S. I. ('inly (.' o's sloie, M ilion ; ( iib-in inn, Cbil lis.pj npie -. F '-lli' sto.e, Norttiumliiil .lid ; Yeiiiiu' a'e.ie. Sotibuiy. ; Li:;rmr Cuunti. R yrmld'a bbne, Kir.Esion ; Gililersh i ve's store. W'llkt sbarre ; (iavierd's store, Plymoiiili ; Sijei's store, Namlcnke; Judi;e Maih's M.ll, Huntington. I.trtuniii" Cuttntif. D. CI. pp'a time, Muncy ; Shet-niaker'. store. Smith's Mill. (JFARHART KOWNOM'R. Danville. May tl, IS l'i. IMF. (' l i. u u a r 1 n MtetssAH llitn Oil, has iu-t been recened and is lor sale at the store n M.y do. ln HK.NRi M.V Sl'.U. JJITD WILL V? Iri-h v ( : l.ii j l.'-nen IVtiLa-li TuMe Lo, . ipKios, l,nn:: l, viis, ; n n ILiin ti I. ovi', i he ip Whiiti- i : ..I.. - ..t . MO"'r "n , n'l low priced :IA Silk, Grenndine, Barege, oJ otlnrlong nn ' shoit Scarfs. Also, Crnvnt. Black Lace ntid Wilk Mnr.tillas, Vibi;!;' Capes and Cardinals, of ihe rear style. KMttliOlUUlilliS AS It LACKS. Fitdi'd Csps, Collars. Spet eers. nnd 'nein under Sleeves and CulP, Iiiel -li a' '. I r 1 Thread Lace. F.dnmt;s ai.d Ins. r'.i'.. --. I 111 i! b ri lM)-i- gs nud Iii--eri',nps, mb'.l Sum and ('..: brie ilo . BKck arid Whit-- 1 "w !, tvhi.' nnd Sesrfs, wide P.l.o-k Lues tor Munill.is nr : Scarfs, and Bi n k Brussels Lace, f: ::'.iMtiin j ; . and drcKcs. IKtSIKHW Lnelish whiM and black ribb'd. cmV ' r wntlted, nud p hin Silk II mery ; white ami Id .. I nil' 11 r.e, li'.ib'd nnd pi tin ; spun tiik and raw S,.i do.; uh.-, F.nul -h and Sw',.s white, colore.', n iiiihleaclied Cett"ti do; lih'.i'd. plait", ert.b'il cl r ed, mi l open winked; also, (.'hi Idrt it's f','!""n d.. nnd Ladies' while mid unbleached l.i-le 'J'lire ' do , of various ipialries, a aearco and divir.iblu a. tide, nnd oih. r Hosiery of vuriruls h i ri ti 1: s LINKS CAMUiiC AM' LAWS ';;.' ?v Plain, corded, leiih r. d, riviere, m.i-, ' emb'd Linen Cambric nnd Lawn lMkfs . h.mi i .. , cts, t 20 each. Al Baus. Plirse', 1 1 -ii II j age for Veils, Gau:e Vieln, B!ae'.i ! eol'd and Browa do. Pap r M.tsl.t.s ran ckstlkmk i All the new- s'v, s rich and eh I Crav.ii ; Kid, Sdk, Thread, nnd ! Cotton Ii df Hose ; r-nk and Li in u 1 Ln. , Hdkf, S'ispen.lers. .1 ' CTj You cur. f,nd at MARSHALL'S f . nut slrret, ulrnost ev. rv nr'ic'e in L-rv you re.ijiie, und nt pners quite as l..w, it 1 than eNc win re, ( 1. In his int en ti il ' mid as ho is coiis iinily adding to his sto k t , est tind cheapest uoodr, yntl will be or. . suited. It'jt, icCibr, yoa ero tniie. to ji'.dce for yourself. Philadelphia, M iy Ifnh, IS M. 2m I'M X . S V I A A M A i 1 ( I S V. . DANVILLE, PA. fllHR subscriber, late of the Union Mo'-l, r:-.' A cy, l'a , respectfully informs the old nnd nu merous customers of lh l'riiiisylt nnin laomc, nnd the public cenerallv, I Sat he has lessed t'v Ta vi rn Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, whi r', he is now prepared to entertain travel 1 rs, and pe.. sons visilins tl'.e toW'n, in the v. ry fast t-t v T! r Bccommnda'.lons will be su -h m a ff-ll eon d'.:e'. 1 publh" house should nllord, and no ifl'..rt will 1 spared to render sati-f.ietion, in 1 very respcrt, to a'l e.ho n ny call. The c't-?ein nf I.ycon in c'ji.t are invited to put up with t!ie t;n.'rr-iqt:e.l w'n-i-they visit D lliv.lle. henry v:-:ayi:r. Dui'le, May -. lK'.. ts W. U. THOMPSOIt, i'ahioiiaC!p uoo r and snos; ma;;!,!!, ICIvLBY returns his sincere Iha.tik- I ir past fivo s. uiid re-pectfiillv b fornn !.is f.iend. mid ilo" p'ublir i-. tiera'dv, that bo h-.s i.-rn.neii to the Brick rVcre. I! ., m fottnerlv ocfnj.'ed by Wood & Rhav ii, where he will be happv to in ri'inrr.od 1!1 j all ivl.o ;vi!i ("o.-d wi rk t nin-Ieratc pricis, uf.'ur:;! i Ihem that he will exeit bimsilf to tlea.e. ; A uood ns-ortrni nl ol Ib.ots ntl I Shoes, for Gen- ileuien. Ladles, mid Chi dren. c 'I'Mtanllv on hand. Also, Linings, Binding-, mid nil soils f Morocco for snle, low. All kinds 1 f V.'ork made to measure, and Le pannii will done, at the i-hottest n,.;ce. Cnli ami Sir, Stmhitry, Apiil I sith, IS 111. "f liiine ! Inm? ! ! lriPECTl'l'LLY iiibnins his f i.tids, iho4 be has coiniiier.cc.l tne . iiMiicir' ol l.ini." tiuiniiii;, 1 11 '.lii'i 11;. 1 I.e. li- '.v re.'ii l s. lie I i.j row en bun 1 a ..uint.tv of Lime f..r jV, nnd ,'t I always prii'rMV'.r to rcconmi ulnto tlvs." w ho tn ie liter It 1 in wil'.i their custom. August 1, April 1 ith, lsti".. Om Jms,IS. V V. T V. II 1). M A S S i: !, idxr.Mi.v Fi;oM philadi'-lpiha, E tt E',I El'TFI'LLY informs the 1 iii.-r s fltl. Sunh'.Tv nnd viciuitv, tha- he 'vm 0; . m.i -.t-. tiler" nt the re-ldeneo rf Henry Mas-er, in 'inlet stm t, w here be is prep 111 il lo 1 xecu'e all kinds nl Di.x 1 i. Si iiiiKuv, PI ite Woik, A : , on tin b.ic.-i and mo-l ron-d p'-.us. Having bad soni. jxpiri'e and ins'ri:ctio-i Uudrr 1 lm ol ihe. most . inineril un ce-s'iit Den tin s in Phdnd. Inhi . ab'e to tiv. f 1 .: . i he I . . nil II. W ho li.sv 11 at t eir nt -c i I .' lno.'e :'te. I. ad. - .ir. d rtuiiii i' yv'.av. 'I MHK Bo. k A. -roi.i. is. oi., iVe. of II. It. Mi er and li. 15. M is-e-A- ce. are in.w jo li e' s . f a jo-iice t .r coileetion, i.tnl wdl !e 1 i t i:r L-il if r.'l rl b d. in a few diys, Su'ibury, April 4tli, l4ii. TaflOl, Sf;s The fust .pisuty S'.iar llooi I V l3 Molasses, only 1S.V cent per qnait; ibi, mii. iline ar ie'e ol yel .o Mo!a-a tor l akmu, on ly rei ts 1 o. laiaii b r su e l ihes'oie ot ' J;i"e 1:1. lUll. HEM.Y V si:k. , aii!i:: si:f;iis. ii.sii soi ..t c. Q R;ley Sr Co's rut" nor Onrden Sieds, hist i.e. ived and ' -r nt iue store .1 Mau.li .'(, l.'bi. HENRY M.VSSLR.