Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 18, 1846, Image 1
TKRIMS OF Tlir. " AMCI11C.4VM H. B. MASTER. JOSEPH ELSE I, Y. i Pvausnita inn PanrniKtons. n. n. .mtssutt, editor. OJJlct in Centre Mey, in I fie rear of It. H. Van- ter i Store.. THE" AMERICAN" in published e very MaUir- j dey lit TWO DOLLARS per annum to h i l ! t ivy . - i .: ' inm imii ycany in auvnnre. no pnpur iiiscoiiun uml till All arrearages ate paid. No subscriptions received for a In period thin t( Hihtm. All communications or letter on business relating to th office, to Insure attention, must be POST PAID. I PETER LAZARUS, a u x ii nil, 1 ! o r t h m r I a n d Count j , ; PENM STLVANIA. lESPECI'ELLLY informi his frin.Lsml! the public in ginrrnl, that he has taken the trick Stnnd, formerly occupied by George Princo ' a a public hnu'c, (rani of the Slate House, anJ ! -opposite the Court M .use.) where be i ptepared to ; accomiuouate nis menus, ami an tuners wnn may favor him with their cu-om, in ihe beet manner. In short, mi exeiiinn nor expense will he spa- tJ to render his house in every way worthy of public patronage. ' funhury. April 4th, 1SI6 ton ' 0ARPETI1MO3 AND OIL-CLOTHS At the "CHEAP STOKE" An. 11 Strawberry Strict, V Ii I I a l c I p Ii I j. OVR Store rent nn.l o bet rvg vrrv light, we nre riiRlld to a II CARPETS. OlL-CLOTHS, Ac , r hob-sal- and rt the lowest price in the cry, ami buyer- will find ii great'y to their advant ga to rail and rum ne the large nes .rtnirnt we off.-r this season, of lloautiful Imperial 3 ply Ingrain lC A R p ET ISGS r ine ami Mfoitun ilo f Twilled and plain Vmltian J tnReiher with a I irge an.k of OIL-CLOTHS from '2 feel to 21 fret vtidi-. very cbeap, fir roim. hall, cVc ; aluo, Mattit'p', Kl.ior I loiba. I'us.. t'ot Inn snd Rg Careia, tV ' , vVr.,ilh a nond a sottinent .f locrrani I'Hipita fro n 25 to AO ceula. and Stair and Entrv Ciriria from 12 lo ft(t rt. ELURIIXiE fc It I( I'll K It. No. 41, Strawberry Sir. et, one door above Cliea nut. Sec"nd Street. l'hil.idel h a. March 311. Hlfinm. A CARD. to Tin: civiLizr.u world:! 7 R- PALMER, thr Amenon iNewnpaprr . Aaent, uVv uirhr:feil ami i mpnweied, ty the proprietors of ino-t of thr l ent newpapars n( all the cities anil principnl 'owns in the I.. S. anil Canada, lo rrcrivc stibecrip ions and a.lvenie. menla, and to if ve rreeipu for them, resprclfully Di'tifies Ihe puMic, ihit lie i prcpareil t teircuie rriler. frrm all pari, of ihe Civil ''il World, em bracng, Firm., Soi-ieiie. Clu's. Res tlinf' Room", Corporiiiinna. &c, at hi. several ofli res in ihe cities i ( Piiilaib l,bia, Dnliimore, New York ami Ronton, an. I wl.e e communirra'iona and inquiries, pokt paid, mav I d.recnd. Addie.. V. It. PALMER, Philadelphia. N. W. corner Third nd Chenu strict.; llalum .re, S. E. corner llil imiore anil Culvert Blieel. ; New Yok, Tiibune buildings opposite City Hall ; lloston, 20 Siste st. ! As no other person or persons are in any man- im connected wuh the aul'seriber, in the American i Vewp.pri Agenrv,all letters and cotnmunicslions j or him, choulJ he carefully ilir cted s above, and o no other per.on. This rauiion has become hi . eaaiy, in order lo avoid mis'nkea. and put the pub j ic oil llioir guard sg.insl all pretended A cent. : V. D. PALMER. ; Ameiicau Newspaper Aftent. I Edi'nr. th'oiiiihnut llie Cr.ited States fir whom ' '. Ii. Palmer is Agent, wiM pronii'te ihe adviutage f hII (mill fliiiig the a'mve. ia' VO l IC K. V. U.P..Imer i- the tilv authoriseil A; nt t".r 'be 'St aariit Annu ls," i" t s of l'bil idelphia, New Ymk. j :.)toil l'l:nn. le, of wf-icti pub ic rnwre in riby given. .March I I, INI6. , ai;ka i) Kit i.: nit: k i: V." 7RUNK MAKER, ,0. l.'lO iK'MIIIlt S(-t'l, niXZ.AOEZ.FHIA. - HERE all kliidH .1 lent er trunk', vns s and ' rarprl bajs, of cveiv slvle ami pattern are. anufncttired, in the lu i-t manner and the ieal aterials. and sulil ut the loneal r .te, Pttdadelp! ii, July I'.lih, IS in. I t. siirci'.st r s patkxt 7A53HI1TC3- 1CACJHI1TE. jHIsi Machine h.s n w been teiied hy more I than thirty fanni es in this neighborhood, and aiui. entire .,lil ,Pi It i. .it .imiite in ll. i istrurti.n, that K rannoi get nut of order. Ii : main, no iron to ru-i, and nopiinRsor roller, to I i 'wi'ih'le'i'lhan ha I the wear'amVieTr'of any'of i lite invention', n'l whu i of greaier in.por-1 ice, u costs lui liuie over hall as much a oilier i-hiiig iiirlunes. The siibserili i has ihe eietu-ive right for Nor. imberlarid, I'iuoo, LCionii a. Cutiiinbi t, Lu ne and Clinion counties. Price of single ma. ! ne f G. H.U. M ASTER. The lollowinj ceitificatn is fioin a few of those ohavc ihc-e inachine. in use. Sunbury, Aug. 24, 1H41. We, the sul'setibeis. cerHly that we have now u. in our f.imli... Shugeit". P.tent W,sh-i Machine "and do not hisitme styiog that it is ont (xeellent invention. 1'h.l, in Wa-hing, ; ilt save mure than one hall the unual labor. : t it does not require more than one third ihe 1 a quaniity of so.p and water ; and that there ; o rul.liiiig, and con queiitly, bltle or no wear. or iranim. I h.t it knocas on uo tiuiions. ami: me lines! cioines, sucu ..cuuar.,, niras, : &c mav be wu.hed in a ve.y short lime lout the mjuiy, and in f.ct wutnuii snv irent wear and tear, whatever. W ih.nfr, rfully reeonnoend it to ourfiiendi I. and to the I 'ic, si s ino.t useful and Uhor saving machine. CHARLES V. HECilNS, A. JORDAN. CHS. WEAVER. CHS PLEASANTS, ilDUON MARKLE, Hon. C.EO. C. WEI.KER, HENJ. HENDRICKS, f ; I D E O N I . E I S E N R I N C. . a's HiiTtt. (formerly Tremont H'.use, No. 0 Chesnul fctuei,) Philadelphia, Pepteiuber i st, IH44. ! iae use. IU ..I . ... ..... l Auliin.i Ua.Ktua i v bou-e upwards of eight months, and do not j le lo lay that I derm it ons of the mo t use- id valuable labor-saving machines ever inven- 1 r ,. , . . ....... ....!.. ...ll. a. . siimn; ""'''h i ',t d in wsshiug, who now do ss much in two as ibry then did in one week. There is no 1 or tear in washing, and il requires not more one-third the u.ual quantity of soap. I have i numlnsr of other machines in my family, hut s so decidedly superior lu every thing else, snd lo hahls lo get oat of, that I would not thout one if they should rost ten times the they are sold for. DANIEL HEKR. L4 X "8 1". K Di-T h e "In gl.est price wi f 5 gnen for list SesMl, st the store of hfnhy Mrn. SUNBURY AMERICAN. AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. i.;rr- Alwdluto acquiescence in the decisions of the By SlnwNcr &. El.ncly. A plrlll Lament. The Columbian, a New York Magazine, has ,n following translation from a Mexican poet ol Vera Cruz. The verse have much poetical merit : mo niiAva." 4 34 r X I C A N lAMnst. RioFravo! RioRrivo! 5aw men ever such a sight, Since the field of Roncejval'ei, Scaled the fate ol many a knight ' Dark is Talo Alto's a'ory, Sad Reaca Palmn'a route, On those fatal fields so uory Many a gallant life went out. There our best nnd bravest lances, Shivered 'eainst the Northern steel. Left the valiant hearta that couched lh-ni, "Neath the Northern charger's lice!. Rio Rravo ! Rio Rravo! Minstrel ne'er knew such a fi'ht, Since the field of Roncesvallrs Sealed the fate of many a knight. Rio Bravo, fatal tiver, Saw ye not while red with gore, Torrejoho all headless quiver, A ghastly 1 1 tin Ic upon thy shore ? Heard ye aot the wounded coursers Sbrirking on your ttampled banks, As the Northerned winged artillery Thundered on our shattered ranks ' There Arista, best and bravest, There Raunena, tried and true, On the fatal field thou Invest, Nobly did all men t otild do. Vainly there those heroes rally, Castile on Montexutna's shore, "Rio Rravo" "Ronresvalles," Ye are names blent evermore. Weepest thoa, lorn lady Iner, For thy Tbver 'mid the slain, Grave La Vega's ti enchant falchion Cleft his slayer to the brain. Rrave La Vea who all lonely, l!y a bust of foes beset, Yielded up his sabre only When his equal there he met. Other championa not less noted. Sleep beneath that sullen wave ; Rio Piavo, thou hast floated Ail army to an ocean grave. On they earn, those Noithern horsemen. On like eagles toward the sun Fallowed then the Northern bayonet, And the field Mas lost and won. O '. for Orlando's boin to islly His Paladins on that t-ad shore, "Rio Rravo" Rontesvalles," Ve are names blent evermore. A Dri.wuf I It. ho A correspondent nt New Oi leans who belongs to tho Army, has sent us a letter detailing the exploits of a young Dela wanan nameil Sirnuel F. Chambers, who it i serins SHU int. ilUHIltr III mills m llltr nilir. Chambers joined the Army st Corpus Cbristi, wjln (Japtsin Walker's Texas Kim- J f'rs to the It o rirande. On the first of May, when Walker made the desperate attempt to J cut mi wsy throurh lo Taylor's camp for the i i purpose of opening the communication, Chsm- j hers was one nt the few men who went w ith ' him. In the encounter with the Mexicans ihey i !t nil but filteen men. Chambers had a horse j shot under hun. He captured another from a Mexican, which shared the tame fate as Ihe i firct ami in ft a ihn luf mn thnt ritlipnid 1,1 "'-;,,"- . , 1 1 camp, t Immbers did not admire the discretion of Captain W, as much as he did his courage, : anj a leA , Captain May for a place in his . , company in the expected Utiles on the Sill and O'h. The application was granted, nnd C. Mas j ihe second man that crossed the Mexican batle. , . , , ,, .-,.,,: fV ,hc charge. He was found after the bat- l tie, 'V n? nmter his liorss hy the side ot one ot i lU Mexican iiie ea. wilh Ins shoulder iI.hI.m-. . I . . . .. . . .. . i ted and much bruised, and entirely insensible, He was removed from the field, and has since j recovered from his injuries. The writer of Ihe I letter says Ins comrades have given him the I l .... .. . ... I ; name of the 'Hero ot J lela ware.' Some of those whu observed his conduct durinir tiie battle, snv he lought as if he intended w ith his single arm ' to put toll gut the whole Mexican army. ith i his sabre in one hand, he assaulted Ihe men in i charou Lf the battery, nnd Willi tho other he ! ' discharged his pistols in their laces. Three j bsyonet wounds through the body, which he re ceived, show how desperate the contest was, "d PHntly he stood his ground. The ' father ol this young hero was named Isaac Chambers. He resided in the Slste of Dela ware, and has also lived in Philadelphia. His mother lives at present in Wilmington, it ia believed, and the object of the letter is to ac quaint the latter of her son's safety. Success to him, and may his gallantry win for him moro substantial honors than the admiration ol huctrirsdcs l'hhdiphn tdger. majuiity, the vital principle of Republic, from which Minbury, XortliunibcrlaiKl Co. From the ITnriisburg Argus, i The One Term Principle. In our last wo called attention to the follow ing resolutions unanimously adopted all large mans meeting of Demnerita from every fnctinn of the State, held in thii place in Jatmsrv, vir: , 'Resolved, That we are happy 8 nr! pleased to seethe patriotic nnd unybldinff stand which ' the people are taking in favor of dinrt term of service, where crest powers nrp conferri'i!,' find ! Mandinp upon that brond principle of Drmocra- ry in truth rotation in rJf,rr. j clare ourselves in favor of one PnFsmrNTiAt, I frrm. ! It is the doctrine of the Democratic party, in I Pennsylvania, nnd is endorsed bv the people of : the whole I'nion. This principle is so indivi- i sably connected with the pi iiitv of nitinnnl nf- tnirf, nnd the properi'y of our tree institutions', i that it cannot be surretn'ered without engender- j in? both. J The Democracy of ihe Krystanft State' therefore ailnpt it ns a solemn and important du ty, n prinrijile of action h cannot be depar ted from, and rejoire in the hope, that the Demo- cratic party of th e nation, bv adnntine the nrio- ciple, will set an example in all coming time, which will be as creditable to themselves, in it will be safe and salutary in its practical cpern ttons. We find that the rffieers of this meeti.i were composed of the lolloping gentlemen, viz: President William Overfi. Id, of .Mi.nme. Vice Prrsidrnts William E'well, of ' Urn, 1 0.,. I . 1 1,, t,.l,n U 1 1 l,l,nc ,.t I ... t.-i . - ii . .. . i .' ii.',, i hi'h ; fleerge Frederic, E-q., do.; Joseph Hill, j Esq . of Philadelphia ; J. S J. lies, E,ij , do.; C"r. molasses, ti.lmeeo unmanufactured, timbrel j Col. A. M. Claik, do ; Michael I.everinc E q , i las.&e.&c. wool oi'all kinds, mamil'ietured do., (nnd Maj. Daniel D. OuroV, do ; Mej I. F. do, of cotton, l.tun, silk or worsted (ifeinbroi j Bowiiinn, of" l.urerne ; Col. John T way, of Dau- dered or tambiired.) manufactures of wooj, do j phm; Capt Owen M'Cube. do; It. H. Kerr, of copper, gi;!d, silver, tin, lead, j E q , of Allegheny ; Samuel A. Rogers, ol Pi r- . Schedule C. "2f ;rr rrn'. I!i xes, Dockings. I ry. I Ilurgunily Pi'ch, Unitons nnd Moulds, Cotton Stcretitriis Col. W. Biir'im, of Biadford county; J. H. Steck, of Dat:phin ; John Alex- nndt r, nf Ihrn.burg ; Col. W. 11. Huddy, of Philadelphia. Committee nn Hi solutions Dr. J. V. Cnif- j tl: he, nf Philadelphia; lleorge Sanderson, E-. I of Bradfotd ," D. N. Kowm.ver, Esq , of Co- lunibia ; Maj. James Patton, of Lancaster; Dr. J M.Creen, of Lycoming; Charles Pray, E-q.. of Dinphin ; Dr. F. C. Miller, of Craw lord; John Smith, E-q , of Philadelphia; Col. J. Sidney Jones, of Philadelphia. Several of these eentlemen are well known to the Democracy of Pennsylvania, and having iceupied prominent stations in the party. Mr. fidibons was an active member of the Senate ; Mr. F.l well n lending; and inflti-ntial member i;l Mm ll.incn i.f 11 f n-.. Mr I I u.,r fi.. I.I .1 i inum' o j , bad represented Monroe for several years in ground, paper hanrrmg, periodicals, reprinted, the House, and wbsnne oft'ie Canal Coinmis- pork, pilch, rye, whe.t, o-.ts, salt salts, gctier sirrers of the State ; nnd we perceive that Mr. ally, skin, all kinds, steel, except hi low, ste- Kerr has jutt received the Democratic noinins- tion for Assembly in Allegl eny cnuniy. These gentlemen, nd those w ith whom they acted uml ti.i liili, iiniii.iurinnuiiiiiii' that the success of the party depended upon car- rying into practice a great republican principle, TJicir public stations had jrven I hem ample opportunities for estimating the evils which re- suit from the practice nf re-election to offices 'where great powers are coiifened.' They embodied Ihe result of their experience in the resolution w hich we 1 sve quoted ; and they hnd the proud satisfaction of finding the pnnci. pie which they proclnuneil ns essentially Von- nected with the purity ot national affairs, and ll.n H..,....ii .. Al ..... I.MM ;n.i:,.,i: , 11 ' H rally adopted by the ll.tltiinore Convention in : Wo have rclcrred to this resolution a second ' . i lime, for Ihe purpose of showing that we are ' not endeavoring In introduces n-w principle j into the creed of our party, but that . merely following in the wake ofa previou-ty expressed public opinion ! and we hazard noth- inrr in u.i-inrr ih.i !l il,.i nnisi.. k..l l.n .1;- ' " . . '. . regarded in IS 11, it would have resulted iu the most dissstrous sonsequences to the Democratic , party. ' We feel convinced tint the mora this qnes- tion is examined the greater will be the favor ! with w h eh it will Im r..e..ive,l hi- ih Hum, ,.... 1 cy of Pennsylvania. The evils of re-eleciinnr ; . men lo offices of power and pa irons ge are every where seen and felt. To the correction of these evila and to the admit ion of Ihe one term or'nn-' I r I pie, can we alone look for future success. in our party contests. The temptations to abuse a high trust to divert patronsge from its legiti mate ends for the power must oe taken away. Offices were created not for the benefit of the incumbents, but for the promotion nf the inter ests of the whole people That those interests are materially disregarded that the public burthens are increased that c fileee are multi plied that patronsge ia unncce6Fari!y and im providently bestow ed that proscript on ia cher. iBhed that the freedom of opinion and action iaabridgrd- sod (hut the adminrMfstion of (he therein no appeal but lo fore, the vital principle Pa. Snturriuj, July 1, isic. power included in the trust in corrupted by thr practice of ro-olt Ction, are facta which liosnne ,ni"' prrlrndsi to controvert It Incomes then the duty of every one who desires to maintain Ofcendincy of the Democratic party ol iVnn e.vlvanm to art his face apaint the prcaent prac. tico, nnd to assert and tn.iinUin the principle, ",nl in all future nomination lo office where V powers are conferred,' tho incumbent ,'is!1 ,,ot c ru-elecled. Th" T"r,lT ni"' ',,! fidlowinrj nro tlio most important pro- visiorus, prepared by (ho Now York Tribune, of Mr. McKay's bill yA passr.d by the Ilo'ise. The bill takes eflrct on the Ut of December nxt, on all toiuls then in bond as well n all ' that may be nfterwinl imported. The duties 1 bo pad nre a tiilluws: ' ofinur A, 10(1 ;rr rent Uratuly ami nth- er dir-tilled l.iiprirs, Cordinli., Xr. e. Scl.rdvtr I, 111 rr rrut Fruit, prepervi'i! furs, rai.-inc. dates, 'v c. ypicen, almonds. &c Wines of all kiruU, imitation do, game, cot flns-s, ci-nr. enufl", and all forms ol inanii'actu- f'd tobacco, cedar, ebony, mahogany, rosewood, Ac inaiiiilMClured. Schedule IS, '.', jirr ct it. Ar, beer, porter, baskets, cj-c. &c. Caps, gloves, mute-, carpels, carp- ting, el thing ready made, coal, coke, culm, cutlery ol'nil kinds, diamonds, gem, earth en, china and Motie wares, essences, perfumer", '5rc "ri,lS n!l t0TX" furniture, cabinet, gla.s and , glassware, h.-tr. bonnet'', &c., (except of wool.) I hemp, irni id all kinds, j-welry nil kimis, nuui- . ufueturcs of do, metal.c pens, iL c , oil cloth nil F'jrts'. oilf. (dlVO. iV C . O'lPer nnd ma nllfuC'.lri'il .d.,,r, -.,.i .!i ... v-...-, r., n. i i ".i- Manufactures generally, do, float's hair, &.C, Cables, Cordage, Calomel, ic., Borax, Fealh ers and beds, Flannels, Floor Clothf, Floss j Silks, Haircloth, Sealing, Jute, Sisal (Irass, Matting ef flags. Ale, Silk mnnufactiires, Slates "tp, Worsted jiiBiiufucliires, do. Wollep Yarn. Schedule Tl, "JO per eml Acids, all kinds, bac.n. barley, blankets all kinds, blank book", hntirde and timber, esnd'es, all kinds, cot'on cap, g,.ives, copper roils, spikes, copper in slieet, drugs, geneial y, fish, geeerally, flour '. of wheat. Ae., jjnnpowder, hair, moss, fc., hemp. maiint'ictured. Indian corn or meal, lend, pipes ' hn(l ,ot, leather generally, linens of nil kind., mitlmirany, rosewood, ebony, cedar, inits, draw. ers, it., needles, all kind-, oils, nninuil or fsh. Oil Ol lie.lin iVC nrnnrTi.u l..riiinid ii'iinlj .l.i, ., , , , r, reloype platen, tar, tvpes. Are. velvet, of entf.m, window glass, wollen listings, woo! hats an, I , bodies. .11. . i hi, nun, Cfierally, diamond, glarer. flax nmi tow, leaf, gold or silver, tin, plates or sheets, steel, in bars, : cast steel or Cerinan rmc, spelter, iS.c. Silk , ' singles, train, thrown or orgauzine. Schedule 1 , 10 r,rr rent Iksiks, Ma''a- i z.ines, Bleaching Powders, Cameos, Mosaics, Chronometers, Diamond, firms, pearls, .Ve. "ot set ; Engravings or Plates, PainiihleU, &e., Furs except dressed on tho skin ; (iiiuis gener- ")' Hemp or Linseed, Indigo Kelp, Lime, ; M'ps end Cliarlf, Music and Paper, Newspapers, ' iVfl.. Oils. Palm tn.,,A Sulliu.lni ,i.l!nnil n V Vi . s ones, Uurr ; Stones, Building ; 1 allow, Mar- row, Ac, Watches nnd Pari. Schedule 6'. 5 per rent.-Berries, nuts, & ,. r i r . . '' f"r 'L' unmanufactured ; bristles. ri,i't bells, old hras, do copper, di pio; coppe ,, i-',, ,. clay. Hints, i!ye-wo.v!s in stick, ,,, ..ll)l,- . , ., . .. ''""is. (sine, teeth, ivmy, maiiiii) ivory nuts, cvr" laMng mr Mines, ina u,.r ,,,,,1,.,,,. c,,tla silk, twist. cV e .. for shocr ... L, ........... ... ..,-..-,. .... ,r'p d pewt er, r4Si ,,f kind- "'''pe'j-e, crude, uii naniifac shell for sumac, wli''.iac, tin in pi; or blocks, line and spelts r ll l'..l. '"iruinr. itjrfr(tf J)u!y Animuls , III! breed, eui i.i i v. ; ' ' ',0 -'fpi'r, cotton, raw, fell, f..r slieHthin" j '''""ehnlil effects of immigrants, guano, models ''' 'inventions, platinn. oa!iuin junk, nla.-ter of ! Paris, seeds eenera.'lv. .hoailmur n,..,o. .i...,i. . - iira.ll- "'J.' metal, Irees. bulbs, roots, shrubs, plants!- i ' Prod,,ru exported and return in;.', wear. mg apparel in actual us.., specimena natural histoty, luiaeialogy or botany. A no it ll vims A bs!e in a house.' anva Tupper, 'is a well-spring of pleasure, a messen- ! Ser P'ce nd love, a resting place for inno cence on earth, a link between aiu'els and men.' A babe in a cWcA, tv we, it a due's puddle of annoyance, an object id" trouble and anxiety, a resting place for flies and musquitoes, a link between the Krrvch e I snd torn cat. anJ immediate parent of despotism. Jurrinso:.. Vol. .o. 13 Whole Xo, 303. A Desperate Woman. Readers r.f newspaper have doubtless nnti cod, within the year prtt , occasional allusions i to n wnmon in the Western country, who corn- plained i.f terrible wrongs she list! suffered nt the hand, of n mnn formerly resident in this ci ty, and threatened some dreadful retribution The last notice of her stated that she had left Lafayette, Indhnn, in masculine attire nnd nr- ined, and hiul made Ii r wav to eomo town in i the InTrrmr r,t Oliin . ., .. . Saturday inoriing, while the Great ... . , . . , , i esterrt was hiving nt Mackinaw, it was wins- . . . pered roitnd that one of trie paisengrr.J. who .... . . . , seemed n trim liny orsome sixteen or eighteen ... ... ... ,, year.-, was in Isct a woman. Capt. Walker in- .... , , , , ..... vited Hie vouth and one of the principal citizens tv i u . ,11'ii.niii'itv lull, .us I lllvi , UIK1 llirrc ueillir I . M , . . , I 1 his t ue appeared so marvellous that I con quesimneil. the suspicious pa?eii!;er declared , ,. , ,e ' eluded to cull st the residence of Mc rurnabii-, hrrs' .r n woman, nnd n,nvu her reasons for bs- 1 . . r .. , ,. , , . ! end make firtlier enquiries. I did i,nml vm. , smiur tin; drehH she wore. She said the whs j . , . , ., ,, : . , , informed by the nJ man that he, hi two foe- married, n. the supposed, a few years ago, in , .. ,. , , ., I. . , , ' nn'' npprentiro were stamUng near the boi,. i wits eitv, to n man whiwe name our informnnt , ... . , . , . ,, , ',, . . , ,. . , .. i ' heating water when it burst. Me stood ) wn-i unab e to cue; tlmt after living with him , , . .. ii . such a positi n ns to take the strongest etirreti'. ' solo" ve'ir-, ml ,i,:ng two or three children, i r I her husband ...Id her il nrri.Z.; was nil of water and steam. This is the only evident. bam, that he had another lawful wife, anJ hnd j 1 r" wn" 'r"lll,'ll " bad ss the oll,er. cnntemptumisly cist olTher and her children. "'f Le jtmpp,l immediately into the pool anddi Unrf. r ihese tircumtanees. she had sworn j rpct'"' ,,."! 10 fo!low ,ir" 0n coming out to have revenge or justice. She had S3certain- j rrolin? tnH P',in continue he wont in ngrru ed thnt the man who had thus deenlv wronrrrd , Thfi '"kin Pe,'ltd ofl"a ''" lrom hc lower pott her was living at Mackinnw, and he hnd come tiiere to obtain a recognition of her rights, or vmeesiiee in detotilt, upon w hich she exhibited j two 1: sdtd pistols which ehe carried nbout her j person. A'ler feme further conversation she I I'll Ve nn the lllsldlu. .ml n in.unn.rr Ana. i 1....1 ... i... i i . ! j 'iiiii. u kki 1,1 isii.i:i!i w ii.i on iiiiimaiion mat a past'oifer on the estrrn wished to sec him. j Hes.Hin came on hoard, aril the two patties ... . , .. met tare lo lace. The woman upraided him with all Ihe wrongs he hud inflicted upon her, ami demanded reparation for herself and chil dren by a legal marriage, nt the same time, with nil the recklessness ofa woman goaded to despe ration, threatened his life with the most vehe ment nsseveratiotis if lie failed to do her justice. At this point the dior epened, and tho ma-.i, w ho bad cow ered before her, shot out like light ning nnd escaped to the shore. She soon fol lowed nt'ter, ascertained his place or business, and sought nuothrr interview. As she ap proached, the man. dniibthje i sijppofing she had come to fulfil her threats, ami tt he. must de f. id his lite, raised n vit"l and fired. The j bull s'rurk nehr her tc t f-'he never blenched, but )ra....... .. u . i fc " "' in-m ii-r vcm, imm deliU rate aim at lii.n, mil then lowered the weapon. sayioL' eh.-, turned on her heel, 'no, you pour contempt. h wretch, it would dis grace eirii a vroui-n t liy you !' The iiil ur, ot e.nir-e, made a great noise on ' .1 . . ..... I i.... i. . ... ) ,. ,!iiii,, lrm w was i:ie jisiiD we are t:n .... ....... i, uivi-II-J iible to state. The boat sw ung i ff soon liter 8'f ' ni,neil)n at lho lows r comer rf Broad ihe events w have detailed, leaviiirr both p.r. VV,) -' 'V'n-1 B" ll'.s residence, and hta quite re lies a.-hote. We have heard many stories about the uharneti-r uml il,. lni;..n.,.rii,. ... lie. in tJii matter, but not enough that wr c;U, reiy Ufiou to form decided opinion as to l' meiits: of the eie. It may be that th j w man is pu.inguie, nut ho v o'tiii does the ter'nsimn doned have a stiictness ineani .,,1 r ,,t tied by those who me it tn ch'.ra. t rri!it. --1. Mid how many, now thescy.,, ar utc . f I ciety. I'l sperare In vice aill, ,.riII aj d ! ......i at i i .no .....I. tney ,ve m , n().t a enibinco , wnm-inimmi, wou j h-, h. py, virtuous wives mm inoiio-rs, u . , , . .... dolituent of w' . lie , thi-v hai-.i horn thn vii-tiiMa i.. . .. -rr' jle wrong somewhere in the case we h.iv , r '.ntr-d, and o-ir judgement, ns well as s) ,nthe s, inclines r.-j to believe thi.t ihe ii . . . ... . "' xeu wiunaii is the tu.: rcr. Uutla.o l oin, .I'cTi'str, July 7. Sfksu or a LoroM'nvt An experiment was lately HidJi! en the Great Western line in V.r.r.- i i land for the porr-of of eNinbitma the attractive ! i . i ', ., . . '" I capacity nf tun broad pinie locomotive A rew emjm... imagine; a p.if train of one kindred ; !"'r U!'"!r' hut they accidentally passed ton, p-tloimed the distance fioin London to ' ',lri "e'1' ,h" ''": "' A "iron Birr, who asti.n sli Bristol, (lis ir.i'esj in t!h ?.m. -losetr., stoppa- i,l't'" L'. ifTn'tr, by deteeting, under Ihe s;e inclu.M. 'J'he aveia-e speed attained on le- ( pi'n'iugs, aeeurate plans of the American ti.r -vrl poitions of the line was really sixty milesan I titientiurs, imended f.s a guule to the B.iti.ih hour. On lanidly de.cendine pradieut. a nuxi- i in iheir proposett attack on W.kI P,.i. i ! ' mum soei-.l CI Ii orn ti Vt-nt v Id. sevent v.t u-n n.i I... . while again, on sharp i iirvpi Ar ilitun im. in.. II j .... ... .I,n. n;.i...J - ... ... , , s, ..ic a, luiii.iiioiiru j to about fifty miles en hour. I I'mmk'v nn .!'.- n?.-' I" .1 r.-. i l:,inii- m i,.i .,...,, ..,.,... 'i'i,.,.i. l , n -lllioi , III nil . ami ti n pins. Ho hurled his thunder especially at tlie latter. Me wiys Hiul "the devil was relling tenpins, and the little devils setting them op; that the devil rolled three bills. I he first of i i ,-i i . i i . wl.ith wss iiilidtlity. the second Lniversslism. and the third the ball of Damnation. The fir.i bull generally got from em? tn three pins, the second from live tu seven, and the third (Dam- nation) swept the whole tward, and not a u-n flrike. A riMi OPr. COl STKNANCE. "Beyond each charm in proud beauty lies " Cried Will, "an open countenance I prize," "Sure it it that," cried Pat, "you hob! so dear; Then Kate's tour girl Are fs(V froi mr to ritin:s or tnyiRTisi3tc. I square I insertion, fO 59 I do 3 da . . .0 ?.r I do 3 do - I 00 Eviwy subsequent insarlitn, 0 Yesrl Adiertisemenlsi one column, f J5 ) bs'f eolntnn. f l. three squares, f 12 j two squares, t'.l l one square, ft. Half-yearly ! one column, f IS ; half column, (It t three squires, ; two squarrs, fS one sqtisie, f.1 fiO. Advertisements left without directions as to ihe) length of time they are to he published, will lu continued until ordered out, and charged accord ingl.v. (7j"Sixten lines or less make a square. From the Regenerator (Tnlil Wer for Curing st .Id.. friend Murray'. The cold water case met; tinned in the flret No, of the Roirenerutur, m ;' much slronprr ense tlnn ther-i stated. I' ear,. to my knowledge on this wi-e In 12 ( month of 1K13, as t was pun; !' . . wagon with a sick man in it ij ... ,, . Ho seemed to be trnve.lliti'' inquired the caup of his sulfero'. mi1' ". that he was scalded by tho bur.-tmj ol m.ii Wfirks in a tanyard near P.Q'ia, abreit r -ur . i , , , . 1 ""y9 before- that he was an appreunc- ti ! . . ... Mc I iirnahan, a tanner, and that Mc'l nroiili..'! I , ,, , was al.-'o tcnlded with twoof hi Kins. Hut tl,.- ., , 1 old limn. hn wss the nios-t sca'di d n' arv im l ,. , . , J I ped immediately into the imhiI, which wnn shele- , . , . ,, y Irosen over, nnd came out entirely well. ' of his T an1 n ,in'e from his lrea8t- Th:- was nil the marks he hnd upon him, and it hnd not hindered him from his work nt nil. He snp- pnss he wes not in the wUor more than five minutes. His oldest son enmo to the brink of tin: p.Ml, and stepped in iihoiit half wav ua M Lie lin.-e? ., , . , ii- ii in iiiiuuuoii ii. i:i iHi-'ri ami j how badly he wm hurt. Finding the skin , off with his clothes as he took them , " concluded to go into the house nnd (j f doctor. It was within three nr four ,i. tf j mnn'.lis before he was nble to , ar, ' i n i- ap.i'.it aoHir. J But so far as ho went into ',ho prf, ,hprc J no mark of hot water upon him. The y.nsnff. n' so,, was scalded only t.pon h. iCfjS, ' Ue went immemateiy into the pool 8 his father directed The only mark loft Uon him WM , Brna,j on one of his heels. The apprc:,iice went into tho house and was doctored according to custom. It was two weeks before he could bo tnkfn home upon . bed, and four months before con!, go about. I have called several tipg 8t's, once in company with muel Ja7 and Wnltnr- I "....i .ie society of Friends, wh v j it jay, memhers of f,, i. . . . . i in Mra- . ' y i ne siaremont tie mari is uniform, and 1 t!4ik may be relied upon Thine, ie. Aiovsrvs WATrtS -Mercer eMy, o.. 5 f. mo 1st, H :6. 'nl al.cencs of th. ltrt olutlon. Tho i .l- ,. , . . . . ""Hirui iuei.:ir nas raKen tn vene'- ' a,T"jated if, so far as nppenr.ince it? I 11 .icerneil i lus ho'js-i was rccunied I v i JiJi hi iu 1 (j.jvi i nor ot New Yor S'r !!f ,J Cli"l,,n' (,"(' "fterwiirds was lV,c I lea c-.:.:Ut-. ot (;.-tier;il Putnam, where he lesi.led wi;', '. , ! "'"'' " ncing x.te-.i u,.t t? am tami.y, .-Xfiron ;:urr ncino t -, i,;. .,, i i 1 t-ierc Wi'Ii )iuu : uml it wss ner; t Int - , , . I celebrstei! una romantic, intngne too.t pisce ' '"'"veen t!ie u..,rr!)'n;,r- Birr and Jiat fairest ",s XMl, who biotf ta- ' ken nrisAnt'r m m f'r , a. I u : i t.p, "uo lien in CUn foiy nt llrsi, ;i. Awi .teru t paper gives these mcLlen: cm.i. ' story : I 'llji ,......:,T. .1. - - i i.-. . , -ii.. ,i..i;.uu -, Mil.' If .1 U'tl I ,i ,,, , : was arreted near the -ort ,,t W,.- ' ! ingon herrebaek and aecMinpHii , j bv ; o!ii to.- 1 , i . . v.aa tioiu in cualoiiv as a n k.h.i r ..I u, tii ho :-in:iM lor a general officer, when I ever one sihhi.-I o. l.ilfi. C'te wa permitted t.) enjoy i. hrgesl lib-rly, and induljed Ire-- y in ner i iv . n o occupations of dr i ji.g au I ! naitltill.v. Everv on.-ediior...! i!i duet ons o! her genius, which she desired t i?:irr u us mi l.i nil .,,.1. ...'.I. I.. .... .. ,-..,.o ,i, u, i.iijrui nnti j gue, and (hi. lorttiuute discovery insured linn i ( i ii. iuv neuua mi a nee or ine voun' A . ..',., .....I ..I . Z in. The heartless Burr seduced her pre ha b'y she was a w iilirg victim, ss she knew fiionjli of l.iimiii n iti:ro to fcn.sw thut a wr. t li ' UPuM K',r"' f' be"y j country, ami .ne uii.touMediy ex,K-ctcil to find a traitor in her s.d.icer. Put she was di.ft. ! ;,.,.,i n,,'- ,...,.. ... . pullitiu. uuri s propeitv, in t us nistanen at ' , ' 1 11 j ,,","t' h,m n 1,1 gtanc- . and his in!:,.- j cce with the American govt -rnmi nt, ss br her s. x, saved her If m the n m ; destli of vi un. Andr i-l. ii j . ." . , , . I ne iirmsn anu her lather, to make 'or pear a met" ehild, represented her as I en o ly fourteen years of nge ai tlie lime ot -r e-n tnri' by the Americans a decept on, us sli.- .i. forwards confessed Sin; was n.ur. r iei,t. tw.jilisn fo ir'een.' .Ycir 1'erV V.rprtH.