UH TRRRITORV OJI TUB PACIFIC. The adjustment ot our boundary line in Ore pon am) the final settlement of all controversy with Knrjlncd on that subject will no doubt ff i v an impetus to emigration to the Pacific coast sufficient to form the population of new State in that quarter within a few years. If California shall become ours, of which there ap pears to be every prolaibility, a range of Pacific Hlixtes will soon exist. Then will the grand cycle be completed ; snd civilization in its pro gress from the East will have reached its ulti mate point. From the shores of Oregon nur pr-np'e, the latest born of the nations yet the oUlesl in the world's history, will look across the Pacific to the land whero Humanity was cradled. ' A;cs and apes ago from the banks of the (tangos the first step in the march of civilzatien was made. Babylon and Nineva next had their days ot greatness ; then Egypt, whoso victori ous Sesostris triumphed aa she marched over to the remotest confines oflndia. Afterwards came the Persian ascendancy ; then the splendours of Urrinn civilization and the empire of Alexan der the (Sreal ; and lastly, as the crowning chapter of ancient histjry, Western Europe swayed the world by the iron gn?p of Rome's military legions. From India Egypt received her philosophy and literature ; from Egypt lettera were car ried by Caomiis into Greece ; and into both of the venerable seals of early civilization Pytha goras travelled to bring home truths of wisdom. All there, inherited by Home, became the prop erty of the European mind. Thus from age to age, from nation to nation, the progress hssgone on, every age and every nation, which has re ceived I ho transmitted heritage of the great trust ot Humanity, having had its particular function, some to develope one characteristic, some to bring forth another. And how great the changes have been since the first step of the onward movement one may distantly conceive by beholding the republican pioneer of America confronting the Brahmin of India tho one the latest type of individual self dependence and diftincl personality 5 the other the representa tive ot a priestly dynasty which locked all human freed 0111 in the rigid forms of caste over which superstition sit predominsnt a dynasty which existed before History began, and whose repre sentatives at this day are connected by an ud inlcrupted succession with the earliest period of recorded time. We have reached the Pacific, and thcro on its tranquil shores the onward progress of our restless population must stop. Looking over the immense region which Providence has giv en to us to occupy, the mind is lost in the im mensity of the greatness which awaits us, and the heart is stricken with awe at the vaat re sponsibility which must rest upon us as the peo ple who are to hold in trust the accumulated results of all preceding civilization. Human rights and human freedom ; self government ; the history of fallen nations once great and pow erful ; tho records of wars and convulsions which were the parturient thtoea ushering some new idea or prindipal into life ; all these snd a thousand kindred reflections rush into the mind when one ventures to consider the mighty fu ture which lies before this Republic and its ad venturous people. The commerce of the world is to be ours, and both oceans are to be subject to us. The splendours of Eastern cities which grew into greatness by the trade between the Valley of '.he Nile and the Valley of the Gan ges, will shine but dimly, even in the enhanced illuiniiiHlion of funcy and tradition, when com pared with the stately magnificence and colos sal structure of the cities which are to concen trate the rich elements of the Valley of the Mississippi. The ruins of Thebes and Mem phis, of Palmyra and Ralbcc remain still to at test a wonderful degree ot former greatness ; but they grew up by means of a caravan trade on camels, or by a commerce of galleys on the Red Sea and the Peraian Gulf. From such a traffic let the eye turn to the riverscsnsls and rail roads of this continent of ours, to the mighty sgeucy of fetes m. propelling innumerable ves sels and cars, and to the immense expanse of alluvial soil, fertile in products under tne cul ture of a people who for enterprise, energy and invention have no superiors we may say do equals. The possession of the Pacific coaat will give a new impulse to our already rapid progress. A now basis of commercial operations, having the Hay of St. Francisco and the mouth of the Columbia for its prominent points must soon ex iht bfyoml the Rocky Mountsins. Commer cially,' says Mr. Senator Bsnton, 'the advan tages ol Oregon will be great far grater than any equal portion ot the Atlantic States. The rat-tern Asiatics, who will be their chief custo mers in weutern Europe more profitable to trade with, and less dungcroua to quarrel with, Their articles of commerce are richer than those of Europe; they want what Oregon will havoto spare, bread and provisions, and have no sys tems of policy to prevent them from purchasing these necepvariea ot life from those who can supply them. The sea which washes their shores is every way a tetter sea than the At- Ihiitic ; richer in its whale and other fisheries ; in the fur regions which inclose it to the north ; more fortunate in the tranquility of ita charac ter, in its freedom from storms, gulf streams, and icebergs ; "in its perfect adaptation totteam navigatioa ; in its intermediate or half-way is lands, and its myriad of rich islands on iu fur ther side , in iu freedom trom maritime pow ers on its coasts, except the American, which is to grow up at the mouth nf the Columbia. As a people to trade with ; aa a sea to navigate ; tho Mongolian race of eaatern Asis, snd the North Pacific ocean, are far preferable to the Europeans and the Atlantic.' From the Pacific across the Rocky Moun tains to the navigable waters of the MissiMippi there are means of communication which may be easily improved into throughfirea. The navigation of the Columbia, it is believed, can be made practicable to the upper Falls, a dis tance of six hundred milea from tide wstev. The North Pass is declared by Mr. Benton lo be as easy as the Souththere is no sensible elevation to remind the traveller that he is as rending. From this Pass to the Great Falls of the Missouri is about sixty milea ; and the whole distance from the navigable waters of the Co lumbia to those of the Missouri is stated at some two hundred and ten milfsonly. This inter val ia well adapted for the construction of rail road. UAHK NOTE LIST PIlfllVSnX.YANIA. The fallowing lit shows the current value of sll Pennsylvania Hunk Notes. The moot implicit re liance may to placed upon it, ss it in every utrk Brrfully compared with slid corrected fiom Lick nell's Reporter. tank Iu Philadelphia. Nt Due. in n. Location. . pmm, NOTES AT PAR. flank nf North America Bank nf the Northern Lilierties Commercial Hank nf Penn'a. . Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank Kensington R-wk , Philadelphia Hank Schuylkill Bank Soulhwerk Hank . . Western Hunk . Mechanics' Hank . Manufacturers' Ac Mechanics' Bank rlapk nf Penn Township . . (Hard Bank . . Honk nf Commerce, late Mnyamrnsinc Bank of Pennsylvania Country llnnkft. Westchester Chester Oermantowrl Norrtstnwn Dnyleslown Easlnn Bristol Northumberland par par par par par psr psr psr psr psr par par par par psr psr par par par par par par par WHITE HOTEL, Race Sraerr, Phicaoblphia, ItY J. PETEHS THIS location is convenient for Businsos men . visiting the city. : Every pains ia taken to se cure the comfort of trsvellcrs. March 7. 1846. ty - ' par par par par par Hank of Cheater County Dank of Delaware County Bank of CJermsntown Hank of MonlROmery Co. boy leal own Hank Ramon Hank Farmcre' Bank of Bucka en. Hank of Northumberland Columbia Bank &. ft ridge cn.M'olumbia Parmera' Hunk of l.aneealer Lenciatet Lancaster County Bank Lancaster Bank Parmera' Hank of Reading Office of Bank or Penn'a. Office do do Office do do Office do do NOTES AT Rank of the United States' Miners' Bank of Potlaville Hank of lcwiatown Dank of Middlctown CarliaU Bank Exchange Bank Do dii branch of Harriahurg Bank l.ehannn Hank Merehanta' & Manuf. Bank Hank of Pittsburg' West Branch Bjnk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Beiks County Bank Office of Bsnk of U. S. Do do do Do do do Bank of Chsmberahurg Bank of Gettysburg Bank of Huxjuebanna Co. Erie Bank Parmera' Ac Drovere Bank Franklin. Bank Honesdale R.nk Monongahela Bank of B. York Bank N. B, 1 he notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and aubatituts a daah () are oot purrhssrd by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which hsve a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia 8ev. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill Sav. Ine, Kensington Sav. Ins. A Peon Township Sav. Ins. I.anessler I.ancaater Reading Harriahurg" These Lancaster I officea Reading f do not Eaaton J laaue n. DI8COUNT. Philadelphia Pottevilla Lewiatown Middlctown Carliale Pittsburg Hnllidayahrirg Harriaburg Lebanon Pittsburg Piltaburg Williamaport Wilkeaharre Allentown Reading Piltaburg Erie New Brighton Chamberaburg Gettysburg Montrose Erie Wsyneehurg Waahington tfoneadale Brownsville York 23 . M it failed do do 1 1 ii ij.tj 11 H it 1 Philadelphia do do do do failed failed failed Manual Labor Bank (T. W; Dyotl, prop.) failed I'ewanda Bank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank nf Beaver Bank of Hwatara Bank of Waabingtno Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' At Mech'cs' Bank Farmers Ac Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' Ac Mech'cs' Bsnk Hsrmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Norlhumb'd Union Col. Bk. North Weatern Bsnk of Ps. Office of Schuylkill Bank Ps. Agr. Ac Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Dank Union Bank of Penn'a. Weatmorelend Bank Towanda Bedford Beaver Hariisburg Washington Bell, fonts Pittabuig Piltaburg Fayette co. (Sreencaslle Harmony . Huntingdon no sale l,ewUtown no sale Warren DundatT New Hope Milion Meadville Port Carbon Carliale Moniroaa Uniontnwn Greenahurg 110 aale cloaed closed failed closed no sale failed failed failed 110 aale failed no aale cloaed no aals cloaed failed cloaed failed cloaed Wilkesbsrre no aals Wilkeaharre Bridge Co. fry All notes purporting to he on any Pennsvl vanie Bank n4 given in the above list, may be sat Jown as irauua. NEW JERSEY. Bank of New Brunswick Helvideie Bsnk Burlington Co. Bsnk Commercial Bsnk Cumberland Bank Farmers' Bank Farmers' and Mechanic' Bk Farmers' and Mechanica' Hk Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Franklin Bank of N.J. Hoboken Bkg At Grating Co lloboken Brunawick Belvidero Medford Perth A ml my Bridget on Mount Holly Rahway N. Biunawirk failed i par pa failed leraey City Bank Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bsnk Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanica' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co Pott Notes Newark Bkg Ac Ina Co New Hope Del Undue Co N.J. Manufae. and Bkg Co Middletown Pt. i Jersey City tailed failed failed failed failed Jeraey Cily rattrraon Belleville Mnrristown Freehold Newaik Trenton Jeraey City Newark lainberiville lloboken failed i pa no sale i failed tailed failed i par par DII Removal. D. T. TRJTXZS, RESPECTFULLY informs the ci t'tens nf Sunbury and vicinity, that he has removed hia residence to ihe Brick House In Market street, one door wet nf the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa vors, he hopea to receive s continuation of the liter al pstronsge which bs heretofore len exiend-d to him. Feb 38, 1840. 6m MON TOO R liOU SEj I ATE BRADY'S HOTEL, Opposite ihe Court House, DANVILLE, PBXf Xf'A. THE Subscriber, who ssaistcd for se- ,1, ven I yesrs in ihe manaeemenl of the a tstj Vbove Hotel, lately kept by Mr. 8. A. Bra Viif dy. b. s leave to inform the travelling public, that be haa taken the establishment on hi1 wn account, on the first or January, 1840. The House haa, of laie, undergone many impor tant alteration, and Ihe present conductor promises to lesve nothing undone to make it s eomtortsnie ml agreeable, aa well aa a cheap and arcummoda ling stopping place for strangers who may visit our flourishing village. No pains nor expense will be spsrrd to fill lbs table and the bar with the best the market afford, and with the determination to ds vo'e hi entire personal attention to the comfort of hose who mav nake his house their temporary a- ode, and aided by active, careful and obliging aer vanta, he hopes to give genersl satisfaction, and re ceive a litieral share ol custom. tTr Large and commodioua STABLES are at tached to the establishment, which are attended Dy careful and obliging ho-tlers. OlDEON M. SHUUK. January 4th, IfMfl. tf EVANS & WATSON. No. 76 South Third Strekt, Opposite the Philadelphia Exchange, Manufacture and k'p con stantly on hand, a large as sortment of their Patent Im proved Salamander FIRE iPROOF 8AFES. which are an constructed aa to aet at rest all mnnner of doubt a lo their beine strictly fire iroof, and that ihey will resist (he firs of any building in the world. The ouiaide case of Ihe Safes are made of boiler iron, the inside Cise of soapstone, and be tween the outer case and inner case is a space of some 3 inches thick, snd i 6 lied in with indestruc tible material, so ss to make it sn impossibility to ever burn any of the contents inside of this Chest. These Sspatone Salamandera we are prepared and do challenge the world 10 produce any article in the snaps of Book Ssies that will stand ss much heat, and we hold our selves ready at all rimes to hsve 1 hem fairly teatej by public bonfire, should a ny of eur comtetitors feel disposed to try them. We sis continue to msnufarture and keep con stantly on hand, a large and general aesortment of our Premium Air-t'rehl Fire Proof Ssfes, of which we have a large quantity in uae, and ib every ia stance tbey have given entire eatiafaction to the purcbaaera of which we will refer the public lo a few gentlemen who have them in uae. N. Ac G. Taylor. 129 narth Sd at.; A. Wright Ac N'phew, Vine at. wharf ; Ale lander Caror, Con veyancer, corner of rtllwrl and 9th sts.; John In Ford, 33 north 3d at.; Myers Bush, 20 n-wih 3d t.; Bailey Ac Brother, 138 Maket st James M. Paul, 101 south 4th at.; Dr. David Jayne, 9 south 3d at.; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d St.; snd we could name soma three or fnur hui-dred others if it were neceasary. Now we invite Ihe attention of the public, and particularly tbnee in want of r ire Proof Sales, to call at our store before purcha sing t-Wfwhere, and we think we can aatiafy them that thev will get a lttei snd chesir article at our store than any other establishment in the etty. We also continue lo manufacture teal and Co pying rresaes, made in such a manner aa 10 an swer troth puriwses ; Hoisting jviacDinee, rire Proof Door, with nur own msnul'sr-ture of locks on them, with D. Evsns's Pstenl Keyhole cover attached la the same; plain and ornamental Iron Railing, Alc. N. B. We keep constantly on hand a largo aa aortmenl nf eur Patent Slate Lined Rcftigerstme, Water Fillera and Coolers ; and we have also on hand aeveral second band Firs Proof Chests Isken in etchange for our, which we will dispose of at very low prices. Philadelphia, January 24th, 1846. ly ATTORNEY AT LAW.' uif Btrav. pa. Business attended to in the Counties of Nor- thumt erland, Union, Lycoming and Colombia. Refer tot I. Ar A. Ravnirn-r. Lows a Ac Bashow, Pom r. as Ac Saonoaasa, l'hitatt. RsmoLns, McFiatann Ac Co. Spaaing, Ooon Ac Co., KERR'S HOTEL, immiSBURG, PA. T BEG b ave to inform the public that I have left Philadslphis, and am now located in Harris burg, the sesi of ihe Etecutive snd Slate Govern ment of Pennsylvania, where I now occupy Ihe apacioua Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Matthew Wilaon. This apacioua building, having been purposely planned and erected for a Hotel of the ft rat claas, is not surpassed if equalled, by any similar eatab liahment in Pennsylvsnis ; snd having undergone a thorough renovation, the parlora, roome and chamber are now filled up in a atyle that com bine elegance with comfort and convenience. My TABLE ia pledged to be supplied with the beat fsre the Markets csn produce 1 the chsrges si the sams time being ss moderate aa any of lbs best regulated sstal liahments elsewhere. lo short, no eiettiona shall be epsred on my pirt, or on Ihe part of every member of my household, to make it what it should be, in the Capital nf one of the moat pop ulous and interesting States of the Union. With these promises, accommodations and faci lities, snd the fact that the Hotel ia moat eligibly aituated, I with confidence, moat respectfully soli cit the patronage of the Public DANIEL HERR. f.ats of Herr's Hotel, Chesnut St., Philsd. Hsrri-burg. Nov. 22. 1H4.P. FOL'RTEEN &'tlUfiflr ftrttclfff. 1 IL-Jl'J IBmrrkkr's Vast worms wife and 1 very pleasant to lake. J 2. (iisao a EtTSiCTe. which remove Grease of all kind, Dry Paints, Tsr, Vsrniah and Wai, from carpete or from clothing, without injuring ths color or the cloth. 1 3. Loanoa Ftt Psesa the best thing known for killing flies and musquitoes. 4. A ceilain Destroyer of Rats, Mice, Roaches and Anta, and another of Bed Bu ja. 5. Gcss'a Srtciric for enur stomach, Heart Burn and Water Brash, by ona wbo had suffered thirteen yssis, before ha discovered ths cure. Da. Stictsh's Gauss; Oi htm asT for the Piles. It hss never failed lo cure. 7. Haaaiaoa's Tsttkk Wish. 8. Baaaoao's Isdklibls Is , without s rival. 9. Ths CoMeoran Corpkctiow or Fins juat the medicine for children and for women, it ia so pleasant to take. 10. Baca'a Visits blk Astibiliops Puis. 11. GtrSJl's ExOLLItST WATSS-SBOOf PiST, fr Harness, Boots, Ace. It softens the leather, and keeps out the water. 12. Pooa Mab's Stbsbotrswi' Piastsb. 13. Jacksob's DiABsnotA MrtTcaa, which eures the worst Diarrba-s in a few hours. 14 jAcaaoa's DisasTABt MiiTcer, a cer. tain and speedy cure for Dyaentery and Summer Complaint. The above valuable articles are sold wholesale snd retsil, by L. C. GUNN. No. 1 South Fifth street, Philadelphia where Storekeepers snd o- thers will be upp:ied with pure African Usyenne Pepper, Arnica Flowers, Drug, Paint, Oil, Glaa and Varnishes, st the lowest prices. Terms only cash. rr Cut out the advertisement, and bring it with you. Philadelphia. July 19th. 1845. ly. WEOLESiLLB RETAIL HAT & CAr WARKHOUSE, A'o. 304, Market Street, above 0l. South side, rHILASltf BIA, H THE auhscril era respecifully csll the stlen aaBUL Hon of their friends snd dealers to their large and well aasorted stork of lists and Csps of every ileaeriiition, well adapted f"r the soring trade. Be ing mads of the beat material and by Ihe most ex perienced workmen, they feel confident lo give uni versal eatrafaetion la all who may favor l hem wild a trial, aa they offer to aell aa low aa anv houae in the ciiy. BAR TALOTT Ac BLYNN. Philadelphia, January 3, I84A T - To Purchasers) of DRY GOODS. Nea N J Prolectun Ac Lombard bk Jeraey Cily Orange Bank Orange Paterson Bank Paler son Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Salem State Bank Newark i Stale Bank Eliaabethtown J HtaU Bank Camden par Slate Bank of Morria Morriatown Stale Bank Trenton failed Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem failed Suaaex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton par Union Bank Dover j Washington Banking Co. Harkanaack failed DELAWARE. Bk of Wibn At Brandy wine Wilmington Hank of Delaware.' Uauk of Smyrna Do branch Farmert Bk of Stale of Del Do branch Do branch Do branch Union Bank fXj- Under 6's rXT Oo sll banks marked ther counterfeit or altered notes of the various ds- nouinaiions, in arculation. par par par par par par par par thus () there are si- Wilmington Smyrna Millord Dover Wilmington Georgetown Newcastle Wilmington vjllE aubscrilrer, No. 121 Pearl atreet, York, having establu-hed a Branch at No. 23 South Second at., Philadelphia, is now opening, and will be conatanlly receiving from the New York Auctions, an eilenie assortment of FAITCY Ii STAVX.E DRY GOODS, which will tie sold at Ihe lowest New York prices at wholesale and Retail. Among h'S stork will he found a good assortment of the f.dlowirg articles: Jaccwnets, Plaid, Hair Cold, Lace, Stripe, Book. Swi.s and Tarlatan Muslina, Bishop and Linen Lawns, Fancy Cap Neltr, Fancy and Ball Drease. Thread Laces, Application Do., rich Black Silk Trimming Lace, Irish I.inena, Linen ('ambries. Linen Csmhrie Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cashmere d'Ecosse, Mnuaeline de Lsiae. Silk snd ('otlon Warp Alpaecas. Ouoen'a Cloth. Gala Plaids, French Mvrioos, BUck Silks, Gloves, Si k Hose, Shawla, Cravats, Ribbons, Embroideries, Ate., Ace. Country Merchants snd others visiting Philadel phia or New York to purchase, are respectfully in vited 10 call and examine the stock a. Nov. 1, lMa.ly O. H. MOORE. WHEAT. The bighret price given fur Wheat, at lbs store of H. MASSE R. A new supply of Rose Ointment just received. Nov.gth. 1845. BAR' IRON Juat leceiveTandlw aale, cheap forced, by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Sept. 20, 184ft. SUPERIOR Port wine7Maderia and Lwbou wines. Also auperior Brandy and Gin, Lemon Syrup. Also a few barrel of Br.cs Fiaa, for aala by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July J fib, 1Mb, 11 K la I E V E AND I I V E THOMSON'S Compound Syrup of Tar W Wood Kapihta. rilHE unprecedented success of this medicine, in X the restoration nf health, to ihoae who, in dea pair, had given up all hopea, has given it sn exal ted reputation almve all other remedies, furnishing evidence of its intrinsic value and power, aa the on ly agent which can be relied upon for the cure of Pulmonary Conaumplinn, Brniiehitlis, Asthma, Pain in the side snd Bresst, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, Acc Attention is requested to lbs following ASTON ISHING CURE.bv Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptha ! ! Philadelphia, May 3, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelings I inform yoe of the astonishing effects of your medicine, which haa literally raised me from a death-bed ! My disease, Pulmonary Consump tion, had reduced me so nw that my pbyaieian pre. nojnced my case bnpelee ! At thia junction I e gsn to ne yaur medicine, snd miraculnua aa it may eeem, it haa completely restored me to health, after everything elae bad failed. Respectfully voura. WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte atreet, above George atreet. The undereigned, being personally acquainted with Washington Mack and his sufferings, bear witness lo the astonishing effects af Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth of thee bove statement. JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third street, DAVID VICKERS, 42 Almond street, HUGH M 'GIN LEY, 8. E. corner Tsmsny and Fourth aireels. Prepared only by S. P. Thomann, N. E. corner of 6th snd Sprues alreets, Philadelphia. Agents. H. B. Masse r, Hunhury ; D. Grose, and Dr. Macpherann, llaniborg ; J no. G. Brown, Pirtlaville Gen. Earl, Reading; Houston Ac Ma ori, Towanda, Hradlord county, l a. Price 60 cents per bottle, or f 5 per doxen. fXj Brttwrt nf all imitations. Philadelphia, June 28th, IMS. ly nrmaT rinn 1 an niif 1 OAKLEY'S DEPritATITH 81 RIP. THE valuable properties of Osklry's Depura live Syrup of Ssrasparills, as a purifier of the blood, is so well known to the public generally, that it is unnecessary to occupy much space in set ting forth the advantages to be derived from its use ; wherever Ihe medicine haa once been intro duced, it lakea precedence over all othera s eveiy one that haa taken it, have derived so signal bene, ficial results from it, that it is recommended by them with the utmost confidence. Physicians of the highest stsnding in the profession, prescribe it lo patients under their care ; containing nothing deleterinua, but being composed ot ths most mild, yet efficacious vegetable materials, it i offered with confidence, aa lha cheapest and moat efficient pu rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few bottles, especially in the spring months, will bs at tended with a moat decided improvement in the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds of disease that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor to Ihe body. For Ihe cure of Scrofula or Kinga Evil, Rheumatiam, Tetter, Pimples os eiuptiensof tbe 8k in. White Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Aethma, Ace. The au meroua certificatea in Ihe possession of the subscri ber snd bis sgsnts, from physicians snd ethers, sra sumctent to convince the most skeptical ol ita su periority over all preparations of Bsrsspsrilla. 8old wholesale and retail, by the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 6th street. Res ding, Berks Coanty, snd lo ha bad of the following persons t In Northumberland County. H. B. Masserj Sunbury; Ireland Ac Mizel, McEweneville ; D Krauaer, Milton. In Union County. J. Gearhart, Seliusgreve ! A. Gutelius, Mifflinburg. In Columbia County.. W. McCsy, Wash ington. Reading, March 14. 1843. Ma. Oakis-v; I believe it the oty of every one to do whatever in their power lies, for the bene fit of their fellow man, and having had positive proof in ray own family, of the wonderful properties of your Depurstive Syrup of Saraaparilla, I moat conscientiously recommend it lo the afflicted. We had the mirfortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerooa sores that covered the face, head and neck, although we had some of the most scientific physicians to sttend them snd hsd tried sll tha known temediee, including Swaim's Panacea, without avail. Another of my children waa attacked in the aame manner, her face and neck was completely covered; the dischsrgs wss so offeneive, and ihe disease at auch a height, thai we despaired af her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Depurstive Syrup of 8arssparilla, we were induced to make trial of it, as the laat resort ; it scted like a charm ; the ulcere commenced healing immediately, a few bottles entirely restored her to her health, which she hss enjoyed uninterruptedly ever sines. As a purifier of tbe blood, I verily be lieve it has not its equal, JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut atreet, near Fourth, Reading. Douglassville, April 19th, 1843. Ma. Oakit: My son Edmund Leaf, had the scrofula in ihe moat dreadful snd distressing msn ner for three yesrs, during which time he wss de prived af the use of his limbs, bis be.d snd neck were covered with ulcers. We tried sll the differ snt remedies, but to no effret, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Noniatown, and also Dr. Issac Hiester, of Reading, to use your Depurstits Syrup of Saraaparilla, of which 1 obtained several bottles. the use of which drove the disease entirely out of his system, the sore heeled up, and the child was restored to irerfect health, which ha haa enjoyed uninterrupted! ever since, to the alnnishment of msny persons wbe seen him during his affliction. I have thought it my duly, snd .send you thiscerti ficsls thsl others who hsve a (ike affliction in the family may know where to obtain so vslusbls a medicine. Yeurs truly, AMELIA D. LEAF. 8epl. 16, 1843 ly A S II II V .1 S-.l .z-rn-n-Vrremf- ROSB OINTMENT WOn TETTER. RIItOWORMa, Plat PLC ON THE FACE, AND OTHU CUTARBOUa ERUPTIONS. try The follmoing eertfiea'e describes one of lha most extraordinary oures ever effected by an if application. PnitanctPHtA, Februsry 10, 1838. L, OR twenty yeara I waa severely afflicted with PIANOS. rpHE SUBSCRIBER haa been appointed asent, X far ihe ak of CON RAD MEYER'S CEL EBRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI ANOS, at tbia place. These Pianos have a plain, maaaive and beautiful eiterior fini-b. and, for depth and aweetneaa of lone, and elegance of workman ehip, are not surpassed by any in lha United Stales. Tbe following ia a recommendation from Cabi Di sts, a celebrated performer, and himself a man ufacturer 1 A CARD. Havibs had the pleasure of trying the excel lent Piano Fortes manfaetured by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited at the last exhibition of the Franklin In atitute, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker lo declare that these instruments are quite equal' and in soma respeeta even superior, 10 all the Pi ano Fortes, I aaw at the capital of Euiope, and during a aojourn of two years at Paris. 1'heae Pianos will bs sold at Ihe manufacturer's lowest Philadelphia prices, if not aomethiag lower. Persona are requested 10 csll and examine for themselves, at the reaidence of the aubacriber. Sunbury, May IT. 1848. H. B. MASSER. TfT 1ME. of a aoiierior quality, can now be had II j at the Lime Kilns of Henry Masaer.in Sun- I bury. May 17, 1815. & ROCAP, WHOLESALE a. RETAIL HAT & CAP MANUFACTURERS, iS'ouia East corner of Market and 4th sts.. Philadelphia, rHERE they alwaya keep on hand an eiten aive assortment of HA TS it CA PS of every description, got up In tbe best snd most spproved lj le. reisons derirnus rl purchasing auperior am cles on Ibe most resseasble terms, will fnd it lo iheir advantage te call before making purchase elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. 6th, 1844. ly CITY FURNITURE AUCTION, AMD UVATB g LEft BOOKS, Nos. 39 and 31 North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACKET, Auctioneer, respectfully in- vitea tbe aiteation of persons deairoua of pur chasing Fnrnilurs, to his extensive Sales Reoms, (both public snd Private,) for every deseriptioa of Household Furniture, where can be obtained at all limes, s large assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Farniiure, Beds, M amasses, Ac. at very reduced prices, for cssh. (7 Sales by Auction, twice 1 week. May Vih. 1843. ly Counterfeiters' DEATH BLOW. The public will plesse observe that no Brandreth rills are genuine, unleas Ihe box bss three Is beta upon it, (tbe top, the side and the bottom) ewh containing a fae-eitnileeignature of my hand writing, Ihue B. BbaBbbstm, M. D. These la. belaie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an eipenae of over f 3,000. Therefore it will he aeen that ihe only thing necessary 10 pro cure the medicine in its purity, is lo observe these Isbels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. Tbe following respective persons are duly authori sed, snd hold CEXTirZOATES OT AOBtfCT For the sale of Brandreih's Vegetable Universal Pills. Northumberland county 1 Milton Mackry cV Chambeilin. Sunbury H. B. Mssser. M'Ewens ville Ireland A MeixelL Northumberland Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown J. & J. Walla. Union County 1 New Berlin Bogar cV Win ter. Selinagrove George Gundium. Middle burg Isaac Smith. Beaverrown David Hubler. Adamaburg Wm. J. May. MifBinsborg Meosch 6c Rsy. Hartlston Daniel Long. Freeburg G. A. F. C. Moyer. Lewiaburg Walls aV Green. Columbis county i Danville E. B. Reynolds et Co. Berwick Sbuman A. Ritteohouae. Cat tawiasa C. G. Brobts. Bloomsburg John R. Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington Robt. McCsy. Limestone Bailie & MsNlneh. Observe that each Agent haa an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation ol Ot BRANDRETH'8 Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be aeen exact copies of the iwn labels new used upon the Brandreth Pill Ooxes. Philadelphia, office No. 8, North 8th street B. BRANDRETH, M. D. June 34th, 1843, TxTTsa on the Face and Head: the disease aommenced when I was seventeen yesrs old, snd continued until the Fsll of 1836, vsrying in vio lence, but without ever d issppesring. During most of the time, great part of my face waa covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing ; my head swelled at times until it felt ss if it would burst the swelling wss so great, thst I could scarcely get aty bat on. Daring the long period that I waa afflicted with tbe disease, I used a great many t plications, (among Ihep aeveral celebrated preparations) ss Well ej takisg inward remedies, including a number of boltlea of Swaim's Panacea, Extract of Sarsnparilla, dee, In fact, ll would be impoaaible enumerate all m medicines I aaed, 1 was also under the care of two of the most die tinguished pbysiciaem of thia cily, but without re ceiving much benefit, snd I despaired of aver being cured. In Ihe fall or ISM, Ae diatae at the tirae being aery violent, 1 commenced using the Ross Ointment, (prepared by Yaughan cV Davis.) lax a few applications the violent itching ceased,, the swelling abated, aVe eruption began te diaappear. and before I had used a jar Ibe diaeaae waa entirely cured. It haa now been nearly a year and a bat aince, and there is not a vestige of the diaee.se' rv maining, except the scars from the deep pits format by the disease. Il is impossible for me to desarira in a certificate the severity of the diseste andl mi aurTering, but I will be pleased to give a fuller a connt to any person wanting further satiafesaion who will call on me. At the time I commonest using the Ruse Ointment I would have given hun dicda of dollara to be rid of the diaeaae. Since-a sing it, I hsve recommended it to aeveral pereom smong them my mother, who had ihe disease bad ly on her arm,) who were all cured by it. JAMES UUKWKLL, No. 166, Race St. try Tbe Rose Ointment is prepared by El 1 Vsuhsn, South East corner of Third and Rac atreeta, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunot ry. by H. B. MASSEJC, May 14th, 1843. Agm Hose Ointment, Tor Tetter. A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. PaiLADBimiA, May 27th, 1839. PHIS is to certify that I waa severely afflrctr with Tetter in Ihe handa and feet for upwan of forty yeara ; Ihe diseaae was attended general1 with violent itching and swelling. I applied lo number or physicians, snd used s great manyapp caliona without effecting a cure. About e ve since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entire stopped the itching, snd a few applications inmec ately cored tha disease, which there hss been 1 return of, although I bad never been rid of it any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAIi) Eleventh, below Spruce Street rry The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. Vsughan, South East corner of Third and Ra Streeta, Philadelphia, and aold 00 agency in Sunb ry, by H. B. MASSER, May UA 184 3 Age BIEDZCAX. APPROBATION OJthe ROSE OINTMENT, for Tettei ALTHOUGH the auperiority of the preporati over all others is fully established, the props tora take pleasure in laying before the public t following certificate from a respectable physieb a graduate of the Univereity of Pennaylvania. I Baugh, having found in thia remedy that relief a tedioua and disagreeable affection which the mei within Ihe range of his profession failed to afTo haa not hesitated to give it hia approbation, abbot lha prejudices and interests of that profession opposed te secret Remedies. Pan.Antr.eaiA, 8ept. 19, 188A I wss recently troubled with a tedious hsrpt eruption, which covered nesrly on aide of my ft and extended ever the ear. Mr. Vaughan.prop tor of the Rose Ointment, obseiving my face, in led on my trying his preparation, of which he h ded me a jar. Although in common with lha m here of my profeaaion, 1 discountenance and dii prove of the numeroua nostrums palmed upon pubiic'hy ignorant pretenders, 1 feel in jusiiee bo lo except the Roee Ointment from that claas of 1 dicines, and lo give it my approbation, aa it ent ly cured Ihe eruption, although it had resisted usual spplicstions. DAM.. BAUGH, M. 1 Qy The Roae Ointment is prepared by E Vsughan, South Eaal coreer of Third and I Stieets, Philsdelphis, and aold en agency in bury, by H. B. MASSEI May 14th, 1843. Ag SAGLZ3 Corner of Third and Vine Streets, WIU.UUBSFOHT, TAX. THE subscriber resctfully announces te public, that he haa opened a Hotel in lbs modious brick building aHuste on Ihe same Third and Pine streets, where he will be hapf wait npnn these who may favor aim with 1 company. The Eagle Hotel ia large and co ent, and furnished ia the best modern style, provided with a large number at well aired comfortable sleeping epsrtmeata, reorna, pr parlors, Ac Persons visiting Williamaport or siness er pleasure, may rest eaurd thsl ever ertien will be used to reeder their aojourn a "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. Hial will las eupplied with the very beat the mark! forda, and hia bar with tbe choiceat wines and t liquor charges reasonable. The Eagle I poasessea greater advantage in point ef loc than any other aimilar establishment in lha bore being aituata in Ibe buaineaa part of the town, within a convenient distance of the Court II and Williamaport and Elmira Rail Road lp, Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and I oatlera alwaya in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Ser have been employed, and nothing left undoni will add to tbe comfort and accommodation 0 guest. There will be a carriage alwaya in atlendan tha Boat Landing lo convey passengers to snd the House, free of charge, CHARLES BORROW Msy 14th, 184. tf iflTchael WeaTer &. Son BOPS MAXEBS aV SHXF CBANBL) Ab. 1 3 North Water Street, Philadelphia AVt. constsntly on band, a general ment of Cordage, seine 1 wines, dee Ropes, Fishiog Ropes, Whits Ropes, f la Ropes, Tow Lines for Csnal Boats. A complete assortment of Seine Twinea, aVe, si Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Paten Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine Threads, etc eVe. Also. Bed Cords, Plough Halter, Tracea, Cotton and Linen Carpet O cVc all of which they will dispose of on reset terms. Philsdelphis. November 1 8, 1 !. ly. No. 138 Market Street, Philadeb INVITE the attention at Country Mer to their extensive aaaortment of British I and American Dry Goo la, which they offer f on ihe most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 19, 1843. ly. m