. Patriotic Ubssuns in Texas. Anions the many pleasing Incidents of patriotism exhibited in the "war excitement," the conduct of a Urge number of German emigrants in Texas deserves particular notice. ' Upon the arrival at Galves ton of the new that Gen. Taylor wiahed rein forcements one hendred and fiAy German emi grants, who had feecn in the country but thrrc week a, organized themselves into two comps nies, and started lor Gsn. Taylor's head quar ters. Ar. O. 7fltc. . '. The amount of donations and legacies recei ved by the American Board of Foreign Missions luring the month of May was !fl,833,ll. 1 When a man stops his newspaper on account of pecuniary forebodings, he is about as gone a case, as if he should conclude to stop his daily bread for fusr he should come to poverty. BALTI.TIOIIK MAltKKT, OJJiceofthe IWiTiMoaa Amsmcan, June 29, GRAIN'. The first sample of new Wheat, re reived this season, reached the market on Satirr lay.' It was grown in Somerset county, and sold it 102 cents, being a lot of very prime whit uitable for family (lour.-To-day two parcels j it Penna. red were sold at 89 cts., end a lot of t Vnna. w hite at 'JO eta. Sales also of AM. at 53 j . 8$ cents for pood to prime red. Sales of Corn at 52 a $3 cts. for white, and 02 'Js for yellow. We quote Oats at 23 a 30 cents. WHISKEY. The stock is extremely lipW, nd the few sales making are at 21 cts. for hhds. nd 22 cti. for bits. ' . HstLTH ! O Blesser HealvhI Thou art ntwve II gold and tressures j 'lis thou who enlarges! the iul and openeih all its powers to receive inrtrtio on, and to rolish virtue. He that has thee, has ttle more to whd fur'; and he that is so wretched is lo havs tlx not, wrnts every thing beside. Li I s be thankful flrandreth''e Pills will grvaviliealrn -get then thee blessed Frtla, which a century's se hss fully eiehlihed o be the best medicine if r bestowed on . mn. Toi the prevailing colds id coughs, they will he fjund everything that icdicine is capable of imps-ting. QJ" Purchase of H. B. Masser, 8unlury, or of e agent, ifi I dished m another part of this paper. PKIOFs TJTJK11ENT, Vorrectid weekly by Henry Nasser. AViisat, - "80 "Rvi, . . 70 Coaw, -n . . 62 Oats, - - - - . "35 Poas;, - - - 5 iPtiSSRSD, - . . I12j UoTTt ' i , 10 E.a. . - . 8 DiKswtc, ...... 26 Tallows TO Flay, ' 10 Hickibsi Fiat, , 10 Dai an Aretes, 'VS Do. Pcachss, 150 "Good Intent Fire Company." STATED MEETING of the Company will tie held on Tuemliy evening next, at 7 o'clook, the Court Tloirao. Piinetunl attemlance is re ired. HENRY DON NET., luly 4, I84IV Srcretury. "Waitlilugtoii Fire Company."' 'HE memlers of the HWsshington Fire t'om p.ny are requested lo ineel at the Slate ie, on Mi'nd.v iJverdnu, hSy '6, ai T'J o' ck, precisely. Punctual attendanee in required. Iul7i' SAMUEL J. YOUNG. ?e. Moiitcroy Taken ! ! I.l. those iriuVhtsd to George Rohrbach &. Br- theta,on note or book secounl, wi'l lease rind lie the same an or Irf,e1he 29th, 30ih antl .11 l s of July in.t. lh-w failing 1o do so, in iy ect c i-ts, aa no 'further noltcv? will l given. lolifird sgtin, rMl. will lie ilJci1. GEO. ROHKHMUI St UPwOTHERS. Junbury, July 4th, 146 3t 'HE Merchants end Tavrin keepers of North urMhetiand county are hereby notified, that ir license, are rssily fordistiiluiion, si ft should attended lo on or U fore lha 1st of Aucust nt. iey ran l cM.itud at any time, by calling an i Tiratuicr and paying far tlem. WH. GirLICK. 'uly 4. 1846 'St Treasurer. nwsoplrraoRs""" F Nonkumketland County, fur August Term, A. U. 1R46. GrnndJurors. rbui. Nathaniel Ciillrn, Antliony Arm ng. ui". Samuel Mrrgas, David Wail. Mawart Simeon Lan'x, E. V, Derrirkson. Jilt oil. Christopher GiwJIaudor, George W. ne. ViillhqXiaqXe.Jicnb Kremer, thirties D ata. 'Unhurt Peter Pur.el. ugtuta Eli.ha Klii . hamvkin. Lewi. Chamlierlin, John Trata, sr. luel John, Sebastian Boughner, John Evcit, i. William Guli.k. 'oak lon.than Farnsworth. pper Aluhanoy. Samuel Heim, Henry SirauK merr .VoAuy. Jacob Witman. lekwn. Ssmuel Bower, Danirl Frymlie. . Traverse Jurors. irorif. 'Tliomss Irrl.nd. ' mi's. ('hsrles FoPmer, Robert Finney, eiuiAore. John Derr, James Kirk, Hugh Mc- , Elijah Crawford, Ueuneville Leinbacb, Jamea Sam, Jacob Iliitsa. fi'm. John Knorr. hilinuaqfu. Peter Walburn, Geo, Lawrence, irt Heed. lint. Jesse C. Horlon. John Gulick, Philip na, John Nixon, John Vandling, Wm. Crutx rthumbtrhnd. CharVea Hine, Jacob Iisen . Wm. For. the, John Osmun, Gilbert Voris. i6ury. John Puidy, William Carr, 8amuel ordan. ugwfta Jacob Shipman, Eli Conrad, jann 'Hirad, 8amuel Savidge, John Wolf, George isd, Jacob Bloom. lamofcin William ylrtow Jacob Miller, Si I Campbell. usA. Spencer MeUler, Jacob Carr, Abraham nan. iper ia7ionsy.--Henry Malich, Peter BeUsel. iujct Mahanoy. Samuel Burrel, Saml Trego, 'ttle Mahonoy. John HensyU ckton. John Wolf, Abraham Rubendal. l . J L'l.. i L J. L - i' l ' SULI FOUNTAIN HOTEL. Light Street, THIS House has undergone s thorough repair. The proprietors solicit its former patronage. Terms 25 per day. WW W, DLY. " " ARTHUR I.. FOGG, Ju'y 4, 1846. JJ Proprietors. OHBSJffUT STBBET, PHILADELPHIA. THIS large and commodious Hotel ha recently been fitted up with enliie new furniture. The SHtwcribers therefore solicit the patronage of the public, ami trust that their etpenence in the bueines wilt cnaMe them lo give entire RAtiafac lion. Terms moderate. H AGLEY, McKENZIE St Co. July 4th, l.in. SILVEU MEDAU AWAanitl BY TRt rSAVKI.IV IVSTITUTt, 1845. City Pngnrrreotype Establishment. CP. IP. CSd3DLLalJLil25rS3, (LTR SlWOfS Si Coil.lVS.) As. 100 Chesnul st.. nhore Third, Smith side, rnix.ADEi.rHZA. MINIATURES tikrn equally a. well in ehtu dv e in cletr weilSer. A dark silk diem f.ir a lady, and a black suit for a cetiilemnn, are I r forable in silimgT'T a ictu e. No extra chares is m.ile for coloring, nnd peifcct likenee sre gu.ranlied. July 4ih, 1 Hi . JJ2 Keller V (sreeiiouIi, P.TE1TT ATTCFwlTETS, v tiinlt a iiaiiia'iiiiii.i AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, WASHINGTON, I. C D RA WINGS and Papers fr fhe Pa'rnt Of fice will lie prefiarrj hy tliein, at their ulfii-e, opposite the Parent Ollke. Inly. 4th. I84fi. IVoticc IS hereby given To 1i legatees, creditors, and n fher persons iirterr.JluUn rtieestntes of Christian Shipmsn d.'cil, sealed y bis exr Lewis Hewan; of Jscnh Iti-e.l, .nr. d cd. settled by hi admr Jseoh Itred; of Thomas lltiff deed, settled by his admr Henry GiVon; of Jnhn liidra ds deed, sr tiled by I i exr S.irmirl Vo'lt; of Samuid l.e.liei deed, .ended Tty his exrs Michael Lenker and J.icoh Le her, of Daniel Herb, r. deed. Denied by hi adults Daniel and Adam Herb; i.f Michael Diehl, sr deed, settled hv his eirs John and Michael Diehl; of Jo seph KetTer sr. deed, settled by blsel s John and Jusrph Keffer; of los.itl Mueklow deed, settled by his adiOT Ohadiah Varrrplielr; of Thimas Smith deed, Milted by hie admra John M Smith and Nan cy Smith; of 'John Fiiest deed, etiled b his sdmr James F. Murray; of Sarah MourydecA, settled 1y her admr George J.inr, of Daid Kaseman deed, fttlcdVy his admi Frrderick Ksseman; of John DietTenbacher deed, settled by bU sdmr Vster Kunr; of Fredrrick HumTrtel deed, seftledtiy his exrSj murl llommrt; of Daniel Hrrli. sr. deed, settled by his admr t)anii4 and Adam Heih; of John Prick, ar. deed, nettled jy bis exr Sofm Prick; ol John Carr -deed, settled I" his exr Dr. David IVlriken; of S.mes C.itntrhcH dec t, settled hy hi. admrs Oh diah ('amptxll slid Wm. PeiKtng; of J.dm Neidig, anr. deed, settled by his a.llnr Adam Nridig; the account of Jacob Hilhish, eusriban of Henry Latti; the scennnt f Stephen Ulate, guardin K Mjrah Aim K1apj; the account of Stephen Gl e, jtur dian of M.iry E. Klapp; the account of John Star ry. pRsidisn irf Adcrn Snyder; the account of John Sherry, au:dian'df William Snviler; the account of John Sherry, guardian of Fanny Siml. r. Late of Northumberland county, d-eeas d, that the executors and ad iiiiiftr.lore of the si id decea red estates huve filed their accounta with the lie giittrr of this Countv ; and that they will be presen ted to theOrhar.s Court of ssiiJ county on Tue day 4be 4th dsy of Attgu i mil. for cnfumaiion. EDWARD OYSTER. Sunhury, July 4, 1816. R'gisrcr WPelT OF PAP.TITIOIT Ami TtiluatloH. i Snt.ee to the lleirt of Wm. Shannon. drc'tL ' BY virtue of a ceitain Writ nf Partition and Vn- luation iisucd out of the Orj hnn.' Court of J the county nf Nnnhnidi-r!and, Auxusl term A. D. IS4f. dfrei'iiitg lha shentr to mike pur itiou j and valuation oTihe real estate of William Misn- ' lion, decd., late nf Chiiisqunqne tnwn.ldp. Now kunw ye, ihe snid heirs ef Mid dee-.iwil,) hy the .a'tro'ily nf the aforesaid writ. I Thorn. s A. ltd lingtnu, beiifl r.f .aid eunly, will h Mond.y the ?Uth day of July mil, al 10 o'clock, A. M.. up n the premises, make partition and vilu.tion in the manner and form specified in said writ, al which tuns and place you are hereby warned la lie and appear, if you itnnk pioiier. THOMAS A. BILLLNGTON 8herifr'a Ofnee. 3 , Sherifl. Sutibery, June 27. !.$ 4t Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that an abdication will he mds lo the nsxl legislature tr a charter for a Bank wi h a c spit si of $50 000, ami power to increase the ei ill thereof to (100,000, with banking and di't'uuting privileges, lo he cab led -The Bank of Mismokin. and to l I sated in the borough of Sunhury, in Northumberland coun ty. June 27th, IStfl. The "Sugar Coated Illl..' Riwakb or Misrr CcSTinciT or oca Is vcsTtoa. Naw Yuan. June 10th. 1811. We, the underaigned. nrver suw or heard of "Su gai Coated Pills,'' uulil Dr G. Benjamin Smith manufactured snd exhibited them lo us a--bout a year since. Isa.KL Rsnum. M D., Lilieity st. Rl-sntoi St Co., 110 Broadway, and 10 Aslor House. HoBica Evkbitt, Drug, 96 Hudson at. Joh CssTixa,97 Hudwn at. Ist sems few may be decsived by Ignorant quarks, we puhlUh the following end none hu. unprincipled dealera will countenance any tujitj tion of Ibia invaluable medicine. Pti.5t Orricr. Received thia 17th day of J'l.ie, 1844, fim Dr. G. Benjamin Smith, the f.-e of f 30, payable on hia application for a patent for Pill CmUrd tcUk Sugar," H. L. E LISWOSTM, Commissioner of Patents. Ai these Pills are prepared by an educated Phy sician, tbey have an advantage over other prepar ations so much ad vei tired, end aie lulTicienily dis tinguished from all others by their virtues, aside from their peculiar pleasantness, ( CAUTION. Aa a miserable imitation has been made, by the name of '-Sugar Coated Pills," it is necessary to be sure that Da. G. Baa j. Smith's aignatuie is on every box. Price 25 cents. Principal Office, 179 Greenwich at New York. Sold by JOHN W. F RILING, Sunbury. WM. rORSYTHE, Xurtkum'tt, June 17 ib, 1846, FRSBZZUBI SCALES. Dale's Celel rated Rail lined Scales. Cost and Hay d.i Iron Menufac'e" do Portable Platform do 20 different sixes, Dormut or Floor do ft different size, ' Counter do 12 different sixes. The above Heales are madu either single .or double beam, and ar decidedly the most durable, accurate and conveni ent scdre eer invented. We also have Flatf out and Coni.tr Scales, Patent Balance and every kind of Weighina Machines in use f.ir s.t'e, whole rale and rol.il, at low prices. All Scales sold by u. to g oul of the city, are boxed free of charge, and waiiauH'd to give satisfaction t- the purch iser in every particular. GRAY St BROTHER, Msnufsetnrcrs and Healers, No. 34 Wnlnot slice!. June 27. 1848. ly Philnilrljhin. O HORSE SHOES. It Ifoi-se Shoes, for ssls at p-ices, by GRAY A 1 Burden's Patent f manufacture!' ! BROTHER. Jur.e 27. 1840. ly 34 Walnut I'hilxd. j IS iAI.T. New York Sail in l atrels slid bags, f..r ! snle at manufacturers price., hv GRAY 'BROTHER. June 27. 1810. ly I t Wnh.tll .1. Phil id C LOTH I IT G-, WIIOI.EMAI.K Alt' if Rirr.iii.. I T!! su'srsiheiB are ronslantly manuf icluring fiom the 1k-kI French. English and Aim-iii-nn I niatiuf.icluied Cluths and Cnsinters, CLO I HIM. ! in very superior si vie, cut and norknia'ihhip. ! Persons haying to sell uciiii vt ill find one nf thn i largest and most f litiiiutile slock of goods lo .ehvl j from in the city, and l imp ecedenled b'W iirice-. J. W. E. D. S I t)l I'.t, !t t M.irkt st. I'hltnd. N. ft. A Nr,ie anrlnunt ol Odd Fellous' Re-gaha-e.inolandv on b ind, and all order, from lodge or iudi'idunls liuiiClual y ntlelulcd to. on Ihn most tihcrallcrms. J. W. cVE. D.S. Philadelphia, lone 27th. !S4t. ly I M POIl T .4 XT TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU may be aure of oht.iimiig, al I all times, pare and highly flavored TJ7.tt3.TV. see 9 By the single pound or larger quai-tity, at the lekln TcnCompanj'n M'nrcliniiKe, 30 SouA StconJ ttrtrt, between .Market andCAei tiut ttrrcti, rnxxABrLPUiA. Heretofore it hss been very difficult, indeed, al moM impossible, always lo obtain good Gra. n and HI .rfc Teas. But now you have only lo virh the Pekin Tea Company's Suiee, lo obtain as delicious srid frsgrant Tea aa you could i.h for. A It taslea can here he suited, with ttte advanlaga of getting a pure article a low price. June 27th, 1846. . REMOVAL. JOHX, IITPURDY, RESPECTFULLY informs his f.iewts and customers, thsl he has removed tin st k of gods lo the Stone House, on Maiket square, f.om erty occupied by Mr. Wm. Dew1, where he will be hiipy toairvehi old customers and lha ttib lie generally, on as good terms, and at aa Lw pri ces as can le had e'sewhere. A large ssorlinent f Groceries Diy Goods, nnd Qoeenswsre, coirstjrtit'y oa band. i June 27ih, 181!. it. FEnRV boat 'at Ij E WISH U It G. WHEREAS, the p-incipnl owner of the stink, ami nlmo.t ao'e mai inr of the l.ewi.liurg bifdge I Im beva lo l imMslng on the eitixens of Lewishuig, snd wishing :o nut it iut of bis power I to do so an loneei. I have erected a .ptendid und f.avun.,ing UOUSK FKIIItY ll()A'l perfi'itlv safe and cross-ng in 3 minutes. Il will si.rl fmrn each sboe every tfl minutes, and ratea of toll not half vth.l is charged hy the bridge. tuc3 hy limit. horns wagon Utile by Britlge. horse wagon t 117 6 31 jft 28j4 21) 4 18, i do do do do do lo tlo do do do do do do dl do do do dj do dj . IV, I 1 horse and lalsr Foot passengers Horned rattle brcp and sums 3 1 hor and rider I j K.ot .n-ei gi-ia nloined cattle ijsheep and .wine F.tmrrs fJ Oil Town two , Is not in lusinss I Ml1 Town lesmsters 4 00 Stoickeepca to da e'l their hauling 10 00 No distinction made Ictwten pleasure carriages and other vihieles. N. MITCHELL. June 27th, 1846. Proprietor. Shei-HF's Sale. Y villus of a writ nf fieri faciia, to me direc led. will le exposed lo puhlic sale, al the court hou.e in D-invilU, un Saturday the 1 1 ih day of July neii.at I o'cl tk, P. Vl,lh following de scrilutl property, lo wit t A rpitain ir.et of li.d on MiMitoni. Uiiltrn. .i. luaie partly in Liberty t..wiihi. Columbia con.,, tv, and partly in NorthumlKiUnd county, b dnded on the west hy tract wanamcd in lh tume of Abraham Kinlxing, on the north by Rimonton Ar ... . . . - Kohtson on ue east f, tract, warranted ,., the the aouih by Leiie,,.. and others, r.mieining ul iik 11 ' a a 1 a I I -vu m. i f .rati .a waiiniiiru am. rur veyed in the nar. nf John U.rron, jr. An eieeh j lent vien nf fossillifetuus iron ore, 14 inches in j tbickne.a, runs through this tract of land, and is , on'.y one mile from Ihe Susquehanna liver and es j Dal, sud is five miles from Uanvtlle end su front t Northumberland. Serred, taken in execution, am! 10 be sold aa the property uf Samuel Ctetgh. 1RAM DERR, Sher.lf. Sheriff's Office. Danville, June SO, 1846. $ 4t Oennla Woolverfen'- ltute. OTICE la hereby given that letter, of admin- fx latrat iate of Co l.i ration on the estate of Dennis W oolverton, Coal townahip, JVoilhumheiland county. dee'd have been granted to the auhecriber. AH per sons indebted to aaid estate, or having claims a gainst the same, ate requreted to call on the auh ecriber, at Sbamukintuwn, and settle without delay, WILLIAM FEGELY. June 18th. IP46 61 Adm'r. COSUHEHii iV. Blu. aDd Black Congress Ink, of a eupeiiur ijualiiy, for aale cheap, at the atore of HENRY MASSER. July 4th, 1816. PI II do do Ig ! do do do . do do do do do Have 5 on hcartl flic JYr its? NO ! V7H AT IS IT? Wnr, ntv'.vf too nat that MARTIIV I11WIIV, At hiuhop, in JtforAr tirtef, adjoining the three tlorff liritk tonne, HAS jut received from Philnlclhia the Inrgest, handroinrst and best assortment of t HOOTS AND SIIOKS - of evety description, that has ever been brought to this pluce. And vhat i. Mdl hetter, they sny he sclU so chenp, Ihut you ran buy two tkiufiir the mniif tnnnri that ym rrW In pay for one pair. He Ili'Ts port t'n mid Kxi.t.. ron Cn, and that i the te i.iin that he can alTonl to s. II them a much chenier. If yon iloi.'t want to l uv. jnl call nnd see Ids stuck. Me is nlwas ld lo see his i cu-lomcru; nnd il is lio Imuhle In bint lo show bis I fliXMIH, ,i . r ii I V . f i , ' , i ' i . . i a a 4 i i I il, Mir ln.u - i.l stock: Thick H.fc-ts," l ine (ir.tin ! Calf . d t I'hirk da worth f t on nifi " 4 no at 3 00 ' , ( fi no iii " 2 fill it " 2 tiO st i sr-ai :t no I v r t 25 1 Oti Bnvs' youths' do . Mens' Tl.irk Proffans aioroeeo c!ls and Ki t Springs, 1 lit) nt 1 (III I Women'.' li st City mulo i K'd Hli.(-i,i, 1 62 al I 12 i LidiiV J Gsiti rs and Gai ! ler Boot., " 2 00 at A 'so. every variety nf LadioV, Boy.' and l :)7 hil- drills shoe., at pr'aa lower than ercr bctnro olfer ' rd. Come ami Srg Suuhnry. June 13 h. 1810 6m W1C1T Ol1 VA TITaO, 4nl Vsilnnlloii. 7'o llir Ikirt nf tlmrire Smncr, drr'tl. viilno id a icrl.iin will nl puiitmn nun vslu lion. isned oul of the Orphan. I 'nut I l Ihe louiily of Northiinilier'ai'd, to August term A. I) lKlr. directing the .lieiill of r-aiil eotn.tv In make psrtition ai d vuluutiou of a certain tticl nf j land sitnato in Lower Mshonoy township. loiinded l y land of Jnc-b Snyder, Ihe SiiMpiehsuna riv. r, Mahantmgn rreek nnd l.ind of Daniel Rolhermel, containing one hundred and fifty nine acres and fij-hiv-foue perchea L.ite the estate of llmige Snyder, dee'd. Now know e. (the snid heir of snid dee'd ) hv the suthority of Ihe aforesaid Wiii. 1 I. Thomas A.'Bdling'on, .heiitl'of said conntv, will on Tuesday the I4lh day of July next, al 1 1 o'clock, A. M., upon the premises above named, m.ke psr lition or v.hi.tton in the nmnner and form specifioil in ssid writ, at which time and place you aie heie by warned to be and appear, if you ih nk proper. THOMAS A. BILLINOION. Sheriff's Office, I Sheriff. Sunhuiy, June 13. 1846 S4t WKIT OK PAU'riTlON. To Fred, rick Ti hupp. John Tchupp Jacob Tchupp Henry Tchupp. (Mirictisn Tehtipp. Peter Tchupp. Adam Snyder ami Rachel his wife. Jscob Lsorer and C.th- tine his wife, William Potta end Barbara his wife, Casper Hickert, Pe tr Heckeit, Frederick Heckert, and Margaiet Hrrkert, Uimias s viiiueoT a certain win of I'aitnion, ro. 37. rssoed out of the Court of Conim.m Pleas of Nor thill orthnmbeil.nd coui tv. 1 Augu-I Term A. D. 184R. diiecting Ihe sheriff of said county to sum mnn a jury and make partition of a certain tiacl td Und aiiuaie in Lower ItWhonoy tow. .ship, in siid county, adjoining landa nf John Tchupp. jr., Mi chael Wilmer, John Shreget and Ihe Mahsntango creek, containing one bundled and -ixlyiwo ac e , or ihereabouls. Now know ye, that hy the Autho. rily or the aamr, I the said .heriff of .aid rounty. will on Monday ihe 13th day of July ncx', at 1 1 iiYlock, A. M., opon the premises sliove named, make partition or valuation in the manner and form specified in the aforesaid writ, at which time and phire you are heiehy warned lo b- and appear, if you think proper. THOMAS A. BII.LINGTON. SberifTa Office. J Sheriff Sunhury, May TJOlh, 1 846. ) 6t Estate el' Jalin lllilii liil, tlcc'd. Notice to !Irirs. 15, nn! Term, A. V. IS 10. John Rbiuehart . Charles Rliineh.rt, Thomas Cro-bv, Guardian of Thoms Cr hy. Hei.ry Sirll and Elixahelh his wife, James Reed and Lou;a hi. v ife. George B. McAllister and Sarah hia wife, and Martin II An snd Mary his wife, NaTliUNH:nr.ii OorsTT. 8e. The Commonwealth of Peni.aylvania lo the She riff of Norihuinheil.ind Coui.ty, timtis: '&7'OU aie herrby rommande.l to aummnn Chsrles Rhineharl, Thomas Cro.ly, Guar ilmn of Thotnse Crostiv. Heniy Stell and B'iaa bth his wife, James Keed snd lrfusa hiv wife, (!e rge B, McA.lt.trr and Sarah his wife, and M.r tin H.1I111 slid Marv his wife, 'defendant; lo ha and appear b fore the Judges id the Court of Common Pk-ss, lo be hidden at Sunhury for saul euiiiy, on the Crl Monday of Augu.t next, to answer John Khii eharl, plaintiff, or a plea wherelore the a. Id plain'iff and the said tlefeiidaula together sn j undi vided da hold a certain tract of land in Auguata lowuship, eoulatning fom-th'ce acrea mors or Icmi, adjoining Eli Cnurads Willium Conrad, Samuel ' Louts and others; also, a piece uf land iu same township, containing eleveu aeies more or has; one lol of ground ad lining Mary Hsnis 11, Mis. l.voii snd hamurtn creek, and two puwa ol ismi j a.lj .ining each other and forn er. l.eiher coi.lsin- mg twelve acr.s moieor la, hounded hv theShv ; mokin cret.it and lull .and tl dmed l y Mrs. Lwm, being piece now. in the po.es.ion of Lha Is' Rhi;,chail; sls.s k renslo houe and lol ol ground ftl.ul.1 in Sunhury. m n ..i.. nerry meet, norm side. luwW w. .l by lot uf Mr.. Minium.. s.i by i lot "f i"hn G. Youngmau. and noitli hy an alley; : abo, a ceriain houso and lol of ground in Uiv.-r ' street, in Sunbu y, bounded by U of M. t.anv ft la .1. U 1 .a .f !.....eaa UtaaiW tail. I Ma. I law u. . -a. . . , . d.fcndauis dotb not permit. Meteor fsil n.U and : h 1 . fittft ihf. then ih s writ. .-- ..... t Witneas Ine lion. i. I Aiiuionv. . imnrui of our s.i.l com I at Sunhury, the 5dl day of Msy. A. D. It JOHN FARNSWORTH, Piotb y. Of w ' notice, Sheriff Sunbury, May S3, 1846, " Till and Shccl-Iron Ware MANUrACTOnY. IBLINiaOVB, PEKH'A. THE.ubscriher respectfully informs the public that he haa commenced the manufacture of Tin und flicetlron Ware, in ell its vaiioua brauches, at Selinsgrove. His wsre is not only mail, of the best materials, but is put together in a .uhstaniial and woikmanhke man ner, dilleiinf in thia respect fioro much of the wins sold, wl ich ia mad. up In huny for thai purpoe. An eiceltent assortment will be kept oil band .1 all times, which will be told on the most reason sUs terms. ANDREW 8. WINGEHT. Scliusgrove, May lOih, 184. tC Ukhlbe "id dcfe..d.,nt. will Please Ue ge.'s inn Ro.rlng tJ.e.k Sh.r4esa .'oi. '..U THOMAS A. BILLLNGTON, " f. Man.. . a.o.e. M, H,n,:ie Mill-. - irvnin... ;,,.; store. Berwick J-. Chne's Mul; It ukc la store, ei.ff .Office S.tenJ. . . Hi TP.TTTH 10 MIO-H-rT AITS "WILL ' PREVAIL." A.. K. MARSI1AI,L, Ko. INS Chcanui street, liclwrs u Srvrndi titul Cliilt .streets, 0 IX La 1. 2D SU Hi Ur UL ZZ B IS now ptrpared to offer. Wholesale and Retail, a largo assortment nf 1'asi t and S rsrLR i n noons, Milted In lha Country aa well as City Trails. He continue, the sy.tem of "no abatrmrnt in prim," which he has pursued for Ihe past len years, and dcsiics to c.ll the sc i .1 attention of the puld'c to it aa the only true tyntrm nf retail business, and which is dcridedlv to the intercut of the purchaser lo ptoinnte. ft is iptite limn ihe frsiidulnnt prc lice nfn.kiiig a hiuh price, and ahaling to make the punh iKef. believe they aie the "fnvoted few," was " lone nw iv ith, s, nine times out of len, they are l"-v " niBl ' price (however g.ent the re. ,t (-- f ) III. I in the lik' Mvle and fluidity cun be pur- cllneeil at the "One Piice Store." A. B. M. is in regular receipt nf the newet and 1 1 . ,, ti, , 1 rhcepcKl Reasonable goods, and when any nmcle , 1lep1ee1.1t.. lo v line Hie price la at nnco nunked I d..w n ao low lh,.l it csnnoi he undersold. By thi. i ay.tem.he p.tr,Wr cm al all limes buy with i em.ndcnce nnd s,ti-l-cli.,n. and without wa-le nl t,.nr.i..in,. lie ha. at this ti.... i .1 eompb'te u.irtnicnl of SILKS. j B'mk Lii-lrinn. Oilrtiii in, Pmiv do Snie, Man- ; tiM. Gnm ile Khine, Artnyre, and other Dress and ( M oimM i Silks. Also, j Fancv Doss filk. from 44 cts. lo $'i 25 per , var.l. including all the variety of approved and j li.rtul Htvlc ami rmioniMiion nl colors. 1 Lining Silks, Foulard Silk, Silk Gingham. 1 i.awxs An oncAMnr.s. Piris Pa'iilid Liwtis and Orgamlies, id' the ueu'ist and most approved s yle, aa Will as the ebcaiM.l 111 the market. Al', Scotelt Law ns at very low prices. Flil'XVH (ilNdllAVS, j Of the newest dca'gns. Also Scotch Gincham. and Giimham Lawns, very cheap. Twdl'd Earl stun and Maiiche.ler Ginghams, for chitdieu's F UK SCH ClllXTZF.S. Light, medium, and djrk colors, 4-4 wide. Alsi, bel m ke Americsn I'hinlr. and Culicoes, of the mw patterna, at 12 J cts. per ynnl. MOUSELIX DE LAISF.S, Of the most eplendid Oinhre and Printed atyle. down to the French, English and American, el 25 celils per yeul. HAHKGES .1XD HALXOK1SES, Of all qualities and every variety of design., -niied lo all t antes. Also, embroidered and chain Pitched Rolss, Bayaderu and Polka Drra.ea, emh'd Swis. Muslin and llitdi 'p Lawn dress patten a Tailev n and culoied plaid and atripe Swias Mu-lins- WillTE GOODS. Plain Swi.a. Mull, N.nsook. Jacconet, Cambric, Book, and Tarletou Muslins, Plaid, Snipe, corded jnd fiiiurrd Cmliric ami's is. do.. Bishops Lawn, Itlcla nnd KU-Rnnt C APvPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS AND WINDOW SHADES, FOB SPBXXTO TBJk.SE. THE suliscrilH-r hss just opened for spring tiade, large and complete assortment of BruaM-ls, lmM-ri.l, -iierniie and fine Ingrain and Venetian CARPETS, which have M hecn punhascd within a month, at the lowest cash rales. They are now offered at greailv reduced prtcca for cash. The g.Hids sre nf an extra .lyle and finish, and heina of the het make at d fuhrir, offer gieat in ilueement to pnrcha-cr to ohtaii. a handsome and desi'alds article st prices below the ususl rates. The assortment i ron. . li te in evrry resj xl, and eom-ists in pail of ihe following- New and si lendid Brussels Do Do Do Do Di do do do do do Ingrains I listeria's Twl'd Venetiana PI lill do Fine V Common CARPETS, at Reduced Pricca. I. .grain J Splendid Embossed I'isiio snd Table Covers; Siair Rods, Bindings, Sheep Skins, Ste. Ac. With an iininen-e st.i-k uf low pticed Carpets of all diK-iiptiont, L st, R:ig Hemp, and Cotton Carjieia, from l'l to 50 rents per jard. Country Merchania, hous. keepers and others have now an opmrluniiy of suradying themsdvea with hau.lsome and demrst.le coods at Itreallv redu ced prices. ROBERT B. WALKER, 25 N 2d at. opMvaile Chrit Church. I'hiladelph a. Mav l h. IM40 3m DA N VILL E WOOLEN FACTORY. DA'tVlXLE. COLUTrlDlA COUNTY, rriiiiylt aula. rilllE )inri7e Strum ll ootrn Factory, f.Hmer L ly owned auJ eccupvd by Dr. Pr rami!', h.a recently hteu pur.hssed by the subscribers, who resMdfiilly ann unce lo their Irieuds and the puh lic general y, that they are now piepared lo d. all kind, of wjrk in ihrir tine of business ut Iheshoi let notice, sccotdtng to order, and in ths best com- 1 pirative inaniier. Having gone to consider a! !e eipenxe 111 repairing then ni ichincry and apsrnlm. ,uA Mltg Vt.rv ,arlii ut.a j w,uiiug the service of r in ta ,,, i,,,,., ,h,. f,.e confident lht n e uf f .r,jllg ,a Vinds ..r w. rk tu , (. ,u..r;r ,.,,.. olh , ,tahlishmcnt iu the Cliu;rv ,U(, nw, ,,y ..,. L LOT I is, S IINETJ'S, FLANNELS a iji,NKETS cuI ui Iv on hand, and for s.le at rvduccd piirea, fur Vin or Bar'or. Altll; AM I l l-I IMl will be d. ne in ihe heat lo.nner, al the uaUal pri ces. All kind of country produce taken in puy- , men, h W(,,k. a, D.tivdts ...a.ket prices, For ihe .eeoioertodaiion ol those who live at a di tame. Wool and Cioth will bo Iskeu iu at, and, when fniihed, re'urn.d to lha following pla ces, I'Uiii writton diievlimw must accompany r.irh parcel 1 CJHml,t.t Cuiiniv. R. 'On & Marr's store, We- ahiiigh nvdlnt R. Fruit's store, Jreytown ; Yea- 1 Oianeevillet Derr s .tore Xurthtimbrrland I nun It Michael Itea.ter stun, TUrhUlville; Ireland i llav'a atore, McEweoa sllre; E. 1. Piper'a stoie, Watsousluwu S. I. Comly St Co' store, Milton 5 Gibson's inn, CI11I .t. .tll- lisiusque ; Korsyth a store, nonnumoeiuuu ; Young's atore, Sunbury. Luzerne County. Reynold' aloie, Kingston t Gildetsleeve's store, Wilkeaharre Gaylord'a store, Plymouth; Siye.'a store, Nantlcoke ; Judge Msi k's Mill, Huntington. Lycoming Cottnty.D. Clspp' store, Muncy ; Shoemaker store, eimilh'a Mill. GEARHAKT it KOWNOVER. Dsnville, Msy 9, 184B. . rilHE Cfci-aaetTte Mirtaaim Hi Oil, has X iust Iwen received snd is for sale at the atore of Miy 30, 1816. HENRY MASSE R. Imitation Cambric, Cntnhric Dimity. Iri.h Shir'ii'tr; Linens, I t.nis-k Table Linen, 'IV1 tMoihs nnd N ipkina, Long Lawif, Prencli Linen C.uitiiic hI Limn L nvtis, eln-p Shhtinj n'vl Sl.if 'oig Mil.-.-limr, snd runrrior Lorg f'ln'.h Slu '.ii A MovHSitr; aoofjf. Lltpiu's Uotnh vine. nf a' -''' ihtir, und Iho n rimis ah ides of Blnelj, Hiiin-'-rr JloiiihaXtnes rr llrillninte. slJIi and Cotton W rp Alpaecss, M'li, Mouselin :1c l.iiinri. Baiegrs. Uu'w.-H'ii ', Marque!', Grenadine,, tiin'-t'.iin. Lawns, C.Hj.i . Prnpe snd Love LpKhc Viil-, Kid nml Sillt fl'.ivi , Hin-tr'V, Plain Si'k. Uliirii. Otternan, 'I'luhrf, I.T.'go mi l Twisled Silk .shawl, Scsul sio. Cut . fill A IV..V .1X1) SC.: hi.-. French Cuhiiien)' lonfi ond nu.iie rSliin.lf, . . ... 1 1. . 'l'l!f . I l ... urii'ite in.. 1 iiuiiio. lluTl'l;l,. 1 nu" 1 aim 1 vih' in 7 ,,, '.,. . , J i. 1 . 11 1.1 ' , . , , , ! ? l' low,Vr,ec'' J" ... OuMiad-re, Barege, end nth. r long and ,r, A U' .-n v 1- . .1 ' Maidlllas, ts.tl, t apes ..nd ' Cardinals, of the new styles. KMiniOlltKlilKS AM) LACKS. End.'d Cups. Collar. Spencer, and t 'l-einiirt', mnler SWr. a and Cull', Knelti mil I'r tnh Thri' id Lsci s, P.diiings nml Iiiserliiitr. Linen ll' l -b 11 Edgii'it. ami In-eilinc. emh'd S'.vis nml 'sr'i hricdn.. ULrk and Wl.it Luro V'ud.L-iee Slinwln 'ami Seaif. wide liliek Lace, t.ir Msmil! ' m-.iI Scat fa, vtid Bliik Eiusscls Luce, for Irimtni'rj do. nnd ilie.ii . uosikhy. Enclish white and bhick rihh'd. emh'd, pen winked, mid p'am filit IL-eiery ; whild and him k hall IL rihh'd Hid phin ; Hpim Silk and ra-v Nnk do.; hUo, V.irj i-h and Swia white, colore.', iiinl unbleached t!oltn do; lihh'd, plaic, emh'd cl.ick- icd, and open worked; also, I IilHircn a tioiicu u.i, I si.d L11 lies' white and utihlesclied l.i-le 'I'hrc ,d do , of various rpialitiec, n warce and div-ir'. b; ar ticle, and other Hoiery of various description. USES CAMHKfC AM) LAW'S HUKIS. Plain, corded, bcrderrd, riviere, muirue, nnd emb'd Linen Camhrtr ami liwn Hd!..'s , liom 12i cts, to S'lO each. An. Ungs. Purses, t 'recti !!a 1. go for Veils, Gnu? 'iels, Blnck Linen, I.e-ul col'd and Brown do.. Paper Muslins, &c. FOR CF.XTLEMF.S. All the new sths rich nnd cheap Sc.irfs and Cravats; Kid, S.ik. Thread, and other Gbvrs; Cotton half Hose; Silk and Linen Cambric pock't Hdkfs, Susjicnders, Ac. tJ- You can find at MARSHALL'S. SChcr nut street, ahno-t evi ry aruclo in Dry G001U that you requite, and al piicca quite as low, if not lower than cl.ewhi re, it in tit hi interest to tell rlicut) .nd as he is constantly adding to his stock the new est and cheapest goods, you will he sure ol heiiiK sailed. But. leader, you are invited lo call ai.d judgo for youri-elf. Philadelphia May fiih, 1S1R. 2m - I'KNX SYlsVA MA IK) USE, AJNVII.1E, PA. T THE suliscrilier, Into of the Union Hotel, Muti- cy, Pa , respectfully informs the old and 11 u rtierous customers u the l?nn!s) It aula Ilonsr. and the puhlic generally, that he h is leased (ho Tavrrn Stand of John -Rhodes, in Dsnville, where he is now prepared lo entertain tra-MIi rs, and per sons viaiiinc Ihe town, in the very best style. The accommodations will be such a a well conducted puhlic houi should afford, and ni clrt will ! spared to render ..iiUfirtion, in every rc cct, lo s!l who may cull. The citizens of Lycoming county sr. invited to put up with the undersigned when they visit Danville. HENRY WEAVER. DanMlle, May 2, 1P1C Zs2. y-Z 33 W 'L- W. H. THOMPSON, FasliiOsinPile HOOT AND SHOE V.AKKtt, EUEBY returns hi sincere thunks for psst favors, and re.recttullv itTorm. his friendn and the puhlic generilly, thl be ha, removed lo the Hi irk Stur. Kmiitt formerly orcopied hy Wood Khuwn. vhcre he will ! happy to uicoinmodate ull who wish good work nl niodoulc puces, nssuriiic them thai bo will exert himself 10 picase. A good assortment of Bool- h.-.J Shoes, for Gen ilciiieii, Ladie., snd t'hi dreu. constantly on hand. Also. Linings, L'iiiJing, and nil aoits of .Morocco for fale, low. All kind of Work mndo to iivftsuic, and I.e. pali ng w.ll doue, al U10 ahoilerl notice. CM and See. Sunbury, April !5lh, IS1. tf liimo ! Lime ! ! JOH1T 2. SHlrlAlT, l'RPEt'TtM'LL iuloitiis hi. Iin-nds, that he In c.in.iiei . cd the l.usil e of Limo burning, on tfie Iji ni l.e I'w ncoiifl-a. ne 10. noiv t.n hand a quantity uf Lime for .ale, snd will always cik'-.w.t to ut ivmuioJate those who may tutor hitn wnii llieir tUhtoin. AiMU'ti, Apiil I lth, lbl). fun iktj:r ii- MAssr.H, RECENTLY 1'iiOM PHILADELPlllA, "gjfKl ESPECTM'I.LY infonna the ciiizns of Snnhnrv ai.d vicinilv. ihst he has oiiene.'i nn .nice st the re-i.le'ice of Henry Maer, in Mnr.e; stnet, where he is prepared lo cn-cu e all kin. Is i t Di r.t Si s.;r.iT. I'lito Woik, &.e , on the hite-t and mot approved plan. Having had tome tipericnee anj inruc'io . under 1 ne ol the uu-l en ioent nnd aucccsaful Dei -lis sin I'lnlaJ.lphii. he believes lha h will ah a lo give .a'.ial'ictiou to tlio.-e who msy waul 1 1 services. Lad e will ha waited on at t!u ir plncca cf es deuce, lit char-e will moderate, and li wo k warranted. Sunhury, M ifh Smii. 4f. No fui tli'r A'oilfC. reIlP P..-,k Aioun.u. Notts, &C. of IL B. M 1. ser sod 11. B. Mu.er& en. are now in it " hands . f s junce lor collection, -uu win v pu. ... .ull if not sen I. d. in a few days. hunhury, Apnl 4lhi lS4fl. I)LASES. The Cist quality r-usar lion. Mola.e. onlv 121 cents per quart; al . aupeinue arucie 01 yenow ji.tuara. "-" -Iv 121 cenla r quail lot sale st thes'ore of June 13, IH40. 11 YAI;R ipl Alt DEN 'bBEDS. .V fteeis supply ol J . Jf Ri.ley cV Co' superior t'aiden Sctds, ju.l received and for sate al lb atore of March LUIS. HENRY MASSDH. I ... r .L-'.a.