A Moderat Heroine. Col. M. G. Lewie, one of the U. S. Commie pinners, who recently made treaty on the lira to river with the CamenthrB and several other f nrfinn tribes a delegation from which are nnw on their way to Washington was arrompani cil by his wire, of whom the New Orleans Tro pic gives thia account : 'Mr. Lewis has accompanied the expedition throughout. She started in feeble health, . but returned much improved. Being milled by their pilot, the expedition was lost at ono lime tor the space of fifteen days. During this t ime, mi the evening ot the 30th January, several drad of their finest slock wero stolen by the Witchitas and others. Soon after, the tame tiight, the guide reported that they were in the range of the Camnnches, and that they might expect an attack during the night. Mrs. I,n. wis, whose bearing in the expedition has exal ted her in the estimation ot the chiefs, was per-ti-cily calm in the midst of the excitement, ex pressing her belief that the party wns fully com petent to repel any (orce the wild tribes could muster. Fortunately, nothing happened. On such occasions, and during the most inclement weather, she uniformly led oft with great cheer- fulness. At the Council Ground, her presence and conduct did much to beget confidence on the part of the Indians. To the wires of the chief and captaiiis the made presents of jewelry and clothing, which were received with ex pressions or gratitude and wonder. Wo have an illustration of her character. In a late war excursion, some of the Cemen chea had broken in upon the frontier of Texas, murdered a family, and made prisoners of a lad four years old. The little fellow was brought into camp, apparently deranged, and very wild, being afraid of every one until Mrs. I spoke to him in her peculiarly mild tone. The hap py child rushed at once to her arms, as to those f a mother, and could not be induced to leave hr. When told that ho must be taken to Aus t a ; he wept bitterly, clinging to his new moth it, and refusing to go. She was not alarmed at ilio threatened hostilities of the Comanchee; She could travel day after day in cold and rain; she could be contented and cheerful while liv ing on the most forbidden cuntp fare; hut the sobs of thU poor child, and his appeals to her maternal impulses, broke her fortitude, and ahe wns completely overcome when it became ne cessary to force him from her arms. We love to record such instances of that remarkable characteristic of the sex, which so often unites the stern, unbending attributes of man with tho gentler ones of woman.' Americas Mothck. During the late mili tary excitement, a number of quite young met, volunteered to go to Point Isabel, among whom 1 1' roe or four became tired of military life, and returned to the city two or three daya ago. One young man went home and expected to be warmly received by his mother, (who had done nil in her power to prevent his going in the first place,) but to his great surprise he wss re pulse J, and told that ahe had lived to a good old oe without being disgraced, and that she could not receive him into her family until he retriev ed hia character. She advised him to start hack on the first boat, and push as fast as steam and sail could take him, and beg to be reinsta- trd in the ranks, and there to stand hia part of the hardihipsof war, as long as his country de manded hia services. He gathered his clothes and hat, turned on hia heel, and left on tho first boat The next time we hear of him, we bope to hear of his being signalized by bravery. SI. Louis American: The following is' from the New Bedford Mer oury ; 'A citizen who in war-time seeka to de press the spirits of his countryuien, and refuses to lend a helping hand to his country, because the government haa dona wrong, is, in our o pinion, little better than an avowed traitor. 'Why have you volunteered !' aaid rather a rare-worn looking newly enrolled volunteer, yesterday, to a fine looking country soldier. 'Why, I volunteered because I have no wife, and go in for war,' was the unequivocal reply , 'and now, why havo you volunteered V he ad ded. Ah !' said the care-worn countenanced little man for be waa little with a significant sigh, I have volunteered because I have m wife, n I go in jot peace. N. O. Delta. A Novelty At Grahamsville, S. C, there ia a garden novelty u the shape of white black berries .'-Exchange paper. No novelty at all ! .Blackberries are always white when they are green. Hew York Globe. Not so. When green they are red. Phila delphia Ledger. Tau. Talkibo. 'May it please the court,' said gentleman, 'learned in law,' yesterday, addressing the judge on the repugnant remarks that fell from a brother barrister 'May it please the court, resting on the couch of the republi cs equality, aa I do covered by the blanket of constitutional panoply aa I am and protect e l by the aegis of American liberty, that great ptcservativo, political, musquito bar, under which even a tiger can shelter, aa I fuel my-t-olfto be I despise the buzzing of a professions u inaect, who has just sat down, and defy his futile attempts to penetrste, with hii puny sting the interstices of my impervious cover- We hate some persons because we do nut know them ; and we will not know them because we hat them. IIASiK MOTE LISI."'.-- PlitfXSflXTAWIA. '! -J The (..'lowing Hot allows the current value of all Jennaylvattis Hunk N.itcs. The most implicit re liance rrny l placed upon it, a It U every week tan-fully compired with srd corrected from Btck null's R porter. - ' Itnnk In Philadelphia. . ' t Disc. in Na. t.OCAT.O. fHltA1 NOTES AT PAR. Bsnk of Ninth America ' . , Bank of iln Northern Liliertiea , Cnmmeieial Rank of Prnn'a. . , Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank pur far par p.r par par pr pur par put par pur pif par par par par par par par par imr Kensington B.nk ri.ilft.k Ij.hin Bunk . " . Schuylkill Bunk . . , Siiuttimiik Itnnk . . , Western Rink . . Mechanics Hunk . . Manufacturers" At Mer.1i an trV U.ink flank of Penn Township . . fiar.l Bali . , Bank of Commerce, lite MeyamrMifig Bank of Pennsylvania , . Country Rank. Bank of Cheater County Hank of Delaware County . Bank of liermantown Bank of MnMcoroery Co. Dnyrclown Dank Easfflti Rank Farmers' Itnnk of Burks en Westchester Chester (Jermantown NnrrU'Owrl Doylcstown K.stort BrMol Bunk of Nnrlhnmhetlund Northumlicrland par Columbia I) ink Ar ttridge cn.Clumhia . par Fsrmera Bunk of I.anraatci Laneistci par l.anraMrr County Bank Lancaster - par Lancaster Bank Lancaster pit Farmer' Bunk of Reading Reading pur Office of limit or Trim a. Harrinhurg" The-e Lancaster I office Resiling jilo mil Esstnn ; J issue n. DI8CO UN T. Office d Office . do . Oilice . d.i NOTES do do do AT Hank of the United States. Miners Bank of Poltsviite Bank of l.ewiatnwn Bank of Middlotown Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank J di . ' branch of flatrishurg Bank libation Bunk Merchants' At Manuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg Weal Bianch B.nk Wyoming Bank Northiitiptoii Bink Berks County Bank Office of Bunk of I J. S. Do di) do ' Do do do Bank of Chamliersburg Bank of Gettysburg Bank of Su'ipjohanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' At Drovers' Bank . Franklin Bank HoumUlc Bunk Philud. Iphia Potiavilln . IrfiwiKtuwn Miihllntown Cnrliale Pituburgr Ifolliitavaliurg Ilarrishurg Lehaiion . Piilnhurg Pitu'.mig Williamaport Wilkcvharre Allcnlown teaihng Pittahurg Erie 21 3 I ) J. I failed .l.i New Brighton do ('hamlMmbiirg (Seltysliurg Mnulroae Ij Eris . Wayneaburg i WsshiiiKlna I i Honexlale I Brownsville 1 York U Monongahela Bank of B. York Bank' N. R. Hie notes of those hank on which we omit quotations, and substitute, a dash ( ) are mil purchased by the , Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which hate a leltor of reference. ' BROKEN BANKS. - Philadelphia Sav. Ins. ' ' Pbiladc.hia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do f.iiled Kenningion Sav. Ins. A do Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W; Dyntt, prop.) failed I'owanda Bank Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver ' Bank of Swatura ' Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' & Merh'ca' Bank Farmers' St Mcch'cs' Bank Farmers' At Msch'cs' Bank Harmony Institute Hunting.).)!. Bonk Juniata Bank Lumlierineu'a Bank Northern Bank of Ps. Now Hope DeL Bridge Co. Northumti'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schoylkill Bank Ps. Aer. At Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Batik of Peon's. Beilford Beaver llariisburg Washington Belli finite Pitlsbuig Piltshurg Fayette cn. Creencast'e Harmony no (ale closed closed failed closed no ale failed failed failed no sale Huntingilon no sale l.ewi-itown no s.ile Warien Diin.lafl' New Hope M ilion MeaiWille Porl (Carbon Carlisle Montrose Uuiontown faik-.l no aale cloaed no sale closed failed closed railed closed Westmoreland Bank (reeiialiurg Wilkesbarrs Bridge Co. Wilkcabarre no sale OQ AM notes purporting to be on any Punn-yl-vania Bank not given in the above lit, may be set Jowu as frauds. kew jcusi:y. Bank of New Biunawick Brunswick BeltiJcie Bank BelviJere Burlington Co. Bank Medfurd 'Jooiruercial Bank Perth Amhoy CuuiberUnd Bank Briditon farmers' Bsnk Mount Holly Farmera' and Mechanics' Bk Kahway Farmers' and Mechanics Bk N. Biunawick failed par par failed Fanners' and Merchants' Bk Mid.lleVnwn Pt. 1 Franklin Bank of N.J. J.r.cy City fuil.J fail.d failed failed fa. led 4 failed i par lIuiHiken llkgot luazing l o lluliukcn Jersey Cily Bank Jersey Cily Mechanics llank lalieisoii Manufncturera Bank - .' . BallcviUe Murris County Bank Mornstown Monmouth Bk of N.J. . freehold Mcchanica' Bank .- . Newark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk. .Trenton Morria Canal and Bkg Co Jcisey City l'al Notes Newark Bkg At Ins Co Newaik no sale i j failed failed 4 failed i New Hot Del Bridge Co I.amlieruvilU N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co HolH.ken N J Pioleclon At Lombard hk Jersey City Orange Bunk Orange Palerson Bank I'aterson Peoples' Bank do Piiuteton Bunk Princeton Salem Banking Co Salem Slate Bsnk , Newark State Buik Eliiabethtown State Dank Camden State Bank of Morris Moriistown Slate Bank Trcni.m Sulcra and Philad Manuf Co Salein Suasex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co ( , Trenton1 Union Bank Dover' Washington Banking Co. Hackeuaack .. DCLAWAitr Bk of Wiha At Brandy wine Wilruiogtoo Bank of Delaware Wilruingtoo Batik of Smyrna Smyrna Do bianch Miltord Faimers' Bk of Stats of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Uniuu Bank Wilmington i ay Under 5's par ,,, I par failed tailed i p.; failed i par . f' par par par ar par , V v I'ar t j OJ- Oa all banks marked ibus () thers sre ci that couiiisrbit or altered notes of the various da fionuutuoos, in circulstiou. WHITE SV" AIT HOTEL, . Race PfnttT, Phieaoelpiiia. nv jr. pirrEns. THIS location ia eonvenienl for Bus!nrs men . visiting the city. Every plins is taken tn as cure Ihs comf.irt of travellers. -JAwb 7. 1840: 'ly J. ... : Removal. . . T. TRITES, RESPECTFULLY Informs ths ei t'l'ns of Snnlmry and vicinity, that ha ha rem. i ve.l his lesidi-nc l.i the Brick House in Msiket stroel. one door we-t of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thinkful for past U is, l.e hH-s i receive a eoniiniixtion of the liber, al patronage which has heretofore teen ex tend -d to him. Feb SB; 1818. 0m ; MONTOUR HOUSE, 1.ATK IIHAOY'S IIOTP.L, (fppofite the Court Unite, OAMVlLLfi, rBNN'A. ' THE Subcrilnr, who assia-cd for ae. vri. I years In the m inaRemenl of the . hove Hole!, lately kept by Mr. S. A. Bra- ily, b' g leave to inf rm ins travelling ,ti a. . . , . , . , ,. , , , i iMih'if, that re baa Uken the estahlhment on UU ' ' . .. i ... tats '- "'. . m ikel alloid. and with th.' determina'ton to i'e vo e his entire rrKont ait ntion to t!ie eomf-irl of those whs mav nake his home their temporary a-l-ode, snd aide.l by active, careful snd obliging ser van's, he hopes to a.iv gen rat silisfartion, and re ceive a li'a ral share of rii-tnm. d3 Large snd commotlioua STABLER sre at Inched to the ea'abhshment. which are attendej by careful Slid obliging ho tiers. CIDEON M. SHOOP. J.innary S4lh. 1R4R. if BVANS . WATSON, j No. Id Sorni Tinnn Stkit, i Opposite the Philadtlphia Exchange, Manufacture and k' p for. stnntly on bsntl a larg as sortment of their Pstent Im- i proved S jlsniindi r F I R E PROOF SAFES. , which are ! s constructed aa to sol at rest .ii r i ... i. . . .t...:. a '.I - .TH in uiitrr ,i noun o I beina atrictly fire proof, r-nd that they will re-isi the fne of any building in the world. The outside esse nf the Safes are mule ol boiler iron, the inside c ise nf sonprtone, and be tween thu ruler rase and inner case ia a space nf s..me 3 inehra thick, and is filled in with inde-irne tilde miteii .l, so aa to make it an impossibility to ever burn any of the contenta inside of this Chest. These Soapatono Selimamlcte we are prepared and do challenge the waild lo produce any article in the shspe of B.mk Ssfra thai will stand ss much heat, and we hold ourselves ready art all limrs to have them fairly tested by public bnnnre. shoul.l a ny cf our romicliiors feel disposed to try Ihem. We also continue to manufsrtue and keep con stantly on hand, a large and general aeortmerit uf our Pieinium Air liehl Fire Proof Safes, i f which we have s Inrge quantity in use, and in every in stance tl.ey have given enOre sitisrartion le (he purchasers of which we wilt refer the public lo s few gentlemen who have them in use. i ' N. At O. Taylor, 129 north 31 st.: A. Wright At N'phew, Vine si. whsrf ; Aleiamler Caror, Con vryancer. corner of Fillert and Utli s's.; John M Fori. 3f north 3d st.; Mvcrs Bush. 20 n nh 3d r-t.; Bailey At Brother, 134 M..ket st James M. Paul, 101 south 4th at.; Dr David Jnyne, 8 south 3d st; Matthew T. Miller, 2U south 3d si.; and we could name some three or four hui drrd olheia if il were nrcesssry. Now we invite the attention of the public, and particularly those it wsnl nf Fire Proof Safes, to csll at nor store Ihfoie purcha sing elsewhere, snd we think we can sjtisfy them that they will get s litei and chear article at our store than any other establ ahmrni ia the city. We also ronlinue to manufactuie r'cal and C.i. pying Prr, niade in such a manner aa to an swer both purpoM-a ; Hoisting Machines, Fiie Proof Doors, with our own manuiwture of locks on them, witb D. Evans's Patrnl Keyhole cover attached ta the same; plain and ornamental Iron Riiiling, Ate. " ' ' N. U. We keen eontstitly on hand a Ure as sortment of our Patent Mtste l.inrd Refiiget t us, Water Fillers snd ('oler;and we hsve also on hand several second hand Fire Prnf Chests taken in exchange f.ir ours, which we will depose of at veiy .. w piires. - Phjtadelphla, January 2 Mi. lAln. ly WECLESALE PJET.IL HAT & CAP WA11EIIOUSE, .Yo. 304. Market Street, above Olli, South tide, PHILASBLPHIA, , .. THE aubscril rrs rfspecifully call the alien lion of their fneiids aud de.dera to their large THE aubscril era rrserifully call the alien ate4 lion of their fneiids and de .lera to their large and well sss. rted stock of ilata aud Caps of every description, well adapted f r ths S ring trade. ' Be ieg nude of the best ruitrri d and by Ihe mn-t ex-ierieuc.-d workmen, they feel confident lu give in-vi.-sil ssliafiiclion to all who msy favor thetu with a dial, as Ihey i.fivr to aell aa w sa any house in the cry. BAR I'ALO I T At BLYNN. Philad, Iphia. Janosry 3. I8t8 ! ' To PurcluiNcrs) of ' DRY GOODS. rpHE subscriber, Ne. 121 Pearl street, A Y. I'mk. having elsbli-hed a Brunch al No. 23J South Scroiid st., Pbilidelphis, is now opening and wi'l lie cona'anlty receiving from the Sew York Auctions an eiieu-uve asaurlment nf FANCY sV STAPLE DRY OOODS, ' which will l sold at the lowest New York piicea al wliolessle ami lt tail. Among h a stock will be found a good sskuIiim'M nf the fjllowii g articles: Jaccum-ls, Plaid, Hair Cold, Lace, Stripe, BKik, Swina and Tarlatan Muslins, Bisln p snd Linen Ltwna, Fsnry dp Metis, Ksncy snd Ball Ureases Thrt-sd Lares, Application D fch B'sik Si.k 1'rimmieg Lace, IrUh Linens, Linen Cambrics, Luien Csmlirie Hdkfs.,Curtsin Fringes, Cuvhinere j d bcus, Mnuseliuo de Laias, Silk aud Lotion j Warp A l areas, (ju -n'a Cloth, Gala Plaids, : French Meiiuoa, 111 ck Silks, (ih.ves Si k Hose, kftuwla, Cravats, Ribbons, Embroideries, Ac, Ace. l-ountry Metchsuts snd others vi.mng Philadel phia or New Yoik lo purchase, srs respectfully in vited to call and examine ths l.ks. Novl, l46. ly . G. II. MOORE. WHEAT. The higheal price given U Wheal, si ihe store of H. MASSER. A new supply of Rose Ointment just received. Nov. Hih. 1845. BAR IKON Just leceiv'ed and for saleTcheap fnrra.h.bv IIPVBV ItikfiPD I AR IRON Just leceiv'ed and for sale, cheap 'forcab,by ' . HENRY MASSER. . Sunbury, Hi pi. 20, 1845. SUPERIOR Poll wtueTMadeitnn-ihoTi wines. Also superior Brandy and (Jin, Lemon Syrup. Also a few barrels of Bira Pisu, for aals HENRY MASSER Sunbury, July l"lh, 1845, a nr news, o r-, ...a, .emr.n. .. una-- . of , f h.m hold, to mske it what T7' l ' ' ,ne, ,"0W", I Unt alterations, snd he pe,it condoclor ,. oj ,,. - ' p.on. , n . , to leave nothing undone to make it a comfortable t . . ' ,. J . nf h, fJnion ... v In tforthnmberhnd CmintyU. D. ; Masssr, I and sgreesblc as we.. a cheap at... aeemm h ,- he, -..... - Ireland At, Mixel, McEwen.vi.l. , . D ling slopping pt tor slr.nger. ho m.yj ... our Kranaer, M.lton. . ? l BiT' lTT'il TfcT UKA J .h, . I wi h confidence, most respectfully sol, . J" V,Tn 0,orh"Tl' '""'oe5 fDArt-d t fill ihf ulilif ml thit htr Aith the tct tnr 1 ' A lint. Int. MimiihirtF. SUM '..3! NASSER; V":1 ATTOHNRY'AT LAW, strnBtrav. pa. ' finefneaa attended to in the Counties of Nor thumtrrland, Union; Lycoming and Columbia. liefer tot ' P. At A. Rovoenr, " - Lowkb At Btaaoa, , Konans Al Hivnnonaas, VSilail. RarnoLna, McFaatuxn At Co. Rpantno, ffoon At Ca.. ' - ' iiiitnisnvno, pa. T BED leave to inform the pnblic that I have left - Phi!a.lelihia. and am nnw located in Harris I'drf, the seal of the Eaectitive nnd State tlovrrn ment of Pennsylvania, wheie t now oeenpy the spieiona Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Matthew Wilson. -. f y -s - This spacious building:, having been I'Ornnsely plinnc.l and ereted for a Hot, I nf ihe (list class, I I it ii... t I - . Ii.hm.i.1 in l.n.vlv,...i., .n.l hnvi.. i,.i,.n. a ' thorough rcnovntmn, the parlors, rooms and chambers are now fitted up in a style that rom bines r'etanre with comfort snd convenience. ' ' My TABLE is pleducd to be so p. lie J with the het fare ihe Markets ran produce t the charges St , mr Rinm limn in-iiiK as miHirrsiv is inv qi mr w.i 1 . . , , , . - ; I regulated aatal hshments elsewhere. In short, Oo t. - . . . i . . f . i k. . exntions shall be sn.red i patrnlingfl . DANIEL HERR, ' Lite of Herr's H.itet, Chenut si.. Philad. Ham burg. N.v. 22. m. , roiitTi:t:i Tallin lilc HvtCctco. "1 BaicTr?irRa Vinvtrrtii - a er1ttin cure for s worms m, ft nnd very plranaul to lake. 2. OimoVs Kxtscts. which remove Crease of all kind', Dry Pa'nts, Tar, Vstntsh and Wat, from carpets or from clothing, without Injuring the color or the cloth, 3 Loxnnv 1'ir Pspks the best thing knonn for killing flies and musqurtota. 4. A ceitam Destroyer or Rnls, Mice, Roaches and Amis, and anther f Br.l Burs. "5. (,i-v!"a Seiriric fn a 'ur stomach. Heart Burn and Water Brash, by one who hd self, red thirteen ys irs, before he ilicovrred ths cure. Da. S-rrvaVe Oskkji Oixtmeut for the Pibs. Il haa never Cilc.l to cme. 7. Iltaaisn'a Tsvrra WaaH, 8. BaaMuxu'a Ismklibls : Is, without a rival, 0. Tea Coairiii'siB Costkctio or Fib just the medi. ine for children and fur women, it ia so pleasant In lake. , . 10. Bkck's Vrer.Tsait ATiait.inis Pills. 1 1. Cm.i's EwoLitaaT WaTtn-rnunr Pastk, for llsrnrss, Bouts, Ate. It softens tho leather, and keepa out the water. , 12. I'ooa Mas' SraKSBTHtsi va Piseita. 13. Jscksub'b DitaaNiKa MitTiar, whi.h curra the worst Diarrhoea in a few hours, . 14 Jscksiib's Disaaraar MiXTi ar, a cer lain and speedy cure for Dysentery and Summer Compl tint. . . The alKive valuable articles are sMd wholesale and retail, by L. C. (JUNN, N. I South F-flh itrcrt, Philadelphia whcie Slor. keepers snd fl itters will be Mipp ied with pure African Cayenne Prpr, Arnica Flowers, Drugs, Psint. Oils, Glass and Varnisbea, al the lowest prices. Terms only rssh. Cut out the advertisenient, slid biing it with you. . . PhiUdrlphis. July 13th. IS15.-l v. HEME V K A N 13 l7l V E . THO IVI S ON'S Compound Syrup of Tar felVood A tip! !m. ri'V.HK onprece.U.nle.1 success of this medicine, in JL the restoration f heal'h, to those who, in ties, pair, had giten up all hies, has given il an is' ted reputation sl'ove all other remedies, furnishing iTulence of its intrinsic va'unand power, aa the on ly agent which can lurched np n for the cure of Pu!mon.iry Consumption . Brotiehiitis, Asthma, it. Spitting of Blood, Psin in the side and Brca w hooping I'ougn, iron p. etc. Attention ia i. nuclei lo the following ASTON, JSIIING CURE, bv Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Napiha 1 ! , ... Philailrlphia, May 3d, 1841. MR. THOMSON Drar Sir-With grateful feelings I inform you of the astnuishing elVects of I yntir medicine, which has literally tais d roe from ! a dcath-lv.l ! , My dieca-e, Pulmoiury Cnn-unip ' j lion, lu rcducej nil so low that my hys cinn pro. no.inrrd my case linfielcss ! At luis junction I be gan to u-eyour mr-.licine, and miraculous as it may seem, il has completely restored me to health, sftei everything else had failed. Respectfully vours. WASHINGTON MACK. ( ? K aw Is il las alltavast SklkiVaB fliinmal mi raat The umlereigned. Iwing personallv acquainted I j wjh Wsshinalon Msrk and hia suflerinca. bear . witness lo Ihe astonishing effects nf Th'-nxon's Compound Syrup ef Tar, aud the truth of the a beve alalemenl. JOS. WINNER, BIB North THrd atreet, DAVID VICKEKS. 43 Almond street, HI till M til.M.EY, 8. E. corner Tsroany and Fourth stieris. Prepsm. only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. eo-ner of Slh and Spruce streils, Thi'sdelphis. Agent. H. U. Masser, Sunbury ; D. Gross, and Dr. Macpheraon, Harrisburg ; Jno, G. Brown, i P,.ltsvi!le ; Ge . E-irl, Reiding ; Houston At Ma New r.n,l. Itisdofd raiintv.l'a. 1'iire SO eenla j , r ,rt(e. or ii r deien. - v jj- Ileware of till imValwnt. V Philadelia. June 2Slh, 1843. I y I ' ," P I A IN O S. i rilHE SUBSCRIBER has been sppninted scent, 1 fur ties la ,4 CO XR AD MEYER'S (El EB RATED PREMIUM R'IE WOOD PI ANOS, at this place. These Pianos have a plain, massive and bt autiful exterior fini-h, snd, for depth aud swsrluesa of lone, and elegance of workman, ship, are nut aurpassed by sny in the United Siste. The following is a recommendation from Csai Diets, a celebrated per lor mer, and himself a man. unictuteri , A C All D. II sv i ws had the pleasure nf trying the excel lent Piano Fortes manfactered by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited at the last exhibition of ihe Franklin In stitute. I feel il due to the true merit of the maker la declare that these instruments sre quite equal' snd in some restweis even superior, le all ths IV ano Puttee, I ssw at the cspttaU of Euiops, and during a sojourn ef two years al Psris. . ' These pianos will lie sold st Ihe manufacturer's Liwest Pliilsdelnhia nrieea. if not aomelhine lowrr. Persona sre requested to call and examiue for themselves, al the resi.lenca of the subscriber. . Sunbury, May IT, 1845. H. B. MASSER. T IMG, of a suierior quahty, can now I had jUsi ihe Lime Kilns of Henry Masser, io Sun bury. Msy 17, lita. ' on mv n.rl. or on the n-irl l' I I UIMIII I f OAKI.EYS ; DEPVRATITC 8YIICP.' i THE vslunb'e properties of Oakley's Depra live Sytnp of rWaaparilla, aa a purifier of the blood, is so well known to the public, generally, that it la unreceraary to occupy much spare in ret ting forth Ihe advantages to be derived from its Use wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, It lakes precedence over sll othsrs : rvrty one that has taken It, have derived ao signal bene ficial results from il, that it Is recommended by Ihem with ihe u'most mnftdenesv Thysicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe il to patient under their care containing nothing deb terlous, but bring composed ol the most mild, yet eiTicecious vegetable materials, it is offered with confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu. rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few bolilee, rsiiecialty in the spring months, will lis at tend! d with S most decided imptovement in the e- ! nee I atrengib or the system, eradicating any seeds of disease that may have been generated, braldra giving health and vigor In the hy.lv. For Ihe cure Riving nri . .rtt,(ln ot Kings Eit, Rheumnism. I'eltef, Pimples or etuptions of the Skin. Whitr dwelling. Fistula, Chronic Cough Asihoia, Ate. . 1'he nu merous crrlifica'ea in the iosses.iiii of the subscri ber and hia agents, from physicians and others, are sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su periority over sll preparations of Sarsaparills. Sold wholesale snd retail, by the proprietor, tiCOKUti W.UAKLKV, North 6lh street, Kes. . In Culumbia Crmni. R. W. McCav. Wash Ington. ' Reading, March 14, 184.1. Ma, Ojiklbt I lrirve il the nty of every one to do w lmteverin their power I ie, for the b-ne. fit of their fi llow man, and having had po-i ive pioof iu my own family, of the wonderful pricriies of your Depurstita Syrup nf Sarsapsrilla, I m st ronscieiitiously recommend it to the afllirle.l. . We had the misfortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the f,,.,, nPM ,n, (.fc, .HLoogh we had some of Ihe most rcientific physicians to attend th- m snd had tried all the known leine.lirs, including. Swaim's Panneee, without avail. - Another of my children waa attacked in the fame manner, her face and neck was completely coverrd; the discharge was so nfTensive, snd ihe disease at such a height, that we di spaireil nf her life. rVeing the wonderful effects ofyotir Depur-nive Syrup t.l S usapari.l i, we vteie induced to make Irul of it, as the last resort ; il acted like a charm; Ihe u'cers eemmeneed healing immediately, a ft v bottles entiiely restored her to hrr he.illh, which she hs enjoyed unintertU ted!y ever since. .As a purifier of tba blood, I verily he llers U has not its equal, JOHN MOYER. Tailor. Walnut street, Hear Fourth, Reading., , .. Dnttglassvitle, April 1 9th, 1843. Ma. Oaklet: My son Edmund Leaf, had Ihe scrofula in the most dreadful and ditresiing man ner for three years, during which lime he wss do prived nf ihe use of hia limbs, his he l and neck were covered with ulcers. We tri--d all the di(T--r. ent remedies, but In no effect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown, snd also Dr. Isaac Hiester, of Reading, lo use your Depurnlive Syiup of Sarsap.irilla, of which I obtained several bottles, the use of which d'ove Ihe disease entirely out of his system, the sore heated up, and Ihe ehikl wss restored to 'rfcct health, which he hss enjoyed oninteriuptedly ever since, lo the astonishment ef many persons who seen him dming his affliction. I have thought il my duty, and send you this certi ficate thai others who hsve a like affliction in the family may know where to obtain aj valuable a ! medicine. Yours truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 16, 1943 ly A S II 11 Y ' & O C A I," WHOLESALE & RETAIL HAT & UA1 MAM'FACTUUFsUS, South East corner of Market and 4th tls.. Philadelphia , TirilERE ihey alwaya keep on hand an exten- ' eive ssairtment ef HATS U CA PS of cverv j description, got up in Ihe best nd most approved j at) le. Petaona detiroiiaef purchasing suarior arti- j ties on Ihe most reason able terms, will find It to j their advantage to call before making purchases j elsewhere. . Philaelelphia, Oct. 6th, 1844. I v I - -- ! CITY FUI11MTURE AUCTION, AND PRIVATE SaLES BOOMS, Nos. VO and 31 North Third Street, . Ncir the C i t y 11 o t e 1, PHILADELPHIA. . C. MACKEY, Auctienecr, respectfully in- ! viles Ihe stteotion of person desirous of pur- chasing Furniture, to his extensive Sales Rooms, i (both puMie snd Private,) lor every description of Ilouaenold r umHure, where can l obtained at nil limes, a largs sasorlment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Matliasses, Ac, at very reduced prices, for cssh. (t7 Heles by Auction, twice a Sveek, . - Msy 87th. 1843. ly , - Counterfeiters' DEATH BLOW. The public will please observe that no Brsndteib Pills are genuine, unless lbs box hss three li bels Uion it, (the top, ths side and the bottom) etch containing a fac-aimilt aignature of my hand writing, Ihua B. BaannaiTH, M. D. These la. helaie engraved on steel, beautifully designed. and done al an expense nf over (2,000, Therefore it will lie seen ihsl iha onlv ihins nrersssrv to nro. cure ihe medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, Ihe side, snd Ihe bottom. The following respective persons sre duly suthori led, and hold 1 ' ' ' ' '' ' CERTIFICATES OF AfiBNCT ' For Ihe sale of Rrandretk't Vegetable Universal Pilte. Northumberland countv : Milton Mackey At Chambeilin. Hunbury H. R. Masaer. ' M'Ewens ville Ireland At Mcixell. Northumbeiland Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown J. At J. Walla. Union County ; New Berlin Bogar At Win ter. Selinagrove Cfeorge Oundrum. Middle, hurg Isaac Smith. Besvertowa David Hgbler. Adamsburg Wm. J.May. MifHinsbuig Menach At Rsy. Haitkton Daniel i Lqna . Preehurg U.eVKUX Moyer. LewisUirg Walla Qreen. Columbia county I Danville E, B, Reynolds Ac Co. Berwick Shumao At R.Uenbouse. . Cat. lawisaa C. O. Drobts. Bloomaburg John R. Moyer, . Jesaey Town Ievi Biarl. Washington Robt. McCsy. Limestone Baltic & M:Meh. Otiaerve that each Agent baa an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of Ur BRANDRBTH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of the new label now used upon Ihe Brandrttk Pill Puxet. ' rbilsdt-lphia, office No. 8, North 8th atreet B. BRANDRETH, M. D. June 4tb, 1843, I ROSS OINTMENT FOn TETTER. . RINOWORM8, rislPt.ES ON THE FACE, AND OTHEE MtTANEOI'SJ RRIIPTIONM. 0" The following cert(fieae dcgcrilie one nflht omul extraordinary eurei ever effected by any application. PrutAnrtritts, February 10, 1838. FOR twenty years I was severely afflicted with Txttbh on the Face and Head: tho disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued Until the Fall of 1830, varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During moat nf the time, great pari of my fce was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing ; my head swel'cd at times until it felt as if it would burst ihe swrllin; wss so g.eat, that I coufd) scarcely get my hal on. During the long period' that I waa afflicted wi'h the disease, I used a gresf many f plications (among them aeveral celebrated! prepatalinn) as Well as taking inward remediea including a riniher of bottles of Swaim't Panacea, Extract of Sarttnpurilla, Ate, In facl, h WowM be) impossible to enumerate all the medicines f used1, I was also under Ihe Care of two of the moat Jis-' tingutahed physicians of this city, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired nf ever being; cured. In the Ml of 1838, the disease at the time being very violent, I commenced using the Rote Oinlmenf, (prepared by Vaughan At Davis.) Ia s few applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling abated, the eruption began to disappear, and before I had used ajar the disease waa entirety cured. It hss now been nesrly s year and a half since, and there is not a vestige of ths disease re maining, except the sears from the deep pits formed by the disease. It is impossible for me to describe in a certificate the severity of the disease snd my ufliring, but I will be pleased to give a fuller ac count o any person wanting further satisfaction, who will nil on me. At the time I commenced using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun dreds nf .hilars lo ho rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I hnvc recommended il lo sever l persons, (among them my mother, who had the disease bad ly on her arm.) who were a'l cured bv it. JAMES DURNELL, No. 156, RsceRf. 1X5" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vaughan, Souh Eaat corner of Third and Race streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu ry, by H. B. MASSER, May 14th. 1813. rer. Hose (viniiiiciit, lor Tel ten A Pit OOP OF ITS EFFICACY.. I'HtLtnkLFHiA, May 27lh, 1839. rPHIS is lo certify thai I waa severely arti cled with 'l etter in the banda and fiet for upwards of lorty years; the disease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I applied to number of physicians, snd used s great many appli cations without effecting a cure. Almttl a year since, I applied the Roe Ointment, which entirely stnped ihe itchinij.and a few applications immedi ately cured the disease, which there has been no return of, slthough I had never been rid of il st any time for (my years. RICHARD SAVAt.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. Cj The Rose. Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vaughan. South East corner nf Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on senry in Sunbu ry. by H. B. MASSER, May Uth. 1843. Ageol ItlEDICAXs APPROBATION Of the ROSE OINTMENT, for Tetter. ALTHOUGH the superiority of the prepaisti.-r over all others is fully es'sblished, the proprie tors lake pleasure in laying before the public thi following certificate from a respectable physician a graduate of 'the University of Pennsylvania. Dr Baiigh, having found in this leme.ly that relief f i a tedious snd disegrcsahle affection which the mean within Ihe range of his profession failed to afford has not hesitsted to give it hia approbation, allhoug. the prejudicea and interests of thai profession ai opposed to secret Remedies. PnitAnr.t'saiA, Sept. 19, 14.10, I was recently troubled with tedious herpeli eruption, which covered pearly one si le nf my fio and extended over the ear. Mr. Vnufjhan, proprii lot of the Roeo Ointment, ubeetving my face, insi. led on my tiying his preparation, uf which he hai led me a jar. Allhouith in conmon with ihe men (era of my profession, I discountenance snd disa prove nf the numerous nostrums painted upon th public by ignorsnt pretenders, I feel in justice hour to except the Rose Ointment from that clas of m dicines, and o give it my approbation, ae it entir ly cured ihe eruption, although it bail resisted tl usu.il applications. DAM. BAUGH, M. D. fXj" The Rose Ointment ia prepared by C. J Vauthsn, South East corner of Third and Ra Streets, Pniladelphia, and sold on agency in Sui tury, by H. B. MASSER. May 14th, 1843. Ago rr - EAGLE Corner of Third and Vine Streets, WILIilAMSPOaT, PA. THE subscriber respectfully announces tot public, thai he haa opened a Hotel in ths co mndious brick building situate on the corner Third snd Pine streets, where he will be happy wait np.n those who may favor him wttti lhX company. The Eagle Hotel is large and eonvei ent, and furnished ir, the bet modem stle. It provided with a large number of well aired a comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, prir. parlors, Ac Persona visiting Willismspnrt en I sines nr pleasure, may rest as-ur.-d that every i ertion will le used to render their sojourn st ' "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. HisTs will be supplied with the very hsst the ma.ket fords, snd his bar with the Choicest wines snd ntl liquors charges reasonable. The Eagle He posaesses greater advantages in point nf local than any other similar establishment in the borou being situate in Ihe business pari of the town, s within a convenient distance nf the Court Hoi and Williamsporl and Elmira Rail Road D. put. Sufficient Stabling provided, and food and tru ollera alwaya in attendance. " ... , 'Attentive, accommodating and bonel 8erv have been employed, and nothing left nndonet will add to the comfort and accommodation of guests. ; . , , There will he a carriage always in attendance the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and fi the House, free of charge, CHARLES BORROW? J4sy 14th. 1843. tf Michael Ycavcr & Son, BOPE MAKERS SHIP CTJAND E! Ao. 13 A'orrA Water Street. Philadelphia. W WAVE constantly on hand, a general ssi M.M ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ae., I ard Rotxs, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, M. Is Ropes, Tow Lines for Csnal Hosts. All complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac. sue Hemp Siiad and Hefting 1'wine, Best Patent Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twice, f Threads, Ac. Arc Also, Bed Corda, Plough Li Halters, Traces, Cotton snd Linen Carpet Chi Ac all of which they will dispose of on reason lei me, Philadelphia, November 18, 1843. ly. Sl'KKI ng7g ooU ST CO. No. 138 Market Street, ThiladelpJ INVITE the attention of Country Merch to their extensive assortment of British Fn and American Dry flood a, which they offer for en the moat reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November IS, 1841. 1.